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AND saMaSk& NOVELTY NEWS wt.c.D...11.L.r)

Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill at1 Madison Avenue, New York, July15, 1908

The STAR Talking Machine is theone machine that has any real claim on the attention of the prospective purchaserthe only one that hasan individuality the onlyone which embodies really fresh conceptions. SOMETHING JUST AS GOOD ss. The retailer who persuadesa customer who wants a STAR to take something " equally as good " does a wrong both to the customer and to the manufacturer. It is, of course, very weak ina purchaser to allow himself to be over -persuaded, but many men and more women are so constituted as to be easily influenced, and unscrupulous retailers are keen to take advantage of this fact. The wrong done to the manufacturer is obvious.He spends time andmoney in developing his product by costly experiments and by almost endlessmoney spent in patents, besides creating ade- mand for his,wares.Substitution deprives him of his just reward. The customer is also defrauded. An imitation lacks the essential points of merit whichare protected by patents granted by this and foreign governments, whichcan he used only on a machine made by theowner of these patents.Besides, if another similar device is betteror just as good, it should not have to obtain recognition by using another'ssuccess by which to climb to its own. "Just as good isnever true and is always costly.

Howard and Jefferson Streets, Hawthorne & Sheble ManufacturingCo.,PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A,

Entered104 aecond-class matter May 2,1903, at the peatifil< at N, Srh,N.V.,under the set of Congress of March 3,1873, THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD The Sound is OntoStay The We Public Guarantee Wants ES R B No Them RECORDS Breakage 35cEach 35c Each Convenient to Handle by our exclusive process our records are 1.The Tone is Better -because a perfect reproduction of the wax masters. the perfect firmness of our material throw 2. The Volume is Greater -because all the vibration into the reproducer. there is no breaking down in the walls and 3.The Reproduction is Truer-because ridgesofthevibrations,whichalways happens with wax records. 4.Our New Reproducer in- the spring tension causes the wedge-shaped creases the Musical Value sapphire point to cling and follow perfectly the sound waves on the record, imparting to of our Records --because the wooden diaphragm all the qualities of tone as well as the increased volume of sound. ESTABLISHED LIST OF JOBBERS : ABERDEEN, S. D., FORT SMITH, ARK., PHILADELPHIA, PENNA , McArthur Piano Company. R. C. Bollinger. 704 Garrison Avenue. Musical Echo Co., 1217 Chestnut Street. ALBANY, N. Y., HELENA, MONT., PITTSBURG. PENNA., Fincl. S Hahn, 92 State Street. Curtin's Music House, 13 \Vest Sixth Avenue. Powers Henry Co., 3311Second Avenue. BIRMINGHAM, .\LA., LINCOLN, NEB., sACRANIENTo, Talking Machine Company, 201)7 Second Avei ue. II.E. Sidles Phono. Co. A. J. Pommer Co., 529 3Street. BOSTON, MASS., LOUISVILLE, KY., \ VANNAH. GA., Mass. Indestructible Record Co., 72 Bedford Street. Montenegro-Riehm Music Co., 523 Third Avenue. Knight Drug Co., 103 Broughton Street. BROOKLYN, N. V., MEMPHIS, TENN., IIENECTAOY, N. Y., American Talking Machine Co., 5S6 Fulton Street. F. M. Atwood, 123 Monroe Avenue. Finch & Hahn, 504 State Street. BUFP.A1.0, N. Y., ST. LOUIS, MO.. W. I). Andrews, seneca Street, cor. Wells. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., Thos. C."lough, 714 Hennepin Avenue Conroy Piano Co., 110u Olive Street. BURLINGTON, VT., J. K. Savage Stipp!) Co.. 921 Franklin Avenue. MO 111 LE. AC V, It.C. smith S Cu., 6s Church Street. W. II. Reynolds, 167 Dauphin Street. ---101./N CITY, IOWA, CHM 1.\NOOGA, TENN., Early Nlia,ic llousr. Standard Music Co ,9.11East Eighth Street. NASHVILLE, TENN., Magruder & Co., 27 The Arcade SIOUX FALLS, S. D., CHICAGO, ILL., 0. C. Cadwell & Co., 127 Phillips Avenue, James 1Lyons, 265 Path Avenue. NEW ARK, N. .1., Edisottia Co., 57 Halsey Street. SYRACUSE, N. Y., CINCINNATI, 01110, W. D. Andrews, 21tZ East Railroad Street. Pal Co., 108 East Third Street. NEWARK, 01110, TERRE HAUTE, IND., Ball-Fintze Co., 12 Canal Street. wabash Music I I L\ LLAND, 0/110, 523 WabashAvenue. Lc1:1,se .Musical Co., 1570 East Ninth Street. NEW HAVEN, CONN., 101.E1)0, 01110, i.i/t,t; \II/US, OHIO, A. B. Clinton to., 33 Church Street. 55 hitney & Currier Co l',.rry R. WI itsit, 209 South high Sue, t NEW ORLEANS, 1.A., TRoY, N. N., 01.5 MOINES, IOWA, Nat'lutomatie Firc Morm Co., 614.61C Gravier St. Finch & Halm, 3'Third street. 11,.14:1 Lros., 618.620 L ,cult Street. NEW ORK, t ITN, M0.11 . Itullenkan p. 1122 Columbus Avenue. so Ph ,I.O. CO., I06 55 .odw td Menu Ben,'Swilky, 27 Fast Fourteenth Street. CANADA

ny1;t:OL T., IOWA. . OM \ ILA, N E Ilk It \I.11.\. N. . Main `4tiot Piano Myer Co., s-vti d Douglas Streets. J.A. Mel/on:11d Piano & Music Co., 41 Barringt,,, \IEDICINE 11.5T, \LBERTA, .chrrine's Book stm \os,nilioa Music House Send to your Jobber for our Reproducer Booklet and ask for Terms to Dealers

TheIndestructiblePhonographicRecordCo. ALBANY, NEW YORK The TalkingMachine World

Vol. 4.No. 7. New York, July 15, 1908. Price Ten Cents

PHOTOGRAPHY WITHOUT CAMERA. gates and immediately in front of the platformcompetent assistance.Help is plentiful enough, were four blackdiscs,looped by wires andbut not the right kind.This results in the pro- Prof. Lippmann Discovers MethodofDirect joined by a small central cable leading from theprietors of any business being forced to look Picture -Taking on the Film-Studied Eye ofhall.Many wondered at these discs, believingafter most of the details, and this is wearing. a Fly-Gets Perspective and Relief Withoutthem to be a part of the system for electricalI have been in business now nine years, and am Stereoscopic Process-Film Contains Multi-display. completely tired out, and therefore I am glad to tude of Facets. They were a combination of telephone andget away for a while.This drawback no one phonograph, taking up the proceedings as theycan get away from. When I rejoin my wife in Professor Lippmann,of the Sorbonne, accordingoccurred and transmitting each speech and eachEurope we shall stay there for some time.I am to dispatches from Paris, has just made a discov-burst of applause.According to the reports onefrom Bohemia, and this will be the first time I ery which willrevolutionizetheart ofpho- of the wires was cut into the- White House andhave been back in 16 years. tography. When his discovery has been perfect.the President in person, with the receiver to his "The talking machine business in Brazilis ed in a few of its details, cameras may be doneear, caught the words of Lodge as he electrified growing rapidly.Records sell differently in dif- away with, and the photograph will give thethe vast assemblage and theechoingshoutsferent places.In Sao Paulo nine -tenths of the same effect of relief and perspective which canwhich followed. population are Italians, and therefore operatic be secured now only by use of the stereoscope. selections are in demand.In Rio the Portu- For the sake of the uninitiated it may be men- THEY'D USE A TALKING MACHINE. guese are the predominating people and their tioned that it was Professor Lippmann who first sales arefor other records, generallyinstru- discoverd color photography.His latest discov-How the Kansas City School Board Would Savemental and native and popular airs.The Co- ery is no less extraordinary. Money for Drills. lumbia Co. are making a special line of records "The constitution of a photographic apparatus," that will be shipped at once. Before I went into (Special to The Talking Machine World.) business for myself I bought goods outright and said the professor, discussing his discovery, "is Kansas City, Mo., June 30, 1908. analogous in many respects to that of the human Pianist or graphophone?That's one of thesold them throughout Brazil, then handling a eye. great many Edison machines and records." As a result, if we wish to obtain perspec-questions the school board debated atitslast tive and relief we are forced to use the stereo-meeting, and it couldn't come to a decision. Sefior Figner uses excellent English, speaking scope. briskly and employing terse, expressive terms. I was long convinced, however, that if I The question was whether Miss Grace Slocomb, could produce the image as it appears on the eye who plays the piano for the calisthenic drills atHe has all the appearance of an aggressive, suc- of a flyI should have my stereoscopiceffectthe Manual Training High School, should becessful man who stillretains aninterestin direct.The eye of this class of insect, as youcontinued on the payroll at a salary of $300 ahuman nature and the enjoyments of life. know, is composed of a large number of minuteyear. facets.Each of these facets reproduces a corner "Why should we continue to pay a salary like TIME TO ACT IS NOW. of the object or landscape presented toit. Thethis, when we can get a fine, large talking ma- ensemble of the facets gives the complete pic- Don't Postpone 'Till To -morrow What You Can chine to do the work for $75 down?" suggested do To -day Pays in Business. ture.I therefore set to work to find some prep-Hale H. Cook, a member of the board."It's ex- aration which would give a similar result. travagance, wasteful extravagance." The man on the fence is always unhappy.Get "After a good deal of research,Ievolved a "I agree with Mr. Cook " said E. D. Phillips, collodion film, upon which I placed a thin layer off quickly and form the habit of facing situa- principal of the Manual Training High School.tions with prompt decisions. That's the only way of sensitive gelatine finely honeycombed.This"A graphophone would do just as well." honeycombing process createda multitude of to achieve things for life, and activity is given The board discussed the relative merits ofto us for a brief period in which much must be globules-to be exact, twenty-five to each squarepianist and graphophone and agreed to leave the millimeter.In the layer of collodion each of crowded and every minute counts. final settlement of the troublesome question until If you vacillate, somebody else will make up these globules forms twohemispheres. Thatthe next meeting.Meanwhile, a motion was which is in front, toward the exterior, is of much your mind for you, and not always to your ad- adopted to reconsider the appointment of Missvantage.Neither will you invariably decide cor- smaller radius than that which is behind, andSlocomb, which was confirmed by the board a which offers a larger curve.The first hemis- rectly, but with increasing experience you'll be phere plays the role of the objective; the second week ago. right much oftener than wrong and the habit of retains the image.Each globule reproduces the leadership and command will stamp you an able totality of the picture, but permits the eye to A VISITOR FROM BRAZIL. man. The importanceofdeciding promptly was distinguish only that point coming within the AChat With Gustavo Figner, the Enterprising radius of vision.In virtue of its power of ac- taught in a small way to a young man selling Talking Machine Man of Sao Paulo, Brazil-goods to a dealer who hesitated between the best commodating itselfto circumstances, theeye Business Active in That Country. groups all the visible points together, and the and next grade of a line submitted.Said the sum total makes the complete picture.Thus, Coming into New York from Rio de Janeiro,undecided deald, "Which do you advise?"To the eye, while seeing a single image, sees it under Brazil,S.A., on the "Deutschland," June 18,which the conscientious young salesman respond all its aspects.Move the photograph to left orGustavo Figner, of Figner Irmaus, Sao Paulo,ed, "You must know best; they are both good to right, and the relief and perspective change,Brazil, sailed away again on the 25th following,value and either will serve your requirement." because the eye encountersa differentset ofmaking a very brief stay in this country.The "Well," said the dealer, "I'll wait and think it points." real reason of Selior Figner's short call was thatover a few days.Come in again next week." "And what kind of a camera is necessary?"he had been recently married, was practically on And when the salesman came next week, as ap- was asked. a wedding trip and was anxious to rejoin hispointed, behold a competitor's line was promi- "I was expecting that question," said the pro-wife in Paris, France, who declined to come tonently displayed and his line shut out.The next fessor with a smile."No camera is needed. Wethe United States with her husband. time he was asked for an opinion on his line he put the film, or sensitive plate, in an ordinary Seilor Figner, when seen by The World, saidhad it ready, and never again lost an order for plate holder; and place it in front of the objecthe was delighted to get away from Brazil for alack of a decision. or landscape which we wish to photograph. The while, not that he disliked the country.On theVENEZUELA'S TAX ON TALKING MACHINE. slide is opened and shut and the operation iscontrary, it was a beiutiful place to live in and one finished.My greatest regret is that we are un-of the finest spots on the globe to make money. The new Venezuelan tariff, which is based on able to reproduce this new photography in print-Among other things, he said:"I am the agentthe metrical system, provides that talking ma- ing.Itis no good for photogravure.For pic-in Brazil for the Columbia Phonograph Co., gen-chines be assessed .241c. per kilogram, accessories tures reproduced in the newspapers we shall stilleral; also for the Fonotipia Co., of Italy, and theand records for same also at that rate, which have to use the stereoscope." Gramophone Co., of London, England.Also selllikewiseappliestomusicalinstruments and the full lines of the Victor Talking Machine Co.,boxes not otherwise mentioned tinder the head- ROOSEVELT HEARD CHEERING of Camden, N. J., though not their agents.Be- ings of pianos, player pianos, organs and music. sides I do what you here would call a general Over Combinationof Telephone and Phono-mail order business.I also publish a couple of CHANNING WILLIAMS' SUCCESS. graph in Convention Hall. newspapers.You see the cost of advertising in Brazil is so great one is almost compelled to go Channing Williams, who opened a talking ma- It is said that President Roosevelt himself wasinto the publishing business yourself, in order tochine store in New Haven, Conn., last August, an actual listener to the demonstrations of enget your goods properly before the public.Thehas already succeeded in building up a substan- thusiasm which greeted his name in the con-Brazilian newspapers have very small circula-tial trade, and by the time of his anniversary vention of the Republican party held recently in tions, therefore no particular benefit is derivedwill have a most cheerful report to make.Mr. Chicago and which selected Mr. Taft as its can-when they are used.I expend at least $30,000Williams handles Edison and Columbia machines didate for President. yearly in advertising. and records, as well as framed pictures and post Hanging ten feet above the heads of the dele- "One great trouble in Brazil is the scarcity ofcards. 4 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

TALKER IN NATIONAL CAMPAIGN. his home a hamlet twenty miles from Philadel- As these rural localities are covered by polit- phia. and afew evenings ago he carried his ical clubs,it behooves the "talker" man to get Three Reasons Why the Present Political Ac- machine and thelistof new Bryan recordsbusy and follow up the distribution of trade lit- tivityin Connection With the Presidential down to the grocery store, where the local celeb-erature with a business call from one of his Campaign Should Not be Overlooked by the ritiesare wonttocongregatetodiscuss thesalesmen, endeavoring to planta machine or Progressive Dealer. questions of the hour, which at the present timemore in every club within range, and the sooner turn toward politics. the better. The guns in thePresidential battle areboom- He found the usual crowd on the porch listen- You should "make hay while the sun shines." ingloudly. and from now until victory is won ing to Squire Rogers, who was holding forth on HOWARD TAYLOR MIDDLETON. on November 3 next a great activity will be in the wickedness ofpoliticiansingeneral, and effect which should be taken advantage of byBryan in particular. RESTRAINING ORDER GRANTED the talking machine dealer. "That man ain't fit to be President!" emphat- There has beeu a great deal written in past icallydeclaredthe Squire, expectorating with InFavor of the Victcr Talking Machine Co. great accuracy of aim into a potato barrel. "He Against Meyer Futernik,"of Philadelphia, issues of The World relative to the "talker" in Whom ItIs Alleged Sold Victor Records Be- politics, but the ciuestionis so important thatain't got no religion." it would seem permissible at this time to take "What's that?" interrupted Deacon Spinner. low Licensed Price. up a phase which has not as yet, I believe, been (Special to The Talking Machine World.) touched upon to any extent, viz.-just how the Philadelphia, Pa., June 30, 1908. present campaign can be of most assistance to On June 15, 1908, the Victor Co. filed a bill the trade.I have made it a point to consult is equity, petition for restraining order and pre- with several dealers upon the subject, and, as a liminary injunction papers in the United States result of my inquiries, the following suggestions Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Penn- are offered: sylvania against Meyer Futernik, of Philadelphia, First-Special campaign supplements should trading as the Eastern Phonograph Co., to re- be issued by all the companies now engaged in strain infringement of the Berliner Patent No. record -making as has already been done by the 534.543, in selling Victor records at a less price NationalPhonograph Co.Thesesupplements than the licensed price.In the early part of should contain speeches of a patriotic character June the attention of the Victor Co. was called which caanot failto arouse the ardor of the to the fact that Meyer Futernik, of the Eastern American citizen, especially when rendered by Phonograph Co., was selling and advertising for men now in the limelight.If this were done, sale 60 cent Victor records at a greatly reduced when a customer comes into your store, Mr. price, and the above measures to restrain them Dealer, you could ask him a few questions rela- were at once taken. tiveto the politicalsituation and obtain his On June 15, 1908, Horace Pettit, counsel for views.This accomplished, it would be an easy the Victor Co.. appeared before Judge McPherson matter to inveigle him into listening to an ora-"Don'tbelieve no sech thing,Squire;every- and secured a restraining order at once, which tion by his favorite candidate which would sobody's got some sort o' religion if you kin onlywas promptly served on defendant, restraining prey upon his sense of patriotism as to forcegit it out." him from selling and advertising for sale the him to make at least one purchase before the "No, siree!Bryan ain't.I seen it plain asVictor records at less than the license price; attack subsided. day in the paper, an' it's true." on June 19th the motion for preliminary injunc- Second-You shoulddisplayacollectionof Fearingthattheargumentmightprovetion was heard before Judge McPherson. James postersinyour storedepictinginattractivelengthy and belligerent, and wishing to start the C.Sellers, of the Philadelphia bar, appearing form what the "talker" will do for the politician.entertainment, the writer slipped Edison recordfor the defendant and filing an affidavit on be- The illustration accompanying this article showsNo. 9,923. "Immortality," by William Jenningshalf of the defendant.The matter was argued a scene at a national convention, in which theBryan on the mandrel and pressed the startingbefore Judge McPherson and a decree entered in talking machine is playing a leading role.A lever.Silence reignedthroughoutthe wholefavor of the Victor Co. on that date. delegate has the floor, and in an impassionedrendition of the "beautiful and effective descrip- speech so brilliantly rendered as to bring thetion of supreme faith in a 'life beyond,'" and GILMORE BUYS NEWSPAPER. whole convention to its feet in a mighty burstwhen it was over, old Squire Rogers sighed and William E. Gilmore, president of the National of enthusiasm, has just placed his candidate ininquired:"That ain't Bryan hisself a-talkin'?"Phonograph Co., has purchased the Orange (N. nomination.Then asathrilling finale while The writer nodded in the affirmative. J.) Chronicle, including the plant and building, the excitement is at white heat, he starts the "I'll take it all back then.He's got religion the price being $21,600.In the event of the sale talking machine, and the vast assemblage listensall right or he couldn't make no sech beautiful being confirmed by the court, it is Mr. Gilmore's spellbound to a graceful address from the veryremarks as them there on that phonygraft, an'intention to organize a company and condUct the lipsof the man who has just been lauded bywhat's more, you kin take it from me here an'business under the management of Harry M. the eloquent delegate.The effect is simply be-now, that if he's nominated, I'll cast a vote fer Friend,for many years connectedwiththe yond description.Hats are thrown aloft in a'im, by gum!" Chronicle. frenzy of devotion and the nomination is carried unanimously amid a whirlwind of cheers and applause. If a poster similar to the illustration shown above were placed in your window, Mr. Dealer, ATTENTION! and some attractive reading matter displayed in conjunction with the same, calling attention to the fact that you have political records in stock, and that they represent the best efforts of both Presidential candidates (records by one proba- NEW ENGLAND DEALERS ble candidate being now at your service as this story goes to press)there would undoubtedly If you handle both EDISON and VICTOR, be an immediate call upon you to supply the hungry public with political records. we can offer you an advantage no other New Third-The political organizations throughout England jobbing house can-One Source of the country should be supplied with literature of a character to explain concisely and well just Supply for both how the "talker" can be made useful to them in conducting their part of the campaign. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS In the little country villages far removed from the large cities there is no better way to reach AND VICTOR MACHINES theheartsofthepeoplethan through the ONE SHIPMENT-ONE EXPRESSAGE "talker."Their Presidential candidate, once se- lected, is to their minds almost a god, and they THERE'S AN ADVANTAGE!Try the worship him accordingly.Just afford them the Eastern's Policy of Service. opportunity of listening to his voice, and they will see that everyoneIntheir community is saturated with the news, and woc to the poor skeptic who does not support the man who has THE EASTERN TALKING MACHINE CO. gone to the trouble of having a speech canned 177 TREMONT ST., BOSTON, MASS. for their special benefit. Distributors of EDISON and VICTOR Eastern Agents for HERZOG DISK and Inthisconnectionthewriter!nightstale MACHINES, Records and all Supplies CYLINDER RECORD CABINETS that he is a countryman himself, claiming as THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 5


Every Victor Dealer owes it to the future of his business to push the sale of Red Seal Records. Among the most successful Victor Dealers to -day are those who have constantly kept "grand opera" infront of their customers-by giving frequent concerts-by circularizing- and by providing attractive and appropriate exhibition rooms for the Victor. These dealers have become enthusiastic on the subject of grand opera, and they have made enthusiasts of their customers. A Red Seal customer is one of your best advertisements-he gets his friends interested" inthe Victor-creates a number of opportunities for you that are sure to bring new sales if you follow them up.Most Red Seal customers are liberal buyers; they come in regularly for new records; and their interest lasts. You know the profitsin Red Seal Records.And you know that other dealers have "come up " from a small beginning by hammering away at the Red Seal idea. Why don't you make a feature of Red Seal Records, and put youk- business. on a bigger paying basis? Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J., U. S. A. Berliner Gramophone Co., Montreal, Canadian Distributors. To preserve your Victor Records and get best results, use only Victor needles.

Full information can be obtained from the followingVictor dealers: Albany. N. Y Finch & Hahn. El Paso, Tex W. G. Walz Co. Omaha, Neb A. Hospe Co. Altoona, Pa W. H. & L. C. Wolfe. Escanaba, Mich. ....Grinnell Bros. Nebraska Cycle Co. Atlanta, Ga Elyea-Austell Co. Piano Player Co. Galveston, Tex Thos. Goggan & Bro. Chas. C. Adams & Co. Phillips & Crew. Co. Grand Rapids, MichJ. A. J. Friedrich. Peoria, Ill Baltimore, Md Cohen & Hughes. Philadelphia Pa JE. Ditson & Co. Honolulu, T. H Bergstrdm Music Co. C. J. Heppe & Son. E. F. Droop & Sons Co. Indianapolis, Ind T. H. Towell Co. Musical Echo Company. H. R. Eisenbrandt Sons. C. Koehring & Bro. Penn Phonograph:Co., Inc. \Vm, McCollister. Louis Buehn'tir Briither, Jacksonville, Fla W. D. Alexander & Sons. Western Talking Machine Co. Bangor, Me M H. Andrews. Kansas City, Mo J. W. Jenkins Sons Music Co. H. A. Weymann & Son. Birmingham, Ala E. E. Forbes Piano Co. Schmelzer Arms Co. Pittsburg. Pa Pittsburgh Phonograph Co. Boston, Mass Oliver Ditson Co. Lincoln, Neb Ross P. Curtice Co. Powers & Henry Co. Eastern Talking Machine Co. C. C. Mellor Co., Ltd. Little Rock, Ark....0. K. Houck Piano Co. Standard Talking Machine Co. M. Steinert & Sons Co. Los Angeles, Cal Sherman, Clay & Co. Portland, Me Cressey & Allen. Brooklyn, N. Y American Talking Machine Co. Memphis, Tenn E. E. Forbes Piano Co. Portland Talking Machine Co. Buffalo, N. Y NV, D. Andrews. 0. K. Houck Piano Co. Portland, Ore Sherman, Clay & Co. Neal, Clark & Neal Co. Milwaukee, Wis Lawrence McGreal. Richmond, Va The Cable Co. Burlington, Vt. American Phimograph Co. Minneapolis. Minn Minnesota Phonograph Co. W. D. Moses & Co. Butte, Mont Orton Brothers. Mobile, Ala. Wm. H Reynolds. Rochester, N. Y The Talking Machine Co. Rock Island, Ill Canton, 0 The Klein & Heffelman Co. Montreal, Canada Berliner Gramophone Co., Ltd, Totten's Music House. Charlotte, N. C Stone & Barringer Co. Salt Lake City, UtahCarstensen & Anson Music Co Nashville, Tenn 0. K. Houck Piano Co. San Antonio, Tex Chicago, Ill Lyon & Healy. Newark. N. J Price Phono. Co. Thos. Goggan & Bro. San Francisco. Cal The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Ball-Firitze Co. Sherman, Clay & Co. The Talking Machine Co. Newark, 0 Savannah, Ga New Haven, Conn Henry Horton, Phillips & Crew Co. Cincinnati, 0 The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. Seattle, Wash Sherman, Clay & Co. Cleveland, 0 NV, H. Buescher & Sons, New Orleans, La Nat'l Auto. Fire Alarm Co. Sioux Falls, S. D Collister & Sayle. Philip Werlein, Ltd. Talking Machine Exchange. Eclipse Musical Co. Spokane, Wash Eiler's Piano House. New York, N. Y Blackman Talking Machine Co. Sherman, Clay & Co. Columbus, 0 The Perry B. Whitsit Co. Sol Bloom, Inc. St. Louis Mo Dallas, Tex Thos. Goggan & Bro. C. Bruno & Son, Inc. Koerber-Brenner Music Co E Davega, Jr.; Inc. St, Louis Talking Machine Co. Dayton, 0 The Fetterly Piano Mfg. Co. S. B. Davega Co. St. Paul, Minn W. J. Dyer & Bro. Denver, Colo Hext Music Co. Chas. H. Ditson & Co. Koehler & Hinrichs. Knight -Campbell Music Co. The Jacot Music Box Co. Syracuse. N. Y W D. Andrews. Des Moines, Iowa-. Jones Piano Co, Landay Brothers, Inc. The Regina Co, Toledo, 0 The Hayes Music Co. Detroit, Mich Grinnell Bros. Stanley & Pearsall. Whitney & Currier Co. Dubuque, Iowa Ilarger & Blish. Benj. Switky, Washington, D. C Tolin F. Ellis & Co. Duluth, Minn French & Bassett. Victor Distributing & Exp't Co. E. F. Droop & Sons Co. 6 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

SOUTHERN PACIFIC NOTES. the Southern California Music Co., has returned "MEN WHO SELL THINGS" from a trip through the southern part of the Dealers in Los Angeles More Optimistic-Hartstate with some new dealers on his book. Is theTitle of a Volume Written by Walter D. Returns from Tahiti-BryanRecordsFea- Theale & Co., of San Diego, are doing well with Moody That Should beintheHandsof tured-Dolbeer a Visitor-Columbia Progresstheir Victor department.Clark Meyers, of the Every Salesman Whether Inside the Counter, -Many New Dealers Start Throughout thesame city, isa new Zonophone dealer who has or on the Road-Is Stimulating, Educating State-Crown Co.'s Success-An Interestingplaced a splendid initial order. and Gives the Ideas of a Practical Man. Budget of News. The SouthernCaliforniaMusicCo.'sSan Diego branch is featuring the new Edison Bryan The mainstay and basis of modern business (Special to The Talking Machine World.) records with great success. has come to be the traveling salesman; in fact, Los Angeles, Cal., June 29, 1908. Farrow & Kennedy, of Chulu Vista, Cal., arehis calling is recognized as one of the profes- Trade is much better and most all the dealersamong the new Edison dealers recently listed. sions.Specialinterest,therefore,attachesto are doinga verysatisfactorybusiness.Em- 0. P. Swen, who has handled the Edison linethe publication by A.C. McClurg & Co.,of ployee and employer are taking their annual va- for some time, has ordered a line of zonophones Chicago, a short time ago of a very practical and cations. F.J. Hart, president of the Southernand recordsforhis storeatEscondido, Cal.,suggestive book entitled "Men Who Sell California Music Co., has returned from a fewwhich he expects to remodel considerably. Things," by Walter D. Moody, well known in weeks' trip to the island of Tahiti.He brought The Whittier Hardware Co., of Whittier, Cal.,Chicago as the business manager of the Chicago hack with him many curios. have just sold several nice zonophone outfits andAssociation of Commerce. The author dedicates The Bryan records,recentlyissued by theexpect to enlarge their talking machine room. his book "To the Commercial Ambassador," and National Phonograph Co., have had a great sale. K. E. Watson, of Orange, is a new dealer inhas written it primarily for the traveling man. The George J.Birkel Co. have featured themEdison goods and has given them a large space Itcontains, however, much educational matter withsuccess.The Southern California Musicin his drug store. for all business men, young and old, and there Co. are shipping out a surprising number of Sherman, Clay & Co., have received a secondis a vein of up-to-date practical business philoso- them.F. K. Dolbeer, manager of sales for theshipment of Victor "Crown"Italianoperaticphy running through it that will appeal to any National Phonograph Co., visited this city lately records, which Manager Ruggles says are nearlyman or boy interested in self -development and in the interest of his concern.He seems muchout already.The new speciallist of hits, an- pleased with Los Angeles, and although here onnounced by the Victor Co., will doubtless have husiness had a very pleasant visit. a great sale, as the orders placed for them are The Columbia Phonograph Co.'s branch is do quite heavy.The first shipment is expected to ing afineinstalment business and Managerarrive in time to go on sale with the July rec- Stidam is very much pleased with the way con- ords.Mr. Ruggles finds the demand for all sized tracts are kept up.They have recently received Victor machines very satisfactoryandorders two new style machines for premium trade, onefrom out of town very numerous. a cylinder type and the other a disk.They are The Exton Music Co. are distinguishing their bothfittedwith decoratedflowerhornsand store with afternoonconcertsinwhichthe make a very neat appearance. Auxetophone is a feature, and no one passes their Business in the small towns about the southstore on Spring street without knowing they are ern part of the state is impoving and from the talking machine dealers. number of new dealersbeingestablishedit Bonner & Co., of the east side, are much in would seem to be surely better. evidence in their section, doing a nice business in George P. McKay, of Oceanside.is about to both disc and cylinder goods. move into his new store, where he will make The Nishkian Cycloy, of Fresno, Cal., report his talking machine department a specialfea- a good trade with their lines, Victor, Edison and ture of his already large business. Zonophone.The latter was recently added by The Crown City Music Co.,of Pasadena, aMr. Nishkian. who visited. Los Angeles for a lately organized concernhandlingpianos and few days. talking machines, are having great success with G. S. Brown, of Santa Barbara, has created a their talkingmachinedepartment. Manager great deal of interest with the Edison Bryan Wollmer says they are doing better than couldrecords and expects a great sale for them. Mun a wpyrziparou rnowgrapn uj voila aauts be expected for a new house. The Southern California Music Co.'s branch WALTER D. MOODY. Leo. Weaver, of the Pasadena Music Co., is astore has been ordering a number of Edison anda successful business future.The book presents regular visitorto the Victor and Edison job-Victor machines, which they seem to be sellingthe experiences and theoriesof an observant bers, always bringing an order with him.Ar- very rapidly. man who has spent twenty years studying the thur Mason, of Long Beach, is another who al- Charles E. Brown has journeyed south fromproblems that confront theaveragesellerof ways keeps the fact that he is a live Edison San Francisco in the interests of Kohler & Chase,goods, and isa bookthatevery salesman dealer before you by bringing his orders insteadof that city. worthy of the name will want and findindis- of mailing them. William Tatsch, ofthe Tatsch Co.,is very pensable.The book seems destined to attract Edward Borgum, traveling representative ofbusy with his new permanent needle. the widespread notice of employers, sales man- agers and salesmen because of the serious pur- pose that actuates the author and the living truths to be found on every page.Mr. Moody makes his points in an entertaining manner, but his book is throughout thoroughly stimulating. ANDREWS TALKING MACHINE We understand one sales manager inalarge mercantile book house who had an opportunity to look the book over in the MS. said thatit would have saved him years of experimenting SUPPLY HOUSE if he could have had it at the beginning of his career as a salesman. Credits itself with being the quickest and most prompt ship- The talking machine men are alert to new per of all orders on this line-making- no distinction Onsize ideas, and this book shouldinterest everyone of order, as our stock is large and complete. engaged in the money -getting side of this busi- ness.For example, it tells the salesman how to GENERAL DISTRIBUTERS FOR approach men. how to create and develop the compelling personality and the engaging pres- ence essentialto getting business; how to at- EDISON and VICTOR MACHINES tract, convince and sell a prospective customer under adverse conditions;how unfriendliness and RECORDS may be turned into friendship, curiosity into de- COMPLETE STOCK OF sire, interest into sales and sales into permanent custom.The book is bound in royal blue cloth. RECORD CABINETS, HORNS and Accessories of convenient size, 295 pages, and the price is $1 at any book store; or, the publishers will send A Trial Order Will Convince it postage paid for $1.10. It consumes time and energy to censure and find fault; the wise plan is to minimize the bad and magnify the good; to make the best of men SYRACUSE, N. Y. W. D.ANDREWS BUFFALO, N. Y. as we find them; trust men and they will be trustworthy;callfortruth anditwill come from unexpected quarters. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 7

Get the complete list of New Victor Records for August

All vocal selections have accompaniments by the Victor Orchestra

8 -inch 35 cents No. No. 5493 You Have Always Been the Same Old Pal. 89021Lohengrin (Wagner) Du Aermste (Thou Un No. Henry Burr happy One). 12 -inch,with Orchestra,$4. In German. 5468 Medley of Reels, No. 2.Accordion Solo. 5489I Want to Be Loved Like a Leading Lady John J. Kimmel (from "The Girl Behind the Counter"). Emma Calve, Soprano 5403 The Peach that Tastes the Sweetest Hangs the Ada Jones Highest on the Tree Eddie Morton 88130IIcrodiade (Massenet)Il est doux, itest bon 5494Finnegan's Flat.Descriptive Specialty. (He isKind, He is Good). 12 -inch.with 5379 Keep on Smiling. Steve Porter Orchestra, $3.In French. Billy Murray and Haydn Quartet 5481 Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming. Peerless Quartet Beanie Abott, Soprano 5401 An Evening at Mrs. Clancey's Boarding House. 88129Mireille (Gounod) Valse. 12 -inch, with Orches- Victor Vaudeville Company 5496 He Will Hold Mc Fast Haydn Quartet tra, $3.In French. 5499 By the Old Oaken Bucket. Louise. 10 -Inch 60 cents Stanley and Macdonough Gina C. Viafora, Soprano 64085 Boheme(Puccini)Musetta .Waltz. 10 -inch, 5495 Captain Cupid March....Arthur Pryor's Band 5503 Jesus Is Calling Stanley and Macdonough with Orchestra, $1.In Italian. 5490 "Red Wing" Medley ("Much Obliged to You," 52006 "Can It Comfort" (Kan cht Troste). "Red Wing.," "Sweetheart Days" and "I'm A. Wallgren and Orpheus Chorus of Upsala, Sweden Afraid to Come Home in the Dark.") Pol Planeon, Baas Arthur Pryor's Band 5483 Cohan's Rag Babe Arthur Collins 85125Robert le Diable (Meyerbeer)Invocation "Nonnes qui reposez" (Ye Slumb'ring Nuns). 5500Estellita Waltz. Mandolin and Guitar Duet. 5491Oh, That We Two Were Maying. 12 -inch, with Orchestra, $3.In French. Siegel and Butin Miss Stevenson and Mr. Macdonough 5480 Serenadc (Moszkowski).Violin Solo. Howard Rattay 5484 Down in Jungle Town Collins and Harlan George Hamlin, Tenor 74111Die Walkure (Wagner) Siegmund's Liebeslied 5497Alice, Where Art Thou-Fantasia.'Cello and 5502 The A. B. C's of the U. S. A. (from the "Yan- (Siegmund's Love Song).12 -inch, with Or- Flute Duet Trein and Lyons kee Prince' )....Miss Jones and Mr. Murray chestra, $1.50.In German. 5498 The.VacantChair-Paraphrase. Strings- 52516Profeta (Prophete)-Re del Cielo (Triumphal Woodwind-Harp Victor Octette Hymn, "King of Heaven")....Luigi Colazza Emilio de Gogorza, Baritone 5485Berceuse (Lullaby) (from "Jocelyn"). Violon- 74110Rigoletto (Verdi) Monologo-Pari siamo (We cello Solo Victor Sorlin 12 -inch $1 are Equal).12 -inch, with Orchestra, $1.50. 5482Dear Hcart Elise Stevenson In Italian. 31704 "The World is Mine" Waltzes... Victor Dance 5486 March of the Cameron Man Harold Jarvis Orchestra (Walter B. Rogers, Conductor) Evan Williams, Tenor 5487 My Ain Countrec Harold Jarvis 64086 Queen of Sheba (Gounod) Recitative (Lend Me 5488 Just Some One (from "Lonesome Town"). Your Aid-First Part). 10 -inch,with Or Harry Macdonough New Victor Red Seal Records chestra, $1.In English. 52555 Lucia-RegnavanelSilenzio(SilenceO'er Emma Eames-Louise Homer All) Guiseppina Huguet 89020 Lakme (Delibes) Dome epais le jasmin ('Neath Violin Solo by Mischa Elman 5501 The Right Church but the Wron Pew. the Shady Dome).12 -inch, with Orchestra, 61180(a) Moment Musical (Schubert). Eddie Morton $4.In french. (b) Perpetuo Mobile (Bohm). 10 -inch, $1. You ought to have every one of these records.We are advertising the complete list in the leading magazines for August as well as calling attention to them during the latter part of July in the principal daily newspapers throughout America. We are telling millions of readers that these new records can be had at all dealers on July 28. Don't take chances of disappointing a single customer.Have the records asked for and you not only make a liberal profit, but increase your prestige as a progressive up-to-date dealer. All Victor Records are of the highest musical quality and give the utmost satisfaction. Sell the people what they want and they'll come back regularly every month for the newest Victor Records.

Victor Talking Machine Company, Camden, N. J., U.S. A. Berliner Gramophone Co., of Montreal, Canadian Distributors To preserve your Victor Records and get beat results, use only Victor Needles S THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

Director William T. Hornaday was very indig- _ TO MAKE A STUDY OF MONKEYS. the monkeys will be given picture books nant at the report that Professor Haggerty wouldin;color and black and white.Mirrors will he Prof. M. E. Haggerty. the Harvard Exponent of startlighthousekeepinginthe Simian shedset about. the room to determine if they are rah-, Animal Psychology, to Spend the Summer or modest.Professor Haggerty will devote nine Amcng the Simians at Bronx Zoo-Will Livewith a view to getting down to a sociological level with the big and little monks, thereby -win-ty days to these observations. and expects to ad- inTheir Quarters and Take Phonograph vance the science of synthetic psychology many Records-Has no Hcpeof DiscoveringSpeech.ning their confidence and overcoming their in- stinctive modesty.Some scientists have urged notches. In order that those young gentlemen at Har-that the monkey represses his real self in the vard who are gleaning bright shoots from the presence of his tail -less brother, and if we could SUPPLIED MUSIC FOR THE OUTING. fields of biology, zoology, psychology, sociologyonly get down to their plan and make them per- (Special to The Talking Machine World.) and morality may learn in how far they havefectly at home with us we would find them pos- Louisville, KY., June 29. 190S. developed beyond our common Simian ancestor,sessed with an intellectuality we never dreamed At, St. John's picnic at Churchill Downs last - Prof. Melvin E. Haggerty has installed himselfof. week the fact that there were no bands or or- in the Bronx for the purpose of a summer's ob- But this theory is not held by Professor Hag-chestras did not in any way lessen the enjoyment servation of Dr. Hornaday's four -handed guestsgerty. He does not believe that the psychic de-of this occasion, for through the kindness of Mr. in the monkey house. velopment of the monkey is very high, though Silverstein,localmanager forthe Columbia The east room in the Simian pavilion has beenthere are many close lines of resemblance be-Phonograph Co., music of the highest order was fitted up with elaborate appointments to assist tweentheirinstinctsandeccentricitiesand dispensed throughout the entire day.The Co- Professor Haggerty in his observations.Thereman's.Their dispositions and temperaments, helumbia B.C. Twentieth Century graphophone he will spend many hours each day getting aexpects to find, are still very close to the funda-was the chief entertainer and did valiant service line on the monkey stream of consciousness, the mental organism that prevailed in the Age of Ab.for "the country store."Mr. Silverstein sent basic concepts of the baboon with the bobbed They have developed from the protozoon as weout one of his largest and loudest machines and scut and the aestho-physiology of the ring-tailedhave developed that vaguemissinglink thatthe concerts were one of the hits of the day. roarer of the African jungles. Darwin shed the first light on.It was a far cry Monkeys have been observed before in the in-from the first rigadoon of a protozoon to the A TALKING MACHINE IN ARCADIA. terests of science.Dr. Garner once went amongmonkey; in fact, a much further cry than from them and returned to the civilized world withmonkey to man.But there are puzzling gaps Any one in search of an Arcadian dell right an alleged conversationchartthatset manythat science desires to fill in. in 'the heart of New York can find one in the beards a -wagging and brought down upon the In the east room of the monkey house, whereWaldorf-Astoria.Not to be outdone by the inno- scientist one of the earliest charges ofnatureMr. Haggerty will make his headquarters, manyvations at the Plaza and the Knickerbocker, the faking.Professor Haggerty. however, does notscientific instruments are being installed.ThereWaldorf management has turned the rooms of extend any hope of learning monkey talk.He will be tables for the educated chimpanzees and the first floor on the Fifth avenue side into an will take phonographic records of their jibber,flying rings for the common baboons. The Har- enormous garden.Palms are in abundance and but not with the idea of reducing to a vocabulary.vard savant desires to get the monkeys' legs atthere are statues from Mr. Boldt's private col- He is more interested in the relativity of rela-every possible angle of action and repose.He lection and in the center is a huge pyramid of tions and the functions of the Simian nervouswill study them for hours when they seem in aice, fruits and flowers.Around the sides are systems. state of profound reflection and test the develop-window seats and concealed among the palms is Day by day the savant will take copious notesment of their attention, the infinitesimal lengtha Victor talking machine.The reproductions of on the monkey's loves and hates, his pains andof their sustained thought; dope out what ex-voices of the world's greatest operatic singers pleasures, the acute tactile apperceptiveness ofcites their rage and impels their expressions ofare accompanied by an orchestra. the baboon periphery, etc.. so that when he re-joy; try their passion for music with fiddle and turns to the elm -shaded corridors of learning atbass drum, with cymbal and brass.Can a mon- It has been proposed by a member of the Coun- Cambridge he may beabletotellthe boyskey appreciate Wagner? Will he lay down andcil of Aberdeen, Wash., to prevent the playing whether or not there is much of the monkeydie or leap joyfully to the melody of the Merryof talking machines on -Sundays, following a re- psychology left in their varied make-up. Widow waltz?These problems will be settled. cent ordinance of the Council to close saloons. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! OR.DER.NOW (Patented)

R FALL E RUSH And You Will Not Be Caught THE ONLY ONE, PIECE POI-DING HORN FOREDISON, VICTOR, ZONOPHONE AND COLUMBIA MACHINES IN SOLID COLORS, GOLD, RED AND BLACK, HANDDECORATED OR PLAIN, RETAIL $5.00 and $6.00 This horn is to the owner of a machine what the foldinggo-cart is to a mother-CONVENIENT AND HANDY-can be folded up and packed in the lid of a trunk.Does not take up space in the parlor like the ordinary horn. JOBBERS write for catalogues and prices. IT'S to your own interest. FOLDING PHONOGRAPHIC HORN CO., 650-52 Ninth Ave., New York City TORONTO PHONOGRAPH CO., Toronto, Ont., Canadian Agents. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 5 have a dozen dealers who are good ones than AMONG the members of the Talking Ma- to have fifty representatives who treat the talk- chine Jobbers' Association there was a ing machine business in au indifferent manner."unanimity of opinion regarding the chief ex- =Remy Of course, it is much better to have a few goodecutive of the organization for the new year. maonesW 4;61D ASk ° representatives who work the territory carefullyNo other name save that of James F. Bowers and thoroughly and who use progressive methodswas mentioned, and every member felt that Mr. in the conduct of their business than to have aBowers' wise guidance had been ofmaterial EDWARD LYMAN BILL,- Editor and Proprietor lotof pins -and -needlesfellows who treat thebenefit to the infant organization during the past J. B. SPILLANE, Managing Editor. talking machine business either as a joke or intwelve months, and his retention in office should Trade Reeresentatives: GEO. B. KELLER, F. 11. THOMPSON, W. 1. DYKES, L. E. BOWERS, B. BRITTAIN WILSON, an indifferentmanner.Territory becomesbe insisted upon.Mr. Bowers, who is a very A. J. NICKLIN, L. J. CHAMBERLIN. wasted under such managencient, and these arebusy man, having large drafts made upon his Boston Office:ERNEST L. WAITT, 100 Boylston St. not times to have wasted territory lying around.time by business and otherorganizationde- Chicago Office:E. P. VAN HARLINGEN, 156 Wabash Ave. mands, consented to yield to the wishes of his Philndelohia Office : Minneapolis and St. Paul : Every bit of it should be available and worked H. F. THOMPSON. ADOLF EDSTEN. carefully and systematically. fellow -members, and the organizationis to be St. Louis Office: San Francisco Office: CHAS. N. VAN BUREN. S. H. GRAY, 240 Sacramento St. congratulated upon its leadership for the new Cleveland Office: G. F. PRESCOTT. TO our minds the most careful investigation year. Cincinnati Office :BERNARD C. BOWEN. should be made regarding the business London. England. Office: 69 Basingwell St., E. C.W. LIONEL STURDY, Manager. ability, character and standing of talking ma- WE have frequently urged upon salesmen Berlin, Germany, CHAS. ROBINSON, Breitestrasse 5. chine dealers before they are placed on the regu- the necessity of obtaining a closer ac- Suppose, when an application is made Published the 15th of evety month at I Madison Ave. N Y lar list. quaintancewithtalkingmachines.Success for stock by a dealer, that in sending the name SUBSCRIPTION (includingpostage),UnitedStates, cannot be won in the field of salesmanship un- Mexico, One Dollar per year; all other countries,$1.25. to the manufacturer, a request should also be England and her colonies, five shillings. less the one who offers the product for sale has ADVERTISEMENTS, $2.00 per inch, single column, perincluded .toinvestigate the business standing insertion.On quarterly or yearly contracts a special dis himself a thorough knowledge concerning that count isallowed.Advertising Pages, $60.00;special posi- of the applicant.Suppose, for illustration, that tion, $75.00. which he desires to sell to customers.It is easy REMITTANCES. shouldbe made payabletoEdward he is found to be a man of no local standing and Lyman Bill by check or Post Office Order. enough to learn prices and to distinguish the no tested ability, just a man who simply desiresdifference between a disc and cylinder machine, Vir-IMFORTANT.-Advertisements or changes should to get two or three talking machines in stock reach this office by the first of each month.Adver- but the salesman should not stop there.There tisements arriving too late for insertion in the current because Mr. So and So in his town has worked issue will, in the absence of instructions, be inserted are many things further which may be acquired in the succeeding issue. up a profitable business.Now, the good dealerwith advantage and profit.It should be seen Long Distance Telephones-Numbers 4677 and 4678 Gram-should be encouraged in every possible way, and that every machine isin perfest order before ercy.Cable Address: "Elbill," New York. it is not encouraging to him to start in a lot ofitisplacedbeforeacustomer. Thereis irresponsible men without character and without NEW YORK,JULY 15. 1908. nothing which will remove confidence from a business backbone, to poach upon his territory.customer's mind as to have a machine not in If isdoingwell IT must have been apparent to all who were a man and making theperfectcondition,andeverythingrunning present at theTalking Machine Jobbers'most of local conditions it is rather discouragingsmoothly, when records are placed upon it for convention at Atlantic City that the principalto see three or four men of small business cali-exhibition purposes.Then, too, salesmen should ofthis organizationistruly for . tradeber start in and act as feeders upon his trade.not have purely a superficial line of selling talk good and not for selfishor personal motives.In the end no profit is made unless the salesupon which to draw for argument, but they The papers which were read before the conven-in that particular locality have materiallyin- should have figured out in their own minds a tion showed a splendid lineof argumentativecreased,sothat the manufacturer can countcomplete line of tactical argument which will go upon a larger output in that vicinage. We be- thought, and proved conclusively that thereis a long ways toward convincing a customer.It no desire on the part of the members in thislieve that one of the slogaus of the talking ma-isn't necessary to talk too much, because that is organization to assume a dictatorial attitude to-chine trade shouldbequality trade againstdangerous, but the more knowledge a salesman ward anyone inside or outside of the organiza-quantity trade, and certainly no harm can comecan display of sound reproduction and every- tion.Serious-minded men have recognized thatfrom the agitationofthis subject and muchthing which pertains to machines he will find there are certain accomplishments whichcan goodispossible, becauseitwillset men toitto be a powerful factor in helping him to thinking as to business , and they only be won through organized effort, and they clinchsales,and afterallit'sresults which are willing to spend their time and their moneywill be apt to make the most out of their local count. toward the advancement of objects whichare ofconditions. obvious interest to the entire trade.They show at once that they are willing to make sacrificesTHERE was considerable nervousness evi- IT is surprising how well the talking machine for the good of the entire industry.It should dencedin talking machine quarters over trade has stood up under most adverse condi- be understood in this connection thatthe goodthe result of the recent Supreme Court decision tions.It is refreshing too to see how the busi- resulting from the organization work doesnotin the Bobbs-Merrill-Macy case upon copyrightness has withstood all kinds of shocks.Praise merely benefit those connected directly withtherights.To our minds there was not the slight-the Lord and the manufacturers that we have Talking ' Machine.Jobbers'Association,but,est occasion for anxiety in this matter, becausebeen free from the cut-throat business which broadly,allthose interested in this particularthe court decision has made clear that a copy-has been rampant in nearly every trade since the industry to which The World directlyappeals. righted article and a patented: article are en-hard times commenced.Through January and The papers were full of sound viewsand aretirely different.The Macy establishment adver-February the columns of the daily papers have reproduced in another portion of thispublica- tises that after seven years' litigation the courtfairly blazed with lurid announcements of special tion.They should be closely read, becausetheydecided that they had a perfect right tosell sales and:of all kinds of cut prices.Where represent the views of practicalmen and notcopyrighted books as cheaply as ,they chose, butwould the talking machine trade be if the sale theorists.The subjects chosen all have directto sell articles which are covered by letters ofof the instruments was not regulated judiciously? bearing upon .theindustry, and therefore thepatent like talking machines would be an en-The business would naturally have gone to pieces utterances of the'men whose interestslie in thistirely different proposition, and we are inclinedduring the past few months.It would have particular trade will be of interestto those whoto believe that anyone who attempts it wouldreached such a point that it would have taken were not present at the convention. find that he would be face to face with whollya.year or more to have built it up.Undoubtedly different conditions.And then it must be con-alotof dealers under pressure would have THE arguments which have beenmade insidered, too, that in fighting for a right to .sellslaughtered prices and once having started there recent issuesof The World for qualitya copyrighted article it took seven years, before is no telling, what men would have done in order trade against quantity trade have created con-the contest was finally settled in the courts.'Itto have beaten their competitors on sales.We siderableinterest.One well-known jobberre- certainly cost a lot of money and time to adjusthave seen therefore the wisdom of maintaining cently addressed a communication to this paper,this matter, and we do not believe that anyone prices.The conditions imposed at the present in which he stated the following:"Ibelieve would care to test the legal right of talking ma-time secure legitimate profits and save the trade that you are doing good work in advocatingchine manufacturers to continue the sale of theirfrom the slaughter conditions which exist in al- quality trade, and Ifeel thatIwould rather products. most every other industry. 10 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

With the coming of thesummer season The Edison Phonograph Becomesa morepopular entertainer thanever

This is the time ofyearwhen people spend their eveningsonthe porch.They welcomesome form of entertainment provided it can be had out of doors and without effort. The Edison Phonograph fills the bill.We are busy collecting the new songs of the best singers and the new music of the best bands and orchestras for thesummer evening diversion of your customers. Weare advertising Edison Phonographs and Records along these lines, backingup any efforts you may put forth in making the summer season a busy one. You cannot satisfy thissummerdemand for entertainment with any machine. It is the Edison, with its long, smooth -running motor, new, big horn, indestructible reproducing point and clear, sweet -toned Records that is in demand.It is the Edison advertising that thepeo- pleare seeing everywhere, and it is to your advantage to put Edison goods to the front and backup the impression we have made with your salesmanship. Ifyou do not carry Edison Phonographs and Records, order to- day.Any nearby Edison jobbercansupplyyou.

NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, 59ORANGE,ANv. eri e JOBBERS OF EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS Albony, N.Y.-Finch & Hahn. FortDodge,/owo-Early MusicHouse. Davega, Jr.,Inc.,S.B. Davega Co.,Salt Lake City-Clayton-DaynesMusic Co. Allentown Pa.-G. C.Aschhach. Fort Smith, Ark.-R. C.Bollinger. Douglas PhonographCo., Jacot MusicSan Antonio, Tex.-H.C. Rees Optical Astoria, P.Y.-John Rose. FortWorth,Texas-Cummings, Shep- Box Co., Victor H. Rapke, The Regina Co. Atlanta, Go.-AtlantaPhono. Co., Phillips herd & Co. Co.,Siegel -Cooper Co.,JohnWana-San Froncisco-Peter Bacigalupi & Sons. & Crew Co. Gloversville, N.Y.-American Phono. Co. maker, Alfred Weiss. Schenectady, N.Y.-Finch & Hahn, Jay Baltimore-E.F. Droop & Sons Co. Harrisburg-S. K. Hamburger. NrwOrleans-William Bailey, Nat. Auto. A. Rickard & Co. Bangor, Mr.-S.L. Crosby Co. Heleno, Mont.-Frank Buser. Fire Alarm Co. Scranton-Ackerman &Co., Technical Birmingham,Ala.-The Talking MachineHouston-Texas Piano &Phono.Co. Supply Co. Co. Hoboken, N. J.-EclipsePhonograph Co.Oakland. Cal.-Kohler& Chase. Seattle,Wash.-D.S. Johnston Co., Koh- Boise, Idaho-EilersPianoHouse. /ndionapolis-Indiana Phono.Co.,Kipp -Ogden,Utah-ProudfitSportingGoods ler & Chase. Boston-BostonCycle & Sundry Co., Link Phono Co.. A. B. Wahl & Co.,Inc. Co. Sharon. Pa.-W. C.De Forest & Son. Eastern Talking Machine Co., Iver John-Kansas City-J.W. Jenkins' Sons MusicOklahomaCity,Okla.-Smith'sPhono-Sioux City, Iowa-EarlyMusk House. son Sporting Goods Co. Co., Schmelzer Arms Co. graph Co. Spokane, Wash.-SpokanePhono.Co. Brooklyn-A.D. Matthews' Sons. Kingston, N.Y.-Forsyth & Davis. Omaha, Neb.-NchraskaCycle Co., Shultz Buffalo -1V.D. Andrews, Neal, Clark &Knoxville-Knoxville Typewriter and Springfield, Mass.-Flint &Brickett Co. NealCo. Bros. St. John, N. B.-W.H. Thorne & Co., Burlington, Vt.-American Phono. Co. Oswego, N. Y.-FrankE. Bolway. Ltd. Phono. Co. Lincoln, Neb.-RossP.Curtice Co., H. K. O'Dea. Canton, 0.-Klein & Heffelman Co. E. Sidles Phono. Co. Paterson, N. 1.-James St. Louis-TheConroy Piano Co., Koer- Chattanooga,Tenn.-J. H. TemplemanCo. Los Angeles-SouthernCalifornia MusicPeoria,111.-CharlesC.Adams &Co., her-Benner Music Co., Silverstone Talk- Chicago-BahsonBros., JamesI.Lyons, Co. Peoria Phonograph Co. ing Machine Co. Lyon & Healy, Montgomery, Ward &Louisville-Montenegro-RiehmMuskCo. Philadelphia-Louis Buehn & Bro., C.J. St. Paul-W.J. Dyer & Bros., Koehler & Co., The Vim Co., Rudolph \VurlitzerLowell, Mass.-Thos.Wardell. Heppe & Son, Lit Bros., Musical Echo Hinrichs. Minnesota Phono.Co. Co. Manchester, N. H.-JohnB. VarickCo. Co., Penn Phonograph Co., John Vana-Syracuse-W.D. Andrews. Cincinnati, 0.-Ball-Fintze Co.,Ilsen &Memphis-F.M. Atwood, 0. K. Houck maker, Western Talking Machine Co.,Toledo-Hayes Music Co. Co., The Milner Music Co.,Itudolpl. Piano Co. H. A. \Veymann & Son. Toronto-R. S.Williams & SonsCo., Wurlitzvr Co. Ltd. Cleveland-EclipseMusical Co. Milwaukee-LaurenceMcCrea'. Pittsburg.-Pittshur Phonograph Co., Trenton, N. J.-StollBlank Book and Columbus, O.-Perry13. WhitsitCo Minneapolis-Thomas C. Hough, Minne- Powers & Henry Co., Standard Talking Stationery Co., John Sykes. Dallas,Tex.-Southern Talking Mach. Co. sota Phono. Co. Machine Co. Troy, N.Y.-Finch & Hahn. Dayton, O.-Niehaus& Dohse. Alo.-W.H. Reynalds. Portland, Mr.-W.H. Roes &Son. Ore.-Graves & Co., Inc. Utica-Clark-Horrocks Co., Arthur F. Denver-Denver Dry GoodsCo.,HextMontgomery, Ala.-R.L.Penick. Portland. Ferriss, Wm. Harrison, Utica Cycle Co. Music Co. Nashville. O.-NashvilleTalk. Mach. Co.,Providence-J.M. Dean Co., J.A. Fos-Vancouver, B. C.-M.W. Waitt & Co., Des Moines,/a.-Hopkins Bros. Co., The Magruder & Co. ter Co., J. Samuels & Bro., A. T. Scat- Ltd. Vim Co. tergood Co. Newark, N. J.-DouglasPhono. Co., A. li'ashington-E. F. Droop & Sons Co. Detroit-American Phono.Co.,Grinnell 0. Petit, Rapke Phono. Co. Quebec-C. Robitaille. Bros. Quincy, Ill.-Quincy Phonograph Co. Waycross,Ga.-Geo. R. Youmans. Dubuque. &Blish. Newark, 0.-Ball-FintleCo. Rroding,Pa.-Reading Phonograph Co. 1Pilliankrport, Pa.-W. A. Myers. Easton,Pa.-William Werner. New Bed ford.Mass.-Household Furnish- Elmira, N. Y.-ElmiraArms Co. ing Co. Richmond-C.B. Haynes & Co. Winnipeg-R.S.Williams & Sons Co, El Past.. Ter.-W. G. Wlz Co. New Haven-Pardee-EllenbergerCo.. inc.Rochester-A.J. Deningcr, Mackie Piano, Ltd. Fitchburg Mass.-IverJohnson SportingNew York City-BlackmanTalking Ma- 0. & M. Co., TalkinMachine Co. Worcester, Mass.-IverJohnson Sporting Goods Co. chineCo.,J.F.Blackman & Son,I.Sacramento.Cal.-A.J J. Pommer Co. Goods Co. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 11

R. S. WILLIAMS & SONS CO.'S OUTING.which an elaborate dinner was served at Island Park, the unique menu provided reading as fol- Picnic Given by the Members of This Firm tolows: ME'N YOU. Their Employes a Most Enjoyable Event- 7 p.m. Only One Call for Supper.Wade in for its Games of All Kinds Indulged in Followed by going to be fine. Chilly Races a Good Dinner-An Unique Menu. (Kold Meets) Full grown calf-scolded A waggin' necessity (Roast Beef) (Tongue) The annual picnic of the employes of the R. S. Prefix of Hammer (Ham) Williams & Sons'Co.,Ltd.,Toronto, Canada, Katsup a la Tomato Perlez you mustard Lovelorn cucumbers which was held at Centre Island recently, was (Sweet pickles) one of the most successful outings in the history Salads The Irishman's delight Policeman's place of rest of that institution, and numbered among the (Potato) (Beet) Whatmostofus need the dough for (Bread) 41` Creamery Goat (Butter)

.0' Caque ,Ir, Produkshun (Fruit) Void of beauty S (Plain) Fruit of the genus juglans (Walnut) What we will do be- fore the ball game (Peel) Frozen or cogealed milk (I Scream) (Frozen) Ca use originalorig sin It. (Apples)of S. WILLIAMS, MR. MURRAY, E.A. HAWTHORNE AND Depressed circumfer- H. G.STANTON. ences containing a vesicular pulp tion of old musical instruments in Canada, hav- obtained from the ing many that are three and four hundred years Citrus old.He has an instrument in his possession, of Fruit(Oorfanthgees) - must,-a-tropica I which there is not a duplicate in North America, treat,or Italian s_pecialty e(eBoaent iaonna s) in- fusion of hyson in boiling water, RASERALI TEAMS Or R. S. WILLIAMS & SONS CO. It minus I (Tea) guests, E. A. Hawthorne, president of the Haw- Sour help,or what we often get without the suffix (Lemon-ade) thorne & Sheble Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa.The Eat to live, but do not Live to eat R. S. Williams & Sons' Co. are among the large (All necessities, including ambulance, etc.,in talking machine houses in Canada, and it is said attendance) 8 p.m, Moonlight sail(moon permitting)to Scarboro that 65 per cent. of the talking machines enter- Beach in private launch.Music to be furnished by the World's greatest operatic, comic and popular ing Canada last year were for this concern. artists, including Robinson Caruso, Emma Screams, A series of races and contests participated in Madame Yelba, Paul I'antson, Eduard de Restcurc and others. by the employes, their wives and sweethearts, GOD SAVE THE KING. followed by an exciting ball game, tended to Mr. Williams is a connoisseur of old musical make the afternoon a most enjoyable one, afterinstruments and has the most valuable collec- LADIES N4 HO PARTICIPATED IN THE SPORTS. and the only duplicateisin the Kensington Museum in Great Britain.Every year Mr. Will- iams visits Great Britain in search of old musi- cal instruments.He is now in Germany on his It's yearly quest. TRIBUTE TO THE "TALKER." The World Says It Is Fast Becoming the Great Mechanical Friend of Man. So Easy Inan editorial the other day the New York Yes, it is not only easy to learn a foreign World had this to say: language by the I. C. S. system-the "The Chicago suggestion of sermons by phono- 4 easiest and most perfect way in the world graph should solve the vexed question of minis- -but it is also easy to sellI. C. S. lan- ters' vacations and summer church -closing.Cler- guage outfits.It is easy to sell them to gymen leaving the requisite number of sermon - people who are tired of their machines as charged cylinders behind on their departure may an amusement device and will be glad to climb the Alps or explore the catacombs in the turn them into a source of profit.Itis serene consciousness that their voices are contin- easy to sell them to persons going abroad uing to ring from the pulpit under the direction and who otherwise desire to learn a of an efficient operator.Satan will not find even language for the sake of the know- a constructive recess in church work of which to ledge of it alone.It is easy to sell it take advantage. to men and women whodesire to qualify for positions as translators and foreign "The phonograph, as elaborated, is fast becom- correspondents.It iseasy to sellit to foreigners, in order that they may ing the great mechanical friend of man and learn to speak English. In fact there are a great many sound reasons why it is automatic home companion.It teaches him lan- easy to sell the guages likea professor.It brings to his ear I.C.S. LANGUAGE SYSTEM the voice of the prima donna or of the end man as he desires.He will probably soon be able artantaiii.e.di4cn, to hear in the privacy of his home the ten ora- PHONOGRAPH tions of the Peerless Leader which Mr. Bryan recently talked into a phonograph.In course Do you sell I. C. S. Language outfits?If not, why are you thus neglecting of time he may need only toopen a cabinet such an important and profitable field of your work? Why are you thus abso- drawer to get a wax cylinder of a Roosevelt spe- lutely throwing away at least one-third of your business?The Phonograph sys- cial message or a Loeb denial." tem of language instruction is now recognized as an educational factor of great importance and the demand for this sort of language instruction is _growing by leaps and bounds.The I. C. S. system is undoubtedly the one of the greatest Among the interesting relics of Oriental ex- merit obtainable today. plorers and pioneers displayed at the "Orient in Write us a postal now for further particulars. London" Exhibition, held in London last month, was a phonographic record, just received from International Correspondence Schools Australia,ofthevoiceofJamesChalmers BON918,SCRANTON, PA. "Tamante," who was killed by savages old Goa,ri- bari Island seven years agc 12 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. A Revolution in the Phonograph Horn!

No Supports No Crane No Standard No Special Attachment A Revolution Indeed!

Since the advent of the Phonograph, back in the eighties, it may safely be affirmed that no real progress has been made in the Phonograph horn; its size has been gradually increased, thus merely accentuating the defects of the reproduction. At last, the " IDEAL " horn has come ! A scientific device aiming at a pure, melodious reproduction of the sound, be it either a great soprano's song, the endearment of a string instrument solo, or the rendering of a Sousa's march.Besides, it eliminates all the bad points of the previous horns-NO SUP- PORTS, NO CRANE, NO STANDARD, NO SPECIAL ATTACHMENT are needed with the " IDEAL ; " all that is required is simply the turning of a small thumb screw to fasten securely the " IDEAL " horn to the neck of the reproducer of any cylinder machine, either Edison or Columbia, or to a Devineau Biophone. The bell of the "IDEAL," made of pure aluminum, is nearly six feet in circumference, assuring the maximum of sound. The elbow is made of the highest grade of ebonite, which in combination with aluminum, completely eliminates that tin sound so strongly objectionable. In the middle part of the elbow a swivel allows the sound to be thrown in any direction WHILE PLAYING A RECORD. The " IDEAL " flower horn is handsomely finished and weighs but a few ounces. With the "IDEAL" horn you get " IDEAL" music. jeberat fifianufacturing Company 2095 ea5t 360 gtreet etebetanb, bio THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 13

TALKER SUPPLANTS CHOIR. to cry"Stop!"and aset piece for the 14th of July will emit "Vive la Republique!" IsPut to Novel Use in the North Congrega- Itis too bad that this invention is not suf- tional Church of Lynn, Mass. ficiently perfected to be used in the forthcoming Presidential campaign.It would add still further The members ofthe North Congregationalto the excitement incident to this great event. Church, of Lynn, Mass., opened up a new field for the phonograph recently by conducting a divine service in which the machine, played an TRADEIN THE TWIN CITIES. important part.The machine was used in at Business Close to Normal-New Firm Success- least half the exercises of the service, taking the ful-Severin Co. Change Hands-New Eng- place of organ and choir. land Furniture Co. Enlarge Quarters-Other 'Staid deacons,- who it was feared might regard Interesting News. the introduction of the phonograph with 'dis- favor, hailed it instead as a splendid idea, while (Special to TheTalliiogMachine World.) the congregation at the conclusion of the exer- Minneapolis and St. Paul, July 1, 1908. cises pronounced the service as the most satis- Koehler & Hinrichs, of St. Paul, dealers in factory held in a long time. Victor and Edison machines and supplies, find So well did the machine do its part in carryingbusiness on the pick-up and almost normal for You want the out the program that it was again used in thethe month of June.Arrangements will soon be _ services conducted at the City Farm on Towermade to enlarge' stock room and prepare for a goods Hill, Lynn. Each Sunday the different churchesbusyfallbusiness.Archie Mathers, manager in Lynn conduct in turn services at the Cityfor this department, has built the business from And you want them right away. Farm, and unusual interest was manifested byalmost nothing to one of the largest in the North- the 100 or more inmates in the exercises 'becausewest. You haven't -timeto jack up a of the prominence of the talking machine. W. J. Dyer &- Bro. have had a very good trade tardy distributor or listentohis Principal Francis Haseltine, of the Whitingduring the spring months.George Maim, man- Grammar School, Lynn, a prominent member ofager of the talking machine department is con- excusesfornotshippingyour the North Congregational Church, is responsible stantly pounding away and getting his share of (roods. for introducing the machine into the services ofall the business that's going. the church.For some time the church has .been The Bird Cycle Co., new dealers in Edison ma- You want to .devote your ,time without a pastor, and while it has not been diffi-chines and records, are building up a nice trade cult to get a minister to conduct the Sunday_in connection with their bicycle business and ex- and energy to building up business morning services in the church, it has devolvedpect to. do well this fall. andtakingcareofcustomers. upon the deacons and other prominent members Theo. Severin & Co., 236 Nicollet avenue, re- to provide the evening program. cently changed hands and are now being op- Your jobber ought to help you in This task was not an easy one, but Mr. Has-erated under the name of The Talking Machine this.He should take all shipping eltine solved the difficulty by bringing to church Co.Their business has been very satisfactory a big talking machine, as perfect as could beduring the spring and increasing each month. troubles right off your hands, and manufactured, playing records producing sacredThey carry a complete line of Victor and Edison musk sung by the great singers of the world.machines and records, and have one of the neat- keep you posted about new articles. The machine was placed in a side room and wasest stores in the West, being equipped in mission Does your distributor do this? operated so that it played a sacred song between style of fixtures, red burlap, palms, electric fans, the hymns sung by the congregation and the ad- etc. We never fail to ship goods the dresses made by various speakers. The New England Furniture Co., large dealers day your order isreceived.We The services were conducted in the followingin Victor and Edison machines and supplies, have order:The congregation sang the hymn, "Werecently enlarged their quarters and now have a always pave- Wiiat you -want, and Are But Strangers Here," after which the ma-very attractive show room.Manager A. Mc - chine responded with "There Will Be Glory forGoon is looking for a picking up of conditions we have it right here in our own Me." Then betweenresponsivereadingsthefor the late season. establishment ready for shipment. phonographplayed"He WasDespised" and The continued rains have made summer out- "Comfort Me." ings unthought of and kept the season late. Victors, Victor Records, record There then followed several three -minute ser- The Minneapolis Phonograph Co., a new out- cabinets, horns, fibrecases, Eng- mons, in which the speakers discussed such sub-fit, have a good stock of machines and records jects as would lead up to the selection to followand are building up a nice trade.They are lo- lishneedlesandallotherac- on the machine.In this way the machine ren-cated at 27 Seventh street, South, and bid fair dered "Nearer, My God, to Thee," "Why Hastto work up -to a large business in time. cessories-we have all' of them all ThouForsakenMe,""Lead,KindlyLight," -The Bunnell -Kelsey Co., (28 Central avenue, the time. "When the Roll Is Called," the church sceneNortheast, have been dealing in Victor and Edi- from The Old Homestead; "Almost Persuaded"son lines for the past two years, and while trade If you want to get your goods and "How Firm a Foundation." has been backward they report itis improving so promptly that you will never "I did not know but the idea of having a talk-and conditions are on the upward move. ing machine play in church would frighten some With good crops in the Northwest, which, by have to worry about them or dis- of the older members," said Mr. Haseltine, "but the way, look better in all districts (except where appoint a customer, let us get to- found out that everybody was glad to have it,floods are), than they have for years, and presi- even though it was a decided novelty.It wasdential election settled, the great Northwest will gether.Write to -day forlatest the first time, so far as I know, that a machinepush forward once more and take its place in was used in divine service in this section, but.demanding hundreds of machines and thousands catalogue. we were all more than pleased with the results. of records.Jobbers will have many new dealers "The congregation sitting and listening to theto supply with opening outfits of both Victor and The Victor Distributing sacred songs coming from the machine in theEdison lines, and it will mean more push in new next room were in an excellent attitude of de-directions and more business. and Export Company votion, and the beautiful sentiments expressed by these songs made the service very impressive." 83 Chambers Street, New York ' AN INTERESTING SUIT. VOCAL FIREWORKS THE LATEST. The rights of a singer vs. record manufacturer was the basis of a recent interesting case in the PyrotechnicalInventionby aFrenchmanCommercial Court of England when Mlle. Berthe Which Cries Out "Vive La Republique!" Soyer, a celebrated contralto, sued a record manu- facturer for breach of contract.Mlle. Soyer en- An important communication read before thetered into a contract with the manufacturer, by French Academy of Science in Paris last weekwhich she was to receive £8 each for singing 50 treated of fireworks which not only pleasethepieces from her repertoire,so that her voice eye, but are capable also of reproducing patrioticcould be recorded.After she had rendered her speeches or other announcements as occasionre- twelfthselection the manufacturer wanted to quires.The inventors of these vocal fireworkscancel the contract on the ground that the sing- are Georges and Gustave Laudet, who have beener's voice could not be recorded.In addition, he working upon the system for threeyears.By demanded the return of the £100 which he had an arrangement of different explosives theyarealready paid to Mlle. Soyer.The claim was op- -now able to produce both vowels and consonants. posed by Mlle. Soyer, who won the action, the A railroad cartridge of their design will be able court, allc)win5 her £120 damages. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

ATTENTION Talking Machine Men$

We have something which will interestyou and 41something which from a dollar making viewpoint has demonstrated its worth.

(if it will help summer trade, and trade at all seasons -11 for that matter, because it isa business builder.

(if We referto THE REG1NAPHONE which is a -1 talking machine of the highest grade combined with the Regina Music Box.

You know. thestandardfairlywon by the " REGINA in the music box field.It is the leader, andinthe ReOnaphone you have the splendid REGINA music box and a perfect talking machine combined in one.You can sellthiscreation ata price which bringsitwithin reach ofpeople of moderate income.

a We emphasize the REG1NAPHONE becauseit is meeting with a specially large demand even in ordinarily dull times.Thenwe have a complete line of REGINA specialties which you can handle harmoniously in connection with the talking machine line. Let us take this subject up with you. We feel that we can do business along lines which will inure to your pleasure and your profit as well.


Manufacturers of Regina Music Boxes, Reginaphones, Reginapianos, Regina Chime Clocks, Sublima Pianos, Automatic Talking Machines and Coin Operated Instruments, Distributors of Victor Talking Machines and Edison Phonographs and Records

Main Office and Factory, RAHWAY, N. J.

Broadway and 17th Street, New York 259 Wabash Avenue, Chicago THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 15

MILWAUKEE'S BUDGET OF NEWS. Lawrence McGreal, one of Milwaukee's leaderssuiting to the building was fully covered by in- in the talking machine field, made a marveloussurance. Wholesale Trade Shows Up Much Better Than hit on the recent annual excursion of the Mil- Voices of the great composers brought back in Anticipated-L.McGrealFurnishes Stock forwaukee Merchants and Manufacturers' Associa-all of their richness recently entertained an en- New Gimbel Department-Schuster Depart-tion, which included a tour of South and North thusiastic audience at the club rooms of the Ho- ment Stcre Also to Handle Talkers-HoefflerDakota and southern Minnesota.Mr. McGreal tel Pfister, Milwaukee, at a private concert given Mfg.Co.DoingWell With Edison Line-was accompanied by William P. Hope, north-by Lawrence McGreal and H. M. Neberlein, Victor Talking Machine Men on Merchants' Tour-western repfesentative of the National Phono- representative. ReCent Trade Visitors. graph Co., as well as Victor Victrola and an (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Idealia Edison.The party of eighty-four repre- TALKERS ON THE FLEET. Milwaukee, Wis., July 8, 1908. sentative Milwaukee business men was highly en- The wholesale trade in the Milwaukee talkingtertained en route.At each station visited by Tars Well Supplied With These MusicMakers. machine field is being maintained far better thanthe party Mr. McGreal and Mr. Hope gave con- was anticipated earlier in the season and severalcerts and furnished the music for the entertain- (Special to The Talking Machine World.) dealers are reporting that sales are largerin ing programmes that were presented by the vis- San Francisco, Cal., June 29, 1908. total than at the same period last year.This itors.Mr. McGreal believes that the plan was The "Boys in Blue" on board our ships of condition of affairs, considering the depressionan excellent advertising scheme for the Edisonwar are more familiar with the talking machine that has been experienced in so many lines, isand Victor. than are many so-called "land lubbers."This considered to be remarkable.Indications about H. C. Smith, Edison talking machine dealer atwas particularly noticeable when the Atlantic the state all point that this excellent wholesaleWhitewater, Wis., for some years, recently vis-fleet touched the different points of the Pacific trade 'willnot only be retained, but isto beited Milwaukee wholesalers and placed a $500coast by visitors to the ships. increased during the summer months. Retail order in the Edison line.F. C. Jackson, of the The first sound that greeted your ears as you trade in Milwaukee is temporarily a little quietJackson Co., Muskego, Wis., also secured a stockneared the great battleships would be the strains with a few dealers, but the leaders in the fieldof leading machines far his establishment.H., of the "Merry Widow Waltz" coming from a are finding conditions to be of the best.The Lappley, of Mazomania, Wis.,D. Harding, ofnearby porthole.In looking over the ship you summer resort season is opening with the resultLudington, Mich., and H. Hathaway, of Graff &would run across them from forecastle to fire- that sales have been increased and repair workCo., Spring Lake, and his wife were also callersroom. At least every ship had not less than five, has been given a great impetus.Fall trade,on the jobbing trade. some owned by the officers and othersbythe which is expected to exceed all previous records, William P. Hope, northwestern representativeboys, who find great pleasure in them while is expected by all of the Milwaukee dealers, whoof the National Phonograph Co., is spending hislying about the decks inthe sunor huddling up are laying their plans accordingly. vacation with his parents at Spirit Lake, Ia. ' together under an eight -inch turret in the rain. Collections are much better than they have Simon Goerke, with two establishments in theEach ship maintains a talking machine fund been since the financialdepression andcash city, has discontinued his branch at 611 Grandwith which to purchase new records, and each sales are more in evidence than for some time.avenue and removed the stock to the store at 405member of the crew donates something to the' Cases of repossession of machines have ceasedChestnut street.Mr. Goerke, who is one of thesecretary each month for this cause.The rec- to be met with, say the dealers. pioneer Milwaukee talking machine dealers,is ords in some cases are kept bya librarian, who July records are selling well and dealers sayof the opinion that better results will be methas a systematic arrangement for keeping them. that the usual summer demand for the lighterwith by combining the two establishments. In the officers' quarters we, often find Victrola's, class of records is being experienced.The Edi- William A. Schmidt, with Lawrence McGreal, and in one case an Auxetophone. son Bryan records have made a decided hit inhas organized within the last month 17 agencies Milwaukee and records containing talks by theabout Wisconsin for the handling of the Edison A brand new begging stunt was recently ex- Democratic leader are much sought for. Recordsand Victor machines. posed in Berlin, when a vagrant was arrested for of the great composers are selling well as usual. The Huseby Co., dealers in talking machinevisiting private houses with a talking machine Lawrence McGreal, with Miss Gannon, attend-supplies at 454-456 Grove street,thiscity,re- which, when started; poured out a heartrending ed the convention at Atlantic City of the Na-cently had a narrow escape from a disastroustale of the owner's misfortunes. He never failed tional Association of Talking Machine Jobbers. fire which was caused by fireworks.Damage re - to capture money. Mr. McGreal was scheduled for the reading of papers before the convention. An extended line of Edison and Victor talking VICTOR DISC EDISON machines and records will soon be opened at the. TALKING terbert 1p. ffrench PHONOGRAPHS Gimbel department store in this city.The com- MACHINES Dealer in talking Machines and plete stock will be secured from Lawrence Mc- GOLD MOULDED Greal.A foreign line of machines has always AND RECORDS SUPPLIES AND PARTS RECORDS been handled by this big department store, which has found that Milwaukee requires the American styles.A new manager will soon be secured Potsdam, N. Y., May 11th, 1908. for the talking machine department of the estab- lishment. The Schuster department store, one of The Zed Company, New York. the newest and finest in this city, has also made arrangements to carry the Edison and Victor. Mr. McGreal is being complimented for his suc- Dear Sirs: --The records were rec'd O.K.: and I cessineducatingthe Milwaukee department wish to say that in volume and clearness theyare far stores to the fact that the talking machine field beyond my expectations; if the general can be made one of the most profitable branches run of them are of the business.The three other leading depart- as good ae these,- "and I do not doubt but what they are," ment stores of the city, Boston store, Espenhain's it will be Zon-o-phone records that I ehall handle and Barrett's, also maintain a good trade in the talker line. hereafter instead of . . . . At the time your records The Edison business phonograph issteadily came in there was a musician in my store and when he becoming more popular in Milwaukee and the Hoefller Mfg. Co., the Milwaukee and Wisconsin heard the instrumental selections he said theycame agents for the machine, are experiencing suc- the nearest to the real thing he hadever heard ; every cess in this new line, which is in charge of J. H. one that has heard them say -they are fine. Thanking Becker, Jr. "We have just sold four of the machines in you for your prompt shipment and assuring you thatyou the new Caswell building here in the city," said will receive more orders fromme, I am Yours Respect- Mr. Becker, "and we have orders placed for two fully, more. These machines were sold to lawyers, who Herbert P. French. are finding the business talker to be far in the lead of stenographers.I expect tosell twenty of the machines in this one building alone. The sale of Victor Victrolas is going on unalQted and Mr. Herbert P. French is one ofa great number of dealers we have sold two this week." that have made a " hit " with A.D. Herriman, manager of the Columbia our " Hits."Have you heard' Phonograph Co., reports having some extra fine this month's great hit, "The Daddi kecords,"Mr. Dealer? sales in Twentieth Century machines, which are Come and hear them or writeus. much sought for by summer resorters. Sales Manager Marx, of the Regina Co., was a lecent Milwaukee visitor.The Regina music boxes are much in demand, say the talking ma- THE ZED CO., 77 Chambers St.,NeW York chine dealers who handle the line. 1.6 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

GRAMOPHONES ON NEW CRUISER. from the naval academy. The midshipmen haveAlbertaare very severe,whereasthe summer is this opportunity to study the mauoeuvering of ashort and inclined to be hot.This is avery -North Carolina- Recently Placed in Commis-big warship uuder actual seafaring conditions,rigid test, climatically, for the Indestructible rec- sion Equipped With Two Columbia Machinesand this training will put a finish to the bookords, but they are peculiarly adapted to use in and Liberal Supply of Records-Popular En-learning the youthful naval officers have alreadylocalities of this nature, since they are "climatic tertainers in the Navy. acquired in the course at the Academy. The day proof."The Assiniboa Music Co. do a large before she sailed, a committee from the "Northmusic business in their locality and are thor- One of the latest United States cruisers, theCarolina" visitedthe Baltimore storeoftheoughly progressive and have severaltraveling "North Carolina," recently placed in commission, Columbia Phonograph Co. and purchased two BD men on the road. has just added two BD graphophones and a sup- graphophones and a large supply of records.- The other jobber is F. M. Atwood, 123 Monroe In a chat with a mem-avenue, Memphis, Tenn.This isa casewhere ber of the Columbia Co. extremes come together.These two firmsare the other day, he said: certainly remotely distant from one another and show thewide 1 "If there is any place distribution and popularity which where the merit of theIndestructiblerecords are gaining everyday. ColumbiagraphophoneF. M. Atwood is very well known to the Southern isknown andappre- talking machine trade and he has many novel ciated,itisinthe ideas for pushing the sale of Indestructible rec- United States Navy. Al-ords in his territory.The plan is to carry on a thoroughly progressive campaign.As every- most every large shipone knows, business is every year picking up has one or more grapho- more and more in the South aud mauy business large phonesanda men throughout the country will profit bythe nu- stock of records.It isexample of their Southernbrothers.-AIL At- safe to say that therewood has the oldest talking machine house in is over a score or moreMempbis and is one of the "livest" jobbers to he ofColumbiagrapho- found anywhere in this country.

41 pnones on our fleet now in the Pacific." THE PITTSBURG CAMERAPHONE CO. TheGreater PittsburgCameraphone Co.,Pitts- U. S. S. "NORTH CAROLINA." burg, Pa., have been incorporated under the laws ply of Columbia records to its equipment.This NEW INDESTRUCTIBLE JOBBERS cruiser has a displacement of 14,500 tons and a of Arizona, with headquarters given as Phoenix, speed of 22 knots.It represents perhaps the for the purpose of exhibiting the talking pictures In Widely Separated Sections, Canada and Ten-produced by that certain combination of machines. highest development of the armored cruiser. Her nessee, Carry on Progressive Campaign. crew consists of 600 men, and she is armed with known as the "Cameraphone" and of leasing, four 10 -inch guns, sixteen 6 -inch guns, twenty- erecting or otherwise procuring desirable quar- We have just received information from Al- appurtenances necessary forthe two 3 -inch, twelve 3 -pounders,fourteensmallbany, N. Y., that tbe Indestructible Phonographicters and all carrying on of the business of exhibiting the talk- guns and four 21 -inch torpedo tubes.Her armorRecord Co. have taken on two new jobbers during protection is especially heavy for a boat of this ing pictures.Capital stock, $10,000.Incorpor- the past month. One is the Assiniboa Music Co.,ators:E. G. Thomas, W. J. Davis, and W. P. type: belt, 5 inches; turrets, 9 inches to 5 inches; of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada.This shows barbettes, 7 inches to 4 inches; deck, 4 inches tothe far-reaching business methods of the Inde-Dunham. 11/, inches. structible Co., and we have no doubt.but that A. E. Day,. of Lincoln,Neb.,bas bought tbe The "North Carolina" sailed from Annapolisthe Indestructiblerecordswillmeet with atalking machine, piano and organ stock of Gour- June 9 for a long practice cruise in Cuban waters,hearty welcome in this more or less remote lo-ley Bros., in that city, aud will conduct the busi- loaded down with midshipmen just graduatedcality.As is probably known, the wiuters in ness at the same addfess. The Cady Sectional CylinderRecord Cabinet (PA'TEN'T PENDING) Constructed on. the plan of the .Sectional Bookcase, butmore practical, as owners of phonographs are adding to:their collection of Records oftener than book collectors do to their libraries.

No. 100A.BASE The Base includes two drawersat- No. 100B.TOP. No.100C.DRAWER SECTION tached,eachcontaining 42 pegsfor Records.Size, 21in. x 21in.,14in. A Single DrawerSection contains 42 high. capacity 84 Records. The Top includes one drawer pegs for Records.Size, 19 in. x 19 iu.. containing 42 pegs forRec- 5% in. high. The illustration shows the ords.Size, 21 in. x 21 in.,' 6 three metal -pegs which are inserted into in. high. metal sockets on the next Section to hold the Sections in place.Each Section also lut.4 three hooks for locking so that the 7 hes eCabinetsside's and hack are as solid as it they are equipped with were made from oneboard. Pasteboard Pegs. TOP AND BASE ATTACHED Here we show the Base A and Top 11 attached, making a complete cabinet 20 in. high. having a capacity of 126 Rec- All Drawers have veneered bottoms. No ords.The Sections are connected with threti hooks. so that the cabinet may be tools are necessary in con- carried from one room to a MU her with- uutSella ra ing -a feature not coot a in ed necting sections. in the sectional bookcase. We also Manufacture a Complete Line of Disc and Cylinder Cabinets Write for exclusive agency as we will only sell to one dealer in each city.Territory rapidly being assigned.

WRITE FOR CATALOG AND PRICE LIST OF OUR COMPLETE LINE OF RECORD CABINETS SIX -DRAWER CABINET Illere we show a Sectional Cabinet con Mining one Base A. one Top B, and three THE CADY CABINET COMPANY 1/rawer Sections C. giving a capacity of 252 Records.As Many more C Sections (INCORPORATED) eon be added as the height of the room %Oil permit. LANSING, MICHIGAN, U. S. A. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 17 FROM OUR CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS ROOM 806, NO. 156 WABASH' AVENUE, E, E. P. VAN HARLINGEN, MANAGER.

Not Much Change in Trade Conditions-Job-possibilities ofstimulatingbusiness at this time, degree of authority. .He has taken occasion the bersinBetter Mood-Manufacturing Situa-and it is believed that some of the items pre-past few days to interview several sales man- tionImproving-Good Crops Seem toIndi- sentedln this letter will be found really valuableagers, all of large concerns who are dependent

cateBriskFallBusiness-Dealers Shouldpointers. directly and entirely upon farmers, and whose Prepare to Take Full Advantage of Trade Go right down the line among the jobbersfacilities for getting direct and authentic crop Revival-E.A.ParsonsAppointedLocal locally and you will find a better feeling than forreports and sounding the attitude of the agricul- Manager for Columbia Co.-J.F.Bowers some months. At no time have they thought forturists are infinitely greater than any. concern Busy With Association Work-Among Re-a moment that the temporary lull in the talkerin this line of trade.These men universally re- cent Visitors-E. C. Plume Celebrates Crystal trade meant any lack of interest in the proposi-port that never at this time of year were condi- Wedding-What theTravelers Report-E.tion by the public or that the causes were othertions and prospects for great and good crops 0. Zerkle a Benedict-Pcpularity of Bryanthan those governing the relaxation in other andbetter than at present. Records-Western Talking Machine & even the most staple lines.Now, however, they Of peculiar interest was the statement of .a Supply Co. Specialities Successful --Chicagoare all confident of a marked revival in the fall,manager of a concern which has its agents in Stand Co. to Put Out New Collar for Edison and any number of reasons can be given substan-every hamlet of the agricultural section of the Horn-Wurlitzer's Fourth of 'July Publicity,tiating their belief.For one thing, advices fromcountry. He said that in spite of the talk of the Washington indicate that there will be no lackpossible slackness in the corn crop because of (Special to The Talking Machine World ) of money for use in moving the crops, and thatlate planting, owing to heavy rains, that it was Chicago, Ill., July 8, 1908. there will be no necessity even to take advantage a fact, confirmable by detailed reports in his pos- Trade conditions in the western talking ma- of the emergency measures provided by the Ald-session, that the area thus affected is very small chine fieldaremuch thesame asatlastrich bill. compared with the prevailing idea regarding it, report.Generally speaking, dealers are ordering The manufacturing situation is steadily improv-and that from 75 to 85 per cent. of the crop had ina very hand-to-mouth manner, one or twoing, and in many lines closely related to thebeen planted under infinitely more favorable con- machines at a time, and stocks of machines atnecessaries of life, labor is now fully employed,ditions and a large percentage of it earlier than least are evidently at the lowest point that theyand as a result of partial idleness during thelast year, and that the stand generally is good. have been for years.Occasionally, however, an past few months, the probabilities are that theEven the late planted corn has been. doing well order is received which has a stocking -up flavor, plants will run steadily through the summer, asunder the generally good growing weather of the and in every instance such orders are from deal-stocks in the hands of the manufacturers are past ten days or two weeks.All crops are excel- ers who are known as "live wires," and thispractically nil, and there must be widespread re- lent except isolated sections. of low .lands and simply indicates what other merchants might doplenishment to meet the demand of even an river bottoms, and flood' damage has been greatly if they were "wise" to their opportunities, placed approximately normal fan trade.This means, of exaggerated.Winter wheat was never in better themselvesmentally 'abovehotweather .andcourse, that people who have gotten behind be- shape.A bumper crop has already been har- "quiet times" influences, and plugged persever-cause of enforced idleness will be fairly caughtvested in Texas, where last year it was. almost ingly and energetically for trade.Too manyup and in possession of nearly their ordinarya total loss, because of the ravages of the green dealers, it is to be feared, take it for granted thatpurchasing ability by fall.Especially is this true bug.A most magnificent crop of spring wheat nothing much can be tone out in the country of those who have been benefited by the gradual and other small grains seems inevitable, while when farmers are more or less actively engagedresumption of manufacturing activity which hasthe hay, and especially the clover crop, is im- in the field and that the town trade necessarilybeen in progress since February and March. mense. goes to sleep during the dull -months. The writer Regarding the crop situation, The World repre- While dealersshouldby no means neglect has interviewed some of the trade locally on thesentative believes that he can speak with someopportunitiesforstimulatingpresenttrade,

From the momentyourorder reaches Chicago, itneverdelays one unnecessary momentif it is 18 TT-TE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. would it not be a good plan to begin right nowtion of records.No more resultful demonstra- to make plans for fall business?There may betion can be imagined than to start a machine changes in store arrangement that can be madegoing on one lawn, as a large proportion of the at comparatively small cost and yet aid mate-residents of the block will gather around you. Edison Jobber rially inincreasing the attractiveness of theYou can soon locate those in the crowd who are store to prospective customers.Nothing helpsespecially interested and have nb machines of to keep the cogs of business running smoothertheir own, and these people you can follow to Zonophone Distributor tban a good system of handling prospects, in-their homes and give them a special concert. suring the careful and prOmpt and constant fol-Some of the salesmen who worked so effectively lowing up of even the slightest expression oflast summer told me that not only did they Carrying interest in the talker proposition.Dealers whobuild up a fine line of prospeCts every night they have been lax in this respect in the past maywent out, but that not infrequently they closed Cases well consider the installation of card index and deals on the spot.After the coming issue of The filing systems.This can be done at small ex-World appears there will be at least six weeks pense. Even home-made systems may bede- during which this kind of campaign can be effec- vised that will answer the purpose very well.tively carried on, and I believe that any dealer Wire The talking machine store should be headquar-in city or town who adopts the plan will find it ters for meritorious auxiliaries and appliancesinstrumental In securing an excellent volume of Record for machines of every kind, and the dealer whobusiness in spite of hot weather and 'business Racks does not realizethismisses opportunity for depression.'Furthermore, I am inclined to good- profit and also for reviving the interest of ma-naturedly criticize some dealers who drop their chine owners who may have allowed their talk-newspaperadvertisingduringthesummer INDESTRUCTIBLE RECORDS ers to fall into a condition of innocuous desue-months or reduce it nearly to the vanisbing point. tude.It is needless to say that the advertisingWhile I admit that it may be wise to do your RECORD CABINETS columns of The World furnish multitudinousheaviest advertising at other seasons, still a fair suggestions along this line.Furthermore, west-amount of judicious publicity will go far to main- SPRINGS forall makes and sizes ern ingenuity in the inventive line is rapidlytain the interest of the public and sales by the growing, and Chicago, besides being a great job- dealer during the torrid months." QUILL NEEDLES bing center for talking machines, is giving to the President E. R. Johnson, of the Victor Talk- "TIZ-IT" The All -Metal Horn Connec- world a constantly increasing number of excel-ing Machine Co., was in Chicago for an hour or tionfor Cylinder Machines lent devices for increasing the efficiency of both two on Tuesday of this week and left for the types of machines.Finally, although the list East. has by no means been exhausted, tbe adding of J. F. Bowers, secretary of Lyon & Healy and JAMES I. LYONS good side lines which will serve the double pur-president of National Talking Machine Jobbers' 265 Fifth Avenue poseof increasing the dealer's profit, and by Association,left Wednesday night for Asbury judicious advertising and window display willPark, N. J., where he will locate his family for CHICAGO draw customers into the store, may be carefullythe summer before getting into the whirl of the considered. This, however,isanotherstory convention at Atlantic City this week.It is only spent a few hours in Chicago on Monday of this which, by the way, is told in an effective mannerdue Mr. Bowers to say that whatever is accom-week on his return from an extended trip to the from month to month in tbe side line depart-plished at the convention will be due in large Coast. Your correspondent did not have the ment of The World. measure to the energetic propaganda for mem-pleasure of meeting Mr. Dolbeer this time, but E. A. Parsons has been appointed retail salesbership and the impetus he has given to the for-he is quoted as saying that he found business manager of the Chicago branch of the Columbiamation of plans of action -since the organizationin the talking machine line very fair throughout Phonograph Co., and istaking hold with theof the association a year ago.He has not onlythe far west, while in Spokane it was exception- vigor and ability to be expected of a man whoseinspired his associates in the active work of the ally good, and that -the trade there did not know, experience in the distributive end of the tradeassociation with the chronic desire for new mem-as far as business was concerned, that there had runs back to days when the first crude instru-bers, but by personal solicitation and vigorousever been anything intheir section that even ments appeared.Of late years Mr. Parsons has letter writing has himself landed many of themade a noise like a panic.Mr. Dolbeer attended been affiliated with his brother, W. W. Parsons, most important concerns in the country, some ofthe convention of National Credit Men's Asso- in the commercial graphophone department ofwhom were not members of either the western orciation in Denver as a delegate, expressed him- the Chicago house, but he has kept in close toucheastern bodies which existed prior to their con-self as highly pleased with their deliberations, with the entertainment machinebusiness,in solidationintothe national association. Mr. and also praised the convention hall, which in which he was formerly a strong factor.It oc-Bowers has made frequent trips during the pastsize, appointments and acoustic properties, should curred to me to ask Mr. Parsons if he couldyear at his own expense in order to spend Sun-make Denver one of the great convention cities give tbe readers of The World any pointers re- day with Secretary Perry B. Whitsit in confer-of the country. garding the stimulation of retail sales during theence regarding association matters.The result A. V. Chandler, the famous baked potato phil- traditionally dull summer months. of these conferences in the furtherance of theosopher, who looks after local trade for the Edi- "Possibly I can," remarked Mr. Parsons. "The work could not have been obtained through cor-son, has been making aseries of short trips talking machine has of late years become a veryrespondence.Mr. Bowers, by the way, has fre-within a radius of 100 miles of Chicago. He strong outdoor, as well as indoor, proposition.quently expressed his appreciation of Mr. Whit -was impressed with the abundance of the cherry Its use on porches and on lawns, in a privatesit in building up the organization. crop."The cherries are there, and all you have way, at lawn fetes, outdoor entertainment of all E. H. Uhl, manager of the western businessto do is to pick them," remarked he in a tone kinds, at summer resort cottages, on yachts, etc.,of the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., of Cincinnati, andof voice that signified that the epigram could be issteadily growing.The army of canvassers the most valued member of the executive commit- applied in a trade sense. which worked the local field last year piled up tee of the national association, who is now East, Burnett's Music House, Edison and Victor deal- an imposing volume of sales by going from lawn -will make a trip of the Great Lakes before re- ers,bave moved from 1043 to1034Lincoln to lawn in the residence district during the sum-turning to Chicago. avenue. mer, provided with a machine and a choice selec- F. K. Dolbeer, of the National Phonograph Co., John Otto, manager of the retail talking ma - TWO IMPORTANT ITEMS FOR EVERY JOBBER STANDARD NEEDLES DISC RECORD ENVELOPES Are the best on the market. A trial will convince you of We carry an immense stock, at all times, of an Extra the truth of this statement. Strong Manila Envelope in following sizes: 811x 81.1FOR 8 INCH RECORDS SIX SIZES " 10 " EXTRA LOUD TONE LOUD TONE 121ix1211 " 12 " " MEDIUM LOUD TONE MEDIUM TONE Holein centerand withoutflap SOFT TONE PEERLESS OR MUSICAL TONE SPECIAL ENVELOPES MADE TO ORDER

OUR PRICES ON BOTH ARE VERY INTERESTING AND WILL SURELY SAVE YOU MONEY. WRITE TODAY WESTERN TALKING MACHINE AND SUPPLY CO. FRANK DILLBAHNER, Prop. No. 6 MADISON STREET, CHICAGO SEND US YOUR HORN WANTS.NEW DESIGNS AND DECORATIONS, LOWEST PRICES THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 19 chinedepartment ofthe RudolphWurlitzer met her under similar circumstances on subse- house, recently sold a Victor 111 to parties who quent trips in that part of the State.It was not are using it and experimenting with wirelesslong before Mr. Zerkle received a psychological telephony. hunch that there was business awaiting him at Joseph Clegg, formerly of Chicago, and who isNeillsville which he had previously ignored on now traveling for Koerber-Brenner Co., talkinghis trips.Acting on the mysterious suggestion machine jobbers, of St. Louis, is spending hishe visited the town,establishedaColumbia vacation in this city visiting friends and rela-dealer, and to his astonishment found that he tives. had time to call at the Ring home before his L. C. Wiswell, the popular and efficient man- train left.Mr. Zerkle is usually not partial in ager of the talking machine department of Lyon his trade ministrations, butitis a matter of & Healy's, has returned from a fortnight's vaca- record that few dealers had the constant nurs- tion spent at Ottawa Beach, near Holland, Mich., ing and attention as the Neillsville agent.Mr. where he has a cottage, and to which he resortsand Mrs. Zerkle are now on their wedding trip. annually. and in the meantime the happy benedict's terri- E. C. Plume, western wholesale manager of the tory is being covered by W. A. Eberle, of the Columbia Phonograph Co., and his good wifeorder department of the Chicago office. celebrated their crystal wedding on Wednesday C. E. Goodwin, of Lyon & Healy, was not able of this week.A little group of friends who to attend the National Talking Machine Jobbers' San Francisco assistedinthe jubilation, saw the "Stubbornconvention at Atlantic City, much to his disap- Cinderella" at the New Princess Theater as thepointment and that of his many friends in the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Plume.Mr. Plume, by trade.The extra work incident to the prospec- Seattle the way, has been so impressed with the melo-tive removal of the talking machine department diousness of some of the "Stubborn Cinderella"from the fourthto the fifthfloor of the big Los Angeles numbers that through his influence the companybuilding, where it will occupy the entire space, has had several of them recorded.Two of theentailing much architectural and construction hits, "Love Me Just Because" and "I Have Lost work, makesitimpossible for him to be ab- Denver My Heart, But I Don't Care," will be issued viasent even for a short period at this time.Fur- the Columbia record route on the 15th of thisthermore, Mr. Goodwin has been seriously indis- are month. posed the last two days, but probably will be some miles from the W. H. Locke, Jr., of Searchlight horn fame,able to resume his duties at the store Monday. was in the city the other day en route to the J. L. Burr, manager of the. Columbia branch Coast.He will visit the principal jobbing cen-at Omaha, Neb., was a visitor this week. ters on his way and will take a short rest at Arthur D. Geissler, general manager of the Great Redlands, Cal., where his people reside. Talking MachineCo., leaves Tuesday for St. W. C. Fuhri, district manager for the Colum-Louis, from whence he will go to Philadelphia, bia Phonograph Co., recently returned from aCamden and New York.Roy Keith, the com- Central trip to Denver and Salt Lake City.He reportspany's sales manager, is visiting Atlantic City, that business in that section is rather more ac-where he will represent the Talking Machine Co. tive at present than in the Central States.At at the jobbers' convention.Afterward he will Market Denver he found the Columbia branch makingjoin Mr. Geissler at the factory, and they will an excellent showing under W. F. Standke, who journey home together, stopping at Niagara Falls The biggest Dealers in took charge a year ago. on the way. E. 0. Zerkle, who travels in Wisconsin, North- At one of the penny parlors the other day these cities are willing to ern Illinois and Iowa for the Chicago branch often people were noted standing in line awaiting payextratransportation the Columbia Phonograph Co., was married ona chance to get at an ear -tube slot phonograph June 22 to Miss Alice Ring, at the home of the charges to buy goods from which was merrily grinding out oneofthe bride's parents at Neillsville, Wis. Some monthsWilliam Jennings Bryan speeches.This fact, US. ago Mr. Zerkle was introduced to the youngwhen mentioned to a man in the trade, inspired woman on the train, and as fate would have it,him to say that the issuance of the Bryan rec- Why? ords made itpeculiarly advisable at this time for talking machine dealers to do something that he had long thought would be a profitable Is it because we TWO MISSING LINKS proceeding for them.That is for them to buy slot -machine talkersand operatethem them- selves, placing them out in cafes, restaurants, This is SUP- confectionery and ice cream parlors,etc.,etc. Wholesale Anothergoodwaysuggestedforexploiting POSED to be the Bryan records would be to make arrangements Missing Link be- with various Democratic clubs in their vicinity Exclusively? tween Manand to allow the dealer to appear with his machine at the meetings of the club and run off the Monkey. entire series of records.There is no question Is it because we carry the that the Bryan records, which are already delug- ing the jobbers with orders, will reap a regular LARGEST, CLEANEST, IT'S ALL IN whirlwind of benefit after the Democratic na- and MOST COMPLETE THE BALL! tional convention at Denver, which it is almost a foregone conclusion will result in the nomina- stock in the United States? tion of the "Peerless." Lyon & Healy report that their wholesale busi- ness has shown quite a picking up the past week, You not only in record business, but in machines as well. Mr. Dealer, who live nearer The Western Talking Machine & Supply Co.. Frank Dillbahner, proprietor, are having excel- Chicago, try us and find lent success with their Standard needle for disc out. (TRADE NAME) talking machines.They are putting out a very This New All- Metal Ball -Joint Horn high-grade needle under this name at a low Connectionis BEYOND A DOUBT the price. They are also preparing to bring out There Must Bea Missing Link between the Phonograph and some new styles at new prices.They also make Horn."There's MORE than a reason.'.' a specialty of an extra strong manila envelope Reason If your jobber does not han- for disc records in separate sizes for 8, 10 and Mr. Dealer-dle this connection yet send 12 -inch records.They are also in a position to us 30c. in stamps for sample. Address take orders for a special envelope following the customer's desire as to stock, size, etc. Kreiling & Company The Talking Machine Co. Inventors and Sole Manufacturers The Chicago Stand Co., manufacturers of the phon-arm attachment for cylinder machines, are North 40th Ave. and Le Moyne St. getting out an aluminum collar to fit the new 72-74 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. CHICAGO, U. S. A. style Edison horn.It changes the taper so that itfits the elbow snugly.This excellent taper 20 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

The MOH Hell,77.-k Automatic bite (Patent Pending) 'arr..ttrt Shows position while changing needle, brake Shows position of brake applied released, and turntable gaining correct while changing record. ABSOLUTELY RELIABLE rotation during this operation.

