Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides

FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A1-001 1 1 BLANK Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083795 A1-002 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Parker, Abraham; Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083796 A1-003 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083797 A1-004 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083798 A1-005 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083799 A1-006 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-007 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083800 A1-008 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083801 A1-009 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) A1-011 1 1 BLANK Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-012 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083802 A1-013 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) A1-014 1 1 BLANK Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083803 A1-015 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083804 A1-016 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083805 A1-017 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083806 A1-018 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-019 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083807 A1-020 1 1 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-021 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-022 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-023 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083808 A1-024 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-025 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083809 A1-026 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 1 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083810 A1-027 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083811 A1-028 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Parker, Abraham Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083812 A1-029 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Cole, John Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083813 A1-030 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-031 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083814 A1-032 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083815 A1-033 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-034 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-035 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-036 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-037 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-038 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-039 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083816 A1-040 1 2 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-041 1 3 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083817 A1-042 1 3 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, Q0000083818 A1-043 1 3 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Gandy dancers near train tracks in Calera, A1-044 1 3 Alabama. 1988 December 10 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Calera (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Charlie Atkins Buckdancing. Folklife Festival Q0000083819 A1-045 1 3 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Atkins, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Atkins Buckdancing. Folklife Festival Q0000083820 A1-046 1 3 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Atkins, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Atkins Buckdancing. Folklife Festival A1-047 1 3 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Atkins, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Atkins Buckdancing. Folklife Festival A1-048 1 3 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Atkins, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Atkins Buckdancing. Folklife Festival Q0000083821 A1-049 1 3 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Atkins, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083822 A1-049.1 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. Slide damaged. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 2 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083823 A1-051 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083824 A1-051.1 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083825 A1-052 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-053 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-054 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-055 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083826 A1-056 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-057 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-058 1 3 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A1-059 1 4 BLANK Jerry Brown Face Jugs. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083827 A1-060 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. D. Cannon. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-061 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cannon, J. D. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. D. Cannon. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-062 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cannon, J. D. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. D. Cannon. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083828 A1-063 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cannon, J. D. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. D. Cannon. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-064 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cannon, J. D. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. D. Cannon. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083829 A1-065 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cannon, J. D. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Joyce Cauthen, Gail Trechsel. Folklife Festival A1-066 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cauthen, Joyce.; Trechsel, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Joyce Cauthen, Gail Trechsel. Folklife Festival A1-067 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cauthen, Joyce.; Trechsel, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Joyce Cauthen, Gail Trechsel. Folklife Festival A1-068 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cauthen, Joyce.; Trechsel, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Crowd Scene. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-069 1 4 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A1-070 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A1-071 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A1-072 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival Q0000083830 A1-073 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A1-074 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 3 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival Q0000083831 A1-075 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival Q0000083832 A1-076 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A1-077 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A1-078 1 4 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival Q0000083833 A1-079 1 5 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A1-080 1 5 BLANK Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife Q0000083834 A1-081 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-082 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife Q0000083835 A1-083 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-084 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-085 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife Q0000083836 A1-086 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-087 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-088 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-089 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-090 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A1-091 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama Folklife Festival Banner. Folklife A1-092 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama Folklife Festival Banner. Folklife Q0000083837 A1-093 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama Folklife Festival Banner. Folklife A1-094 1 5 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival A1-095 1 5 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Buzy Bee Quilter 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival A1-096 1 5 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival A1-097 1 5 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 4 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival Q0000083838 A1-098 1 5 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Buzy Bee Quilter 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival A1-099 1 6 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival Q0000083839 A1-100 1 6 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quliting Bees. Folklife Festival A1-101 1 6 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Four Eagles. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083840 A1-102 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Four Eagles. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-103 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A1-104 1 6 BLANK Gospel Harmonettes. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083841 A1-105 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Howard Hamil with Joyce Cauthen. Folklife A1-106 1 6 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Howard Hamil. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083842 A1-107 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Howard Hamil with Joyce Cauthen. Folklife A1-108 1 6 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Howard Hamil. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-109 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Howard Hamil. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083843 A1-110 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Howard Hamil with Joyce Cauthen. Folklife A1-111 1 6 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Howard Hamil with Joyce Cauthen. Folklife Q0000083844 A1-112 1 6 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-113 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-114 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083845 A1-115 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083846 A1-116 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-117 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-118 1 6 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-119 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Holloway, J. B. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083847 A1-120 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 5 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-121 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-122 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-123 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083848 A1-124 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-125 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083849 A1-126 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Joanette Jarman and Eli Jarman. Folklife A1-127 1 7 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Jarman, Joanette; Jarman, Eli Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Joanette Jarman and Eli Jarman. Folklife A1-128 1 7 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Jarman, Joanette; Jarman, Eli Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Joanette Jarman and Eli Jarman. Folklife A1-129 1 7 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Jarman, Joanette; Jarman, Eli Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Joanette Jarman and Eli Jarman. Folklife Q0000083850 A1-130 1 7 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Jarman, Joanette; Jarman, Eli Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Joanette Jarman and Eli Jarman. Folklife A1-131 1 7 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Jarman, Joanette; Jarman, Eli Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Joanette Jarman and Eli Jarman. Folklife A1-132 1 7 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Jarman, Joanette; Jarman, Eli Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jugband Demonstration. Folklife Festival A1-133 1 7 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A1-134 1 7 BLANK Jugband Demonstration. Folklife Festival A1-135 1 7 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jugband Demonstration. Folklife Festival Q0000083851 A1-136 1 7 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Betty Kimbrell. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-137 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kimbrell, Betty Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Betty Kimbrell. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-138 1 7 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kimbrell, Betty Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Betty Kimbrell. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083852 A1-139 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kimbrell, Betty Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife A1-140 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife Q0000083853 A1-141 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 6 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife Q0000083854 A1-142 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife A1-143 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife Q0000083855 A1-144 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife A1-145 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife A1-146 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife Q0000083856 A1-147 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Kinn Kranh Cambodian Fish Traps. Folklife Q0000083857 A1-148 1 8 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083858 A1-149 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083859 A1-150 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-151 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-152 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-153 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-154 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Lang. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-155 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Lang, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Onnie Logan. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083860 A1-156 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Logan, Onnie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Louvin. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-157 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Louvin. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083861 A1-158 1 8 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Louvin. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-159 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083862 A1-160 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083863 A1-161 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-162 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 7 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Jerry "Boogie" McCain. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-163 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-164 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-165 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) James McKinely Jr. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083864 A1-166 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McKinely Jr., James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) James McKinely Jr. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-167 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McKinely Jr., James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) James McKinely Jr. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083865 A1-168 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McKinely Jr., James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) James McKinely Jr. Suitcase. Folklife Festival A1-169 1 9 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McKinely Jr., James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) James McKinely Jr. Suitcase. Folklife Festival Q0000083866 A1-170 1 9 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim McKinely Jr., James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Albert Macon. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083867 A1-171 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Albert Macon. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-172 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Albert Macon. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-173 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A1-174 1 9 BLANK Albert Macon. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-175 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-176 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-177 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-178 1 9 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hazel Smith. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083868 A1-179 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Hazel Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083869 A1-180 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-181 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-182 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Poarch band of Creek Indians. Folklife A1-183 1 10 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Poarch band of Creek Indians. Folklife Q0000083870 A1-184 1 10 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Poarch band of Creek Indians. Folklife Q0000083871 A1-185 1 10 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Poarch band of Creek Indians. Folklife A1-186 1 10 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Poarch band of Creek Indians. Folklife Q0000083872 A1-188 1 10 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 8 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Poarch band of Creek Indians. Folklife Q0000083873 A1-189 1 10 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Odessa Rice. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083874 A1-190 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Rice, Odessa Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Odessa Rice. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-191 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Rice, Odessa Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Odessa Rice. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-192 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Rice, Odessa Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Odessa Rice. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-193 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Rice, Odessa Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Odessa Rice. Folklife Festival 1990. A1-194 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Rice, Odessa Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Odessa Rice. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083875 A1-195 1 10 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Rice, Odessa Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sand Mountain Boys. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-001 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sand Mountain Boys. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083876 A2-002 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sand Mountain Boys. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-003 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sand Mountain Boys. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-004 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sand Mountain Boys. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-005 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-006 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083877 A2-007 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083878 A2-008 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-009 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-010 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hazel Smith. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-011 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Hazel Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hazel Smith. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083879 A2-012 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Hazel Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hazel Smith. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-013 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Hazel Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Margaret Charles Smith. Folklife Festival Q0000083880 A2-014 1 11 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Margaret Charles Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Margaret Charles Smith. Folklife Festival A2-015 1 11 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Margaret Charles Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hazel Smith. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-016 1 11 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Hazel Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Margaret Charles Smith. Folklife Festival A2-017 1 11 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Margaret Charles Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 9 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Margaret Charles Smith. Folklife Festival Q0000083881 A2-018 1 11 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Margaret Charles Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Margaret Charles Smith. Folklife Festival A2-019 1 11 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Margaret Charles Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Spectators of Gospel Groups. Folklife Festival A2-020 1 11 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Spectators of Gospel Groups. Folklife Festival A2-021 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Spectators of Gospel Groups. Folklife Festival A2-022 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Spectators of Gospel Groups. Folklife Festival A2-023 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Spectators of Gospel Groups. Folklife Festival A2-024 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-025 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-026 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A2-027 1 12 BLANK Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-028 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A2-029 1 12 BLANK Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-030 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-031 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-032 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-033 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-034 1 12 1990. Birmingham Alabama. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-035 1 12 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083882 A2-036 1 12 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-037 1 12 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gail Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-038 1 12 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gail Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083883 A2-039 1 12 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gail Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083884 A2-040 1 12 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083885 A2-041 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083886 A2-042 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 10 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-043 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-044 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-045 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-046 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083887 A2-047 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-048 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-049 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-050 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-051 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-052 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-053 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-054 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) J. D. Whited and the Whited Old Time String Band. Folklife Festival 1990. Birmingham Q0000083888 A2-055 1 13 Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Whited, J. D. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Ralph Whited and the Whited Old Time String Band. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083889 A2-056 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Whited, Ralph Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Ralph Whited and the Whited Old Time String Band. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-057 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Whited, Ralph Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-058 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-059 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083890 A2-060 1 13 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. Q0000083891 A2-061 1 14 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-062 1 14 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-063 1 14 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-064 1 14 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-065 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 11 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife Q0000083892 A2-066 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-067 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-068 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-069 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife Q0000083893 A2-070 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-071 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-072 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-073 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-074 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-075 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife Q0000083894 A2-076 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers. Folklife A2-077 1 14 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers. Folklife Festival A2-078 1 14 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hazel Smith. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-079 1 14 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Smith, Hazel Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-080 1 14 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, Williams Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William James. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-081 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim James, Williams Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Kinn Kranh. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-082 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gail Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-083 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gail Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-084 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Little Henry Williams. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-085 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Williams, Little Henry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quilting Bees. Folklife Festival A2-086 1 15 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bettie Fikes and Carlton Reese. Folklife A2-087 1 15 Festival 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Fikes, Bettie; Reese, Carlton Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tommie Bass. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-088 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Howard Hamil. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-089 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 12 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-090 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quilting Bees. Folklife Festival A2-091 1 15 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dunn Family of Hayden. Folklife Festival A2-092 1 15 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry Brown. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-093 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Brown, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry Brown. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-094 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Brown, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Charlie Atkins. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-095 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Atkins, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Freedom Quilting Bees. Folklife Festival A2-096 1 15 1990. Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Iomia Nunn. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-097 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Nunn, Iomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tina Thrower. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-098 1 15 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A2-099 1 15 Pottery Show A2-100 1 15 Pottery Show A2-101 1 16 Pottery Show Q0000083895 A2-102 1 16 Pottery Show Q0000083896 A2-103 1 16 Pottery Show A2-104 1 16 Pottery Show A2-105 1 16 Pottery Show A2-106 1 16 Pottery Show Q0000083897 A2-107 1 16 Pottery Show A2-108 1 16 Pottery Show A2-109 1 16 Pottery Show Q0000083898 A2-110 1 16 Heang Cottaell and children Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-111 1 16 BLANK Q0000083899 A2-112 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083900 A2-113 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-114 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-115 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083901 A2-116 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-117 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-118 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-119 1 16 Heang Cottaell Kimzey, Ann Cottaell, Heang Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083902 A2-120 1 16 Spirit House Buddhist Temple Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083903 A2-121 1 17 Buddhist Temple Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083904 A2-122 1 17 Buddhist Temple Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083905 A2-123 1 17 Buddhist Temple Prayer Flags Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083906 A2-124 1 17 Buddhist Temple Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083907 A2-125 1 17 Buddhist Temple Prayer Flags Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083908 A2-126 1 17 Buddhist Temple Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-127 1 17 Jubilee Carwash Kimzey, Ann Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083909 A2-128 1 17 Jubilee Music Store Kimzey, Ann Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-129A 1 17 Jubilee Music Store Kimzey, Ann Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-129B 1 17 Buddhist Temple Kimzey, Ann Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 13 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000083910 A2-130 1 17 Jubilee Motor Company Kimzey, Ann Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083911 A2-131 1 17 Jubilee Carwash Kimzey, Ann Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083912 A2-132 1 17 Jubilee Landscape Kimzey, Ann Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083913 A2-133 1 17 Jubilee Landscape Kimzey, Ann Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-134 1 17 BLANK Q0000083914 A2-135 1 17 Jubilee Lane Kimzey, Ann Montrose (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-136 1 17 BLANK A2-137 1 17 BLANK

Q0000083915 A2-138 1 17 Lao Khene in Reagan Ngamvilay's home Kimzey, Ann Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083916 A2-139 1 17 Reagan Ngamvilay Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-140 1 18 Reagan Ngamvilay Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083917 A2-141 1 18 Reagan Ngamvilay and students Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-142 1 18 Reagan Ngamvilay and students Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-143 1 18 Reagan Ngamvilay Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083918 A2-144 1 18 Reagan Ngamvilay Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083919 A2-145 1 18 Reagan Ngamvilay Kimzey, Ann Ngamvilay, Reagan Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-146 1 18 BLANK Q0000083920 A2-147 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-148 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-149 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-150 1 18 BLANK Q0000083921 A2-151 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-152 1 18 BLANK A2-153 1 18 BLANK Q0000083922 A2-154 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-155 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-156 1 18 BLANK Q0000083923 A2-157 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-158 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-159 1 18 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083924 A2-160 1 19 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083925 A2-161 1 19 Kinn Kranh Kimzey, Ann Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000083926 A2-162 1 19 Lao Mak Berg Kimzey, Ann Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-163 1 19 Rice Mill Kimzey, Ann Q0000083927 A2-164 1 19 Rice Mill Kimzey, Ann Q0000083928 A2-165 1 19 Rice Mill Kimzey, Ann Q0000083929 A2-166 1 19 Rice Mill Kimzey, Ann A2-167 1 19 Rice Mill Kimzey, Ann A2-168 1 19 D. J. Cannon 1990 August 9 1990-1999 Kimzey, Ann Cannon, D. J. Q0000083930 A2-169 1 19 D. J. Cannon 1990 August 9 1990-1999 Kimzey, Ann Cannon, D. J. Q0000083931 A2-170 1 19 D. J. Cannon 1990 August 9 1990-1999 Kimzey, Ann Cannon, D. J. A2-171 1 19 BLANK Q0000083932 A2-172 1 19 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-173 1 19 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083933 A2-174 1 19 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-175 1 19 BLANK A2-176 1 19 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083934 A2-177 1 19 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083935 A2-178 1 19 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 14 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A2-179 1 19 BLANK Q0000083936 A2-180 1 20 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083937 A2-181 1 20 H. J. Miller Kimzey, Ann Miller, H. J. Fairhope (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) A2-182 1 20 BLANK Q0000083938 A2-183 1 20 Hoops for Fish Traps Kimzey, Ann Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A2-184 1 20 Hurricane Chart for Hurricane Hugo Kimzey, Ann Point Clear (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000083939 A2-185 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie Q0000083940 A2-186 1 20 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie A2-187 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie Q0000083941 A2-188 1 20 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie A2-189 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie Q0000083942 A2-190 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie A2-191 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie A2-192 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie Q0000083943 A2-193 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie A2-194 1 20 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie A2-195 1 20 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie Q0000083944 A2-196 1 20 Eddie Cambell basket Campell, Eddie A2-197 1 20 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie A2-198 1 20 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie A2-199 1 20 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie A2-200 2 1 Eddie Cambell Campell, Eddie A2-201 2 1 Eddie Cambell with basket Campell, Eddie

A2-202 2 1 John Cox amd J.C. Williams with baskets Cox, John; Williams, J. C.

Q0000083945 A2-203 2 1 John Cox amd J.C. Williams with baskets Cox, John; Williams, J. C.

A2-204 2 1 John Cox amd J.C. Williams with baskets Cox, John; Williams, J. C. A2-205 2 1 Eddie Campell and basket Campell, Eddie A2-206 2 1 Bestie Croft Baskets Brackner, Joey Croft, Bestie Q0000083946 A2-207 2 1 Bestie Croft Baskets Brackner, Joey Croft, Bestie Q0000083947 A2-208 2 1 Jim Brown making basket Brown, Jim Q0000083948 A2-209 2 1 Jim Brown making basket Brown, Jim A2-210 2 1 Tina Thrower baskets 1991 September 23 1990-1999 Thrower, Tina Q0000083949 A2-211 2 1 Tina Thrower baskets 1991 September 23 1990-1999 Thrower, Tina Q0000083950 A2-212 2 1 Tina Thrower basket Thrower, Tina Q0000083951 A2-213 2 1 Gail Thrower with basket Thrower, Gail Robert Sills. Folklife Festival 1990. A2-214 2 1 Birmingham Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Sills, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000083952 A3-001 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Broken Star." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: 1987 artist Q0000083953 A3-002 2 2 showcase. 1987 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora A3-003 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora A3-004 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Dahila." Ezell, Nora A3-005 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Dahila." Ezell, Nora Q0000083954 A3-006 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Dahila." Ezell, Nora A3-007 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora A3-008 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Dahila." Ezell, Nora A3-009 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 15 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A3-010 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora Q0000083955 A3-011 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Migration." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "New Wedding Q0000083956 A3-012 2 2 Rings." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083957 A3-013 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Donkey Quilt." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083958 A3-014 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Once in a Lifetime." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: University of Q0000083959 A3-015 2 2 Alabama quilt. Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler Q0000083960 A3-016 2 2 Quilt"/"Everybody." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler A3-017 2 2 Quilt"/"Everybody." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler A3-018 2 2 Quilt"/"Everybody." Ezell, Nora A3-019 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Mules." Ezell, Nora A3-020 2 2 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-021 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-022 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-023 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-024 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-025 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-026 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora Q0000083961 A3-027 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-028 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Broken Star." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083962 A3-029 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Jones Valley Quilt." Ezell, Nora

A3-030 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Donkey Quilt." Ezell, Nora

A3-031 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Donkey Quilt." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083963 A3-032 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Alabama Tree." Ezell, Nora A3-033 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: Star." Ezell, Nora A3-034 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: Star." Ezell, Nora A3-035 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: Star." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083964 A3-036 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "New Wedding A3-037 2 3 Rings." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "New Wedding A3-038 2 3 Rings." Ezell, Nora A3-039 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-040 2 3 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Fish Circle." Ezell, Nora A3-041 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Migration." Ezell, Nora A3-042 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Broken Star." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083965 A3-043 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler Blocks." Ezell, Nora Q0000083966 A3-044 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Star." Ezell, Nora

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 16 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000083967 A3-045 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora A3-046 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: University of A3-047 2 4 Alabama quilt. Ezell, Nora A3-048 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Migration." Ezell, Nora A3-049 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Migration." Ezell, Nora Q0000083968 A3-050 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Mules." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083969 A3-051 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: 1986 quilt show. 1986 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "New Wedding A3-052 2 4 Rings." Ezell, Nora

A3-053 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Once in a Lifetime." Ezell, Nora

A3-054 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Once in a Lifetime." Ezell, Nora A3-055 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Sampler." Ezell, Nora

A3-056 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "School House Quilt." Ezell, Nora

A3-057 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "School House Quilt." Ezell, Nora

A3-058 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "School House Quilt." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: University of A3-059 2 4 Alabama quilt. Ezell, Nora

Q0000083970 A3-060 2 4 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "School House Quilt." Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "A Tribute to Civil Q0000083971 A3-061 2 5 Righters of Alabama." Ezell, Nora Q0000083972 A3-062 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Fish Circle." Ezell, Nora A3-063 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Fish Circle." Ezell, Nora A3-064 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Fish Circle." Ezell, Nora Q0000083973 A3-065 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Nine Patch." Ezell, Nora A3-066 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Mules." Ezell, Nora

A3-067 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Jones Valley Quilt." Ezell, Nora A3-068 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Nine Patch." Ezell, Nora A3-069 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Nine Patch." Ezell, Nora A3-070 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Nine Patch." Ezell, Nora

Q0000083974 A3-071 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: quilt show 1987. 1987 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "A Tribute to Civil A3-072 2 5 Righters of Alabama." Ezell, Nora A3-074 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora A3-075 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora Q0000083975 A3-076 2 5 Nora Ezell quilt exhibit: "Crazy Quilt." Ezell, Nora Q0000083976 A3-077 2 5 Jerry Brown Jun-86 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083977 A3-078 2 5 Jerry Brown Nov-86 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-079 2 5 Jerry Brown Nov-86 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-080 2 5 Jerry Brown Nov-86 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083978 A3-081 2 5 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 17 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000083979 A3-082 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083980 A3-083 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-084 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-085 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083981 A3-086 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-087 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-088 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-089 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-090 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083982 A3-091 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083983 A3-092 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-093 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083984 A3-094 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083985 A3-095 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-096 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-097 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-098 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083986 A3-099 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-100 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083987 A3-101 2 6 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-102 2 7 BLANK Q0000083988 A3-103 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083989 A3-104 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083990 A3-105 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-106 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083991 A3-107 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-108 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083992 A3-109 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-110 2 7 BLANK Q0000083993 A3-111 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083994 A3-112 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-113 2 7 BLANK Q0000083995 A3-114 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083996 A3-115 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-116 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083997 A3-117 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083998 A3-118 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000083999 A3-119 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-120 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000084000 A3-121 2 7 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-122 2 8 BLANK A3-123 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-124 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086501 A3-125 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086502 A3-126 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-127 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-128 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-129 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-130 2 8 BLANK Q0000086503 A3-131 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 18 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000086504 A3-132 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086505 A3-133 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-134 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-135 2 8 BLANK A3-136 2 8 BLANK A3-137 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086506 A3-138 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-139 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-140 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086507 A3-141 2 8 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086508 A3-142 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086509 A3-143 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-144 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086510 A3-145 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-146 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-147 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-148 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-149 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-150 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-151 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086511 A3-152 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-153 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-154 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-155 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086512 A3-156 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-157 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086513 A3-158 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086514 A3-159 2 9 Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000086515 A3-160 2 9 Jerry Brown Jeff wedging clay for Jerry Brown 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry A3-161 2 9 BLANK A3-162 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-163 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-164 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-165 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth Q0000086516 A3-166 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth Q0000086517 A3-167 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth Q0000086518 A3-169 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-170 2 10 BLANK A3-171 2 10 BLANK A3-172 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-173 2 10 BLANK A3-174 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-175 2 10 BLANK Q0000086519 A3-176 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-177 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer 1990 April 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) A3-178 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-179 2 10 BLANK Jackson singing at Union Grove Q0000086520 A3-180 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Church 1990 April 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) A3-181 2 10 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 19 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A3-182 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-183 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-184 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-185 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-186 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-187 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth Q0000086521 A3-188 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth Q0000086522 A3-189 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-190 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-191 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-192 2 11 BLANK A3-193 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-194 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-195 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-196 2 11 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth Japheth Jackson and Dewey Williams, A3-197 2 11 Wiregrass Singers Springer, Melissa Williams, Dewey; Jackson, Japheth A3-198 2 11 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer 1990 May 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) A3-199 2 11 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-200 2 11 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-201 2 11 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-202 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-203 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-204 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-205 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-206 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth A3-207 2 12 BLANK A3-208 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer 1990 May 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) A3-209 2 12 BLANK A3-210 2 12 BLANK Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer holding Q0000086523 A3-211 2 12 printing plates Jackson, Japheth Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer holding A3-212 2 12 printing plates Jackson, Japheth Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer A3-213 2 12 Granddaughter Jackson, Japheth

