In most cases, does not require a separate driver. At best, your Windows system will see the videograbber immediately and do the installation automatically. When you insert the videograbber into a USB port, you will get this image on your computer:

This is also the best way because you will be provided with the latest driver! So if your PC is set to not automatically see and install new hardware, please adjust it in your PC. In OBS Studio (see for more information later in this document) you should then see the videograbber your connected video device as an OEM device or AV TO USB2.0 If this has happened, you can continue to

If the installation in your Windows 10 system is not automatic:

Download the driver for the grabber (Honestech TVR) (But it is older than the driver that Windows uses itself, so you may not get the grabber working properly with the latest Windows 10 versions):

Please note, it is a ZIP file, you need to "unpack" the files before use. If you are not familiar with unzipping, you can find an explanation via website

The included CD ROM is only for older Windows versions up to and including .

Double click on new drive for UVG-002

Double click .exe application

Give permission when reporting Windows

Then the installation screen should appear

After installing PC on restart.

Serial number that is requested is in this document

To make it easy, here's the series number: TVR25-NMBGG-HGGGH-362DC-6BMG6

Go to /properties and choose OEM device or AV USB 2.0

Open software and click settings/properties In the settings, choose "video settings" and then "video recording device", choose the right video source. In most cases, it is indicated as OEM DEVICE or AV TO USB2.0

If there are problems such as: NO IMAGE, even if you restarted the PC after installation, use OBS studio. Lock honestech first. If there are 2 programs open, you can't see the grabber in OBS studio!!

You can download it for free at

On our youtube channel a video with explanation:

We have now found out that this version sometimes causes problems: Version 20H2 and later

If your computer has recently been purchased and there are problems, you can contact Microsoft using this link. They may be able to use your PC's data to find out where the problem is. Because we do not experience any problems, it is unfortunately not possible to find out with Microsoft exactly what the problem is. feedback-hub-f59187f8-8739-22d6-ba93-f66612949332

You can find out your version of Windows 10 by typing in the Windows winver search option, and then press enter.

Add videograbber in OBS studio (there are several videos with explanation from OBS studio on Youtube) :

Press the + at sources:

Kies voor Video opname apparaat:

Here you enter a name for your Video file:

Here you choose OEM or AV TO USB2.0 (differs per connected device)

Set your connected device to PLAY and you can start digitizing. In OBS, everything can be adjusted as desired in terms of settings.

Our advice is to first record a small piece to check if your image and sound has with the recordings.

IF NO SOUND IN OBS (note, if your device is only connected with the s-video cable you cannot have sound because s-video does not allow sound to pass through, you should also use a tulip plug for the audio!) :

Try the audio input recording option

If that doesn't sound either:

Right-click in this desktop audio and Mic/Aux field

Then, from the drop-down menu that appears, select Advanced Audio Properties

After that, the sound can be set in one of these options. In this screen as it stands there is no sound. By pressing the arrows next to Monitor Off, something else can be selected. In my case, there is no connected video device.

Information from the Internet:

Monitor Off This option does include the audio source in the recording or live stream, but you can't monitor it when you're connected to headphones.

Monitor Only (mute output) This means that you can listen in on this audio source, but it will not be recorded. This is a useful feature for the advanced productions.

Monitor and Output This is the function at stake. When you are connected with headphones, you can listen in and monitor with this audio source. To avoid 'singing around', it is wise not to use your computer or laptop speakers. Rather use headphones or earphones. If there are any questions about OBS studio, you can contact them in various ways via their website

On youtube you can also find many videos about the use of OBS studio:

Video editing:

If you want to edit the video afterwards, you can download the Davinci Resolve 17 program for free on the Internet.

Youtube has instructional videos to help you edit your videos.