2017–18 Fine Arts 2017–18 Acknowledgements All works © the artists and architects Antonella Salvatore and Inge L. Hansen, John Cabot University, Editor: Marta Pellerini Graphic design: Praline Juliet Franks, The Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford Printed in Belgium by Graphius Sarah Linford, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Rome Published in 2019 by the British School at Rome Costanza Barbieri, Vittoria Bonifati, Paola Capata, Martina 10 Carlton House Terrace Caruso, Manuela Contino, Tiziana D’Acchille, Anna D’Amelio London SW1Y 5AH Carbone, Giovanni de Cataldo, Cristina Dinello Cobianchi, Stephanie Fazio, Marta Federici, Valentina Fiore, Jo Melvin, British School at Rome Manuela Pacella, Marco Palmieri, Catherine Parsonage, Marta Via Gramsci 61, 00197 Rome Silvi, Saverio Verini, Sara Zanin A charity registered in England and Wales (no. 314176) Cristiana Cordova, Jacqueline Davies, Antonia Di Nucci, Elinor Staniforth, Chiara Traversaro www.bsr.ac.uk

Photography courtesy of the artists and architects, except: ISSN 1475-8733 Roberto Apa (pages 5, 6, 8–11, 14, 16–18, 20–28, 30, 31, ISBN 978-0-904152-83-8 34–45)

Augusta Charitable Trust The Bridget Riley Art Foundation

The Foundation with David and Pam McKee, and The Lang Foundation

The Incorporated Memorial Scholarships with Ms Jennifer Dowling

Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust The Carpenters’ Company, London, and other with , Keir McGuinness and Alex Hooi donors to the Scholars’ Prize in Contents

4 Preface: Stephen Milner

7 Introduction: Marta Pellerini

Exhibitors 14 Josephine Baker 16 Marie-Claire Blais 18 Stephen Cooper 20 James Epps 22 Oona Grimes 24 Gabriel Hartley 26 Yusuf Ali Hayat 28 Damien Meade 30 Emily Motto 32 Patrick O’Keeffe 34 John Rainey 36 Joseph Redpath 38 John Robertson 40 Deborah Rundle 42 Jennifer Taylor 44 Murat Urlali 46 Dominic Watson

48 Biographies

56 BSR Faculty of the Fine Arts and Staff Preface

This is my first preface to the institution that is the British Marta Pellerini, who joined us in February 2018 School at Rome Fine Arts catalogue. Over the last as Visual Art Curator. The care, commitment and twelve months I have had the pleasure of following the quality of their work has been outstanding. work that is being undertaken in the BSR Archive on the The support we receive from our sponsors Fine Arts programme, its history and award-holders. is also humbling. The Fine Arts at the BSR does not During the year, one of our researchers from receive any public funding, and it is only because Australia drew my attention to a newspaper cutting of the remarkable generosity of a series of trusts, from the Daily Mail dated March 1923. The piece, foundations and individuals that we are able to support which was entitled ‘British Students in Rome’, was the residencies we offer. I would like to thank the Arts a review of the work of BSR award-holders on show Council of Northern Ireland; the Arts Council of Wales at the Royal Academy. Under the subtitle ‘What are (sponsored by the Welsh Government and supported the scholars of the British School at Rome doing?’, by The National Lottery); the Augusta Charitable Trust; the anonymous critic noted that the work was the Bridget Riley Art Foundation; the Conseil des Arts ‘terribly disappointing’. et des Lettres du Québec; the Derek Hill Foundation; The reason the cutting is in the BSR archive is that the Giles Worsley Fund (in collaboration with the RIBA); the review hit a raw nerve with the then Director, Thomas the Helpmann Academy (with David and Pam McKee, Ashby. Writing to the Honorary General Secretary of the and The Lang Foundation); the Incorporated Edwin BSR in London, Evelyn Shaw, Ashby noted that there Austin Abbey Memorial Scholarships; the Linbury Trust; was ‘a good deal of annoyance out here’ and enquired the National Art School, Sydney (with Jennifer Dowling); what was to be done. Shaw’s brief reply included the the Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust (with Karsten pithy rejoinder ‘We are lucky to get the Press to write Schubert, Keir McGuinness and Alex Hooi); the Wallace about us at all’. Arts Trust; and the supporters of the Scholars’ Prize I would like to think those days are now long gone. in Architecture (The Carpenters’ Company, London, The three mostre we hold in Rome during the course as well as by and on behalf of a number of former of the year and the increasing contact we have with architecture award-holders at the BSR (Robert Adam, Italian galleries and other Academies in Rome sees Bob Allies, Tim Bell, Jeremy Blake, Adam Nathaniel the work of our resident artists on regular display. Furman and Hugh Petter)). The lectures by former award-holders and invited We are delighted that new residencies are speakers, and the Fine Arts catalogue itself, are an joining established ones, and we are also very grateful eloquent witness to what is going on in Rome today. to all those who have supported visiting artists’ talks As art historians and BSR scholars begin to delve and studio visits, and in particular Mrs Robin Hambro into the archive of past award-holders and re-examine for her invaluable support of the Fine Art programme their work, it also will become more apparent what was this year. All of this generosity is critical for our future, also going on in Rome in the past, including some and for sustaining the vibrant culture of the BSR. of the artists mentioned in the 1923 review. Only this The BSR will continue to support artists, often year Sacha Llewelyn was awarded the William MB at the early stage of their careers, offering them Berger Prize for British Art History by the President the chance to join other practitioners and scholars of the for her monograph in a community that has as its priority creativity Winifred Knights 1899–1947. Over 90 years after and inspiration. The seeds sown in Rome often the Daily Mail’s disappointment, the Guardian hailed germinate after the residency, and the experience Knights, a female artist who drew heavily on Italian often proves formative in a manner not imagined Renaissance fresco and panel painting, as an ‘unknown at the outset. The BSR’s studios will continue to be genius’. Such are the fortunes of artistic careers. spaces of experimentation and reflection, and the This year I would like to thank Marco Palmieri for work produced in them bears witness to the continued all the hard work he has done over the last few years generative power of the dialogue a BSR residency in curating the Fine Art programme, and to welcome enables between Rome, Italy and the wider world.