Q0000086524 A3-214 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Memorial Jackson, Japheth

A3-215A 2 12 Japheth Jackson ,Wiregrass Singer Memorial Jackson, Japheth A3-215B 2 12 Dewey Williams 81st Birthday Sing Williams, Dewey A3-216A 2 12 Japheth Jackson Memorial Jackson, Japheth Q0000086525 A3-216B 2 12 Japheth Jackson holding printing plates Jackson, Japheth Q0000086526 A3-217 2 12 Japheth Jackson Church Jackson, Japheth A3-218 2 12 Japheth Jackson Singing 1990 April 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) Q0000086527 A3-219 2 12 Japheth Jackson Singing 1990 April 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) A3-220 2 13 Japheth Jackson memorial Jackson, Japheth Japheth Jackson singing at Union Grove Q0000086528 A3-221 2 13 Church 1990 April 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 20 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Japheth Jackson singing at Union Grove Q0000086529 A3-222 2 13 Church 1990 April 15 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jackson, Japheth Ozark (Ala.); Dale County (Ala.) A3-223 2 13 Japheth Jackson, Wiregrass Singer Jackson, Japheth

A4-001 2 14 Arlin Moon workstation and instruments Moon, Arlin

Q0000086530 A4-002 2 14 Arlin Moon workstation and instruments Moon, Arlin Q0000086531 A4-003 2 14 Arlin Moon 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin A4-004 2 14 Arlin Moon; Inez Moon's Kitchen 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez A4-005 2 14 Arlin Moon; Inez Moon's Kitchen 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez A4-006 2 14 Arlin Moon Shop 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin Q0000086532 A4-007 2 14 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin Q0000086533 A4-008 2 14 Inez Moon Moon, Inez A4-009 2 14 BLANK A4-010 2 14 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin Q0000086534 A4-011 2 14 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-012 2 14 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-013 2 14 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin Q0000086535 A4-014 2 14 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-015 2 14 BLANK Q0000086536 A4-016 2 14 Arlin Moon and Inez Moon Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez Q0000086537 A4-017 2 14 Arlin Moon and Inez Moon Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez A4-018 2 14 Arlin Moon and Inez Moon Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez A4-019 2 14 Arlin Moon and Inez Moon Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez Q0000086538 A4-020 2 14 Arlin Moon and Inez Moon Moon, Arlin; Moon, Inez Q0000086539 A4-021 2 15 Betty Ray combing hair on a fiddle bow Ray, Betty Q0000086540 A4-022 2 15 Arlin Moon workspace Moon, Arlin Q0000086541 A4-023 2 15 Banjo neck Moon, Arlin A4-024 2 15 Arlin Moon workspace Moon, Arlin A4-025 2 15 BLANK Q0000086542 A4-026 2 15 Banjo and various instrument parts Moon, Arlin A4-027 2 15 Banjo and various instrument parts Moon, Arlin Q0000086543 A4-028 2 15 Arlin Moon workstation Moon, Arlin Q0000086544 A4-029 2 15 Arlin Moon at workstation Moon, Arlin A4-030 2 15 Betty Ray with banjo neck and head Ray, Betty Q0000086545 A4-031 2 15 Arlin Moon with fiddle player Moon, Arlin A4-032 2 15 Arlin Moon with fiddle player Moon, Arlin A4-033 2 15 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin Q0000086546 A4-034 2 15 Arlin Moon Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin Q0000086547 A4-035 2 15 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-036 2 15 Bango neck Moon, Arlin A4-037 2 15 Bango with various instrument necks Moon, Arlin A4-038 2 15 Arlin Moon with one of his banjos Moon, Arlin Q0000086548 A4-039 2 15 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-040 2 15 Arlin Moon with banjo neck Moon, Arlin A4-041 2 16 Betty Ray with bango neck Ray, Betty Q0000086549 A4-042 2 16 Arlin Moon farm 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Q0000086550 A4-043 2 16 Arlin Moon 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin Q0000086551 A4-044 2 16 Arlin Moon 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin Q0000086552 A4-045 2 16 Arlin Moon 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 21 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A4-046 2 16 BLANK A4-047 2 16 Arlin Moon farm 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin Q0000086553 A4-048 2 16 Arlin Moon in his shop 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin A4-049 2 16 Inez Moon Kitchen 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Q0000086554 A4-050 2 16 Arlin Moon at work 1985 1980-1989 Lenard, Tom Moon, Arlin Q0000086555 A4-051 2 16 Arlin Moon at work Moon, Arlin A4-052 2 16 Wood for instrument building Moon, Arlin Q0000086556 A4-053 2 16 Wood for instrument building Moon, Arlin A4-054 2 16 Arlin Moon and Betty Ray Moon, Arlin; Ray, Betty Q0000086557 A4-055 2 16 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-056 2 16 Maggie and Ralph Moon 1988, October 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Moon, Maggie; Moon, Ralph A4-057 2 16 Betty Ray Ray, Betty

Q0000086558 A4-058 2 16 Mandolin in progress in Arlin Moon's shop A4-059 2 16 Arlin Moon with fiddle player Moon, Arlin A4-060 2 16 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-061 2 17 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-062 2 17 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin A4-063 2 17 Arlin Moon Kitchen Lenard, Tom A4-064 2 17 Arlin Moon Lenard, Tom A4-065 2 17 David Hand chair Q0000086559 A4-066 2 17 David Hand Hand, David Q0000086560 A4-067 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-068 2 17 David Hand Hand, David A4-069 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David Q0000086561 A4-070 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David Q0000086562 A4-071 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David Q0000086563 A4-072 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David Q0000086564 A4-073 2 17 David Hand raw materials Hand, David Q0000086565 A4-074 2 17 David Hand Work in Progress Hand, David A4-075 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-076 2 17 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-077 2 17 David Hand furniture work in progress Hand, David A4-078 2 17 David Hand furniture work in progress Hand, David Q0000086566 A4-079 2 17 David Hand Hand, David A4-080 2 17 David Hand furniture work in progress Hand, David A4-081 2 18 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-082 2 18 David Hand furniture work in progress Hand, David A4-083 2 18 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-084 2 18 David Hand furniture Hand, David Q0000086567 A4-085 2 18 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-086 2 18 David Hand furniture Hand, David

Q0000086568 A4-087 2 18 David Hand studio with work in progress Hand, David

A4-088 2 18 David Hand studio with work in progress Hand, David A4-089 2 18 David Hand furniture Hand, David A4-090 2 18 David Hand workshop Hand, David A4-091 2 18 David Hand Hand, David Q0000086569 A4-092 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 22 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000086570 A4-093 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-094 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-095 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William Q0000086571 A4-096 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William Q0000086572 A4-097 2 18 William and Gary Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William; Jarnigan, Gary Q0000086573 A4-098 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-099 2 18 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-100 2 18 William and Gary Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William; Jarnigan, Gary Q0000086574 A4-101 2 19 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William Q0000086575 A4-102 2 19 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-103 2 19 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William Q0000086576 A4-104 2 19 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-105 2 19 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-106 2 19 William and Gary Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William; Jarnigan, Gary A4-107 2 19 William and Gary Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William; Jarnigan, Gary Q0000086577 A4-108 2 19 William Jarnigan with bowls Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-109 2 19 William Jarnigan Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-110 2 19 William Jarnigan with bowls Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William A4-111 2 19 William and Gary Jarnigan with bowls Holtzberg, Maggie Jarnigan, William; Jarnigan, Gary Q0000086578 A4-112 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Holtzberg, Maggie Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086579 A4-113 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Holtzberg, Maggie Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086580 A4-114 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A4-115 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086581 A4-116 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086582 A4-117 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A4-118 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A4-119 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086583 A4-120 2 19 Boats of Bayou Batre Brackner, Joey Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey A4-121 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey A4-122 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey Q0000086584 A4-123 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey A4-124 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey A4-125 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey A4-126 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey A4-127 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 23 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Johnny Shines, Bo McGhee and Davey Q0000086585 A4-128 2 20 Williams performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey Johnny Shines, Davey Williams performing at Q0000086586 A4-129 2 20 Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; Williams, Davey Johnny Shines, Davey Williams performing at A4-130 2 20 Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; Williams, Davey Johnny Shines, Davey Williams performing at A4-131 2 20 Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; Williams, Davey Johnny Shines, Davey Williams performing at A4-132 2 20 Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny; Williams, Davey Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-133 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-134 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-135 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-136 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-137 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-138 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-139 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots Q0000086587 A4-140 2 20 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Johnny Shines performing at Folk Roots A4-141 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Clarence Davis performing at Folk Roots Q0000086588 A4-142 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Davis, Clarence Clarence Davis performing at Folk Roots A4-143 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Davis, Clarence Clarence Davis performing at Folk Roots Q0000086589 A4-144 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Davis, Clarence

Q0000086590 A4-145A 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

A4-145B 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

Q0000086591 A4-146 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

A4-147 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

Q0000086592 A4-148 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

A4-149 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

Q0000086593 A4-150 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 24 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

A4-152 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

Q0000086594 A4-153 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie

A4-154 3 1 Willie King performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 King, Willie Levert Hicks performing at Folk Roots A4-155 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Hicks, Levert Levert Hicks performing at Folk Roots Q0000086595 A4-156 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Hicks, Levert Levert Hicks performing at Folk Roots A4-157 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Hicks, Levert Levert Hicks performing at Folk Roots Q0000086596 A4-158 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Hicks, Levert Levert Hicks performing at Folk Roots A4-159 3 1 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Hicks, Levert Levert Hicks performing at Folk Roots A4-160 3 2 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Hicks, Levert

A4-161 3 2 Musician performing at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 A4-162 3 2 Clinton Quilting Bees Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Q0000086597 A4-163 3 2 Clinton Quilting Bees Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Q0000086598 A4-165 3 2 Clinton Quilting Bees Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Q0000086599 A4-166 3 2 Clinton Quilting Bees Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 A4-167 3 2 Will Henley at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Henley, William A4-168 3 2 Will Henley at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Henley, William Q0000086600 A4-169 3 2 Will Henley at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Henley, William A4-170 3 2 Will Henley at Folk Roots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Henley, William Mable Means with baskets at 1986 Folkroots A4-171 3 2 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1986 1980-1989 Means, Mable Mable Means with baskets at 1986 Folkroots Q0000086601 A4-172 3 2 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1986 1980-1989 Means, Mable A4-173 3 2 John Cox with baskets Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1986 1980-1989 Cox, John A4-174 3 2 John Cox with baskets Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1986 1980-1989 Cox, John Q0000086602 A4-175 3 2 George Connor at festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1980-1989 Connor, George A4-176 3 2 George Connor at festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1980-1989 Connor, George A4-177 3 2 Bo McGee at festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1980-1989 McGee, Bo Q0000086603 A4-178 3 2 George Connors at Folkroots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1980-1989 Connors, George A4-179 3 2 George Connors at Folkroots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1980-1989 Connors, George Q0000086604 A4-180 3 3 Bo McGhee at Folkroots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 October 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey McGhee, Bo Bo McGhee with Davey Williams at Folkroots A4-181 3 3 Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 October 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey McGhee, Bo; Williams, Davey Q0000086605 A4-182 3 3 Bo McGhee at Folkroots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 October 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey McGhee, Bo A4-183 3 3 Bo McGhee at Folkroots Festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 October 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey McGhee, Bo Q0000086606 A4-184 3 3 Arlin Moon and fiddlers Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Moon, Arlin A4-185 3 3 Arlin Moon and fiddlers Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Moon, Arlin Q0000086607 A4-186 3 3 Arlin Moon and fiddlers Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Moon, Arlin A4-187 3 3 Quilts at festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey A4-188 3 3 Quilts at festival Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Q0000086608 A4-189 3 3 Native American Dancing Competition. Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Escambia County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 25 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A4-190 3 3 Arlin Moon and fiddlers Black Belt Folk Roots Festival 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Moon, Arlin Q0000086609 A4-191 3 3 Native American Dancing Competition 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000086610 A4-192 3 3 Native American Dancing Competition 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000086611 A4-193 3 3 Native American Dancing Competition 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000086612 A4-194 3 3 Jerry McCain McCain, Jerry 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086613 A4-195 3 3 Benton Flippen Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Flippen, Benton 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-196 3 3 Benton Flippen Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Flippen, Benton 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086614 A4-197 3 3 Benton Flippen Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Flippen, Benton 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086615 A4-198 3 3 Benton Flippen Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Flippen, Benton A4-199 3 3 BLANK 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086616 A4-200 3 4 Benton Flippen Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Flippen, Benton 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086617 A4-201 3 4 Deanie Richardson Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Richardson, Deanie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-202 3 4 Deanie Richardson Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Richardson, Deanie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086618 A4-203 3 4 Quilts Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086619 A4-204 3 4 Quilts Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086620 A4-205 3 4 Instruments Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086621 A4-206 3 4 Vendor at Festival Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086622 A4-207 3 4 Unknown Fiddlers at festival Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086623 A4-208 3 4 Unknown Fiddler at festival Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-209 3 4 Unknown Fiddler at festival Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-210 3 4 Store Sister at festival Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-211 3 4 Contest Fiddler on stage Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086624 A4-212 3 4 Festival Stage Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-213 3 4 Audience at festival Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-214 3 4 Benton Flippen Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Flippen, Benton 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-215 3 4 Fiddler Contest Judges Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-216 3 4 Fiddler Contest Judges Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 26 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time Q0000086625 A4-217 3 4 Fiddler Contest Judges Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie 22nd Tennessee Valley Old Time A4-218 3 4 Fiddler Jam Session Fiddlers Convention 1988 October 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie A4-219 3 4 Dan Sanford 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086626 A4-220 3 5 Dan Sanford instruments 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086627 A4-221 3 5 Dan Sanford 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A4-222 3 5 Dan Sanford fiddle 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A4-223 3 5 Dan Sanford fiddle, mandolin 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A4-224 3 5 Dan Sanford mandolin 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086628 A4-225 3 5 Dan Sanford mandolin 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A4-226 3 5 Dan Sanford mandolin 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-001 3 6 Dan Sanford mandolin 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086629 A5-002 3 6 Dan Sanford fiddle 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-003 3 6 Dan Sanford fiddle 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086630 A5-004 3 6 Dan Sanford banjo 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-005 3 6 Dan Sanford banjo 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-006 3 6 Dan Sanford banjo 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086631 A5-007 3 6 Dan Sanford banjo 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-008 3 6 Dan Sanford banjo 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-009 3 6 Dan Sanford knifes and tools 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086632 A5-010 3 6 Dan Sanford knifes and tools 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan A5-011 3 6 BLANK A5-012 3 6 Dan Sanford knifes and tools 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Sanford, Dan Q0000086633 A5-013 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-014 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086634 A5-015 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086635 A5-016 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086636 A5-017 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-018 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-019 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086637 A5-020 3 6 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086638 A5-021 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086639 A5-022 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086640 A5-023 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-024 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q000086641 A5-025 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-026 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-027 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086642 A5-028 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086643 A5-029 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086644 A5-030 3 7 Mule Day Parade 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086645 A5-031 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-032 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086646 A5-033 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-034 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-035 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-036 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-037 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000086647 A5-038 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 27 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A5-039 3 7 Mule Day Musicians 1988 September 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Winfield (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A5-040 3 7 Hurricane Florence 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey A5-041 3 8 Hurricane Florence 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Q0000086648 A5-042 3 8 Old Store in Talladega Forest 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Q0000086649 A5-043 3 8 Old Store in Talladega Forest 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Q0000086650 A5-044 3 8 Old Store in Talladega Forest 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Q0000086651 A5-045 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) Q0000086652 A5-046 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) Q0000086653 A5-047 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) Q0000086654 A5-048 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) Q0000086655 A5-049 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) Q0000086656 A5-050 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) A5-051 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) A5-052 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) A5-053 3 8 Coon Dog Cemetery 1988 August 1980-1989 Holtzberg, Maggie Red Bay (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) A5-054 3 8 Athens Fiddlers Convention Holtzberg, Maggie Athens (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.) A5-055 3 8 Athens Fiddlers Convention Holtzberg, Maggie Athens (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.) Q0000086657 A5-056 3 8 Athens Fiddlers Convention Holtzberg, Maggie Athens (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.) Q0000086658 A5-057 3 8 Athens Fiddlers Convention Holtzberg, Maggie Athens (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.) Q0000086659 A5-058 3 8 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins Tile Work 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086660 A5-059 3 8 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086661 A5-060 3 8 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086662 A5-061 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086663 A5-063 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086664 A5-064 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) A5-065 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086665 A5-066 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086666 A5-067 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086667 A5-068 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086668 A5-069 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086669 A5-070 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086670 A5-071 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086671 A5-072 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) A5-073 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) A5-074 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) A5-075 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086672 A5-076 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086673 A5-077 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086674 A5-078 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins All American Trash Can 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) All American Suitcase or "Turned into Q0000086675 A5-079 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins Folkart" 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086676 A5-080 3 9 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins History of Time 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086677 A5-081 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086678 A5-082 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) A5-083 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086679 A5-084 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086680 A5-085 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086681 A5-086 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086682 A5-087 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086683 A5-088 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 28 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000086684 A5-089 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086685 A5-090 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086686 A5-091 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086687 A5-092 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086688 A5-093 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086689 A5-094 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086690 A5-095 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086691 A5-096 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086692 A5-097 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086693 A5-098 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086694 A5-099 3 10 Outsider Artist Rev. B. F. Perkins The Wheel Perkins, B. F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.) Q0000086695 A5-100 3 10 Outsider Artist Virgil Perry The Professor Perry, Virgil Q0000086696 A5-101 3 11 Outsider Artist Virgil Perry Loughing Dog Perry, Virgil Q0000086697 A5-102 3 11 Outsider Artist Virgil Perry Prize Fighter Perry, Virgil Q0000086698 A5-103 3 11 Outsider Artist Virgil Perry Women with a Yellow Hat Perry, Virgil Q0000086699 A5-104 3 11 Outsider Artist Jimmie Lee Sudduth Indian Women with Snake Sudduth, Jimmie Lee Q0000086700 A5-105 3 11 Outsider Artist Jimmie Lee Sudduth Skaters on Lake Guntersville Sudduth, Jimmie Lee Q0000086701 A5-106 3 11 Outsider Artist Jimmie Lee Sudduth Log Cabin Sudduth, Jimmie Lee Q0000086702 A5-107 3 11 Outsider Artist Fred Webster Carousel Animal (early work) Webster, Fred Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus on way Q0000086703 A5-108 3 11 Outsider Artist Fred Webster to Egypt Webster, Fred Q0000086704 A5-109 3 11 Outsider Artist Fred Webster Last Supper Webster, Fred Q0000086705 A5-110 3 11 Outsider Artist Bernice Sims Guard Leaving for Desert Storm Sims, Bernice Q0000086706 A5-111 3 11 Outsider Artist Sybil Gibson Cat Gibson, Sybil Q0000086707 A5-112 3 11 Outsider Artist Robert Marino Nikita Kruchev Marino, Robert Q0000086708 A5-113 3 11 Outsider Artist Robert Marino Aunt Susan Marino, Robert Q0000086709 A5-114 3 11 Outsider Artist Joseph Hardin Indian Faces Hardin, Joseph Q0000086710 A5-115 3 11 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086711 A5-116 3 11 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-117 3 11 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086712 A5-118 3 11 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086713 A5-119 3 11 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086714 A5-120 3 11 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-121 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086715 A5-122 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-123 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086716 A5-124 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086717 A5-125 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086718 A5-126 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086719 A5-127 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-128 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086720 A5-129 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086721 A5-130 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086722 A5-131 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086723 A5-132 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086724 A5-133 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000086725 A5-134 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-135 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-136 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-137 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 29 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000086726 A5-138 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-139 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) A5-140 3 12 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.)

Q0000086727 A5-141A 3 13 Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Shines, Johnny Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086728 A5-141B 3 13 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.)

