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'■5^, i ' •.>c.r W-; =<«.■./. .1 ‘•> .*• . ->•jT . 1:• . • e :- ' .;•' •** :Th •\ v*^3-^Zc5a?fr?)jiSirtTw37''^'3 ‘i?ii'ii'r..-i*Silty’S NET PRESS RUN f* -f^r '6(, THE WEATHER. ATERAOB DAIIiT CIROUIiATlON .y.i f *' iw' OF THE EViSMNG HERALD \ Fair tonight. Sunday fair, be> for the month of Aagiut, 1926. coming clondjr, , possibly rain. attr Sharp fall in temJ^ratore. J. 4 ,8 3 6 \>' VOL. XLTV., NO. 304. dasdUed Adrertfslng on Pace 0 MANOBESTER, CONN-v SATU R fiA Y, SEPTEMBER 25,. 1926. •vE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS <s> )------------------------------------------------- A DAYLIGHT SAVING ENDS; LATEST FLORIDA DEATH T 2 CONFESS PAST SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK. CHAMPION TO Star o f UtioIRcujd W eather MIAMI LEARNS LIST REPORTED 575. COURT REFUSES New York, Sept. 25.— ^Day Jacksonville, Sept. 25.— Dead, light saving time ends at 2 Forecaster Brown Ascending 575; may die, 200. o’clock tomorrow morning, Less seriously inJured, 2,000. IN McPh e r so n when clocks and watches nCHT DEMPSEY Z ' . ------------------- ’ . » • A LESSON FROM P/operty damage, nearing FOREIGN JURIES should be set back an hour. Washington, Sept. 25. — Everyntalklng about, has to admit that ? 200,000,000. More than one-third of the This was the toll re^rtqd to time there Is a heavy storm any Florida did have a hnriicane. population ol the United States Brown made a speech before the THEWCANE date of the ^hurricane which IN HALL CASE HOAXnOITING IN TH^SPRING where in the western hemisphere, 'N has used daylight saving time 13th annual business conference at swept southern Florida a week ago. this year. Herbert Janviin Brown’s stocks Wellesley Hills, Mass., • recently. goes up and the "" United States The summer of 1926-7, which Is The 315 dead in the Moore- Los Angdes Man, Chicago Deal for Return Match in weather bureau decides the party winter here but summer south of Win Build Strongly Enough haven district as reported to State and the Defense Each is a bust and wishes it hadn’t the equator, will be mighty chilly Governor Martin by state officers ‘FARTHEST NORTH’ come. south of the line, he predic+'-'i. And In that stricken section near Woman Held; One Says California Made Last Herbert Janvrin Brown is a sort' in this northern hemisphere, he to Resist Fntnre Tempests; Lake Okeechobee brought up ^ Charge Intimidatkm of of unofficial weather prophet. He went on.^the summer of 1927 will the death list from 400 reported Night in Conference at insists that by studying sun spots be an equally frosty one. Its Soejal life Already dead yesterday. Witnesses; Fnc^ Trial to Aimee Pledged Financial MURDER REVEALED he can tell in a general sort of way There’ll be torrid spells, he ad It Is believed that all so far what the weather will be like' as mitted, but enongh cold ones, he dead have been reported but the Care for Life. Philadelphiac far as three years ahead. asserted, to kill the crops. Resumed. list may be increased slightly by Start October I s . The weather bureau insists that What frets the weather depart deaths of inJured victims now in he cannot. Nor can any other ment is that Brown has enough hospitals and homes. Death of Peary* Man, Sup Somerville, N. J., Sept. 25.—» By DAVIS J. WALSH. man, say the government experts. disciples to give his forecasts a Miami, Sept. 25.— A hurricane Los Angeles, Sept. 25.— Harry Long-distance forecasting, ^they I market effect. Hard-headed hous Brutality and threats In forcing Is a bitter teacher, but a city learns ilelosh. 35-year-o.ld Los Angeles posed Drowned, Act of Philadelphia, Sept. 25.— Gene say. is not impossible. es in Chicago, it reports, which witnesses to “ come clean” are from one. clothing salesman, and Mrs. Babe Tunney and Jack Dempsey, princi But Brown is unruffled. He had main not believe in him a bit never BAITLE for lives charged today by the prosecution predicted that the summer and theless have to pay due attention Miami has learned. It knew Daniels, formerly of Chicago have pals in the greatest sport event of and the defense in the Hall-Mills Frightened Eskimo. fall of 1926 would be tempestuous tor his predictions because prices how to langh before, but not at It both confessed in San Francisco all time, will play the second game and chilly, and he says that the flnctnate as he hands out his hints. murder case. Affidavits have been self. OF 43 ENTOMBED made by two alleged victims of in that they had negotiated -with Mrs. New York, Sept. 25.