5 STEPHEN J. MILNER — DIRECTOR December Mostra Installation view, 2017

6 December Mostra Installation view, 2017

7 Introduction

This year I was given the extraordinary opportunity at Fondazione Memmo) and Sara Zanin (owner of z2o to work as the Visual Art Curator at the British School Sara Zanin Gallery). These visits introduce the artists at Rome. On entering this renowned centre for and their work to a wider context in Rome, sharpen multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research, one has critical thought and develop exciting new relationships the perception of entering into a unique community, and collaborations. This is particularly demonstrated where artists, archaeologists and historians live and by the solo show by Gabriel Hartley (Abbey Fellow work in a dynamic space of exchange and collaboration. in Painting), titled Spoiled, at Sara Zanin Gallery To observe the daily practice and routines of the in June and July, a product of his residency. Finally, I am award-holders has been truly insightful, and proven extremely grateful to Vivien Lovell and Maria Chevska, to me the vital importance of fostering and supporting members of the BSR’s Faculty of the Fine Arts, for having their research and growth. The BSR acts as a testament spent much of their time in Rome with our artists, making to the view that the work of our award-holders is both studio visits. invaluable and necessary: that these dynamic, creative Through continual dialogue and development, individuals not only hold a mirror to, but also shape and the award-holders produce work that is exhibited in our define, our contemporary culture. Mostre, exhibitions that present the fruitful endeavours The cross-pollination of knowledge and of our artists every three months. In this, my first, year experience between artists and academics is integral as Visual Art Curator, I have had the pleasure to curate to the BSR. It is propelled and enriched by a series these exhibitions, where the presence of Rome as a city of visiting artist talks kindly supported by the generosity and stimulus is palpable: organs of baroque churches, of Robin Hambro and of a donor who wishes ancient pagan rites of Republican Rome, the films to honour the memory of Felicity Powell (1961–2015; of Pier Paolo Pasolini glimmer in the work. Gulbenkian Rome Scholar at the BSR 1986–7). This We are particularly grateful to Mrs Robin Hambro, is complemented by the ambitious programme of events for her generous support of the Fine Art Programme this organised by Marina Engel and Tom True. year (including the exhibitions so richly represented This year, we had the privilege to host lectures in these pages). by Denzil Forrester, John Russell, Nicholas Hatfull I offer my special thanks to all of the BSR staff (in conversation with Marco Palmieri) and Allison and of course our award-holders for their dedicated Katz. Each artist presented a talk about their practice hard work; and to the Fine Arts Programme interns — and recent projects, offered studio visits to the artists, Cristiana Cordova, Jacqueline Davies, Antonia and was our honoured dinner guest alongside invited Di Nucci, Elinor Staniforth and Chiara Traversaro — curators, writers and gallerists. It was fascinating for all of their technical support. to have Denzil Forrester (Rome Scholar in Painting It has been a privilege to work with the BSR 1983–4) and more recent BSR alumnus Nicholas residency programme this year, in an institution that Hatfull (Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture centralises the value of creative dialogue, research, 2011–12) as guests: Nicholas’s poetically scenic collaboration and production. I look forward lecture gave a glimpse into how Rome and the BSR to continuing the BSR’s hard work and commitment continue to reverberate through the work and lives to these ideals, and embarking on new projects. of our scholars for many years after their time in Rome. I would like to thank all of the people who generously gave their time to visit the studios of the award-holders this year, particularly Manuela Contino (director at Monitor Rome/Lisbon), Adrienne Drake (curator at Fondazione Giuliani), Marta Federici (gallery manager at Gavin Brown’s Enterprise New York/Rome), Manuela Pacella (independent curator), Marta Silvi (contributor of Flash Art Italia), Saverio Verini (curator

MARTA PELLERINI — VISUAL ART CURATOR 8 March Mostra Installation view, 2018

9 March Mostra Installation view, 2018

10 June Mostra Installation view, 2018

11 June Mostra Installation view, 2018

12 Exhibitions

December Mostra 15–23 December 2017 Josephine Baker, Stephen Cooper, James Epps, Emily Motto, Patrick O’Keeffe, John Robertson, Jennifer Taylor, Dominic Watson

March Mostra 16–24 March 2018 Josephine Baker, Marie-Claire Blais, Oona Grimes, Gabriel Hartley, John Rainey, Joseph Redpath, John Robertson, Deborah Rundle

