Core Cities UK The Economic Performance and Resilience of the UK’s Core Cities Final Report 20 November Cambridge Econometrics
[email protected] 2018 Cambridge, UK The Economic Performance and Resilience of the UK’s Core Cities Cambridge Econometrics’ mission is to provide clear insights, based on rigorous and independent economic analysis, to support policy-makers and strategic planners in government, civil society and business in addressing the complex challenges facing society. Cambridge Econometrics Limited is owned by a charitable body, the Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economics. Cambridge Econometrics 2 The Economic Performance and Resilience of the UK’s Core Cities Contents Page Executive Summary 5 1 Introduction 6 2 The Evolving Economic Performance of the Core Cities, 1971-2015 7 3 Economic Structure and Core City Growth 13 4 The Resilience of the Core Cities to Economic Shocks 19 5 Conclusions and Policy Implications 24 6 References 31 Appendices 32 Appendix A Database Construction 33 Appendix B Core Cities Definitions 36 Appendix C 82-Sector Definition 44 Appendix D Export-Intensive Sectors 47 Cambridge Econometrics 3 The Economic Performance and Resilience of the UK’s Core Cities Executive Summary Study objectives The objective of the study commissioned by the Core Cities Group was to analyse the economic performance of the Core Cities over the past few decades, including how sectoral structure has changed and contributed to this performance over this period. In addition, the resilience of the core cities was investigated with particular application on how Brexit may affect them. Finally, policy implications (from national to local) were considered in this context.