Dipterocarpaceae Is a Family of 17 Genera and Approximately 580-680 Species of Mainly Tropical Lowland Rainforest Trees with Two-Winged Fruits

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Dipterocarpaceae Is a Family of 17 Genera and Approximately 580-680 Species of Mainly Tropical Lowland Rainforest Trees with Two-Winged Fruits Abbreviations: C.S.Ci. - Charak Samhita Chikitsasthana C.S.Ka. - Charak Samhita Kalpasthana S.S.Ci. - Sushrut Samhita Chikitsasthana S.S.Ka. - Sushrut Samhita Kalpasthana S.S.U. - Sushrut Samhita Uttartantra A.H.U. - Astanga Hridaya Uttarsthana Terminology of Ayurveda, used in this monograph: Rasa - Taste Guna - Qualities Vriya - Potency Vipaka - Post-digestive Action Sheeta - Cold Madhur - Sweet Laghu - Light Guru - Heavy Tikta - Bitter Ushna - Hot Prabhava - Special Potency Dipterocarpaceae Family Dipterocarpaceae is a family of 17 genera and approximately 580-680 species of mainly tropical lowland rainforest trees with two-winged fruits. The largest genera are Shorea (360 species), Hopea (105 species), Dipterocarpus (70 species), and Vatica (60 species). Many are large forest emergent species, typically reaching heights of 40-70 m tall. The species of this family are of major importance in the timber trade. Their distribution is pantropical, from northern South America to Africa, the Seychelles, India, Indochina and Malesia, with the greatest diversity and abundance in western Malesia. Some species are now endangered as a result of overcutting and extensive illegal logging. They provide valuable woods, aromatic essential oils, balsam, and resins. The dipterocarp family is generally divided into three subfamilies: Monotoideae: 3 genera, 30 species. Marquesia is native to Africa. Monotes has 26 species, distributed across Africa and Madagascar. Pseudomonotes is native to the Colombian Amazon. Pakaraimoideae: contains a single species, Pakaraimaea roraimae, found in the Guaianan highlands of South America. Dipterocarpoideae: the largest of the subfamilies, it contains 13 genera and 470-650 species. Distribution includes the Seychelles, Sri Lanka, India, Southeast Asia to New Guinea, but mostly in west Malesia, where they form the dominant species in the lowland forests. The Dipterocarpoideae can be divided into two groups (Ashton, 1982; and Maury-Lechon and Curtet, 1998): o Valvate-Dipterocarpi group (Anisoptera, Cotylelobium, Dipterocarpus, Stemonoporus, Upuna, Vateria, Vateriopsis, Vatica). The genera of this group have valvate sepals in fruit, solitary vessels, scattered resin canals, and basic chromosome number x = 11. o Imbricate-Shoreae group (Balanocarpus, Hopea, Parashorea, Shorea). The genera of this group have imbricate sepals in fruit, grouped vessels, resin canals in tangential bands, and basic chromosome number x = 7. A recent molecular study (Dayanandan et. al., 1999) suggest that the genus Hopea forms a clade with Shorea sections Anthoshorea and Doona, and should be merged into Shorea. A recent genetic study (Ducousso et. al. 2004) found that the Asian dipterocarps share a common ancestor with the Sarcolaenaceae, a tree family endemic to Madagascar. This suggests that ancestor of the Dipterocarps originated in the southern supercontinent of Gondwana, and that the common ancestor of the Asian dipterocarps and the Sarcolaenaceae was found in the India-Madagascar- Seychelles land mass millions of years ago, and were carried northward by India, which later collided with Asia and