June Mostra 15–23 June 2018 Josephine Baker, Oona Grimes, Yusuf Ali Hayat, Damien Meade, John Rainey, John Robertson, Murat Urlali

13 Exhibitors Gone to Earth Terracotta tiles, chalk, dyed plaster, painted clay and barbed wire, dimensions variable, 2018

15 JOSEPHINE BAKER International Landscape (Eclipse) Chalk, charcoal and pencil on paper, 100 × 70 cm, 2018

16 Tra le linee 1 Pigments, plaster and burlap, 175 × 113 cm, 2018

17 MARIE-CLAIRE BLAIS Materia dei molti racconti Pigments, plaster and burlap, 100 × 105 cm, 2018

18 Robway Mixed media, 7 × 4 × 2 m, 2017

19 STEPHEN COOPER Going around Mixed media, environmental dimensions, 2017

20 Head Over Heels Paper table cloths and wallpaper paste, dimensions variable, 2017

21 JAMES EPPS Head Over Heels — detail Paper table cloths and wallpaper paste, dimensions variable, 2017

22 I ragazzi fumetti Spray paint, coloured pencil and collage on paper, each 75 × 110 cm, 2018

23 OONA GRIMES Roman sKandals Spray paint, coloured pencil and collage on paper, 75 × 110 cm, 2018

24 San Oil and spray paint on canvas, 170 × 140 cm, 2018

25 GABRIEL HARTLEY Thought Totems Foam, resin and pigment, dimensions variable, 2018

26 Grand Tour(ist) Photographic print, 30 × 570 cm, 2018

27 YUSUF ALI HAYAT Natale di Roma 2771 — Fantasies of Imperial Exploitation — detail Photographic print, 30 × 460 cm, 2018

28 Untitled Oil on linen, 50.5 × 36 cm, 2017

29 DAMIEN MEADE Untitled Oil on panel, 65 × 49.5 cm, 2018

30 Towers for Skies Cardboard, cement, wood, string, acrylic, steel, paper and tape, 2017

31 EMILY MOTTO Last Two Cardboard, cement, wool, acrylic and steel, 240 × 120 × 42 cm, 2017

32 Loek, Historian, 26 Seconds Inkjet print, 42 × 59.4 cm, 2017

33 PATRICK O’KEEFFE Loek, Historian, 26 Seconds, Model 3D-print and silver leaf, 21 × 50 cm, 2017

34 Going to Roman Ruin (You) Vinyl wall print, 260 × 140 × 30 cm, 2018

35 JOHN RAINEY Flay I Jesmonite, silicone rubber and vinyl print, 100 × 30 × 30 cm, 2018

36 A.J.D.R. Roma 500 Installation view, 2018

37 JOSEPH REDPATH A.J.D.R. Roma 500 Plaster and pigment, variable dimensions, 2018

38 Ambassador Acrylic, paper and panel, 42 × 29.7 cm, 2018

39 JOHN ROBERTSON Pasquale Leaves, paper and panel, 42 × 29.7 cm, 2018

40 Optimism of the Will Fluorescent tubes, battens and vinyl cut text, 6 × 62 × 8 cm, 2018

Optimism of the Will Fluorescent tubes, battens and vinyl cut text, 6 × 62 × 8 cm, 2018

41 DEBORAH RUNDLE Are We Not Ready? Double-sided wool tapestry, wooden frame and string, 74 × 94 cm, 2018

42 Lupercal Wood, paper, fluorescent pigments and ultraviolet lights, 310 × 620 × 440 cm, 2017

43 JENNIFER TAYLOR Lupercalia Live re-enactment with costumed performers, staged in the portico of the BSR, 2017

44 The Gift of Art, ‘At Least Tell Me That I Look OK’, Medusa, Self Portrait, After Caravaggio Oil, enamel, rhinestones, sequins, glitter, gold liner and gold leaf on canvas, mounted on wood panel, 60 cm diameter, 2018

45 MURAT URLALI Revenge, (David’s Michelangelo) Oil, enamel, rhinestones, sequins, glitter, gold line and gold leaf on canvas, mounted on wood panel, 60 cm diameter, 2018

