Dedicated to the ideal* Address and interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian SECTION descent. 81-83 Grand Street Informative, instructive. m Jersey City 3, N. J. Supplemena of Ukrainian Daily Svoboda УКРАЇНСЬКИЙЩОЛШииЖ ^OF UKRAJMI&N DA1LV Tel. HEnderson 4-0237 Published by the Ukrainian National Ukrainian National Ass'n Association. The Ukrainian Weekly Section Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РІК ЬХШ Ч. 25C. SECTION TWO SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1056 SECTION TWO No. 250. VOL LXni

.. THE VORKUTA STRIKE 15 Groups Endorse Protest View Ukraine As Red Satellite, Plea Mass Ukrainian Rally In New York Some new factual material jest bloodshed. In Camp 3, Against Reds To UN By Toronto Ukrainians Sunday, December 30th concerning the uprising and where where Noble was impri- atnke of the forced laborers in'soned, he met a former Soviet Fifteen ethnic groups of the nited States," said Mr. Jakubec. A Mass Ukrainian Rally will chance of ever menacing, the drawn immediately from Com­ the infamous Vorkuta Soviet diplomat named Gurevich, who Mutual Co-operation League D. D. Stokal, president of Toronto Ukrainian Canad­ be held on Sunday, December world again when Ukraine and Russian coal mines near the j had been recalled from Paris supported Toronto's Ukrainian the Toronto branch of the ians who gathered on Sunday, munist governments of the 30th at 2 p.m. In the main hall all the other non-Russian na­ J. Artie Circle is reported in the after World War П; a former Canadians on December 16th Ukrainian Canadian Com­ December 16th, to protest a- satellite countries, because they of the Manhattan Center, 34th tions presently enslaved by pamphlet entitled "Labor in! professor of Leningrad Univer last in their protest against mittee, said when the meeting gainst Soviet Russian Imperial­ do not actually represent their Street and Eighth Avenue, are once again free, the Soviet Orbit," written by Communist rule. was arranged events were com­ ism and communism (see last people, he said , under the ap- sovereign, and completely in­ sity; a Kiev University profes­ week's report of the rally onl dependent. Anatole Shub, managing eidtor sor leader of the Young Com­ Nations which have been paratively peaceful, but since Instead of representing their spices of the nationally repre­ this page—Ed.) called for rec- nations at UN the Communist of The New Dealer Magazine, munist League, and a former crushed for 40 years are no then happenings in Hungary sentative Ukrainian Congress Everyone who has a feeling ognition by the United Nations! delegates exclude their nations, and published by the Labor political comissar of the So­ less entitled to their freedom and Poland had shown the west Committee of America. of unity and sympathy for of Ukraine as a tempararily! because they take the place of Committee to Release Impri­ viet Army. In the same camp than the satellites subjugated that co-existence was impos­ In its appeal to Ukrainian their Ukrainian fellow men, soned Trade Unionists and De­ by Russia since the Second sible. occupied country on the same true representatives, said Mr. and other Americans to attend who want to throw off the hat­ were two former Spanish Com­ terms and conditions as the mocratic Socialists, an inter­ munists who had helped ship World War and should be re- S. W. Frolick, president of Kersten. the rally, the sponsoring com­ ed yoke of Moscow, should national organization. guarded in the same light, the Mutual' Co-operation Lea­ Russian satellite countries in Their credentials should be mittee notes that: "We have come to this rally and stand up munitions from Odessa, to the Central and Eastern Europe, The article reads as follows: Loyalists during the Civil War. speakers declared. gue, said slave labor played a attacked. They should be made been witnessing, during the to be counted in the interest of the Toronto Globe and Mail past several weeks, events in A few days after Beria's ar­ "Thank God for the rivers vital part in the economy of to prove that they represent the enslaved Ukrainian and daily reported. Europe taking place at breath­ rest (Beria was head of the Meet UPA-ites at the Gamp of blood which have flowed in Soviet Russia. He quoted the peoples they claim to re­ other peoples of the Moscow Resolutions adopted by the taking speed which are of MVD — Ed.> a strike broke Hungary," cried Milan Jakubec, Khrushchev as saying Stalin present, he said. slave empire. Miss Gerland, Dr. Scholmer would have shipped away all meeting, attended by about world-shaking significance. The out in the coal mines of Vor- ^ Noble ^ „^ former u secretary of the league. It was The free world should appeal Principal speakers at. the 1,000 Ukrainian Canadians, Russian Communist prison of kuta, near the Artie Circle, krainian partisans (soldiers of the only way the eyes of the Ukrainians if he had had a to all segments of society to manifestation will be U.S. Sec­ p also called for the present So­ nations is cracking and there Here an estimated 100,000 ^ Ukrainian Insurgent Army West could have been opened resist whenever possible. An retary of Labor James P. Mit­ viet Ukrainian government and are signs pointing to a possible forced laborers supplied the'_ Ukrainska Povstancha Ar- to the reality of communism Ukrainiane, said Mr. Frolick, international trade commission chell, U.S. Senator Herbert H. its United Nations representa­ spread of the open rebellion 6 per cent of the 's щіуа and what it stands for, he said. account for 45 per cent of all should also be created to bar­ Lehman, Congressman Feign- I Edit.) who had fought inmates of Soviet slave camps. tives to be considered Moscow's from Hungary and Poland to coal — including most of that "For too long we have been gain with the Communist an, World Affairs magazine both the [Nazi] SS and the Published Soviet laws made puppets and servile tools, with­ other areas. The shattering of for Leningrad, 1,400 miles to told we should acclimatize our­ world. Trade concessions should editor Rev. Dr. Tormeng, Hun­ (Communist] NKVD, Jews ar­ it clear that citizens could be out authority to represent the the Soviet empire must not the southwest selves to life in the west and be grated on conditions such as' garian freedom fighter Hazassl, rested as "Zionists," deportees sent to corrective labor camps Ukrainian nation. catch us unaware because it forget what we have seen as If admittance of free journalists former inmate of a Soviet Rus­ A Change Made in 1848 fram the Baltic states and — for up to 25 years .on the Demands for Russia to will be a time of decision of the it would be a pleasure for us for a certain period, or West­ sian concentration camps Prof. a mass of officers from the So­ ground of being socially un­ withdraw her occupational future fate of Ukraine." In an effort to increase out­ to leave our native places add ern professors to Red universi­ Stanislavsky, Ukrainian Con­ viet occupation forces in Ger­ desirable, without having com­ troops and permit free elec­ This public demonstration is put, the Soviet Government go wandering round the world," ties. If these strings attached gress Committee of America many." mitted any crime. tions in the Ukraine, to abolish to serve as a reminder to the had made changes in camps he declared. to industrial goods were re­ president Mr. Dmytro Haly- "On June 18," Noble reports, concentration and slave labor whole world that the Ukrain­ like Vorkuta starting in 1948. He quoted figures which he fused the West would then be chyn, and its chairman Prof. "When Radio Moscow announc­ "The freedom in this country camps, which violate the decla­ ian people will never give up The changes affected both liv­ said were taken from Soviet able to declare by radio to the Lev Dobriansky. ed over our barraks' loudspeak­ was not granted to us for noth­ published documents indicating ration of human rights, and for thelight for freedom and their ing conditions and access to people that the conditions at­ er the news of German upris­ ing. If we work for the free­ that men and women working the release and repatriation of aational independence. The ral­ The Ukrainian male Dumka information. Soviet books and tached were to obtain more ing ... we discussed the pos­ dom of our native countries we In mines and lumber camps re­ inmates received approval. ly will mark the sympathy of Chorus wdl appear on the papers became more available, freedom for them', with conse­ sibility of striking for our free­ are helping to preserve the ceived less than enough food The meeting .went op record the participants for the Hun­ program with a presentation of and Moscow Radio was heard quent influence on opinion. * dom. But we were afraid it was freedom of Canada and the U- to sustain life. as condemning Russian action garian courageous fighters for a selection of stirring Ukrain­ by inmates. Foreign broadcasts An international juridical ian songs. impossible. Someoneelse made in Hungary and requesting the Jreedpm,, who are being actlve- were heard by inmates by elite commission should also be the decision for us., , United Nations to, urge prompt y aided .by Ukrainian fighters. Miss Mary Bodnar, soprano, , prisoners in the camps and by established to begin immediate .In July, when the snow Suggest Red Deserters Be Brought withdrawal of Russian troops will, open, the ral}y with tjhf economic handouts and is a big factor in curiosity and . meet and talk to. one another- three-fourths empty, and revolt among Red Army units to supervise the Hungarian re­ .iind the Iron Curtain ahouk psychological warfare, told the :tate tyranny. - ' — questioning which^ie said are "The intellectuals whose debat­ chalked across the inside in big, in Hungary reached Toronto fugee airlift to Ontario, re­ lot only be used for refugee- meeting recent defection to the causing a "fundamental'' ing zeal had so struck me at bold letters was written: 'To on December 16th, officials of questing him to take the ne­ but to establish and equip vol­ These reports have been ap­ rebels of Ukrainian troops in change and leading to eventual first sight," reports Miss Ger­ hell with your coal, we want the Ukrainian Canadian Com­ cessary steps to bring a few unteer ethnic units to serve pearing ever sln:e the October freedom!' Leaflets pasted on mittee branch held meeting to of the Ukrainian Red Army Soviet forces in Hungary dra­ •vith NATO. evolt in Hungary. "liberation and democratiza­ land, "were students from matically indicates the desire the car read: 'Comrades from start proceeding for the trans­ defectors to this country. Mostly they are about etu- tion" of the Soviet government. - Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, O- for freedom of peoples long NATO forces represent the Mines 12, 14. and 16. Don't let portation of a small number of A special delegation of eth­ lent opposition to Communist dessa ..." Some of them had subjugated by tyranny. culture of Europe and should Concessions Made Us down. You know we are