WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra What is Rathayatra?

• Rathayatra is the festival of chariots

• It originally started in , India.

• It has been taking place for over 5000 years!

• The deities of Lord Jagannatha, Baladeva and are taken on a parade while seated upon colourful chariots. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra


Subhadra Krishna’s little sister Subhadra

Baladeva Krishna’s big brother Balaram WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra The Story of King

• Do you know this pastime? WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra The Unusual Form of Jagannatha

• Do you know why the deities look like this? Nilacala Dhama

Jagannath Puri, in Orissa, India.

Home to the most kind form of Sri Krishna– Lord Jagannath.

Every year pilgrims flock to see the Lord and his dear associates (sister Subhadra and brother Balaram) Lord Jagannath’s Snana Mandap

2 weeks ago, the deities were brought outside of their altar and seated on a large stage for all to see. Wrapped in silken cloth for bathing, their divine bodies were decorated and worshipped. Offerings

Garlands of fresh flowers and tulasi leaves adorned their forms – offerings of the heart given in loving service. Kirtan

Collectively, dedicated devotees stood in the sun, sweetly singing prayers. They were eager to receive this opportunity to serve. Bathing

The Deity received abhiseka (bath) from hundreds of pitchers of water brought from all the holy places. He took such a long bath that he become sick. At that time his wife -ji took Him to Her palace and closed the door for fifteen days. Reciprocation

The deities were spectacularly dressed with elephant masks covering their faces. Once, a devotee of Lord Ganesh desired to see his Lord whilst visiting Lord Jagannath and so the Lord Jagannath reciprocated by manifesting this form. Prashad distribution

Our Lords and Lady kindly gave their caranamrita, garlands and bathing cloth as prasad. Lord of the Universe

Jagannath Swami nayana patha gami bhava tume “Oh Lord of the Universe, kindly be merciful unto me.”

Lord Jagannatha is renowned for his kindness and reciprocity. Sickness pastime

Lord Jagannath rests and recovers from his cold and no one is allowed to see him. For fifteen days, the Lord is not seen. Anticipation builds and preparations are made for a great chariot festival. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra Service in separation

With this mood of separation, devotees of the Lord start to prepare for his chariot festival.

Special wood is collected and brought in front of the Lord’s temple. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra Carving and creating

Expert carpenters set to work; shaping out the columns of wood and carving out beautiful designs. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra Constructing the Chariots

Steadily, the Lord’s chariot is put together.

There will be two more chariot’s like this one! WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra

Adding colour

The painters and decorators add colour and creativity. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra

Building the Altar

The chariot continues to rise. Lord Jagannath will sit high up in his chariot so everyone can see him. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra

Decorating the Altar After the hoods have been built, they are covered with colourful cloth . The chariots will look like moving ! WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra The festival begins WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra Rangoli Decorations

Wooden ramps are made to help bring the deities onto the finished chariots and colourful patterns are laid out as decoration. WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra

Lord Baladev leads

Wearing elaborate flower crowns and new outfits, each deity is carried out of the temple and to their own chariot

First comes Lord … WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra

Lady Subhadra follows

Followed closely by Lady Subhadara WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra Lord Jagannath completes

And finally… Lord Jagannath WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra The Journey begins

Thousands upon thousands of pilgrims congregate to pull the carts to the temple of Gundica WALT: Celebrate Rathayatra Gundica Temple

The temple has been cleaned ready to receive Lord Jagannath. Rathayatra

What is this cart festival about? The gopis prayed to Krishna in Kuruksetra, "You should come and sit in our heart. Our heart is Vrndavana.“ Our heart is like a cart. We pray to Krishna,"You should come and sit in my heart."