Q0000086729 A5-142A 3 13 Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Shines, Johnny Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086730 A5-142B 3 13 Outsider Artist Charlie Lucas Tinmens artwork Lucas, Charlie Pink Lily (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086731 A5-143 3 13 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) National Convention Sacred Harp Singers at Q0000086732 A5-144 3 13 the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers at the 1989 Folklife A5-145 3 13 Festival. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers at the 1989 A5-146 3 13 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-147 3 13 Gail Thrower at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-148 3 13 Gail Thrower at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Thrower, Gail Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Door Prize Sign-up at the 1989 Folklife A5-149 3 13 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086733 A5-150 3 13 Audience shot at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-151 3 13 Tommie Bass at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086734 A5-152 3 13 Tommie Bass at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Bass, Tommie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) David Philpot and Erin Kellen selling books at A5-153 3 13 the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Kellen, Erin; Philpot, David Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jim and Joyce Cauthen with Joey Brackner at Q0000086735 A5-154 3 13 the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cauthen, Jim; Cauthen, Joyce; Brackner, Joey Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-155 3 13 Tina Thrower at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-156 3 13 Tina Thrower at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086736 A5-157 3 13 Tina Thrower at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Thrower, Tina Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086737 A5-158 3 13 Candy Martin at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Martin, Candy Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086738 A5-159 3 14 John Cole at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cole, John Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-160 3 14 The Four Eagles at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086739 A5-161 3 14 The Four Eagles at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086740 A5-162 3 14 The Four Eagles at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 30 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) The Whited Family at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086741 A5-163 3 14 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) The Whited Family at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086742 A5-164 3 14 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band from Foley, Q0000086743 A5-165 3 14 Alabama, at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-166 3 14 Jerry McCain at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-167 3 14 Jerry McCain at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086744 A5-168 3 14 Jerry McCain at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086745 A5-169 3 14 Jerry McCain at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) North Jefferson Quilters at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086746 A5-170 3 14 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) North Jefferson Quilters at the 1989 Folklife A5-171 3 14 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) North Jefferson Quilters at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086747 A5-172 3 14 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) John Mealing, gandy dancer, at the 1989 Q0000086748 A5-173 3 14 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Mealing, John Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) John Mealing, gandy dancer, at the 1989 A5-174 3 14 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Mealing, John Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) City Stages entrance gate at the 1989 Folklife A5-175 3 14 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Quilts from Boligee, Alabama, at the 1989 Boligee, Alabama is located in Greene A5-176 3 14 Folklife Festival. County 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Quilts from Boligee, Alabama, at the 1989 Boligee, Alabama is located in Greene Q0000086749 A5-177 3 14 Folklife Festival. County 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Archie Lee carving out an piece of wood at Q0000086750 A5-178 3 14 the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Lee, Archie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Piece of wood craft by Archie Lee at the A5-179 3 15 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Lee, Archie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Allen Hamm behind the Jerry Brown pottery Q0000086751 A5-180 3 15 stand at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Hamm, Allen Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Folklife Festival decorations at the 1989 Q0000086752 A5-181 3 15 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086753 A5-182 3 15 Hertiage Stage at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086754 A5-183 3 15 William James at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil James, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Long's furniture at the 1989 Folklife A5-184 3 15 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Long, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Long's furniture at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086755 A5-185 3 15 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Long, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) The Dunn's Flying Pies at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086756 A5-186 3 15 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 31 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) James Bryan and band at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086757 A5-187 3 15 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Tom Jackson playing a banjo at the 1989 Q0000086758 A5-188 3 15 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Jackson, Tom Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086759 A5-189 3 15 Sharon Winters at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Winters, Sharon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086760 A5-190 3 15 Sharon Winters at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Winters, Sharon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086761 A5-191 3 15 1989 Folklife Festival gate. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A5-192 3 15 1989 Folklife Festival gate. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A5-193 3 15 1989 Folklife Festival gate. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A5-194 3 15 1989 Folklife Festival gate. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) George McMillan at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086762 A5-195 3 15 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil McMillan, George Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086763 A5-196 3 15 Audience at 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086764 A5-197 3 15 Audience at 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Hugh McGraw singing along with the National Sacred Harp Singers at the 1989 Q0000086765 A5-198 3 15 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil McGraw, Hugh Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1989 Q0000086766 A5-199 3 16 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1989 A5-200 3 16 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bessie Woodward at the 1989 Folklife A5-201 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Woodward, Bessie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bessie Woodward at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086767 A5-202 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Woodward, Bessie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Bessie Woodward at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086768 A5-203 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Woodward, Bessie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dennis J. Cannon at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086769 A5-204 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cannon, Dennis J. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dennis J. Cannon at the 1989 Folklife A5-205 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cannon, Dennis J. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dennis J. Cannon at the 1989 Folklife A5-206 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cannon, Dennis J. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Picture of the audience at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086770 A5-207 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gandy dancer workshop at the 1989 Folklife A5-208 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gandy dancer workshop at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086771 A5-209 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jim and Joyce Cauthen at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086772 A5-210 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cauthen, Jim ; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jim and Joyce Cauthen at the 1989 Folklife A5-211 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cauthen, Jim ; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A5-212 3 16 Joyce Cauthen at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 32 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Audience waiting to see the Birmingham A5-213 3 16 Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086773 A5-214 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086774 A5-215 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086775 A5-216 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife A5-217 3 16 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086776 A6-001 3 17 George Conner at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Conner, George Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) William Jarrnigan at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086777 A6-002 3 17 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Jarrigna, William Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers at the 1989 A6-003 3 17 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1989 Q0000086778 A6-004 3 17 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086779 A6-005 3 17 Eric Miller at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Miller, Eric Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Eric Miller face jugs at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086780 A6-006 3 17 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Miller, Eric Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas and Albert Macon at the Q0000086781 A6-007 3 17 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-008 3 17 James Bryan at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-009 3 17 James Bryan at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086782 A6-010 3 17 James Bryan at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas and Albert Macon at the A6-011 3 17 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers at the 1989 Q0000086783 A6-012 3 17 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086784 A6-013 3 17 Charlie Louvin at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers at the 1989 Folklife A6-014 3 17 Festival. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Sterling Jubilee Singers at the 1989 Folklife A6-015 3 17 Festival. Slide is missing (28 July 2015). 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086785 A6-016 3 17 Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086786 A6-017 3 17 Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-018 3 17 Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-019 3 17 Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Shines, Johnny Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 33 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife A6-020 3 17 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife A6-021 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife A6-022 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife A6-023 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Birmingham Sunlights at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086787 A6-024 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086788 A6-025 3 18 Deason Family at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086789 A6-026 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jerry "Boogie" McCain at the 1989 Folklife A6-027 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 McCain, Jerry Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes at the 1989 Folklife A6-028 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes at the 1989 Folklife A6-029 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086790 A6-030 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes at the 1989 Folklife A6-031 3 18 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086791 A6-032 3 18 James Bryan at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-033 3 18 James Bryan at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-034 3 18 James Bryan at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Bryan, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-035 3 18 Charlie Louvin at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-036 3 18 Charlie Louvin at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas and Albert Macon at the A6-037 3 18 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas and Albert Macon at the Q0000086792 A6-038 3 18 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Robert Thomas and Albert Macon at the A6-039 3 18 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-040 3 18 Sharon Winters at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Winters, Sharon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-041 3 19 Sharon Winters at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Winters, Sharon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-042 3 19 Sharon Winters at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Winters, Sharon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086793 A6-043 3 19 The Four Eagles at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 34 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

A6-044 3 19 The Four Eagles at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-045 3 19 The Four Eagles at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers at the 1989 Q0000086794 A6-046 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-047 3 19 Bessie Woodard at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Woodard, Bessie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

A6-048 3 19 Bessie Woodard at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Woodard, Bessie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1989 Q0000086795 A6-049 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1989 A6-050 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1989 A6-051 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000086796 A6-052 3 19 Lomia Nunn at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Nunn, Lomia Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Madison County Ramblers at the 1989 A6-053 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Madison County Ramblers at the 1989 A6-054 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Madison County Ramblers at the 1989 Q0000086797 A6-055 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Madison County Ramblers at the 1989 A6-056 3 19 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) The Bluegrass Four at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086798 A6-057 3 19 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) The Bluegrass Four at the 1989 Folklife A6-058 3 19 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) The Bluegrass Four at the 1989 Folklife A6-059 3 19 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Unidentified Quilters at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086799 A6-060 3 19 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Unidentified Quilters at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086800 A6-061 3 20 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Unidentified Quilters at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086801 A6-062 3 20 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Unidentified Quilters at the 1989 Folklife Q0000086802 A6-063 3 20 Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A6-064 3 30 Audience at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A6-065 3 20 Audience at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086803 A6-066 3 20 Audience at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A6-067 3 20 Audience at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086804 A6-068 3 20 Audience at the 1989 Folklife Festival. 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086805 A6-069 3 20 Gourds 1989 June 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086806 A6-070 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-071 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000086807 A6-072 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 35 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A6-073 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-074 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000086808 A6-075 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000086809 A6-076 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000086810 A6-077 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-078 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-079 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-080 3 20 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-081 4 1 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-082 4 1 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000086811 A6-083 4 1 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000086812 A6-084 4 1 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-085 4 1 Bare Earth style cemetery Brackner, Joey Pondville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) A6-086 4 1 Maggie Holtzberg Holtzberg, Maggie A6-087 4 1 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) A6-088 4 1 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) A6-089 4 1 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000086813 A6-090 4 1 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000086814 A6-091 4 1 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) A6-092 4 1 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000086815 A6-093 4 1 Eric and Allen Miller Pottery Brackner, Joey Miller, Eric; Miller, Allen Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Q0000086816 A6-094 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086817 A6-095 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086818 A6-096 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086819 A6-097 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-098 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086820 A6-099 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086821 A6-100 4 1 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086822 A6-101 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-102 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-103 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086823 A6-104 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086824 A6-105 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086825 A6-106 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086826 A6-107 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-108 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086827 A6-109 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-110 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-111 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-112 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086828 A6-113 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-114 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086829 A6-115 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086830 A6-116 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086831 A6-117 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-118 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086832 A6-119 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086833 A6-120 4 2 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086834 A6-121 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086835 A6-122 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 36 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A6-123 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-124 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-125 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086836 A6-126 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-127 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086837 A6-128 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086838 A6-129 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-130 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-131 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A6-132 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086839 A6-133 4 3 Lao Wedding Baci 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Kan Hy-Cambodians at Mobile International A6-134 4 3 Festival 1989 1980-1989 Kimzey, Anne Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Kan Hy-Cambodians at Mobile International Q0000086840 A6-135 4 3 Festival 1989 1980-1989 Kimzey, Anne Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with wooden Q0000086841 A6-136 4 3 mule head Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with small A6-137 4 3 mule and wagon Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with wooden A6-138 4 3 mule head Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with small Q0000086842 A6-139 4 3 mule and wagon Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with small Q0000086843 A6-140 4 3 animal wood carvings Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with small Q0000086844 A6-141 4 4 cannon Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with wooden Q0000086845 A6-142 4 4 owl Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) A6-143 4 4 Frontier Saddlery Brackner, Joey Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) A6-144 4 4 Frontier Saddlery Brackner, Joey Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000086846 A6-145 4 4 Frontier Saddlery Brackner, Joey Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000086847 A6-146 4 4 Frontier Saddlery Brackner, Joey Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000086848 A6-147 4 4 Frontier Saddlery Brackner, Joey Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000086849 A6-148 4 4 Frontier Saddlery Brackner, Joey Flatrock (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000086850 A6-149 4 4 Louvin Brothers Music Park Kimzey, Anne Henagar (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) Q0000086851 A6-150 4 4 Louvin Brothers Music Park birdhouses Kimzey, Anne Henagar (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) Q0000086852 A6-151 4 4 Louvin Brothers Music Park Kimzey, Anne Henagar (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.)

Q0000086853 A6-152 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-153 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-154 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086854 A6-155 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-156 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 37 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Q0000086855 A6-157 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-158 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) A6-159 4 4 BLANK

A6-160 4 4 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-161 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-162 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086856 A6-163 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086857 A6-164 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-165 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-166 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086858 A6-167 4 5 Thai Dancers Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086859 A6-168 4 5 Thai Dancers Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-169 4 5 Thai Dancers Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086860 A6-170 4 5 Thai Dancers Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086861 A6-171 4 5 Thai Dancers Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-172 4 5 Thai Dancers Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A6-173 4 5 Thai New Years Party Kimzey, Anne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Kinn Kranh. Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086862 A6-174 4 5 makers Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap A6-175 4 5 makers Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086863 A6-176 4 5 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) A6-177 4 5 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Q0000086864 A6-178 4 5 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) A6-179 4 5 BLANK Q0000086865 A6-180 4 5 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Q0000086866 A6-181 4 6 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Q0000086867 A6-182 4 6 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh,Cambodian basket and fish trap A6-183 4 6 makers Kimzey, Anne Krahn, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh,Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086868 A6-184 4 6 makers Kimzey, Anne Krahn, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 38 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A6-185 4 6 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) A6-186 4 6 Cambodian basket and fish trap makers Kimzey, Anne Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086869 A6-187 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086870 A6-188 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap A6-189 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap A6-190 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap A6-191 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086871 A6-192 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) A6-193 4 6 BLANK Kinn Kranh, Cambodian basket and fish trap Q0000086872 A6-194 4 6 maker Kimzey, Anne Kranh, Kinn Bayou La Batre (Ala.); Mobile (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-195 4 6 Lena Calderon and Pedro Valle Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Calderon, Lena; Valle, Pedro Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086873 A6-196 4 6 Luis Fernando and Pedro Valle Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Fernando, Luis; Valle, Pedro Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Rolando Martinez going under the limbo Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086874 A6-197 4 6 pole Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Rolando Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086875 A6-198 4 6 Dayra Martinez dancing Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086876 A6-199 4 6 Dayra Martinez dancing Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-200 4 6 Dayra Martinez dancing Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-201 4 7 Dayra Martinez dancing Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-202 4 7 Dayra Martinez Panamanian dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-203 4 7 Dayra Martinez Panamanian dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-204 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-205 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086877 A6-206 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-207 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086878 A6-208 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-209 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086879 A6-210 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 39 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-211 4 7 Minerva and Luis Lopez - La Plena Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086880 A6-212 4 7 Dayra Martinez - Panamanian Dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086881 A6-213 4 7 Dayra Martinez - Panamanian Dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086882 A6-214 4 7 Dayra Martinez - Panamanian Dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-215 4 7 Dayra Martinez - Panamanian Dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086883 A6-216 4 7 Dayra Martinez - Panamanian Dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-217 4 7 Dayra Martinez - Panamanian Dance Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-218 4 7 Luis and Minerva Lopez doing the Salsa Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-219 4 7 Luis and Minerva Lopez doing the Salsa Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086884 A6-220 4 7 Luis and Minerva Lopez doing the Salsa Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-221 4 8 Luis and Minerva Lopez doing the Salsa Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Minerva; Lopez, Luis Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086885 A6-222 4 8 Dayra Martinez dancing the Mamba Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Martinez, Dayra Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086886 A6-223 4 8 Latin American Dance. Unknown Dancers. Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086887 A6-224 4 8 Luis Lopez and Lena Calderon dancing Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Luis; Calderon, Lena Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086888 A6-225 4 8 Pedro Valle plays cuartro Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Valle, Pedro Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near A6-226 4 8 Luis Lopez and Lena Calderon dancing Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Lopez, Luis; Calderon, Lena Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Tania Alisca, young girl, with Grexia Roig, Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086889 A6-227 4 8 baby. Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Alisca, Tania; Roig, Grexia Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Knights of Columbus hall near Q0000086890 A6-228 4 8 Man going under a limbo bar Daleville, AL 1990 February 18 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Daleville (Ala.); Dale (Ala.) Q0000086891 A6-229 4 8 Henry Williams, wood worker Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.) Henry Williams, wood worker, with Joyce Q0000086892 A6-230 4 8 Cauthen Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry; Cauthen, Joyce Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.)

Q0000086893 A6-231 4 8 Henry Williams, wood worker, wooden mule Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry; Cauthen, Joyce Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.)

Q0000086894 A6-232 4 8 Henry Williams, wood worker, wooden mule Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry; Cauthen, Joyce Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.)

Q0000086895 A6-233 4 8 Henry Williams, wood worker, wooden cane Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry; Cauthen, Joyce Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.)

A6-234 4 8 Henry Williams, wood worker, wooden cane Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry; Cauthen, Joyce Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.)

A6-235 4 8 Henry Williams, wood worker, wooden cane Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry; Cauthen, Joyce Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 40 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade A6-236 4 8 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade A6-237 4 8 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade A6-238 4 8 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade Q0000086896 A6-239 4 8 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade A6-240 4 8 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade A6-241 4 9 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade Q0000086897 A6-242 4 9 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry Jester on moon float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade A7-001 4 10 in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086898 A7-002 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086899 A7-003 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086900 A7-004 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, A7-005 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086901 A7-006 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086902 A7-007 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086903 A7-008 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Revelry float throwing beads during a Mardi Gras parade in Mobile, Q0000086904 A7-009 4 10 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 41 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

A7-010 4 10 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086905 A7-011 4 10 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

A7-012 4 10 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086906 A7-013 4 10 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086907 A7-014 4 10 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086908 A7-015 4 10 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Excelsior Band in the Joe Cain Day parade in Q0000086909 A7-016 4 10 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Excelsior Band in the Joe Cain Day parade in Q0000086910 A7-017 4 10 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Excelsior Band in the Joe Cain Day parade in Q0000086911 A7-018 4 10 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Joe Cain Grave marker covered in Mardi Gras Q0000086912 A7-019 4 10 throws. Church Street Graveyard Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Joe Cain Grave marker covered in Mardi Gras A7-020 4 10 throws. Church Street Graveyard Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Knights of Daze in the Joe Cain Day parade in Q0000086913 A7-021 4 11 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Cain's Merry Widows in the Joe Cain Day Q0000086914 A7-022 4 11 parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Cain's Merry Widows in the Joe Cain Day Q0000086915 A7-023 4 11 parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086916 A7-024 4 11 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086917 A7-025 4 11 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

A7-026 4 11 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

A7-027 4 11 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Q0000086918 A7-028 4 11 Joe Cain Day parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Spectators at the Joe Cain Day parade in A7-029 4 11 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) King, queen, and pages on a float in a Mardi A7-030 4 11 Gras parade in Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Masked man in a Mardi Gras parade in A7-031 4 11 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Cross-bearer during a Mardi Gras parade in Q0000086919 A7-032 4 11 Mobile, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A7-033 4 11 BLANK A7-034 4 11 BLANK

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 42 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Michael Krafts grave marker at Magnolia Cemetery during Mardi Gras in Mobile, A7-035 4 11 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Michael Krafts grave marker at Magnolia Cemetery during Mardi Gras in Mobile, Q0000086920 A7-036 4 11 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Michael Krafts grave marker at Magnolia Cemetery during Mardi Gras in Mobile, A7-037 4 11 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Michael Krafts grave marker at Magnolia Cemetery during Mardi Gras in Mobile, A7-038 4 11 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Michael Krafts grave marker at Magnolia Cemetery during Mardi Gras in Mobile, Q0000086921 A7-039 4 11 Alabama. Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Flowers and church members during Dewey Q0000086922 A7-040 4 11 Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem

Rev. Shem Jackson, church members during Q0000086923 A7-041 4 12 Dewey Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem

Rev. Shem Jackson, church members during A7-042 4 12 Dewey Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem

Rev. Shem Jackson, church members during Q0000086924 A7-043 4 12 Dewey Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem

Rev. Shem Jackson, church members during A7-044 4 12 Dewey Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem

Rev. Shem Jackson, church members during Q0000086925 A7-045 4 12 Dewey Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem

Rev. Shem Jackson, church members during A7-046 4 12 Dewey Williams Anniversary Singing 1990 1990-1991 Jackon, Shem Rubin Morrell, D. J. Cannon, and Anne A7-047 4 12 Kimzey Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin; Cannon, D. J.; Kimzey, Anne Q0000086926 A7-048 4 12 Purple Martin King vanity plate Brackner, Joey Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.) Q0000086927 A7-049 4 12 Purple Martin King fence sign Brackner, Joey Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

A7-050 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

A7-051 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

Q0000086928 A7-052 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

Q0000086929 A7-053 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

Q0000086930 A7-054 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 43 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

A7-055 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

A7-056 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

Q0000086931 A7-057 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.)

A7-058 4 12 Rubin Morrell's Gourds for Purple Martins Brackner, Joey Morrell, Rubin Reeltown (Ala.); Tallapoosa County (Ala.) A7-059 4 12 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-060 4 12 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-061 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-062 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-063 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-064 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-065 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086932 A7-066 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-067 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-068 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086933 A7-069 4 13 Blue Creek Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Blue Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-070 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-071 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086934 A7-072 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000086935 A7-073 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-074 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-075 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-076 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-077 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-078 4 13 BLANK Q0000086936 A7-079 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-080 4 13 Biven's Chapel Church Cemetery Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) A7-081 4 14 Gourd Martin Houses Gadra, Jim Centreville (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) A7-082 4 14 Gourd Martin Houses Gadra, Jim Centreville (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Q0000086937 A7-083 4 14 Gourd Martin Houses Gadra, Jim Centreville (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Q0000086938 A7-084 4 14 Gourd Martin Houses Gadra, Jim Centreville (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) A7-085 4 14 Gourd Martin Houses Gadra, Jim Centreville (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) A7-086 4 14 Ramah Baptist Church Brackner, Joey Calhoun (Ala.); Lowndes County (Ala.) Q0000086939 A7-087 4 14 Ramah Baptist Church Brackner, Joey Calhoun (Ala.); Lowndes County (Ala.) Church corner stone. Built 1868, C. Blount, Pastor. Rebuilt and Incorporated 1904, E.E. Edwards, Q0000086940 A7-088 4 14 Ramah Baptist Church. Church corner stone. Pastor. Brackner, Joey Calhoun (Ala.); Lowndes County (Ala.) A7-089 4 14 BLANK A7-090 4 14 BLANK A7-091 4 14 BLANK A7-092 4 14 BLANK

Q0000086941 A7-093 4 14 Capital City Singing 1990 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.);Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086942 A7-094 4 14 Capital City Singing 1990 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.);Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 44 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

A7-095 4 14 Capital City Singing 1990 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.);Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-096 4 14 Capital City Singing 1990 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.);Montgomery County (Ala.) Little Hurricane Church Cemetery decoartion A7-097 4 14 day Brackner, Joey Brookwood (Ala.);Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Little Hurricane Church Cemetery decoartion A7-098 4 14 day Brackner, Joey Brookwood (Ala.);Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) A7-099 4 14 BLANK Little Hurricane Church Cemetery decoartion A7-100 4 14 day Brackner, Joey Brookwood (Ala.);Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) A7-101 4 15 Brackner Family Reunion Brackner, Joey (Ala.); County (Ala.) A7-102 4 15 Flower Stand near Mt. Olive Cemetery Brackner, Joey (Ala.); County (Ala.) Q0000086943 A7-103 4 15 Flower Stand near Mt. Olive Cemetery Brackner, Joey (Ala.); County (Ala.) Q0000086944 A7-104 4 15 Henry Williams Kimzey, Anne Williams, Henry Elkmont (Ala.); Limestone County (Ala.) Q0000086945 A7-105 4 15 Mobile Mardi Gras - King and Queen Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000086946 A7-106 4 15 Quilts. uknown location and quilter.

A7-107 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-108 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-109 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-110 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-111 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-112 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086947 A7-113 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-114 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086948 A7-115 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086949 A7-116 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-117 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-118 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-119 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086950 A7-120 4 15 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-121 4 16 The Four Eagles. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 25 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-122 4 16 Albert Macon, Robert Thomas. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 45 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

A7-123 4 16 Albert Macon, Robert Thomas. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-124 4 16 Albert Macon, Robert Thomas. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-125 4 16 Albert Macon, Robert Thomas. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-126 4 16 Albert Macon, Robert Thomas. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086951 A7-127 4 16 Albert Macon, Robert Thomas. Jubilee Stage. 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Macon, Albert; Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-128 4 16 Art Deason and Family. Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Deason, Art Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-129 4 16 Art Deason and Family. Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Deason, Art Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-130 4 16 Jerry McCain. Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-131 4 16 Jerry McCain. Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Edmund Wilson, Jas Bryan, Tom Jackson. Q0000086952 A7-132 4 16 Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Wilson, Edmund; Bryan, Jes; Jackson, Tom Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Edmund Wilson, Jas Bryan, Tom Jackson. A7-133 4 16 Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Wilson, Edmund; Bryan, Jes; Jackson, Tom Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Edmund Wilson, Jas Bryan, Tom Jackson. A7-134 4 16 Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Wilson, Edmund; Bryan, Jes; Jackson, Tom Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Edmund Wilson, Jas Bryan, Tom Jackson. A7-135 4 16 Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Wilson, Edmund; Bryan, Jes; Jackson, Tom Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086953 A7-136 4 16 Birmingham Sunlights. Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-137 4 16 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-138 4 16 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-139 4 16 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A7-140 4 16 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086954 A7-141 4 17 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086955 A7-142 4 17 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000086956 A7-143 4 17 Crowd shot Jubilee Stage 1990 May 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000086957 A7-144 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086958 A7-145 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086959 A7-146 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086960 A7-147 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086961 A7-148 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086962 A7-149 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086963 A7-150 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 46 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000086964 A7-151 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086965 A7-152 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086966 A7-153 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086967 A7-154 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086968 A7-155 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086969 A7-156 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086970 A7-157 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086971 A7-158 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086972 A7-159 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086973 A7-160 4 17 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-161 4 18 Children Dancing, Exercising Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-162 4 18 Children in class Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-163 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-164 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-165 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086974 A7-166 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-167 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-168 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000086975 A7-169 4 18 Farab Ebadi teaching students Ebadi, Farab Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-170 4 18 Children Folkdancing Arab (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) A7-171 4 18 David Parish Visual arts Achievement program Parish, David A7-172 4 18 David Parish Visual arts Achievement program Parish, David A7-173 4 18 Girl with Teddy Bear Q0000086976 A7-174 4 18 Girl with Teddy Bear A7-175 4 18 Girl with Teddy Bear created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086977 A7-176 4 18 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086978 A7-177 4 18 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-178 4 18 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086979 A7-179 4 18 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-180 4 18 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086980 A7-181 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086981 A7-182 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086982 A7-183 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086983 A7-184 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) A7-185 4 19 BLANK created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086984 A7-186 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086985 A7-187 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086986 A7-188 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 47 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086987 A7-189 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-190 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-191 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086988 A7-192 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-193 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-194 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-195 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086989 A7-196 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-197 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086990 A7-198 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086991 A7-199 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086992 A7-200 4 19 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-201 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086993 A7-202 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086994 A7-203 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-204 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086995 A7-205 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-206 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-207 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-208 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-209 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-210 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-211 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-212 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 48 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-213 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-214 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086996 A7-215 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086997 A7-216 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-217 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-218 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086998 A7-219 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-220 4 20 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000086999 A7-221 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087000 A7-222 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087501 A7-223 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087502 A7-224 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-225 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087503 A7-226 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087504 A7-227 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087505 A7-228 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-229 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087506 A7-230 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087507 A7-231 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-232 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-233 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087508 A7-234 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087509 A7-235 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A7-236 5 1 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 49 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) created by Savath Chanthavane and A8-001 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A8-002 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A8-003 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087510 A8-004 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087511 A8-005 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A8-006 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and A8-007 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) created by Savath Chanthavane and Q0000087512 A8-008 5 2 Lao Ceremonial Decoration mother 1990 October 27-28 1990-1999 Kimzey, Anne Irvington (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087513 A8-009 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 A8-010 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087514 A8-011 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087515 A8-012 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087516 A8-013 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087517 A8-014 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087518 A8-015 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087519 A8-016 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 A8-017 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087520 A8-018 5 2 Pineywood Quilts 1990 February 1990-1999 Q0000087521 A8-019 5 2 Odessa Rice weaving baskets Rice, Odessa

