


The Parish Council Meeting was held on Monday 22 September 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. The Vice- Chairman, Cllr. P Derry, having taken the Chair for the meeting, welcomed the following Parish Councillors – B Bailey, J Clarke, C Eames and Mrs D Reynolds and Mrs V Waples (Clerk). Also present were County Cllr. J. Antill, District Cllr. C. Arthey and 6 members of the public.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE i. Apologies of absence were received from Cllr. Reynolds due to annual leave. ii. Council consented to accept this apology. It was also noted that apologies of absence had been received from the Babergh West SNT due to staffing issues.

2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST Standing Order 3m was suspended due to changes in legislation i. The following declarations of local non pecuniary interests were declared: Cllr. Clarke as the PC appointed Representative of the VHT and Cllr. Eames as a Director of CAS. ii. There were no declaration of gifts of hospitality exceeding £25. iii. There were no requests for dispensations for the agenda under discussion. Further guidance was also given with regards to applications for dispensations and the setting of the precept for future years.

3. MINUTES OF MEETINGS Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of July 28th 2014, having been previously circulated, were signed as a true and accurate record of the meetings by the Chairman.

The Parish Council Meeting was closed to allow the following reports to take place along with the Public Forum:

4. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BABERGH WEST SNT Council was made aware that the reports previously issued by the Babergh West SNT were being changed and would now be produced for the whole month beginning from the 1st of each month and would be divided into three sets which would have the advantage that PC would be to see neighbouring parishes, as crimes do not stop at the border. Monks Eleigh would be included in the set of reports which would cover: , , Brettenham, , Cockfield, Hitcham, , , Monks Eleigh, , and . Such a report had been received for August and it was confirmed that there were no crimes recorded for Monks Eleigh although mention was made of the theft of a plant from outside The Swan. A further email was read out to the meeting regarding staffing issues over the coming months for the Babergh West SNT.

5. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM THE DISTRICT COUNCILLOR District Councillor Clive Arthey was invited to submit his report in which he made mention of the following:  Town & Parish Council Newsletter - CIL - views being sought on how contributions should be made in future; New Homes - 27 new Council Homes would be built by BDC between 2014- 2018.  Joint Strategic Plan for Babergh and Mid - new plan published which would reflect the change to a smaller, smarter and swifter responsive council.  Accommodation needs of both BDC and Mid Suffolk - this was currently being looked at as both sites were underused. It was considered that it was highly likely that the issue of Unitary Authorities would be raised again within the next five years.  Energy from Waste - during the shut-down in the hot commissioning stage the odour control measures had been checked and found to be satisfactory. It was expected that the site would be back up and running in November and that in due course he would be arranging a visit for Parish Councils.

1128  Recording of meetings - BDC had developed a Draft Protocol on the Filming of Council Meetings with guidelines which would help officers deal with members of the public wishing to film Council Meetings. This draft has been produced by the Committee Services team and reviewed by the Councils’ legal and monitoring officer and will be taken to meetings of both full Councils in September for Members’ consideration.  Restriction on Helium Balloons and Sky Lanterns - BDC had approved a move to ban the release of sky lanterns and helium-filled balloons on all council-owned land and would be encouraging other authorities so to do.  The Swan - pleased to see that the Swan had reopened.  The Village Hall Planning Application - the issue over the S106 was over minor alterations. He agreed to speak further to the planners to ascertain whether the Affordable Housing Levy could be waived and a revised S106 agreed with a reduced contribution.

6. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM THE COUNTY COUNCILLOR the full report is held by the Clerk County Councillor Jenny Antill was invited to submit her report in which she brought the meeting's attention to the following:  Education - since the last meeting the results of O and A and SATS had been received. Overall A levels and GCSEs had both shown that Suffolk schools were improving although there were very wide variations. The SATs results were less good as although the results showed an improvement Suffolk was still 140th out of 150 areas.  Motion to pay Living Wage - whilst SCC currently paid its own staff the Living Wage, a motion put forward to force the County to pay its contractors the Living Wage was defeated as it would cost the County millions of pounds.  VAS - she noted that the Clerk had been in correspondence with Highways regarding the siting of VAS and that whilst there had been delays over health and safety issues there would be a possible meeting in early October.  Monks Eleigh School - the Cabinet had voted to recommend that the Secretary of State close Monks Eleigh School earlier that month. She felt that the Education Authority could not be exonerated from blame and that there had been a failure to recognise clear evident of problems at the school. She mentioned that following comments made during the consultation process, officers had pointed out that nearby schools currently rated good had spare capacity and that projected housing development within the area would not lead to such demand for primary placed in the medium term that would have justified keeping the school open.  Future use of Monks Eleigh School Land - permission would need to be sought from the Secretary of State to sell off the playing fields. Whether or not this can happen would impact on decisions about potential future uses of the site and therefore officers were being urged to get on with making the application as swiftly as possible. The process was understood to be time- consuming and that once further information had been sourced this would be fed back to the Parish Council.

