1.1 Background

Language is a device to communicate among people in the society, and it is

made for uniting people in the world. As humans,we are drawn to one another and communicate with each other in a variety of capacities (Yemi& Faleti, 2017). In it is

use, language has purposes. According to Savignon (1983), “The use to which

language is put, the purpose of an utterance rather than the particular grammatical

form an utterence takes”. Language has several functions, one of them is to express

the speaker’s feeling or behavior. For example, the speakers express their emotional

through exclamation or swearing.

In the “Theory and Analaysis Study” written by Putu Wijaya and Rohmadi

(2006: 165), swearing is an expression of pressure or uncomfortable. Meanwhile,

(Indrawati, 2006: 23-25) states that swearing is a verbal action that expresses

aggressive feelings or excessive frustation reflected in words that contain strong

emotional associations. Norquist (2018) also states that swearing words serve many

different functions in different social contexts. They may express annoyence,

aggression, and insult. For instance, they may express solidarity and friendliness. It

means that people use swearing words to express their feelings, anger, frustation,

disappointment, soladirity and friendliness to others. There are four types of categories

those referring to the things or activity in which the speech refers to and those

referring to the use or purpose to which the speech is put (Battiestella, 2005: 72).

Swearing words are categorized into four types there are Ephitets, Profanity, commit to user Vulgarity, and Obscenity. Moreover, theory of Andersson and Trudgill (1990) also

categorized swearing words into four functions. There are functions of swearing which

are usually used in people’s communication. They are expletive swearing, abusive

swearing, humorous swearing and auxiliary swearing.

Swearing words are also applied in media social, books, and one of them is

films. A lot of researchers have examined swearing words that are produced in

movies. Studies done by Mauilidiatsani (2015), Khoirunnisa (2016), Permadi (2017),

Rahmadi (2017), Yuningsih (2015),Januarto (2017), Esterika (2016), Pupitasari

(2017), Mahamurah (2015), Dewi (2017)only emphasized types and reasons of using

swearing words without mentioning the function of swearing words itself.

Furthermore, there are some categories used to analayze type of swearing words that

used by the speaker. However, the function has important roles in swearing words,

because swearing words are used to stimulate the hearer to understand the function

meaning of the utterance. In other words, the speakers want to deliver a meaning

behind the utterance (Grundy 1995:40).

Based on the review above, many researchers still leave problems which can

be examined more deeply. First, they have not discussed the functions used in

swearing words, in other words the previous researchers only emphasized on the types

and categories of swearing words without mentioning the function of swearing words

themselves. Besides, there are some researchers who only explained functions without

mentioning the types and categories used in swearing words. Here is an example taken

from 2 movie:

Deadpool: What is the fuck knuckles is this?

Negasonic: She’s my girlfriend, you intolerant shit!

Dialogue above happens when Negasonic suddenly came to the Deadpool’s

room to introduce her girlfriend. Shecommit said “toShit! user” with a little emphasis. According to

Swan (2005), the category of swearing words on the conversation used by Negasonic

is insulting. It is because Negasonic mocking Deadpool by her utterance. By using

“Shit!” utterance, Negasonic use excretion terms as the type of swearing words.

Besides, according Rothwell (1973) has some function, and the one of the function is

to create interpersonal identification. It is because in the context of conversations

Deadpool Negasonic are the members of X-Force team which mean they have intense

relationship each other.

The cases of function in swearing words can mostly be found in the movie but

they also can also be found in every social media or speech activities. However, in

order to obtain sufficient data, the movie that will be used as the source of research

data have to prioritize in aspects of conversation or communication rather than the

action. The genre of the movie that matches with these conditions is action movie. In

the selection of action movie that is used as data sources, researcher chose action

movie entitled “”.

Deadpool 2 tells the struggle of Deadpool who tried to protect a mysterious

young named Russell. Rusell is targeted by a soldier who can travel time

named Cable. To achieve this mission, Deadpool formed a team which was then

named X-Force. In case to protect Russell, then X-Force consisting of Deadpool,

Negasonic, Warhead Teenagers, Colossus, and Bedlam.

In Deadpool 2 movie, Deadpool is a unique hero character. Usually, superhero

is identic with good personilities and give good examples to the environment.

Deadpool is different from other superheroes, which has a messy personality and likes

to talk dirty. But, behind his bad personality he always defend weak people around

him and kills every bad criminals.

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The researcher was interested to analyze “Deadpool 2” as an object study

because the main character in Deadpool do not reflect the behavior as a hero general,

he speak bad words and negative stuffs instead,. Secondly, the researcher try to find

out the types and function of swearing words in this movie, because of that, researcher

takes “An Analysis Of Swearing Words Used By The Main Character In Deadpool 2

Movie” as the title of this research. The researcher chooses main character because he

employ more swearing words than the others and he dominate the conversation

occurred in the film.

1.2 Research Question

This research would explore and describe the swearing word that are used in

the “Deadpool 2” movie. The details of research question are formulated as follows:

1. What types of swearing words are used by the main character of Deadpool 2 movie?

2. What are the functions of swearing words produced by the main character of

Deadpool 2 movie?

1.3 Research Objective

According to research question above, this research has purpose to find what

kind of types swearing words that are used in the Deadpool 2 Movie and the function

meaning in the utterance that are used by the characters. The more specific objectives

of the study are: commit to user

1. To find out the types of swearing words used by the main characters in Deadpool 2


2. To identify the functions swearing words employed by the main character of

Deadpool 2 movie.

1.4 ResearchBenefits

Based on representation of the research result, this research have some

beneficial. There are:

1. This research gives representation about the use of swearing words that are oriented in

the utterance by the main character in Deadpool2 Movie. For example, when

characters in Deadpool have a conversation, and they use swearing words to break the

situation. From the conversation, it could be analyzesor find what type of swearing

words that used by the main character.

2. This research can also find the function meaning when the main character swearing

the words in their utterances. From the theory known communication that is built by

conversation will go well if the speakers avoid misunderstanding each other. By

exploring the function of swearing words in utterance which is said by the main

character Deadpool 2 movie, it could help to find the meaning in his utterances to

avoid misunderstanding in conversation.

1.5 Research Limitation

This research is focused on the types and function meaning of swearing words

that are used by the main character in utterances of Deadpool 2movie. It can be found commit to user in the script of Deadpool 2 movie. The object of the researcher is the utterances of

characters. Deadpool 2 movie is an American superhero film directed by David Leitch

and based on Marvel comic character with the same name. It is a sequel of the sucessful

Deadpool (2014) directed by a different film director, Tim Miller. The movie is

distributed by 20th Century Fox. The data are taken from Deadpool 2movie.

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