Suffolk. [Kelly's
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148, HADLEIGH. SUFFOLK. [KELLY'S TJoeasurer, Roger Kerrison esq. J.P. Barclay &; Co.'s Bank, Superintendent Registrar, Charles James Grimwade. Hadleigh Market place, Hadleigh; deputy, Harold Wm. Francis Medical Officer of Health, Alfred Thompson L.R.C.P. Grimwade, Market place Lond. Boxford Registrars of Births &; Deaths, Lavenham Sub-d~strict, Surveyor of Highways, Ernest W. Veale, Bildeston John Robt. Garrett, Lavenham; deputy, Edwd. Cooper; Sanitary Inspecwr, William Walter Scrivener, High Hadleigh sub-district, Oharles Verlander, Bridge st. street, Hadleigh Hadleigh; deputy, W. W. Scrivener, High st. Hadleigh Registrars of Marriages, Lavenham Sub-district, J. R. PUBLIO ESTABLISHMENTS.. Garrett, Lavenham; deputy, Edward Cooper; Hadleigh Cemetm-y, William Branch, clerk to the burial board sub-district, Charles Verlander, Bridge st. Hadleigh; County Court, His Honor Hugh Eardley Wilmot, judge; deputy, W. W. Scrivener, High street, Hadleigh C. J. Grimwade, registrar &i high bailiff; :Frederick The Workhouse, at Semer, a structure of brick, erected in Todd, regi,strar's clerk; Wm. Walter Scrivener, bailiff. 1780, will hold 249 inmates &; has a chapel, built in 1859, A County Court is held once in two months at the Police &; a hospital for infectious diseases, erected in 1869; station; it includes the following places in its juris Harry Preston Riches, master; Rev. J. Edgar Foster diction: Aldham, Bildeston, Boxford, Brent Eleigh, M.A. chaplain; Silas Honeywill, medical officer; Mrs. Chelsworth; East Bergholt, Edwardstone, Elmsett, Ellen Riches, matron; Miss Sallie Riches, asst. matron Groton, Hadleigh, Hadleigh Hamlet, Higham, Hitcham, Holton St. Mary, Kersey, Kettlebaston, Layham, Lind School Attendance Committee. sey, Milden, Monks Eleigh, Naughton, Nedging, Meets at the Workhouse on monday, monthly, at 11 a.m. Polstead, Raydon, Semer, Shelly, StraEford St. Mary, Clerk, Alfred Newman, Church street, Hadleigh Stoke-by-Nayland, Stoke Leaven Heath, Wattisham, Attendance Officers, Hadleigh district, Charles Verlander, Wenham (Great) &i Whatfield Bridge street. Hadleigh; Lavenham district, In. Robt. For Bankruptcy purposes this Court is included in that Garrett, Lavenham of Ipswich; Frederick Messent, 36 Princes st. Ipswich, official receiver PUBLIC OFFICERS. Certified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distress Amendment Act," W. W. Scrivener, High street &; John Assistant Overseer, Frederick John Emeny, High street King, George street Clerk to the Commissioner of Taxes, Charles James Grim· Corn Exchange, Market place wade, Market place Inland Revenue Officer &; Corn Returns Inspector, John Clerk to the Hadleigh Market Feoff. Charities, John King, Shrives, Queen's street, Hadleigh Geo1"ge street County Police Station, High stre!lt, Frederick Peck, in Inland Revenue Officer, John Shrives, Queen street spector, &; I constable Rate &; Tax Collector, John King, George street lladleigh Fire Brigade; engine house, Market place, Collector to the Hadleigh Grand Feoffment, Charles .James Thomas Robert Francis, superintendent, &i II men Grimwade, Market place Town Hall, Market place, Mrs. Harriet Munnings, keeper Town Crier, Henry Gosling, Benton street CO SFORD UNION. PLACES OF WORSffiP, with times of services. :Board day, monday fortnightly, at II a.m. at the Union .seats. Workhouse, Seme.:r. St. Mary's Church, Very Rev. Ralph Milburn Blak The union comprises the following places :,.;.-Aldham, Bil· iston, rector; 8 &; II a.m. & 3 & 6.30 p.m. ; week deston, Eoxford, Brent Eleigh, Brettenham, Chels days, 9.30 a.m. &; 5.30 p.m........................... 1,000 worth, Cockfield, Edwardstone, Elmsett, Graton, Had Row Chapel, George street (in connection with St. leigh (parish), Hadleigh (hamlet), Hitcham, Kersey, Mary's), wed. II a.m.; fri. 7 p. m....••....•......•.... 