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087522 A8-020 5 2 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087523 A8-021 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-022 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-023 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-024 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-025 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-026 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 50 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-027 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-028 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-029 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-030 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-031 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-032 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-033 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087524 A8-034 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-035 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-036 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087525 A8-037 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-038 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-039 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-040 5 3 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-041 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087526 A8-042 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 51 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087527 A8-043 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-044 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087528 A8-045 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-046 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-047 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-048 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-049 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-050 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-051 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during Q0000087529 A8-052 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-053 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-054 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-055 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-056 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-057 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-058 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 52 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-059 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-060 5 4 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-061 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-062 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-063 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-064 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-065 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-066 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-067 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-068 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-069 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-070 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-071 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-072 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-073 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-074 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 53 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-075 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown home and work area during A8-076 5 5 filming of documentary about him 1985 December 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A8-077 5 5 Potters Copystand A8-078 5 5 BLANK A8-079 5 5 Potters Copystand A8-080 5 5 Potters Copystand A8-081 5 6 Potters Copystand A8-082 5 6 Potters Copystand A8-083 5 6 Potters Copystand A8-084 5 6 Potters Copystand A8-085 5 6 Potters Copystand Potters Copystand -Grave marker for Joel A8-086 5 6 Faulkner A8-087 5 6 Potters Copystand A8-088 5 6 Potters Copystand Q0000087530 A8-089 5 6 Potters Copystand Potters Copystand-- The Falkners -- Joey Falkner Jr., William Hillard Falkner, Elijah A8-090 5 6 Jefferson Falkner Potters Copystand-- The Falkners -- Joey Falkner Jr., William Hillard Falkner, Elijah A8-091 5 6 Jefferson Falkner Potters Copystand-- The Falkners -- Joey Falkner Jr., William Hillard Falkner, Elijah A8-092 5 6 Jefferson Falkner Potters Copystand--E.E. McPherson, his wife, A8-093 5 6 and his son Marvin Potters Copystand--E.E. McPherson, his wife, A8-094 5 6 and his son Marvin Potters Copystand--E.E. McPherson, his wife, A8-095 5 6 and his son Marvin A8-096 5 6 Poarch Band of Creek Indians 1987 October 1980-1989 Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-097 5 6 Poarch Band of Creek Indians 1987 October 1980-1989 Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000087531 A8-098 5 6 Poarch Band of Creek Indians 1987 October 1980-1989 Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000087532 A8-099 5 6 Poarch Band of Creek Indians 1987 October 1980-1989 Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-100 5 6 Poarch Band of Creek Indians 1987 October 1980-1989 Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-101 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-102 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000087533 A8-103 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-104 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-105 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-106 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) A8-107 5 7 Tina Thrower basket 1987 October 1980-1989 Thrower, Tina Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-108 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 54 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-109 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's Q0000087534 A8-110 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-111 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-112 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's Q0000087535 A8-113 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-114 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-115 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-116 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-117 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's Q0000087536 A8-118 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) McAdams Earthenware Monkey Jar. Marci's A8-119 5 7 Antique Club. 1987 October 1980-1989 Daphne (Ala.); Baldwin County (Ala.) Q0000087537 A8-120 5 7 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087538 A8-121 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-122 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-123 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-124 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087539 A8-125 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087540 A8-126 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-127 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087541 A8-128 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-129 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-130 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087542 A8-131 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) A8-132 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087543 A8-133 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087544 A8-134 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087545 A8-135 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087546 A8-136 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087547 A8-137 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087548 A8-138 5 8 Dothan Folk Festival Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) Q0000087549 A8-139 5 8 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show A8-140 5 8 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show A8-141 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087550 A8-142 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087551 A8-143 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt A8-144 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087552 A8-145 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087553 A8-146 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt A8-147 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 55 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) A8-148 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt A8-149 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087554 A8-150 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087555 A8-151 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt A8-152 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087556 A8-153 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087557 A8-154 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt Q0000087558 A8-155 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show-- Quilt A8-156 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087559 A8-157 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087560 A8-158 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show A8-159 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087561 A8-160 5 9 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show A8-161 5 10 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087562 A8-162 5 10 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087563 A8-163 5 10 Folk Art Apprenticeship Show Q0000087564 A8-164 5 10 Jerry Brown Pottery 1991 October 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry A8-165 5 10 Jerry Brown Pottery 1991 October 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Q0000087565 A8-166 5 10 Jerry Brown Pottery 1991 October 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Q0000087566 A8-167 5 10 Jerry Brown Pottery 1991 October 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Q0000087567 A8-168 5 10 Jerry Brown Pottery 1991 October 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Q0000087568 A8-169 5 10 Jerry Brown Pottery 1991 October 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry

Reagan Ngamvilay at the 1991 Alabama A8-170 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Ngamvilay, Reagan Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Reagan Ngamvilay at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087569 A8-171 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Ngamvilay, Reagan Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087570 A8-172 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087571 A8-173 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama A8-174 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087572 A8-175 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087573 A8-176 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama A8-177 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Pheng Sananikone at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087574 A8-178 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Sananikone, Pheng Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 56 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087575 A8-179 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087576 A8-180 5 10 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-181 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-182 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-183 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087577 A8-184 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-185 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087578 A8-186 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-187 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087579 A8-188 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-189 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-190 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-191 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-192 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-193 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A8-194 5 11 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 57 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-195 5 11 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-196 5 11 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-197 5 11 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087580 A8-198 5 11 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-199 5 11 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-200 5 11 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-201 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087581 A8-202 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-203 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-204 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-205 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-206 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087582 A8-207 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-208 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-209 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-210 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 58 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-211 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-212 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-213 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-214 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087583 A8-215 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-216 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-217 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-218 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-219 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-220 5 12 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-221 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-222 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Johnny Shines at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087584 A8-223 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Johnny Shines and Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in A8-224 5 13 Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny; Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Johnny Shines and Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in A8-225 5 13 Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny; Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Johnny Shines and Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in A8-226 5 13 Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny; Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 59 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Johnny Shines and Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in A8-227 5 13 Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Shines, Johnny; Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-228 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-229 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087585 A8-230 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Kent Duchaine at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A8-231 5 13 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Duchaine, Kent Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087586 A9-001 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087587 A9-002 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087588 A9-003 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-004 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087589 A9-005 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) A9-006 5 14 BLANK

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087590 A9-007 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087591 A9-008 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-009 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) A9-010 5 14 BLANK

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087592 A9-011 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-012 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 60 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087593 A9-013 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-014 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) A9-015 5 14 BLANK

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-016 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gospel Harmonettes at the 1991 Alabama A9-017 5 14 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gospel Harmonettes at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087594 A9-018 5 14 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Bettie Fikes at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087595 A9-019 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Fikes, Bettie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Bettie Fikes at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-020 5 14 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Fikes, Bettie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Bettie Fikes at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087596 A9-021 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Fikes, Bettie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-022 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-023 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-024 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-025 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087597 A9-026 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087598 A9-027 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-028 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087599 A9-029 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 61 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-030 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087600 A9-031 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087601 A9-032 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087602 A9-033 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-034 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-035 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087603 A9-036 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-037 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Japheth Jackson at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087604 A9-038 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Jackson, Japheth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Japheth Jackson at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-039 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Jackson, Japheth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Japheth Jackson at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-040 5 15 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Jackson, Japheth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Japheth Jackson at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-041 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Jackson, Japheth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Japheth Jackson at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-042 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Jackson, Japheth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087605 A9-043 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-044 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087606 A9-045 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 62 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Jerry Brown at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087607 A9-046 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers at the 1991 Alabama A9-047 5 16 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. Slide is missing (29 July 2015). 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-048 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-049 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-050 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-051 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-052 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087608 A9-053 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087609 A9-054 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-055 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-056 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers and Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-057 5 16 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A9-058 5 16 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 63 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087610 A9-059 5 16 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087611 A9-060 5 16 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sharon Winter Bounds at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087612 A9-061 5 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Bounds, Sharon Winter Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sharon Winter Bounds at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087613 A9-062 5 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Bounds, Sharon Winter Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sharon Winter Bounds at the 1991 Alabama A9-063 5 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Bounds, Sharon Winter Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gail Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087614 A9-064 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Gail Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gail Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087615 A9-065 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Gail Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gail Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-066 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Gail Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gail Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-067A 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Gail Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Albert Macon at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087616 A9-067B 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Macon, Albert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Albert Macon at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087617 A9-068 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Macon, Albert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Robert Thomas at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087618 A9-069 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Robert Thomas at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087619 A9-070 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thomas, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Howard Hamil at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-071 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Hamil, Howard Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Howard Hamil at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087620 A9-072 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Hamil, Howard Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Buley McCay at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087621 A9-073 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCay, Buley Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 64 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Buley McCay at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087622 A9-074 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCay, Buley Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Charlie Atkin at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-075 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Charlie Atkin at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087623 A9-076 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Charlie Atkin at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087624 A9-077 5 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway and Charlie Atkin at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, A9-078 5 17 Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie; Holloway, J. B. Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) J. B. Holloway and Charlie Atkin at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, A9-079 5 17 Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie; Holloway, J. B. Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

J. B. Holloway, Charlie Atkin, and Howard Hamil at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival Q0000087625 A9-080 5 18 in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie; Holloway, J. B.; Hamil, Howard Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

J. B. Holloway, Charlie Atkin, and Howard Hamil at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival A9-081 5 18 in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkin, Charlie; Holloway, J. B.; Hamil, Howard Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

J. B. Whited at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087626 A9-082 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Whited, J. B. Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

J. B. Whited at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-083 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Whited, J. B. Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Jim Booth at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087627 A9-084 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Booth, Jim Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Jim Booth at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-085 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Booth, Jim Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Tommie Bass at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087628 A9-086 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Bass, Tommie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Southern Bluegrass at the 1991 Alabama A9-087 5 18 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Southern Bluegrass at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087629 A9-088 5 18 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Southern Bluegrass at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087630 A9-089 5 18 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 65 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Southern Bluegrass at the 1991 Alabama A9-090 5 18 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Southern Bluegrass at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087631 A9-091 5 18 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Doug Suroff at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-092 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Suroff, Doug Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Doug Suroff at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087632 A9-093 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Suroff, Doug Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Baldwin County Polka Band at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Q0000087633 A9-094 5 18 Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) A9-095 5 18 BLANK

Tina Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-096 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Tina Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Joe Wilson, Martha Jan Patter, Len Daniel, and Joey Brackner at the 1991 Alabama Brackner, Joey; Daniel, Len; Patter, Martha Jan; A9-097 5 18 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Wilson, Joe Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Robert Long at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087634 A9-098 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Long, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087635 A9-099 5 18 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-100 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087636 A9-101 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087637 A9-102 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087638 A9-103 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-104 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-105 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 66 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Poole Brothers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-106 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Unidentified dancing man at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Q0000087639 A9-107 5 19 Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Unidentified dancing man at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, A9-108 5 19 Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Unidentified dancing man at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, A9-109 5 19 Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Albert Macon at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-110 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Macon, Albert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Bettye Kimbrell at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087640 A9-111 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Kimbrell, Bettye Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Bettye Kimbrell at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087641 A9-112 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Kimbrell, Bettye Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jam Session at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-113 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gospel Harmonettes at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087642 A9-114 5 19 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Beth Justice at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087643 A9-115 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Justice, Beth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Beth Justice at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087644 A9-116 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Justice, Beth Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Lomia Nunn at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087645 A9-117 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Nunn, Lomia Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-118 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087646 A9-119 5 19 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry Brown at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087647 A9-120 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Brown, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Tommie Bass at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087648 A9-121 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Bass, Tommie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 67 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-122 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087649 A9-123 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Omega Psi Phi at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087650 A9-124 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D. J. Cannon at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-125 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Cannon, D. J. Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D. J. Cannon at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087651 A9-126 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Cannon, D. J. Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Nora Ezell at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087652 A9-127 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Nora Ezell at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087653 A9-128 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Fikes, Bettie at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-129 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Fikes, Bettie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Lomia Nunn at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087654 A9-130 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Nunn, Lomia Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Robert Long at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-131 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Long, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Robert Long at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087655 A9-132 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Long, Robert Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Arlin Moon at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-133 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Moon, Arlin Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Jerry McCain at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-134 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 McCain, Jerry Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Reagan Ngamvilay at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087656 A9-135 5 20 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Ngamvilay, Reagan Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Charlie Atkins at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087657 A9-136 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Atkins, Charlie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Lao Dancer at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087658 A9-137 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Dewey Williams at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087659 A9-138 5 20 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Williams, Dewey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 68 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Baldwin Polka Band at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087660 A9-139 5 20 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Baldwin Polka Band at the 1991 Alabama Q0000087661 A9-140 6 1 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gandy dancers at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087662 A9-141 6 1 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Tina Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife Q0000087663 A9-142 6 1 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Tina Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Gail Thrower at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-143 6 1 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Thrower, Gail Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Birmingham Sunlights at the 1991 Alabama A9-144 6 1 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sharon Winters Bound at the 1991 Alabama A9-145 6 1 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Bound, Sharon Winters Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Sacred Harp Singers at the 1991 Alabama A9-146 6 1 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Spectators at the 1991 Alabama Folklife A9-147 6 1 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1991 May 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-148 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit University of Alabama Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000087664 A9-149 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Hood Farley House Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) History of the Civil Rights Movement Q0000087665 A9-150 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-151 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Jones Valley Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000087666 A9-152 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Sampler Blocks Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-153 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Tribute to Civil Rights Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-154 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Alabama Trees Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-155 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Once in a Lifetime Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-156 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Donkey Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000087667 A9-157 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Sampler Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

A9-158 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Migration quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 69 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Q0000087668 A9-159 6 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Exhibit Sampler Quilt 1990 December 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) A9-160 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087669 A9-161 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087670 A9-162 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A9-163 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087671 A9-164 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087672 A9-165 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087673 A9-166 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087674 A9-167 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A9-168 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A9-169 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087675 A9-170 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087676 A9-171 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087677 A9-172 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000087678 A9-173 6 2 Jerry Brown 1986 November 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) A9-174 6 2 Charlie Atkins Atkins, Charlie A9-175 6 2 Hean Cottrell Cottrell, Hean A9-176 6 2 Kinn Kranh 1990 1990-1999 Kranh, Kinn A9-177 6 2 Basket by Tina Thrower Thrower, Tina Q0000087679 A9-178 6 2 Jerry Brown Brown, Jerry A9-179 6 2 Joanetta Jarman Jarman, Joanetta A9-180 6 3 Jerry Brown Brown, Jerry A9-181 6 3 Jerry Brown Brown, Jerry A9-182 6 3 Gandydancers A9-183 6 3 Nora Ezell Ezell, Nora A9-184 6 3 Poole Brothers Q0000087680 A9-185 6 3 Folklife Banner Q0000087681 A9-186 6 3 Birmingham Sunlights A9-187 6 3 Wood Carving A9-188 6 3 Smith Family A9-189 6 3 Reagan Ngamvilay Ngamvilay, Reagan A9-190 6 3 Eddie Campbell Campbell, Eddie Q0000087682 A9-191 6 3 Wood Carving A9-192 6 3 Person Sewing A9-193 6 3 Roasted Corn Q0000087683 A9-194 6 3 Lucrecia Outland Outland, Lucrecia A9-195 6 3 Gloria Taply Taply, Gloria A9-196 6 3 Randy and Sharon Q0000087684 A9-197 6 3 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087685 A9-198 6 3 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087686 A9-199 6 3 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087687 A9-200 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora A9-201 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087688 A9-202 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087689 A9-203 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087690 A9-204 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087691 A9-205 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087692 A9-206 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000087693 A9-207 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 70 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000087694 A9-208 6 4 Nora Ezell Quilt Show 1991 January 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Native American Pow Wow -- Dance Q0000087695 A9-209 6 4 Competition 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) Native American Pow Wow -- Dance Q0000087696 A9-210 6 4 Competition 1988 November 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) Howard Hamil at the 1990 Alabama Folklife A9-211 6 4 Festival. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Hamil, Howard Betty Kimbrell at the 1990 Alabama Folklife A9-212 6 4 Festival. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kimbrell, Betty Jerry Brown face jugs at the 1990 Alabama Q0000087697 A9-213 6 4 Folklife Festival. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Brown, Jerry A9-214 6 4 BLANK Kinn Kranh fish traps at the 1990 Alabama Q0000087698 A9-215 6 4 Folklife Festival. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Kranh, Kinn Tommie Bass at the 1990 Alabama Folklife A9-216 6 4 Festival. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Bass, Tommie Gail Thrower at the 1990 Alabama Folklife A9-217 6 4 Festival. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Thrower, Gail Audience at the 1990 Alabama Folklife Q0000087699 A9-218 6 4 Festival. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Joyce Cauthen and Gail Trechsel at the 1990 A9-219 6 4 Alabama Folklife Festival. 1990 1990-1999 Appel, Kim Cauthen, Joyce; Trechsel, Gail Q0000087700 A9-220 6 5 Miller Pottery 1990 Q0000087701 A9-221 6 5 Miller Pottery B1-001 6 6 Nora Ezell with Quilt Ezell, Nora B1-002 6 6 Robert Long's Student B1-003 6 6 Beth Justice's Husband B1-004 6 6 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia B1-005 6 6 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia B1-006 6 6 Southern Bluegrass Group (?) B1-007 6 6 J. D. Whited Whited, J. D. B1-008 6 6 Charlie Atkins Atkins, Charlie B1-009 6 6 Unidentified Fiddlers B1-010 6 6 Unidentified Fiddlers B1-011 6 6 Unidentified Fiddlers B1-012 6 6 Unidentified Fiddlers B1-013 6 6 Sharon Winters Winters, Sharon B1-014 6 6 Gail Thrower Thrower, Gail B1-015 6 6 Unidentified Dancer B1-016 6 6 Johnny Shines Shines, Johnny B1-017 6 6 Johnny Shines Shines, Johnny B1-018 6 6 Johnny Shines Shines, Johnny B1-019 6 6 Johnny Shines Shines, Johnny B1-020 6 6 Johnny Shines Shines, Johnny B1-021 6 7 Jerry Brown Pottery Shines, Johnny B1-022 6 7 Jerry Brown Pottery Shines, Johnny B1-023 6 7 Omega Psi Phi B1-024 6 7 Omega Psi Phi B1-025 6 7 Omega Psi Phi B1-026 6 7 Omega Psi Phi

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 71 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000087702 B1-027 6 7 Baldwin County Polka Band B1-028 6 7 Baldwin County Polka Band Slide is missing (29 July 2015). B1-029 6 7 Baldwin County Polka Band B1-030 6 7 Baldwin County Polka Band B1-031 6 7 J. D. Cannon Cannon, J. D. B1-032 6 7 BLANK B1-033 6 7 BLANK B1-034 6 7 Gandy dancers B1-035 6 7 Jerry McCain McCain, Jerry B1-036 6 7 Jerry McCain McCain, Jerry B1-037 6 7 Jerry McCain McCain, Jerry B1-038 6 7 Audience B1-039 6 7 Doug Seroff Seroff, Doug B1-040 6 7 Lao Dancers B1-041 6 8 BLANK B1-042 6 8 Sterling Jubilee B1-043 6 8 Unindentified Banjo Player B1-044 6 8 Betty Justice Justice, Betty B1-045 6 8 Robert Thomas Thomas, Robert B1-046 6 8 North Jefferson Quilters B1-047 6 8 Birmingham Sunlights B1-048 6 8 Sacred Harp Singing B1-049 6 8 Sacred Harp Singing B1-050 6 8 Dewey Williams Williams, Dewey B1-051 6 8 Joyce Cauthen and Fiddler Cauthen, Joyce B1-052 6 8 Unindentified Graveyard B1-053 6 8 Unindentified Graveyard B1-054 6 8 Unindentified Graveyard Q0000087703 B1-055 6 8 Unindentified Graveyard B1-056 6 8 Purple Martin Gourds Q0000087704 B1-057 6 8 Purple Martin Gourds Q0000087705 B1-058 6 8 Purple Martin Gourds B1-059 6 8 Little Texas Tabernacle Little Texas (Ala.); Macon County (Ala.) Q0000087706 B1-060 6 8 Little Texas Tabernacle Little Texas (Ala.); Macon County (Ala.) B1-061 6 9 Little Texas Tabernacle Little Texas (Ala.); Macon County (Ala.) Q0000087707 B1-062 6 9 Little Texas Tabernacle Little Texas (Ala.); Macon County (Ala.) B1-063 6 9 Little Texas Tabernacle Little Texas (Ala.); Macon County (Ala.) Quilts by unindentified quilter or quilting B1-064 6 9 group Quilts by unindentified quilter or quilting B1-065 6 9 group Quilts by unindentified quilter or quilting Q0000087708 B1-066 6 9 group Quilts by unindentified quilter or quilting B1-067 6 9 group Q0000087709 B1-068 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-069 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087710 B1-070 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-071 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-072 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 72 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000087711 B1-073 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-074 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-075 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087712 B1-076 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087713 B1-077 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087714 B1-078 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-079 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-080 6 9 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087715 B1-081 6 10 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087716 B1-082 6 10 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-083 6 10 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) B1-084 6 10 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000087717 B1-085 6 10 Stauter Boat Works 1991 March 1990-1999 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-086 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087718 B1-087 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-088 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087719 B1-089 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087720 B1-090 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-091 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-092 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-093 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087721 B1-094 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087722 B1-095 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-096 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-097 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 73 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087723 B1-098 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087724 B1-099 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-100 6 10 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-101 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087725 B1-102 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087726 B1-103 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-104 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-105 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087727 B1-106 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-107 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087728 B1-108 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, Q0000087729 B1-109 6 11 and fish traps 1991 August B1-110 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-111 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August Q0000087730 B1-112 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August Q0000087731 B1-113 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-114 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-115 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-116 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-117 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-118 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-119 6 11 Gandy dancers 1991 August B1-120 6 11 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-121 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-122 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-123 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 74 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) B1-124 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-125 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-126 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-127 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-128 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-129 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-130 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-131 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-132 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-133 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-134 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000087732 B1-135 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-136 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry Q0000087733 B1-137 6 12 Jerry Brown film shoot 1986 January 1980-1989 Brown, Jerry B1-138 - B1-178 6 12 BLANK AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-179 6 12 and fish traps 1991 August 1990-1999 AFA Apprenticeship Show featuring Lao decorations, Quilts, kitchen ware, clothing, B1-180 6 12 and fish traps 1991 August 1990-1999 Q0000087734 B1-181 6 13 Lucrecia Outland Quilt Outland, Lucrecia

B1-182 6 13 Nora Ezell Quilt exhibit: Jones Valley Quilt Ezell, Nora Q0000087735 B1-183 6 13 Sampler Quilt in process 1991 September 1990-1999 Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Q0000087736 B1-184 6 13 Log Cabin Quilt 1991 September 1990-1999 Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Audience at the 1989 Folklife Festival in Q0000087737 B1-185 6 13 Birmingham, Alabama. Foster, Phil Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Johnny Shines at the 1989 Folklife Festival in B1-186 6 13 Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Ralph Whited at the 1990 Folklife Festival in B1-187 6 13 Birmingham, Alabama. 1990 1990-1989 Appel, Kim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087738 B1-188 6 13 Athens Fiddler Convention Holtzberg, Maggie Athens (Ala.); LimestoneCounty (Ala.) B1-189 6 13 Williams Jarnigan Jarnigan, William

Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers at the 1990 B1-190 6 13 Folklife Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) B2-001 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087739 B2-002 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) B2-003 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) B2-004 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) B2-005 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) B2-006 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087740 B2-007 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) B2-008 6 14 Tin Man by Charlie Lucas Lucas, Charlie Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087741 B2-009 6 14 Yvonne Wells with her Quilts Wells, Yvonne Q0000087742 B2-010 6 14 Yvonne Wells with her Quilts Wells, Yvonne B2-011 6 14 BLANK Q0000087743 B2-012 6 14 Charlie Lucas with Sculpture Lucas, Charlie

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 75 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) B2-013 6 14 HABS gravehouse (Fort Dale) Historic American Building Survey Greenville (Ala.); Butler County (Ala.) B2-014 6 14 HABS gravehouse (Fort Dale) Historic American Building Survey Greenville (Ala.); Butler County (Ala.) B2-015 6 14 HABS gravehouse (Fort Dale) Historic American Building Survey Greenville (Ala.); Butler County (Ala.) B2-016 6 14 Flowers Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) Q0000087744 B2-017 6 14 Unidentified House in Choctow Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) B2-018 6 14 Unidentifed Graveyard in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) Slide is very dark and difficult to make B2-019 6 14 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. out Choctaw County (Ala.)