46 Posso! Pronto! Prego! HD video, still, 2017

47 DOMINIC WATSON Posso! Pronto! Prego! HD video, still, 2017

48 Biographies JOSEPHINE BAKER 2015 L’oeil et l’esprit, Musée d’Art Contemporain Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October 2017– de Montréal, Montreal September 2018 E-merge, Arsenal, Montreal www.josephinebaker-heaslip.com 2014 Encan Clark #26, Montreal [email protected] Blanc, René Blouin Gallery, Montreal 2013 Ornementation identitaire, Espacio Mexico, Montreal Education Miroir, René Blouin Gallery, Montreal 2017 PgDip, Fine Art, Royal Academy Schools, London Gallery Hop, Canadian Art Foundation, Toronto 2012 BA (Hons), Fine Art, Central Saint Martins College Projet Homa, Molinari Foundation, Montreal of Art and Design, London Selected awards and residencies Selected group exhibitions 2018 Quebec Residency, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome du Québec, British School at Rome March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2016 Visual Art, Research and creation, Conseil des Arts 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome et des Lettres du Québec 2015 Visual Art, Improvement, Conseil des Arts et des Selected residency Lettres du Québec 2017–18 Sainsbury Scholarship in Painting and Sculpture, 2014 Espacio Escultorico, Mexico Distrito Federal British School at Rome 2013 Studio-Residency, Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec, Mexico Distrito Federal, Fonca & Conaculta MARIE-CLAIRE BLAIS Quebec Resident, January–March 2018 Collections www.marieclaireblais.com Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec; Loto Québec; private collections in Canada Education 2003 MScA, Landscape (thesis incomplete), Montreal University, Montreal STEPHEN COOPER 1997 BSc, Architecture, Montreal University, Montreal Abbey Fellow in Painting, October–December 2017 [email protected] Selected one person exhibitions 2017 Marie Claire Blais: entrouvrir, entrevoir, enclore, Education Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris 1976–9 MA, Painting, Royal College of Art, London Être la porte qui s’ouvre, René Blouin Gallery, 1971–4 BA, Saint Martin’s School of Art, London Montreal 2016 Road Wall Door, Diaz Contemporary, Toronto Selected one person exhibitions LA VIE ABSTRAITE: Le temps transformé and Espace 2015 Imagining the Infinite, Chalk: an interdisciplinary du silence, René Blouin Gallery, Montreal. Arts Platform, Winchester Collaboration with Pascal Grandmaison, artist 2012 Light and Time (site specific installation), 5 Years 2015 Entrevoir le jour, René Blouin Gallery, Montreal Gallery (selected by Alex Schady) 2012 Brûler les yeux fermés, René Blouin Gallery, 2007 Off at a Tangent, an installation in response Montreal to The Floating World, an exhibition of Japanese 2010 Densité neutre, René Blouin Gallery, Montreal prints, Southampton City Art Gallery 2009 L’hiver vient de l’ouest, René Blouin Gallery, 2005 Offline, Towner Gallery, Eastbourne. Catalogue Montreal by Matthew Rowe, Exhibition Director 2007 Silence, Jessica Bradley Art + Projects, Toronto 2004 An Intervention into the Far Eastern Collection, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford Selected recent group exhibitions 2018 Buveurs de quintessence, Darling Foundry, Montreal Selected recent group exhibitions March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2017 C’est ainsi qu’entre la lumière, Musée d’Art 2015 Caesura et Vide Supra, curated by Stephen Cooper Contemporain de Montréal, Montreal and Lewis Betts, Lewisham Art House, London À la recherche d’Expo 67, Musée d’Art 2014 APT Open, APT Gallery Deptford Open (selected Contemporain de Montréal, Montreal by Paul Noble), London An Ideal City that Complicates the Real One, 2013 Offering, architectural installation by Stephen Espectro Electromagnético, CDMX Cooper and Alice Kettle, Winchester Cathedral 2016 Intersections: Contemporary Artist Films, Audain Art Museum, Whistler Selected awards and residencies Facing the Sky, Nuit Blanche de Toronto, Toronto 2017 Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School at Rome

BIOGRAPHIES 50 2015 10 Days Award, Chalk: Interdisciplinary Arts Selected group exhibitions Platform, Winchester 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2013 10 Days Award, Interdisciplinary Arts Platform, March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Stephen Cooper and Alice Kettle, Winchester Fully Awake, curated by Ian Hartshorne and Sean 2003 AHRB Artists and Performers Small Award Kaye, House for an Art Lover, Glasgow 2017 A Bird in the Head, curated by Sarah Woodfine and Teaching Danielle Arnaud, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary 1980–2017 Head of the Painting Pathway, Winchester School Art, London of Art, University of Southampton 2016 Tall Tales, Freud Museum London; Touchstones, Rochdale; Glasgow Women’s Library, Glasgow Akerman Daly Bookshelf, akermandaly.com/ JAMES EPPS the-library/ Augusta Scholar, October–December 2017 Its Offal, curated by Emma Cousin and Emily www.jamesepps.co.uk Austin, Arthouse1., London [email protected] 2015 Stop Bugging Me: Frame 2, Tintype Gallery, London Bread & Jam 3, Bread & Jam Gallery, London Education Delta, 5 Years, London 2009 BA, Fine Art, Norwich University of the Arts, Norwich Abstract Apartment 1, Deborah House, London

Selected one person exhibitions Selected residency 2016 With an Eye to, 13A, Norwich 2018 The Bridget Riley Fellowship, British School at Rome 2015 Lookers, Unthank Artspace, Norwich Here on in, Exterior Wall Painting on Eyre Lane, Teaching Bloc Projects, Sheffield 2010–18 Visiting Lecturer, Royal College of Art, London Just Like That, OUTPOST, Norwich 1996–2018 Visiting Lecturer, Ruskin School of Fine Art, University of Oxford Selected recent group exhibitions 1990–3 Assistant Lecturer in Printmaking, Slade School 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome of Fine Art, University College London Members Show (selected by Andy Holden), 1989–92 Visiting Lecturer in Printmaking, Norwich Institute OUTPOST, Norwich of Fine Art and Design 2015 Members Show (selected by Tim Etchells and Vlatka 1989–90 Visiting Lecturer, Leicester Polytechnic Horvat), TAP, Southend 2014 Oriel Davies Open 2014, Oriel Davies Gallery, Collections Newtown British Library, London; Governing Body of Macau; Lineker 2013 NN Open Exhibition, Contemporary Art College, University of Oxford; Manchester Metropolitan Northampton, Northampton University; New York Public Library; UCL,Strang Collection; Creekside Open (selected by Paul Noble), University of Texas; V&A Museum, London APT Gallery, London