After two years of thorough demonstration we guarantee a fault- less device. POSITIVELYthe only brake on the market that adjusts itself absolutely automatically at theBEGINNINGandCOMPLETIONof the record.Requires No Handling Whatever.

(Pyj) E FOR A. BURSONS Au-BR APImATic OIJOY ERCY No talking needed to sell this brake.

Simply useit on your own demonstrating IT STOPPED 1TSELF machines. YOW! GmE;TOTur The" BURSON " willdo therest. 111

THE OLD WAY THE NEW WAY The motor starts immediately upon the needle being placed at the beginning of the record, andAUTOMATICALLYstops at the completion. This does awayABSOLUTELYwith the old thumb brake operation heretofore necessary in starting and stopping the machine. The annoyanceof jumping up and rushing to stop the machine at the end of each record seriously detracts from the pleasure the talking machine affords. This isENTIRELYovercome bythe Burson Automatic Brake. Price, nickel plated, $1.50. Regular discounts to the trade.

Dealers are requested to order from their jobber.If he cannot fill your order write us, and we will refer you to one who will.

Position at completion of record, the needle

BURSON & CO. stopping atedge ofseal,toprevent - scratching of thesame, the brake auto. The brake,illustrating the simple method maritally applied. 52 Dearborn Street, Chicago of attaching itto any disc machine. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 21 arm for cylinder machines has many merits. Roy Keith, sales manager for the Talking Ma- The programs were very artistic affairs, printed It obviates the necessity of a horn stand orchine Co., recently returned from a brief trip to on cream -colored linen paper. Mr. Feinberg had crane.There is no weight on the reproducer or Wisconsin points.One dealer was not in whenhis full force on tap and his chocolate -colored feed nut.The horn can be turned out of the wayhe called, and on inquiry Mr. Keith discovered porter, resplendent in uniform, put up the num- when changing records, and there is no flimsythat he was out in the country in his automobile bers of the selections.The audience was very rubber tube to reproducer, nor a horn danglingwith two or three high-grade machines and col-enthusiastic, was liberal in applause, and went loose in front of the machine. lections of records which he intended to leaveliterally wild over the Lucia Sextet.There were Dan Creed, credit man for the Talking Ma-over night at farm houses.This is dull seasonmany requests for additional selections, which chine Co., has the sympathy of the trade in theenergizing of a most commendable nature. were promptly given.Mr. Feinberg secured the loss of his father, who died last week. names of many excellent prospects from inter- Kreiling & Co., Chicago, are having a continued THE AUXETOPHONE IN RECITAL. ested inquirers at the close of the concert. excellent dpmand on their Tiz-It, all -metal ball - joint horn connection for cylinder machines. B. Feinberg, of Victor Talking Machine Shop H. Ellis, formerly of the Victor factory, and ExploitsVictorMachineandRedSeal NEW AUTOMATIC BRAKE who knows the Victor catalog from one end to Records Befcre Illinois Athletic Club-The the other, asleep or awake, has been made head Program. For Disc Machines Now on Market-Invention salesman at B. Feitiberg's new store on Michigan of Burson and Buelna-Description ofthe (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Device-Other Specialties of Burson & Co. avenue. Chicago, Ill., July 6, 1908. James I. Lyons, the pioneer jobber, is now in B. Feinberg, proprietor of the Victor Talking (Special to The Talking Machine World.) good working orderinhis new building, 265Machine Shop, 169 Michigan avenue, is proving Fifth avenue. himself an expert in the exploitation of high- Chicago, Ill., July 6, 1908. A very vigorous campaign has been waged ingrade machines and Red Seal records. He actu- A new automatic brake for disc machines, the Chicago the past fortnight in favor of a gunless,ally induced the Illinois Athletic Club to allowBurson, has just made its appearance.The in- toy pistolless and cannon crackerless Indepen-him to give an Auxetophone grand opera concert ventors and manufacturers claim that itis the dence Day.This has been made the subject ofin the club's roof garden on Wednesday evening,only brake on the market that will adjust itself a very timely, simple and effective advertise- Invitations were sent to the 4,000 mem- automatically at the beginning and completion of July 1. each record. ment in the dailies by the Chicago branch of theber's of the club, and over 500 people responded, The turn -table starts immediately Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.It is worth clipping outan excellent attendance, averaging the usual audi-when the needle is placed at the beginning of and saving a year.The text is as follows: "Aence at the club functions and consideringthe the record, and stops automatically upon the com- safe and saiie Fourth will be attained and en- pletion of the selection.This obviates the neces- time of year, as a large percentage of the members sity of operating the thumb brake either at the joyed if you will spend your money for a talk-are away.Of course, the readers of The World ing machine (Victor or Edison), and apply theare familiar with the records, but theselectionstart or completion of the record.The value of time to a grand concert, minstrel show, operaticwas such an excellent one for demonstration pur- this device is obvious.The Burson brake is a performance, patriotic speeches, etc.This wiseposes, and the alternation of vocal andinstru-very simple affair, and its adaptability toall course will afford you a day of genuine pleasuremental numbers so judiciouslyarranged,thatmakes of machines is shown by the fact that it and a happy heart for doinggoodto others.dealers who may wish to give similar recitals is instantly adjustable to any height of turn- Come in and talk it over with us.Cash or easywill be glad to see the list just as it was given. table.The Burson brake is a silent salesman. Catalogs free.Wurlitzer's, 266 Wa- If the dealer will use payments. Here it is: it on his own demon- bash avenue." PROGRAM. strating machines and instruct the salesman to The McKinley Music Co., of this city, have PART I. stay away from the machine occasionally, so that 1. Selection-Huguenots(Benedictionofthe adopted a unique method of gently punching up Poignards) Meyerbeer the brake has a chance to demonstrate itself in a delinquents.When the monthly statements are Sousa's Band. dramatic manner, the device can be depended 2. L'Africana-(O Paradise) Meyerbeer made out those that indicate that the customers Enrico Caruso. upon to sell itself to owners or prospective owners 3.Traviata-Ah For's e Lui (Is This the One?) forgettery is in good order have a slip attached Verdi of machines. The Burson brake is the joint in- bearing the following melodious legend: Lusia Tetrazzini. vention of A. E. Burson and G. Buetna, the mem- 4.Overture-Semiramide Rossini Police Band of Mexico. bers of the firm of Burson & Co. They are both CREDITOR'S QUERY 5.Rigoletto-Quartet Verdi Caruso. Abott, Homer and Scott'. California boys, but Mr. Burson has come to Slowly with great feeling 6.Bolero-La Gitana (The Gypsy) Arditi Schumann-Heink. Chicago to superintend the manufacturing and 7.Trovatore-At nostri montt (Home to Our marketing of their product here, while Mr. Buelna Mountains) Verdi Homer and Caruso. will remain for the present at least at his home 8. Selection-Madame Butterfly Puccini Pryor's Band. town in California, where he has a well-equipped 9. Lohengrin-Koenig's Gebet Wagner shop for experimental purposes for perfecting a If a body trust a body Marcel Journet. 10.Tanultauser-Pilgrim's Chorus Wagner number of other devices, the product of the com- Pryor's Band. bined efforts of both men.They have already PART II. 11. Dolce Amor- Merry Widow Waltz (Italian) appliedfor comprehensive patents on several Leber new devices in the talking machine line.One And fai[ to get prompt pay; Marcella Sembricb. 12. Magic Flute-Ladoveprende(Smileand is a repeating attachment which can be placed Tears) Mozart Emma Eames and Emilio de Gogorza. on any disc talking machine by the owner in a 13. March-Meistersinger Wagner Sousa's Band. few seconds.It will repeat the record as long 14.La Forza del Destino-Solenne inquest'ora as the motor holds out or the number of repeti- May a body ask a body (Swear in Verdi Carusoso andScott'. tions desired can be secured by setting the indi- 15.Lucia-Mad Scene Donizetti Nellie Melba. cator on the dial.Of course it also automati- 16.Rhapsodie Ifongroise Liszt cally discharges the old needle and places a new Sousa's Band. Please re-mit to - day? 17. Ave Maria Bach-Gounod one in the needle arm for every playing of the Johanna Gadski. Winning over the slow payer to the gentle ac- 18.Dinorab-Ombra Leggiera (Shadow Song).. record.They have also patented a hand -operated companiment of music is a new idea, and one Aleyerbeer needle exchanging device which can be attached Lusia Tetrazzini. that might very approp'riately be adopted by 19.Lucia-Sextette-Chimifrena(What Re- to all disc machines.By raising the sound -box strains Me?) Donizetti talking machine dealers.The McKinley Co. say Sembrich, Severina, Caruso, Scotti, Journet and Daddi. and pressing it slightly over a small magazine, that the plan is working very nicely with the 20.Finale-National Air the old needle is discharged and a new one sup- Sousa's Band. dealers handling their extensive line of music. Popular Selections will be played on request. plied.This is especially handy on straight tone

NEW FIBRE NEEDLE CUTTER The Fibre Needles, for Disc Records are now so thoroughly established in the homes of thousands of customers that we have decided to reduce the cost, to users, by introducing a cutter wherewith the needles may be repointed and used many times.This new cutter is made of properly tempered tool - steel, nickel plated base.The blade is adjusted to the block, so that by simply laying the needle in the slot a new clean cut point can be instantly made by pressing the knife.(See illustration.) SELLS ON SIGHT TO LOVERS OF THE FIBRE NEEDLE For further particulars apply to " B. & H." FIBRE MFG. CO 208 E. KINZIE STREET CHICAGO. ILL. 22 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. arm machines where the operator cannot see thefulness is concerned.Mr. Hali claims that nofrom a suitably placed projecting lantern is al- needle hole.Still -another device for which pat-limitation can be placed on the life of a record lowed tofall upon the littlemirror,itisre- ents are pending are two invisible automaticplayed by the fiber needle, and that the longerflected back along another path; in this path a brakes,which, however, furnishfood for the itis played the betterit becomes. rotating box mirror of the four-sided typeis talking machine manufacturer rather than the interposed.Once again the beam isdiverted, owner at present.The general offices of Burson MACHINE FOR SEEING SOUND. this time ona white canvas or screen.The & Co. are at 52 Dearborn street, Chicago. prime result of all this transfer of rays is the Invented by G.Bowron,ofLondon-Seeingappearance on the screen of an enlarged luminous SUCCESS OF THE FIBRE NEEDLE. Tetrazzini's Voice-Effect of Vibrations on curveoroscilligraph,whichreproducesthe Flame Magnified and Thrown on Screen. changing instrumental sounds.A singer will Greatly Increases Life of Record by Actual Ex- thus be able to see how his voice is working- periment-Reproductions Free from Scratch- The latest marvel in London is the invention whether it has the right pitch and timbre.It ing After Records Have Been Played Manyof G. Bowron, whohas put forth an ingeniousis difficult for a person to hear whether his own Times. machine by means of which sound can be vis-voice is sounding correct notes, but by means of ualized.It constitutes an interesting accessoryMr. Bowron's machine this can he done most (Special to The Talking Machine Mond.) to the gramophone or phonograph.As is wellsatisfactorily. Chicago,Ill., July 9,1908. known,all sounds come from airvibrations. The writer had the pleasure recently of spend-which radiate from the center of a circle.The "BLIND TOM" AND THE PHONOGRAPH. ing the evening at the home ofF. D. Hall,presi- dent of the "B. & H." Fibre Mfg. Co.( and the Commenting upon the death of "Blind Tom," inventor of the fiber needle.Mr. Hall has one the peripatetic pianist, which occurred recently of the finest lines of disc records in the city, in New York, the Detroit Free Press said: "Few and the majority of them have been played ex- peopleinthelasttwenty years have heard clusively with the fiber needle.The tonal re- Blind Tom play the piano, but those whose recol- sultssecuredunderthesecircumstances are lections go back to the time when he was one of simply remarkable.Not only is the volume of the great atractions of the day will pay the sound allthat could possibly be desired in a tribute of a kindly thought to the strange being home, but the manner in which delicate shad- who puzzled and entertained his audiences. Tom ings, too often obscured, are brought out is de- was at his best before Edison invented the pho- lightful indeed to the critical listener.Further- nograph, but he might have served for its sug- more, Mr. Hall has compiled statistics as the gestion.He had allits capacity for recording G-Gramophone. M-Four-sided revolvingmirror. result of actual enumeration of the times rec- S-Screen upon which records are received.Ii-Horncertain sounds, and little more initiative.Al- ords have been played, which demonstrate the of gramophone SB-Soundboard.R-Ray from pro most an infant in mental ability, he could repro- jectinglantern focused on to vibrating mir- ability of the fiber needle in preserving the life ror. R1-Same ray reflected on to revolving duce the most intricate musical compositions with mirror.R2-Same rayreflectedontoscreen and of the record.For instance, The World listened giving the record. Stil-Detalled view of soundboard a faithfulness which was marvelous. toVictor60 -centrecords, "When You andI and recording attachment. CM-Vibrating mirror on "What was the personality behind this imbecile to which the ray is received. 1-A shake by Tetraz- Were Young, Maggie" and "Rocked in the Cradle zini in "Polonaise," by Mignon.2-Record of part of brain which enabled him torival the master of the Deep."The reproduction was absolutely "Spirit° Gentil," by Caruso. 3-Melba's voice in Tosti's musicianwhileunabletocareforhisown perfect, not a semblance ofa scratch or the "Good-bye." slightest want?A recent magazine writer has slightest break, and yet the slips filed with theseair waves, however, areinvisible, and thoughcompared the human brain to a typewriter on records showed that they had been played over they can be measured, they cannot be seen. which the individual spirit fingers the keyboard. 3,000 times with the fiber needle. A number of Itis well known that a flame will be raised "What was the spirit that made the phono- Caruso and other Red Seal records which hadand lowered, according to the pitch of the sound graphic records in Tom's brain?Did the uni- been playedallthe way from1,500to2,500 by which it is affected.With the aid of a vibrat-versal mind find in his faulty brain cells a vent times were heard, and from all indications theying mirror attachedtoa gramophone, soundthrough which to let its harmonies flow out to are simply in their infancy so far as their use-waves can be visualized.When a beam of lightreach mankind?" The PhonArm Attachment (PATENT PENDING) For EDISON STANDARD, HOME and TRIUMPH, COLUMBIA, B. K., B. E., and B. F. PHONOGRAPHS

When ordering be sureto state for what machine wanted, especially if for new Edison horn No Unsightly Horn Stand or Crane. No Weight on Reproducer or Feed Nut. Horn can be turned out of way when changing Records. No flimsy rubber tube connection to Reproducer, or Horn dangling loose in front of machine. GOOD PROFIT FOR JOBBER AND DEALER



A Great Meeting at City by the Sea-Many Jobbers Present at the Various Association Meetings-Big Increase in Membership-The Associa- tion Puts a Number of Matters Squarely up to the Manufacturers-Favor Manufacturers Selling Only Through Jobbers-Also That theEligibility of All Dealers Must be Passed Upon by Manufacturers-A Record Clearing House- Cut Out Records to be Exchanged at Par-Splendid Papers Read-Complete Resume of the Business Sessions-Matters Discussed at the Open Meeting-Representatives of the Victor and Edison Companies Present and Views Expressed-Some Pleasing Exhibits Made-Summing Up of the Association Work. The Jobbers Convention was the biggest gath-getting together for a discussion of the condi- Some alterations or amendments to our by-laws ering of talking machine men ever held in the tions affecting their business, and the best ways may be found necessary, and these should be world. and means to improve them. carefully thought out before adopted.You will For some time past there has been much in- Your executive committee has held two meet-do well to exercise care in the choice of your terest manifested in talking machine circles inings since September, one in Buffalo and one in officers and committees, as on these men will the second annual conventionof the TalkingPittsburg.By their very nature these meetingsdepend the success of your organization. Machine JobbersNationalAssociation,which were executive in the fullest sense of the term, The reports of your secretary and treasurer will was held at Atlantic City on July 6 and 7.It and their results could not be made known to you give you the work of the association in detail, was a success from every point of view, and oneuntil now.Matters of far-reaching importanceand on theseI will not infringe.I thank you thing is sure, the organization has come to stay were taken up with the manufacturers, and theseheartily on behalfof myself and my fellow - and there is sufficient interest manifested in itwill be brought before you for discussion and officersfor your loyal sympathy and support, for many jobbers to journey from remote pointsaction at the proper time. and earnestly bespeak the same for our succes- to attend the annual gatherings. I have heard, and doubtless you have heard, sors. It was the plan of the arrangement committeecriticism passed upon the association andits Other reports, including the treasurer's and in selecting Atlantic City that an outing by the executive committee, as to what was being done,secretary's, were submitted to the assembly and sea could be enjoyed while in attendance uponor was not being done, but to these you need payapproved. convention duties, and quite a number figured tono heed. Secretary's Report. pass the nation's holiday at Atlantic City.The You have as good a body of men on your Perry B. Whitsit, the secretary, presented his members in many cases were accompanied byexecutive committee asI have ever met.You report, showing a splendid increase in the mem- their wives and families.Hotel Chalfonte was have, as a whole, an excellent corps of officers, bershipoftheorganization duringthepast selected as headquarters for the convention gath- and are particularly fortunate in your secretary,twelve months. The total membership being 115. ering, and for a few days talking machine menPerry B. Whitsit, one of the ablest, most carefulMr. Whitsit's report was received with great ap- and their friends were greatly in evidence in theand painstaking men I have ever known in a plause.This was followed by the treasurer's re- lobby and onthe spacious verandasofthatsimilar capacity, in any organization of men I port. hostelry. have ever been identified with. Treasurer's Report. OPENING SESSION. Four times in the last eight months Ihave Louis Buehn, who represents the association The first business session was called for Mon- journeyed to Mr. Whitsit's home in Columbus, in this capacity, made a showing which was grati- day, the 6th inst., and at 10 o'clock when Presi- 0., and once he has come to Chicago, all of thesefying to the members and gave evidence of the dent Bowers brought his gavel down and called visits being on Sunday and entailing anall - healthy state of the finances of the new organi- the meeting to order there were sixty members night's ride both ways, at our own expense, andzation. present.After the meeting had been called tonecessitating nearly 4,000 miles of travel, to en- Election ofOfficers. order the president made the following address: able us to shape up and put in order the affairs of the organization as they came in the purview The annual election of officers then took place. President Bowers' Report. of your secretary and president, and to prepareSome complimentary speeches were made by the At the first or formative meeting of our asso- data for the meetings of your executive commit-members of the association, praising the splen- ciation, which was held in Buffalo in September tee,previously alluded to.These facts ought to did work of the association officers during the last,it was decided that the meetings of the make you easy in your minds as to what yourpaSt year.All felt that these men had made association should be held annually.It has sinceofficers and committee are doing. many ,personal sacrifices for the benefit of the seemed best to many that in the growing or de- Your executive committee at its last gathering organization, and it was the unanimous wish of all present that the same officers be re-elected. velopingyearsoftheorganizationmeetings in Buffalo appointed an excellent committee of The motion was made and the following mem- should be held more frequently, and with thatarrangements, under the chairmanshipofJ. end in view your executive committee saw fitNewcomb Blackman, of New York, ably assisted bers were elected to fill the official positions dur- toset the meeting ofthis year acouple ofby Messrs. Henkel and Buehn, the last-named ing the new year: Jas. F. Bowers, Chicago, presi- months ahead, and this brings us together to- gentleman being your efficient and capable treas- dent; W. D. Andrews, Buffalo,vice-president; day. urer.Of the good work done by these gentle- Perry B. Whitsit, Columbus, secretary;Louis In its wisdom the committee has chosen as themen your pleasures and comforts while here willBuehn, Philadelphia, treasurer.The executive meeting place this beautiful, and interesting, andbear the best witness. committee consists of the following gentlemen: historical city by the sea, than which no more The trade papers of importance have accordedLawrence McGreal. Milwaukee; W. E. Henry, beautiful spot could be chosen for men to delib-us kindliness and courtesy, and in particular wePittsburg; Edward II.Uhl, Chicago;E. Percy erate over the affairs and conditions of theirare indebted to The Talking Machine World andAshton, Detroit; and J. Newcomb Blackman, New business.The almost -year since we met last has itsable and scholarly York. The executive committee remains the same editor, Edward Lymanas last year, with the following exceptions: New been fraught with some pleasant and some un- Bill.The Music Trade Review, controlled by pleasant experiences. the same gentleman, also comes in for our thanksYork is represented in the person of J. Newcomb Blackman, who succeedsC.V. Mr. At the time of our September meeting our busi-and gratitude.On the whole we have reason to Henkel. ness was booming and prosperous.Shortly afterbe thankful for our association and its good Henkel, who has done splendid work for the asso- set in the panic and our fall, winter and springwork, and to the continuance of that good workciation, declined to serve for the new year.De- trade received an awful body blow, and one from should our best efforts be directed. troit is represented by E. Percy Ashton, who suc- ceeds C. H. Hickok, of Toledo. which it has by no means recovered.I believe, The important makers of machines and records however, we have seen the worst of it, and thatare friendly to us, and that friendship and re- AFTERNOON SESSION. conditions will improve from now on.At bottom spect we must maintain at all hazards.These our country and our people are sound, and if our About three o'clock on Monday the association men must be made to feel and realize that ourreconvened and serious matters were taken up business men can enjoy for a time what James J.association makes for safe, sane and conservative Hill says the country needs most at the handsmethods and practices, and that their interests for discussion.At this time it was decided to of the government, the rest cure, all will be well, and ours are absolutely mutual and interdepen-hold the banquet at the Royal Palace Hotel.The not only with our own business but with all feature of this session was the reading of a num- dent. ber of interesting papers treating upon matters others. Where differencesof opinion arise,as they Our organization has grown reasonably fast,must in such a business as ours and theirs, theywhich related directly to the talking machine numbering 111 of the best jobbing houses in the must feel that matters of controversy, so far trade.Close attentionwas given whilethese trade, and covering the country from Boston to papers were being read.The following is the as we are concerned, are in the hands of safeorder in which the papers were presented: San Francisco.There are some good concernsand reasonable men, and that nothing bordering which have not taken up with us, but we will geton the radical or explosive will be urged upon them yet. them.Let our ways be ways of gentleness and The Proper Equipment and Every jobber of talking machines should be aall our paths be peace.Matters of much moment member of this body.The tremendous growth to our business will be presented to you, and EducationforaDealer of the business has, of necessity, been attendedfor these I bespeak your kindly and thoughtful with some evils and drawbacks, and to the cor- consideration.Let our deliberations becon- BY LAWRENCE M'OREAL. rection and elimination of these the efforts ofducted in a spirit of fairness and impartiality, Gentlemen:-I was requested by Mr. Black- the best minds in the business should be directed.that the greatest good may result to the greatestman, chairman of our resolution committee, to Much isto be gained by the men of a trade number. prepare and submit to this body a paper on 24 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. "The Proper Equipment and Education for a recommendations as to how the future can best Dealer."There are to my mind three important be insured I will define what I think is a neces- factors necessary to the successful and profitable sary organization to insure success.Loyal co- selling of talking machines and records:First, operation should be the key -note.This means the stock; second, proper display and advertis- that the manufacturer should first adopt the most ing; third, the salesman, which, though 1 give liberal policy in order that a "square deal" for last, is by no means the least in importance. all may result.He should then be very careful In treating on the stock jobbers allrealize who he selects as jobbers and dealers in order that a full line is one of the very first conditions that whatever opposition there may be to the necessary to the profitable handling of the line, system of restricted prices will come as near but as most of the new dealers, and many old as possible from those outside the ranks.We ones, shy at the investment necessary in carrying must have confidence in each other.The manu- a complete stock, we will talk of the dealer with facturer must be able to feel that the jobber and a fair assortment of records and one of each the dealer will be loyal to his cause in as broad type popular -pricedmachines.Machines must a sense as possible. be kept in perfect order at all times, so that when The jobber and the dealer should feelthat, a customer drops in to buy or price the salesman while they must work under restricted prices, will not be forced to apologize on account of they are sharing iu the benefits, and that they either machine being out of order or repair.To will receive encouragement to expand their busi- be forced to do so brings suspicion to the mind ness by a reasonable amount of protection against of the prospective customer, and he will naturally unlimited competition.It must not be forgotten think that if the man who sells them can't make that when the jobber or the dealer binds himse:f them run properly, what is he to do, who knows to the restrictions covered by agreements he is nothing about a phonograph or other machinery? advertising a product that can be obtained from Records, whether the dealer carries 150 or but one source and he must have ample protec- 5,000, should be arranged numerically. To bunch tion to make this profitable.The loyalty which records, either alphabetically or class them into I want in evidence to insure the future of re- bands, orchestras, solos, duets, quartets,is an stricted prices will cause a willing observance of extremely poor method, annoying to the customer the conditions with very little use of the "big and expensive for the dealer, as it requires un- LAWRENCE 'ArGREAL. EXECUTIVE COM3IITTEE. stick." We will all work together to prevent the necessary time to locate any certain selection.harder work for those who try to do thingsgoods reaching the hands of those who are not If a dealer is carrying only a limited stock, say right.The practice of sending machines anda part of such an organization, for it is from 200 or 300 records, he can improvise a numerical records on consignment or approval takes thethem that the attacks will probably come. catalog, or mark such selections as he has in theresponsibility from the dealer and makes him Most jobbers and dealers have shown the loyal regular record catalog and hand thistotheindifferent with the line.The practice of someco-operation I advocate and the manufacturer has eustomer, explaining at the time that only thosejobbers in offering from four to six months' timeencouraged it, but I think he has been so pros- listed or marked are in stock.The tray systemon initial or $500 orders has, Ibelieve, madeperous, until the last six or seven months, that for the cylinder record stock and the horizontaltalking machine dwarfs of many who mighthe overlooked certain improvements which he or perpendicular bin with heavy pasteboard par-otherwise be giants in the trade. will now give his careful attention.I will pre- titions, opening an inch wide, for disc records, sent some ways in which I think the present sys- are the best methods of carrying retail stocks. tem can be improved and the necessary encour- Record stocks should, if possible, occupy a con- " How to Insure the Future agement be given that will keep the loyal jobbers spicuous section of the store, so that all who of RestrictedPrices " and dealersas members of the organization. enter will be able to see the display.Only a few When I refer to these subjects I want it under- dealers can spare the room for special booths, By J. NEWCOMB BLACKMAN. stood that I think the manufacturer has intended but where possible it is the only system. The system of restricted prices is recognizedto be fair and in most cases the jobber and dealer Good newspaper copy or catchy, convincingas the foundation on which the great talkinghave been in the same position.This paper is, circularsinlarge towns, will get businessifmachine industry was built and now rests. That therefore, to be considered as one giving free ex- backed up withgood assortment ofrecords.the future of restricted prices must be insured ispression of views without any attempt at criti- Free concerts in lodges and churches, at socialstherefore apparent.The protection provided by -cism, except in a broad and friendly way.This and parties, in smaller towns have, to my knowl-this system was never as well illustrated as dur- applies to the manufacturer, the jobber and the edge, brought excellent returns to the dealer. ing the business depression of 190? and 1908. dealer. To sell talking machines or records one mustRestricted prices were introduced and continued I have not mentioued 'the public, but I think possessthecharacteristicsof a salesmanor in force during the wave of prosperity, extending it is safe for me to say that the public will not saleslady, the same as would be necessary withover a period of several years and reaching itsoppose restricted prices on talking machines, if other kinds of merchandise, for although manyheight in the spring of 1907.During this timethe manufacturers will eontinue their policy to will say "the machine talks for itself"itre- the manufacturer, jobber and dealer was pros-always give the public a full measure of value quires just as much tact, just as pleasant aperous almost without exception.It was naturaland therefore satisfaction. The publie will regu- smile and as much enthusiasm to sell a good that with such prosperity very little attempt waslate this, for the talking machine is an article of talking machine as itdoes to sell any othermade to test the strength of the restricted price luxury, and, as such, proper value must be given class. of merchandise.The salesman must knowsystem and the defense in such cases was so weakto insure the necessary demand.We will sell the business.He must know the machine fromthat a quick defeat for the offender resulted. our product on merit and the public always ap- turntable or feed nut to the rubber head tacks. We can congratulate the manufacturer whoprove that policy. He must, in order to even class as a talking ma-first introduced this system, as well as those who I think the most successful manufacturers have chine salesman, familiarize himself with as manyhave followed, but we must not allow ourselvesbeen those who have depended upon the jobber records as possible, and when selling a machineto be misled by the pait success into thinkingand dealer to distribute and sell their product. or record be able to say something about every that the system cannot be improved.Conditions It is this kind of manufacturer I approve, and record before he plays it, such as the opera, ithave changed in this business since restrictedwhile there may be some who think the manu- is from, the composer's name or other historyprices were first introduced and business in gen.facturer should do some jobbing and retailing. I of the composition which can be gathered usuallyeral is not as prosperous as it has beeli.During do not think there is any question about this caus- from manufacturers' advance lists, and interestprosperity the jobber and dealer has less causeing friction and inviting opposition among the his customer in each selection before playing it.to look for defects and while the field seemsmembers of the organizatiou. Itherefore rec- Itwillbe understood and appreciatedbetter. large enough for all, a business depression pro-ommend that the manufacturer adopt one policy The salesman should never walk away from thevides a test that all perfect systems must stand.and not two or three in opposition to each other. machine while playing records or indicate in anyWe are having this test and I feel confident thatThe present system regulating restricted prices manner that he is indifferent, though he maythe business will be better for it.I think it isrequires a form of agreements, the origival copy have heard the same record a thousand tunes.safe for me to say that manufacturers, jobbersof whichissent tothe manufacturer.This The customer watches the salesman and willand dealers are alittle uncertain as to whatmakes it necessary for the jobber to give the enthuse or become indifferent with the sales-their future policy should be. manufacturer the name and address of the dealers man, as the case may be,One of the best sales- A perfect organization should consist of only he establishes. men I ever had would laugh more heartily thanthose who have become members afterit was A loyal co-operation requires that the jobber the customer whenever a comic song or recita-decided they would be loyal and add strength have confidence that the manufacturer will not tion was playing. and I have seen tears in hisThe talking machine business in its infancy wasuse these names, except for the purpose of main- eyes hundredsoftimes when demonstratingnot protected by the present system of restricted taining prices and that they will not attempt to records like "Just Plain Folks," "For Sale aprices and the organization which resulted wassell the dealer direct.Most jobbers have had Baby" or "hasca" or other sentimentalselec- made up of those in the business at that time. this confidence in the manufacturer, but I ques- tions. It has therefore been necessary, and is still im-tion whether he encourages itif he allows him- In conclusion will say thatIbelieve a good portant, to drop from the organization any whoself to compete with the jobber, either directly jobber can make a good dealer, and on the otherwould not be loyal and help insure the future ofor otherwise.Itis not the actual competition hand a poor jobber spoils the trade and makes itthe restricted price system.Before giving mya few cases of this kind might give the jobber, THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 25

but the possible further encroachment upon hisbut obligatory.The value of the jobber to theoperate with him so that the same loyalty and rights which he thinks this may indicate and themanufacturer is not entirely in the quantity ofco-operation I want will be evident among deal- resulting opposition which would affect the or-goods he sells but through the immense stock he ers.Where we have a few hundred jobbers there ganization.If the jobber cannot represent thecarries and the backing he gives thousands ofarethousands ofdealers.In number there manufacturer satisfactorily then some other pol-dealers.Weed out the objectionable jobbers byshould be strength, but without the proper or- icy should he adopted.The history of the talk-insisting on their doing a real jobbing businessganization and co-operation there is an alarming ing machine business, however, would not prove and introduce such requirements as will makedegree of weakness and opposition.We will that the jobber could not be depended upon. this possible.Appoint only as many jobbers asconsider the present methods ofestablishing Iwill first consider' in what way the system will give them ample opportunity to expand anddealers.The usual planis that any one who of selecting representative jobbers and dealersbuild up a profitable business, but require inwill purchase 3 machines and 100 or 150 records. can be improved and will start with the jobber. return that the jobber give an increased measureaccording to the class of goods, and will sign his The jobber is generally recognized commerciallyof returns for the additional protection and en-name, agreeing to be bound by the conditions as one who distributes the product of the manu- couragement he receives.Fair minded jobbersgoverning the sale of the goods, is eligible as a facturer and sells to the dealer.He may sellall realize that the benefits must not all be one-dealer, providing he also has a suitable store or at retail but his 'eel mission is to secure repre- sided.If the manufacturer will give the pro-place of business.Thousands of dealers have sentative people to act as dealers, who in turntection and encouragement which I have outlinedbeen established on this basis, regardless of the sell the goods at retail. Ithink the manufac-I think he is justified in expecting more loyaltynumber already in their locality and without con- turer shouldnot extend jobbing discounts toin return.If he is to depend on the jobber tosideration as to whether they would be a credit those who will not carry a suitable stock and in-supply the dealer he should be able to feel sureor a detriment to the business.They have in- vest sufficient capital to insure satisfactory ser-that inquiries referred to him and that help givenvested in many cases less than $100 and never vice to the dealer and such credit as his respon-by the manufacturer will be usedin a loyalcarried a representative stock or conducted busi- sibility and reputationwillwarrant. Ifthemanner. ness in a way that would insure satisfactory manufacturer gives an extra discount for jobbing I question whether the jobber under these con -service to the retail buyer. purposes he should not permit the jobber to use Many a dealer started only because he wanted itin a way that will cause him to be known an outfit for himself or had a chance tosell as a dealer, working on a better basis. one to someone else, and by qualifying as a There are many of this kind of jobbers in the dealer he could get one free or practically start business at the present time.They are mostly in business with nothing.The jobbers are re- department stores, mail order houses and deal- sponsible partly for this condition, and yet how ers who have managed to qualify as jobbers, but could they helpit,for their competitor would who had no idea of doing other than a retail start the new dealer if they refused to do so. business.The department stores in most cases Some jobbers would either insist on patronage or absolutely refuse to supply dealers and use the threaten to provide competition otherwise. If extra discount to compete with them. They main- the dealer preferred to split Lois business among tain a talking machine department on such scale several jobbers to prevent such competition he as their retail sales will warrant and can afford was probably led into the evil of taking advan- to discontinue the line when some other depart- tage of more credit than was good for him and ment might appear more profitable.The mail thus made trouble for the jobber and himself. order house occupies a very similar position. We cannot expect the dealer to be loyal or to The dealer who has managed to qualify as a feel justified in investing more capital and work- jobber in most cases is unable to do enough ing harder to get business in his territory, if it business at retail to measure up to the require- is possible for his next door neighbor to give ments calling for the purchase of a certain quan- him that petty competition that is annoying to tity of goods per year, and he is therefore, by say the least. necessity,ledintothetemptationofselling Those who spring up as competitors may not enough goods at wholesale to increase his pur- do much business, but by having very little at chases from the factory, or lose his jobbing dis- stake they do not hesitate to take chances, and count.The dealersinhis territorywill not among this class of dealers you will find the patronize him, because he is their biggest com- usual price cutter.He is eventually put out of petitor at retail and he is therefore forced to J. NEU COMB BLACKMAN, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. business by the manufacturer suspending him, overcome theirobjections by offeringinduce- ditions should handle the product of a competingbut he leaves his mark in the business, as an ments that are a violation of his contract. manufacturer of the same class of goods, as longinjury, and is usually a bad debt for the jobber. Does this condition of affairs encourage theas the manufacturer of the product he representsI think itis possible to improve this situation loyalty and willing co-operation by legitimatewill meet such competition as is necessary tofor the future and at the same time weed out jobbers that I referred to?It does not, for on theprotect this position by the jobber.In this re-the objectionable class of dealers who are now contrary it takes business away from the legiti-spect I must consider the disc line as one class a thorn in the side of every one who is loyal to mate jobber that should come from these so-and the cylinder line as another, for most dealersthe industry.I feel sure that it can be accomp- called jobbers, who are really nothing but largehandle both classes of talking machine goods,lished by the manufacturer regulating who shall dealers.It discourages the investment by theand, at least for the present, a radical changebe appointed as dealers.Introduce an applica- real jobber of thousands of dollars that a properregarding the handling of one class only mighttion blank, whereby the jobber can simply re- jobbing stock requires and many thousands of be disastrous.I do not consider it loyalty to theceive an application for dealer's privileges, which dollars additional which he must supply to themanufacturer, however, for a jobber to handlemust be in turn submitted to the manufacturer. dealer in credit.I could cite cases where theevery kind of talking machines and records that The manufacturerhas onfileinformation legitimate jobber has invested from $25,000 to he is offered.If the manufacturer must trust theshowing what dealers represent their goods in $100,000 in talking machine goods, divided injobber, the jobber in tuin must have faith in himthat particular locality.By the use of their stock on hand and outstanding accounts, and yetand give him reasonable opportunity to meetsalesmen, who, by the way, will find more chances the above class of jobber is given the same dis- competition.It would be better for him to pre-for good work inthis direction, they will be count and is placed on the same level. sent the problems to the manufacturer in orderable to determine whether the dealers already Does the manufacturer consider the fact thatthat they might work together with this idea inon the ground are properly representing the the jobber who sells talking machines exclusively, view. goods and should be given further competition. or who has a large investment in stock and out. In leaving the relation of the jobber to theProvide a system whereby the dealer may know standing accounts, has planted seed that is multi- manufacturer I will finally recommend that greatwithin a reasonable degree of certainty when he plying and compounding in the growth of thecare be used not to cause a number of leadingcan look for competition and until that time can industry.He has contributed so much capitaljobbers to give up the sale of talking machineconsider he has protection.In return the dealer and hard work that he cannot retire so easy, butgoods through a lack of proper protection. Thoseshould be required to carry such stock of ma- even if he did he has on his books from 100 to who have confidence in the manufacturer, and Ichines and records and other necessary material 1,000dealers,who, underproperconditions,think most of the legitimate jobbers have, do notas the manufacturer thinks a proper representa- would to a monument to the good he has donewant sudden opposition from those who are nottion in his territory demands.In reward for the manufacturer.Compare this situation withsatisfied with the conditions and who might ef-his doing so he is protected by knowing that no the department store and mail order house and fect the present system by an attempt to discon-further applications for dealer's privileges will the dealer who just manages to exist as a jobber. tinue business in an injurious way.It is some-be accepted. Most jobbers have been loyal in spite of thesetimes difficult to regulate a riot, and when it is In the event he fails to give proper representa- conditions, but business depression at the present finally checked the damage is often hard to re-tion he knows that as a penalty he is likely to time will cause them to consider whether they pair.Let the jobber and 'the manufacturer there-have additional competition.It may be that must continue or start to retire through lack offore work together, for we both have much atsome towns may be properly represented by encouragement by the manufacturer. stake, and, regardless of the result, a riot amongone dealer, others will require more.It remains I think this situation could be regulated asus would bring a certain amount of damage tofor the manufacturer to decide this point and it follows:The manufacturer would only appointthe industry. should rot be left in the hands of the jobber, who as jobbers those who will do a legitimate jobbing Now, we will consider the dealer and in whatonly knows what he is doing in any one terri- business, and they should not make this optional,way the manufacturer and the jobber can co-tory.Under this system it is possible to solve 26 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

Patented Standard Lily T11[110111151TUAT1011

Everyone knows that the conditions Made for Edison, Victor in the talking machine trade have not and Columbia Machines The Searchlight been altogether favorable to the output Folding Horn of horns during the past year, but still PATENTED there IS horn business to be secured and wisetalking machine men areever watchful of opportunities to make sales.Their horn stock if not extraordinarily large is varied to meet the Keep Up variety of tastes. Quite naturally these men turn to the best equipped Your horn manufacturing establishment in the world.They Horn know that the STANDARD has facilities approached by no other for the manufacture of talking machine horns.The STANDARD The Stock LINE is varied-it includes the horns of standard and special Searchlight design.One of the specialtiesisthe Searchlight Folding Horn Folding which can be usedon all kinds of machines and can be folded Horn into a spaceso that it will admit of being easily carried in the is a Wonder pocket.Thisisan advantage which will be appreciated by talking machine men. Standard The STANDARD LilyHorn isa horn Edison which has many admirablefeatures which Standard talking machine men will be quick Lily to see. Then there is the STANDARD Edison and Marvelous Searchlight. In other words no matter what you desire in the horn line we stand ready to supply you. We have made a close study of the trade situation and we believe that talking machine men who give heed to the horn trade and keep a sufficient supply in stock to meet the requirements of their customers will find that the situationis steadily improving. I t must improveifitis watched and encouraged properly. We canhelp youtobuild your horn trade.Our pro-. Keep Your We ducts are right.Our prices are right too, and when you think talking machinehorns,think STANDARD.You will make Eye Make no mistake. on the All Standard Styles STANDARD METAL MN. CO. Chestnut, Jefferson, and Malvern Streets Newark, New Jersey, U. S. A.