Q0000087745 B2-020 6 14 Pleasant Hill Methodist Church Cemetery Choctaw County (Ala.) Q0000087746 B2-021 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) Q0000087747 B2-022 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) Q0000087748 B2-023 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) B2-024 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) B2-025 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) Q0000087749 B2-026 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) B2-027 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) Q0000087750 B2-028 6 15 Unidentified House in Choctaw Co. Choctaw County (Ala.) William Christenberry photograph site in Q0000087751 B2-029 6 15 Newbern, Alabama. 1997 August 1990-1999 Christenberry, William Newbern (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) William Christenberry photograph site in B2-030 6 15 Newbern, Alabama. 1997 August 1990-1999 Christenberry, William Newbern (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) William Christenberry photograph site in Q0000087752 B2-031 6 15 Newbern, Alabama. 1997 August 1990-1999 Christenberry, William Newbern (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000087753 B2-032 6 15 McElroy Cemetery Cuba (Ala.); Sumter County (Ala.) Q0000087754 B2-033 6 15 Ashland Alabama Gourd Birdhouses Ashland (Ala.); Clay County (Ala.) slide has "old rose" written on the Q0000087755 B2-034 6 15 Jesse Thomason bottom Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-035 6 15 BLANK Q0000087756 B2-036 6 15 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-037 6 15 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-038 6 15 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087757 B2-039 6 15 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087758 B2-040 6 15 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-041 6 16 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-042 6 16 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-043 6 16 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-044 6 16 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-045 6 16 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087759 B2-046 6 16 Egg Baskets by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087760 B2-047 6 16 Home Made Chair by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087761 B2-048 6 16 Egg Basket by Jesse Thomason Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Jesse Thomas and Bill Smith interview with B2-049 6 16 Joey Brackner Thomason, Jesse; Smith, Bill; Brackner, Joey Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087762 B2-050 6 16 Jesse Thomason Shop Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-051 6 16 Jesse Thomason Shop Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B2-052 6 16 Odessa Rice Basket Rice, Odessa B2-053 6 16 Yvonne Wells with Quilts Wells, Yvonne Q0000087763 B2-054 6 16 Martha Jane Pettway Strip Quilt Pettway, Martha Jane Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) B2-055 6 16 BLANK

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 76 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000087764 B2-056 6 16 Yvonne Wells quilt Wells, Yvonne Q0000087765 B2-057 6 16 Betty Kimbrell Quilt Kimbrell, Betty B2-058 6 16 Betty Kimbrell Quilt Kimbrell, Betty Q0000087766 B2-059 6 16 Yvonne Wells Quilts Wells, Yvonne Q0000087767 B2-060 6 16 Florence Art Environment Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) B2-061 6 17 Florence Art Environment Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) B2-062 6 17 BLANK Q0000087768 B2-063 6 17 Florence Art Environment Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Q0000087769 B2-064 6 17 Florence Art Environment Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) B2-065 6 17 BLANK B2-066 6 17 BLANK Q0000087770 B2-067 6 17 Apprentice Mary Smith - basket maker Smith, Mary Q0000087771 B2-068 6 17 Mary Hicks Baskets Hicks, Mary B2-069 6 17 Estella Jackson Jackson, Estella

B2-070 6 17 Installation Shot ASCA -- Photography shot 1990 1990-1999 Q0000087772 B2-071 6 17 Estella Jackson Jackson, Estella Q0000087773 B2-072 6 17 Estella Jackson Jackson, Estella B2-073 6 17 BLANK Jackson County Heritage Museum. B2-074 6 17 Scottsboro, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Scottsboro (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Jackson County Heritage Museum. Q0000087774 B2-075 6 17 Scottsboro, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Scottsboro (Ala.); Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000087775 B2-076 6 17 African American Cemetery Brackner, Joey Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.)

Q0000087776 B2-077 6 17 Dead Crow -- Tommy Lamberth's Garden Lamberths, Tommy

B2-078 6 17 Dead Crow -- Tommy Lamberth's Garden

Q0000087777 B2-079 6 17 Turk's Cap Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000087778 B2-080 6 17 Tommy Lamberth's Garden Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) B2-081 6 18 BLANK Quilters at Buhl Elementary school -- 1st Q0000087779 B2-082 6 18 grade class. 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Quilters at Buhl Elementary school. Ms. Ollie Q0000087780 B2-083 6 18 Shelton with quilt. 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.)

Q0000087781 B2-084 6 18 Quilters at Westwood School -- Quilt Day 1984 October 1980-1989 Coker (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.)

Q0000087782 B2-085 6 18 Quilters at Westwood School -- Quilt Day 1984 October 1980-1989 Coker (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.)

Q0000087783 B2-086 6 18 Quilters at Westwood School -- Quilt Day 1984 October 1980-1989 Coker (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000087784 B2-087 6 18 Quilters at Buhl Elementary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000087785 B2-088 6 18 Quilters at Westwood school 1984 October 1980-1989 Coker (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000087786 B2-089 6 18 Quilters at Westwood school 1984 October 1980-1989 Coker (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from Q0000087787 B2-090 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from Q0000087788 B2-091 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 77 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from B2-092 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from B2-093 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from B2-094 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from Q0000087789 B2-095 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from Q0000087790 B2-096 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Unidentified Blacksmith with students from B2-097 6 18 Buhl Elemetary 1984 October 1980-1989 Buhl (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000087791 B2-098 6 18 Munford Cemetery 1993 Sepember 1990-1999 Munford (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.)

The slide is mark as being located in DeKalb County, Alabama but through research, the cemetery is located in Q0000087792 B2-099 6 18 Kyuka Graveyard Etowah County, Alabama 1986 March 1980-1989 Etowah County (Ala.) Q0000087793 B2-100 6 18 Old Rose's Flowering plants near fench posts 1995 September 1990-1999 Seman (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) B2-101 6 19 Cedar Mount Baptist Church Cemetery Pinson (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

B2-102 6 19 Enoch and Marge Sullivan with Joy Deville 1995 March 1990-1999 Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge; Deville, Joy Q0000087794 B2-103 6 19 Enoch and Marge Sullivan 1995 March 1990-1999 Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge B2-104 6 19 Enoch and Marge Sullivan 1995 March 1990-1999 Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge B2-105 6 19 Enoch and Marge Sullivan 1995 March 1990-1999 Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge B2-106 6 19 Enoch and Marge Sullivan 1995 March 1990-1999 Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge Q0000087795 B2-107 6 19 Sullivan Family Yard Yard is filled with tour buses. 1995 March 1990-1999 Q0000087796 B2-108 6 19 Sullivan Family Yard Yard is filled with tour buses. 1995 March 1990-1999 B2-109 6 19 Sullivan Family Yard Yard is filled with tour buses. 1995 March 1990-1999 B2-110 6 19 Sullivan Family Yard Yard is filled with tour buses. 1995 March 1990-1999 Q0000087797 B2-111 6 19 Sullivan Family Yard Sullivan's mailbox 1995 March 1990-1999 Q0000087798 B2-112 6 19 Sullivan Family Yard Older, rusted car. 1995 March 1990-1999 B2-113 6 19 Jug Factory Road sign Redland (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Q0000087799 B2-114 6 19 Jug Factory Road sign Redland (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Q0000087800 B2-115 6 19 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999 B2-116 6 19 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999 Q0000087801 B2-117 6 19 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999 B2-118 6 19 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999 B2-119 6 19 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999

B2-120 6 19 Enoch and Marge Sullivan with Joy Deville Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge; Deville, Joy B2-121 6 20 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999 B2-122 6 20 Cahelas Gourds 1994 December 1990-1999 Unidentified House in Monroe County, Q0000087802 B2-123 6 20 Alabama. 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) Unidentified House in Monroe County, Q0000087803 B2-124 6 20 Alabama. 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) B2-125 6 20 Cahela's Barn 1994 December 1990-1999 Q0000087804 B2-126 6 20 Cahela's Barn 1994 December 1990-1999 Q0000087805 B2-127 6 20 Cemetery in Monroe Co. 1994 September 1990-1999 Franklin (Ala.); Monroe County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 78 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) B2-128 6 20 Unidentified House in Monroe County 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) Gravestone for Alex Davis (1854-1914). Q0000087806 B2-129 6 20 Monroe County. 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) Gravestone for Nancy Watkins (1837-1900). Q0000087807 B2-130 6 20 Monroe County. 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) Q0000087808 B2-131 6 20 Purple Martin Sanctuary Sign 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) Q0000087809 B2-132 6 20 Purple Martin Sanctuary Sign 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) B2-133 6 20 Purple Martin Sanctuary Sign 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) B2-134 6 20 Cahela's Gourds 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) B2-135 6 20 BLANK B2-136 6 20 BLANK B2-137 6 20 Purple Martin Sanctuary Sign 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) B2-138 6 20 Cahela's Gourds 1994 September 1990-1999 Monroe County (Ala.) B2-139 6 20 BLANK B2-140 6 20 BLANK B2-141 7 1 BLANK B2-142 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-143 7 1 BLANK B2-144 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-145 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show A Day in the Life of Art Oakes 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-146 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-147 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-148 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-149 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-150 7 1 Art Oakes Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-151 7 1 Sonja Rieger Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Rieger, Sonja B2-152 7 1 Sonja Rieger Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Rieger, Sonja B2-153 7 1 Sonja Rieger Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Rieger, Sonja B2-154 7 1 Mark Hembree Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Hembree, Mark B2-155 7 1 Mark Hembree Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Hembree, Mark B2-156 7 1 Installation Shot Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 B2-157 7 1 Installation Shot Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Q0000087810 B2-158 7 1 Installation Shot Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Q0000087811 B2-159 7 1 Installation Shot Photography Show 1990 1990-1999 Walter Bekhom, Mark Hembree B2-160 7 1 Photography and Fellowship Show 1990 1990-1999 Bekhom, Walter; Hembree, Mark B2-161 7 2 Sonja Rieger Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Rieger, Sonja B2-162 7 2 Sonja Rieger Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Rieger, Sonja B2-163 7 2 Art Oakes Photgraphy Show 1990 1990-1999 Oakes, Art B2-164 7 2 BLANK Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-165 7 2 Center 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087812 B2-166 7 2 Center Yvonne Wells "Trip Around the World" 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-167 7 2 Center Mary Lee Wilder quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wilder, Mary Lee Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087813 B2-168 7 2 Center Unknown quilt maker 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-169 7 2 Center Nora Ezell quilt 1986 1980-1989

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 79 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-170 7 2 Center Yvonne Wells quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087814 B2-171 7 2 Center Mary Lee Wilder quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wilder, Mary Lee Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-172 7 2 Center Mary Lee Wilder quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wilder, Mary Lee Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087815 B2-173 7 2 Center Mattie Thompson quilt 1986 1980-1989 Thompson, Mattie Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-174 7 2 Center Joey Brackner next to a Donkey Quilt 1986 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Mattie Thompson "Flying Swallow" B2-175 7 2 Center quilt 1986 1980-1989 Thompson, Mattie Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Mattie Thompson "Flying Swallow" B2-176 7 2 Center quilt 1986 1980-1989 Thompson, Mattie Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087816 B2-177 7 2 Center Nora Ezell Quilt 1986 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-178 7 2 Center Nora Ezell Quilt 1986 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087817 B2-179 7 2 Center Mary Maxtion (?) quilt 1986 1980-1989 Maxtion, Mary Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087818 B2-180 7 2 Center 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-181 7 3 Center Martha Bell quilt 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087819 B2-182 7 3 Center Martha Bell quilt 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087820 B2-183 7 3 Center Mattie Thompson quilt 1986 1980-1989 Thompson, Mattie Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Mattie Thompson "Alabama Ship" B2-184 7 3 Center quilt 1986 1980-1989 Thompson, Mattie Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-185 7 3 Center University of Alabama quilt 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087821 B2-186 7 3 Center 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-187 7 3 Center 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087822 B2-188 7 3 Center Yvonne Wells quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087823 B2-189 7 3 Center Yvonne Wells quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-190 7 3 Center Yvonne Wells quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-191 7 3 Center 1986 1980-1989 Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community B2-192 7 3 Center Yvonne Wells quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Quilt Show -- George Wallace Community Q0000087824 B2-193 7 3 Center Mary Lee Wilder Quilt 1986 1980-1989 Wilder, Mary Lee B3-001 7 4 Alabama Folklife Festival 1990 Charlie Louvin 1990 1990-1999 Foster, Phil Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 80 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) B3-002 7 4 Egg Basket created by Jesse Thompson 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B3-003 7 4 Egg Basket created by Jesse Thompson 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B3-004 7 4 Jesse Thompson and Gwen Chafin 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse; Chafin, Gwen Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B3-005 7 4 Egg Basket created by Jesse Thompson 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B3-006 7 4 Egg Basket created by Jesse Thompson 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B3-007 7 4 Egg Basket created by Jesse Thompson 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) B3-008 7 4 Egg Basket created by Jesse Thompson 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087825 B3-009 7 4 Jesse Thompson and Gwen Chafin 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse; Chafin, Gwen Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087826 B3-010 7 4 Jesse Thompson Workshop 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Thompson, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000087827 B3-011 7 4 Jesse Thompson 1991 1990-1999 Thompson, Jesse Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087828 B3-012 7 4 Donkey Quilt by unknown quilter Slide is very dark and difficult to make B3-013 7 4 Unknown man with folkart out Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Slide is very dark and difficult to make B3-014 7 4 Unknown man with folkart out Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Slide is very dark and difficult to make B3-015 7 4 Unknown man with folkart out Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Q0000087829 B3-016 7 4 African American Cemetery 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000087830 B3-017 7 4 African American Cemetery 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000087831 B3-018 7 4 African American Cemetery 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Akron (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.)

B3-019 7 4 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-020 7 4 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-021 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-022 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-023 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-024 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.) Q0000087832 B3-025 7 5 Pleasant Hill Cemetery Brackner, Joey Cherokee County (Ala.)

Q0000087833 B3-026 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-027 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-028 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-029 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

Q0000087834 B3-030 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

Q0000087835 B3-031 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-032 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

B3-033 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 81 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Q0000087836 B3-034 7 5 unidentified house Slide is dark and difficult to make out 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Hale County (Ala.)

Q0000087837 B3-035 7 5 Turk's Cap Flower Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000087838 B3-036 7 5 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) B3-037 7 5 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000087839 B3-038 7 5 Willow Furniture by Jim Bob Traylor 1993 July 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Traylor, Jim Bob B3-039 7 5 Willow Furniture by Jim Bob Traylor 1993 July 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Traylor, Jim Bob B3-040 7 5 Pine Needle Basket Brackner, Joey Q0000087840 B3-041 7 6 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia B3-042 7 6 Lomia Nunn Brackner, Joey Nunn, Lomia B3-043 7 6 Poarch Band Creek Indians Sign Brackner, Joey Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) 1989 Folklife Festival -- Lonia Nunn, Maggie Q0000087841 B3-044 7 6 Holtzberg Foster, Phil Nunn, Lomia; Holtzberg, Maggie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

B3-045 7 6 Coil Pine Needle Baskets by Gail Thrower Thrower, Gail Atmore (Ala.); Escambia County (Ala.) C1-001 7 7 BLANK People standing in unknown C1-002 7 7 Gourd and Grave graveyard 1994 June 1990-1999 People standing in unknown graveyard, older photo, date of photo C1-003 7 7 Gourd and Grave unknown. 1994 June 1990-1999 People standing in unknown graveyard, older photo, date of photo C1-004 7 7 Gourd and Grave unknown. 1994 June 1990-1999 People standing in unknown graveyard, older photo, date of photo C1-005 7 7 Gourd and Grave unknown. 1994 June 1990-1999 Gourd birdhouses at unknown airport Q0000087842 C1-006 7 7 Gourd and Grave or plane storage 1994 June 1990-1999 Gourd birdhouses at unknown airport C1-007 7 7 Gourd and Grave or plane storage 1994 June 1990-1999 Gourd birdhouses at unknown airport C1-008 7 7 Gourd and Grave or plane storage 1994 June 1990-1999 Gourd birdhouses at unknown airport C1-009 7 7 Gourd and Grave or plane storage 1994 June 1990-1999 Confederate Battle Flag painted on rock with the text "Heritage not Hate" C1-010 7 7 Gourd and Grave written on rock. 1994 June 1990-1999 Confederate Battle Flag painted on rock with the text "Heritage not Hate" Q0000087843 C1-011 7 7 Gourd and Grave written on rock. 1994 June 1990-1999 Confederate Battle Flag painted on rock with the text "Heritage not Hate" C1-012 7 7 Gourd and Grave written on rock. 1994 June 1990-1999 Confederate Battle Flag painted on rock with the text "Heritage not Hate" C1-013 7 7 Gourd and Grave written on rock. 1994 June 1990-1999

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 82 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Confederate Battle Flag painted on rock with the text "Heritage not Hate" Q0000087844 C1-014 7 7 Gourd and Grave written on rock. 1994 June 1990-1999 Confederate Battle Flag painted on rock with the text "Heritage not Hate" C1-015 7 7 Gourd and Grave written on rock. 1994 June 1990-1999

Seeds for growing Gourds. Package mentions being "build a house for a Martin". Shows four different colored C1-016 7 7 Gourd and Grave Martin house Gourds. 1994 June 1990-1999

Seeds for growing Gourds. Package mentions being "build a house for a Martin". Shows four different colored C1-017 7 7 Gourd and Grave Martin house Gourds. 1994 June 1990-1999

Seeds for growing Gourds. Package mentions being "build a house for a Martin". Shows four different colored C1-018 7 7 Gourd and Grave Martin house Gourds. 1994 June 1990-1999

Seeds for growing Gourds. Package mentions being "build a house for a Martin". Shows four different colored Q0000087845 C1-019 7 7 Gourd and Grave Martin house Gourds. 1994 June 1990-1999

Seeds for growing Gourds. Package mentions being "build a house for a Martin". Shows four different colored C1-020 7 7 Gourd and Grave Martin house Gourds. 1994 June 1990-1999 C1-021 7 8 BLANK C1-022 7 8 Gourd and Grave Unknown Graveyard copystand 1994 June 1990-1999 C1-023 7 8 Gourd and Grave Unknown Graveyard copystand 1994 June 1990-1999 C1-024 7 8 Gourd and Grave Unknown Graveyard copystand 1994 June 1990-1999

Q0000087846 C2-001 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

C2-002 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

Q0000087847 C2-003 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

Q0000087848 C2-004 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

C2-005 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

Q0000087849 C2-006 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

C2-007 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 83 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Q0000087850 C2-008 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

C2-009 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999

C2-010 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Gourd bird houses near a gas station. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-011 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-012 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-013 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-014 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-015 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-016 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999 African-American style cemetery. Pottery is broken over the graves to C2-017 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 free spirits. Copy Stand. 1995 May 1990-1999

Q0000087851 C2-018 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Decoration Day at unknown cemetery 1995 May 1990-1999

Q0000087852 C2-019 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Decoration Day at unknown cemetery 1995 May 1990-1999

C2-020 7 10 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Decoration Day at unknown cemetery 1995 May 1990-1999 Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek C2-021 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek Q0000087853 C2-022 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek Q0000087854 C2-023 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. Cemetery Rules. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek C2-024 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek C2-025 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek Q0000087855 C2-026 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek Q0000087856 C2-027 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Decoration Day at Old Blue Creek Q0000087857 C2-028 7 11 Gourds and Decoration Day 1995 Baptist Chuch. 1995 May 1990-1999 Hueytown (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 84 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) C2-029 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C2-030 7 11 BLANK C2-031 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C2-032 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C2-033 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C2-034 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 Q0000087858 C2-035 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C2-036 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C2-037 7 11 Gourd hanging near road 1995 May 1990-1999 C3-001 7 13 Euro Bird House Copystand from unknown source C3-002 7 13 Euro Bird House Copystand from unknown source C3-003 7 13 Euro Bird House Copystand from unknown source C3-004 7 13 Euro Bird House Copystand from unknown source C3-005 7 13 Euro Bird House Copystand from unknown source Q0000087859 C3-006 7 13 Macedonia Church graveyard Seaborn and Thomas Denson C3-007 7 13 Double Springs Courthouse Memorial Marker Double Springs (Ala.); Winston County (Ala.) Seaborn and Thomas Denson Q0000087860 C3-008 7 13 Double Springs Courthouse Memorial Marker Double Springs (Ala.); Winston County (Ala.)

Q0000087861 C3-009 7 13 Native American Memorial and Mounds Unknown markers. possible graveyard Oakville (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.)

C3-010 7 13 Native American Memorial and Mounds Unknown markers. possible graveyard Oakville (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.)

C3-011 7 13 Native American Memorial and Mounds Unknown markers. possible graveyard Oakville (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.)

Q0000087862 C3-012 7 13 Native American Memorial and Mounds Unknown markers. possible graveyard Oakville (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.)

Q0000087863 C3-013 7 13 Native American Memorial and Mounds Unknown markers. possible graveyard Oakville (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.) Q0000087864 C3-014 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery Grave Stone detail Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.) Q0000087865 C3-015 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery -- Grave Shed Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.) Q0000087866 C3-016 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery -- Grave Shed Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.) C3-017 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery -- Grave Shed Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.)

C3-018 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery Wooden remains of grave memorial Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.)

C3-019 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery Wooden remains of grave memorial Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.)

C3-020 7 13 Rock Creek Cemetery Wooden remains of grave memorial Brackner, Joey Hueytown (Ala.); Colbert County (Ala.) C3-021 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 Q0000087867 C3-022 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 Q0000087868 C3-023 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 C3-024 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 C3-025 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 Q0000087869 C3-026 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 C3-027 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 C3-028 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 C3-029 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 Q0000087870 C3-030 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999 C3-031 7 14 Unknown Pottery 1996 September 1990-1999

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 85 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Q0000087871 C3-032 7 14 Joey Brackner Home Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000087872 C3-033 7 14 Joey Brackner Home Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000087873 C3-034 7 14 Old Sterrett Cemetery Syntha O. Hollis Grave Marker Sterrett (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.)