the Ukrainian-born deserters nic leaders, Nheaded by Mr. loctrine and restrictions. Some belonged to groups in Moscow If the west adopts a positive include all Europe, said Mr. striking.' We formed a strike to Canada. Daniel Stokal and Mr. Stan e!l of demonstrations and The satellite regimes, ap­ and Leningrad who argued policy aimed at the political de­ Kersten. that the state should not be committee. The leader was Gu­ "This is our chance to en­ Frolick, president of the Mu­ .trikes of workers. parently on cue from Moscow, revich, the former diplomat." courage such desertions on a tual Co-operation League, will feat, of Russian Communists Free units serving in NATO attacked unrest by precaution­ run by one or by several par­ imperialism at its Moscow base under their own flogs would What they all add up to Is ties but by workers' and peas­ On the morning of July 23rd, large scale," said Mr. Daniel call on members of the Onta­ і matter of speculation. A- ary moves and concessions, ac­ rio cabinet to urge immediate it will find the chances of have an incalculable influence ants' "syndicates." continues Noble, the inmates Stokal, committee chairman. nencan and other diplomats cording to the reports. While no mass Immigration action. political defeat greater than in in drawing away the loyalty This was said to have brought Another eyewitness of the of Camp 3 "went to work ... military defeat, he said. of thousands now forced to .tudying them caution against but about noon new arrivals aying too much emphasis on tighter security, more patrols Vorkuta strike was Dr. Joseph Diplomatic recognition by the serve in Soviet forces, said Mr. and arrests, stepped-up propa­ Scholmer, a long time member from the Karaganda slave der the control of the prison-j camp of Vorkuta, General De- frjee world should be with- Kesten. .heir meaning. camp refused to go Into the ganda about "spies" and, in the of the German Communist par­ ers. revyanko, prisoners whose out- Perhaps, they say, cracks case of restive Romanian stu­ ty. Seized by the Gestapo in mines unless they were issued "The strike committee organ- put and conduct were satis- are showing up in the once- working clothes. The store­ dents more homework to keep 1944 for anti-Nazi activities, ized the 4,500 men in (Camp 3) j factory could, upon request and Hungarian Student Tells Soviet nonohthic Soviet system. But them out of mischief. in 1945, he was appointed to a room had none. That set it off. hey add that does not mean thoroughly. Not one lump of і with the recommendation of The concessions reported In­ high post in the Public Health Everyone took example of the he Soviet system is collapsing coal was taken from the mine, their camp commandant, re- Students to be Unafraid cluded improved pensions in all Administration of the Soviet Karaganda rebels and refused Perfect discipline was main­ ceive a visit once a year from rom Moscow to East . the satellite, price cuts in Al­ zone. In April, 1949, he was to work. tained ..." members of their family. New York. — 21-year-old i-ation, broadcasts around the Such reports presumably lay bania and Czechslovakia and arrested; in July 1950. he was "Our demands were simple, According to Miss Gerland, "6. Petitions tor review of Hungarian freedom fighter to­ :-lock beaming to the USSSR behind two statements this wage increases in Albania, Bul­ sent to Vorkuta and spent Release of all the prisoners "strike committees and pickets their investigation and trial day broadcast from New York programs in Russian and six­ month by dissimilar figures: garia, Hungary and Romania. three-and-a-half years there. who had served ten years or were formed, thousands of leaf­ procedures could be submitted an appeal to students in the teen other Soviet languages 1—Allen Dulles, chief of the In most eases of reports of According to Scholmer, a wage more in any Soviet prison; for lets were written by hand. They by each prisoner to the chair­ Soviet Union to be unafraid of written by former Soviet citi­ U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- unrest, the Communist papers system was introduced in 1952; the rest, the authorities should called for the release of all man of the commission, es­ the Communist dictatorship. zens who have chosen to live су told a Princeton, N. J., au- provided a tlpoff by publishing that improved conditions for: check the records, we said, no prisoners, who would, however, pecially dispatched from Mos­ "The devil is not as strong in freedom in the West. dlence on Dec. 12 that "we have stories condemning the Ind­ able-bodied inmates. Most vie- j coal comes out of the mine for voluntarily undertake to re­ cow, General Maslennlkov." well substantiated reports that dents. tims spent their entire income Leningrad, main as free workers and Miss Gerland says that MVD as he is represented," Istvan Lasj-lo broadcast his appeal to buy additional food. | "Thirty of the Karaganda settlers. officials headed by General Laszlo, who only recently was in Russian. He explained he had When Radio Moscow an- men who had set off the strike Maslennikov arrived from MOB- battling Communism on Buda­ been required to study the Ian The Strikers Demands Named Utica College Speaker nounced that Stalin had suffer- had been out Into the prison COW by plane, "at first they pest barricades, declared over guage at the Forestry Institute ed a stroke, reports Scholmer, camp." continues Noble "Im- They called for the release talked with the strikers' re­ Radio Liberation. for six years. Jerry Lyktey, Ukrainian A- of speeches given during a hope swept the camp. When mcdiately two thousand of us, of all prisoners who would, presentatives with fatherly Laszlo, who has been touring Laszlo confirmed reports that merican, Student Speakers' co­ term. the medical bulletins were with Gurevich and the com­ however, voluntarily undertake kindness ... The prisoners were American campuses telling the many Soviet soldiers and ofi- ordinator of Utica College, In other Speaker's Burea broadeast, "the prisoners mittee, stormed down toward to remain as free workers and not interested. The tone of the heroic story of Hungarian re­ ficers sympathized with the Unica, N. Y., is the leading news it was announced by Mr. gathered around the loudspeak­ the prison. MVD Major Che- settlers in the region for an­ security chiefs changed, be­ sistance to Communism, broad­ Hungarian freedom fighters, at speaker for the current term, Lyktey that the new brochure er, listened with strained at­ vencko, the camp commander, other five years ... On July 20, came threatening." cast hie appeal in the wake of least in the early days of the according to Dr. Ralph N. for this year will be distribut­ tention." The amnesty of March and his political officer Captain 1953 seven thousand prisoners Meanwhile, laying siege to reports of growing intellectual revolt. There were numerous Schmidt speech department ed on January 7th, on Ukrain­ 27 created even greater hope. Bulkov tried to calm us, but we refused to work in the first pit. Camp 3, according to Noble, and student discontent in the instances of fraternizing with chairman, the UC's Tangerine ian Christmas Day. "The June uprising was the yelled out for the release of On July 23, twenty-five pits were "about 300 soldiers de­ Soviet Union. the Hungarian j>eople. publication reported in its De­ Matteo Rovetto and Bohdan great sensation of the day," the Karagandaa." were idle. On the 25th, all fifty ployed ... in newly dug trench­ Noting these reports, Laszlo, Moreover, he himself fought cember 21st number. Rabij will speak at the Hilltop Scholmer continues. "Even the According to Noble, The Ka­ were idle. es. We chould see the machine a former student at the Forest­ with Soviet soldiers who had The leading speaker Is cho­ Community of the Moravian simple man felt instinctively raganda prisoners finally over­ "Shortly after the strike guns and mortars being put in ry Institute at Sopron, told his deserted the Communist cause. sen on the basis of the number Church on December 31st. that a real revolution was tak­ came three drunken guards began," reports Dr. Scholmer, place. At 6 p.m. Captain Buli- Radio Liberation audience: "In Sopron, in the village of ing place in East Germany — and broke out. An MVD lieu­ "the administration of the! kov... asked permission to "Do not fear the Soviet dic­ Nazing, six Soviet soldiers a revolution against the same tenant ordered his troops to state camps announced the fob!enter the camp and speak to tatorship; do not fear the sec­ joined our side and fought the Ukrainian American String Band police system which had ar­ open fire. "It lasted twenty sec­ lowing order: us. He ... read an order from ret police. The devil is not as Soviet ипЦз with us," he said. rested, sentenced and enslaved onds. When it was over, fifteen "1. Prisoners would no long­ General Derevyanko ... Our strong as he is represented. If In Budapest, he witnessed to Parade in Philly us." men lay on the ground. Two er be locked in at night. pay was to be tripled to 300 all of us — you, the Soviet the defection of a Soviet tank The Ukrainian American re­ tradition of over fifty conse­ rubles a month; the bars were youth — we. the Hungarian unit "to the side of the workers presentatives of Philadelphia A third witness — and ac­ were dead. We became enraged. "2. The bars would be re­ cutive years. The parade takes to be taken off the windows; it youth — and the youth of and students, helping our com­ participated in a drawing for tual participant — in the Vor­ Immediately, Gurevich and the moved from the windows. place on Broad Street on New was no longer required to wear other countries — all act to­ rades in the battle with the position on Tuesday, December kuta strike was John H. Noble, crowd seized control of the "3. Identification numbers on Year's Day, 1957. The parade gether, It will mean the end of secret police." 12th last in the Mayor's re­ a native of Detroit who was camp. Chevchenko, Bulkov, the the left arm and left leg would slave numbers sewn on our is over five miles long. Communist Party autocracy. Laszlo, who in the past ception room In City Hall, not released from Vorkuta un­ guards and the others in au­ be removed. | clothes; the barracks would not Any musicians desiring to The experience of our Hun­ month has made 67 speeches Phtla., Pa. The Ukrainian A- til June 1954. Among his fel­ thority were kicked out of the "4. Each prisoner could be locked after evening roll participate should stop at the garian revolution shows that in 15 states, will soon return merican String Band will be in low inmates was , the former camp. Gurevich went to the hence-forth write to his family [ call.. Ukrainian Club, any Monday this Is so." to Europe, where, he said, he position number 11th in the First Secretary of the Estonian main gate and — looking into once a month instead of twice' On July 27, Noble reports evening, 847 N. Franklin St., ! year. I Derevyanko and the ftadio Leberatlon, the princ- will work with other student group of 22 string bands. Phila., Pa. or call Mr. Stanley Communir,t Party, whose job the muzzles of a hundred guns a Interior refugees for the freedom of was handing out food in Mine — announced that, from that With the permission of Minister of the local Komi Re- j ipal activity supported by the This parade is the famous Wolfe (Wowk) ST 2-4625. Hungary. 29, later the scene of the great- moment on, the camp was un- the commandant of the state (Vontinvejt on page w) j American Committee of Llbe- Mummers' Parada. This is a Mychallo Onystiak . І