allowed the dipterocarps to spread across Southeast Asia and Malesia. Many members enlarged produce valuable gums- Gurjun balsam, wood oil, gum amine- and some yield a very good quality of camphor. The seeds are generally oleaginous. This family consists of the following generas: Anisoptera Cotylelobium Dipterocarpus Dryobalanops Hopea Marquesia Monotes Neobalanocarpus Pakaraimaea Parashorea Shorea Stemonoporus Upuna Vateria Vateriopsis Vatica Timbers The following table associates tree species, wood name and wood color. The term Philippine red mahogany refers to the wood of trees belonging to the genera Shorea and Parashorea. Genus & Wood Wood Species Wood type section name colour D. alatus, D. baudii, D. basilanicus, D. borneensis, D. caudiferus, D. costulatus, D. medium Dipterocarpus grandiflorus, D. kerrii, D. tonkinensis, D. Keruing hardwood verrucosus, D. warburgii, and about 60 other species Vernaculars Common and popular names of Ashwokarna (Dipterocarpus turbinatus) around the world. Languages/Regions/Countries Names 1) Arabic Gurjun Kuroilasala, Kai kahr Telia Gurgun, Sakher, Sakhu, Sakhua, 2) Bengal Salwa 3) Myanmar Enkhyen Asina, Asu, Asvakarna, Gugglu, 4) Kanarese Kabbu 5) English common Gurjun tree 6) Gujarati Ral 7) Hindi Salwa, Sakher 8) Malyalam Maramaram, Mulappumarutu 9) Marathi Guggilu, Rala 10) Nepal Sakwa Agnivallabha, Ashvakarna, 11) Sanskrit Chiraparna, Cirgaparna, Sala, Sarja, Jaranadruma 12) Tamil Attam, Kungiliyam, Shalam 13) Sinhalese Dammala 14) Telugu Guggilamu, Saluva, Sarjmu 15) Urdu Ral 16) Uriya Rengal, Sugua, Salwa, Sorjja Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Division: Magnoliophyta Class: Magnoliopsida Order: Malvales Family: Dipterocarpac eae Genus: Dipterocarpus Species: turbinatus DISTRIBUTION: Their distribution is pantropical, from northern South America to Africa, the Seychelles, India, Indochina and Malesia, with the greatest diversity and abundance in western Malesia.The dipterocarp family is generally divided into three subfamilies, and their distribution is as follows. Monotoideae: 3 genera, 30 species. Marquesia is native to Africa. Monotes has 26 species, distributed across Africa and Madagascar. Pseudomonotes is native to the Colombian Amazon. Pakaraimoideae: contains a single species, Pakaraimaea roraimae, found in the Guaianan highlands of South America. Dipterocarpoideae: the largest of the subfamilies, it contains 13 genera and 470-650 species. Distribution includes the Seychelles, Sri Lanka, India, Southeast Asia to New Guinea, but mostly in west Malesia, where they form the dominant species in the lowland forests. The Dipterocarpoideae can be divided into two groups (Ashton, 1982; and Maury-Lechon and Curtet, 1998): k"jL{ a+ufn, cf;fd, c08dfg tyf adf{, l;+ufk'/ tyf dn]lzofdf o;sf] ?v kfOG5 . DESCRIPTION: ! :j?k M of] !@%–!%) kmL6 ;Dd cUnf] tyf !)–!% kmL6 df]6f] ?v x'G5 . kqj[Gt /f}o'Qm, ! ÷@–# ! OGr nfdf] x'G5 . kq M %–!@ OGr nfdf], @ ÷@–& OGr rf}8f, n6\jfsf/ jf efnfsf/, !$–!