TOP It takes more than super-model good looks, a Kardashian attitude and VIP entitlements to reach the pinnacle of success in the high-stress world of professional women’s tennis. F It takes years of sacrifice, focus, dedication and an unwavering belief that you are the best in the world. In this unique viewing experience, Top Spin takes us on tour with the WTA (Women’s Tennis Association) and brings together an international group of up and coming players who will live, train and compete together under the tutelage of a Machiavellian manager and a charismatic young coach. THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT > 65 Heward Ave. Suite B213 Toronto, Ontario M4M 2T5 | 416.915.0862 |
[email protected] > Traditionally a solitary sport, women’s professional tennis is a high stakes battle worth millions of dollars to players who can reach the top. Game day drama is always spectacular! But off the court, away from the cameras… it’s even more intense. For lower ranking athletes, life is hard. Their climb up the tennis ladder comes with little or no support. Paying their own way, they must negotiate the politics of the game; endure discount travel, accommodations and nutrition, while still THE COACH competing at an elite level. Rob Steckley For four young women, selected from a field of hundreds, things are about to change. Based Always a crowd favorite, Rob on their personalities, competitiveness and Steckley’s progress from a top ranked their fresh new look, these young women will junior to a world class tennis player become part of the Top Spin team.