Q0000087874 C3-035 7 14 Old Sterrett Cemetery Margaret H. A. Webster Grave Marker Sterrett (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Q0000087875 C4-001 7 16 Gene Ivey Work Shop Ivey, Gene Ider (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) C4-002 7 16 Gene Ivey Work Shop Ivey, Gene Ider (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) Q0000087876 C4-003 7 16 Gene Ivey Work Shop Ivey, Gene Ider (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) C4-004 7 16 Eric McKinney McKinney, Eric Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) Q0000087877 C4-005 7 16 Eric McKinney McKinney, Eric Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) C4-006 7 16 Eric McKinney McKinney, Eric Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) C5-001 7 17 BLANK Q0000087878 C5-002 7 17 The Miller Family Unknown person Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) C5-003 7 17 BLANK Q0000087879 C5-004 7 17 The Miller Family Alan Ham Ham, Alan Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) C5-005 7 17 BLANK C5-006 7 17 BLANK C5-007 7 17 The Miller Family Unknown Person Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) C5-008 7 17 The Miller Family Unknown Person Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.)

C5-009 7 17 The Miller Family William Miller and Unknown Women Miller, Wiliiam Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) C5-010 7 17 The Miller Family William Miller Miller, Wiliiam Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) C5-011 7 17 BLANK Steve Miller, Sherman Hughey, Eric Q0000087880 C5-012 7 17 The Miller Family Miller Miller, Steve; Hughey, Sherman; Miller, Eric Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Q0000087881 C6-001 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery C6-002 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery Q0000087882 C6-003 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery C6-004 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery Q0000087883 C6-005 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery Q0000087884 C6-006 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery C6-007 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery Q0000087885 C6-008 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery C6-009 7 18 Unknown Pottery Unknown Pottery

Confederate Flag Graffiti near meteor C6-010 7 18 Confederate Flag Graffiti crater in Wetumpka, Alabama. 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.)

Confederate Flag Graffiti near meteor Q0000087886 C6-011 7 18 Confederate Flag Graffiti crater in Wetumpka, Alabama. 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.)

Confederate Flag Graffiti near meteor C6-012 7 18 Confederate Flag Graffiti crater in Wetumpka, Alabama. 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Q0000087887 C6-013 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-014 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087888 C6-015 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087889 C6-016 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-017 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 86 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) C6-018 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-019 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-020 7 18 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-021 7 19 BLANK C6-022 7 19 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087890 C6-023 7 19 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-024 7 19 BLANK C6-025 7 19 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-026 7 19 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087891 C6-027 7 19 Blue Creek Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey North Johns (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C6-028 7 19 Brookside Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087892 C6-029 7 19 Brookside Cemetery 1994 May 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087893 C7-001 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) C7-002 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) Q0000087894 C7-003 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) Q0000087895 C7-004 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) C7-005 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) Q0000087896 C7-006 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) Q0000087897 C7-007 8 1 Liberty Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Jasper (Ala.); Walker County (Ala.) C7-008 8 1 Pleasant Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Blanche (Ala.); Cherokee County (Ala.) C7-009 8 1 Pleasant Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Blanche (Ala.); Cherokee County (Ala.) Q0000087898 C7-010 8 1 Pleasant Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Blanche (Ala.); Cherokee County (Ala.) C7-011 8 1 Pleasant Hill Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Blanche (Ala.); Cherokee County (Ala.) C7-012 8 1 Rock Creek Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) C7-013 8 1 Rock Creek Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087899 C7-014 8 1 Rock Creek Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000087900 C7-015 8 1 Unknown Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Q0000087901 C7-016 8 1 Pine Torch Church 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Winston County (Ala.) C7-017 8 1 Pine Torch Church 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Winston County (Ala.) Q0000087902 C7-018 8 1 Unknown Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Q0000087903 C7-019 8 1 Unknown Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey Q0000087904 C7-020 8 1 Unknown Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey

The cemetery is either Childersburg or Q0000087905 C7-021 8 2 Unknown Cemetery Harpersburg Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey

The cemetery is either Childersburg or Q0000087906 C7-022 8 2 Unknown Cemetery Harpersburg Cemetery 1994 September 1990-1999 Brackner, Joey C8-001 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. Q0000087907 C8-002 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-003 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-004 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. Q0000087908 C8-005 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. Q0000087909 C8-006 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-007 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-008 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-009 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-010 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-011 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-012 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P.

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 87 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) C8-013 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. C8-014 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. Q0000087910 C8-015 8 4 W. P. Pound Pottery Pound, W. P. Q0000087911 C9-001 8 6 Seven Sisters Roses Brackner, Joey Seman (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Q0000087912 C9-002 8 6 Seven Sisters Roses Brackner, Joey Seman (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Autauga County Ledger for debt C9-003 8 6 Autauga County Ledger payment fullfilled by pottery Autauga County (Ala.) Autauga County Ledger for debt C9-004 8 6 Autauga County Ledger payment fullfilled by pottery Autauga County (Ala.) Autauga County Ledger for debt C9-005 8 6 Autauga County Ledger payment fullfilled by pottery Autauga County (Ala.) Autauga County Ledger for debt C9-006 8 6 Autauga County Ledger payment fullfilled by pottery Autauga County (Ala.) Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker during visit C9-007 8 6 Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker to Tannehill Ironworks McCalla (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker during visit C9-008 8 6 Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker to Tannehill Ironworks McCalla (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker during visit C9-009 8 6 Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker to Tannehill Ironworks McCalla (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker during visit C9-010 8 6 Mr. and Mrs. Hannenker to Tannehill Ironworks McCalla (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Located at 107 Whitman Street, Q0000087913 C9-011 8 6 Turks Cap Flower Montgomery, Alabama Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Located at 107 Whitman Street, C9-012 8 6 Turks Cap Flower Montgomery, Alabama Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Located at 107 Whitman Street, C9-013 8 6 Turks Cap Flower Montgomery, Alabama Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Located at 107 Whitman Street, C9-014 8 6 Turks Cap Flower Montgomery, Alabama Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Located at 107 Whitman Street, Q0000087914 C9-015 8 6 Turks Cap Flower Montgomery, Alabama Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Princilla Patterson quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087915 D1-001 8 8 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Patterson, Princilla At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Princilla Patterson quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-002 8 8 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Patterson, Princilla At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Yvonne Wells quilt at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087916 D1-003 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Ouida McAliley quilt at the 1986 Quilt Show then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087917 D1-004 8 8 in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 McAliley, Ouida

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 88 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Joanne Wright quilt at the 1986 Quilt Show then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087918 D1-005 8 8 in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Wright, Joanne At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-006 8 8 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087920 D1-008 8 8 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Robert Sills quilt at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-009 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Sills, Robert At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Boligee RSVP Quilters. Lucrecia Outland. then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087921 D1-010 8 8 1986 Quilt Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Outland, Lucreaia At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Yvonne Wells quilt at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087922 D1-011 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Nora Ezell quilt, "Sample Patches," at the then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-012 8 8 1986 Quilt Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-013 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087923 D1-014 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087924 D1-015 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-016 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Nora Ezell quilt, "Sample Patches," at the then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-017 8 8 1986 Quilt Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 89 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-018 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087925 D1-019 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087926 D1-020 8 8 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Exhibit at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087927 D1-021 8 9 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Hamet Powers quilt, "Bible Textile," at the then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087919 D1-022 8 9 1986 Quilt Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Powers, Hamet At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lucrecia Outland quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087928 D1-023 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Outland, Lucrecia At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lucrecia Outland quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087929 D1-024 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Outland, Lucrecia At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1986 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087930 D1-025 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Nora Ezell quilt at the 1986 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087931 D1-026 8 9 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Mary Johnson quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087932 D1-027 8 9 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 Johnson, Mary At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-028 8 9 Quilt Show 1987 Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Lucrecia Outland quilt, "Wedding Ring," at Alabama State Council on the Arts the 1987 Quilt Show in Montgomery, then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-029 8 9 Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 90 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087933 D1-030 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087934 D1-031 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-032 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087935 D1-033 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087936 D1-034 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087937 D1-035 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087942 D1-036 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-037 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087938 D1-038 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Unknown quilter and quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087939 D1-039 8 9 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087940 D1-040 8 9 Quilt Show 1988 Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087941 D1-041 8 10 Quilt Show 1988 Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 91 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087943 D1-042 8 10 Quilt Show 1988 Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087944 D1-043 8 10 Artist Showcase 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087945 D1-044 8 10 Artist Showcase 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-045 8 10 Artist Showcase 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Photography Show 1990, Mark Hembree and then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-046 8 10 Walter Beckham Bldg) 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Wilma Norland quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087946 D1-047 8 10 in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lauree Ashcom quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-048 8 10 in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Ashcom, Lauree Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lee Manors quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087947 D1-049 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Ashcom, Lauree Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Diane Folse quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087948 D1-050 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Folse, Diana Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Flavin Glover quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087949 D1-051 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Glover, Flavin Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Nell Milne quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087950 D1-052 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Milne, Nell Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lyn Shoults quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087951 D1-053 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Shoults, Lyn Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 92 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Flavin Glover quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087952 D1-054 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Glover, Flavin Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Marian Snead quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087953 D1-055 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Snead, Marin Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-056 8 10 Ted Metz Landwork 1987 exhibit Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-057 8 10 Ted Metz Landwork 1987 exhibit Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lyn Shoults quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087954 D1-058 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Shoults, Lyn Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lee Manners quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show in then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087955 D1-059 8 10 Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Manners, Lee Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087956 D1-060 8 10 Ted Metz Landwork 1987 exhibit Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-061 8 11 Unknown Art Show Bldg) Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-062 8 11 Unknown Art Show Bldg) Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087957 D1-063 8 11 Unknown Art Show Bldg) Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087958 D1-064 8 11 Unknown Art Show Bldg) Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-065 8 11 Fellowship Show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 93 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087959 D1-066 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Scherman, Rowland Q0000087 2015/10 959.jpg At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Ted Metz Landworks at the 1987 Fellowship then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087960 D1-067 8 11 Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087961 D1-068 8 11 Fellowship Show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-069 8 11 Fellowship Show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087962 D1-070 8 11 Fellowship Show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-071 8 11 Fellowship Show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 D1-072 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. 1987 low At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087963 D1-073 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Scherman, Rowland Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-074 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Scherman, Rowland Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-076 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Scherman, Rowland Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-077 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Scherman, Rowland Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Ted Metz Landmark series at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-075 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 94 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Ted Metz Landmark series at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-078 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Ted Metz Landmark series at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-079 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Ted Metz Landmark series at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-080 8 11 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Metz, Ted Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Rowland Scherman photography at the 1987 then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-081 8 12 Fellowship Show in Montgomery, Alabama. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Scherman, Rowland Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000087964 D1-082 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-083 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-084 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 Q0000087965 D1-085 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-086 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-087 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-088 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-089 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 Q0000087966 D1-091 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-092 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 D1-093 8 12 Conrad Ross art show 1987 1980-1989 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-090 8 12 Lyn Shoults quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Shoults, Lyn Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087967 D1-094 8 12 Nell Milne quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Milne, Nell Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087968 D1-095 8 12 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-096 8 12 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-097 8 12 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 95 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087969 D1-098 8 12 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-099 8 12 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-100 8 12 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-101 8 13 C Black AAI Bldg) 1988 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087970 D1-102 8 13 Mary Johnson quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Johnson, Mary Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087971 D1-103 8 13 Leanne Roos quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Roos, Leanne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-104 8 13 Fellowship show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-105 8 13 Fellowship show 1987 Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lucille Randolph quilt, "Double Wedding then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087972 D1-106 8 13 Ring," at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Randolph, Lucille Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087973 D1-107 8 13 Yvonne Well quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087974 D1-108 8 13 Abbie Compton quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Compton, Abbie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087975 D1-109 8 13 Abbie Compton quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Compton, Abbie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 96 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087976 D1-110 8 13 Nell Milne quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Milne, Nell Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087977 D1-111 8 13 Martha Parker quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Parker, Martha Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087978 D1-112 8 13 Abbie Compton quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Compton, Abbie Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Earnestine Poole quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087979 D1-113 8 13 Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Poole, Earnestine Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lucille Randolph quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087980 D1-114 8 13 Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Randolph, Lucille Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087981 D1-115 8 13 Gerda Carmichael at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Carmichael, Gerda Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Earnestine Poole quilt at the 1987 Quilt then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087982 D1-116 8 13 Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Poole, Earnestine Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087983 D1-117 8 13 Yvonne Wells quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1986 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087984 D1-118 8 13 Lucille Randolph at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Randolph, Lucille Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087985 D1-119 8 13 Nora Ezell quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Ezell, Nora Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087986 D1-120 8 13 Mary Johnson quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Johnson, Mary Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087987 D1-121 8 14 Yvonne Wells quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 97 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087988 D1-122 8 14 Leanne Roos quilt at the 1987 Quilt Show. Bldg) 1987 1980-1989 Roos, Leanne Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-123 8 14 Magnolia 1991 Art show Bldg) 1991 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087989 D1-124 8 14 Magnolia 1991 Art show Bldg) 1991 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000087990 D1-125 8 14 Rice's Cross Garden Rice, William C. Prattville (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000087991 D1-126 8 14 Rice's Cross Garden Rice, William C. Prattville (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-127 8 14 Magnolia 1991 Art show Bldg) 1991 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-128 8 14 Magnolia 1991 Art show Bldg) 1991 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-129 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-130 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-131 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-132 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-133 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-134 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference Q0000087992 D1-135 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-136 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-137 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference D1-138 8 14 Alabama Clay Conference Q0000087993 D1-139 8 14 Fort Payne Depot Museum Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) Q0000087994 D1-140 8 14 Sandy Smith wearing a mask Smith, Sandy At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-141 8 15 ASCA personnel 1980s Bldg) 1980-1989 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-142 8 15 Barbara Edwards, ASCA employee Bldg) 1980-1989 Edwards, Barbara Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-143 8 15 Randy Shultz, ASCA employee Bldg) 1980-1989 Shultz, Randy Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-144 8 15 Alabama Clay Conference

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 98 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087995 D1-145 8 15 Barbara Edwards, ASCA employee Bldg) 1980-1989 Edwards, Barbara Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-146 8 15 Alabama Clay Conference At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Cam Longley, "Arranements in Blue and Alabama State Council on the Arts Peach", blown glass (Year of the Crafts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-147 8 15 Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Longley, Cam At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Jack Rogers, "Turned Wood Vessel" (Year of then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087996 D1-148 8 15 the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Rogers, Jack At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-149 8 15 Quilt Show, Unknown Quilter and Quilt Bldg) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Jim Rittman, "Free-Form Clocks" (Year of the then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087997 D1-150 8 15 Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Joyce McAdams, " Screen Fish Senes, II" then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087998 D1-151 8 15 (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Audwin Adams. "Hand Candelabra" (Year of then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000087999 D1-152 8 15 the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999

Q0000088000 D1-153 8 15 Landmarks Museum in Fort Payne, Alabama. Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.)

D1-154 8 15 Landmarks Museum in Fort Payne, Alabama. Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Heidi Bowman, tile work (Year of the Crafts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088001 D1-155 8 15 Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Murray Johnson, "Imagination Floats then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-156 8 15 Around" (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Dale Lewis, "Close Encounters of Some Sort" then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088002 D1-157 8 15 (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Q0000088003 D1-158 8 15 Backstage Playhouse outside Guntersville (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) Q0000088004 D1-159 8 15 Backstage Playhouse inside Guntersville (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 99 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Anden Houben instrument, "lautenwerck", Alabama State Council on the Arts Murray Johnson quilt "Passion and then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088005 D1-160 8 15 Demands" (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Houben, Anden; Johnson, Murray At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Greg Freeland, Clay bowl (Year of the Crafts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088006 D1-161 8 16 Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Freeland, Greg Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088007 D1-162 8 16 Artist Gallery (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Cam Longley, "Arranements in Blue and Alabama State Council on the Arts Peach", blown glass (Year of the Crafts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088008 D1-163 8 16 Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Longley, Cam Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Joyce McAdams, "Screen Fish Series II" (Year then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-164 8 16 of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 McAdams, Joyce Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein D1-165 8 16 artist gallery (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Lyn Spencer Shoults, Quilts "Aurora I, II, III, then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088009 D1-166 8 16 IV" (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Steve Davis, "Candle Stick with Leaves" (Year then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088010 D1-167 8 16 of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Luke Munford, "Antler Basket" (Year of the then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088011 D1-168 8 16 Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Susan Brown Freeman, "Flared Bowl" (Year then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088012 D1-169 8 16 of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) At the Alabama Artists Gallery of the Alabama State Council on the Arts Murray Johnson, Kimino "Saturday Night then located at 1 Dexter Ave. (Klein Q0000088013 D1-170 8 16 Boogie" (Year of the Crafts Exhibit '93) Bldg) 1993 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-171 8 16 Mt. Cheaha Delta (Ala.); Clay County (Ala.) D1-172 8 16 Backstage Playhouse inside Guntersville (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) D1-173 8 16 Mt. Cheaha Delta (Ala.); Clay County (Ala.) D1-174 8 16 Backstage Playhouse inside Guntersville (Ala.); Marshall County (Ala.) D1-175 8 16 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-176 8 16 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 100 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) D1-177 8 16 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-178 8 16 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-179 8 16 Fort Payne Depot Museum Fort Payne (Ala.); DeKalb County (Ala.) Q0000088014 D1-180 8 16 Mt. Cheaha Delta (Ala.); Clay County (Ala.) D1-181 8 17 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-182 8 17 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-183 8 17 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-184 8 17 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-185 8 17 Magnolia Art exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999

D1-186 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-187 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-188 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-189 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-190 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-191 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-192 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-193 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-194 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-195 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-196 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-197 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-198 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-199 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-200 8 17 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-201 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-202 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-203 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-204 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-205 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 101 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

D1-206 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-207 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-208 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-209 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-210 8 18 Gordon Persons Building 1990 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-211 8 18 Magnolia Art Exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-213 8 18 Magnolia Art Exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-214 8 18 Magnolia Art Exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 Q0000088015 D1-215 8 18 Magnolia Art Exhibit 1991 1991 1990-1999 D1-212 8 18 Becky Mullin Mullin, Becky D1-216 8 18 C Black AAI D1-217 8 18 C Black AAI D1-218 8 18 C Black AAI D1-219 8 18 C Black AAI D1-220 8 18 C Black AAI D1-221 8 19 C Black AAI

Painting of older man sitting on back D1-222 8 19 Wayne Spradley of truck selling fruit and vegetables 1986 1980-1989 Spradley, Wayne D1-223 8 19 Wayne Spradley Painting of three turkeys 1986 1980-1989 Spradley, Wayne D1-224 8 19 Wayne Spradley painting Cold Morning 1986 1980-1989 Spradley, Wayne D1-225 8 19 Danny Nall painting The Life and Death of the South 1987 1980-1989 Nall, Danny D1-226 8 19 Danny Nall painting Eight Hundred Pound Mule 1987 1980-1989 Nall, Danny D1-227 8 19 Danny Nall painting The End of an Era 1987 1980-1989 Nall, Danny D1-228 8 19 Barbara Collins painting Ecclesiastes 2:22 1987 1980-1989 Collins, Barbara D1-229 8 19 Barbara Collins painting Untitled 1987 1980-1989 Collins, Barbara D1-230 8 19 Barbara Collins painting Gladiolus Planters 1987 1980-1989 Collins, Barbara D1-231 8 19 Barbara Collins painting Oyster Shucker 1987 1980-1989 Collins, Barbara Q0000088016 D1-232 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088017 D1-233 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Wedding Ring 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088018 D1-234 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Bicentennial Quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088019 D1-235 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088020 D1-236 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Flight of Geese 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088021 D1-237 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Dresden Plate 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088022 D1-238 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Dresden Plate 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088023 D1-239 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Betty Kimbrell Quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Kimbrell, Betty Q0000088024 D1-240 8 19 Quilt Show 1988 Gee's Bend Quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088025 D1-241 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 Double Wedding Ring Quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088026 D1-242 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088027 D1-243 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 Sun Bonet Sue Quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088028 D1-244 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088029 D1-245 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088030 D1-246 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 D1-247 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088031 D1-248 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 102 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000088032 D1-249 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088033 D1-250 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088034 D1-251 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 halley's comet quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088035 D1-252 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088036 D1-253 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088037 D1-254 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088038 D1-255 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088039 D1-256 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088040 D1-257 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088041 D1-258 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088042 D1-259 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088043 D1-260 8 20 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088044 D1-261 9 1 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088045 D1-262 9 1 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088046 D1-263 9 1 Quilt Show 1988 Yvonne Wells Quilt 1988 December 1980-1989 Wells, Yvonne Q0000088047 D1-264 9 1 Quilt Show 1988 1988 December 1980-1989 Q0000088048 D1-265 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-266 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088049 D1-267 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-268 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088050 D1-269 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-270 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088051 D1-271 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-272 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088052 D1-273 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-274 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-275 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088053 D1-276 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088054 D1-277 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088055 D1-278 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088056 D1-279 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-280 9 1 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-281 9 2 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) D1-282 9 2 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088057 D1-283 9 2 James Cahela Gourd Farm Sand Mountain area Cahela, James Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.)

Albert Macon at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-284 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Jim Brock at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Q0000088058 D1-285 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Brock, Jim Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) D. J. Cannon with gourds at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, Q0000088059 D1-286 9 2 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Cannon, D. J. Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Albert Macon at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Q0000088060 D1-287 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Joyce Cauthen and Lloyd Baldwin at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, D1-288 9 2 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Baldwin, Lloyd; Cauthen, Joyce Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 103 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

Albert Macon at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-289 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Macon, Albert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) North Jefferson Quilting Bee at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, Q0000088061 D1-290 9 2 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Eric Miller at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-291 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Miller, Eric Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Norman Blake and James Bryan at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, D1-292 9 2 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Bryan, James; Blake, Norman Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Charlie Louvin at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Q0000088062 D1-293 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Robert Thomas at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-294 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Foster, Phil Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Doris Dyen, Dewey Williams, and the Wiregrass Sacred Singers at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, D1-295 9 2 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Dyen, Doris; Williams, Dewey Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

George Connor at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Q0000088063 D1-296 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Connor, George Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Lemon Harper at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Q0000088064 D1-297 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Harper, Lemon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

George Connor at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-298 9 2 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Connor, George Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Sterling Jubilee Singers at the 1989 Alabama Q0000088065 D1-299 9 2 Folklife Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Lemon Harper and Albert Macon at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, D1-300 9 2 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Macon, Albert; Harper, Lemon Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Robert Thomas at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-301 9 3 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes of Demopolis, Alabama, at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Q0000088066 D1-302 9 3 Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Gospel Harmonettes of Demopolis, Alabama, at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in D1-303 9 3 Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Robert Thomas at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-304 9 3 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Thomas, Robert Birmingham (Ala.), Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 104 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES)

D1-305 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) John Cole, gandy dancer, at the 1989 Alabama Folklife Festival in Birmingham, Q0000088067 D1-306 9 3 Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Cole, John Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000088068 D1-307 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-308 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-309 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-310 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-311 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-312 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088069 D1-313 9 3 Harold Myers, Fiddler Holtzberg, Maggie Myers, Harold Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-314 9 3 Joe Wilson at Hank Williams Grave Marker 1990 September 25 1990-1999 Wilson, Joe Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000088070 D1-315 9 3 Festival on the Farm 2001 2001 2000-2009 Kilpatrick (Ala.); Dekalb County (Ala.) Q0000088071 D1-316 9 3 Festival on the Farm 2001 2001 2000-2009 Kilpatrick (Ala.); Dekalb County (Ala.) Q0000088072 D1-317 9 3 Betty Kimbrell Quilt -- White on White Kimbrell, Betty D1-318 9 3 Festival on the Farm 2001 2001 2000-2009 Kilpatrick (Ala.); Dekalb County (Ala.)

