




PREPARED BY ELLEN M. SAWYEE, Principal Assistant.




American Bar Association. Comparative Laiv Bureau. Annual bulletin, July 1, 1908-10. No. 1-3. Phila- delphia, 1908-10. 8°. Annuaire de Legislation fitrangere, publie par la So- ciete de Legislation Comparee, contenant la traduc- tion des principales lois votees dans les pays etran- gers, [1870J-1908. le-38e annee. Paris, Cotillon, 1872-1909. 38 v. 8°.

The title, from 1882, reads " contenant le texte des principales lois," etc. A new series begins with v. 31 which is numbered " 2e serie, le annee."

Belgium. Bureau de Legislation. Bibliotheque. Cata- logue, ler Jan. 1902. Bruselles, Hayez, imprimeur

des academies royales de Belgiques, 1902. 1. 8°. x, 302 p. Ministere de I'Industrie et du Travail. Office du Travail. Annuaire de la legislation du travail. le-9e annee. 1897-1905. Bruxelles, 1898-1906. 9 V. 8°. Coleccion de codigos civiles americanos y europeos. Tomo 1-3. Madrid, F. Gongora y Compania, 1879- 80. 3 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. Mejioo. 2. La republica oriental del Uruguay. 3. La republica de Guatemala, 1877.

Vol. 1 has the title " Biblioteea de la Eeviata de los Tribunales. Legislacion extranjera; coleccion de c6digos civiles," etc.

Collection de codes etrangers. 1-23. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1890-1906. 23 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Spain. Code civil espagnol, promulgue le 24 juillet 1889; tr. et annote par A. Leve. 1890. 2. Italy. Code pSnal italien, promulgue le ler Jan. 1890, suivi des dispositions transitoires; tr. et annote par Edmond Turrel. 4 STATE LIBRARY.

Collection de codes etrangers, continued. promulgue le 22 3. Spain. Code de commerce espagnol, aout 1885, mis en vigueur le ler Jan. 1886; tr. et annote par Henri Prudhomme. 1891. le oct. 4. Italy. Code de commerce italien, promulgue 31 1882, mis en vigueur le ler Jan. 1883, suivi des dis- tr., annote, positions transitoires et reglementaires ; et precede d'une introduction par Edmond Turrel. 1892. 5. Chile. Code de commerce chilien, promulgue le 23 nov. 1865, mis en vigueur le ler Jan. 1867; tr. et annote sur la derniere 6d. officielle du 20 sept. 1889, par Henri Prudhomme. 1892. 6. Argentine RepuWic. Code de commerce argentin, pro- mulgue le 9 oct. 1889, mis en vigueur le ler mai 1870; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. 1893. 7. Grisons. Code civil du canton des Grisons; tr. avec introduction par Raoul de La Grasserie. 1893. 8. Portugal. Code civil portuguais, promulgue le ler juillet 1867, mis en vigueur le ler jan. 1868; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Fernand Lepelletier. 1894. 9. Hungary. Code de commerce hongrois, promulgue le 19 mai 1875, mis en vigueur le ler Jan. 1876, suivi des lois hongroises sur le change et la faillite; tr. du Hongrois, annote, et precede d'une introduction par Eaoul de La Grasserie. 1894. 10. Mexico. Code de commerce mexicain, promulgue le 15 sept. 1889, mis en vigueur le ler jan. 1890; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. 1894. 11. Sweden. Les codes suedois de 1734, civil, penal, com- mercial, suivis des lois posterieures promulguSes jusqu'a ce jour; tr., annotes, et precedes d'une intro- duction par Eaoul de La Grasserie. 1895. 12. Rumania. Code de commerce roumain, mis en vigueur le ler sept. 1887; compare aux principaux codes de commerce europeens, precede et suivi d 'etudes his- toriques et juridiques par Joan Bohl. 1895. 13. Great Britain. Code maritime britannique. Loi an- glaise sur la marine marehande, merchant shipping act, 1894, en vigueur depuis le ler jan. 1895; tr., annotee, precSdee d'une introduction et suivie d'une table alphabetique par Henri Promageot. 1896. 14. Italy. Code de la marine marehande italien, promulgu6 le 24 oct. 1877, modifie 1881, 1886, suivi des princi- pales dispositions du rdglement pour 1 'execution de ce code; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. 1896. 15. Rumania. Loi roumaine sur la faillite, 20 juin 1895, 1 reglementant 'exercise des actions commerciales et leur duree, suivie du rfeglement du service et de la comptabilite des syndics pr&s les tribuneaux de dis- tricts, livres 3-4 du Code de commerce roumain, art 695-971; tr. par E. Bonnemains [et] E. P. Voinesco.

16. Germany. Code de commerce allemand; tr. et annote par Paul Carpentier. 1896. 17. Malta. Lois civiles de Malte; tr., annotees et mises en concordance avec le code franqais, par Clement Billiet. 1896. FOREIGN LAWS. 5

Collection de codes etrangers, oontinued.

18. Italy. Code civil italien, promulgufi le 25 juin 1865, mis en vigueur le ler Jan. 1866; tr., annote, et pr6c6de d'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. 1896. 19. Germany. Code civil allemand, promulgue le 18 aout 1896, executoire k partir du ler jan. 1900; tr. et annotes aveo introduction par Raoul de La Grasserie. 2e ed. revue et augmentSe. 1901. 20. Bussia. Code de commerce russe; tr. et annote sur 1 'edition officielle de 1893, avee introduction par J. Tchnernow. 1898. 21. Germany. Code de commerce allemand, promulgue le 10 mai 1897; tr. et annote par Paul Viatte. 1901. 22. Chile. Code civil chilien, promulgue le 14 dec. 1855, entre en vigueur le ler jan. 1857; tr., annote et precede d'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. 1904. 23. Bussla. Code penal russe, ratifie par Sa MajestS Im- periale le 22 mars 1903, precede d'un oukase imperial et d'un avis du conseil d'etat; tr., annote et precede d'une introduction, par E. Eberlin; preface de M. E. Gargon. 1906.

Projet de code civil allemand; tr. avec introduction par Eaoul de La G-rasserie. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lanriel, 1893. 8°. lix, 492 p. France. Comite de Legislation Strangere. Bibliotheque du Comite. Catalogue, Jan. 1889. Paris, 1889. 1. 8°. xl, 718, (1) p. Collection des principaux codes etrangers. Paris, 1875-96. 19 V. 8°. Namely.

Austria. Code d 'instruction criminelle autrichien; tr. et an- note par Edm. Bertrand [et] Ch. Lyon-Caen. Publication de la Societe de Legislation ComparSe. 1875. Denmark. See, forward, Sweden, Norway, etc. Germany. Code de procedure civile pour 1 'empire d'AUemagne, 30 Jan. 1877; tr. et annote par E. Glasson, E. Lederlin, [et] P. E. Dareste. 1887. Code de procedure penale allemand, ler fev. 1877; tr. et annote par Feruand Daguin. 1884. Code d 'organisation judiciaire allemand, 27 jan. 1877; intro- duction, traduction et notes par L. Dubarle. 1885. Great Britain. Loi anglaise sur la faillite du 25 aout 1883; tr. et annotee par Ch. Lyon-Caen. Hungary. Code penal hongrois des crimes et des d61its, 28 mai 1878, et Code penal hongrois des contraventions, 14 juin 1879; tr. et annotes par C. Martinet [et] P. Dareste. 1885. Italy. Code penal d'ltalie, 30 juin 1889; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Jules Lacointa. 1890. Lyon-Caeu, C, and Delalain, P. Lois frangaises et 6trang6res sur la proprigtS litteraire et artistique, suivies des conventions intemationales conclues par la Prance pour la protection des oeuvres de litterature et d'art. 1889. Same. Supplement, 1890-96. Montenegro. Code general des biens pour la prinoipautS de Montenegro de 1888; tr. par Eodolphe Dareste et Albert Eivifere. 1892. 6 STATE LIBRARY.

France. Comite de Legislation Etrangere, continued. . Code penal des Pays-Bas, 3 mars 1881; tr. et an- note par W. J. Wiiitgeng. 1883. annote Portugal. Code de commerce portuguais de 1888; tr. et par Ernest Lehr. 1889. Uane- Sweden, Norway, etc. Lois maritimes scandmaves, Suede, , Norvege; tr. et annote par Ludovie Beauchet. 1895. United States. Les chartes coloniales et les constitutions des Btats-TJnis de I'Araerique du Nord; par Alphonse Gourd. 1885. Zurich. Code civil du canton de Zurich de 1887; tr. et annote par Ernest Lehr. 1890.

Lambrechts, Hector, and others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit compare, le partie, [ler]-8e fascicule; 2e partie, ler fascicule. Paris, Chevalier-Marescq et Cie., 1899. 9 pt. in 6. 1. 8°.


Part 1. Legislations europeennes. Fasc. 1. Belgique. — Grand Duehe de Luxembourg. 2. France. — Principaute de Monaco. 3. Angleterre. 4-7. Droit ancien et mo- derne de la Eoumanie, par Demetre Alexandresco. 8. Pays-Bas. 2. Pays hors d 'Europe. Fasc. 1. Syrie.

Special subjects.

Beelenkamp, C. J. Les lois postales universelles, elucidees et annotees, a I'aide de documents oficiels, avec gravures, tableaux et formules. La Haye, Mouton &

Cie., 1910. 1. 8°. (7), 800, xsxix p. Fairweather, W. C. Foreign and colonial patent laws. N. Y., D. Van Nostrand, 1910. 8°. sii, 279 p. Lyon-Caen, Charles, and Delalain, Paul. Lois frangaises et etrangeres sur la propriete litteraire et artistique suivies des conventions Internationales conclues par la France pour la protection des ceuvres de littera- ture et d'art. Eecueillies par Ch. Lyon-Caen [et] Paul Delalain. Paris, 1889. 2 v. 8°. Ixvii, 567, (1) p.; xiv, 425 p. (France. Comite de Legislation itrangere. Collection des principaux codes entran- gers.) Contents. Vol. 1. Lois des etats de 1 'Europe. 2. Lois des etats de I'Asie, de I'Afrique, de I'Amerique et de 1 'Oceanie. — Conventions Internationales con- clues par la France.

Same. Supplement, 1890-96. Paris, 1896. 8°. xix, 157 p. (France. CowAte de Legislation Etrangere. Collection des principaux codes etrangers.) FOREIGN LAWS. 7

Raikes, F. W. Foreign maritime laws. [Extracts from commercial codes.] {In Law Magazine and Law Eeview, 4tli series, v. 9-20.)

Namely. Belgium. — Italy. — Spain. — Sweden, Scandinavia. — Portugal.

Ringrose, Hyacinthe. Marriage and divorce laws of the world. London, Musson-Draper Company, 1911. 8°. 270, (2) p. Singer, B, Patent and trade mark laws of the world. Chicago, 1911. 8°. 539 p. Walton, Clifford Stevens. Leyes comerciales y mariti- mas de la America Latina comparadas entre si y con los codigos de Espana y las leyes de los Estados Unidos de America, profusamente anotadas con la legislacion de Espana y con la jurisprudencia ex- tranjera. 5 tomos con apendices. Washington, imprenta del gobierno, 1907. 5 v. 8°. STATE LIBRARY.


Aargau. Aargauisches Gesetzes-Blatt. 2er-7er, 9er-18er, 21er, 23er Band. 1853-60, 62-71, 74, 76. Unentgeld- liche Beilage zuin Aargauischen Amtsblatte. Aarau, 1855-77. 18 V. 8°. Gesetzes-Sammlung fiir den eidgenossisclien Kanton Aargau, enthaltend die in Kraft bestehenden eidge- nossischen Bundesakten, Beschliisse, Konkordate nnd Staatsvertrage sowie die Gesetze, Dekrete, Vertrage nnd Verordnungen des Kantons Aargau. Neue revidirte Ausg. i.-n^. Band. [1803-57.] Brugg, F. Wild & Comp., 1882. 8°. 663 p. — Same, ler, 4er, 7er Band. Fortsetzung der revidir- ten Ausg. Aarau, E. Albrecht, 1857-76. 3 v. 8°. Same. Neue Folge. Band 6-7. [1900-05.] Brugg, Buchdruckerei " Effingerbof A-G," 1901-06. 2 v. 8°. Alphabetisehes General-Register iiber die in der neuesten offiziellen Gesetzes-Sammlung und den Gesetzes-Blattern des Kantons Aargau bis 1. Jan. 1865 und im Nachtrag bis 1. Nov. gl. J. enthaltenen eidgenossiscben Bundesakten, Beschliisse, Konkor- date und Staatsvertrage; sowie iiber die Gesetze, Dekrete, Vertrage und Verordnungen des Kantons Aargau. Bearbeitet von Dr. Arnold Hirzel. Aarau. E. Albrecht, 1865. 8°. 92 p. Same. Nachtrage, vom 1 Jan. 1865 bis Marz 1869. Aarau, E. Albrecht, 1870. 8°. 27 p. Abyssinia. II " Fetha Nagast " o " Legislazione dei Ee." Codice ecclesiastico e civile di Abissinia, pub- blicato da Ignazio Guidi. \In Abyssinian and Italian.'] Roma, Casa Editrice Italiana, 1897-99. 2 v. 4°. ix (337) p.; xvi, 551 p._ (Naples. R. Istituto Orientale' Pubblicazioni scientifiche, tomo 2-3.) FOREIGN LAWS. 9

Aden. [The laws in force in Aden are the Indian penal code and the civil procedure code, as in other ports of British India.] Africa. 8e.e the names of the various states and colonies in Africa. Agra and Oudh, United Provinces of. See United Provinces, etc.

Ajmer-Merwara. The Ajmer code : consisting of the Ben- gal regulations and local acts of the Grovernor Gen- eral in Council in force in Ajmer and Merwara, regulations made therefor under the 33d Vict. cap. 3, and notifications under the scheduled districts act,

1874, relating thereto. Calcutta, 1879. 1. 8°. vi, 193 p. Same. The Ajmere code. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1893. 1. 8°. X, 276, ix p. Same. The Ajmer code. 3d ed. Calcutta, 1905. 8°. X, 318p. Alberta. Statutes of the province of Alberta, 1st ses- sion, 1st Legislative Assembly — 1st session, 2d Leg- islative Assembly, 1906-10. Edmonton, 1906-10. 5 V. 8°. Namely. lst-4th session, 1st Legislative Assembly, 1906-09. 1st session, 2d Legislative Assembly, 1910.

See also North-West Territories.

Algeria. Code de I'Algerie annote ; recueil chronologique des lois, ordonnances, decrets, arretes, circulaires, etc., formant la legislation algerienne actuellement en vigueur avec les travaux preparatoires et 1 'indi- cation de la jurisprudence suivi d'une table alpha- betique de concordance. Par Eobert Estoublon [et] Adolphe Lefebure. Alger, A. Jourdan, 1896. 1. 8°. (8), 1064, 135 p. Same. Table de concordance. Des supplements, 1896-1905. Alger, A. Jourdan, 1907. 1. 8°. v. p. Same. Continue en collaboration avec Edmond Nores. Supplement, annee 1906. Alger, A. Jourdan, 1908. 1.8°. (4), 132, 44 p. Andaman and Nicobar, islands. Andaman and Nicobar manual [of rules and regulations], n.t.p. [Port Blair, 1886?] 3 pt. in 1 v. 8°. 280 p. Same. [Police regulation 2 of 1888.] n.t.p. [Port Blair, 1888.] f°. (2) p. (Andaman and Nicobar Gazette, no. 9, 1888-89.) 10 STATE LIBRARY.

Anhalt, Gesetz-Sammlung fiir das Herzogthum Anhalt. ler-18er Band. 1863-1906. Dessau, 1865-1906. 18 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Die Verordimngen. Nr. 1-49. 30 Aug. 1863 — 20 Jan. 1865. 2. Same. Kr. 50-73. 30 Jan. — 18 Juli 1865. 3. Same. jSTr. 74-150. 20 Juli 1865 — 29 Dez. 1867. 4. Same. Nr. 151-215. 13 Jan. 1868 — 28 Dez. 1869. 5. Same. Nr. 216-280. 17 Jan. 1870 — 4 Jan. 1872. 6. Same. Nr. 281-371. 24 Jan. 1872 — 16 Jan. 1875. 7. Same. Nr. 372^02. 6 Feb. — 1 Dez. 1875. 8. Same. Nr. 403-477. 17 Dez. 1875 — 8 Feb. 1878. 9. Same. Nr. 478-556. 11 Feb. 1878 — 30 Sept. 1879. 10. Die Gesetze und Verordnungen. Nr. 557-622. 25 Okt. 1879 — 6 Juni 1882. 11. Same. Nr. 623-700. 12 Juni 1882 — 23 Mai 1885. 12. Same. Nr. 701-774. 24 Juni 1885 — 19 Marz 1888. 13. Same. Nr. 775-854. 25 Jan. 1888 — 21 April 1891. 14. Same. Nr. 855-945. 23 Juni 1891 — 25 Nov. 1895. 15. Same. Nr. 946-1025. 5 Dez. 1895 — 14 Jan. 1899. 16. Same. Nr. 1026-1096. 6 Miirz 1899 — 27 April 1900. 17. Same. Nr. 1097-1175. 31 Mai 1900 — 4 Jan. 1904. 18. Same. Nr. 1176-1245. 24 Jan. 1904 — 1 Aug. 1906.

Annam. Hoang-Viet-Luat-Le. Code annamite. Lois et reglements du royaume d 'Annam, tr. du texte chinois original par G. Aubaret, publies par ordre de S. Exc. le M. de Cbasseloup-Laubat. Paris, im-

primerie imperiale, 1865. 2 v. 4°. xiv, 394 p. ; 309 p. Antigua. [Collection of all the acts of Antigua from 1668, which were in force Aug. 1724.] {Appended to Leeward Islands. Acts of Assembly, 1690-1730.) Acts of the local , etc., [1881]-1910. [Antigua, 1881-1910.] 29 v. and pm. f°. Namely. Acts of the local Legislature. 1881. 1885. 1889. 1893. 1882. 1886. 1890. 1894. 1883. 1887. 1891. 1895. 1884. 1888. 1892. 1896. Acts of the Legislative Council. 1897. Act no. 1 and ordinances of the Legislature. 1898. Ordinances of the Legislative Council. 1899. 1900. 1901. 1902. Ordinances of the local Legislature. 1903. 1905. 1907. 1909. 1904. 1906. 1908. 1910.

The Acts, 1892, 1907, are also bound with the Acts of the Lee- ward Islands, etc., for those years. The laws of the island concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827; the laws relating to the church and clergy, etc., in Trott's Laws of the British plantations, 1721. FOREIGN LAWS. 11

Antioquia. Codigo de minas. See Panama. Appenzell Inner Rhodes. Bedingungen zur Bewerbung um eine Amtsanstellung. Aufgestellt vom h. Gros- sen Bate am 22. Nov. 1900. n.t.p. [1900.] 12°. (2) p. Bestimmungen betreffend die Handanderungen von Liegenschaften, sowie von Hausern und sonstigen Gebaulicbkeiten. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1904.] 12°. 2 p. Bestimmungen betreffend offentliche Apotheken u. Droguerien vom 16. Aug. 1898. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1898.] 12°. 3 p. Bestimmungen iiber das Verfahren bei Eheschei- dimgen u. deren Folgen in Ausfuhrung des Art. 49 des Bundesgesetzes betr. Beurkundung des Civilstandes u. die Ehe vom 24. Christmonat 1874. n.t.p. [Ap- penzell, 1876.] 12°. 4 p. Erbgesetz. Wie dasselbe von der ordentlichen Landsgemeinde den 30. April 1865 angenommen worden ist. Appenzell, 1899. 12°. 14 p. Folded diagram. Fischerei-Verordnung. Sanktioniert vom b. Bundes- rate den 11. Juni 1898. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1898.] 12°. 7 p. Forstwirtbscbaftliche Gesetzes- und Verordnungs- Bestimmungen. Appenzell, 1893. 12°. 27 p. Gesetz betreffend die Legitimation vorebelich gebor- ner Kinder. Angenommen von der Landsgemeinde den 24. April 1864. n.t.p. Appenzell, [1864]. 12°. (1) p. Gesetz betreffend Griindung und Betrieb einer Kan- tonalbank. Angenommen von der ordentlichen Lands- gemeinde den 30. April 1899. Appenzell, 1899. 12°. 12 p. VoUziehungs-Verordnung zum Gesetze betreffend Griindung und Betrieb einer Kantonalbank. Ange- nommen vom h. Grossen Bate den 6. Nov. 1899. Ap- penzell, 1899. 16°. 19 p. Gesetz iiber Ableitung von Quellen oder Wasser aus offentlichen Gewassern. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1888.] 12°. (1) p. Gesetz fiber das Vormundschaftswesen. Angenom- men von der h. Landsgemeinde den 27. April 1856. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1856.] 16°. 8 p. Gesetz iiber Verpfandung der Liegenschaften, Zed- delgesetz. Angenommen von der Landsgemeinde den 27. April 1884. Appenzell, 1900. 12°. 15 p. 12 STATE LIBRARY.

Appenzell Inner Rhodes, continued. Der Grosse Eat des Kantons Appenzell I.-Eh. in der Absicht, den Antomobil- nnd Fahrrad-Verkehr im herwartigen Kanton zu regeln, etc. n.t.p. Appen- zell, 1903. 8°. 3 p. Heumess-Verordnung. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1878.J 16°. 4 p. Jagd-Verordnung. Angenommen vom Grrossen Rate den 24. Aug. 1905 nnd vom h. Bundesrat genehmigt den 28. Aug. 1905. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1905.] 12°. 7 p. Polizei-Verordnung. Angenommen vom h. Grrossen Rate den 18-19 Jan. 1894. Appenzell, 1902. 12°. 32 p. Eeglement betreffend die Besorgung des Armenwe- sens. Angenommen vom b. Grossen Eate den 18. Nov. 1897. Appenzell, 1897. 16°. 7 p. •— Eeglement betreffend die Erhebung der Grundsteuer nacb dem sog. Kataster. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1904.] 12°. 4 p. Eegulativ betreffend die Kastration der Scbweine. Angenommen vom b. Grossen Eate den 30. Mai 1895. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1895.] 12°. (3) p. Eegulativ betreffend Erricbtung und Haltung offentl. Gantlokale. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1892.] 12°. 3 p. Schul-Verordnung. Angenommen vom h. Grossen Eate den 29. Okt. 1896. Appenzell, 1896. 12°. 23 p. Same. Nacbtrag zur Scbulverordnung. n.t.p. [Ap- penzell, 1902.] 12°. 3 p. Straf-Gesetz. Angenommen von der ordentlicben Landsgemeinde den 30. April 1899. Appenzell, 1899. 16°. 64, vii p. Strassengesetz. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1876.] 12°. 3 p. Tarif imd Klasseneinteilung im Sitme von Artikel 22, Ziffer 2, litt. c und d der Hausierverordnung. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1899.] 12°. 2 p. Torfmess-Verordnung. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1878.1 12°. (3) p. Verordnung betreffend das Hebammenwesen. Ange- nommen vom b. Grossen Eate den 25. Nov 1898 Appenzell, 1899. 16°. 7 p. Verordnung betreffend das Markt- und Hausierwe- sen. Angenommen vom h. Grossen Eate den 7. Feb. 1899. Appenzell, 1899. 16°. 11 p. J


Appenzell Inner Rhodes, continued. Verordnung betreffend den obligatorischen Besuch der Landsgemeinde imd Bezirksversammlungen, mit Einschluss der Bestimmungen iiber Ausiibung des Stimmreclits. Angenommen vom h. Grossen Eathe am 18. Wintermonat 1879. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1879.] 12°. 4 p. Verordnnng betreffend die Ausiibung des Anwalts- berufes. Appenzell, 1900. 12°. 9, (1) p. Verordnung betreffend die Bekampfung der Diph- therie, Croup. Anhang zur VoUziehungs-Verord- nung iiber das eidgen. Epidemiengesetz vom 27. Miirz 1890. Angenommen vom h. Grossen Eate den 6. Nov. 1899. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1899.] 12°. 2 p. Verordnung betreffend die eidgen. Wahlen und Abstimmungen. Appenzell, 1891. 12°. 7 p.

—^ Verordnung betreffend die Gebaude-Versicberung gegen Feuerscbaden. Angenommen vom b. Grossen Eate den 23. Mai 1902. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1902.] 12°. 2 p. ^Verordnung betreffend die Unterstiitzung von Vieb- Versicberungs-Gesellschaften. Angenommen vom b. Grossen Eate den 29. Okt. 1894. n.t.p. [Appen- zell, 1894.] 16°. (3) p. Verordnung betreffend die Vollziebung der Bundes- gesetze iiber Haftpflicht. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1888. 12°. 4 p. Verordnung iiber das Gesundheitswesen. n.t.p. [Ap- penzell, 1893.] 12°. 4 p. Verordnung iiber das Halten von Hunden. Eevidiert vom b. Grossen Eate am 22. Nov. 1900. n.t.p. [Ap- penzell, 1900.] 12°. 3 p. Verordnung iiber das recbtlicbe Verhaltnis der Ster- bevereinsgelder. Angenommen vom Grossen Eate am 27. Wintermonat 1884. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1884.] 12°. (1) p. Verordnung iiber den Kleinbandel mit gebrannten Wassern. VoUziebungs-Verordnung zum Bundes- gesetz betr. gebrannte Wasser. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1888.] 12°. 4 p. Verordnung iiber den Turn-Unterricbt fiir die mann- licbe Jugend im Kanton Appenzell Innerrboden. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1893.] 16°. 2 p. 14 STATE LIBRARY.

Appenzell Inner Rhodes, cofttimied. Verordnung iiber die Madehen-Arbeitsscliulen im Kanton Appenzell I.-Rli. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1878.] 12°. 3 p. Verordnung iiber Einfiihrung von Waisenladen. Angenonunen vom h. Grossen Rate am 1. Dez. 1881. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1881.] 12°. 2 p. Verordnung iiber Mass und Gewicbt. n.t.p. [Ap- penzell, 1875.] 12°. 4 p. Verordnung iiber Stein-, Kies- und Sand-Bezug aus dem Sitterbette. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1888.] 12°. (2) p. Verordnungen iiber die Benutzung und Oeffnung der Winter-Fabrrechte, iiber das Hagen, Lorchen, und Marken, sowie iiber das Trattrecht in Waldungen im Kanton Appenzell I.-Rh. Appenzell, 1901. 12°. lip. Viebwalirsehaftsgesetz. Angenommen von der Landsgemeinde den 30. April 1905. n.t.p. [Appen- zell, 1905.] 12°. 4 p. Vollziehungs-Verordnung zu den Bundesgesetzen iiber polizeiliche Massregeln gegen Viebseucben vom 14. Okt. 1887. Appenzell, 1893. 12°. 17 p. VoUziebungs-Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz betref- fend Feststellung und Beurkundung des Zivilstandes und die Ehe. n.t.p. [Appenzell, 1876.] 12°. 6 p. Vollzieliungs-Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz betr. Forderung der Landwirtbsebaft durch den Bund vom 22. Dez. 1893, Abteilung Bodenverbesserung. n.t.p. Appenzell, 1898. 16°. 4 p. Vollziebungsverordnung zum Bundesgesetz iiber die Wasserbaupolizei vom 22. Juni 1877. Appenzell, 1892. 12°. 8 p. Vollzieliungs-Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz iiber Scbuldbetreihung und Konkurs vom 11. April 1889. Appenzell, 1895. 12°. 25, (1) p. Vollziehungs-Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz vom 28. Juni 1878 iiber den Bezug der Militarpflicht-Ersatz- steuer. Appenzell, 1896. 12°. 7 p. Vollziehungs-Verordnung zum eidgenossischen Epi- demiengesetz. Appenzell, 1902. 12°. 7 p. Zivilprozess-Ordnung, nebst Sporteln-Tarif und Re- gulativ fiir den Grerichtsdiener. Angenommen vom h. Grossen Rathe am 10. Marz 1892. Appenzell, 1892. 16°. 59, n, (2) p. ;


Appenzell Outer Rhodes, Gesetzbuch fiir den Kanton Appenzell A. Eli. ler Band. Enthaltend die Gesetze iiber das offentliche und das Privatrecht, nest der Bundesverfassung. xlmtliclae Ausg. Heri- san, 1864. 8°. 16, xxix, 402 p. Gesetzbuch fiir den Kanton Appenzell A. Eb. Enthal- tend sammtlicbe gegenwartig in Kraft stehenden kantonalen Gesetze nebst Bundes- und Kantons- Verfassung. Amtliche Ausg. Herisau, 1883. 12°. (3), 394 p. Gesezbuch fiir den Kanton Appenzell A. Eh. Enthal- tend samtliche gegenwartig in Kraft stehenden kantonalen Geseze nebst Bundes- und Kantons-Ver- fassung. 1. Band. Amtliche Ausg. Trogen, 1898. 8°. (7), 444 p. — Sammlung aller im Kanton Appenzell A. Eh. gegen- wartig, April 1898, in Kraft bestehenden Verord- nungen, Eeglemente, Eegulative, Instruktionen, etc. 2. Band. Amtliche Ausg. Heiden, 1898. 8°. viii, 780 p. Sammlung der Gesetze und Verordnungen des Kan- tons Appenzell-Ausserrhoden. Amtliche Ausg. Trogen, 1845. 12°. (6), 128, 204, (4) p. Verfassung, Gesetze und Verordnimgen des Appen- zell-Ausserrhoden nebst der eidgenossischen Bun- desverfassung. Amtliche Ausg. Herisau, 1854. 12°. 440, (14) p. Argentine Republic. Code de commerce argentin, pro- mulgue le 9 oct. 1889, mis en vigueur le ler mai 1890 tr., annote et precede d'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1893. 8°. Ixxv, (1), 451 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 6.) Codigo de comercio de la Eepublica Argentina. Sancionado por el Honorable Congreso Nacional el 5 de Oct. de 1889 y promulgado en 9 de Oct. de 1889. [Con leyes de reforma al Codigo.] Ed. oficial. Buenos Aires, 1899. 32°. 640 p. Same. Nueva ed. reformada que comprende los articulos modificados y la nueva ley de quiebras, seguido de la ley sobre marcas de fabrica, comercio y ' agricultura, la ley de warranto, y la ley sobre patentes de invencion. Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane, 1903. 8°. (3), 389 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes usuales.) 16 STATE LIBRARY.

Argentine Republic, continued.

Same. Nueva ed. reformada que comprende los articulos modificados y la nueva ley de quiebras,

seguido de un apendice que contiene : las ordenanzas de aduana de la Eepiiblica Argentina, la ley sobre "warrants 6 eertificados de deposito, las leyes de patentes de invencion, marcas de fabrica e de co- mercio. Buenos Aires, C. A. Guida, 1909. 8°. Ixx, 500 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes usuales.) Codigo civil de la Eepublica Argentina. Eedactado por D. V. Sarsfield y aprobado por el Congreso de la repiiblica, 29 de Set. de 1869. Ed. oficial. Nueva York, imprenta de Hallet y Breen, 1870. 1. 8°. (5), XV, 981 p. Codigo civil argentiao, interpretado por los tribu- nales de la republica, con notas originales del Dr. J. 0. Macbado. Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane & Cia., 1903-04. 2 V. 1. 8°. viii, 479 p.; vi, 527 p. Codigo civil de la Republica Argentina. Sancionado por el Honorable Congreso el 29 de Sept. de 1869 y corregido por ley de 9 de Sept. de 1882. Nueva ed. conforme al texto oficial, arreglada con la nueva numeracion de los articulos con motivo de la in- corporacion de la nueva ley del matrimonio civil en

el texto del codigo ; seguida de un apendice que com- prende la ley del registro civil. Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane & Cia., 1904. 8°. (3), ii, 1001 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes usuales.) Same. Nueva ed. Buenos Aires, libreria e imprenta de Mayo, 1910. 8°. vi, 1001 p. (Coleccion de codi- gos y leyes usuales.) Codigo de mineria de la Eepublica Argentina. Sanci- onado por lev del Honorable Congreso de 8 de Die. del886. Ed. oficial. Buenos Aires,' 1887. L 8°. 537 p. Codigo penal de la Eepublica Argentina, comentado por los fallos de la Excma. Camara de Apelaciones de la capital, ordenados por el Dr. Carlos Malagar- riga; seguido de un apendice que contiene los fallos mas importantes en materia de procedimientos criminales. Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane, 1896. 8°. 320, iv p. (Codigos argentinos comentados por la jurisprudencia de los tribunales.) Codigo penal de la Eepublica Argentina y ley de re- formas de 22 de agosto de 1903. Ed. oficial. Buenos Aires, 1903. 1. 8°. vi, (1), 204 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 17

Argentine Republic, continued. Codigos militares para el ejercito y armada de la Eepiiblica Argentina precedidos de la constitucion nacional. Ed. oficial. Buenos Aires, 1895. 8°. 311 p. Codigos y leyes usuales de la Eepublica Argentina. 3a ed., eorregida y aumentada. Buenos Aires, F. Lajouane, 1886. 2 v. 8°. (1120) p.; (1399) p.

Contents. Vol. 1. Constituciones. — C6digo civil. 2. Codigo de comercio. — Codigo penal. — Codigo de pro- eediiaientos. — C6digo rural. — Leyes usuales.

CoUeccion de codigos y leyes usuales. See, back, Codigo de comercio; — Codigo civil. Ley de elecciones nacionales no. 4161 y decretos re- glamentarios. Buenos Aires, 1903. 8°. 56 p. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Leyes, decretos y resoluciones sobre instruccion su- perior secundaria, normal y especial; recopiladas por J. Gr. Merou. Buenos Aires, 1900-01. 2 v. 4°.

444 p. ; 645 p. Contents.

Vol. 1. 1810-80. 2. 1881-90.

The principal diplomatic laws of the Argentine Eepublic are appended to Albertini's Dereeho diplomatico, 1866; the law relat- ing to general average, to Lowndes' Law of general average, 4th ed. See also Buenos Aires; — Cordoba.

Assam. The Assam code : containing the Bengal regula- tions, local acts of the General in Council, regulations made under the government of India act, 1870, and of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal in Council in force in Assam, etc. Calcutta, 1897. 8°. XX, 780, xii p. Eegulations, etc., of the government of India [ap- plicable to Assam, 1875-84]. n.t.p. [1875-84.] f°.

Pages taken from the Assam Gazette.

The province of Eastern Bengal and Assam was created Oct. 16, 1905. iSee this heading for continuations; see also Bengal, — Lower Provinces. 18 STATE LIBRARY.

Australasia. Acts of the Federal Council, [1886, 89, 91, 93, 97]. (Appended to Queensland statutes, 1886, 89, 90, 93, 96.)

The acts of 1886 are also appended to the Statutes of Victoria, V. 7.

Australia. The acts of the of the common- wealth of Australia, 1st session, 1st Parliament — 1st session, 4th Parliament, 1901-10, with tables, appendix, and indexes. [Melbourne], 1903-11. 9 v. 8°. Namely. lst-2d session, 1st Parliament, 1901-03. lst-3d session, 2d Parliament, 1904-06. 2d-4th session, 3d Parliament, 1907-09. 1st session, 4th Parliament, 1910.

To Acts of 1st session, Ist Parliament is prefixed the Common- wealth of Australia Constitution Act, 63 & 64 Viet. ch. 12.

The statutes of the commonwealth of Australia,

of practical utility. Vol. 1, 1901 ; with index. Com- piled by H. M. Cockshott and S. E. Lamb. Mel- bourne, Law Book Company of Australasia, Sydney, 1902. 8°. (3), xxxviii, 310 p. Same. Viol. 2. 1902-05; with index. Compiled by H. B. Bignold. Brisbane, Law Book Company of Australasia, 1906. 8°. iv, 519, 110 p. -— The imperial statutes applicable to [Australia]. (In Great Britain. Colonies. Imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) -— The Parliament of the commonwealth of Australia. [1908-10.] Papua: ordinances, 1908-10. [Mel- bourne, 1908-10.] f°.


1908. [No. 8-10.] Supplementary appropriation 1906-7, no. 2; 1908-9; 1908-9, no. 2. 1909. 1908, no. 12-18; 1909, no. 1-2; also sago and land. 1909, nos. 3, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16-19. 1909, nos. 4, 8 and 12; also gold-field reward. 1909, nos. 10, 11, 21-24; also removal of natives ordinance of 1907, repeal; native labour amendment; and timber con- solidated. 1909, nos. 20, 30-33; 1910, no. 1, also land, gold mining en- couragement, native labour and native labour no. 2. 1910, [no. 2^.] No. 2, supplementary appropriation, 1909-10, no. 5. — No. 3, deputy chief judicial ofBcer. — No. 4, mining ordinance amendment. 1910, nos. 11, 12 and 14. See also Nevr South ; — Papua; — Queensland; — South Australia; — Tasmania; — Victoria; — Western Australia. '


Austria. AUgemeines Eeichs-Gesetz- und Regierungs- blatt fiir das Kaiserthum Oesterreich. Jahrgang 1849-1910. Wien, 1850-1910. 65 v. 4°.

The Eeichs-Gesetz-Blatt for 1850 is in 4 vols., each volume cover- ing 3 months. The title, IS.'SS-eQ, reads " Eeichs-Gesetz-Blatt fiir das Kaiser- thum Oesterreich "; 1870-1910, " Eeichsgesetzblatt fiir die im Eeichsrathe vertretenen Konigreiehe und Lander." With Eeichsgesetzblatt 1878 is " Allgemeiner ZoUtarif fiir das osterreichisch-ungarisohe Zollgebiet. '

Code d 'instruction criminelle antrichien; tr. et annote par Edm. Bertrand [et] Gin. Lyon-Caen. Paris, 1875. 8°. (2), xl, 247 p. Gesetzbuch iiber Verbrecben und scbwere Polizey- Uebertretungen. 2e Aufl., mit angebangten neueren Vorscbriften. Wien, 1815. 2 pt. in 1. 8°. (16), 275, 196, (7) p. Alpbabetiscbes Eegister. Wien, 1815. 8°. 339 p. Handlexikon zum osterreicbiscben Eeichsgesetzblatt. Ein alpbabetiscbes Nacbscblageregister iiber saromt- licbe bisber erscbienenen Jabrgange des Eeicbs- gesetzblattes. Bearbeitet von Dr. Karl Friibwald. Wien, Manz'scbe k. u. k. Hof-Verlags- u. Universi- tats-Bucbbandlung, 1888. 16°. viii, 500 p. Same. Erganzungsband, die Jabrgange 1888 bis 1894 entbaltend. Das ganze Werk umfasst somit die Jabrgange 1848 bis einscbliesslicb 1894. Wien, Manz'scbe k. u. k. Hof-Verlags- u. Universitats- Bucbbandlung, 1895. 16°. (2), 178 p. Osterreicbiscbes Staatsworterbucb. Handbucb des gesamten osterreicbiscben offentlicben Eecbtes. Herausg. unter Mitwirkung zablreicber Pacbmanner von Dr. Ernst Miscbler, Dr. Josef Ulbricb. 2e wesentlich umgearbeitete Aufl. Wien, 1905-09. 4 v. 1.8°. Contenis. Vol. 1. A-E. 2. F-J. 3. K-Q. 4. E-Z.

Tascbenausgabe der osterreicbiscben Gesetze. ler- 13er, 15er-31er Band. Wien, Manz'scbe k. k. Hof- Verlags- u. Universitats-Bucbbandlung, 1882-1902. 30 V. in 36. 16°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Gesetze und Vorschriften fiir Gewerbe-, Pabriks- und Handelsuntcrnehmungen. 1. Gewerbe-Ordnung, mit 20 STATE LIBRARY.

Austria, continued.

alien einsehlagigen Gesetzen und Verordnungen, etc. 2e vermehrte Aufl. 1884. IV, 286 p. — Gesetz vom 8 Marz, 1885, betreffend die Abanderung und Ergan- zung der Gewerbeordnung. 28 p. — 2. Privilegien- gesetz, Marken- und Musterschutzgesetz, Hausir- patent, Gesetze fiber Handelsagenten, Handelskam- mern, fiber Vereine und Versammlungen, dann fiber Versioberungsanstalten, Erwerbs- und Wirthschafts- genossensehaften. lOe erganzte und vermehrte Aufl. 1884. IV, 243 p. 2. Das allgemeine burgerliche Gesetzbuch, sammt alien dasselbe erganzenden und erlauternden Gesetzen und Verordnungen und den Entscheidungen d. k. k. ober- sten Gerichtshofes. lie vermehrte und erganzte Aufl. 1883. vtii, 526 p. — Die Gesetze vom 16 Marz, 1884, fiber die Anfechtung von Eechtshandlungen, etc. 1884. 23 p. 3. Die VoTsehriften fiber Eeehtsangelegenheiten ausser Streitsaehen. 1. Das Verfahren ausser Streitsachen, dann die Bestimmungen fiber Todeserklarung und Amortisirung von Urkunden, nebst einem Anhange. 9e Aufl. X, 285 p. — 2. Die Notariats-Ordnung vom 25. Juli, 1871, sammt den erganzenden und erlau- ternden Gesetzen und Verordnungen, etc. 9e ver- mehrte und erganzte Aufl. iv, (1), 112 p. — 3. Gesetze und Verordnungen fiber das civilgerichtliche Depositenwesen und die gemeinschaftlichen Waisen- cassen. lOe vermehrte und erganzte Aufl. 1885. iv, ^ 123, (1) p. 4. Das Strafgesetz fiber Verbrechen, Vergehen und Ueber- tretungen und das Pressgesetz, etc. 15e Aufl. 1884. 211, 565 p. 5. Die Strafprocess-Ordnung vom 23. Mai 1873, nebst den Instructionen ffir die Strafgerichte und Staatsanwalt- schaften, etc. 6e vermehrte und erganzte Aufl. 1885. xn, 515 p. 6. le Abth. Die Gesetze und Verordnungen fiber die Civil- gerichtsverfassung. Die Coneursordnung und das Anfechtungsgesetz. lOe verbesserte Aufl. 1885. xii, 426 p. — 2e Abth. Die allgemeine Gerichtsordnung, die Gesetze fiber die besonderen Verfahrensarten in Streitsaehen, darunter Bagatell- und Mahnverfahren. lOe vermehrte und erganzte Aufl. 1885. xii, 468 p. 7. Das allgemeine Berggesetz vom 23. Mai 1854, sammt der Vollzugsvorschrift und alien daravif Bezug neh- menden Nachtragen, Verordnungen, etc. 6e erganzte und vermehrte Aufl. 1882. viil, 408 p. — Nachtrage [1881-84]. 8, (8) p. 8. Gesetze betreffend das Forstwesen und den Feldschutz. 1885. XIV, 668 p. 9. Das Gemeindegesetz vom 5. Marz 1862, sammt den Gemeindeordnungen fur alle Kronlander und den Statuten fur einzelne Orte. Das Heimatgesetz vom 3. Dee. 1863, sammt den Vorschriften fiber Abschaf- fung, Abschiebung, Einwanderung, Auswanderung und die Verehelichung mit Auslandern. Das Gesetz fiber die Volkszahlung. 7e erganzte Aufl. 1882. vill, 371 p. — Nachtrage, [1880-81]. 18 p. 10. le Abth. Die Vorschriften fiber die Erfullung der Wehrpflieht im k. k. Heere, Kriegs-Marine, und in FOREIGN LAWS. 21

Austria, continued.

der k. k. Landwehr. 5e Aufl. 1884. viii, 650 p. — 2e Abth. Das Gesetz vom 13. Juni, 1880, betreffend die Militartaxe, den Militartaxfond, und die XJnter- stiitzung der hilfsbediirftigen Familien von Mobilisir- ten, das Volkszahlungsgesetz, das Einquartierungs- gesetz sowie das Gesetz vom 16. April 1873, betreffend die Deekung des Pferdebedarfes In Mobilisirungs- fallen, sammt alien hierzu erfiossenen Durchfiilirungs- bestimmungen und Nachtragsverordnungen. 5e Aufl. 188i. VIII, 199 p. 11. le Abth. Das allgemeine Handelsgesetzbuch vom 17. Dee. 1862, sammt dem Einfiihrungsgesetze, alien darauf beziiglichen erganzenden und erlauternden Verordnungen, etc. Die Vorschriften iiber Erwerbs- u. Wirthsehaftsgenossenschaften, Versicherungsan- stalten. Wag- und Messanstalten, Lagerhauser und das Eisenbahn-Betriebs-Eeglement. 12e vermehrte Aufl. 1884. VIII, 363 p. — 2e Abth. Wechselordnung, Wech- selstampel, Gesetze iiber die Borsen und die Handels- makler, Borseordnungen fiir Wien, Prag und Triest, dann fur die Friicht- und Mehlborse in Wien, Gesetze iiber die Promessen- und Katengeschafte. lOe ver- mohrte Aufl. 1884. vil, 263, (1) p. 12. Das Gebiihrengesetz vom 9 Feb. 1850; das Taxgesetz vom 27. Jan. 1840; das Gesetz iiber den Stampel von Spielkarten, Kalendern, Zeitungen und Ankiindi- gungen vom 6. Sept. 1850, sammt alien zu diesen Gesetzen erfiossenen Nachtrags-Verordnungen und Erlauterungen, etc. 9e erganzte Aufl. 1884. x, 632 p. 13. Die Gesetze und Vorschriften iiber die Einfuhrung des metrisehen Masses und Gewichtes. Die Aiehordnung sammt alien Nachtragen und alien Instructionen zu derselben. Die Vorschriften iiber die Aichbehorden. 1882. VIII, 432, (1) p. Folded plates and illus. 15. Strafgesetz fiber Gefallsiibertretungen vom 11. Juli, 1835, sammt Amtsunterricht und den Vorschriften fiber die Anwendung dieses Gesetzes, eriautert und durch Aufnahme siimmtlieher einschlagiger Nach- tra,gsbestimmungen erganzt von J. Bfonski. 2e ver- mehrte Aufl. 1885. x, 660 p. 16. Die westgalizische Gerichtsordnung, mit Bezeichnung der Abweichungen der tirolischen und italienischeu Gerichtsordnung. 2e erganzte Aufl. 1882. viil, 275, (1) p. — Nachtrage. 24 p. 17. Die osterreichischen Eisenbahngesetze und die sonsti- gen auf das Bisenbahnwesen Bezug habenden Vor- schriften. 3e umgearbeitete und erganzte Aufl. 1888. XI, (1), 526 p. 18. Das allgemeine Grundbuchsgesetz, die Gesetze fiber die Anlegung neuer Grundbucher, die Vorschriften fiber Eisenbahnbficher, etc. 3e vermehrte und erganzte Aufl. 1884. XII, 448 p. 19. Die Staatsgrundgesetze. Die Verfassungsgesetze ffir die Gesammtheit, dann die Landesordnungen und Landtags-Wahlordnungen ffir die einzelnen der im Eeichsrathe vertretenen Konigreiche und Lander. Die Gesetze fiber die Beziehungen zu den Landern der ungarischen Krone und fiber das Verhaltniss zu Bos- nien und der Herzegowina. 3e vermehrte Aufl. 1884. XIV, 690 p. 22 STATE LIBRARY.

Austria, continued.

20. Die Gesetze zur Abwehr und Tilgung ansteckender Thierkrankheiten fiir Oesterreioh-Ungarn, Bosnien und die Herzegowina. 2e Aufl. 1884. xii, 508 p. 21. Oesterreichische Steuergesetze. Saminlung der auf di- reete Steuern Bezug habenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Judicata. Herausg. von V. Roll. 2e vermehrte und erganzte Aufl. 1. Abth. Grund-, Gebaude- und Erwerbsteuer. 1883. vi, 504 p. — 2. Abth. Einkom- mensteuer, Steuerzuschlage, allgemeine Bestimmungen fiber directe Steuern. 1884. xiv, 505-1056 p. 22. Indireete Steuern. Vollstandige Sammlung aller auf die Verzehrungs- und Verbrauchssteuern Bezug habenden Gesetze, Verordnungen und Judioate. Herausg. von J. Bfonski. 1885. viii, 624 p. 23. Gesetze und Verordnungen iiber das Wasserrecht. 1885. xviil, (1), 346 p. 24. Das Militar-Strafgesetz iiber Verbrechen und Vergehen. Herausg. von A. Pirchann. 1885. xvi, 814 p. 25. Gesetze betreffend Jagd, Vogelschutz und Fischerei. 1885. VIII, 423 p. 26. Gesetze und Verordnungen in Cultussaehen. Zusammen- gestellt von Dr. Burekhard. 1887. xvi, 510 p. 27. Volksschulgesetze. Die Reichs- und Landesgesetze mit den einschlagigen Ministerial-Verordnungen und Er- liissen. Zusammengestellt von Dr. Burekhard. 1888. 2 V. xvii, (1), 586 p.; xi, (1), 552 p. 28. Gesetze und Verordnungen iiber Strassen und Wege, er- lautert durch die in Wegerechtsfachen erflossenen Entseheidungen des Verwaltungsgerichtshofes und Reichsgerichtes. Zusammengestellt von A. K. von Neukirchen. 2. Abth. 1892. xii, 1039 p. 29. Gesetze und Verordnungen iiber die Arbeiterversiehe- rung. 1. Gesetze und Verordnungen iiber die Arbeiter- versicherung, etc., zusammengestellt von Otto Stoger. 2. Gesetz vom 16. Juli 1892 betr. die registrierten Hilfscassen, etc., zusammengestellt von Richard Kaan. 1896. XVI, 624, 35 p. 30. Gesetze und Verordnungen in Sanitatssaehen sammt den einschlagigen Staatsvertragen und Erkenntnissen der obersten Gerichtshbfe. Zusammengestellt von Dr. Mahl-Schedl. 1898. xxxil, 775, (1) p. 31. Gesetze, Staatsvertrage und Verordnungen betreflfend das Binnenschift'ahrts-wesen in Osterreich. Nebst einem Anhange, tjberfuhranstalten und Ban der neueu Wasserstrassen. Bearbeitet von Dr. Hans Patzauer. 1902. xxii, 818 p.

Same. Manzsehe Taschenausgabe der osterreicH- schen Gesetze. ler, 29er Band. Wien, 1908. 2 v. in 3. 16°. Contents. 1. Die Gewerbe-Ordnung samt den sie erganzenden und erlau- ternden Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Erlassen, etc., mit einem alphabetischen und ohronologischen Register, von Dr. Otto von Komorzynski. 9e vollstandig umgearbeitete und erweiterte Aufl. 1 Teil. Die Gewerbeordnung. 1908. xlvii, 917 p. 2. Die neben der Gewerbeordnung beste- henden Gesetze und Verordnungen. 1908. x, (1), 950 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 23

Austria, continued.

29. Gesetze und Verordnungen. iiber die Arbeiterversicherung. Zusammengestellt von Dr. Otto Stoger. 2e Aufl. 1908. xiv, (1), 859 p.

Der Ur-Entwurf -and die Beratliiings-Protokolle des oesterreichisclien allgememen biirgerlichen Gesetz- buches. Herausg. von Dr. Julius Ofner. Wien, A. Holder, 1889. 2 v. 1. 8°. (7), cxlviii, (7), 495 p.; (3), 890, (1) p.

See also Bosnia and Herzegovina; — Bukowina; — Carinthia; — Dalmatia; — Tyrol.

Babylonia. The code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon about 2250 b.c. Autographed text, transliteration, translation, glossary, index of subjects, lists of proper names, signs, numerals, corrections and erasures, with map, frontispiece, and photograph of text. By E. F. Harper. Chicago, Callaghan and Co., 1904. 8°. XV, 192, (1) p. The oldest code of laws in the world, the code of laws promulgated by Hammurabi, King of Babylon, B.C. 2285-2242. Tr. by C. H. W. Johns. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1903. 12°. xii, 88 p. Baden. iSTeues Badisches Biirgerbuch; eine Sammlung der wichtigsten Gesetze und Verordnungen aus dem Verfassungs- und Verwaltungsrecht des Grossher- zogtums Baden, nebst den einschlagigen Gesetzen des Deutschen Eeiches. Herausg. von Dr. Friedrich Wielandt. Heidelberg, 1905-07. 2 v. 12°. x, 878 p.; viii, 1255 p.

ler Band, 8e neubearbeitete Aufl., 1907; 2er Band, 7e neubear- beitete Aufl., 1905.

Vollstandige Sammlung der Grossherzoglich Badi- schen Eegierungsblatter, von deren Entstehung 1803 bis Ende 1825; nebst einem voUstandigen alphabe- tischen Sachregister iiber alle Jahrgange, und einem alphabetischen Verzeichnisse der Staatsdiener vom Civil- und Militarstande, etc. Carlsruhe, 1826. 4°. Ixxxiv, 1878, 73 p. Same. Grossherzoglich Badisches Staats- und Ee- gierungs-Blatt. 24er-42er Jahrgang. [1826-44.] Mit Grossherzoglich Badischem gnadigstem Privi- legio. Carlsruhe, 1826-44. 19 v. in 11. 4°. 24 STATE LIBRARY.

Baden, continued. Same. Grossherzoglicli Badisclies Eegierungsblatt. 43er-66er Jahrgang. [1845-68.] Carlsruhe, 1845- 68. 24 V. in 19. 4°. Same. Gesetzes- und Verordnungs-Blatt fiir das Grossherzogtinim Baden. Jahrgang 1869-1905. Karlsruhe, 1869-1905. 37 v. 4°. Same. Systematisches Sachregister zu der D. E. Marr'sehen Sammlung der Eegierungsblatter von 1803-41 inclusive; bearbeitet und verbessert von dem Ministerial-Oberrevisor ObermuUer. n.t.p. [Karlsruhe, 1841.] 4°. cxc p.

Strafgesetzbuch. ( Grossherzoglich Badisches Eegie- rungsblatt. 43er Jahrgang, 1845.) Bahamas, Laws of the Bahamas. 2d vol. New series. [1844-46.] Eeprinted by authority, n.p., 1846. 8°. 215 p. Statute law of the Bahamas, comprising all acts of the General Assembly passed since the publication of the 1st volume. [1851-55.] By G. C. Anderson. 2d vol. Nassau, 1855. 8°. xii, (431) p.

Appended is a general index to the laws of the Bahamas, by T. W. H. Dillet.

The statute law of the Bahamas, comprising all acts of the General Assembly in force to 24 Vict. c. 27, 1861. By G. C. Anderson. London, H. Sweet, 1862. 8°. sxv, 978 p. Same. 2d vol. Comprising all acts of the General Assembly passed since the publication of the 1st vol. in 1862. By G. C. Anderson. London, H. Sweet, 1868. 8°. xxiii, 343, (1) p. The statute law of the Bahamas, comprising all acts of the General Assembly in force to 38 Vict. c. 36, inclusive. By Sir G. C. Anderson. London, Harri- son & Sons, 1877. 8°. xiv, 941 p. Laws of the Bahamas, Dec. 1875 — Feb. 1907. Nas- sau, 1876-1907. 37 v. and pm. 1. 8°.

Namely. Dec. 1875. Feb. 1882. Jan. 1877. Extra session, Aug. 1882. Feh. 1878. Feb. 1883. Feb. 1879. March 1884. Feb. 1880. Feb. 1885. Feb. 1881. Feb. 1886. FOREIGN LAWS. 25

Bahamas, continued.

March 1887. Extra session, Dee. 1897. Feb. 1888. March 1898. Extra session, Nov. 1888. Extra session. Dee. 1898. Feb. 1889. Feb. 1899. Feb. 1890. Feb. 1900. Feb. 1891. Feb. 1901. Extra session, Oct. 1891. Feb. 1902. Feb. 1892. Feb. 1903. Feb. 1893. Feb. 1904. Feb. 1894. Jan. 1905. March 1895. Jan. 1906. Feb. 1896. Feb. 1907. Feb. 1897.

Acts, 7th-10tli Edw. vii. [and 1st Geo. v., 1908-10]. JO Nassau, 1908-10. 4 v. 1. 8'

Namely. 5th session, 7th-8th Edw. vii., [June 1908]. 1st special session, 8th Edw. vii., [Deo. 1908]. 6th session, 9th Edw. vil., [Aug. 1909]. 7th session, 9th-10th Edw. vii., and 1st Geo. v., [June 1910].

Statute law of the Bahamas, comprising all acts of the General Assembly in force to 62 Vict., c. 33. Collected and arranged in eight parts, according to the order of subjects, by Sir 0. D. Malcolm. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1901. 8°. xx, 1056 p. Orders in Council and rules and regulations, laid before the Legislature during the session ending 23d Aug. 1909 — 6th June 1910. Nassau, 1909. 2 V. 8°.

Appendix to the Statutes of 9 Edward vii., 1 Geo. v. The laws of the Bahama Islands concerning real and personal property, and manumission of slaves, are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827.

Balize. See British Honduras. Baluchistan. The Baluchistan code, containing the local enactments in force in British Baluchistan and in the Baluchistan agency territories, etc. Calcutta,

1890. 1. 8°. xxi, 210 p. Same. Calcutta, 1900. 1. 8°. (5), 14, 441 p. Barbados. Acts of Assembly passed in the island of Barbados, 1648-1738; [with an abridgment of the acts, 1717-38]. London, John Baskett, 1721-39. 2 v. in 1. f°. xxxii, 318 p.; x, 315-484 p. 26 STATE LIBRARY.

Barbados, (Continued. The public acts in force passed by the Legislature of Barbados, May 11, 1762 — April 8, 1800; [with] a digested abridgment of the said acts and an index; with a table of acts which are private or not in force. By Samuel Moore. London, for S. Moore, 1801. 8°. xxiv, 435, (89) p. Laws of Barbados, [1646-1854]. London, W. Clowes & Sons, 1855. 8°. xvi, 619 p. Laws of Barbados, [1854-63]. London, W. Clowes &

Sons, 1864. 1. 8°. xiii, 313, (1) p. Laws of Barbados, [1648-1874]. London, W. Clowes & Sons, 1875. 2 v. 1. 8°. xv, 591 p.; xiv, 616 p.


Vol. 1. 1648-1858. 2. 1859-1874.

Laws of Barbados, [1667-1889]. Barbados, n.d. 2 V. 12°. Contents.

Part 1. 1667-1875, 1. 2. 1875, 2 — 1889, 8; with index and table of acts.

The public acts in force, passed by the Legislature of Barbados, 11th — 12th Vict., [1847-48 — 48-49], carefully compiled and examined with the original acts. Bridge-Town, 1849-50. 2 v. 8°.

Nainely. nth. Vict., 1847^8. lath Vict., 1848-49.

Laws of Barbados, 1854-55 — 58-59, 63-64 — 68-69, 71-72 — 92-93. Barbados, [1855]-93. 31 v. 12° and 8°. Folded sheets.

Namely. 1854-55. FOREIGN LAWS. 27

Barbados, continued.

Laws of Barbados ; revised and consolidated by the commissioners, H. A. Bovell and ^Y. H. Greaves. Barbados, 1893-94. 3 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1667-1886. 2. 1887-91. 3. 1891-94.