Selected residency GABRIEL HARTLEY 2017 Augusta Scholarship, British School at Rome Abbey Fellow in Painting, January–March 2018 [email protected]

OONA GRIMES Education The Bridget Riley Fellow, January–June 2018 2008 PgDip, Fine Art, Royal Academy Schools, London www.oonagrimes.com 2005 BA (Hons), Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art and [email protected] Design, University of the Arts, London

Education Selected one person exhibitions 1986–8 MA, Fine Art, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, 2018 Spoiled, Sara Zanin Gallery, Rome London 2017 Plaza Plaza, Plaza Plaza, London 1983–6 BA (Hons), Fine Art, Norwich School of Art, Norwich 2016 Reliefs, Foxy Production, New York Light, Studio Leigh, London Selected one person exhibitions 2015 Lozenges, Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London 2016 Volta New York, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, 2014 Posing, Foxy Production, New York New York 2013 Splays, Brand New Gallery, Milan 2014 chapter two, Danielle Arnaud Contemporary Art, 2012 Slap, Praz-Delavallade, Paris London Totaled, Foxy Production, New York When Is Now, 5 Years, London 2011 NADA, a solo presentation with Foxy Production,

51 BIOGRAPHIES Miami, Florida Counselling, University of Leicester, Leicester Crimping, Arte Furini Contemporanea, Rome Higher National Certificate, Photography, Leicester LISTE 15, a solo presentation with Foxy Production, College, Leicester Basel Higher Education Certificate, Managing Voluntary 2010 Gabriel Hartley, Foxy Production, New York and Community Organisations, University 2009 Gabriel Hartley, curated by Sarah McCrory, of Leicester, Leicester Swallow Street, London 1999 BA (Hons), Politics, University of Leicester, Leicester

Selected recent group exhibitions Selected recent group exhibitions 2018 March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2017 Frottage Cottage, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland Spazi Aperti 2018, Accademia di Romania, Rome 2016 ‘… ma l’amor mio non muore’, Casa Museo Ivan HATCHED, Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts, Bruschi, Arezzo Perth A Rose Without a ‘Why’. It Blooms because Helpmann Academy Graduate Show, Torrens it Blooms, Carl Freedman Gallery, London Parade Ground, Adelaide 2015 Basic Instinct, Seventeen, London 2017 A Walk in the Park, UNISA Honours Grad Show, Gabriel Hartley and Denise Kupferschmidt, Adelaide Foxy Production, New York 2015 Effulgence, UNISA Visual Arts Grad Show, Bloom, Kinman, London Adelaide At the Point of Gesture, curated by David Ryan, SIX, SASA Gallery Project Space, Adelaide Wimbledon Space, Wimbledon College of Art, London Selected awards and residencies 2014 Far In Out, Galerie Triangle Blue, Stavelot 2018 Helpmann Academy Residency, British School Architecture of Enjoyment, Fokidos 21, Athens at Rome 2013 Consommé, Kinman, London NEXUS Multicultural Arts Everything Wants to Run, curated by Mark Jackson, City of Adelaide Award Block 336, London Open Heart Surgery, The Moving Museum, London Presentations/Publications LʼHourloupe, curated by David Rhoads, 2017 ‘(Imagi)Nation’, Fine Print Magazine The Greenlease Gallery, Kansas City ‘Beneath our radiant Southern Cross: contemporary The Instability of the Image, Paradise Row, London art, Islam and advancing Australia fairly’, public DNA: Strands of Abstraction, curated by Paul lecture at the University of South Australia, Centre Sinclaire, Loretta Howard Gallery, New York for Islamic Thought and Education, NEXUS MUDLARK, Fold Gallery, London multicultural arts At the Point of Gesture, curated by David Ryan, 2016 ‘Entangled cultural fields: intersubjectivity and Lion & Lamb Gallery, London contemporary art of the Islamic diaspora’, paper Something New, Josh Lilley, London presented at the conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies, University of Sydney Selected residency ‘Culture, memory and identity’, presentation to Art, 2018 Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School at Rome Architecture and Design Research seminar, University of South Australia Collections Chicago Booth School of Business Collection; DEPART Collections Foundation, Rome; John Moores Painting Collection, Liverpool; Accademia di Romania, Rome; City of Adelaide Contemporary Royal Academy Collection, London; Saatchi Collection, London; Acquisitions Collection; Centre for Islamic Thought and Education, V22 Collection, London UNISA

YUSUF ALI HAYAT DAMIEN MEADE Helpmann Academy Resident, April–June 2018 Abbey Fellow in Painting, April–June 2018 https://australienartmatte.wixsite.com/australienartmatters www.damienmeade.com [email protected] Education Education 1993 MA, Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art, London 2017 Bachelor of Visual Arts (with Honours), University 1991 BA, Fine Art, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin of South Australia, Adelaide 2010 Certificate in Narrative Therapy, Narrative Practices Selected one person exhibitions Adelaide, Hindmarsh 2018 Damien Meade, CAR DRDE, Bologna 2007 Higher Education Certificate, Drug and Alcohol Damien Meade, Peter von Kant, London