7. PUBLIC FORUM i. To receive a report on the sale of the Village Hall site and the planning application for the Village Hall going forward - it was confirmed that the VHT were still waiting for BDC to approve minor amendments to the Draft S106 agreement. There was to be a meeting this coming week to discuss the issues that had arisen over this application and the delays that had been incurred. Cllr. Bailey agreed to report back. ii. Recycling bins - it was noted that the VHT had discussed whether the bins could be relocated onto their land to the side of the current Village Hall. BDC would need to be asked whether there would be costs involved in moving the bins to this site and then onto the new Village Hall site on the Playing Field and what costs would be involved. It had been agreed by the VHT that more information was required prior to a decision being taken and the Clerk to the Council was asked to discuss this matter further with BDC. It was also noted that the VHT had agreed to consult with neighbours prior to moving the bins. iii. Comments from the Public -

1129  Monks Eleigh School - it was confirmed that of the two consultations there had been 179 responses for the first one and 57 individual letters for the second one. It was understood that the school would officially close on 24th October 2014.  Use of Monks Eleigh School site - the Village would not be able to submit an application for alternative uses for education until the Secretary of State had decreed the future of the school. It was stated that the village was looking at possibilities for the site and that SCC would be open to negotiations if there was a business plan by the community for the use of the site and as the Children & Young People's Services and Adult Care Services had no use for the site a dual track of community and SCC use would now be explored.  Neighbourhood Plan - the Parish Council was asked whether it would consider a Neighbourhood Plan  Selling of the School land - it was noted that SCC would have to apply to the Secretary of State for permission to sell off the land and that this process was a lengthy one. When questioned it was uncertain as to who would give permission to build upon the site - SCC or BDC? County Cllr. Antill agreed to investigate and report back to the Council.  County Cllr. Antill was asked as to whether a Rural Impact Assessment had been carried out on the closure of the school. It was noted that when questioned SCC had mentioned that there was no legal requirement for one to be carried out. County Cllr. Antill agreed to investigate further.  Future engagement - the Parish Council was asked whether it would be feasible for it to broker a meeting to discuss future uses / options with all interested parties?  Recycling bins - when questioned as to why the bins were moved without the sites having been previously discussed with residents of Church Field, it was explained by the Clerk and District Cllr. Arthey that, due to timescales imposed upon BDC by SCC, the bins had been relocated to a site to ensure that the contract was ongoing. It was mentioned by members of the public that the current location was unsightly but agreement was forthcoming that in a modern village there should be a recycling centre and that good access was a necessity. It was noted that the Village Hall Trust had mentioned that it would be prepared to consider siting the bins on its land behind the Village Hall.

The Parish Council meeting was re-opened.

8. TO CONSIDER APPLICATIONS FOR THE VACANCY IN THE POST OF COUNCILLOR WITH REFERENCE TO S87 OF THE 1972 ACT Council was informed that no-one had come forward to be considered for the post of Councillor. It was agreed that the vacancy would be left open until someone was forthcoming.

9. CORRESPONDENCE The Council was reminded that all correspondence was held by the Clerk should any Councillor require further details. The following correspondence was noted by the Council: i. BDC - Potential Community Caretaker Scheme - Council agreed to complete the survey as the scheme was of interest. ii. Parishioner Letter - re Burning of Waste in the grounds of The Chapel - Council noted the contents of this letter iii. Age UK Suffolk - International Day of Older Persons and Winter Warmth - Council noted contents iv. BDC - Electoral Services - 2014 review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations - as there was no proposed changes to the current arrangements, Council was in agreement to confirm that there was no need for any change in its area, aif. v. SALC - LAIS1367 - July 2014 - Deregulation Bill - Council noted contents