ALEXANDER ARCHIPENKO This Week in American History Prepare for Next UNA Convention ШІМ Ж 3 'УІОДОША By THEODORE LUT.WIN1AK МКРЛІИСкКЧМ ІЩ4.СНННК ^Н|/ UKRA1M1AM DA1LV By EDWARD SEREDYNSKY FOUNDED 1893 (December 25-81) branch to be represented at the Ukrainian newspaper published daily except Sundays, Mondays Modern art today is fashion­ On Christmas Day, 1821 — attracted national attention as Since 1957 is just around the irehipenko developed a feeling convention. Its delegate will. and holidays (Saturday and Monday issues combined) able. An exhibition at the Mu­ 135 years ago — Clara Barton, president of Princeton Univer­ ;orncr, we wish our Dear Read- by the Ukrainian National Association. Inc. or the mathematical relation- voice the ideas of its members seum of Modern art in New founder of the American Red sity, his alma mater. He was зг a happy and prosperous New at 81-83 Grand Street. Jersey City 3, N. J. hip of objects in space. Archi- and vote on .'. all matters. York City draws record-break­ Cross, was born at Oxford, elected governor of New Jersey Year. »enko insists, however, that no Whether a delegate represents Entered as Second Class mall Matter at the Post Office of Jersey ing crowds. Whereas in 1910 Massachusetts. After teaching in 1910 and in 1912 received the After 1957 comes 1958 and >ne consciously trained him in a large branch, or a small one, City. N. J., on March 30. 1911 under the Act of March 8. 1879. the followers of modern art school in New Jersey, she mov­ Democratic nomination for Pre­ the 24th Convention of the U- hese matters and his conclu- he still has the right to be Acepted tor mailing at special rate of postage provided for Section were few, to-day their number ed in 1854 to Washington, D.C.. sident William Howard Taft, krainian National Ass'n. Ac­ ions were derived by a pro- heard. When the delegate re­ 1130 of Act of October 3. 1917 authorized July 31. 1918 is legion. Nevertheless, though where, at the outbreak of the the regular Republican nominee tually, the convention is only ess of independent reasoning. turns to his hqme, he makes a modern art is of our time, it Civil Was, she organized sup­ and "Teddy" Roosevelt, who 17 months away, as it will take In 1906 Archipenko spent a full report to tlje members at must be restated anew to each ply and nursing service for ran as an independent, split the place in May 1958. This, may The Ukrainian Weekly •hort time in Moscow. Moscow, a regular branch.,meeting. All English Language Supplement generation. Therefore Alex­ sick and wounded Union troops. Republican vote and Wilson зеет like a long time, but to he aggrandizer, but not the will feel good that their branch Subscription Rates for Ukrainian Weekly $3.00 per yeai ander Archipenko. as a pioneer Later, at the outbreak of the was easily elected. He ran a- small UNA branches it isn't a creator, could offer him noth­ had been represented at the U. N. A. Members _j- $2.00 per yeai in modern art, again attracts Franco-Prussian War, Clara gain in 1916, on the platform long time at all. ing more than he had learned convention. It will make them our attention. Barton went abroad as a nurse "he kept us out of war" and de­ The 23rd Convention of 1954 Address: "SVOBODA", P. O. BOX 346 — Jersey City 3. N. *• n Kiev. We find Archipenko feel more UNA-conscious. Alexander Archipenko, like next in Paris. Still the student and came into contact with the feated Charles Evans Hughes in decided that a branch must A nice thing abput the past Illya Repin. is of Ukrainian and not the master, Archipenko International Red Cross in Eu­ a very close election. In April, have 75 adult members in or­ four or five conventions is the birth. Perhaps the only other studied for two weeks at the rope. Returning to the Unitd 1917, after the sinking of the der to be entitled j to elect a fact that the American-born THE ROLE OF OUR CHURCHES point of similarity is in their L'Ecole des Beaux Arts. Rodin, States, she founded the Amer­ Lusitania and numerous other delegate to represent it at the generation was represented by approach toward art. Both the master sculptor and teacher ican Red Cross and served as incidents between Germany and 24th Convention. The UNA has large delegations. The 23rd Now that we arc in midstream — so to speak — between were leaders of revolt. Repin of his generation, held no at­ its president until 1904. She the , Wilson went quite a few branches which do Convention, held in Washing­ the "American Christmas" and the "Ukrainian Christmas, was at his best when he pro­ traction for young Archipenko. was responsible for the intro­ before Congress for a declara not have enough members ton, D.C., May 3&4?une 5,1954, thirteen days apart, with our thoughts and emotions centered tested against the stringent, Of Rodin, Archipenko states duction of the "American A- tton of war. After the armistice During the next 17 months was a truly great affair, ad­ upon the Holy Trinity and our determination to live up to chauvinistic Russian spirit. that his method was "to throw mendment" at the Geneva In­ in 1918 Wilson attended the these branches must strive to dressed by 14 US Senators and Christ's teachings, it is well to reflect upon what our Ukrainian Archipenko is at his best when clay on a pedestal and form ternational Conference in 1884, Peace Conference in Europe. attain the members they need. Congressman as well as other churches and parishes have done for all of us, Americans - !ie struggles to free himself i.he material with his fingers, specifying that in . extreme He proposed that a .League of Some will attain the goal, and VIPs. About 25% of the dele­ Ukrainian by birth or descent — since the founding of the from the restrictions of acade­ and who reminded me of dough peacetime emergencies the Red Nations be formed to prevent some will not. Seventeen gates were of the Americah.- first Ukrainian church in the United States, the Ukrainian mic world art. Repin, however, thrown on a table." Cross should carry out human future conflicts. After his re­ months isn't time enough for born generation and, today, Greek Catholic Church in Shennadoah, Pa. That was in the had his limitations. He became itarian work similar to that as turn, however, the Senate re- some of the branches. • Louvre His School and Teacher some of them are serving as year 1886. •onfused after coming in con­ sumed by it during wars. Clara fused to ratify the treaty con- The UNA will undoubtedly tabling the League of Nations launch a prc-convention cam­ UNA Supreme Officers. Going back to that time, it is worth to look щюп the back­ tact with world art in Paris. The Louvre Art Museum be­ Barton died in 1912. Archipenko, on the other hand, came his school and teacher. On December 28, 1956 — provision. To arouse public paign for new members and It would be nice if, once a- ground of the establishment of that Ukrainian church and the opinion in support of the trea­ this should help some of the gain, the youth is well repre­ other Ukrainian churches in various cities and towns through­ threw Paris and the entire art There he studied not the aca- just one hundred years ago — world into confusion. Archi­ Icmic classic art but the an­ Woodrow Wilson, twenty-eigth ty, Wilson toured the country small branches. Others, though, sented at a'UNA convention. out the country, such as in Jersey City, New York City, New­ in 1919, in the course of which will have to help themselves as Only 17 month remain during ark. Chicago, and Detroit. penko is the first artist of U- cient archaic art of Greece, President of the United States, krainian birth to have gained Hellenistic and Byzantine art was born in Virginia. Having he suffered a stroke ^from UNA organizers cannot get to which the small branches can Those who founded those churches composed the first wave such world-wide attention and During his studies in Paris, abandoned law for the profes­ which he never fully recovered. all of them. The members of build up their membership, and of Ukrainian emigration to these shores. They can be very aptly young people can help by sigst- fame. Archipenko was aware of the sion of teaching, Wilson first He died in 1924. the small branches must pitch t described as the Ukrainian Pilgrims, as those who fled here in "oppression of this vast art in and help their officers. If a ing up new members. Putting order to escape the hard economic hardships they had to en­ Background heritage from the past and I branch isn't represented at the off the matter until the last dure back in the "Old Country," and even the harder hard­ country was in California, It is ridiculous. You would not Alexander Archipenko was continually worked to free my­ convention the members of that moment will not help at all, for ships imposed upon them by the foreign misrulers of their where I did quantities. say that because Picasso used born in May, 1887, in Kiev. At self. My early work shows branch will have no one to there is a lot to do and the native but then, as now. enslaved Ukraine, the "land of milk planes to express the features an early age, he displayed the some traces of the past, but I Archipenko the Artist blame but themselves. sooner the work is started the and honey," as it used to be called. of a face that Picasso is Afri­ It, is important for a UNA better. traits of individuality and vi­ was able, in the end, to achieve Archipenko is neversuper- can. Yet that is the method Approximately 85',' of them came from Western Ukraine, tality that were to appear later my own personal style." ficial and always profound. His used in Negro art" although the forerunners of this first emigratory Wave ap­ in his work. He refused io fol­ In 1909 he ventured forth art appeals more to the intel­ Picasso, in his painting, THE 1957 SVOBODA ALMANAC peared here in the 60's of the last century. They came here low a career in engineering and presented his work with lectual than to the sensual na­ eliminates until he reduces the from Eastern Ukraine, being the tail end of that famous "Gold planned for him by his father, the Independents at the > Au­ ture of man. And he is aware object to its simplest geometric According to the dictates of well as the Svoboda readers Rush," which had as its objective — California, and, later, who was a mechanical engineer tumn Salon in Paris. His dis­ of the difficulties of the artist form. Archipenko, in his sculp­ tradition, the 1957 Svoboda have already sent in their most Alaska, to the Klondike Mines. Leaching