* hf]8L kflZj{s l;/fo'Qm x'G5 . k'ikd~h/L M #–% k'ik, # OGr Jof;df x'G5 . kmndf cZjs0f{jt\ b'O{ k+v % OGr nfdf], ! OGr rf}8f tyf uf]nfu| x'G5 . ANATOMY: Trees with resinous wood, Leaves alternate, simple, indumentum of hairs or of peltate scales, stipules small or large, deciduous. Flowers hermaphrodite, actionmorphic, fragnant, in axillary panicles, bracts usually absent, calyx-tabe short or long, free or adnate to the ovary, lobes 5,imbricate or volvate, usually enlarged and wing like in fruit. Petels 5, much twisted free or slightly connate, often hairy. Stamens usually numerous, hypogynous or subperigynous, anthers 2 celled, opening lenthwise, with prodused connective, Ovary 3-celled, style entire r 3-cobe, evules 2 in each cell. Pendulons or lateral, anatropous. Fruit indehiscent, mostly 1-seeded, seeds without endosperm. Cotyledons often twisted, enclosing the radicle- Genera 25 Species 350 Palaeotropical, chiefly indian, A. Calyx much enlarged in fruit, segments erect. 1. Calyx in fruit with a distinct tube. Fruit trees.......Dipterocarpus. 2. Calyx in fruit with an obscure tube, aestivation of the calyx imbricate. a. 3 or all the calyx-segments enlarged, stamens 15-so ...........SHOREA b. 2 calyx-segments enlarged, stamens 10-15, subulate cuspidate........... HOPEA B. Calyx scarcely enlarged in fruit, segments prefixed and stamens 15- ∞.........VATERIA. DIPTEROCARPUS Turbinatus A large tree reaching 36-45 m, in height by 4.5m. girth, Twigs glabrous except for a ring of pubescence just beneath the scars of the stipules, or covered with a dense felt of minute grey- stellate hairs, not infrequently the twigs are glabrous for one or two internodes only. Leaves variable, on flowering shoots 12.5-25 by 6.3-15cm, elliptic or oblong-ovate, rarely oblong, acute or acuminate, base cuneate, rounded or very slightly cordate, margin more or less repand, glabrous on both surface, coriaceous, shining, main lateral nerves 12-16 pairs, petioles 2.5-3.8cm, long glabrous, stipules 9-12.5cm long, densely grey, stellate and slightly pilose. Flowers is axillary, 3-7 flowered spikes, sometimes one axillary and one terminal spike arising from the some point, rachis with peduncle 5-10cm, long, glabrous and glaucous , zigzag, the lowest flower often shortly pedicellate, bracteoles linear, as long as the calyx-tube, very caduceus, calyx-tube campanulate or obcomic, 1- 12.5cm long, smooth, glaucours , 3 lobes, shrt less than 2.5cm long, rounded, 2 linear oblong about 1.2cm long. Petals 3.8-6.3cm long, linear, pubescent especially outside stamens 28-30, filaments flattened, about 3.8mmlong, connective produced in a bristle 4.5mm long. Ovary minutely tometose, style stellate pubescent in the cover half: glabrous above, nearly 1cm long, fruit belly 2- 3cm diameter by 3-3.8cm long, smooth ovoid, glabrous, produced at the bare in wide glabrous more or less glaucous, usually one what postulate, strongly reticulate, 3 nerved in the lowest third. Distribution, Assam, Chittagong, Surma, Andamans, in: CHEMISTRY: The chemical composition of the wood oil has been determined by C. Weit and F. Lueteaure. M o;sf] sf07df Ps t}nLo /fn lg:sG5, h;nfO{ uh{g t]n elgG5 . of] ulx/f] /Qmfe j0f{sf] dw' ;b[z uf9f x'G5 . o;sf] pmWj{kftgaf6 #&–*@ k|ltzt p8gzLn t]n tyf Ps /fn k|fKt x'G5 . VARIETIES: PHARMACODYNAMICS: TOXICOLOGY: MEDICINAL PROPERTIES: u'0f /; M s6', ltQm u'0f M n3', ?If jLo{ M pi0f ljkfs M s6' bf]ifsd{ M of] skmjftzfds x'G5 . ;+:yflgs sd{– afx\o M s'i7£g 5 . cfEoGt/ sd{– d"qjx ;+:yfg M d"qjx ;+:yfgdf o;sf] ljlzi6 lqmof x'G5 . o;n] Zn]idn snfsf] pQ]lht u/L d"qsf] dfqf a9fp“5 . Tjrf M s'i7£g 5 . k|of]u bf]ifk|of]u M of] skmjftljsf/df k|of]u x'G5 . ;+:yflgs k|of]u afx\o M rd{/f]udf o;sf] t]n k|of]u x'G5 . cfEoGt/ d"qjx;+:yfg M hL0f{ k"od]xdf o;sf] t]n b"wsf] ;fy lbgsf] @÷# k6s lbbf w]/} /fd|f] x'G5 . Tjrf M s'i7df t]n vfg] nfpg] b'j} ubf{ pQd x'G5 . k|of]Ho c+u M t}n dfqf M #–^ u|fd .
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