WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History o/the Second World War) Donald S. Detwiler, Chainnan Mark P. Parillo, Secrerarv and Department of History News/eller Edl/or . Southern Illinois University Department of History a! Carbondale 208 Eisenhower Hall Carbondale, Illinois 62901-4519 Kansas Stare UniveI3ity
[email protected] NEWSLETTER Manhanan, Kansas 66506-1002 785-532-0374 Permanent Directors ISSI'll0885-5668 FAX 785-532-7004
[email protected] Charles F. Delzell Vanderbilt University James Ehrman, AssoclOte Editor and Webmasler Arthur L. Fwtk Departmeot of History University of Florida 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas State Universirv Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1002 Tums expiring 2002 No. 68 Fall 2002 Archives: Dean C. Allard Institute for MilitBrV Hiswrv and Naval Historical Center 201~ Centurv Studies . 221 Eisellhower Hall Edward J. Drea Kansas State Universit\ Department of Defense Manhanan, Kansas 66506-1002 David Kahn The WWTSA is affillaled wilh: Grea! Neck, New York Contents American Historical Association Carol M. Petillo 400 A Street, S.E. Boston College Washington. D.C. 20003 Ronald H. SpeclOr George Washingtoo University Comite IntemallOnal d'Histoire de la Deuxieme Guerre Moodiale Robert Wolfi: Insritut d'Histoire du Temps Present National Arcill ves World War Two Studies Association (Cenrre national de la rechelcbe .scienrifique ICNRS]) =:",1 Ziemke Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan CnivcrsityofGeorgia General Information 2 61. avenue du President Wilson 94235 Cachan Codex. France Terms expiring 2003 The Newsletter 2 In,Hi/ute for Military History and Carl Bovd Annual Membership Dues 2 ](J" Centu,v S,udles, al Old Dominion University Kansas Sra;e UlIlversily which supports the W\VTSA's wehsite on the [nemet Roy D.