Charlie Louvin at the 1989 Alabama Folklife D1-319 9 3 Festival in Birmingham, Alabama. 1989 1980-1989 Louvin, Charlie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

D1-320 9 3 Issac Nettles, Inventor, next to an invention Nettles, Issac Q0000088073 D1-321 9 4 Betty Kimbrell, Quilt maker Kimbrell, Betty Q0000088074 D1-322 9 4 Betty Kimbrell, Quilt maker Kimbrell, Betty Betty Kimbrell, Quilt maker -- "Mariners Q0000088075 D1-323 9 4 Compass Quilt" Kimbrell, Betty Q0000088076 D1-324 9 4 Betty Kimbrell, Quilt maker -- Quilt Kimbrell, Betty D1-325 9 4 Betty Kimbrell, Quilt maker -- Quilt Kimbrell, Betty Q0000088077 D1-326 9 4 Betty Kimbrell, Quilt maker -- Quilt Kimbrell, Betty D1-327 9 4 Unknown wooden working area D1-328 9 4 Quilting Work Area D1-329 9 4 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin D1-330 9 4 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin Q0000088078 D1-331 9 4 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin Q0000088079 D1-332 9 4 Arlin Moon House Moon, Arlin D1-333 9 4 Arlin Moon House Moon, Arlin D1-334 9 4 Arlin Moon Moon, Arlin D1-335 9 4 Mr Cooper, Furniture Maker Cooper, Mr. Camden (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) D1-336 9 4 The Red Barn, Peformance Area Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery D1-337 9 4 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 105 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088080 D1-338 9 4 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088081 D1-339 9 4 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088082 D1-340 9 4 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088083 D1-341 9 5 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088084 D1-342 9 5 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088085 D1-343 9 5 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) D1-344 9 5 Graveshed copystand Gainesville (Ala.); Sumter County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Baptist Church and Cemetery Q0000088086 D1-345 9 5 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) D1-346 9 5 Gourd Martin House Copystand Q0000088087 D1-347 9 5 Mt. Nebo Baptist Church and Cemetery Death Mask grave markers Carlton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) D1-348 9 5 Greenwood Cemetery Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) D1-349 9 5 Pirout Boat Maker D1-350 9 5 Kinn Kranh, Fish Trap Maker Kranh, Kinn Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) D1-351 9 5 Brenda McCallum McCallum, Brenda

D1-352 9 5 Unknown Picture of African American Group D1-353 9 5 Tommy Lamberth's Gourd farm Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088088 D1-354 9 5 Tommy Lamberth's Gourd farm Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088089 D1-355 9 5 Tommy Lamberth's Gourd farm Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) D1-356 9 5 Tommy Lamberth's Gourd farm Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088090 D1-357 9 5 D. J. Cannon Gourds Cannon, D. J. D1-358 9 5 Gourd Martin Houses Copystand D1-359 9 5 Gourd Martin Houses Copystand D1-360 9 5 D. J. Cannon Gourds Cannon, D. J. D1-361 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. Q0000088091 D1-362 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. Q0000088092 D1-363 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. Q0000088093 D1-364 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. D1-365 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. D1-366 9 6 BLANK D1-367 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. D1-368 9 6 D. J. Cannon Farm 1989 June 1980-1989 Cannon, D. J. Q0000088094 D1-369 9 6 Tommy Lamberth's Gourd farm Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088095 D1-370 9 6 Tommy Lamberth's Gourd farm Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Joe Wilson next to Hank Williams Grave Q0000088096 D1-371 9 6 Marker Wilson, Joe Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Joe Wilson next to Hank Williams Grave D1-372 9 6 Marker Wilson, Joe Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-373 9 6 BLANK D1-374 9 6 BLANK D1-375 9 6 BLANK D1-376 9 6 BLANK D1-377 9 6 Map of Alabama 1848 1848 1840-1849

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 106 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) D1-378 9 6 BLANK D1-379 9 6 Jerry Brown Kiln Brown, Jerry D1-380 9 6 Jerry Brown Kiln peephole Brown, Jerry D1-381 9 7 Jug Factory Road Sign Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000088097 D1-382 9 7 Jug Factory Road Sign Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000088098 D1-383 9 7 Unknown Pottery D1-384 9 7 BLANK D1-385 9 7 BLANK D1-386 9 7 BLANK D1-387 9 7 BLANK D1-388 9 7 Unknown Pottery bottom D1-389 9 7 BLANK D1-390 9 7 BLANK D1-391 9 7 BLANK

Q0000088099 D1-392 9 7 Harriet Powers Quilt -- "Storytelling Quilt" Powers, Harriet Q0000088100 D1-393 9 7 Unknown Fiddle/Old Timey Band D1-394 9 7 BLANK D1-395 9 7 BLANK D1-396 9 7 BLANK D1-397 9 7 BLANK D1-398 9 7 BLANK D1-399 9 7 BLANK D1-400 9 7 Joe Patterson -- Blues Artists Rinzler, Ralph Patterson, Joe D1-401 9 8 Decoration Day -- Texas McElroy Tabernacle Cemetery (formerly D1-402 9 8 Sydenham) D1-403 9 8 Joe Patterson -- Blues Artists Rinzler, Ralph Patterson, Joe

D1-404 9 8 Harriet Powers-- Quilter and Former Slave Powers, Harriet D1-405 9 8 Betty Moon and Tina Ray Moon, Betty; Ray, Tina

Q0000088101 D1-406 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-407 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088102 D1-408 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-409 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-410 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088103 D1-411 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

D1-412 9 8 Confederate Memorial Day 1993 1993 April 26 1990-1999 Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) D1-413 9 8 BLANK Q0000088104 D1-414 9 8 Landamark Park Farm Day Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) D1-415 9 8 BLANK D1-416 9 8 BLANK D1-417 9 8 BLANK

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 107 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) D1-418 9 8 BLANK D1-419 9 8 BLANK D1-420 9 8 BLANK D1-421 9 9 BLANK D1-422 9 9 Mary Martin Quilt -- "Everybody" Quilt 1989 1980-1989 Martin, Mary Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-423 9 9 BLANK D1-424 9 9 Mary Martin Quilt -- "Snail Trail" Quilt 1990 1990-1999 Martin, Mary Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-425 9 9 BLANK D1-426 9 9 BLANK D1-427 9 9 Lucerna Outland -- "4 Patch" Quilt 1991 1990-1999 Outland, Lucerna Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-428 9 9 Lucerna Outland -- "4 Patch" Quilt Outland, Lucerna Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-429 9 9 Nora Ezell -- "Star Quilt" 1977 1970-1979 Ezell, Nora Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-430 9 9 Joanne Pettway quilt -- "Check Quilt" Pettway, Joanne D1-431 9 9 Mary Maxtion -- "Everybody Quilt" 1989 1980-1989 Maxtion, Mary Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.)

D1-432 9 9 Alean Pearson quilt -- "Oxford MS" quilt Pearson, Alean

D1-433 9 9 Joanne Pettway quilt -- "Box Variation Quilt" Pettway, Joanne

D1-434 9 9 Joanne Pettway quilt -- "Appligue Quilt" Pettway, Joanne D1-435 9 9 Mozell Benson -- "Log Cabin Quilt" 1984 1980-1989 Benson, Mozell Waverly (Ala.); Chambers County (Ala.) D1-436 9 9 Mozell Benson Benson, Mozell Waverly (Ala.); Chambers County (Ala.) D1-437 9 9 Leola Pettway Pettway, Leola Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) D1-438 9 9 Mary Martin Martin, Mary Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-439 9 9 Joanne Pettway -- "Pinwheel Quilt" Pettway, Joanne D1-440 9 9 BLANK D1-441 9 10 BLANK Martha Jane Pettway Quilt -- "Blue and D1-442 9 10 White Strip Quilt" Pettway, Martha Jane D1-443 9 10 Joanne Pettway Pettway, Joanne Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) D1-444 9 10 Mary Maxtion Quilt -- String Quilt 1989 1980-1989 Maxtion, Mary Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-445 9 10 BLANK D1-446 9 10 BLANK D1-447 9 10 Dennis Jones Quilt -- Strip and Bow Tie 1975 1970-1979 Jones, Dennis Vienna (Ala.); Pickens County (Ala.)

D1-448 9 10 Martha Jane Pettway Quilt -- 3 Strip Quilt 1979 1970-1979 Pettway, Martha Jane Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) D1-449 9 10 Mozell Benson Quilt 1979 1970-1979 Benson, Quilt Waverly (Ala.); Chambers County (Ala.)

D1-450 9 10 Leola Pettway -- Star of Bethlehem quilt 1991 1990-1999 Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) D1-451 9 10 Yvonne Wells Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) D1-452 9 10 BLANK Plummer T Pettway -- Log Cabin Courthouse D1-453 9 10 Steps Quilt 1991 1990-1999 Pettway, Plummer D1-454 9 10 BLANK D1-455 9 10 BLANK

D1-456 9 10 Lucerna Outland Quilt -- Wedding Ring Quilt Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-457 9 10 Brenda McCullum McCullum, Brenda D1-458 9 10 Harriet Powers Quilt Powers, Harriet D1-459 9 10 City Stages -- Shape Note Singing Birmingham (Ala); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 108 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000088105 D1-460 9 10 City Stages -- Shape Note Singing Birmingham (Ala); Jefferson County (Ala.) D1-461 9 11 BLANK D1-462 9 11 BLANK D1-463 9 11 Harriet Powers -- Bible Textile Quilt Powers, Harriet D1-464 9 11 BLANK D1-465 9 11 Black Family Album Quilt 1854 1850-1859 D1-466 9 11 BLANK D1-467 9 11 Harriet Powers Quilt Powers, Harriet D1-468 9 11 Leola Pettway -- Star Variation Quilt Pettway, Leola Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.) D1-469 9 11 Susie Ponds -- Green Snake Quilt Ponds, Susie Waverly (Ala.); Chambers County (Ala.) D1-470 9 11 Idabell Bester -- Strip Quilt Bester, Idabell D1-471 9 11 Lureca Outland Outland, Lureca Boligee (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) D1-472 9 11 BLANK D1-473 9 11 BLANK

D1-474 9 11 Plummer Pettway Quilt --Cotton Leaf Quilt Pettway, Plummer Boykin (Ala.); Wilcox County (Ala.)

D1-475 9 11 Mozell Benson -- Sampler Variation Quilt Benson, Mozell Waverly (Ala.); Chambers County (Ala.) Jerry Brown Pottery -- Pot lifter and baseball Q0000088106 E1-001 9 12 roster Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088107 E1-002 9 12 Jerry Brown Kiln Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) E1-003 9 12 Jerry Brown Kiln Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) E1-004 9 12 Jerry Brown Kiln Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Jerry Brown Pottery -- Pot lifter and baseball E1-005 9 12 roster Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088108 E1-006 9 12 Jerry Brown Shop Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) E1-007 9 12 Jerry Brown Churn Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) E1-008 9 12 Jerry Brown Shop Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Jerry Brown putting up Purple Martin Gourd E1-009 9 12 Birdhouses Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Jerry Brown putting up Purple Martin Gourd E1-010 9 12 Birdhouses Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088109 E1-011 9 12 Jerry Brown Kiln Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) E1-012 9 12 Jerry Brown Kiln Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Jerry Brown fired pigs, made by Norman Q0000088110 E1-013 9 12 Smith Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry; Smith, Norman Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088111 E1-014 9 12 Jerry Brown Pottery -- Pitcher Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088112 E1-015 9 12 Jerry Brown Pottery -- Tester Tiles Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Jerry Brown Pottery -- "Worlds Smallest Face Q0000088113 E1-016 9 12 Jug" Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088114 E1-017 9 12 Jerry Brown Pottery -- Pitcher Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) E1-018 9 12 Jerry Brown Pottery -- Pitcher Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.)

E1-019 9 12 Dexter Ave. Fountain Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088115 E1-020 9 12 Dexter Ave. Fountain Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

E1-021 9 13 Dexter Ave. Fountain Brackner, Joey Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) E1-022 9 13 Jerry Brown Pitcher Brackner, Joey Brown, Jerry Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088116 E1-023 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 109 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) E1-024 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000088117 E1-025 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-026 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-027 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-028 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000088118 E1-029 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-030 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-031 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-032 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-033 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-034 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-035 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-036 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-037 9 13 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000088119 E1-038 9 13 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088120 E1-039 9 13 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088121 E1-040 9 13 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-041 9 14 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000088122 E1-042 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088123 E1-043 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-044 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-045 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-046 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-047 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-048 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-049 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088124 E1-050 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-051 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088125 E1-052 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-053 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-054 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-055 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-056 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-057 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088126 E1-058 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-059 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-060 9 14 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-061 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088127 E1-062 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088128 E1-063 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-064 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-065 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088129 E1-066 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) E1-067 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088130 E1-068 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088131 E1-069 9 15 Lomia Nunn, basket weaver Nunn, Lomia Graham (Ala.); Randolph County (Ala.) Q0000088132 E1-070 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) Q0000088133 E1-071 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-072 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-073 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 110 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) E1-074 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-075 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.) E1-076 9 15 Gail Thrower Creek Indian Archive Thrower, Gail Escambia County (Ala.)

Q0000088134 E1-077 9 15 Gee Bends Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) E1-078 9 15 BLANK E1-079 9 15 Dothan Landmark Park Farm Days 1980-1989 Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.) E1-080 9 15 Moundville Native American Pow-Wow Moundville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000088135 E1-081 9 16 Moundville Native American Pow-Wow Moundville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Joe Bob Traylor Furniture -- Bent Willow E1-082 9 16 style 1993 July 1990-1999 Traylor, Joe Bob Joe Bob Traylor Furniture -- Bent Willow Q0000088136 E1-083 9 16 style 1993 July 1990-1999 Traylor, Joe Bob Joe Bob Traylor Furniture -- Bent Willow Q0000088137 E1-084 9 16 style 1993 July 1990-1999 Traylor, Joe Bob Logging Boat from Washington County, Q0000088138 E1-085 9 16 Alabama. Folklife Festival 1993 1993 1990-1999 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Logging Boat from Washington County, E1-086 9 16 Alabama. Folklife Festival 1993 1993 1990-1999 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

E1-087 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

E1-088 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

E1-089 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

E1-090 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088139 E1-091 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088140 E1-092 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088141 E1-093 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

E1-094 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088142 E1-095 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088143 E1-096 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

E1-097 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Q0000088144 E1-098 9 16 Gees Bend Quilt Show Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000088145 E1-099 9 16 Henry Lee Hudson, Erin Kellin Saw Mill Days, Fulton, AL Hudson, Henry Lee; Kellin, Erin Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) Q0000088146 E1-100 9 16 Saw Mill Days Fulton, AL Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) Logging Boat from Washington County, E1-101 9 17 Alabama. Folklife Festival 1993 1993 1990-1999 Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088147 E1-102 9 17 Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 111 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Pine Staw Baskets at Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Q0000088148 E1-103 9 17 Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) E1-104 9 17 Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) E1-105 9 17 Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) Tool handle maker at Saw Mill Days in Q0000088149 E1-106 9 17 Fulton, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) Musicians at Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Q0000088150 E1-107 9 17 Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.)

Q0000088151 E1-108 9 17 Quilts at Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.)

Q0000088152 E1-109 9 17 Quilts at Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Fulton (Ala.); Clarke County (Ala.) Pit Fire Pottery at the Native American E1-110 9 17 Festival. Moundville (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.)

James Cahela at the 1993 Alabama Folklife Q0000088153 E1-111 9 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Cahela, James Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Betty Kimbrell quilt at the 1993 Alabama Q0000088154 E1-112 9 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Kimbrell, Betty Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.)

Betty Kimbrell quilt at the 1993 Alabama E1-113 9 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Kimbrell, Betty Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Quilt at the 1990 Alabama Folklife Festival in Q0000088155 E1-114 9 17 Montgomery, Alabama. 1990 1990-1999 Joe Bob Traylor bent willow furniture at the 1993 Alabama Folklife Festival in E1-115 9 17 Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Traylor, Joe Bob Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Betty Kimbrell quilt at the 1993 Alabama E1-116 9 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Kimbrell, Betty Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Dexter Smith, festival helper, at the 1993 Alabama Folklife Festival in Montgomery, E1-117 9 17 Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Smith, Dexter Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Betty Kimbrell quilt at the 1993 Alabama Q0000088156 E1-118 9 17 Folklife Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Kimbrell, Betty Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

James Cahela at the 1993 Alabama Folklife E1-119 9 17 Festival in Montgomery, Alabama. 1993 1990-1999 Cahela, James Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Lucy Hicks, coil basket maker, at the 2003 Q0000088157 E1-120 9 17 Folk Roots Festival in Eutaw, Alabama. 2003 2000-2009 Hicks, Lucy Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Quilts at the 2003 Folk Roots Festival in E1-121 9 18 Eutaw, Alabama. 2003 2000-2009 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Quilts at the 2003 Folk Roots Festival in Q0000088158 E1-122 9 18 Eutaw, Alabama. 2003 2000-2009 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Quilt by unknown quilter at the Alabama Q0000088159 E1-123 9 18 Folklife Festival.

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 112 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) E1-124 9 18 Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Alabama. Fulton (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Henry Lee Hudson at Saw Mill Days in Fulton, Q0000088160 E1-125 9 18 Alabama. Hudson, Henry Lee Fulton (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Musical group at Saw Mill Days in Fulton, E1-126 9 18 Alabama. Fulton (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Pine needle baskets at Saw Mill Days in Q0000088161 E1-127 9 18 Fulton, Alabama. Fulton (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088162 E1-128 9 18 Mother Day Flower seller Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000088163 E1-129 9 18 Congo Style Graves from McClerry Cemetery Sumter County (Ala.)

E1-130 9 18 Congo Style Graves from McClerry Cemetery Sumter County (Ala.) Gravestone (1819) for New England Sailor in Q0000088164 E1-131 9 18 Church Street Cemetery Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) E1-132 9 18 BLANK Q0000088165 E1-133 9 18 Mt. Olive Cemetery Tree Stump Goodwater (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) E1-134 9 18 Mt. Olive Cemetery Goodwater (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) E1-135 9 18 China Grove Cemetery Elmore County (Ala.) E1-136 9 18 BLANK Q0000088166 E1-137 9 18 Tombstone for Rev. Thomas Galley Mardisville (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000088167 E1-138 9 18 Tombstone for unknown person Mardisville (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Cathmagby Chruch Corner Stone. Sone laid Q0000088168 E1-139 9 18 1920 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Ghostly Face in Court Window. Pickens E1-140 9 18 County Courthouse Carrollton (Ala.); Pickens County (Ala.) E1-141 9 19 BLANK E1-142 9 19 BLANK E1-143 9 19 BLANK Q0000088169 E1-144 9 19 Cemetery 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) E1-145 9 19 BLANK E1-146 9 19 BLANK E1-147 9 19 BLANK Q0000088170 E1-148 9 19 Africatown Cemetery 1988 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Mary E. Hooker gravestone at a cemetery in Q0000088171 E1-149 9 19 Moulton, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Moulton (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.) Mary E. Hooker gravestone at a cemetery in E1-150 9 19 Moulton, Alabama. Brackner, Joey Moulton (Ala.); Lawrence County (Ala.) E1-151 9 19 BLANK Q0000088172 E1-152 9 19 Spring Hill Cemetery Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088173 E1-153 9 19 Spring Hill Cemetery Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088174 E1-154 9 19 Talledga County Cemetery Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) E1-155 9 19 Talledga City Cemetery Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000088175 E1-156 9 19 Talledga County Cemetery Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000088176 E1-157 9 19 Spring Hill Cemetery Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Plateau Cemetery and tool shed/sextent Q0000088177 E1-158 9 19 house Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Plateau Cemetery and tool shed/sextent Q0000088178 E1-159 9 19 house Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088179 E1-160 9 19 Church Street Cemetery Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) E1-161 9 20 BLANK

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 113 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) E1-162 9 20 BLANK E1-163 9 20 BLANK E1-164 9 20 BLANK Q0000088180 E1-165 9 20 Greenwood Cemetery 1980-1989 Brackner, Joey Tuscaloosa (Ala.); Tuscaloosa County (Ala.) Q0000088181 E1-166 9 20 Spring Hill Cemetery Brackner, Joey Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) E1-167 9 20 BLANK Havana, Alabama Cemetery. View from Havana Methodist Church to Havana Beth E1-168 9 20 C.M.E Church Brackner, Joey Havana (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Blue Creek Cemetery. Saturday before Q0000088182 E1-169 9 20 Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Jefferson County (Ala.) Blue Creek Cemetery. Saturday before E1-170 9 20 Decoration Day Brackner, Joey Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088183 E1-171 9 20 Akron, Alabama Cemetery Brackner, Joey Akron (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000088184 E1-172 9 20 Akron, Alabama Cemetery Brackner, Joey Akron (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) Q0000088185 E1-173 9 20 Mardisville Cemetery Brackner, Joey Mardisville (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) E1-174 9 20 Mardisville Cemetery Brackner, Joey Mardisville (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) E1-175 9 20 Tommy Lamberth Gourds Lamberth, Tommy Hanover (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088186 E1-176 9 20 Betty Kimbrell Quilt (detail) Kimbrell, Betty E1-177 9 20 BLANK E1-178 9 20 BLANK Q0000088187 E1-179 9 20 Anti- Mardi Gras Sign 1984 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) E1-180 9 20 Rev. Benjamin F. Perkins Perkins, Rev. Benjamin F. Bankston (Ala.); Fayette County (Ala.)

Q0000088188 E1-181 10 1 Robert Long Furniture -- split willow veneer 1993 1990-1999 Long, Robert E1-182 10 1 Magnolia Cemetery Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088189 E1-183 10 1 African American Cemetery Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.)

E1-184 10 1 Joe Wilson at Hank Williams gravestone Wilson, Joe Montgomery (Ala.); Montgomery County (Ala.) Q0000088190 E1-185 10 1 African American Cemetery Talladega (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000088191 E1-186 10 1 Metal Grave Cover 1993 July 1990-1999 Talladega County (Ala.) E1-187 10 1 McElroy Cemetery -- Congo Style York (Ala.); Sumter County (Ala.) Q0000088192 E1-188 10 1 Paul Shelnut (left), dancer Shelnut, Paul Q0000088193 E1-189 10 1 Nora Ezell quilt 1993 July 1990-1999 Ezell, Nora Q0000088194 E1-190 10 1 Dothan Farm Days 1986 1980-1989 Dothan (Ala.); Houston County (Ala.)