BIOGRAPHIES 52 2015 Sudo, Scheublien & Bak, Zurich ON & OFF, Proyectos Medellin, Mexico City 2013 Damien Meade, Scheublien & Bak, Zurich Nexus Space, Platform Southwark, London 2016 What is the Future of Art?, Tate Modern, Turbine Selected recent group exhibitions Hall, London 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome That I Am Now And So It Is, Chalton Gallery, 2017 Nature Morte, The Guildhall Art Gallery, London; London The Four Domes Pavilion Museum of Contemporary Standing in the Shade, The Mile End Art Pavilion, Art, Wroclaw London 2016 Some Thing as a Line, curated by Brian Fay, High Taking Shape: Sculpture on the Verge, Pangaea Lanes Gallery, Drogheda Sculptors’ Centre, London What’s it Going to be?, Sid Motion Gallery, London 2015 The Red Mansion Art Prize, Slade Research Centre, In this Soup we Swim, Kingsgate Project Space, London London Which of These is the Non-smoking Lifeboat?, The Abject Object, Wimbledon Space, London Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre, London Black Light, curated by Twelve Around One & Slate I’m in Love with Rococo, (it’s all) Tropical, Projects, Everard Hotel, London STCFTHOTS, Leeds 2015 Damien Meade and Natasza Niedziolka, Sommer 2014 The Saatchi New Sensations 2014, Victoria House, & Kohl, Berlin London London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2014, The World 2014 Suspicion, curated by Dan Coombs, Jerwood Museum, Liverpool Biennial; ICA, London Space, London The Woon Foundation Painting and Sculpture Prize, 2013 Shape Shifters — Jason Brinkerhoff, Michelle Carla The Gallery North, Newcastle Handel, Damien Meade, ACME Gallery, Portraits of Dadapresidents and Oberdadas, Los Angeles Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich The John Moores Painting Prize 2012, Walker Art 2013 Ovada Open, Ovada Warehouse, Oxford Gallery, Liverpool SOLDES, 44–45 High Street, Oxford About Face, curated by Daniel Weinberg, ACME Gallery, Los Angeles Selected awards and residencies 2017 Derek Hill Foundation Scholarship, British School at Selected awards and residencies Rome 2018 Abbey Fellowship in Painting, British School at Rome 2016 Residency, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art, London 1994–5 Artist fellowship, Churchill College, University 2015 Residency, Pangaea Sculptors’ Centre, London of Cambridge 2014 Residency, The Redgate Gallery, Beijing Clyde&Co Blank Canvas Art Commissioning Prize Shortlisted for Saatchi New Sensations EMILY MOTTO Red Mansion Art Prize Derek Hill Foundation Scholar, October–December 2017 2013 Ashmolean Design Award www.emilymotto.com Waddesdon Manor Design Award [email protected] 2012 Geoffrey Rhodes Prize, University of Oxford The Queen’s College Michel Scholarship, University Education of Oxford 2014 BFA, Fine Art, The Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford Teaching 2018 Visiting artist, University of Bolton, Greater Selected one person exhibitions Manchester 2017 Caught, Platform Southwark, London 2016–17 Art Inspiring Change, The Turner Contemporary, 2015 Postures, Rice+Toye, London Margate 2014 Airheads, The Mezzanine, Oxford 2013 Parasites, The Dolphin Gallery, Oxford PATRICK O’KEEFFE Selected two-person exhibitions Giles Worsley Rome Fellow, October–December 2017 2016 Provisional Conditions, Beaconsfield Gallery [email protected] Vauxhall, London 2015 We Are Here, Rice+Toye, London Education 2015–17 MA, Architecture, University of Kent, Canterbury Selected group exhibitions 2011–14 BA (Hons), Architecture, University of Kent, 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Canterbury Moon when the Calves Grow Hair, Bunkhouse, London

53 BIOGRAPHIES Selected recent group exhibition JOSEPH REDPATH 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Scholars’ Prize-winner in Architecture, January–March 2018 www.josephredpath.com Selected residency [email protected] 2017 Giles Worsley Rome Fellowship, British School at Rome Education 2013–15 MSc, Architecture, Accademia di Architettura, Teaching Mendrisio 2017– Design Tutor, University of Kent, Canterbury 2008–11 BA (Hons), Architecture, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne

JOHN RAINEY Selected group exhibitions Arts Council of Northern Ireland Fellow, January–June 2018 2018 OnCurating Project Space, Zürich www.johnrainey.co.uk Captitudes, Atelier 315, Männerdorf [email protected] March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2015 MAD. ’14, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio Education 2014 MAD. ’13, Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio 2012 MA, Ceramics and Glass, Royal College of Art, London Selected residency 2009 BA (Hons) (first class), Contemporary Crafts, 2018 Scholars’ Prize in Architecture, British School Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester at Rome