<3 1'0 DAW Victor Munson Folding Horn aAK THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 27 another serious problem.This problem is howso Iwill simply say that I think the protectionenough of trying to make a sensible answer to can the dealer discontinue the sale of talking ma- which restricted prices gives is not shared by thethe man who comes in and says:"But, well, chines and retire from the business without vio-manufacturer_alone, but by the jobber and dealer. how much do I save if I pay cash?"The deal- lating his contract and thus injuring the businessIt costs the manufacturer a large sum of moneyer's answer makes him foolish, it makes the talk- of those dealers who remain in the business and every year to maintain this system, and it is onlying machine businessalittlefoolish, andit must live up to the conditions which require thatfair that the dealer and the jobber should con-makes a fool of the buyerif he pays out his prices be maintained.When a dealer is estab-tribute, within reason, in turn for the benefitsgood money when he can take his time to pay, lished it might be possible to have him agree thatthey receive. and perhaps have a little fun dodging the col- in the event of his discontinuing business he will If the manufacturer permitted the records, cutlector or maybe after a long time decide to re- dispose of his goods only to someone who will from the catalog or surplus stock, to be sold atturn the outfit. buy under contract to in turnsellthe goodsreduced prices the jobber and dealer would re- If this convention will recommend some defi- under price restrictions.This enables one dealerceive less profit and this would represent a con-nite plan of action in regard to allowing certain to go out of business and provides another onecession he would have to make for the disposaljobbers to break up the cash talking machine an opportunity to succeed him and feel he has aof such goods.It,therefore, seems reasonablebusiness, the manufacturers may be made to see protection from further competition, as long as that if the manufacturer should establish a per-that the present loophole in this regard is really he gives proper representation. manent plan for the disposal of such records byequivalent to cutting the price.I should think At the present time why should one dealer buyreturn to the factory the trade should contributethe manufacturers could see that it is very "bad the business of another? He could start in busi-to the loss that this would make necessary. business" to allow certain jobbers to force upon ness by simply buying a few machines and a In conclusion. I will sum up by saying that Ithe country an instalment scheme that may force small stock of records, or such stock of machinesthink the manufacturer should do everything he and records as he feels he needs.Reduce thecan to make itpossible and profitable for the number of dealers; give them protection; require dealer and jobber to give the loyal co-operation them to invest capital that will insure a properthat is necessary to insure the future of restricted stock and a better class of merchants will beprices, and that the jobber and the dealer should found handling the goods.You will not find alocally co-operate to detect and bring to the at- man signing his name to an agreement withouttention of the manufacturer any cases that repre- considering what it means. You will not be leav-sent a violation, in order that prompt action may ing the future of restricted prices at the mercy be taken to insure observance.Let us, therefore, of dealers who lack ability, responsibility and work together with this end in view and particu- most everything that would make a good mer-larly the members of the National Association of chant.It will improve the standard of the busi-Talking Machine Jobbers, in order that the ob- ness.This will remove the dealer with the dustyject of this organization may be accomplished. stock of machines and records; the man who knows less about the goods than the private owner and user of a talking machine outfit.It will insure an investment by the dealer whereby The Cash and Instalment Problem he will have something at stake and he will think twice before he monkeys with the "buzz saw" of the price agreements. BY C.E. GOODWIN. Let us have men of ability and responsibility, The subject assigned to me is well named-a for we are placing goods of standard quality and problem.The talking machine instalment busi- a business of world-wide reputation in the hands ness is handled in so many ways and by so many of undesirable dealers.If the manufacturer willpeople with different points of view, that it has regulate the establishment of dealers, as well as already been shown a difficult thing to devise their removal, business will be more profitablean acceptable plan that would meet with the ap- to the jobber.The organization may be smallerproval of everybody. in number, but we will have quality as against When this subject was discussed at our last quantity, and the business will be elevated. convention, the writer took the position that if The life of the talking machine business is the our one -price system was to be maintained con- C. E. GOODWIN. OF LYON & HEALY. continued sale of new records.Records cannot sistently, it was up to the manufacturers to fix be handed over the counter like a cake of soap.the instalment price, as well as the cash price.a great many talking machine people into bank- The smallest user in the smallest town wantsWhere competition has forced the dealer to sellruptcy trying to compete with it. to hear his record before he buys it.He wantson instalments without asking the usual advance Thetalkingmachinemanufacturershave to make his selection from a representative stock. for carrying such paper, it makes it almost im-taught us that it is best to maintain their price, This means that the field cannot be covered bypossible to do any cash business, and it seemsand we like it so well that when a condition con- mail order houses and department stores.Itto me the manufacturers should recognize thatfronts us that seems to break down this prin- means that there should be enough dealers tothe custom of requiring at least the equivalent of ciple, most of us are in a frame of mind to shout fill the demand in every small town. The manu-interest where such a slight increase in price isa warning against anything that has the appear- facturer must therefore recognize the importanceso universal, it is also necessary in this kind ofance of price -cutting.Let us try once more to of being represented by the small dealer and in instalmentbusiness. Tonotdoso,really do something to restore to the instalment busi- giving him the proper protection and profit inamounts to cutting the price anyway.It wasness all of the protection it should have in order accordance.I think he recognizes that duringprobably a great mistake for some of us to take that it may continue profitable. a business depression the stock that the jobberup this subject with the manufacturers on a carries and the thousands of dollars that he pro-plan that not only broke their one -price system, vides in capital to carry the small dealer is abut cut into the profits of all jobbers and deal- Best Way to Insure the Permanence wonderful help to the manufacturer.There are ers.AsIremember, a plan was suggested to other conditions that I think could be improved allow a discount for cash, but whoever proposed of the Talking Machine Business. and provisions made for certain features of thethe scheme did not realize that the prices estab- business that make it difficult to maintain prices.lished by the manufacturers are sacred to them, BY W. D. ANDREWS. It is impossible to sell a machine of old typeor that such an arrangement would really cut Mr. President and Gentlemen-Our committee at the full list price, for in most cases it cannot into the discounts of both jobber and dealer. I on arrangements has assigned to me a subject be remodeled or refinished to sellas new. I believe that we should try once again by urgingthat covers the whole field of the talking ma- therefore advocate the privilege of selling old the manufacturers to adopt universal conditionschine business from manuracturer to user-"The types of machines at reduced prices by the useof sale where instalment sales are made. Best Way toInsurethe Permanence ofthe of a special license, for at the present time these Some of us might protest at being "regulated"Talking Machine Business," andcanbean- machines are tempting dealers and jobbers toas to the amount of payments and the length ofswered in four words-"Keep the public buying." find a market for them in a way that interferestime we could allow for the payment of an outfit, We have passed through the period of amaze- with the proper observance of restricted prices.but it would certainly be better to come to somement, curiosity and novelty, and henceforth the This will also make it possible to sell an up-to-universal arrangement that might be decidedgoods must possess merit and genuine musical date talking machine and make a liberal allow-upon, than to be forced to sacrifice the customaryand entertainment qualities that appeal toall ance for an old type. perquisites of an instalment business.I think a classes.The manufacturers must devote their I think such manufacturers as sell their prod-clause in the contract gotten up to cover instal-time and talents to improving their output, of uct under restricted prices should not manufac-ment business would be as generally observedboth machines and records, until the reproduc- ture machines for premium or stencil purposes,and lived up to by dealers and jobbers as anytions not only equal the originals, but in many for in doing this they are helping the very kindrule that is now made, for it would be quite easycases improve them.They must constantly be of competition that the entire one -price systemto catch a violator of such a clause.What would onthealertfor something new and revolu- is supposed to prevent.The disposal of surplushelp greatly to make a rule of this kind a prac-tionary. record stocks and records that have been cuttical thing is found in the fact that nearly all The cylinder talking machine business was from the catalog has great bearing on the futurejobbers and dealers would like something of theabout dying a natural death when the molded of restricted prices,This is a subject of itself,kind placedinthecontract.They have hadrecord was brought out, and we have passed 28 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. through an undreamed of period of prosperity have at the present time seven firms on the job- since its invention. We are loath to believe that ber's basis both in Victor and Edison goods, five the present depression in the talking machine of whom sell goods actively to the trade. There business is permanent, and reports so far as ob- can be no doubt of the ill effect on the business tainable show that our business has suffered no as a whole from five firms traveling a limited more than most other lines; but we are not con- territory if we were all after business with blood tent to have it show any decline, and are con- in our eye, and with the determination to get it fident, with the return of prosperity, the talking .at any cost.Wbat a condition could be brought machine business will resume itspast propor- about!Every dealer would soon become aNaie tions.It may be that now is the time for the of existing conditions, and undoubtedly would manufacturers to make radical changes in order takeadvantage ofsame,playing onejobber to revive the people's interest in their output. against the other, and Working him for any lit- If so, we trust they are equal to the occasion tle favors that he could, and. taking advantage and will give us improved products that will of him in the matter of credits.Happily, how- stimulate business, as did the change from wax ever, for the peace of mind of every one .inter- to molded records. ested, this possibility has long since been elim- Without one negative vote we declare the pub- inated by the cordial co-operation of every one licity departments of the talking machine com- concerned.While we are rivals, and put forth panies to be "the best on earth," and their ad- every effort to obtain business along legitimate vertisements are most striking and attractive. lines, the utmost good -fellowship prevails. Good - The companies are to be congratulated for ob- fellowship, by the way, is one of the fruits of taining such able men to conduct their adver- our co-operation.Not so many years ago it was tising.I have no suggestions or recommenda- the unusual thing to see one jobber visiting the tions to make that could improve that depart- other in their places of business.To -day itis ment. quite the reverse. Methods now employed by the manufacturers W. D. ANDREWS, VICE-PRESIDENT. Another feature brought about by this feeling for marketing their products are in the main Do not overstock your retailers.They lose ofgood -fellowship was thepossibilityof, ex- satisfactory.Their contracts are wisely drawn,interest in the business by having goods on the change one with the other.It has frequently oc- and if rigidly enforced will keep their business shelves that never sell. curred that we have been able to relieve one on a permanent basis.We jobbers should co- There must be some basisof exchangeor another of surplus stock, particularly in records, operate with them in enforcing the contracts,credit established by the manufacturers to pre-and more often we have been enabled to help and I would suggest for your consideration thevent the stocksof records becoming so largeone another by 'making temporary loans of mer- appointment of a committee of three to whomthat we have not the space or capital to handle chandise.This, perhaps, would not be consid- complaints against jobbers can be referred,if them. ered of much advantage by some jobbers, but I the companies refuse to act.The committee to These questions and many ethers will be treat-can assure you after having tried this out for have power to employ a detective to secretlyed by other speakers or in open discussion. I several years it is a most excellent thing. investigate the charges and present them to the trust that every member present will be heard The greatest advantage, however, to be derived companies in such convincing form that theyand that none will feel any restraint.Speak from local co-operation, and I might say the most cannot avoid suspension andstillclaim thatyour mind, call a spade a spade. vital point in the conduct of the talking ma- their agreements mean anything. Our meetings heretofore nave been love feasts,chine business, is the question of credit.No one We allagree that the price maintenance isfor we were doing all the business we couldwill assume to deny the great good that has been necessary for the permanence of the business.handle and were satisfied and contented.Times done, first by the Eastern Talking Machine Job- Also, we allagree that directlyorindirectly have changed-let us hope only temporarily.If bers' Association and the Central States Associa- some jobbers are violating the agreements inyou have suggestions to make, now is the time. tion and, since the amalgamation of the two, by order to obtain business. We hear of a jobberDon't go home and say, "I wish I had told themthe National Association, but I can assure you who is consigning goods, another one offering to a thing or two." that the greatest good that we have derived in take back goods, another one offering to send Philadelphia has been through our getting to- a certain number of monthly records with privi- gether from time to time and having heart to legeof returning atthe endof thirty days, The Advantages to Jobbers heart talks on the question of credits.We have another offering cabinets or other accessories at ofLocal Co -Operation been enabled during the past few years to almost cost,providing he gets theregularbusiness, eliminateiuourentireterritorythe various another offering to allow transportation charges, BY LOUIS BUEIIN. dealers who would havetobe consideredas another offering a valuable present when a cer- deatbeats or at least doubtful in the matter of tain quantityof goodsispurchased, another The question of co-operation, it seems to me, is a most vital one in the talking machine busi- extending credit.We have adjusted case after offering an extra cash discount providing he case and have been able to bring about a cow obtains all of the retailer's business; other in- ness.The whole history of the business shows the value of co-operation.Since the first intro-dition where Ifeeljustified in saying we are ducements are made, and itis our duty toco- probably less troubled at the present time in the operate with the companiesin stamping outduction of the contract system by the National Phonograph Co. down to the present time, whenmatter of credits than any other set of jobbers theseviolations. Theretailersare watching throughout the United States. each other and the companies make suspensionsthis system is universally used and respected, it has been one long series of co-operation as be- It seems to me that the question of co-opera- upon positive proof of violations, but they do tion cannot be urged too strongly, and where not suspend jobbers. tween the manufacturer and jobber and between -the jobber and dealer.In taking up the question there is but one jobber iu a town, for him to get As an association we can do much to insure in touch with his nearest jobbers and, if possi- the permanence of the business.Let us not be of localco operation, I can do no better than refer to conditions existing in Philadelphia. Weble, to form small local associations, to gather idle until we have secured an application from from time to time and talk over questions that every bona fide jobber. Let us make all jobbers interest them, and them only. Ifeel that this feel that they are of equal importance, and that plan can be followed by jobbers throughout the suggestions from each will receive the same con- United States, and I trust that by the time our sideration. next meeting rolls around that we will have not A judge of the Supreme Court was driving one only all active jobbers as members of our Na- (layin the suburbs of Washington and his har- tional Association, but also the report of smaller ness broke.lie was trying to make a tempo- local associations doing good work along their rary repair to last until he could return to the own lines in their own territory. stables. Severalpeoplegatheredaroundto watchhim. Finallyonelittlecoloredboy stepped up and by a single twist and turn put Duplication Destructive to Maximum the harness together.The judge said. "Why Profits from a Minimum Investment didn't I think of that?"The colored boy said, "1don't know,boss,unlessit's'Callie some folks knows more en others."Let us always BY DENT. SWITK keep In mind the saying of the colored boy, for Inchoosing as my topic "Maximum Profits we may receive valuable suggestions from the fromMinimumInvestment" I realizethat I least expected sources. havetouched upon a subject that is both broad Avoidoverstocking. Itisdiscouragingto and deep.From these few words can be drawn have your valuable space filled with unsalable material for many a good sermon on business goods.If we agree to buy only such goods as economies,thedutiesofcorporationstothe receive the indorsement of the association, our public,certainmootedsocialproblems,etc. money would not be tied up in worthless stop and However,Ihave no desire to launch into an start attachments,tone arms andregulators, academic discussionofthe philosophyof the and many typesof horns possessing noindi- phrase, nor ofitstheories andprinciples. I vidual merit. Lot' IS MIN, TREASURER. merely intend to apply it to one or two phases THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 29 of this talking machine business of ours-this By burdening a dealer or jobber with super-to speak, and about whom and their work I business which is the reason for our existencefluous -stock the manufacturer gains something-know something --the NationalAssociationof as a National Talking Machine Jobbers' Asso-temporarily.But by helping the dealer to keepPiano' Manufacturers, the National Association ciation, and which brings us together at thishis stock clean and up to date the manufacturerof Piano Dealers of America, and the Music time and place. gains a thousand times more-and permanently,Publishers' Association of the United States. It goes without saying that all of us are in- too! No greater uplift to any trade or business ex- terested in making all the money we can. That's Ifeel that the question of duplication is ofists than has been the work of these great bodies what we are in business for.While the presentimportance to all of us, and while.we cannot ex-in their respective lines.They have brought to- condition of the talking machine business is notpect the manufacturers to pitch right in and cor-gether many men of many minds from every very favorablefor money -making,yet moneyrect the abuse forthwith, yet if we, as an asso-part of our Union, and welded them into one has been made in the past, and I do not hesitateciation, bring this mattertotheirattention,compact harmonious whole so far as the better- to say that money will be made in the future. poihting out to them that which is harmful orment and improvement of the various branches But I am not at present raising the questionburdensome, we will -surely secure their co-opera- ofourindustryare concerned.They have of money -making. What I want to know is,tion, to the extent that future unnecessary du-brought low the mountains of doubt and distrust "Are we getting a maximum profit from our in-plication will be avoided, past abuses eliminated and exalted the valleys of friendship, good fel- vestment?"Mind, I am not asking whether wegradually and the entire catalog revised and lowshipandesteem. They have madethe are making a satisfactory profit on our invest-brought up to date, so that it shall contain acrooked places straight and the rough places ment, for that would depend on the individualminimum percentage of obsolete and slow -selling plain. point of view.One man may be satisfied withnumbers. Concerning our own immediate line we will 6 per cent. per annum, another needs 10 per do well to consider these associations, how they cent., another wants 25 per cent.What I want grow.They toil and likewise do they spin- to know is, is every dollar we are using in our The Necessity and Importance of spin profits, spin economy, spin order, spin care business judiciously invested?Isit all active, for and toleration of each*other's ideas, of short- profit -yieldingcapital?Isevery hundred dol- a Jobbers' National Association comings where any such exist, and in every way lars invested in stock absolutely indispensable do that which ennobles and dignifies the most in order to earn the percentage of profit we are BY J. F. BOWERS. worthy calling in which men can engage, the getting;or, is some of our capital tied up in The worthy chairman of the committee on ar-beautifying and glorifying of the home and the If so, then we dead, surplus, superfluous stock? rangements for this year's meeting of our asso-development of the finerside of human nature. are not getting proper returns from our invest-ciation, Mr. Blackman, has assigned to me a The talking machine of to -day, with its won- ment.Or, to be more exact, we have money tiedmost difficult task, that of proving the obvious derfuldevelopment along 'artisticandcom- up in our business which could be utilized else- mercial lines, makes a fit running mate for the where to better advantage. industriesI have named, and it should be our To cite a concrete instance, let us take up the proud boast and endeavor to place it upon a Victor Record Catalog.Isthere anyone here par with these, and nothing will conduce more to who really believes thatallthe records con- that end than the very organization meeting tained in this catalog are essential to profitable here to -day, and to whom I take keen pleasure business?If so,Ican readily show him that in making these suggestions and recommenda- he has never given the subject serious consid- tions. eration. We don't need the "Jewel Song from Gentlemen of the asociation, we have our work Faust" and "Ave Maria" by every artiste who cut out for us.Itis a holy and wholesome sings it on the operatic stage.We don't need thing to have brethren dwell together in unity. six records of the "Blue Danube Waltz," four As an association we can do much for each records of "Eri Tu" from the "Masked Ball" (a other.As scattered units of the business we can poor seller), five records of "Dio Possete" from do very little.As an association we can obtain "Faust,"fourrecordsof"Hiawatha,"eight redress for any grievances which may exist. As records of "The Holy City," eight of "Home, an association we can make our wants known Sweet Home," ranging in price from 60 cents up and obtain concessions when they are fair, and to $5.I'm sure business would be just as good consideration where it is reasonable. and no sales missed if we had "La Sorella," by As individuals we can do little,if anything, either Sousa's Band or the Victor Orchestra, along these lines.As an association we should instead of by both.Is it really necessary to let be and can be strong-strong where we know we the customer have his choice of six different are right, ,and strong in insisting on that right. records of "Love Me and the World Is Mine," We must never use our strength in an unfair or even admitting that it is a nice record and was unjust cause. We must conserve and uphold the a hot seller?The record of "My Old Kentucky best traditions of our trade. Home" sells always, we must admit, but slowly- In these ways and along these lines we will one or two at a time.Now, there are seven dif- be amply able to demonstrate and prove to all ferent records of this selection to be carried in the world the necessity and importance of a stock.Suppose we cut our stock of this selection National Association of Talking Machine Job- down to three of each number-this makes 21 PRESIDENT J.r. BOWERS. bers, and place our industry on the high plane records in all.Just think of it!You have in- which it is entitled to occupy in the industrial vested permanently in 21 records of a slow -sell-or self-evident, in the subject he has given to me, world of to -day. ing title!If I wanted to take up your time Inamely, "The Necessity and Importance of a could mention the bunch of "Prologues fromJobbers' National Association." Pagliacci," three of them at $3, although the The very existence of our business and the record of any one artist would answer as wellfact that jobbing machines and recordsisa How Can the Jobber Hold as that of another, so far as the sale is concerned.most important adjunct of that business. demon- and Increase His Trade ? Icould mention "Batti Batti from Don Gio-strates at once the necessity and importance of vanni," which never was much of a seller, yetsuch an organization as ours. it comes out again and again, until now we have All associations of men, no matter of what BY EDWARD H. 'UHL. it by Sembrich, Patti, Tetrazzini and Farrar.line or calling, make for all that is best both in This is a very broad subject and one that can Icallthis a merciless waste of the jobbers'the men themselves andintheirvocation,be discussed in many ways.In order for the capital! whether that line or calling be commercial, ar-jobber to hold his trade, itis absolutely neces- The manufacturer is wrong when he tells youtistic, professional, political, fraternal or whatsary for him at all times to see that his custom- that all this duplication is done to please a fas- not. ers get the best possible service.The first thing tidious public.I say without hesitation that it Organizationisthe order ofthe day, andthey should do on receipt of an order is to ac- isthe Victor laboratory, and not the buyingnothing can be accomplished without it.Men knowledge receipt of same and, at the same time, Public, that is 'so epicurean. of a calling should and must get together andnotify him of shipment.If, for any reason, his What the trade wants and needs is a sensiblestick together.Great political parties are or-order cannot be filled and shipped on the same catalog-of reasonable proportions, free fromganizations, great fraternal bodies are organiza-date it is received, he Should be notified at once, the dead trash that encumbers and weighs ittions, the government itself is an organization,giving the reason why and when same will be down.Cut out thesuperfluousduplications! our great church and charitable bodies are or-shipped, and to be sure, at all times, to see that You will then find Victor business more profitableganizations, and so on down the line in every your word is made good. than ever before.Prospective dealers will nowalk of life.With organization you can accom- I find it a very good rule "to do by your dealer longer gaze at the Victor catalog in bewilder-plish much.Without organization you can ac-as you would like to be done by," or, in other ment, hesitating and refusing to put in the com-complish nothing. words, place yourself in the dealer's shoes and plete Victor line because it requires an excessive This brings me down to organizations or as-ask yourself the question:"How would I like investment.Dealers who are carrying limitedsociations in our own and kindred lines of in,to be treated?" and I am sure that, at all times, stocks willfeel encouraged to carry completedustry, and what they are for and what they do. should you treat the dealer as you would like to stocks and give the grand opera line more de-I have in mind at the present moment, severalbe treated you would not have any trouble 9; cent representation, splendid bodies of men about whom it is properholding your trade. 30 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. It is not always the question of good services,perfectly free in doing so, making the relations but a question of the goods that are sent to yourbetween you as cordial as possible.Make him dealer. feel that you are interested in his success, and First, the quality should be the best that cangive him ideas as to the disposition of his goods. be sold at the price. Remembering, above allthings, that a house Second, that they should be packed carefullygains its name in the business world by its char- and neatly :,c) they will reach your dealer at theacter-by the individual character of its units, lowest possible cost. its employes, from office boy to manager, and by Keeping the promises the salesman has made.their harmonious action, loyalty, courteousness Gentlemanlycourtesytoallvisitingdealers. and personal endeavors,isthe success of the Promptness in answering all correspondence ofhouse assured. dealers and adjusting satisfactorily alldifficul- ties and differences that may arise between house TUESDAY'S SESSIONS. and dealer. Promptly at 10 o'clock the jobbers again assem- Harmonious relations of credit man and sales-bled in the convention room and were called to men. and proper treatment of dealer by creditorder by President Bowers.A number of mat- man. ters were taken up which have important bearing Specialattentiontocorrespondence betweenupon the interests of the talking machine trade. house and dealer.Always cordial and warm. Trade relations between manufacturers and job- Interesting circularising of dealers.Keeping bers were discussed and the sentiments voiced. him informed of all material changes in policy in these discussions showed conclusively that the of jobber or manufacturer, and putting beforejobbers believe that there should be harmony pre- him for his consideration price list of specialvailing between .the creating and distributing accessories and specials that may interest him. forces, and the association proposes no radical Keeping the stock room in such condition thatmeasures which will in the slightest disturb ex- isting relations between the manufacturers and jobbers.The morning session lasted until noon, and an adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock. Further discussion followed, many members par- PERRY B. WHITSIT, SECRETARY. ticipating. with the manufacturers and report back to the Exchange on "Cut Outs" and Defective Records association.One of theseisthe questionof Among the topics taken up for discussion was sending out all records in sealed packages, the the exchange of records, and the sentiment of theassociation favoring this plan convention was expressed as strongly favoring a plan whereby "cut outs" and defective records PutIt Up to*the Manufacturer. should be exchanged on an even basis.. The argu- The association has gone squarely on record as ments were made along the lines that "cut outs"urging manufacturers to sell only through job- were only dead stock and were discontinued bybers.They also favor the plan whereby each the manufacturers simply because there was nomember of the association will refer any appli- demand for them, and the jobbers argued thai cation fr'om a dealer in his territory to the manu- inasmuch as the manufacturers created this con-facturer, so that the manufacturers themselves dition they should assist the jobbers to the extentwill pass upon the eligibility of every dealer. of an even exchange, this to apply to "cut outs" Record Clearing House. and records proved defective in the process of Suggestions were made to establish a sort of manufacture. a record clearing house, and that a list of over- More Capital Should be Invested. stock records on the shelves of distributers be Another important matter discussed was thatsupplied to the secretary of the association, and the dealers should invest more capital in stockthat this list be open for the use of members, and that jobbers themselves should limit the num-who could consult this list and exchange records ber of dealers in a certain locality.It was con- with members if desired on an even basis. sidered that it was far better to have a number It will be seen from these proceedings that the of reliable dealers who were making good moneyjobbers got together at Atlantic City for the pur: out of their business than to have a large num- pose of taking up and acting upon matters which ber of small men who were praCtically clearingare of obvious interest to the entire trade. E. H. 1:1111., EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. expenses. Thanks to Everyone, The Question of Discounts. Before the final executive sessions closed, reso- should prospective dealer visit the house he is The question of discounts was also taken uplutions were pagsed thanking the officers of the impressed by the neatness and orderly arrange-and it was considered, in the opinion of the job-organization for their splendid work during the ment of stock. bers present, that a $500 purchase was too smallpast year.Also resolutions were passed thank- INCREASES.° YOUR BUSINESS. for a dealer to qualify and secure his 40 and 10ing the hotel management for their courtesy. Having the right goods in stock in the rightper cent.discount.The jobbers feltthat the The members of the association did not hesitate condition in charge of capable men. amount of the initial purchase should be mate-to express their satisfaction at the result of the Employing of city and traveling salesmen ofriallyincreased. They argued thatadealer business sessionsatAtlanticCity,anditis ability, integrity and energy, who realize thatmight only put in a few machines while he could clear from the report which appears in this issue they are, nine times out of ten, the only mem-give notes for $500, running over'a considerableof The Talking Machine World that it was in bers of the house the dealer ever sees, and thatperiod of time, and in this way not actually pur-truth a meetiug of business men who met for the character of the house is often judged by thechase $500 at one time, and yet by giving notes business purposes. character of the salesman.He is the man onhe might secure the extra 10 per cent. discount Mr. Lyle Defines Columbia Position. the "firing line," and itis up to him, not onlyto which the jobbers argued he was not justly en- General Manager George W. Lyle, of the Co- to introduce the house and get orders, but, beingtitled. lumbia Phonograph Co., sent the following 'com- the man on the ground, to act as adjuster of The sentiment of the convention was fairlymunication to Chairman Blackman, which was little misunderstandings, a general mediator invoiced in expressing the disapproval of manufac- referred to the executive committee: time of trouble, a reserve of optimism and aturers who sold to the retail trade and conducted My Dear Mr. Blackman-I regret to advise that storehouse of useful knowledge, which he must retailestablishments,the members advocating owing to the very serious illness ofmy father, it at all times have on "tap" for the benefit of thethatthe manufacturers should depend whollywill be' impossible for me to attend theconven- dealer in helping him to dispose of the goods theupon the johbers as their mediums of outlet. tion now in session.This is a great disappoint- salesman has sold him. The Milkof the Cocoanut. ment, as I had made all my plans to be present, Poor salesmen will do more harm, ruin more Summarizing brieflythe convention work,it and had several matters of interest I desired to good territory and cause more trouhle that will must be conceded that the johbers went directly take up personally with the members of the asso- take months for the efficient salesmen to adjust atmatters which affected the interests of the ciation.In the first place,I want to thank you and hring hack to a profitable basis. entire talking machine trade.The longest dis- personally for your very cordial invitation, and Correctandpullingadvertisingthatsays cussions during the several sessions occurred will be pleased if you will express to theasso- something, and means whatItsays.Original over the exchange of records, and it was the sen- ciation my regret because of my inability to at- advertising and making the dealer feel that youtiment of the members that the manufacturers tend.As I cannot be present, I am going to take are doing business for his benefit as wellas should be requested to exchange all cut out rec-the liberty of referring to a few matters which yours. ords and those damaged in process of manufac-I believe are important and should be of interest That the house is not looking for all the profitture at par. to the association, and will ask you to either and success. and that he is entitled to his share. RecordsinSealedPackages. read my letter to the association or present in Having him feel at home with the house and. if Quito a number of matters were referred]to suchmanner aS you seefitthe mattersre- there are any special favors to be asked, to feelthe executive committee, who will take them up ferred to. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 31 At the last meeting of the association held insubstantial amount of business with us whereby (a) The doing away very largely with the Buffalo, at which Ihad the pleasure of beingwe extend to them an additional 10 per cent. on necessity of constant purchase of new records. present, there were several matters referred toour product; in other winds, the jobber is en- (b) A plan whereby the retail customeris by the members, and as you will undoubtedly re- titled to 50 and 10 per cent., this recently havingbrought into the dealer's store at frequent inter- call, at the banquet, when I was called upon for a been made to cover both cylinder and disc ma-vals instead of educating the buying public to few remarks, I stated that we as manufacturerschines and records.In the meantime the dealerwait until the end of each month, and then to were much interested in the association and itsis entitled to but 40 per cent. discount, exceptingcome to the store with the sole object in view work; that we desired to co-operate with them in -on the initial purchase of $500 worth of product, of purchasing only the new records shown on the every way, and that upon my return to Newin which case he is entitled to an additional 10latest supplement. York I would take up with our people for con-per cent., or 40 and 10 per cent. ' I am sending you under separate cover a few sideration the different subjects discussed, and Second-Complaint was made of the immensecopies of our "Announcement to the Trade" re- see what if anything we could do to help makeaccumulation of stock in the hands of the jobber.garding this move, with the recommendation that

Members of the National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers at Hotel Chalfonte, During Convention Held at Atlantic City, July 6 and 7. First row (reading from right to left) :E. H. Uhl, C. V. Henkel, W. E, Henry, Perry 13,Whitstt, \V. D, Andrews, J. F. Bowers, Louis F. Buehn, Lawrence McGreal, C. B. Bayly.Second row (from right to left) :C. N. Andrews, John Sykes, John Kaiser, J. N. Blackman, A. H. Jacot, I. Davega, Jr., W. G. Walz, C. E. Gore, Adolph Weiss, H. W. Weymann, Morris J. Peters, H. G. Towne, A. J. Deninger.Third row (from left to right) :A. L. Petit. W. F.Carroll,J.Fischer,IV.J.Smith, E.F. Taft, Victor H. Rapke, Emil Berliner, Louis Gerson.Fourth row (from right to left) :H. IL Blish, P. Q. Shrake, Max Strasberg, M. Finch, H. S. Gaines, Alfred Weiss, C. A. Droop, A. W.Toennies,Max Landay, Clement Beecroft, G. T. Williams.Fifth row (from left to right) :F. C. Smith, Benjamin Switky, R. H. Morris, M. Wagner, Lawrence Lucker, V. D. Griffin, Sol Bloom, E. S. Leng, C. B. Haynes, Percy Ashton. the business more profitable for_ all parties inter-and dealer, which meant the tying up of a largeany member of your association, who may not ested: namely, the manufacturers, the jobbersamount of capital, this being especially true inhave seen the announcement, read it carefully, and the dealers.These were not intended as idle connection with records caused undoubtedly: covering as it does not only our plan and the words, and Itake the liberty in this letter of First-By the plan adopted by most manufac-results we hope will be brought about by this calling your attention to the following subjectsturers of issuing a monthly list of records. move, which in our opinion is vital to the inter- which were considered at the last meeting, and Second-By the very large catalog or list of ests of the talking machine business. the action our company has taken in connection records offered. Second-We have also made arrangements to with them: After consultation we met the situation- reduce our catalog of records to some one thou- First-Complaint that there was not a sufficient First-By the very radical step of doing awaysand active moving selections. margin of profit for the jobber in handling talk-with the monthly supplement, issuing in its place Third-Complaint was made that the sale of ing machine merchandise purchased at 50 pera quarterly supplement, and issuing from time to talking machines on instalments at list prices, cent. and sold to the trade at 40 per cent. dis-time and putting immediately on sale any realand on small initial payments, was detrimental count.After studying this matter carefully andhits for which there was an actual demand. Byand actually driving the small dealer out of being fully convinced of the justice of this claim,thisplan we covered at leasttwoessential business. we renewed our proposition to jobbers doing apoints: We have covered this proposition by an ar- rangement whereby all of our stores and our dealers (asfaras we have been able to control them, without concerted action on the part of the manufacturers) now offer "Columbia" product with 10 per cent. added to the list price and with no payment of less than from $3 to $5 down, the initial payment averaging about 20 per cent. of the purchase price, and the terms of the sale calling for .final payment in approximately four months from date of purchase.Attached hereto is a copy of circular we have furnished the trade, of which hundreds of thousands have been called tor and circulated.From the circular you will note that 10 per cent. has been added to the list price of the -outfit and that no initial payments are mentioned, so that the dealer is enabled to make the best terms obtainable. Fourth-Another cause of complaint was in connection with the sale of cylinder machines with complete horn equipment as against the policy heretofore in force of allowing the dealer and the customer to -select such horn as they saw fit for each machine.This change in policy having the effect of leaving many dealers with a large -stock of horns on hand which promised to develop into nothing more than junk at a con- siderable loss to the owner.

THE LADIES AT THE TALKING MACHINia JOASERS CONVENTION, We met this situation by continuing on the 32 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. market two popular -pricedcylinder machines, nets among talking machine accessories.He re- namely, $20 and $30, which were sold without ferred to the desirability. of a standard price on horns with the privilege to the dealer to furnish cabinets as well as on machines, and stated that such horns as he cared to, thus disposing of his while manufacturers could not compel restricted surplus stock; in the meantime for such dealers prices on account of not having patented prod- as preferred a complete machine, that is, a ma- ucts, he asked for the co-operation of the jobbers chine with horn equipment, we announced to the so that fixed prices at retail would become a trade two new types of tapering arm cylinder feature in the cabinet trade. machines which have proven without question the most desirable. types of cylinder machines Frank L. Dyer's Remarks. offered the public, doing away entirely with horn Frank L. Dyer, chairman of the executive com- cranes, stands, etc., and' combining all the fea- mittee of the National Phonograph Co., stated tures which have proven so desirable in connec- that he was glad of an opportunity to meet so tion with disc machines. large a proportion of talking machine jobbers at In the package sent you via mail I have en- this meeting, and he stated that in his official closed half a dozen circulars illustrating these position he could state that the policy of William new types, which may prove interesting to some E.Gilmore, presidentof the National Phono of your members. graph Co., would be adhered to undeviatingly The above matters are referred to simply to by the officials of that company. call the attention of your members to our efforts to meet their suggestions as far as they are rea- J. B. Furber's Suggestions. sonable, and we take this opportunity of extend- J. B. Furber, of the Manufacturers Outlet Co., ing our best wishes in connection with the pres- suggested in the course of his remarks that the ent session, and we trust the result of your ma- association should foster the exhibit idea, so that ture deliberation may mean the adoption of poli- at the annual convention a regular exhibition of cies which will be beneficial to the entire trade. talking machines, accessoriesandsidelines If your secretary will advise us of any matters might be held.This, Mr. ,Furber felt, would be which are discussedandinconnection with an added attraction of the convention. which action is required on the part of the manu- C. H. WILSON, NATIONAL. PHONOGRAPH CO. Philpot on Trade Opportunities. facturers, we renew our assurance of last year Brian F. Philpot, of the Indestructible Phono- that the matters referred to us will have ouractions which would interest the Edison mengraphic Record Co., stated that he had bten con - careful consideration, and as far as consistentin the near future.He earnestly asked the co- with proper manufacture, it will be our desireoperation of the jobbers in instilling into the to meet your wishes. dealers confidence in the talking machine busi- ness. OPEN SESSION -TUESDAY AFTERNOON Victor Co. to Redouble Efforts. Mr. Brown, of the publicity department of the An invitationwas extendedtothe manu-Victor Talking Machine Co., followed, and his facturers and their representatives and members remarks on conditions in the trade and the im- of the talking machine and accessory trade toportance of intelligent advertising were interest- meet with the jobbers and participate in an open ing.Mr. Brown said that he was convinced meeting Tuesday afternoon, at the close of thethatnine -tenthsofthepastdepression was executive session. The convention room was well imaginary, and that all the trade has to do is to filled when President Bowers, who presided at all throw off their lethargy and put their shoulder the meetings, extended to the guests a hearty wel-to the wheel.Mr. Brown said that far from come. He said that he felt confident that all ofcutting down expenses this company intended the jobbers present would greatly appreciate an to redouble their efforts to create trade, thus aid- open expression of views from the manufacturers ing Victor representatives in every part of the and their representatives, expressing the wish country. that the views would be optithistic and that too Beecroft on the Horn Situation. serious shop talk would be eliminated.He said Clement Beecroft, representing tne Tea Tray that he hoped the speeches which would followCo., of Newark, N. J., made a few remarks on would have the direct effect of instilling into thethe horn situation and saidthat he believed minds of those present the right kind of opti-conditions were growing steadily better. mistic spirit.As there was no immediate desire to speak on the part of those present, Mr. Bowers Hawthorne on Trade Development. then called upon the following gentlemen to ex- E. A. Hawthorne, of the Hawthorne & Sheble press their views upon trade subjects: Mfg. Co., talked interestingly along lines show- C. H. Wilson in Optimistic Vein. ing the growth and development of the trade. C. H. Wilson, of the National Phonograph Co.,Mr. Hawthorne spoke of his experience. as one gave an optimistic talk on the future of the talk-of the first Edison jobbers in the country and - how he had surely built his business, first manu- JACK 3Ccatt:Ar THE MASCOT OF THE ASSOCIATION, AND ing machine trade, and said that the present HIS AUNT. MISS GERTRUDE GANNON. conditions while not of course satisfactory, werefacturing horns and cranes, then records, and quite as good as existed in other industries. Hefinally making the line complete by manufac-fleeted with the talking machiue industry for a said that the National Co. at the present timeturing machines. number of years and that he felt that the field did not believe in making a too previous an- Carpell Advocates Standard Cabinet Prices. was ample for auother large record producing nouncement of certain plans, but he felt that M. A. Carped, representing the Herzog Arthouse and, actuated with that belief, the Inde- there would be some important business trans -Furniture Co.. spoke of the importance of cabi-structible Record Co. was started, and be said that he felt that another good machine would find ready sale as well. Other speakers were Sol Bloom, Walter Eck- hardt, Mr. Phillips of the National Phonograph Co.. W. A. Lawrence. and W. E. Henry. The Mascot of the Asscciation. Just at the close of the discussion, before the meeting was filially adjourned, Victor H. Raphe suggested the appointment of Master Jack Mc- Crea' as "mascot" of the association.The hand- some little lad was brought in and shouldered his new honors gracefully.He was placed upon the president's table, where hereceivedcon- gratulations from the members, who predicted a successful talking machine career for the young- est association member. Secretary Whitsit Thanked. Before the close.Mr. Bowers complimented Perry II.Whitsit, the secretary, upon the excel- lent work which he had 'tint forth in behalf of tioN11: 1Ssor I ATIoN o I Til THELADIES READV colt A NI l'ZTISC PAT111711 N I! t he associat ion. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 33

Emil Berliner'sTalk. THE JOBBERS BIG BANQUET AT THE ROYAL PALACE Mr. Berliner said in his opening talk that he One Hundred and Twenty-five Present-The PresenceoftheLadies Added Materiallytothe was not a good speaker, but he was caught in a Enjoyment of the Occasion-The Speeches Included "Shop Talk"-Berliner's Pleasing Ad- trap, and that while he appreciated the honor of dress-Important Announcement Made by Wilson-Geissler in Optimistic Vein Speaks ofbeing called upon he felt that he could not do his Victor Plans-Dyer's Historic References-Brown's Witty Speech-Carpell Makes a Hit-reputation justice after the toastmaster's eulo- Cheers for Edison and Gilmore-Blackman Complimented. gistic introduction. He said that there were two things necessary to achieve success.First, to The banquetof the association was held athad had an intimate connection with the talkingmake a machine and second, to exploit it.He the Royal Palace on Tuesday night, and aboutmachine trade from its inception and had playedthen spoke of the difficulties to be met by in- 125ladies and gentlemen were present. Thean important part in stimulating its growth and ventors. hall was spacious and well ventilated, and the development.He said that the first speaker of He said .that he came of fighting stock, and that presence of the ladies gave an added charm tothe evening would be a man who had given allhe never had been quite out of the fighting line

Flashlight of the National Associationof Talking Machine Jobbers Banquet Held at the Royal Palace Hotel in Atlantic City on July 7. (The card ou which the words. "Our Mascot"appear is placed side of the young son of Lawrence McGreal. who was elected mascot of the Association.) the festive occasion. The banquet hallwas beau-the strength of his great inventive mind to theso far as the courts were concerned, and he was tifullydecorated with flowers and thetables reproduction of sound, and that the talking ma-still continuing a lively fight along legal lines. tastefully arranged. chine trade owed him a debt of gratitude.At theMr. Berliner's remarks were heartily applauded. MENU. conclusion of his remarks he introduced EmilHe read a communication which he had ad- Canape de Caviar Berliner. dressed to the association, thanking that organi- Little Neck Clams zation for the honor conferred upon him.Mr. Cream of Chicken a la Reine Henry then suggested that Mr. Berliner make a Boiled Sea Bass, Hollandaise Sauce record of this letter and present one to each Pommes Nouville member present, who would prize it very much Cucumbers Olives Radishes as a souvenir.Mr. Berliner said that he took a Filet de Bouef, Mushrooms Green Peas greater pride in heing an honorary member of the Champagne Frappe Jobbers Association than in his descent trom Philadelphia Squah au Tresson Mayflower ancestry. Lettuce and Tomato Salad en Mayonnaise Frank L. Dyer'sRemarks. Ice Cream Mr. Bowers then said that he regretted the Eclairs Macaroons Kisses absence of William E. Gilmore, who was unable Crackers Cheese to he present on account of his European trip. Cafe Noir He then introduced the chairman of the execu- Dubonet White Seal Champagne tive committee of the National Phonograph Co., A poilinaris Frank L. Dyer.Mr. Dyer made a pleasing ad- Cigars Cigarettes dress, and said, in the course of his remarks, Toastmaster Bowers' Remarks, that he had been twenty years associated with After cigars and coffee had been passed, Presi- the phonographbusiness. He spokeofthe dent Bowers arose and in his introductoryre- wonderful work of that grand old man of the marks paid a graceful trihute to the ladies, wel- industry, Thomas Edison, and read a communi- coming them to the banquet board.Mr. Bowers cation from him as a personal message to the then complimented his fellow -associates upon the Jobbers' Association.Mr. Edison wrote: splendid work which had heen accomplished dur- "Give to the jobbers my friendliest greetings. ing the past twelve months, and he said that the Tell them that I appreciate the efforts they have talking machine organization had come to stay made in the development of the talking machine and would be a continually expanding power in business. They havepassed, and arenow the ta'king machine trade-a power for good. passing, through a period of depression.They The toastmaster then said that he was fortunate are fighting a good fight and will certainly suc- in having on the list of speakers some men who EMIL BERLINER. ceed.In everything they do that tends to the 34 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

C. W. Wilson on Price Control. sale.He then asked the question, "How many C. W. Wilson was next introduced.He saidof you jobbers are working like that to sell our that while Thomas Edisonfirst conceived thehigh-grade machines?I believe that hard work idea of recording the voice, Mr. Gilmore wasin the talking machine business is just as justi- the first man to make that recording a financial fiable as in the piano business, the sewing ma- success. Mr. Wilson spokeofthedifficulties chine business or the adding machine business. which confronted the talking machine manufac-If you expect big business to come to you you turer, and stated that the policy of price con-must begin to appreciate the fact that you have trol had been tbe bulwark of the trade and thegot to go after it." secret of tbe success of the Edison and Victor M. A. Carpel! on Accessory Lines, enterprises and their representatives all along The toastmaster then presented M. A. Carpel], the line.Mr. Wilson then announced a newof the Herzog Art Furniture Co.Mr. Carpell in business policy, whereby the National Co. would his remarks emphasized the importance of the take back all the "cut-outs" and injured records.accessory business and the part which the con- This announcement was received with great ap-cern he represented was playing in the develop- plause. ment of the trade.Mr. Carpell said that the Mr. Wilson's remarks throughout were closely cabinet had taken the talking machine out of listened to, and when he closed with the state-the kitchen and placed it in the parlor. ment:"All you want is -a fair deal, and that is "When I first went what we have given you, and what we intendwith the Herzog Art to give you," lie was warmly cheered. Furniture Co.," said Louis F. Geissler's Approval. Mr. Carpel], "it was At this time, in response to frequent calls fora concern largely en- him, Mr. Geissler arose and said that he agreed gagedin producing with Mr. Wilson in practically everything that hefurniture. Most of had said, and added:"I thoroughly indorse theour stockholders are FRANK L. DYER, NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO. sentiment that the factories are trying to look farmers. When I advancement and uplift of their interests, theyout for your interests. We are looking out for suggestedthetalk- can always count on my friendly and hearty co you all the time, and you must know full well ing machine cabinet operation and approval." that if business is not good with the dealer and possibilities, they M. A. CARPELL. Mr. Dyer then paid Mr. Gilmore a splendid laughed at me.Yet compliment and stated that his policy would be to -day90percent.ofouroutputistalk- staunchly maintainedin the direction ofthe ing machine cabinets,and10 percent.fur- affairs of the National Phonograph Co. niture. We believeinthefutureofthe Mr. Geissler in Optimistic Vein. talking machine business stronger to -day than Mr.Bowers :said,inintroducingthenext we have ever believed init in the past.As a speaker, Louis F. -Geissler, general manager of proof of this we are investing $300,000 in a new the Victor Talking Machine Co.: -There came a enterprise to broaden our scope, and to enable young Lochinvar out of the West." us to better attend to the wants of the jobbers. In his opening remarks Mr. Geissler said that The cabinets we make are the underpinning of he was delighted to see -the ladies present, and the talking machine business.Properly used, it was the first convention banquet that he had they increase the sale of records tremendously, ever attended when their presence graced the add to the profits of the jobber and make the banquet hall, he said that to the man who talking machine an indispensable part of the was responsible for bringing them there he would music room." like to present a Louis XV. Victrola. Mr. Carpell was also presented with a bunch Mr. Bowers led Mr. Blackman forward and of flowers, and the diners touchingly sang, "For introduced him as the man who was responsible. He Is a Jolly Good Fellow." Mr. Geissler spoke in the most optimistic vein, J.N. Blackman Reads Communications. and his speech was closely listened to through- J. Newcomb Blackman, chairman of the ar- out.He referred at length tothe enterprise rangement committee, was then called upon. Mr. of the Victor Co. in securing the great singers, Blackman read a communication which he ad- and he said that notwithstanding the general de- dressed to Thomas Edison, in which he invited pression of the times the company which he rep- bim to be present at the convention, and also resented were moving steadily ahead and plan- read Mr. Edison's reply, in which he expressed ning larger advertising appropriations than ever keen regret at his inability to be present, and before. He stated that he would announce a plan desired to convey to the talking machine men later which would mean a vastly increased ex- his hope that much would be accomplished by penditureforpublicitywork. liesaidthat E. PERCY ASHTON, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. the meeting of so many men interested in the within the very near future a large additional talking machine trade.He also read a com- corps of traveling men would be placed in thethe jobber,itis not good with us.We havemunication from William E. Gilmore, in which field.Mr. Geissler stated that he did not believeconcentrated enormous power with a compara-he stated that as he was sailing for Europe on that anyone not on the inside could appreciatetively small body of men-the jobbers. We arethe 7thfor a much needed rest, he regretted the difficulties which manufacturers sought tospending $1,000,000 a yearto advance your in - overcome in order to build up the talking ma- terests." chine trade and assist the jobber in every par- Mr. Geissler then statedthat he noticed the ticular. biggest orders came fromdistributers who ad - Mr. Brown's Address totheLadies. vertise the most liberally.He spoke of the lib- The toastmaster then called upon H. C. Brown,erality in the advertising policy of the Victor of the publicity department of the Victor Talk-Co., and said that money which might go to the ing Machine Co., who gave a witty talk to the stockholders was placedin additional advertis- ladies.Mr. Brown's remarks were heartily ap- ing.Continuing, Mr. Geissler said: plauded and when lie closed he was presented "I do not believe that one out of ten of you with a huge bouquet and warmly cheered. jobbers appreciate our work inthisdirection. Mr. Bill on the Growth of the Industry. Much of the business that you do conies to your TbctoastmasterthenIntroducedEdward doors as a result of our work.I am afraid that Lyman Bill,editorof The Talking Machineyou expect sales too easy.You have been edu- World. Mr. 13111,in the course of his remarks, cated to have trade come to you and you to wait emphasized the marvelous development ofthe for it" industry from a humble beginning of years ago Mr. Geissler then told of his experiences on the to Its present magnificent state.Ile stated thatPacific Coast in the piano business and gave a thebanquet wasaremarkableone,inthatgraphic description of the manner in which the probably the greatest percentage of the sellingpiano salesmen reach out for business, watching forces of an industry were gathered at Atlanticthe growth of a child from infancy to seven and Citythanwere ever seatedtogetherinthe eight years of age or to au age when It was iiistory of banquets.Ilereferred thento thethought that that child or the family should have connection of Thomas Edison and Emil Berlinera piano, and told the talking machine men how with the trade, and emphasized their wonderful the piano men went after this prospect, which at accomplishments inthe realm of sound repromost meant hut three or four hundred dollars. duction. How they work for years sometimes to make a \V.E. HENRY, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 35 was expressed atthe absence of his brother, that he was not able to attend the convention at who is now spending the summer Atlantic City. JamesB., Mr. Blackman's communication to Mr. Edison abroad. was as follows: The Hawthorne & Sheble Mfg. Co., of Phila- My Dear Mr. Edison-I know that youhaVe delphia, had a very comprehensive exhibition of always taken a great interest in your jobbers, their Star talking machines at the Chalfonte. and I can assure you that they in turn have The exhibit was in the personal charge of Theo- taken a great interest in you as the father of the dore Bentel, secretary of the H. & S. Co. industry.The reports of your recent operation were watched very carefully by the entiretrade Sheip & Vandegrift, of Philadelphia, were pres- and your complete recovery is shared by the ent with their line of Music Master wood horns. jobbers as an occasion for which they can feel These were without doubt the finest ever shown thankful.The above association will hold their in this trade, and can be aptly termed the aristo- annual convention at Atlantic City on July 6 and crats of the business.The H. & S. Co. will 7, and will consider it a great honor if you could equip their high-priced machines with this line. be present during same. Ifyou could attend theinformalbanquet, The Phono-Trip Co., of Canton, 0., were ably which will be given on the evening of July 7, I represented by Louis A. Wolin and Nathan To- know every jobber would consider it a personal ronski, of that city, their attachments, as they compliment, and it would do much to stimulate justly deserved, receiving much commendation. confidence in the future of the industry.We would like to have you as the guest of honor of The Manufacturers Outlet Co., together with our association on this occasion, andI will take the Vitak Co., had their products on display on the responsibility of respecting your usual desire the first floor of the Chalfonte; also a new model that a speech from you will not be insisted upon. of an automatic talking machine which will play eighteen records with a single winding and will Thanking you for your very careful considera- Theirlines,if tion of this invitation, and trusting we may have change themautomatically. the honor of your acceptance. I remain. one was to judge from appearances, are more C C, ILENE: EL. COMU1 TTEE OF AREA \ 0.1,AIEN I N. than living up to what had been claimed in their Mr. Edlson's Regrets. Previous announcements in The World.Those Thomas Kreamer. and Mr. and Mrs. Theo. F. Bentel. Mr. J. Newcomb Blackman, Chairman Commit- Hawthorne & Sheble Co.. Philadelphia, Fa.: Mr. and present connected with this combination were tee of Arrangements: Mrs. Asa Vandergrift, Sheip & Vandergrift, Philadelphia. Pa. ;Mr. and .Mrs. C.V. Henkel. and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Furber, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dear Sir-Your letterof the 19thinst. has John Kaiser, Douglas I'hono. Co.. New York :Mr. and Eckhardt, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hardesty, and C. Allen been received, inviting me to attend the confer- Mrs. H. W. Weymann. II. A. Weymann & Son, Phila- delphia. Pa.:Carl H. Droop, and C. E. Gore, E.T. Hayden. ence of the National Association of Talking Ma- Droop & Sons, Washingtcn. D. C.;II. \V. Topham. Jas. S. Topham Co.. Washington, D. C.;L. Kaiser. S.B. chine Jobbers to be held at Atlantic City on July Davega, New York :VictorII.Rapke and daughter, Victor H. Rapke proposed sending a message I should like to attend your meetings, Harry C. Tietgen, New York Frank L. Dyer. and C. H. 6 and 7. Wilson, National Phonograph. Co., Orange, N.J.: Wm. C. to William E. GilmOre and therefore prepared because many of the jobbers I have met person- Finch, Finch & Hahn. Albany. N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. the following:"Bon voyage to our friend, Will- Furber and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eckhardt, Manufac- ally, and it is therefore a matter of regret that turers' Outlet Co.. New Nork ;R. Ii. Morris. American iam E. Gilmore. A preicription to prevent sea- my engagements will not permit me toaccept Talking Machine Co.. Brooklyn, N. Y. ;E. II. Levy. J. S. Levy & Son Co., New York A .W. Toennies, Eclipse sickness specially prepared by Victor H. Rapke your invitation.Kindly convey to your asso- Phonograph Co. Hoboken, N. J.: W. G. Walz, El Paso,and indorsed by the undersigned talking ma- Tex.; N. D. Griffin. American Phonograph Co., Glovers- ciates the sense of my disappointment in not ville,N.Y.:J. S. W. Wales. Victor Talking Machine Co., chine men of America at .the convention held at being able to be present. Camden. N. J.':Brian F. Philpot and H. S Gaines, In- To this'4as attached the signa- destruetible Phonographic Record Co., Albany, N. Y.: Atlantic City." The phonograph has been always a subject of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fischer, C. C. Mellor Co.. Pittsburg, Pa. : tures of nearlyallof the jobbers who were Morris J. Ieters, G. C. Aschbach, Allentown, Pa.; A. T. great interest to me, and I sincerely hope that Senniger, Rochester, N. Y.;G. T. Williams, Victor Dis- present,andMr. Rapke forwarded ittothe 'nub good will be accomplished by the friendly tributing & Export Co., New York :Mr. and Mrs. Max steamer on which Mr. Gilmore sailed for Europe Strasburg and daughter. Grinnell Bros., Detroit. Mich. ; meeting of so many of the men who have been John Sykes. Trenton. N. J.; Max Landay, Landay Bros.. on the 7th inst. talk- Inc., New York :Oliver Jones. Victor Talking Machine so largely instrumental in developing the Co., Camden. N. J.:II. Wonderlich, J. Samuels Bros., ing machine business.At all times hoth you and Providence. R. I.:C. H. Eisenbrandt, H. It. Eisenbrandt Brian F. Philpot, general manager of the Inde- Sons, Baltimore. Md.; A. J .O'Neill, A. J. O'Neill James your associates can count on my earnest and Co., Chieago, Ill.; H. N. McMenimen, Philadelphia, Pa.: structible Phonographic Record Co., and Haydon hearty co-operation. Believe me, yours very truly. L. H. Dicker. Minneapolis Phonograph Co., Minneapolis, Minn.: Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Gerson, Musical Echo Co., F. Gaines, were in attendance and enjoyed the (Signed) THOMAS A. EDISON. Philadelphia. Pa.:F. H. Thompson. Talking Machine meeting of the jobbers hugely.Mr. Philpot has World, New York ; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silverman, Regi- V. H. Rapke Entertains Banqueters. na Co.; New York ; T. B. Warner. Kirtland Bros. & Co., had a long acquaintance with the record trade, New York ; L. McGreal and son, and Miss Gertrude Gan- Victor H. Rapke then entertainedthe ban- non, Milwaukee, Wis. Louis F. Geissler, C. M. Brown and has made tremendous success of the Inde- queters with some characteristic remarks on his and G. D. Ornstein : T. S. Rumpel. Cadillac Cabinet Co.. structible. He gave arattling good business Detroit. Mich.:J. Frank Smith. Edison Business phono- early experiences in the talking machine trade. graph Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.;Mr. and Mrs. Thomas talk at the open session which was applauded. Attheconclusionofhistalk,young Jack lIardesty and C. Alien Hayden, Vitak Co., New York. McGreal, the "mascot" of the association was CONVENTION BRIEFLETS. T. S. Rumpel, the genial advertising manager lifted up and placed on the table, where he stood of the Cadillac Cabinet Co., Detroit, Mich., was with the American flag, making a most striking Among those who came down in automobiles Present.He was not fatigued in the slightest and beautiful picture. were Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hawthorne and party,at the close, and left Atlantic City for Saratoga, The toastmaster then announced that the ban-including Mr. and Mrs. Theo F. Bente] and Thos. where he had other convention duties awaiting quet hall would be cleared of tables and thatKraemer; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence, with him. dancing would be in order for all those who de-whom came Mr. and Mrs. J. Newcomb Black- sired toparticipate, thus closing the greatestman; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Furber, and Mr. and W. E. Henry was unanimously voted a medal association gathering ever held in the talkingMrs. Walter L. Eckhardt.All enjoyed the tripfor his witticisms. machine trade. on account of the excellent weather, and put the cars to good use while at the seaside city. Those Present. Little Jack McGreal captured the convention, and was elected mascot of the association. Among those who joined the talking machine Among the other pleasures to be enjoyed at throng at Atlantic City were: this city that of bathing and rolling up the board- Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Taft. Eastern Talking Machine Co., Boston, Mass.:J. Charles Groshut, Edwin A. Den- walk in chairs seemed to find most favor with ham Co., New York; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lawrence and the visiting delegates and their friends.In the family, Standard Metal Mfg. Co.. Newark. N. J.;Mr. ai,d Mrs. Clement Beecroft, Tea Tray Co., Newark, N.J.; mornings a party of them could always be found The 1010 Special Me. and Mrs. A. 0. Pettit, The Edisonia Co., Newark., N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Towne, The Zed Co.. Newout on the sands cultivating a healthy burn. 150 -Peg Cylinder York ;Mr. and Mrs. Fred. C. Smith, W. H. Ross & Son, while in the afternoons the orange -colored asso- Portland, Me.;Adolph Weiss. Western Talking Ma- chine Co., Philadelphia, Pa.;Perry B. Whitsit, Colum- ciation badges could be seen flitting here and bus, Ohio ;E. J. Heffelman. and P. Q. Shrake of Klein Record Cabinet & Heffelman. Canton, O.: H. H. Blish, Hamer & Blish,.there from one end of the boardwalk to the Davenport, Iowa :Olin Neill, Neal, Clark & Neal, Buf- other. IS A TRADE WINNER falo, N. Y.;H. L. Ellenberger, Pardee -Ellenberger Co., New Haven, Conn.; O. P. Ashton. American Phonograph Co., Delmar, Mich.: K. Brenner. Koerber-Brenner Music Fifty-one different jobbing houses were repre- Co., St. Louis, Mo.; C. E. Goodwin. Lyon & Healy Co., Write for Special List.Positively Chicago,Ill.:Mr. and Mrs.J.Newcomb Blaekman, sented, and very close to a hundred members of Blackman Talking Machinn Co.. New Yok : T. C. Murray. the best value ever offered at spe- Wooden Phonograph Horn Co.. Syracuse, N. Y.: Mr. and the association were present, while counting all cial price to talking machine dealers. Mrs. W. E. Henry, E. A. Shirley and Rio Tyler, Powers the manufacturers and guests, the number was & Henry Co., Pittsburg, Pa.; C. B. Bayly. J. F. Ellis & Co.. Washington. D. C.: W. D. Andrews, Mrs.E. C. almost half again as large.At the banquet were Babcock. Syracuse, N. Y.:Mr. and Mrs.C. N. Au- drews, \V. D. Audrews. Buffalo, N. Y.:C. B. Haynes. seated just 123. H. A. WEYMANN 8 SON, Inc. Richmond, Va.: Louis and Edward Buehn. L. Buehn & Edison Phonograph Jobbers, Victor Distributors. Bro., Philadelphia, Pa.:E. H. Uhl. Rudolph Wurlitzer outsidethe Co., Chicago.Ill.:J. F. Bowers. Lyon & Healy. Chi- Among those trade who were Cabinets and Supplies.Manuficturers ofthe cago. Ill.;A. H. Jacot, Jacot Music Co.. New York ; guests of the jobbers at the banquet were Mrs. KEYSTONE STATE Musicalinstruments. Alfred Weiss. New York :R.J.Keith. Talking Ma- Publishers of Sheet Music. chine Co., Chicago.Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. Carroll.H. P. Wilson and daughter, of New York, the Utica Cycle Co.. Utica. N. Y.:M. A. Carpell, Herzog Weymann Bldg 0010 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Art Furniture Co.. Saginaw, Mich.:Mr. and Mrs. Lladies being accompanied by Max Landay, of the Davega, Jr., New York: Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hawthorne, well-knoivn firm of Landay Bros.Much regret 36 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. f Always Something On th

