PVSBC Insights a Quarterly Newsletter Published by Police Victim Services of BC

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PVSBC Insights a Quarterly Newsletter Published by Police Victim Services of BC Summer 2017 PVSBC Insights A Quarterly Newsletter Published by Police Victim Services of BC Features: Greetings from the Executive Director Welcome to the Summer edition of PVSBC Insights. Greetings from the As you explore this copy you will see one of the big buzz words in our Executive Director sector is the CBVR or Canadian Victims Bill of Rights. .............................................. page 1 If you missed Professor Benjamin Perrin's keynote at the symposium PVSBC Annual Symposium in April or at one of the follow-up sessions held for police and victim .............................................. page 1 service workers, you will want to check out his article in this issue of Victims of Crime Pay the Real Price PVSBC Insights. for Unreasonable Delays There is also opportunity to reflect on the successful events that took .............................................. page 2 place across Canada to celebrate Victims and Survivors of Crime Week. Empowering Resilience: Victims and We also look at a problem every community shares, Homelessness and Survivors of Crime Week the trends that evolve in communities when vulnerable populations are ................................................ page 4 further impacted by not having stable housing. A Gendered Lens to Understanding Thank you to all the staff and volunteers who dedicate time and energy Homelessness .............................................. page 5 to serve those impacted by crime and trauma in communities throughout British Columbia. Distinctive Ways to Recognize th Volunteers As we mark Canada’s 150 , the PVSBC Board of Directors and staff .............................................. page 7 wish you a safe and happy summer! Knowing crime does not decrease or take a break during the summer, we remind each of you to take time Featured Resource to be good to yourselves so you can continue to take care of those whom .............................................. page 7 you serve. Editor and Layout: Celine Lee Carolyn Sinclair Executive Director Police Victim Services of BC PVSBC 32nd Annual Training Symposium: Continuum of Care in the Era of Victims Rights April 20th – 22nd PVSBC welcomed delegates back to the Delta Burnaby Hotel and Conference Centre for the 2017 Annual Training Symposium. For the first time in federal law, the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights (CVBR) establishes statutory rights related to information, protection, participation and restitution for victims throughout the criminal justice system. University of British Columbia’s Peter A. Allard School of Law Professor, Benjamin Perrin, kicked off the 32nd Annual Training Symposium. Professor Perrin delivered a dynamic keynote focused on victim law in Canada. Professor Perrin highlighted the history of victim law while drawing attention to the CVBR as a major development in victim law. The CVBR is “holistic legislation” recognizing that victims are not merely potential witnesses at a criminal trial, but rather, an individual who has legitimate interests and legal rights. They .../continued on p. 2 Contact Us: Police Victim Services of BC | 120, 12414 – 82 Ave | Surrey, BC V3W 3E9 Phone: 604-501-2502 | Toll Free: 1-877-869-0720 | Fax: 604-501-2509 E-Mail: [email protected] | Web: www.policevictimservices.bc.ca PVSBC ~ Working Together to Support Victims of Crime and Trauma since 1985 ... Symposium continued from p. 1 deserve to be treated with compassion, dignity and respect. The morning continued with Sgt. Andy Woodward, Calgary Professor Perrins concluded by focusing on the responsibilities Police Service, conducting a presentation on how to enhance criminal justice personnel have to ensure that victims rights our skills and effectively deliver death notifications. Sgt. under the CVBR are honoured and respected. Woodward introduced ideas to be considered in conjunction with the verbal death notification. Ideas that demonstrate Delegates continued the day by attending three break-out compassion for the deceased and their property. sessions, which offered 12 workshop topics to select from. Workshops focused on topics related to supporting vulnerable Over time, the cumulative effects of supporting individuals, victims and populations, responding to relationship violence, in the aftermath of traumatic and sometimes life changing restorative justice, mental health, grief; and file management. incidents, can take a toll on one’s sense of well being. During Day-1 concluded with a well-attended delegate “Meet & Greet” a dynamic closing keynote, Gary Anaka, a brain health and that provided opportunity to enjoy appetizers and networking. wellness educator, discussed the negative and long-term impact stress has on an individuals’ brain. Mr. Anaka provided practical Day-2 offered delegates a learning opportunity for supporting fun techniques for enhancing brain wellness, longevity as well survivors in the aftermath of sudden death. Mr. Art Lepp set the as techniques for making life