Selected one person exhibitions 2016 On Visibility, Golden Thread Gallery Project Space, JOHN ROBERTSON Belfast Abbey Scholar in Painting, October 2017–June 2018 2013 Hyper Activity, Marsden Woo Gallery Project www.johnwrobertson.com Space, London [email protected] Instagram: john_robertson123 Selected group exhibitions 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Education Sans les mains!, Foundation Bernardaud, Limoges 2012 PgDip, Fine Art, Royal Academy Schools, London EVA International, The Hunt Museum and Limerick 2005 BA (Hons), Fine Art Painting, Glasgow School City Art Gallery, Limerick of Art, Glasgow March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Royal Hibernian Academy Annual Exhibition, RHA, Selected one person exhibitions Dublin 2016 Pastichio and Mesclun, Climax of Copenhagen, 2017 Dissolving Histories, Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast Copenhagen 2015 Less + More, Oonagh Young Gallery, Dublin 2012 Paradies, Fold Gallery, London 2014 (Im)material Artefacts, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Selected group exhibitions 2013 COLLECT 2013 Project Space, Saatchi Gallery, 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome London Spazi Aperti 2018, Accademia di Romania, Rome March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Selected awards and residencies 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2018 Irish Museum of Modern Art, Production Residency, 2015 Studio Leigh, Studio Leigh, London Dublin e e e o ee e i a a e e a, Rhubaba Gallery, Edinburgh Arts Council of Northern Ireland Fellowship, British Towels Blue, 71 Blandford Street, London School at Rome 2014 Tilt, Royal Academy Schools, London 2017 Arts Council Ireland, Visual Arts Project Award 2013 ‘ , Fold Gallery, London Arts Council of Northern Ireland, General Arts Award 2014 Arts Council of Northern Ireland, ACES Award Selected awards and residencies 2013 Arts Council England, Visual Arts Award 2017–18 Abbey Scholarship in Painting, British School at Rome Anglo Swedish Society, Visual Arts Scholarship, 2014 Royal Academy International Residency Exchange Konstfack University 2012 Selina Chenevière Travel Award 2011 Jerwood Purchase Prize Collections Arts Council of Northern Ireland Collections Jerwood Collection; Royal Academy Library Collection; V&A Museum Print Collection

BIOGRAPHIES 54 DEBORAH RUNDLE Selected one person exhibitions/performance events BSR Wallace New Zealand Residence Awardee, January–March 2018 Chamber, Oriel Mwldan, Ceredigion 2018 2017 Silence Beach, Contains Art, Somerset www.deborahrundle.com 2016 The Guardian of the Heart Machine, Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro Education The Death of Venus, TJ Boulting Gallery, London 2016 MFA (First Class Honours), University of Auckland, 2013 Rumour from Ground Control, TJ Boulting Gallery, Auckland London 2013 PgDip (with distinction), Art and Design, AUT 2012 Ground Control, The Wapping Project, London University, Auckland 2009 Hollowsphere, Flowers East, London 2011 Bachelor of Visual Arts (with distinction), AUT 2008 Untitled Installation, Wyer Gallery, London University, Auckland 2004 21 Days, Oxford University Press Shop, Oxford

Selected one to three person exhibitions Selected two person exhibition 2017 Down Time, Play_station Gallery, Wellington 2016 Circo Cosmético, Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro In the Antoropocene, Bartlety + Company, Wellington Selected recent group exhibitions/performance events 2016 Until You Make It, Projectspace, Auckland 2018 Y Lle Celf, National Eisteddfod, The Senedd, National Assembly Building, Cardiff Selected group exhibitions Unperforming, Artsadmin, Toynbee Studios, London 2018 March Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Silent Stage, Yaga, Vilnius 2017 Hardly Working, RM Gallery, Auckland 2017–18 NOVA, Arts Council of Wales Exhibition, Royal The Tomorrow People, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington Cambrian Academy/Aberystwyth Arts Centre The 26th Wallace Art Awards Exhibition, Pah 2017 December Mostra (with live performance Homestead, Auckland of Lupercalia), British School at Rome, Rome 2016 Imago Mundi, Gallerie delle Prigioni, Trieste Unit(e) residency exhibition (with live performance 2014 DeSporting, A KIM KIM Gallery (Seoul) exhibition of Empire), g39, Cardiff held at Gallery 3, Auckland 2016 4Quina, as part of Art Rio, A Gentil Carioca 2013 Transforming Topographies, The Lab, Auckland Art Gallery, Rio de Janeiro Gallery, Fifth Auckland Triennial, Auckland 2015 Grand Magasin Deux (with live performance of Absent Voyager), French Riviera Gallery, London Selected awards and residencies Jamboree, Yinka Shonibare’s Guest Projects, 2018 Winner, Molly Morpeth Canaday Sculpture and 3D London Award, Whakatane 2014–16 Cabaret Mélancolique, Peckham Liberal Club and BSR Wallace New Zealand Residence Award, St Mark’s Dalston, London British School at Rome 2014 Sketchy Remarks (with residency and live 2017 Finalist, Waiheke Small Sculpture Awards performance), Floating Island Gallery, London 2016 Joint runner up, Irish Fisher Award, Te Tuhi, Auckland Selected awards and residencies Shortlisted for John Fries Award 2017 Creative Wales–BSR Fellowship, British School at Rome Collections Unit(e) Residency, g39, Cardiff Massey University Art Collection; Luciano Benetton Collection; 2016 Artist in Residence, Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro private collections in New Zealand, Australia and the 2007 Desmond Preston Prize, Royal College of Art, United Kingdom London 2004 Oxford University Press Pirye Prize