Same. Index, 1667, 1 — 1894, 1. Barbados, 1894. ]. 8°. 358 p. Some. Laws of Barbados. Vol. 4r-6, 7 part 1-2. 1894^1910. With tables showing effect of legisla- tion and index [es] by W. H. Greaves. Barbados, [1894^1910]. 4 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 4. 1894-1900. 5. 1900-04. 6. 1904-08. 7. part 1-2. 1908-10. An Abridgement of the laws of Barbados, 1699, is contained in Abridgement of the laws in force and use in Her Majesty's Plantations, 1704; the laws concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves, in Howard's Laws of the British col- onies, V. 1, 1827; and the laws of the island relating to the church and clergy, etc., in Trott's Laws of the British Plantations, 1721.

Basel-Land. Gesetze, Verordnungen, nnd Beschliisse fiir den Kanton Basel-Landschaft, 1832- [44, 1865]- 73. ler-3er, 9er Band. Liestal, Banga & Honegger, etc., 1838-74. 4 v. 8°.

ler Band, auch die die Vermogenstheilung des vormaligen Gesammtkantons Basel betreffenden Beschliisse, TJrtheile und Vertrage enthalt. Contents.

\o\. 1. 29. Feb. 1832 — 11. Dec. 1833. 2. 6. Jan. 1834—15. Mai 1838. 3. 10. April 1838 — 12. Sept. 1844. 9. 28. Jan. 1865 bis Ende des Jahres 1873.

Gesetzessammlung fiir den Kanton Basel-Landschaft. 10er-15er Band. [1873] -1907. Liestal, A. Brodbeck, etc., 1879-1908. 6 v. 8°.

Vol. 10. 28 STATE LIBRARY.

Basel-Laud, continued. Sammlung der Gesetze, Verordmingen und sonstigen Erlasse des Kantons Basellandschaft soweit sie auf 1. Marz 1893 in Kraft stelien nach Materien geordnet. Sissach, 1893-94. 2 v. 8°. xvi, 849 p.; xi, 663 p.

Laws relating to special subjects. Gresetz betreffend die Grerichts- und Prozessordnung vom 20. Feb. 1905, nebst Tarif fiir Gangentschadi- gungen. Liestal, 1905. 8°. iv, 122 p. Gesetz betreffend die Steuerpflicht der Korpora- tionen, Aktiengesellscliaften, Grenossenschaften nnd ahnlicher Verbande, vom 1. Aug. 1901. n.t.p. [Liestal, 1901.] 12°. (4) p. Gesetz betreffend die Verabfolgung vom Staatssti- pendien, vom 8. Feb. 1904. n.t.p. [Liestal, 1904.] 8°. 4 p. Gesetz betreffend Vieh-Versicherung, vom 25. Mai 1903. h.t.p. [Liestal, 1903.] 8°. (12) p. Vorlage fiir die Volksabstimmung vom 11. Mai 1902 liber das Gesetz betr. das Bauwesen vom 17. Marz 1902. Liestal, 1902. 12°. 15 p. Vorlagen fiir die Volksabstimmung vom 13. Aug. 1899. Liestal, 1899. 8°. xi, 4 p. Vorlagen fiir die Volksabstimmung vom 21. Mai 1905. Liestal, 1905. 8°. vi, 14 p. Basel-Stadt. Gesamtausgabe der Easier Gesetzessamm- lung. Band 1-20, entbaltend die in Kraft stehenden Bestimmungen bis zum Ende des Jahres 1881. Herausg. vom Justizdepartement des Kantons Basel- Stadt. Basel, 1901. 8°. xvi, 808, (1) p. Sammlung der Gesetze und Bescbliisse wie auch der Polizei-Verordnungen, welcbe vom 1. Jan. 1882 bis 31. Dez. 1905, fiir den Kanton Basel-Stadt erlassen worden; auf Befebl der Eegierung gesammelt. 14er-18er Band. Als Fortsetzung der friihern Gesetzessammlung fiir den Kanton Basel, 21er-25er Band. Basel, 1887-1906. 5 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 14. 1882-87. 15. 1888-93. 16. 1894-96. 17. 1897-1900. 18. 1901-05. —


Basel-Stadt, continued. Verzeichnisse der im Sanunelband 1-20, sowie in den Banden 21-24 der Gesetzessammlung im Jahre 1901- 03 eingetretenen Anderungen. n.t.p. [1901-03.] 12 sheets. 8°. Basutoland. British Basutoland proclamations and the

more important of the notices, [188^91] ; reprinted from the Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette. Morija, 1891. 12°. 72 p. Same. [1884-97.] Morija, 1898. 8°. 93 p. Bavaria. Motive zum revidirten Entwurfe des Straf- Gesetzbuehes. Beylage 17. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, • 1827. 8°. 550, (2) p. — Revidirter Entwurf des Straf-Gesetzbnches. Beylage 9. Miinchen, J. G. Cotta, 1827. 8°. xvi, 207 p. Bayems Gesetze und Gesetzbiicher privatrechtlichen, strafrechtlichen, administrativen und finanziellen Inhaltes. ler-lOer Band. 2. Aufli. Mit ministeriel- ler Genehmigung. Bamberg, 1888. 10 v. in 1. 12°.


1. Geriehtsverfassungs-Gesetz vom 10. Nov. 1861, soweit derzeit nach Art. 81 des bayer. Ausfuhrungs-Gesetzes vom 23. Feb. 1879 zum Eeichsgerichts-Verfassungs- Gesetze noeh giltig. — Notariats-Gesetz vom 10. Nov. 1861, mit den hiezu bis 1888 ergangenen Abanderungen. — Gesetz vom 15. Aug. 1828, die Militargerichtsbarkeit in burgerlichen Eechtssachen betreffend. — Verordnung vom 11. Juni 1816, die in Civilsachen gegen Militar- personen anzuwendenden Gesetze betreffend. — Bekannt- machung vom 1. Juni 1862, die Instruktion zum Vollzuge des Notariats-Gesetzes vom 10. Nov. 1861 betreffend. — Bekanntmachung vom 15. Juni 1862, den Vollzug des Art. 150 des Notariatsgesetzes in Bezug auf das Umschreibwesen betreffend. — EntseMiessung des kgl. Staatsministerium der Justiz vom 26. Juni 1862, die Geschaftsbehandlung und den Geschaftsverkehr der Gerichte betreffend. — Dienstesvorschriften fur die Staatsanwalte bei den Geriehten in den Landestbeilen diesseits des Eheins vom 20. Juli 1862. — Koniglich Aller- hochste Verordnung vom 24. Feb. 1862, die Einriohtung der Distrikts-Verwaltungsbehorden betreffend. 2. Gesetz vom 26. Marz 1859, die Verjahrungsfristen be- treffend. — Gesetz vom 29. Sept. 1861 die Verjahrung der Forderungen aus Staatsobligationen betreffend. — Aus- zug aus dem Landtagsabsehiede vom 10. Nov. 1861. Gesetz vom 26. Marz 1859, die Gewahrleistung bei Vieh- verauaserungen betreffend. — Gesetz vom 22. Feb. 1855, die Aufhebung der lex Anastasiana, etc., betreffend. — Auszug aus dem Landtagsabsehiede vom 10. Nov. 1861 § 28. einige Aenderungen im Civilrechte betreffend. — Gesetz vom 22. Feb. 1855, die landwirthsohaftlichen Erbgiiter betreffend. — Gesetz vom 17. Nov. 1837, die Zwangsabtretung von Grundeigenthum fiir offentliche 30 STATE LIBRARY.

Bavaria, continued. Zweoke betreffend mit den hiezu bis 1888 ergangenen Abanderungen. — Gesetz vom 28. Mai 1852, die Beniit- zung des Wassers betreffend. — Gesetz vom 28. Mai 1852, die Bewasserungs- und Entwasserungs-tlnterneliinuiigeii zum Zweeke der Bodenkultur betrefifend. — Gesetz vom 28. Mai 1852, den Uferschutz und den Sehutz gegen TJebersehwemmungen betreffend. 3. Das Einfiihningsgesetz zu dam Strafgesetzbuclie und Polizei-Strafgesetzbuohe vom 10. Nov. 1861. — Das bayerische Strafgesetzbucli vom 10. Nov. 1861. These laws having been superseded iy the laws of 1871 and 1879 are not included in this edition. 4. Das Polizei-Strafgesetzbueh. Superseded hy laws of 1871 and not included in this edition. 5. Das bayerische Strafprozessgesetz vom 10. Nov. 1848. — Der zweite Theil des Strafgesetzbuches von 1813 in seiner jetzigen Geltung. — Einige Bestimmungen des Einfiihrungs-Gesetzes vom 10. Nov. 1861, das Strafver- fahren betreffend. 6. Gesetz vom 4. Juni 1848, die Verantwortlichkeit der betreffend. — Gesetz vom 30. Marz 1850, den Staatsgerichtshof und das Verfahren bei Anklagen gegen Minister betreffend. — Gesetz vom 4. Mai 1851, das Ein- • schreiten der bewaffneten Maeht zur Erhaltung der gesetzlichen Ordnung betreffend. — Gesetz vom 12. Marz 1850, Verpfliohtung zum Ersatz des bei Auflaufen dies- seits des Kheins verursachteu Sehadens betreffend. — Gesetz vom 30. Marz 1850, die Ausiibung der Jagd be- treffend. — Gesetz vom 15. Juni 1850, den Ersatz des Wildschadens betreffend. — Gesetz vom 26. Feb. 1850, die Versammlungen und Vereine betreffend. — Gesetz vom 10. Juli 1861, die Aufhebung der Straffolgen betreffend. — Bekanntmaohung vom 24. Marz 1854, gegenseitige Auslieferung von Verbrechern auf dem deutschen Bundes- gebiete betreffend. 7. Gesetz vom 25. Juli 1850, die Einfiihrung der allgemeinen deutschen Wechselordnung im Konigreiche Bayern be- treffend. — Allgemeine deutsehe Wechselordnung. — Ge- setz vom 29. Juni 1851, die kaufmannischen Anweisungen betreffend. — Gesetz vom 10. Nov. 1861, die Einfuhrung des allgemeinen deutschen Handelsgesetzbuches im Konigreiche Bayern betreffend. — AUgemeines deutsches Handelsgesetzbuch. — Eeichs-Gesetz vom 18. Juli 1884, die Commanditgesellschaften auf Aktien und Aktien- gesellschaften betreffend. — Die Seemannsordnung vom 27. Dez. 1872, Anhang zum VI. Titel des v. Buches des allgemeinen deutschen Handelsgesetzbuchs. — Bekannt- machung vom 30. April 1862, die Puhrung der Handels- register betreffend. 8. Das Hypotheken-Gesetz fiir das Konigreich Bayern vom 1. Juni 1822 mit den hiezu bis zum Jahre 1888 ergangenen Abanderungen. 9. Die Prozessordnung in biirgerlichen Eechtsstreitigkeiten vom 29. April 1869. — Das Einfuhrungsgesetz von gleiehem Tage und die dazu erlassenen Verordnungen und Entschliessungen. Superseded ly laws of 1879 and not printed in this edition. 10. Einfiihrungs-Gesetz zum Militar-Strafgesetzbuche und Mili- tar-Strafgeriohtsordnung vom 29. April 1869. — Militar- Strafgesetzbuch vom 29. April 1869. Superseded ly laws FOREIGN LAWS. 31

Bavaria, continued.

of 187S, not printed here. — Militar-Strafgerichtsordnung vom 29. April 1869. Superseded, printed in its present form in v. IS.

Same. ller-13er Band. [1870]-April 1876. Bam- berg, 1873-76. 3 V. 12°.

The titles vary slightly.

Contents. 11. Die im Konigreiche Bayern geltenden Gesetze des deutschen Eeiches samnit den hiezu ergangenen VoUzugs-bestim- mungen mit Ausschluss der Strafgesetze bis Ende 1872. 12. Das Strafgesetzbuch fiir das Deutsche Eeioh. — Das Poli- zeistrafgesetzbuch fiir das Konigreieh Bayern vom 26. Deo. 1871. — Das Einfiihrungsgesetz zum Eeichsstraf- gesetzbuche vom 26. Dee. 1871. — Das Malzaufsehlags- gesetz vom 16. Mai 1868 mit den hiezu inzwisehen ergangenen Abanderungen. — Das Militarstrafgesetzbueh fiir das Deutsche Eeich sammt Einfiihrungsgesetz vom 20. Juni 1872. — Die Militarstrafgerichtsordnung fiir das Konigreieh Bayern vom 29. April 1869, mit den hiezu ergangenen Aenderungen. — Eevidirte Vorschriften fiir die GescTiaftsbehandlung in den zur Zustandigkeit der kgl. bayer. Stadt- und Landgerichte gehorigen Straf- sachen vom 10. Sept. 1872. Nachtrage zum Eeichsstraf- gesetzbuche und Polizeistrafgesetzbuche. 13. Die im Konigreiche Bayern geltenden Gesetze des deutschen Eeiches sammt den hiezu ergangenen Vollzugsbestim- mungen bis April 1876.

. Same. Die deutschen . Eeichsgesetze einscliliesslich

der deutschen Eeichsverfassung ; eine Sartunlung aller fiir das Konigreieh Bayern giltigen Gesetze des Deutschen Eeiches sammt den dazu ergangenen k. b. Verordnungen und Instructionen. 4er-16er Theil. [1876] -89. Abdruck aus dem mit ministerieller Genehmigung herausgegebenen Gesetzsammelwerke " Bayerns Gesetze und Gesetzbiicher, " [14^26]. Bamberg, 1877-90. 13 v. in 16. 12°.

The title, 7er Theil, reads " sammt den in Bayern ergangenen Gesetzen, " etc.; 8er Theil, " Die im Jahre 1881 ergangenen im Konigreiche Bayern geltenden Eeichs- und Landesgesetze, Verord- nungen, und wichtigsten Ministerial-Bekanntmachungen, " etc.


4. Gesetze, bis Aug. 1877. Strafgesetzbuch fiir das Deutsche Eeioh, das Polizeistrafgesetzbuch fiir das Konigreieh Bayern, etc. 5. Die Eeichsjustizgesetze. 3 Abtheil. 6. Gesetze, bis April 1880. 7-16. Die im Jahre 1880-89 ergangenen Eeichs- und Landes- gesetze, Verordnungen und Ministerial-Anordnungen, etc. 32 STATE LIBRARY.

Bavaria, continued. 8a)iie. Bayems Gesetze und Gesetzbiiclier, pri- vatrechtliclien, strafrechtlichen, administrativen und finanziellen Inhaltes. 27er-39er Band. Die im Jahre 1890-1900 ergangenen im Konigreiche Bayern geltenden Eeichs- nnd Landesgesetze, Verordnungen nnd wichtigsten Ministerial-Bekanntmaehungen. Bamberg, 1891-1901. 13 v. 12°.

Vol. 34 contains the Biirgerliches Gesetzbueh fiir das Deutsche Keich vom 18 Aug. 1896 und dessen Einfiihrungs-Gesetz vom 18. Aug. 1896; v. 37, Ausfiihrungs- und Nebengesetze zum Biirger- lichen Gesetzbuche nebst den hiezu ergangenen Verordnungen und Instruktionen.

Same. ler-8er Erganzungsband ; mit ministeriel- ler Genebmigung. Bamberg, 1864-80. 8 v. 12°. Same. Neues General-Register zum Sammelwerke " Bayerns Gesetze nnd Gesetzbiicher, " etc., nmfas- send die Bande 1-26 des Hauptwerkes und die Er- ganzungsbande 1-8, zugleich Eepertorium zu den bis Scbluss des Jabres 1889 erlassenen in Bayern giltigen Gesetzen, Verordnungen, und Ministerial-

Entscbliessungen ; mit Anfiibrung der seitber biezu ergangenen Aenderungen, berausg. von dem Mit- arbeiter der Gesetzessammlung, J. Herd. Bamberg, 1890. 12°. 576, 561 p. Bechuanaland Protectorate. Orders in Council and Higb Commissioner's proclamations; witb an appendix containing the more impprtant government notices, 9tb May 1891 — 30th June 1898; ed. by D. Ward. London, Butterworth & Co., 1898. 8°. xii, 123, (1) p. Same. From 9th May, 1891 to 25th May 1904; ed. to 30th June 1898 by D. Ward, and revised and brought up to date by Barry May. Printed by au- thority. Cape Town, 1904. 8°. xiii, 149 p. Same. Containing also acts of the Cape Parliament applied to the Bechuanaland Protectorate, from the 1st of June 1904 to the 31st of Dec. 1906; ed. by Barry May. Grahamstown, Cape Colony, 1907. 8°. viii, 151-221 p.

See also British Bechuanaland.

Belgium. Pasinomie, ou Collection complete des lois, decrets, arretes et reglemens generaux qui peuvent etre invoques en Belgique. le serie, [1788-1814], FOREIGN LAWS. 33

Belgium, continued. mise en ordre et annotee par J. B. Duvergier, com- pletee pour la Belgique par Isid. Plaisant. Bni- xelles, 1833-37. 16 v. 8°.

Contents. , Vol. 1. 5 juillet 1788 — 31 oct. 1790. 2. 5 nov. 1790 — 1. juin 1791. 3. 1 juin — 31 dec. 1791. 4. 1 Jan. — 31 dee. 1792. 5. 1 ,ian. 1793 — 19 Jan. 1794. 6. 20 Jan. 1794 — 21 aotlt 1795. 7. 22 aout 1795 — 18 juillet 1797. 8. 19 juillet 1797 — 21 oet. 1798. 9. 22 oct. 1798 — 9 nov. 1799. 10. 10 nov. 1799 — 13 aout 1801. 11. 20 aout 1801 — 19 Uy. 1803. 12. 20 Uv. 1803 — 17 mai 1804. 13. 18 mai 1804 — 30 juin 1806. 14. 1 juillet 1806 — 30 dec. 1809. 15. 1 Jan. 1810 — 28 aout 1811. 16. 1 sept. 1811 — 13 dec. 1813.

Same. Introduction a la le serie contenant les lois frangaises anterieures a 1789 rendues obligatoires en Belgiqne, le texte des actes relatifs a la premiere invasion frangaise, un expose succinct de 1 'adminis- tration du pays du 25 oct. 1792 au 16 frimaire an v. Par A. Delebecque, precedee de I'histoire des prin- cipes, des institutions et des lois pendant la Eevolu- tion Frangaise, 1789-1800, par M. F. Laferriere. Bruxelles, 1851. 8°. 196, Ixiv, 315 p. Same, le serie, 1788-1814. Table analytique et raisonnee. Bruxelles, 1838. 2 v. 8°. 528 p.; 529- 947 p. Contents.

Vol. 1. A-Cyc. 2. Dal-Yonne.

Same. 2e serie, 1814—30. Mise en ordre et annotee par A. Delebecque. Bruxelles, 1837-42. 9 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1 Jan. 1814-16 mars 1815. 2. 16 Jan. — 31 dec. 1815. 3. 1 Jan. — 31 dec. 1816. 4. 1 Jan. 1817 — 31 dec. 1818. 5. 1 Jan. 1819 — 30 juin 1820. 6. 1 juillet 1820 — 26 aoiit 1822. 7. 26 aout 1822 — 31 mai 1824. 8. 1 juin 1824 — 31 mars 1827. 9. 1 avril 1827 — 16 nov. 1830. 34 STATE LIBRAEY.

Belgium, continued. Same. 2e serie, 1814-30. Table analytique et raison- nee. Bruxelles, [1830]. 8°. viii, 282 p. Same. 3e serie, 1830-65. Mise en ordre et annotee par Isid. Plaisant, [et autres]. Bruxelles, 1833-64. 35 V. 8°. Same. 3e serie, 1830^65. Table generale alphabe- tique et analytique et Table generale par ordre ebronologique, 1830-60. Bruxelles, 1861. 8°. 180, 343 p. Same. 3e serie, 1841-55. Table analytique et rai- sonnee. Bruxelles, [1855]. 8°. iii, 288 p. Same. 4e serie, 1865-1908. Mise en ordre et annotee par J. S. Gr. Nypels, [et autres]. Tome 1-43. Bru- xelles, 1866-1908. 43 v. 8°. Same. Table decennale, alpbabetique et chronolo- gique, 1860-70 inclus. Par Am. de Eoissart. Bru- 8°. xelles, 1872. ^ 141 p. Same. Table decennale, alphabetiqiie et cbronolo- gique, 1871-80 inclus. Par Am. de Eoissart. Bru- xelles, 1883. 8°. 159 p.


Code alphabetique des lois politiques et speciales en vigueur en Belgique. [2e ed.] Reunies et coordon- nees par H. Wyvekens. Bruxelles, Bruylant-Chris- topbe Compagnie, 1876. 12°. viii, 1232 p. Same. Supplement. Bruxelles, 1881. 12°. vi, 433 p. Codes beiges et lois usuelles en vigueur en Belgique, coUationnes d'apres les textes officiels, avec une con- ference des articles et annotes d 'observations pra- tiques tirees des arretes royaux, ministeriels et decrets, avis du conseil d'etat, circulaires admin- istratives, etc., qui les completent ou les modifient, par Jules de Le Court. 12e ed., contenant toutes les modifications et additions intervenues jusqu'a ce jour. Bruxelles, Vve. F. Larcier, 1898. 16°. (1339) p.

The various codes are separately paged.


Constitution beige. — Code civil. — Code de procedure civil. — Code de commerce. — Code penal. — Code forestier. — Code d 'in- struction — criminelle. • Complement des codes beiges. — Table chronologique. — Table alphabetique. FOREIGN LAWS. 35

Belgium, continued. Same. 15e ed. Bruxelles, 1909. 16°. (1611) p.

Contents the same as for 12th ed.

Code of jcommerce, 1879. [Extracts.] 8ee, bach, Raikes, F, W. Foreign maritime laws. The maritime codes of Holland and Belgium. Tr. and annotated by F. W. Eaikes. London, E. Wilson, 1898. 8°. vi, (2), 242 p. Penal code, by Adolph Prins. (United States. In- ternational Prison Commissioner. Penal codes of France, Germany, Belgium, etc. 56th Cong. 2d sess. House doc, v. 93, no. 489.) A treatise on Belgian law, containing a complete translation of the entire code of commerce and code of procedure. Extracts from the civil code on the subject of inheritance, succession, marriage con- tracts, divorce, and judicial separation; a transla- tion of separate laws relating to patents, lettres de mer, etc. By Ernest Todd. London, Butterworth & Co., 1905. 8°. XVI, 580, 28 p.

See also Iiam'brechts, H., and others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit comparg, le partie.

Beluchistan. See Baluchistan. Bengal. Guide to the civil law of the Presidency of Fort William, containing all the unrepealed regulations, acts, constructions, and circular orders of govern- ment; to which is prefixed an epitome of every en- actment and rule. Corrected to 31st Dec. 1841. [Serampore], 1842. 1. 8°. (54), 540, xvi p. Same. Tr. into Urdu under the authority of gov- ernment by J. J. Moore. Corrected to Dec. 1843. Agra, 1845^6. 2 v. 1. 8°. (372) p.; (324) p. Acts passed by the Lieut.-Governor of Bengal in Council, 1867-86, [with titles of the acts of 1865-66]. Calcutta, [1868]-87. 14 v. in 9. 8°. 36 STATE LIBRARY.

Bengal, continued. Same. Collection of the acts passed by tlie Lieut.- Governor of Bengal in Council, 1887-1910. Calcutta,

1888-1910. 1. 8°. Namely. 1887. FOREIGN LAWS. 37

Bengal, continued.

Latvs relating to special subjects. Act XI of 1890 and the acts of the Bengal Council re- lating to the prevention of cruelty to animals, as modified up to the 1st May 1900. Calcutta, 1900. 8°. (13) p. Bengal act n of 1867, gambling, as modified up to the 1st Oct. 1899. Calcutta, 1899. 8°. 11 p. The Bengal drainage act, 1880, as modified up to the 1st Nov. 1902. Calcutta, 1902. 8°. v, 35 p. The Bengal excise act, 1878, as modified to the 1st May 1901. Calcutta, 1901. 8°. 25 p. The Bengal local statutory rules and orders, 1903, being lists and a collection of extant local rules and orders made under enactments applying to Bengal; compiled under the orders of the government of Bengal, by Dawes Swinhoe. Calcutta, 1903. 2 v. 1. 8°. iii, 125 p.; (2), 724 p. The Bengal municipal act, 1884, as modified up to the 1st Nov. 1896; with an index. Calcutta, 1896. 8°. xix, 136, X p. The Bengal Survey act, 1875. See, bach, Acts, 1875, no. 5. The Bengal tenancy act, 1885, as modified up to the 1st Feb. 1899, with notifications extending the act. Calcutta, 1899. 8°. (2), 115 p. Same. As modified up to the 31st May 1907, with notifications extending the act. Calcutta, 1907. 8°. (3), 138 p. The Bengal act, 1880, as modified up to the 1st June 1902. Calcutta, 1902. 8°. (3), in, 19 p. Calcutta Gazette, [containing orders and notifica- tions by the Lieut.-Governor of Bengal, etc., with supplements]. No. 38-53, Sept. 16. — Dec. 30, 1908; 1909-10. n.t.p. Calcutta, 1908-10. f°. The Calcutta port act, 1890, as modified up to the 1st April 1902. Calcutta, 1902. 8°. (17), 56 p. •— The cess act, 1880, as modified up to 1st April 1904. Calcutta, 1904. 8°. xi, 80 p. The Chota Nagpur commutation act, 1897, as modi- fied up to the 30th Sept. 1903. Calcutta, 1903. 8°. 10 p. 38 STATE LIBRARY.

Bengal, continued. The Chota Nagpur landlord and tenant procedure act, 1879, as modified up to the 30'th Sept. 1903. Cal- cutta, 1903. 8°. viii, 69 p. The Court of Wards act, 1879, as modified up to the 1st July 1901. Calcutta, 1901. 8°. (3), iv, 27 p. The land registration act, 1876, as modified up to the 1st April, 1900. Calcutta, 1900. 8°. iv, 38 p. The public demands recovery act, 1895, as modified up to the 1st April, 1897. Calcutta, 1897. 8°. (1), 24 p. The regulations of the Bengal government respect- ing zemindary and la-khiraz property, arranged chiefly for reference upon appeals to Her Majesty

in Council from the Sudder Dewanny Adawlut ; with an index and glossary and an introduction by Eich- ard Clarke. London, printed bv J. L. Cox & Sons, 1840. f°. (55), 928, cxiv p. The village-chaulddari act, 1870, and the Bengal village-chaukidari act, 1871, as modified up to the 1st Dec. 1903. Calcutta, 1904. 8°. iii, 28 p.

See also Eastern Bengal and Assam.

Berar. See Central Provinces. . Acts of Assembly made and enacted in the or Summer-Islands, 1690-1714. London, John Baskett, 1719. f°. v, 79 p. Acts of the Legislature of the islands of Bermuda re- maining in force at the end of the year 1860, [1691-

1860] ; compiled under authority of the Legislature by J. H. Barrel!. N. Y., 1862. 1. 8°. vi, (1), 825 p. Acts of the Legislature of the islands of Bermuda, 1690-1883; compiled under the authority of the Legislature by Reginald Gray. London, 1884. 2 v. 1. 8°. Ixxxiv, 1389 p.


Vol. 1. 1690-1867. 2. 1868-83.

Acts of the Legislature of the islands of Bermuda, 1690-1902; compiled under the authority of the Legislature by Eeginald Gray. London, 1903. 2 v. 8°. iv, 739 p.; 741-1525 p.


Vol. 1. 1690-1882. 2. 1883-1902. FOREIGN LAWS. 39

Bermudas, continued. Acts, 1876-81, 84-92. n.p., [1876-92]. 11 v. P and 1. 8°. Namely. 1876. 1881. 1877. 1884-89. 1878. 1890 session 1-2. 1879 session 1-2. 1891-92 session 1-2. 1880. 1892 session 1-3.

The acts for 1881 and 1890 include also resolves.

Acts and resolves, 1903, 05-06, 08-10. h.t.p. [Ber- muda, 1903-10.] 6 V. 8°. 40 STATE LIBRARY.

Bern, continued. FOREIGN LAWS. 41

Bombay, continued. 1872. 42 STATE LIBRARY.

Bombay, continued. Sa77ie. lst-7th list of addenda and corrigenda; ad- denda slips to the list prefixed to v. 1-2. n.p., [1896- 1904]. 8°. The regulations of the government of Bombay in force at the end of 1850; added, the acts of the government of India in force in that presidency, with list of titles and index. Prepared under the authority of the Court of Directors of the East-India Company by Richard Clarke. London, J. & H. Cox, 1851. 4°. xxxii, 783 p.

Laivs relating to special subjects.

Act no. 20 of 1896 : the Sind incumbered estates act, 1896, as modified up to 1st June 1906. Bombay, 1906, 8°. 17 p. The Bombay abkari act, 1878, as modified up to 1st Aug. 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. (3), 23 p. Same. Bombay act no. 5 of 1878; the Bombay abkari act, 1878, as modified up to the 1st Nov. 1905. Bombay, 1905. 8°. 20 p. Bombay act no. 1 of 1905; the Bombay Court of "Wards act, 1905, as modified up to the 1st March 1910. Bombay, 1910. 8°. ii, 22 p. Bombay act no. 3 of 1888; the city of Bombay municipal act, 1888, as modified up to 1st Jan. 1901. Bombay, 190L 8°. (2), xxv, 173 p. Same. As modified up to the 1st May 1906. Bom- bay, 1906. 8°. xxv, 333 p. Bombay act no. 4 of 1887; the Bombay prevention of gambling act, 1887, as modified up to 1st July 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. (3), 10 p. Bombay act no. 6 of 1888; the Grujarat taluqdars act, 1888, as modified up to 1st July 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. (3), 13 p. Same. As modified up to 1st Sept. 1905. Bombay, 1905. 8°. (3), 20 p. The Bombay boiler inspection act, 1891, Bombay act 2 of 1897, as modified up to 1st June 1897. Bombay, 1897. 8°. (6), 19 p. The Bombay city land-revenue act, 1876, as modified up to 1st Aug. 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. (3), 16 p. The Bombay civil courts act, 1869, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1900. n.t.p. [Bombay, 1900.] 8°. 14 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 43

Bombay, continued. The Bombay district nmnicipal act, 1901, an act for the better management of municipal affairs in mofns- sil towns and cities, as modified up to 1st Nov. 1903. Bombay, 1903. 8°. xiii, 158 p. Same. As modified np to 1st Sept. 1907. Bombay, 1907. 8°. xii, 158 p. The Bombay district police act, 1890, as modified up to 1st Sept. 1898. Bombay, 1898. 8°. viii, 43 p. The Bombay irrigation act, 1879, as modified up to 1st April 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. (3), 21 p. The Bombay land-revenue code, 1879, as modified up to 1st April, 1903. Bombay, 1903. 8°. (3), 74 p. Same. As modified up to 1st Aug. 1907. Bombay, 1907. 8°. xiii, 104 p. The Bombay port trust act, 1879, as modified up to 1st Aug. 1900. Bombay, 1900. 8°. (2), 39 p. The Bombay salt act, 1890, an act to consolidate and amend the law relating to salt and the salt-revenue throughout the presidency of Bombay, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1903. Bombay, 1903. 8°. iv, 29 p. The Bombay vaccination act, 1877, an act to prohibit the practice of inoculation and to make the vaccina- tion of children in the city of Bombay compulsory, as modified to the l^t June, 1905. Bombay, 1905. 8°. (16) p. The Bombay village police act, 1867, as modified up to 1st Nov. 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. 7 p. Same. As modified up to 1st May 1907. Bombay, 1907. 8°. (3), ii, 9 p. The city of Bombay improvement act, 1898, as modi- fied up to 1st Oct. 1903. Bombay, 1903. 8°. ix, 85 p. The Dekkhan agriculturists' relief act, 1879, as modi- fied up to the 1st June, 1905. Bombay, 1905. 8°. (3), iv, 38 p. Effect of legislation by the Grovemor of Bombay m Council for the year 1901-10. h.t.p. [1901-10.] 8°. The Karachi port trust act, 1886, as modified up to 1st June 1903. Bombay, 1903. 8°. (2), 54 p. The Khoti settlement act, 1880, as modified up to the 31st Dec. 1904. Bombay, 1904. 8°. iv, 26 p. The sale of poisons act, 1866, as modified up to 1st April 1902. Bombay, 1902. 8°. (3), 8 p. 44 STATE LIBRARY.

Bosnia and Herzegovina. Sammluiig der fiir Bosnien Tind die Hercegovina erlassenen Gesetze, Verord- mingen und Normalweisungen. 2. Band. Justiz- verwaltimg. 2e Aufl., herausg. von der Landes- regierimg fiir Bosnien und Hercegovina, zum amtlichen Gebrauctie. Sarajevo, 1905. 4°. vii, 519 p. Sammlung der Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir Bosnien und die Hercegovina. Jahrgang 1881-86. Sarajevo, 1883-1906. 6 v. f°.

Namely. 1881. 1883. 1885. 1882. 1884. 1886. The volumes for 1883 to 1886 are in Croatian and German with ' the additional title ' Zbornik Zakona i Naredaba za Bosnu i Herce- govinu." 1881 is the n. Aufl. 1906.

Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt fiir Bosnien und die Hercegovina. Jahrgang 1888-89, 1893-1910. Sara- jevo, 1888-1910. 20 V. f°.

Namely. 1888. 1896. 1901. 1906. 1889. 1897. 1902. 1907. 1893. 1898. 1903. 1908. 1894. 1899. 1904. 1909. 1895. 1900. 1905. 1910.

Alphabetisclies Generalregister zur " Sammlung der fiir Bosnien und die Hercegovina erlassenen Ge- setze, Verordnungen und Normalweisungen," 1878- 1880, zur " Sammlung der Gesetze und Verord- nungen fiir Bosnien und die Hercegovina," 1881-86, und zum " Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt fiir Bosnien

' und die Hercegovina, ' 1887-1902. Herausg. von der Landesregierung fiir Bosnien und die Hercegovina. Sarajevo, 1905. 4°. (3), 181 p. Bourbon, island. See Reunion. Brazil. CoUecgao das leis do imperio do Brasil, 1826- 89. Eio de Janeiro, 1847-89, [1826-45, reprinted 1861-80]. 124 V. in 77. 8°.

Namely. 1826. FOREIGN LAWS. 45

Brazil, contimted.


Brazil, continued. Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes comer- eiales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.)

See also Espirito Santo; — Pemambuco; — Kio Grande do Sul; — Santa Oatharina.

Bremen. Gesetzblatt der freien Hansestadt Bremen, 1875-1908. Bremen, 1876-1908. 34 v. in 17. 8°. Maps. Namely. 1875. , ' •


British Columbia, continued. Statutes of the province of British Columbia, 1st session, 1st Parliament — 1st session, 12th Parlia-

ment, 1872-1910. Victoria, 1872-1910.' 38 v. 1. 8°.

Namely. 1st session, 1st Parliament, Feb. 1872. 2d session, 1st Parliament, Dec. 1872. 3d session, 1st Parliament, Dee. 1873. - 4th session, 1st Parliament, March 1875. 1st session, 2d Parliament, Jan. 1876.

' 2d session, 2d Parliament, Feb. 1877. ' 3d session, 2d Parliament, Feb. 1878, . ^ and 1st session, 3d Parliament, July 1878."

2d session, 3d Parliament, Jan. 1879. - _ ^— 3d session, 3d Parliament, April 1880. - "^ ^ 4th session, 3d Parliament, Jan. 1881."""" 5th session, 3d Parliament, Feb. 1882. Ist session, 4th Parliament, Jan. 1883. 2d session, 4th Parliament, Dec. 1883. " Ij 3d session, 4th Parliament, Jan. 1885. - ' 4th session, 4th Parliament, Jan. 1886. 4 1st session, 5th Parliament, Jan. 1887. '-'

2d session, 5th Parliament, Jan. 1888. („ 3d session, 5th Parliament, Jan. 1889. — '-; 4th session, 5th Parliament, Jan. 1890.' '-^ 1st session, 6th Parliament, Jan. 1891. 2d session, 6th Parliament, Jan. 1892. - 3d session, 6th Parliament, Jan. 1893. " 4th session, 6th Parliament, Jan. 1894. ''

' 1st session, 7th Parliament, Nov. 1894. . jr 2d session, 7th Parliament, Jan. 1896.

3d session, 7th Parliament, Feb. 1897 . U 4th session, 7th Parliament, Feb. 1898. 1st session, 8th Parliament, Jan. 1899. There was hut one session of the 8th Parliament. 1st session, 9th Parliament, July 1900. 2d session, 9th Parliament, 1901. 3d session, 9th Parliament, 1902. 4th session, 9th Parliament, 1903. 1st session, 10th Parliament, 1903-04. 2d session, 10th Parliament, 1905. 3d session, 10th Parliament, 1906. 1st session, 11th Parliament, 1907. 2d session, 11th Parliament, 1908. 3d session, 11th Parliament, 1909. 1st session, 12th Parliament, 1910.

Consolidated statutes of British Columbia, consisting& of the acts, ordinances and proclamations of the formerly separate colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, of the united colony of British Columbia, and of the province since the union with Canada: revised and consolidated by the Commis- sioners appointed under the " Consolidated statutes act, 1877." Victoria, 1877. 1. 8°. xxxviii, 824 p. 48 STATE LIBRAKY.

British Columbia, continued: The statutes of British Columbia up to and including 1888. Victoria, [1889]. 2 v. 1. 8°. xkx, 999 p.; vi, 557 p. Contents.

'' iC' Vol. 1. Consolidated acts.

' 2. Unconsolidated acts.

The revised statutes, 1897, being a consolidation and revision of the statutes applicable to British Colum- bia and within the power of the Legislature to enact. Victoria, 1897. 2 v. 1. 8°. cxv, 1089, 99 p.; (2), 1091-2381, 99 p. Contents.

Vol. 1. A-J. 2. J-Z.

Liquor license acts. See Canada. Liquor laws, 1904.

The mining laws of British Columbia are contained in Reynolds' Handbook of the mining laws of the United States and Canada, 1898, and in Wyman's Public land and mining laws of Alaska, etc., 1898.

British Guiana. Ordinances 1844-47, 1858-1910. [Deme- rara, Georgetown, 1844]-1910. f°.

Namely. 1844, nos. 1-2, 5-14, 17-25. 1876, 16 nos. [Nos. 3, 4, 15, not pub- 1877' 14 nos. lished.'] 1878! 10 nos. 1845, nos. 1-2, 4-7, 9-22. 1879! 9 nos. [No. 3, not published.] 1880! 33 nos. 1846, 35 nos. 188l! 5 nos. 1847, 31 nos. 1882! 12 nos. 1858, nos. 1, 3-5, 7-27. 1883 15 nos. INos. 2, 6, not published.] 1884, 24 nos. 1859, nos. 1-3, 5-24. 1885! 16 nos. [No. 4, not published.] 1886! 20 nos. 1860, 32 nos. 1887 20 nos. 1861, 25 nos. 1888, 17 nos. 1862, 31 nos'. 1889 18 nos. 1863, 17 nos. 1890 29 nos. 1864, 35 nos. 1891 38 nos. 1865, 18 nos. 1892 15 nos. 1866, 21 nos. 1893 29 nos. 1867, 7 nos. 1894 18 nos. 1868, 33 nos. 1895 12 nos. 1869, 19 nos. 1896, 22 nos. 1870, 21 nos. 1897 23 nos. 1871, 18 nos. 1898 26 nos. 1872, 23 nos. 1899 24 nos. 1873, 14 nos. 1900 41 nos. 1874, 4 nos. 1901 29 nos. 1875, 17 nos. 1902 42 nos. —


British Guiana, continued.

1903, 41 nos. 1907, 34 nos. 1904, 20 nos. 1908, 16 nos. 1905, 32 nos. 1909, 30 nos. 1905-06. [No. 18-32 of 1905 1910, nos. 1-10, 21-29. and 1906, 15 nos.]

Index to the laws of British Guiana, 1870-90, with references to ofiScial gazettes, containing rules, bye- laws, and regulations passed under various ordi- nances; compiled by C. T. Cox. Demerara, 1890. 1. 8°. 13 p. The laws of British Guiana, [compiled by H. A. Firth]. Georgetown, 1864. f°. (33), 794, xci p.

The name of the compiler does not appear on the title-page of this volume.

Same. Vol. 2. London, Demerary, 1870. f°. (18), 795-1387, clxxxii p.

Supplementary to edition of 1864.

The laws of British Guiana chronologically arranged from the year 1580 to 1880. [New and revised ed.] Demerara, printed and published by L. M'Dermott at " The Colonist " office, Georgetown, 1870-82. 6 v. in 12. 8°.

The dates on the title-pages vary; v. 1-2 read 1773-1870, etc.; the cover-title, v. 2, part 2, reads 1773-1873.


1. Part 1. Demerara and Essequebo, 1773-1830. •— Berbice, 1800-30. — British Guiana, 1831-44. — Appendix. Ex- tract from the Register of the resolutions of the States General of the United Netherlands, enacting that all the laws of Holland, in general, are to be followed by the Court of Justice in Demerara and Essequebo, 1774. — Publication of the States General, containing regulations with respect to the testament of executorial sales, etc., in Rio Essequebo and Demerary, 1777. — Placard of the states of Holland, 1st April, 1580. Part 2. 1844-^6. Appendix, Interpretation by the states of Holland and West Vriesland of the doubts daily occurring in the Ordinance of succession, 1594. — Edict or proclamation on the subject of succession ab intestato, 1599. 2. Part 1. 1847-53. Part 2. 1854-56. 3. Part 1. 1857-62. Part 2. 1862-64. 4. Part 1. 1865-69. Part 2. 1869-72. 5. Part 1. 1873-76. Part 2. 1875-76. — Appendix. Placard of the States of Holland, etc., [as in volume 1, together with various ordinances, 1838, 1847, 1858.] 6. Part 1. 1877-80. Part 2. Index, alphabetically arranged from the year 1580-1880. 50 STATE LIBRARY.

British Guiana, continued. Laws of Britisti Gruiana. New and revised ed. Ox- ford, University press, 1895. 5 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Resolutions of the States-General, 1774, to Ordinance no. 2, 1865. 2. 1866-84, and appendices. 3. 1884-91. 4. 1891-95. 5. Table and index.

Laws of British Guiana. New and revised ed., pre- pared by Sir T. C. Eayner. London, 1905. 5 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Eesolutions of the States-General, 1774 — Ordinance no. 5, 1883. 2. Ordinance no. 3, 1884 — no. 9, 1892. 3. 1893-98. 4. 1899-1905. 5. Chronological table and index of statutes.

A fragment of tile law of Britisli Gruiana, a reprint of an abstract of the law of executors, by Charles Herbert, with a short preface, by E. H. Whitfield. [Demerara], 1879. 8°. xxv, 86 p.

The magisterial law of British Guiana ; the ordinance law, with notes and references to the decisions of the Review Court affecting the procedure, jurisdic- tion, and duties of the stipendiary justices of the peace of British Guiana. By A. J. Pound. Deme- rara, The Royal Gazette Establishment, 1877. 8°. XX, 802 p. Same. A supplement, containing all new enactments in the criminal law of the colony and in the civil law of the colony, so far as it affects the jurisdiction of magistrates, with notes and reports of the decisions of the Review Court and of the superior civil courts

on appeal from the decisions of magistrates ; with a combined index to both works, and a chronological table of ordinances. By A. J. Pound. London, Stevens and Sons, 1888. 8°. xlvii, 690 p.

The laws of the colonies of Demerara and Essequibo and Bernice relating to the manumission of slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 2, 1727; and the mining laws of British Guiana in Alford's Mining law of the British Empire, 1906. FOREIGN LAWS. 51

British Honduras. Laws of British. Honduras in force 31st Dec. 1881. [1849-81.] London, Waterlow & Sons, 1882. 2 v. in 1. 4°. v, 221 p.; iii, 24, 286 p. A collection of the ordinances passed by the Legis- lative Council of British Honduras, 1882, 1887-1910. Belize, [1882-1910]. 25 pm. in 2 v. and 1 pm. f°. '


British North Borneo, continued. British North Borneo Official Gazette, [containing proclamations, notices, etc.]. Vol. 11-21. 1900-10. [Incomplete.] n.t.p. Sandakan, 1900-10. f°.

The mining laws of British North Borneo are contained in Alford's Mining law of the British Empire, 1906.

Brunswick. Verordnungs-Sanunlung fiir die Herzogl. Braunschweigischen Lande. ler-95er Jahrgang, 1814-1908. Braunschweig, [1814-1908]. 75 v. 12°.

The title, 22er-95er Jahrgang, 1835-1908, reads " Gesetz- und Yerordnungs-Sammlung. ' Namely. ler Jahrgang, 1814. 43 er Jahrgang, 1856. 2er Jahrgang, 1815. 44er Jahrgang, 1857. 3er Jahrgang, 1816. 45er Jahrgang, 1858. 4er Jahrgang, 1817. 46er Jahrgang, 1859. 5er Jahrgang, 1818. 47er Jahrgang, 1860. 6er Jahrgang, 1819. 48 er Jahrgang, 1861. 7er Jahrgang, 1820. 49er Jahrgang, 1862. 8er Jahrgang, 1821. 50er Jahrgang, 1863. 9er Jahrgang, 1822. 51er Jahrgang, 1864. lOer Jahrgang, 1823. 52er Jahrgang, 1865. Her Jahrgang, 1824. 53 er Jahrgang, 1866. 12er Jahrgang, 1825. 54er Jahrgang 1867. 13er Jahrgang, 1826. 55er Jahrgang, 1868. 14er Jahrgang, 1827. 56er Jahrgang, 1869. 15er Jahrgang, 1828. 57er Jahrgang, 1870. 16er Jahrgang, 1829. 58er Jahrgang, 1871. 17er Jahrgang, 1830. 59er Jahrgang, 1872. 18er Jahrgang, 1831. 60er Jahrgang, 1873. 19er Jahrgang, 1832. 61er Jahrgang 1874. 20er Jahrgang, 1833. 62er Jahrgang, 1875. 21er Jahrgang. 1834. 63er Jahrgang, 1876. 22er Jahrgang, 1835. 64er Jahrgang, 1877. 23 er Jahrgang, 1836. 65er Jahrgang, 1878. 24er Jahrgang, 1837. 66er Jahrgang, 1879. 25er Jahrgang, 1838. 67er Jahrgang, 1880. 26er Jahrgang, 1839. 68er Jahrgang, 1881. 27er Jahrgang, 1840. 69er Jahrgang, 1882. 28er Jahrgang, 1841. 70er Jahrgang; 1883. 29er Jahrgang, 1842. 71er Jahrgang, 1884. 30er Jahrgang, 1843. 72er Jahrgang, 1885. 31er Jahrgang, 1844. 73er Jahrgang, 1886. 32er .Tahrgang, 1845. 74er Jahrgang, 1887. 33er .Tahrgang, 1846. 75er Jahrgang. 1888. 34er Jahrgang, 1847. 76er Jahrgang, 1889. 35er Jahrgang, 1848. 77er Jahrgang, 1890. 36er Jahrgang, 1849. 78er Jahrgang, 1891. 37er Jahrgang 1850. 79er Jahrgang, 1892. 38er Jahrgang, 1851. 80er Jahrgang, 1893. 39er Jahrgang, 1852. 81er Jahrgang, 1894. 40er Jahrgang, 1853. 82er .Tahrgang, 1895. 41er .Jahrgang 1854. 83er Jahrgang, 1896. 42er Jahrgang, 1855. 84er Jahrgang, 1897. FOREIGN LAWS. 53

Brunswick, continued.

85er Jahrgang, 1898. 91er Jahrgang, 1904. 86er Jahrgang, 1899. 92er Jahrgang, 1905. 87er Jahrgang, 1900. 93er Jahrgang, 1906. 88er Jahrgang, 1901. 94er Jahrgang, 1907. 89er Jahrgang, 1902. 95er Jahrgang, 1908. 90er Jahrgang, 1903.

Buenos Ayres. Recopilacion de las leyes y decretos promulgados en Buenos Aires, 25 de mayo 1810 — die. 1835, con un indiee general. [Por Pedro de Angelis.] Buenos Aires, 1836. In 3 v. 8°. xv, 1353, (1) p.; ecxvi, viii p. Contents.

Vol. 1. 1810-23. 2. 1824^35. Indiee general.

Same? 1 de enero, 1836 — die. 1840, con un indiee general. 3a parte. [Por Pedro de Angelis.] Buenos Aires, 1841. 8°. xi, 1355-1682, Ixxiv, (1) p. Bukowina. Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt fiir das Her- zogthum Bukowina, Jahrgang 1896-1907. Czerno- witz, [1896] -1907. 12 v. f°.

Namely, 1896. 1899. 1902. 1905. 1897. 1900. 1903. 1906. 1898. 1901. 1904. 1907.

Bulgaria. [Collection of the laws of the principality of Bulgaria, 1879 — March 1893, 1896-7 — 1898-9. Vol. 1-3, 6 part 1-3. In Bulgarian. Official ed. of the Department of Justice. Sophia], 1885-99. 20 pt. in 6 V. 8°.

Vol. 1, part 1, contains the constitution of Bulgaria.


Vol. 1. 1879-86. 2. 1887-89. 3. 1890-93. 6. 1896-99.

[Collection of laws in force in the principality of Bulgaria relating to the Department of Finance and the Department of Commerce and Agriculture, from 1878 to 2d Feb. 1896. Official ed. of the Department of Justice. In Bulgarian. Sophia], 1896. 16°. xv, 617, (2) p. 54 STATE LIBRARY.

Bulgaria, continued. [Collection of laws in force in tlie principality of Bulgaria relating to the Department of Foreign Af- fairs and Public Worship and to the Department of Public Works, Wavs and Communications, from 1878 to 2d Feb. 1896. ^Official ed. of the Department of Justice. In Bulgarian. Sophia], 1896. 16°. x, 412, (l)p. [Collection of laws in force in the principality of Bulgaria relating to the Department of the Interior and the War Department, from 1878 to 2d Feb. 1896. Official ed. of the Department of Justice. In Bul- garian. Sophia], 1896. 16°. xvii, 669, (2) p. [Collection of the judiciary laws in force in the prin- cipality, 1878-98. Official ed. of the Department of Justice. In Bulgarian. Sophia], 1899. 16°. 1050 p. Bulgarisches Strafgesetz, angenommen de» 15. Jan. 1896, und bestatigt den 2. Feb. 1896, mit Gesetzes- kraft vom 1. Mai 1896. Uebersetzt von Fr. Kriiger. Berlin, C. Heymanns Verlag, 1897. 8°. 114 p. Burma. Code of Burmese law and lex loci. (Pegu. Civil code. 1860.)

The British Burma code : consisting of the regulations and local acts in force in British Burma. Calcutta, 1877. 1. 8°. vi, 189 p. The Burma code, containing the Bengal regulations, the local acts of the Grovernor General in Council, and the regulations under 33 Vict. cap. 3, in force in Lower and Upper Burma, with chronological tables and appendix. Calcutta, 1889. 1. 8°. x, 504 p. The Burma code. 3d ed. Calcutta, 1899. 1. 8°. (4), xi, 648 p. Same. 4th ed. Calcutta, 1910. 1. 8°. (6), 741 p. Burma Gazette. July 1890 — Dec. 1910. [Incom- plete.] Rangoon, 1890-1910. f°.

The mining laws of Burma are contained in Alford's Mining law of the British Empire, 1906.

See also Pegu.

Campeche. Ley de hacienda del estado de Campeche. Ed. oficial. Campeche, 1903. 8°. 132 p. Ley del notariado para el estado de Campeche. Ed. oficial. Campeche, 1904. 8°. 16 p. Ley organica de la administracion interior del estado de Campeche. Ed. oficial. Campeche, 1903. 8°. 71 p. ——


Campeche, continued. Ley organica de los tribunales de justicia del estado de Campeche. Ed. oficiaL Campeche, 1903. 8°. 25 p. Canada. Jugements et deliberations du Conseil Souve- rain de la Nouvelle-France, [et Conseil Superieur de Quebec, 1663]-1716; [avec une preface par P. J. 0. Chauveau]. Publies sous les auspices de la Legislature de Quebec. Quebec, A. Cote et Cie., 1885-91. 6 V. 4°.

Publies par le Department du Eggistraire de la Province, v. 3-6. Contents. Vol. 1. 18 sept. 1663 — 29 oet. 1675. 2. 15 juin 1676 — 24 d6e. 1685. 3. 7 Jan. 1686 — 19 dec. 1695. 4. 9 Jan. 1696 — 22 dec. 1704. 5. 2 Jan. 1705 — 23 dec. 1709. 6. 7 Jan. 1710 — 22 dec. 1716.

Edits, ordonnances royaux, declarations, et arrets du Conseil d'lStat du roi concernant le Canada. Eevus et corriges d'apres les pieces originales deposees aux archives provinciales. [Vol. 1. 1627-1756.] Quebec, E. E. Frechette, 1854. 8°. 648 p. - Same. [Vol. 2.] Arrets et reglements du Conseil Superieur de Quebec, et ordonnances et jugements des intendants du Canada, [1663-1758]. Quebec, E. E. Frechette, 1855. 8°. 650 p. Same. [Vol. 3.] Complement des ordonnances et jugements des gouyerneurs et intendants du Canada, precede des commissions des dit gouverneurs et in- tendants, etc., [1540-1754;] avec une table alpha- betique de toutes les matieres contenues dans les [trois] volumes. Quebec, E. E. Frechette, 1856. 8°. 776 p. The provincial statutes of Canada, [1841-51]. King- ston, Montreal, etc., 1841-51. In 5 v. 4°.

The statutes of the 1st Parliament are numbered " v. 1-3; " those of the 2d Parliament, "v. 2; " of the 3d Parliament, " V. 3." Namely. Imperial act, 3 and 4 Vict. cap. 35. xxiv p. 1st session, 1st Parliament, 1841. 381 p. Keserved acts. 138, (1), vii, (6) p. — Imperial act, 5 and 6 Vict. cap. 49. xxv-xxxix p. 2d session, 1st Parliament, 1842. 115, iii, (4) p. Eeserved acts. 116-129 p. 56 STATE LIBRARY.

Canada, continued.

3d session, 1st Parliament, 1843. 1-376, v, 6 p. Eeserved acts. 377-416, (4) p. Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, Aug. 9, 1842. 6 p. Imperial act, 7 and 8 Vict. cap. 112. xlv-xcii p. 1st session, 2d Parliament, 1844-45. viii, 1-632, (8) p. Eeserved acts. 633-640 p. 2d session, 2d Parliament, 1846. ix-xv, 641-1177, (6) p. -Reserved acts. 1179-1252 p., 12 1. 3d session, 2d Parliament, 1847. xix-xxiv, 1253-1923, (6) p. Eeserved acts. 1925-2118, (4) p. 1st session, 3d Parliament, 1848. 1-80, (4) p. 2d session, 3d Parliament, 1849. 81-1093, vi, (6) p. Eeserved acts. 1095-1133 p. 3d session, 3d Parliament, 1850. 1145-1426, v, (5) p. 4th session, 3d Parliament, 1851. 1727-2287, viii, (6) p. —-Eeserved acts. 2289-2325 p. Analytical index to local, personal and private acts, 1849-50, not printed among the Public acts and not generally distributed. xxvi p.

Statutes of the province of Canada, 1st session, 4th Parhament — 5th session, 8th Parliament, 1852-66. Quebec, Toronto, Ottawa, 1852-66. 17 v. 8°.

Namely. 1st session, 4th Parliament, 1852-53. lst-3d session, 5th Parliament, 1854-57. lst-4th session, 6th Parliament, 1858-61. lst-2d session, 7th Parliament, 1862-63. l3t-5th session, 8th Parliament, 1863-66.

Imperial acts relating to Canada are prefixed to the Statutes.

Statutes of Canada, lst-5th session, 1st Parliament, 1867-72. Ottawa, 1867-72. 6 v. 8°. Acts of Canada, 1st session, 2d Parliament — 2d session, 11th Parliament, 1873-1910. Ottawa, 1873- 1910. 72 V. in 40. 8°.

Namely. 1st session, 2d Parliament, 1873. lst-5th session, 3d Parliament, 1874-78. l8t-4th session, 4th Parliament, 1879-82. lst-4th session, 5th Parliament, 1883-86. lst-4th session, 6th Parliament, 1887-90. lst-6th session, 7th Parliament, 1891-96. lst-6th session, 8th Parliament, 1896-1900. lst-4th session, 9th Parliament, 1901-04. lst-4th session, 10th Parliament, 1905-08. lst-2d session, 11th Parliament, 1909-10.

The Public and Local acts are separately collected and have separate title-pages. Imperial acts, treaties, orders in council, etc., are prefixed. FOREIGN LAWS. 57

Canada, continued. The consolidated statutes of Canada. Toronto, 1859. 8°. xl, 1377 p. Compendium of Dominion laws of Canada, 1867-83, in force 1st Jan. 1884; by J. Fremont. Montreal, A. Periard, 1884. 8°. 211 p. Eevised statutes of Canada, 1886. Ottawa, 1887. 2 V. 1. 8°. xix, 1249, 150 p.; vi, 1251-2507, 150 p.

Same. 1906. Ottawa, 1906. 4 v. 1. 8°. — Same. [Annotated.] Ottawa, 1906. 4 v. 8°. Acts of the of the provinces now com- prised in the Dominion and of Canada, which are of a public nature and are not repealed by the Eevised Statutes of Canada for the reasons set forth in schedule^ B to the said Eevised Statutes. Ottawa, 1887. 1. 8°. XV, 1171, 30 p. ^ - The consolidated orders in Council of Canada ; by H. H. Bligh. Ottawa, 1889. 1. 8°. vii, 1126 p. Eeport of the Commissioners appointed to Consoli- date and Eevise the Statutes of Canada. Ottawa, 1884-85. 2 V. 8°. viii, 1215 p.; v, 1215-2258 p.

The Commissioners were A. Campbell, J. A. Ouimet, W. Graham, G. W. Burbidge, A. Ferguson, W. Wilson.

The criminal statute law of the Dominion of Canada relating to indictable offences, with full text as re- vised in 1886 and put into force 1st March 1887, and cases, notes, commentaries, etc., by H. E. Tas- chereau. 2d ed., enlarged. Toronto, Carswell & Co., 1888. 8°. liii, 1157 p. Same. The criminal code of Canada as amended in 1893, with commentaries and annotations, precedents, etc., by H. E. Taschereau. 3d ed. Toronto, Cars- well & Co., 1893. 8°. xcvii, 1080 p. The criminal code of Canada and the Canada evi- dence act, 1893, with an appendix containing the extradition act, extradition convention, etc., and an analytical index, by James Crankshaw. Montreal, Whiteford & Theoret, 1894. 1. 8°. Ixxxviii, 976 p. The criminal code of Canada as in force on Jan. 1, 1901, with the reported cases and appendices, con- taining the Canada evidence act and the extradition act and decisions, a list of the extradition treaties, etc.; by Charles Lanctot. Montreal, W. J. "Wilson, 1901. 8°. Ixiv, 823 p. 58 STATE LIBRARY.

