C 244 E/26 Official Journal of the EN 18.10.2007

Wednesday 17 January 2007 — Proposal for a Council directive on pure-bred breeding animals of the bovine species (codified version) (COM(2006)0749 — C6-0002/2007 — 2006/0250(CNS)) referred to responsible: JURI — Proposal for a directive of the and of the Council amending Directive 2006/49/EC on the capital adequacy of investment firms and credit institutions, as regards the implementing powers conferred on the Commission (COM(2006)0901 — C6-0001/2007 — 2006/0283(COD)) referred to responsible: ECON

3. Programme of the German presidency (debate)

Council statement: Programme of the German presidency

The President made a brief introductory statement.

Angela Merkel (President-in-Office of the Council) made the statement.

José Manuel Barroso (President of the Commission).

The following spoke: Joseph Daul, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group, , on behalf of the PSE Group, Graham Watson, on behalf of the ALDE Group, Cristiana Muscardini, on behalf of the UEN Group, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Francis Wurtz, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Nigel Farage, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group, Andreas Mölzer, on behalf of the ITS Group, Hans-Peter Martin, Non-attached Member, Werner Langen, , Silvana Koch-Mehrin, Gabriele Zimmer, Jens-Peter Bonde, Jean-Claude Martinez, Gianni De Michelis, Timothy Kirkhope, Robert Goebbels, Lena Ek, Bairbre de Brún, Bastiaan Belder, Maciej Marian Giertych, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, Jan Marinus Wiersma, Alexander Alvaro, Georgios Karatzaferis, József Szájer, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Hannu Takkula, Guntars Krasts, , , Andrew Duff, Margie Sudre, , , Bernard Poignant, Marian-Jean Marinescu, Dariusz Rosati, Mathieu Grosch, Gunnar Hökmark, Antonio Tajani, and José Manuel Barroso.

The debate closed.

(The sitting was suspended at 12.25 and resumed at 15.00)


4. Approval of Minutes of previous sittings

The Minutes of the sittings of 15.01.2007 and 16.01.2007 were approved.

5. Membership of Parliament

Ewa Hedkvist Petersen had given notice in writing of her resignation as Member of the European Parliament with effect from 01.02.2007.

Pursuant to Rule 4(1), Parliament established the vacancy and informed the Member State concerned thereof.