JENNIFER TAYLOR Collection Creative Wales–BSR Fellow, October–December 2017 David Roberts Art Foundation www.jennifertaylor.co [email protected] MURAT URLALI Education National Art School, Sydney, Resident, April–June 2018 2005–7 MA, Sculpture, Royal College of Art, London [email protected] 2001–4 BA (First Class Honours), Fine Art, Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford Education 2000–1 Foundation Course, Art and Design, Camberwell 2017 MFA (by research), National Art School, Sydney College of Arts, London 2015 BFA (Honours), Painting, National Art School, Sydney

55 BIOGRAPHIES Selected recent group exhibitions 2015 The London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London 2018 June Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome 2013 New Contemporaries, ICA, London Untitled, Traffic Jam Galleries, Sydney 2017 Flores et Fructus, Robin Gibson Gallery, Sydney Selected awards and residencies Nobody Passes, Library Stairwell Gallery Show, 2017 Rome Fellowship in Contemporary Art, National Art School, Sydney British School at Rome 2016 Wall to Wall, Robin Gibson Gallery, Sydney 2015 Catlin Art Prize, London Corpus, Stacks Projects, Sydney 2014 John Kinross Scholarship, Florence 2015 Well Red, Robin Gibson Gallery, Sydney New Talent Exhibition, Robin Gibson Gallery, Collections Sydney Ingram Collection; Royal Scottish Academy 2014 (small) GEMS, Robin Gibson Gallery, Sydney St. George Bank, National Art School Postgraduate Exhibition, Sydney 1/2 WAY, Library Stairwell Gallery Show — Honours Painting, National Art School, Sydney 2013 Graduate Exhibition, National Art School, Sydney

Selected awards and residencies 2018 National Art School, Sydney, Residency, British School at Rome 2017 Finalist (Traditional Category), Fisher’s Ghost Art Award, Sydney Finalist (Open Category), Fisher’s Ghost Art Award, Sydney 2014 Robin Gibson Gallery New Talent Exhibition Prize The Sydney Canvas Company Prize for an Honours Painter 2013 Parkers Sydney Fine Art Supplies Prize, Inaugural Frame Prize for an Undergraduate Student in Painting 2008 Finalist, Gallipoli Art Prize, hosted by Gallipoli Memorial Club Ltd, Sydney

Collections Private collections in Istanbul, Izmir, Edinburgh, London, Frankfurt, Dubai, Sydney and Adelaide

DOMINIC WATSON Rome Fellow in Contemporary Art, October–December 2017 www.dominicwatson.net [email protected]

Education 2014 MFA, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow 2008 BA (Hons), Sculpture, Camberwell College of Art

Selected one person exhibitions 2016 YEAST, Space Studios, London 2015 Significant Culture, Boetzelaer Nispen Gallery, Amsterdam Specific Emotions, New Studio, London

Selected group exhibitions 2017 December Mostra, British School at Rome, Rome Here Was Elsewhere >>FFWD, Cooper Gallery, Dundee

BIOGRAPHIES 56 BSR Faculty of the Fine Arts and Staff


Tim Bell Stephen J. Milner, Director Denise Bennetts Maria Chevska Library Valerie Scott, Librarian and Deputy Director Prue Chiles Beatrice Gelosia, Deputy Librarian Sacha Craddock Francesca De Riso, Francesca Deli, Library Assistants Nicholas Cullinan Alessandra Giovenco, Archivist Vanessa Jackson Cecilia Carponi, Cecilia Spano, Packard Humanities Institute- Penny Johnson funded Library Staff Vivien Lovell (Chair) Tim Marlow London office Niall McLaughlin Gill Clark, Registrar Hugh Petter Elizabeth Rabineau,* Development Director Thomas J. Price Becky Latcham-Ford,∆* Administrative Officer Helen Sear Jessica Venner,∆* Administrative Officer Robin Vousden Clarrie Wallis Research and research support Stephen Witherford Thomas-Leo True,* Assistant Director (Humanities) Robert Coates-Stephens, Cary Fellow Simon Keay,* Research Professor in Archaeology Stephen Kay, Archaeology Officer Jacopo Benci,* Senior Research Fellow in Modern Studies and Contemporary Visual Culture Marina Engel, Architecture Curator Marco Palmieri,* Visual Art Residency and Programme Curator Marta Pellerini,∆ Visual Art Curator Stefania Peterlini, Permissions Officer & Director’s Assistant

Residence Christine Martin, Residence and Estate Manager Renato Parente, Domestic Bursar Fulvio Astolfi, Maintenance Officer Donatella Astolfi, Alba Coratti, Cleaning Staff Luca Albanese, Cook Dharma Wijesiriwardana, Cook & Gardener Giuseppe Pellegrino, Residence Assistant & IT Support Antonio Palmieri, Residence Assistant

Rome office Nicholas Hodgson, Finance Manager Isabella Gelosia, Accounts Clerk Natalie Arrowsmith, Communications Manager Alice Marsh, Administrative Officer

* Left in 2017–18 ∆ Joined in 2017–18

57 British School at Rome, the BSR @the_bsr britishschoolatrome.wordpress.com britishschoolatrome British School at Rome www.bsr.ac.uk

Published by the British School at Rome, London

ISSN 1475-8733 ISBN 978-0-904152-83-8