10. CLERKS REPORT INC FINANCIAL REPORT i. To amend Standing Order 3m with regards to the Government's Amendments to the 1960 Act under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulation Act 2014 (2014 Regulations) - following the receipt of the Clerk's report on the changes brought about by the 2014 Regulations, and amendments proposed by Cllrs. Eames and Clark, Council was in agreement to amend the wording of Standing Order 3m to incorporate the new provisions in the act which now allows a person to use modern

1130 communication methods at a parish council meeting. It was noted that further revisions may be provided by the Legal Department at NALC and that the Council would revisit this matter if so required. Council was also reminded that its Media Policy would need to be reviewed once further guidance was forthcoming. ii. To note changes to Council's Powers to Discharge Functions as per amendments under the 2014 Regulations - the Clerk tabled a paper which made reference to the changes under the 2014 Regulations in access to records with regards to decisions made by officers of the Council. Council noted the report. iii. To receive a report on the feasibility of installing a Vehicle Activated Sign along The Street; of sharing such a device with Parish Council and the costs involved in the purchase of a VAS - Council was made aware that the Clerk had submitted the two areas along The Street for assessment by Highways which would not be undertaken until after 9th October. It was noted that Whatfield Parish Council had indicated that it would be interested in sharing the device and that indicative costs for the purchase were in the region of £2500-£3000. County Cllr. Antill had indicated that she would be prepared to support the project from her Locality Budget. iv. A schedule of items paid and received since 28th July 2014 was circulated to all members. It was recommended that the schedule be approved, aif. Council also received the Schedule of items approved and awaiting authorization. Approval of the schedule was recommended, aif. A copy of the above accounts can be seen on minute page 1132. v. The financial position of the Parish Council as at 22nd September 2014 was presented to the Parish Council. Bank balances stood at £14938.57 with £165.29 in the Millennium Account. A copy of the Council’s financial position can be seen on minute page 1133. vi. Council was informed that the Clerk had attended an Information Day the previous week during which changes to the Pensions Act 2008; how to deal with complaints against the Council; Councillors and Clerk; Parish Council Meetings and modern forms of communication were discussed and guidance given.

11. PARISH COUNCILLOR’S REPORTS i. Cllr. Mrs. Reynolds made the meeting aware that the Chairman had met with the Chair of the Allotment Association and it was agreed that the allotments were overgrown due to non-use. It was agreed that the spare allotments should be advertised and that one should be offered to Exclusive Inns for use by the staff at The Swan. ii. Cllr. Eames asked if a letter from the Parish Council could be sent to a resident who had recently left the village thanking him for the work he had undertaken on behalf of the village whilst a resident. It was agreed by those present that this would not be supported as it might set a precedent and there were and would be many that might be missed who had undertaken similar tasks. iii. Cllr. Eames recommended that the parish council's objectives be reviewed against those previously agreed. It was agreed that these would be reviewed as part of the Annual Risk Assessment. iv. Cllr. Clarke made the meeting aware that she would shortly be taking over the day to day role of Treasurer of the VHT. v. Cllr. Bailey confirmed that this would be his last meeting as a Councillor due to his imminent move from the Village. The Chair accepted his written resignation and asked that the Council's thanks be minuted for his time served as a Councillor and the commitment and enthusiasm he had brought to the role. vi. Cllr. Derry made the Clerk aware of complaints that had been received from residents on The Street with regards to the parking and damaging of vehicles by others. It was agreed that this should be passed onto the Babergh West SNT. vii. Cllr. Derry made the Clerk aware that a number of vehicles were parking in front of the dropped kerb outside of the new gate at The Swan. It was agreed that this should be flagged up to Highways and Babergh West SNT for assessment. viii. Cllr. Derry made the meeting aware that a number of Parish Councillors had been verbally and publically abused by members of the Parish. It was confirmed that the Parish Council deplored this action and regarded this as harassment. It was agreed that a statement would be issued stating that the

1131 Parish Council was made up of volunteers and that they should not have to tolerate verbal abuse of this kind.

12. PLANNING APPLICATIONS i. B/14/01143/LBC - application for LBC - internal alterations at first floor level, replacement of french doors & insertion of french doors in lieu of window to rear elevation, removal of oil tank & associated works @ Chapel Cottage, Church Hill. Council had no objections to this application.