at the Polytechnic In­ play created "caustic comment working in such directions in ture, molds geometric forms Almanac has been mailed out generous contributions, for stitute in Kiev. In 1902 he and stormy. controversy" and The earliest of the Western Ukrainian immigrants settled America, "My work is better and shows a distinctive feeling to all the Svoboda subscribers. which thanks and appreciation entered the art school in Kiev. his succeeding exhibitions have in Pennsylvania, especially in the coal and steel districts. Those understood in Europe," he for the mathematical relation­ This year's edition consisting are extended. But a special ap­ who followed settled in the industrial centers of New York and Beginning with the study of intensified the turmoil. In 1910 says. "The American mind is ship of objects in space. But peal is being ' made to those painting, Archipenko changed he parted company with the of 176 pages, is printed on book New Jersey. Others went to the gold and silver mines of Mon­ impatient and can see nothing he arrives at his results inde­ paper and contains many ex­ who have not done so. Your tana and Colorado. Still others went to Minnesota, Nebraska. >oon to the study of sculpture. Independents and sponsored in abstract art. Even students pendently and through his own contribution, whether big or In 1905 he was expelled for ob- his own one-man shows in Ha- cellent articles by prominent North and South Dakotas, and other farming states. Today the and artists here want only to individual reasoning. "You can­ Ukrainian individuals. It is small will make it possible not remnants of them and their progeny occupy mostly the Middle pecting to the "old-fashioned ^en, Berlin and other cities of learn quickly and produce just not work with wood as you can only to continue the publication academicism" of his teachers. Germany. After the war he varied in topics — politics, Atlantic and the Middle West sections of the United States, with aa quickly something that has with metal. 'Glass is different music, literature, short stories of "Vcselka" ' (The Rainbow) some in California and Florida. Impatient and recalitrarit as continued exhibiting in Switzer- practical use' or that appeals from, paper. And when you use ! but to improve ahd develop it. and, ' Italy, ' Germany and and so on. It contains many Being of a spiritual and mystically inclined nature, one of Archipenko was in his youth, only to the practical mind.' In these materials you.must un- pictures and illustrations, a Beginning with the January he was still able to retain the Czechoslovakia.. In ',192$ hi' the first acts of the Ukrainian immigrant, upon establishing my school and in my lectures 'ddrstand their proper texture t •issue of "Veselka." this child­ iame to the United States. In calendar of church holidays '• his family on this free American soil, was the building of places more healtful elements' of his at various universities ih' this and relationship to each other ren's' magazine ' will be a'se­ fifteen years he held forty-five and Ukrainian historical dates of worship, in accordance with his faith. environment. "All that I learned country, Г teach' abstract art, and their position in space." which information in itself is parate publication, printed рік' of art in Kiev," he toid me.. "I exhibitions throughout the but I give тау students com­ : Turning to a photographic 8 The Ukrainian church then began and flourish as the focal 1 most educational and valuable. book paper, in'color too, айв* had to learn myself.' There ex country. He came to'America plete freedom of interpretatibn: reproduction .of his work mo­ besides Ukrainian, it will have [•«• center of not only of the immigrant's religious but also of his rather'' accidently. Invited to' The cover by A. Klymko is on jsted no museums Aor such op­ I think it is'a'mistake for Eu­ deled in wood and metal, Archi­ the modern side of art quite an additional English corner) .i) organizational life. appear with his own exhibition L portunities for an.' art educa ropean instructors here to com ' penko emphasized h,ow, he, ar­ effective. which welt be erijbyeo! by those il After Sunday morning church services, the faithful had tion as exist today for children m Japan, an earthquake inter- 8 1 5Upel'their students to'follow the rived at the final! WW &X Ф ! K The-Almanac -is accompanied chUren who 08 yet do not uri- oJ an opportunity to meet outside, to greet one another, to dis­ in New York City.*?' Of Byzan­ 1 vened and his show was post^ principles of modern arb as lowing^,these principles. Going by a letter in which it is stated derstand or read'the Ukrainian ?» cuss their personal problems, and to conceive ideas about estab­ tine art that he saw in Kiev, 4l poned. Rather than' return to taJght in Europe. They muet through His studio, he indicat- that.the readers of Svoboda language. "Veselka"' will help lishing mutual benefit societies, local and national in scope and Archipenko says: "It attracted Europe by way •q f Iberia,Tmake proper allowances foforr ed how he used the figures X "will answer our appeal and your chidren'to learn Ukrain­ range. That is how, for example, the Ukrainian National As­ me — hypnotized |me — but Archipenko chose the route 1 the American mind and psy­ in some of his work. Here and eend at least ONE DOLLAR to ian, but they need your en­ sociation came into being. The story of its birth, in Shamokin, did not influence] my later through America. During his chology. Americans are hot yet there stood a bronze torso, the "Svoboda" to partially couragement. Give them that Pa., back in 1894, needs no retelling here. It is well known to work." Of the books that he journey, he was attracted by ready to understand abstract {broad at the top and the base cover the cost of printing and initiative, that opportunity. our readers. read in his early childhood, life here and decided to remain. art" but narrow in the center. The mailing this calendar." Your generbus response 'tb The American born sons and daughters of these earlier and Andreyev's use of symbolism About New York City, Archi­ У In discussing his study, "The figure was not merely a me­ this worthy campaign will be later Ukrainian immigrants, brought up religiously by their '.n literature made the greatest penko comments: "It is impos­ With this appeal, "SvolnKla" Boxer," perhaps the -earl ist ex­ chanical production based on another proof of our solidarity, parents, attended regularly the Sunday services, the Cathecism, impression. "Since that time, I sible to work here. I don't know has added another one, a vol­ ample of abstract art in sculp­ the figure X but possessed a our belief in the future of A- classes on Saturday mornings, and the Ukrainian parochial looked always for the deeper why, but I know of no artist untary contribution to its Press ture, Archipenko patiently ex­ warm vital quality. When he merica and Ukraine. schools, held usually on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday significance of life and tried to who can work in New York. Fund. Many Ukrainian Na­ plained his viewpoint. "The came to his statue, "Hero," JOSEPHINE GUIAJLO GIBBONS evenings, beginning at 5 o'clock and lasting up to 7 o'clock. tional Association members as express its spirit." They work, it is true, some day mathematician uses symbols to Archipenko vigorously denied During these two hours, which were a sort of a supplement During his childhood, Archi­ and night, but at only com­ express abstract ideas, and I the charge made by the director to their regular American public school hours, they learned penko came in contact with the mercial or decorative art. No am doing the same thing in art. of the Museum of Modern Art Book Review how to read and write in Ukrainian and get to know their U- work of his father, the engi­ fine art, of importance, is pro­ Just as the mathematician that it was a direct imitation Yar Slavutych, The Muse in ized famine in 1932-33) under krainian historical and cultural heritage. These classes were neer, and his grandfather, the duced in this city. I know many manipulates familiar symbols of Picasso and explained in de­ Prison, eleven sketches of U- the Communist regime, and usually conducted in the church halls; if the church did not painter. From his father, Archi­ excellent European artists but to arrive at new ideas, I use tail how he created the work. krainian poets killed by com­ gives also a short historical have one, they were then held in less desirable quarters. penko gained a taste for ex­ they can't work here. It is like known materials but in new Bulliet's Praise munists and twenty-two sketch of Russian persecution The union established by our American-born and raised perimentation. His father was transplanting a tree from the arrangements together with translations of their poems, of Ukrainian language and Ukrainian youth around the church and parish activities led continually planning various warm earth and placing it in Popular with the public is new ideas to arrive at some- Svoboda, Jersey City, 1956, literature, which was always a them to establish their local societies. Thus, in Newark, N. J., projects and working on inven­ water. It cannot grow. The the scries of female bronze .thing that has never been done p.p. 03. $1.00. mirror of the Ukrainian uncon­ for example, the Ukrainian Social Club was established. It did tions. It is from him that best work I ever did in this before." He agrees, with re­ figures. S. J. HullH writes in not limit itself to social activities. In 1934 it ran its own widely- "Apples and Madonnas": This is a short but well com­ querable will for liberty and servations, that this work piled anthology of the Ukrain­ independence. Ho analyzes lauded Ukrainian "Listopadove Sviato," (November 1st Holi­ could be called a study of "Though much of his work is day), the program of which was presented and performed by beyond grasp of laymen—even ian poets, liquidated by Red works of eleven poets, illustrat­ BALSAMS AND STARS rhythm in the third dimension. Moscow in the years 1918-41 ing his opinion with well chosen Ukrainian American youth, with one exception, that is of the "The Boxer" was completed of artists and connoisseurs — late editor-in-chief of Svoboda, Dr. Luke Myshuha, who was зо expert is his technique, so for their Ukrainian patriotism passages of the original poems, We who are of Ukrainian else that is required of then; m 1913 and hailed by the Ger­ or lack of convincing Marxist including a - short biography rightly dubbed in the Weekly as the "Man of Eternal Youth." descent will have our Christ­ is the task, not an arduous at man critic, Dr. Erich Wiese, as .lawless his taste that he forc­ This Newark youth society also devoted a considerable amount ed into popular appreciation a ideology in their writings. If and picture of almost every mas trees standing and decora­ all, of shouldering it dowhill, the successful solution of the one just looks at the list of author. ,' ,. of its time, in raising funds for