Final 2.18.16

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Final 2.18.16 February 18, 2016 | Vol. 114 no. 14 | Three Faculty AS 2015.5 SKIS AWAY, 2019.5 MOVES IN Members Granted Tenure By Mitchell Perry est them – no matter how con- Staf Writer troversial those topics may be. Echoing Han’s sentiments, Last month, the College Garcia stated, “I don’t want to awarded tenure and the title become a ‘batata’ after tenure, of associate professor to three and become lacking in service, faculty members – Associate teaching and research.” He ex- Professor of Sociology and An- plained that “batata” is a Carib- thropology Chong-suk Han, bean-Spanish term for a person Associate Professor of Spanish who is “as inert as a yam waiting Enrique Garcia and Associate on the floor to be picked up.” Professor of German Natalie For Garcia, receiving tenure is Eppelsheimer. validation for what he described Han and Garcia both ex- as his unique teaching style. pressed delight in receiving ten- For instance, Garcia recently ure, but emphasized that their worked with his J-term class to tenured status would not affect create a Spanish-language film their commitment to their stu- on zombie apocalypse, which dents, to their research or to Garcia acted in. their roles in the College com- “The fact that I have tenure munity. puts me as a different model For Han, receiving tenure of professor that students see, “gives you the freedom to take [and] I think that I could also be the time you need to really think a model for other professors,” about what’s ‘next’ and how Garcia said. you want to grow as a scholar Eppelsheimer was unavail- and a teacher.” However, Han able for comment. But, in an does not foresee his tenured email to the Campus, Chair of status having a large impact the German Department Roman on his course content or on his Graf, praised Eppelsheimer’s academic research. As Han ex- ability to create “a comfortable, plained it, this is because Mid- student-centered classroom in dlebury encourages professors, which she functions as a con- even those without the “protec- duit of information and impuls- tion of tenure,” to research and es to activate her students.” Ac- to teach about topics that inter- SEE NEWLY TENURED, PAGE 2 college communications Over February Break, the class of 2015.5 skied down the Ski Bowl to family and friends waiting below (top). The graduation was featured in the Wall Street Journal last week. After the graduation festivi- Petition Calls For ties were over, orientation leaders welcomed the class of 2019.5 (bottom). Additional Gender- Off-Campus Approvals Dwindle By Christian Jambora of students living of-campus,” to throw of-campus parties. 37 News Editor said Adams. “The new housing is varsity athletes applied and only Neutral Bathrooms on track to open this fall and we eight were accepted. A study The annual of-campus hous- anticipate continuing with all of conducted by the Paige-Wright By Nicole Caci transgender and gender non- ing lottery was conducted on these plans.” Professor of Economics Paul Contributing Writer conforming community in the Tuesday, Feb. 16 in Crossroads Concerns regarding town- Somers reported the probabil- past. As a result, gender inclusive Café as a part of the 2016-17 gown relations and of-campus ity of this outcome occuring was Housing Process. The lottery incidents with partying were not .0035 percent. However, Adams A new student petition, view- bathrooms do exist on campus, brought the total number of responsible for the upcoming maintained the lottery was and able at go/peeinpeace, urges the specifcally on residence halls where students decide whether students approved to live-of school year’s approval drop. continues to be completely ran- College to make all of its bath- campus next fall to 75, marking “The reduction in the num- dom and noted it has always been or not to have them at the begin- rooms in public spaces — such a nearly 25 percent drop from ber of students living of-campus an open process that permits stu- ning of each semester, and in the as libraries, dining halls and last year’s 95 and the preceding has been our plan since the an- dents to observe the proceedings. academic buildings — gender- McCullough Student Center. year’s 106. nouncement [of the new resi- The only change to this year’s neutral. Octavio Hingle-Webster In 2011, after collaborating According to Associate Dean dence complex] last year,” Ad- lottery was the creation of a “re- ’17 and Matea Mills-Andruk ’18.5 with an ad hoc group of students of Students for Residential and ams said. serve list” that included students are spearheading the campaign. that published a review of the po- Student Life Doug Adams, the The lottery was a random se- who were not selected to live of Hingle-Webster’s involvement is tential student life issues for the ongoing construction of the new lection process that permitted campus. Applicants in this list inspired by personal experience. transgender community, the Col- Ridgeline Residence Complex students to apply as individuals will be contacted in the event “During the past year I have lege announced its plan to create served as the greatest factor in or groups of up to eight peers. 