Council noted the following determinations by Council ii. Planning Permission for the erection of side extension to barn @ Manor Farm, Tye Road iii. Permission for works to trees @ Church Cottage, Church Hill iv. Permission for works to trees @ Pudingswell, Swingleton Hill v. Permission for works to trees @ Alexanders, The Street vi. There were no planning applications coming forth.

Proposal under the Local Government Act to exclude the public from the meeting for Agenda Items 12vi through to 12viii on the grounds that the proposed negotiations for a lease are subject to contract and publicity would prejudice the ongoing lease negotiations by the Council. It was proposed and agreed by all present to exclude the public under the above resolution. vi. To receive and consider further the lease terms offered to the VHT for the building of a replacement village hall on the recreation ground. It was confirmed that work on the draft lease was ongoing and would be submitted to the VHT for comments. The draft would also be submitted for a an estimate of costs to a firm of Solicitors. vii. To receive a report from the sub-committee set up in conjunction with the VHT to look at identifying funding for the erection of a new village hall on Monks Eleigh Recreational Ground. It was noted that there was nothing further to report. viii. Potential new scheme to be submitted by a developer - the meeting was made aware that the original talks held with a potential developer were on the back burner and that further talks would still need to be held to discuss the matter further and how the Parish Council would involve the community in future discussions.

There being no other business to transact the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Parish Council Meeting on Monday 24th November 2014 commencing at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Churchfield, Monks Eleigh.



Income £ Bank Ref Power

02.09.14 Interest - Barclays 1.59 Interest 18.09.14 BDC - Precept 14/15 - 2 7894.50 Bacs


Total Income 7896.09


Total Expenditure 0.00



22.09.14 Strutt & Parker Farms - rent 37.50 101032 Open Spaces Act 1906 P Mayes - grass cutting 953.00 101033 Open Spaces Act 1906 Hadleigh Community Transport 300.00 101034 LG Rating Act 1997 s26-29 St Peter's Church - donation 480.00 101035 LGA 1972 s214 ME Village Hall - donation 2410.00 101036 LGA 1972 s214 Mid Suffolk CAB - donation 25.00 101037 LGA 1972 s142 Sudbury CAB - donation 25.00 101038 LGA 1972 s142 Business Services -insurance 605.53 101039 LGA 1972 s140 V Waples - Clerk's salary & exp. 494.00 101040 LGA 1972 s111&112 HMRC - 1/4 monies due 226.60 101041 Inc & Corp Taxes Acts

Total now due 5556.63


Cash Book £ Opening Balance as at 28 July 2014 12599.11

Add Income Received (from Schedule of Receipts) 7896.09

1133 Less Expenditure (movement since the last meeting)

Less Expenditure (from scheduled of verified invoices) 5556.63

Closing Balance as of 22 September 2014 14938.57

Bank Reconciliation Business Reserve 6842.74 Community Account 5717.67 less unlogged cheques 5681.63 36.04 plus uncredited logements 7894.50 Millennium Account 165.29 14938.57

£8425 expenditure incurred to date against budgeted expenditure of £10473 - (£2468 underspend to date) or only 76% of expected expenditure has been incurred

MILLENNIUM ACCOUNT to be used for the maintenance of the bench on the Village Green. Village Sign, Village Pump and Millennium Bridge. As agreed at the meeting of 24th September 2001. Agreement given at meeting of 30th November 2011 to match fund furniture for the Millennium Green to the sum of £400. Agreement given at meeting of 28th January 2013 to match fund furniture for Millennium Green to the sum of £220.

GALLETS AND POLEBRIDGE RECREATION GROUND M.E.P.C. is the sole trustee for the Gallets and Polebridge Trust. Income so far for this year is £30. To date there has been no expenditure. Income is held in the Parish Council's bank account on behalf of the Trust equates to £690 (1991-2013 inc.) and is to be used solely for maintenance of the ground.

MONKS ELEIGH VILLAGE HALL As agreed at the meeting of Parish Council of 21st October 2013, the terms of the one-off sum of £3000 previously set aside for the new Monks Eleigh School Community Hall would now be amended to read for the provision of a replacement Village Hall or for works to the existing village hall should that prove to be the more sensible option.

MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY FUND Currently the balance for the maintenance fund for the Council's known assets inc. play equipment stands at £2573 of which £500 has been allocated to repairs to the allotments. The contingency funds stands at £300.