The New "BQ" Tone=Arm Cylinder Graphophone Any man with 00.00 to invest in a talking machine- -And who prefers the cylinder type- -Will pick out a tone -arm Columbia Cylinder Graphophone without a minute's hesitation whether he is " posted " on the other types or not. He can see the convenience of an instrument without a horn crane almost as far as you can. You can prove to him in two minutes without any argument that the added tone value of the aluminum tone arm is no mere claim ; and as soon as you show him the compactness of the machine, and the beauty of the cabinet, and the perfection of the motor, you can begin to help him select the records to go with it-for the sale is made. The Columbia aluminum tone -arm is the one greatestrecent development in talking -machine construction.Keep an eye on it.

sof the death Aid of his pre.. well.knawn COluITIL cs the part of the . Keep II appeal to your sv A ma rigs This record a a new ha. ',anted by Erna) lastquarterly S more "taking ni. which has descended upon us. than this song., ice Record (Oot) rice. re,aungthis oil' fashioned who Ills hisso,i with our grandfathers. and without matter how kirkti ter Borre,) ken n ro their heart. with all the morrow will In lair an, is Irish Talkin ,gay iy.er every newIml Smiling."Tenor solo. is had theorigi nra, t .00 'nth St o no in, down) orchestra accompantinen writs. It is funn Si,. 391.27 Caccortia ".11'" Cy/in .sgh out of an insol !octets' has sC.MIS10.1.1 fir Record I soc rad. c5.0o ter damn) No. 3:1224 an in the andient form of amuse with our grandfathers So. 05159 Colvin/10 o-ittet Din isterstarteve even rno.fernisi Cr,itto their hearts er eti a "A Walt. DI Cam" !Dieter Sr So. 3770 r.Dy Steve Porte enthusiasm whirl v 0%Cr Tery new fad " Dream" is captivating It ,rsr) Col'unnVorte-inch S Too each, $10.0 rernonfrei and is whistled and humm laxim a, from "The !Retry 15 id ul lemur. s ot thefranc -wk., rRion/(doe) ill 2: lethree records limed herr are rine ol the big song lots I roe-.I no duel is ate of the clistinc t. 3 Colnwhio "BC" C 5 or rach, Sj. 0 o'er wthe-hral part nl th production w ctrot carries the air which runs all throug BA,rd (rSt) 59 wk. and which tarnishes thr tour, exactly as sung on the stage. Duet by Si. 31 inch record is Oases' in strict orchet haart onipiniment. attics from the altz Dream" (401us r the Rod) of C. The music of the is captivating..11 XP" Cyltould, Rttard ' JIM SINE. ".1'/"' ()Ina, Rtno../ ( 25c) No.33221 cIill, Scene 2 evcriune likes to whistled and louTlIne to.inth /lift Rent..? OorSo. Colnonhia to.inch Dm- Record (dot) No.3211.5 s, of whatis p itis heard.Th listed here are Fr 4 Rita Rrtord St oo rock $ are's historical duetions of the o he production which So. 30115 cad Hardly rice Troahl .1/ I 'en Tiber) 'sites the musical II Ilere is a splendid lot ft, a hit in New Yen piece. cel in strict duke °Junto'. It is sung I. wratcw song centers in, tr Breord (zjt) The 12i style. with plenty in in their charac feria; Coltenehia ".1 Ord Ojri No. Vocal Solos or tockstv awl rig -tins Co/4:44, to ootNo. 3763 Dust I,, Collins and onipaninient. aid Rolla (In/.rune Nall (idurridor Corantbr1'inch 00 each, 5,0.00 beautiful wing lir a kifrifst fit ) No. 332311 Grand 5 ly adapted i. the hrtichriplwaie ndercer. Night Son and the assi.rniuninIrni l.a ilicd) f Special fines. Tenor au. Ly11 rnn A ru ml that should (Anton RnInnatti 'wry Innnt nlicre11111%14 of Colonibin los ipprri hued. niI Parson Joint s' Three Reasons Dieted510C1 Iin our lasts nrN 8.11, rieh InteRnor1 . Ode' No. 3/491 c,4,1 wrotate romisoutioni of our ul Long as the Wort 'this is a opal coon icing. These reso ilafnhIi thc great Ruloniteni.Jul Here is another ht a 1.111100S ballad ilk, iconic 'Art. on.1 Mick ' forcibly of lrthur Collins' Stanley and hop, orchestra accumpininient. the discs do 1 balladIs CST,idly 1100110phOlIC.Uth utrikr a reition or alined in esti., SU" es."'[hr Pre ..I (14 nidm ".11"' Cylinder NA ord. ( :sr) No.332:13 blending of the words k kompaninicni ha h will singingIs nInsc Ical cli aru sic and the icier of Cohnothia to.in. A Pm Atrvrif(.110e) '-..i../ rah nil of alliolute smouthncis.Tenor solo, to Henry new Coliimlut tenor at its trey twit %oakIs 3splendidi. No.:1S402 twin. piano accompaniment. with orche na enctrixontro nt darkry par,an and -.I Dist theme eel owl! 'rest little Collonlna ro-inch Dist Renard /O a.-' No. Old Dille shin C tole,.) Rs. or.I . 00e No. :1:01 Ilarltruir ugo. Ly ITh., 51o. Jr) as e The Old Folks, Jennie (Ror ( S.sh) Iltridth rota comp...mem. of one illthe greatem South etic ballad which will strike ...e ch. heronof Cho den,Lim 1111 ChAnothi ten The words au. music 15 of earepti on cord d ode. Pool the non a.nonwornent .1:7h. So ph Phonograph Company, Get THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 37 New and Better Way

Columbia Records Make a Business PAY Here's what we said to the trade a year ago this month about Columbia records and it's good enough to say again: " We are making wide public proclamation that Columbia disc and cylinder records will fit any machine and double its value to its owner-and it's a fact. " We are making it as plain as we know how that if the owner of a talking machine will put that claim to the test just once, we will have his business after that-and we will. " The dealer who misses the business that is coming in under the Columbia trade -marks, is miss- ing a liberal and growing share of a mighty good thing."

h nine, society has a form of amuse even modernizin 'taking" enthusiasm whit this song-stor. Columba I z-intb o bids his swee tier how dark rolumbia "BC" C_, crow will be fair ling."'I-enor %Mires from the acco The music of the everyone likes to Itis heard.Th ,tamer of. froi eY l 'ice son: ouch a spirited air.. duetions of the - tine of the big enor, g hits from the greats_ a hit in New N. ine of the bus NIr.WilliamRedmond. his ever appeared in America. Vocal Quartettes It is the piece The 1: has ever appearem "taking" music has ever been worn rollicking solointhe entire production. n this song. story of the light-hearted !o,,. Colombia rollickingsoloin of The Prairk (Cm Bus)/o/ thePrince singsitin the operetta. Tenn ho bids his -wee heart remember mai no Columbus thePrince singsi r best song of the Wi stern Hindi relev cr. orchestra accompaniment. 'tie ads are to day, to bier, produced. Columbiaz,n. Hindermeyer. orche It is full Columbia "XP" Cjlindir Record (05r) No -and " Keep on d swing of "similar mu No. 30115 COIHOOVO " lain Redmond. 1Y becaning the Ica Cohriri/rO /0.1104 Priori (boo) Nn. 3 Columbia Comic cintmen usocal succe--es labia "AP" ejliwries- Rtrord (2s, ) wily 'sung be the( ch Obliged to 'co ;ma' Burt) Vocal Solos bliged to Vou No. 33228 stn acconipaniment This is a splendid I of one of the gr long as the World Rolls On 'Arnett Bab, its is a splendid co Carcin.Zth 10 lurk pier Retorel (00r) sinsem"XP" Cylm ',Mat has been is 'on. The word. Here is another beautiful song by a famous ballad write it has been went No. 3770 'clever, ,ning Arti halite for sane ballad is especially adapted to the Graphophone, as the cite .seer. giving Arthur No. 3322. Pons.Baritone Mending of the words an, alum/:a /o-inels .ollMs. orchestra e accbmpaniment have made ms. Baritone solo. asims. from "The Merry Widow" (Fro. z Lelutr) Colombia "A oyard (2 SO No n1absolute senoothn solo. by Henry Burr, o One of the big song hits from the greatest musical No. 3769 aicompaniment Cola mho " A P' sen has ever appeared ca. Itis the gayest, happ ime (Harvy I'mf Y. Columbia , ( COO No. 3801 rollicking soloi production. Recorded )ou hear this so sonlortes' Three :fur Loubbrale) Jones' Three Rc the Princesin This is a great c 't Leave The 0 strata.Tenor solo,b remember that e minds one very Corr amf Baas, ,is is a great coon Hindermeyer, c nod Old Summer I fora tbly ol Arthur great Columbia A pathetic a reiponsive chord mimeo!. success. -Tho heart. The mu eddy of Arthur C Coinottra ". has all the ga.1 he Bear."His Icharacter and the -cess. :crop,/ (zsr) No. 3322 singingisinhi Harvey Hinds-rms. The Pre. greathit. and to rid the comedy mbia tenor, is at I! gingisinhis b CedIO/161O 16; reed (nor) No. 3761 work is a splendi .1 an excited in this record. Tel ' has an irresistible orchestra 4,companii kis a splendidi darkey pars, i aigregation. and folumbia boixrk all the title Sung 'sr &cord (boo) No. 3781 -key parson and a mush Obliged to You -(Brij. Habtout Gum) therecord Iswithout flaw record tette. orchestra accor Banton, -.oh. ark! The Herald Angels Sing itself t This is a splendid comedy record of one ofthe greatest c e.. orchestra ac- iiIrsirlssolos1 ritone solo. by Art that has been written this season. ,bra Cshnile cOrnlahnirnoin tire of the greatest and grandest hymns of Christen npaninnont. The words and 'creed is splindidic sung and is one of the best sac clever, giving Arthur Collins a chance for No. 3322fa Columi : seed (hoe) 'ions some of Ins co err made Tenor solo. by Hen') Burr. organ acre, Columbiaainth Baritone solo, by Arthur Collins. orchestraaccabis 'ONO am issek Air No. 3774 No3771 Columbus ooub Dist &arra' bor No. Columbia "AP" Cylisseirs Nriora' (..sr) No.33240 11 Days (J. AM, l'hars The Use? 'm Afraid to Come Home in the Dark (E S'.' The Usc?(Edivos spurnhd re ei nz New 'so [coin the timental song of wv York success. "A Knight .1 record of ec Reasons!,


CLEVER COLUMBIA PUBLICITY. know is that it means something.This display is printed in three colors and when pasted on The Way the Columbia People Help the Dealersthe outside of the store window could be seen rif014 toUtilize Their Store Window. almost half a mile down the street. FOR The Columbia Phonograph Co. are constantly LOCKWOOD'S PISCATORIAL TRIP. preachingtotheirdealersthevaluethat Talking Machines, can be obtained from a dealer's own store win- On the "glorious fourth" F. E. Lockwood, of Typewriters, Phono- dow when properly utilized.And they are goingF. E. Lockwood & Co., Norwalk, Conn., started graphs, Adding Ma- further than that.They are sending out eachon a two weeks' fishingtripto Nova Scotia, chines, Cash Regis- ters, Guns and Tools, and on all Polished Instruments. It Absolutely Prevents Rust.


WILLIAM F.NYE Home, Clubhouse,Yacht. Camp- NEW BEDFORD, MASS. there'sno one tongthatwillgive so much pleasure, to so ma ny people, If you're never heard a good ''Uncle oouYou cars bear as oftenas youlike foe so long a time, at so little cod. o a at home with Josh" story on the THE REFLECTOSCOPE. Columbia One of the biggest sellers of the year in me- Columbia Columbia chanical contrivances is the Reflectoscope.This Records Graphophone Graphophone Dix or cyrneler-Allprices rr remarkable machine projects souvenir post cards, e'!1,) Disc -60c. Cylinder. 25n. you', emussed aheapof fun Come m and talkterms! C'' photographs,etc.,inall the original colors on a sheet or wall in similar manner to the stereop- ticon. with the great advantage that one has an inexhaustible supply of subjects at hand and ismonth to their dealers window cards and win-going via the outside route.Of Mr. Lockwood's not restricted to the stilted cut and dried glassdow strip displays that will back upthe dealer'sprowess as a disciple of Izaak Walton readers of The greatest evi- slides.No one who has not seen one of these ma-own efforts in this direction. The World have already heard, as he frequently Bence that this co-operationis appreciated by the chinescanbegintoappreciatethe immense sends choice messes of fine fish to his jobbing amount of pleasure to be derived from their use. dealersisthefactthat In nearly every home will be found a more or less window cards and window complete collection of post cards and magazinesstripdisplaysarebeing profuselyillustrated,whichoffernumberless shownwhereverColum- other attractive pictures.These, even in theirbia graphophones and rec- natural size, are beautiful, but when thrown onords are sold. the screen and greatly enlarged by the machine, The windowcards and At the show, 3 hours, $2 with all the details brought out by the powerfulwindow- strip displays that theColumbia peopleare Same thing at home, free light, they (even the commonest) become won- on a derful scintillating works of art.No dealer who sending out, as can be seen handles post cards can afford to be without afrom the illustrations, are Columbia good stock on hand, for not only will he find avery unusual.They are ready sale for them, but everyone sold will act as printedinbrightcolors, Graphophone a most energetic salesman, as it will arouse en- which,ofcourse, do not thusiasm among his customers, who will be much show up very well in the larger purchasers of cards from that time on. black and whiteillustra- tion.The text is pat;ticu- PIANO SALES AND TALKERS. larly strong and the cards make a very good appear - Piano sales are not as frequent just at present ance in a window.The window strip shown herefriends in New York.Lockwood & Co. also deal as they have been in times past.This is influ-attracted a lot of attention wherever it was used.extensively in automobiles. encing many piano stores to look around for aTile six flags constitute the words "Come In" ac- paying side -line with the result that the follow- William Harrison, a dealer in talking machines ing piano and music firms have just stocked up and bicycles,at50-52 Columbia street,Utica, with Edison phonographs and records: J.L. N. Y., suffered the loss 01 his entire stock by fire Williams,Bevier,Mo.;Yale Music Co.,Yale, last week. Mich.; L'Hommedieu Music Co., Columbia. N. J. The Film Service Association. composedof (branch); Malcolm E. Hummell, Slatington, Pa., those who rent and exhibit moving picture films, and F. C. Jackson & Son. Muskegon. Wis. held their fourth annual convention at the Hotel The Edwin A. -Denham - Co.. New- York, -.vas rep- St. George. New- York. July 12. resented at the convention at Atlantic City by J. Charles Groshut, secretary and sales manager. He reports' having received a great deal of en -ead the,Signall MR. DEALER: couragement from many of the jobbers. IF YOU WANT THE D.U. Dennis, a well-known piano dealer at EXCLUSIVE SALE OF Spickard, Mo., who also handles sheet music, is now about to open au Edison phonograph depart- l&I.HuTtlIalinetardi ment.

The Udell Works, of Indianapolis, Ind., havecording totileinternationalcode of maritime resumed operations after a short overhauling ofsignal flags.Although not many people can read their plant, and have put on a full force of 250the code, everybody has seen the code flags fly- men. ing on yachts and warships and all they have to IN YOUR TOWN, WRITE AT ONCE SPECIAL-F.-I/NERAL< MUSICAL ECHO CO. DISTRIBUTORS FOR EASTERN TERRITOR1 CARL SCHROETER BIG STOCK QUICK SERVICE BERLIN S. 42PRINZESSINNENSTR. 21 1217 Chestnut Street, FbhlIadcIphla THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 39


Messrs.Gibson, Blumberg and Luther Took A ratherinterestingcase,resemblingthe Charge on July 1st, 1908. White -Smithvs. Apollo Co.suit, has recently been decided in Austria in favor of the talking UNQUESTIONABLY The duties of general manager of the Reginamachine manufacturers.A Vienna publisher, Co.willbedividedbetweenthreeofthe acting forthe International Talking Machine directors, viz.:Joseph Blumberg, L. T. Gibson, Co., of Berlin, brought suit against the Deutsche andJ.D. Luther, and these gentlemen willGramophone Co. for making and selling records A BIG WINNER manage the business of the company hereafter.of "The Merry Widow."The lower court de- Mr. Blumberg has been associated with thecided that the publisher's rights had been vio- Regina Co. for seventeen years, and for the pastlated, but the court of appeals took the opposite Everybody who sees, buys, six years has had the management of the com- view.The highest court in Austria was then pany's western.office in Chicago.He will prob-resorted to, and decided in favor of the Court and every dealer who buys, ably take up his residence in Rahway duringof Appeals decision. sells the summer.Mr. Gibson, the secretary of the company, came into the business seven years CONGRATULATIONS. ago and served the Regina Co. for three years in New York before taking up his present duties H. T. Leeming, traffic manager of the National THE MONARCH MIDGET at the main office in Rahway.Mr. Luther has Phonograph Co., Orange, N. J., was married on held the office of treasurer of the company dur-June 30 to Miss Esther Shanelay, of Jersey City, ing the past four years. N.J.,atthe Bergen Reformed Church. Mr. All of these gentlemen have been active in pro- Leeming was the recipient of a very handsome moting the growth of the Regina Co.They cellarette with cut glass service from his em- knowthebusiness thoroughlyandarewell ployers. equipped to carry it forward with continued suc- cess. No radical changes are contemplated in PIANO FIRM ADDS THE EDISON. the general policies of the company.The busi- S. J. Clement, the well-known piano dealer of ness outlook is excellent in every way. Bar Harbor, Maine, has decided to add Edison phonographs as a side line.Mr. Clement is a GOOD NEWSPAPER PUBLICITY. recent convert to the idea that phonographs will increase piano sales by furnishing him an intro- A very clever scheme was carried out last week duction to families where pianos can be sold in connection with the Democratic convention atlater on.He looks for a good demand for the Denver by Business Manager Frisbee, ofthe phonograph among the vacationists and pleasure Minneapolis Journal.Mr. Frisbeeannounced seekers who patronize the popular Maine sum- that "Brief but characteristic speeches by Mr. mer resort. Bryan delivered in his own voice would be heard by the crowds who came to watch the Journal's FLOWER HORN FOR VICTOR I. bulletin convention service."As a result of this publicitytherewasinattendanceimmense The Victor Talking Machine Co. have issued an crowds at all times.They were intensely inter-announcement that the price of VictorItalk- estedthroughout,andloudlyapplaudedthe ing machine with new flower horn equipment, speeches as delivered by the Edison phonograph. will be $25 hereafter.This horn is made to fit the elbow of Victor I, thereby dispensing with the adjuster heretofore necessary in attaching E. D. EASTON TO EUROPE. the flower horn to these instruments.The new horn adds considerably to the appearance of the Edward D. Easton, president of the Columbia instruments. Phonograph Co., General, New York, changed his plans about passing the summer in Pennsylvania, MRS. MORRIS CONVALESCENT. and sailed for Europe on July 7 aboard the This little" Monarch" can be KronprinzessinCecilie,ofthe North German The World is pleased to hear that the wife of Lloyd Line. He was accompanied by his wife andR. H. Morris, general manager of the American placed on the counter, and will son, and will be away until August 1.On his re- Talking Machine Co., the largest Victor distrib- turn Mr. Easton will resume his active duties uters in Brooklyn, N. Y., has recovered from a hold about 8 months' records in As mentioned elsewhere in with the company. serious attack of typhoid fever of seven weeks' compact and convenient space. The World, W. E. Gilmore, president of the Na- duration.Mr. Morfis had arranged to take Mrs. tional Phonograph Co., Orange, N. J., went abroad Morris with him to Atlantic City on the 6th and on the same steamer. 7th inst. and remain for the week, but her un- The clerk can thus choose rec- fortunateillnessinterfered with the program, HOW ARTISTS ARE POPULARIZED. much to his regret.As the American Talking ords without losing the customer's Machine Co. also carry a line of kodaks and gen- The best evidence of what the talking machineeral photographic supplies, and Mr. Morris being attention for amoment. Very can do to popularize an artistis the case ofsomething of an expert with the camera, he se- Mme. Michailowa, the celebratedRussianso- cured a number of striking views while at At- convenient and effectiVe when you prano, so popular in St. Petersburg that she is lantic City, including picturesque groups of talk- are playing the new records of a never permitted to leave her native land.In ing machine men, which are now displayed in speaking ofthisartiste,the Victor Co.say: the ample show window of his establishment, 586 month, because you face the cus- "We brought out her records several years ago,Fulton street. and to -day her name among the music -loving tomer all the while. people of America, and especially Victor owners, LANDAY STORE IN SUMMER GARB. is as well known as that of any of the world's renowned artists, although she has never visited The New York storeof Landay Bros.,400 No matter how many racks ) ou America." Fifth avenue, has been put in summer garb, the handsome show window beingfitted up with have, you need this little counter - cool shades and the remainder of the elegant in- terior being arrangedin harmony under the size revolving " Monarch " Baby. BUSINESS FOR SALEtasteful and skilful judgment of Max Landay. Talking machine and sheet music business-Their store at Newport, R. I., has been reopened Write your Jobber or to Us. wo stores adjoining, can be sold as a whole, or for the fashionable season, and establishments in other bon -ton resorts will also be put in run- each department separate.Location one of thening order this year. The firm have been running most progressive citiesin the Central South.a series of clever "ads.",in the New York daily Choice location for young man that wants a goodpapers for June and which will be continued Syracuse Wire Works foothold for the future. Only reason for selling,this and next month.They have the right idea. University Ave. ill -health.Address "Talk -O -Music," care of The Samuel Bouche, thirty-three years old, said to Talking Machine World, 1 Madison avenue, New be the inventor of a moving picture device in SYRACUSE, N. Y. York. general use, died in Bellevue Hospital recently. 40 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. values in other lines that would go well with PEASE CO.'S UNIQUE LINE the talking machine or would make the catchiest Of Novelties for Talking Machine Men-Some- kind of premiums. The Gold Plated Clock, a cut thing That Should Appeal to the Trade. of which appears in this article,is a sample. This,if shown to the ordinary person, would Live talking machine men will certainly find look like a remarkable bargain at five dollars, many things to interest them in the unique an-and yet can .be sold by a dealer for two and a nouncement made in this issue by the E. S. Peasehalf dollars, giving him a profit of one -fifty,and Co., not by any means least of which is theirwhen bought in large quantities for premium purposes can be had even a little cheaper. And so it goes all through their line.They believe in giving the dealer or jobber all the profit that is possible, and only insist that bills be paid promptly.

THE STANDARD METAL MFG. TALKING MACHINE SUPPLY CO. NEEDLES. CO.'S PLANT. horns,includingdecorated,foldingandthe The line of needles marketed by the TalkingStandard, Edison and Victor lines.The Search- Alachine Supply Co., 400 Fifth avenue, New York, light folding horn is the latest Standard acquisi- are commanding a wide sale.The goods cometion. invariousstyles,includingthe"Auxetone," "Dauer," "Climax," "Lightone," "Opera," "Exhi- VICTOR "STRAWS" TELL THE STORY. bition" and "Star," and on these the company have built a large business.These needles are Straw No. 1-A comparison of the financial re- put up in handsome packages, a few of which axeports of the United States Steel Co. and those of shown in the company's special announcement on the Victor Talking Machine Co. for the first quar- another page of this issue of The World. ter of 1908 (a panic period), shows much in favor of the Victor Co., on a percentage basis. Straw No. 2-We are extending our plant and TO HANDLE PHONOGRAPHS. are building one of the largest smokestacks ever located in theStateof New Jersey. R. H. Peck & Co., Seaforth, Ont., have put in an extensive stock of Edison phonographs aad records, and will no doubt do much to increase J. C. LANDAY'S HONEYMOON TRIP. the popularity of the Edison in their section of James C. Landay, of Landay Bros. and Zed Co.. the Dominion. New York. who is now in Europe on his wedding new Crown Talking Machine.This machine is tour, has been in Paris, France, for the past two certainly a revelation in its class, showing how A GREAT HORN PLANT. weeks.Previously he had toured Scotland, Ire- by the application of modern brains the system land and England, tarrying for a brief while in of eliminate can be used to cheapen the cost The illustration herewith will give a fair viewLondon, where he visited the Anglo-Franco In- of manufacture without the loss of those essen-of the plant of the Standard Metal Mfg. Co., NeNt- ternational Exposition, which he pronounces ex- tials in the way of tone.For there is no ques-ark, N. J.This company have unsurpassed fa-cellent from every point of view.Asked about tion about the results obtained from this littlecilities for the manufacture of horns, and by con-the display of talking machine paraphernalia. phonograph nor the fact that here one has asulting an announcement made in another por-the answer was that Jim was solely on pleasure cheap machine without it being in any sense ation of this paper it will be seen that the Stand- bent with his bride, and he was payingnoatten- toy.This company are also showing some goodard product comprises a wonderful variety oftion whatever to business affairs. NOVELTY and MERIT COMBINED What the Talking Machine isto the old six -tune Music Box the Reflectoscope is to the Magic Lantern. The Reflectoscope never grows old.Every day'smail brings new post cards to the home, every magazine and news- paper contains a mine of interesting views or beautiful pic- tures to be shown, every vacation trip furnishes photographs of pleasant scenes and of friends. Any of these can be brilliantly reproduced upon a screen in a 6 to 10 foot enlargement perfect in every detail even to the exact coloring.This is why The Reflectoscope The Post Card Magic Lantern is making a big hit with the Talking Machine dealers.Those who have already sent for samples report thatit commands an immediate interest wherever displayed. Because everyone likesto look at pictures the immense sales of magic lanterns have continued with alltheir limited ability to amuse.Because the Reflectoscope opens a new field of instruction and amusement the demand for it is instant. Talking Machine dealers especially are in splendid posi- tion to make a profitable side line of the Reflectoscope. Their advertising and soliciting on the Phonograph hasgiventhem practically a selected list of the people interested in thissort of amusement.Thus the machine gives them the opportunity to make an extra profit out of a by-product of their business with- out extra cost. Retailpriceforgas.electricityor denaturedalcohol. mountedreadyfor use andbeautifullyjapanned in black and red. $5. complete.Write for details. Alco-Gas Appliances Dept. 159=161 West 24th St. NEW YORK THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 41 FAMOUS VOICES IN CORNERSTONE OF OPERA HOUSE. Records of the Voices of Mme. Melba, Tetrazzini and Gardenand Other Noted Artists Placed in Cornerstone of Hammerstein's Philadelphia Opera House.

Thedocument, rec- ordsandphotographs were placed in an air- tight copper box.At a signal the marbleCOT. nerstone - which was hollowed out underneath to receive the box-was lowered, a n d Oscar Thecornerstoneof n e w Hammerstein, using a Hammerstein's gold trowel and ham- opera house in Philadel- mer, tapped the stone phia was laid with suit- into place and put the able ceremonies on June finishing touches to the 25.The building is lo- cement around t h e cated at the corner of edges, thereby insuring Broad andPoplar the preservation of the streets, and will be one priceless voice records bestequipped ofthe for an indefinite period. buildingsforthe pro- duction of opera in this or any other country. A unique feature of the ceremony was the placing in the corner- stone of a number of talking machine records by famous artists.By preserving their voices in this manner the great impresario paid a grace-a record by Zenatello and one by Sammarco. ful tribute to his star singers. PhotographsofOscarHammerstein,Melba, The recordsincludethe Mad Scene fromTetrazzini, Campanini, Eva Tetrazzini Campa- "Lucia di Lammermoor," sung by both Melbanini, Calve, Dalmores and Mary Garden were and Tetrazzini;the Habanera from "Carmen,"also put in the cornerstone, along with data con-There was a great number of Mr. Hammerstein's by Calve; the Flower Song from "Carmen," by cerning the erection of the building, signed byNew York friends present at the ceremonies who Dalmores; Massenet's "Noel Palen," by Renaud; OscarHammerstein. wished him the largest measure of success.

TALKING MACHINES IN CHINA. to the excellency of the machines sold and good them.The first specimen has just been finished representation. at the Shanghai factory and has proved a suc- An Interesting Report Made by Our Vice Con- "One firm in Shanghai which has a general cess.American exporters will have to watch sulin Tsingtau Regarding Musical Instru-agency for a leading American gramophone isthe market closely to keep a tradeintheir ments. selling large quantities of machines and discs.hands in which a satisfactory start has been They establish agencies in all ports, sell directly made. Vice -Consul Ernest Vollmer, of Tsingtau, re- "Germany seems to be the main other nation cently made the following interesting report con- to the natives, and supply them with Chinese contendingforthemarketingramophones. cerning' theincreasing use of musical instru-and other musical records, all of which are made in the United States. They manufacture cheaper goods and get some ments, especially talking machines, in China, orders, a firm in Tsingtau doing a good business and suggesting means whereby American manu- "Aside from the articles already mentioned in these machines." facturers canholdandincreasetheirtrade thisfirmsells Americanbanjos, organs and therein.Mr. Vollmer says: sheet music inlarge numbers and quantities. MULTIPLE CO. INCORPORATED. "With the steady increase in the EuropeanThe firm manufacture 15 pianos monthly, for population of the Far East, a growing demandwhich raw material is all imported, and it dis- The Multiple PhonographCo.,ofPortland. forallsorts of musical goods isdeveloping, tributes large quantities of German harmonicas, was incorporatedinMaine recentlyforthe while gramophones and talking machines are the latter being so cheap as -to defy competition.purpose of making and handling musical instru- finding an ever -extending market among the Chi-Furthermore, American pianolas are being dealt ments.Capital. $3,000,000.President,C.E. nese.American trade, on the whole, seems toin toalarge extent, but this trade will soon Eaton;treasurer, T. L. Croteau;clerk,J.E. be doingbetter in the latter line, owing mainly suffer, as the firm has just started to reproduceManter, all of Portland. Two New Ones From the HUMPHREY Line of Record Cabinets

The illustration shows No. 107 Disc Record Cabinet, made of VC' imp .85, Solid Oak, Golden Finished.The interior ofthisisfinished theHumphrey way-smooth,neatandattractive. Exterior daib rubbed and polished.Each division in rack holds five Records; 4E05 the entire Cabinet holds 125 12 -inch Records. .40 Height, 321/2 inches. Width, 17 inches. Depth, 16% inches. Weight, 55 lbs., crated. Quarter Sawed Oak front, plain sides and top, paneled back. Price, $10.00 List No.137, Cylinder Record.. Cabinet, holds 125 cylinder Records -same finish, same dimensions.Interior fitted with five trays. which can be pulled out and suspended at any angle, making all Records easily accessible. Price, $11.00 List Our Catalogillustrates many stylesforCylinder and Disc Records --the best made, thebest designed, and bestfinished Cabinets in the world-at popular prices. Send your order to the nearest Jobber, or write at once for new' Catalog.


for himself, accidentally broke one, and he cried TIMELY TALKS ON TIMELY TOPICS as if his heart would break. "This set me to thinking, and then it occurred In addition to his scientific attainments, won-famous by his name is, a product "for the masses to me there might be something in the phono- derful adaptability to commercial conditions, notand not for the classes." graph after all as a commercial proposition. I tomentionhismarvelousinventivegenius, argued to myself, if a child so prizes an article Thomas A. Edison is also largely interested in Mention of Mr. Edison's name can scarcely beof this kind, which at that time could not be sociologicalproblems. A man offew words,made without something else cropping up remi-replaced if damaged or destroyed, there must be unless with his intimates and every -day business niscently.In fact,it reminds the writer whata host of others in the world of the same mind; associates,Mr. Edisonhas seldomexpressed he related to a group of newspaper men regard- in fact, I thought there might be a demand for himself openly and freely on such topics, buting the early days of the phonograph, when asuch goods. We went to work on this supposi- those who know him well and have heard him fortune was hardly deemed within the range oftion; but I advised our folk to go slow, even talk on the subject say he is a consistent andcommercial possibilities.This is how Mr.. Edi-when sales were increasing at a rapid rate, as it ardent advocate of socialism-in its best sense, of son told the story:"We had a committee atmight prove only a passing fancy.Now, I can- course.The world knows he is an ardent ad-the factory who passed on allrecords.About not say anything.I am literally surprised at mirer of Tolstoi, and his plan of devising cheap twenty-five was our entire list, and we classified the stupendous expansion of the business."At and cleanly homes-concrete construction-for them as good, fine, bad, rotten, punkarhino.Iu the conclusion of this interesting bit of talking the less fortunate of mankind, so far as material most every case when Ipronounced a recordmachine history the "old man wonderful" smiled success is measured, is also familiar to many.'rotten' these selections turned out to be the bestrestropectively, and his listeners were inlike Mr. Edison has been a strenuous opponent ofsellers, so you may know what a good judge I mood. high -pricephonographs,possiblyonthisac- am.For a long while I never thought there was Lou C. Wilber, manager of the Regina Co.'s count, as the fixed policy, doubtless formulatedanything in the phonograph until one day mybusiness in the territory of Greater New York, by himself, respecting the line of goods madelittle boy, who had probably a half -dozen records amegya with headquarters at Broadway and 17th street, though but 28 years of age, has had a uniformly successful career since he started in the music A GOOD SIDE LINE "Simplex" Automatic Electric Light NO WIRES.Can be hung anywhere. A splendid device for lighting dark or dimly lighted rooms, closets,telephone booths, etc.Equipped with " Triumph "refillexport battery.Four feet of silk covered wire attached to globe. $1.20 Each LOC C. WILDER. trade at Detroit, Mich., as a boy.He has been promoted from one responsible position to an- other, his record as a road salesman being par- ticularly brilliant.Mr. Wilber assumed charge IT PAYS JOBBERS of the present New York store when it was opened, and here he displayed his managerial talents to such great advantage that the com- to co-operate with us and to designate the dealers with pany renewed his contract again, dating from July 15.The Regina Co., besides their own dis- whom they wish us to work. tinctive line of automatic instruments, are large WRITE TO -DAY FOR EXCLUSIVE' JOBBER'S Edison jobbers and Victor distributers. Perhaps it may be a difficult task to convince TERRITORIAL PRIVILEGE. the average dealer that when business is slow is the time to increase their advertising, and OUR SYSTEM increases sales of records at least 100 such space as may be used in the local news papers should be occupied by a forceful and tell- per cent., and increases sales of expensive phonographs ing presentation of their goods.The accepted rule is that when trade quiets down the adver- proportionately within a short time. tisingappropriationshouldbereduced.No greater mistake is made.Experts in advertis Booklet covering our new proposition sentupon request, lug, who study the game from a cold. scientific standpoint-thatis.for producing results-are to all jobbers and dealers.It costs but a two cent stamp a unit on this proposition.With the PrOfessional advertising man such ways and means are the to ascertain the full particulars. best to adopt that. have "pulling" power.They. therefore. advise no curtailment of the publicity campaign when business is slow.Then is the THE EDWIN A. DENHAM COMPANY time to make still further efforts.Where this planhas beenfollowedsuccesshasalways Business Developers crowned the endeavors of the advertiser.A few talking machine dealers are wise enough to lnu- 498-500 Broadway, New York sue this course, and they are reaping their re AND EIFIZILIN. GERMANY ward. Would there werc more. These observations also apply with equal force and cogency to the jobber selling to the trade. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 43

NEWS FROM THE PACIFIC COAST. greatest amusement is a talking machine.The leave immediately after July 4, after which they appeal met with a ready response. Records Morein Demand Than Machines- will be unable to get new records for a long The largest assortment of records ever sold time. Sherman, Clay & Co. have just received the Business Better Than a Year Ago-Columbia with a single machine was recently placed byspecial Victor record of George Cohan's new song, Co.'s Report-Miller Makes Change-EdisonBenjamin Curtaz & Son with a visitor from Mex-"Yankee Doodle's Come to Town," and all who Records Score Hit-Victor Rebords for Leper ico, who became interested in the Victrola, and have heard it so far have been enthusiastic over it. Hospital-Big Sale cf Victors to Mexican-liked it so well that he wanted a copy of all the The many friends here of "Art" Geissler, now Sailors Good Buyers-Pleased at Geissler'shigh class records made by that company. general manager of the Talking Machine Co., Success in Chicago and St. Louis. Sherman, Clay & Co. have made arrangementsChicago, are constantly receiving splendidre- (Special to The Talking Machine World.) with the Victor manufacturers by which thpy canports from mutual acquaintances in the Windy place each new issue of records in the hands ofCity of the progress being made by the erst- San Francisco, Cal., July 6, 1908. the retailer on the first of the month.This feat-while San Franciscan.It seems that he has Ashadbeeu anticipated, the month of June has made a much less satisfactory showing in theure is found to cause quite an increase in thebeen blessed by both God and man.Not only popularity of the Victor machine with the coun-have two fine little sons made their advent in talking machine trade thau May.The stimula- trytrade.Mr. McCarthy says thatthelast his home since he located in Chicago, but the tion caused by the presence of the fleet has beenmonthly issue has taken extremely well, andgreat wholesale talking machine house of which lacking, and this alone would account for someorders are coming in as well as ever.He states he is the head is said to be advancing by leaps falling off.During the latter part of the month, and bounds under his management. moreover, a great many people have been making that this month's business is fully up to that of Itis ru- their yearly visits to the country, and are notMay, in spite of the quietness reported elsewhere. mored that his success in the conduct of the anxious to buy talking machines until they re-The warships, he says, are all laying in largeChicago company has resulted in his being given turn.There is some advertising of talking' ma-stocks of records, as everyone of them has atthe general management of the St. Louis Talk- chines as camp entertainers, and quite a lot ofleast one Victor machine on board, and they willing Machine Co. in addition. records are sold to people going on vacations, but the campers this year are not buying as many machines as usual.City trade is quiet, and dealers are finding that very few sales are made without a strenuous effort.The country trade la some sections is better, as considerable "Blackman" Back From Atlantic City advertisingisbeing done by dealersinthe smaller towns with very fair results.With this and says Good Results From the Work of the Convention trade to fall back on, the wholesalers are not complaining.One pleasing feature of the trade Will Be Felt in the Trade RIA in general is the demand for records, which keeps up steadily.Some special lines of records are especiallypopular,andarecontinualprofit - THE CONVENTION WAS THE BIGGEST EVER HELD makers. Some of the finer grades of machines are also keeping up well. We had a larger attendance than at any previous convention. In comparison with a year ago,itis safe to What does it mean ?It means that the Jobbers and Manufacturers say that more business is done now.There are have banded together to insure a "QUICK REVIVAL" OF "PROS- more dealers after the large business, and con- PERITY," and the "DEALER" should give his support.Let us sequently several of them individually are not doing as much, but some growing concerns on all work together. the other hand show a great increase.The Co- lumbia PhonographCo.,forinstance,reports IT WILL PAY YOU TO MAKE GOOD AND GET four times as much business as last month. The YOUR REWARD local agencyis sending out large numbers of circulars, aiming to reach dealers in territory I feel that the manufacturer will give more protection to the where the company has not yet placed agencies. Jobber and Dealer who has helped sustain our business during the This, together with some strong advertising by depression, and you can't afford to quit the game now "Mr. Dealer." the country agents, is mainly responsible for the increase.The local store is making a good dis- play with the Symphony Grand Graphophone, BLACKMAN WILL HELP YOU MAKE GOOD which, for a high-priced machine, is selling very Don't lose your trade by failing to have a proper stock of nicely.Coast Manager W. S. Gray is now in Southern California, on an automobile trip among machines, the latest records and those in the general catalog.It will the dealers.He will be back in about ten days. pay every dealer to keep in the front ranks, for business is improving Mr. Saunders, the Vallejo agent, was in San and with the return of cool weather the Talking Machine business Francisco last week. He says that business has will have a new boom. been quiet in his town since the middle of last month. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO TAKE CHANCES, W. J. Miller, who for several months has been manager of the retail talking machine depart- BUY FROM BLACKMAN ment of Kohler & Chase, has resigned his posi- 41 He is a Jobber of both EDISON and VICTOR and "If Black- tion, and is now in Portland, Ore.It is said that man gets the order you get the goods." he will take a place with the Eilers Piano House. The local department of Kohler & Chase is tem- You can send ONE order to BLACKMAN for any EDISON and porarily in charge of Mr. Neil, but C. Edwards, VICTOR goods, get one shipment and thus save time and expense. formerly of the wholesale department, will soon If the service is not the best, "Blackman loses," but he is not worry- take over the management. ing about that. The Eilers Music Co. is having great success with the Reginaphone, which they are introduc- BE AN OPTIMIST AND BUY FROM ONE ing on the Coast.They are very enthusiastic over this machine, and have succeeded in arous- 41 If you believe in patronizing a Jobber who has faith in the ing a general interest in it. future of our business and will work hard at all times to improve con- Peter Bacigalupi & Sons now have the July ditions and elevate the business, then let BLACKMAN be your Edison records on sale, and as usual when the monthly issue comes out they are having a large Jobber. business at the retail store.The number of or- ders coming into the wholesale department, how- BLA0(071VAN YOURS I -70R SF.1.?...V1.;E: jl-_(Aif0MAN ever, isstill more satisfactory.They say that theire has been a decline of late in the amount of business on Fillmore street, where their retail store is located, and it takes a special occasion to Blackman Talking Machine Co, cause any interest.They have the Edison com- J. NEWCOMB BLACKMAN, Pres. "THE WHITE BLACKMAN" mercial machine wellstarted,but operations along this line are still limited by lack of stock. This trouble will be remedied very shortly. 97 Chambers Street NEW YORK An appeal has been made by the physician in "EVERYTHINGFOR EDISON AND VICTOR" charge of the leper hospital in San Francisco for Victor records for the use of inmates, whose 11 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.


