New York State Bar Association Periodicals

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New York State Bar Association Periodicals NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION September/October 2014 Volume 56, No. 5 State Bar News Talks on mandatory reporting moving forward; President may propose House amendment By Patricia Sears Doherty President Glenn Lau-Kee is continu- LAW, YOUTH & CITIZENS ing to pursue a series of what he describes as “productive” discussions The State Bar’s award-winning Law, Youth and Citizenship program is celebrating 40 with top Judiciary officials in an effort years of high quality civics lessons. to find a workable accommodation to the State Bar’s strenuous objections to PAGE 7 a 2013 rule that mandates attorneys report their pro bono hours and chari- table contributions on their biennial registration forms. In those discussions, Lau-Kee said his goal is to ensure that any informa- tion about an individual attorney’s pro bono work or charitable donations would be collected on an anonymous basis and that all data would be released only in the aggregate. At press time, Lau-Kee said that the meetings with court officials over the summer have been promising. “I am quite comfortable with every- thing that we’ve talked about,” he said. Lau-Kee said he and President-elect David P. Miranda expect to meet again in September and October with Chief Talking of rules—President Glenn Lau-Kee takes a microphone on the floor of the House of Adminstrative Judge Gail A. Prudenti COMMERcIAl AND Delegates meeting in June. At his request, the House postponed action on a resolution and Helaine Barnett, chair of the Chief FEDERAl LITIGATION about the mandatory pro bono reporting rule until November so he could pursue talks with Judge’s Task Force to Expand Access to top court officials. [Photo by Marty Kerins, Jr.] SEcTION PROfIlE Civil Legal Services, to “solidify the Section Chair Paul Sarkozi explains how progress that has been made on this Lau-Kee expects, at the November 1 and a ministerial change to a comment members have an impact on national and issue. I am optimistic that a solution House of Delegates meeting, to pro- to Rule 6.1. of the Rules of Professional state issues. will be agreed upon.” pose an amendment to the Executive Conduct. AGE Assuming the talks with the Committee’s pending resolution con- In June, the House voted to post- P 12 Judiciary continue to be productive, cerning the mandatory reporting rule Continued on page 4 Class of 2017: Newest law school students already committed to profession’s purpose By Brandon Vogel Today’s law students go to law school with a purpose: they actually want to be lawyers, say law school deans and admissions officers. Although fewer in number than recent years, applicants for the class of 2017 seemed to have a career plan in mind before enrolling. They are not Crowding Law Service Day—New 1L students gather to participate in St. John’s there to bide their time. University’s School of Law Day of Service and Reflection in August. [Photo by St. John’s Applications to ABA-accredited law University School of Law] schools have dropped 39.9 percent since 2004, according to the Law Applications since 2010 have fallen trend and have seen an uptick in the School Admissions Council. Applica- 32.2 percent. number of applications. tions gradually decreased each year However, some New York law St. John’s University School of Law until slight increases in 2009 and 2010. schools have defied the downward Continued on page 8 THANK YOU! FOUR MORE REASONS TO CHOOSE WESTLAW NEXT. WESTLAW NEXT WAS VOTED BEST IN FOUR CATEGORIES: Best Online Legal Research Vendor Best Solo Firm/Solo Practitioner Research Vendor Best Legal Research Vendor ® Best Legal Research iPad App Try it for yourself. Call your Thomson Reuters representative, or 1-800-328-0109. Visit us at © 2014 Thomson Reuters W-312510/6-14 Thomson Reuters and the Kinesis logo are trademarks of Thomson Reuters. W-312510_D.indd 1 6/23/14 9:16 AM State Bar News September/October 2014 3 NEW YORK STATE BAR ASSOCIATION Candidates for president-elect present State Bar News their platforms and views to members September/October 2014 Volume 56, No. 5 Claire P. Gutekunst Editor: Patricia Sears Doherty Law students, Having served in leadership for would work in tandem with minority Media Services new attorneys many years on the House of Delegates, and women’s bar associations in New Lise Bang-Jensen, Director and seasoned as a vice president and member-at- York to advance the interests of Brandon Vogel, Media Writer practitioners, large of the Executive Committee, as women and minority attorneys. Bridget Donlon, Editorial Assistant including those the first woman treasurer of the To recruit, retain and serve our mem- Designers who have transi- Association, and as chair of several bers, I would address their pressing Lori Herzing tioned from law NYSBA committees and on the execu- needs by