Fine Arts 2016–17
2016–17 1 Fine Arts 2016–17 Acknowledgements All works © the artists and architect Antonella Salvatore and Inge Lyse Hansen, John Cabot University, Rome Editor: Marco Palmieri Graphic design: Praline Juliet Franks, The Ruskin School of Art, Oxford Printed in Belgium by Graphius Sarah Linford, Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, Rome Published in 2017 by the British School at Rome Ilaria Bozzi, Adriana Caneva, Martina Caruso, Eleonora 10 Carlton House Terrace Castagna, Clelia Colantonio, Marina Dacci, Adrienne Drake, London SW1Y 5AH Niccolò Fano, Marta Federici, Flavio Ferri, Bryony Harris, Jahan Khajavi, Ansel Krut, Shiro Nishimoto, Pier Paolo Pancotto, British School at Rome Marta Pellerini, Giulia Ruberti, Donatella Saroli Via Gramsci 61, 00197 Rome Claudia Canovai, Marie-Claire Desjardin, Valeria Frezza, A charity registered in England and Wales (no. 314176) Elaine Robertson Photography courtesy of the artists and architect, except: Roberto Apa (pages 5, 6, 8–11, 14–17, 22–7, 29–36, 38–41) ISSN 1475-8733 ISBN 978-0-904152-78-4 The Bridget Riley Art Foundation The Derek Hill Foundation The Incorporated Edwin Austin Abbey with David and Pam McKee, Memorial Scholarships and The Wood Foundation Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust with Ms Jennifer Dowling The donors to the Scholars’ Prize in Architecture Contents 4 Preface: Christopher Smith 7 Introduction: Marco Palmieri Exhibitors 14 Kelly Best 16 Chris Browne 18 Caroline Cloutier 20 Gary Deirmendjian 22 Maria de Lima 24 Maria Farrar 26 Grant Foster 28 Morgan Gostwyck-Lewis 30 Peter McDonald 32 Neil McNally 34 Catherine Parsonage 36 Kate Power 38 Sinta Tantra 40 Vivien Zhang 43 Biographies 51 BSR Faculty of the Fine Arts and Staff Preface This is my eighth and last preface to the British School National Art School, Sydney (with Jennifer Dowling); at Rome Fine Arts Catalogue, and gives me a chance the Nicholas Berwin Charitable Trust; and the William to look back, and forwards.
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