28 there is an emergency need for begun my transition from being more gender-neutral restrooms. the decision to lower the of- students currently living of cam- students to live of campus. How- a man to being someone who is The specifc goal was to provide campus approval number for the pus extended their status to the ever, Adams does not anticipate neither a man nor woman,” they support for the safety and health upcoming academic year. Upon fall semester, leaving 47 spots such a need for the upcoming said. “When I go to the bathroom of Middlebury’s transgender stu- completion, the complex — which available to be included in this year, remaining optimistic the will consist of four buildings with year’s lottery. In total, 119 stu- Ridgeline Housing Complex will I often don’t know which one to dents, faculty and staf. By the townhouse and suite-style apart- dents applied for these remain- be ready by its projected Septem- go into, and I don’t necessarily start of the 2011-2012 academic year, the signs of all non-residen- ments — is set to provide new ing spots and were invited to ber 2016 completion date. feel safe going into the men’s or housing for 158 upperclassmen tial single stall restrooms were observe the process, which was In an article released follow- women’s bathroom depending students. intentionally made transparent ing the announcement of the con- changed to include both male on what I am wearing or how I’m “In the spring of 2015, the to mitigate concerns of tamper- struction project, Adams said, and female symbols, as well as feeling that day, and I know a lot College announced that the new ing. “The design of these buildings of other people share these kinds the universal symbol of accessi- construction would serve three Controversy rose last year will allow students to live near of concerns.” bility. But because not all spaces purposes: the removal of the when several students accused their academic and social cen- Hingle-Webster’s concerns have single-stall bathrooms, the Mods, the return of residential the administration of rigging ters while continuing the small- have been expressed by the project was limited, and has not lounges currently used as rooms the lottery against varsity ath- community feel they’ve enjoyed SEE STUDENTS, PAGE 2 and the reduction in the number letes who may have been likely in the ‘mods’ or of campus.” VT SENATORS STUDENTS DEVELOP CHICAGO SHOWS CALL FOR RIDE SHARE WEBSITE DESPICABLE POWER SUPREME COURT CARPANION OF PRESS APPOINTMENT PAGE 3 PAGE 9 PAGE 12 inside 2NEWS | february 18, 2016 Newly Tenured Professors Talk Teaching CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 release states, “Her contributions to the Garcia also tries to create classes that Community theoretical understanding of the rela- are engaging for students, but at the cording to Graf, her promotion had the tionship between language acquisition same time benefit his research. He feels unanimous support of her colleagues in and intercultural competency speak to that keeping up with research is neces- the German department. Council one of the foundations of a Middlebury sary for being a good teacher. Outside the classroom, Han, Garcia, education.” Additionally, she is currently “You could be great inside the class- By Nick Garber and Eppelsheimer have all made signifi- working on a book about German-Jewish room, people love you, and classes are Community Council Correspondent cant contributions to academic research. exiles in Kenya. fun,” he said. “But, if you become out- & Staf Writer According to the College’s press re- Finding the balance between the de- dated, then your classes begin to fail. It lease, Han’s research has contributed to mands of their scholarly research and is like you’re stuck teaching what you On Tuesday, Jan. 26, members of the a better “understanding of the intersec- their commitment to teaching students learned in grad school.” newly-formed Bias Response Team visited tion between race and sexuality for Asian has not been as challenging as one might While both received the same honor, Community Council to present their group’s Americans.” Just last year, the NYU expect for Han and Garcia. In fact, both Han and Garcia celebrated receiving mission and invite feedback. Press published his latest book entitled believe that their research has benefited tenure in very different ways.
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