The Influence of Indigenous Cultures on the Intern
Creason: Culture Clash: The Influence of Indigenous Cultures on the Intern COMMENTS CULTURE CLASH: THE INFLUENCE OF INDIGENOUS CULTURES ON THE INTERNATIONAL WHALING REGIME INTRODUCTION The cultural values of native populations are a significant source of law, because modem societies develop from the practices and be- liefs of indigenous cultures.' Over time, indigenous customs and tra- ditions are incorporated into contemporary lifestyles.2 The strong in- fluence ancient practices have on present cultures is apparent in the religious, dietary, economic and political facets of today's societies.3 In turn, modem culture influences the laws of a nation.4 Societal preferences, practices and traditions are reflected in the regulations a country creates to govern its people.' Since modem and ancient cul- l. J. Richard Broughton, The Jurisprudenceof Tradition and Justice Scalia's Unwrit- ten Constitution, 103 W. VA. L. REv. 19, 21-26 (2000); Eric N. Weeks, A Widow's Might: Nakaya v. Japan and Japan's Current State of Religious Freedom, 1995 BYU L. REV. 691, 693-94 (1995). 2. Broughton, supra note 1, at 21-22. 3. See generally Chaihark Hahm, Law, Culture, and the Politics of Confucianism, 16 COLUM. J. AsiAN L. 253, 256-58 (2003) (recognizing the significant role of ancient Confucian beliefs in modem Korean society); A.W. Harris, Making the Case for Collective Right: In- digenous Claims to Stocks of Marine Living Resources, 15 GEO. INT'L ENVTL. L. REV. 379, 392 (2003) (discussing the integral role traditional whale hunting plays in the Makah Indians' present day religious, ceremonial and social lives); Tarik Abdel-Monem, Affixing the Blame: Ideologies of HIVAIDS in Thailand,4 SAN DIEGO INT'L L.J.
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