Just a word with you, Mr. Talking 1Vlachine Dealer! *Naturally trade is somewhat dull-that is to be expected in midsummer, but indications, point to a business activity in the early fall which will be pleasing. Is your stock ready to meet with ordinary demands which may come upon you ?Then right here let us take up the subject of stock with you. Will you not ? W e are the largest exclusive talking machine jobbers in the world.We have at all times a most complete stock of Edison Phonographs and Records

Our business is so systematized that we can have orders filled and on their way totheir destination shortly after they have- been received.Promptness has been one of the cornerstones upon which this business has been built. We have a number of specialties which will work in splendidly in any talking machine stock. We have a complete line of originally designed record cabinets. The ordinary Peg Cabinet for Cylinder Records and the ordinary Slat Cabinet for Disc Records. Both the Eureka CartonCabinetforCylinderRecords andthe Eureka Library Cabinet for Disc Records are extraordinarily good cabinets in that they protect the record from dirt and scratch and make it possible to find a desired record without loss of time or trouble. Let us explain their superiority and merits. Our Eureka Alphabet Index is supplied withour cabinets. Itwill quickly enableone toimmediately locate any record.We have the True- tone diaphragm for Model C (Edison) reproducer.This you can sell to any customer. I tincreases the volume of tone, and only costsa half dollar,and money back if desired.We have a number of other specialties, and we are a general supply depot for everything in the talking machineline. Don't forget, we can assist you to build trade-our word for it. Goods Shipped Promptly.100 per cent. of Orders Guaranteed THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 45 This idea originated with Victor H. Rapke, of VACATION MONTH IN BOSTON. gence remarkable for dam construction, and photographed them at work on tree felling.In- New York, who personally secured the names. Members of the Trade Areon Their Annual teresting experiments to get the effect of music on About 15 of the company's officers -and heads of Outing-Eastern TalkingMachine Co. New the fur -bearing animals seen-mink, otter, fisher, departments were at the pier, including A. Wes - Window Publicity-SomeRecent Visitors. foxes, skunks, ana even bears-were made. Thetee, secretary and treasurer; F. K. Dolbeer, gen- flute, Professor Kellogg says, seemed to have theeral sales manager; N. C. Durand, manager of (Specialto The Talking Machine World.) most attraction for these animals, who fled at thethe commercial system department; Peter Web- Boston, Mass., July 10, 1908. sound of a violin.At twilight, when the beaverber, superintendent of the works; Walter H. This is vacation month in the talking machinefamilies were 'about toretire, he had no diffi-Miller, manager ofthe recording laboratory; trade here.Managers, clerks and customers areculty in drawing them to their doorways with A. C. Ireton, W. H. A. Cronkhite, F. E. Madison, remaining away from the stores for a time, en-the softly played strains of the flute, and theyL. C. McChesney, Walter Stevens, A. T. Moore, joying a rest. would invariably retire when the violin wasJohn E. Helm, J. F. McCoy, B. F. Barklow.Mr. The month of June was notable only for thesounded. Gilmore expects to be back home in September. number of traveling men who visited this town. One evening he was somewhat frightened to B. F. Philpot, general manager of the Indes-behold a large she bear, which he had seen some FINE LINE OF UDELL CABINETS. tructible Phonographic Record Co., was here from days before, standing close to him with three The Udell Works, of Indianapolis, Ind., are Albany, N. Y., also Joseph McCoy, of file Na-cubs, who were apparently agreeably affected by showing an excellent line of cabinets for disc tional Phonograph Co.H. N. McMenimen struckthe music, and at these concerts he had manyand cylinder records in the Grand Rapids mar town full of ambition about his horns. sorts of animals that came to be regular patrons.ket. Furniture Exhibition Building, 4th floor.As Business is reported as "so so" at the Eastern Deer were so tame that they would hang arounda well-known member of the trade said the other Talking Machine Co., as a direct result of thehis camp and wait for the food of civilization.. day:"The Udell people do not take off their new policy of window dressing at this store, two . He obtained valuable pictures in motion ofhats to anyone on this class of cabinets, and the fine cash sales of Victrolas were made.One cfclouds of beautiful colored butterflies, with histrade has long since come to a thorough realiza- these instruments is to go to Sicily. phonograph he got wonderful animal sounds, andtion of the fact that when they buy the Udeli W. J. Fitzgerald, of the Eastern Talking Ma-songs of birds, the like of which he says manthey get splendid values."The lines this year chine Co: staff, leaves for a fishing trip to Mainescarcely ever hears near civilization; a recordembrace both oak and mahogany cabinets and July 15.He declares that he is going to catchof the bull moose calling to his mate, the weirdgrade up well as to price.The patterns offered a red herring and send it to Mr. Gately, for-night cries of the Indian Devil, the almost humanare the very best that skilled designers can work merly with the Eastern Co. cries of wounded rabbits, and of the prowlingout and who in the trade does not know of the R. F. Pease, of the Massachusetts Indestruc-loup cervier. finefinishput on Udell 'cabinets.The Udell tible Co., went to Philadelphia this week to get This material will be used by Professor Kel-Works have already booked a great many orders, a rest. logg to illustrate lectures on nature study and iswhich testify to the worth of this handsome tine. William Howes, manager of Houghton & Dut-the first attempt in this unique direction.With ton's talking machine department,reportsa real pictures and real sounds simulated he hopes HOME-MADE PHONOGRAPH. seasonable business, with a good call for high-to set at rest many claims of nature fakers and priced goods. nature writers' theories. The Bright Music Co., of Luling, Tex., have on exhibition at their store a complete talking ma- GILMORE OFF TO EUROPE. chine that was made entirely by Sam Beversdorf, PICTURES OF BEAVERS AT WORK. a young man in the employ of the Electric Light Remembered by the Talking Machine Jobbers Co.This machine will play any disc record and Prof.C.R.Kellogg Snaps Wild Animals and in Conventic n at Atlantic City. Birds in the Maine Woods-Made Records of is remarkably well made, when the material and Their Voices. tools that Beversdorf had at his disposal are William E. Gilmore, president of the Nationalconsidered. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Phonograph Co., Orange, N. J., sailed for Bremen, Portland, Me., July 1, 1908. Germany, Tuesday morning, via the "Kronprin- DENVER MUSIC CO. SCORES. zessin Cecilie," of the North German Lloyd line, With priceless moving picture films and dataaccompanied by his family.As the vessel was The Denver Music Co., Denver, Col., made a procured in the wilds of Maine of the habits,about taking her departure, Mr. Gilmore was thegreat hit with the delegates to the Democratic haunts and activities of the busy beaver family,pleased recipient of a letter by special delivery,National Convention by placing a large phono- caught for the first time in the history of natureconveying' the good wishes of the members of the graph in the front entrance of their store, and studies, sets of films depicting bird, animal andNational Association of Talking Machine Job-keeping it going with the Bryan speeches in the insect life and information on the effect of musicbers in convention assembled at Atlantic City,Edison list.A large crowd was always in front upon the denizens of the wild, Prof. C. R. Kel- of the store listening to the records, which were logg, a New York naturalist, reached here fromN. J., together with many visitors in attendance thereon.It was a unique communication fromwonderfully clear and distinct even at a consid- the Dead River regions around the Kennebagothe fact that the signature of- each person waserable distance.Several other piano and music chain of lakes to -day, after a month's work farattached, making three columns of names on ahouses made special displays during the con- from the haunts of mankind. vention. The Dead River region is the habitat of numer-broad page of .paper with a brief introductory. ouslargecolonies of theinterestingbeaver family, whose activities in dam building and its consequent flowage of timber lands, under legal protection, has raised a protest .by timber land Everyup-to-datemerchant is owners and a demand that the open time on after business in these times and it beaver be made law again. Now, beaver can only, pays him to leave no avenue un- be killed under the direct supervision of the After explored which has possibilities. Maine Fish and Game Commission, and it is esti- Now, we make a close study of mated that the damage caused to growing timber the business conditions in the talk- by flowage from beaver dams mounts into the ing machine trade.We cater ex- thousands annually. clusively to the dealer-we do no It was in the midst of these beaver colonies retail business, and all of our ex- that Professor Kellogg spent his days. He found Business perience and our resources are at that in some parts where small trout streams the command of our customers. originallywere, there are now sizable ponds We carry the largest stock of talk- teeming with trout, created from dams built by ing machines and accessories to be found in New England, and we manu- the beaver engineers, dams so well built that facture a number of specialties which of course we control exclusively. dynamite must of necessity be used to remove If your stock needs brightening up-if you want some things to fill in them. He found trees felled of the thicknessof to attract, recollect that we can get out your orders at the shortest pos- more than twelve inches by beavers and used in sible notice.We are in the wholesale district of Boston and as soon as dam construction. orders are received they are filled and on their way to the customer within With his special apparatus carried far into the the briefest possible time.Accuracy and dispatch have been made the woods where neither roads nor trails penetrate, key -notes of our success. Professor Kellogg set up his establishment, made friends with food given the colonists, and was able to procure a most wonderfully interesting series of motion pictures of the beavers at work and at play in and around their spacious houses fringing the ponds they artificially create for Boston Cycle and Sundry Co. their dooryards. 48 Hanover Street M. Boston, Mass. He caught them toting large and good-sized logs, rafting them down the streams with the skill of river drivers, adjusting them with intelli- 46 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Pease Products Please Purchasers Pay Profits

If You AreaWide -Awake Jobber or Dealer, Your Name is Worth $$ tous We Have Propositions That Are Worth $$ to You THE CROWN TALKING MACHINE Not an imported toy -but.a machine embodying all the important features of the high-priced phonographs-butso simplifiedthat it can be sold with big profit ata price to suitthe slimmest purse. The Crown is equipped with a 24 -inch ampli- fying flower horn, noiseless spring motor, standard ratchet screw feed, concert size, detachable floating reproducer.Plays all standard cylinder recordsas loud and as clearas the large machines, the only machine at the price enclosed ina cabinet, hand- somely finished throughout, artistic oakcase.Each one packed separately. Retails at $8.00 Dealers' Price, $4.80 SPECIAL DISCOUNT TO JOBBERS Are You Hunting for New Business? If so. don't fail to investigate our side lines for the Talking Machine Trade

OPEN 100 to 500 Per Cent. Profit

EVERY ONE A SELLER Crown Wood and Metal Telephones, Roller Skates, Lamps, Clocks, Watches, Sad -Irons, etc., etc. Each one is brim full of possibilities.Write us and we will gladly furnish all particulars. Pease Premiums Please

('LOSER PeopleProduce Profits Did it ever occur toyou to stimulate trade with some good premium-do not confuse this with price cutting- on the contrary, itis a system by which a retailer rewards patrons for their steady customage and by which he can hold their trade without having to constantly undersell " the man across the street," thereby never knowing how much average profit is madeon sales. We arc experts in this line, let us helpyou.On account of the close margin at which we sell, we only open account forlel days, and then only with firms who are satisfactorily rated otherwise cash must accompany all orders.

Suite 1871 Hudson Terminal Building, E. S. Pease Co., New York City, N. Y. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 47

TRADE NEWS FROM SAINTLY CITY. IMPORTANT BUSINESS MOVE. Manager Gressing Reports Trade as Picking Up Squires Bros. and E. F. King Become the Own- -New System of Suction Fans in the Demon- erscfIndiana PhonographCo.-To Put strating Rooms of the St. Louis Talking Ma- Ginger intheBusiness-W.M.Birdin chine Co.-Silverstone Co. Displaying Bryan Charge of Dictaphone Branch-Moving Pic- Records-Reginaphone Sales-Other Items. ture Showsin LargeTheatresInjuring Nickelodean Trade. ( Special to The Talking Machine World.) St. Louis, Mo., July 2, 1908. (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Trade reports showthatbusinessforthe Indianapolis, Ind., July 6, 1908. month of .Tune was much better than for May. A deal has just been closed whereby Squires Manager 0. A. Gressing, of the St. Louis Talk-Brothers and Edward F.King, ofJasonville, ing Machine Co., reports trade as picking upInd., become the owners of the Indiana Phono- Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. daily.He has just returned from a week's tripgraph Co., succeeding Charles F. Craig, who has to Evansville, Ind., Louisville, Ky., and otherowned the business for the last five years.The points.0. 0. Dice, traveler for the same con-store of the Indiana Phonograph Co. is situated cern, is home from a five weeks' trip throughin Virginia avenue, and the company have done ALWAYS Southeast Missouri and Arkansas.He sent inboth a retail and jobbing business, but have de- some nice orders and established quite a numbervoted most of their efforts to the jobbing busi- of new talking machine dealers.L. A. Cummins, ness.They handle Edison machines exclusively. SATISFYING also a traveler for the same concern, is in fromMr. Craig gave ill -health as his reason for quit- a ten days' trip through Illinois.He reports an ting the business.He said his physician had ad- improving trade, except through the flooded dis- vised him to take a complete rest.He will likely but trict, where it is dull. go to New York for a short time as soon as the Miss Clara Goetz, the charming and popular work of invoicing has been completed. GROWING saleslady at the St. Louis Talking Machine Co.'s Squires Brothers and Edward F. King have retail store,is now on a two weeks' vacation, been in business at Jasonville and have been suc- which is being spent at the Michigan resorts. cessful, itis said.They are coming to Indian- BETTER Manager Gressing has introduced a system ofapolis with the purpose of putting ginger into suction fans in all the demonstrating booths atthe business of the Indiana Phonograph Co.The the retail store of the St. Louis Talking Machinefirst announcement is that they will put two Every Day Co., which insures a constant current of cool air, men on the road to lOok after the jobbing busi- which is much appreciated by their customers. ness.Mr. Craig has had no regular road men. ManagerE.B.Walthall,oftheColumbia Mr. Craig was carrying a large number of records Phonograph Co., reports trade as being betterat the time of the sale.He said that business than last month, and especially so in the retail had been good.The month closed, he said, 15 or line.W. S. Byrd, traveler for this concern, is20 per cent. ahead of the business for the pre- Our Perfect Serv- now on his vacation and will be away two weeks.vious month."Ibelieve," he said,"that the The Dictaphone Company of America, withquestion of the election of a President is having ice has satisfied the George S. Murray as district manager, have es-somethingtodo with retarding business.If tablishedtheirlocalofficesat1012 and 1013Bryan should be nominated and elected I would most exacting and dis- Pierce Building, and are rapidly organizing their expect to see business held up for a while at forces. least." Dealers, The Silverstone Talking Machine Co. have a Mr. Morrison, of the small goods department criminating nice window display of the W. J. Bryan records of the Carlin & Lennox store, says the talking Mounted on a revolving Ferriss wheel.Mr. Sil- machine business, while itis not rushing, has and is bringing them verstone states that they are selling well. settled down to a substantial basis, and that the D. K. Myers, the Zonophone jobber, says thatbest people are buying machines, and that they over to ourside daily. business is moving along fairly well with himare buying a good class of machines.Carlin & and reports a good trade on records.Malcolm Lennox handle Victor machines. R. Henry, a well-known talking machine man, The Dictaphone Co., of New York, have taken has connected himself with D. K. Myers, and will over the commercial talking machine business CrWHAT you represent him through this territory. here for the Columbia Phonograph Co.Warren The Conroy Piano Co. report that their trad-M. Bird is in charge of the business, and has his 11 WANT WHEN ing in talking machines has been fair duringoffice in the store of the Columbia Co. June, and that it is improving. There is an excellent demand for the Columbia youWANT it. S. R. Brewer, manager of the talking machine SymphonyGrandGraphophone.Thisinstru- department ofthe Thiebes-Stierlin Music Co.,ment is being used extensively in outdoor and spent several days, including the Fourth of July, indoor concerts and is proving to be very popu- Hitch YOUR at his home in Terre Haute, Ind.He reportslar.The new tone arm machine of the Columbia business as fair.He sold a $160 Reginaphone to Co. also is increasing in popularity. 11wagon to alive wire a customer in Los Angeles, Cal., recently. A. Jay, of the Kipp -Link Co., who has been Manager W. H. Hollingsworth, of the Evans- traveling over Indiana, says that prospects for ville Talking Machine Co., of Evansville, Ind., business are good.Mr. Jay is meeting with great and111F' WATCH reports trade picking up nicely.This firm re-success in the sale of his new patent repeater cently moved into their new store on Main street, attachment for talking machines.He has just THE WHEELS GO which is well located and a model store in everyreceived word that letters of patent have been detail. granted to him by the Government of Germany. 'ROUND. The repeaters are manufactured at Cincinnati. The Family Theater is the latest addition to HAVE YOU NEW H Yon the city's places of amusement at popular prices. at Have The place opened with a vaudeville bill.It is at C With pleasure GOODS to EXPLOIT? You Know the point of Washington street and Kentucky avenue and is owned by Harmon & Arganbright. your service. What Competition means in your Held. A phonograph at the police station was the PREPARE YOUR SALESMEN novelty recently.Cleveland Brown, employed by TO MEET THIS COMPETITION the Indiana Phonograph Co., was arrested by a detective when he was trying to dispose of a talking machine in a Washington street pawn St. Louis Talking Machine Co. shop.It was charged that Brown returned to "Men Who Sell Things"the store of the Indiana Co. after it was closed MILLS BUILDING is a plain, common-sense, straightforward book, and got the machine.The policemen had plenty written by an active, hard working business of music for a while.They like ragtime mostly. 7th & St. Charles Streets man, for manufacturers, sales -managers and It gets right at the root of things. Moving picture shows in the large Grand Opera salesmen. House and English's Opera House are damaging ST. LOUIS, MO. YOU NEED THIS BOOK the business of many of the smaller five -cent ONE DOLLAR a Copy, of ANY BOOKSELLER theaters.It is said that proprietors of most of $1.10, Postpaid, of the Publishers the small places are complaining. One man, who Exclusively VICTOR Distributors A. C. McCLURG & CO. - - CHICAGO was in a position to know, said that he knew of eight five -cent theaters that were for sale. 48 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

We Are the Originators

No. 719 OaK and Mahogany No. 805 -W O -E E and Antwerp

Full Lines Full Lines Shown at Shown at CHICAGO NEW YORK at the at the

Manufacturers' New York Exhibition Building Furniture Exchange

1319 Michigan Ave. 43d St. and Lexington Ave.

CYLO-PHONE No. 742 "It's a Beauty"

HERZOG Art Furniture Co.

Saginaw, W. S., Mich. No. 809 Oak and Mahogany No. 827 -Oak and Mahogany THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 49

CLEVELAND'S TRADE BUDGET. higher -priced ones, was good, while the demand Moving pictures have secured a tight grip on for records continues very satisfactory and is in-Clevelanders.There is a moving picture theater BusinessSteadilyImproving-WhyBriggs creasing. ,r. in nearly every block down town-in some blocks Doesn't Favor Talkersin Barber Shops- Miss B. Grabler, who presides over the talkingtwo or three-and in every outlying business Many Salesof Victrolas-What Columbiamachine department of the Caldwell Piano Co., section.One theater, the Lyric, heretofore play- Representatives Report-How a Mechanicalstated that although business generally was dull,ing melodramas, is now a moving picture theater, Piano Got a Man Into Serious Trouble. they were having a fairly good trade. and thereistalk of another being metamor- CoUlster & Sayles made sales of several Vic- phosed.Parks and other outdoor resorts are (Special teThe Talking Machine World.) trolas recently, some of these sales carrying with taking them up.Their excellence, cheapness and Cleveland, 0., July 10, 1908. them sales of records to the amount of $60 each. continuousexhibition commend themtothe Almost similar conditions pervade talking ma-Sales of machines, it was stated, continues about masses. chine circles as existed a month ago.Business the same, and demand for records fair. continues about the same, and the fact that all Mr. Robbins, of Robbins & Emerson, in the the dealers are stillin business, meeting theirArcade, stated that business was now picking up DOLBEER'S GREAT TRIP. bills promptly, shows that trade is at least on asome. He thinks the outlook for a good tall and paying basis. winter trade isfine. He says there are moreTraveled Over Sixteen Thousand Miles and Vis- On the whole conditions, while not so alluring,prospects in view at present than for some time itedTwenty-eight of the Principal Cities- are far from discouraging.Dealers feel confi-past, and that sales of records are growing. Chats Interestingly of Conditions at Various dent of a fairly normal trade next fall, and con- The Witt Music Co. report business fairly good Points Visited-Attended Convention of tinued improvement during the winter. in all lines, and especially in the automatic de- Credit Men-Unable to Attend Convention of Edward Briggs, of Cleveland, is a connoisseurpartment.During June they sold and placed a Talking Machine Jobbers at Atlantic City. in all that pertains to talking machines.He islarge number of self -playing pianos and other the possessor of a fine machine and many rec-automatic instruments. The trip of F. K. Dolbeer, general sales man- ords, and believes it is pre-eminently a treasure Miss Edna Rankin, in charge of the talkingager of the National Phonograph Co., Orange, for any home.Discussing the various uses tomachine department, socially very popular, andN. J., through the west, northwest and to the which it may be put, he claimed there was aone of the most efficient in the talking machinePacific coast was one of more than usual impor- limit."I've nothing to say against music inbusiness, stated that trade in both machines and tance.The journey was undertaken to study theaters, or grill rooms, or thirst parlors, or evenrecords was very fair, and their trade had beenconditions, and the situation in each locality was in restaurants, althoughIbelieve some of thedaily improving since the opening, a couple ofgiven special attention with that end in view. music in eating places is largely responsible formonths ago. The company carry a complete line In an informal chat with The Review Mr. Dol- the dyspepsia prevailing in the city.Still, as Iof Victor and Edison machines and records, andbeer spoke as follows: say,I don't register any kick.But I do drawtheir demonstration rooms attract a stream of "You know I had been through the south and a line clear across my charts when it comes tovisitors and customers. southwest just previous to going west, andI music in barber shops, especially if it's a colored Mr. Probeck returned from a visit to the Co-will probably make a similar trip through the barber shop. lumbia headquarters in New York a few dayseast, butnotuntilSeptember.On thislast "Do yousee that chin, and that maceratedago and says he found conditions generally im-jaunt Itraveled 16,000 miles and visited 28 of cheek?That's all due to this fad of trying toproving and the factory is running at nearly itsthe principalcitiesin that section, and have runin musical accompaniments topracticallyfull capacity.He said he very much regrettedbeen away since April 1.As to conditions, gen- every variety of man's activity nowadays. There's losing -the commercial end of the business. erally speaking, theyarefair.InSpokane, a barbershopout my way that installed a big W. J. Roberts, Jr., says he made several goodWash., and Portland, Ore., the talking machine talking machine not long ago-one of those big, sales of Victrolas and other of the higher -pricedtrade is doing a splendid business and are tak- loud -mouthed ones, with revolving turrets, dis-machines during the past month, while his dailying as large, if not a larger, quantity of goods appearing carriage and self -cocking devices. sales of records, in the aggregate, is quite large.than a year ago, besides paying their accounts "About the time the man got the lather smeared Hugh Gully says the demand for July recordspromptly. over my face that machine started up.It wasis excellent, and that customers were well pleased "In California another state of affairs exists. one of those coon songs, with considerable swingwith them. Trade is rather quiet.By the earthquake and toit, and the machine hadn't rattled off more The obstinacy of a mechanical piano resultedfire San Francisco lost 28,000 buildings..Since than about six bars before the villain who stoodin getting a saloonkeeper into serious trouble.6,000 have been erected, and while they are of a over me with his razor, began to shift his feetThe seductive strains of music had gathered an much more substantial character and of a higher uneasily, and also to make his strokes on myadmiring crowd, when a policeman appeared.grade of architecture, at the same time they face in unison with the accelerated pianissimoThe saloon man testified in police court that the afford as much accommodation or floor capacity effects of the 'talker.'Ever and anon he wouldofficer had taken occasion to publicly insult him,as their predecessors, nearly five times in num- chip a piece of hide off my face.He shaved thewhile reading him the "rules and regulations," ber.The entire State seems to be affected by entire right side of my face with just two majorand he made protest.He was arrested and thethe system of graft that prevailed so long un- chords.One more strain and my lip was shaved. policeman charged him with violating the musicchecked in San Francisco.The people have not So it went.You know how those colored gentle- ordinance.The defendant, in the police court, losttheirnerve, . however, but are knuckling men come down with both their pedal extremitiessaid his mechanical piano had been easily started right down, looking facts in the face and deter- at the close of a clog dance turn; well, that's thebut he could not stop it.The judge freed him.mined to redeem the fair fame of California.In way all the barbers did in this place, and the one who was shaving me also brought his razor down with one final dexterous slash that marked the end of the shave, as well as the selection.He got about a thumb -nailsection of my chin at that slash, and I was afraid he might want to Grinnell Bros. try the number over again, soIsaid something about having to catch a train and jumped out of DETROIT, MICH. the chair after my collar and things.You don't catch me in any more barber shops with musical Largest Michigan Jobbers of the complete attachments, unless they furnish a printed list of records from which I can make my own selec- tions.No more 'Honey, Won't You Please Come Down?' for me while I'm in a barber chair." EDISON and VICTOR R. M. Summers, of Elyria, a suburban town, was in the city a few days ago.He is a dealer in pianos and sheet music, and carries a com- plete stock of Edison and Columbia machines, Lines, including Records and Accessories with a full line of records. We have everything in SUNDRIES,' including: AUTOMATIC The Dictaphone Co. have opened offices in the STOPS.REPEATINGATTACHMENTS, HORNCONNECTIONS, Rose building, this city.J. Herbert Roach, for- CRANES, TONE.MODIFIERS, BRUSHES, ETC. mer manager of the commercial department of No annoying delays if you order from us.All the Columbia Phonograph Co. in this city, is in orders filled same day received. We carry every Record listed by the Edison and Victor Co.'s. charge of the business throughout northern Ohio, Not one of each, but dozens, yes, hundreds each of the more popular having his headquarters in Cleveland. numbers. Cleo S. Bourgeois, manager of the West Side An extensive line of RECORD CABINETS at branch of the Columbia Phonograph Co., says prices that are RIGHT. the sale of both disc and cylinder records con- The New $200,000 If you are a Victor or an Edison Dealer in our territory com- municate with us and learn of something very much to your advan- tinues good, and collections are coming in very tage and profit.Address:- well.Machine sales are increasing and business Grinnell Building in general seems to be looking up. Conceded to be the most GprEinneolluBumilidciHn.g W. H. Buescher & Son report that their sales eautiful and best equ i pp e d GRINNELL BROS., of machines in June, including several of the LMusic House in the U. S. 50 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Denver, Salt Lake City, Ogden and other cities in that stretch of country business is not boom- ing-only fair.I am inclined to think the west is in better spirits than the east, but I feel sure that here the revival of trade will come first. The Diaphragm is King "At the convention of the National Credit Men's Association, which Iattended when in Denver, Everybody indorses our two -minute talks were in order one day.You are aware the credit men know pretty nearly what WOOD DIAPHRAGM they are saying when the business situation is for Cylinder Reproducers being discussed; they are closer to the real facts than anybody else.While the trend of these PRICE, including Cross Head and Link, Si EACH. brief talks were all of an optimistic nature with- out exception,the opinion was that tradein NORCROSS PHONOGRAPH COMPANY the fall would be much better, but not heavy. New Lang Building, 662 Sixth Avenue That business would revive slowly and in no great spurts.The talking machine people whom NEW YORK CITY I saw, and I called upon therepresentative houses whereverI stopped were satisfiedthe pkgs., $120; Sydney, 85 pkgs., $3,250; Valparaiso,effect upon the talking machine business,ac- present setback is only temporary, and that the 4 pkgs., $113; Vera Cruz, 36 pkgs., $1,365. cording to Manager Ansell, of Cohen & Hughes, business will not only resume its former pros- JULY 8. who also are representatives for the Victor ma- perous state, but would go beyond that, too. I Algoa Bay, 13 pkgs., $469; Bombay, 9 pkgs., chines, the sales have been fair both in the way am frank to say that after my experience-none$240; Buenos Ayres, 13 pkgs., $250; Coatzcoal- of machines and records.Mr. Ansell says that could have been more practical or encountered cas, 26 pkgs., $691; Colon, 12 pkgs., $581; Guaya- there is every indication that business will re- undermorefavorableauspices-thatismy quil, 3 pkgs., $109; Havana, 2 pkgs., $210; Lon-sume its normal state by fall. opinion also. don, 34 pkgs., $1,133; 10 pkgs., $270; Melbourne, The statement was given out at the head- "The trip did my health a wonderful amount64 pkgs., $3,700; Milan, 2 pkgs., $200; Sydney. quarters of the Columbia Phonograph Co., in this of good, and I feel like a new man since return- 522 pkgs., $15,168. city,that June has been an excellent month. ing.I should like to have gone to the jobbers' Machines and records have been in demand right convention in Atlantic City, and had arranged NEWS FROM MONUMENTAL CITY. along, and the prospects for the future are en- to be there on the second day, but Icould not couraging. get away, which I regret exceedingly. I wanted BusinessFair for Last Month With Improve- Manager Grottendick, of the E. F. Droop & to give the meeting the benefit of my observa- Sons Co., reports that while business during June tions and conclusions." ment in Sight-Eisenbrandt Reports Revival in Sales of Machines-Outlook Most Encour-has not been unusually brisk, it has not been aging-Starr Talking Machines Find Increas- dull.Victor and Edison records have been go- OUR FOREIGN CUSTOMERS. ing Appreciation. ing at a fair rate.The firm are preparing for a good fall trade. Amount and Valueof Talking Machines Special to The Talking Machine World.) The Star talking machines and records have Shipped Abroad from the Port of New York. Baltimore, Md., July 8, 1908. shown a great improvement in the way of sales While no very big sales have been recorded byduring June, according to the local representa- (Special to The Talking Machine World.) the various talking machine dealers,business tive, Fred Scheller.During May, the first month Washington, D. C., July 8, 1908. generally during the month has been fair.This Manufacturers and dealers in talking machines that the machine was on the local market, busi- will doubtless be interested in the figures show- is the trend of statements given out by those inness was a bit quiet, but there has been a notice- ing the exports of talking machines for the pasttrade circles here.Business, in fact, has beenable change for the better each week.Several four weeks from the port of New York. better in most cases than was anticipated forgood sales of machines have been made, senti- June.The first few days of the present monthmental and rag time records have been sought JUNE 17. have also given indications that the trade will after by the owners of the machines.Mr. Schel- Bombay, 4pkgs., $325;Callao, 1pkg., $120; not be as dull as it usually is in July.In fact.ler says the Star certainly looks like a winner Cristobal, 36 pkgs., $889; Colon, 4 pkgs., $305; one of the dealers has gone so far as to say thatand he anticipates a successful fall trade. Liverpool, 2 pkgs., $109; London, 103 pkgs., $3,- there has been a revival in the talking machine Sanders & Stayman have also had a fair month 090; Melbourne, 249 pkgs., $6,359; Para, 2 pkgs., business in thislocality during the last fewwith the Victors and Columbias.While they $129; Portof Spain, 8 pkgs.,$102;Riode weeks.With these conditions prevailing at thisdo not expect to break any records in the way of Janeiro,48pkgs.,$2,648;Singapore,8pkgs., time, the completion of the work of the Republi-sales during July and August they are looking $287; Vera Cruz, 2 pkgs., $102. can National Convention and the fact that thefor a vast improvement generally in the talking JUNE 24. Democratic Convention willhave finishedits machine business when cooler weather prevails. Buenaventura, 4 pkgs., $174; Cape Town, 43work within a few days or so, the dealers feel pkgs.,$358;Havana, 17 pkgs.,$1,288; Havre, confident that the trade will be in excellent shape Promptness is the essence of all good business; 4 pkgs.,$148;London,147pkgs.,$5,074;54 when fall sets in and from that time on. the lack of it the cause of most failures. pkgs., $2,379; Melbourne, 306 pkgs., $9,342; Rio William A. Eisenbrandt, of H. R. Eisenbrandt de Janeiro,9pkgs., $819;Shanghai, 51 pkgs., Sons, who handle the Victor, says that there has $2,483; Vera Cruz, 23 pkgs., $670. Auto WATCH U NG Golf been a big revival in the sales of these machines Run Drives JULY 2. during the latter part of June and the first two MOUNTAINS Colon, 6 pkgs., $195; 15 pkgs., $605; Curacao, or three days of the present month.The pros- 45Minutes from Broadway and 90 Minutes from 3 pkgs., $123; Havre, 4pkgs., $216; Limon, 2 pects, he declares, are particularly encouraging Philadelphia. pkgs., $100; London, 5 pkgs., $105; 3 pkgs., $125; for the remainder of this month and during the I PLAINFIELD, Mauna, 15pkgs.,$958;Montevideo,29pkgs., fall.The sales of records have also shown up $2,819; Rio de Janeiro, 6 pkgs., $1,017; 107 pkgs., correspondingly as well for June. Truell Hal5 N.J. $3,168; Savanilla, 18 pkgs., $1,159; Singapore, 4 While the warm weather has naturally had an (Formerly Hotel Netherwood.) An Ideal Summer Home. Open All Year. Erected at a Cost of One Half Million Dollars. MR. DEALER : The Schubert Extensible Record Rack Shelves describedinthe June issueof The Talking Machine World (page 50) has made a sen- sation and you are losing business that belongs to you if you don't investigate.Made of metal, black enameled.Interchangeable so it can be made any size. Folds like a fan-a 25 -shelf rack holding 300 records takes space of 5x6x32 inches.Sample 3 - shelf Rack, all complete for hanging, sent to any Showing flow Shelves Are Added dealer who will send his jobber's name, for 90c. 3 Minutes from Station. TEN ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL SHADE, HIGH AND DRY Don't Forget Jobber's Name. Address NOT TOO HOT, NOT TOO COLD, JUST RIGHT. AMIDST JERSEY'S PICTURE LANDS healthful Climate. Excellent Views. G. H. SCHUBERT, Inventorand Patentee, Reno, Nev. Also Truell Inn and Truell Court. Send for Booklet and Rates. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 51

69BASINGHALL STREET, LONDON, E. C., W. LIONEL STURDY,MANAGER. and we cannot do anything until his return," waspresent features which make these machines the TRADE HAPPENINGS IN ENGLAND. a familiar greeting.This sort of thing, if notbest line of the season. The motor is one of the Review of Business Conditions-Favoriteactually responsible for loss of trade, causes an-finest on the market in point of strength, silent Record GrowsinPcpularity-Creditorsof noyance, and is very prejudicial to businessin- running and workmanship-in fact, it is the fa- Russell -Hunting Co. Meet-Beautiful Designsterests, and it behooves all good business housesmous Excelsior make!H. Lange's Successors, of Klingsor Machines-Gramophone Concertsto remember this. Little Portland street, London, W., are experi- -A New Sound Box-Pathe Freres Financial encing a big demand for their products, and in Report-The Jumbo Disc Re.cord-Death of The New "Twins"Disc Record. the course of a recent interview I had with Mr. Percy Dennis-"Talker" and Piano Sales- The new "Twins" double -sided needle -cut disc Maurice, facilities of inspection were offered to EdisonBellNews-Publishers' Congress-record at the price of 2s. 6d. will shortly makeme, and the capabilities of the machines demon- Horace Sheble Receives Hearty Welcome- its appearance on this market. W. Manson, latestrated.The idea of the piano wires stretching Visitors from Germany-Columbia Co. Close of the Russell -Hunting Record Co., is the man-across the aperture from which the sound ema- Cardiff Branch-New Policy Promulgated- ager. nates more than proven the claim that the tone Newsfrom ThroughouttheProvinces. Grows in Popularity. is thereby sweetened, besides having the effect of Each month the "Favorite" record gains in strengthening the reproduction musically.With (Special to The TalkingMachineWorld.) popularity, asis evidenced by the almost con-the door shut the whole machine presents a most London, E. C., July 4, 1908. tinuous chorus of approval in the form of testi- artistic appearance. Last year's models have been General business conditions in this city havemonials from users which the Favorite Recordconsiderably improved upon, and the new features considerably improved since my last report, and Co. receive."The Favorite is the people's favo-presented in the machines now undernotice. although talking machine sales are somewhatrite"is a very happy and appropriate catchThe prices are most moderate. slow, as is usual at this time of the year, thephrase recently adopted, and itis more than good influence and effect of a low bank rate, set-borne out by the excellent quality of their latest tlement of labor disputes, the excellent harvest issues.Dealers can receive lists on application prospects, and other .signs, is a good index of to A. Vischer, 45 City Road, London. better things in store for dealers in-I was going to say, luxuries, though I'm not sure but that Russell Hunting Creditors Meet. this industry should be regarded as a necessity; A further meeting of creditors and sharehold- anyway, the talking machine as an entertainerers of the Russell -Hunting Record Co., Ltd. (in certainly cannot be beaten.From the condition liquidation), was heldlastFriday afternoon of things it is quite evident that the retailer has (June 26), at 15-17 City Road, for the purpose not fully grasped the fact that real good business of reporting upon the present position of the can be done even in the summer. Let him read,effairs of the company. The most important item or better still, go and see the thousands that areof interest was the fact that the figures given attracted to the gramophone concerts in the vari- atthe previous meeting-May 26-one of the ous parks, let him go up the river, and also inliquidators made public certain figures(as re- the course of his peregrinations observe and lis-ported) of the estimated assets and liabilities ten to the ma- which,accordingtothe latest statement, are chine in many of the houses he passes. And then quite erroneous.The liabilities have increased let him ask himself, is the talking machine asand the assets have shrunk to such an indefinite popular in my district? and if not, he may beamount that for the moment nobody seems to sure there is business to be done by systematicknow what the exact figures are.The meeting and energetic working.Every dealer should now under report broke up after a resolution had recognize that there is nothing more suitable, forbeen proposed and carried that the committee the garden or indoors, than a good machine and of creditors previously appointed should confer We present an illustration of another novelty records, and if he does this and acts upon it his with the liquidators and consider any offers thatwhich Messrs. Langes issue.It is an ingenious trade will be an all -the -year-round one. might be made by outside parties to take overarrangement adaptableto any disc machine; Collections have shown a slight improvementthe business as a going concern.On the appli-figures can be supplied in different styles, as a of late, though to be sure the "receipt" clerk iscation of a large shareholder the court has dis-dancer or a conductor, who work by the action never so busy as he should be.Between one placed Alexander Ogden from the receivership, of the turntable which puts the mechanism in firm and another a reasonable credit is good, butand has appointed in his stead Sidney Cronk, motion.Another line that is attracting a good retailers should guard agaidst giving indiscrimi- whose address is 43-44 Lombard street, London, deal of attention is their new strong tone needle, nate and long credit elsewhere. E. C. which is made of the finest English steel, and is Holiday Spirit in the Air. The Famous"Klingsor" Machines. claimed to bring all the best out of a record. Holiday -making will shortly commence in ear- The "Klingsor" cabinet machines as advertisedMessrs. Langes' colored illustrated catalog con- nest, and if business is not to -be retarded, prin- in this issue merit the close attention of all enter- taining particulars of all these lines will be sent cipals and managers of talking machine firms prising firms who require to handle a unique andfree on request.Through the medium of The should seethatan efficient deputy isleftin profitable line.As will be seen from the illus-Talking Machine World Mr. Maurice issues an charge to handle all matters of urgency.Last trations they are made in different designs and invitation to all American and Colonial visitors year, to my personal knowledge, business in cer-woods; there is no horn visible, they will playto call and inspect his goods. He will be pleased tain quarters suffered much through neglect ofany make of disc record, while the soundboard,to ree all his trade friends and promises them a this precaution."Mr. So and So is away nowacross which is stretched the best piano wires, real good time. ONCE SAMPLED ALWAYS WANTED No need to hustle!Favorite records right there every time! Triumph in the Art of Recording LATEST LIST NOW OUT Some moresplendid selections from the Earl of Lonsdale's Private Military Band " FAVORITES" are the Public's "Favorites" WHY? "TRY THEM" and you will needno explanation.Obtainable from all up-to-date dealers THE INTERNATIONAL FAVORITE RECORD CO., Ltd. (of Great Britain) 45 CITY ROAD, LONDON, E. C. 213 DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER 5') THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

The Tariff Question Solved

SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS Have been made, wherebyany American Dealer or Jobber can handle CLARION RECORDS ata good profit, quite irrespective of duty, freight, or any other charges.


The "CLARION" IsaGold -Moulded Cylinder Record


THE PREMIER MANUFACTURING CO., Ltd. 81 City Road, London, England THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 55 FROM OUR EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS-(Continued.) in a big way of business, who, after deductingmuch as all the others put together.Although we hear, will be listed in future at £4 lOs., a breakages, carriage, etc., makes a profit of one the disc is undoubtedly gaining much influence, reduction of £1 from the price hitherto.Some penny per record.He pays a salesman 6d. perI am of opinion that the cylinder trade will not very fine records are included among the Odeon's hour, and about three -pennyworth of the sales-materially suffer yet a while."Continuing, Mr. latest lists, and they are of the usual high stand- man's time is spent in getting each penny ofNottingham, who was the first to factor talkingard characteristic of their issues. profit.Music dealers have wondered, and aremachine goods exclusively, spoke his belief of An Example to Follow! wondering, what has happened to the big goodsgood prospects for the coming season, and in A Columbia dealer tells of an experience which trade.There is no need to wonder any longer.order to be fully prepared for the expected tradewill be of interest to his fellows in the trade. Let every piano man do his best to encourageincrease, they are making great interior altera-He had an enquiry for a horn basket from a the study of music without the aid-I should saytions of their premises, which will considerably customer who explained that it was his intention use-of any mechanical devices whatever, andfacilitate the prompt dispatch and make-up ofto carry his graphophone to and fro between his when a customer comes for a talking machine orders."System and method," said Mr. Notting-city house and a cottage he had taken, for the take the price of the machine as a deposit on aham, "are the keynote of our success!" week -ends in the country. The horn was quickly piano or an organ.It is far better to spend an Tetrazzini and Melba. shown, but the dealer didn't rest at that.He hour in persuading a person off a machine and Up to her arrival in England a short timetouched lightly on the inconvenience of trans- on to a piano than playing for an hour andago, Mme. Tetrazzini said that she had neverporting such bulky luggage backwards and for- selling two records with a profit of twopence.heard Melba sing, except on the gramophone.wards every week, added discriminating hints It would amply compensate us to put a deal ofHer wish has now been gratified, and the resultand arguments, and finally succeeded in selling energy into educating the public to the fact thatonly tends further to increase the popularity an entirely new outfit so that his customer might a noise is not music, and that mechanism and and appreciation of a first-class talking machine enjoy the graphophdne both in town and in the humanism are not synonymous terms." reproduction. country without the trouble of moving it about. This appears to be a great party question, and Edison Bell Double SidedDisc. This little story illustrates two or three things quite irrespective of the merits of the case-the News comes from the Edison -BellCo. thatworth noting.It is certainly a testimony to tact- best answer to which is the ever-increasing num- their 8% -in. double -sided disc is proceeding apace, ful salesmanship.Then it shows how the fas- ber oflevel-headedpianoforteretailerswho and will be on the market in good time for thecination of the versatile graphophone grows on stocklargelythe goods ofthis industry-it coming season.There is also a possibility ofone, so that to be once a user is to be always a would be wiser of D'Orton Gibson were he to a 12 -inch single -sided phonograph cut disc being user.It also indicates the many sales of talking expend his superfluous energy and prejudice inissued by this concern.The Edison -Bell disc machines which may be made for summer en- another direction. machine-of which we hope to publish full par-tertainment out of doors and in the country. Edison Bell vs. Forse and Premier Mfg. Co. ticulars shortly-is expected to be on the market Abuse of the Talking Machine. I am given to understand that the above ac- some time in August.Improvements have been The gramophone was the cause of recent pro- tion, which was reported in our last issue, and made in the motors of all their phonographs,ceedings at the Cambridge police court.It ap- which had reference to the internal boring ofwhich entirely eliminates the trouble attendantpears that several of the colleges regarded the cylinder records, has now been amicably settledupon a broken spring-by the new constructionplaying of gramophones on the river as a suffi- between all parties concerned without any fur-it can be replaced easily by anyone in a few cient cause of complaint to the authorities, and ther legal dispute.The patent in question wasminutes; an introduction that both users andin consequence a police patrol was instituted. registered in the joint names of W. Forse, de-the trade will greatly appreciate.Further prog- This gave considerable offence to undergraduates, fendant, and J. E. Hough, manager of the plain- ress by the Edison -Bell people is indicated byand a party of them in a punt on a recent even- tiff company.According to the findings of the the recent installation of over twenty up-to-date ing retaliated by running their craft into the court the patent has now been assigned to thepresses, forming quite a separate plant, to copepolice boat much to the discomfiture of the oc- Edison -Bell people.A conclusion which showswith the expected demand for their phonographcupants.On payment of damage and costs, the a sensible appreciation of time and money oncut disc records.Big advances, and character-delinquents were left in the hands of the college both sides. istic of a big man-J. E. Hough, who is thepeople to deal with. At the American Talking Machine Co. leading spirit of a big firm! The Publishers' Congress at Madrid. "Business just now is rather quiet," said Mr. A French Statement cf Affairs! A report from Madrid states that the Publish- Nottingham in a recentinterviewwith your hustleinLife and Death.The Americaners' Congress, which held its sitting there last correspondent, "but I can give you some start- growsquickly,worksquickly,eatsquickly, month, adopted a resolution that the conference ling figures which we have just gotten out re-makes up his mind quickly, gets rich quickly,to be held next October in Holland to revise the specting our trade during the last five months and dies quickly.He is even buried quickly.- Berne convention, should take into consideration up to Christmas, '07.While elsewhere you may La Revue, Paris. the following desiderata:1. The abolition of all find that disc record sales are in the majority, Business Failures. formalities for the guarantee of literary, artistic it is .not so with us, although we handle nearly W. Harris Morris Wright, trading as the Rec-and musical copyright. 2. The full and com- every make of record on this market.In the ord Exchange Co., of Norwich. Albert E. Speare, plete assimilation of the right of translation to time that I have mentioned, of our total sales, Earls street,Crewe. Hannah Marks (Souththe right of reproduction.3.The unification of 70 per cent. were cylinders-almost 60 per cent. LondonPhonograph & MusicCo.),Catford. the duration of authors' rights, which is to be being Edisons, of which we sold about 1,000 a Charles Reed, King street, Bridgewater.Will- fixed at fifty years from the death of the author. day.We did a very big trade also in Edison - iam C. Bartlett, Westgate, Burnley. 4.The full and complete protection of authors Bell cylinder records, and in the matter of discs, Reduction in Price of Machine. and composers against the reproduction of their I may say that the Zonophone sales were as The Odeon Co.'s standard model disc machine, works by means of mechanical instruments of all

