SEPTEMBER 2016 Tuesday 31st: Group Meeting –We welcome John Watkins who Tuesday 25th: Our short Annual General Meeting,followed by ” Tuesday 27th: Our first Group Meeting of the new season, we will give an Audio Visual presentation “What a Wonderful World” Paul Stancliffe from the BTO with “Follow that Cuckoo - satellite welcome back Bruce Bennett, with his talk on ‘Seychelles-The ================================================== tagging of Cuckoos. Please support our Plant Bring ‘n Buy Amazing Wildlife’ – featuring the stunning bird life and scenery - FEBRUARY 2017 tables tonight. not forgetting the giant tortoises ================================================== Saturday 4th: Annual General Knowledge Quiz in the URC ================================================== hall - 7pm for 7.15pm start. Book early, this is always a very MAY 2017 th OCTOBER 2016 popular evening - £72 for a table of 8, supper incl. but bring Saturday 6 Local walk LVRP Fishers Green (Nightingale st Saturday 1 :Local walk Walthamstow Reservoirs, Meet your own drinks! Tickets on sale from October 2016 from walk) LVRP Fishers Green car park, Stubbins Hall Lane, Waltham Walthamstow Reservoirs car park off Ferry Lane, Walthamstow Steve Kiln on 01992 552562, email
[email protected] or at Abbey - toilets. Nearest postcode: EN9 2EF: Leader Stan (A503) - toilets. Postcode: N17 9NH.Leader Mike Oakland (T) group meetings. Kitchiner th th Sunday 16 October for 2 or 3 nights Our annual Group Holiday Sunday 12th Local walk HMWT Lemsford Springs, Welwyn G Saturday 20 : Coach trip to RSPB Pulborough Brooks, Sussex to the Norfolk coast. Staying at the Le Strange Hotel, Old C.On road parking in Lemsford Village near reserve entrance. for resident birds and spring migrants, Visitor centre and shop.