Canada, continued. -— The criminal code and the law of criminal evidence in Canada, being an annotation of the criminal code of Canada, and of the Canada evidence act, 1893, as amended to 1902 inclusive, with special reference to the law of evidence and the procedure in criminal courts, including the practice before justices and on certiorari and habeas corpus; by "W. J. Tremeear. Toronto, Canada Law Book Co., 1902. 1. 8°. xxxix, (1), 934 p. Le droit civil canadien base sur les " Repetitions ecrites sur le code civil " de Frederic Mourlon, avec revue de la jurisprudence de nos tribunaux, par P. B. Mignault. Tome 1-8. Montreal, Whiteford & Theoret, 1895-1909. -8 v. 8°. Ready reference manual of the statute laws of the states and territories in the United States and the province of Canada, with national, international laws, and miscellaneous information; compiled by E. E. Knott. Burlington, Vt., International Pub- lishing Co., 1889. 8°. 281 p. The imperial statutes applicable to Canada. {In Great Britain. Colonies. Imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.)

Laivs relating to special subjects.

Acts respecting the customs of Canada, tariff, etc., with a detailed index, h.t.p. [Ottawa, 1872?] 8°. xiii, 68 p. The Canadian franchise act, with notes of decisions on the imperial acts relating to registration and on the provincial franchise and election acts, with an appendix, containing the provincial franchises of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, etc.; by Thomas Hodgins. Toronto, Roswell and Hutchinson, 1886. 12°. iv, 220 p. Same. Supplement, containing the amending act of 1886; with explanatory notes, by Thomas Hodgins. Toronto, Roswell & Hutchinson, 1886. 12°. 52 p. A compilation of the laws and amendments thereto relating to building societies, loan companies, joint stock companies, etc., as passed by the Dominion Parliament and the several provincial legislatures; by N. S. Garland. Also the laws relating to banks FOREIGN LAWS. 59

Canada, continued. and banking, by William Wilson. Ottawa, A. S. Woodburn, 1882. 8°. 416 p. Handy book on the Dominion and Ontario franchises, containing the franchise act, the amending act of 1889, and the Ontario manhood suffrage acts, with notes and references to the cases and annotations under the former acts; by Thomas Hodgins. Toronto, Carswell & Co., 1889. 12°. 127, (1) p. The liquor laws of Canada, containing the liquor license acts of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, Manitoba, and the territories, etc.; by W. J. Tremeear. Toronto, Canada Law Book Co., 1904. 8°. xiv, 802 p.

The laws of Canada concerning property are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 2, 1827; the laws on insolvency in Moses' State insolvent laws, 1878; the mining laws in Reynolds' Handbook of the mining laws of the United States and Canada, 1898. Indexes.

The Dominion law index, embracing all the legisla- tion of the Dominion Parliament, and such unre- pealed provincial enactments and imperial statutes, treaties and orders as bear a special relation to Canada, to and including 1890; by H. H. Bligh and Walter Todd. Toronto, Carswell & Co., 1891. 1. 8°. 176 p. Same. 1867-97. 2d ed. Toronto, Canada Law Jour- nal Co., 1898. 1. 8°. 235 p. An index to the statutes of Canada, and to the proc- lamations, orders and regulations in Council, treaties,

etc., from the 1st session of Parliament to 1875 ; by J. G. Stevens. Saint Stephen, N. B., 1876. 8°. 87 p. The reference book, being a detailed index of all pub- lic and private statutes and orders in Council passed by the Canadian Parliament and by the legislatures of the several Canadian provinces since confedera- tion to 1887; bv J. F. Dubreuil. 2d ed. Montreal, A. Periard, 1888. 8°. viii, 408, (1) p.

See also Alberta; — British Columbia; — Manitoba; — New Brunswick; — North-West Territories; — Nova Scotia; — Ontario; — Prince Edward Island; — Quebec; — Saskatchewan; — Yukon.

Canal Zone. See Panama. Candy. See Kandy, 60 STATE LIBRARY.

Cape of Good Hope. The imperial statutes relating to the Cape of Good Hope. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Statute law of the Cape of Good Hope, comprising the placaats, proclamations and ordinances enacted before the establishment of' the colonial Parliament and still wholly or in part in force, [1714-1853]. Cape Town, 1862. 1. 8°. vi, 1045, (133) p.

The ordinaiees from 1714 to 1805 are in Dutch and English.

— Statutes of the Cape of Good Hope, 1854^83 ; Acts of Parliament, 1884-1909. Cape Town, 1863-1909. 30 V. 8° and f°. Namely. 1st Parliament, 1854-58. 2d Parliament, 1859-63. 3d Parliament, 1864-68. 4th Parliament, 1869-73. 5th Parliament, 1874-78. 6th Parliament, 1879-83. lst-5th and special sessions, 7th Parliament, 1884-88. lst-5th session, 8th Parliament, 1889-93. lst-4th session, 9th Parliament, 1894-97. 5th session, 9th Parliament, and 1st session, 10th Parliament, 1898. 2d-5th and last session, 10th Parliament, 1899-1903. lst-4th and last session, 11th Parliament, 1904-07. lst-4th session, 12th Parliament, 1908-09.

Prefixed to the 1st volume are the letters patent and constituting a Parliament for the colony. See also Griqualaud West.

Carinthia. Landes-Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt fiir das Herzogthum Karnten, Jahrgang 1863-1907. Klagenfurt, [1863-1907]. 45 v. f°. Namely. 1863. FOREIGN LAWS. 61

Cayenne or French Guiana. See French Guiana. Cayman Islands. The imperial statutes relating to the Cayman Islands. {In Great Britain. Colonies. Im- perial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Laws up to no. 12, 1889, including the imperial act 26 and 27 Vic, cap. 31, "An act for the government of the Cayman Islands," and the two following laws of Jamaica, viz.: — Law 10, 1876, " A law to amend the laws of the Cayman Islands regulating appeals to the Supreme Court of Jamaica," and Law 31, 1887, " The Cayman Islands Grand Court law, 1887." Jamaica, 1889. 4°. iii, 57 p. Central America. See British Honduras; — Colombia;

— Costa Rica ; — Guatemala ; — Honduras ; — Pan- ama. Central Provinces. Acts of the Governor General's Council assented to by the Governor General, [con- taining acts nos. 1 and 9, 1883, the Central Prov- inces local self-government act, and the Central

Provinces tenancy act] . Nagpur, 1883. f°. (Central Provinces' Gazette, Jan. 20, July 7, 1883.)

The Central Provinces code : consisting of the Bengal regulations and local acts of the Governor General in Council, in force in the Central Provinces. Cal- cutta, 1881. 1. 8°. vi, 253 p. Same. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1891. 1. 8°. is, 393 p. Same. 3d ed. Calcutta, 1905. 1. 8°. (5), iii, 454 p.

-—^The Central Provinces Gazette, [containing govern- ment notifications, orders, acts of the Governor-Gen- eral's Council assented to by the Governor-General, etc.], Jan. 4, 1908 — Dec. 24, 1910. n.t.p. Nagpur, 1908-10. 3 V. f°. Ceylon. A collection of legislative acts, of the Ceylon government from 1796: distinguishing those now in force. Vol. 1. Colombo, 1853. f°. xxxi, 413 p.


Vol. 1. Proclamations, regulations, charters and orders in Council, 1796-1833.

The legislative enactments of Ceylon. 1799-1894. London, 1874; Colombo, 1884-94. 5 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1799-1870. i. 1885-89. 2. 1870-79. 5. 1889-94. 3. 1880-85. '


Ceylon, continued. A revised edition of the ordinances of tlie govern- ment of Ceylon. Vol. 1-3. 1799-1894. Colombo, 1894. 3 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. 1799-1882. 2. 1883-89. 3. 1889-94.

Same. Ordinances of the government of Ceylon.

Vol. 4; V. 5, part 1. 1894 — no. 3 of 1899. New series. Colombo, 1898-99. 8°.

The title on the covers as issued in parts reads " Legislative enactments. '

A revised edition of the legislative enactments of Ceylon. Vol. 3, 1890-1900. Colombo, 1900. 8°. The legislative enactments of Ceylon. Vol. 4, part 1-7; no. 7 of 1900 — no. 23 of 1907. Colombo, 1901- 08. 8°. The imperial statutes applicable to Ceylon. (In Great Britain. Colonies. Imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.)

See also Kandy.

Channel Islands. See ; — Jersey. Chile. Boletin de las leyes y de las ordenes y decretos

del gobierno, [1823-65] ; reimpresion oficial. Val- paraiso, imprenta del Mercurio, 1845-66. 13 v. 8°. FOREIGN LAWS. 63

Chile, continued. Boletin de las leyes i decretos del gobierno. Libro 70-78. Alio 1900-08. Santiago de Chile, 1900-08. 9 V. 8°.

1900-04 issued in 4 parts yearly; 1905-08 issued monthly. 64 STATE LIBRARY.

Chile, continued. Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes comer- ciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Leyes i disposiciones administrativas sobre el ser- vicio diplomatico de Chile. Santiago de Chile, 1908. 8°. 78 p. Navigation law of the republic of Chile, with com- ments by E. G. Vergara. Part 2. Text of the law preceded by the various ordinances to which it re- fers. N. Y., C. G. Burgoyne, 1889. 1. 8°. 119 p.

The principal diplomatic laws of Chile are appended to Albertini's Derecho diplomatico, 1866.

China. Ta tsing leu lee, being the fundamental laws and a selection from the supplementary statutes of the

penal code of China ; originally printed and published in Pekin, under the sanction of the several emperors of the ta tsing or present dynasty. Tr. with appen- dix and notes by Sir G. T. Staunton. London, for T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810. 4°. Ixxvi, 581, (Dp. Coahuila. Codigo civil del estado de Coahuila de Zara- goza. Saltillo, 1898. 4°. (2), 418, (1) p. Codigo de procedimientos civiles del estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza. Saltillo, 1898. 4°. (2), 257, (1)P- Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza. Ed. oficial. Saltillo, 1900. 4°. 162 p. -— Codigo penal del estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza. Ed. oficial. Saltillo, 1900. 4°. 214, (1) p. Laws and decrees of the state of Coahuila and Texas. (In Laws of Texas, 1822-97, v. 1.) Cochin-China. Repertoire alphabetique de legislation & de reglementation de la Cochinchine arrete au ler Jan. 1889 par MM. E. Laffont et J. B. Fonssagrives. Paris, 1890. 7 v. 4°.

De 1 'engine h. 1886 inclus par E. LafEont; 1887-88, par J. B. Fonssagrives. Contents.

Vol. 1. A-B. 3. D-F. 5. Ii-O. 2. C. 4. G-.J. 6. P. 7. Q-Z. Addenda, Table.

See also Annam. ;


Colombia. Code of laws of the republic of Colombia, containing the constitution and laws sanctioned by

the 1st general congress, 1821 ; tr. from an official copy printed in Bogota, by Bueno Espinosa, 1822. Vol. 1. London, for Eidgway, etc., 1823. 8°. xiv, 405, (1) p. Actos vijentes de caracter legislativo del gobierno provisorio de los Estados Unidos de Colombia,

[1861-62]. Ed. olicial. Bogota, 1866. 1. 8°. 348 p. Codigo civil nacional concordado y leyes adicionales, concordadas y comentadas por M. J. Angarita. Ed. de 1888. Bogota, imprenta a cargo de F. Ponton, [1888]. 8°. XV, (1), 579 p. Codigo civil colombiano expedido por el Congreso de 1873 y adoptado por la ley 57 de 1887, con un suple- mento de las leyes que lo adicionan y reforman, 1887-92 inclusive. Ed. oficial. Bogota, 1895. 8°. 492, (85) p. Codigo de comercio de la republica de Colombia anotado v seguido de tres apendices; por Luis A. Robles. Bogota, 1899. 477, (1) p. 8°. Codigo fiscal de los Estados IJnidos de Colombia ley 106 de 13 de junio 1873. Ed. oficial. Bogota, 1882. 1. 8°. 495, (1) p. Same. Parte 2a. Comprende las leyes que lo han modificado expedidas hasta 1881 y las del Apendice hasta 1884. Ed. oficial. Bogota, 1884. 1. 8°. 484, cliv p. Codigo fiscal de la republica de Colombia, ley 106 de 1873 y leyes posteriores, hasta 1905. Ed. oficial. Bogota, 1905. 1. 8°. (v), 413, Ixxiii p. Codigo judicial nacional y leyes adicionales y re- formatorias concordadas y comentadas por M. J. Angarita. Bogota, 1887. 1. 8°. (440) p. Same. Compilacion complementaria. Bogota, 1887. L 8°. (2), 154, (1) p. Same. Suplemento a la Compilacion complemen- taria, por M. J. Angarita. Bogota, 1888. 1. 8°. 31 p. Same. Eelacion final, por M. J. Angarita. Bogota, 8°. 1887. 1. XV p. _ Codigo penal colombiano con anotaciones y leyes reformatorias. n.p., 1899. 8°. xiv, 200 p. Proyeeto de Codigo penal, presentado al Consejo de Estado por Don Demetrio Porras. Bogota, 1889.

1. 8°; cclxix, 53 p. 66 STATE LIBRARY.

Colombia, continued. Coleccion de tratados publicos, convenciones, y dec- laraciones diplomaticas de los Estados Unidos de

Colombia. Bogota, 1866. 1. 8°. 378, (2) p. Leyes de la repiiblica de Colombia expedidas por el Consejo Xacional Legislativo, 1886, 87. Bogota,

[1886-87] . 1. 8°. Same. 1888. [Leves 1-66.] Bogota, [1888]. 1. 8°. 200 p. Sa)ne. Leyes colombianas de 1888; coleccion de las que expidio el Congreso en ese ano. [Leyes 67- 150.J Ed. oficial. Bogota, 1889. 1. 8°. xiv, (1), 446. (Dp- Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, 0. S. Leyes comer- ciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Leyes y decretos de Colombia vigentes en Venezuela. (Venezuela. Recopilacion de leyes y decretos, 1830- 73, V. 6.)

The mining laws of the republic of Colombia ; with a short explanation of their application and official forms for notices, denouncements, and applications for title; tr. and ed. by Charles BuUman. N. Y., Scientific Publishing Company, 1892. 8°. (9), 107 p.

The principal diplomatic laws of Colombia are appended to Alliertini's Derecho diplomatico, 1866. See also Ecuador; — Panama; — Venezuela.

Coorg. The Coorg code: consisting of the local acts of the Grovernor General in Council and of the Governor of Fort St. George in Council in force in Coorg, and the land-revenue regulation therefor under the 33d Vict. cap. 3. Calcutta, 1880. 1. 8°. iv, (1), 99 p. Same. The Coorg code: consisting of the Bengal regulation, the local acts of the Governor General

in Council, etc. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1893. 1. 8°. vii, 173 p. Same. The Coorg code: containing the unrepealed enactments locally in force in Coorg, a chronological table, etc., and an index. 3d ed. Calcutta, 1908.

1. 8°. (4), 216 p. Local rules and orders made under enactments apply- ing to Coorg; corrected to 30th April 1905. Mer- cara, 1905. 1. 8°. xxxiv, 148, (8) p. FOREIGN LAWS. 67

Coorg, continued. Same. Addenda et corrigenda. Ed. 1905. [List no.

1-2, 14-23, of 1905 ; no. 1-3, 6, 1906 ; no. 7-12, 1907.] n.t.p. [1905-11] L 8°. Cordoba. Codigo rural la de provincia de Cordoba ; pub- licacion oficial. Cordoba, 1907. 24°. 120, (1) p. Compilacion de leyes, decretos y demas disposiciones de caracter publico dictadas en la provincia de Cordoba, ai5o de 1907. Tomo 34. Ed. oficial. Cordoba, 1907. 1 v. in 2. 8°. 755 p.; 701 p.

Contents. Ministerio de Gobierno. Ministerio de Hacienda.

Ley de contabilidad. Cordoba, 1902. 12°. 33 p. Ley de elecciones provinciales, 1902. Publicacion oficial. Cordoba, 1902. 16°. 47 p. Ley de municipalidades y decreto reglamentario, 1905. Publicacion oficial. Cordoba, 1905. 12°. 64 p. Ley de obras publicas. Cordoba, 1903. 12°. 14 p. Ley de sueldos. Cordoba, 1906. 8°. 22 p. Ley niimero 1824 y reglamento intemo del registro general de propiedades. Ed. oficial. Cordoba, 1906. 12°. 37 p. Leyes de impuestos y decretos reglamentarios, 1908. Cordoba, 1908. 8°. 187, (1) p. Leyes niimeros 1945 y 1946; irrigacion y caminos. Publicacion oficial. Cordoba, 1907. 16°. 10, (1) p. Corea. See Korea. Costa Rica. Codigo civil. San Jose, 1887. f°. (4), 192, (9)_p. •— Codigo de comercio espanol reformado por comision del supremo gobierno de Costa-Eica para servir al comercio de la repiiblica. Paris, Garnier Hermanos, 1850. 12°. 236 p. Codigo general de la repiiblica de Costa-Rica, emitido en 30 de Julio de 1841; 2a ed. anotada, adicionada. revisada y corregida conforme a las leyes vigentes posteriores hasta el 31 de die. de 1857; con apro- bacion del supremo gobierno por Rafael Ramirez. N. Y., Wynkoop, Hallenbeek y Thomas, 1858. 3 pt. in 1 V. 1. 8°. Codigo militar de la repiiblica de Costa-Eica. San Jose, 187L 12°. (222) p. —


Costa Rica, continued. Codigo penal de la repiiblica de Costa-Rica, emitido por el Grran Consejo Nacional a iniciativa del poder ejecutivo y saneionado por este el 27 de abril de 1880, bajo la administracion del presidente Don Tomas Guardia. la ed. San Jose, [1880]. 8°. (3), 181, (12) p. Coleccion de las lej^es, decretos, y ordenes expedidos por los supremos poderes legislative y ejecntivo de Costa-Eica en el ano de 1877. Tomo 25. Impreso por disposicion del snpremo poder ejecntivo de la repiiblica. San Jose, [1878]. 12°. xvi, 261 p. • Same. Coleccion de las disposiciones legislativas y administrativas expedidas en 1877-95. Ed. oficial. San Jose, [1879f]-95. 19 v. in 24. 12° and sm. 8°.

Namely. 1877. 1882. 1887. 1892. 1878. 1883. 1888. 1893. 1879. 1884. 1889. 1894. 1880. 1885. 1890. 1895. 1881. 1886. 1891.

The title, 1879-85, reads " Coleccion de las leyes y disposiciones legislativas," etc.; 1895, tomo 2, " Coleccion de las leyes y decretos," etc.

Same. Coleccion de las leyes y decretos emitidos en 1896-1908, ler semestre. Ed. oficial. San Jose, 1897-1908. 13 V. in 22. 8°. FOREIGN LAWS. 69

Cuba. Codigo civil hecho extensive a las islas de Cuba, Puerto Rico y Filipiaas, por real decreto de 31 de Julio 1889. Habana, 1889. 8°. lii, 407, x p. Codigo de comercio espanol vigente en la Peninsula e islas de Cuba y Puerto Eico, 1887. See Spain. Codigo de justicia militar mandado promulgar por la ley de 25 de "junio del corriente aiio. Habana, ~ 1890. 8°. 194 p. Codigo penal de 1879 para las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico, y ley provisional para la aplicacion de sus dis- posiciones, concordado con las legislaciones romana, patria y extranjeras, con las respectivas graduacion y division de las penas que comprende, e indice ge- neral alfabetico, por Andres de Orozco y Arascot. Habana, imprenta de G. Montiel y Ca., 1879. 1. 8°. 154, (1) p. Coleccion legislativa. Habana, 1906-07. 5 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. Constitucion y leyes j resolueiones del Congreso, 20 de mayo, 1902 — 30 de junio, 1905. 2. Secretaria de Estado y Justicia. Departamento de Estado, 20 de mayo, 1902 — 30 de junio, 1905. 3. Departamento de Justicia, 20 de mayo, 1902 — 30 de junio, 1905. 4-5. Secretaria de Gobernacion, 20 de mayo — 30 de junio de 1903.

Compilacion de las disposiciones organicas de la administracion de justicia en las provincias y

posesiones ultramarinas ; formada por la Comi- sion de Codificacion de TJltramar con el caracter y fuerza de lev que le otorgo el articulo 25 de la de 18 de junio de 1890. Habana, 1891. 8°. 114 p.

Laivs relating to special subjects. Compilacion de decretos del Sr. Presidente y cir- culares y consultas del Departamento [de Estado] referentes al servicio diplomatico y consular. Ha- bana, 1904. 1. 8°. 168 p. Disposiciones que se ban publicado en la Gaceta oficial relativas al impuesto extraordinario del cinco por ciento sobre el capital. Habana, 1874. 8°. 60 p. Instruccion para la rSnta del sello y timbre del estado; aprobada por real decreto de 5 de feb. de 1886; adicionada con todas las disposiciones pub- 70 STATE LIBRARY.

Cuba, continued. licadas hasta el dia que aclaran y modifican algunos de sus articulos, etc. Habana, 1890. 8°. 127 p. Legislacion de instmccion piiblica de la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1881. 12°. 198, (1) p. Legislacion de minas mandada observar en esta isla por reales decretos, 10 oct. 1883, y 27 junio 1884; con un apendice en que constan todas las disposi- ciones dictadas hasta la fecha. Habana, 1888. 8°. 103, (1) p. _ Legislacion organica del notariado y del poder judi- cial en las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico, comentada; publicala la biblioteca juridiea de Romulo Moragas y Droz, y J. M. Pardo. Madrid, 1873. 12°. 238 p. Legislacion vigente de ferro-carriles para la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1883. 12°. 75 p. — Ley de aguas; real decreto de 9 de enero del cor- riente resolviendo rija en la isla de Cuba, pro- mulgada para la Peninsula en 13 de junio de 1879, con las modificaciones eonvenientes, y la instruccion para su aprovechamiento, aprobada por real orden de 13 de "enero de 1891. Habana, 1891. 8°. 71, lip. Ley de enjuiciamiento criminal para las islas de Cuba Y Puerto Rico. Ed. oficial. Madrid, 1888. 8°. iii, 307 p. Ley del matrimonio civil modificada por real decreto de 9 de feb. de 1875 y reglamento para su ejeeucion, hecha extensiva a las islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico por real decreto de 12 de nov. de 1886. Habana, 1887. 8°. 61 p. Ley hipotecaria de 21 de die. de 1869, hecha ex- tensiva a la isla de Cuba por real decreto de 16 de mayo de 1879. 3a ed. Habana, 1890. 8°. 101, (1) p. Ley provisional del registro civil para las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Rico, reglamento para su ejeeucion y disposiciones dictadas posteriormente. Habana, 1886. 8°. 84 p. Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes comer- ciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Ijeyes de reunion y asociacion comentadas y con nu- merosas aclaraciones, m^delos y formularios para su mas facil inteligencia y aplicacion, por F. G. G. ^Morales. Habana, imp. del "Avisador Comercial," 1888. 8°. 98 p. '


Cuba, continued. Leyes provisionales municipal y provincial de la isla de Cuba, concordadas y anotadas con las de 2 de oct. 1877 vigentes en la Peninsula, per J. J. San-

* chez y Guerrero. Habana, imprenta ' La Nueva principal," 188L 8°. (9), 459 p. Leyes y decretos referentes a la liquidacion de los baberes del ejercito libertador y al emprestito acor- dado para su pago. Habana, 1903. 8°. 36 p. La propiedad intelectual e industrial, su legislacion

en la Peninsula y provincias ultramarinas ; re- copilaeion completa y metodica de leyes, reglamentos y disposiciones, etc., por F. G. Garofalo y Morales. Habana, La Propaganda Literaria, 1890. 8°. 176 p.* Real decreto e instruccion para Uevar a efecto en la Peninsula e islas adyacentes el censo general de los babitantes. Habana, 1887. 8°. 55, (2) p. Eeal decreto, ley aplicando a las provincias de Ultra- mar la ley de lo contencioso administrativo, dictada para la Peninsula en 13 de sept, de 1888. Habana, 1888. 8°. 44 p. Reglamento general para la ejecucion de la ley hipo- tecaria de la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1880. 8°. 151 p.

Appended, " Instruccion general sobre la manera de redactar los doeumentos publieos sujetos d registro en las islas de Cuba y Puerto-Eico. '

Eeglamento general y tarifas de 15 de abril de 1883 para la imposicion, administracion y cobranza de la contribucion industrial, reformados en virtud de lo

dispuesto en real orden de 24 de julio . de 1885. Habana, 1886. 8°. 148 p. Eeglamento para la concesion de licencias de caza o pesca y uso de armas en la isla de Cuba. Habana, 1886. 8°. 11 p. Eeglamentos para el regimen interior de la diputa- cion provincial de Santa Clara y de las dependencias de la misma, nov. 1879. Santa Clara, 1880. 8°. 24 p.

Translations of Spanish laws relating to Cuba, Porto Rico, etc., published by the War Department of the United States. Adaptation of the electoral law of June 26, 1890, to the islands of Cuba and Porto Rico. Washington, 1899. 8°. 23 p. 72 STATE LIBRARY.

Cuba, continued. The civil code in force in Cuba, Porto Eico, and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. vi, 322 p. The civil law in Spain and Spanish-America, includ- ing Cuba, etc., 1900. See Spain. The code of commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, amended by the law of June 10, 1897, including the commercial registry regulations, exchange regulations and other provisions of a simi- lar character, with annotations and appendices. Washington, 1899. 8°. iv, 291 p. General law of public works of the island of Cuba, and regulations for its execution, with the addition of all subsequent provisions published to date. Washington, 1899. 8°. 101 p. General regulations for the execution of the mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. 156 p. Folded sheets. The law of civil procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, with annotations, explanatory notes and amendments made since the American occupation. Washington, 1901. 8°. xi, 544 p. The law of criminal procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, with Spanish text; with annotations, explana- tory notes and amendments made since the Ameri- can occupation. Washington, 1901. 8°. (759) p. The law of eminent domain, extended to Cuba and Porto Eico by royal decree of June 13, 1884, and regulations for its application. Washington. 1901. 8°. 61 p. The law of ports in force in Cuba. Washington, 1900. 8°. (2), 15 p. The law of railroads for Cuba and regulations for its execution, with additions to date. 1895. Wash- ington, 1899. 8°. 58 p. The law of waters in force in Cuba. Washington, 1900. 8°. 53 p. The mining law applied to Cuba by royal decrees of Oct. 10, 1883, and June 27, 1884, with an appendix containing all the provisions issued to date. Wash- in,gton, 1900. 8°. 95 p. The mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. 90 p. The municipal and provincial laws in force in the island of Cuba. Washington, 1899. 8°. 71 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 73

Cuba, continued. The notarial laws in force in Cuba and Puerto Bico, 1888. Washington, 1899. 8°. 58 p. ,-— The penal code in force in Cuba and Porto Eico. "Washington, 1900. 8°. 175 p. Eegulations for the execution of the police law of railroads of the island of Cuba. Washington, 1899. 8°. 27 p. Cundinamarca. Codigo penal, 1858. See Panama. Cyprus. Ordinances, 1878-84; Laws, 1885-1906. [En- acted by the High Commissioner and Commander- in-Chief of the island of Cyprus, with _ the advice of the Legislative Council thereof. Nikosia,] Cyprus, [18781-1906. 29 v. 8°-, f°.

Namely. 1878. 74 STATE LIBRARY.

Dalmatia, continued.

2. Obcinski zakon. — Pravilnik obcinski. — Izborni Red za Obdine. 3. Zakona, 1872-73. " 5. Same. 1874-76. 6. Same. 1880-81. 7. Same. 1881-82. 8. Same. 1883-85. 9. Same. 1886-87. 10. Same. 1888-96. 11. Same. 1896-1906.

Same. Pravilnik zemaljskih bolnica u Dalmaciji; dodatak svezkii vii sbirke pokrajinskih zakona. Eegolamento degli ospitali provinciali della Dalma- zia; appendice al fascicolo 7 della Raccolta di leggi provinciali. Zadru, 1883. 16°.

Paged continuously with the " Sbirka, " svezak 7, 1883.

Denmark. Kong Christian den Femtis danske Lov. Ved Justitsministeriets Omsorg, under det juridiske Fakultets Tilsyn, udgivet af V. A. Seclier. Kj0- benhavn, G. E. C. Gad, 1878, 12°. xxii, (515) p.

A code of laws originally published in 1683.

Samling af Love og Anordninger m. v. af mere almindelig Interesse, udgiven efter Indenrigsminis- teriets Foranstaltning, 1683 — 1903. Kj0benhavn, J. H. Schultz, 1863-1904. 16 v. 12°. FOREIGN LAWS. 75

Denmark, continued. andre]. Afdeling A. Love, Anordninger, Bekendt- g0relser m. m. K0beiihavn, J. H. Sclniltz, [1904- 10]. 1 V. 8°. Namely. 1904. 1907. 1909. 1905. 1908. 1910. 1906.

Same. Eegister, 1683-1864; ved C. Beck. Kj0ben- havn, J. H. vSchultz, 1866. 12°. xcix, 199 p. Almindelig borgerlig Straffelov af 10 Feb. 1866 samt Lov om Behandlingen af nogle i almindelig borgerlig Straffelov omhandlede Forbrydelser af 16 Feb. 1866; forsynede med Henvisninger ved Oskar Damkier. 2den Udgave. Kj0benhavn, J. SchlichtkruU 's Forlag, 1892. 16°. (3), 109, (1) p. Bestaaende Forfatningslove, Valglove og Forret- ningsordener i forskjellige Lande. Under Medvirk- ning af A. F. Asmussen, Emil Elberling, C. C. Grroebe, N. T. Neergaard, B. Eichter og L. Zeiithen, iidgivne af Poul Sveistrup. Kj0benliavn, J. H.

Schnltz, 1880-86. 4 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. Danmark. — Norge. — Sverrig. — Nederlandene. — Bel- gien. — Frankrig. — Det tydske Rige. — Preussen. 2. Osterrig. — Ungarn. — Sveits. — Italien. 3. Storbritanien og Irland. 4. De Forenede Stater. — De britiske Kolonier. — Tiling. — Eegister.

Ny Forfatningslove og Valglove i forskellige Lande, 1886-95. Tiling til dem i 1879-86 udgivne Samling af bestaaende Forfatningslove, Valglove, m. m. Under Medvirkning af F. Bajer, Emil Elberling, etc., udgivne af Poul Sveistrup. Kj0benliavn, I.

Cohens, 1897. 1. 8°. (240) p. Danmarks Eiges gjennemsete Grundlov af 5te Juni, 1849. Amalienborg Slot den 28de Juli, 1866. Kj0- benhavn, J. H. Schultz, [1866]. sm. 4°. 23 p. Danmarks Eiges gjennemsete Grundlov af 5te Juni 1849, af 28de Juli 1866. Lov om Valgene til Eigsda- gen af 12te Juli, 1867. Forretningsordenen for begge Thingene, etc. Kj0benhavn, F. S. MuMe, 1868. 24°. (3), 199 p. Same. Kj0benhavn, J. H. Schultz, 1890. 24°. (3), 162 p. 76 STATE LIBRARY.

Denmark, continued. Dansk Lovleksikon. 2en sammenarbejdede og

' for0gede Udgave af Emil Jiirgensens ' Nyt Lovlexi- kon," ved E. Hammerich. K0benliavn, G. E. 0. Grad, 1900-06. 7 V. 8= Contents.

k^ol. 1. FOREIGN LAWS. 77

Dominican Republic. See Santo Domingo. Drenthe. Besluit der staten van Drenthe d.d. 5 Julij 1872 no. 4 tot vaststelling eener verordening op de boter-en bonigvaten in de provincie Drentbe. n.t.p. [1872]. 8°. 5 p.

' ' Probably ' Provinciaal blad, ' 1872, no. 20.

Provinciaal blad van Drentbe, 1887, no. 83 ; 1888, no. 90; 1900, no. 36; 1901, no. 13, 25; 1903, no. 17; 1904, no. 16; 1906, no. 16, 17, 20; 1907, no. 8, 23. n.t.'p. [1887-1907.] 8°. Eeglament op de uitoefening der jacbt en viscberij in de provincie Drentbe, vastgesteld bij beslnit der staten van Drentbe van 5 Nov. 1858 no. 16, goedge- keurd bij Koninklijk beslnit van 9 Dec. 1858 no. 87, afgekondigd in Provinciaal blad van dat jaar no. 29, gewijzig bij Statenbesluit van 9 Nov. 1888 no. 5, goedgekenrd bij Koninklijk beslnit van 10 .Dec. 1888 no. 37, afgekondigd in Provinciaal blad no. 90, 1888. yi.t.p. [1888.] 8°. 2 p. Durango. Codigo civil del estado libre y soberano de Durango, expedido por la H. Legislatura el 30 de mayo, 1900, y promulgado por el Ejecutivo del mismo, el 10 de junio siguiente. Ed. oficial. Mexico, 1900. 8°. 593 p. Codigo de procedimientos civiles del estado libre y soberano de Durango que empezara a regir el 10 de enero, 1903. Ed. oficial. Mexico, 1902. 8°. 343 p. Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado libre y soberano de Durango que empezara a regir el 10 de enero, 1903. Ed. oficial. Mexico, 1902. 8°. 265 p. Folded plates. Codigo penal del estado libre y soberano de Durango arreglado por el gobierno conforme a la autoriza- cion que le concede el articulo 1 transitorio del decreto numero 77 de 28 de mayo, 1900. Ed. oficial. Mexico, 1900. 8°. 259 p. — Coleccion de leyes, decretos y circulares del gobierno constitucional del estado de Durango, expedidas en el alio de 1877-83, 1886-1907. Ed. oficial. Durango, 1877-1908. 8°. Namely. 1877. 1880. 1883. 1888. 1878. 1881. 1886. 1889. 1879. 1882. 1887. 1890. 78 STATE LIBRARY.

Durango, continued.

1891. FOREIGN LAWS. 7&

Durango, continued. Leyes organica de la ensenanza primaria y del pro- fesorado de instruccion primaria elemental y sus reglamentos respectivos. Ed. oficial. Durango, 1900. 8°. 90 p. Eeglamento del registro publico de la propiedad en el estado de Durango. Ed. oficial. Durango, 1897. 8°. 36 p. Reglamento reformado de la ley de 26 de mayo, 1882, que creo la direccion general de estadistica expedido en 10 de enero, 1900. Durango, 1900. 8°. 32 p. Dutch East Indies. See Netherlands Indies. Dutch Guiana, or Surinam. Grouvernementsblad van de kolonie Suriname, 1897-1908. [Very incomplete.] n.t.p. [Paramaribo, 1897-1908. J 8°. Namely.

1897, no. 6. 1905, no. 1-3. 1898, no. 33. 1906, no. 20-21, 28, 38-39. 1901, no. 26. 1907, no. 58. 1902, no. 11-13. 1908, no. 23, 31-32, 48, 56, 1904, no. 24. 63, 66-75, 82.

Speciale wetgeving op de inmigratie en kolonisatie van Suriname. Leiden, [189-?J. 12°. viii, 195 p. East Africa Protectorate. Orders in Council, King's, Queen's regulations, ordinances, rules, proclama- tions, and other official orders in force in the East Africa Protectorate, 1st Jan. 1903. 1876-1902. n.p., 1908. ix, 242 p. f°. Ordinances and regulations. Vol. 8-9. Jan. 1, 1906 — Dec. 31, 1907. Nairobi, 1907-08. 2 v. f°. Eastern Bengal and Assam. The Bengal tenancy act 1885, act 8, 1885, as modified up to the 10th June. 1908; with notifications extending the act. Shil- long, 1908. 4°. 120 p. A collection of the acts passed by the Lieutenant- Governor of Eastern Bengal and Assam in Council, 1907-10. Shillong, 1908-10. 8°. Namely. 1907, 3 nos. 1909, 1 no. 1908, 1 no. 1910, 1 no.

No. 1, 1910, has the title " The Eastern Bengal and Assam excise act."

The Court of Wards act, 1879, Bengal act 9 of 1879, as modified up to the 1st June 1907. Shillong, 1907. 8°. (3), iv, 26 p. 80 STATE LIBRARY.

Eastern Bengal and Assam, continued. The Eastern Bengal and Assam code, containing the regulations and local acts in force in the province, with chronological tables, notes, etc.; ed. by F. G. Wigley. Calcutta, 1907. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Bengal regulations, local acts of the Governor General of India in council and regulations made under the government of India act, 1870. 2. Bengal acts, 1862-82. 3. Bengal acts, 1883-1905. — Eastern Bengal and Assam acts, 1907. — Tables, notes and index. No acts were passed during 1905 and 1906.

The Eastern Bengal and Assam excise act 1910, act 1 of 1910. ShiUong, 1910. 8°.

Effect of legislation ; list 1908-09, 1910 no. 1. Tex- tual repeals and amendments made in enactments applying to Eastern Bengal and Assam during 1907- 10. n.t.p. [Dacca, 1908-10.] f°.

Namely. 1908, 1 no. 1909, 2 noa. 1910, no. 1.

Ecuador. Codigo civil de la republica del Ecuador. Ed. hecha por la Corte Suprema de Justicia en virtud del decreto legislativo sancionado en 13 de agosto de 1887. Nueva York, imprenta de " Las Nove- dades," 1889. 1. 8°. viii, 526 p. Codigo de comercio de la republica del Ecuador ex- pedido por el Senor General Don Eloy Alfaro en- cargado del mando supremo. Quito, tip. de la Escuela de Artes y Oficios, 1906. 4°. 260 p. Codigo de enjuiciamientos en materia civil de la republica del Ecuador. Ed. hecha por la Corte Suprema de Justicia con arreglo a las leyes de 11 de nov. de 1904 y 19 de oct. de 1905. Quito, 1907. 4°. 246 p. Codigo de enjuiciamientos en materia criminal. Quito, 1906. 4°. 72, ii p. Codigo de mineria de la republica del Ecuador. Ed. hecha por la Corte Suprema de Justicia conforme a la ley de 15 de agosto de 1892. Quito, 1907. 8°. 52 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 81

Ecuador, continued. Codigo de policia de la republica del Ecuador. Quito, 1906. 8°. 41 p. Codigo militar de la republica del Ecuador. Ee- impresion oficial. Quito, 1908. 4°. 293 p. Reformas del codigo militar. Keimpresion oficial. Quito, 1908. 4°. 68 p.

Bound with the Codigo militar.

Codigo penal de la republica del Ecuador. Quito, 1906. 4°. 113 p. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, 0. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.)

The principal diplomatic laws of Ecuador are appended to Albertini's Derecho diplomatico, 1866.

Egypt. The civil code of the Egyptian native tribunals. Translation. Oxford, printed for the Egyptian Min- istry of Justice by H. Hart, printer to the Univer- sity, 1901. 8°. 115 p. The code of civil and commercial procedure of the Egyptian native tribunals. Translation. Oxford, printed for the Egyptian Miuistry of Justice by H. Hart, printer to the University, 1903. 8°. (127) p. The code of criminal procedure of the Egyptian native tribunals as amended by law no. 6, 1905; the law constituting Markaz tribunals, law no. 8, 1904, as amended by law no. 9, 1906, and law no. 6, 1907, and the law constituting courts of assize, law no. 4, 1905. Translation. Cairo, 1908. 8°. 91 p. Codes des tribunaux mixtes d 'Egypte precedes du reglement d 'organisation judiciaire. Alexandrie, im- primerie generale A. Moures & Cie., 1907. 8°. 735 p. The commercial code of the Egyptian native tribu- nals. Translation. Oxford, printed for the Egyp- tian Ministry of Justice by H. Hart, printer to the University, 1903. (87) p. 8°. Droit Musulman. Statut reel d'apres le rite Hana- fite mis en articles d'apres le systeme des codes egyptiens par Mohammed Kadri Pacha; tr. de I'arabe avec 1 'approbation de Leurs Excellences les Ministres de la Justice et de 1 'Instruction Publique par Abdulaziz Kahil Bey. Le Caire, 1893. 8°. v, (l),319p. ;


Egypt, coniinued. Droit Musulman. Du statut personnel et des succes- sions d'apres les differents rites et plus particuliere- ment d'apres le rite Hanafite, par Eug. Clavel. ler-2e partie. Paris, Librairie du Eecueil General des Lois et des Arrets, etc. 1895. 8°. 2 v. 374, (1) p.; 443, (1) p. Coniewts.

Vol. 1. Du statut personnel. 2. Des successions.

Droit Musulman. Le wakf ou habous d'apres la doctrine et la jurisprudence, rites Hanafite et Male- kite, par Eug. Clavel. Le Caire, imprimerie Die- mer, 1896. 2 v. 8°. xi, 346, (1) p.; 424 p. —-Legislation administrative et criminelle; recueil des lois et reglements en vigueur interessant le Minis- tere de I'lnterieur. 2e ed. Le Caire, 1906-07. 2 v. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Organisation civile et criminelle, loi penale. 2. Eeglementation penale, lois speciales.

Same. Supplement, 1905-07. Le Caire, 1907. 8°. 94 p. Legislation and judicial organisation in Egypt article contributed by Sir Malcolm M'llwraitli, reprinted from the Encyclopaedia of the laws of , 2d ed. Cairo, 1908. 8°. 23 p. La legislation en matiere immobiliere en Egypte; recueil des lois, reglements et instructions adminis- tratives relatifs a la propriete immobiliere publie par le Controle des Contributions Directes. Le Caire, 1901. 8°. xxxviii, 529 p. The penal code of the Egyptian native tribunals. Translation. Cairo, 1906. 8°. 91 p. Recueil des decrets et documents officiels interessant le Ministere de la Justice, du 15 juillet 1840 au 31 dec. 1899. Le Caire, 1899. 8°. viii, 810 p. Repertoire de la legislation et de 1 'administration egyptiennes, par Philippe Gelat. Alexandrie, typo- litiiographie, " Serapis," 1888-89. 2 v. f°. 504 p.; 612 p.

Deilie a S. E. Hussein Fakhry Pacha Ministre de la Justice.

Vol. 1, incomplete. FOREIGN LAWS. 83

Egypt, continued. Same. Supplement. A-Z, par Philippe Gelat. Alexandrie, typo-lithograpMe " Serapis " J. C. Lagoudakis, 1889. f°. 215 p. Repertoire de la legislation et de 1 'administration egyptiennes, periode 1888-92, par Philippe Uelat. Alexandrie, imprimerie J. C. Lagoudakis, 1893. 2 v. f°. 621 p.; 579 p. Same. Supplement. Periode 1888 — 92-93. Alex- andrie, imprimerie J. C. Lagoudakis, 1894. f°. 264, liv p. Eepertoire annote de la legislation et de 1 'adminis- tration egyptiennes, 189-4-96, par Philippe Gelat. Alexandrie, typo-lithographie J. C. Lagoudakis, 1897-99. 3 V. f°. Du wakf, par Mohammed Kadri Pacha. Tr. de I'arabe sur la demande du Ministere de 1 'Instruc- tion Publique et avec 1 'approbation de Son Excel- lence le Ministre de la Justice par Abdulaziz Kahil Bey. Le Caire, 1896. 8°. 309 p.

The mining laws of Egypt are contained in Alford's Mining laws of the British empire, 1906.

Espirito Santo. Constituigao politica do estado federado do Espirito-Santo, promulgada aos 2 maio de 1892. Victoria, 1905. 8°. 53 p. Leis do Congresso do estado do Espirito-Santo votadas em 1893-95; sessoes ordinarias de 1898 e extraordinaria de fev. de 1899; sessoes ordinarias de 1899; 1900-04; 1906-07. Victoria, 1894-1908. 8°.

Namely. 1893. 1894. 1895. Sessoes ordinarias de 1898 e extraordinaria de fev. de 1899. Sessoes ordinarias de 1899. 1900. 1902. 1904. 1901. 1903. Sessoes ordinarias de 1906. Sessoes extraordinarias de margo e ordinarias de 1907. fitablissements Frangais de I'lnde. See French Settle- ments in India. Falkland Islands. Laws and ordinances of the Falkland Islands from the settlement of the colony to the year 1884. n.p., [18851]. t°. 139 p. STATE LIBRARY.

Falkland Islands, continued. '


France, continued. par J. B. Duvergier et continuee par J. Duvergier; ed. Groujon, [et] Marcel Demonts. Tome [lJ-110. 1788-1910. Paris, A. Guyot et Scribe, etc., 1834- [1911]. 110 V. 8°.

Vol. 1-31 and 35 are of the 2d ed.; the volumes for 1909 to ' ' 1910 are entitled ' Nouvelle serie, tome 9e-10e. 86 STATE LIBRARY.

France, continued. Bulletin annote des lois, decrets et ordonnances, juin

1789 — aoiit 1830 ; avec des notices par Odilon Bar- rot, Vatimesnil, Ymbert; mis en ordre et annote par M. Lepec. Paris, P. Dupont, 1834-38. 18 v. 8°. Same. Table generale analytique, par J. H. Benard. Paris, P. Dnpont, 1836-38. 2 v. 8°. Bulletin des lois de la Republique Frangaise, con- tenant les lois et decrets d'interet public et general. 12e serie. 1877-79, 94, 99. Tome 14-19, 48^9, 58- 59. Paris, 1877-1900. 10 v. 8°. Code civil explique par ses motifs, par des exemples et par la jurisprudence, suivi d'un formulaire des actes sous seing prive. lOe ed., augmentee du texte des arrets-principes, par J. A. Rogron. Paris, G. Tborel, 1838. 16°. xii, 1511, (1) p.

The Code Napoleon ; or, The French civil code. Lit- erally translated from the original and official edi- tion, published at Paris in 1804, by a barrister of the Inner Temple. N. Y., Halsted and Voorhies, 1841. 1. 8°. xix, 627 p. Same. By R. S. Richards. London, Wildy & Sons, [18—]. 1. 8°. xix, 627, (1) p. The French civil code, with the various amendments thereto as in force on March 15, 1895; bv Henry Cachard. N. Y., Banks & Brothers, 1895. '8°. xii, 611 p. The French civil code, as amended up to 1906, with notes explanatory and historical, and comparative

references to English law ; by E. B. Wright. London, Stevens and Sons, 1908. 8°. xx, 480 p. Codes frangais et lois usuelles, decrets, ordonnances, et avis du conseil d'etat qui les completent ou les modifient conformes aux textes officiels, etc., par H. F. Riviere, Faustin Helie, Paul Pont. 4e ed., aug- mentee. Paris, A. Marescq, 1878. 1. 8°. v. p. Codes frangais conformes aux textes officiels, avec une conference des articles basee principalement sur la jurisprudence annotes des arrets de la Cour de Cassation et des circulaires ministerielles et precedes des lois oonstitutionnelles par H. F. Riviere, avec le concours de Faustin Helie, [et] Paul Pont; publi- cation continuee par Andre Weiss avec la collabora- tion, pour le Code civil, de M. Poncet. 33e ed., revue, corrigee et augmentee. Paris, Librairie Grenerale de Droit, etc., 1905. 1. 8°. (991) p. FOREIGN LAWS. 87

France, continued. Les codes annotes de Sirey et Grilbert, contenant toute la JTirispnidence des arrets et la doctrine des auteurs. Code de procedure civile. 4e ed., completement re- fondue et mise an courant par J. Sirey avec le con- cours de Charles Sirey. Paris, Imprimerie et Li- brairie Generale de Jurisprudence, 1905-06. 2 v. 1.8°. 595, (l)p_.:732, viip.^ Les codes franQais coUationnes sur les textes officiels, contenant la conference des articles entre eux et sous chaque article les textes tant anciens que nouveaux qui les expliquent, les completent ou les

modifient ; ; precedes des lois constitutionnelles suivis, 1°, d'un supplement par ordre chronologique renfer- mant, outre les lois les plus usuelles avec nombreuses references, les textes anciens encore en vigueur, 2°, d'une table alphabetique par Louis Tripier [et] Henry Monnier. Codes. 61e ed. Paris, Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1911. 16°. v. p. Same. Lois usuelles. 61e ed. Paris, Libraire Gene- rale de Droit, etc., 1911. 16°. 1413, 40 p. Code d 'instruction administrative ou lois de la pro- cedure administrative suivi d'un formulaire annote par Cbauveau Adolphe et Ernest Tambour. 6e ed. Paris, Marchal et Billard. 1896. 2 v. 8°. 545 p.; 623 p.

Code du divorce ; commentaire de la loi du 27 juillet, 1884, contenant un apergu general de cette legisla- tion speciale, des notes explicatives, etc., par Cbarles Constant. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1885. 2v. 12°. 243 p.; 533 p. Cours de droit civil frangais comprenant 1 'explication des lois qui ont modifie le code civil en Belgique et en France, par E. B. N. Arntz. 2e ed. Bruxelles. Bruyant-Christophe & Comp., 1879-80. 4 v. 8°. The French code of commerce as revised to the end of 1886, and an appendix containing later statutes in connection therewith, rendered into English, with explanatory notes and copious index, by Sylvain Mayer. London, Butterworths, 1887. 12°. xii, 307 p.

Extracts from the commercial code of France are appended to Randolph's Treatise on the law of commercial paper, v. 3.

Loi et reglements relatifs aux chemins de fer d'in- teret local et aux tramways, aout 1881. Paris, 1881. 8°. 131, (1) p. 88 STATE LIBRARY.

France, continued. Lois usuelles, decrets, ordonnances, avis du conseil d'etat et legislation coloniale dans I'ordre chronolo- gique, annotes des arrets de la Cour de Cassation et des circulaires ministerielles avec nne table alplia- betique de concordance par H. P. Riviere avec le concours de Faustin Helie [et] Paul Pont; publica- tion continuee par Andre Weiss, avec la collaboration pour le Code civil, de M. Poncet. 33e ed., revue, corrigee et augrnentee. Paris, Librairie Generale de

Droit, etc., 1905. 1. 8°. (3), 1625, (207) p.

Penal codes of France, Germany, etc. ; reports pre- pared for the International Prison Commission. S. J. Barrows, Commissioner for the United States. Washington, 1901. 8°. 158 p. (56th Cong., 2d sess., House doc, v. 93, no. 489.) Recueil des lois de finances et autres lois d'interet general, session de 1841, 43. Paris, 1841-^3. 2 v.

See also Lambrechts, H., and others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit compare, le partie. Also the names of the French colonies: Algeria; — Annam; — Cochlu-Chiua; — French Guiana; — French Settlements in India; — Guadeloupe; — Madagascar; — Martinique; — Reunion; — Saint Pierre and Miquelon; — Senegal; — Tunis; — Upper-Senegal- Niger.

Freiburg. See Fribourg. French Guiana. Bulletin officiel de la Guyane Frangaise, 1827-67, 69, 71. Cayenne, 1827-72. 43 v. in 36. 8°.

Namely. 1827. FOREIGN LAWS. 89

French Guiana, continued. Table decennale, 1837-^6. Cayenne, 1852. 8°. 270, vi p. Same. 1857-66. Cayenne, 1868. 8°. 352 p. French Settlements in India. Bulletin des actes adminis- tratifs de I'Stablissements Frangais de I'Inde. Tome 3-16, 21, 23-29, 31-32, 35-38, 40-41, 43. Annee 1830-43, 48, 50-56, 58-59, 62-65, 67-68, 70. Pondichery, 1830-70. 31 v. in 28. 8°.

Entitled "Bulletin offieiel," 1867-70. 90 STATE LIBRARY.

Fribourg or Freiburg, continued.


Friesland, continued.

1892, no. 76. 1902, no. 108, 109. 1893, no. 80. 1903, no. 82, 108, 143, 154. 1896, no. 52, 53. 1904, no. 58, 64, 76. 1897, no. 19. 1905, no. 76, 106. 1898, no. 1, 4. 1906, no. 128-134. 1901, no. 9, 72. 1907, no. 31, 56.

The " Provineiaal Blad " contains the laws and regulations of the province of Friesland which are of domestic importance.

Gambia. Ordinances of the Settlement on the Gambia passed in the years between the 10th Aug. 1818 and 15th Feb. 1879, treaties of the government with native chiefs, and a convention with France; com- piled by Algernon Montague. Vol. 1. London, G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, 1882. f°. xlvii, 554 p. Same. 15 Sept. 1879 — 30 Dec. 1885. Commissions, orders in Council, acts of Parliament, treaties, etc. ; compiled by Francis Smith. Vol. 2-3. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1886-87. 2 v. f°. xiv, 194 p.; xvi, 210 p. Folded maps. The imperial statutes applicable to Gambia. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) . Provineiaal blad van Gelderland, [1908], no. 134. n.t.p. [Arnhem, 1908.] 8°. Reglement op de wegen, voetpaden en tramwegen in

Gelderland ; vastgesteld door de staten der provincie den 21 Nov. 1888, Prov. blad no. 59, 1889, aangevuld den 14 Juli, 1896, Prov. blad no. 138, 1896, en 11 Juli 1905, Prov. blad nos. 115 en 116, 1905. Arnhem, [19051. 8°. 20 p. Reglement op bet beheer der rivierpolders in de provincie Gelderland; afgekonigd bij Provineiaal blad no. 74 van 1893 en aangevuld en gewijzigd bij de Provinciale bladen nos. 135 van 1898, 113 van 1902 en 22 van 1903. Voorzien van een alphabetisch register. Arnhem, 1903. 8°. viii, 243 p.

• Eeglement op het beheer van het polder-district Veluwe, vastgesteld door de staten van Gelderland den 9 Jan. 1907, en door die van Overijssel den 20 Nov. 1906, goedgekeurd bij Koninklijk besluit van 5 Maart 1907, no. 40, en afgekonigd bij Prov. blad no. 61 van 1907. Arnhem, 1907. 8°. 125 p. 92 STATE LIBRARY.

Gelderland, continued.

Eeglement voor het waterscliap van de ; Pro- viuciaal blad no. 7 van 1908. Arnhem, 1908. 8°. 105 p. Eeglement voor het waterscliap van den Oude-Ijssel; Provinciaal blad no. 144 van 1907. Arnhem, 1907. 8°. 118 p. Verzameling van reglementen en besluiten betref- fende de buitengewone rivieroorrespondientie en andere voorzieningen in geval van ijsgang en watersnood voor Gelderland. Arnhem, 1876. 8°. 58 p. Geneva. Code genevois, recueil complet et methodique des lois de la republique et canton de Geneve. Geneve, imprimerie Vaney, 1857. 8°. 1072 p. Code d' instruction penale. Geneve, 1905. 8°. 139 p. Code penal du canton de Geneve. Geneve, 1874. 8°. 112 p. Extrait de la loi generale sur les contributions pub- liques du 9 nov. 1887 modifiee par la loi du 25 mai 1904; droits d'enregistrement, de succession, de transcription et de timbre. Geneve, 1905. 8°. 75 p. Loi generale sur les routes, la voirie, les construc- tions, les cours d'eau, les mines, et 1 'expropriation, du 15 juin 1895. Geneve, 1906. 8°. 86 p. Eeglement d 'application de la loi generale sur les routes, la voirie, les constructions, les cours d'eau, les mines et 1 'expropriation du 15 juin 1895. Du 14 juin 1899. Geneve, 1906. 8°. 38 p. 1. Loi sur 1 'organisation judiciaire. 2. Loi d 'ap- plication de la loi federale sur la poursuite pour dettes et la faillite. 3. Loi de procedure civile. 4. Loi modifiant la loi generale sur les contributions publiques du 9 nov. 1887. 5. Loi transitoire et obligatoire pour la mise a execution des lois d 'or- ganisation judiciaire et de procedure civile. 6. Dis- positions transitoires et abrogatoires contenues dans la loi du 10 fev. 1904. Geneve, 1905. 8°. v, 280 p. Loi sur les votations et elections du 3 mars 1906. Geneve, 1906. 8°. 136 p. Lois sur 1 'instruction publique, 5 juin 1886 — 22 fev. 1896; [with additional laws to 1903.] Geneve, 1896. 12°. 134, (1) p. FOREIGN LAWS. 93

Geneva, conUnued. Eecueil authentique des lois et actes du goTivernement de la republique et canton de Geneve. Tome 33', 60, 80-9.1. 1847, 74, 1894-1905. Geneve, 1906. 14 v. 8°.

Vol. 60 contains Partie cantonale, Partie federals, Annexe contenant le nouveau code penal genevois. 94 STATE LIBRARY.

Germany, continued. Same. Das _gesammte preussisch-deutsclie Gesetz- gebungs-Material. Die Gesetze und Verordmingen, etc., Jahrgang 1884-1910; aus den Gesetzsammlungen fiir das Konigreich Preussen und das Deutsche Reich, dem Eeichs-Centralblatt, Armee-Verord- nungsblatt, etc., chronologisch zusammengestellt von Q. A. Grotefend. Diisseldorf, L. Schwann, 1884--

1910. 27 V. 1. 8°. Namely. 1884. FOREIGN LAWS. 95

Germany, continued.

. 3. 1. Versicherungswesen, Gewerbe, Gewerbegeriehte, Bergbau. 2. Laudwirtschaft. 4. Biirgerliches Eecht, Strafreoht, Eeehtspflege. 5. Systematische Gesamtiibersicht, chronologisch geordnete ziisammenstellung der im Gesamtwerk abgedriickten Gesetze, Erganzungen, Yerzeichnis der Staats- vertrage, alphabetisches Saehregister iiber das Ge- samtwerk.

Kommentar zur preussischen und deutschen Gesetz- sammlung. Sammlung der Erlasse der preussi- schen und deutschen Centralbehorden, sowie der gerichtlichen und verhaltungsgerichtlichen Erkennt nisse, welche zur Erlauterung und Ausfiihrung der Gesetze und Verordnungen dienen; aus den amtlichen Veroffentlichungen zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von G. A. Grotefend. 2e Ausg. Dusseldorf, L. Schwann, 1887. 3 v. 8°. Same. Die Erlasse zur Ausfiihrung und Erlaute- rung der Gesetze des Preussichen Staats, etc., 1809- 95. 3e ganz neu bearbeitete Aufl. von Grotefend 's Kommentar. Diisseldorf, L. Schwann, 1895-96. 2 v. 8°. Annalen des Deutschen Reichs fiir Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Yolkswirtschaft, rechts- und staats- wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift und Materialiensamm- lung. Begriindet von Dr. Georg Hirth und Dr. Max von Seydel; herausg. von Dr. K. T. Eheberg und Dr. Anton Dyroff. 35er Jahrgang, 1902, nr. 1,

3-6. Miinchen, J. Schweitzer Verlag, 1902. 1. 8°. Same. Alphabetisches Gesammt-Register. Jahrg. 1868-1900. h.t.p. Miinchen, 1900. 8°. 34 p. Same. Systematisches Gesamtregister zu den Jahr- gangen, 1868-1902. Miinchen, J. Schweitzer Verlag,

1903. 1. 8°. vi, 34 p. Bankgesetz, 14. Marz 1875. Berlin, 1875. 8°. 32 p. Bundes-Gesetzblatt des Norddeutsehen Bundes, 1867- 70. Berlin, [1890-94]. 4 v. 4°. Das Reichsgesetz betreffend die Gewerbegeriehte,

vom 29. Juli 1890 ; text-Ausg. mit Anmerkungen und Saehregister von Leo Mugdan. 2e vermehrte Ausg. Berlin, 1891. 32°. xxi, 194 p. (Guttentag'sche Sammlung deutscher Reichsgesetze, no. 31). Sams. 3e vermehrte Ausg. Berlin, 1893. 32°. xxiv, 208 p. Reichs-Gesetzblatt, 1871-1910. Berlin, [1876-1910]. 40 V. 4°. ;


Germany, continued. Same. Haupt-Sacliregister zum Biandes- uiid Reichs-Gesetzblatte von 1867-1906. Berlin, 1907. 4°. (1), 1051 p. " Codes." Biirgerliches Gresetzbuch nebst Einfiihrungsgesetz. Text-Ausgabe mit Anmerkungen und Sachregister in Verbindnng mit F. Andre, M. Greiff, F. Ritgen, K. Unzner, lierausg. von A. Achilles. Berlin, J.