the purchase of books which tions and lights hanging in guarding at the same time a- threefold problem of plastic series of nude female figures were donated to library. Such work, along elongated beyond nature, but communist victims in Ukraine Yar Slacutych is an escapee and outside our homes right on gainst boughs dragging or art — the problem of "creat­ (185 Ukrainian poets, writers, of Soviet Ukraine,* graduate of these lines, was also done by Ukrainian American youth so­ through our Ukrainian Christ­ bruisiing on the way home. ing, form and modeling of so marvelously beautiful as cieties in other communities. pure form that even the more literary critics, philogists shot the University of Pennsylvania mas. In former years, our fel­ Next eummci- the country­ ipacc." Another critic, Hilde- to death, driven to suicide, sent і with a Ph.D. degree, instructor The formation and the activities of these local societies, obtuse are hypnotized into for­ low Americans neighbors of man will from time to time run brandt, describes "The Boxer" to concentration camps!), he, in Ukrainian at, Army Langu­ the urge of their members and their leaders to do something getting comparison with bodies non-Ukrainian descent used to across stump of the tree he cut as the most abstract and most will understand why Soviet age School, Monterey, Californ- more about it, led to the establishment of the Ukrainian Youth's wonder over our display of the down for Christmas. Next accomplished work in pure of flesh and blood." Only now is the public be­ Russia is successful in subdu­ ia, poet and author of 5 poeti­ League of North America, the Ukrainian Catholic Youth league trees, lights and decorations spring, the bluebird will notice plastic art of our time. ing every captive nation. of America, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Ivoague, three organ­ ginning to realize the influence cal collections and 3 books a- for what they considered an the absence of that tree, too. Much of Archipenko's early In the introduction, Slavu- bout Ukrainian modern poetry izations which have done rrtueh for the good of our country overlong period. They did not The bluebird, like any bird, has work in Europe was in abstract of Archipenko's style in figure representation. Today modern tuch deals elaborately with the (in English and Ukrainian). and for the benefit of the Ukrainian Cause, the cause of about as yet learn then that Ukrain­ sharp eye and can count with­ art. He had to struggle con­ circumstances of the immense forty-five million Ukrainian people struggling to regain their decorative drawing, wodern He is a competent writer on ian Americans observe Christ­ out the aid of a reckoning tinuously to make his ideas losses among the Ukrainian in­ this subject. national independence and statehood. table. Now, it takes about frescoes and modern faience mas, Easter, the Day of Ascen- understood. New ideas always telligentsia — the brain of the John P. Sydoruk The clergy, in many instances, has played an influential sion and other of our religious fifteen years to grow an aver meet with resistance because sculpture employ the same pro­ portion as that introduced first nation, and peasantry (organ- Chicago. role in all this, particularly in the more recent times, with the holidays according to the old age-size Christmas tree. That's of a mental lag between the by Archipenko. ascension to the pulpit of American-born Ukrainian priests, Julian calendar and not the fn'teen seasons of bluebirds, old and the new, as Dr. Mar­ as well as those of the new immigration, under the inspired newer Gregorian calendar. Now fifteen winters when balsam garet Mead points out in con­ (To be concluded) THE VORKUTA STRIKE - leadership of their spiritual leaders. they know, and in many cases tossed snowflakes off its bran­ nection with social progress. (Concluded from page 1) LETTKRS FROM AMERICA On New Year's Day, let us all make a firm resolution, to they arc our guests at the U- ches and bent to the wind a We are living in an age chang- public came to speak: "They warn: 'Remember, you are in­ attend regularly the services at our Ukrainian Church, the krainian Christmas dinner green top that today is in or ad physically by the mhchine The fight for freedom, our walked from one group of us sulting the great Soviet U- fount of much that is beneficial for us, of both spiritual and table and exchange gifts from outside our home is star-tipi>cd. \- science and industry — and American way of life and world to another, asking in a solicit- nion.' " wordly things. under our Christmas tree. That is necessarily bought. changed intellectually by the peace must be won in the minds 3us, fatherly manner, 'Don't That tree may be one of the But the tree, when alive and ibstract theories of Einstein. of men. The United States is you think it would be best to Execution of Hundreds by Reds But though we may be modern too often misunderstood abroad It is interesting to note in this connection, as pointed 38,000,000 which were cut down vibrant, never needed that 3tart production again?" On On August 1; the, MVD began ilso in the clothes we wear, the and its aims and policies dis­ out by Mikola Kostomariv (1817-65), historian and author of during the month of December, store-bought artificial star. It July 29, according to Noble, to break up the strike by mov­ food we eat and the materials torted by hostile propaganda. the "Book of Genesis of the Ukrainian People," and the guiding according to what a U.S. De­ had its own, not one but in Maslennikov allowed the strik­ ing cautiously jrgainst indivi­ •ve use, our ideas are still old. It's essential, therefore, that spirit of the Cyril-Methodius Brotherhood — that the Ukrain­ partment of Agriculture esti­ number far more than the 38,- ers to assembly at the football dual mines. Combined persua- Ae modern artist like Archi­ the truth about our country ian, being of a more spiritual and mystecally inclined character mate shows. This tree, too, may 000,000 trees cut down. A field and encouraged them to tion and threats began to take penko faces this difficulty of and its way of life be made is stronger in his religious feelings and not so inclined to re­ be one cut down by Ukrainian winter sky can spare a star for speak. A former Leningrad effect. When workers in Mine 29 nterpreting the new work to known. Let's use our letters to ligious indifferences as the Russian. And although a great indi­ Americans who live in the coun­ every tree and still have plenty history professor began: "He refused to obey Maslennikov's ncoplc whose conception of art spread the truth about Amer­ vidualist, the Ukrainian is social and disciplined in his religious try. They do not need the neces­ left over in the immeasurable traced the history of slavery... order to return to the pits, the dates back to the old romantic ica, overcome hostile propa­ life, which in Eastern Ukraine assumes the form of the Ortho­ sary' several dollars, the rum­ vastness of space. compared our lot to that of MVD troops opened fire. Noble and classic periods. ganda, and promote under­ dox Church, and, in Western Ukraine, the Catholic Church of maging through the stacks of Such ruminations course other slaves. 'Never in the hi­ says that 110 were killed, 500 • The comparison is often standing and, good-will. the Greek rite, both of which today are under extremely severe the balsams piled up on street through one's mind when think­ story of the world have work­ wounded. He also charges that made unjustly that Archipenko persecution by the atheistic Kremlin regime. corners or in lots. For them the ing of the Star of Bethlehem, ing slaves been treated so cruel­ "300 men, including the strike is to sculpture what Picasso is "The Ukrainian." writes D. S. Mirsky, "likewise assumed tree is free — a green gift in which according to our Julian ly as they are in the Soviet committees of all the camps, to painting or what James WHY BE ON THE OUTSIDE? more popular form and less authoritative forms than in Russia. their life on the land. All that calendar will shine once again Union.' " Speaker after speaker were executed. We never again Joyce "is imitating Picasso." Hence, on the one side, a greater intimacy in the Ukrainian's it costs them is a sharp ax and on our Ukrainian Christmas JOIN THE UKRAINIAN continued in the same vein. saw Gurevich or the heroes To all such statements, Archi­ relations to his parish church, the absence of a hereditary caste a few shrewd blows at the base Eve a week hence from tomor- "Maslennikov ... never spoke, who had spoken for ue on the penko says: "They are untrue., of priests, and a closer contact between the clergy and people." of the young balsam. And all • row night. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION except every few minutes to football field to^^IaBlennikov." No. 250. SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1956 P. ' = Letters to the Editor UKRAINIAN YOUTH NEWS і Traditioai Ukrainian Christmas U.N.A. BOWLING LEAGUE NEWS By ALEXANDER F. DANKO "" By STEPHEN KUELAK Dear Editor: hour television show. At this Eve Supper I have read and' reread the time the choir sang various U- A three-game loss by the mate, Ed Komon was close with J column which appeared in The krainian selections and the EASTERN EUROPE they have been sporadic or On Sunday, December 30, at This arrangement represents Ukrainian Center bowlers to a pint"all of 556. The best scries Ukrainian Weekly dated Nov­ narrator, a representative of Today, more than ever, the scattered, lacking in pattern, 6 p.m. the Philadelphia Council a gesture of friendship and a the Brotherhood of the Holy was a 565-pin total scored by spotlight is focused on events and not coordinated, thus lack­ of the Ukrainian National Wo­ Ascension quintet in the mat­ J. Horishney, playing for the ember 24. 