60 Kettlebaston, Lavenham, Layham, Lindsey, Milden, Hadleigh Heath Mission Room, 3.15 p.m......... 70 Monks Eleigh, Naughton, Nedging, Polstead, Preston, Baptist, George street, Rev. John Bage, 10.30 Semer, Thorpe Morieux, Wattisham &i Whatfield. The a.m. &; 2.15 & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m....... 320 area of the union is 52,696 acres; rateable value, Congregational, Market place, Rev. William Friend £57,631 Ss.; the population in 1891 was 15,606 Durant &; Rev. James ,Wm. Giffin; 10.30 a.m. Chairman to the Board of Guardians, Col. Frederic Pock &; 2.30 &; 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m.................. 1,000 lington, Chelsworth, Bildeston S.O Primitive Methodist, George street, Rev. Francis Clerk to the Guardians &; Assessment Committee, Alfred Morgan Ridge; 10.30 a.m. &; 2.30 &; 6.30 p.m... 480 Newman, Church street, Hadleigh Treasurer, Roger Kerrison esq. J.P. Tattingstone place, SCHOOLS. Ipswich Officerg~ National (boys), erected in 1853, for 200 ·boys; average Relieving Hadleigh district, Oharles Verlander, attendance, 122; Alfred William Harriss, master Bridge street, Hadleigh; Lavenham diliitrict, In. Robt. National (girls &; infants), for 150 girls &; 200 infants; Garrett, Lavenham average attendance, II2 girls &; 102 infants; Miss Edith Vaccination Officers, Hadleigh district, Obllrles Verlander, Hewitt, girls' mistress; Miss Louisa Syborn, infants' Bridge street, Hadleigh ; Lavenham district, John mistress Robert Garrett, Lavenham 'Collectors of Poor's Rates, Arthur Taylol1, Hadleigh, for British, Duke street, erected in 1841, for 300 children; average attendance, 110 boys, 119 girls &; 50 infants; Aldham, Kersey, Layham, Lindsey, S6mer &; What field; G. Horrex, jun. Brettenham, fOl" Brettenham; Edwin Ringer, master; Miss Naomi Verlander,mistress; W. Gosling, Kettlebaston, for KelJtleballton; R. E. Miss Julia. Verlander, infants' mistress Turner, Elmsett, for Ehnsett; John King, Had Railway Station, Edwin George Heard, -station master • leigh, for Hadleigh; H. C. Sewell, Hitcham, for CARRlIERS to:- Hitcham; C. Day, Polstead, for Polstood; J. Scarfe, Thorpe Morieux, for T·horpe Morieux; &; F. T. Melton, Oarrier ~o the G. E. R. &; parcels agent, Mrs. Ellen Bildeston, for Wattisham Aldous, High street Medical Officers &; Public Vaccinators, Bildeston district, Ipswich Jonathan Beeston, George street, tues. thurs. Silas Honeywill L.R.C.P.Edin. Bild&lltoo; Borlord dis &; sat.; David Sadler, mono &; thurs. &; Samuel Keynes, trict, Alfd. Thompson L.R.C.P.Lond.&dord; Hadleigh mono &; thurs district, Joseph Clement Norman :M:.R.C.S.Eng. High Layham-Samuel Kaynes, tues. &; fri street, Hadleigh; Lavenham district, lames Bovil John Lavenham David Sadler, tues. &; fri son M.D., C.M. Lavenham; Layham. ~istrict, Arthur Melford David Sadler, tues. &; fri.; Haydon S. Kaynes, Britten Franey L.B.C.P. &; S.Edin. Duke st. Hadleigh ~ues. &; fri • PRIVA.TE RESIDENTS. Co~ Hobart John, French's Gooding Waiter, High street Alderton Daniel, Benton street Cook Mrs. Gascoyne house Grimwade Charles Jas. Toppesfield hall Archer Mrs. The Castle O'llrant Rev. William Friend (Congre- Grimwade Harold William Francis. Atkins Mrs. High street gational), The Parsonage, Benton at Toppesfield hall :Bag-e Rev. John (Baptist), Portland pl Ffannell William E. Market house Grimwade John Girling, Queen .street Beaumont Joseph, Portland pla.ce Firmin George, New house Harrison 'George Tonkin, The Ivies Blakiston Very Rev. Ralph Milburn Franey Arthur Britten, Dulre street Hood Charles James, High street M.A., F.S.A. Rectory FrlJmant Harry, Guthrum ho.Angel st Jackson Lady. Hadleigh hall Clark Mrs. Cemetery road Gall Harry, Bank house, High street Kersey Robt.Howard, Edgehill,High st Olarke The Misses, !Pound lane Gayford Ernest Robert, Bridge street King George, George street Ooe The Misses, Fern cottage, High st GlI.ywood Frederick, Bridge street KinO' John, George street Cook Miss, Erie house, High stree~ Q-iffin Rev. James William (congrega-jLaI~h Mrs. George street Cook 'Robert Hyatt J.P. French's tignal), High street Leek Arthur, High street;.