Guttentag, 1896. 16°. xxvi, 808 p. ( Guttentag 'sche Sammlung deutscher Reichsgesetze, nr. 38-39.) Das biirgerliche Gesetzbuch fiir das Deutsche Reich nebst Einfiihrungsgesetz und ausfiihrlichem Sach- register mit volkstiimlichen Erlauterungen unter Beriicksichtigung samtlicher vom 1. Jan. 1900 ab geltenden Reichsgesetze auf Grund der bisher er- schienenen Werke und Einzeldarstellungen von Bunsen, Cosack, Endemann, u.s.tv. Herausg. von Hermann Arnoldt. Leipzig, J. Milde, 1900. 8°. xii, (496)' p. English. The German civil code; tr. and annotated, with an historical introduction and appendices, by Chung Hui Wang. London, Stevens and Sons, 1907. 8°. XXV, (1), 681 p. The civil code of the German empire as enacted on Aug. 18, 1896, with the introductory statute en-

acted on the same date, in effect Jan. 1, 1900 ; tr. by "Walter Loewy, tr. and published under the auspices of and annotated by a special committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania. Boston, Boston Book Co., 1909. 8°. Ixxi, 689 p. French. Projet de code civil allemand; tr. avec in- troduction par Raoul de La Grasserie. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1893. 8°. lix, 492 p. (Collection de codes etrangers.) Code civil allemand et loi d 'introduction promul- gues le 18 aoiit 1896 pour entrer en vigueur le Ir jan. 1900; tr. et annotes par 0. de Meulenaere. Paris, Chevalier-Marescq et Cie., 1897. 1. 8°. (3), xiii, (1), 792 p. Code civil allemand promulgue le 18 aout 1896, ex- ecutoire a partie du ler jan. 1900, suivi de la loi d 'introduction, etc.; tr. et annotes avec introduction par Raoul de La Grasserie. 2e ed., re-^nie et aug- FOREIGN LAWS. 97

Germany, continued. mentee. Paris, A. Pedone, 1901. 8°. (3), 128, 635 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 19.) Code de procedure civile pour 1 'empire d'AIlemagne,

30 Jan. 1877 ; tr. et annote par E. G-lasson, E. Leder- lin, [et] F. E. Dareste. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1887. 8°. (3), xc, (1), 354 p. (France. Comite de Legislation JEtrangere. Collection des principaux codes etrangers.) Die Civilprozessordnung fiir das Deutsche Eeich in der Fassung des Gesetzes vom 17. Mai 1898 nebst

den Einfiihrungsgesetzen ; fiir den praktischen Ge- brauch erlautert von Dr. Julius Petersen. 5e Aufl., bearbeitet von Ernst Eemele [und] Dr. Ernst Anger. Lahr, Verlag von M. Schauenburg, 1904-06. 2 v. 8°.

xix, 896 p. ; viii, 840, Ixxix p. Same. Die durcb das Gesetz vom 1. Juni 1909 abgeanderten Bestimmungen des Gerichtsverfas- sungsgesetzes,derZivilprozessordnung, des Gerichts- kostengesetzes und der Gebiihrenordnung fiir Eechtsanwalte, zugleich als Anhang zur 5. Aufl. von Petersens Kommentar zur Zivilprozessordnung. Fiir den praktischen Gebrauch erlautert von E. Eemele. Lahr, Druck und Verlag von M. Schauen- burg, 1910. 8°. viii, 24 p. Lehrbuch des deutschen Civilprozessrechts von Dr. Konrad Hellwig. Leipzig, A. Deichert'sche Ver- lagsbuchhandlung Nachf., G. Bohme, 1903-07. 2 v. 8°. xix, (1), 400 p.; xiv, 549 p.

Code de commerce allemand ; tr. et annote par Paul Carpentier. Paris, A. Pedone, 1896. 8°. xv, 334 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 16.) Code de commerce allemand promulgue le 10 mai 1897; tr. et annote par Paul Viatte. Paris, A. Pedone, 1901. 8°. vii, 334 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 21.)

Extracts from the German eommercial code are appended to Bandolph's Treatise on the law of commercial paper, v. 3.

Code d 'organisation judiciaire allemand, 27 Jan. 1877; introduction, traduction et notes, par L. Du- barle. Paris, 1885. 2 v. 8°. (3), dlv, (1) p.; (3), xii, (1), 350 p. (France. Comite de Legislation Etrangere. Collection des principaux codes etran- gers.) ' ;


Germany, continued.

Code de procedure ponale allemand, ler fev. 1877 ; tr. et annote par Fernand Daguin. Paris, 1884. 8°. (3), cxxiv, (1), 404 p. (France. Comite de Legis- lation Etrangere. Collection des principaux codes etrangers.)

The maritime code of the German empire ; tr. by W. Arnold. London, E. Wilson, 1900. 8°. vii, 151 p. Penal codes of France, Germany, etc. Reports pre- pared for the International Prison Association, S. J. Barrows, Commissioner for the United States. Washington, 1901. 8°. 158 p. (56th Cong. 2d sess. House doc. v. 93, no. 489.)


Die deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzgebung ; Sammlung der auf die deutschen Schutzgebiete beziiglichen Gesetze, Verordnungen, Erlasse und intemationalen Vereinba- rungen, mit Anmerkungen und Sachregister. ler- ller Theil. [1870J-1907. Auf Grund amtlicher Quellen und zum dienstlichen Gebrauch herausg. Berlin, E. S. Mittler und Sohn, 1893-1908. 11 v. 8°.

Theil 1, herausg. von Eiebow; 2-5, von Dr. Alfred Zimmermann 6-9, von Schmidt-Dargitz und Prof. Dr. Kobner; 10-11, von Prof. Dr. Kobner und Gerstmeyer. ' Theil 4 also reads ' und einem chronologischen Verzeichniss, ' ' Theil 1-4 umfassend, ' Theil 5, ' einem chronologischen und einem saehlichen Inhaltsverzeiehnisse Theil 1-5 umfassend. ' '


Gibraltar, continued. Ordinances, [with government notices, rules, procla- mations, etc.], 1891-1910. n.t.p. [1891-1910.] f°.

Namely. 1891, 7 nos. 1898, 9 nos. 1905, 7 nos. 1892, 6 nos. 1899, 6 nos. 1906, 9 nos. 1893, 3 nos. 1900, 4 nos. 1907, 11 nos. 1894, 8 nos. 1901, 7 nos. 1908, 5 nos. 1895, 24 nos. 1902, 13 nos. 1909, 9 nos. 1896, 12 nos. 1903, 7 nos. 1910, 3 nos. 1897, 6 nos. 1904, 3 nos.

' ' No. 10, 1907, is entitled ' The public health ordinance, 1907.

Glarus. Amtliclie Sammhmg der Gesetze imd Verord- nungen des Kantons Glarus, als Fortsetzung der revidirten Ausgabe des Landsbuchs. les-4es Heft. [1861-76.] Glarus, 186^76. 4 v. 8°.

2es Heft, 2e Aufl. 4es Heft, 1873-1876; nebst Eegister fiber den Inhalt von Heft 1 bis 4. Contents.

Vol. 1. [1861-66.] 3. [1869-72.] 2. [1866-69.] 4. 1873-76.

Amtsblatt des Kt. Glarus, [containing the laws pub- ' listed from 1902 to 1905]. Glarus, 1902-05. 4°. Landsbuch des Kantons Glarus. ler Theil, enthal- tend die sammtliclien mit der Landsgemeinde 1834 in Kraft bestebenden Landsgesetze. Glarus, 1835. 8°. (4), 191 p. Landsbuch des Kantons Glarus. ler-3er Theil. Glarus, 1852-54. 3 pt. in 1 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Die civilrechtlichen Bestimmungen. 2. Die Gesetze und Verordnungen administrativer Natur. 3. 1. Die Bundes- und Kantonsverfassung nebst den organischen Gesetzen. 2. Die bestehenden Konkor- date mit andern eidg. Standen. 3. Tagsatzungsbe- schliisse fiber Linthangelegenheiten.

Landsbuch des Kantons Glarus. ler-3er Theil. Glarus, 1861. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Die civilrechtlichen Bestimmungen. 2. Die Gesetze und Verordnungen administrativer Natur. 3. 1. Die Bundes- und Kantonsverfassung nebst den organischen Gesetzen. 2. Die bestehenden Konkor- date mit andern eidg. Standen. 3. Tagsatzungsbe- schlfisse fiber Linthangelegenheiten. 100 STATE LIBRARY.

Glarus, continued. Landsbuch des Kantons Glarus. 3er Theil, enthal- tend das Civil-, Straf-, Prozess-, Betreibungs- und Konkursrecht. Glarus, 1878. 8°. v, (1), 521 p. Nachtrage zum Landsbuch des Kantons Glarus. 2es Heft. 1882. Glarus, 1882. 8°. xxii, (1), 437 p. Landsbucb des Kantons Glarus. Glarus, 1892-1906. 6 V. 8°. Contents.

"Vol. 1. Bundes- und Kantons-Verfassung nebst iibrigen staats- reehtliclien Bestimmungen. — Organisation der Be- horden, etc. — Militarwesen. — Eisenbahnwesen. — Telephonwesen. — Linthwesen. — Naehtrage iiber wahrend dena Druck ersehienene Eriasse. 2. Die Gesetze, Beschliisse, XJebereinkiinfte und Verord- nungen administrativer Natur. 3. Das Civil-, Straf-, Prozess-, Schuldbetreibungs- und Kon- kursrecht. 4. Alle seit Herausgabe des 1892er Landsbuches bis und mit Okt.. 1896 erschienenen, gegenwartig noch in Kraft stehenden kant. Gesetze, Verordnungen und Beschliisse, nebst den wichtigsten seitherigen Bun- deserlassen. 5. Alle seit der Anno 1896 erfolgten Herausgabe des 4en Bandes bis und mit Ende 1901 erschienenen, gegen- wartig noch in Kraft stehenden kantonalen Gesetze, Verordnungen und Beschliisse, nebst den wichtigsten seitherigen Bundeserlassen. 6. Alle seit der Anno 1902 erfolgten Herausgabe des Sen Bandes bis und mit Okt. 1906 erschienenen, gegen- wartig noch in Kraft stehenden kantonalen Gesetze, Verordnungen und Beschliisse, nebst den wichtigsten seitherigen Bundeserlassen.

Same. [Anderungen, 1897-98.] n.t.p. [Glarus, 1897-98.] 8°. 12 p. Gold Coast Colony. Ordinances of tlie Gold Coast Col- ony, and the rules and orders thereunder in force

31st March, 1903 ; an appendix containing the letters patent, the imperial orders in council, and various acts of Parliament in force in the colony, and an index; also, the ordinances, etc., in force in Ashanti and the northern territories of the Gold Coast. Pre- pared, 1903, by W. B. Griffith. London, Stevens and Sons, 1903. 2 v. 8°. xlvi, (1), 1785, (1) p. Comments on some ordinances of the Gold Coast

Colony ; with notes on a few decided cases, by H. "W. Hayes Redwar. Mostly reprinted from the " Gold Coast Leader " at the request of the Gold Coast

Aborigines Rights Protection Society ; with a preface bv John Mensah Sarbah. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1909. 8°. xxvi, 296 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 101

Gold Coast Colony, continued. Gold Coast. Laws and regulations affecting land and names and the labour of natives, 1901. London, 1901. f°. 48 p. The imperial statutes applicable to the Gold Coast. (In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. 1902-04.) Graubiinden. See Grisons. Great Britain. [Single acts and compilations of acts relating to special subjects are not included in this list of English laws.] The statutes at large from Magna Charta to the 30th year of George ii., [1225-1756].. By John Cay. London, printed by Thomas Baskett, 1758. 6 v. f°. Same. 31st George n. to 10th George in., [1757-69]. Vol. 7-8. By Owen Euffhead. London, printed by Mark Baskett, 1769-71. 2 v. f°. —^The statutes at large from Magna Charta to 46 George m., being the 4th session of the 2d Parlia- ment of the of Great-Britain and Ireland, [1225-1806]. By Danby Pickermg. Cam- bridge, University Press, etc., 1762-1807. 46 v. 8°.

Vol. 24 and 38 are indexes.


Vol. 1. 9 Henry . — 14 Edw. ill., 1225-1340. 2. 15 Edw. III. — 13 Henry iv., 1341-1411. 3. 1 Henry v. — 22 Edw. IV., 1413-82. 4. 1 Richard in. — 31 Henry viil., 1483-1539. 5. 32 Henry viii. — 7 Edw. vi., 1540-53. 6. 1 Mary — 35 Eliz., 1553-93. 7. 39 Eliz. — 12 Charles li., 1597-1660. 8. 12 Charles n. — 1 James ii., 1661-85. 9. 1 Will, and Mary — 8 Will, ill., 1688-96. 10. 8 Will. III. — 2 Anne, 1696-1701. 11. 2-8 Anne, 1703-08. 12. 8-12 Anne, 1709-11. 13. 12 Anne — 5 Geo. i., 1713-17. 14. 5-9 Geo. i., 1718-21. 15. 9 Geo. I. — 2 Geo. ii., 1722-28. 16. 2-9 Geo. il., 1729-35. 17. 9-15 Geo. ii., 1736-41. 18. 15-20 Geo. ll., 1742-46. 19. 20-23 Geo. ii., 1747-49. 20. 23-26 Geo. il., 1750-52. 21. 26-30 Geo. II., 1753-56. 22. 30-32 Geo. ii., 1757-59. 23. 33 Geo. ii. — 1 Geo. in., 1760. 24. Index from Magna Charta to the end of the 11th Parliament, 9 Henry in. — 1 Geo. in., 1225-1760. 25. 2-3 Geo. in. lst-2d session, 12th Parliament, 1761-63. 26. 4-5 Geo. in. 3d-4th session, 12th Parliament, 1764-65. 102 STATE LIBRARY.

Great Britain, continued.

27. 6-7 Geo. in. 5th-6th session, 12t.h Parliament 1765-66. 28. 8-10 Geo. III. 7th session, 12th Parliament — 3d s sion, 13th Parliament, 1767-69. 29. 11-12 Geo. in. 4th-5th session, 13th Parliament 1770-72. 30. 13-14 Geo. in. 6th session, 13th Parliament, 1773-74 31. 15-17 Geo. in. lst-3d session, 14th Parliament, 1775-77. 32. 18-19 Geo. in. 4th-5th session, 14th Parliament 1778-79. 33. 20-21 Geo. in. 6th session, 14th Parliament — 1st ses sion, 15th Parliament, 1780-81. 34. 22-24 Geo. iii. 2d session, 15th Parliament — 1st ses sion, 16th Parliament, 1782-84. 35. 25-26 Geo. in. 2d-3d session, 16th Parliament 178.5-86. 38. 27-29 Geo. iii. 4th-6th session, 16th Parliament 1787-89. 37. 30-32 Geo. iii. 7th session, 16th Parliament — 2d ses sion, 17th Parliament, 1790-92. 38. Index, 1-32 Geo. in., 1761-92. 39. 33-34 Geo. in. 3d-4th session, 17th Parliament, 1793-94. 40. 35-36 Geo. iii. 5th-6th session, 17th Parliament, 1795 41. 37-38 Geo. in. lst-2d session, 18th Parliament 1796-97. 42. 39^0 Geo. in. 3d-4th session, 18th Parliament, 1798- 1800. 43. 41^2 Geo. in. lst-2d session, 1st Parliament 1801-02. 44. 43 Geo. ill. 1st session, 2d Parliament, 1803. 45. 44-^5 Geo. in. 2d-3d session, 2d Parliament, 1804-05 46. 46 Geo. in. 4th session, 2d Parliament, 1806.

The statutes of the United and Ireland, 47 George iii. — 30 and 31 Victoria, 1807-67, 1st session, 3d Parliament — 2d session, 19th Parliament. London, 1807-67. 63 v. 8°.

From 1857 by G. K. Eickards.

Contenis. Vol. 47. 47 Geo. in. 1st session, 3d Parliament; 1st session, 4th Parliament, 1807. 48. 48 Geo. in. 2d session, 4th Parliament, 1808. 49. 49 Geo. in. 3d session, 4th Parliament, 1809. 50. 50 Geo. ill. 4th session, 4th Parliament, 1810. 51. 51 Geo. in. 5th session, 4th Parliament, 1811. 52. 52 Geo. in. 6th session, 4th Parliament, 1812. 53. 53 Geo. in. 1st session, 5th Parliament, 1813. 54. 54 Geo. in. 2d session, 5th Parliament, 1814. 55. 55 Geo. m. 3d session, 5th Parliament, 1815. 56. 56 Geo. ill. 4th session, 5th Parliament, 1816. 57. 57 Geo. in. 5th session, 5th Parliament, 1817. 58. 58 Geo. in. 6th session, 5th Parliament, 1818. 59. 59 Geo. in. 1st session, 6th Parliament, 1819. FOREIGN LAWS. 103

Great Britain, continued.

60. 60 Geo. iii. — 1 Geo. IV. 2d session, 6th Parliament, and 1st session, 7th Parliament, 1819-20. 61. 1-2 Geo. IV. 2d session, 7th Parliament, 1821. 62. 3 Geo. IV. 3d session, 7th Parliament, 1822. 63. 4 Geo. iv. 4th session, 7th Parliament, 1823. 64. 5 Geo. iv. 5th session, 7th Parliament, 1824. 65. 6 Geo. iv. 6th session, 7th Parliament, 1825. 66. 7 Geo. iv. 7th session, 7th Parliament, 1826. 67. 7-8 Geo. iv. 1st session, 8th Parliament, 1827. 68. 9 Geo. IV. 2d session, 8th Parliament, 1828. 69. 10 Geo. IV. 3d session, 8th Parliament, 1829. 70. 11 Geo. IV. — 1 "Will. iv. 4th session, 8th Parliament, 1830. 71. 1-2 "Will. IV. 1st session, 9th Parliament, and 1st ses- sion, 10th Parliament, 1831. 72. 2-3 "Will. IV. 2d session, 10th Parliament, 1832. 73. 3-4 "Will. IV. 1st session, 11th Parliament, 1833. 74. 4-5 "Will. IV. 2d session, 11th Parliament, 1834. 75. 5-6 "Will. IV. 1st session, 12th Parliament, 1835. 76. 6-7 "Will. IV. 2d session, 12th Parliament, 1836. 77. 7 Will. IV. — 1 Vict. 3d session, 12th Parliament, 1837. 78. 1-2 Vict. 1st session, 13th Parliament, 1838. 79. 2-3 Vict. 2d session, 13th Parliament, 1839. 80. 3^ Vict. 3d session, 13th Parliament, 1840. 81. 4-5 Viet, and 5 Vict. 4th session, 13th Parliament, and 1st session, 14th Parliament, 1841. 82. 5-6 Vict. 2d session, 14th Parliament, 1842. 83. 6-7 Vict. 3d session, 14th Parliament, 1843. 84. 7-8 Vict. 4th session, 14th Parliament, 1844. 85. 8-9 Vict. 5th session, 14th Parliament, 1845. 86. 9-10 Viet. 6th session, 14th Parliament, 1846. 87. 10-11 Vict. 7th session, 14th Parliament, 1847. 88. 11-12 Vict. 1st session, 15th Parliament, 1847-48. 89. 12-13 Vict. 2d session, 15th Parliament, 1848-49. 90. 13-14 Vict. 3d session, 15th Parliament, 1850. 91. 14-15 Vict. 4th session, 15th Parliament, 1851. 92. 15-16 Vict. 5th session, 15th Parliament, 1852. 93. 16-17 Vict. 1st session, 16th Parliament, 1853. 94. 17-18 Vict. 2d session, 16th Parliament, 1854. 95. 18-19 Vict. 3d session, 16th Parliament, 1854-55. 96. 19-20 Viet. 4th session, 16th Parliament, 1856. 97. 20 Vict. 5th session, 16th Parliament, 1857. 98. 20-21 Vict. 1st session, 17th Parliament, 1857. 99. 21-22 Vict. 2d session, 17th Parliament, 1857-58. 100. 22 Vict. 3d session, 17th Parliament, 1859. 101. 22-23 Vict. 1st session, 18th Parliament, 1859. 102. 23-24 Viet. 2d session, 18th Parliament, 1860. 103. 24-25 Vict. 3d session, 18th Parliament, 1861. 104. 25-26 Vict. 4th session, 18th Parliament, 1862. 105. 26-27 Vict. 5th session, 18th Parliament, 1863. 106. 27-28 Vict. 6th session, 18th Parliament, 1864. 107. 28-29 Vict. 7th session, 18th Parliament, 1865. 108. 29-30 Vict. 1st session, 19th Parliament, 1866. 109. 30-31 Vict. 2d session, 19th Parliament, 1867.

Public general statutes, 29tli Victoria — 9tli Ed"ward VII., [18661-1909; witli a list of the local and private acts, etc. 1st session, 19tli Parliament •— [5th ses- 104 STATE LIBRARY.

Great Britain, continued. sion, 26tli Parliament]. Vol. 1-47. London, 1866-

99. 47 V. in 45. 1. 8°. (Law Reports.)


Vol. 1. 29-30 Vict. 1st session, 19th Parliament, 1866. 2. 30-31 Vict. 2d session, 19tli Parliament, 1867. 3. 31-32 Vict. 3d session, 19th Parliament, 1868. 4. 32-33 Vict. 1st session, 20th Parliament, 1869. 5. 33-34 Viet. 2d session, 20th Parliament, 1870. 6. 34-35 Vict. 3d session, 20th Parliament, 1871. 7. 35-36 Viet. 4th session, 20th Parliament, 1872. 8. 36-37 Vict. 5th session, 20th Parliament, 1873. 9. 37-38 Vict. 1st session, 21st Parliament, 1874. 10. 38-39 Vict. 2d session, 21st Parliament, 1875. 11. 39-40 Vict. 3d session, 21st Parliament, 1876. 12. 40-41 Vict. 4th session, 21st Parliament, 1877. 13. 41^2 Vict. 5th session, 21st Parliament, 1878. 14. 42^3 Vict. 6th session, 21st Parliament, 1879. 15. 43 Viet. 7th session, 21st Parliament, 1880. 16. 43^4 Vict. 1st session, 22d Parliament, 1880. 17. 44-45 Vict. 2d session, 22d Parliament, 1881. 18. 45-46 Vict. 3d session, 22d Parliament, 1882. 19. 46^7 Vict. 4th session, 22d Parliament, 1883. 20. 47Ht8 Vict. 5th session, 22d Parliament, 1884. 21. 48-49 Vict. 6th session, 22d Parliament, 1884-85. 22. 49-50 Vict. 1st session, 23d Parliament, 1886. 23. 50 Vict. 1st session, 24th Parliament, 1886. 24. 50-51 Viet. 2d session, 24th Parliament, 1887. 25. 51-52 Vict. 3d session, 24th Parliament, 1888. 26. 52-53 Vict. 4th session, 24th Parliament, 1889. 27. 53-54 Vict. 5th session, 24th Parliament, 1890. 28. 54^55 Viet. 6th session, 24th Parliament, 1891. 29. 55-56 Vict. 7th session, 24th Parliament, 1892. 30. 56-57 Vict. 2d session, 25th Parliament, 1893-94. 31. 57-58 Vict. 3d session, 25th Parliament, 1894. 32. 58-59 Vict, and 59 Vict. 4th session, 25th Parlia- ment; 1st session, 26th Parliament, 1895. 33. 59-60 Viet. 2d session, 26th Parliament, 1896. 34. 60-61 Vict. 3d session, 26th Parliament, 1897. 35. 61-62 Vict. 4th session, 26th Parliament, 1898. 36. 62-63 Vict. 5th session, 26th Parliament, 1899. 37. 63 Vict. 5th session, 26th Parliament, 1899. 38. 63 Vict, and 63-64 Vict. 6th-7th session, 26th Par- liament, 1900. 39. 64 Vict, and 1 Edw. vil. lst-2d session, 27th Parlia- ment, 1901. 40. 2 Edw. VII. 3d session, 27th Parliament, 1902. 41. 3 Edw. VII. [4th] 3d session, 27th Parliament, 1903. 42. 4 Edw. VII. 5th session, 27th Parliament, 1904. 43. 5 Edw. VII. 6th session, 27th Parliament, 1905. 44. 6 Edw. VII. 1st session, 28th Parliament, 1906. 45. 7 Edw. VII. 2d session, 28th Parliament, 1907. 46. 8 Edw. vti. 3d session, 28th Parliament, 1908. 47. 9 Edw. vn. 4th session, 28th Parliament, 1909.

Public general acts, 6tli session, 26th Parliament — 4tli session, 28tli Parliament; with index and tables, etc. [1900-09.] London, 1900-10. 7 v. 8°. EOREIGN LAWS. 105

Great Britain, continued. The legislation of the empire, being a survey of the legislative enactments of the British Dominions from 1898 to 1907, ed., under the direction of the Society of Comparative Legislation, by C. E. A. Bedwell; with a preface by the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Eosebery and an introduction by Sir John Macdonell. Lon-

don, Butterworth & Co., 1909. 4 v. 1. 8°. Portraits.

Vol. 4 is a general index.

Butterworth's Twentieth century statutes, annotated, being the public general acts, 1900-09, excluding acts in force only in Scotland, the Channel Islands,

and the ; issued under the general editor- ship of H. H. King. London, Butterworth & Co., 1910. 5 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Abstract of title — Ecclesiastical law. 2. Education — I. O. TJ. 3. Ireland — Post obit bond. 4. Post office — Roman Catholics. 5. Royal forces — Yeomanry.

Statutes, revised ed. Henrv in. — 42 Vict., 1235- 1878. London, 1870-[85]. 18 v. 1. 8°. Same. 2d revised ed. 1235-1886. London, 1888- 1900. 16 V. 1. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. 1235-1713. 9. 1852-57. 2. 1714-1800. 10. 1858-62. 3. 1801-14. 11. 1863-67. 4. 1814-30. 12. 1868-71. 5. 1830-36. 13. 1872-75. 6. 1837^2. 14. 1876-80. 7. 1843-46. 15. 1881-83. 8. 1847-52. 16. 1884-86.

The laws of England, being a complete statement of the whole law of England; by the Earl of Halsbury and other lawvers. Vol. 1-16. London, Butterworth 8°. & Co., 1907-li. 16 V. 1.


Vol. 1. Action — Bankers and banking. 2. Bankruptcy — Bills of exchange. 3. Bills of sale — Burial and cremation. 4. Carriers — Commons and rights of commons. 5. Companies. 6. Compulsory purchase of land and compensation — Constitutional law, part 1-5. 7. Constitutional law, part 6, to end — Contract. 106 STATE LIBRARY.

Great Britain, continued.

8. Copyholds — County courts. 9. Courts — Criminal law and procedure. 10. Crown practice — Dependencies and colonies. 11. Descent and distribution — Ecclesiastical law.

12. Education —• Electric lighting and power. 13. Equity — Evidence. 14. Executi on — Fisheries. 15. Food and drugs — Guarantee. 16. Highways, streets, and bridges — Income tax.

Supplement no. 1, dealing with volumes 1 to 12. London, 1910. 1. 8°. xl, 197 p. A collection of acts and ordinances of general use made in Parliament, Nov. 1640 — Sept. 1656, [dur- ing the Commonwealth]. Being a continuation of Mr. Pulton's collection. With tables of the titles and principal matters. By Henry Scobell. London, H. Hills & J. Field, 1658. f°. (785) p. [Statutes], anno regni Annse reginse 10, 12, [1711, 181. London, printed bv Assigns of T. Newcomb, 8°. etc., 1711 ; by John Baskett, 1712-18. 2 v. in 1. 1. [Statutes], anno regni Georgii ii., 18, 31-33, 1744, 57-59. London, printed by Thomas Baskett, 1744— 60. 4 V. f°. The statutes at large, 10th-13th George ni., [1771- 73]. Prefixed, a table of the titles of all the publick and private statutes during that time. Vol. 11. London, 1774. 4°. A collection of statutes connected with the general administration of the law; arranged according to the order of subjects, with notes by Sir W. D. Evans. 3d ed., brought down to 10 Geo. iv., by Anthony Hammond, and continued to 5 & 6 Will, xv., by J. C. Granger. London, E. Lumley, 1836. 10 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Part 1. Persons and corporations. Part 2. Real estates. 2. Part 3. Personal property and contracts. 3-4. Part 4. Courts and civil proceedings. 5-6. Part 5. Criminal law. 7. Part 6. Justices of peace. 8. Part 6, contimied. .Justices of peace. Part 7. Miscel- laneous. Part 8. ^ Union acts. 9-10. Supplement.

A collection of the public general statutes, 6th-9th Vict., 3d-5th session, 14th Parliament, [1843^5]. London, 1843-45. 4 v. f°. FOREIGN LAWS. 107

Great Britain, continued. The statutes of practical utility arranged in alpha- betical and chronological order; with notes and in- " dexes ; being the 5th ed. .of Chitty's statutes." By J. M. Lely. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 189^1908. 15 V. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. Act of Parliament — Charities. 2. Chimneys — County courts. 3. Criminal law — Dower. 4. Education — Goods. 5. Habeas corpus — Intoxicating liquors. 6. Judgments — Limitation. 7. Loans — Metal dealers. 8. Metropolis — Parliament. 9. Partition — Privy Council. 10. Property and income tax — Eeligious worship. 11. Eevenue — Societies. 12. Solicitors — Working classes. 13. Table of short and popular titles, table of regnal years and chapters and a general index compiled with the assistance of H. L. Ormsby, and addenda, etc., to the previous volumes. 14. Supplement, 1895-1901. 15. Supplement, 1902-07. By J. M. Lely and W. H. Aggs.

Public general statutes relating to Ireland. {Ap- pended to Irish Law Times.) Public general statutes relating to Scotland, 20th- 31st Victoria, [1857-67]. Edinburgh, T. & T. Clark, 1857-67. 11 V. 8°.

Bound with the Journal of Jurisprudence, v. 1-11. In subsequent volumes the more important statutes are em- bodied in the text.

The Scots statutes revised. The acts of the Parlia- ments of Scotland, 1424-1707. Edinburgh, W. Green & Sons, 1908. 8°. (3), 227 p.

The Scots statutes revised ; the public general statutes affecting Scotland in so far as unrepealed by subsequent legislation, up to and including the acts of the session 64 Vict., 1900. Edinburgh, W. Green & Sons, 1899-1902. 10 v. 1. 8°.


Great Britain, continued.

Local and personal statutes. A collection of the local and personal acts declared public and to be judicially noticed, 18tb-33d Victo- ria, 3d session, 16th Parliament — 1st session, 20th. Parliament, 1854-[69]. London, 1855-69. 52 v. f°

and 1. 8°. Namely. 18-19 Vict. 3d session, 16th Parliament, 1854-55. 3 v. 19-20 Vict. 4th session, 16th Parliament, 1856. 2 v. 20-21 Vict. 1st session, 17th Parliament, 1857. 3 v. 21-22 Vict. 2d session, 17th Parliament, 1857-58. 3 v. 22-23 Vict. 1st session, 18th Parliament, 1859. 2 v. 23-24 Viet. 2d session, 18th Parliament, 1860. 3 v. 24-25 Vict. 3d session, 18th Parliament, 1861. 4 v. 25-26 Vict. 4th session, 18th Parliament, 1862. 4 v. 26-27 Vict. 5th session, 18th Parliament, 1863. 4 v. 27-28 Viet. 6th session, 18th Parliament, 1864. 5 v. 28-29 Vict. 7th session, 18th Parliament, 1865. 6 v. 29-30 Vict. 1st session, 19th Parliament, 1866. 5 v. 30-31 Vict. 2d session, 19th Parliament, 1867. 3 v. 31-32 Viet. 3d session, 19th Parliament, 1867-68. 2 v. 32-33 Vict. 1st session, 20th Parliament, 1868-69. 3 v. Entitled " Collection of local and private acts," 1868-69.

The local [and private] acts, 33d Vict. — 9 Edw. vii., 2d session, 20th Parliament — 4th session, 28th Parliament, [1870-1909]. London, 1870-[1909].

208 V. 1. 8°. Namely. 33-34 V et. 2d session, 20th Parliament, 1870. 3 v. 34-35 V: ct. 3d session, 20th Parliament, 1871. 4 v. 35-36 V: ct. 4th session, 20th Parliament, 1872. 4 v. 36-37 V: et. 5th session, 20th Parliament, 1873. 4 v. 37-38 V ct. 1st session, 21st Parliament, 1874. 4 v. 38-39 V ct. 2d session, 21st Parliament, 1875. 4 v. 39^0 V ct. 3d session, 21st Parliament, 1876. 4 v. 40-41 v: ct. 4th session, 21st Parliament, 1877. 4 v. 41^2 V ct. 5th session, 21st Parliament, 1878. 4 v. 42^3 V ct. 6th session, 21st Parliament, 1879. 4 v. 43^4 V ct. 1st session, 22d Parliament, 1880. 4 v. 44^5 V: ct. 2d session, 22d Parliament, 1881. 4 v. 45^6 V et. 3d session, 22d Parliament, 1882. 5 v. 46-47 V: ct. 4th session, 22d Parliament, 1883. 6 v. 47-48 V; ct. 5th session, 22d Parliament, 1884. 5 v. 48-49 V: et. 6th session, 22d Parliament, 1884-85. 5 v. 49-50 V: ct. 1st session, 23d Parliament, 1886. 2 v. 50 Viet. 1st session, 24th Parliament, 1886. 1 v. 50-51 V: et. 2d session, 24th Parliament, 1887. 4 v. 51-52 V: et. 3d session, 24th Parliament, 1888. 4 v. 52-53 V: ct. 4th session, 24th Parliament, 1889. 5 v. 53-54 V ct. 5th session, 24th Parliament, 1890. 7 v. 54-55 V ct. 6th session, 24th Parliament, 1891. 6 v. 55-56 V ct. 7th session, 24th Parliament, 1892. 6 v. 56-57 V et. 2d session, 25th Parliament, 1893-94. 6 v. FOREIGN LAWS. 109

Great Britain, continued.

57-58 Vict. 3d session, 25th Parliament, 1894. 6 v. 58-59 Vict. 4th session, 25th Parliament, 1st session, 26th Par- liament, 1895. 4 V. 59 Vict. 2d session, 26th Parliament, 1895. 59-60 Vict. 2d session, 26th Parliament, 1896. 7 v. 60-61 AT'ict. 3d session, 26th Parliament, 1897. 8 v. 61-62 Vict. 4th session, 26th Parliament, 1898. 7 v. 62-63 Vict. 5th session, 26th Parliament, 1899. 9 v. 63-64 Vict. 7th session, 26th Parliament, 1900. 8 v. 1 Edw. VII. 2d session, 27th Parliament, 1901. 8 v. 2 Edw. VII. 3d session, 27th Parliament, 1902. 7 v. 3 Edw. VII. 4th session, 27th Parliament, 1903. 8 v. 4 Edw. VII. 5th session, 27th Parliament, 1904. 8 v. 5 Edw. VII. 6th session, 27th Parliament, 1905. 6 v. 6 Edw. VII. 1st session, 28th Parliament, 1906. 6 v. 7 Edw. VII. 2d session, 28th Parliament, 1907. 5 v. 8 Edw. VII. 3d session, 28th Parliament, 1908. 5 v. 9 Edw. VII. 4th session, 28th Parliament, 1909. 5 v. No local acts were passed during the 1st session, 25th Parlia- ment, the 6th session, 26th Parliament, or the 1st session, 27th Parliament. The title reads " Local acts ", 1870-1902; " Local and private acts ", 1903-08. The private acts as listed below are appended to the local acts.

Namely. 39-^0 Vict. 3d session, 21st Parliament, 1876. 42-43 Vict. 6th session, 21st Parliament, 1879. 43-44 Vict. 1st session, 22d Parliament, 1880. 44-^5 Vict. 2d session, 22d Parliament, 1881. 45-46 Vict. 3d session, 22d Parliament, 1882. 46^7 Vict. 4th session, 22d Parliament, 1883. 47-48 Vict. 5th session, 22d Parliament, 1884. 48^9 Viet. 6th session, 22d Parliament, 1885. 49-50 Vict. 1st session, 23d Parliament, 1886. 50-51 Vict. 2d session, 24th Parliament, 1887. 51-52 Vict. 3d session, 24th Parliament, 1888. 52-53 Vict. 4th session, 24th Parliament, 1889. 54-55 Vict. 6th session, 24th Parliament, 1891. 55-56 Vict. 7th session, 24th Parliament, 1892. 56-57 Vict. 2d session, 25th Parliament, 1893. 57-58 Vict. 3d session, 25th Parliament, 1894. 59-60 Vict. 2d session, 26th Parliament, 1896. 60-61 Vict. 3d session, 26th Parliament, 1897. 61-62 Vict. 4th session, 26th Parliament, 1898. 62-63 Vict. 5th session, 26th Parliament, 1899. 63-64 Vict. 7th session, 26th Parliament, 1900. 3 Edw. VII. 4th session, 27th Parliament, 1903. 4 Edw. VII. 5th session, 27th Parliament, 1904. 5 Edw. VII. 6th session, 27th Parliament, 1905. 6 Edw. VII. 1st session, 28th Parliament, 1906. 7 Edw. VII. 2d session, 28th Parliament, 1907. 8 Edw. VII. 3d session, 28th Parliament, 1908.

Abridgments. An exact abridgment of all statutes in force and use upon the 4tli day of January, 1641-^2, from the beginning of to the said time. By no STATE LIBRARY.

Great Britain, continued. Edw. Wingate. 3d ed., corrected and amended. London, printed by T. R. for H. Twyford, 1659. 16°. (6), 592, (47) p. An exact abridgment of all statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna Charta until 1641. By Edw. Wingate. And from thence continued down to this present year 1681. London, 1681. 12°. (4), 688, (64) p. An exact abridgment of all the statutes of King Wil- liam and Queen Mary and of King William in. and Queen Amne, in force and use. Begun by Joseph Washington and revised and continued to April 3, 1704. London, 1704. 12°. (80), 661, (86) p.

The statute-law common-plac'd : or, A second general table to the statutes. Containing the purport and effect of all the acts of Parliament in force from Ma^na Charta down to this time. By Gr. Jacob. [London], In the Savoy, printed by E. Nutt and R. Gosling, 1719. 12°. (16), 220, (4) p. An exact abridgment of all the statutes in force and use from Magna Charta, 9 H. 3, to the beginning of the reign of King George, [1225-1715]. London, 1725. 4 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. A-C. 3. M-S. 2. D-L. 4. T-Z.

Same. From the end of the reign of Queen Anne to the 4th year of His present Majesty's reign. Vol. 5-7. London, 1725-32. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 5. 1715-19. 6. 1719-25. 7. 1725-31.

-Readings upon the statute law, alphabetically di- gested. By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple. [Vol. 1-2.] London, for the author, 1723. 2 v. 8°.

353 p. ; 370 p. An abridgment of the publick statutes in force and use from Magna Charta, in the 9th year of King Henry m. to the 11th year of His present Majesty n. inclusive. King' G-eorge London, 1739. 2 v. f°. FOREIGN LAWS. Ill

Great Britain, continued. An abridgment of the pnblick statutes now in force and of general use from Magna Cliarta in the 9th year of King Henry iii. to tlie 1st year of His present Majesty King George iii., inclusive. By John Cay, and continued from the 11th year of His late Majesty by H. B. Cay. 2d ed. London, printed by M. Baskett, 1762. 2 v. f°. (42), 895 p.; 904, (48) p. A compendious abstract of the public general acts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire- land, 1823-65; Public general acts, 1866-[1907]. London, E. B. Ince and others, 1823-[1908]. 4° and

Published annually in connection with the Law Journal reports. The Public general statutes are also appended to the " Solic-

' ' ' ' itors Journal ' and to the ' Weekly Eeporter, ' those of prac- tical importance only being published in full.

- Encycloptedia of the laws of England, being a new abridgment by the most eminent legal authorities, under the general editorship of A. W. Renton; with a general introduction by Sir F. Pollock. London, Sweet & Maxwell, [1897-1903]. 13 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. Abandonment — Bankruptcy. 2. Banner — Cheque. 3. Chicory — County courts. 4. County district — Employers and workmen. 5. Employers' liability — Freemason. 6. Freight — Interment. 7. International copyright — Lodemanage. 8. Lodger — Mortgage. 9. Mortmain — Peel acts. 10. Peerage — Eail, Line of. 11. Railway — Stream. 12. Street — Zululand. Appendix. 13. Supplement, ed. by A. W. Donald and exhaustive in- dex to the entire work by Wm. Bowstead.

Same. Encyclopaedia of the laws of England, with forms and precedents, by the most eminent legal

authorities. 2d ed. revised and enlarged ; with a gen- eral introduction by Sir F. Pollock. London, Sweet & Maxwell, [1906-09]. 15 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. Abandonment — Banker. 2. Bankruptcy — Charity Commission. 112 STATE LIBRARY.

Great Britain, continued.

3. Charter-party — Coroner. 4. Corporations — Domicil. 5. Dominican Eepublic — Factories and workshops. 6. Factors — Hypotheque.

7. Ice —• Landlord and tenant. 8. Land-man — Maritime territory. 9. Mark — Non-assumpsit. 10. Nonconformist — Pay office.

11. Peace —• Proclamation. 12. Proctor — Revising barrister. 13. Revivor — Tasmania.

14. Taxation —• Zollverein. 15. Tables of cases, index to forms and precedents, ad- denda and corrigenda, with a complete index of matters contained in the entire work, by William Bowstead.

Same. lst-2d animal supplement, being a digest of current law; ed. by M. A. Robertson. Temporary- volume for use during 1910-11. London, Sweet & Maxwell, [1910-11]. 2 v. 8°.

Indexes, etc. A digest and index, with a chronological table of all the statutes from Magna Charta to the end of this

last session ; by George Crabb. London, A. Maxwell, 184L 8°. (47), 987 p. -Same. To 1846. London, 1841-47. 4 v. 8°. -Index to local acts, consisting of classified lists of the local and personal and private acts from 41 Greo. m. 1801 to 62-3 Vict. 1899; prepared by direction of the statute law committee. London, 1900. 1. 8°. viii, (1), 807 p. -Index to the statutes, public and private, from the union with Ireland to the termination of the 18th Parliament. 1801-65. London, 1867. 2 pt. f°. vii, clxxi, 703 p.; vi, 1033 p.


Part 1. The public general acts; with a chronological list of acts repealed. 2. The local and personal acts, local acts, and private acts, in classes.

-Same. [Supplementary to part 2.] Index to the local and private acts, in classes, 1866-77. [Lon- don], 1878. f°. iv, (2), 326 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 113

Great Britain, continued. Same, continued. 1878-87. London, 1890. f°. iv, 386 p. Chronological table of and index to the statutes to

the end of the session of 1869. London, 1870. 1. 8°. ix, 666 p. Chronological table and index of the statutes. 7th ed., to the end of the 2d session of 1880. London, 1881. 1. 8°. XV, 1336 p. Same. 9th ed., to the end of the session of 1883. London, 1884. 1. 8°. xi, 1277 p. Same. 11th ed., to the end of the session 52 and 53 Vict. 1889. London, 1890. 1. 8°. xi, (1), 1278, (1) p. Same. 13th ed., to the end of the session 59 Vict.

sess. 2, 1895. London, 1896. 2 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. Chronological table. 2. Index.

British colonies and dependencies. Surge's Commentaries on colonial and foreign laws generally, and in their conflict with each other and with the laws of England. New ed., under the gen- eral editorship of A. W. Eenton and G. G. Philli- more. Vol. 1-3. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1907- 10. 3 V. 8°. Same. [Vol. l.J Colonial laws and courts, with a sketch of the legal systems of the world and tables of conditions of appeal to the Privy Council; under the general editorship of A. W. Renton and G. G. Phillimore. London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1907. 18°. xxxi, 420 p. The imperial statutes applicable to the colonies. Vol. 1. Statutes of general application. 2. Statutes of special application. Bv F. T. Piggott. London, W. Clowes & Sons, 1902-04. 2 v. 4°. Ivi, 753 p.; xxxx, 803 p. The legislation of the empire, being a survey of the legislative enactments of the British dominions from 1898 to 1907; ed. under the direction of the Society of Comparative Legislation by C. E. A. Bidwell; with a preface by the Earl of Eosebery and an intro- 114 STATE LIBRARY.

Great Britain, continued. duction by Sir John Macdonell. London, Butter- wortli & Co., 1909. 4 v. 1. 8°. Portraits.

Vol. 4 is a general index. See also Australia; — Bahamas; — Barbados; — Basutoland; — Bechuanaland Protectorate; — Bermudas; — British Bechuana- land; — British G-uiana; — British Honduras; — British KaSraria; — British North Borneo; — Canada; — Cape of Good Hope; — Ceylon; — Cyprus; — East Africa Protectorate; — Egypt; — Falk- land Islands; — Fiji; — Gambia; — Gibraltar; — Gold Coast Col- ony; — Grenada; — Griciualand West; — Guernsey; — Helgoland; — Hongkong; — India; — Ionian Islands; — Ireland; — Isle of Man; — Jamaica; — Jersey; — Labuan; — Leeward Islands; — Malta; — Mauritius; — Natal; — New South Wales; — New Zea- land; — Newfoundland; — North-Eastem Nigeria; — Northern Nigeria; — Orange River Colony; — Papua; — Queensland; — Saint Helena; — Saint Lucia; — Saint Vincent; — Scotland; — Si- erra Leone; — SomalUand Protectorate; — South Australia; — Southern Rhodesia; — Straits Settlements; — Tasmania; — Trans- vaal Colony; — Trinidad; — Uganda Protectorate; — Victoria; — Wales; — Western Australia; — Zanzibar.

Grenada. The laws of Grenada, 1763-1805 ; with tables of all the statutes passed in that period, and of all the originals yet remaining in the public office, and

an index of the contents ; by George Smith. London, H. Bryer, 1808. 4°. Ixxv, 375, (16) p. The laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, 1766-1828. t.p.tv. [Grenada, 1830.] 4°. vii-xxv, 412 p.

Same. Supplement, [1-6] ; being the acts passed by the Legislature, March 1829 — 17th Feb. 1835. Grenada, A. M'Combie, 1832-35. 4°. Same. Index. March 1829 — Feb. 1835. Grenada, A. M'Combie, 1836. 4°. 15 p. Same. Supplement, [l]-3. Vol 3. 1836-38. Gren- ada, A. M'Combie, 1836-38. 4°. (3), 77 p.

Supplement 1 for 1836 contains also laws from March to Oct. 1835.

The laws of Grenada, [no. ccciii-cccxvii] . [1841- 42.] n.t.p. [1841^2.] 4°. pp. 123-174. The laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, 1766-1852, with a table of acts, and a tabular and general in- dex; ed. by William Snagg. Grenada, D. J. Davi- son, 1852. 8°. xxxvi, 552 p. The laws of Grenada and the Grenadines, 1766-1875, with a table of acts and a tabular and general index; compiled by commissioners, [Samuel Mitchell and others]. London, G. Phipps, 1875. 8°. xii, 716 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 115

Grenada, continued. The laws of Grenada. London, printed by Waterlow & Sons, 1897. f°. 983 p.

Ordinances, 1882, 85-93 ; Ordinances, orders in Coun-

cil, etc., 1898-1901, 04^10. n.t.p. [1882-93] ; Saint George, 1899-1911. f°. Namely. 1882. 116 STATE LIBRARY.

Grisons or Graubunden, continued. genossiehe Konkordate, und Beschliisse der Tagsatz- ung; Alles nach Inhalt der bisher erscheinenen und bis zu Ende des Jahres 1834 reichenden ersten zwei Bande der Eidgenossischen Sammlung. 2. Die Kantonsverfassung, die Verfassungsbestimmungen einzelner Landestheile, die Festsetzungeu in Bezug auf die Reprasentanzverhaltnisse, die Organisation und den Gesehaftskreis der politischen Standea- behorden, gesezliehe Vorsehriften in Bezug auf Kan- tonsbeamte, die Zivil- und Kriminalrechtspflege. 3. 1. Die Sachpolizei, als Sanitatswesen, Strassenbau und Strassenpolizei, Transitwesen, Flusspolizei, Forst- polizei, Jagdpolizei. 2. Das Finanzwesen, als Finanz- verwaltung, Zollwesen, Salzregie, Postregal und Beschnitzungsordnung. i. Die gesezlichen Bestimmungen und Verordnungen iiber biirgerrechtliche Verhaltnisse und Heimatlose, Nieder- lose, Niederlassungs- und Gewerbswesen, Handel und Verkehr, Personalpolizei, Erziehungswesen, die Ver- haltnisse des Staates zu dam Bisthum Chur und den auf biindnerischen Gebiet gelegenen Klostern, die Verhaltnisse der beiden Konfessionstheile zu einander und zum Staat, und iiber das Wehrwesen.

Same, les Supplementheft. Chur, 1842. 8°. vii, 127 p. Same. 2er Supplementband. Chur, 1846. 8°. xvi, (449) p. Amtliche Gresetzes-Sammlung des Kantons Graubiin- den. Ersatz-Band, enthaltend die am 30. Juli 1901 noch in Krafts bestehenden Gesetze und Verord- nungen, welche bis dahin in folgenden Banden der amtlichen Sammlung enthalten waren: 1. Band, her- ausg. im Jahr 1860; 2. Band, herausg. im Jahr 1864; 3. Baud herausg. im Jahr 1867. Chur, 1901. 8°. (3), 241, viii, p. Same. 4er Band, enthaltend die seit 1867 erschiene- nen Gesetze und Verordnungen. Chur, 1880. 8°. (5), 497 p.

Code civil du canton des Grisons ; tr. avec introduc- tion par Eaoul de La Grasserie. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1893. 8". 169 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 7.) Graubiindnersche Grundgesetze aufs Neue iibersehen zum Drnke beforderf. Ziirich und Chur, 1767. 16°. 129, (1), 76 p. Offizielle Sammlung der seit der Vermittlungsur- kunde im Kanton Graubiinden gegebenen Geseze und Verordnungen. les Heft, 1805; 2er Band [4es-6es Heft, 1810-13]. Chur, 1805-13. 2 v. 16°, 12°. '


Grisons or Graubunden, continued. Revidirte aintliche Gesetzes-Sammlung fiir den Eid- genossisclien Stand Graubiinden. 3es Heft, enthal- tend Gesetze, Beschliisse und Verordnnngen der Standesbehorden liber verschiedene innere Ver- waltungszweige, nemlich: le Abth., Finanzwesen. 2e Abth., Milizwesen. Cliur, 1823. 8°. viii, 107 p. Groningen. Instructie voor de Gedeputeerde Staten der provincie Groningen, bedoeld bij art. 150 der wet van den 6 Jnlij 1850, staatsblad no. 39, vastgesteld bij statenbeslnit van den 12 Nov. 1851, no. 2, goedge- keurd bij Koninklijk besluit van den 28 Nov. 1851, no. 61, voorzien van de sedert daarin aangebrachte wijzigingen. Groningen, [18511. narrow 8°. 16 p. Kiesreglement voor de waterschappen in de provincie Groningen, vastgesteld bij besluit der Staaten, d. d. 17 Juli 1906, onder no. 22 goedgekeurd bij Koninklijk besluit 28 Aug. 1906, no. 59. Provinciaal blad 1906, no. 51. Groningen, 1906. 8°. 24, (8) p. Politie-reglement op de rivieren en kanalen en daarbij behoorende werken in de provincie Groningen, vastge- steld bij besluit der staten dier provincie van 17 Juli 1906, onder no. 17, goedgekeurd bij Koninklijk besluit van 29 Oct. 1906, no. 52. Provinciaal blad 1906, no. 82. Groningen, [19061. 8°. 29 p. Provinciaal blad van Groningen, [1903, nos. 7, 21, 31;

1906, nos. 48, 51, 82 ; 1907, no. 41.1 n.t.p. Groningen, 1903-07. 7 pm. 8°.

Provinciaal blad no. 7, 1903, reads " Eeglement op de verve- ningen en ontgrondingen in de provincie Groningen"; no. 21, 1903, " Eeglement houdende algemecne bepalingen voor de water- schappen in de provincie Groningen "; no. 31, 1903, " Veror- dening houdende voorziening tegen benadeeling van dijken "; no. 82, 1906, " Politie-reglement op de rivieren en kanalen en daarbij behoorende werken in de provincie Groningen. '

Eeglement houdende algemeene bepalingen voor de waterschappen in de provincie Groningen. Gro- ningen, 1903. 8°. 32 p. Eeglement op het toezicbt der wateren, bruggen en waterwerken in de provincie Groningen, vastgesteld bij staten-besluit van den 11 Juli 1855 no. 2, goedge- keurd bij Koninklijk besluit van den 18 Aug. 1855 no. 44, Provinciaal blad no. 46 van 1855, en gewijzigd bij staten-besluiten van 15 Juli 1875 no. 10, 15 Nov. 1876 no. 6 en 14 Juli 1885 no. 12, goedgekeurd bij Koninklijke besluiten van den 28 Aug. 1875 no. 8, 118 STATE LIBRARY.

Groningen, continued. Provinciaal blad no. 8 van 1875, 13 Dec. 1876 no. 20, Provinciaal blad no. 85 van 1876, en 17 Aug. 1885 no. 12, Provinciaal blad no. 65 van 1885. Groningen, [1885]. narrow 8°. 16 p. Eeglement op bet toezicbt der wegen in de provincie Groningen, vastgesteld bij beslmt der staten, d. d.

9 Dec. 1879, no. 3, goedgekeurd bij Koninklijk besluit, d. d. 19 Maart 1880, no. 9. Provinciaal blad 1880, no. 18, met de daarin tot en met 1904 aangebrachte wijzigingen. Groningen, 1905. 8°. 40 p. Same. Vastgesteld bij besMt der staten, d. d. 21 Juli 1908, onder no. 13. goedgekeurd bij Koninklijk besluit van 3 Nov. 1908, no. 26. Provinciaal blad 1908, no. 72. Groningen, 1908. 8°. 46 p. Guadeloupe. Bulletin des actes administratifs de la Guadeloupe, 1828-57, 60-70. Basse-Terre, 1828-71. 40 V. in 30. 8°. Namely. 1828- "


Guanajuato, continued. del departamento del mismo nombre. Guanajuato, 1851. 8^ 304 p. Decretos expedidos por las asambleas constitucionales del departamento de Guanajuato, 1844^6. Guana- juato, 1851. 8°. 99 p. Decretos expedidos por el gobernador Manuel Dob- lado, 1846-47. Guanajuato, 1851. 8°. 71 p. Decretos expedidos poir el gobernador Lorenzo Arellano, 1847-48. Guanajuato, 1851. 8°. 68 p. Decretos expedidos por el 6to-8vo Congreso constitu- cional del estado de Guanajuato, 1846-52. Guana- juato, 1851-52. 3 V. 8°.

Namely. 6to Congreso, 1846^8. 7mo Congreso, 1849-50. 8vo Congreso, 1851-52. " Y reglamentos del gobierno, " 1851-52.

[Decretos expedidos por el 2do-14to Congreso con- stitueional del estado libre y soberano de Guana- juato, die. 1867 — agosto 1892.] n.t.p. [Guana- juato, 1868-92.] 10 V. 8°. Namely. 2do Congreso, [die. 1867 — junio 1869]. oro Congreso, [set. 1869 —-julio 1871]. 4to Congreso, [set. 1871 — agosto 1873]. 5to Congreso, [set. 1873 — junio 1875]. 6to Congreso, [set. 1875 — die. 1876]. 7mo Congreso, [apr. 1877 — agosto 1878]. 8vo Congreso, [set. 1878 — agosto 1880]. 9no Congreso, [set. 1880 — agosto 1882]. lOmo Congreso, [set. 1882 — agosto 1884]. llmo Congreso, [set. 1884 — agosto 1886]. 12mo Congreso, [set. 1886 — agosto 1888]. 13ro Congreso, [set. 1888 — junio 1890]. 14to Congreso, [set. 1890 — agosto 1892]. There are MS. indexes to the volumes for 1867-71, 71-73, 77-78, 80-82.

Guatemala. Codigo civil de la republica de Guatemala, 1877. Guatemala, imprenta de " El Progreso," [1877?]. f°. (84), 312, (270) p.

Includes the " Informe de la Comision Codificadora " and the " Codigo de procedimientos.

Codigo civil de la republica de Guatemala, 1877. Madrid, F. Gongora y Compania, 1880. 8°. 143 p. (Coleccion de codigos civiles americanos y europeos, tomo 3.) '


Guatemala, continued. Codigo de comercio de la repiiblica de Guatemala, 1877. Guatemala, imprenta de Luna, [1877?]- f°- (38), 328, (39) p.

Includes the " Informe de la Cornision Codifieadora " and the

' ' ' Lev de enjuiciamiento mercantil.

Codigo de procedimientos. (Appended to Codigo civil, 1877.) Codigo penal de la repiiblica de Guatemala, 1889. Guatemala, " La Union," [1889!]. 1. 8°. xii, HI p. Indice de las leyes emitidas por el gobiemo demo- cratico de la repiiblica de Guatemala, 3 de junio 1871 — 30 de junio 1881 por M. A. Urrutia. Guatemala, ; tipografia " El Progreso," 1882. 1. 8°. 102 p. Lev de reformas al Codigo civil. 1882. h.t.p. [1882?] 8°. 57, (1) p. Ley de reformas a la ley de enjuiciamiento mercan- til. 1882. h.t.p. [1882.] 1. 8°. (2), 6 p. Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes comerciales v maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Leyes emitidas por el gobierno democratico de la repiiblica de Guatemala y por la Asamblea Nacional

Legislativa, 1 de julio 1881 — 30 de junio 1883 ; reco- piladas por V[iviano] Guerra. Tomo 3. Guatemala, " tipografia El Progreso," 1883. 1. 8°. 502, (1) p. Same. Leyes emitidas por el gobierno democratico de la republica de Guatemala y por la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente y Legislativa, 1 de julio 1883 — 31 die. 1885; recopiladas por Viviano Guerra. Tomo 4. Guatemala, tipografia de P. Arenales, 1886. 1. 8°. 830 p. Guernsey. Tbe imperial statutes applicable to the Chan- nel Islands. (In Great Britain. Colonies. Imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Eecueil d'ordonnances de la Cour Eoyale de I'Isle de Guernesey; redige sous 1 'auto rite de la dite Cour. Tome 1-4; 5, livraison 1-2. 1533-1903. Guernesey, 1852-1906. 5 v. 8°.