1956 which referred the Ukrainian National As­ labor love. In view of the space to the non-support given the sociation in Pittsburgh, was transpering behind the Iron ed much value. We must have men's League of American ches held Friday, December senior St. John's C.W.V. ag­ Ukrainian Olympiad and to the able to present facts in con­ Curtain in East Europe. Listen- unity, continuous action with a ("Soyuz Ukrainok Ameriky") available reservation must be 21st, gave the top-notch U- gregation. This also included Ukrainian cause щ general on nection with the Ukrainian in in on one of my favorite definite pattern or program to will serve at the International limited to the first eighty. krainian American Veterans the night's highest individual hour-long radio programs strike home effectively the U- team a chance to break, far the part of the UCYL, the U- cause to the two and one half Institute the twelve dishes ^.A feature of the program single game of 220 pins. million possible viewers in the ("Mambo Rendezvous" on New­ krainian story to the free world which comprise the traditional ahead of the rest of the pack, After scoring 926 pins in krainian Sport Clubs and the will be Ukrainian carols by the UOL, etc. As a devoted mem­ metropolitan Pittsburgh area. ark station WVNJ), I heard a and to various influential lead­ Ukrainian Christmas Eve Sup­ but it muffed the opportunity their first game against the by losing two out of three to ber of the Ukrainian Orthodox Again just a few weeks ago, five-minute newscast with a ers, with the USA and Canada per. Women's Choir. players from the Ukrainian League of the United States of major portion of it devoted to among others as the key the senior St. John's C.W.V. Orthodox Church, which was this very same group appeared keglers. Altho the Centerites America, I am especially con­ the "Ukrainian partisans" (U- groups. second highest team game for on another TV show and again bowled good games that night, cerned about this reference to krainian Underground Army — We were greatly heartened Social Column the evening, the Penn-Jerscy the narrator was given the op­ a 58-pin handicap in favor of our organization. portunity to speak in defense U.P.A.) whose sabotage opera­ by 2 items that appeared re­ ANDREA JULA OBSERVES 10th ANNIVERSARY Social Club team dropped the tions have been dealing the cently in these pages of the the "brothers" was too much As a religious organization, of the Ukrainian fight for free­ remaining two with compara­ Russians a heavy blow in their "Ukrainian Weekly." Three The honored guest, whose for them in the first and third our primary purpose is to "de- j dom from the Russian regime. tively low scores. John Kufta's efforts to suppress the rebell­ weeks ago, we noted in- an father is a member of the games. velop among our members a 210-pin game and John Sip- The concern of your column­ ing Magyars. article that Most Rev. Bishop Board of Advisers of the U- better knowledge of our The best team scores for the sky's 201 were mainly respons­ ist over the lack of financial Ambrose Seny.shyn. head of the krainian National Association, Church, her history, policies, The N.Y.Times editorial page night were registered by the ible for this good game. support to the Ukrainian Olym­ newly created Stamford, Conn. received many beautiful gifts, beliefs and mode of operation." last Sunday carried a lengthy Ukrainian Sitch quintet whieh The last-place junior St. piad was not overlooked by me. Diocese, spoke to the St. George among which was one from To me, that alone is a big and article on Carpatho - Ukraine, rolled up a high three-game John's C.W.V. quintet was As I remember, early in 1955, (N.Y.C.) Ukrainian Catholics her brother, A2/C Richard, who a very important" step toward and the harassing actions of series of 2,578 pins, which in­ blanked again in these matches the executive officers of the and mentioned that the Ukrain­ is stationed with the Air Force cluded a high single game score our goal of bringing our U- the same UPA, Ukraine's free­ and this time it was by the U- UOL did take into considera­ ian mother should in the educa­ in Tokyo, Japan. The gift was of 945 pins. J. Watson paced krainian youth cldser together, j dom fighters. krainian Y.W.C. The hapless tion a request for financial sup­ tion of her children use not a beautiful hand-made teak- the Sitch-men by registering a Once that is done We can then The United Press in Vienna, "juniors" neither move up nor port of the Ukrainian Olympiad only the Cathechism book, but wood musical jewelry box. She series of 560 pins, the second expand our interests to other! Austria reported the same ac­ down no matter how favorable Committee. At that time we also the Ukrainian Reader and also received her birthstone highest for the night. His team- fields. The UOL is now only in tion and the news was carried the odds. were not fully aware of the the History of Ukraine! ring from her Uncle Eugene . its second year of a complete' in many newspapers through­ organization, its members, its Hyshak, stationed in Dayton, UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIA reorganization program which I out the USA and no doubt, A week later, we read on intentions or purposes. Our re­ these anti-Russian acts by the Ohio. TEAM STANDING was undertaken to make our-| quest for further information these pages about Rev. Nestor selves better known to the free Ukrainian Army have Feciea of Chicago writing a The evening was spent in High 3 G'me Total was unanswered and therefore Won Lort Game High Pins Avr. world and therefore make it been noted by governments all "letter to the editor" of the in­ playing records, dancing, and no further action was taken over the world. 1. Ukrainian American Vets 32 16 970 2676 39423 821 easier to present, the plight of until we would receive more fluential "Chicago Tribune" on games played by her class­ Again, in the last couple of 'The Forgotton Ukraine." a 2. Ukrainian Center 29«/ 18»/2 983 2768 40873 851 our Ukrainian nation to every­ identifying information. mates. Game prizes were 2 one. days, we read of reports of U- very nice piece emphasizing U- awarded to William Vladchuk, 3. Ukrainian Sitch A.A. 28 MJ 19 Vi 945 2648 39990 833 Although I did not know at krainian students demonstrat­ 875 2481 38270 797 I personally feci that we kraino-'s fight for independence. Jr., Frances Ronosky, Marlene 4. Ukr, Orthodox Church 28 20 the. time, I had come- into per­ ing in some un-named univer­ 906 2540 36921,769 have made much progress and We've long advocated that Bezubiak, Charles Mitsak, and 5. St Johns C.W.V. Sr. 26 22 sonal contact with members of sities, but several days later a 878 2461, 36703 764 at the same time have proven our Ukrainian Church leaders Andrea Jula, daughter of Mr. Michael Waslo Jr. 6. 1st Ukrainian P.M.O. 24 24 that committee. At no time dur­ report from Vienna noted that 926 254(r-59081 814 to be what you can call "good and clergy take a more active and Mrs. Andrew Jula, Sands 7. Penn Jersey S.C. 23 25 ing these personal contacts did a student refugee there from Mrs. Jula was assisted in the 942 2513 37518 781 Ukrainians." For example, last J part for recognition of U- Ave., Fair Oaks, Pa., had a 8. Broth, of Holy Ascension 23 25 any member of that group the University of Kiev (U- evening's preparations of re­ 829 2421 36458 759 Spring in Pittsbugh, Pa. the kraine's aspirations for liberty. party tendered her by her 9. Ukrainian Y.W.C. 22 26 speak in regard to any business kmine's capital city) had re­ freshments by her sister. Mrs. 799 2167 31690 660 Ukrainians were given proper We have felt that more toler­ parents on her tenth anniversa­ 10. St. Johns C.W.V. Jr 4 44 concerning the Ukrainian O- ported that many demonstra­ William Vladuchik of Cleve­ recognition and invited to par­ ance, greater Christian spirit ry, the Ambridge press reports. lypiad Committee. If I had tions were held in Ukraine by land Ave., Hopewell Township. ticipate >i&, a "Eie«0val of Na­ and acting as servants of God Fifteen of her classmates from known of their connections, I students at his school and Did Reds Mis-Guide Missile tions" along with" 18 other na­ would lead Ukraine and her the SS. Peter and Paul Ukrain­ The evenings' games were would have spoken first. other educational institutions tionalities chosen to take part. valiant people into their right­ ian Catholic Church were her directed by the father of the A prowling Russian sub­ Here's how it is deduced: I hope the writer of the and that he escaped after So­ This great spectacle was given ful place in the sun as a free guests. honored guest. marine may have caused that The Air Force tracked the mis­ column realizes that.we of the viet secret police fired at the wide publicity . coverage by nation of free people. Where mysterious runaway missile of sile, 2,000 miles before it soared UOL do want to support the Kiev U. demonstrators. newspapers, radio,"stations and other avenues fail, our clergy an Air Force Snark during a beyond the available radar Ukrainian cause as much we television station of the area. These and many other anti- and lay leaders can always Elected President of Ukrainian long range test. coverage. At that time ' the are capable of doing. First we Oh yes, as I remember, this Russian acts by Ukrainians, score a propaganda point for The Navy has positively es­ Snark was speeding at 700 must help ourselves so that we H.N.S. program was sponsored for the Byelo-Russians, Armenians, Ukraine thru mention of their tablished that Red Russian sub mph with two hours of fuel can be able to help others later, city by Duquesne University, a Georgians, Azerbaidzians, who respective churches. was within 100 miles of the still left. Assuminb the flight lam sure, also that what I say Catholic institution. But, as among the non-Russian captive We look with deep respect ' At tlie annual meeting held W. Sakula is a World War П point where something 'went continued until this remaining is the feeling of other Ukrain­ good Ukrainians (and good nations within the USSR and and admiration at the Jewish in Jersey City, N. J., recently, naval veteran, having served amiss, causing this interconti­ fuel was exhausted, the missile ian organizations '.UCYL, SU- Christmas), we. stepped for­ the continued resistance and і-abb is, belonging to 3 major Walter M. Sakula was elected with distinction from 1942 to nental guided missile to con­ would have travelled more AST, etc.) also. In comparison ward to represent the Ukrain­ demonstrations of the Magyars, faiths. They have their religi­ president of the SS, Peter & 1946. While on duty in^he So. tinue roaring through space than 3.400 miles, , ,,,, with other organizations such ians^ Y^s,, the Ukrainian Or- tPolcs, Bulgars, Rumanians', ous, differences, too, but by Раці. Ukrainian Catholic Holy Pacific with the US 3rd, 5th instead of making a pre-set That would, be a new record, as the UNA, UCCA etc., we thodo^., League of Western Czechs, Albanians, etc. among and large, all in unison cry out Name Society for 1958. He, and 7Ц Fleets under the cap­ turn. as, the previous greatest dis­ 4 are not financially capable and Pennsylvania- did s# and ,were the satellite nations' Will even­ alo4g similar lines — "Arabs succeds Adam Tizio, retiring able command of Admiral Ar- The "home controls" of the tance covered by a Snark was do not have the financial back­ рг-ршї jp. <|p it. WJJ .presented a tually spell the doom for the threaten Holy, Land'' or "Nas­ president. Other officers voted lelgh Burke, presently Chief of Snark could have readily have' 2,200 miles. ing needed to- "spread our chojr o%pHe i^uhdre^', Voices Russki mis-rulers in the Krem­ ser — a second Hitler" etc. to serve during the 20th, An- Naval Operations in Washing­ been jammed by equipment for A belated effort was made to i{ wings" .into many good and de­ 'nVveapj-y year of the Society whjorj. was фе, Jargest. par- lin. • ' • ' ' These! have their desired .effect ton, D.C.,, he took part in, 11 this purpose on the lurking So^ shoot down the'missile when it serving projects such as was afre4 S,tanley Stanislaviszyn, ticiDaJpfLg group,Also, at this As C. L. Sulzberger wrote' in .for the, Jewish .people (many major engagej nents enuring.' 