College of Engineering to Allow ROTC Credits
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L # 4,- a _I I On the Run - Serendipity’s “Full ’fills - Troubled State - iJ Health on the Hill Uncharted Courses Athletic Facilities P. 5 P. 7 p. 8-9 4 h .r B rTHE TUFTS DAILY1 M’here you read it first Thursday, April 2, 1987 Volume XIV, Number 49 College of Engineering to Allow ROTC Credits by JAMES BRISCOE The three courses: Naval The Curriculum Committee Ships Systems I, Naval Science proposed that these courses be The faculty of the College of Piloting-Celestial and Elec- redesignated as Engineering Engineering Monday voted in tronic, and Naval Ship Propul- Science courses. Students favor of redesignating, as Tufts sion are part of the Ocean could then petition depart- Engineering Science courses, Engineering Department at ments within the Engineering three MIT courses which MIT and are a requirement of school to have up to two of the Naval Reserve Officer Training the Naval ROTC program in courses counted towards the Corps (ROTC) students from which many Tufts students fulfillment of their Depart- the Tufts Engineering School participate. mental Elective Courses, gain- presently take as a requirement Previously, said Chairman of ing the same number of credits ROTC engineering courses as Tufts ES course credit. (Photo by Josh for their Rm training* the Engineering Curriculum but allowing them to take I) Committee Behrouz Abedian, courses in the Colleges of these students had been able to Liberal Arts and Jackson transfer and gain credit for two without overburdening their Sm it h e re en s T0 He adl i n e of the three courses which already heavy academic load. were designated “free elec- Said Abedian:‘We felt that tives” by Tufts. Of the 38 these students were unable to Spring Fling credits which the Engineering enjoy the full benefits of those Department requires for many courses which Tufts of- Bongos,~ Plate 0’ Shrimp To Play graduation, however, only two fers and therefore we hope that by BILL LABOVITZ are designated free electives. this new change will make it and MIKE ZINN planning a summer tour of the Del Fuegos, a local The situation therefore arose easier for them to do so.” Asia and. Australia. favorite, but was informed whereby these students were “These are courses which The Smithereens will play at The Bongos, also a four three weeks ago that the band taking three engineering are regular MIT Engineering Tufts’ Spring Fling April 25, member band from New York, is set to embark upon a Euro- courses at MIT as well as the Science courses, part of the Tufts Center Board (XB) held the number one college pean concert tour. 36 other courses required by Ocean Engineering Depart- Concert Cmmittee Chair Dan- record spot for eight weeks “At one point it looked as the Tufts Engineering Dept. ment which have no counter- ny Rubin confirmed Tuesday. with their “Numbers with though they would definitely and were unable, without parts at Tufts. We went The New York-based band, Wings” single, which they be here,” Rubin said, “but as greatly increasing their through the curriculums, the headlining group, will be later turned into a video, ac- time progressed, they decided academic workload, to take tests, exams, and problem sets joined by the Bongos and by cording to the band manager to go to Europe.’’ courses in the Liberal Arts Vince Mauro. Department. see ROn=,page 17 Plate 0’Shrimp, he added. see FLING, Page 15 “For once we have bands “They’re a new music, that will hopefully appeal to a melodic band with a great lot of people,. whether they sense of poetry,” he said, Senators Call For Greater have heard of them or not,” noting that the group had Rubin stated. opened up for the B52s, the The committee had unsuc- Ramones, and worked with Scrutiny In Group Approval cessfully attempted to secure the Smithereens before. by BILL LABOVITZ the bands Squeeze and Del “They know each other, fee (SAF), which is based Fuegos, he said. “I hope peo- they’ve played together. Several Tufts Community upon the budget figure, has ple will not be disappointed by They’re musically compati- Union (XU) senators have made a “huge jump” from [our inability to sign] the big ble,” Mauro said. cited the need for greater $88 per student this year to names they have previously “It should be a hell of a scrutiny in approving new stu- $97 next year, Simm.ons heard.’ ’ show,” he added. dent organizations. reported. The Smithereens’ latest The bands, costing $11,000 Their concern arises follow- All capus organizations are single, Beauty and Sadness, to $12,000, will be broken ing a large increase in next funded by payemnt of the has been acclaimed as one of down into three blocks, Rubin year’s student activity fee that SAF, paid each year by all the year’s best by individual explained. Plate 0’ Shrimp, resulted, in part, from a pro- studehts, listed separately on critics, and is on the verge of made up of ex-Tufts students, liferation of new campus the fall tuition bill. going gold, according to will open up and perform for groups. This year’s fee amounted to Enigma Records representative 45 minutes. The “upbeat and The Senate Sunday approv- allocations of over $370,000 to Peter Holden. He further dancable” Bongos are schedul- ed the. Allocations Board’s campus organizations. mentioned that the group had ed to perform for one hour, (ALBO) recommendation of a Simmons attributed the $9 derived its sound from Rubin said. $413,837 budget for the SAF increase next year - $4 “Rhythm and Blues great Otis The Smithereens will take 1987-88 academic year, accor- more than was anticipated by Blackwell,” and had worked the stage for one hour and 15 ding to Senate Treasurer PJ. the unviersity Board of minutes as the headlining act, Simmons, to be allocated to Trustees - to “better TCU Senate Treasurer P.J. with singers Suzanne Vega and Simmons Marshall Crenshaw on but Rubin said thea band will Tufts’ 105 student organiz- budgeting” and to an increse previous albums. play second because “it was tions. The budget was voted in the number and quality of gramming organizations, in- Holden also noted that the originally intended to be the upon following two final ap- student organizations. creased about $10,000 over last Smithereens had led off for the second band.’’ peals made by Sports Spoec- Allocations for Senate coun- year, he said. Pretenders, Lou Reed and the Rubin stated that the Concert trum and by Senior Week. cils one and two, encompass- see SCRUTINY, page I5 Bongos, and were currently Committee had hoped to sign Next year’s student activity ing cultural/ethnic, and pro- ... page two THE TW 5 DAILY Thursday, April 2, 1987 TheTuftsDaily Michael Epstein Editor-il~-Chief Frank Knuettel I s Erecutive Busirress Direcior The $10.000 Question To the Editor and Tufts Community,- Jon Newman. .Executive Editor Julie Beglin . .Associate Editor . If Jean Mayer gave you $10,000 to are tied without access to funding. ‘ Lisajane Meyers. .Productiorr Manager Amy Shallcross. .Prodrcctiorr Manager spend on arts at Tufts, how would you Students? We can occupy Ballou spend it? This is the question the Arts because in four years any naive, disap- David Gerstmann. .Business Manager Scott Miller. .Producfinrr Manager House asks its applicants every year pointed freshmen will become 1 around this time. Since I’ve been with apathetic, disillusioned seriors. Bill Shein. .News Editor Bill Labovitz. .News Editor . the house for a number of years, I have And Alumni? Well, everyone I know Matt Shapo. .Features Editor Bret Thorn. .Fcutures Editor heard many varied answers to this would have preferred alumxu money put question. towards the Arts Center before the new Devi Ben-Zeev. .. .Art.\ Ed’for Suzanne Delaney . .Arts Editor Three years ago, the typical answer Student Center (a glorified, money was “let’s bring someone here.. .” with making dining hall) and the new Stephen Clay.. :. .Sports Editor Lenny Saltzman . .Sports Editor u the money. Laurie .hderson. Andy Bookstore (a money making, glorified Waldek Wajszczuk. .Photography Editor Chris Stevens. .Phorogruphy Editor Warhol. Whoever. It seemed the mall). $10,000 was money t3 be blown. In thisspirit, I simply suggest that Christopher Salvo. .Adverti.tirig Manager Lynn Rosen . .Advertising Manager This year, however, most of our ap- the school considers the money mak- Jessica Feinberg. .Classijeds Editor Sharon Siben. .. CltrssiJieds Editor plicants did not think $10,000 6s ing potential of an Arts Center! Just enough. After all, the theater needs to think! The money the new theater con- Michael Zinn. .. .Assisrani Ncw:~Editor Kelley Alessi . .Assisrani Sports Editor be fmed.. .&hen needs to be nuked.. .we cession stand could make alone is stag- .L need real music practice rooms. ..the gering!!! The school could charge Jennifer Dann . .Assistant Arts Editor Jennifer Ely . .Assistant Business Manager Arts House deserves a permanent outrageous prices for tickets.. .as always. The TI@SDaily is a non-profit student-tun newspaper published by the students of Tu& Uniwrsip gallery space (and Senate support And think, there could even be a weekdays during the academic year. Printing by Charles River Publishing, Cambridge, Mass,. P1eu.n representatives of campus in- souvenir shop! address correspondence to: The Tujis Daiiy, Curtis Hall, Medford, Mass. 02155. Telephone: (61 7 terests). .renovations of visual arts This disillusioned senior hopes to 381-3090. Business. hours 9:30 to 5:oO weekhvs. U.S. postaxe paid in Medford, Mass. studios in Lane Hall ...etc. pass on this tidbit of knowledge to all In other words, arts are suffering at you disappointed freshmen in order c; Tufts.