By Robert ilacrulloch, v. 1-3; by A. "W. Bell, v. 4.


Vol. 1. 1533-1800. 4. 1861-1900. 2. 1801-40. 5, livr. 1-2. 1901-03. 3. 1841-60. FOREIGN LAWS. 121

Guernsey, continued. Recueil d'ordres en conseil d'un interet general, enregistres sur les Records de I'lle de Guernesey depnis Tannee 1800; redige sons I'autorite de la

Cour Royale, par E. C. Ozanne. Vol. 1-3 ; 4, livrai- son 1-3. [1803-1907.J Guernesey, 1879-1907. 8°.

Vol. 1 has DO title page or index.


Vol. 1. 1803-68. 3. 1894-1905. 2. 1869-94. 4, livr. 1-3. 1905-07.

Haidarabad. See Hyderabad. Haiti or Hayti. Code civil d 'Haiti; publie par nn citoyen de la repnbliqne. n.p., 1826. 16°. (3), 352 p. Code Henry. Cap-Henry, chez P. Roux, imprimenr du roi, [1812]. 2 v. 8°. (10), _ 326, (2) p.; (438) p. Les codes baVtiens annotes par Linstant Pradine. Code civil. Port-au-Prince, chez A. L. de Pradine, [18—]. 8°. cvi, 484p. Code d 'instruction criminelle et code penal. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1883. 8°. xxviii, 421 p.; x, 187 p. Code de procedure civile et code de commerce. Port-au-Prince, cbez A. L. de Pradine, [18— ]. 8°. Ixiv, 313 p. ; vi, 279 p. Les codes haitiens. Code de procedure civile, annote par J. N. Leger. New York, imprimerie L. Weiss & Cie, 1902. L 8°. 261 p. —^Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Hamburg. Gesetzsammlung der freien und Hansestadt Hamburg. Amtliche Ausg. 1.-47. Band. Jahr- gang 1866-1910. Hamburg, [1866-1910]. 47 v. 4°. 122 STATE LIBRARY.

Hamburg, continued. Alphabet! sches Register iiber Band 1 bis 11, 1866- 75. Hamburg, [1876]. 4°. 256 p. Same. Alphabetisches Register iiber Band 12 bis 21,1876-85. Hamburg, [1886]. 4°. 138 p. Same. Alphabetisclies Register iiber Band 22 bis 32, 1886-95. Hamburg, [1895]. 4°. 133 p. Same. Haupt-Register iiber Band 33 bis 37, 1896- 1900. Hamburg, [3900]. 4°. 92 p. Hanover. Entwurf eines Criminal-Gesetzbuches und einer Criminal-Processordnung fiir das Konigreicb Hannover, n.t.p. Hannover, 1830. 4°. 228 p. (Acten-Stiicke der 3en allgemeinen Stande-Ver- sammlung des Konigreichs Hannover, 6te Diat, Heft no. 1.) Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii. Translation of the constitu- tion and laws of the Hawaiian Islands established in the reign of Kamehameha ni. Lahainaluna, 1842. 12°. 200 p. Statute laws of His Majesty Kamehameha iii. passed by the Houses of Nobles and Representatives, 1845-

47 ; to which are appended the acts of public recogni- tion and the treaties with other nations. Honolulu, C. E. Hitchcock, printer, 1846-47. 2 v. in 1. 8°. 382

p. ; 134 p. A supplement to the statute laws of His Majesty Kamehameha in., containing the acts and resolutions passed bv the Houses of Nobles and Representatives, 1848. Honolulu, 1848. 8°. 79 p. Constitution and laws of His Majesty Kamehameha m., passed by the Nobles and Representatives 1852. Honolulu, ]852. 8°. 88 p. Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha rv., passed by the Nobles and Representatives at their session 1856, 62. Honolulu, 1856-62. 2 v. 8°. Laws of His Majesty Kamehameha v., passed by the Legislative Assembly, session 1864^5, 70, 72. Hono- lulu, 1865-72. 3 V. 8°.

Laws of His Majesty Kalakaua i. passed by the Leg- islative Assembly, 1874, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86; special session 1887; session 1888, 90; Laws of Her Majesty Liliuokalani, session 1892. Honolulu, Black & Auld, printers, etc., 1874- [92]. 10 v. 8°.

The sessions are biennial. FOREIGN LAWS. 123

Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii, continued.

Compiled laws of the Hawaiian Kingdom ; [by Law- rence McCuUy]. Honolulu, Hawaiian Gazette office, 1884. 8°. vi, 77.7 p. Laws of the provisional government passed by the

Executive and Advisory Councils. Acts 1-42, [ Jan.- Ju]yl893]. Honolulu, 1893. 8°. 82 p. Same. [In Hawaiian.] Honolulu, 1893. 8°. viii, 85 p. Same. Acts 1 to 86. [Jan. 1893 — July 1894.] Honolulu, E. Grieve, printer, 1894. 8°. 203 p. Constitution of the republic of Plawaii and laws passed by the Executive and Advisory Councils of the republic, [July 1894 — March 1895]. Honolulu, R. Grieve, printer, 1895. 8°. 130 p. Laws of the republic of Hawaii passed by the Legis- lative Assembly, special session 1895. Honolulu, E. Grieve, printer, 1895. 8°. 124 p. Laws of the republic of Hawaii passed by the Legis- lature at its session 1896, 98. Honolulu, Hawaiian Gazette print, 1896-98. 2 v. 8°.

The civil laws of the Hawaiian Islands, 1897 ; com- piled from the Civil code of 1859 and the session laws of 1860 to 1896, [by S. M. Ballou]. Honolulu, Hawaiian Gazette print, 1897. 8°. xiii, 902 p. The laws of Hawaii, comprising the civil laws and the penal laws, compiled by S. M. Ballou and pub- lished by authority in 1897, and the session laws of 1898, modified in conformity with the recommenda- tions of the [Hawaiian] Commission, h.t.p. [Wash- ington, 3898.] 8°. 560 p. {Appended to United States. Hawaiian Commission. Eeport, 1898.) He kanawai hoopai karaima no ko Hawaii pae aina. 1850. [Prepared by W. L. Lee.] Honolulu, mea pai Palapali a na misionari, 1850. 8°. 136 p. English. Penal code. 1850. Honolulu, government press, 1850. 8°. xxxi, 243 p. The penal code of the Hawaiian Kingdom, compiled from the Penal code of 1850 and the various penal enactments since made, pursuant to act of the Leg- islative Assembly, June 22, 1868. Honolulu, 1869. 8°. xlii, 367, (15) p.

The penal laws of the Hawaiian Islands, 1897 ; com- piled from the Penal code of 1869 and the session ;


« Hawaiian Islands, Hawaii, continued. laws, 1870-96, [by S. M. BallouJ. Honolulu, Ha- waiian G-azette print, 1897. 8°. viii, 601 p. Land act, 1895. Honolulu, E. Grieve, printer, 1895. 8°. 47 p. Statutes of the Hawaiian Kingdom relating to ap- prentices and contract laborers, with, a synopsis of rulings and decisions of the Supreme Court thereon prepared by Lawrence McCuUy. Honolulu, 1882. 8°. 16 p.

The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States, Au- gust 12, 1898; the laws of Hawaii subsequent to this date are there- fore not included in this catalogue.

Hayti. See Haiti. Helgoland. [Ordinances. Heligoland, 1865-84.J f°.


1865, no. 3, 6-7. 1875, no. 1-2. 1867, no. 1. 1876, no. 1. 1868, no. 1-6. 1878, no. 1. 1871, no. 1. 1882, no. 1-3. 1872, no. 1. 1883, no. 1-6. 1873, no. 1. 1884, no. 1-3.

Is'o. 1, 1867, no. 2-5, 1868, and no. 1, 1873, are in German.

Ceded to Germany in 1890; attached to Sehleswig-Holstein in 1891.

Hesse. Gesetz betreffend die innere Verwaltung und die Vertretung der Kreise und der Provinzen. 7i.t.p. ' [Mainz, 1874.] 8°. 48 p. Kommunale Gesetzgebung. Heft 1-2. Amtliche Handausg. Darmstadt, 1907. 8°. 69 p.; 50 p.

Contents. Vol. 1. Die Landgemeinde-Ordnung fiir das Grossherzogtum Hessen, nebst Anleitung zu der auf Grund der Landgemeinde-Ordnung vorzunehmenden Wahl des Gemeinderats, des Biirgermeisters und des Beigeord- neten. 2. Die Stadte-Ordnung fiir das Grossherzogtum Hessen nebst Ausfiihrungsverordnung vom 13. Juni 1874.

Verfassungsrecht des Deutschen Eeiches und des Grossherzogtums Hessen. Amtliche Handausg. mit Erlauterungen, Verweisungen auf das einschlagige

Gesetzesmaterial und einem Sachregister ; bearbeitet im xAuftrag Grossherzogl. ^linisteriums des Innern " ;


Hesse, continued. von Ministerialsekretar Dr. Valckenberg. Dai^m- stadt, 1906. 8°. iv, 186 p. Hidalgo. Codigo de procedimientos criminales del estado de Hidalgo; puesto en vigor el 5 de mayo 1895. Mexico, J. Gaspar de Alba, 1895. 8°. 142, iii p. Codigo penal del estado libre y soberano de Hidalgo expedido el 2 de oct. de 1894, puesto en vigor el 5 de mayo 1895. Mexico, J. Gaspar de Alba, 1895. 8°. 184 p. Folded sheets. Coleccion de leyes, decretos, y acuerdos economicos de interes publico del 3er Congreso constitucional del estado de Hidalgo en el bienio de 1 de marzo de 1873 a 28 de feb. de 1875, y de reglamentos expedidos por el ejecutivo en la misma epoca; ed. arreglada por el C. E. Eosales. Tomo 3. Pachuca, 1874. 8°. 391 p. Legislacion del estado de Hidalgo. Tomo 1-14. [1869-96.] Pachuca, 1884-91, 93-97; Mexico, 1892. 14 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. Coleccion de leyes, decretos y reglamentos del 1° y 2° Congreso constitucional del estado de Hidalgo, que componen el tomo primero de su legislacion; ed. ofieial. 2. Codigo civil del distrito federal mandado observar en el estado de Hidalgo; ed. de "El Obrero. 3. Coleccion de leyes, decretos y reglamentos del 3° Con- greso constitucional que componen el tomo tereero de su legislacion; ed. ofieial. 4. Leyes y decretos de la iv Legislatura en los anos 1875-76; ed. de "El Hidalguense, " arreglada por el C. E. Eosales. 5-7. Leyes y decretos de la v-vil Legislatura en los anos 1877-82; ed. de "El Obrero." 8. Codigo de procedimientos oiviles expedido por la viii Legislatura del estado el 3 de oct. 1883; ed. ofieial. 9. Leyes y decretos de las Legislaturas viii-x en los anos 1883-88; ed. de "El Obrero." 10. Leyes y decretos de la xi Legislatura en los anos 1889-90; ed. ofieial. 11. Codigo civil del estado de Hidalgo decretado por la XII Legislatura del estado. 12. Codigo de procedimientos civiles del estado de Hidalgo, decretado por la xii Legislatura del mismo. 13. Leyes y decretos de la xil Legislatura; ed. ofieial. 14. Leyes y decretos de las Legislaturas xiii-xiv anos, 1893-96; ed. ofieial, arreglada por el C. E. Eosales.

[Decretos, nos. 715-764, 766-856, 859-880 ; mayo 24, 1897_junio 23, 1908. Pachuca, 1897-1908.] 150 sheets or pm. 4° and 8°. 126 STATE LIBRARY.

Hidalgo, continued. [Los decretos expedidos por el ejecutivo del estado, 30 de Oct. de 1905 — 23 de sept. 1908.] n.t.p. [Pachuca, 1905-08.] 4°.

Chiefly granting or refusing pardons to criminals sentenced to capital punishment.

Periodico oficial del gobierno del estado de Hidalgo. Tomo 1-11, 13^3. 1869-80, 82-1910. Pacliiica, 1869-1910. 42 V. 8° and .f°.


Holland. See Netherlands. Honduras. Codigo civil de la republica de Honduras. 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. 1. 8°. 445, (1) p. Same. 1898. Tegucigalpa, 1898. 1. 8°. xxxvii, 422 p. Codigo de comercio de la republica de Honduras. 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. 1. 8°. 264, (1) p. Same. 1898. Tegucigalpa, 1898. 1. 8°. xii, 234,

Codigo de miueria de la republica de Honduras. 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. 1. 8°. v, 32, (1) p. Same. [1880-99.] (In Perry's Directorio nacional de Honduras, 1899.) Codigo de procedimientos de la republica de Hon-

duras. 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. 1. 8°. xxi, 151, (1)P- Codigo penal de la republica de Honduras. 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. 1. 8°. xxiv, 113, (1) p. Same. 1898. Tegucigalpa, 1898. 1.8°. xxii, 156 p. Codigo penal militar de la repiiblica de Honduras. Tegucigalpa, 1881. 1. 8°. xxii, 102 p. Lei de organizacion i atribuciones de los tribunales de la repiiblica de Honduras. 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. 1. 8°. 52 p. Lei de papel sellado. Tegucigalpa, 1881. 16°. 16 p. Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Leyes de Honduras. Codigo de mineria. (In Perry's Directorio nacional de Honduras, 1899.) Ordenanza militar para el rejimen, disciplina, sub- ordinacion i servicio del ejercito de la republica. TegTicigalpa, 1881. 1. 8°. iv, 212, (110) p. FOREIGN LAWS. 127

Honduras, continued. Tarifa de los derechos de importacion que deberan pagarse en las aduatfas de la repiiblica decretada en 31. de marzo de 1880. Tegucigalpa, 1880. f°. 58 p. Hongkong. The ordinances of the Legislative Council of the colony of Hongkong. Concise ed., 1844^90; compiled by A. J. Leach. Hongkong, 1891-92. 2 v. 8°. viii, 602 p.; ix, 603-1372, xxxviii p.

Contents. Vol. 1. 1844r-77. 2. 1879-90.

Same. New and revised ed. Prepared by Sir J. W. Carrington. Hongkong, 1904. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1844-90. 2. 1891-1901. 3. Table and index.

The ordinances of Hongkong, 1891-93. Hongkong, [1891J-93. 3 V. in L 8°. The ordinances of Hongkong, including orders, etc., in Council, 1893-1910. Hongkong, 1894-1910. 18 v. 8°. Namely. 1893. 1898. 1903. 1907. 1894. 1899. 1904. 1908. 1895. 1900. 1905. 1909. 1896. 1901. 1906. 1910. 1897. 1902.

The imperial statutes applicable to Hongkong. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Hungary. Corpus juris Hungarici. Editio millennaria memorabilis, quam Dr. Colomanno Csiky, Dr. Alex- andro Kolosvari, ,lulio Nagy, Dr. Clemente Ovari, Laurentio Toth, adiutoribus edidit Dr. Desiderius Markus. Vol. 1-7. [In Hungarian and Latin.]

Lipsia;, Duncker & Humblot, 1901-02. 7 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. Articuli dieetales, 1000-1526. 2. Same. 1526-1608. 3. Same. 1608-57. 4. Same. 1657-1740. 5. Same. 1740-1830. 6. Opus tripartitum Stephani de Werbocz. 7. ApprobatsB constitutioues, compilatse oonstitutioues, et articuli novellares cum articulis provisionalibus, 1540-1848. '


Hungary, continued. Harmas mutato, a magyar igazsagiigyi irott jog forrasairol. A M. Kir. Igazsagiigymiiiiszter meg- bizasabol kiadja az igazsagiigyi kozlony szerkesz- tosege. Budapest, 1907. 8°. xiv, (1), 893 p. 1836^ik, 1840-ik, 1844-dik, 1847-8-dik evi orszagg- yiilesi torvenyczikkek. Pest, 1869. 4 v. in 1. 24°.

1836, 1840, " negyedik kiadas; " 1844, " harmadik kiadS,s; " 1847-8, " fiiggelekiil: az erdelyorsz^ggali unio szentesitese, otodik kiadas. '

-— Az orszagbiroi ertekezlet javaslatai a torvenykezes targyaban. Orszaggyiilesileg ajanlva 1861, junius- ban. Negyedik, arvaiigyi rendeletekkel bovitett, kiadas. Pest, 1869. 24°. 118, (3) p. 1852. nov. 29-en kelt osisegi nyiltparancs. 1853. martius 2-an kelt urberi nyiltparancs. 1855. decz. 15-en kelt telekkonyvi rendelet. Negyedik hiteles a maig megielent rendeletekkel bovitett kiadas. Pest, 1870. 24°. 377, vi p. 1865-7 -dik — 1868-dik evi orszaggyiilesi torveny- czikkek. Pest, 1868. 2 v. in 1. 8°.

Namely. 1865-7. 1868. 1862-64, never published.

Torvenyczikk a polgari torvenykezesi rendtartas targyaban. Hiteles kiadas. Pest, 1869. 8°. 100. (2) p. Az 1869-dik — 1874. evi torvenyek gyiijtemenye. Budapest [or Pest], 1872-1904. 6 v. 8°. ' "


Hungary, continued. Az 1876-ik — 1877. evi torvenyek gvujtemenve. Buda- pest, 1876-1904. 2 V. 8°.

Namely. 1876. 1877.

' ' 1876, ' hivatalos kiadds. 1877, " harmadik hivatalos kiad^s; kiadja a M. Kir. Belligy-

' ' ' ministerium az Orszagos torvenytar szerkesztiisege, ' Budapest, 1904.

1878-ik evi orszaggyiilesi torvenyczikkek. Budapest, 1878. 8°. Az 1879-ik — 1904, 1906-10 evi torvenyek gyiijte-

menye. [1905 never 'published. 1 Budapest, 1879- 1910. 32 V. 8°. Namely. 1879. 1887. 1895. 1903. 1880. 1888. 1896. 1904. 1881. 1889. 1897. 1906. 1882. 1890. 1898. 1907. 1883. 1891. 1899. 1908. 1884. 1892. 1900. 1909. 1885. 1893. 1901. 1910. 1886. 1894. 1902.

1879, " hivatalos kiadas." 1879-1910, " kiadja a M. Kir. Beliigymiiiisterium; " 1896-1910, ' az Orszagos tbrvenyt&r szerkesztosege. Previous to 1899, the original imprints are covered by the labels of the publisher of the later volumes, Lajos Toldi, except for the years 1868, 73, 77. The volumes for 1836 to 1869 were published by Robert Lempel.

German. Landesgesetz-Sammlung, 1868-73. Ofen, 1868; Pest [or Buda-Pest], 1870-73. 6 v. 8°. 130 STATE LIBRARY.

Hungary, conlinurd. Landesgesetz-Sammlung, 1881-87; herausg. vom Kon. Ung. Ministerium des Innern. Budapest, 1881- 87. 7 V. 8°. Namely. 1881. 1884. 1886. 1882. 1885. 1887. 1883.

—• — Gresetz-Sammlung, 1888-1904 ; lierausg. vom Kon. Ung. Ministerium des Innern. Budapest, 1888-1904. 17 V. 8°. Namely. 1888. 1893. 1897. 1901. 1889. 1894. 1898. 1902. 1890. 1895. 1899. 1903. 1891. 1896. 1900. 1904. 1892.

1896, 99-1904, Redaktion des " Orszagos Torvenytar." 1897-98, " im Auftrage des Kon. Ung. Ministeriums des Innern, herausg. von der Eedaktion des ' Orszagos Torvenytar.' " Gesetz-Sammlung, 1905, never published.

— — Ungarisclie Reichsgesetzsammlung, 1906-09; au- thentische Ubersetzung, herausg. vom Kon. Ung. Ministerium des Innern. Eedaktion des " Orszagos Torvenytar." Budapest, [1906-09]. 4 v. in 5. 8°.

Namely. 1906. 1908. 1907. 1909. Title-page in Hungarian and German.

Index der ungarischen Gesetze; zusammengestellt von Dr. Georg Binder. Wien, Manz'sche k. u. k. Hof- Verlags- und Universitats-Buelihandlung, 1906. 2 V. 12°. xvi, 276 p.; 147 p.


Vol. 1. Systematischer Teil, 1836-1904. 2. Alphabetischer Teil, 1867-1904.

Code de commerce hongrois promulgue le 19 mai 1875, mis en vigueur le ler jan. 1876, suivi des lois hongroises sur le change et la faillite; tr. du hon- grois, annote, et precede d'une introduction par Raoul de La Grasserie. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone- Lauriel, 1894. 8°. xii, 376 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 9.) FOREIGN LAWS. 131

Hungary, continued. Code penal hongrois des crimes et des delits, 28 mai 1878, et Code penal hongrois des contraventions, 14 juin 1879; tr. et annotes par C. Martinet [et] P. Dareste. Paris, 1885. 1. 8°. xli, 231 p. (France. Comite de Legislation ^trangere. Collection des principaux codes etrangers.) Statut Tiber den Schutz der verlassenen Kinder; VoUzugsverordnung zn dem Gesetzartikel 8 und 21 vom Jahre 1901. n.t.p. [Budapest, 1903.] 4°. 34 p. Hyderabad. Lists of Britisli enactments in force in

native states ; compiled by J. M. Macpherson. South- ern India. Hyderabad. Corrected up to the 31st Dec. 1888. Calcutta, 1889. 1. 8°. xi, 249 p.

Not an official publication.

Lists of British enactments in force in Hyderabad; continued from 1889 to 31st Dec. 1893. Hyderabad, 1895. 1. 8°. (5), 202 p.

Not an official publication.

Iceland. Hin forna logbok islendinga sem nefnist Gragas. Codex juris Islandorum antiqvissimus qvi

nominatur Gragas ; ex duobus manuscriptis perga- menis nunc primum editus, cum interpretatione latina, leetianibus variis, etc. Praemissa commenta- tione historica et critica de hujus juris origine et indole ab J. F. G. Schlegel conscripta. Havnise, sumptibus legati Arnsemagnseani, typis H. H. Thiele, 1829. 4°. clxix, (641) p.; 410, (3) p.

Stjornartidindi fyrir Island, 1904-10 ; Eegerings- tidende for Island, 190^10. A-B. h.t.p. [Reyk-

javik, 1904-10.] 7 V. 1. 8°.

1904. .


India. The laws of Manu; tr. with extracts from seven commentaries, by G. Biihler. Oxford, 1886. 8°. cxxxviii, (1), 620 p. (MuUer, F. W. Sacred books of the East, v. 25.) Code of Gentoo laws, or, Ordinations of the Pundits. From a Persian translation, made from the original, Halhed] written in the Sanscrit language ; [by N. B. London, 1781. 8°. cxx, 284 p. Copies of the acts of the government of India from 1834 to 1838 inclusive; [with the acts of 1839-44]. n.^., 1840-[46]. In 1 v. f°. Acts passed by the Governor General of India in Council, 1834-46. n.t.p. [Calcutta, 1834-46.] In 2 V. f°. Contents.

Vol. [1.] 1834-^0. [2.] 1841^6.

Same. 1847-50. n.t.p. [London, 1851-52.] In 1 v. f°. — The legislative acts of the Governor General of India

in Council, 1834-67 ; with an analytical abstract pre- fixed to each act, table of contents and index to each volume, the letters patent of the high courts, and acts of Parliament authorizing them. To be con- tinued annually. By William Theobald. Vol. 2-5.

Calcutta, 1868. Thacker, Spink & Co., 4 v. 1. 8°. FOREIGN LAWS. 133

India, continued.

1906. 1908. 1910. 1907. 1909. The acts of 1882 are in two parts and contain the codes of criminal and civil procedure.

The unrepealed general acts of the G-overnor General in Council; with chronological table, 1834-76. Cal- cutta, 1875-76. 3v. 1. 8°. (66), 2170 p.


Vol. 1. 1834-63. 2. 1864-71. 3. 1872-76.

Same. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1887. 2 v. 1. 8°. xlvii, 615

p. ; XX, 591 p. Contents.

Vol. [1.] 1834-66. [2.] 1867-76.

Same. 1877-81. Calcutta, 1884. 1. 8°. xiii, 520 p. Same. 1882-84. Calcutta, 1885. 2 v. 1. 8°. iv, (2),

527 p. ; ix, 436 p. Namely.

Part 1. 1882, acts 2-12. 2. 1882, acts 13-[22]; 1883-84.

Same. 1885-88, with chronological tables showing all the acts of the Governor General in Council, 1834r- 84. Calcutta, 1889. 1. 8°. x, 320 p. Same. Vol. 1-7. Calcutta, 1898-^1904. 7 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1834-67. 3d ed. 5. 1885-90. 2d ed. 2. 1868-76. 3d ed. 6. 1891-98. 3. 1877-81. 3d ed. 7. 1899-1903. 4. 1882-84. 2d ed.

Same. [4th ed.] 1909. 6 V. 8°. 134 STATE LIBRARY.

India, continued.

The Anglo-Indian codes ; ed. by Whitley Stokes. Ox- ford, Clarendon press, 1887-88. 2 v. 8°. xxxii, (1),

1035 p. ; 7, 1224 p. Contents.

Vol. 1. Substantive law. 2. Adjective law.

Same. 1st and 2d supplements, incorporating Indian legislation and judicial decisions to May 31, 1891. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1891. 8°. (4), 60, (9), 115 p. The code of civil procedure, being act 8 of 1859 and the acts amending and extending it; by L. P. Delves Broughton. 4th ed., revised and enlarged by C. J. Wilkinson. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co., 1871.

1. 8°. 7, 909 p.

See also, hack, Collection of acts, 1882.

The code of criminal procedure, act 25 of 1861, with notes and an index; bv J. 0. Kinealy. 2d ed. Cal- cutta, Wyman Bros.. 1868. 1. 8°. iv, (1), 335 p. The code of criminal procedure, act 25 of 1861 and act 8 of 1869, and other laws and rules of practice relating to procedure in the criminal courts of Brit- ish India; with notes, containing the opinions de- livered by all the superior local courts, by H. T. Prinsep. 3d ed. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co.,

1869. 1. 8°. vi, 531 p. The code of criminal procedure, being act 10 of 1872, with explanatory notes and rulings of the courts appended, laws relating to police, prisoners, and ex- tradition; by Edward Newbery. 2d ed. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co., 1873. 8°. xlix, (2), 738 p. The code of criminal procedure, acts 10 of 1872 and 11 of 1874, and other laws and rules of practice re- lating to procedure in the criminal courts of British India, with notes; bv H. T. Prinsep. 5th ed. Cal- cutta, Thacker, Spiiik & Co., 1875. 8°. xl. 810 p.

See also, hacl:. Collection of acts, 1882.

A copy of the penal code prepared by the Indian Law Commissioners and published by command of the Governor-General of India in Council; [by T. B. Macaulav and others]. Hertford, S. Austin, 1851.

1. 8°. xxiv, 198 p. ;


India, continued. The Indian penal code, act 45 of 1860, and other laws and acts of Parliament relating to the criminal courts of India, with notes, containing the rulings of the Nizamut Adawlut on points of procedure and deci- sions of the High Court of Calcutta; by J. 0.

Kinealy. Calcutta, Thacker, Spink & Co., 1869. 1. 8°. xii, 237, 1 p. The Indian penal code, act 45 of 1860, with all amend- ments to date, and notes, analyses, and commentaries thereon; by R. A. Nelson. 3d ed. Madras, Srini- vasa, Vavadachari & Co., 1901. 8°. xlvii, 800 p. The law relating to India and the East-India Com- pany, with notes and an appendix. 4th ed. [Anon.] London, 1842. 4°. xiv, 844 p. Chronological tables and index of the Indian statutes compiled under the orders of the government of India, by F. G. "Wigley. Calcutta, 1897. 2 v. 8°. ix, (2), 374 p.; (5), 920 p.


Vol. 1. Chronological tables. 2. Index.

Same. Calcutta, 1901. 8°. x, (1), 428 p. Same. Calcutta, 1908. 8°. xii, 549 p. Chronological tables of enactments of British Indian legislatures, with repeals and amendments noted up to date. Calcutta, 1895-96. 2pt. 8°. iv, 170p.; (3), 166 p. Contents.

Part 1. Enactments passed by the Governor General in Coun- cil or alone. 2. Enactments passed by local legislatures.

A collection of statutes relating to India. Calcutta, 1899-1901. 2 V. 8°. xxiv, 519 p.; x, 521-1296 p.


Vol. 1. To the end of 1870. 2. 1871-99.

Index to the enactments relating to India, compiled under the orders of the government by Stephen Jacob; prefixed, chronological tables of the statutes relating to India and the acts and regulations of the Indian legislatures. 2d ed., by W. F. Agnew. Cal- cutta, 1883. 1. 8°. X, (3), 910 p. 136 STATE LIBRARY.

India, continued. The imperial statutes applicable to India. {In Great Britain. Colonies. Imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) List of general rules and orders under statutes and general acts in force in British India; corrected to Dec. 31, 1899. Calcutta, 1900. 8°. (3), 109 p. Same. Addenda and corrigenda. List no. 1, Dec. 31, 1900; no. 1, 31st Dec. 1902; no. 2, 30th June, 1903. ii.t.p. 1900-03. 8°. General rules and orders made under enactments in force in British India. Calcutta, 1907-09. 4 v. 8°.

Laws relating to special subjects.

East India press act, 1910 ; copy of the Indian press act, 1910, and proceedings of the legislative council of the governor general of India relating thereto. London^ 1910. f°. 67 p. The foreign jurisdiction and extradition act, 1879, as modified to 1st May 1896. Calcutta, 1896. 1. 8°. (3), 12 p. The Indian emigration act, 1883, act 21 of 1883, as modified up to the 1st Dec. 1902. Calcutta, 1903. 8°. 3, 55 p. The Indian evidence act, 1 of 1872, with an introduc- tion on the principles of judicial evidence; by J. F. Stephen. Calcutta, 1872. 8°. xi, 232 p. The Indian explosives act. 1884, as modified to 1st May 1896. Calcutta, 1896.' 1. 8°. (3), 11 p. The Indian tariff act, 1894, as modified to 1st March 1896. Calcutta, 1896. 1. 8°. (3), 38 p. The Indian volunteers act, 1869, as modified to 1st May 1896. Calcutta, 1896. 1. 8°. (4), 12 p. The legal practitioners act, 1879, as modified to 1st May 1896. Calcutta, 1896. 1. 8°. (3), 26 p. The specific relief act, 1877, as modified to 1st May 1896. Calcutta, 1896. 1. 8°. (3), 48 p. See also Ajrair; — Andaman and Nicobar; — Assam; — Balu- chistan; — Bengal; — Bombay; — Burma; — Central Provinces; — Coorg; — Eastern Bengal and Assam; — French Settlements in India: — Hyderabad; — Lower Provinces; — Madras; — North- western Provinces; — Oudh; — Punjab; — United Provinces of Agra and Oudh.

Ionian Islands. Codice civile degli stati uniti delle Isole Jonie. Corfu', 1841. sm. 8° xiii, 370, lii p. FOREIGN LAWS. 137

Ionian Islands, continued. Codice di commercio degli stati uniti delle Isole Jonie. Corfu', 1841. sm. 8=. iv, iv, 112 p. Codice di procedura pei giudizj civili degli stati uniti delie Isole Jonie. Corfu', 1841. sm. 8°. iv, iv, 104 p.

Annexed to the kingdom of Greece in 1864.

Ireland. Ancient laws of Ireland. Senclius mor. \_In

Irish and 'Enalish.] Dublin, 1865-69. 2 v. 8°. li,

4, 335 p. ; ix, 448 p.

Published under the direction of the Commissioners for Publish- ing the Ancient Laws and Institutes of Ireland.

Contents. Vol. 1. Introduction. — Law of distress. 2. Law of distress. — Laws of hostage-sureties, fosterage, saer-stoek tenure, daer-stock tenure and of social connexions.

The statutes at large passed in the held in Ireland, 1310-1800. Dublin, B. Grierson, etc., 1765-1801. 20 V. f°. 138 STATE LIBRARY.

Isle of Man, continued.

The statutes of the Isle of Man, 1417-1895 ; ed. by J. F. Gill. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1883; Douglas, Brown & Son, 1886-97. 6 v. 8°. Statute laws of the Isle of Man, 1853-61, by J. C. Lamothe. Douglas, H. Curphey, 1862. 8°. vi, 403 p. Statute laws of the Isle of Man, 1860-65. Douglas, H. Curphey, 1872. 8°. vi, 501 p. [Acts of , 1895.] n.t.p. [1895.J 8°. (173) p. [Acts of the Isle of Man, 1896-1909.] Douglas, [1896-1909]. 8°. p. 1^54, 467-728, 733-848; p. 1-30, 37-598. Namely. — 1896. The jury act. • The vagrancy act. — The registration of deeds amendment act. — The railway regulation amendment act. — The Upper Douglas Tramway amendment act. — The Eamsey loans and stock act. — The Isle of Man Steam Packet Company act. 1897. The licensing amendment act. — The married women 's

protection act. —^ The clergy residence act. — The advertising — rate act. • The ecclesiastical residences and dilapidations amendment act. — The Douglas and Laxey Tramway act. — The local government amendment act. 1898. The m.erchandise marks act. — Bishop Barrow's charity act. — The and Port St. Mary light act. — The edu- cation act. — The Saint Matthew 's Church act. — The Douglas market act. — The licensing act. 1899. The burials act amendment act. — The prevention of cruelty to children act. — The education amendment act. — The medical act. — The highways act. — The Douglas water act. 1900. The Douglas municipal corporation amendment act. — The poor relief amendment act. — The pharmacy act. — The brewers' act amendment act. — The weeds act. — The criminal code amendment act. — The petty sessions and summary juris- diction act. —-The adulteration amendment act. — The Port Erin water act. 1901. The elementary school teachers, superannuation, act. — The game act amendment act. — The local government, lights on vehicles, act. 1902. The disafforesting, commoners' allotment, act. — The education, evening schools, act. — The juvenile smoking act. 1903. The clerks' glebe lands act. — The cattle diseases pre- vention act. — The election amendment act. — The bankruptcy code amendment act. — The judicature amendment act. — The education, evening schools, amend- ment act. — The trustee act. — The public notices amendment act. — The education, German and Patrick, amendment act. — The valuation act. 1904. The licensing act. — The highways, light locomotives, act. — The advertising rate act. — The licensing act amend- ment act. — The summary jurisdiction amendment act. — The fishery authorities amalgamation act. — The parochial district of South Eamsey church act. — The statute of limitations amendment act. — The trustee act, 1903, amendment act. — '


Isle of Man, continued.

The poor relief amendment act. —-The local government amendment act. — The local government, registration of voters

and election by ballot, act. — The employers ' liability act. — The Isle of Man railways act. 1905. The married women's protectioii amendment act. — The petty sessions and summary jurisdiction act. — The sale of methylated spirits act. — The highways act amendment act. — The isolation hospitals act. — The tithe commutation amendment act. 1906. The oaths act. — The local government, registration of voters and election by ballot, amendment act. — The va- grancy act amendment act. — The disafforesting, commoners allotment, act. — The pedlars and street traders act. — The primitive Methodist trust property act. — The land drainage amendment act. — The parish of German, church assessment, act. — 1907. The inquest of death amendment act. • The copyright act. — The loans, infants, act. — The registration of certain classes of shops act. — The Isle of Man merchant shipping,

passenger steamers ' survey, amendment act. — The gaming and betting act. — The licensing act. — The licensing, bowl- ing alley and billiards, act. — The obscene publications and indecent advertisements act. — The higher education act. — The local government, regulation of advertisements, act. — The local government amendment act. — The educational en- dowments act. 1908. The preferential payments act. — The petty sessions and summary jurisdiction act. — The local government, registra- tion of voters and election by ballot, amendment act. — The dental act. — The bank holidays act. — The companies act. — The trustee act. — The moneylenders act. — The preven- tion of corruption act. — The dogs act. — The deceased wife 's sister's marriage act. — The married woman's real property

act. — The dissenters ' marriage act. — The conveyancing act. — The boarding-house lien act. — The landlord and tenant act. — The local government, highways and streets, amendment act. — The poor relief act amendment act. — The burials amendment act. — The Patrick Parish church act. 1909. The higher education amendment act. — The factories and workshop act. — Noble 's Hospital act. — The harbours, sale of lands at Port Erin, act. — The partnership act. — The Laxey water act. — The white phosphorus matches prohibition act.

The imperial statutes applicable to the Isle of Man. {In Great Britain. Coloniefi. The imperial statutes,

, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Italy. Codice civile del regno d 'Italia. Eoma. [1865]. 8°. viii, 526 p. Compiled by Giuseppe Vacoa.

Codice civile del regno d 'Italia col richiamo degli articoli dei cessati codici italiani e posto in con- fronto col Codice napoleone. Palermo, F. Lao e G. Pedone Lauriel, 1866. 16°. 678 p. 140 STATE LIBR.\RY.

Italy, continued. Codice civile del regno d 'Italia. Torino, G. B. Pa-

ravia e Comp., [1887?]. 32°. 557, (1), xxvii p_. Code civil italien promulgiie le 25 juin 1865, mis en vigueur le ler jan. 1866; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Henri Prndhomme. Paris, A. Pedone, 1896. 8°. iii, (1), 492 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 18.) Lavori preparatorii del Codice civile del regno d 'Italia. Eoma, 1886-99. 8 v. f°.

Vol. 1—7, 2a ed., riveduta ed ampliata. Prepared by the Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti.

Manuale di diritto civile italiano; per I'awocato Carlo Scotti. Eoma, Unione Tipografico, 1887-88. 2 V. 8°. vii, 556, (4) p.; (4), 664 p. (Raccolta di manuali di diritto, di economia politica, etc.) Codice di commercio del regno d 'Italia. Roma, 1882. 8°. (4), 318 p.

Compiled by G. Zanardelli.

Code de commerce italien promulgue le 31 oct. 1882, mis en vigueur le ler jan. 1883, suivi des dispositions transitoires et reglementaires; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Edmond Turrel. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1892. 8°. xxxvi, 306 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 4.) Atti della commissione incaricata di studiare le modijficazioni da introdursi nel Codice di commercio del regno d 'Italia, [1869-72], col progetto prelimin- are ed appendice. 2a ed. Roma, 1884. 3 v. f°. Atti della commissione nominata con R. decreto 2 aprile 1882 con incarico di studiare le disposizioni e modificazioni concernenti il nuovo Codice di com- mercio del regno d 'Italia. Roma, tipografia E. Botta, 1885. f°. xii, 537 p. Lavori preparatorii del Codice di commercio del regno d 'Italia approvato colla legge del 2 aprile 1882 e promulgate col regio decreto del 31 ott. anno stesso. Roma, 1883. 2 v. in 4. f°. Code de la marine marchande italien promulgue le 24 oct. 1877, modifie 1881, 86, suivi des principales dispositions du reglement pour 1 'execution de ce code; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par FOREIGN LAWS. 141

Italy, continued. Henri Pmdhomme. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone- Lauriel, 1896. 8°. Ixxx, 284 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 14.) Codice per la marina mercantile del regno d 'Italia approvato con B.. decreto 24 ott. 1877, n. 4146, serie 2a. Eegolamento per I'esecnzione del testo unico del Codice per la marina mercantile coUe successive disposizioni e modificazioni fino al 30 marzo 1898 coUe riferenze degli articoli tra loro e alle leggi per la marina mercantile; ordinato a cura di Carlo Bruno. Torino, Unione Tipografico, 1898. 24°. 627 p. Leggi complementari al Codice e al Eegolamento per la marina mercantile coordinate fra loro e al testo del Codice e del Eegolamento a cura di Carlo Bruno. Torino, Unione Tipografico, 1898. 24°. 511 p. Contents. Codiee civile. — Codice di commercio. — Codice penale. — Codice penale militare marittimo. — Amm. marina mercantile. — Legge consolare. — Capitanerie di porto. — Gente di mare. — Leva marit- tima. — Casse invalidi. — Stazzatura delle navi. — Visite. — Gior- nale di macehina. — Codice segnali e abbordi in mare. — Emigrazione. — Sanita marittima. — Polizia dei porti e demauio marittimo. — Coneessioni. — Caldaie a vapore. — Materie esplo- denti. — Pesca. — Tasse, diritti marittimi e consolari. — Tratta degli schiavi. — Diritto marittimo in tempo di guerra.

The maritime codes of Italy ; tr. and annotated by F. W. Eaikes. London, E. Wilson, 1900. 8°. xii, (2), 264 p. Codice di procedura civile del regno d 'Italia con I'aggiunta di tutte le leggi di modificazione e di com- plemento. Eoma, [1865]. 8°. 388 p. Codice di procedura penale del regno d 'Italia. Eoma, 1886. 8°. 378 p. Codice penale del 20 nov. 1859, con le modificlie clie si contengono nel decreto del 26 nov. 1865, e con quelle portate dal decreto del 17 feb. 1861 riguar- dante le provincie meridionali. Palermo, Gr. Pedone Lauriel, 1866. 16°. 188 p. Codice penale per il regno d 'Italia. Eoma, 1889. 8°. vii, 197 p. Compiled by G. Zanardelli.

Code penal d 'Italic, 30 juin 1889; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par Jules Lacointa. 142 STATE LIBRARY.

Italy, continued.

Paris, 1890. 1. 8°. cxii, 265, (1) p. (France. Comite de Legislation Etrangere. Collection des principaux codes etrangers.) -— Code penal italien promulgue le ler jan. 1890, suivi

des dispositions transitoires ; tr., et annote par Ed- mond Turrel. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1890. 8°. xiii, 231 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 2.) Allegati al progetto del Codice penale del regno d 'Italia presentato alia Camera dei Deputati dal Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti, Savelli, 26 nov., 1883. Eoma, 1883. f°. (2), 660 p. Progetto del Codice penale del regno d 'Italia, presentato alia Camera dei Deputati, 26 nov. 1883, dal Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti, Savelli, con la relazione ministeriale. Roma, 1883. f°. 172 p. Progetto del Codice penale allegato alia legge 22 nov. 1888 con le modificazioni proposte dalla Sotto- commissione e dalla Commissione di Eevisione e col testo definitivo. Roma, 1889. f°. 308 p. — Progetto del Codice penale preceduto dalla Rela- zione ministeriale presentato alia Camera dei Depu- tati nella tornata del 22 nov. 1887 dal Ministro di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti, Zanardelli. Roma, 1888. f°. xii, 924 p. Progetto delle disposizioni per I'attuazione del Codice penale con le modificazioni proposte dalla Commissione di Revisione e col testo definitivo del decreto 1 die. 1889. Roma, 1890. f°. 91, (1) p. Relazione a S. M. il Re del Ministro Guardasigilli, Zanardelli, nell' udienza del 1 die. 1889, per I'ap- provazione del decreto contenente le disposizioni per I'attuazione del Codice penale. Roma, 1889. f°. 67 p. — Relazione a S. M. il Re del Ministro Guardasigilli, Zanardelli, nell' udienza del 30 giugno 1889 per I'approvazione del testo definitivo del Codice penale. Roma, 1889. f°. 184 p. Verbali della Commissione Istituita con regio decreto 13 die. 1888 allegati alia Relazione con la quale il Ministro Guardasigilli, Zanardelli, presenta il Codice penale a S. M. il Re nell' udienza del 30 giugno 1889. Roma, 1889. f°. viii, (1), 859 p. Verbali della Commissione Istituita con regio decreto 13 die. 1888 allegati alia Relazione con la —'


Italy, continued. quale il Ministro Gruardasigilli, Zanardelli, presenta il decreto per I'attuazione del Codice penale a S. M. il Re nelP udienza del 1 die. 1889. Roma, 1890. f°. vi, 198 p. Codice postale del regno d 'Italia. Raccolta com- pleta di leggi, regolamenti, circolari, disposizioni concernenti i servizi delle corrispondenze, dei paechi,

dei vaglia, delle riscossioni, ec ; con note e commenti compilato per cura del Ministero delle Poste e dei Telegrafi. Firenze, Gr. Barbera, 1902. 16°. viii, 476 p. 1 codici d 'Italia conformi al testo ufficiale; eompila- zione a cura dell' Aw. Enrico Rosmini. Milano, Fratelli Treves, 1883-88. 5 v. 16°.


Vol. 1. Statute fondamentale, 4 marzo, 1848. — Legge, 2 aprile, 1865. — Codice civile. — Codice di procedura civile, coUe rispettive disposizioni transitorie. — Indice analitico complessivo. 4a ed. 2. Codice di commercio. — Camere di commereio, sensali, — contratti a termine, societa anonime. • Professioni.

— Leggi suU ' arresto per debiti sul patrocinio gra- tuito. — Stato civile. — Privative industrial!. — De-

positi e prestiti. — Diritti d'autore. —^ Legge delle guarentigie. — Exequatur, placito. — Espropriazione per utilita pubblica. — Affraucazione. — Opere pie e corpi morali. — Bollo e registro. — Magazzini gene- ral!. 3a ed., col nuovo Codice di commercio del 1883, etc. 3. Legge elettorale e legge dello scrutinio di lista. — Con- siglio di stato. — Senato e Camera di Deputati. —

Legge comunale e provinoiale. — Opere pubbliche. ; Consorzi d 'irrigazione. — Cave e miniere. — Patri- monio dello stato e contabilita generale. — Istruzione pubblica primaria, teeniea e secondaria. — Scuole normal! e magistral!. — Universita. — Legge sull istruzione obbligatoria. 4a ed., con la nuova legge elettorale politica, 1882, etc. 4. Codice penale. — Codice di procedura penale. — Dis- posizioni per le assise e giurati. — Codice penale per 1 'esercito e per la marina. — Legge e regolamento sulla pubblica sicurezza. — Leggi suUa stampa. 3a ed., eon I'aggiunta del Codice marittimo. 5. Codice finanziario. [2a ed., coiprovvedimenti finanziari del 1888.]

1 codici per 1 'udienza; raccolta tascabile dei cinque codici annotati e del testo completo delle principali leggi di uso ordinario nelle udienze civili, penali ed amministrative e delle minori die vi hanno riferi-

mento. Parte 4 . La legislazione ecclesiastica vigente. Torino, Unione Tipografico, 1910. 16°. (5), 485 p. 144 STATE LIBRARY.

Italy, co)itinued. Eaccolta xifficiale delle leggi e dei decreti del regno d'ltalia, anno 1861-96, 1899-1900. Torino; Eoma, [1861-1900]. 127 V. 8°.

Vol. 31-61, 1871-80, are of the 2d series; v. 62-99, 1881-90, of the 3d series. From 1861 to 1890 the volumes are numbered con- tiBUOusl.v 1-99; from 1891 the volumes are separately numbered for each year. The title, 1885-96, also reads " Parte prineipale." FOREIGN LAWS. 145

Italy, continued. Irrigation and drainage laws of Italy; tr. by E. P. Teele. Washington, 1907. 8°. 100 p. (U. S. Ex- periment Station. Bulletin 192.) Legge n. Ill clie approva le convenzioni pei servizi postali e commerciali marittimi. R. decreto n. 123 che approva il capitolato d'oneri pei servizi postali e commerciali marittimi di carattere locale. Roma, 1908. 8°. 118 p. (Supplemento alia dispensa n. 11 del "Giornale Militare per la Marina," anno 1908.) (Italy. Minister delta Marina.) Legge n. 355 concernente la proroga delle disposi- zioni contenute nei capi 1 e 2 della legge 23 luglio 1896, n. 318, e di quelle della legge 16 maggio 1901, n. 176, sui provvedimenti a favore della marina mer- cantile, con le modificazioni portate dalla legge 28 giugno 1906, n. 260. n.t.p. [Roma, 1907.] 8°. 2 p. (Italy. Direzione Generate della Marina Mercantile.) — Legge, decreto, regolamento, capitoli normal! e tabella dei compensi per gli atti esecutivi per la riscossione delle imposte dirette. Roma, 1897. 8°. 122 p. (Italy. Direzione Generate delle Imposte Dirette.) —r Legge 21 die. 1905, n. 590, e regolamento approvato col R. decreto 21 die. 1905, n. 631 contenente le norme per la stazzatura delle navi. Roma, 1906. f°. 35 p. (Italy. Ministero della Marina.) Legge 23 luglio 1896, n. 318, e regolamento approvato col R. decreto 27 die. 1896, n. 584, sui provvedimenti a favore della marina mercantile. Roma, 1897. 8°. 167 p. Legge, 16 maggio 1901, n. 176, e regolamento ap- provato col R. decreto 13 nov. 1902, n. 500, sui provvedimenti a favore della marina mercantile. Roma, 1902. 8°. x, 104 p. Legge n. 260 relativa alia proroga delle disposizioni contenute nei capi 1 e 2 della legge 23 luglio 1896, n. 318 e di quelle della legge 16 maggio 1901, n. 176, sui provvedimenti a favore della marina mercantile. n.t.p. [Roma, 1906.] 8°. 4 p. (Italy. Direzione Generate della Marina Mercantile.) Legge, 31 gen. 1901, n. 23, sull' emigrazione e R. decreto 10 luglio 1901, che manda in vigore la legge medesima e ne approva il regolamento; con appen- dici contenenti disposizioni legislativi e regolamen- tari relative ai servizi dell' emigrazione. Roma, )


Italy, continued. 1901. 8°. 215 p. (Italy. Comynissariato deW Emi- grazione.) Legge sulla tutela della igiene e della sanita pnbbliea, 22 die. 1888, n. 5849, serie 3a. Roma, 1889. 8°. 31 p. Leggi e regolamento per 1 'applicazione dell' im- posta sui fabbricati. Eoma, 1877. 8°. 148 p. Leggi e regolamento per 1 'applicazione dell' imposta sui redditi di riccliezza mobile. Eoma, 1894. 8°. 159 p.

Leggi e regolamento sui riordinamento dell ' imposta fondiaria. Eoma, 1898. 8°. 128 p. (Italy. Minis- ter o delle Finanze.) Leggi, regolamento ed istruzioni per il servizio di vendita dei sali e tabaccbi. Eoma, 1901. 8°. 338 p. (Italy. Direzione Generate delle Privative.) Ordinamento del Casellario giudiziale. Legge 30 gen. 1902, n. 87 e regio decreto 13 aprile 1902, no. 137, per la sua attuazione. Eegolamento approvato con regio decreto 15 ott. 1905, n. 548. Istruzioni ai funzionari giudiziari nel testo unico approvato con decreto ministeriale 5 nov. 1908. Eoma, 1908. 4°. 239 p. (Italy. Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia e dei Culti. Eaccolta sistematica delle leggi, regolamenti ed altre disposizioni sulla sanita pubblica, in vigore a tutto il 31 die. 1905. Eoma, 1906. 2 v. 4°. (5), 887 p.; 918 p. (Italy. Direzione Generate della Sanita Pubblica.) Contents.

Vol. 1. Parte generale. Leggi, regolamenti e disposizioni organiche e generali. 2. Parte speciale. Leggi, regolamenti, ciroolari istruzioni, ecc.

Eegio decreto n. 46 die approva alcune modificazioni al regolamento 27 die. 1896, per la esecuzione della legge 23 luglio 1896, n. 318, sui prowedimenti a favore della marina mercantile. Eoma, 1899. 8°. 15 p. (Italy. Minis tero della Marina.) E. decreto 20 nov. 1902, n. 523, che modifica gli articoli 3 e 9 del regio decreto 31 gen. 1901, n. 36, sui rilascio dei passaporti per I'estero. n.t.p. [Eoma, 1902.] 8°. 2 p.

E. decreto 11 die. 1902, n. 540, che modifica il regola- mento 10 luglio 1901, n. 375, sull' emigrazione. n.t.p. [Eoma, 1902.] 8°. 8 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 147

Italy, continued Regio decreto [n. 849] che modifica la tenuta del registri dello stato civile, 15 die. 1907; pubblicato nella Gazzetta UflEiciale del regno il 29 feb. 1908, n. 50. n.t.p. [Eoma], 1907. 8°. 47 p. R. decreto portante modificazioni al regolamento per evitare gli abbordi in mare, n.t.p. [Roma, 1906.] 8°. 8 p. (Italy. Ministero delta Marina.) Regolamento approvato col R. D. 23 die. 1897, n. 549, per I'esecuzione del testo unico delle leggi sulle tasse di registro. Roma, 1898. 8°. 26 p. Regolamento che determina le norme per I'imbarco, trasporto in mare e sbarco delle materie pericolose. Roma, 1903. 8°. 69 p. (Italy. Ministero delta Marina.) Regolamento organico per 1 'amministrazione delle poste e dei telegrafi. Roma, 1906. 8°. xviii, (1), 222 p. (Italy. Ministero delle Poste e dei Telegrafi.) Regolamento per I'esecuzione delle leggi 27 maggio 1875, n. 2779, 8 luglio 1897, n. 252 e 3 luglio 1902, n. 280, sul servizio delle casse di risparmio postali. Roma, 1903. 8°. 171 p. (Itsdj. Ministero delle Poste e dei Telegrafi.) Testo nnico delle disposizioni legislative e regola- mento per la conservazione dei catasti dei terreni e dei fabbricati. Roma, 1897. 8°. 160 p. Folded sheets. (Italy. Direzione Generate delle Imposte Dirette.) Testo unico delle leggi sanitarie approvato con regio decreto Lagosto 1907, n. 636. Roma, 1907. 8°. 95 p. (Italy. Direzione Generate delta Sanitd Pubblica.) — Testo unico delle leggi sulle tasse di boUo e su quelle in surrogazione del boUo e del registro approvato col R. D. 4 luglio 1897, n. 414. Roma, 1897. 8°. 73 p. Testo unico delle leggi sulle tasse di registro ap- provato col R. D. 20 maggio 1897, n. 217. Roma, 1897. 8°. 139 p. Jalisco. Coleccion de los decretos, circulares y ordenes de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo del estado de Jalisco; comprende la legislacion del estado desde 14 de set. de 1823 a 16 de oct. de 1860. Guadalajara, 1874-84. 14 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. [Set. 1823 — marzo 1825.] 2. [Marzo 1825 — die. 1826.] 3. [Enero 1827 — abril 1829.] ;


Jalisco, continued.

i. [Mayo 1829 — abril 1831.] 5. [Mayo 1831 — abril 1833.] 6. [Abril 1833 — die. 1834.] 7. [Bnero 1835 — feb. 1840.] 8. [Marzo 1840 — die. 1843.] 9. [Marzo 1843 — die. 1846.] 10. [Enero — die. 1847.] 11. [Enero 1848 — die. 1849.] 12. [Enero 1850 — die. 1851.] 13. [Enero 1852 — die. 1855.] 14. [Enero 1856 — abril I860.]

Same. Tom. 1-12. Oct. de 1860 a fin de 1889. Guadalajara, 1872-90. 12 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. [Oct. 1860 — die. 1862.] 2. [Enero 1863 — agosto 1867.] 3. [Agosto 1867 — oct. 1869.] 4. [Nov. 1869 — junio 1872.] 5. [Julio 1872 — die. 1874.] 6. [Die. 1874 — feb. 1878.] 7. [Feb. 1878 — oet. 1880.] 8. [Nov. 1880 — enero 1883.] 9. [Enero 1883 — die. 1884.] 10. [Enero 1885 — feb. 1887.] 11. [Marzo 1887 — feb. 1888.] 12. [Marzo 1888 — nov. 1889.]

Jamaica. The laws of Jamaica pass'd by the Gover- nonrs, Coiincil and Assembly, and confirm 'd by ; prefix 'd, an account of Jamaica, [by William Wood]. 2d ed. London, printed by W. W. Mears, 1719. 12°. XXX, (6), 457, (1) p. Acts of Assembly passed in the island of Jamaica, 1681-1754. London, for C. Brett & Co., 1756. f°. (438) p. Same. [1755]-69. Vol. 2. Saint Jago de la Vega, printed by Lowry and Sherlock, 1771. f°. (213) p. The laws of Jamaica, comprehending all the acts in force passed between the 32d year of Charles ii. and the 33d [32d] year of George iii., [1681-1792] prefixed, a table of the titles of the public and private acts passed during that time. St. Jago de la Vega, 1792. 2 V. 4°. viii, 136, Ixxix, 426 p.; 664 p.


Vol. 1. 32 Charles ii. — 32 Geo. ii., 1681-1759. [Prefixed are various documents relating to Jamaica.] 2. 1-32 Geo. in., 1760-92. FOREIGN LAWS. 149

Jamaica, continued. Same. 2d ed. St. Jago de la Vega, 1802. 2 v. 4°. (59), Ixsix, 424 p.; (88), 516 p.


Vol. 1. 33 Charles ii. — 32 Geo. ii., 1681-1759. 2. 1-32 Geo. in., 1760-91. An abridgment of the laws of Jamaica; being an alphabetical digest of all the public acts now in force from the 32d year of Charles ii. to the 32d year of G-eorge ni., [1681-1792], as published in two volumes. St. Jago de la Vega, 1793. 4°. (12), 281, (3) p. Same. 2d ed. St. Jago de la Vega, 1802. 4°. (11), 240 p. — The laws of Jamaica, 33d [32d]-43d George m., [1792-1802]. St. Jago de la Vega, 1793-1803. 11 v. 4°. Namely. 33 Geo. 150 STATE LIBRARY.

Jamaica, continued.

10 Vict., 1846-47. 11 Vict., 1847. 12 Viet., 1848-49. [4 sessions.] 13 Vict., 1849-50. 14 Vict., session 1-3, 1850-51. 15 Vict., 1851-52. 16 Vict., 1852-53. 17 Vict., 1853-54. 18 Vict., 1854-55. 19 Vict., 1855-56. 20 Vict., 1856. 21 Vict., 1857. 22 Viet., 1858-59. 23 Viet., session 1, 1859. 23 Vict., session 2-3, 1860. 24 Viet., 1861. 25 Vict., 1862. 26 Vict., 1st session, 1862. 26 Viet., 2d session, 1863. 27 Vict., 1st session, 1863-64. 27 Viet., 2d session, 1864. 28 Viet., 1864^65. 29 Viet., 1st session, 1865. 29 Vict., 2d session, 1866. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1869-70. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. Nov. 1880 — March 1881. Nov. 1881 — Feb. 1882 and special session May 1882. Nov. 1882 — April 1883. 1st session, Jan.-April 1884; 2d session, Sept. 1884 — March 1885. Sept.-Oct. 1885. March-April 1886. Sept.-Oct. 1886. April-May 1887. Sept.-Nov. 1887. April-May 1888. Sept.-Nov. 1888. April-June 1889. Oet.-Nov. 1889. Feb.-May 1890. Feb.-April 1891. 1892. Feb.-April 1893. March-May 1894. Feb.-April' 1895. Feb.-June 1896. FOREIGN LAWS. 151

Jamaica, continued. Feb.-May 1897. March-Aug. 1898. March-June 1899. Feb.-June 1900. Eeb.-May 1901. Feb.-June 1902. 1903. 1904. 1905. 1906. 1907. 1908. 1909.