focusing the Association’s Erin Corcoran firms or seek to tive committees of two NYSBA sec- resources on increasing membership David Cape reenter the pro- tions, I know the issues and have the value, a top priority in the Association’s Publisher Gutekunst fession, today energy, enthusiasm and deep knowl- Strategic Plan that the Membership David R. Watson, Executive Director confront serious edge of all aspects of the Association Subcommittee of the Strategic Planning professional challenges. Legal educa- needed to tackle them effectively. I am Committee developed under my lead- The State Bar News (ISSN 0363-0331) is tion is at a crossroads, with law skilled at identifying goals, building ership. Having chaired NYSBA’s published six times annually by the New York schools facing the imperative of pro- consensus and developing solutions Membership Committee from 2006 to State Bar Association, 1 Elk St., Albany, NY, 12207, to inform its members of Association ducing practice-ready graduates while that effect change in the Association 2011, during one of the most challeng- activities and other matters of interest to the instilling them with a deep sense of and in the profession. ing periods for attorneys, I know the legal profession. professional responsibility to clients As president, I would engage importance of providing tangible bene- Address all communications to the editor at and to the public. NYSBA’s sections and appropriate fits to members, so that they will con- 1 Elk St., Albany, NY, 12207. The New York State Bar Association committees to collaborate with law sider Association membership a vital (NYSBA), drawing on the rich diversi- schools in fostering connections part of their professional lives, as I have Periodical postage paid at Albany, NY, and other ty and expertise of its 75,000 members between practicing attorneys and law for 30 years. mailing stations. Postmaster: Send form 3579 to: State Bar News, 1 Elk St., Albany, NY, 12207. and its history of speaking as the voice students both inside and outside the The many NYSBA members in solo of New York lawyers, is in a unique classroom, to enhance legal education and small firm practice face particular Copyright 2014 by the New York State Bar position to shape policy affecting legal and help ensure the vibrant future of challenges that the Association can pro- Association. education and the practice of law, to the legal profession. Continuing my actively address with practical member The State Bar News welcomes articles from take practical steps to help individuals long commitment to promoting diver- benefits tailored to their needs, such as members of the legal profession on subjects of succeed in their chosen profession and sity and inclusion in the Association more practice updates, discounted interest to New York state lawyers. Views expressed in published articles or letters are the to advance the public good. and the legal profession, as president I Continued on page 10 authors’ alone and are not to be attributed to the State Bar News, its editors, or the John S. Marwell Association, unless expressly so stated. Article/ letter authors are responsible for the correctness “Be prepared continue as the leading advocate for all Our external challenges—we need of all information, citations and quotations. for the unexpect- of our members in matters affecting to monitor the expected and unexpect- Advertising Representative ed, as it will sure- our profession and our continuing abil- ed initiatives at all regulatory levels Fox Associates Inc., 116 West Kinzie St., ly happen.” We ity to serve the needs of the public. that could affect our profession. We Chicago, IL 60654; 312-644-3888; New York: learned this les- As we stand on the shoulders of need to be poised to advocate quickly 212-725-2106, Los Angeles: 805-522-0501, son at the those who have so ably preceded us, and effectively. We need to continue to Detroit: 248-626-0511, Phoenix: 800-440- American Bar we must address both our internal and be a leading voice for basic fairness 0231, Atlanta: 800-440-0231. Association Bar our external challenges and be pre- and in accessibility to our system of Email: Leaders’ Institute pared for the expected unexpected. justice, for the rule of law, for the inde- when I was presi- Our internal challenges—with pendence of a properly compensated Marwell dent-elect of the which I am well acquainted as the judiciary, and for sound legislative Westchester County Bar Association. chair of the Association Finance efforts on the state and federal levels. INSIDE Those words proved to be prescient. Committee, a former vice president of We need to meet the challenges of a We are well aware of the issues we the Ninth Judicial District and former rapidly changing society, legal environ- face now at the New York State Bar and present member of the Association ment and legal profession, to continue Justice is .
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