and work easier. stage, highlighting the importance of continued support, as he spoke of his family’s journey in the aftermath of the murder of Copies of workshop PowerPoint presentations are available on his daughter, 17 years ago. Liana Wright from the BC Coroners the Symposium page of the PVSBC website. Service followed with an overview of the role of the Coroners SAVE THE DATE: Planning has begun for the 2018 Training Service in the aftermath of sudden death. She emphasised the Symposium. We look forward to welcoming delegates back important role victim services play in supporting and providing to Burnaby, April 26th – 28th, at the Delta Burnaby Hotel and information to survivors. Kim Gramlich, with Delta Police Conference Centre. Victim Services, wrapped up the continuum of care focusing on how victim service workers can effectively support survivors in the aftermath of sudden death. Victims of Crime Pay the Real Price for Unreasonable Delays ~ Benjamin Perrin, originally published in The Globe and Mail, February 20, 2017 Murder, sexual assault, drug trafficking unreported crime. The latest Statistics – all manner of serious charges are Canada victimization survey reveals being tossed out of the Supreme Court that less than one-third (31 per cent) of Canada as a result of the brash new of all alleged offences are reported test in R. v. Jordan, a raft of judicial to the police. More disturbing is that vacancies and a culture of delay in the a staggering 95 per cent of alleged justice system. What the public should sexual assaults are suffered in silence. hundreds of charges to be stayed be most offended by is the impact this for “unreasonable delay” under the Victims have many reasons for not has on victims of these crimes. Charter. Under Jordan, criminal going to the authorities, including a charges have a best-before date of An estimated 2.2 million Canadians www.policevictimservices.bc.ca belief that the police would not help, 18 months in provincial court and suffer from violent crime annually. The the offender would not be punished 30 months in superior court. When I total cost of crime has been assessed adequately and a lack of confidence explained, the test was explained to a at almost $100-billion a year, with the in the criminal-justice system. There’s group of trial Judges several months majority of costs (83 per cent) borne increasing evidence to verify these ago, looks of shock and surprise were by victims, including medical costs, fears as well founded. exchanged between them. lost wages, stolen/damaged property, pain and suffering and loss of life. The Supreme Court’s test in R. v. While delays in our justice system Canada is facing an epidemic of Jordan is on the verge of causing must be addressed, Jordan may be a .../continued on p. 3 2 PVSBC Insights PVSBC ~ Working Together to Support Victims of Crime and Trauma since 1985 PVSBC ~ Working Together to Support Victims of Crime and Trauma since 1985 ... Victims of Crime continued from p. 2 cure worse than the disease. Its problems are numerous. saying they suffer due to delays, but surely the greater First, the deadlines it sets were not based on any harm comes to victims when charges are stayed. Victims comprehensive data – the majority of judges were limited also have no formal role or ability to participate when an to information about case duration from provincial court accused brings a motion seeking a stay of charges. in Surrey, B.C. Our criminal-justice system must respect the rights of the The Report Card on the Criminal Justice System released accused, but it must also uphold the legitimate rights and interests of victims of crime. Victims are not evidentiary last fall found wide variability in average case length across www.policevictimservices.bc.ca the provinces and territories, ranging from 63 days to 271 fodder for the machinery of justice. Treating them that days. In 2014-15, more than 50,000 criminal cases took way has led to alienation, disillusionment and tragedy. longer than one year to conclude. How many exceed the This secondary victimization – the harm caused to victims thresholds set by Jordan? The Supreme Court majority by the justice system itself – cannot be discounted as an judges had no idea when they set them. How can you set unavoidable side effect of it. a test about what is “reasonable” delay without knowing In R. v. L. (D.O.), then-Supreme Court justice Claire such information? That’s irresponsible and foolhardy. L’Heureux-Dubé wrote, “[i]n our quest for the truth, if the Second, the test in Jordan allows for allowances to be defendant’s rights must not be infringed, neither must the made for “exceptional circumstances,” or where there are complainant be further victimized.” Likewise, then-justice obvious defence delay tactics or waivers of delay. Yet, the Louis LeBel, writing for a majority of the Supreme Court test explicitly excludes any consideration of the seriousness of Canada in R. v. Regan, recognized that sexual-assault of the offence. Why should shoplifting and sexual assault victims must be able to come before the courts “without be treated the same way? It seems absurd.
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