A digest of the public acts of the island of Jamaica, including such statutes of Great Britain as are in

force in that island, to 1848. Vol. 1, [part 1, and 90 pages of part 2.] Jamaica, printed by Jordan and Osborn, 1848. 4°. v. p. A digest of the laws of Jamaica, 33 Charles ii. — 28 Vict.; by James Minot. Jamaica, M. Decordova,

McDougall & Co., 1865. 8°. 1, 808 p. The statutes and laws of Jamaica. Eevised ed., Charles ii. to 29 Vict., 1680-1866. By authority. Kingston, 1874-77. 4 v. 4°.


Vol. 1. 1680-1837. 3. 1847-56. 2. 1837-47. i. 1857-66.

Same. Revised ed., by C. E. Curran. Jamaica, 1889- 90. 4 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Charles li. — William iv., 1681-1836. 2. 1-10 Vict., 1837-47. 3. 11-20 Vict., 1847-56. 4. 21-29 Vict., 1857-65.

Same. The laws of the island of Jamaica. Revised ed., by C. R. Curran. Jamaica, 1889. 8 V. 4°. ;


Jamaica, continued. The imperial statutes applicable to Jamaica. (In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Jamaica Gazette; [containing government notices, proclamations, etc.]. Vol. 28, no. 43-52; v. 29-33, Oct. 26, 1905 — Dec. 29, 1910. [Kingston, 1905-10.]

6 V. 1. 8°. n.t.p. except 1908.

The political constitution of Jamaica, including the judicial and ecclesiastical establishments of that colony, and its annual laws in force for 1844. Lon- don, printed by J. Haddon, 1844. 8°. v. p.

An abridgment of the Acts of Assembly and laws of Jamaica is contained in Abridgement of the laws in force and use in Her Majesty's plantations, 1704; the laws of the island relating to the church and clergy, etc., are contained in Trott's Laws of the British plantations, 1721; and the laws concerning real and per- sonal property and manumission of slaves in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, 1827. See also Cayman Islands; — Turks and Caicos Islands.

Japan. Annotated civil code of Japan, by J. E. de Becker; introduction by Count Hayashi. 1st ed. London, Butterworth & Co.; Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, 1909-10. 4 v. 4°. The commercial code of Japan, by Yang Yin Hang. Boston, Boston Book Company, 1911. 8°. xxiii, 319 p. (University of Pennsylvania Law School, Series, no. 1.) The Japanese codes, by B. K. Miller. {In State Bar Association of Wisconsin. Eeport, 1901.) The new Japanese civil code, as material for the

study of comparative jurisprudence ; a paper read at the International Congress of Arts and Science, at the Universal Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, by Nobu- shige Hozumi. [Tokio, 1904.] 8°. (2), 73 p. Penal codes of France, Germany, Belgium and Japan reports prepared for the International Prison Com- mission, S. J. Barrows, Commissioner for the United States. Washington, 1901. 8°. 158 p. (36th Cong. 2d sess., House doc, v. 93, no. 489.) Jersey. A code of laws for the island of Jersey, [1771]. 2e ed., augmentee d'un index des lois qui sont en force, de celles qui out ete abrogees, etc.; ainsi que d'un appendice des lois confirmees par le conseil depuis la publication du 2e volume de lois et regie- FOREIGN LAWS. 153

Jersey, continued. ments de Jersey, qui ont reQu la sanction royale depuis 1771. Jersey, P. Falle, 1860. 12°. sxxvi, 388, 124 p. Nearly all the laws are in French.

Lois et reglements passes par les etats de Jersey, revetus de la sanction royale, et non compris dans le code de 1771. 1771-1893. Jersey, 1878-93. 5 v. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. 1771-1850. 2. 1851-71. 3. 1872-81. — Liste des actes de Parlement enregistres dans 1 'He. — Index general. 4. 1882-90. 5. 1890-93.

The imperial statutes applicable to the Channel Islands. (In Great Britain, Colonies. The im- perial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Kamerun. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etc.] {In Germany. Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzgelaung. 1893- 1908.) Kandy, Ceylon. A manual of Kandyan law, compiled from the works of Armour, Sawers and other writers; by F. C. Solomons. Colombo, printed at the " Times of Ceylon " press, 1898. 8°. v, x, 28 p. Memoranda of the laws of inheritance, [deeds, trans- fers, etc., in the Kandyan province; signed by S. Sawers]. n.t.p. i°. (54) p. MS. Kiau-Chau. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etc.] {In Ger- many, Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzgebung. 1893-1908.) Korea, The Corean government, constitutional changes, July 1894 to Oct. 1895; with an appendix on subse- quent enactments to 30th June 1896, by W. H. Wil- kinson. Shanghai, published at the Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs, 1897. 4°. xi, (2), 192 p. Folded map. Labuan, island. Ordinances. [Incomplete.] n.t.p. [1849-92.] f°, 16°. Namely. 1849, no. 1-3, 7. 1866, no. 2-A. 1875, no. 1. 1850, no. 1. 1868, no. 3-4. 1879, no. 1. 1851, no. 4, 6. 1869, no. 2, 4. 1884, no. 5. 1852, no. 1-2. 1871, no. 1, 3, 5. 1885, no. 3. 1853, no. 1. 1872, no. 1. 1886, no. 1, 3. 1855,-no. 2. 1873, no. 2-3. 1889, no. 2. 1863, no. 1-2. 1874, no. 4. 1892, no. 1. 154 STATE LIBRARY.

Labuan, continued. Official gazette, [containing the ordinances, procla- mations and notifications]. Vol. 1-16, 1890-1904. n.t.p. [Sandakan, 1890-1904.] f°. The Labuan ordinance, 1907. See Straits Settle- ments.

Labuan was incorporated with the Straits Settlements, 1st Jan. 3907.

Lagos. Ordinances, and orders and rules thereunder, in force in the colony on Dec. 31, 1893, with an appen- dix containing the letters patent constituting the colony, and the instructions accompanying them, various acts of Parliament, orders of the Queen in

Council, treaties and proclamations ; compiled by George Stallard and E. H. Richards. London, Stevens and Sons, 1894. 8°. xvi, 1011 p.

Consolidated with the colony and protectorate of Southern Nigeria, 28th Feb. 1906.

Leeward Islands. Acts of Assembly passed in the Charibbee Leeward Islands, 1690-1730; [with a col- lection of all the acts of Antigua from 1668 which were in force Aug. 1724]. London, John Baskett, 1734. f°. 1.5, 231, (.34) p. Same. [Without the acts of Antigua.] London, John Baskett, 1740. f°. 5, 24, (4) p.

' ' Bound with ' Acts of Nevis, ' 1664-1739.

Acts of the General Legislature or Council of the Leeward Islands, 1881-1910. [Antigua, 1881-1910.] 30 V. and pm. f°. FOREIGN LAWS. 155

Leeward Islands, continued. Same. [1892,93,97.] n.p., [1892-97]. t°.

With these copies are bound the laws of Antigua, Saint-Christo- pher-Nevis, Dominica, Montserrat, and the Virgin Islands for the same years.

The imperial statutes applicable to the Leeward Islands. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The im- perial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.)

The general laws of the Leeward Islands relating to the church and clergy are contained in Trott's Laws of the British Planta- tions, 1721; the laws concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, V. 1, 1827. See also Antigua; — Dominica; — Montserrat; — Nevis; — Saint Christopher; — Virgin Islands.

Liechtenstein. Gesetz iiber die Spar- und Leihkasse des Fiirstenthums Liechtenstein. n.t.p. [Feldkirch, 18641] 8°. (4) p. Liechtensteinisches Landes-Gesetzblatt, 1863-1908. Feldkirch. Druck 's Wittwe, 1863-190S. 156 STATE LIBRARY.

Liechtenstein, confinued. Same. Inhalts-Register der in den Jaliren 1862-78 durcli das liechtenstein'sclie Landesgesetzblatt kund- gemachten G-esetze und Verordnungen. n.t.p. [Feldkirch, 1878.] 8°. 6 p. Same. Inhalts-Register, 1879-84, durch das liechten- stein'sche Landesgesetzblatt kundgemachten Gesetze und Verordnungen. n.t.p. [Feldkirch, 1884.] 8°. Ip. Lower California. Codigo civil, — Codigo penal, — Codigo de procedimientos. See Mexico. Codes. Lower Canada. See Quebec. Lower Provinces. The lower Provinces code. Calcutta, 1878-79. 2 V. 1. 8^ xxxi, 451 p.; xiii, 453-1293 p.

Contents. Vol. 1. The Bengal regulations and local acts of the Governor General in Council in force in the Lower Provinces of the presidency of Fort William, with a chronological table of the Bengal regulations. 2. The unrepealed acts of the Lieut. Governor of Bengal in Council and regulations made under the 33d Vict, cap. 3, with a chronological table of the Bengal acts.

Same. Supplement, containing the unrepealed acts of the Governor General in Council relating to the Lower Provinces, 1879-82; acts of the Lieut. Gov-

ernor of Bengal in Council, 1880-81 ; and acts of the Governor General in Council and regulations under the statute 38 Vic. c. 3, applying to Assam. Cal- cutta, 1882. 1. 8°. iv, 298, 2 p.

See also Assam; — Bengal.

Lucerne. Sammlung der revidierten Gesetze und Re- gierungs-Verordnungen des Kantons Luzem. 3er-4er Band. Luzern, 1811. 2 v. 8°. xv, 439 p.; 357, xvi, 96 p.

' With V. 4 is the ' Nachtrag zur Sammlung der revidierten Gesetze," 1812-13, etc. 96 p.

Sammlung der Gesetze und Regierungs-Verord- nungen fiir den Kanton Luzern. ler-5er Band. Luzern, 1831-[40]. 5 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. ri831-32.] 4. [1836-37.1 2. [1832-33.] 5. [1837^0.] 3. [1833-35.] FOREIGN LAWS. 157

Lucerne, continued. Sammhmg der noch niclit revidirten altern Gesetze und Verordnungen des Kantons Luzern, die gegen- wartig noch in Kraft bestehen. Luzern, 1840. 8°. xvi, 971 p. Gesetze fiir den Kanton Lnzern. 1.-2. Band. Luzern, 1841-42. 2 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. Staatsrechtliche Urkunden der Eidgenossenschaft, fiir den Kanton Luzern verbindliche Tagsatzungsbe- schlusse, Konkordate und Staatsvertrage mit Aub- lande. 2. Staatsverfassung, "Verfassungsgesetze, Organisation der Behorden, u. s. w.

Amtliche Sammlung der vor dem Jahre 1848 erschienenen Gesetze, Dekrete, Verordnungen und Beschliisse fiir den Kanton Luzern, welche gegen- wartig noch in Kraft bestehen, mit Ausschluss des biirgerlichen Gesetzbuches und des Strafgesetz- buches; auf Anordnung des Regierungsrathes her- ausg. und vom Grossen Eathe gutgeheissen. Luzern, 1860. 8°. xviii, 480 p. Gesetze, Dekrete und Verordnungen fiir den Kanton Luzern. 1.-6. Band. [1848-83.] Luzern, 1848-83. 6 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. [1848-51j] 4. [1861-67.] 2. [1851-54.] 5. [1867-73.] 3. [1854-61.] 6. [1874-83.]

Luxemburg. Legislation. See Lambrechts, H., and others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit compare, le partie. Madagascar. Code annote de la legislation et diction- naire de la regleraentation de Madagascar et depend- ances, par Amedee Gamon. Tananarive, 1906. 2 v. 4°. (4), iv, 631 p.; (4), iv, 633-1448 p. Same, le supplement du 15 juin 1905 au 31 dec. 1908, avec I'appendice jusqu'en sept. 1909. Tana- narive, 1909. 4°. (6), 583 p. Madras. The regulations of the government of Fort St. George in force at the end of 1847; added, the acts of the government of India in force in that presidency, with list of titles, index, and glossary. Prepared under the authority of the Court of Di- rectors of the East-India Company, by Richard Clarke. London, J. & H. Cox, 1848. 4°. xxx, (1), 895 p. 158 STATE LIBRARY.

Madras, continued. Acts passed by the Governor of Fort St. Greorge in

Council, [1866-98] ; no. 2-4, 1899; 1900-09. Madras, [18661-1909. 8° and 4°. Namely. 1866-70. FOREIGN LAWS. 159

Madras, continued. List of acts and regulations in force in the Madras presidency, corrected up to 1st June 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 52 p. Same. Corrected up to 1st June 1910. Madras, 1910. 8°. 53 p. The Madras administration of estates regulation, 1802, Madras regulation no. 3, 1802, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 8 p. The Madras city municipal act, 1904, Madras act no. 3, 1904, as modified up to 1st Sept. 1907. Madras, 1907. 8°. 197 p. The Madras city police act, 1888, Madras act no. 3, 1888, as modified up to the 1st April 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 26 p. The Madras coffee-stealing prevention act, 1878, Madras act no. 8, 1878, as modified up to 1st April 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 9 p. The Madras Court of Wards act of 1902, 1 of 1902. n.t.p. [1902.] 8°. 28 p. The Madras district municipalities act, 1884, act no. 4 of 1884, as amended by act no. 3 of 1897. Madras, 1897. 8°. 155 p. Same. As modified up to 1st Feb. 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 155, xxiv, xiv p. The Madras general clauses act, 1891, Madras act no. 1, 1891, as modified up to 1st April 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 13 p. The Madras hereditary village offices act, 1895, act no. 3, as modified to 1st June 1907. Madras, 1907. 8°. 16 p. The Madras Karnams regulation, 1802, Madras reg- ulation no. 29, 1802, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 9 p. The Madras local boards act, 1884, as modified up to 1st Jan. 1902. Madras, 1902. 8°. (2), 102 p. The Madras pier act, 1863, Madras act no. 5, 1863, as modified up to 1st April 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 10 p. The Madras planters labour act, 1903, Madras act no. 1, 1903, with footnotes brought up to the 31st Dec. 1908. Madras, 1909. 8°. 15 p.

The Madras proprietary estates ' village service act, 1894, as modified up to 1st Jan. 1907. Madras, 1907. 8°. 20 p. 160 STATE LIBRARY.

Madras, continued. The Madras revenue recovery act, 1864, Madras act no. 2, 1864, as modified up to 1st June 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 24 p. The Madras rivers conservancy act, 1884, Madras act no. 6, 1884, as modified up to 1st April 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 12 p. The Madras Sati regulation, 1830, Madras regula- tion no. 1, 1830, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 7 p. The Madras state-offences regulation, 1808, Madras regulation no. 7, 1808, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 7 p. The Madras state prisoners regulation, 1819, Madras regulation no. 2, 1819, as modified up to 1st Feb. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 8 p. The Madras steam-boilers and prime-movers act 1893, Madras act no. 3, 1893, as modified up to 1st Jan. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 12 p. The Madras village panchayats regulation, 1816, Madras regulation no. 5, 1816, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 13 p.

The Malabar compensation for tenants ' improve- ments act, 1899, Madras act no. 1, 1900, as modified up to 1st April 1908. Madras, 1908. 8°. 11 p. The Malabar wills act, 1898, Madras act no. 5, 1898, as modified up to the Ist Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 6 p. Regulation 8, 1817; 4, 7, 1821; 3, 1823; 5, 1829; 5, 10, 1831; 3, 1832, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909, n.t.p. [Madras, 1909.1 8°. Regulation 4, 1821, as modified up to 1st April 1909. n.t.p. Madras, 1909. 8°. Table showing effect of legislation in the Council of the Governor of Fort St. George, 1904-09. n.t.p. [1905-10.] 8°. The Tanjore police regulation, 1816, Madras regula- tion no. 1, 1816, as modified up to 1st Oct. 1909. Madras, 1909. 8°. 7 p. Malay States. See Federated Malay States. Malta. CoUezione di bandi, prammatiche ed altri avvisi ufificiali, pubblicati dal governo dell' isola di Malta e sue dipendenze, 17 luglio 1784 — 4 ott. 1813. Malta, 1840. f°. vi, 186, (55) p.

' ' The ' Proclami, avvisi, ecc, pubblicati dai Franeese, ' are in Italian and French. FOREIGN LAWS. 161

Malta, continued. Leggi di organizzazione e procedura civile per I'isola

di Malta e sue dipendenze ; aggiuntevi le emende. Malta, A. Aquilina e Co., 1874. 16°. 432, viii p. Proclamations, minutes and other official notices pub- lished by the government of Malta and its depend- encies, 5th Oct. 1813 — 31st Dec. 1833; Ordinances and other official acts, 1st Jan. 1836 — 31st Dec. 1890, 1905-07, 1909. Vol. 1-2.3, 38-40, 42. [In Italian and English.] Malta, 1821-1910. 27 v. f°.

Contents. Vol. 1. "


Malta, continued. Lois civiles de Malte; tr., annotees et raises en con- cordance avec le code frangais par Clement Billiet: tr., publiee avec I'autorisation de M. le Premier, President de la Cour d'Appel d 'Alger. Paris, A. Pedone, 1896. 8^ (3), 223 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 17.) Manitoba. Statutes of Manitoba, 1871-89; Acts of the Legislature, 1890-1910. Winnipeg, 1871-1910. In 42 V. 8°. Namely. lst-3d session, 1st Parliament, 1871-73; Reserved acts, 1873. 4th session, 1st Parliament, 1873-74. lst-4tli session, 2d Parliament, 1875-78. 1st session, 3d Parliament, 1879. 1st session, 4th Legislature, 1880, see ielow, — French. Statuts, etc.

t. 2d-4th session, 4th Legislature, 1880-82.

. . lst-4th session, 5th Legislature, 1883-86. lst-2d session, 6th Legislature, 1887-88. lst-5th session, 7th Legislature, 1888-92.

, lst-3d session, 8th Legislature, 1893-95.

:i.'''' 1 lst~ith session, 9th Legislature, 1896-99. Ist^th session, 10th Legislature, 1900-03.

,' lst-4th session, 11th Legislature, 1904-07.

\ lst-3d session, 12th Legislature, 1908-10. Prefixed to the Acts, 1901-10, are " Orders and proclamations of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council. The statutes, 1880-81, are reprinted and do not contain the private acts.

— Same. 2d part, 4th session, 1st Parliament, 1873-74. Winnipeg, 1874. 8°. 52-126, vi p.

A duplicate of the latter part of the statutes, 1873-74, with sep- arate title-page.

French. Statuts, e^c. Winnipeg, 1872-82. 7 v. 8°.

Namely. 2e-3e session, ler Parlement, Jan. 1872 — t&v. 1873. 3e session, ler Parlement, Actes reserves. le session, 3e Parlement, fev. 1879. le-2e, 4e session, 4e Legislature, Jan., dec. 1880, avril 1882.

Consolidated statutes of Manitoba, 1880; [with a supplement containing the statutes of 1881]. n.t.p. [1881.] 1. 8°. Ixxxvi, 961, 67 p.

Prefixed are the " British North America act," " Manitoba act," etc. FOREIGN LAWS. 163

Manitoba, oontinued. The revised statutes of Manitoba. Winnipeg, 1892. ' 2 V. 8°. Ixxx, 1016, 232 p.; vii, 1017-2179, 232 p. The revised statutes of Manitoba, 1902, being a consolidation of the revised statutes enacted in 1892, with the subsequent pubhc general acts to and in- cluding those of 1902. Winnipeg, 1903. 2 v. 8°. xciv, (1), 1349, 333 p.; vi, (2), 1351-2893, 339 p. County Courts act, passed by the Manitoba Legisla- ture, June 25, 1879. Winnipeg, 1879. 8°. 146, 19 p. Liquor license act. See Canada. Liquor laws, 1904. Real property act of 1885. (In Jones's The " Tor- rens system " of transfer of land, 1886.) Marianne Islands. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etc.] {In Germany. Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzge- bung. 1893-1908.) Marshall Islands. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etc.] {In Germany. Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzge- bung. 1893-1908.) Martinique. Bulletin des acts administratifs de la

Martinique, tome 1, 3-6, 1828, 30-33 ; Bulletin officiel, tome 7-13, 16-27, [31-411, 183^^^0, 43-54, 58-68. Saint-Pierre, 1829-37; Fort-Eoyal, etc., 1838-69. 35 V. 8°.

Entitled, tome 1- 164 STATE LIBRARY.

Martinique, continued. Saint-Pierre Martinique, 1807-14; Fort-de-France, 1865-72. 7 V. 8°.

Tome 1-2, par M. Durand-Molard; tome 3-5, par M. Durand- Molard, continuee par M. Dufresne de St. Cergues; tome 6-7, par M. Aubert-Armand. Contents.

Vol. 1. Actes legislatifs, 1642-1754. 2. Same. 1755-68. 3. Same. 1769-86. 4. Same. 1787-1804. 5. Actes legislatifs des colonies de la Martinique et de Sainte-Lucie, 1805-13, ainsi qu'un supplement des pieces omises dans les volumes precedens. 6. Actes legislatifs, 1814r-18. 7. Same. 1819-23.

Mauritius. A collection of the laws of Mauritius and its

dependencies, Jan. 1722 — Dec. 1865 ; compiled with notes by John Eouillard. [In French and English.]

Mauritius, 1866-68. 9 v. 1. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. 1st Jan. 1722 — Sept. 1803, the 1st part of which, in- cluding the laws published from 1st Jan. 1722 — 2d June 1787, was formerly published in the Code Delaleu. 2. 22d Sept. 1803 — 1st Nov. 1810, formerly published in the Code Decaen. 3. 3d Dec. 1810 — 16th Nov. 1831, the 1st part of which, including the laws published from 3d Dee. 1810 — 10th June 1823, was formerly published in the Code Farquhar. 4. 1st Jan. 1832 — 18th Jan. 1841. 5. 25th Feb. 1841 — 2d Feb. 1852. 6. 2d Feb. 1852 — 31st Dec. 1853. 7. 1st Jan. 1854- 31st Dec. 1858. 8. 1st Jan. 1859 — 31st Dec. 1861. 9. 1st .Jan. 1862 — 31st Dec. 1865.

A collection of ordinances passed by the Legislative Council of Mauritius, 1883-1910. Mauritius, [1883- 1910]. 27 V. 8°. Namely. 1883. FOREIGN LAWS. 165

Mauritius, continued. A collection of proclamations and government notices published at Mauritius, 1866-67, 69, 71-74, 78. Mauritius, [1866-78]. 8 v. 8°.

Namely. 1866. 1869. 1872. 1874. 1867. 1871. 1873. 1878.

A collection of tlie proclamations published at Mauri- tius, 1883-1910. [Mauritius, 1883-1910.] 27 v. 8°.

Namely. 1883. "


Mauritius, continued. The consolidated la-vvs of Mauritius, being v. 1 of the new ed. of The laws of Mauritius, revised by F. T.

Piggott and L. A. Thibaud. Port Louis, 1905. 1. 8°. (8), 159 p. Same. The laws of Mauritius, revised up to the end of the session 1903-04, by F. T. Piggott and L. A.

Thibaud ; being the 2d ed. of The laws of Mauritius, revised by F. T. Piggott, L. A. Thibaud and F. A. Herchenroder. Vol. 2-7. 1905. Mauritius, 1905.

6 V. 1. 8°. Contents. Vol. 2-3. The ordinances. 4. Letters-patent, instructions, orders in Council, de- pendencies and merchant shipping ordinances and regulations. 5. Chronological table of ordinances, revision and amend- ment ordinances, general index, appendix. 6. Rules of procedure of the Supreme Court, District Courts and Stipendiary Courts. 7. Regulations.

The imperial statutes applicable to Mauritius. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Lois sur le travail a Maurice; on, Eecueil des lois se rapportant specialement aux maitres et servi- teurs a Maurice, comprenant les actes du gouverne- ment de I'lnde sur 1 'emigration a cette colonie. Publie sous la forme d'un code, par W. Greene et L. E. Schmidt. [In French and English.'] Maurice, L. Channell, 1869. 1. 8^ (7), xxvi, 467 p. Mauritius laws applicable to Seychelles, 1872-98. See Seychelles. Laws, v. 1. Mexico. Philippus Hispaniarum et Lidiarum Eex. Pro- uisiones, cedulas, instrucciones de Su Magestad, ordenancas de difuntos y audieneia para la buena expedicion de los negocios y administracion de justi- cia y gouernacion de esta Niieua Espana, y para el buen tratamiento y conseruacion de los Indios, 1525- 63. Mexico, P. Ocharte, 1563, [reprinted, J. M. Sandoval, 1878]. 2 v. 12°.

Commonly known as the " Cedulario de Puga.


Vol. 1. [1525-47.] 2. [1548-62.] '


Mexico, continued. [Reales cedulas, etc., 1662-1777,] f°. MS. [Ordenanzas, instrucciones, etc., 1722-78.] f°.

Chiefly in MS.

Recopilacion de las leyes del gobierno espanol que rigen en la repiiblica respectivas a los anos, 1788 — [die. 1810]. 4a parte del Semanario Judicial. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Lara, 1851. 8°. 342, (13) p.

This eoUeetion contains also one act of May 1813.

[Volume containing original decrees, orders, etc., many of which are in manuscript, as promulgated during the years 1803 to 1821.] v.p. f° and broad- sides. Coleccion de los decretos y ordenes que han espedido las y estraordinarias desde su in- stalacion, 24 set. 1810 — 11 mayo 1814. 4a parte del Semanario Judicial. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Lara, 1852-53. 3 v. 8°.

' ' The title, v. 3, reads ' Las cortes ordinarias.

Contents. Vol. 1. Set. 1810 — set. 1811. 2. Mayo 1812 — feb. 1813. 3. Set. 1813 — mayo 1814.

Coleccion de los decretos y ordenes de las cortes de Espana que se reputan vigentes en la repiiblica de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos, [enero 1811 — mayo

1814, Julio 1820 — sept. 1821] . Mexico, imprenta de Galvan, 1829. 8°. Decretos del rey Don Fernando vii., expedidos desde su restitucion al trono espanol hasta el restableci- miento de la constitucion de 1812; se refieren todas las resoluciones generales que se suponen vigentes en la Eepublica Megicana, [mayo 1814 — agosto 1820, con suplemento]. Megico, imprenta de Galvan, 1836. 8°. Coleccion de ordenes y decretos de la soberana junta provisional gubernativa y soberanos congresos gen- 168 STATE LIBRARY.

Mexico, continued. erales de la nacion mexicana, [oct. 1821 — die. 1828]. 2a ed., aumentada. Mexico, imprenta de Gralvan, 1829. 4 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. [Oct. 1821 — feb. 1822.] 2. [Feb. 1822 — oct. 1823.] 3. [Nov. 1823 — die. 1824.] 4. [Enero 1825 — die. 1828.]

Coleccion de las leyes y decretos expedidos por el congreso general, 1829-37. Mejico, imprenta de Galvan, 1831-40. 4 v. 8°.

Contents. 1829-30. 1833-35. 1831-32. 1836-37.

Eepertorio de legislacion 6 indice alfabetico y cronologico de las materias mas notables contenidas en la coleccion de leyes, decretos, etc., 1821-37. Megico, imprenta de M. Galvan, 1840. 8°. 571, (1) P- —-Coleccion de decretos y ordenes, etc., [1824r-70]. Tomo 1-8. Toluca, imprenta de J. Quijano, etc., 1848-70. 8 V. in 4. sm. 8°.


Vol. 1. Coleccion de decretos y firdenes del congreso consti- tuyeute del estado libra y soberano de Mexico, 1824-27, 30. 2. Coleccion de decretos de los congresos constitueionales, que funcionaron en la primera epoca de la federacion; contiene tambien, por via de apendice las disposi- ciones espedidas en la epoca del centralismo, 1827—46. 3. Coleccion de decretos del congreso estraordinario que funeiono en la segunda epoca de la federacion; con- tiene tambien los espedidos por el gobierno pro- visional del Ecsmo. Sr. D. Francisco M. de Olaguibel, los de la junta legislativa y por via de apendice el Codigo fundamental de la republica y varias leyes generales, 1846—49. 4. Coleccion de decretos del primer congreso constitucional que funeiono en la segunda 6poca de la federacion

en la bienio eorrido de 2 de marzo de 1849 S, igual fecha de 1851; contiene tambien por ap6ndice las ordenanzas de mineria. 5. Coleccion de decretos del segundo congreso constitu- cional que funcion6 en la segunda epoca de la federa- cion en la bienio eorrido de 2 de marzo de 1851 4 igual fecha de 1853; contiene tambien por apendice la constitueion del estado. — Decretos espedidos por el ejecutivo del estado en la 6poca corrida de set. FOREIGN LAWS. 169

Mexico, continued.

de 1855 a mayo de 1857. — Decretos espedidos por la tercera legislatura constitucional de junio k oot. de 1857. — Decretos espedidos por el ejeeutivo en la 6poca corrida de oct. de 1857 k abril de 1861. 6. Coleccion de los decretos espedidos por los congresos constituyente y constitucional v per el ejeeutivo, mayo de 1861 4 oct. de 1868. 7. Coleccion de los decretos espedidos por el congreso con- stitucional y por el ejeeutivo, enero de 1869 & feb. de 1870. 8. Codigo civil.

Eecopilacion de leyes, decretos, bandos, reglamentos, circulares y providencias de los supremos poderes y otras autoridades de la Republica Mexicana [y de

los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos] ; formada por B. J. Arrillaga. Enero 1828 — die. 1839; enero 1849 —

abril 1850 ; mayo 1858 — die. 1863. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Fernandez de Lara, etc., 1834-64. 22 v. 8°.

Namely. Enero-die. 1828. 1837. Enero-dic. 1829. 1838. Enero-dio. 1830. 1839. Enero-die. 1831. Enero-abril 1849. Enero 1832 — marzo 1833. Mayo 1849 — abril 1850. Abril-mayo 1833. Mayo 1858 — die. 1860. Junio-julio 1833. Enero-mayo 1861. Agosto-die. 1833. Junio-dic. 1861. Enero-dic. 1834. Enero-mayo 1862. Enero-dic. 1835. Junio 1862 — mayo 1863. [Enero-junio 1836.] Mayo-dic. 1863. [Julio-die. 1836.] The volume for Dee. 1860 contains " Dos apendices de las leyes dictadas en Veracruz de 5 de mayo de 1858 4 17 de die. de 1860."

— Same. Snplemento por orden de fechas de la Eecopilacion de leyes, decretos, bandos, etc., contiene lo respectivo a los anos de 1830 a junio de 1836 que no se encuentra en sus respectivas fechas en los tomos de esos anos publicados ya. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Fernandez de Lara, 1836. 8°. Coleccion de leyes y decretos publicados en el ano, [enero] 1839— [die] 1841, [enero] 1844— [die] 1848. Ed. del Constitucional. Mexico, 1851-52. 8 v. in 5. 8°. Namely. 1839-[40]. 1847. 1841. 1848. 1844-46. '


Mexico, continued. Coleccion de los decretos y ordenes de interes comun, que dicto el gobierno provisional. Tomo 1-3. Set. [18] 41 — die. 1843. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Lara, 1850. 3 V. 8°

Vol. 1. Set. 1841 — junio 1842. 2. Julio 1842 — junio 1843. 3. Julio-die. 1843.

Legislacion mejicana, 6 sea coleccion completa de las leyes, decretos y circulares que se ban expedido desde la consiimacion de la independencia, enero 1849 — junio 1856. Mejico, imprenta de J. E. Navarro, 1853-56. 10 V. 8°. Namely. Enero-dic. 1849. Agosto-dic. 1853. Enero-die. 1850. Euero-mayo 1854. Enero-dic. 1851. Enero-dic. 1855. Enero 1852 — abril 1853. Enero-junio 1856. Abril-julio 1853.

Same. Notas correspondientes al tomo de la Legis- lacion mejicana de abril a julio, 1853. Mejico, im- prenta de J. E. Navarro, 1854. 8°. 698, xxiii p. Coleccion de las leyes, decretos y ordenes espedidas por el presidente de la republica, D. Antonio Lopez de Santa-Anna, set. 1853 — [mayo] 1854. la parte del Semanario Judicial. Tomo 5-6. Mexico, im- prenta de J. M. Fernandez de Lara, 1853-54. 2 v. 8°.

Appended to v. 6 is " Codigo de comercio de Mexico. '


Vol. 5. Set.-dic. 1853. 6. Enero-mayo 1854.

[Coleccion de decretos, enero 1854 — die. 1856.] n.t.p. [Mexico, 1854-56.] 3 v. 8° and folded broad- sides. Namely. 1854. 1855. 1856.

A collection of decrees as originally published.

El arcliivo mexicano ; coleccion de leyes, decretos, circulares y otros documentos, [marzo 1854 — die. '


Mexico, continued.

1861]. Mexico, imprenta de V. Gc. Torres, 1856-62. 6 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. [Marzo 1854 — marzo 1856.] 2. [Abril 1856 — enero 1857.] 3. [Feb.-dic. 1857.] 4. [Enero 1858 — die. I860.] 5. [Enero-abril 1861.] 6. [Mayo-dic. 1861.]

Boletin de las leyes del Imperio Mexicano 6 sea

Codigo de la restauracion ; coleccion completa de

las leyes, [mayo 1863 — mayo 1865] . Publicado por J. S. Segura. Mexico, imprenta literaria, 1863-65. 4 V. 8^ Contents.

Vol. [1.] [Mayo-dic. 1863.] [2.] [Enero-mayo 1864.] 3. [Abril-dic. 1864.] 4. [Enero-mayo 1865.]

Boletin de las leyes del Imperio Mexicano. la parte tomo 2-3; 2a parte. Mexico, imprenta de Andrade y Escalante, 1866. 2 v. 8°.

' ' Part 2 is bound with v. 3, part 1, and is lettered ' Tomo misto.


Part 1. Vol. 2. Las leyes, deoretos y reglamentos generales expedidas por el Emperador Maximiliano desde 1 de Julio hasta 31 de die. de 1865. 3. Same. Enero- julio 1866. 2. Ordenes y disposiciones particulares, julio-dic. 1865.

[Coleccion de leyes v decretos, agosto-dic. 1867.] n.t.p. [Mexico, 1867.]

A volume of folded broadsides, as originally promulgated.

Eecopilacion de leyes, decretos y providencias de los poderes legislativo y ejecutivo de la Union; formada por Manuel Azpiroz, 15 julio 1867 — jnnio 1868. Mexico, 1870-71. 2 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Julio-die. 1867. 2. Bnero-junio 1868.

Same. Eecopilacion de leyes, decretos, etc.; formada por la redaccion del " Diario Oficial." Tomo 3-73, 172 STATE LIBRARY.

Mexico, continued. 75-76: Apendice al tomo 76; 77-82. Julio 1868 —

[die. i898] ; enero 1900 — die. 1906. Mexico, 1871- 1908. 80 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 3. Julio-die. 1868. 4. Enero-junio 1869. 5. Julio-die. 1869. 6. Enero-junio 1870. 7. Julio-die. 1870. 8. Enero-feb. 1871. 9. Codigo civil del distrito federal j territorio de la Baja- California, 1872. 10. Marzo-junio 1871. 11. Julio-die. 1871. 12. Enero-abril 1872. 13. Codigo penal para el distrito federal y territorio de la Baja-California sobre delitos del fuero comun y para toda la republiea sobre delitos eontra la federacion, 1873. 14. Abril-junio 1872. 15. Codigo de proeedimientos civiles para el distrito federal y territorio de la Baja-California, 1872. 16. Julio-die. 1872. 17. Enero-junio 1873. 18. Julio-die. 1873. 19. Enero-junio 1874. 20. Julio-die. 1874. 21. Enero-abril 1875. 22. Mayo-junio 1875. 23. Julio-die. 1875. 24. Enero-junio 1876. 25. Julio-die. 1876. 26. Enero-junio 1877. 27. .Julio-die. 1877. 28. Enero-junio 1878. 29. Julio-die. 1878. 30. Enero-junio 1879. 31. Julio-die. 1879. 32. Enero-junio 1880. 33. Julio-set. 1880. 34. C6digo de proeedimientos civiles, set. 1880. 35. Set.-die. 1880. 36. Enero-junio 1881. 37. Julio-die. 1881. 38. Enero-junio 1882. 39. Julio-die. 1882. 40. Enero-junio 1883. 41. Julio-die. 1883. 42. Enero-junio 1884. 43. Julio-die. 1884. 44. Enero-junio 1885. 45. Julio-die. 1885. 46. Enero-junio 1886. 47. Julio-die. 1886. 48. Enero-junio 1887. 49. Julio-die. 1887. 50. Enero-junio 1888. 51. Mayo-junio 1888. ;


Mexico, continued.

52. Juiio-dic. 1888. 53. Enero-mayo 1889. 54. Mayo-nov. 1889. 55. Oct. 1889 — mayo 1890. 56. Junio-die. 1890. 57. , Die. 1890 — junio 1891. 58. Julio 1891 — junio 1892. 59. Julio 1892 — junio 1893. 60. Junio 1893 — feb. 1894. 61. Enero-junio 1894. 62. Julio-nov. 1894. 63. Nov. 1894 — marzo 1895. 64. Marzo-agosto 1895. 65. Agosto-die. 1895. 66. Die. 1895 — mayo 1896. 67. Mayo-set. 1896. 68. Sept. 1896 — abril 1897. 69. Abril-agosto 1897. 70. Agosto-die. 1897. 71. Die. 1897 — junio 1898. 72. Mayo-agosto 1898. 73. Sept.-die. 1898. 75. Enero-junio 1900. 76. Julio-oet. 1900. 76. Apendice. Nov.-die. 1900. 77. 1901. 78. 1902. 79. 1903. 80. 1904. 81. 1905. 82. 1906.

Coleccion de leyes, decretos, circulares y demas reso- luciones del gobierno general con notas y concor- dancias. Tomo 1-4. 1876-77. [Ed. de " El Foro "] esta coleccion contendra todas las disposiciones de la administracion emanada del plan de Tuxtepec desde 1 de enero de 1876. Mexico, 1877-78. 4 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. [Enero-dic. 1876.] 2. [Enero-junio 1877.]

O r T,.1i„ -l 0'7'7 1 3. [Julio 1877.] 4. [Julio-die. 1877 y ap6ndiee.]

•Eegistro oficial del gobierno de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos, 1 oct. 1830 — 30 abril 1831. Ano 1-2. Tom. 3, num. 17 — tom. 4, num. 120. n.t.p. [Mex- ico, 1830-33.] 2 V. f°. [Various circulars, proclamations, official notices and other documents relating to the affairs of Mexico, chiefly in 1832 and 1833.] v.p., [1824-33]. f°. 174 STATE LIBRARY.

Mexico, continued.

Codes. Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales. See, below, various entries separately catalogued. Novisimo Sala mexicano 6 ilustracion al derecho real de Espana, con las notas del Sr. Lie. D. J. M. de Lacunza; ed. corregida y considerablemente aumen- tada con nuevas anotaciones y refundiciones, rela- tivas a las reformas que ha tenido la legislacion de Mexico hasta el ano de 1870, por Don Manuel Dublan y Don Luis Mendez. Mexico, 1870. 2 v. 12°. 798

p. ; 896 p. Codigo civil del Tmperio Mexicano. Mexico, im- prenta de Andrade y Escalante, 1866. 8°. 78 p. Codigo civil del distrito federal y territorio de la Baja-California. Mexico, imprenta [de] J. Batiza, 1870. 8°. 634, (1) p. Same. See, bach, Eecopilacion de leyes, decretos, etc., V. 9. Derecho del codigo 6 sea el codigo civil del distrito, puesto en forma didactiea por D. Eaimundo Guerra. Mexico, imp. de J. M. Aguilar Ortiz, 1873. 8°. iv, 460, xi p. Codigo civil de Mejico, [territorio de la Baja-Cali- fornia y de Puebla]. Madrid, F. Gongora y Com- pania, 1879. 8°. (2), 200 p. (Coleccion de codigos civiles americanos y europeos, tomo 1.)

Codigo civil, promulgado en marzo de 1884 ; copia Integra de la edicion oficial. Mexico, Herrero Her- manos, 1901. 16°. 522 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales.) Codigo de comercio de Mexico. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Lara, 1854. 8°. (3), 282, (4) p. Codigo de comercio de los Estados-Unidos Mexicanos, expedido en virtud de la autorizacion concedida al ejecutivo por decreto 15 die. 1883. Puebla, im- prenta del Hospicio, 1884. f°. 266, (6) p. Code de commerce mexicain promulgue le 15 sept. 1889, mis en vigueur le ler jan. 1890; tr., annote, et precede d 'une introduction par Henri Prudhomme. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1894. 8°. Ixxxiv, 435 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 10.) Codigo de comercio de los Estados Unidos Mexi- canos; copia Integra de la edicion oticial. Mexico, FOREIGN LAWS. 175

Mexico, continued. Herrero Hermanos. 1902. 24°. 371 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales.) The commercial code of the United States of Mexico, a translation from the official Spanish edition, with explanatory notes, by J. P. Taylor. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1902. 8°. 325 p.

The commercial laws of Mexico are also contained in Walton's Leyes comerciales j maritimas, etc., 1907.

Codigo de extradicion 6 coleccion de leyes y tratados sobre entrega de reos entre los estados de la Repiiblica Mexicana y entre esta y las potencias extranjeras ordenada y anotada por F. P. Garcia. Mexico, Herrero Hermanos, 1904. 24°. 296 p. (En- ciclopedia jnridica mexicana, 5.) Codigo de extranjerla de los Estados Unidos Mexi- canos; ensayo de codificacion publicado bajo los auspicios del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, etc., por Manuel Azpiroz. Mexico, imp. de Jens y Zapiain, 1876. 8°. xv, 321, (1) p. Codigo de extranjeria, contiene la historia legislativa de Mexico sobre la condicion jnridica de los extran- jeros, preceptos constitucionales, ley actual de extran- jeria de 28 de mayo de 1886, su comentario en presencia de las legislaciones extranjeras de la epoca presente; legislacion comparada por Eicardo Rodriguez, la ed. Mexico, Herrero Plermanos, 1903. 24°. 336 p. (Enciclopedia jnridica mexicana, 2.) Codigo de justicia militar por Luis Velasco Rus ; y Coronel Antonio Carreon. la ed. Mexico, Herrero Plermanos, 1903. 2 v. 24°. xlix, 290 p.; 288 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales.)

Vol. 2 was prepared by Bus alone.

Codigo de la reforma 6 sea coleccion de las leyes que afectan especialmente a los catolicos y al clero, ordenada y anotada por F. P. Garcia, la ed. Mex- ico, Herrero Hermanos, 1903. 24°. 464 p. (Enci- clopedia jnridica mexicana, 1.) Codigo de procedimientos civiles federales, expedido en uso de la autorizacion que concedio al ejecutivo la ley de 2 de junio de 1892, aumentado con sus ultimas reformas y con las anotaciones hechas por el Lie. Antonio de J. Lozano. 2a ed. Mexico, Her- 176 STATE LIBRARY.

Mexico, continued. rero Hermanos, 1904. 24°. 456 p. (Enciclopedia Juridica mexicana, 6.) Codigo de procedimientos civiles vigente en el distrito federal y territories, promulgado el 15 de mayo de 1884; ed., revisada y minuciosamente corregida. Mexico, Herrero Hermanos, 1901. 24°. 320 p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federates.)

See also, 'back, Eecopilacion de leyes, decretos, etc., v. 15.

Proyecto de Codigo de procedimientos federales. (Mexico. Semanario Judicial, tomo 11, 1887.) Codigo de procedimientos penales, concordado con el Codigo penal; contiene, ademas, nna serie de formu- laries de los juicios penales, inclusive los de la com- petencia de los jurados, por el Lie. Ricardo Rod- riguez. Mexico, Herrero Hermanos, 1902. 24°. Ix, 244 p. Folded sheets. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales.) Das mexikanisclie Strafgesetzbuch vom 7. Dez., 1871, giiltig fiir den Bundesdistrikt und das Territorium Niederkalifomien beziiglich der gemeinen Vergehen und fiir die gauze Republik beziiglich der Vergehen gegen den Bund. Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1894. 8°. 188 p. (Sammlung ausserdeutscher Strafgesetz- biicher in deutscher ITebersetzung, 8.) Codigo penal, 1873. See, hack. Recopilacion de leyes, decretos, etc., v. 13. El texto del Codigo penal y sus reformas hasta la iiltima ley de 20 de sept, de 1900. (Rodriguez, R. El derecho penal. 1902.) Codigo sanitario de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos,

promulgado el 30 de die. del aiio 1902 ; copia Integra de la edicion oficial, aumentado con un apendice en que se contienen algunos reglamentos relacionados con el mismo codigo. Mexico, Herrero Hermanos, 1903. 24°. 340, iv p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales.) Legislacion federal complementaria del derecho civil mexicano, coleccion formada por los alumnos de la Escuela Nacional de Jurisprudencia de Mexico, J. V. Tagle, H. D. Mercado y Jose Romero, bajo la direccion del Lie. Jacinto Pallares. Apendice de 1897. Mexico, libreria madrileiia de J. Buxo y Cia, 1898. 1. 8°. (6), 116 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 177

Mexico, continued.

Laws relating to special subjects. Coleccion de decretos, ordenes y eirculares, espedidas por los gobiernos nacionales de la Federacion Mexi- cana, desde el ano de 1821, hasta el de 1826, para el arreglo del ejercito, y ordenadas por J[oaqTii]i] E[amirez] y S[esma]. Mexico, imprenta a cargo de M. Eiyera, 1827. 8°. (20), 355, (21) p. Coleccion de disposiciones relativas a la renta de alcabalas y derecho de consumo. Mexico, imprenta de J. M. Fernandez de Lara, 1853. 8°. 259, (4) p. Coleccion de las leyes, decretos, circulares y provi- dencias, relativas a la desamortizacion eclesiastica, a la nacionalizacion de los bienes de corporaciones, y a la reforma de la legislacion civil que tenia rela- cion con el culto y con la iglesia. Ed. de La Inde- pendencia. [Por M. Payno. Tomo 1. 1823-61.] Mexico, imp. de J. Abadiano, 1861. 12°. c, 469, (9) p. Coleccion de leyes federates vigentes sobre institu- ciones de credito, ferrocarriles, companias de seguros, almacenes generates de deposito y varias circulares importantes recientes; arreglada por el Lie. Luis A. Vidal y Flor. la ed. Mexico, Herrero Hermanos, 1900. 24°. 181, (1) p. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federates.) Coleccion de leyes federales vigentes sobre tierras, bosques, aguas, egidos, colonizacion y gran registro

de la propiedad ; arreglada por el Lie. Luis A. Vidal y Flor. Mexico, Herrero Hermanos, 1901. 24°. 242 p. Folded table. (Coleccion de codigos y leyes federales.) Coleccion de leyes, supremas ordenes, bandos, disposi- ciones de policia y reglamentos municipales de ad- ministracion del distrito federal, formada por Jose M. del Castillo Velasco. 2a ed., aumentada con las disposiciones expedidas hasta nov. del corriente ano. Mexico, impreso por Castillo Velasco e Hijos, 1874. 8°. 508 p. Same. Legislacion de policia y municipal; apendice a la Coleccion de bandos publicada a fines de 1874 y que alcanza hasta fin de feb. del corriente ano, 1875. Mexico, [1875]. 8°. 12 p. 178 STATE LIBRARY.

Mexico, continued. Coleccion de los supremos decretos de 11 de marzo 1841, 5-7 de abril 1842, y 17 de marzo 1843 y otros concordantes que imponen varias contribuciones directas, mandadas restablecer por el de 30 de marzo 1853. Puebla, imprenta de J. M. Macias, 1.853. 8°. 54, (1) p. Colonization and naturalization laws of the republic of Mexico, with amendments. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, [3893!]. 8°. 10, 8 p. Laws of colonization passed by the supreme gov- ernment of Mexico, etc., 1824^25. (Texas laws, 1822- 97, V. 1.) Decreto modificando algunos articulos de la ley organica de tribunales fecha 9 de sept, de 1903. Mexico, tip. J. I. Guerrero y Cia, 1903. 8°. 3 p. Decreto que deroga los articulos 33 de la ley de or- ganizacion judicial para el distrito y territorios y 4 y 7 de la ley transitoria de procedimientos en la materia. Mexico, taller tipograflco de J. Cuesto, 1904. 8°. 5 p.

The federal stamp law of Mexico ; translation made and revised by J. P. Taylor, and Gr. M. Howat. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1902. 8°. 96 p.

A translation of the compilation of stamp laws by Manuel Necoechea.

Law for the promotion of new industries in the United States of Mexico; published by the Mexican Com- mission at the Pan-American Exposition. [Buffalo, N. Y., Gies & Co., 1901] narrow 16°. (4) p. Law of weights and measures of June 19, 1895, and

regulations of the same ; tr. by William Thompson. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1896. 8°. 58 p. Laws and regulations as to public lands for coloniza- tion purposes in Mexico ; published by the Mexican Commission at the Pan-American Exposition. [Buf- falo, N. Y., Gies & Co., 1901.] narrow 16°. 23 p. Laws of general means of communication and utiliza- tion of waters under federal jurisdiction, [[n Span- ish and English.'] Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1896. 8°. 9 p.

Appended to " Eegulations for the administrative procedure," etc. FOREIGN LAWS. 179

Mexico, continued. Ley de ingresos y presupuesto de egresos del erario federal, para el ano fiscal, 1894-95 — 1903-04. Mex- ico, tip. de la oficina imprisora de estampellas, etc., 1894-1903. 10 V. f°. Ley de organizacion judicial para el distrito y terri- tories federales. Mexico, imprenta de J. F. Jens sucesores, 1903. 8°. 76 p. Ley del notariado para el distrito y territories fede- rales, expedida el 19 de die. de 1901 y promulgada el 20 del mismo mes y afio. Ed. oficial. Mexico, imprenta J. F. Jens sues., 1901. 8°. 48 p. Ley minera de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1892. 8°. 65, 6, 8 p. Ley organica del Ministerio Publico en el distrito y territories federales. Mexico, J. F. Jens sucesores, 1903. 8°. 16 p. Ley organica de los tribunales y de los procedimientos judiciales en el estado libre y soberano de Mexico. Toluac, tip. del Listituto Literario, 1868. 8°. 136 p. [Ley para castigar los delitos contra la nacion y la paz publica, etc.'] n.t.p. [1875. J 8°. 25 p. Ley para el arreglo de la administracion de justicia en los tribunales y juzgados del fuero comun. Mex- ico, tip. de A. Boix, 1858. 8°. 192, 36 p.

Appended, ',' Ley para la organizacion de los tribunales y juzgados del imperio," 1865.

Ley que arregla la renta del papel sellado y los usos de este, decretada en 14 de feb. de 1856. Mexico, imprenta de V. G. Torres, 1856. 8°. 23 p. Ley sobre derechos y obvenciones parroquiales. Mexico, imprenta de I. Cumplido, 1857. 8°. 12 p. Ley sobre los delitos contra la nacion que para su observancia se manda reimprimir y circular a las autoridades del estado. n.t.p. [Puebla de Zaragoza, tip. Osorio, 1867.] 8°. 7 p. Ley transitoria de procedimientos del fuero comun para el distrito y territories federales. Mexico, im- prenta per J. F. Jens sucesores, 1903. 8°. 12 p. Leyes civiles vigentes que se relacionan con la iglesia y sentencias pronunciadas con arreglo a ellas per los tribunales de la repiiblica. Mexico, tipe- grafia Guadalupana de Eeyes Velasce, 1893. 8°. vi, 164 p. 180 STATE LIBRARY.

Mexico, continued. Leyes de reforma; coleccion de las disposiciones que se conocen con este nombre publicadas desde el ano 1855 al de 1870, formada y anotada por B. J. Gutierrez. Mexico, imprenta de "El Constitu- cional" etc., 1868-70. 3 v. in 5. 8°.

Vol. 2, part 2-3, " por B. J. Gutierrez, Florez Alatorre."


Vol. 1. Leyes de reforma, 1855-68. 2. Desamortizacion. Parte 2. Nacionalizacion de bienes eelesiasticos. — Constitucion. Parte 3. Registro del estado de personas. — Matrimonio. — Cementerios. — Cultos. 3. Apendice sobre administracion de justicia.

Leyes, decretos, y ordenes que forman el dereclio in- ternacional mexicano. {In Derecho intemacional mexicano, 3a parte, 1879.) Leyes sobre extranjeria. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1898. 8°. 39 p. Leyes sobre papel sellado y disposiciones relativas al uso del mismo. Mexico, F. E. Castaneda y L. G. Rodriguez, 1871. 8°. 47 p. Mexican law; a compilation of Mexican legislation affecting foreigners, rights of foreigners, commercial law, property real and personal, etc., and Mexican mining law. Annotated by Leonidas Hamilton. San Francisco, [Author], 1882. 8°. xiii, 327, xii p. Mining laws of the United States of Mexico. 4tb ed., revised and corrected to Dec. 1, 1901. [Zn Span- ish and English.'] Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1901. 8°. 137 p. The new banking law of the republic of Mexico. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1901. 8°. 19 p.

The new patent laws of the Mexican Republic ; tr. and copyrighted by L. C. Simonds. Mexico, 1903. 8°. 22 p. The new railroad law of Mexico, effective May 13, 1899. [Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1899.] f°. 16 p. — Ordenanzas de la real renta de los naypes, para este reyno de Nueva Espafia y provincias de su com- prension. Mexico, imprenta de Don F. de Zuniga y Ontiveros, 1777. f°. 27 p. — Ordenanzas de la real renta del tabaco para este reyno de Nueva Espana. Mexico, imprenta de Don F. de Zuniga y Ontiveros, [1786]. f°. 80, (3) p. '


Mexico, continued. Ordenanzas de mineria y coleccion de las ordenes y decretos de esta materia posteriores a su publica- cion a las que van agregadas las reformas de que son susceptibles algunos de los articulos vigentes de

las mismas ordenanzas ; eon un apendice concerniente las minas del Peru y dos laminas. Nueva ed. dis- puesta por C. N. Paris, A. Bouret e Hijo, 1875. 12°. 335, Ivi p. Patent law of the United States of Mexico ; published by the Mexican Commission at the Pan-American Exposition. [Buffalo, N. Y., Gies & Co., 1901.] 16°. 19 p.

The public lands law of Mexico ; authorized by Con- gress on the 26th of March, 1894, corrected to Oct. 1900. Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, [1900]. 8°. 25 p. Real ordenanza para el establecimiento e instruccion de intendentes de exereito, 1786. See Spain. Reales ordenanzas para la direccion, etc., del im- portante cuerpo de la mineria de Nueva-Espana, 1783. See Spain. Eecopilacion sumaria de todos los autos acordados de la real audiencia y sala del crimen de esta Nueva Espana y providencias de superior gobierno; de varias reales cedulas y ordenes que despues de pub- licada la Eecopilacion de Indias han podido recogerse asi de las dirigidas a la misma audiencia 6 gobierno, como de algunas otras que por sus notables deci- siones convendra no ignorar. Por E. B. Belena. Mexico, 1787. 2 v. f°. v. p.

' Vol. 2. ' ' Copias S, la letra ofrecidas en el primer tomo.

Eeglamento de la ley organica de tribunales para el distrito federal, el partido norte de la Baja Cali- fornia y el territorio de Quintana Eoo. Mexico, J. de Elizalde, 1903. 8°. 70 p. Eeglamento para la tesoreria general de los Estados- Unidos Mejicanos, sus comisarias generales de divi- sion, y subcomisarias, dispuesto por el gobierno en cumplimiento del art. 39 de la ley de 21 de mayo del presente ano. Mejico, imprenta de Galvan, 1831. f°. 38, (38) p. Eegulations for the administrative procedure con- cerning vacant, national, surplus and excess lands, '


Mexico, continued. tr. by W. Thompson. [In Spanish and English.] Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, 1896. 8°. 39 p. Regulations for tlie collection of the coinage, stamp, refining, smelting, assay, and parting dues which the revenue laws levy on precious metals and mineral substances containing the same. [In Spanish and English.] Mexico, F. P. Hoeck, [1895]. 16°. 38 p. Spanish and Mexican land laws. New Spain and Mex- ico; [by M. Gr. Reynolds]. St. Louis, Mo., Buxton & Skinner, 1895. 8°. 331, v p. Trade mark law of the United States of Mexico pub- ; lished by the Mexican Commission at the Pan-Ameri- can Exposition. [Buffalo, N. Y., Gies & Co., 1901.] narrow 16°. 8 p.

See also Campeche; — Coahuila; — Durango; — Guanajuato; —

Hidalgo ; — Jalisco ; — Michoacau ; — Morelos ; — Nuevo Iieou ; — Oajaca; — Puebla; — San Luis Potosi; — Sonora; — TIaxcala; — Vera Cruz.

Michoacan. Recopilacion de leyes, deeretos, reglamentos y circulares expedidas en el estado de Michoacan, formada y anotada por Amador Coromina. Tomo 1-38. 6 de abril de 1824 — 5 de sept, de 1906. Morelia, 1886-1900. 38 v. 8°.

Vol. 37-38, " anotada em las ofioinas del archivio general y publico. ' Contents. Vol. 1. Abril 1824 — julio 1825. 2. Agosto 1825 — agosto 1827. 3. Agosto 1827 — Julio 1829. 4. Agosto 1829 — agosto 1831. 5. Agosto 1831 — enero 1833. 6. Enero 1833 — nov. 1834. 7. Enero-oet. 1835. 8. Die. 1835 — nov. 1846. 9. Nov. 1846 — junio 1848. 10. Julio 1848 — die. 1849. 11. Enero 1850 — die. 1851. 12. Enero 1852 — enero 1853. 13. Enero 1853 — junio 1857. 14. Julio 1857 — marzo 1858. 15. Marzo 1858 — abril 1861. 16. Mayo 1861 — set. 1862. 17. Set. 1862 — enero 1867. 18. Peb.-nov. 1867. 19. Nov. 1867 — oct. 1869. 20. Set. 1869 — set. 1871. 21. Set. 1871 — agosto 1873. 22. Set. 1873 — set. 1875. 23. Set. 1875 — nov. 1876. 24. Die. 1876 — set. 1879. FOREIGN LAWS. 183

Michoacan, continued.

25. Set. 1879 — set. 1881. 26. Set. 1881 — agosto 1883. 27. Set. 1883 — set. 1885. 28. Set. 1885 — agosto 1887. 29. Sept. 1887 — agosto 1889. 30. Sept. 1889 — sept. 1890. 31. Sept. 1890 — sept. 1892. 32. Sept. 1892 — agosto 1894. 33. Sept. 1894 — sept. 1896. 34. Oct. 1896 — sept. 1898. 35. Sept. 1898 — sept. 1900. 36. Sept. 1900 — agosto 1902. 37. Sept. 1902 — agosto 1904. 38. Sept. 1904 — sept. 1906.