E1-191 10 1 Bill Smith, Jessie Thomason, Joey Brackner Smith, Bill; Thomason, Jessie; Brackner, Joey Q0000088195 E1-192 10 1 Nora Ezell Quilt Ezell, Nora Q0000088196 E1-193 10 1 Pickens County Courthouse Carrollton (Ala.); Pickens County (Ala.) E1-194 10 1 Betty Moon Ray with banjo fret Ray, Betty Moon Holly Pond (Ala.); Cullman County (Ala.) E1-196 10 1 Betty Moon Ray with banjo fret Ray, Betty Moon Holly Pond (Ala.); Cullman County (Ala.) E1-195 10 1 Albert Macon and Robert Thomas Thomas, Robert; Macon, Albert Q0000088197 E1-197 10 1 Albert Macon and Robert Thomas Thomas, Robert; Macon, Albert E1-198 - E1-206 10 1 BLANK E1-207 10 1 Shelby County Big Four Doug Seroff Collection Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) E1-208 - E1-224 10 1 BLANK E1-225 10 2 C.I.O. Singers Doug Seroff Collection Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 114 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) E1-226 - E1-229 10 2 BLANK Sacred Harp Singing Book 1903 Cooper E1-230 10 2 Revision E1-231 - E1-234 10 2 BLANK E1-235 10 2 Jug by James Williams -- Alkaline glaze Williams, James Perry County (Ala.) E1-237 - E1-241 10 2 BLANK E1-242 10 2 Sarah T. Falkner gravemarker Jerry Brown, as child, with father and E1-243 10 2 Jerry Brown family brother Brown, Jerry E1-244 10 2 BLANK Face Vase by unknown potter --Albany Slip Q0000088198 E1-245 10 2 Glaze Face Vase by unknown potter --Albany Slip E1-246 10 2 Glaze F1-001 10 3 Jerry Brown's Workshop 1994 August 1990-1999 Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088199 F1-002 10 3 Jerry Brown's Waste Pile 1994 August 1990-1999 Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088200 F1-003 10 3 Jerry Brown's Waste Pile 1994 August 1990-1999 Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) F1-004 10 3 Jerry Brown's Waste Pile 1994 August 1990-1999 Hamilton (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) F1-005 10 3 1993 Sacred Harp Convention 1993 July 1990-1999 Q0000088201 F1-006 10 3 1993 Sacred Harp Convention 1993 July 1990-1999 F1-007 10 3 1993 Sacred Harp Convention 1993 July 1990-1999 F1-008 10 3 Yvonne Wells with quilts Well, Yvonne Q0000088202 F1-009 10 3 Yvonne Wells with quilts Q0000088203 F1-010 10 3 Yvonne Wells with quilts Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Ol' Grip" Q0000088204 F1-011 10 3 scrapmetal bands and c-clamps 1991 1990-1999 Lucas, Charlie Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Emu" Scarp Q0000088205 F1-012 10 3 Metal banding. 1985-1986. 1986 1980-1989 Lucas, Charlie

Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Diggin' Down into Q0000088206 F1-013 10 3 the Family". Car Parts. 1994-1998 1998 1990-1999 Lucas, Charlie

Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Is Man as Free as Q0000088207 F1-014 10 3 a Bird?" Scrap Metal, Chains. 1990-1998. 1998 1990-1999 Lucas, Charlie Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Garbage Can Mama" Car Parts, 55 gallon drums, metal Q0000088208 F1-015 10 3 rods.1995 1995 1990-1999 Lucas, Charlie Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Blue Mind" Car Q0000088209 F1-016 10 3 Hood with Wheels.1997 1997 1990-1999 Lucas, Charlie Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "The Three Wisemen". 1980s. Trailer parts, metal Q0000088210 F1-017 10 3 objects, parts of audio speakers. 1980-1989 Lucas, Charlie Charlie Lucas Sculpture -- "Tinmen" 1984- Q0000088211 F1-018 10 3 1985. Metal Scarp bands 1980-1989 Lucas, Charlie Q0000088212 F1-019 10 3 Mt Olive Cemetery 1980-1989 Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088213 F1-020 10 3 Herd Grave 1993 September 1990-1999 Sylacauga (Ala.); Talladega County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 115 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) F1-021 10 4 BLANK F1-022 10 4 BLANK F1-023 10 4 BLANK F1-024 10 4 John Catchings with children Catchings, John

Q0000088214 F1-025 10 4 China Grove Cemetery -- Decoration Day 1993 July 1990-1999 China Grove (Ala.); Pike County (Ala.)

Q0000088215 F1-026 10 4 China Grove Cemetery -- Decoration Day 1993 July 1990-1999 China Grove (Ala.); Pike County (Ala.) F1-027 10 4 Bivins Cemetery -- Decoration Day Brookside (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- F1-028 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- Q0000088216 F1-029 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- Q0000088217 F1-030 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- Q0000088218 F1-031 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- F1-032 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- Q0000088219 F1-033 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- F1-034 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Cathamagby Chuch and Cemetery -- Q0000088220 F1-035 10 4 Decoration Day 1993 September 1990-1999 Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.)

Q0000088221 F1-036 10 4 China Grove Cemetery -- Decoration Day 1993 July 1990-1999 China Grove (Ala.); Pike County (Ala.) Q0000088222 F1-037 10 4 Plateau Cemetery 1988 March 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088223 F1-038 10 4 Plateau Cemetery 1988 March 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088224 F1-039 10 4 Plateau Cemetery 1988 March 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-040 10 4 BLANK F1-041 10 5 BLANK

Q0000088225 F1-042 10 5 Cathedral Window Quilt by unknown quilter RBP No. 1-A Trip Around the World Wall Hanging Quilt by F1-043 10 5 unknown quilter RBP No. 4 Log Cabin Quilt Quitted in the Ditch by Q0000088226 F1-044 10 5 unknown quilter RBP No. 7 Q0000088227 F1-045 10 5 Detail of Cathedral Window Quilt RBP No. 1-B F1-046 10 5 Choctaw County Barn Choctaw County (Ala.) F1-047 10 5 BLANK Q0000088228 F1-048 10 5 Choctaw County Barn Choctaw County (Ala.) Allene Henry Quilt: Explosion Pattern Quilt Q0000088229 F1-049 10 5 ca. 1950 Owner Wanda Henry Tuscaloosa County (Ala.)

Betty Kimbrell Quilt -- Bordier Purse Includes Betty Kimbrell home address Q0000088230 F1-050 10 5 (Jefferson or Coosa County?) and price of quilt (350.00$) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

F1-051 10 5 Log Cabin in Detail, " Quilting in the Ditch" RBP Sept. 1991 Flo Al NO.9 1991 September 1990-1999 Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 116 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) F1-052 10 5 Log Cabin in Detail (back) RBP no. 10

F1-053 10 5 Quilt by Unknown Quilter Quilt features older two story house F1-054 10 5 Wall Hanging Quilt RBP no.11 F1-055 10 5 Detail. Applique of Wall Hanging RBP no.12 F1-056 10 5 Detail. Applique of Winnie the Pooh RBP no.16 Q0000088231 F1-057 10 5 Talladega Cemetery Talladega County (Ala.) Q0000088232 F1-058 10 5 Good Hope Church Cemetery Elmore County (Ala.) F1-059 10 5 John Catchings with Children Catchings, John F1-060 10 5 John Catchings with Children Catchings, John F1-061 10 6 Paul Shelnutt, dancer (on left) Shelnutt, Paul Q0000088233 F1-062 10 6 Sampler Quilt RBP Florence Al No 1A Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) F1-063 10 6 Detail of Cathedral Window Quilt No. 3 F1-064 10 6 Detail of Trip Around the World Quilt RBP Flo Al No. 5 Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Q0000088234 F1-065 10 6 Detail of Trip Around the World Quilt RBP No. 2 Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.) Q0000088235 F1-066 10 6 Mule Barn, Jackson County Brackner, Joey Jackson County (Ala.) Q0000088236 F1-067 10 6 Bettye Kimbrell Quilt Kimbrell, Bettye Q0000088237 F1-068 10 6 Bettye Kimbrell Quilt Kimbrell, Bettye F1-069 10 6 George Fuller Sketch ca. 1856-1858 Fuller, George F1-070 10 6 George Fuller Sketch ca. 1856-1858 Fuller, George F1-071 10 6 George Fuller Sketch ca. 1856-1858 Fuller, George Mt. Olive Cemetery (Jefferson or Coosa Q0000088238 F1-072 10 6 County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Q0000088239 F1-073 10 6 Church St. Graveyard Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088240 F1-074 10 6 Unknown Cemetery ASDA 1219 Mt. Olive Cemetery (Jefferson or Coosa Q0000088241 F1-075 10 6 County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Cemetery (Jefferson or Coosa Q0000088242 F1-076 10 6 County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) Mt. Olive Cemetery (Jefferson or Coosa Q0000088243 F1-077 10 6 County?) Mt. Olive (Ala.); Coosa County (Ala.) location unknown. Historic American F1-078 10 6 Building Survey, Alabama gravehouse location unknown. Historic American F1-079 10 6 Building Survey, Alabama gravehouse location unknown. Historic American F1-080 10 6 Building Survey, Alabama gravehouse location unknown. Historic American F1-081 10 7 Building Survey, Alabama gravehouse location unknown. Historic American F1-082 10 7 Building Survey, Alabama gravehouse location unknown. Historic American F1-083 10 7 Building Survey, Alabama gravehouse F1-084 10 7 Rock Creek Gravehouse Rock Creek (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088244 F1-085 10 7 Church St. Graveyard 1983 July 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088245 F1-086 10 7 Plateau Cemetery 1988 March 1980-1989 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Blue Creek Cemetery Saturday before Q0000088246 F1-087 10 7 Decoration Day 1989 June 1980-1989 Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088247 F1-088 10 7 Liberty Hill Cemetery Walker County (Ala.) Q0000088248 F1-089 10 7 Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Cemetery 1983 August 1980-1989 Pinson (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 117 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000088249 F1-090 10 7 Magnolia Cemetery 1983 July 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088250 F1-091 10 7 Magnolia Cemetery, Confederate Dead Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088251 F1-092 10 7 Cemetery in Cherokee County 1983 August 1980-1989 Cherokee County (Ala.) Q0000088252 F1-093 10 7 Cemetery in Cherokee County 1983 August 1980-1989 Cherokee County (Ala.) Q0000088253 F1-094 10 7 Cemetery near Shottsville, AL Shottsville (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088254 F1-095 10 7 Magnolia Cemetery 1983 July 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088255 F1-096 10 7 Church St. Cemetery 1983 July 1980-1989 Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088256 F1-097 10 7 Demopolis City Hall Demopolis (Ala.); Marengo County (Ala.) F1-098 10 7 Detail of Applique in Sampler Quilt RBP no. 15 Forest Hills School Mascot (Unfinished) -- F1-099 10 7 Teddy Bear Quilt RBP Sept_91 Flo. Al. (No.17) 1991 September 1990-1999 Florence (Ala.); Lauderdale County (Ala.)

in process of restoration. Depression Q0000088257 F1-100 10 7 Bluebird in Easy Applique era quilt ca. 1936 (no.18) Q0000088258 F1-101 10 8 Bettye Kimbrell Quilt Kimbrell, Bettye Q0000088259 F1-102 10 8 Bettye Kimbrell Quilt Kimbrell, Bettye F1-103 10 8 Restored Squares in Blue Birds quilts RBP No. 19 Q0000088260 F1-104 10 8 Around the World Wall Hanging Quilt detail of No. 6 quilt quilting RBP Q0000088261 F1-105 10 8 Joe Cain Day parade Mobile (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088262 F1-106 10 8 Lonnie Holley Home Holley, Lonnie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088263 F1-107 10 8 Estella Jackson Basket Shop Jackson, Estella F1-108 10 8 Estella Jackson, Nicky Baker Jackson, Estella; Baker, Nicky Wiregrass Sacred Harp Singers with Dewey Williams during the 1963 Newport Jazz F1-109 10 8 Festival 1963 1960-1969 Williams, Dewey Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-110 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-111 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-112 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-113 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-114 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-115 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-116 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-117 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-118 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-119 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-120 10 8 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George Sketches by George Fuller during his F1-121 10 9 George Fuller Sketch, 1856-1858 visit to Alabama and Georgia 1850-1859 Fuller, George

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 118 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) F1-122 10 9 Walker Evans Photo from Hale County Hale County (Ala.) Q0000088264 F1-123 10 9 Shottsville Cemetery Shottsville (Ala.); Marion County (Ala.) Q0000088265 F1-124 10 9 Bogg's Familly Pottery Prattville (Ala.); Autauga County (Ala.) Q0000088266 F1-125 10 9 Sternett Pottery Leeds (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088267 F1-126 10 9 J.W. Murphy Pottery (1879) Murphy, J.W. Q0000088268 F1-127 10 9 Allen Woodall Pottery Woodall, Allen Q0000088269 F1-128 10 9 Allen Woodall Pottery Woodall, Allen F1-129 10 9 Allen Woodall Pottery Woodall, Allen F1-130 10 9 WDB churn from Allen Woodall pottery Woodall, Allen Q0000088270 F1-131 10 9 ZTU jug from Allen Woodall pottery Woodall, Allen F1-132 10 9 ZTU jug from Allen Woodall pottery Woodall, Allen Gourd Farmer Baldwin County located 3 miles off Hwy 31 on Baldwin County Road 61 South. Located between Bay Minette and Q0000088271 F1-133 10 9 Atmore. Baldwin County (Ala.) A.A. Baker advertisement in the Huntsville F1-134 10 9 directory of 1859-1860 Baker, A.A. Huntsville (Ala.); Madison County (Ala.) Q0000088272 F1-135 10 9 Allen Woodall pottery "WDB" Churn 1994 March 1990-1999 Woodall, Allen F1-136 10 9 Allen Woodall pottery "WDB" Churn 1994 March 1990-1999 Woodall, Allen Q0000088273 F1-137 10 9 Robert Braidford pottery 1994 March 1990-1999 Braidford, Robert Spruce Pine (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) Mulder Jugs found by Margaret Anne Mulder- Kelley (William Mulder's great Q0000088274 F1-138 10 9 granddaughter) 1991 September 1990-1999 Mulder, William; Mulder-Kelley, Margaret Anne Redland (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Mulder Jugs found by Margaret Anne Mulder- Kelley (William Mulder's great Q0000088275 F1-139 10 9 granddaughter) 1991 September 1990-1999 Mulder, William; Mulder-Kelley, Margaret Anne Redland (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) F1-140 10 9 Frank Long Pottery 1994 March 1990-1999 Long, Frank Spruce Pine (Ala.); Franklin County (Ala.) F1-141 10 10 Old Rose on Fence Brackner, Joey F1-142 10 10 BLANK F1-143 10 10 Roadside plants F1-144 10 10 BLANK F1-145 10 10 BLANK F1-146 10 10 BLANK F1-147 10 10 BLANK F1-148 10 10 BLANK F1-149 10 10 BLANK Q0000088276 F1-150 10 10 Bottle walkway porch 1990 1990-1999 Muirhead, Deborah Q0000088277 F1-151 10 10 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088278 F1-152 10 10 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088279 F1-153 10 10 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmingham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-154 10 10 C. K. Oliver pottery Oliver, C. K. Q0000088280 F1-155 10 10 Coon Dogs Montgomery Advertiser Handley, Mike Satsuma (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Boll Weevil Monument in Enterprise, F1-156 10 10 Alabama. Enterprise (Ala.); Coffee County (Ala.) Boll Weevil Monument in Enterprise, F1-157 10 10 Alabama. Enterprise (Ala.); Coffee County (Ala.) Boll Weevil Monument in Enterprise, Q0000088281 F1-158 10 10 Alabama. Enterprise (Ala.); Coffee County (Ala.)

Q0000088282 F1-160 10 10 Selma, Alabama House -- Front House Porch Muirhead, Deborah Selma (Ala.); Dallas County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 119 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000088283 F1-161 10 11 Alabama House Porch 1991 June 1990-1999 Muirhead, Deborah Marion (Ala.); Perry County (Ala.) Alabama House Porch with red porch Q0000088284 F1-162 10 11 decorations 1990 1990-1999 Muirhead, Deborah

Q0000088285 F1-163 10 11 Alabama House Porch with coat hangers 1991 June 1990-1999 Muirhead, Deborah Selma (Ala.); Dallas County (Ala.) Q0000088286 F1-164 10 11 Alabama House Porch 1990 1990-1999 Muirhead, Deborah Alabama House Porch -- Rose bush with pots Q0000088287 F1-165 10 11 and foil 1991 1990-1999 Muirhead, Deborah Selma (Ala.); Dallas County (Ala.) Q0000088288 F1-166 10 11 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmigham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088289 F1-167 10 11 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmigham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088290 F1-168 10 11 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmigham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-169 10 11 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmigham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-170 10 11 BLANK F1-171 10 11 BLANK F1-172 10 11 BLANK F1-173 10 11 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmigham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088291 F1-174 10 11 Lonnie Holley Holley, Lonnie Birmigham (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.)

Q0000088292 F1-175 10 11 Magnolia Grove Slave Quarters and Kitchen Greensboro (Ala.); Hale County (Ala.) F1-176 10 11 BLANK F1-177 10 12 BLANK F1-178 10 12 BLANK F1-179 10 12 BLANK F1-180 10 12 BLANK F1-181 10 12 BLANK F1-182 10 12 BLANK

F1-183 10 12 Alabama House and yard -- flower garden 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088293 F1-184 10 12 Alabama House Porch 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Q0000088294 F1-185 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) From postcard featuring Decatur, F1-186 10 12 Negro Baptizing Photograph Alabama. Decatur (Ala.); Morgan County (Ala.) Q0000088295 F1-187 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088296 F1-188 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088297 F1-189 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1990 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088298 F1-190 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1990 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088299 F1-191 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-192 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-193 10 12 Alabama House and yard 1991 June 1990-1999 Mairhead, Deborah Bessemer (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) Q0000088300 F1-194 10 12 Jesse Thomason's Shop Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) F1-195 10 12 Jesse Thomason's Shop Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) Q0000088301 F1-196 10 12 Jesse Thomason's Shop Thomason, Jesse Blountsville (Ala.); Blount County (Ala.) F1-197 10 12 BLANK F1-198 10 12 BLANK F1-199 10 12 Reverend B. F. Perkins Artwork 1987 August 1980-1989 Perkins, B. F. Vernon (Ala.); Lamar County (Ala.)

Ilex Vomitorium Plant used in the creation of F1-200 10 12 Native American "Black Drink" Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.) Q0000088302 F1-201 10 13 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088303 F1-202 10 13 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.)

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 120 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000088304 F1-203 10 13 Africatown Celebration Statue of Cudjo Lewis 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-204 10 13 Africatown Celebration Statue of Cudjo Lewis 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088305 F1-205 10 13 Africatown Celebration Statue of Cudjo Lewis 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088306 F1-206 10 13 Jerry Brown Pottery Brown, Jerry

F1-207 10 13 The Sullivans with Joy Deville Deville, Joy; Sullivan, Enoch; Sullivan, Marge F1-208 10 13 Japheth Jackson and Dewey Williams Williams, Dewey; Jackson, Japheth Purple Martin Gourd Houses -- County Road Q0000088307 F1-209 10 13 217 F1-210 10 13 The Sullivans yard and Bus Q0000088308 F1-211 10 13 Jerry Brown Face Jugs Brown, Jerry Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088309 F1-212 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088310 F1-213 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088311 F1-214 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088312 F1-215 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088313 F1-216 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088314 F1-217 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Little Hope Primitive Baptist Church -- Q0000088315 F1-218 10 13 Deason Memorial Sing Brent (Ala.); Bibb County (Ala.) Q0000088316 F1-219 10 13 Jesse Thompson Thompson, Jesse Q0000088317 F1-220 10 13 Jesse Thompson Thompson, Jesse Q0000088318 F1-221 10 14 Jesse Thompson Thompson, Jesse F1-222 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-223 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-224 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-225 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-226 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088319 F1-227 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) F1-228 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088320 F1-229 10 14 Unknown Graveyard F1-230 10 14 Pottery Grave Marker Q0000088321 F1-231 10 14 Pleasant Hill Cemetery Pleasant Hill (Ala.); Cherokee County (Ala.) F1-232 10 14 Black Belt area Cemetery bed stay over grave Hale County (Ala.)

Q0000088322 F1-233 10 14 Talledga County African American Cemetery Talledga County (Ala.) Q0000088323 F1-234 10 14 Cemetery in Jefferson County Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-235 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Q0000088324 F1-236 10 14 Africatown Celebration 1994 1990-1999 Plateau (Ala.); Mobile County (Ala.) Native American site Elmore Co -- F1-237 10 14 Fusihaitchee Wetumpka (Ala.); Elmore County (Ala.)

F1-238 10 14 Purple Martin Gourds -- County road 217 Q0000088325 F1-239 10 14 Jerry Brown Onion Bowl Brown, Jerry F1-240 10 14 Jerry Brown Pottery Brown, Jerry

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 121 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) Q0000088326 F1-241 10 15 Jerry Brown Pottery Brown, Jerry F1-242 10 15 Jerry Brown Pottery Brown, Jerry Q0000088327 F1-243 10 15 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia Q0000088328 F1-244 10 15 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-245 10 15 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-246 10 15 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia Q0000088329 F1-247 10 15 Jesse Thompson Thompson, Jesse Q0000088330 F1-248 10 15 Jesse Thompson Thompson, Jesse F1-249 10 15 Jesse Thompson Q0000088331 F1-250 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) F1-251 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088332 F1-252 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088333 F1-253 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088334 F1-254 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088335 F1-255 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088336 F1-256 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088337 F1-257 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) F1-258 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) F1-259 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088338 F1-260 10 15 Eutaw Festival 1998 1990-1999 Eutaw (Ala.); Greene County (Ala.) Q0000088339 F1-261 10 16 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church Berlin (Ala.); Cullman County (Ala.) F1-262 10 16 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church Berlin (Ala.); Cullman County (Ala.) F1-263 10 16 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church Berlin (Ala.); Cullman County (Ala.) Q0000088340 F1-264 10 16 Bethel Primitive Baptist Church Berlin (Ala.); Cullman County (Ala.) D. J. Cannon Gourd Purple Martin Bird Q0000088341 F1-265 10 16 Houses Cannon, D. J. D. J. Cannon Gourd Purple Martin Bird Q0000088342 F1-266 10 16 Houses Cannon, D. J. D. J. Cannon Gourd Purple Martin Bird Q0000088343 F1-267 10 16 Houses Cannon, D. J. Glaze Mill at Jug Row site #1 near Sterett in Q0000088344 F1-268 10 16 Shelby County. Sterett (Ala.); Shelby County (Ala.) Q0000088345 F1-269 10 16 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-270 10 16 Bo McGee, Willie King McGee, Bo; King, Willie F1-271 10 16 Bo McGee, Willie King McGee, Bo; King, Willie F1-272 10 16 Bo McGee Little Whit Wells McGee, Bo; Wells, Little Whit F1-273 10 16 Bo McGee McGee, Bo F1-274 10 16 Bo McGee McGee, Bo F1-275 10 16 Bo McGee McGee, Bo Q0000088346 F1-276 10 16 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye F1-277 10 16 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye Q0000088347 F1-278 10 16 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye F1-279 10 16 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye F1-280 10 16 Gail Thrower Basket Thrower, Gail F1-281 10 17 Bo McGee, Willie King King, Willie; McGee, Bo F1-282 10 17 Bo McGee, Willie King King, Willie; McGee, Bo F1-283 10 17 Bo McGee, Willie King King, Willie; McGee, Bo F1-284 10 17 Bo McGee, Willie King King, Willie; McGee, Bo F1-285 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia Q0000088348 F1-286 10 17 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 122 FILE NAME SLIDE # BINDER # PAGE # ITEM DESCRIPTION DATE TIME PERIOD PHOTOGRAPHER SUBJECTS (PEOPLE) SUBJECTS (PLACES) F1-287 10 17 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye Q0000088349 F1-288 10 17 Bettye Kimbrell Kimbrell, Bettye Q0000088350 F1-289 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-290 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-291 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-292 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-293 10 17 Bo McGee McGee, Bo Q0000088351 F1-294 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia Q0000088352 F1-295 10 17 Jim Brown Brown, Jim Q0000088353 F1-296 10 17 Lomia Nunn Nunn, Lomia F1-297 10 17 Bo McGee McGee, Bo F1-298 10 17 Bo McGee McGee, Bo F1-299 10 17 Tin Man in Fairfield Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-300 10 17 Tin Man in Fairfield Fairfield (Ala.); Jefferson County (Ala.) F1-301 10 18 E. T. Belcher Belcher, E. T. Q0000088354 F1-302 10 18 Scott Reynolds Pottery Robt. S. Ham Reynolds, Scott

Collection of MMFA (Montgomery F1-303 10 18 J. Kelly Fitzpatrick, "Bogg's Pottery," 1936 Museum of Fine Arts) 1967.5 Fitzpatrick, J. Kelly

Alabama State Council on the Arts / Alabama Folklife Association fieldwork slides 123