The Jumbo record already occupiesa unique position on the Continent, andwe believe thatitwill take a foremost JUMBO place on the English-speaking market. We are at present at workon an extensive English reper- toire, and we hope to be able to sendyou our complete cata- logue and to deliver goods in about fouror five weeks from date. We have already retained the servicesof many leading concert and music -hall artistes, several of whom will make theirfirst bow tothe talking -machine public through the RECORDS agency of the Jumbo record. The Jumbo bands will be far andaway the best that have ever been made.We are devoting special attention tothis The New Double=sided 10=inch Discs class of record, and we feel confident in statingthat our band pieces will be consideredan advance on any that have yet been produced in regard to clearness oftone, musical effect, and general quality. Complete English Repertoire of 500 Titles ready shortly Free Sample to Interested Traders Sole Wholesale Agency - Sole Control Can Be Arranged 32, 34, 36 Worship Street London, England 56 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. FROM OUR LONDON HEADQUARTERS - (Continued). kinds.The third of these desiderata was ap- Pathe Freres at Exhibition. will be exhibiting certain models of their ma- proved in spite of the opposition of the German At the Franco -British Exhibition. where theychines at the exhibition which is to he held next delegates, who proposed a period of thirty in-have erected an elaborate building at a cost ofAugust at Torcuto, Canada. stead of fifty years.It was also proposed to ap-something like £4,000, Messrs. Pattie Freres are A Visitor from Germany. pointaninternationalcommissiontodevise exhibiting one of the largest advertising schemes Dr. Hethey. of the Excelsiorwerk, Cologne, Ger- means to prevent musical piracy, especially inwhich this industry has ever seen.The exhibi- many, was recently in London for business pur- Canada and various South African republics. tion includes a comprehensive display of their poses.The excellence of the Excelsior motors is Cheaper Postageto America. many ."Pathephone" models, and cinematographfamous the world over, and the Doctor expresses A very welcome and important announcementmachines and films.Perhaps the essence of thishimself as well satisfied with the English and was recently made hy the Postmaster Generalenterprise to talking machine men is the veryforeign busiuess, which is keeping the factory that on October 1 of the present year the costgenerous program which has 'been arranged byhard pushed to supply.While here he fixed up of postage from any part of the United KingdomMessrs. Pathe for the convenience of prospectivetwo large contracts exclusively for a continuous to anywhere in the United States will be low-buyers.It practically amounts to a gigantic free supply of motors of the best pattern.His latest ered from the present figure of 211,:, to one penny treat to their principal factors and dealers, which invention is au aluminum tone arm, for which, perounce. Foradministrativereasonstheis nothing more or less thau an invitation to the itis claimed, that the soand is modulated and change cannot he made before October 1.Theexhibition at Pathe's expense.First-class rail-sweetened without loss of individuality.In re- present rate is 21f, for the first ounce, 11,[, for each way tickets. accommodation at the Russell Hotel;*gard to phonographs, the Doctor states that he succeeding. or partof,one ounce.The newin fact the fortunate members of this little partyfinds their sales are going down in favor of the scale will be one penny per ounce throughout.will be entertained in a right royal manner al-disc type, and that phonographs are now largely A statement was also issued in effect that ar-together.Truly, an event not easily forgotten-a matter of Christmas sales only.English talk- rangements have heen concluded with the Unitedand that is the essence of good advertising. Thating machine prospects he regards as very favor- States for raising the limit of weight forall the business of the Pattie Co. in London hasable-especially so for next season. parcels transmitted by the .officialparcel postincreased three times during the month of May from 4 lb. 6 oz. to 11 lb.Under this service theas against even time last year is no matter for Royal Expanding Disc . rates will be as follows:Up to 3lb.. ls. Gd.; surprise. We have had the pleasure of inspecting the not exceeding 7 lb., 2s.Gd.;9lb.,3s.Gd., and Horace Sheble in London. new Royal Expanding disc brought out 11 lb., 4s Gd.This new departure operates from A visitor here is Horace Sheble, of the Haw- hy the City Manufacturing Co., 56 City Rd., Lon- July 1.By the extension of the official service tothorne & Shehle Co., makers of the famous "Star"don. -Itis right up-to-date, and its advantages include parcels up to 11 lb., the limit of weight is products.Models specially adapted to the Eng-will he readily understood wheu we explain that made the same as that now in force for almostlish market ranging in price from £5 to £15 arebeing expanding it adapts itself to any number all other countries. now on view in the show room of Messrs. Wille-of records from 1 to 12, so that when empty it Penny Post to Morocco. bald Tweer & Co., Tabernacle street, London,takes up little room-unlike any other album on The postage on letters for places in 'Ioroccowhich firm, by the way, will act here in the in-the market.This will be very highly appre- where the British postoffice maintains an agency, terests of the Hawthorne & Sheble Co. "We areciated by the factors and dealers, to whom space is now reduced to ld.-per ounce.Concurrently going to sell, Jiowever, only through the principalis always valuable.Itis being made in two the postage on letters for the United Kingdomfactors in London and the provinces," said Mr.qualities and several colors, and the prices are and British colonies and protectorates. and forSheble, "and their names I can give you later on.very moderate.Horace C. Lewis, the company's Egypt posted at these agencies, will be loweredIn the meantime come and look at our machines.ahle representative, reports having secured sev- to 10 centimes (1d.) per 20 grammes. The Brit -The £15 model, as you will see, has four springseral large orders, which at this time of the year is post office agencies in Morocco are at Alcazar. in the motor, which we guarantee will run forty-shows that there is at least one man who doesn't Casablanca, Fez,Larache, Mazagan. Mequinez,five minutes with one winding. The next modelwaste his time complaining of summer slackness. Mogador, Rabat, Saffi, Tangier and Tetuan.Ne- has three springs, exactly on 'thesame principle Columbia Co.'s New Policy. gotiations are now in progress which itis ex-of construction, and so it goes on down to the £5 The Columbia Phonograph Co. announce the pected will lead to the establishment of pennymachine." A detailed description of the "Star"closing of their Cardiff Branch the end of June. postage between England and France. motor would take up more space than I have atThe reason for this course is found in the trade my disposal, and I must content myself by say- policylaiddownbythegeneralmanager. ing that it is the.most beautiful piece of workman-"Wholesale business only" is to be the Columbia ship, both in finish and scientific principles ofmotto as soon as the necessary arrangements can AN OPPORTUNITY for construction, ever seen in a talking machine of itsbe made. The future sales .policy of the com- value.Throughout the whole machine there arepany is set forth as follows:"To overcome the quite a number of new features-and there's acurrent ignorance and prejudice, existing in the reason for every one of them. A display of theearly days of the talking machine business, it Foreign Manufacturers "Star" machines and records will be exhibitedwas imperative that imposing displays of talk- to the more important English factors, and 1 ing machine goods should he made as striking have no douht hut what the response will be sat-object lessons to all, and to this end the Columbia To Create Business isfactory.Asked as to his opinion of trade con- people followed the very practical course of open- ditions on this side of the water, llr. Sheble said: ing commanding, well -stocked premises in promi- "I find talking machine business rather dull innent shopping thoroughfares in the great cen- In America England just at present, but it is my experienceters of population.There can be no manner of that sales slow up very appreciably at this timedoubt that this course by its educational effect of the year, and as such no man is justified inhas contributed its full share to the advancement taking a pessimistic view of the situation. I of the talking machine to its present position of I am ready to close satisfactory have spent some weeks on the Continent and inpopular favor, to the advantage of the entire deals with European manufacturers both Germany and Switzerland I found thingstrade.NOW, however, that the business .is com- in a considerably better condition than in Lou-ing more and more into its own and dealers are of Talking Machine specialties who don."Mr. Shehle is returning home on Satur-taking it up with enthusiasm, the Columbia Co. desire representation in this country. day, July 11. recognize that the necessityfor their pioneer Becomes a Columbia Jobber. Thereisa great field here for spe- work has passed.Accordingly they intend to "Tilley for Titles:" as H. W. Tilley. of 9 Wood confinetheir energies totheir ever -extending cialty manufacturers and the American street, Cardiff, is alliteratively known, has joinedwholesale trade, as soon as it is possible to make dealers are ready totake on side the list of Columbia factors. such necessary arrangements as are illustrated A Correction. lines which are attractive.1 know the in the closing of the Cardiff Branch, and the re- Price of the Clarion Disc Record not yet fixed.tail business will be left entirely to the dealers, business, having had years of exper- I am asked to correct the report which inad-who will he supplied throtigh their factor." ience with thedealers, and realize vertently appeared in our June issue that the price of the Premier Co.'s new disc was fixed at the possibilities of enormous output two shillings and sixpence.Itis a matter not If you expect your clerks to be enthusiastic here forthe right kind of trade at- yet ilmidol. about the store and the business. see that you Preserver Drama. give them some reasontohe.Nothing will tractions.Address Duo of the provisions for old age which willstarve to death much quicker than enthusiasm. soon he made by every actor and actress is the reNird of his or her best work by means of the TRADE SPECIALIST cinematograph and phonograph. Imagine the tri- PHILIP NEALE, umph with which an old actress would produce 1-10INO. HXPERT, Care ofThe Talking Machine World her film and her record. and let the young ones 5 Chalk Farm Rd. LONDON. N. %V. Talking Machines of every description repaired. know what she was al her best! Special terms to the trade.City address and price 1 Madison Avenue NEW YORK To Exhibit at Toronto. liston receipt of postal.No job too small-no I am advised by Messrs. Petite Freres that they job too large. E TALKING MACHINE WORLD. FROM OUR EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS-(Continued.) In Darlington street we have Messrs. F. & A. Sheargoid, at No. 33, and Frank Sheargold at TRADE REPORTS FROM THE PROVINCES No. 11.in both cases these are music and music instrument dealers, handling gramophones, etc., LIVERPOOL NOTES. largest Pathe agent, say that while retail tradeas a side line. is quiet the wholesale is steadily improving. In the old arcade, J. Latham makes a bold dis- Liverpool, July 3, 1908. Messrs. Hilton & Co.'s popular manager, J. W. play.Although we were too late to have a chat Just before the Whitsuntide holidays, businessRibbons, was for a time laid up, but we are glad with Mr. Latham, when in the town, we noticed was exceptionally flat in this city, but since then to find, however, that it is nothing very serious,that he specializes upon Edison, Edison Bell, most of the dealers say that trade is quite up toand hope that this gentleman will soon be inClarion and Sterling in the cylinder goods, and the average, as far as regular sales are con-harness again. Pathe, Melograph, Homophone, Zonophone and cerned. Columbia on the disc side.Mr. Latham is a At Jake Graham's in Renshaw street business Bradford, July 5, 1908. house furnisher, etc., but has devoted one of his has been very satisfactory right through the sea- A new limited company is now in course ofshops in the arcade to the talking machine busi- son. He carries everything in stock connected formation in Bradford under the title of "Theness, and from the show that he makes should with the talking machine industry.Handling, Longest Playing Phone Co.," for the exploitation,think he does a very nice trade. as he does, the highest class goods, such as of a' phonograph capable of playing four standard Gramophone, Columbia, Edison's, the trade hassize cylinders, or the equivalent of two 8 -inch PRESCOT. been such as to warrant extensive additions toor one 16 -inch, respectively. We have not, how- his "show rooms.The new wooden horn that the eVer, had the opportunity yet of inspecting this In Prescot, Lancashire, Messrs. Howes are the Gramophone Co. are supplying is exceptionallyinstrument, but hope to report fully upon it inpioneers in the talking machine industry.Very nice, both in looks and tone, and there will cer- our next* issue. courteous "Indobliging,Mr. Howes expressed tainly be a great future before it, for those who We are informed that several firms have inhimself as satisfied with the past season's sales. do not mind a little extra in price.The oldestcontemplation the opening of depots for the sup- Holding a large stock of Edison, Edison Bell, trader in the district, Jake Graham concentratesply of their goods, direct from the manufacturerClarion and Sterling in the cylinder goods, with to the consumer. on talking machine goods exclusively. . Zonophone and Columbia discs and a good range Messrs. Johnson's, Ltd., are putting on the of machines, lie does all he can to increase the market a new type of machine, the tone arm and LANCASHIRE NOTES-WIGAN. popularity of these goods.Anticipating a bet- horn being in one piece, and without any detri- Wigan, July 6, 1908. ter season at the fall of this year, he is already mental bends in it to retard the sound.The re- In Wigan there are a good many small dealersmaking efforts to draw attention to the goods tail price will be 55s., subject, of course, to the handling talking machine goods and records.that he supplies.. At the recentagricultural usual discount.Another invention that Messrs.We cannot, however, congratulate some of them show held in Prescot a short time ago, Messrs. Johnson have in view, is a special tone arm fit-upon the cleanliness and method of their win-Howes made a very fine display of talking ma- ting, to suit either the Pathe pattern or needledow dressing, and we think it would take a lotchine goods,in conjunctionwithcycles,etc. pattern sound box. of persuasion to make one believe that many ofThose who heard the demonstration given on the The new flower horns, which are vertical, in-the machines, as shown in the small shops, arevarious machines will in all probability be good stead of horizontal, and the tone arm sets fornew, Owing to their dust covered appearance.customers later on.This move of Mr. Howes is phonographs, have also been selling very freely,Both the machines and records have a second-worthy the consideration of dealers, living in and business is not only reported well at thishand look about them. However, the leadingtowns where these agricultural shows are held firm's establishment in Liverpool, but also veryagents who endeavor to do the trade right hereso as to bring their goods to the front.. good in Birmingham, which is another branch ofare as follows: theirs.Altogether, Messrs. Johnson's appear to Messrs. W. Grime & Sons, of the Arcade, MANCHESTER, be in the front rank as regards novelties for thehandle gramophones and zpiiophones as exten- coming season. sively as possible.Having a very old connec- Manchester, July 6, 1908. We were glad to hear that Messrs. Van Gruisention, and being large music and musical instru- & Son were very satisfied with their gramophone In Manchester business has not been as rosy ment dealers, they cater for the best class ofas one would have liked to have seen it.The business. Devoting a specialdepartmentto trade in the town.The past season with them these goods, the Liverpool papers have com- Columbia Phonograph Co. report a brisk de- has been a particularly good one, and the sales mand for records.They have lately brought out mented most favorably upon the way' in whichhave been most satisfactory.This firm are giv- their recitals are given, in a special and hand- a number of "hits," which have sold well.Espe- ing a series of recitals in one of the leadingcially is this the case with regard to "The Last somely furnish:, I saion, which has been reservedparks, during the summer months, and, as far for that purpose. Pub," a humorous skit on the Licensing Bill. as we can ascertain,they willuse eithera Manager Crossman has just returned from a Messrs. Archer & Sons report through theirGramophone or an Autexophone, and they look manager, Mr. Johnson, good sales right up to trip to the "Potteries" district, where he found forward to this move as beginning the era of athe demand for Columbia goods strong and the present, and they expect tremendous thingssuccessful season a little later. during the coming season. growing. Messrs. Thompson, Helsby & Co. report busi- Money is coming in much more freely in some ness as holding up well, with Pathe goods still of. the houses, and, generally speaking, there is predominant. The Melograph Disc Record Co. not much to complain about. have recently taken up the factorship of Pathe ohe ROYAL At Messrs. Richardson's great preparations are now being made for the new season's supplies. Freres's goods. . LATEST AND BEST The Pathe Co. are pushing extensively in the EXPANDING Their intention is to do their level best for the North their cabinet pattern machines, at £12, £20 enthusiastic talking machine dealer, and invite and £39, respectively.They are termed "Pathe- all those who intend to make a specialty .of the phone Salon Cabinets," and this class of machine business to come along.They not only want to is becoming very popular.Messrs. Smith & Sons, try and eradicate the troubles and trials of the of Lord street, Liverpool, have recently, we un- dealer, but at the same time to work together derstand, taken up Pathe goods, and are pushing for mutual advantages.There is no pessimism them.Irrespectiveofthe above models,the about Messrs. Richardson, and they express the Pathe Co. are now putting upon the market their opinion* that there. are still good openings for A. I. model, retailing at 27s. 6d. each. business men in the trade.Where they find ter- Lewis Young has joined the Pathe Co.as ritory running -Ito waste their intention is to in- recording expert, and is following the American terest the right man and do all they possibly footsteps in giving records in quite a new style, can to insure success on both sides. smart and crisp. At Messrs. Duwe's they have little. cause for complaint and are expecting great things from YORKSHIRE NOTES-LEEDS. the new series of Zonophone records recorded by "L'Incognita."Messrs. Duwe also keep well to Leeds, July 4, 1908. the front with latest novelties and ideas, and Reports all round say that although the cylin- various new models of machines are now arriving der business has had a long run, the disc trade at their establishment. will undoubtedly be the trade of the future here. The fine weather has caused a considerable set- The only album constructed on scien- The lazy salesman objects to an advertising -31 tificprinciples-adapts itselftothe back in the retail sales, but generally speaking, number of Records.-Full particulars. campaign by his house for the same reason that - business has been quite up to the average, if not a lazy soldier objects to a sixteen shot repeating rather more so. THE CITY MANUFACTURING CO. rifle instead of a single shot.He has to carry .Messrs.Scott & Co.,Messrs. Hilton & Co., 56 City Road, London, England more argument and has more booty to bring Messrs. Appleton's and Mr. Jenkins, who is the back. 58 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

AN IMPORTANT ENGLISH SUIT. 50c. DON'T OVERLOOK A GOOD THING, INVESTIGATE 50c. Henry CowenBrings Suit for Revocation of A Place for Everything and a Needle Box in its Place is Just What Everyone Wants. Patent Which He Sold the American Grapho- Attaches to any Tapering Arm Victor Machine. phone Co.-Petitions Dismissed by Justice No Drilling is Necessary. Simply Set in Place. Eve in a Very Interesting Decision. SALESMEN Will Save Time and Less Commotion With Needles When Demonstrating to a Prospective Buyer. TRY IT! A case of considerable interest to the talking DEALERS W ill increase Their Sales at Least 50 per cent. machine trade was decided by Mr. Justice Eve by Using the IDEAL COMBINATION NEEDLE BOX in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, AND HOLDER. It is a Practical Necessity. DEALERS are Requested to Order from their Johhers. on the 2d of June. If they Cannot Supply You, Write US. Good Discount Henry Cowen, of Berwick-upon-Tweed, alleged to the Trade. that in 1903 he discovered that a mixture of cel- Ohio luloid, shellac and crocus powder gave extremely R. R. BROWNE SPECIALTY COMPANY, Toledo, good results when employed for the making of disc sound records.In 1905 he made a contract inferenceof fraud from the atmospheric conditions sur- improvements to any other person ;affirmativelyhe rounding the case.I say that hecause there is abso- covenanted that he would disclose those improvements with the American Graphophone Co. whereby lutely no direct evidence of fraud, but he says, looking itnofethrme aAtmieenriac at the correspondence, looking at the position in which santocoemnapbalneythaenmd itV00 obtagiinvepathteenmtsaflolfor the he sold to the latter all his rights in the discov- this man was, and tacking on such evidence as he has method as so improved, in America and abroad-abroad, ery and agreed to disclose to it all improvements given, the court ought to come to the conclusion that of course, being with reference to America.He has the ohtaining of a patent by Emerson In 1905, followed frankly admitted, and he gave his evidence with great which he might make in it, and to execute such hy the ohtaining through Marks of this patent of 1906, frankness, that he quite recognized that that which he savors so mnch of fraud as to lead the court to the discovered in 1903-U5 was sold to the American com- further documents as might be necessary to put conclusion that the last of the two patents ought to he pany ;that that which he discovered in 1906 he had the company in possession of such improvements revoked on the ground thatit has been ohtained in provisionallysoldtothe American company tothis fraud of the rights of the petitioner. I need not repeat extent; that he could not sell it to anybody else, and or to secure patents thereon.On August 7, 1906, it ;it has been often said, and It is said in a very sim- that he had bound himself hy covenant to give the ilar case to this hy Mr. Justice Farwell in Jameson's American companythebenefitof pit. Further,he the company, by their agent, E. C. R. Marks, of patent, that when a man comes forward with a charge frankly recognized thatit was his duty to put the London, applied for a patent in Great Britain, of fraud he is hound to prove it entirely. and the real American company inpossession of such information fraud or the suggested fraud which underlies the case as would enahle them to patent it.Assuming that all and such patent was granted, numbered 17,767, of the petitioner here is that the American company, those things had been done, assuming that this patent having got possession of his specification, their liahility of Marks' is a patent hased upon the petitioner's own of 1906, as on a communication from thd com- to make him further payments depending upon the ac- and original invention, he merely carried out his con- pany. ceptanceof thatspecification,deliberatelyabstained tract, and the American company have been merely from taking the necessarysteps togetthepatent doing that which they were entitled to do under the Mr. Cowen alleged that such patent was ob- granted on that specification, but allowed Emerson, un- agreement which the petitioner himself recognized they known to the petitioner, to put in a substantive appli- were entitled to do in applying for this patent. tained in fraud of his rights; that he was the cation on his own account and get the patent of 1905, When once that state of facts is comprehended, It is first and true inventor, and petitioned for the neglectingorrefusingreallytoproceedwithany impossihle to say tnat the petitioner can then turn intention of perfecting it with the petitioner's applica- round to the American company and say :Notwith- revocation of the patent to Marks and for the tion.. That is really thegravamenof the charge of standing that this is the legal position, yet, inasmuch as fraud.That has not been proved.There has not been you have in my opinion and from not grant of new letters patent in his own name. a particle of evidence tendered to me to show that. discharged your agreement, I allege that you, acting In dismissing Mr. Cowen's petition, Mr. Justice This does appear:First, that there has not been any on the agreement, have really defrauded me.It is a patent granted in the United States on the specification contradiction in terms to attach to conduct which is Eve said: of the petitioner ;secondly, that difficulties were raised consonant with the agreement, an allegation thatit on the report that Mr. Emery himself has put in, in the is a fraud upon one of the parties equally hound by IconfessIhave been some time wondering with Patent Office, which looked very much like destroying that agreement. what object this petition has been presented, and the seventeen out of the eighteen claims put forward in the Now, the next point upon which the petitioner relies conclusion which has forced itself upon my mind is that specification ;and the third matter which has been is this :he says he is the first and true inventor of at Mr. Cowen, feeling that he has been badly treated by shown isthis :that although undoubtedly Emerson's leastthecompositionofthat whichisclaimedin the company inAmerica, has launched this petition patent of 1905 does include a composition of celluloid claims 1 and 2 in Marks' specification, andthat on with a view of seeing whether he cannot bring them to and shellac, or a composition in which celluloid andthat ground he ought not to he hurt in his tradeby some arrangement with him under which he will he shellac are ingredients, the patent which is granted to reason of Marks ohtaining this patent in this country. able to earn and to receive those royalties to which, I him is a patent for the application of that composition The answer to that, I think, is what Mr. Asthuryhas have no aouht, in perfect good faith, he feels he is hy pressure and in sheets, which is the subject matter put.It may be that he was the man who first discov- morally entitled ;hnt I have really, here, nothing to of the discovery which the petitioner says he made inered it, but be has sold the whole benefitof that dis- do with any quarrel or difference hetween Mr. Cowen the month of May, 1906.I think upon this issue it is covery to the American company ;itis the property of and the American company, and nothing thatIam sufficient for me to say that it would be quite impos- the American company, and if,in fact, the American ahout to say must he treated in any way as an adjudi- sible, and I might he doing the very grbvest injustice company having takenhis property,have notpaid cation on my part or even as an expression of opinion were I to do so to conclude from. as I say, the atmo- him forit,he has his remedies, hut remedies ofa on my part as to what Mr. Cowen's rights would bespheric conditions which surround this case and the totallydifferent nature from the one which hehas in properly constitnted proceedings against the Amer- correspondence to which my attention has been drawn, chosen to adopt, and I cannot possihlyallow this pro- ican company. that the American company were guilty of any fraud in cedure-I should be doing verywrong ifI did so- The short point which I have to determine in this connection with Emerson's patent ;and if I dispose of against a perfectly innocent patentee inthis country, case is whether, on the evidence which has been ad- that suggestion of fraud it seems to me extremely dif- fulfilling, I agree, the position of trustee duced before me, Mr. Cowen has made out a case for abroad, if I were to allow the petitionfor a principal ficult to even see any case upon which it could be sug- in against a person the revocation of a patent granted in 1906-the date of gested that the subsequent proceedings which resulted that positionto he used for the purpose ofen- the application is the 7th of August, 1906-to Mr. Ed- in the granting of the English patent to Marks wereforcing some contractnal rights whichthe petitioner ward Charles Robert Marks on a communication from in the least tinged with any fraud on the part of his has against the patentee's principals inAmerica. abroad. principals. the American company.On that particular The use, such as was made of thesediscs prior to Now the petition is presented under section 26 of the sub section. therefore(sub -section C of section 26), the granting pf this patent,was, in pursuance of Mr. act of 1SS3, and the grounds upon which the petitioner I Cowen's own contract, merely of hold that the petitioner has made out no case whatever. acter. an experimental char- alleges that he is entitled to the order for revocation Before departing from that I would point out this diffi- The communicationwhichwas madefrom are two.First of all he says that the patent was ob- culty, which seems to me to he insuperable, in the way abroad to Mr. Marks constitutedhim the first and true tained In fraud of his rights, and secondly, that he Is of the petitioner :He agreed with the American com- inventor within the principle of thecases which have the first and true inventor of at least so much of the pany to sell his patent, and he sold it to them and re- been decided, and as I have alreadysaid, the fact that invention as is included in claims 1 and 2 of the speci- ceived a small portion of the consideration, the whole Mr. Cowen has differences withMr. Marks' principals fication.I will deal with those two matters separately. of which was to he paid over a period of time. cannot possibly be a justification foradopting such pro- With regard to the fraud, Mr. Emery, I think, put it furtheragreed He cedure as has been adopted in very frankly when he really invited me to draw an and covenanted with them thathe Under these circumstances I havepresenting this petition. would, if he made any improvements, not disclose those to dismiss the petition, and thatno alternativebut must dismiss the petition with costs,heing the resultI

We Have Them PHOTOGRAPHING SPOKENWORDS. Development of This Idea-TelephoneMessages ALL STYLES of the Future Can be Recorded Automatically. for all The photographing of spoken words has been Disc Machines accomplished for some time, but the signsob- NEEDLES tained on the sensitive ribbon havenot always proved perfectly clear, nor has it been possible For Loud, Medium, Soft, Musical Tones. to read the traced marks.M. Poincare read a "Gold" Needles, for use on Celluloid Discs. paper on June 15 before the Academy of Science " BELL TONE," for Concert use EXTRA LOUD. in Paris on the experiments made bya physician, M. Devaux-Charbonnel, who hassucceededIn photographing words by means of signs so clear MULTITONE. Three (3) tones in one needle.Plays Loud, that they can be deciphered. Soft and Medium without changing the needle. Plays to Re- Vowels and diphthongs spoken in front ofa cords without hurt to the Record. microphone connected with an extremely sensi- Needles for the Victrola Machine. tive Blondel oscillograph are depicted ona pho- tographic plate by curves, each sound givinga WE CARRY ALL IN STOCK.too to envelope.300 in different curve."By means of this method," Dr. Devaux-Charbonnel says, "it will in time bepos- Tin BON. sible to read a telephone message sent when the Special orders-packed as required-OWI1 printing if desired. receiver is not present to take it." The apparatus, placedinfront ofthetele- Made of Best English Steel.Highest Ouality, Lowest Prices, phone, will photograph the words, and the pho- Prompt Deliveries. tographed signs will be read as shorthandis. The voices of criminals will be photographically stenographed, thus giving an additional means C. H. CROWLEY, Maher of Needles of identification, which with the impression of 274 CHURCH STREET. NEW YORK 211 JACKSON BOULEVARD, CHICAGO the fingertips and anthropometry should make Identification absolutely certain. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 59 "NEEDLES" Have you investigated the merits of our Needles ?Don't you know that MR. JOBBER:Needles is one of the most important features of the Talking Machine business ?Don't delay; get our samples and prices at once.Don't wait until the last moment. GET IN LINE.

THIS OD NOTICE ENVELOPE. COPITAINS -300 NOTICE We have built a large CLIMAX N EEDL ES .Get our prices on business in selling the needles put up in your best needles. own SpecialPackage with your own name WHY DON'T YOU on. DO THE SAME ? ADVERTISE YOURSELF





The "crown of thorns" cross of gold speech so en- CINCINNATI'S BUDGET OF NEWS thused one man that he had to shake hands with somebody, and since Bryan himself wasn't on Conditions Improving in. Retail Field-Organizer of First Talking Machine Associationa Cincin- natian-Big hand he shook the hand of the man who operated Demand for Red Seal Records at Wurlitzer's-Trying Out a New "Approval"the machine.From the Milner Music Co. point Selling Plan-Other Wurlitzer News-Milner Music Co. Entertain Democratic Club Withof view the entertainment proved a big adver- Bryan Records-Columbia Co. Report Good Trade-Successful Outing of Wurlitzer's Em- tisement. ployes-Other Notes of General TradeInterest. "The Columbia Phonograph Co.," said Manager (Special to The Talking Machine IVorld.) trade said:"The loyalty of Cincinnati dealers Nichols,"didasplendid June business.The Cincinnati, 0., July 8, 190S. to the Wurlizer Co. has always been a source of trade was not confined to any particular feature. Talking machine dealers claim that conditionsfavorable comment by visiting jobbers.Cincin-The general line received the call.An active are improving, and that June made a goodnati is perhaps the only city in the country inrecord trade developed in June, and indications showing.The wholesaletrade,however, waswhich the factory representative and the retailare that a turn for the better has come.I think marked by a slump.The present month starteddealer co-operate and enjoy mutual good will.we are justified in expecting business to be back off with a marked degree of energy, indicativeDealers find us a live competitor, a liberal adver-to normal proportions in a very short time. More ofresults.The dealers are clearly optimistictiser and atradebuilder.They enjoy theirpeople are being employed, and in general the and say this month will give an activity to theshare of the demand for Victor goods that thisoutlook tends upward.Medium-priced machines trade that will continue. firm creates.All local dealers appreciate thisshowed a decided increase in sales." This city was represented by several dealersand realize that the success of the jobber repre- W. L. Sprague, representing the jobbing de- at the convention in Atlantic City.In this con-sents a corresponding success ontheirpart. partment of the Columbia Phonograph Co., was nection it may be said that Cincinnati claims aThis company always refers foreign inquiriesa visitor last week. citizen who was the first to head an organizationto the local dealer if advisable, but where no "An HarmoniousClash."Thisparadoxical of talking machine dealers, then known as thedealer exists then the inquiryis followed upcaption appeared. as the insignia of a handsome Central States organization.This was Georgethrough the mails." Ilsen, who later presided over the first conven- Joseph Dittrich left for Atlantic City. July 3, tion of the national association.He is now onefo attend the convention.Pressing business en- of the two honorary members of the Nationalgagements prevented Rudolph Wurlizer, Jr., at- Association of Talking Machine Jobbers. tending.Mr.Uhl,oftheWurlitzer Chicago The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.'s talking machinehouse, was another of Wurlitzer representatives department reports a splendid demand duringat the convention. June of the Red Seal records.The Victrolas Archie Scheu, manager of \Vurlitzer's'piano were not as much in the running as during May.department, left on the evening of July 3 for ANNUAL FIELDEAT The instalment feature of the business showedAtlantic City.A number of Wurlitzer's sales NE R.WURINERC3 a marked increase, and this was encouraging,force residing in one of the suburbs arranged because the instalment machine buyer proves toto give him an ovation as his train went through. be a liberal cash buyer Qf records.The Wur-Red fire. roman candles and noise -makers figured litzer Co. are trying a new .plan of selling ma-in the ovation.The rural villagers, taking it chines, called the approval plan.The firm offerfor granted that Taft or some other notable was to send a machine on free trial to homes in theon board, joined in and made a big success of city.Many applications were received, add onlythe ovation.Scheu was deeply (and swiftly) one out of the ten machines sent out is said tomoved, while the suburbanites are still wonder- have beenreturned.Wurlitzerisadvertisinging whether it was Taft, Bryan or Wu Ting DECORATED TRCCIC AT IttrRLITZER Co.'s FIELD DAY. the advantages of the Victor as a summer enter-Fang that they ovated. invitation issued by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. tainer for the home, houseboat or summer camp, The Milner Music Co. arranged with the Demo- for the annual field day given by them to their and has filled a number of such places about thecratic Club, of this city, to entertain the clubemployes and families.These numbered about city. members with a number of the National Co.'s 300. The company supplied four large auto - T. Sigman, manager of the extensive retailnotable speeches of Bryan-a la talking machine.piano trucks, handsomely decorated by E. G. department of Wurlitzer's, has charge of theThe entertainment came off Thursday night, JulyMcConnell, of the talking machine department. houseboat or camp feature of the trade, and has 2, and was important enough to be caricaturedThe trade -mark, "His Master's Voice," is very made this branch of the talking machine busi-to a queen's taste by a local Republican paper.much in evidence, as the accompanying picture ness one of the most desirable the firm controls.Under the caption, "Master's Voice Untanned atshows. The employes left the warerooms at 2 Mr. Sigman modestly gives Wurlitzer's clean andthe Meeting of the Cincinnati Democracy," thep. m. for Valley View Park, Dayton, Ky., and cool salesrooms much credit for drawing many "canned eloquence" was shown atitsbest ormade an ,afternoon and evening Qf the picnic. Victor owners forth to purchase records. worst use in a series of six cartoons, of whichThe feature of the outing was a baseball game ManagerDittrich,oftheWurlitzertalk- one was to scare burglars away, another to servebetween Wurlitzer's married and single men, in ing machine department, commenting on theas a morning alarm and another to kill dogs.which the married men came off victors, much to the chagrin of the single men, who vowed fddiN they would all get married since their defeat. The pitching of A. \V. Scheu was cheered heart- IPP DO YOU MEET THE DEMAND v4, ily.Fourteen men were struck out and only three hits allowed.One of the talking machine OR salesmen said: "The single men looked like 5144 before the game, but after the game they were VERNIS MARTIN 5027."The firm set out a splendid assortment of delectables, including lemonade, ice cream, cakes, IMT. ROOKWOOD peanuts, cigars and candy.The outing was de- clared a huge success and will become an annual DECORATED AND affair in the way of an annual field day.The spirit of harmony and good will betireen em- INLAID DESIGN ployer and employe, as a result of such affairs, isgratifyingtothe store management. The employes are not wanting in words of commenda- tionfortheWurlitzerbrothers, who spared CABINETS ? neither labor nor money to give all a good time. TALKING MACHINES FOR INDIA.

They help sell expen- (Special to The Talking MachineWorld.) sive machines Washington. June 30. 1908. A British -Indian firm that has been engaged in the importation and sale of American sewing - BUY THEM FROM machines for the last forty years desires to es- tablish a trade in American talking machines, bicycles and typewriters and has requested an Cadillac Cabinet Co. American consulto procure for them catalogs One of the 41 Record Cofonris shown in our new CATALOC. I) F. and price lists from manufacturers of such goods. ()I. MUSIC ROOM I.URNI1 URl It 0 I 'T. I C'H. The address of the firm is on file at the Bureau of Manufactures and may be scenred by refer- ring lo File No. 2315, 61 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. producer showing the relative locations of the ported plate, valve, resonating chamber, stylus, LATESTPATENTS RELATING TO TALKING etc., and Fig. 12 is a section on line 12-12 of MACHINES AND RECORDS Fig. 5. TURNTABLE FOR GRA MQPHONE MACIIINES.Edwin (Specially prepared for The Talking Machine World.) the sound amplifying means is mounted in aH. Mobley, Hillside. Pa.Patent NO. 891,356. Washington, D. C., July 8, 1908. stationary manner within a casing or cabinet, The object of this invention is to provide a SOUND -BOX FOR TALKING MACHINES. Thomas upon whichthediscorcylinderrecordis construction of turntable for talking machines Kraemer, Philadelphia,Pa.,assignor to Haw- mounted.In the drawings: Figure 1 is a per-which shall embody accuracy of rotation, light- thorne & Sheble Mfg. Co., same place.Patentspective view of a phonograph embodying theness, and cheapness of manufacture.Heretofore, No. 890,142. improvements of.theinvention.Fig. 2 is .a longi- the turntables of sound reproducing machines of This invention relates to sound -boxes for talk-tudinal sectional view. the gramophone type have been made heavy and ing machines and has reference more particu- SOUND -REPRODUCER. AlexanderN.Pierman,of cast iron.The castings frequently warp and larly to the construction of the diaphragms forNewark, N. J., assignor to. New Jersey Patent Co.,give an irregular surface for the reception of the such sound -boxes. West Orange, N. J.Patent No. 891,367. sound record tablet and cause a very uneven The object of the This invention relates to sound reproducerstravel of the same.This is injurious, in that inventionisto of the general type disclosed and claimed in ap-the stylus is made to seriously affect the form effect certain im-plications Serial No. 288,837, filed November 24,of the grooves be- provements in the1905, and Serial No. 307,324, filed March 22, 1906. cause of the greater 1 construction o f and has for its object the provision of meansduty thus put upon suchdiaphragmswhereby improved results will be secured.It it. Theh ea vy f;9,1 to the end that aconsists of an improved form of valve for vary-weight of the turn- ' greater volume of ingtherateof mx., Attt ; table required more sound is obtained flow of elastic spring powerto -a in reproducing a record and that a more faith fluid through the rotateit,and the ful reproduction is obtained as a result of the ports which corn- turntable as a elimination of false sound vibrations. municate with the whole was needless- Figure 1 is a front view of a sound -box. Fig. resonating cham- ly costly. 2 is a central section of the same and Fig. 3 isber, and an im- This invention an enlarged sectional view of the diaphragmprovedformof overcomes the ob- - r /2 Ow, .3 alone. port for co-operat- jections inherent to FEED MECHANISM FOR PHONOGRAPHS.Herman ing with the valve the heavy cast-iron Schroder, New York.Patent No. 891,378. referred to. turntables above /4/ - This invention comprehends certain new and Reference i s - pointed out.Being useful improvements in disc talking machine-, herebymadeto light,this im- and has for its object an improved construction the accompanying proved turntable r/6.4

I' of mechanism for imparting a horizontal move-drawing of which , gets up its speed of rotation more quickly at Figure 1 is a bot- starting to produce the proper rate of vibra- tom plan view of tion to secure the articulation of sound desired a portplateto and yet, -when the pressure of the sound box and whichone formofvalveisapplied;Figs. connections are transmitted toit through the 2, 3 and 4 aresectionsuponlines2-2,stylus and record tablet, the "drag," thus ob- 3-3 and 4-4,respectively,ofFig.1; Fig. tained, insures its speed remaining steady and a port plate pro-always reliable. vided with a modified form of valve; Fig. 6 is a This invention consists of the turntable of the section on line 6-6 of Fig. 5; Fig. 7 is a bottommotor part of a gramophone instrument when plan on a smaller scale of a port plate adaptedmade of sheet metal shaped to maintain a flat to be used with either of the valves illustratedcondition upon its upper surface which acts as or with any other valve which is adapted to be a support for the record disc. used with either of the valves illustrated or with More specifically, this invention comprehends any other valve which is adapted to vary the the sheet metal turntable provided with a down- flow of elastic fluid through the ports in accord- wardly extending flange on its outer edge, an ance with the vibrations of sound waves; Fig. 8annular groove or downwardly extending rib is an enlarged section on line 8-8 of Fig. 7 withnear its outer edge and preferably a series of a valve seated upon the ports thereof; Fig. 9 is aradialdownwardlyextendingribs,saidribs ment to the taper arm so as to positively feedplan view of a modified form of port plate; Fig.radiating from the neighborhood of the hub. the needle or stylus transversely in the spiral10 is a section on line 10-10 of Fig. 9; Fig. 11 This invention also embodies details of con- groove of the rotating record disc. is a vertical section of a phonographic sound re-struction which, together with the -features above Figure1isarear view of a phonograph equipped with the improvements of the inven- tion; Fig. 2 is a top plan view thereof; Fig.. 3 is a sectional view, the section being taken across the guide rods of the supporting frame for the feed shaft, parts of the actuating mechanism be- ing shown in section; Fig. 4 is a detail longitudi- MIRAPHONE nal section of a portion of the actuating mechan- ism; Fig. 5 is a detail transverse section across the feed shaft, showing the feed carriage in ere vation; and, Fig. 6 is a detail perspective view Combination of the actuating arm. PHONOGRAPH HORN. HermanSchroder, New York.Patent No. 890,534. Music Boxand This invention relates particularly to an im- Y"A-0' proved.construc- Talking Ma chine tionofphono- graph hornor In every respect a megaphone which will result in re- superior instrument producing a mel- Musically and low sound without Mechanically. any of that metal- Givingyouand liccharacteristic your customers ortonequality which is such an splendid value.ot objectionable inci- dent of the ordi- Write for Catalogue, Terms andPrices nary metallic horn. Intheaccom- Jacot Music Box Co. panying drawingsisillustratedan improved construction of phonographhorn as em- No. 39 Union Square, New York bodiedinthattypeofphonographwhere 62 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. specified, will be better understood by referencebig thing in the latter line, which he will alsoin a business which none of the complainants is to the drawings, in which: control exclusively. engaged in, viz., the use of machines for exhibi- Figure 1isa plan view of improved turn- tion, and I think it must also be taken as ap- table; Fig. 2 is a transverse section of the same; pearing that the instruments used for exhibition Fig. 3 is a cross section on line 3-3 of Fig. 1; CANNOT RESTRAIN USE OF NAME. by defendant are those manufactured and sold Fig. 4 is an elevation of a portion of a gramo- Vice -Chancellor Rules"Penny Arcades" Have by the corporate complainant." phone instrument with improved turntable ap- RighttoAdoptEdison's Cognomen-Dif- The vice-chancellor cites also the case of Edi- plied, and Fig. 5 is a plan view of a modification. ferent from Other Cases. son vs. Hawthorne, in which he says it was held AUTOMATIC STOP FOR PHONOGRAPHS. Charles P. that the words "Edison Phonograph Agency" in Cook, Plymouth, Conn.Patent No. 890,338. defendant's sign "did not indicate that defend- Thomas A. Edison cannot restrain the use of This inventionrelatestotalking machines, ants were agents of Edison, but that it was an and has particular reference to devices wherebyhisnamebyconcernsconductingso-called agency for the sale of Edison's phonographs, and such machines may be automatically stopped at "penny -arcades," where phonographs and kinet-that complainant had no right to enjoin the the desired time at the end of the travel of theoscopes made by the National Phonograph Co.combined use of the name even by persons who Co. areused. reproducer. Among the special objects aimed atand the Edison Manufacturing had formerly been his agents. in the present invention are to provide a deviceThis Vice -Chancellor Emery has just decided in Edison's claim for relief, the vice-chancollor an opinion handed down in Newark, N. J.,re- of the character above described which is simple says, must therefore be based, not on the pro- in construction, easy of application to the ma-cently, in which he sustains a demurrer enteredtection of any property right, but on his per- chine, and in which the parts are readily ad-by the "Mills-Edisonia," defendant in injunctionsonal right to enjoin the use of his name, or any justable according to the various types of ma-proceedings brought by Mr. Edison individually,plain derivative of it, by any corporation with and the two Edison concerns named throughwhich he is not personally connected.No court Frg.I. chines to which itMcCarter & English. 0 is applicable and to bas ever yet gone to this extent, and in decisions The vice-chancellor takes occasion to say thatthe question of the existence of such personal compensate f o rthe case at bar differs from the suit of the Edi- variationsaccord- son Storage Battery Co. against Edison Auto-right, as distinct from a property right, has been ing tothe variousmobile Co., in which the use of the name Edison reserved. 25 Jot 16 1 requirements. was enjoined by former Vice -Chancellor Pitney, A f1 jo Figure 1 is a gen- ANENT TRADEMARKS IN GERMANY. 12 "because one of the objects for which the de- eral perspective fendant was incorporated was the manufacture view of a fragment The following information regarding the pro- 6f a common typeof storage batteries of complainant, and the cir-tection of trademarks in the German possessions, 11 cumstances showed that the purpose of usingwhich should prove of interest to exporters in all t krfa t ofphonographor the name was to obtain in their business of sell- ) - 15 talking machine, lines,_ has been forwarded by Vice -Consul Ernest 22 ing automobiles and in competition with com-Vollmer, at Tsingtan:"According to paragraph 14 --' 20 21 with the present in- plainants, the benefit of the name of Edison, who 1900, 14, 27 25 '2, 5 Egk '29 vention shown as 4 of the imperial orders of November 9, JO 31 had assigned his storage battery for automobiles g applied thereto, and regarding laws" in the German colonies, the law to complainant. of the German Empire fortheprotectionof Fig. 2 is a plan view of the attachment. "In Edison vs. Edison Polyform Co.," the vice- PHONOGRAPHY. Isidor Kitsee, Philadelphia, Pa. trademarks of May 12, 1894, is in force in the chancellor says:"Vice -Chancellor Stevens, onGerman possessions.Registry of trademarks is Patent No. 877,845. the application of the present complainant, en- This invention relates to an improvement in made and the register kept by the Patent Bu- joined the use of his name in the defendant'sreau in Berlin.Notice of the establishment of a phonography.Its object is to increase the effi-corporate name, because on all the facts of the ciencyof phonographic records by producing trademark must be made to that office in writing. case it appeared that this use of his name wasWith every such notice there must be a descrip- them in such manner as to impart thereto ca-part of a fraudulent contrivance of the company pacity for amplifying the- sound in the reproduc- tion of the business in which the proposed mark in connection with the use of certificates appear-is to be used, a description of the goods which tion of the sound waves, and thereby overcominging to be signed and of his t h enecessity it is to mark or accompany, as well as a clear 7,5 pictures, to lead the public to believe that Edi- foremploying copy and descriptionofthe mark, as far as son was connected with the business." these may be deemednecessary. Forevery mechanical de- The vice-chancellor gives excerptsfrom the -0- vices to obtain trademark a fee of 30 marks (mark -23.8 cents) bill, from which he deduces "that it is obviousis to be paid upon giving the notice. such amplifica-that the improper use by the defendant of com- tion The un-plainant Edison's name in unfair competition or As was forecasted in these columns, jobbers derlying principle of the invention consists ininfringement of trademarks is not relied on andare reordering the William J. Bryan records on the enlargement of the original record and alsothat the claim for relief is not based on rightsa large scale.One jobber who sent in three or- in the production of copies from said enlarge-of this character." ders, wrote that unless he can get a large ship- ment. "It is not claimed," the opinion reads on, "thatment at once he will not have enough to fill deal- In the drawings, Figure 1 is a plan view con-defendant is engaged at all in the manufacture ers' orders already in.The National Phonograph ventionally illustrating an original transparentor sale of either phonographs or kinetoscopes, Co. are working overtime to get caught up on the record.Fig.2is a similar view of a soundand it appears affirmatively that itis engaged Bryan orders. amplifying copy of the record disclosed in Fig. 1. TALKING :MACHINE DISC PROTECTOR. Jessie M. Highley, Niles, Cal.Patent No. 877,842. This invention re- lates to a protective devicefortalking NOTICE machinediscs. It consists of soft felt or equivalent attach- mentplacedupon TO MICHIGAN DEALERS : the back of the disc, We control the sale in Michigan of the popular "Indestructible andin detailsof construction which Records." willhemorefully Here is a Record you can kick from " Dan to Beersheba " explainedbyrefer- without injury.Naturally itis a quick seller.Strong in tone- encetotheaccom- very musical. panying drawings, We have a large line, embracing all the selections put out, in which: Figure 1 is a plan and can fillallorders "Johnny -on -the -spot."If you haven't the view.Fig.2is a sectional elevation of the in- "Indestructible Records" in stock, you ought to have them sure. vention. We are having a nice demand on Record Cabinets.Have you had our latest quotations ?If not, the fault is yours, not ours. TOM MURRAY BEING HEARD FROM. Let us hear from you.