Monaco. Code de procedure civile; livre preliminaire et ordonnance complementaire. Monaco, 1894. 8°. 31, (3) p. Same. Livre premier et livre deuxieme. Monaco, 1894. 8". 95 p. Code de procedure penale. Monaco, 1904. 8°. 160 p. Lois usuelles, 1828-1907. Monaco, 1908. 8°. 534 p. Projet de revision du Code de procedure civile. Ela- bore d'apres les ordres de S. A. S. le Prince

Souverain par Hector de EoUand ; rapport an Prince et expose des motifs. Monaco, 1893-95. 3 pt. 8°.

See also Lambrechts, H., and others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit compare, le partie.

Montenegro. Code general des biens pour la principaute

de Montenegro de 1888 ; tr. par Eodolphe Dareste et Albert Eiviere. Paris, 1892. 1. 8°. Ixiii, 285, (1) p. (France. Comite de Legislation Strangere. Collec- tion des principaux codes etrangers.)

Contained also in part in Law Quarterly Eeview, Jan. 1897.

Montserrat. [Ordinances, 1892-93, 1907.1 n.t.p. [1892- 1907.] f°.

Bound with the Acts of the Leeward Islands, etc.

Ordinances, 1895-1903, 05-07, 09-10. n.t.p. [Anti- gua, 1895-1910.] f°.

Namely. 1895, no. 1-3. 1897, no. 1-13. 1896, no. 3-6, 9-10. 1898, no. 1-3, 5-7. [no. 1-2 repealed.'] 1899, no. 1-12. —


Montserrat, continued. 1900, no. 1^, 6-9. 1905, no. 1-11. [no. 5, 10 s'pent.'] 1906, no. 3-6, 9-10. 1901, no. 1, 3-9. 1907, no. 1-4, 6-14. [no. 2 spent.] 1909, no. 1-5. 1902, no. 1-6. 1910, no. 1-7. 1903, no. 1, 3-11. The laws of the island concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827.

Morelos. Coleccion de leyes y decretos del estado de Morelos, formada por aeuerdo del ejeeutivo por C. A. Eobelo. Tomo 1-10;— 11, la parte, [la] -11a Le- gislatura, [abril 1869 agosto 1890] . Cuernavaea, 1886-94. 11 V. in 13. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. [la Legislatnra], abril 1869 — Julio 1871 [y] apendice que eomprende los decretos del antiguo estado de Mexico referentes al nuevo estado de Morelos, 1825-68. 2. 2a Legislatura, agosto 1871 — agosto 1873. 3. 3a Legislatura, set. 1873 — nov. 1874. 4. Legislaturas 3a-4a, enero 1875 — nov. 1876. 5. Gobierno militar y 5a Legislatura, nov. 1876 — Julio 1878. 6. 6a Legislatura, sept. 1878 — Julio 1880. 7. 7a Legislatura, sept. 1880 — junio 1882. 8. la parte. 8a Legislatura, sept. 1882 — Julio 1884. 8. 2a parte. 8a Legislatura, Codigo de procedimientos civiles, [1885]. 8. 3a parte. 8a Legislatura, Codigo penal, [1885]. Codigo de procedimientos penales, [1886]. 9. 9a Legislatura, sept. 1884 — Julio 1886. 10. 10a Legislatura, sept. 1886 — julio 1888. 11. la parte. 11a Legislatura, sept. 1888 — agosto 1890.

Mozambique. Instruccoes provisorias para regnlamen- tagao dos services da seccao de eontabilidade annexa a la divisao da direcgao dos caminhos de ferro de Lourenco Marques, approvadas por portaria pro- vincial no. 910, de 26 de dez. de 1905. Lourengo Marques, 1906. 8°. 102 p. Eegimen provisorio para a concessao de lerrenos do estado na provincia de Mozambique, approvado por decreto de 9 de julho, 3909. Lourenco Marques, 1909. 8°. 101 p. Regulamento das cadeias civis do districto judicial de Mozambique, approvado pela portaria provincial no. 682, de 17 de nov. de 1902. Lourenco Marques, 1902. 8°. 16 p. ;


Mozambique, continued. Eegulamento das officinas navaes da Catembe, ap- provado por decreto de 24 de dez. de 1903. Lou- renQo Marques, 1904. 8°. 22 p. Eegulamento do deposito geral de sentenciados da provincia de Moqambique, approvado por portaria provincial no. 849, de 23 de nov. de 1905. Lourengo Marques, 1905. 8°. 24 p. Eegulamento do servigo telegrapMco internacional revisao de Lisboa, approvado por decreto de 9 de julho de 1909 e tornado extensive ao serviQo interno das possessoes ultramarinas por portaria de 13 de julho de 1909. LourenQo Marques, 1910. 1. 8°. 95 p. Eegulamento geral do servigo de pilotagem no porto de Lourenco Marques, approvado por decreto de 29 de agosto de 1901. Lourengo Marques, 1902. 8°. 22 p. Eegulamento para o exercicio da caga na provincia de Mogambique, approvado por decreto de 2 de junho, 1909. Lourengo Marques, 1909. 8°. 24 p. Eegulamento para o servico de encommendas postaes entre a provincia de Mozambique e o continente, ilhas adjacentes, colonias e estrangeiro precedido dos decretos de 14 de nov. e de 5 de dez. de 1901 que estabelecem e approvam o referido servigo. Lou- rengo Marques, 1902. 8°. 24 p. ^Eegulamento para o servigo do material de guerra, approvado por portaria provincial no. 886, de 6 de set, 1909. Lourengo Marques, 1909. 8°. 48 p. Eegulamento provisorio para a fiscalisagao e co- branga do imposto do alcool e das aguardentes nas provincias de Angola e de Mogambique, approvado por decreto de 23 de dez. de 1901. Lourengo Marques, 1902. 8°. 16 p. Eegulamento sobre a lavra de pedreiras nas pro- vincias ultramarinas, approvado por decreto de 3 de nov. de 1905. Lourengo Marques, 1906. 8°. 15 p. Mussulman law. See Turkey.

Natal. Natal ordinances, laws, and proclamations ; com- piled and ed. under the authority of the Lieutenant Governor and the Legislative Council, by C. F. Cadiz [and] Eobert Lvon. Pietermaritzburg, 1879-80. 2 v. 1. 8°. (62), 750, xxviii p.; (13), 751-1570, (75) p.


Vol. 1. 1843-70. 2. 1870-79. 186 STATE LIBRARY.

Natal, continued. Same. Vol. 3-4. 1879-89; compiled and ed. under the supervision of H. C. Campbell, by William Broome. Pietermaritzburg, 1890. 2 v. 8°.

Vol. 3 entitled " The laws of Natal."


Vol. 3. 1879-89. 4. Indexes.

Laws, 1879-93. Pietermaritzburg, 1880-93.' 14 v. f°, 8°. Namely. 1879-80. 1883. 1888. 1891. 1880. 1884. 1889. 1892. 1881. 1885. 1890. 1893. 1882. 1886-87.

Acts of the Parliament of the colony of Natal, 2d session, 1st colonial Parliament — 5th session, 5th colonial Parliament, [1894] -1910. Natal, 1894-1901; Pietermaritzburg, 1902-10. 16 v. 8° and 4°.

Namely. 2d-5th session, 1st colonial Parliament, 1894-97. 1st and 2d-5th sessions, 2d colonial Parliament, 1897-8 — 1901. 1st session, 3d colonial Parliament, 1902. lst-3d session, 4tli colonial Parliament, 1903-05. 4tli session, 4th, and 1st session, 5th colonial Parliament, 1906. 2d-5th session, 5th colonial Parliament, 1907-10.

- Statutes of Natal, being a supplement to v. 1-3, of the compilation of statutes of the colony, 1845-1900, commonly known as " Hitchins' Statutes," contain- ing all the statutes of the colony, acts of supply ex- cepted, from 1901 to 1906, which are at present in force, with a chronological table, contents, tables, etc.; compiled and -ed. by R. L. Hitchins, revised by G. W. Sweeney. London, for the Natal Law Journal, 1907.8°. XV, (1), 755 p. • The mining laws of Natal. {In Alford's Mining laws of the British Empire, 1906.) -The imperial statutes applicable to Natal. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) FOREIGN LAWS. 187

Negri Sembilan. Enactments passed in Council, 1903-09, with rules, etc., published 1903-09. Kuala Lumpur. 1903-10. 7 V. 8°. Namely. 1903. 1906. 1908. 1904. 1907. 1909. 1905. The volume for 1903 contains the Code of criminal procedure.

The laws of Negri Sembilan, orders in Council, regu- lations and enactments, with rules made thereunder having the force of law, 1883-1902, re^dsed up to the 1st April, 1904. Singapore, printed by Fraser and Neave, 1904. 2 v. 1. 8°. (7), xiii, 654 p.; (7), xiii, 655-1262 p.

Vol. 1 contains the Labour code, v. 2, the Civil procedure code, and the Penal code. Contents. Vol. 1. 1883-99. 2. 1900-02.

See also Federated Malay States.

Netherlands. Groot placaatboek vervattende de placaa- ten, ordonnantien en edicten van de Staaten-Gene- raal der Vereenigde Nederlanden, en van de staaten van Holland en Westvriesland [en] Zeelandt, [1576-

1795] ; verzameld door Cornells Cau, Simon van Leeuwen, [en anderen]. 's Gravenhage, 1658-1770; Amsterdam, 1795-97. 10 v. f°.

Vol. 10, Eepertorium of General register.

Staatsblad der Vereenigde Nederlanden, 1813-15. n.p., [1813-15]. 3 V. in 1. 8°. Same. Staatsblad van bet koningrijk der Neder- landen, 1816-1910. Brussel, 1818; 's Gravenhage, 1816-1910. 101 V. 8°.

Namely. 1816. 188 STATE LIBRARY.

Netherlands, continued.

1856. FOREIGN LAWS. 189

Netherlands, continued.

The maritime codes of Holland and Belgium ; tr. and annotated by F. W. Raikes. London, 1898. 8°. vi, (2), 242 p. Wetboek van burgerlijke regtsvordering. Officiele uitgave. 's Gravenhage, 1838. 8°. vi, 215 p. Wetboek van burgerlijke regtsvordering. {In Staats- blad, no. 156, 1896.) Wetboek van koophandel. Officiele uitgave. 's Gra- venhage, 1838. 8°. viii, 223 p. Wetboek van strafvordering. Officiele uitgave. 's Gravenhage, 1837. 8°. iv, 110 p.

See also Iiambrechts, H., awd others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit compare, le partie. 8e fasc. 1899. See also Drenthe; — Dutch Guiana; — Friesland; — Gelderland; — Grouingen; — Netherlands Indies; — North Brabant; — Over- ; — South Holland; — Utrecht; — Zealand.

Netherlands Indies or Dutch East Indies. De Indo- Nederlandsche wetgeving. Staatsbladen van Neder-

landsch Indie ; bewerkt en met aanteekeningen voor- zien door J. Boudewijnse en G. H. van Soest. Iste- 17de deel, 1816-1909. Haarlem, Batavia, etc., 1876- 1910. 17 V. 8°.

With indexes, v. 8-16. 1905-08 190 STATE LIBRARY.

Neuchatel. Eecueil de pieces officielles concernant la principaute de Neuctiatel et Valangin. Tome 1. Neucliatel, 1827. 8°. viii, 491, (1) p. Nouveau recueil officiel reproduisant d'apres les qninze volumes de I'ancien Recueil, les lois, decrets, et autres actes du gouvemement [de la repiiblique et canton de Neuchatel], qui sont demeures en vigueur, [1848 — mai 1886]. Tome 1-5. [Neu- chatel], societe d'imprimerie de Cernier, 1886-89. 5 V. 16°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Affaires generales. — Departement de justice, le partie. 2. Departement de justice. 2e partie. — Departement de police. 3. Departement des finances. — Departement militaire. — Departement des travaux publics. 4. Departement de 1 'Industrie et de 1 'agriculture. — De- partement de I'interieur. 5. Departement de 1 'instruction publique. — Departement des cultes. — Appendice contenant un decret et un arrete abrogatoires.

—— Same. Nouveau recueil ofiSciel des lois, decrets et autres actes du gouvemement de la republique et canton de Neuchatel. Tome 6-9, 12-13, [mai 1886 — fev. 1897, mai 1903 — avril 1910]. Neuchatel, im- primerie de P. Seller, 1889-1907. 6 v. 16°.

Contents. Vol. 6. Mai 1886 — avril 1889. 7. Avril 1889 — nov. 1891. 8. Mai 1891 — nov. 1893. 9. rev. 1894 — fev. 1897. 12. Mai 1903 — avril 1907. 13. Avril 1907 — avril 1910.

Code civil neuchatel ois raodifie avec les lois et decrets qui s'y rapportent. Ed. de 1899. La Chaux-de- Fonds, imprimerie du National Suisse, 1899. 16°. 534, (1) p. Code de procedure penale du 25 sept. 1893. La Chaux-de-Fonds, imprimerie du National Suisse, 1893. 16°. 235 p. Code penal du 12 fev. 1891. La Chaux-de-Fonds, im- primerie du National Suisse, 1891. 16°. 206 p. Code rural du 15 mai 1899. La Chaux-de-Fonds, im- primerie du National suisse, 1899. 16°. 143 p. Nevis. Acts of Assembly, 1664-1739. London, John Baskett, 1740. f°. viii, 142 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 191

Nevis, continued. Same. Abridgment. London, John Baskett, 1740. f°. 143-168 p.

Paged continuously with the preceding.

The laws of Nevis, 1681-1861 ; with appendices and

index. London, W. Clowes & Sons, 1862. 1. 8°. xvi, 549, (13) p. — [Ordinances, 1892.] See Saint Christopher and Nevis.

The laws of Nevis concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827; the laws relating to the church and clergy, etc., in Trott's Laws of the British plantations, 1721.

See also Leeward Islands.

New Brunswick, Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New-Brunswick, 26 Geo. ni.

— 8 Geo. IV., [1786-1827] ; with index. Fredericton, 182^1-26; Saint John, 1827. 3 v. in 2. 8°.


Vol. [1.] 26-40 Geo. in., 1786-1820. [2.] 1-3 Geo. IV., 1821-23. [3.] Appendix, 5-8 Geo. iv., 1824-27.

Acts of the General Assembly of Her Majesty's province of New Brunswick, 26 Geo. ni. — 6 Will, iv.,

[1786-18361 ; revised and corrected, with notes and an index, by G. F. S. Berton. Fredericton, 1838. 4°. (1137) p. Acts of the General Assembly of His Majesty's province of New-Brunswick, 47-57 Geo. iii., [1807- 8°. (xi), 17] ; with index. Fredericton, 1817. 366, (34) p. Namely. 1807-08, 3d-4th session, 4th General Assembly. 1810-16, lst-5th session, 5th General Assembly. 1817, 1st session, 6th General Assembly.

Acts 1828, 1830-1910. Fredericton, 1828-1910. 66 v. 4°. in 57, 8° ; 21 v., Namely. 1828, 1st session, 9th General Assembly. 1830, 3d-4th session, 9th General Assembly. 1831, 1st session, 10th General Assembly. 1832, 2d-3d session, 10th General Assembly. 1833, 4th session, 10th General Assembly. 192 STATE LIBRARY.

New Brunswick, continued. 1834, 5th session, 10th General Assembly. 1834. Same, continuation, chap. 46—48. 1835, 1st session, 11th General Assembly. 1835, 2d session, 11th General Assembly. 1836, 3d session, 11th General Assembly. 1837, 4th session, 11th General Assembly. 1837, 5th session, 11th General Assembly. -«1838, 1st session, 12th General Assembly. - 1839, 2d session, 12th General Assembly. — 2d session 1839, 3d session, 12th General Assembly. 1840, 4th session, 12th General Assembly. 1841, 5th session, 12th General Assembly. 1842, 6th session, 12th General Assembly. 1843, 1st session, 13th General Assembly. 1844, 2d session, 13th General Assembly. 1845, 3d session, 13th General Assembly. 1846, 4th session, 13th General Assembly. 1847, 1st session, 14th General Assembly. 1848, 2d session, 14th General Assembly. 1849, 3d session, 14th General Assembly. »=sl850, 4th session, 14th General Assembly. ^1851, 1st session, 15th General Assembly. ^-1852, 2d session, 15th General Assembly. -'Oct. 1852 and April and May 1853, 3d-4th session, 15th General Assembly. Nov. 1854 and Feb.-April 1855, lst-2d session, 16th General Assembly. March-May 1856, 3d session, 16th General Assembly. .July 1856 and March and July 1857, lst-2d session, 17th General Assembly, and 1st session, 18th General Assembly. March and April 1858, 2d session, 18th General Assembly. March and April 1859, 3d session, 18th General Assembly. March and April 1860, 4th session, 18th General Assembly. April 1861, 5th session, 18th General Assembly. 'March and April 1862, 1st session, 19th General Assembly. April 1863, 2d session, 19th General Assembly. April 1864, 3d session, 19th General Assembly. May-June 1865, 1st session, 20th General Assembly. March, April and July 1866, 2d session, 20th General Assembly, and 1st session, 21st General Assembly. .June 1867, 2d session, 21st General Assembly. March 1868, 3d session, 21st General Assembly. April 1869, 4th session, 21st General Assembly. March and April 1870, 5th session, 21st General Assembly. 1st session, 22d General Assembly. No laws. May 1871, 2d session, 22d General Assembly. April 1872, 3d session, 22d General Assembly. March and April 1873, 4th session, 22d General Assembly. March and April 1874, 5th session, 22d General Assembly. April 1875, 1st session, 23d General Assembly. Feb. and April 1876, 2d session, 23d General Assembly. March 1877, 3d session, 23d General Assembly. Sept. 1877, 4th session, 23d General Assembly. March and April 1878, 5th session, 23d General Assembly. April 1879, 1st session, 24th General Assembly. March and April 1880, 2d session, 24th General Assembly. March 1881, 3d session, 24th General Assembly. March and April 1882, 4th session, 24th General Assembly. 1st session, 25th General Assembly.. No laws. May 1883, 2d session, 25th General Assembly. FOREIGN LAWS. 193

New Brunswick, continued.

March and April 1884, 3d session, 25th General Assembly. March and April 1885, 4th session, 25th General Assembly. April 1886, 5th session, 25th General Assembly. April 1887, 1st session, 26th General Assembly. March and April 1888, 2d session, 26th General Assembly. March and April 1889, 3d session, 26th General Assembly. April 1890, 1st session, 27th General Assembly. March and April 1891, 2d session, 27th General Assembly. April 1892, 3d session, 27th General Assembly. April 1893, 1st session, 28th General Assembly. April 1894, 2d session, 28th General Assembly. Feb. and March 1895, 3d session, 28th Genera] Assembly. March 1896, 1st session, 2d Legislative Assembly. March 1897, 2d session, 2d Legislative Assembly. March 1898, 3d session, 3d [2d] Legislative Assembly. March and April 1899, 1st session, 3d Legislative Assembly. March and April 1900, 2d session, 3d Legislative Assembly. March and April, 1901, 3d session, 3d Legislative Assembly. April 1902, 4th session, 3d Legislative Assembly. April and May, 1903, 1st session, 4th Legislative Assembly. April 1904, 2d session, 4th Legislative Assembly. March and April 1905, 3d session, 4th Legislative Assembly. March 1906, 4th session, 4th Legislative Assembly. March and April, 1907, 5th session, 4th Legislative Assembly. May 1908, 1st session, 5th Legislative Assembly. April 1909, 2d session, 5th Legislative Assembly. March 1910, 3d session, 5th Legislative Assembly. The Acts of 1848 contain a general index to the acts 1837-48, compiled by Eichard Carman.

Acts, 1852, 2d session. Fredericton, 1853. 4°.

The acts contained in this pamphlet are also in the volume for 1852-53.

The revised statutes of New Brunswick [compiled by ; W. B. Kinnear]. Vol. 1. Fredericton, 1854. 8°. xxiv, 496, Ixxvi, (1) p. Same. The public statutes of New Brunswick passed in 1854, with those unrepealed by the Revised statutes. Vol. 2. Fredericton, 1854. 8°. xxxix, 438, liii, (1) p. Same. The local and private statutes. Vol. 3. Fredericton, 1855. 8°. xxxii, J045, Ixxxi p.

The consolidated statutes of New Brunswick ; Com- missioners for Revising and Consolidating the Pub- lic Statutes, C. N. Skinner, [and others]. Frederic-

ton, 1877. 1. 8°. X, 1187 p. The consolidated statutes of New Brunswick, 1903; Commissioners, A. S. White, F. B. Carvell, R. A.

Lawlor. Fredericton, 1904. 2 v. 1. 8°. cccxxii, 1014,

cclxix p. ; xiii, 1015-2397, cclxix p. 194 STATE LIBRARY.

New Brunswick, continued. A general index to the statutes of New Brunswick now in force, other than those contained in the Con- solidated statutes, being chiefly local and private acts, with a table of acts expired or repealed; by G. W. Burbidge. Fredericton, 1878. 8°. 112 p. Liquor license act. See Canada. Liquor laws, 1904.

The laws of New Brunswick concerning property are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 2, 1827.

New Grenada. See Colombia. New Guinea. See British New Guinea. New South Wales. A collection of the statutes of practi- cal utility, colonial and imperial, in force in New South Wales, embracing the local legislation, 1824- 8°. [79] ; by Alexander Oliver. Sydney, 1879. 2 v. 1.

xiii, 1312 p. ; xxvi, 1313-2639 p.

Contents. Vol. 1. Aboriginals — Justices of the peace. 2. Kerosene — Written memorandum.

Same. A chronological table and general index. Svdney, 1881. 1. 8°. (2), cclxxiii p. Statutes of New South Wales, 1879-1910. Sydney,

1886-1910, [in part reprints]. 21 v., f° ; 18 v. in 16, 4°. Namely. Public and private, 1879-80, 43-44 Vict. 1880-81, 44 Vict. 1881, 45 Viet. 1882, 46 Vict. lst-2d session, 1883, 46 Vict. 1883-84, 47-48 Vict. Public, 1884-85, 48 Vict. Public and private, 1885-86, 49-50 Vict. lst-2d session, 1887, 50-51 Vict. 1887-88, 51-52 Vict. Private, 1888-89, 52 Vict. Public and private, 1889, 52-53 Vict. 2d session, 1889, 53 Vict. 1890, 54 Vict. 1891-92, 55 Vict. 1892-93, 56 Vict. Public, 1893, 57 Vict. Public and private, 1894, 57 Vict. 1894-95, 58-59 Vict. 1895, 59 Vict. 1896, 59-60 Viet. 1897. Ist session, 1898. 2d session, 1898. lst-3d session, 1899. FOREIGN LAWS. 195

New South Wales, continued. 1900. 1901-[02]. 1902. 1903. Public, 1st session, 1904. Public and private, 2d session, 1904. 1905. 1906. Public, 1907. Public, 2d session, 1907. Public and private, lst-2d session 1908. 1909. 1910. 2d session, 1910.

Public Statutes of New South Wales, 28 Nov. 1879 — [10 July 18901. 43 Vie. no. 12— [54 Vic. no. 33]. Sydney, 1886; n.t.p., [1891]. 2 v. f°. (1), 5, 833 p.; 732 p. An act for the redistribution of New South "Wales into electoral districts, and for the subdivision of such districts, etc. n.t.p. [Sydney, 1893.] f°. 46 p.

" No. 38, 1893."

An act to remodel the law relating to publicans and other persons engaged in the sale of liquor, n.t.p. Sydney, 1881. f°. 36 p.

" No. 14, 1881."

An act to restrict the influx of Chinese into New South Wales, n.t.p. [Sydney, 1881.] f°. 3 p.

" No. 11, 1881."

The copyright act, 1879, 42 Vic. no. 20 ; with an index, forms and scale of fees. Sydney, 1880. 8°. v, 28 p. The crown lands alienation act, and the crown lands occupation act, 25 Vict., nos. 1 and 2, 1861; and the lands acts amendment act, 39 Vict., no. 13, 1875, with regulations thereunder. 1st ed. Sydney, 1875. 8°. xxiv, 84 p.

The crown lands act ; namely, the alienation and occupation acts of 1861, the amendment act of 1875, and the further amendment act of 1880, with regula-

tions thereunder and an index ; also, the declaratory acts, etc. Sydney, 1882. 8°. (3), xi, 92 p.

The settlers ' synopsis of the land laws of New South Wales, being a practical digest of the many 196 STATE LIBRARY.

New South Wales, continued. crown land acts now in force and the regulations thereunder, etc.; compiled bv W. Gr. Acocks. Syd- ney, C. F. Maxwell, 1901. 8°. xv, (3), 120 p. The imperial statutes applicable to New South Wales. (In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) New Zealand. Ordinances of the Legislative Council of New Zealand and of the Legislative Council of the province of New Munster, 1811-53. Wellington, 1871. f°. xvi, 418 p. Statutes of New Zealand. Wellington, 1862-1910; Auckland, 1863. 44 v. f° and 4°.

Namely. lst-2d Parliaments, 1854-60. 2d-3d, 5tb session, M Parliament, 1862-63, 65. 1st, 3d-5th session, 4tli Parliament, 1866, 68-70. lst-2d session, 5th Parliament, 1871-72. lst-3d session, 6tli Parliament, 1876-78. 4th session, 6th Parliament, and 1st session, 7th Parliament, 1879. •'2d-3d session, 7th Parliament, 1880-81.

[ lst-2d session, 8th Parliament, 1882-83. session, 8th Parliament, and 1st session, 9th Parliament, 1884. , od 2d-3d session, 9th Parliament, 1885-86. 4th session, 9tli Parliament, and 1st session, 10th Parliament, 1887. 2d-4th session, 10th Parliament, 1888-90. 1st session, 11th Parliament. No statutes passed. 2d-4th session, 11th Parliament, 1891-93. lst-3d session, 12th Parliament, 1894^96. Ist^th session, 13th Parliament, 1897-99. lst-3d session, 14th Parliament, 1900-02. lst-3d session, 15th Parliament, 1903-05. Ist-ith session, 16th Parliament, 1906-08. lst-3d session, 17th Parliament, 1909-10. Entitled " Statutes of the General Assembly," 1854-60; " Statutes of New Zealand," 1862-1906; " Statutes of the do- minion," 1907-10.

Statutes of New Zealand, being the whole law of New

Zealand, public and general, [1842-93] ; with a col- lection of practical, gazette rules, orders, etc., alpha- betical index, general index, and index to forms and

rules, etc. ; by Wilfred Badger. Christchurch, printed by W. Badger, 1892-93. 4 v. 4°.


Vol. 1. Judicature, criminal, practical and mercantile law. 2. Land tenure, local government, agricultural and pas- toral, medical. 3—4. Public interests. FOREIGN LAWS. 197

New Zealand, continued. Eeference index; by "Wilfred Badger. Christ- ehTirch, 1893. 4°. 38 p. Index to the laws of New Zealand, general, local, and provincial, being llth ed. of Cumin's index brought

down to the close of the session of 1898 ; ed. by E. Y. Eedward. AVellington, 1899. 8°. viii, 245 p. The imperial statutes applicable to New Zealand. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) -— The mining laws of New Zealand. (In Alford's Min- ing laws of the British Empire, 1906.) The New Zealand industrial conciliation and arbitra-

tion law ; issued by the United States Department of Labor. Washington, 1900. 8°. 25 p. Newfoundland, Digest of the laws of Newfoundland, comprehending the judicature act and royal charter and the various acts of the local Legislature in amendment of the same; with notes and comments illustrative of the practice and decisions of the courts thereon, with the rules and orders of the Supreme and central circuit courts and an abstract of all the acts of the local Legislature now in force, etc. By E. M. Archibald. St. John's, 1847. 8°. vi, (1), 237 p. Colonial acts, 1836, 39-53. n.t.p. [St. John's, 1836- 53.] 15 V. f°. Namely.

6 Will. IV., 1836. 9-10 Vict., 2d sesaion, 1846. 3 Vict., 1839. 10 Vict., 1847. 3 Viet., 2d session, 1840. 11 Vict., 1848. No laws. 4 Vict., 1841. 12 Viet., 1848-49. 5 Viet., 1842. No laws. 13 Viet., 1850. 6 Vict., 1843. 14 Vict., 1851. 7 Vict., 1844. 15 Vict., 1852. 8 Vict., 1845. 16 Vict., 1853. 9 Vict., 1846.

Same. Acts of the Legislature, 1854-63 ; Acts of the General Assembly, [1864-67, 69-70, 72-1910. St. John's, 1854] -1910. 56 v. f° and 8°.

Namely. 17 Vict., 1854. 24 Viet., 1860-61. 18 Vict., 1855. 24-25 Vict., 1861. 19 Vict., 1856. 25 Viet., 1862. 20 Vict., 1857. 26 Vict., 1863. 21 Vict., 1858. 27 Vict., 1864. 22 Vict., 1859. 28 Vict., 1865. 23 Vict., 1860. 29 Viet., 1866. 198 STATE LIBRARY.

Newfoundland, continued. 30 Viet. 1867. .-(53 Vict., 1890.

32 Vict. 1869. 1 54 Vict., 1891. 33 Vict. 1870. 55 Vict., 1892. 35 Vict. 1872. 56 Vict., 1893. 36 Vict. 1873. 57- -58 Vict., 1894. 37 Vict. 1874. 58- -59 Viet., 1895. 38 Vict. 1875. - 60 Viet., 1896. 39 Vict. 1876. 60 Vict., 1897. 40 Vict. 1877. 61 Vict., 1898. 41 Vict. 1878. 62- -63 Vict., 1899. 42 Vict. 1879. 63 Vict., 1900. 43 Vict. 1880. _ 1 Edw. VII., 1901. 44 Vict. 1881. 2 Edw. vii., 1902. 45 Vict. 1882. 3 Edw. VII., 1903. I,' 46 Vict. 1883. 4 Edw. VII., 1904. 47 Vict. 1884. 5 Edw. VII., 1905. 48 Vict, 1885. Edw. VII., 1906. 49 Vict, 1886. Edw. VII., 1907. 'K^ [^ 50 Vict, 1887. Edw. VII., 1908. 51 Vict, 1888. 9 Edw. VII., 1909. 52 Vict. 1889. 10 Edw. VII., 1910.

The consolidated statutes of Newfoundland as passed by the Legislature, 3d session, 10th Greneral As- sembly, 1872, on the report of a select committee of the House of Assembly, appointed to revise the con- solidated statutes; printed under the supervision of R. J. Kent. St. John's, Francis Winton, 1874. 8°. xiv, (1), 545, (139) p. Same. 2d series, being a consolidation of the statute law of the colony down to and including the 1st ses- sion of the Legislature, 1892. St. John's, 1896. 8°. xxiii, (1), 1324 p. The imperial statutes applicable to Newfoundland. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) [Judicature act, 1889.] n.t.p. [St. John's, 189-.] 8°. 240 p. [Judicature amendment act, 1890.] n.t.p. [189-.] 8°. 15 p. The judicature act, 1904, 4 Edw. vn., cap. 3, and rules of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland. St. John's, 1904. 8°. v, 502 p. Nicaragua. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes comerciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) North Borneo. See British North Borneo. North Brabant. Legger van den provincialen weg, Genderen, Eethen, Meeuwen, Dussen, Almkerk, Werkendam en Noorder Bandijk der Bergsche Maas, FOREIGN LAWS. 199

North Brabant, continued. Groenendijk, Elsdijk. h.t.p. ['s Hertoffenbosch, 1908.] f°. (27) p. Legger van den provincialen weg van Waspik over 's Gravenmoer, Oosterhout, Made en Wagenberg tot

' ' den rijksweg aan ' t Withuis. ' h.t.p. [ 's Hertogen-

boscb, 1908!] f°. (21) p. • Provinciaal blad van -Brabant. 1870-1910. n.t.p. 's Hertogenboscli, [1870-1910]. 8°.


1870, no. 20. 1902, no. 15, 28. 1876, no. 24. 1903, no. 1, 30, 35-38. 1879, no. 29. 1904, no. 1, 187. 1883, no. 31-32. 1905, no. 82. 1890, no. 6. 1906, no. 17, 29, 41. 1897, no. 30. 1908. 57 nos. 1898, no. 11. 1909. 39 nos. 1899, no. 2. 1910. 59 nos. 1900, no. 1. 1870-1906, very incomplete; 1908-10, complete.

North-Eastern Rhodesia. The statute law being the reg- ulations, from 1st Aug., 1900 — 31st Dec. 1907. [Fort Jameson, 1908.] (1), iii, 216 p. 8°. North-West Territories. Ordinances of the North-West Territories, 1878-87. [No ordinances passed in

1880 and 1882.] Battleford, 1879-82 ; Regina, 1883- 87. 7 V. 8°. Namely. July-Aug., 1878. July-Aug., 1884. Aug.-Sept., 1879. Nov.-Dec, 1885. cT. — May-June, 1881. Oct.-Nov., 1886. ^, _ Aug.-Oct., 1883. Oct.-Nov., 1887.

1881, with proclamations relating to electoral districts and elec- tions; 1883, with proclamations by the Lieut. Governor; 1884, with orders in Council and proclamations.

Same. [1888]-1904. Eegina, 1890-1904. 17 v. 8°.

Namely. lst-3d session, 1st Legislative Assembly, Dec. [1888J-90. 1st, 3d-5th session, 2d Legislative Assembly, Dec. 1891 — Aug. 1894; [no ordinances were passed at the 2d session']. lst-4th session, 3d Legislative Assembly, Aug. 1895 — Sept. 1898. lst-4th session, 4th Legislative Assembly, 1899-1902. lst-3d session, 5th Legislative Assembly, 1903-04.

< The North-West Territories were, on the 1st Sept. 1905, divided into two provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan; as the territories were in process of dissolution, and the provinces in process of formation no ordinances were passed in that year. 200 STATE LIBRARY.

North-West Territories, continued. Revised ordinances of the North-West Territories, and other ordinances passed by the Legislative As- sembly, Oct. 1888. Eegina, 1888. 8°. 526 p.

Includes the ordinances of the 1st session, 1st General Assem- bly.

The consolidated ordinances of the North-West Ter- ritories, 1898, being a consolidation of the Revised ordinances, 1888, with the subsequent public general ordinances of the Legislature; in force March 15. 1899. Regina, 1899. 1. 8°. xlvi, (1), 1125 p. General ordinances, in force Sept. 1, 1905, being the consolidated ordinances of the Territories, 1898, and all subsequent public general ordinances of the Leg- islature revised as affected by ordinances in force at the commencement of the Saskatchewan Act. Editor, Reginald Eimmer. Regina, 1907. 8°. xxvii, 1351, clviii p. The ordinances of the North-West Territories, being an official consolidation of the ordinances of the North-West Territories in force on Aug. 31, 1905, and the amendments thereto, with the Public General

Ordinances after the year 1898 ; compiled in the De- partment of the Attorney General of the province of Alberta. Edmonton, 1907. 1. 8°. xxxiii, 1405 p. The North-West Territories act, 1880, with the amendments thereto of 1884, 47 Vict., chap. 23. h.t.p. [Ottawa, 1884?] 8°. 36 p. Office consolidation of the school ordinance [s], chap-

ter 29 of 1901 and amendments ; consolidation to and including amendments of 1904. Regina, 1908. 8°. 99 p. Ready reference guide to the ordinances of the North-West Territories, including the Revised ordi- nances of 1888 and all subsequent ordinances to 1895, with a complete index to " The judicature ordi-

' nance, ' 1893, and amendments thereto ; compiled by C. C. McCaul, and Horace Harvey. Toronto, Good- win Law Book Co., 1896. 8°. (3), 54 p.

The public land and mining laws of the Northwest Territory are contained in Wyman's Public land and mining laws of Alaska, etc., 1898.

North-Western Provinces and Oudh. {After March, 1902, known as the United Provinces of Agra and FOREIGN LAWS. 201

North-Western Provinces and Oudh, continued. Oudh.) The North-Western Provinces code; con- sisting of the regulations and local acts in force in the North-W^estem Provinces of the presidency of Fort William, with a chronological table of the Ben-

gal regulations. Calcutta, 1877. 1. 8°. xxxii, 412 p. Same. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1886. 1. 8°. xii, 671 p.

The title varies somewhat from that of the 1st ed.

Same. The N.-W. Provinces and Oudh code. 3d ed. Calcutta, 1892. 1. 8°. xvi, 761, xlvii p. Acts, [1891-1901]. Allahabad, 1893-1901. 8°.

Namely. 1891. 1 no. 1897. 1 no. 1892. 3 nos. 1898. No legislation. 1893. No legislation. 1899. 3 nos. 1894. No. 1, 3-5. 1900. 2 nos. 1895. 2 nos. 1901. 5 nos. 1896. 2 nos.

Act no. 1, 1891, has the title " The N.-W. Provinces and Oudh water- works act, 1891, as modified up to the 1st Sept. 1895; " no. 2, 1892, " The N.-W. P. and Oudh village sanitation act, 1892; " no. 3, 1892, " The N.-W. P. and Oudh village courts act, 1892; " no. 3, 1894, "The N.-W. P. and Oudh sewerage and drainage act, 1894; " no. 5, 1894, " The Oudh local rates act, 1894; " no. 2, 1896, " The N.-W. Provinces and Oudh Honorary Munsifs act, 1896; " no. 1, 1899, " The N.-W. P. and Oudh steam boilers and prime movers act, 1899; " no. 3, 1899, " The N.-W. P. and Oudh Court of Wards act, 1899; " no. 1, 1900, "The N.-W. P. and Oudh municipalities act, 1900; " no. 2, 1900, " The Oudh settled estates act, 1900; " no. 2, 1901, "The N.-W. P. tenancy act, 1901; " no. 3, 1901, " The N.-W. P. and Oudh land- revenue act, 1901." The volume for 1901 has a general title-page " A collection of the acts passed by the Lieutenant-Governor of the N.-W. P. and Oudh in Council."

The legislative acts of the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh in Council, 1892-1900; in continuation of acts from 1887 to the present time. Allahabad, 1893-1901. 6 v. 8°.

Namely. 1892. 202 STATE LIBRARY.

North-Western Provinces and Oudh, continued. Vol. 12-23. 1890-1901. Allahabad, 1890-99. 12 v. in 24. f°.

Issued weekly, in parts, each part being separately paged for separate compilation; part 4 contains " Acts of the Governor- General's Council," etc.

The N.-W. p. and Oudh water-works act, 1891, as modified up to the 1st July 1901. Allahabad, 1901. 8°. iii, 19 p. Northern Nigeria. Laws of the protectorate of Northern Nigeria, being the schedule to the statute laws re- vision proclamation, 1910, with an appendix contain- ing the orders of the sovereign in council relating to the protectorate, the royal instructions to the governor, and various acts of parliament; ed. by authority by E. A. Speed. London, Stevens & Sons, 1910. 8°. xvii, (1), 831 p. -— Orders in Council and proclamations, and rules, reg- ulations, government notices, and orders thereunder, in force in the protectorate of Northern Nigeria on the 1st day of Oct. 1904; with an appendix contain- ing various acts of Parliament in force in the protectorate and an index. Compiled under the au- thority of " The Reprint of Statutes Proclamation, 1904," bv H. C. Gollan. London, Waterlow and

Sons, printers, 1905. xii, 826 p. 1. 8°. Proclamations, rules and regulations, published in the protectorate of Northern Nigeria in 1904 and 1905; subsequent to the publication of the Reprint of Statutes. [Zungeru, 1905.] ii, 49 p. 8°. Proclamations enacted by the High Commissioner of Northern Nigeria, 1906-10. n.t.p. [Zungeru, 1906- 10.] 5 V. 8°. Namely. 1906, no. 1-25. ' 1908, no. 1-21. 1907, no. 1-11, 13-17. [No. 1909, no. 1-21. IS annulled, never printed.] 1910, no. 1-6. The title, 1907-08, reads " enacted by the Acting High Com- missioner -'; 1909-10, "by the Governor."

Northern Nigeria Gazette, Extraordinary, [contain- ing government notices and proclamations]. Vol. 10-11. 1909-10. Zungeru, T. B. Macaulay, 1909-10. 8°. Nos. 8 and 10 of v. 11, wanting. "


Norway. Norges Love, Samling af gjaeldende Love af praktisk Betydning; udgivet med Henvisninger af P. I. Paulsen. Kristiania, H. Aschehoug & Co., 1908. 2 V. 8°. cxxviii, 1159 p.; 1239 p.


Vol. 1. 1660-1890. 2. 1891-1908.

Norsk Lovtidende; udgivet efter offentlig Foran- staltning. 1898-99. Udgiver, E. E. Bcetzmann. Kristiania, n.d. 2 v. in 4. 8°.

The " 2aen Afdeling " of each year contains " Samling af Love, Eesolutioner, m. m.

Systematisk Eegister over gjaeldende norske Love

fra 1814 til og med 1897 ; udgivet af E. Kjerschow. Christiania, H. Aschehoug & Co., 1898. 12°. (4), 112 p. Lov-Liste eller Eegister over de nu, April 1903, gJEeldende Love fra 1814 samt vigtigere Forordninger og Eescripter og Lovbogens Kapitler tilligemed Traktater; udgivet af O. Eing. Bergen, J. Grieg, 1903. 8°. 36 p.

The ancient laws of Norway and Iceland ; a bibliog- raphy by Halldor Hermannsson. Ithaca, N. Y., 1911. 8°. (5), 83 p. (Cornell University. Library. Islandica, v. 4.) Forslaa til lov om husbond og tjener, afgivet af en af justitsdepartementet nedsat comite. Kristiania, J. C. Gundersen's bogtrykeri, 1902. 4°. 96 p. Motive zu dem im Jahre 1832 herausgegeben Vor- schlage zu einem Strafgesetzbuche fiir das Konig- reich Norwegen; auf Veranstaltung der Gesetzcom- mission, in Gemassheit der Koniglichen gnadigsten Eesolution vom 5ten April 1834, aus dem Nor- wegischen iibersetzt von F. Thaulow. Christiania, C. Grondahl, 1835. 4°. (8), 439, Ixxix p. Vorschlag zu einem Strafgesetzbuche fiir das Konigreich Norwegen; auf Veranstaltung der Ge- setzcommission aus dem Norwegischen iibersetzt von F. Thaulow. Christiania, J. C. Abelsted, 1835. 8°. (7), 168 p. See also Sweden.

Nova Scotia. The statutes at large passed in the several General Assemblies held in His Majesty's province 204 STATE LIBRARY.

Nova Scotia, continued. of Nova-Scotia, 1st Assembly, 1758 — [5th session, 15th General Assembly], 1835. Halifax, 1805-35. 4 V. 4^ Contents.

^'ol. 1. 1758-1804; with a complete index and Abridgement, by E. J. XJniaeke. 2. 1805-16; with an index, by H. H. Cogswell. 3. 1817-26; with an index and table of laws expired, re- pealed, etc., by WiUiam Hill and W. B. Bliss. 4. Statutes of the province of Nova-Scotia, 1827-35; with tables of acts expired, repealed, etc., and a copious index, by John Whidden and J. F. Gray.

[Acts], 1817-20. n.t.p. [1817-20.] 4°. 221-453 p.

Namely. 7th-8th session, 10th General Assembly, 1817-18. lst-2d session, 11th General Assembly, 1819-20.

Paged continuously with Statutes at large, v. 2, 1815—16.

Acts of the General Assembly of the province of Nova-Scotia. [1825, 27]-51; Statutes, 1852-[1911]. Halifax, [1825-1911]. 87 v. in 78. 4° and 8°.

Namely. 5th session, 12th General Assembly, 1825. lst-2d session, 13th General Assembly, 1827-28. 3d—4th session, 14th General Assembly, 1829-30. lst-6th session, 15th General Assembly, 1830-36. lst-5th session, 16th General Assembly, 1837—40. lst-3d session, 17th General Assembly, 1841-^3. lst-5th session, 18th General Assembly, 1811 1 7. lst-4th session, 19th General Assembly, 1848-51. lst-5th session, 20th General Assembly, 1851-55. 1st—4th session, 21st General Assembly, 1856-59. Ist-^th session, 22d General Assembly, 1860-63. Ist^th session, 23d General Assembly, 1864^67. Ist^th session, 24th General Assembly, 1868-71. lst-3d session, 25th General Assembly, 1872-74. lst-4th session, 26th General Assembly, 1875-78. lst-4th session, 27th General Assembly, 1879-82. Ist-^th session, 28th General Assembly, 1883-86. lst-4th session, 29th General Assembly, 1887-90. lst-4th session, 30th General Assembly, 1891-94. lst-3d session, 31st General Assembly, 1895-97. Ist^th session, 32d General Assembly, 1898-1901. lst-5th session, 33d General Assembly, 1902-06. lst-5th session, 34th General Assembly, 1907-11.

The private and local acts of Nova-Scotia; pre- pared by William Young, J. W. Ritchie, Jonathan ]\IcCully, Joseph "VATiidden, Commissioners for Re- vising and Consolidating the Laws of the Province. Halifax, 1851. 8°. 384 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 205

Nova Scotia, continued. Index to the private acts of the Legislature, 1851- 96. Halifax, 1897. 8°. 136 p. The Nova Scotia law index, embracing all the private and local legislation of the province of Nova Scotia down to and including the year 1900. 1758- 1900. By H. H. Bligh. Halifax, 1901. 8°. clix p. The revised statutes of Nova-Scotia ; prepared by William Young, J. W. Ritchie, Jonathan McCully, Joseph Whidden, commissioners. Halifax, 1851. 8°. xxi, 578 p. Same. 2d series. Prepared by M. I. Wilkins, W. A. Henry, J. R. Smith, commissioners. Halifax, 1859. 8°. XX, 815, (1) p. Same. 3d series. Prepared by Stewart Campbell, C. F. Harrington, Hiram Blanchard, commissioners. Halifax, 1864^ 8°. xii, 889, (1) p. Same. 4th series. Prepared by A. J. White, H. C. D. Twining, J. W. Johnston, commissioners. Halifax, 1873. 8°. X, 743, vi, 246 p. Same. 5th series. Prepared by 0. S. Weeks, J. W. Johnston, J. W. Longley, commissioners, and Benja- min Russell, secretary; [with appendixes]. Halifax, 1884. 1. 8°. xiii, 1520, 82 p. Revised statutes of Nova Scotia, 1900; prepared by and published under the direction of Wallace Graham, F. T. Congdon, [and others], indexed by W. B. Wallace. Halifax, 1900. 2 v. 8°. clvi, 791, ccxxiv p.; ix, 864, ccxxiii p. Law relating to mines and piinerals in Nova Scotia. Halifax, 1879. 8°. 46 p. Liquor license act. See Canada. Liquor laws, 1904.

The laws of Nova Scotia relating to property are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 2, 1827.

Nuevo Leon. Codigo civil del estado de Nuevo Leon ; im- preso en 1891, y reimpreso con sus reformas corre- spondientes en 1899 y 1906. 3a ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1906. 8°. 478 p. Codigo de procedimientos civiles del estado de Nuevo Leon. 1891. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1892. 8°. 321, (2) p. Codigo de procedimientos penales para el estado libre y soberano de Nuevo-Leon. Ed. oficial. Mon- terey, 1881. 12°. 106, iv p. 206 STATE LIBRARY.

Nuevo Leon, continued. — Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado de Nuevo-Leon. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1885. 12°. 114 p. Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado de Nuevo Leon. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1893. 8°. 132, (24) p. Codigo penal para el estado libre y soberano de Nuevo-Leon. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1880. 12°. 319, 29 p. Codigo penal del estado de Nuevo Leon. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1893. 8°. 156, 4, (1) p. Coleccion de leyes, decretos y circulares, expedidos por el gobierno del estado, 1 de agosto 1824 — 30 de die. 1830, nov. 1867 — 31 de die. 1906. Monterrey, 1895-1907. 17 V. 8°.

Namely. 1 agosto 1824 — 30 die. 1830. Enero 1892 — die. 1893. Nov. 1867 — feb. 1869. 1894. Marzo 1869 — die. 1870. Enero 1895 — die. 1896. Enero 1871 — nov. 1876. Enero 1897 — die. 1898. Die. 1876 — die. 1880. Enero 1899 — die. 1900. 8 enero 1881 — 4 enero 1883. Enero 1901 — die. 1902. 30 enero 1883 — 24 nov. 1885. Enero 1903 — die. 1904. 12 die. 1885 — 30 die. 1888. Enero 1905 — die. 1906. Enero 1889 — die. 1891.

The title, 1867-1880, reads "y documentos ofieiales; " 1871- 1906, " Ed. ofieial."

E studio sobre clasificacion medico-legal de lasheridas y otras lesiones corporales. Monterey, 1880. 12°. 29 p. (Nuevo-Leon. Codigo penal.) Ley constitucional que reglamenta las elecciones de los supremos poderes del estado y de los funciona- rios municipales. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1882. 12°. 27 p. Ley constitucional sobre indultos, remision y con- mutacion de pena legal. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1882. 12°. 8 p. Ley de aranceles para los profesionistas en el estado de Nuevo-Leon. Monterrey, 1894. 8°. 34 p. Ley de ganaderia. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1888. 8°. 14 p. Ley de hacienda del estado de Nuevo Leon; pre- supuesto de ingresos y egresos y decretos relativos. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1908. 8°. 42 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 207

Nuevo Leon, continued. Ley organica de notarios en el estado de Nuevo- Leon. Monterrey, 1894. 8°. 24, (7) p. Ley organica del poder judicial del estado. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1882. 12°. 10 p. Ley sobre gobierno interior de los distritos del estado. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1882. 12°. 17 p. — Ley y reglamento para la venta de sustancias medi- cinales. Monterrey, 1897. 8°. 54 p. Leyes relativas a denuncios, medidas y mercedes de tierras y aguas. Ed. oficial. Monterrey, 1903. 8°. 28 p. Leyes y reglamentos sobre instruccion primaria, preparatoria y profesional, vigentes en el estado. Monterrey, 1892. 8°. 77, (31) p. Reglamento de debates del li. Congreso del estado libre y soberano de Nnevo-Leon. Ed. oficial. Mon- terey, 1882. 12°. 31 p. Reglamento del supremo tribunal de justicia del estado de Nuevo-Leon. Ed. oficial. Monterey, 1882. 12°. 32 p. Oajaca or Oaxaca. Decreto que organiza el tribunal superior y demas juzgados inferiores del departa- mento de Oaxaca, espedido por la Honorable Asam- blea del mismo en 12 de abril de 1844. Oaxaca, 1844. 12°. xiii, 109 p. Reglamento espedido por la Honorable Asamblea De- partamental de Oaxaca en 30 de enero de 1845, reformando el Instituto de Ciencias y Artes del De- partamento. Oaxaca, 1845. 12°. 35 p. Reglamento para dar el contingente de sangre con que debe cubrir el departamento las bajas del ejercito nacional. Oaxaca, 1844. 12°. 24 p. Folded sheets. [Reglamento para el arreglo y cobro de la capita- cion.] n.t.p. [Oaxaca, 1845.] 12°. 9 p. Reglamento para el gobierno interior del panteon de esta ciudad. n.t.p. Oaxaca, 1844. 12°. 12 p. [Reglamento para el real de capitacion.] n.t.p. 12°. Oaxaca, 1844. 8, (1) p. _ [Reglamento para el reconocimiento 6 registro de granas y para fomentar la esportacion y mejor venta del fruto agricola de la cochinilla.] n.t.p. Oaxaca, ^8 1844. 12°. p. Reglamento para la secretaria del superior gobierno del departamento. n.t.p. Oaxaca, 1844. 12°. 8 p. 208 STATE LIBRARY.

Oajaca or Oaxaca, continued. Eeglamento para la tesoreria general directora de las rentas del departamento. n.t.p. Oaxaca, 1844. 12°. 16 p. Eeglamentos espedidos por la Honorable Asamblea Departmental de Oaxaca, en 7 de feb. de 1844 para el gobierno interior de la misma y el de su secretaria. Oaxaca, impreso por I. Rincon, 1844. 12°. 46 p. Ontario {formerly Upper Canada). The provincial stat- utes of Upper-Canada, revised, corrected, and re- published by authority, [1st session, 1st Provincial Parliament — 4th session, 7th Provincial Parlia- ment, 1792-1819]. York, 1818-[19]. 4°. (1), 485, Ixvi. p. Namely. lst-4th session, lat Parliament 1792-95. Ist-ith session, 2d Parliament, 1796-99. lst-4tli session, 3d Parliament, 1800 — 03-04, Ist^th session, 4th Parliament, 1805-08. 1st—4th session, 5th Parliament, 1809-12. lst-5th session, 6th Parliament, 1812-16. 1st—4th session, 7th Parliament, 1817-19.

The statutes of Upper-Canada, 4th session, 7th Provincial Parliament — 3d session, 9th Provincial Parliament, [1819-27]. York, 1819-[27]. 7 v. in 1. 4°. Namely. 4th session, 7th Parliament, 1819. 5th session, 7th, and 1st and 2d sessions, 8th Parliament, 1820-22. 3d session, 8th Parliament, 1823; prefixed, imperial acts. 4th session, 8th Parliament, 1824. 1st session, 9th Parliament, 1825. 2d session, 9th Parliament, 1826; prefixed, acts of the imperial Parliament. 3d session, 9th Parliament, 1827. — Acts of imperial Parliament.

The statutes of the province of Upper Canada, with such British statutes, ordinances of Quebec, and proclamations as relate to the province, [1st ses- sion, 1st Provincial Parliament — 1st session, 11th

Provincial Parliament, 1792-1831] ; revised and pub- lished by H. C. Thompson and James Macfarlane, revised by James Nickalls, Jr. Kingston, 1831. 4°. 692 p. Namely. British statutes relating to the province. lst-5th session, 1st Parliament, 1792-96. Ist^th session, 2d Parliament, 1797-1800. 1st—4th session, 3d Parliament, 1801-04. FOREIGN LAWS. 209

Ontario, continued.

1st—4th session, 4th Parliament, 1805-08. Ist-ith session, 5th Parliament, 1809-12. lst-5th session, 6th Parliament, 1812-16. lst-5th session, 7th Parliament, 1817-20. lst-4th session, 8th Parliament, 1821-24. lst-4th session, 9th Parliament, 1825-28. lst-2d session, 10th Parliament, 1829-30. 1st session, 11th Parliament, 1831. British statutes.

Statutes of Upper Canada, 1st session, 10th Pro- vincial Parliament, to which are prefixed an act passed in the 4th session, 9th Provincial Parliament of U. C. as assented to by His Majesty [reserved act], and chaps. 75, 6 Geo. iv. and 51, 9 Geo. iv., Im- perial Parliament. York, [1829]. 4°. 79 p. Statutes of Upper Canada, 1st session, 11th Pro- vincial Parliament —^5th session, 13th Provincial Parliament, [1831-40]. York, [1832-33]; Toronto, [1834]-40. 12 V. in 2. 4°.

Namely. Ist-^th session, 11th Parliament, 1831-34. lst-2d session, 12th Parliament, 1835-36. 2il session, 12th Parliament, 1836; reserved acts. 1st session, 13th Parliament, 1837. Same. Reserved acts. 2d session, 13th Parliament, 1837; with imperial acts. 3d-5th session, 13th Parliament, 1837-8 — 40. For session laws, 1841-66, see Canada.

The statutes of Upper Canada to the time of the

union, [1792-1840] ; revised by [J. B. Eobinson, J. B. Macaulay, and othersl. Toronto, [1843]. 2 v. 4°. (2), 1096, Ixxi p.; 1019, viii p.


Vol. 1. Public acts. 2. Local and private acts.

Statutes of the province of Ontario, 1st session, 1st Parliament — 3d session, 12th Legislature, 1867- 1911. Toronto, 1868-1911. 43 v. 8°.

Namely. lst-4th session, 1st Parliament, 1867-68 — 70-71. Ist^th session, 2d Parliament, 1871-72 — 74. lst-3d session, 3d Parliament, 1875-76 — 78. 4th session, 3d Legislature, 1879. Ist—4th session, 4th Legislature, 1880 — 82-3. lst-3d session, 5th Legislature, 1884-86. 210 STATE LIBRARY.

Ontario, continued.

lst-4th session, 6th Legislature, 1887-90. 1st—ith session, 7th Legislature, 1891-94. Ist^th session, 8th Legislature, 1895 — 97-8. lst-5th session, 9th Legislature, 1898-1902. lst-2d session, 10th Legislature, 190.3-04. Ist^th session, 11th Legislature, WO.'J-OS. lst-3d session, 12th Legislature, 1909-11.

— A collection of the acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain particularly applying to the province of Upper-Canada, and of such ordinances of the late province of Quebec as have force of law therein. York, 1818. 4°. 32, (1) p. The consolidated statutes for Upper Canada. To- ronto, 1859. 1. 8°. vii, (3), 1228 p. The revised statutes of Ontario, being a consolida- tion of the public general acts of the Legislature of Ontario, with such of the public general acts of the late province of Canada as relate to matters within the authority of the Legislature of Ontario. Toronto, 1877. 2 V. 1. 8°. Ix, 1307 p.; viii, 1309-2580 p. The revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, being a con- solidation of the Revised statutes, 1877, with the subsequent public general acts. Toronto, 1887. 2 v. 1. 8°. lix, 1430, cxvii p.; xvi, 1431-2784, cxvii p. The revised statutes of Ontario, 1897, being a con- solidation of the Eevised statutes, 1887, with the sub- sequent public general acts. Toronto, 1897. 2 v. 1. 8°. lix, 1822, cclx p.; x\dii, 1823-3796, cclx p. Same. Vol. 3, being a consolidation and revision of certain imperial statutes relating to property and civil rights incorporated into the law of Ontario by virtue of provincial legislation up to the end of the

year 1897 ; with an appendix and a table of imperial statutes in force in Canada, ex proprio vigore, at

the end of the year 1901. Toronto, 1902. 8°. liii, X, 3797-3932 p. Indexes.

Index to the statutes in force in Upper Canada at the end of the session of 1854^5; prepared by Gr. W. Wicksteed. Toronto, 1856. 8°. vii, 419 p. Table of the provincial statutes in force in Upper Canada, with a continuation of the index to the statutes in force to 1856 ; prepared by G. W. Wick- steed. Toronto, 1856. 8°. iv, 147 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 211

Ontario, continued. Lewis' Ontario statute index; an alphabetical index of the statutes of the province of Ontario to 1884,

including the Eevised statutes ; by E. N. Lewis. To- ronto, Carswell & Co., 1884. 8°. (3), 447 p. The Ontario law index, embracing all the legislation of the province of Ontario down to and including the year 1895; by H. H. Bligh. Toronto, Carswell Co., 1895. 8°. (3), 268 p. Same. Supplement, embracing all the legislation of the province of Ontario, 1896-1900. Toronto, Cars- well Co., 1900. 1. 8°. 104 p. The municipal index, being an alphabetical digest of the provisions contained in the Kevised statutes of Ontario, 1887, and the annual volumes of statutes for subsequent years, affecting municipal corpora-

tions, their councils and officers ; by A. M. Dymond. 2d ed. Toronto, Carswell Co., 1895. 8°. (2), 276 p.