— Details ol of their own particular world se next winter will come, early and His forecasts are q’i’ fe widely ac stay late. Accordingly, whenever cepted at par by farmers, and ev In the boom days of ballybooing timidation. Aimee Semple McPherson, woman ries sometime next spring in Cali realtors, no good citizen could ad the “ farthest north” murder, in there is a heavy storm anywhere It en the White House lays In an ex Willard E. Staub, of New Brnns« BTangelist, to produce a “ Miss X ” fornia. mit any flaw in Miami’s perfections. as the companion of Kenneth 6. which Ross G. Marvin, aid to Ex — ^in the eyes of a lot of people— tra snpply of kin^Jling wood. wick, in an affidavit asserted he waa- That, at least, was the tip that The city says frankly now that of Oimiston, former radio operator at plorer Peary in his successful dash bears out Brown’s contentions. Every time the weather depart MidiigaB Mine Shaft, Weak chained to a bed all night in state came to the writer this morning, The Florida hurricane, followed ment sees an nnnsnal storm blow course the tropics breed hurricanes, police headquarters at Somerville Angelas Temple, in the Cottage at to the Pole in 1909, was slain by a bnt “Let it blow. We’ll bnfld Daimel. They will be questioned two days after the battle of the closely by a similar storm away up it shudders. when he refused to admit to prose» frightened Sskimo guide named off in Paraguay, are the latest. strongly enough to resist the wind.” cation investigators that he was at by District Attorney Asa Keyes to- Sesquicentennial which saw Demp ‘ More capital,” Is'groans,” for eiied by Rains, Collapses; Kndlooktoo, were revealed here to Brown remarks “the freakiest H. Janvrin Brovn. And the old langh of sunny days the Phillips farm the uighL of the day. has a more mature ring to it.* In day by Dr. Isaian Bowman, presi sey shorn of the heavyweight title weather yet” and continnes to pre He never overlooks a bet. The murders of the Rev. Edward W. The pair were arrested in San in a manner most convincing. the midst of crumbled walls, blot- Prancisco after a long search. Me- dent of the American Geographical dict bad weather. And the weath ifthite Honse, laying in fuel sup Three m Cage KiDed. Hall and Mrs. Eleanor R, Mills. Dempsey admitted, before leaving er bnrean, still as Insistent as ev plies, is the best kuid off grist for ted-ont wealth and death, Miami Stanb said be was kept in Jail k>sh was held on conspiracy charges society. can langh. It still is a playground For sixteen years, or since the town, that he was figuring on an er that he doesn’t know what he’s his milL several days. and Mrs. Daniels as a material wit other shot at Tunney. The latter, and the players now are sophisti Ironwood, Mich., Sept. 25.— For Called Justifiable ness. successful Peary exp^idon. it had through Billy Gibson, also express cated enongh to take their fun Had Libera Promise. hern thought that Marvin was ty-six miners were entombed nnd- Captain Harry Walsh, one of ed his desire to ^ ve the old cham open-eyed and defiantly. Special Froseentor Simpson’s chief Under oath. Melosh stated that drowned. Thre-i years ago Kndlook- pion a chance and Tex Rickard MDDLEWESTIN Show Places. e - thousands of tons of debris in Mrs. McPherson had promised to too embraced Christianity and was ST. LOUIS WINNER Investigators, said the treatment quietly intimated that plans al The visitor to Miami before the a cave-in in G shaft o f the Oliver accorded Stanb was Jnstifiable be* take care of him financially for the baptized, and then, to ease the ready were under way for the re storm would have been shown, be Mining Co. here last night. canse he was a refractory witness. remainder of his life in the erent pangs of conscience, told his story turn meeting. yond a donbt. magnificent Villa he could put the “ deal” orer. Part to Knnd Rasmussen. Danish ex GRIP OF WINTER OF NATIONAL RACE! Today while scores of frantic “There is nothing nnnsnal abont Agree on Details. Yiscaya. the $6,000,000 estate laidi bandcnfSng a troublesome witness of the alleged “ deal” was finding plorer, who two years ago told it to Rickard. Gibson and Gene Nor- wives, mothers and children moan out by the late James Deering. Mi ed and shrieked at the entrance of to a bed,” Walsh asserted. a “ Miss X” to play the role of Or- Dr. Bowman. mile held a series of conferences ami wouldn’t have mentioned the Rasmussen Story the shaft hundreds of resene work Robert H. McCarter, of defmise miston’s companion. He also said last night, according to reports, inevitable squalid slam section. The story was told to Bowman ers labored frantically to save the eoonsel, replying to Insinuations he was to have produced the “kid and it lyas said that most of the 111111 But today, with a wry smile, Mi napers'* of Mrs.