МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ БАНИ’2019 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE BASA'2019 LESSONS FROM HISTORY ABOUT METROPOLITAN GENOME – FROM NAISSUS TO SERDICA AND FROM SOFIA TO NIŠ Natasa Zivaljevic Luxor1, Nadja Kurtovic Folic2, Hartmut Pasternak3 NHF Serbia, BTU Germany Abstract: In rapidly changing world, growth of population causes sublimation of urban areas to cities, metropolitan areas and megacities. “Bigger” means more efficient and stronger. Therefore, concern about size means concern about economy, social progress and vitality. In this paper, we discuss lessons from Roman times about socio-economic development between Naissus and Serdica and their relevance for contemporary urban area between Sofia and Niš. In other words, we discuss metropolitan genome and relevance of historical structure along this axe, which is approximately axe of VIA MILITARIS, for well-being of inhabitants of designated area, nowadays. Key words: Naissus, Serdica, metropolitan development, socio-economic prosperity 1. Introduction The works on Corridor 10, which is the working title of highway from Niš to Bulgarian border (Fig. 1), led to discoveries of many archaeological sites (Fig. 2). Fig. 1. Location of East branch of Corridor 10 1 Nataša Živaljević Luxor, Doctor of architectural sciences,
[email protected] 2 Nadja Kurtović Folić, Full Professor,
[email protected] 3 Hartmut Pasternak, Full Professor,
[email protected] 141 МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ БАНИ’2019 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE BASA'2019 Fig. 2. List of archaeological sites discovered along Corridor 10 from Nis to Serbian border (Source: Archaeological Institute of Serbian Academy of Science and Art) 142 МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ БАНИ’2019 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE BASA'2019 This route has been in use since Roman times.