T.C.rlurray, who takes the output of the Wooden Phonograph Horn Co., recently sold 400 of their horns to the Columbia Phonograph Co., AMERICAN PHONOGRAPH CO. general.Mr. Murray severed Ills connection with EDISON JOBBERS FOR MICHIGAN the latter concern, for whom he traveled In the spring.Ile also has another "iron in the fire," 106 WOODWARD AVE., DETROIT, MICH. namely, a moving picture machine, with synchro- nous records-discs or cylinders-for home use, at avery moderate price.Tombelieves he has a THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 63 When We Are M A Double R-IE-D 1135 Ada Jones and Billy Mull at RECORD BULLETINS FOR AUGUST, 1908 1136Yankee Doodle's Come to Town... .Billy NEW EDISON GOLD MOULDED RECORDS. US90 Sweet Sixteens' March (Mills) NEW VICTOR RECORDS. ADDENDA TO JULY NEW RECORDS. Edison Military Band 9891Only au Old i"ashioued Cottage (Selman) .. COMIC SONG BY BILLY MURRAY, WITH ORCII. Mauuel Romain ARTHUR PRIOR'S BAND. 9892ItAlways Conies withthe Summer (Sol - 5495Captain Cupid March.. Pryor10 5492Mother Hasn't Spoke to Father Since.... man Dorothy Kingsley 5490"Red WingMedley("MuchObligedto ..Jerome -Schwartz 10 You," "Red Wing," "Sweetheart Days," PATRIOTIC SONG BY BILLY MURRAY AND HAYDN QUARTET, 9893Lady Binnie and the Shores of Lake Erin and "I'm Afraid to Come Home in the WITH OUCH. (Original)(Violin) William Craig 10 5504Yankee Doodle's Come to Town (from '"Die 9894 IWant to he Loved Like a Leading Lady Dark") Cohan 10 ( is adc) VICTOR DANCE ORCHESTRA. WALTER B. ROGERS, CONDUCTOR. Yankee Prince") 9895Yankee Doodle's Come to Town(Cohan)..AdaJones 31704"The World Is Mine" Waltzes. Fahrbach 12 Billy Murray MANDOLIN -AND GUITAR DUET BY SIEGEL AND BUTIN. 9896By the Old Oaken Bucket, Louise (Davis) 5,500Estellita Waltz Siegel10 NEW RED SEAL RECORDS. Frederic Rose VIOLIN SOLO BY HOWARD BATTAY, ACCOSIP. BY VICTOR 9897Forest Whispers (Losey) ORCH. Edison Symphony Orchestra 5480Serenade Moszkowskl 10 EMMA EAMES--LOUISE IlOMER-WITII ORCII. 9898Mother Hasn't. Spoke to Father Since (Je- VIOLINCELLO SOLO BY VICTOR SORLIN, ACCOMP. BY 89020 Lakme-DOme epais le jasmin ('Neath the rome & Schwartz) Arthur Collins VICTOR OUCH. Shady Dome) Au French Delibes12 9899The Home Over There (O Kane) 5485Berceuse (Lullaby) from Jocelyn..Godard 10 89021Lohengrin-Du Aermste(Thou Unhappy Edison Mixed Quartet TWO RECORDS BY HAROLD JARVIS, WITH ORM. One) in German Vaguer12 9900Let Me Hear the Songs M3 Mother Used to 5486March of the Cameron Meu Campbell 10 EMMA CALVE, SOPRANO, WITH ORCH. Sing (Gabriel) Byron G. Ilarlan 5487 My Ain Countree Lee10 88130Herodiade-II est doux,itest bon (He Is 9901Blue Violets (Ellenberg)..Edison Concert Band 'CELLO AND FLUTE DCET BY THEM AND LYONS, ACCOMP. Kind, He is Good) in French..Massenet 12 9902When the Autumn Moon Is Creeping Thro' BY STRINGS AND HARP. EMILIO DE GOGORZA, BARITONE, WITH ORCII. the Woodlands (Solinan) (Counter -'Tenor) 5497Alice Where Art Thou-Fantasie (We Ascher -Rogers10 74110Rigoletto-Monologo,"Partsiamo" Will Oakland are Equal)in Italian Verdi 12 9903A. B. C.'s of the U.S.A.(Cohan) VICTOR OCTET (STRINGS, WOODWIND, HARP). EVAN WILLIAMS, TENORWITH OUCH. Ada Jones and Billy Murray 5498The Vacant Chair-Paraphrase... 64086Queen of Sheba-Recitative (Lend Me Your 9904I'm Sevin' Up My Money for a Rainy Day Root -Rogers10 Aid-Part I)in English Gounod10 (Wenrich) Edward Meeker TENOR SOLO BY HENRI BURR, WITH ORCH. VIOLIN SOLO BY MISCHA ELMAN. 9905"Dialogue," Flute and Clarinet (Hamm)... Ernest Ball 10 61180(a) Moment Musical, Schubert ;(h)Per- Edison Symphony Orchestra COMIC SONG BY ADA JONES, WITH ORCH. Bohm 10 5489I Want to be Loved Like a Leading Lady. petuo Mobile 9906All for Love of You (Ball) Harry Anthony Wade10 GEORGE HASILIN, TENOR, WITH ORCH. 9907A High Old Time in Dixie (Schleiffarth).. DESCRIPTIVE SPECIALTY BY STEVE PORTER. 74111Die Walktire-Slegmund's Liebeslied (Sieg- Collins and Harlan mund's Love Song) in German...Wagner 12 9908For the Red, White and Blue (Rosenfeld) 5494Finnegan's Flat Porter10 POL PLANCON, BARITONE, WITH ORCII. Jas. F. Harrison and Chorus SOPRANO SOLO BY ELSIE STEVENSON, WITH ORCII. 85125Robert le Diable-Invocation "Notifies, qui 9909Kerry Mills' Barn Dance (Mitts) 5482Dear Heart Mattel10 reposez"("YeSlumb'dingNuns") in Edison Symphony Orchestra COON SONG BY EDDIE MORTON, WITH ORCH. French Meyerbeer12 9910I'm the Man (Camp) Bob Roberts 5501The Right Church but the Wrong Pew... GINA C. VIAFORA, SOPRANO, WITH OUCH. 9911Fun at the Music Counter (Original) Smith10 64085Boheme-Musetta Waltz. In Itallan.Puccini10 Ada Jones and Len Spencer SOPRANO SOLO BY GIUSEPPINA HUGUET. WITH OUCH. BESSIE ABBOT, SOPRANO, WITH OUCH. 9912Finnegan's Flat (Original) 52555Lucia-Regnava nel silenzio(Silence O'er 12 Steve Porter All) Donizetti 10 88129Mlreille--ValSe.In French Gounod 9913"Smarty" Medley (Orig.) ...Edison Military Band TENOR SOLO BY HARRY MACDONOUGH, WITH ORCH. TWO SELECTIONS MADE OVER, 5488Just Sone One (from "Lonesome Town"). 7597Over the Waves Welty Joe Belmont Anderson 10 ZON-O-PHONE 10 -INCH RECORDS. 8838Jovial Joe Edison Military Band COON SONG BY ARTHUR COLLINS, WITH ORCH. (Formerly by the Edison Concert Band.) 5483Cohan's Rag Babe Cohan10 COMIC DUET BY COLLINS AND HARLAN, WITH ORCH. ZON-O-PHONE CONCERT BAND. GRAP1101410NE VERSUS BAND. 5484Down In Jungle Town Morse 10 1126Broken-hearted Sparrow-A Pathetic Appeal ORPHEUS CHORUS OF UPSALA, SWEDEN-SOLO BYA. -(From the Suite, "A Love Episode in Twentieth Century Makes a Great Hit at the WALLGREN. BARITONE. Birdland") 52006"Can it Comfort" (Kan det traste) Kjerulf10 1127Dancing in the Barn-Schottische Elks' Rural Jubilee and Barn Dance Held in DUET BY MISS STEVENSON AND MR. MACDONOUGH, WITH 1128Man with Three Wives-Waltz Washington. ORCH. 1112March Happy Days 5491Oh. That We Two Were Maying Smith 10 1129Yankee Prince-Two-Step MALE QUARTET BY THE PEERLESS QUARTET. ZON-O-PHONE ORCHESTRA. At the Elks' Rural Jubilee and Barn Dance, 5481Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming.... 1113Affaire d'Amour-Waltz Foster10 1114Home, Sweet Home Medley "Good Night" Waltz held at the Bennings Race Track, Washington, GOSPEL HYMN BY THE HAYDN QUARTET, WITH ORCH. 1115Selection of Children's Songs. No. 2 5496He Will Hold Me Fast Harkness10 1116Popular Chorus Medley Two -Step, No. 2 last week, fully 5,000 people were surprised and DUET III MISS JONES AND SIR. MURRAY, WITH ORCH. VOCAL SELECTIONS WITH ORCH. ACCOMP. delighted by the fact that a Twentieth Century 5499By the Old Oaken Bucket, Louise..Davis10 1117Everybody Joinedin the ChorusinOur 5503Jesus Is Calling CrosbyStebbins10 b'amlly Ada Jones Columbia was not only a substitute DUET BY MISS JONES AND MR. MURRAY, WITH ORCH. 1125Frisky Farmer andthe Modest Manicure 5502The A-BC's of the U. S. A (from "The (Descriptive Selection) for a band, but really was more satisfactory. Yankee Prince") Cohan10 Ada Jones and Len Spencer One of the most popular shows of the entire LUIGI COLAZZA, TENOR. 1118IfIt's Good Enough for Washington,it's With Orchestra.In Italian. Good Enough for Me Frank C. Stanley Jubilee was the one ring circus.Three shows a a2116Profeta( Prophet e ) Re del del°. Meyerbeer 12 1119I'm Starving for One Sight of You Frank C. Stanley and Henry Burr day were given with an average of over 600 peo- 1130I've Taken Quite aFancto You ple at each performance for three days, which EIGHT -INCH RECORDS. Ada Jones and Billy Murray 1131I Was a Hero, Too Billy Murray brings the total to 5,000 people who heard the 1120I Was Roaming Along Arthur Collins Twentieth Century Graphophone in actual com- ACCORDION SOLO BY JOHN J. KIMMEL. 1121Mother Hasn't Spoke to Father Since.... 5468Medley of Reels No. 2 Kimmel 8 Arthur Collins and Byron G. Harlan petition with a brass band.Not a German gut- COON SONG BY EDDIE MORTON. WITH ORCH. 1122My Treasure Henry Burr 5403The Peach that Tastes the Sweetest Hangs 1123Needles and Pins Ed. M. Favor ter band, playing for beers in front of a summer the Highest on the Tree Edwards 8 1124Pride of the Prairie Peerless Quartette garden, but a fairly well trained organization of BILLY MURRAY AND HAYDN QUARTET. WITH OUCH. 1132Somebody that I Know and You Know. Too 3379Keep on Smiling Kendis-Paley 8 Al Campbell ten or twelve pieces.The band played for the VICTOR VAUDEVILLE rOMPANY. 1133Tale of the Turtle Dove 5401An Evening at Mrs. Clancey's Boarding Mendelssohn Mixed Quartet grand entry of the entire troupe of actors and House 8 1134True Heart Frank Howard horses-and when the preliminary comedy work of the clown was going on, the Columbia grapho- phone played a march-and now there is an army of people in Washington who will testify to the fact that the volume, purity and tempo of the I.3" 13 3E, graphophone music in that tent put the living performances of the band several paces in the rear. Makers Makers The alternation of the band and machine kept up for three days and there was not a single phase of the performance that would not have of of been better served if the band had been elimi- nated and the graphophone used for the entire Cabinets Cabinets performance. ECHO OF TALK -O -PHONE CO. FAILURE. for for (Special to The Talking Machine World.) Toledo, O., June 29, 1908. A. L. Irish, George G. Metzger and the Talk -0 - Disc Cylinder Phone Co. had another lawsuit added to the al- ready long list in Common Pleas Court a few days ago, when the Northern National Bank Records Records brought suit to secure judgment for $3,500 on a promissory note.The note was given by the Talk -O -Phone Co., with A. L. Irish as president, 15s *Xi and was endorsed by Messrs. Irish and Metzger. The paper was originallyfor $5,000 and was Write for Write for given to the bank March 14, 1905. Two payments of $750 each had been made and the interest Booklet Booklet taken care of until October 31, 1906.Since that No. 430 Disc Record Cabinet, Solid Mahogany. Swell Front. time there have been no payments, and the sign- Holds 200 I2 -inch Disc Records. ers have refused to pay anything more.The Why not buy UDELL, and get the best the market affords? NorthernNationalBankasksjudgmentfoi THE UDELL WORKS,Office and Factory, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., U. S. A. $3,500, the balance due. 1 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Leading Jobbers of TalKingMachines in America

OLIVER DITSON COMPANY Peter Bacigalupi & Sons Are the largest Eastern Distributors of co. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Victor Talking Machines WHOLESALE RETAIL TRADE DinRK 1021-23 Golden Gate Ave. 1113-15 Fillmore St. and Records BROADWAY and 17th ST., NEW YORK Orders from Dealers are fille'dmore Factory: Western Branch: JOBBERS promptly, are packed better, are deliver- Rahway, N. J. 259 Wabash Ave., Chicago Edison, Zonophone ed in better condition, and filled more WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER completely by this house than any other REGINA MUSIC BOXES REGINAPIANOS Victor house in the Talking Machine business, REGINAPHONES SUBLIMA PIANOS so our customers tell us. DISTRIBUTCRS IN NEW YORK FOR AllKinds ofAutomatic Musical Instruments Victor Talking Machines and Edison Phonographs and Slot Machines. 150 Tremont St., BOSTON, MASS.. Complete Stock.Prompt Deliveries.

Chas. H. Ditson &Co. HARGER & BLISH BABSON BROS. . Western Distributors for both the Have the most completely 19th St. and Marshall Boulevard appointed and best equipped VICTOR. CHICAGO, ILL. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE Department Special attention given DEALERS only, by a. M. EDISON NISBETT, Manager, Wholesale Department. IN NEW YORK CITY It's worth while knowing, we never to -day, and solicit orders from dealers, with the assurance substitute a record. that they will be filled more promptly, and delivered in If it's in the catalog we've got it. better condition than they can be from any other source. LARGEST STOCK OF EDISON PHONO- Nos. 8-10-12 East 3Ith St., NEW YORK CITY DUBUQUE, IOWA. GRAPHS AND RECORDS in the U. S.

UP-TO-DATE JOBBERS OF BOTH PITTSBURG PHONOGRAPH CO. Southern California Music Co. EVERYTHING FOR TALKING MACHINES EDISON VICTOR andEDISON JOBBERS JOBBERS Edison and Zon-o-Phone Jobbers VICTOR Largest and most complete stock of Talking Macbines and LOS ANGELES, CAL. Records in Western Pennsylvania. STANDARD KLEIN & HEFFELMAN CO. . COLUMBIA JOBBERS TALKING MACHINE CO. N. W. IOWA, NEBRASKA and SOUTH DAKOTA Canton, OHIO. 435-7 Wood St.,PITTSBURG, PA. Write to -day for terms nec- Edison .4 Victor TRY A JOBBER WHO WILL FILL YOUR essarytobecome dealers ORDERS COMPLETE AND SHIP THEM THE MACHINES. RECORDS AND SUPPLIES 315 FOURTH STREET DAY RECEIVED. IV. A. DEAN COMPANY SIOUX CITY Quickest service and most complete stock in Ohio

You Can Get Goods liere ENDISCOINT Nricact-IJEZ Jacot Music Box Co., JOBBERS DISTRIBUTORS F.1VI.ATWOOD Our wholesale depot is a mile from our retail store. 39 Union Sq.. New York. Records are not mauled over for retail customers 123 MONROE AVENUE and then shipped out to dealers.Dealers br.rring from us get brand new goods just as they come MEMPHIS, TENN. Mira and Stella Music Boxes. from the factory. Edison and Victor Machines LAWRENCE McGREAL, Milwaukee, Wis. EDISON JOBBER and Records. NEW ENGLAND DISTRIBU- JOBBING HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC COAST TORS OF E. F. DROOP & SONS CO Victor Talking Machines RECORDSI EDISON AND VICTOR 925 Pa. Avenue Machines. Records and Supplies. - 231 No. Howard St. STEINWAY PIANOS-LYON & HEALY WASHINGTON, D. C. BALTIMORE, MD. "OWN MAKE" BAND INSTRUMENTS THE EASTERN TALKING MACHINE CO. Wholesale and Retail Sherman, Clay & Co.rat:, Portlandtrgdel 177 Tremont Street - - BOSTON. MASS. Distributors Oakland Edison Phonographs ECLIPSE PHONOGRAPH CO. Victor Talking Machines HOBOKEN, N.J. KOHLER & CHASE Southern ROoresentatIves for Oakland, Cal. Seattle, Wash. Edison and Zon=o=phone Jobbers Topham's Carrying Cases ;Herzog's Record Cabi- nets: Searchlight, II: & S. Tea Tray and Standard Can Guarantee Quickest Delivery Metal Co.'s Horns and Supplies. From Largest Stock in New Jersey. Jobbers of STAR, ZONOPHONES AND JOHN F. ELLIS & CO. PRICE Fil-IONOGRAF'H CO. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS WASHINGTON, D. C. 54.56 Clinton Street, NEWARK, N. J. Distributor Victor DistributorsTalking Machines WE claim Largest Stock and Best VICT'OR. TalkingMachines Send us your Order, you get the Goods Service, and are willing to and RECORDS Wholesale and Retail We don't retail. We take care of the Dealer. ..SHOW YOU." Largest Stock In the South Large Stock - Quick Service

IF YOU'RE IN WESTERN MICHIGAN PERRY B. WHITSIT L. M. WELLER BUFFALO - N.Y. it will be money in your pocket to order PERRY B. WHITSIT CO., 0 EDISON Victor Machines and Records 213 South High Street. Columbus. Ohio. NEAL, ad VICTOR JULIUS A. J. FRIEDRICH Edison VictorTalking CLARK & 30-32 Canal Street,Grand Rapids, Michigan 0 Phonographs Machines Our Motto: I au!eService a nd Saving and RoordsJOBBERSand Rsoords NEAL CO. 1COLUMBIA TransportationCharges

Every Jobber in this country shouldbe representedin this department. The cost Is slight and the advantage is great. Be sure and have your iirm in the August list. THE TALKING MACHINEWORLD. 65 Leading Jobbers ofTalking Machines in America D. K. NIVERS 3839Finney Avenue ST. LOUIS, MO. Exclusive Columbia Jobbers Columbia Jobbers Only Exclusive Jobber in U. S. of We carry at all times a complete line Zon-o-phone Machines and Records ORDER WHAT YOU WANT of Columbia Graphophones and WeFill Orders Complete Glve us a Trial WHEN YOU WANT IT Columbia Disc and Cylinder Records. WE CAN DELIVER THE We give all orders prompt and care- GOODS :: ful attention.Dealers can be assured of our cooperation at all times. Mr. Dealer We are KRAEMER O. GOSORN SCHEUBER DRUG COMPANY NORFOLK, VA. IJVINGSTON, MONT. Columbia Jobbers We are in a position to put you on the right course to successfully handle these universally used instru- Baltimore Zonophone Jobber If interested. "pop the ques- THE NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY TALKING ments and records. J. K. SAVAGE MACHINE CO. tion." Catalogues, prices, and complete information The New Indestructible Cylinder Records L. MAZORProprietor upon request. Star Disc Machines and Records Talking Machines and Records. The Biggest HOLLENBERG MUSIC CO. At Wholesale. Complete Stocks. Assortment of Hebrew Records. LITTLE ROCK. ARK. 1423-25 E. Pratt Street, BALTIMORE, MD. 921 Franklin Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO, EXCLVSIVELY JOBBER of COLUMBIA JOBBER ZIMMERMAN MUSIC CO. FRESH PROMPT STOCK ZON0-0-PHONES DELIVERY VAN WERT, OHIO BYRON INAUZY SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA JOHN S. LENG'S SON & CO. Columbia Jobbers 33 Murray St., New York Cily 'SHED 1852/ We carry a complete stock of Columbia Grapho- phones andRecords. Dealers'ordersfilled Exclusive Columbia Jobbers Job COLUMBIA Graphophones Exclusively promptly and delivered in the best possible condi- COLUMBIA Disc and Cylinder Records tion. - We are personally interested in the success Our stock of Columbia Graphophones and COLUMBIA-Fonotipia Grand Opera Records of every dealer on our books. And this interest is Records is very complete and covers the shown in the exceptional service we give. full line. We receive all the records as fast JOBBERS OF BICYCLES, GUNS, ETC. as they are issued. We are in a position to fill orders promptly.Dealers purchasing from us get the benefit of our central loca- tion and effect a large saving in time and money. C. B. HAYNES W. Y. YOUMANS FINCH & HAHN. Nashville is so centrally located that C. B.HAYNES & CO. Albany, Troy, Soheneota.dy. there is a great saving of time. Jobbers of Edison, Victor and Columbia WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS EDISON PHONOGRAPHSANDRECORDS Machines and Records PHILLIPS 0 BUTTORFF MFG. CO. ALL SUPPLIES 300,000 Records NASHVILLE. TENN. Complete Stock Quick Service 603 East Main St., Richmond, Va, E. T. WILTON & COMPANY DEALERS, NOTICE! HOUSTON, TEX. Jones Bros. & Co., Inc. Wholesale Distributors "Star" Talking RICHMOND, VA. Machines, Records, Horns, Cranes, Etc. We are COLUMBIA Jobbers. We have everything 3 -oil need, also Our stock of Columbia Grapho- JEWELRY andWATCHES phones and Recordsis always We job COLUMBIA Graphophones and Records exclusively because we have complete; no waiting, no delay. found by actual experience that they are the best in all points. We carry one of the most complete stocks of both ma- COLUMBIA MAZER PHONOGRAPH CO. chines and records in the South. 45 Michigan Ave., DETROIT, MICHIGAN All orders given prompt attention. JOBBERS

POWERS & HENRY CO. Paste This Where You Can Always See It ! 339 Second Avenue PITTSBURG,PA. MR. DEALER: We refer all Talking Machine inquiries coming from towns where we are represented by dealers to the dealer or dealers in Every Jobber in this country should that town. be represented in this department. The cost is slight and the advantage is great. Be sure and have your firm VICTOR and EDISON JOBBERS CHICAGO in the August list. Frank L. Dyer, who is chairman of the com- IN FINANCIAL TROUBLE. cured.His assets are $3,913.95, of which sum stock in trade to the value of $2,444.12 is shown.mittee, has, by his long training as general coun- Bankruptcy Petition Is Filed by Floyd B. Series.Mr. Series was in business in Lockport under the sel of the company, become well fitted for his title of the Lockport Phonograph Co. new position.The other members of the com- (Special to The Talking Machine World.) mittee have been with the company for years. Buffalo, N. Y., June 30, 1908. THE EDISON EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. FloydB.Series,adealerinphonographs, CHANGE THEIR NAME. sportinggoodsandsupplies,recentlyfiled The new Executive Committee, which isto The Phonograph Co., of Chattanooga, asked to a voluntary petitionin bankruptcy with the manage the affairs of the National Phonographchange its name to the Atlee-Terhune Co.The clerk of the United States District Court,in Co. during the absence in Europe of President incorporators are:Frank H. Atlee, Westervelt which he gave a schedule of debts amounting to W. E. Gilmore, has settled down to work, andTerhune, J.R. Atlee,Jr., Geo. N. Patton, and $6,321.96,of which amount $3,298.46isunse- already has a good grasp of the situation. L. M. Thomas. 66 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.



Some of the Many Specialties which will Interest Talking Machine Menare Treated of in this Department

.111o. ..1 In every phase of life men will be found whoedge of the trajectory, velocity and killing range stand for every degree in success or in failure.of the weapon.He should also understand the ILLUSTRATED POST CARDS. Each one had his chance to rise; some graspeduses of different sights and be capable of talking The post card demand is at present greater it, but more were asleep at the post, and when"rifle" like an expert.To do all this he needthan ever before and in our estimation hasby they awoke wondered why others were forging only spendalittletimeincarefulperusal no means reached its height.The amount of ahead, gettingbusiness,acquiring wealth and of the several catalogues issued by the differentcards now being sold and used exceedsmany reputation while they remained to struggle alongrifle makers, and in conversation with the oc- times the quantity in circulation threeyears ago, in the old rut, cursing the unfairness of things casionalrifle shooters who drop in to buy am-and is even greater than that at this time last in general and their own lot in particular-blam- munition.He will pick up other ideas, all ofyear.There is just as much money to be made ing everything and everybody but the right onewhich will enable him to talk on the subjectin the post card field now as ever, but theone fortheir failure."Luck" in thestrict senseintelligently and sell more goods.A careful to make it is the wide-awake, energetic man who of the word never will be the price of success,study of one's trade papers is exceedingly im-can meet competition fairly and will carry on a though a combination of circumstances may toportant for the man who would be up-to-dateclean business. One of the most potent factors some seem synonymous.It takes intelligence toand keep his stock complete.Only too many inaugmenting theenthusiasmdisplayed by turn them to advantage.In other words successneglect this point, trusting to visiting salesmen the collecting public is the ingenious little device is knowledge, and thelatteris only obtainedto keep them in touch with new things, which called the post card projector, mystic reflector, by consistent, unremitting labor.Not the stupid iscertainly poor judgment.Unless one is an etc.As the "World" predicted these little ma- plugging of an ox that does faithfully what heexpert in all the lines handled it is but natural chines are enjoying a wonderful sale, so large in is told, not understanding or caring the reasonthat the salesman should paint his line in rosyfact as to justify nearly twenty different manu- or causes for such labor.But work backed upcolors and atthebestgive a prejudicedac- facturers marketing their own product under and directed by a brain trainedtosee thesecount, while by the former method a dealer gets various names.But if their sale is large now things and act promptly and efficiently.It hasa consensus of opinion which is safer to rely on. when people for the most part shun the house been the seeming lack of the necessity of havingGeneral news relating to one's line should beand devote their attention to outdoor recreations, and using brains to sell talking machines thatread, and ifrifles,etc.,is the line handled, awhat will they be in the fall and winter when has been the cause of such a howl of calamity in thorough knowledge of the best places for hunt-the evenings are long and people huddle around this trade at .the first sign of the waning of theing should be known, what class of game therethe fire trying to kill time until bed hour? Deal- 'talker craze."For hitherto all one had to do,is to be found, in what localities, and what bore,ers who contemplate adding post cards for a side figuratively speaking, Was to hand the goodscaliber,etc., has been found most satisfactory.line should not fail to put in an assortment of across the counter, and except the jobbers fewOne of the most successful jobbers of sportingprojectors-in fall and winter post cards.The knew thefirstprinciplesofgetting out andgoods in the country not only insists that each view card will occupy its usual conspicuous posi- hustling for trade, andthoughthelastsix man in their employ have a thorough knowledgetion, but on account of Thanksgiving and Labor months have been hard for all trades they haveof the department he is working in, but each and Day, Christmas and New Year's, the special card done an immense amount of good, as they haveevery one must be an enthusiastic devotee of thewill be in large demand. A good assortment of awakened mauy to the fact that this world owessport in his charge.In this way the men arealbums should always be on hand, for the sale no one a living who is not willing to work for it. able to meet customers more than half way, andof one is always followed by an increased sale to stayand neverwin not only their trade, but their friendship.of cards of the better class for preserving.At before have things been in so good a condition,Their house is not only a stock or salesroom,this time of year dealers will find a ready sale because the "talker" has become a staple-a linebut a club, and no amount of slashing of pricesfor high class cards, passe partouts in such col- where business can be accurately gauged andby competitors can take their trade away. fromors as green, red and black, with mats made where it will be a case of the survival 'of thethem.This is the method we would recommend, to harmonize.These can be home-made at very fittest-theshiftless giving place tothe ener-whether your line may be automobiles or foun- littlecost or trouble and the amount of profit getic to the betterment of the whole structure.tain pens. Know it; don't be a slot machine orderived from their sale doubled many times. We Now is the time-since men in this trade knowautomaton that simply gives what is asked andwould caution the new dealer again about buy- where they stand-for broadeningout. Thispaid for.Make each customer feel that you haveing carelessly, as the whole success of the de- move should be studied carefully, however, be-an interest in him outside of what he spends,partment hangs on the intelligence displayed in fore being acted upon.The class of trade oneand as the years go by you will find your trade this branch of the business.In a trade where caters to, the locality and the size of one's storegrowing. Honey catches more flies than vinegar,the manufacturers number into the hundreds being duly considered.Too hasty a decision isand a "square deal" always wins in the long run. there is bound to be an awful lot of shoddy ma - just as bad as one put off too long.The main question being:Will this or that line have an assured steady sale and one thatifproperly handled grow?There is no doubt that observa- tion is a good thing providing the observer does not follow too closely in the footsteps of those he would emulate.A policy that might work The Continental Art Co. like a charm for the originator, when repeated by auother, would fallflat,as there would be nothing novel in it to attract the public's atten- of Chicago tionor conditions underwhichitformerly thrived might be changed.Many a firm with a bright prospect is foundered on the rocks of present the trade with the best money -making proposition imitation anditIs always safer to steer one's own course and keep clear of the much traveled in Post Cardsever offered; not only do they give the channels thatat best lead tomediocrity. In dealer the best value for themoney, but they give a line other words our advice to men in this trade is to keep their eyes open, see what this one or that of UP-TO-DATE POST CARDS thatare the biggest one did orisdoing, and how they draw and keep the fickle public's patronage.Separate the sellers in the country and show 50per cent. moreprofit wheat from the chaff.Digest it carefully, then than any other line of cards. lay out their own campaign, using perhaps some of the methods of each, but cover the whole with Dealers should not let this noticego by, because it the cloak of "originality."Too much stress can- not belaidupon thenecessityof "knowing" represents money to them. one's line, and though It may seem that in the regular routine of work one would become thor- A post card will bring all the information, catalogue oughly conversantwith everything he has to and price -list, and samples free of charge. sell,it not so.For Instance, to properly un- dertake the sale of arifle a man should be fa- miliar not only with Its working parts, but also CONTINENTAL ART CO.,CHICAGO with its capacity.lie should understand the va- Continental Bldg., Monroe and Aberdeen Streets rious grades of bullets and he ableto explain their uses and al the same time have a knowl- THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. 67

"DO YOU SELL THE Gillette Safety Razor?" No doubt you have been asked that question many times before, for there are thou- sands of men all over the country asking for and buying Gillette Razors almost as fast as we can make them. The reason for this demand isbecause no other razor affords such a simple, quick, convenient and comfortable method of obtaining a satisfactory shave. The " Gillette** saves its owner time, money, labor and endless inconvenience.That's why over two million men are to -day shaving the Gillette way. No other razor offers you greater profit possibilities. Gillette Razors not only mean rapid sales and large profits but every razor sold opens up an opportunity for further income from the sale of blades. So when a customer comes into your store and asks the question, " Do you sell the Gillette Razor ? " be in a position to say, " Sure "-and materially increase your profits in- stead of letting him go to some other dealer with his $5 bill. If you happen to be one of the few who do not carry the " Gillette " write to -day for lull information and prices, and remember-when we come into your store with our goods, we come in with every as- sistancepossibleto help you make sales. Booklets, circulars, window cards, electros furnished free of charge upon request.Write to -day.

Gillette Sales Company 914 KIMBALL BUILDING BOSTON 914 Times Building NEW YORK CITY 914 Stock Exchange Building CHICAGO

The Gillette Safety Razor Set consists of a triple sil- ver plated holder and twelve double edged, thin, flexible wafer-like blades (24 keen edges) packed in a g)Z? av velvet lined leather case.Price $5,00.Also made in L'%2 Combination Sets in a variety of styles with toilet accessories retailing from $6.50 to $50.00 each. 68 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. last week to Supreme Court Justice Bischoff by counsel for William Fox and Sol Brill, who are the proprietors of two such exhibitions at 1.498 Third avenue, Manhattan, and893Broadway, The Nominations Brooklyn, who asked for an injunction restrain- HAVE BEEN MADE ing Tenement House Commissioner Butler from revoking his approvaltoalterations ofboth premises, and also enjoining him from interfer- People Are Buying Goods ing with the plaintiffs in the conduct of their business.They also ask that the Commissioner PROSPERITY be restrained front directing them to vacate the THAT'S THE WAY IT HITi US. premises on account of the nature of the business DO IOU FEEL IT? carried on by them.Argument on the applica- Dealers who have beenwise tion was set for Monday.Theplaintiffssay enough to boom their business with there are 300 moving picture shows similarly THE MYSTIC REFLECTOR situated, and that the Commissioner has attempt. assure us of their prosperity. ed to exercise his authority in about 100 of them. OUR REFLECTOR is the only perfect machine of its kind in the world. BAND ORGANS AND ORCHESTRIONS. INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS An ExcellentMeans of Building Up Tradein You need no Glass Slides as TheseInstrumentsfcr"Talker" Dealers. with the old Magic Lantern. YOU DO NOT VIOLATE ANY CITY ORDINANCE by using dangerousfilms as with Moving Picture (Special to The TalkingMachineWorld i Machines.With our machine you may reproduce any object or picture in allitsnatural colors, giving you a Chicago, III., July 8, 1908. picture magnificently enlarged.Superb in detail, marvelous in effect. "I do not think that talking machine dealers The machine is built entirely of steel, neatly finished.Fitted with either electric light or our latest improved as a whole realize the great field before them in calcium carbide generator.Shipped to you complete, securely packed. Sells at retail for $5.00.To dealers only we allow a discount of 40'. ORDER TO -DAY. the sale of band organs and orchestrions," re- marked W. H. Wade, who has charge of the auto- matic department of Lyon & Healy.These in- CHURCH SUPPLY COMPANY" struments can be sold from catalog, and as they 116Nassau Street (A. M. SHIEBLER, Pres. and Mgr.) NEW YORK CITY run into money the sale of only a few in the Suite 301 course of a year will yield a magnificent profit. It ought to be possible for a dealer to put an teriallying around which many unprincipledthe moving picture machine is made a far lessorchestrion iuto every fine cafe or hotel in his salesmen are only too glad to work off on thecostly luxury than the talking machine, with thevicinity.Band organs are manufactured in vari- green man.Quality should always be the firstadvantage to the dealer of a far greater profitous styles varying from $375 to $15,000 each, and consideration in buying.Then whether or notat no risk to himself.In brief the plan is for especially adapted for roller skating rinks, amuse- the cards are suitable or would appeal to yourthe retailer to sell the machines, supplies. etc., ment parks, etc., etc.The experience of a house customers, experience alone will solve this for outright, while he rents the films at so much like this enables it to assist the dealer in deter- you, though common sense will often lift you outper day.A depositto cover the cost of themining the type of the instrument to be used to of many holes.Thirdly, the beginner is always film, or 10 cents per foot, being required, andbest advantage, providing we know the character safe who feels his way.Buy rather too littleto be returned unless the film has been damaged,of the enterprise and the dimensions of the room than too much, but see that what you have isin which case a suitable amount to cover samein which it will be used. A new Lyon & Healy choice and complete.The list is very important,will be deducted.This scheme has two decided band organ has just been brought out which is as it's a great deal easier to buy more if one advantages. Inthefirstplace the dealerre- of the pneumatic, paper -played type.This ma- needs more than it is to sell a bunch of cardsceives a good continuedprofit from the film,chine has the advantage of the old pin -cylinder left over from a line stocked too heavily. whose lifeis more than long enough to make type inits ability to control tempo more accu- its rental a good investment, and if through an rately, and in the generally better reproduction MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS. accident a customer destroys a subject, the re-of band music. tailer gets the full price which would be charged Among the many lines that are in the greatestif he had sold the film outright.Second, the THE VIASCOPE SPECIAL demand during the autumn and winter and whichpublic obtain an unending list of subjects to are in especial demand around the holidays, nonechoose from, using each until tired of it, all at Isthe Name of the Latest Creationof the will be more popular this year than the homea nominal cost, with no money tied up in old Viascope Co. Which Is Winning High Praise. moving picture machines and films.The publicstuff to clutter up the house and act as an eye- has heard a great deal about this new industrysore and a constant reminder of what this en- (Special to The Talking Machine and though anxious to test its product it hastertainment has and is likely to cost.Dealers Chicago, Ill., July 6, 1908. been kept off, until now the dealers ought to have who are looking for a real live line should at Talking machine dealers are becoming more but little difficulty in turning this curiosity toleast investigate this one at once, as the earlierand more interested iu the professional moving their own advantage and with proper fosteringone gets into a line the more cream he is likely picture proposition. Notonly have many of build up a large, lucrative trade.For some timeto get in his locality. them started theaters of their own, but the talk- this paper was a little sceptical about the outlook ing machine store seems to be the natural place on account of the price of the films, fearing that PICTURE SHOWS FIGHT. for a man. contemplating going on an exhibition tour or to start a five -cent theater to go to for 10 cents a foot would be beyond the purse of Seek to Enjoin Tenement Commissioner from information.Several of the largest concerns in any but the well-to-do.This problem, however, Closing Them. has been studied over carefully by the manufac- the country have gone into the business of hand- turers and a leasing plan has been inaugurated An application affecting many of the movingling large moving pictures and supplies on an which overcomes all obstacles.In this mannerpicture shows in New York County was made extensive scale.TheViascopeManufacturing If You Are Looking for Post CardsThat Sell THE FOLLOWINGNEW NUMBERS WILL INTEREST YOU : Floral and Landscape, 36 subjects $6.00per thousand Thanksttiving Series 6-12 5.00 ltiCS Christmas " 36 " Solid Gold Background, Heavily Em- bossed,Etc 5.00 Floral Cards 72 Suitable for Tinseling and Name... 4.00 32 Solid Gold Background, with orwithout Text ...... 5.00 32 Green and Gold Bronze Background, with or without Text 5.00 Id Gold and Silver Background, with Cats and Landscape, also Blank Oval Space 5.10 32 With Gold Outline . 5.00 Birds :Ind Flowers 7.1 " ( hie of Our Leaders ...... 4.00 led and Purple AirBrush Canis, 12 Subjects, with or without Text ...... 5.00 pir AS A SPECIAL INDUCEMENT TO TALKING MACHINE DEALERS We will get up a General Assortment of 1,000 of the above Cards for $5.00'Off 111 South Eighth Street THE KEYSTONE SPECIALTY COMPANYPHILADELPHIA, PA. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. (; SHRP-SHAVR SAFETY RAZOR


sell it at 25c. to create a quick and large marketfor our bladesbecause we make the BEST blade.Infact, "it's allin OUR BLADES." The profit to the retailer as well as to the manufacturer is in the continuous sale of blades. The frame or bladeholder is beautifullysilver plated,and the adjustment is absolutely correctIt fits the face.The blade can be adjusted or released instantly.But you don't shave with a razor frame whether it costs $5 000orI2Gsi5c Our proposition is a revelation and revolution in safety razor selling.The SHRP-SHAVR is the RAZOR. SOLD UNDER A POSITIVE GUARANTEE-YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT

Shrp-Shavr Razor with One Blade, per gross, - - $24.00 I PRICE: -Shrp-Shavr Blades, 5 in a package, per gross packages,25.20NET Shrp-Shavr Stroppers, per gross, - - - - - 9.00 SHRP-SHAVR RAZOR CO., 108-110 Duane Street, NEW YORK

Co.. of 112 E. Randolph street, this city, have now "The only law that applies to the case is Sec- ready for the market a new machine, the Via -tion 265 of the Penal Code.Itprohibits`all scope Special, which promises to create some-shooting, hunting, fishing, playing, horse racing, OUR MONTHLY REVIEW. thing of a sensation in the moving picture world.gaming or other public exercises or shows, upon The Viascope Co. have been making machines for the first day of the week, and all noise disturb- l\Ve solicit inquiriesfrom our suhscrihers who are de- several years past, but President Pink of theing the peace of the day.' sirous of any information in regard to paying side lines which can he handled in connection with the Talking company justly regards the Special as the cul- "These words have to be construed in the light Machine. We put you in direct touch with the leading mination of his long experience in the industry.of the society of words in which .they are found. manufacturers. When in douht, writeus. care the The new machine,itis claimed, is absolutelyand all the more so in criminal cases, for obvious Side Line Department.) without vibration, flickerless, and free from anyreasons; for criminal statutes cannot be left in That the whole trend of the public's demand of the troubles common to moving picture ma-doubt nor strained in construction to make outis for higher grade post cards is amply demon- chines.The mechanised is enclosed in a dusta crime.No crime exists which is not definedstrated by a glance through the recent catalogs proofcaseand themachine isnickel -plated expressly or by necessary implication.The gen-of the large publishers, and that of Raphael throughout.A big feature of the mechanicaleral words in question mean other like publicTuck & Sons' Co., Ltd., is no exception; in fact, part is the single cam movement made out ofsports, exercises or shows. this concern from the start have devoted the imported tool steel.All parts are interchange- "It will not do to say that the legislative mindmajor part of their time to promoting the bet- able and all shafts and bearings can be oiled fromwas so pregnant of the intention of stoppingter class article. outside of the frame by a series of oil tubes.what is called the desecration of the Christian The company is getting out a new catalogue de-Sabbath that the courts cannot set the bounds scribing this and other types of machines madeto the statute which the words used, construed by the company.The trade will be interestedin the usual way, set, without thwarting th in knowing that R. S. Prybil, an old talkinglegislative intention. machine man, and formerly a Victor traveler, "When itis considered that nowhere outsid is stockholder in the company and occupies theof the British Isles has the Old Testament notion position of manager of sales. of a still Sabbath ever existed in the Christian world, it is impossible to attribute to the aggre MOVING PICTURES NOT ILLEGAL gate Christian mind, as rather fairly represente.: in our Legislature, with such a varied national If Shown onSunday According to a Ruling oflineage in its membership, any such purpose. the Appellate Court-Important Decision Re- "Christians of no nation, church or sect ever gardingSunday Amusements WhichWillentertained the Old Testament notion of a stir. Have a Far -Reaching Effect. Sabbath, but favored and practiced innocent and healthy exercises and amusements after church Justice Gaynor, of the Appellate Division in on Sunday.John Knox visited John Calvin of a Brooklyn, in an opinion handed down July 1,Sunday afternoon at Geneva and found him out 1908, reversed a Court of Special Sessions convic- back at a game of bowls on the green. tion of the proprietor of a Sunday moving pic- "The judgment should be reversed." ture show.Justices Woodward and Jenks agree with him.Justices Hooker and Rich dissent. So famous have the A. J. Reach Co., of Phila- Henry Hemleb conducted a moving picture ex-delphia, become as the manufacturers of profes- '`Till CONNOISSEUR" SERIES. hibition at No. 2640 Atlantic avenue.The Rev.sional baseball outfits that many outsiders have One of their most popular series are those Floyd Appleton, rector of St. Clentent's Church, gotten the impression that this is their only line,known as "The Connoisseur." with others, visited the place Sunday, May 27,while in fact though our national game is an These consist of 30 different subjects, 6 designs in each.All are 1907, and charged Hemleb with violating theimportant factor in their business, itis but aof exceptional beauty, reproduced from original Penal Code.The Court ofSpecialSessions part of the whole and their name stands out as found him guilty of conducting an illegal publicprominent in the football and other fields. Theirpaintings by well-known artists on best quality card withgiltedges.The reproduction here show on Sunday, and fined him $100. fall and winter line is most extensive and oneshown is that of the famous Asti Heads, the Justice Gaynor says: no dealer should overlook. originals being painted by that artist among artists,A. Asti.Dealers desiring to keep in Prosh1) touch with new things should place their name 6heVI ASCOPE SPECIAL on the Tuck sampling list. A line that is selling very well are Thermos bottles.Hot or cold liquids may be kept in these No Vibration !Dust Proof ! flasks at practically the same temperature for 24 hours and will remain almost as hot or cold Flickerless ! for a much longer period.It is a bottle within a bottle and between the two there is a vacuum -a non-conductor of heat or cold.The field for Undoubtedly the finest moving picture this ingenious invention is almost unlimited and machines on the market. Don't buy other offers the dealer a good oportunity for profit. makes until you see the new " Viascope " Whether you walk for health, pleasure or busi- ness, on city streets,in the woods or on golf VIASCOPE MFG. CO. links,itisinteresting to know exactly how 112 E. Randolph St.,Room 10,Chicago, Ill. much ground you have covered.The American Pedometer carried in the vest pocket regulates 70 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. to your step and registers infallibly the exact tistic coloring.They are of a surety the aristo-the blades are furnished at a cost of 10c. each. distance.It is but DA inches in diameter, hand-crats of cartophily and dealers should finda This company have some good territory open and somely nickeled and so simple and sturdy as to large demand for them. dealers and jobbers will find their proposition an be almost indestructible.Dealerswillfinda interesting one. ready sale for them. The Perfection Post Card Racks, one of the newest and best post card displayers on the mar- Among the many novelties brought out by the The National Indoor Baseball Game is one ofket, seems destined to make a big hit.TheseSimplicity Co., of Chicago, this season, and which thelatestnovelties.Itismadeentirelyof Perfection post card displayers are designed forhave created something like a furore, istheir metal, size 19 x 23 inches, stamped and formedmaking a uniform display of post cards in theseries of invitation post cards.There are sixteen by accurate machinery and dies, and beautifullybacks or tops of show windows.They can besubjects severally adapted for yachting parties, enameled in bright colors to represent the har- suspended from walls or wires, thus forming ansocial gatherings, automobile parties, lawn fetes, mony of nature as seen in the open airfield. endless chain.In this way a post card rack canpicnics, birthday parties,balls, musicales,etc., Itis the product of two years of patient andbe made as large or as small as desired.The etc. The design on each card isparticularly - careful use of inventive ability, in which time displayers are made in two styles, one for verti-appropriate for the special event referred to, and the inventor produced many models at great ex- cal and one for horizontal cards.In the case ofis beautifully lithographed in colors.Of course, pense.The trade is offered a very liberal dis-the vertical displayers the top is provided with blanks are left for the time, place and name of count. a V-shaped wire, which prevents the cards fromthe host or hostess.The beauty of these cards is that there are no single sales, each customer Something new in pistols is The Pencil Pistolwarping, and makes them retain their original shape.The Perfection post card displayers arebeing certain to buy from twelve to 100, accord- Model 1908, so designated from the fact that itnow used with great satisfaction by many of theing to the function. The company will send sam- fits in the vest pocket like a pencil.It cannot ples and prices on application. be discharged accidentally, nothing about it toleading stores throughout the country. get out of order.It can easily be carried in the DUTY ON REITTIFS OR SCRAP PICTURES. palm of the hand when necessary and concealed Excellent values are embodied in the "Shrp- more readily than any other pistol on the market.Shavr Razor sold by the Shrp-Shavr Razor Co., General Appraiser Fischer, of the Board of So unique is it in design that when exposed for 108-110 Duane street, New York City.The mak-United States General Appraisers, recently hand- sale in the show window it attracts the crowders claim that "this razor will give as perfect aed down a decision that reliefs, or scrap pic- and keeps them guessing as to what that con-shave as any, irrespective of price"-the pricetures, composed of paper of varying thicknesses founded thing is, and how does it shoot.Inquiry being 25c., less than the cost of two shaves.Thelithographically printed are dutiable at the rate as a rule, for curiosity must be appeased, eitherespecial points claimed by the manufacturers areof 20 cents per pound under the provisions of results in the sale of a pencil pistol or somethingas follows:"First-A razor at 25c. that will do paragraph 400. else in the retailers' stock.The little gun is aall that a tazor is intended to do, and that is The Raphael Tuck & Sons Co., of New York, 32 caliber center fire safety cock. shave perfectly.Second-Wethe importers. alleged on the other hand, that spend as little as possible inthe merchandise should be granted duty either The Continental Art Co., Monroe and Aber- the frame, and as much asat 5 cents per pound or else at the appropriate deenstreets,Chicago,Ill.,oneof the largest we can afford in the blade, orrate per pound according to size and thickness manufacturers of strictly art post cards in the theactualshaving partof under the same paragraph.After a considera- country, have recently issued a catalogue which the razor.Third-The razortion of the evidence adduced on the trial, the should findits way to every talking machine isperfectlyset,and at anhoard is of the opinion that the higher rate should store.It illustrates and describes no less than angle of forty-five degrees, or prevail. 43 series of high grade art post cards beautifully exactly the same as that of A decision was handed down in which it was executedincolors from exclusiveandcopy- anold-styleconcaved razor.held that small whistles suitable for the amuse- righted designs. The work of many noted artists Fourth-The frame being ment of children are to be deemed "toys," with has been enlisted in the preparation of theseheldflatontheface,itisimpossibleto duty at the rate of 35 per cent. ad valorem. The cards and a glance at the beautiful half -tone cutone'sself while -"shaving. Fifth-Theaction of the Collectors of Customs in levying a reproductionsinthe catalogueimpressesone bladesareglasshard,butcanbestropped 45 per cent. duty as manufactures of metal is with the drawing power and profit -making ability andusedanindefinitenumberoftimes. reversed.The firms figuring in the protest are of a gocd window display of the originals.A Extra blades are furnished at 5c.each, orin George Borgfeldt & Co., New York and New Or- few of the subjects peculiarly suited to the pres-packages of five at 25c.Stroppers for stroppingleans, and Butler Brothers. New York. St. Louis ent sea"on are "Summertime," an attractive set and Chicago. of six cards, "FarmandField," reproducing works of such masters as Landseer, Rosa Bonheur Music Dealers, Attention! -Indothers,"Flower Nymphs,"amagnificent SPECIAL TO THE TRADE! Pay all your expenses and have a good margin set of surf and marine views taken along the left over by carrying SIMPLICITY POST CARDS- FOR 30 DAYS ONLY -These 1907 Atlantic coast,etc.,etc. The company will be the kind that sell. Song Hits at 10c. per copy, or $10.00 pleased to send a copy of this beautiful catalogue $1.00 per 1000 and up per hundred: with samples, prices, etc., on application. We areoriginators.We have published "Every One Is In Slumberland But You and Me" more "Hits'' than any house in the business. "Twinkling Star" Novelties there are in abundance, but the nov- ()ur motto is :"Cards that attract the public "Sweethearts May Come and Sweethearts May Go" elty, ,magnum bonum for 1908isthe "Plate - fancy."If you want a money -making sideline, "Where The Jessamine Is Blooming, Far Away" writefor our special proposition.\\'e start Ins rumental - Paula Vafse t aprtce marked Oilette" postcard.These cards are real you in the business. ?ems of art in which the Oilette process is seen It will pay you to keep in touch with us. Write to -day! tothe greatest perfection, forming a beautiful THE SIMPLICITYCO.,CHICAGO mounted miniature picture of delightful and ar- THIEBES-STIERLIN MUSIC CO. ST LOUIS, MO. FOR Everything in NEW and S. H. POPULAR SIDE LINETalking Machine Dealers Motion Picture OUR BIG 3 NOVELTY OFFER i-.1 Consisting of three absolutely new novelties that have never been shownTbefore. Machines 1" Films,Stereopticons,Song " IS JUST THE THING FOR YOU." ,eg"it *lir:_ SlidesanoSupplies. Same ONE HUNDRED PER CENT. PROF -711' Wanted. Cataloguesfree. Send for particulars. Costs you $3.00 and Sells for S6.00. We have in preparation the greatest campaign novelty ever offered. Ask about it. Harbach & Co., 809 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. DOOLITTLE & HULLING, INC..1002 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE THE PIANOVA COMPANY, Manutacturers of TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyonesendingasketch nud description may 44 AND 65 NOTE ELECTRIC PLAYERS quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica t Ions strictly centidentilli. HANDBOOK on Patents with or without nickel in the slot attachment sent free. Oldest agency for scouring patents. Patents takent lirough Munn & Co. receive Ppectal notice. witbout cnarce.In the SECURE THE AGENCY NOW. Scientific Merlon. A handsomely illustrated weekly.Largest cir- culation of any sclent We Journal.Terms, *3 a 117-125 Cypress Avenue, New York. year: four months, *1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co361Broadway, New York Branch Odic% aFSt., Washington. D. C. THE TALKING MACHINEWORLD. 71

MereIsapot- onnoff with evei:y PEERLESSCOIN -OPERATEDPIANO Adaptabia4cad/mite- The standard automatic ,Piano of the world.

PEERLESS PIANO PLAYER Co. r Engge/hardt Sons, proprietors. Windsor Arcade - Fifth Avenue - New York

Factories Zt Vohnsville .111 Y. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD.

Sometimes Money Talks Sometimes Talking Machines Talk

Zow-o=phone MachinesandRecords Make Everybody Talk Zon=o=phone Tapering Arm Machines Ranging in Price from $20.00 to $75.00

Ournew complete line of instruments is considered the best that money andbrains canfurnish. Ifnotperfectlysatisfactory,you canreturnfor full credit. Zon=o=phone Records

12.inch Records, $1.00 I 10.inch Records, 60 cents The Finest disk records made.They play longer, last longer, arc loud, clear and sweet, without a trace of harsh or scratchy noises. Dealers wanted in every city.Write for catalogues and discounts.

Universal Talking Machine Mfg. CO. 365 Mulberry Street, Newark, N. J.

Distributors of Zon-o-phoneOoods:

ALABAMA MISSOURI OHIO Mobile \VIf.Itrynahls, 1671)avli,1111,- Kansas City....Mrs. J. Dixon, 804 Grand Ave. Cleveland The Bailey Company, Ontario St. and Kansas City ....WebbFreysehlagMerc.Co.,7thand Prospect Ave. ARIZONA Delaware Sts. Columbus The Columbus Piano Co., North High Tucson ...... George T. Fisher. 7.9 E. Congress St. Springfield Morton Lines, 325 Boonville St. St. St. Louis Knight Mercantile Co., 211 N. 12th St. OREGON CALIFORNIA St. Louis D. K. Myers, 3839 Finney Ave. Portland i;rave.S:Co., Inc San FranciscoPeter Bacigalupi & Sons. 1021 Golden Gate Ave. NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA San FranciscoByron Mauzy, 1165.75 O'Farrell St. Newark...... Edisonia to., 57 Halsey St. Allegheny H. A. Becker, 601 Ohio St.,E. Los Angeles .So. California Mus. Co., 332 S. B'way Hohoken Eclipse Phono. Co., 203 Washington St. Philadelphia... .Disk Talking Machine Co., 13 N. 9th St. Paterson JK. O'Dea. 115 Ellison St. Pittsburgh__ C. C Mellor Co., Ltd., 919 Fifth Ave. ILLINOIS Chicago .... Benj. Allen & Co., 191.141 Wabash Ave.NEW YORK SOUTH DAKOTA Chicago.... James I.Lyons, 192 Van Buren St. Astoria 11...1./.. John Rose, 99 Flushing Ave. Aberdeen McArthur Piano Co. Buffalo Neal, Clark & Neal Co., 843 Main St. MARYLAND TEXAS Brooklyn .....F W. Rous Co., 435 Fifth Ave Austin Pm (11 tlky inipany. 411 \lam St Annapolis Globe House Furn. Co. B. Brooklyn G. Warner, 369 Livingston St. Beaumont k C fire Peach Baltimore C. S. Smith & Co.. 049 \V. Baltimore St NewYork CityZed Company, 77 Chambers St. Baltimore I °oil Mazor, 1423 E. Pratt St. Dallas Dana". 'lathing Machine 1511'r. NORTH DAKOTA MASSACHUSETTS Houston ... Talking Machine Co Fargo . n,s'(usme 110u,r 614 First Ave., N 17.. Boston ....l'ike's Talkirg Machine Co ,41 Wash. ing on St. VIRGINIA 01110 Richmond The Hopkins Furniture Co., 7.9West MINNESOTA ' Akron Gr, S Dales Co., 12'1S. Main St Broad St. St. Paul.. . ..W. J. Dyel .%r:ro.21.23 W. 5th St. Cincinnati..... J.C. Groene MU!Pub. Co., Race andCANADA Arcade. Toronto 1Vhestaley, Royce & Co., Ltd., 159 Yonge MICHIGAN Cincinnati . .J i1',,,,,r. an,Jr., 31 W 5th St. St.

I 1,, Detroit I I Cincinnati ',", urlitzer Co., 121 E. 4th St. WinnipegMan.,Whaley, Royce & Co., Ltd.