38 viet Sub. • і < і і ги got out of control. attempted by the Olympiad first vicq-president; Myrpn Pel- tmje^.the jhanatcjc .,уав able his "Foreign ' Affairs" column non-believers, too j rally arouhfL mjonths of active service in,the The baffling loss of this mis- This happened after it had Committee. v.-president; George combat area. , , to .preset i# ' ',tfie audjence^oij on the editorial page of the their religious leaders and are si e raises two disturbing ques­ flown 1,000 miles and the • I am sure that the article did N.Y.Times (р.їіЩ .'..."Rus­ united against their common ZidLok, secretary; John Hawry- Installation of the new of­ tions. meehanism set to cause a turn fou^^ousan'd people a verbal i uk,. assistant secretary; Wal­ picty$e' ojf/the;]Ukrainian na- open many eyes artd 'will even­ sia has now become dependent' enemy (even though they're of, ficers will take place at the • Are Russian subs secretly in course failed to respond to tually lead to a closer work­ politically and psychologically 3 major faiths — Orthodox, ter! Kusen, treasurer; John 15th annual Communion Break­ cruising the Air Force's far- "home controls." tioj^ii} [its struggle, for free­ Trusz, marshal; Peter Laho- dom,." .;, ,.',.,,, . ,,, ing unity among our Ukrainian upon freezing its empire. If the Conservative and Reform). In fast that will be held on Sun­ flung Atlantic testing range to When this occurred,' a jet Soviet bloc explodes more sky, sacristan; John Procyk Jr. day Jan. 12, 1957 in the Parish A f^w, weeks later, this same organizations. their unity, the Jews will never check on the number and the fighter attempted to intercept germ of liberty, there is little and .Stephen Bykowsky, dele­ Hall. Guest speakers will be type of guided missiles being Ukrainian. Orthodox Choir was Daniel J. Pysh ІОве...- >.;.'. and destroy the Shark. But it chance that Communist dicta­ gates, to the Hudson County Rev. Walter Paska of St. Basil's tried out here? invited, to, take part in a half President, UOL The Ukrainian clergy (only had too great a head start, and torship can continue in the Holy Name Federation and Seminary, Stamford, Conn, and In doing this, are the Reds the interceptor had to turn USSR." 2 major faiths) and their faith­ William, Cinurchin and John Stephen J. Magura, Counsellor Dear.&Utpr: disputed superiority. ful can really learn from the themselves conducting tests of back for lack of fuel. Geleta, alternates. of the Jersey City Rehabilita missile-jamming equipment a- I got fed up'with seeing so 3. The USSR is in reality a However, suppose that won­ Jews. Our religious differences Exact location of where the | ,W. Sakula, a bachelor, re­ tion & Development Committee. board these prowling subs? much written about the "Rus­ combination of several coun­ derful day of the overthrow of are actually minute, yet we all missile crashed is still uncer­ sian" athletes £p І sent these tries and numerous non-Rus­ Russian misrule in East Eu­ sides at 108 Sussex St. with The breakfast will be prepared Both the Air Force and Navy tain. believe in Christian principles his widowed mother Mary. He and served by the Apostleship two pieces which were pub­ sian nationalities, notably U- rope were to occur today. I and we all wish to see Ukraine are busy seeking answers to The widely publicized report lished recently in the Ukrainian. Over 100 points think that Ukraine would prob­ was born in Shamokin, Pa., but of Prayer members. Very Rev. these highly important "cap­ that it was in Brazilian jungle rise as an independent nation. Monsignor Joseph Batza is delphia Press. won by Ukrainians were credit­ ably again be overlooked in the has lived in Jersey City for the abilities." So far the following was pure surmise. It could Then let's all pitch in — with Spiritual Moderator of the So­ To the Elitor of The Inquirer: ed to "Russia." eventual resettlement of East past 25 years. He is a graduate publishable information can be have been in the Atlantic. all our might — to upend the ciety; while Roman Madcj and So there is nothing the Rus­ Europe boundary lines, with of Dickinson High School and reported, as set down by Ro­ That's where the Snark was We Americans should be con­ most brutal, despotic nation of past Sports Director of the Stanley Stanislaviszyn arc in sians can brag about. her land again divided up a- bert S. Allen, noted columnist. headed when it failed to turn soled that the Russians did not all time — ungodly Imperial­ Local N.Y.-N.J. Council of the charge of breakfast arrange­ actually outperform us in the Credit the Ukrainians mong Russians, Poles, Czechs istic Russia! If we all close The lost Snark, may have and was still flying after an­ Ukrainian Catholic Youth of ments. other 1.000 miles (for a total Olympics for these reasons: To the Editor of The Inquirer: , and Rumanians, etc., unless ranks politically and work to­ established a distance record we Ukrainians here in the free the USA. Michael Strblecki for guided missiles. of 2.000) and got beyond radar 1. The Soviet athletes are Why is all the credit given gether, there can only be — world would drive home the tracking. actually professional perform­ to Russia in the Olympics when inevitable result — a free and truth about Ukraine's worthi­ ers by our standards. We sent Vladimir Kuts and about one- independent Ukraine in a free ^ ness as a distinct, separate amateurs. third of the USSR team are world! ( ethnic groups from the others 2. The principal, events are actually Ukrainians? Remem­ Immigration and the Ukrainian people's in track and field, and that is ber, Ukrainians are not Rus­ N.Y. MANIFESTATION Question: My husband and I yearning to be free and inde­ came to this country half a where we demonstrated our un­ sians. Alexander Yaremko December 30th at 2 PlM., the pendent. dozen years ago, leaving our Ukrainian Congress Committee ХОЕЯОП aoi aoi It is a sad and tragic fact, son with relatives abroad. We of America will hold an im­ but the heavy majority of the are now well-established, are NEW PUBLICATION portant political manifestation I Volume of the work of Prof. I. Vlasovsky free world's thinking is still The UKRAINIAN both citizens and want to bring vs. Russian Colonialism at the along the lines of the negative- our son over. He is 20 years old Manhattan Center at 34th St. thinking of ex-American am­ and was recently married. We just off 8th Ave., in New York OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY bassador to Russia, George F. have been told that children of City. OF THE (Containment) Kennan, now at American citizens can get a Princeton's Institute of Ad­ Here is a chance for all U- NATIONAL visa without waiting for a UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH vanced Studies, where he con­ krainians in the metropolitan quota number. Does this also fti the ENGLISH LANGUAGE tinues to write and speak out N.Y.C. area to help in this apply to our son's wife? against "dismemberment" of never-ending battle against our Answer: Unfortunately, you This volume .contains .412 pages, 36 ol which arc illustra­ "holy(-) Russia." Russian enemies. We'd also like were not given complete or ac­ tions. Price per copy including postage $6.00 soft cover, $7.50 to see many of our youth pre­ hard cover. . «._,., Why is this so? Certainly, curate information. To qualify sent there as spectators or FUND The work'of'Prof. I. Vlasovsky was translated into English the Ukrainian people suffering for a nonquota visa, children in order to acquaint the peoples of other nationalities with the helpers, ushers, etc. See you all but still fighting even after of American citizens must be true history of our Church. Therefore, anyone desiring to spread at Manhattan Center. this truth by donating a copy to universities,, public tortures, beatings, starvation, tinder 21 and unmarried. If libraries and prominent Americans scholars and men of politics deportation to Siberia, murders, they are married or over 21, NJ-UYL ~ should imflTcfflntely send in their orders to: genocide etc. that strongly and # Is Our Treasury For All Our Needs they are entitled only to a CONSISTORY OF U. O. C. clearly brands the Russians The very active NJ-UYL will fourth preference. You should 1 P. O. Box 595, So. Bound Brook,, N. J. the most uncouth, despotic peo­ holds it's annual Christmas advise your son and his wife to go immediately to the nearest ЗОЕЗОП ЗОЇ ples of all time — have more Party at the Ukrainian Pavi­ • L ocaoc than done their share. No peo­ lion on Roosevelt Ave. in Car- American Consulate and put ple willing to fight and die for tered, N. J. tomorrow evening their names on the waiting list FROM TOTS TO TliENS ... there's delightful enjoy­ freedom can forever be sup­ at 9 P.M., just after the weekly It is the duty of every American of for regular immigration visas. ment in thiStexciting, colorful picture-story book. pressed, and the Ukrainians bowling sessions. All are in­ You should then file an applica­ have certainly fought — and vited to participate as the com­ tion for the granting of a died — at the hands of their mittee, healed by Paul Waslo- Ukrainian Descent to make his contribution. fourth preference. But once many enemies. wicz and Ann Fedirko, pro­ your son has been admitted, he, B0HUTA THE HERO mises a grand time for all. as an alien admitter for per­ The weak point in the U- manent residence, can file a pe­ "by **• — krainian armor is the political tition of his own for a third ROMAN ZAWADOWYCZ dis-unity of the many Ukrain­ "ALL UKRAINIAN" preference visa for his wife. in Ukrainian. ians in the free world and their FOOTBALL Translated into English ineffective efforts in Ukraine's Send your annual donation of ($10.00) or even the smallest contribution to: by We would appreciate hear­ IN CUP PLAY JOSEPHINE GIBAILO GIBBONS behalf. The Ukrainian Congress iV Price $1.00. Committee of America and the ing from readers who know of The Ukrainian soccer team Ukrainian Canadian Committee any Ukrainian football stars UKRAINIAN CONGRESS COMMITTEE OF AMERICA ;)f the German-American Lea­ Reading the adventures of Bohuta, children arc offered have done much in behalf of in college ball, as the 22nd an­ gue will meet the Brooklyn S.C. breathtaking thrills and valuable knowledge. P. 0. Box 721, Church St. Sta., New York 7, N. Y. This is a splendid low-priced Rift book for all the children Ukrainian recognition. But so nual Ukrainian All American n the League Cup Competition much more has to be done, College Football Team will be Sunday at New Farmars Oval, you now. Order your copies from more so now than ever before. published soon. Our new ad­ Metropolitan Ave., and 69th "SVOBODA" BOOK STORE, Other efforts have been made dress: 1204 — 84th St., North St.. in Middle Village, Queens, 83 Grand Street, Jersey City 3, N. J. by groups and individuals, but Bergen, N. J. in a 2:15 p.m. kickoff. gVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLt SEOTIG^, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1958 No. 25Q.

ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ СВЯТОЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ! СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ! СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ Нашим Приятелям і ПОКУПЦЯМ Нашим Приятелям 1 Покупцям від від Оглядайте святочні програми. І Багато радості .шле Hoffman IRVING SILVERBRAND Дещо відмінне спробуйте але не забувайте! — Ми все го-1 Питайте яа "|KRRV" від KIERAN & WICKERT MOTORS JOHN KRAUSS. INC. CARPET MOVERS Одяг дитячий, дамський і муж. ДОНСЬКО- Американська кухня. 340 Bay Street тові для Ваших TV і радіо- j АМЕ CLEANERS INC. Спеціяльність наша вбрання В. & L. CLEANERS 144-29 94th Avenue, & CLEANERS THE UGLY DUCKLING Tompkinsville, Staten Island, N.Y. апаратів. 130 Second Ave.. N. V. C. для немовлят. 148 First Ave.. NYC. Jamaica, L. I. ADWAR RADIO & T.V. REPAIRS HOFFMAN CARPETS, 43 Ave. В, між 3rd »Є«ЄЧ«М*!*іЄі€<Х!««<«*іС«ЧЄ ріг llavemeyer St. PL 9-6260 СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ який все готовий Вас EV 4-9615 Brooklyn, N. Y. обслужити. ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ СВЯТОЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ! від f Найщиріші побажання V бйЖіЮТЬ CASA V1ERA Хочете щось спеціяльного М. Е. NIGHTINGALE, Inc. ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ S. О. COAL & FUEL OIL 194 Rivington St.. NYC в печиві ? Питайте за "SAM" ЩАСЛИВОГО ОПТОМЕТРІІСТІІ від S5 р. OR 7-7980 273 Broadway (блнз. Havemever) бажас BUTTERFLAKE BAKE SHOP 199 E. 3rd St., NYC НОВОГО РОКУ Brooklyn 11, N. Y. 330 Е. Gun Hill Road СВЯТОЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ Tel. EVergreen 7-3139 ROBERT E1SMAN OR 7-7126 Всім нашим Приятелям Bronx 67. N. Y. Нашим багатьом Приятелям Cities Service Oil Co. Год.: пон.. сер., чет. 9:00-6:30. 41 Avenue A. N. Y. C. і щасливим Покупцям і Передплатникам Вівт. 9:00-8:00. П'ят. 9:00-1:00. OL 4-0018 СВЯТОЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ від Субота 9:00-8.00. CAnal 8-2282 СВЯТОЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ! Нашим Приятелям і Покупцям PATRICIA MURPHY'S 20 N.. WACKER CHICAGO 6 John все готовий Вас гарно Staten Island ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ СВЯТОЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ Зат'ямте — добра обслуга — це обслужити. Central A vet, Rt. 100 бажас Дозвольте нам влгштувати Вам наше гасло! Westchester, N. Y. ROGERS АВВАТЕ & SONS, Inc. М. & М. CLEANERS SP 9-5700 News прнлмну подорож. Я?ша обслу­ HERCULES OIL CO. Monuments and Italian Statuary га справді виїмкова. Спробуйте! 122 First Ave.. N.Y.C. 195 B'WAY, W. В. S. lj Granite and Marble 1590 Richmond Terrace GR 5-8312 СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ Yonkers. N. Y. TROY TRAVEL SERVICE Staten Island 10, N. Y. N. Y. від бл. St. Mary's i50i років солідної праціпраці. § б а ж a є * ~ Flushing \ Модерно холоджена каплиця. І І І HOWARD L. HALLETT Jr., 129 East 7th SL. New York City * { 31 Ст. Маркс Плейс І THOMAS F. COLLINS, INC. j (Between 1st Ave., <& Ave. A) ІІю Иорк, Н. П. 228 West 10th St., New York City Uc. Mgr. TeL: ORchard 4-2569 OR 4-6558 GLASS and MIRRORS WESLEY HALLETT, Trees. Mt>k»llSlB0hMt»]HMUKM>lll»klO Tel. CH 2-8181 ШшшштШшш/лшшмншшшлщU і •utMtMt*M)St»si3t»t»: «С««КК«К«Сі«(івЧМ«<К«І(«С*С«С*С« СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ! Всім Нашим Приятелям ЩАСЛИВОГО \ ЩАСЛИВОГО Щиросердечні НОВОГО РОКУ і і Відвідувачам Святогні Побажання НОВОГО РОКУ HILLCREST NURSERY від Всім Нашим інемшскі 165-30 Union Turnpike Всім Нашим Приятелям Flushing, L. I. і Гостям і Приятелям S LIMI TED RESERVATIONS! JA 3-4590 від THRONSEN і від W Н І Т Е Y' S BEAU SEJOUR VIRGINIA ПОБАЖАННЯ your quality |cweler New Year's Eve Party З НОВИМ РОКОМ RESTAURANT For a Quarter of a Century FUNERAL HOME від Bethpage, Long Island 9 Maiden Lane, N. Y. C. 188 Canal Street TURKEY DINNER & DANCE — NOISEMAKERS KLEINFELD & SONS (off Route 107) 5 Stapleton, S. I. to be held at 8204-06 5th Avenue Зайдіть святкувати з нами RE 27737 Gl 7-5590 782 STATE STREET, PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Brooklyn, N. Y. Новий Рік. Dinner served from 9:30 to 10:30 P. M. SH 8-1455 MVCWOfVCWn WWeBgglggpiPggggWJWW Ш MUSIC BY "THE MELETONES" СВЯТОЧНІ щчкжчнжч іфтвтмщщщкш я Music Till З A. M. $3.00, Per Person. НОВОРІЧНІ ПОБАЖАННЯ 1 ЩИРОСЕРДЕЧНІ і J. MELCHNER INC. 2 НОВОРІЧНІ 16 First Avenue New York City 1 ПОБАЖАННЯ OR 4-2432 для всіх Наших Приятелів jj СВЯТОЧНІ I і Покупців TO U.N.A. MEMBERS AND BRANCH SECRETARIES НОВОРІЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ CIS MAN'S SONS, INt The fiscal year of the Ukrainian Natiojral Associa­ від У tion ends on Dec. 31, 1956. However, Dec. 31st is the AUOUSTIN TELEVISION • I last day on which the dues coming from Branches may 4382 Vernon Blvd, & SERVICE ! be deposited in the bank and credited to.Branches for 208-05 35th Ave., Bayside, L. I. Long Island City I the year 1956. Any dues received in the Home Office BA 4-3385 after December 30th will not be counted among the СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ! receipts for 1956, and the tardy Branches will be shown I as delinquent and in arrears on the Annual Report. All від x-w-'.2-4i-4i-v.i-va-'«->j-4i-wi-4 ЩАСЛИВОГО members ought to pay their dues to their Branch Sec­ STANLEY S. KILBURN Щиросердегні ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ НОВОГО РОКУ retaries early in December so that the dues may be re­ 20901 Northern Blvd Святогні побажання -І mitted to the Home Office In time to be deposited not Всім навий Приятелям Всім Нашим Приятелям New York І Патронам later than noon of December 31, 1956. ! BA 9-8700 Всім Нашим Приятелям і Депозиторам і Гостям бажас Home Office CONGRESS y СВЯТОЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ! \ OYSTER BAY І HOTEL Всім Нашим Приятелям І RESTAURANT BALDWIN FEDERAL ' —Л і Покупцям 500 S. Michigan j SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N; від J 31-01 Broadway, Astoria, L. I. і Tel.: Astoria 4-9721 ' HArrison 7-3850 2303 S. Grand Ave., UKRAINE PAUL CHARLES ? J (Можливості на весілля Baldwin, L. I. 191 Avenue В, New York City і прийняття.) Chicago, ill. 3% Annual Interest. and the CA 8-1889 ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ XVI OLYMPIC GAMES Всім Приятелям І Покупцям .;АІ Ai A; AiAiAiA!* !*:*!* published by ВІД Щасливого Нового НОВОРІЧНІ ПОВАЖАННЯ НОВОРІЧНІ Ukrainian World Committee for Sport Affairs STRAUB BEVERAGE Року від 64 South 2nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ПОБАЖАННЯ Price 50 cents Всім Нашим Приятелям WILLIAM Evergreen 8-5588 і Гостям * Всім Нашим Приятелям Contents: 1) The Olympic Games, (The Best in Beverages of all J. SCHUMACHER бажас і Кліснтам kinds.) Інсталяції оливннх і газових 2) Ukraine and Her Relation to Russia MARIO'S PIZZERIA печей. від 3) Sport as Understood by Party Leaders ЩАСЛИВОГО НОВОГО РОКУ RESTAURANTS Industrial Work A Specialty of USSR бажас Licensed Plumbing W. TWARDOWSKI І (From Pizza to a lull dinner) Б 4) Ukraine Is Barred from the Olympic Game "MICKEY" J 63-28 — 108th Street f & Heating Contractors 18 SL Mark's Place CLUB DINER І Forest Hills, L. I. — IL 9-9545 I New York City Order your copy from I 158-17 Horace Harding Blvd. I 36-34 35th SL, L. I. C, N. Y. 111-16 Atlantic Avenue J Flushing, L. I. — IN 3-9855 { STillwell 6.0670—0585 OR 5-5588 SVOBODA, P. O. Box 34G, Jersey City, N. J. Richmond Hill, N. Y. і - і »| iVi*i¥!¥?*UM*i¥f*i¥i*1 ми • ».•».— •• •»!•—. — ЦМ •. .Hi.,, |..^