Ladvs relating to special subjects. Acts relating to the Education Department, public and high schools and truancy, 1896. Toronto, 1896. 8°. (1), 157 p. Handy book on the Dominion and Ontario franchises, containing the franchise act, the amending act of 1889, and the Ontario manliood suffrage acts, with notes and references to the cases and annotations under the former acts; by Thomas Hodgins. To- ronto, Carswell & Co., 1889. 12°. 127, (1) p. Labour laws of Ontario, being a collection of the Re- vised statutes of 1897 and subsequent enactments affecting the relations of employers and employees, and other matters of interest to operatives and wage-

earners ; compiled by A. M. Dymond. Toronto, Cars- well Co., i899. 1. 8°. (3), 170, xvii p. The liquor license act; Eevised statutes of 'Ontario, cap. 181, to which is added the amending acts of 1878 and 1881. Toronto, 1881. 8°. 58 p.

•— The compiled liquor license acts ; Eevised statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 194, and amendments 51 V. c. 30 and 52 V. c. 41. Toronto, 1889. 1. 8°. 71 p. The liquor license act of the province of Ontario, chapter 194 of the Revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, as amended, including notes of cases and an appen- — ;


Ontario, continued. dix of forms; by J. S. Sinclair and E. E. Seager. Hamilton, Times Printing Co., 1891. 8°. xxv, 394 p.

See also Canada. Liquor laws, 1904.

The mechanics ' lien act, being the Revised statutes of Ontario, 1887, chapter 126; with annotations and additional forms of proceedings thereunder, by G. S. Holmested. Toronto, printed by C B. Robinson, 1888. 8°. xiii, 166 p. "The Ontario railway act, 1906," and " The Ontario railway municipal board act, 1906." n.t.p. [1906.]

1. 8°. 135 p. Real property statutes of Ontario, being a selection of acts of practical utility; by A. T. Hunter. To- ronto, Carswell Co., 1894. 8°. scvii, (1), 744 p. Revised school law of 1885, the law and regulations relating to public school trustees in rural sections, etc.; by J. Gr. Hodgins. Toronto, Copp, Clark Co., 1885. 8°. 105 p. The school law of Ontario, 1891-93, with notes of cases, etc.; by W. B. McMurrich, and H. N. Roberts. Toronto, The Goodwin Law Book and Publishing Co., 1894. 8°. xxvi, 625 p. Statutes of Ontario affecting mercantile law; com- piled by A. M. Dymond. Toronto, W. Briggs, 1898. 1.8°. (3), 249 p. Orange Free State. Ordonnantie boek van den Oranje- vriistaat, 1854^77, [med ordonnantien, 1878-80] uitgegeven volgens besluit van den Hoog Ed. Volks- raad, dd. 16 Mei 1877. Bloemfontein, 1877-[80]. 8°. xii, 526 p. Same. 1881-89. Bloemfontein, [1881-89]. 8°. (8), 76, (31), 535 p. - Same. Med bladwijzer en kantteekeningen, 1881-89. Bloemfontein, [1881-89]. 8°. (650) p.

The Orange Free State was annexed to the British Crown, May 24, 1900, and became the Orange River Colony.

Orange River Colony. The statute law of the Orange

River Colony ; tr. by C. L. Botha, translation revised by S. H. Barber and J. H. L. Findlay. London, Stevens & Sons, 1901. 8°. Ivi, 910 p. '


Orange River Colony, continued. Same. Ed. by P. L. Lefebvre and B. B. L. Jackson. Bloemfontein, [1907]. 4°. xv, 1379, xxxi p.

Ordinances, 1907 ; printed by government authority. Bloemfontein, [1907]. 8°. xiii, 157 p. Statutes of the Orange River Colony, 1907-09. \_In English and Dutch.] Bloemfontein, 1909-10. 2 v. 8°. Namely. 1907-08. 1909.

The Dutch title reads " Wetten van de Oranje Eivier Kol- onie. ' The mining laws of the Orange Eiver Colony are contained in Alford's Mining laws of the British Empire, 1906.

Oudh. The Oudh code, consisting of the Bengal regula- tions and the local acts of the Governor General in

Council in force in Oudh. Calcutta, 1877. 1. 8°. vi, 283 p. Same. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1886. 1. 8°. ix, 418 p. — Same. 3d ed. See, back, North-Western Provinces and Oudh. Overijssel. Algemeene provinciale reglementen in Over- ijssel met aanteekeningen bijeenverzameld door L. J. Rietberg. Zwolle, De Erven J. J. Tijl, 1901. 12°. (100) p.

"With manuscript corrections and additions.

Pahang. [Principal regulations, orders in Council, etc., 1889-91.] f°.

In MSS. except 3 nos. for 1889.

Orders in Council, 4th Julv 1893; 23d Jan. 1895; 1-4. 1896. n.t.p. [1896.] f°.

1893 and 1895 in MSS.

Federated Malay States. State of Pahang. Enact- ments, 1896-1909. Kuala Lumpur, [1897-1910]. 8°. 214 STATE LIBRARY.

Pahang, continued. Civil procedure code, 1902. (Enactment no. 11 of 1902.) Code of criminal procedure, 1900. (Enactment no. 9, 1900.) Same. 1903. Contents and index. Taiping, 1903. 8°. 204 p. (Enactment no. 1, 1903.)

See also Federated Malay States.

Palestine. [Palestine heing a province of Turkey is governed by the Turkish civil and criminal laws.] Panama. The civil code of the republic of Panama and amendatory laws continued in force in the Canal Zone, Isthraus of Panama, by executive order of May

9, 1904 ; tr. under the direction of C. E. Magoon, gen- eral counsel, Isthmian Canal Commission, by F. L. Joannini. Washington, 1905. 8°. xvi, 683 p. Codigos de comercio de Panama, penal de Cundina- marca sancionado en 1858, y de minas de Antioquia. Ed. oticial. Bogota, imprenta de Pizano, 1886. 8°. (389) p. Same. Adiciones y reformas, 1887. Bogota, im- prenta de Pizano, [1887]. 8°. 24 p. The law of civil procedure in force in Panama and the Canal Zone; tr. by P. L. Joannini. Washing- ton, Isthmian Canal Commission, 1905. 8°. (7), 289 p. Leyes expedidas por la Convencion Nacional Consti- tuyente de la republica de Panama en 1904. Panama, tip. " El Fanal," 1906. 4°. 251, (16) p. Leyes expedidas por la Asamblea Nacional de la republica de Panama en sus sesiones de 1906 y 1907. Panama, Star & Herald, 1907. 8°. 139, vii, vi, 2 p.

See also Colombia, of which republic Panama was formerly a department.

Panjab. See Punjab. Papua. Ordinances, nos. ^10, 1906; 1907-10. [Supple- ments to Territory of Papua Grovernment Gazette.] n.t.p. [1906-10.] f°.

Namely. 1906, no. 4^10. 1909, no. 1-34. 1907, no. 1-15. 1910, no. 1-17. 1908, no. 1-18. FOREIGN LAWS. 215

Papua, continued. Same. 1908-10. [Melbourne, government printer for the state of Victoria, 1908-10.] f°. (Australia.

Parliament. ) Contents.

1908, [no. 8-10]. Supplementary appropriation 1906-7, no. 2; 1908-9; 1908-9, no. 2. 1909. 1908, no. 12-18; 1909, no. 1-2; also sago and land. 1909, no. 3, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16-19. 1909, no. 4, 8 and 12; also gold-field reward. 1909, no. 10, 11, 22-24; also removal of natives ordinance of 1907, repeal; native labour amendment; and timber con- solidated. 1910. 1909, no. 20, 30-33; 1910, no. 1, also land, gold mining encouragement, native labour and native labour no. 2. 1910, [no. 2-4]. No. 2, supplementary appropriation, 1909-10, no. 5. — No. 3, deputy chief judicial officer. — No. 4, mining ordinance amendment. 1910, no. 11, 12 and 14.

Paraguay. Coleccion legislativa de la republica del Paraguay; por Fernando Viera. Asuncion, 1896. 8°. xxi, 641, (1) p. Derecho penal; extracto de las conferencias dadas en clase por Teodosio Gonzalez. Entrega 1. Asun- cion, 1898. 1. 8°. 103 p. Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.)

The civil and commercial codes of Paraguay are the same as those of the Argentine Republic.

Pegu. Civil code of the province of Pegu, sanctioned by

resolutions of the President in Council ; recorded on the 4th Nov. 1859 and 17th Jan. 1860. Eangoon, T. S. Eanney, 1860. 8°. xii, 227, (1) p.

Part 2 contains the code of Burmese law and lex loci. See also Burma.

Pelew Islands. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etc.] {In Ger- many. Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzgebung. 1893-1908.) Perak. Enactments passed by His Highness the Sultan

of Perak in Council during the year 1905 ; no. 1-11, 1906. Kuala Lumpur, 1905-06. "8°. The laws of Perak from the 11th Sept. 1877 to the 31st Dec. 1903. Vol. 1-2. 1877-1903. Compiled by W. G. Maxwell. Kuala Lumpur, 1905. 2 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. 1877-1900. 2. 1901-03, with a supplement for 1904. See also Federated Malay States. 216 STATE LIBRARY.

Pernambuco. Tnstruccjao publica; regimento das escolas publicas do estado de Pernambuco approvado pelo governador do estado em 21 de jan. de 1903. Eecife, 1903. 8°. 35, (19) p. Lei no. 15 o Congresso Legislativo do estado de Pernambuco. n.t.p. [Recife, 1893.] 8°. 32, 47 p. Lei n. 310 o Congresso Legislativo do estado de Pernambuco. n.t.p. [Recife, 1898.] 8°. 12 p. Lei no. 697; reforma judiciaria, 1904. Eecife, [1904]. 8°. 17 p. Lei n. 715 que regula o monte pio dos funccionarios publicos de Pernambuco. Recife, 1905. 8°. 11 p. — Lei n. 749 de 29 de dez. de 1905. Recife, 1905. 8°. 6 p. —^Lei n. 797; reforma eleitoral do estado de Pernam- buco. Recife, 1906. 8°. 15 p. Leis do estado de Pernambuco do anno de 1907-08. Recife, 1907-08. 2 pm. 8°. Leis 714 e 734 para arrecadagao do imposto do sello estadual. Recife, 1905. 8°. 32 p. Regulamento para execugao do art. 1 das disposiQoes geraes da ]ei n. 64 de 6 de abril de 1893. Recife, 1894. 8°. 17 p. Peru. Coleccion de leyes, decretos y ordenes publicadas en el Peru desde el afio de 1821 hasta 31 de die. de 1859; reimpresa por orden de materias por D. Juan Oviedo. Lima, F. Bailly; M. A. Fuentes, 1861-72. 16 V. f°. Contents. Vol. 1-6. Ministerio de Gobierno. — Culto y Obras Publicas. 7. Ministerio de Eelaciones Exteriores. 8. Ministerio de Eelaciones Exteriores j Ministerio de Beneficencia, Instruecion Publica y Justicia. 9-12. Ministerio de Beneficencia, Instruecion Publica y Justicia. 13-14. Ministerio de Guerra y Marina. 15-16. Ministerio de Hacienda y Comercio.

Leyes y resoluciones dictadas por el congreso reunido el ano de 1860. n.t.p. [Lima, I860.] 4°. 164, (5) p. Coleccion de leyes y resoluciones sancionadas por el Congreso de 1862, y proyectos de interes general que penden en revision ante la Camara de Diputados. Edicion hecha por orden del Senado. Lima, 1863. f°. 284, vi p. La constitucion del Peru. Leyes y resoluciones dic- tadas por los congresos de 1868, 70, 72, 73; leyes "


Peru, continued. organicas y reglamentos generales. Lima, 1873. 12°. 1071 p. Same. Leyes, decretos, resoluciohes y reglamentos generales, arreglados y anotados por M. A. de la Lama. Tomo 2. Anos 1874 a 1876. Lima, 1877. 12°. 880 p. Leyes y resoluciones dictadas por el Congreso, 1878- 79, 84-93, 1895-1905; coleccionadas y anotadas por Eicardo Aranda. Ed. oficial. Lima, 1879-1906. 18 V. 8° and 4°. Namely. Congreso ordinario, 1878, y el extraordinario, 1879. Congreso ordinario, 1879. Asamblea Constituyente, 1884. Asamblea Constituyente, 1885. Congresos extraordinario y ordinario, 1886. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1887. Congresos ordinaries y extraordinarios, 1888-89. Congreso ordinario, 1890. Congresos ordinarios, 1891-92. Congreso ordinario, 1893. Congresos ordirario y extraordinario, 1895. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1896. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1897. Congresos ordinarios y extraordinarios, 1898-99. Congreso ordinario, 1900. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1901. Congreso ordinario, 1902. Congresos ordinarios y extraordinarios, 1903-05.

The name of the compiler does not appear on the title page, 1878-79. The titles, 1884-85, read " expedidas por la Asamblea Con- stituyente; " 1886-87, " con un apendioe y un suplemento.

Leyes y resoluciones de los congresos ordinario y extraordinario de 1896 — 1909-10, compiladas, ano-

tadas y concordadas por E. E. Eios ; coleccion com- pleta. Lima, 1897-1910. 14 v. 8° and 4°.

Namely. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1896. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1897. Congresos ordinario y extraordinarios, 1898. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1899. Congreso ordinario, 1900. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1901. Congreso ordinario, 1902. Congresos ordinario, 1903, y extraordinarios, 1903-04. Congresos ordinario, 1904, y extraordinarios, 1904-05. Congresos ordinario y extraordinarios, 1905. Congresos ordinario y extraordinario, 1906. Congreso ordinario, 1907. 218 STATE LIBRARY.

Peru, continued.

Congresos ordinario, 1908, y extraordinarios, 1908-09. Congresos ordinario, 1909, j extraordinarios, 1909-10.

The title, 1900-09, reads " Ed. autorizada por ley de 10 de agosto de 1900."

Nueva legislacion Peruana. Leyes y resoluciones del congreso ordinario y extraordinario de 1895-1906; anotadas y comentadas por P. P. Castro. Tomo 1- 15. Lima, imprenta de el Diario Judicial, 1896-1907. 15 V. f°.

The title, v. 1, also reads " Boletin oficial de El Diario Judicial de Legislacion, Jurisprudencia, " etc.

Contents. Vol. 1. 1895. 2. 1896. 3. 1897. 4. 1898. 5. Codigo de justieia militar, 1898. 6. 1899. 7. Codigo de mineria promulgado por el supremo gobierno en 6 de julio de 1900 con el Eeglamento del consejo superior de mineria, Arancel general para las diputa- ciones y delegaciones, Eeglamento de timbres para las diputaciones y delegaciones, Eeglamento adminis- trative para las diputaciones y delegaciones, Eegla- mento de policia minera, Instrucciones para la aplieaeion del mismo Codigo y un vocabulario de mineria. 8. 1900; seguidas de un apendice que contiene La ley organica de instrueciou publica, Eeglamento de los consejos escolares y comisioues de distrito. Plan de estudios para los colegios y lieeos agricolas y eomereiales, Conclusiones aprobadas del Congreso Higienico Escolar, Censo escolar. 9. 1901. 10. Codigo de comereio, Ley general de quiebras, Eegla- mento del registro mercantil, Arancel de derechos del registro mercantil. 11. 1902. 12. 1903. 13. 1904. 14. 1905. 15. 1906.

Code civil peruvien precede d'une introduction et suivi des traites de droit international prive par Eaoul de La Grasserie. Paris, V. Giard & E. Briere, 1896. 8°. 277 p. (Etude des legislations etrangeres. Resumes analytiques des principaux codes eivils de I'Europe et de I'.Amerique, 2.) Codigo civil anotado y concordado e indice alfabetico de sus articulos precedido de un juicio critico y FOREIGN LAWS. 219

Peru, continued. apendice de principios de legislacion y de medicina legal, comentarios, leyes, decretos, resoluciones, reg- lamentos, circulares, ordenes, instrucciones, acuerdos y ejecutorias hasta 31 die. 1904, por M. A. de la Lama. 3a ed. Lima, 1905. 8°. lix, 848 p. Codigo de mineria promulgado por el supremo gobierno en julio 6 de 1900. Lima, E. Rosay, 1900. 8°. 70 p. Legislacion de minas. Codigo de mineria anotado y

concordado ; apendice de leyes, decretos, reglamentos, resoluciones supremas, resoluciones ministeriales, ejecutorias y circulares hasta 28 de feb. de 1909; formularios y vocabulario de tecnicismos por M. A. de la Lama y P. C. Groitizobo. Lima, 1909. 8°. xxii, 457, (1) p. Diccionario de la legislacion peruana, por F. G. Calde- ron. 2a ed., corregida y aumentada con las leyes y decretos dictados hasta 1877. Lima, Autor, 1878-79. 2 V. 4°. xi, 1845 p. Ley, decretos y datos generales para la adjudicacion de los servicios telegrafico y telefonico en el Peru. Lima, imprenta del Universo de C. Prince, 1888. 8°. 28 p. Folded map. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Leyes y resoluciones sobre registro de marcas de fabrica y privilegios industriales recopiladas por Eicardo Laos. Ed. oficial. Lima, 1900. 16°. 35 p. The—library has also an incomplete file of "El Peruano, " Oct. 1899 • March 1902, an official bulletin containing laws, resolu- tions, decrees, etc. The principal diplomatic laws of Peru are appended to Albertini's Derecho diplomatico, 1866.

Philippines. The civil law in Spain and Spanish- America, including the Philippines, 1900. See Spain.

Translations of Spanish, laws relating to the Philippines, published by the War Department of the United States. The civil code in force in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. vi, 322 p. The code of commerce in force in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, amended by the law of June 220 STATE LIBRARY.

Philippines, continued. 10, 1897, including tlie commercial registry regula- tions, exchange regulations, etc., with annotations and appendices. Washington, 1899. 8°. iv, 291 p. GreneraJ regulations for the execution of the mort- gage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. 156 p. Folded sheets. The mining law and regulations in force in the Philip- pines. Washington, 1900. 8°. 78 p. The mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. 90 p. — The notarial laws in force in the Philippine Islands, and appendices relating thereto. Washington, 1899. 8°. 92 p. The penal code in force in the Philippines. Washing- ton, 1900. 8°. 155 p. Spanish public land laws, English translation, in the Philippine Islands, and their history to Aug. 13, 1898; translated and compiled in the Forestry Bureau, under the direction of G-. P. Ahern, assisted by Gregorio Basa. Washington, 1901. 8°. 61 p.

The Philippines were ceded by Spain to the United States by the treaty of Dec. 10, 1898; the laws of the Philippines subse- quent to this date are therefore not included in this catalogue.

Porto Rico. The civil law in Spain and Spanish-America, including Puerto Rico, etc., 1900. See Spain.

Translations of Spanish laws relating to Porto Rico, published by the War Department of the United States. (See also Cuba.)

The civil code in force in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. vi, 322 p. The code of commerce in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, amended by the law of June 10, 1897, including the commercial registry regulations, etc., with annotations and appendices. Washington, 1899. 8°. iv, 291 p. Collection of laws referring to public works of Puerto Rico. Washington, 1899. 8°. 112 p. Electoral law for the election of councilors and pro- vincial deputies in Porto Rico. Washington, 1899. 8°. 32 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 221

Porto Rico, continued. Adaptation of the electoral law of June 26, 1890, to the islands of Cuba and Porto Eico. Washing- ton, 1899. 8°. 23 p. Harbor law for the island of Porto Rico, approved by royal decree of Feb. 5, 1886, and proclaimed in the island March 3, 1886. San Juan, 1899. 8°. 25 p. The law of civil procedure for Cuba and Porto Eico, with annotations, explanatory notes and amendments made since the American occupation. Washington, 1901. 8°. xi, 544 p. The law of criminal procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico, with Spanish text; with annotations, explana- tory notes, and amendments made since the American occupation. Washington, 1901. 8°. (759) p. The law of eminent domain, extended to Cuba and Porto Eico by royal decree of June 13, 1884, and reg- ulations for its application. Washington, 1901. 8°. 61 p. The law of railroads for the island of Puerto Eico, granted to the island by royal decree of Dec. 9, 1887, and promulgated in Puerto Eico, Jan. 10, 1888. Washington, 1899. 8°. 45 p. Laws relating to the civil administration and govern- ment of Porto Eico. Washington, 1899. 8°. 53 p. The mortgage law for Cuba, Puerto Eico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. 90 p. General regulations for the execution of the mort- gage law for Cuba, Puerto Eico and the Philippines. Washington, 1899. 8°. 156 p. Folded sheets. The notarial laws in force in Cuba and Puerto Eico, 1888. Washington, 1899. 8°. 58 p. The penal code in force in Cuba and Porto Eico. Washington, 1900. 8°. 175 p. Police law of railroads of Puerto Eico, and regula- tions for its application, promulgated on the 17th of Feb. 1888. Washington, 1899. 8°. 37 p. The provincial and municipal laws of Puerto Eico. Washington, 1899. 8°. 58 p.

Porto Eico was ceded by Spain to the TJnited States by the treaty of Dec. 10, 1898; the laws of Porto Eico subsequent to this date are therefore not included in this catalogue.

Portugal. CoUeccao da legislaQao antiga e moderna do reino de Portugal. Parte 1. Da legislagao antiga. "


Portugal, continued. Por resoluQao de S. Magestade de 2 de set. de 1786. Coimbra, 1792-97. 10 v. 8°.


Ordenagoens do Senhor Key T>. Alfonso v., [1443-54?]. 5 v. Ordena§oens do Senhor Eey D. Manuel, [1512?]. 5 v.

CoUecQao de todas as leis, alvaras, decretos, etc., impresses na regia oflScina typografica, [juaho 1823 — lo semestre, 1833]. Folheto 1-21. Lisboa, 1843- 83. In 1 V. f°.

Entitled " CoUeecao " or " Collec^ao official " " de legislagao portugueza," 1828-31, 1832.

CoUecgao de decretos e regulamentos, 15 junho 1829 — [set. 17, 1834]. la-3a serie. Lisboa, 1836-40. 3 V. f^ " la serie, 2a ed., augmentada.

Contents. la serie. Decretos, etc., publicados durante o governo da regencia do reino estabelecida na Ilha Terceira, 15 junho 1829 — 28 fev. 1832. 2a serie. Same. Mandados publicar por Sua Magestade Im- perial o regente do reino desde que assumiu a regencia em 3 de

margo de 1832 ate S, sua entrada em Lisboa em 28 de julho de 1833. 3a serie. Same. Desde a sua entrada em Lisboa ate t in- stalagao das Camaras Legislativas, [29 julho 1833 — 17 set. 1834].

Same. CoUecQao de leis e outros docnmentos offi- ciaes, 15 agosto 1834 — [30 dez.l 1841. 4a-lla serie. Ed. official. Lisboa, 1837-41. 8 v. f°.

Contents. 4a serie. 15 agosto 1834 — 31 dez. 1835. 5a serie. 1 Jan. — 9 set. 1836. 6a serie. 10 set. — 31 dez. 1836. 7a serie. 1837. 8a serie. 1838. 9a serie. 1839. 10a serie. 1840. 11a serie. 1841.

Sa))ie. Collec§ao official da legislagao portugueza, 1842-1909. Lisboa, 1842-1910. 68 v. f°.

Namely. 1842. 1845. 1848 1843. 1846. 1849. 1844. 1847. 1850. FOREIGN LAWS. 223

Portugal, continued. 1851. 224 STATE LIBRAKY.

Portugal, continued. Indice da legislagao portugueza, publicada de 1 de Jan. de 1880 a 31 de dez. de 1897; coordenado por J. G. de Lima. Lisboa, typographia da Biblio-

theca Popular de Legislacion, 1898. 1. 8°. 488 p. Indice remissive da legislagao novissima de Portugal comprehendendo os annos de 1833 ate 1868; com- pilado por Francisco de Lencastre. Lisboa, typo- grapliia universal de T. Q. Antunes, 1869. 8°. 464 p.

The maritime codes of Spain and Portugal ; tr. and annotated bv F. W. Raikes. London, E. Wilson, 1896. 8°. (6), 212 p. Repertorio da legislaejlo commercial portugueza de 1888 a 1900, coordenado pelo J. M. da Silva. Porto, livraria Chardron, 1901. 8°. 347 p.

See also Mozambique; — Timor.

Prince Edward Island. Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island; comprising parts 1-2, from the first establishment of the Legislature to the 57th year of George iii., [1773-1817]. Charlotte-Town, 181^17. 2 V. in 1. 4°. 185, 68, viii p. y^ Acts of the General Assembly from the establishment of the Legislature to the 4th year of William iv., [1773J-1834. Charlotte-Town, 1834. 8°. xix, 808 p. y Acts of the General Assembly from the establishment of the Legislature to the 14th Vict., 1773-1851. Charlottetown, 1851-52. 2 v. 8°. xvi, 882 p.; x, 840 p. Contents.

Vol. 1. 1773-1844. 2. 1845-51.

X Acts of the General Assembly from the establishment of the Legislature to the 31st Victoria, 1773-1868. Charlottetown, 1862-68. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1773-1852. 2. 1853-62. 3. 1863-68.

[Acts], Jan. 1833, 3d session, 13th General Assembly. n.t.p. 1833. 8°. p. 3-180. FOREIGN LAWS. 225

Prince Edward Island, continued. Acts for the year 1840- [45]. Charlottetown, 1840- [45]. 8°. (14), 519-1223, 86 p.

Namely. 3d-5th session, 15th General Assembly, 1840—42. lst-3d session, 16th General Assembly, 1843-45.

Appended is an Index to the statutes in force in the year 1845, with a table of acts, repealed, executed, etc., which remain in print; compiled by William Cundall, separately paged and having a separate title-page.

Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Is- land, [1852^62, 1864-1908]. Charlottetown, 1852- 1908. 56 V. 8°. Namely. 4th-5th session, 18th General Assembly, 1852-53. 1st session, 19th General Assembly, 1854. Ist^th session, 20th General Assembly, 1855-58. lst-4th session, 21st General Assembly, 1859-62. 2d—4th session, 22d General Assembly, 1864-66. lst-4th session, 23d General Assembly, 1867-70. 1st session, 24th General Assembly, 1871. 1st session, 25th General Assembly, 1872. lst-4th session, 26th General Assembly, 1873-76.

, lst-2d session, 27th General Assembly, 1877-78. I'll "^ 28th General Assembly, 1879-82. j lst-4th session, 1st—4th session, 29th General Assembly, 1883-86. lst-3d session, 30th General Assembly, 1887-89. lst-4th session, 31st General Assembly, 1890-93. Ist^th session, 32d General Assembly, 1894^97. lst-3d session, 33d General Assembly, 1898-1900. lst-4th session, 34th General Assembly, 1901-04. Ist-^th session, 35th General Assembly, 1905-08. 1852 entitled " Vol. 3." The laws relating to property in Prince Edward Island are con- tained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 2, 1827.

Prussia. Gesetz-Sammlung fiir die Koniglichen Preussi- schen Staaten, 1806-1910. Berlin, 1822-[1910]. 102 V. in 88. 8°. Namely. 1806 — Oct. 1810. 1821. 1833. Oct.-Dee. 1810. 1822. 1834. 1811. 1823. 1835. 1812. 1824. 1836. 1813. 1825. 1837. 1814. 1826. 1838. 1815. 1827. 1839. 1816. 1828. 1840. 1817. 1829. 1841. 1818. 1830. 1842. 1819. 1831. 1843. 1820. 1832. 1844. "


Prussia, continued.

1845. 1867. 1889. 1846. 1868. 1890. 1847. 1869. 1891. 1848. 1870. 1892. 1849. 1871. 1893. 1850. 1872. 1894. 1851. 1873. 1895. 1852. 1874. 1896. 1853. 1875. 1897. 1854. 1876. 1898. 1855. 1877. 1899. 1856. 1878. 1900. 1857. 1879. 1901. 1858. 1880. 1902. 1859. 1881. 1903. 1860. 1882. 1904. 1861. 1883. 1905. 1862. 1884. 1906. 1863. 1885. 1907. 1864. 1886. 1908. 1865. 1887. 1909. 1866. 1888. 1910.

The title, 1806, reads " Sammlung der fiir die Koniglichen " Preussisehen Staaten erschienenen Gesetze und Verordnungen ; 1907-10, " Preussische Gesetzsammlung. The " Sachregister " appears every four years from 1810 to 1825; every five years from 1826 to 1840, and annually thereafter.

—-Die Gesetze und Verordnungen, etc. See also Ger- many. Zusammenstellung des in Preussen geltenden Militar- Strafrechts. (Baden. Gesetzes- und Verordnungs- blatt, 1871.) See also Germany; — Hanover.

Puebla, state. [Coleccion de decretos, ordenes, y otros impresos, 1799-1805, 07-12. 19-.39, 41-57, 59, 63-64.] n.t.p. [Puebla, 1799-1864.] Broadsides, f°, and 12°.

Partly in manuscript. Very incomplete.

El Caduceo, periodico del estado libre de la Puebla de los Angeles, en que se transcriben las actas de su honorable congreso y las superiores ordenes del gobierno con las noticias de mayor importancia. Tomo 1. [Abril-junio, 1824.] Puebla, 1824. 8°. Coleccion de los decretos y ordenes mas importantes que espidio el congreso constituyente del estado de Puebla, 182-1-25. Puebla, 1827. 8°. (10)^ 130, (7) p. Coleccion de los decretos y ordenes mas importantes que espidio el primer congreso constitucional del FOREIGN LAWS. 227

Puebla, continued. estado de Puebla, 1826-28. Puebla, 1828. 12°. (1), 219, viii p. Coleccion de acuerdos y decretos espedidos por el primer congreso constitueional en sus ultimas sesiones estraordinarias y por el segundo y tercero en los alios de 18.30 y 1831. Puebla, 1832. 12°. (15), 118, xii p. —— Decretos y acuerdos expedidos por la tercera legisla- tura constitueional del estado libre y soberano de Puebla, 1832, Puebla, 1850. sm. 8°. 251 p. [Miscellaneous laws, decrees, etc., of the state of Puebla, 1832-67. Puebla, 1832-67. In Spanish.] In 2 V. 8° and broadsides.

Vol. 1 contains chiefly laws from 1855 to 1857, with some laws of Mexico of other dates; v. 2 contains laws of 1857, also a few of 1832, 1861-62, and 1867. Many of these are separately cata- logued below under the heading " Laws relating to special subjects."

Coleccion de leyes y decretos de la autoridad legis- lativa del estado libre y soberano de Puebla, corre- spondiente a la segunda epoca del sistema federal. Tomo 2. [Agosto 1846 — die. 1849.] Puebla, 1850. 12°. 479, (1) p. El Regulador, periodico oficial. Tom. 5. 10 de agosto 1852 — 24 de marzo 1853. Puebla, 1852-53. f°. Same. Tom. 6. 26 de marzo 1853 — 31 de julio 1853. Puebla, 1853. f°. -— La Eazon, periodico del gobierno de Puebla. Tom. 1, num. 36-41. 1-15 de enero 1856. [Complete.] Puebla, 1856. f°. Same. 2a epoca. Num. 1-90. 3 de abril — 13 de oct. de 1856. [Complete.] Puebla, 1856. f°. La Eegeneracion, periodico oficial del departamento de Puebla. Tom. 1. 7 de feb. — 1 de marzo de 1856. [Complete.] Puebla, 1856. f°. Boletin oficial de la prefectura politica del departa- mento de Puebla. Tom. 1, num. 1-159. 25 de junio de 1863 — 31 de die. de 1864. Puebla, 1863-64. In 2 V. f°. El Libre Pensador, periodico oficial del gobierno del estado libre y soberano de Puebla. Tomo 2, num. 116,

20 de julio de 1869 ; tomo 3, 24 de agosto — 30 de nov. de 1869. Zaragoza, 1869. f°. 228 STATE LIBRARY.

Puebla, continued. Coleccion de leyes y decretos del estado libre y soberano de Puebla. [Aiio 1861, 78-79.] Ed. oficial. Puebla, 1879. .3v. in 1.8°. Periodico oficial del gobierno del estado de Puebla,

25 de mayo de 1869, tomo 2, num. 92 ; enero de 1873 — die. de 1874; enero de 1876 — die. de 1909. [Con las leyes y decretos del estado.] Tomo 4-5, 7-85. Puebla, 1873-1909. 14 v. 8°, 69 v. f°.

Issued semi-weekly, 1873-92, 95-1906; three times a week, 1893-94. After V. 52, 1892, the " Leyes," etc., are separately published. See next title.

Same. Seccion de leyes y demas disposiciones obli- gatorias expedidas por el gobierno federal y por el del estado. Tomo 1-8. [1893-1900.] Puebla, [1893- 1900]. 8 V. f°. Same. Seccion de leyes del gobierno del estado pub- licadas en el ano de 1901-09, y correspondiente a los tomos 68-85. Puebla, 1901-09. 10 v. f°. Same. Seccion de leyes del gobierno general publi- cadas en este periodico en el ano de 1901-09, y corre- spondiente a los tomos 68-85. Puebla, 1901-09. 10 V. f°. Codes. — Codigo civil, 1879. See Mexico. Codes. Codigo civil del estado de Puebla. Ed. del Periodico Oficial. Puebla, 1901. 8°. ii, 414 p. _ Codigo de commercio, 1829. See Spain. Codes. Codigo de procedimientos civiles del estado de Puebla. Ed. oficial. Puebla, 1901. 8°. 293, (1) p. Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado de Puebla. Ed. del" Periodico Oficial." Puebla, 1904. 8°. ii, 139, 4 p.

Laws relating to special subjects. Actas relativas a la discusion de los comisionados para arreglar la cuestion de limites entre el distrito de Tebuacan, Puebla, y los de Coixtlabuaca y Teo- titlan, Oaxaca. Puebla, 1906. f°. 1-36, 49-107 p. Coleccion de los supremos decretos de 11 de marzo 1841, 5-7 de abril 1842, y 17 de marzo 1843, y otros concordantes que imponen varias contribuciones di- "


Puebla, continued. rectas, mandadas restablecer por el de 30 de mayo 1853. Puebla, 1853. 8°. 54, (1) p. Decreto para reempJazar las bajas del ejercito mex- icano por rigoroso sorteo. Puebla, 1854. 8°. 28 p. Decreto para reemplazar las bajas del ejercito mex- icano por sorteo general, dado por el supremo gobi- erno en uso de la facultad que le concede la ley de 13 de junio de 1838. Puebla, 1853. 8°. 16 p. [Law amending certain articles of tbe Mexican con- stitution, 1870. In Spanish.] n.t.p. [1870.] 8° 28 p.

The title begins " Ignacio Eomero Vargas, gobernador consti- tucional, " etc., " a sus habitantes.

[Law relating to elections.] n.t.p. [1861.] 8°. 16 p.

The title begins "El C. Francisco Ibarra, gobernador," etc., " a sus habitantes."

Ley de organizacion y atribuciones del Ministerio Publico del Estado de Puebla. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1871.] 8°. 17 p. Ley de organizacion y atribuciones de los tribunales, juzgados y jurados del estado de Puebla. Puebla, 1871. 8°. 36, (2) p. ^ Ley general para juzgar a los ladrones, bomicidas, beridores y vagos. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 23 p.

The title begins " Numero 18. El C. J. Garcia Conde," etc.

8ame. Puebla, 186L 8°. 28 p. Ley organica de ia guardia de seguridad. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 23 p.

' ' The title begins ' Numero 19. El C. J. Garcia Conde, ' etc.

Ley organica del registro del estado civil, n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 16 p.

The title reads " Numero 24. El ciudadano J. Garcia Conde," etc.

Ley organica de los articulos 101 y 102 de la con- stitucion; [ley reglamentaria para el recurso de amparo por infraccion de garantias constitucionales.] n.t.p. [Puebla, 1869.] 8°. 9 p. " "


Puebla, continued. Ley organica electoral, n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 16 p.

The title begins " Numero 40. El ciudadano J. Garcia Conde, etc.

Ley organica para la colectacion, administracion y distribucion del tesoro del estado de Puebla. Puebla, 1862. 8°. 16 p. Ley para el arreglo de la administracion de justicia en los tribunales y juzgados del fuero oomun. n.t.p. [1837?] 8°. 20 p". Same. Puebla, 1854. 8°. 104 p. Ley para la organizacion de los tribunales del estado libre y soberano de Puebla, expedida por su congreso en 20 de mayo de 1828. [Puebla, 1828.] 8°. 34 p. Ley penal para los desertores, faltistas, vieiosos del ejercito, etc. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 20 p.

The title begins " Numero 41. El ciudadano J. Garcia Conde," etc.

Ley que arregla los procedimientos judiciales en los negocios que se siguen en los tribunales y juzgados del distrito y territorios. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 24 p.

The title begins "El C. Ignacio Eomero Vargas, gobernador constitucional iuterino, " etc., " a sus habitantes.

Ley que arregla los procedimientos judiciales en los negocios que se siguen en los tribunales y juzgados del distrito y territorios. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1857.] 8°. 27 p.

' ' The title begins ' Numero 47. El C. J. Garcia Conde, ' etc.

[Ley relativa a la circulacion de la moneda de nickel, die. 12, 1883.] Puebla de Zaragoza, 1883. f^ 1 p.

The title begins " Juan N. Mendez, gobernador constitucional," etc., " k sus habitantes," etc.

Ley sobre administracion de justicia y organica de los tribunales de la nacion, el distrito y territorios, Puebla, 1855. 8°. 25 p. Ley sobre arreglo de la administracion de justicia en primera instaneia por jueces letrados, espedido FOREIGN LAWS. 231

Puebla, continued. por el tercer congreso constitucional del estado de Puebla en 18 de abril de 1832. Puebla, [1832]. 24°. 12 p. Ley sobre arreglo de la libertad de imprenta. Puebla, 1856. 8°. 8 p. Ley sobre establecimiento de una fuerza de gendar- meria en el estado de Puebla. Puebla, 1856. 8°. 17 p. Ley sobre fundaciones y asociaciones de beneficencia e instruccion publica. Puebla, 1899. 8°. 70 p. [Eeglamento de la lev de instruccion primaria.] n.t.p. [Puebla, 1878.] "l2°. 32 p. Eeglamento general de estudios, publicado en 11 de Julio del presente ano, [1855]. Puebla, 1855. 12°. 59 p. Eeglamento para los corredores de la plaza de Puebla, en cumplimiento del articulo 17 del decreto de 15 de nov. de 1841. n.t.p. Puebla, 1842. 8°. 16, (1) p.

The title begins " Valentin Canalize, General de Division," etc., " d sus habitantes, " eto.

Eeglamento que espide el ejecutivo de conformidad con el articulo 20 transitorio del 20 de enero, [1869]. n.t.p. [1869.] 8°. 12 p.

Act relating to courts-martial.

Seccion de municipalidades. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1855.] 8°. 46 p.

An act relating to the government of towns. The title begins " Eepublica Mexicana, Gobierno del Departamento de Puebla."

Punjab. Punjab customary law; ed. by C. L. Tupper.

Calcutta, 1881. 3 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. A selection from the records of the Punjab government. 2. Statements of customary law in different districts, ex- tracted chiefly from the settlement reports. 3. Questions on tribal and local custom: a manual for the use of settlement officers.

The Panjab code : consisting of the Bengal regula- tions, and local acts of the Grovernor General in Coun- cil in force in the Panjab, rules for the conservancy —


Punjab, continued. of forests, and regulations under the 33d Vict., cap.

3. Calcutta, 1878. 1. 8°. vi, 244 p. - Same. The Punjab code. 2d ed. Calcutta, 1888. 1. 8°. Yiii, 419 p.

The Punjab and North-West code : consisting of the unrepealed enactments locally in force in the Punjab and the North-West frontier province, with an ap- pendix and an index. 3d ed. Calcutta, 1903. 8°. xiv, 629 p. The Bengal regulations, the acts of the Govemor- Greneral in Council, and the frontier regulations ap- plicable to the Punjab, with notes and an index, by H. T. Eivaz. 3d ed. 1834-82. Lahore, W. Ball, 1883. 3 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Bengal regulations, and acts, 1834-69. 2. Acts, 1870-77. 3. Acts, 1878-82, and Punjab frontier regulations.

Same. With notes and an index, by H. A. B. Eatti- gan. 5th ed. Lahore, Civil and Military Gazette Press, 1895-99. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Bengal regulations and acts, 1834r-72. 2. Acts, 1873-86. 3. Acts, 1887-95, and Punjab frontier regulations, 1870-93.

Same. By Alweyne Turner. Vol. 4. Lahore, Civil and Military Gazette Press, 1903. 8°.


Vol. 4. India acts, 1896-1902, Punjab acts, 1898-1902, and Frontiers regulations, 1901.

Acts, 1903-07, passed by the Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab in Council, n.t.p. Lahore, [1903-08]. 8°.


1903, no. 2. 1906, no. 1-2. 1904, no. 1-2. 1907, no. 1-2. 1905, no. 1^.

Local rules and orders made under enactments ap- plying to the Punjab; corrected up to 31st .Tan. 1910. Lahore, " Civil and Military Gazette " Press, 1910. 2 V. 8°. ;


Quebec {formerly Lower Canada). An abstract of those parts of the custom of the viscounty and provostship of Paris which were received and practised in the province of Quebec in the time of the French gov- ernment; drawn up by a select committee of Cana- dian gentlemen well skilled in the laws of France, etc. [In French.] London, C. Eyre and W. Strahan, 1772. f°. iv, 33 p.

Sequel of the Abstract : contaiuing the thirteen latter titles of the said Abstract. [In French.] London, C. Eyre and W. Strahan, 1773. f°. 154 p. An abstract of the criminal laws that were in force in the province of Quebec in the time of the French government; drawn up by a select committee of Canadian gentlemen well skilled in the laws of France, etc. [In French.] London, C. Eyre and W. Strahan, 1773. f°.

Paged continuously with the Sequel of the Abstract, etc.

An abstract of the Loix de police ; or, Public regula- tions for the establishment of peace and good order that were of force in the province of Quebec in the

time of the French government ; drawn np by a select committee of Canadian gentlemen, etc. [In French.] London, C. Eyre and W. Strahan, 1772. f°. 31 p. An abstract of the several royal edicts and declara- tions and provincial regulations and ordinances that were in force in the province of Quebec in the time of the French government, and of the commissions of the several governours-general and intendants of

the said province ; faithfully collected from the regis- ters of the Superiour Council of Quebec, by F. J. Cugnet. [In French.] London, C. Eyre and W. Strahan, 1772. f°. 14 p. Arrets et reglements du Conseil Superieur de Quebec. See Canada. Edits, ordonnances, etc. Extraits ou precedents tires des registres de la Pre-

voste de Quebec, [1726-56] ; par J. F. Perrault. Quebec, T. Cary & Co., 1824. 8°. 88 p.^ Extraits ou precedents des arrests tires des reg- istres du Conseil Superieur de Quebec, [1727-59] par J. F. Perrault. Quebec, T. Cary & Co., 1824. 8°. 78 p. 234 STATE LIBRAEY.

Quebec, co)iti)iued. A collection of the acts passed in the Parliament of Great Britain and of other public acts relative to Canada. [In French and English.] Quebec, 1800. 4°. Contents. Capitulations and extracts of treaties relating to Canada; with His Majesty's proclamation of 1763, establishing the govern- ment of Quebec. 41 p. Anno regni Geo. m., etc. [Acts of Parliament of Great Britain, chap. 83, 88, 1774, relating to the government and administra- tion of justice in Quebec] Quebec, 1797. 21 p. Ordinances made and passed by the Governor and Legislative Council of the province of Quebec, and now in force in Lower-Canada, [1777-92]. Quebec, 1795. 2 p.l., 214, (8) p. Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation between His Britan- nick Majesty and the United States, London, 19th Nov., 1794. Quebec, 1796. 45 p. Order of the Governor in Council, 7th July, 1796, for the regu- lation of commerce between this province and the United States. Quebec, 1796. 2 p.l., 16 p. Order of the Governor in Council for further regulating the inland navigation from the United States by the port of St. Johns, 1797. n.t.p. (4) p.

Ordinances made and passed by the G-overnor and Legislative Conncil of the province of Quebec, [1777- 86. In French and English.] Quebec, "W. Brown, 1777-86. 3 V. in 1. f°. The provincial statutes of Lower-Canada, [1st ses- sion, 1st Parliament — 2d session, 15th Parliament, 1793-1836. In French and English.] Quebec, 1795- 1836. 15v. inU. 4°. Namely. "^ --- lst-4th session, 1st Parliament, 1793-96. lst-4th session, 2d Parliament, 1797-1800. lst-5th session, 3d Parliament, 1801-04. Ist^th session, 4th Parliament, 1805-08. 1st session, 5th Parliament, 1809. [One session only.'] 1st session, 6th Parliament, 1810. [One session only.] lst-5th session, 7th Parliament, 1811-14. lst-2d session, 8th Parliament, 1815-16. lst-3d session, 9th Parliament, 1817-19. [No session, lOtft Parliament, 1820.] lst-4th session, 11th Parliament, 1821-24. lst-3d session, 12th Parliament, 1825-27. 2d-3d session, 13th Parliament, 1829-30. [No acts passed 1st session.] lst-4th session, 14th Parliament, 1831-34. lst-2d session, 15th Parliament, 1835-36.

Vol. 2 reprinted 1828.

Ordinances made and passed by the Administrator of the Government and Special Council for the affairs FOREIGN LAWS. 235

Quebec, continued. of the province of Lower Canada. [lst-6tli session ^'f^" of the Special Council, 1838-41. In French and Eng- lish.] Quebec, 1838-41. 6 v. in 4. 4°.

Namely. 1st session, Special Council, 1838; prefixed. Act of the Parlia- ment of Great Britain, cap. 9, 1838, to make temporary pro- vision for the government of Lower Canada. 2d session, Special Council, June 1838. 3d session, Special Council, Nov. 1838; prefixed. Act of the Par- liament of Great Britain, cap. 112, 1838, for indemnifying those who have issued or acted under certain parts of a cer- tain ordinance made under colour of an act to make temporary provision for the government of Lower Canada. ith session, Special Council, Feb. 1839. 5th session. Special Council, Nov. 1839. 5th session, continued, Special Council, April-May 1840. 6th session, Special Council, 1840-41.

The title, v. 2, 4-6, reads " Ordinances made and passed by the Governor-General and Special Council," etc. Vol. 4 has the French title-page only. For session laws 1841-66, see Canada.

Statutes of the province of Quebec, 1st session, 1st Parliament — 3d session, 12th Legislature, 1867- 1911. Quebec, 1868-1911. 45 v. 8°.

Namely. lst-4th session, 1st Parliament, 1867-8 — 70. lst-4th session, 2d Parliament, 1871 — 74r-5. lst-3d session, 3d Parliament, 1875 — 77-8. Ist^th session, 4th Parliament, 1878-81. lst-5th session, 5th Parliament, 1882-86. lst-4th session, 6th Legislature, 1887 — Jan. 1890. 1st session, 7th Legislature, Nov. 1890. [One session only."] lst-6th session, 8th Legislature, 1892 — 96-7. lst-3d session, 9th Legislature, 1897-8 — 1900. 1st—4th session, 10th Legislature, 1901-04. lst-4th session, 11th Legislature, 1905-08. lst-3d session, 12th Legislature, 1909-11.

Prefixed to the Statutes of 1867 is the British North America act, 1867; prefixed to the Statutes of 1882, 84, 86-1911, are " Orders in Council, proclamations," ete.

The revised acts and ordinances of Lower-Canada; published by authority under the superintendence of the commissioners for revising the said acts and ordinances, [A. Buchanan, H. Heney, G. W. Wick- steed]. Montreal, 1845. 1. 8°. xiii, (1), 716 p. The consolidated statutes for Lower Canada; pro- claimed and published under the authority of the

act 23 Vict. cap. 56, 1860. Quebec, 1861. 1. 8°. vii, (3), 1167 p. 236 STATE LIBRARY.

Quebec, continued. The revised statutes of tlie province of Quebec, 1888.

Quebec, 1888. 2 v. 1. 8°. cxxiv, 867, 285 p.; xxiv, 829, cxci, 285 p. Same. Supplement, 1888, comprising acts of a pub- lic general nature not deemed advisable to consoli- date, as not being permanent, or as affecting only

particular cases ; also, table of local acts, 1777-1888.

Quebec, 1889. 1. 8°. xliii, 721 p. The revised statutes of the province of Quebec, 1909. 2° Quebec, 1909. 3 v. 8=

Vol. 3 contains schedules, constitutional acts and general index. Codes.

Code civil du Bas Canada ; ler-7e rapports et rap- port supplementaire [des commissaires pour la codi- fication des lois du Bas Canada qui se rapportent aux matieres civiles. In French and English.] Quebec, 1865. 3 V. f°. La bibliotbeque du Code civil de la province de Quebec, ci-devant Bas Canada, on Eecueil compre- nant entre autres matieres: 1, Le texte du Code en Frangais et en Anglais. 2, Les rapports officiels de MM. les Commissaires charges de la codification. 3, La citation au long des autorites. 4, Des tables de concordance entre le Code civil du Bas-Canada et ceux de la France et de la Louisiane. Par C. C. de Lorimier. Montreal, E. Senecal, etc., 1871-90. 21 v. 8°. Vol. 1-3 are by C. C. de Lorimier and C. A. Vilbon.

The civil code of Lower Canada, together with a synopsis of changes in the law, references to the re- ports of the commissioners, a concordance with the Code Napoleon and Code de commerce, etc., by Thomas McCord. 3d ed., with notes of all changes up to Jan. 1880 and of judicial decisions bearing upon the code, the whole carefully verified with the assistance of A. D. NicoUs. Montreal, Dawson Brothers, 1880. 16°. (580) p. Le code civil du Bas-Canada, contenant sous chaque article les amendements et autres dispositions legislatives qui affectent le texte, I'indication des autorites citees, etc.; suivi d'une table des matieres FOREIGN LAWS. 237

Quebec, continued. et d'une table de concordance avec le Code Napoleon et le Code de commerce frangais par Edmond Lareau. Montreal, A. Periard, 1885. 12°. xviii, 666 p. — Civil code of Lower Canada, witb the amend- ments affected by imperial, federal and provincial legislation, and all reported cases from the earliest

reports np to 1st Oct. 1888 ; by W. P. Sharp. Mon- treal, A. Periard, 1889. 2 v. 1. 8°. xxxvii, 746 p.; (5), 826 p. Consolidated supplement no. 1 to Sharp's civil code, containing all statutory enactments and a digest of all reported cases affecting the Civil code of Lower Canada, 1st Oct. 1888 — 14th Oct. 1895; by W. P. Sharp. Montreal, C. Theoret, 1896. 1. 8°. vii, (1), 704 p. Code civil de la province de Quebec, mis au courant de la legislation jusqu'au ler oct. 1897, comprenant la mention des difterentes lois qui I'ont modifie, une comparaison ou conference de ses articles entre eux et avec ceux du Code de procedure, etc.; par 0. P. Dorais et A. P. Dorais. Montreal, C. Theoret, 1897. 16°. xxvi, 485, li p. The civil code of the province of Quebec annotated- containing the French and English texts, that of the Napoleon Code, etc.; by J. J. Beauchamp. Mon- treal, C. Theoret, i904W)5. 2 v. in 3. 8°. A manual of the procedure in the several courts having jurisdiction in the province of Quebec, con- taining the revised Code of civil procedure promul- gated 1st Sept. 1897, the authorities as reported by the commissioners and the observations contained in their final report; also the tariff of fees, a table of concordance and a general index; by V. E. Mit- chell, assisted by F. L. Snow. Montreal, J. Lovell & Son, 1897. 16°. Ixxxviii, 482 p. Code de procedure civile de la province de Quebec, annote, avec les textes anglais et frangais en regard suivi d'un appendice contenant les formules de ce code, les matieres en rapport avec le code de pro- cedure, etc.; par P. G. Martineau et Eomuald Del- fausse. Montreal, C. Theoret, 1899. 1. 8°. Ixv, 912, xxxvii p. Municipal code of the province of Quebec, 34 Vict. cap. 68, put into force the 2d day of Nov. 1871, as 238 STATE LIBRARY.

Quebec, continued. amended by tlie acts 35 Vict. ch. 8, 36 Vict. ch. 21 and 38 Vict. ch. 24 and ch. 25. Quebec, C. F. Lang- lois, 1875-78. 16°. 486, (28) p.

Appended is an act, March 1878, further amending the code.

Code municipal de la province de Quebec mis au courant de la legislation et de la jurisprudence, suivi d'un appendice comprenant des extraits des statuts; par M. Mathieu. Montreal, Whiteford & Theoret, 1894. 24°. xxxvi, 637 p. Code municipal de la province de Quebec annote, textes frauQais et anglais, mis au courant de la legis- lation et de la jurisprudence suivi des statuts con- cernant les corporations municipales, etc., par J. E. Bedard. Montreal, C Theoret, 1898. 8°. xxv, (1), 663 p. Indexes. A complete index to the ordinances and statutes of Lower-Canada, to the 57th year of Geo. ni. Quebec, 1817. 8°. (191) p. Same. A continuation from 58th Geo. in. to 6th Geo. rv. Quebec, 1826. 8°. (191) p. Same. A continuation from 7th Geo. iv. to 2d Will. i\r. Quebec, 1832. 8°. (164) p. Index to the statutes in force in Lower Canada at session of prepared by order of the end of the 1856 ; the Legislative Assembly by G. W. Wicksteed. To- ronto, 1857. 8°. XV, 506 p. The reference book, being a detailed index of the statutes affecting the province of Quebec, from the Consolidated statutes of Canada and Lower Canada down to confederation, and of all acts passed since confederation by the Parliament of the Dominion and by the Legislature of the province of Quebec; by J. F. Dubreuil. Montreal, Lovell Printing and Pub- lishing Co., 1879. 8°. 320, (2) p. The Quebec law index, embracing all the legislation

of the province of Quebec, 1867-98 ; by H. H. Bligh. Montreal, C. Theoret, 1898. 1. 8°. (4), 283 p. Table of the provincial statutes and ordinances in force in Lower Canada; with a continuation of the index to the statutes in force, to 1857, prepared by G. W. Wicksteed. Toronto, 1857. 8°. iv, 184 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 239

Quebec, continued.

Laws relating to special subjects. An act respecting municipalities and roads in Lower Canada, 23 Vict. cap. 61. Quebec, 1860. 8°. (123) p. — The insolvent act of 1864, with notes, together with the rules of practice and the tariff of fees for Lower Canada; by J. J. C. Abbott. Quebec, Gr. Desbarats and M. Cameron, 1864. 8°. viii, 138 p. Liquor license act. See Canada. Liquor laws, 1904. Queensland. Acts of the Parliament of Queensland, 45 — 51-52 Vict., 1881-88. Brisbane, [1881-88J. 7 v. 4°, 1 V. 8°. Namely. 45 Vict., 1881. 49 Vict., 1885. 46 Vict., 1882. 50 Vict., 1886. 47 Vict., 1883 and 1883-84. 51 Vict., 1887. 48 Vict., 1884. 51-52 Vict., 1888. With the Acts of 1886 are the acts of the Federal Council of Australasia, 49 Vict., and certain acts of the imperial Parliament, 48^9 Vict, and 49-50 Vict.

Acts of the Parliament of Queensland, 53 Vict. — 1 Geo. v., 1889-1910; with index [es] and tables of legislation subsequent to the Queensland statutes. Brisbane, [1889-1911]. 23 v. 8°.

Namely. 53 Viet., 1889. 1 Edw. vii., 1901. 54 Vict., 1890. 2 Edw. vii., 1902. 55 Vict., 1891. 3 Edw. vii., 1903. 55-56 Vict., 1892. 4-5 Edw. vii., sessions of 1904 56-57 Vict., 1893. and Jan. 1905. 58 Vict., 1894. 5 Edw. vil., 2d session 1905. 59 Vict., 1895. 6 Edw. vii., 1906. 60 Vict., 1896. 7 Edw. vii., 1907. 61 Vict., 1897. 8 Edw. vil., 1st session 1908. 62 Vict., 1898. 8 Edw. vii., 2d session 1908. 63 Vict., 1899. 9 Edw. vil., 1909. 64 Vict., 1900. 1 Geo. v., 1910.

Paged continuously with the Queensland statutes, 1889. With the Acts of 1889, 90, 93, 96 are acts of the Federal Council of Australasia, 52, 54, 56-60 Vict.; with the Acts of 1889-92, 94-1902, 1907, are selections of acts of the imperial Parliament, 52 Vict. — 7 Edw. VII. The Elections act of 1897 is appended to the Acts, 1897.

Queensland statutes. Vol. 2-4. Brisbane, 1874. 3 v. 4°. Contents.

Vol. 2. D-K. 3. L-B. 4. S-W. 240 STATE LIBRARY.

Queensland, continued. Statutes in force in the colony of Queensland, [1749-

1880] ; ed. bv F. A. Cooper." Brisbane, 1881. 8 v. 4°. 9, ix, .3110 p. Contents.

Vol. 1. A-D. 2. E-Pris. 3. Priv-W.

Same. Index, compiled and ed. by F. A. Cooper. 4°. Brisbane, 188] . 9, ix, cclxxvi p.

The Queensland statutes ; ed. bv Alfred Pain and J. ' L. Woolcock. Brisbane, 1889. 5 v. 1. 8°.


Vol. 1. Public general acts of the colony. " Acts " to " Loans." 2. Same. "Local government " to "Works." — Acts of the Federal Council of Australasia. — Supplement containing the public general acts of the Parliament of Queensland, session of 1888. 3. Local, personal and private acts of the colony. 4. Selection of imperial statutes. 5. Index.

The imperial statutes applicable to Queensland. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) The real property acts of Queensland, with annota- tions; ed. by Gr. W. Power, L. E. Groom, and A. D. Graham. Brisbane, Powell & Co., 1902. 8°. xxxi, 240 p. Queretaro. La Sombra de Arteaga; periodico del gobi- erno del estado, [ano 42], 1908. n.t.p. Queretaro, 1908. f°. Reunion {formerly Bourbon). Bulletin officiel de Pile Bourbon depuis la reprise de possession en 1815 jusqu'au 31 doc. 1827. 2e ed., contenant les lois, ordonnances, reglements, ordres, circulaires, et toutes autres publications faites par ordre du gouverne- ment. Paris, imprimerie de E. Duverger, 1835. 3 v. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. 2 avril 1815 — 31 dec. 1819. 2. 1 Jan. 1820 — 31 dee. 1824. 3. 1 Jan. 182.5 — 31 dec. 1827.

Same. Bulletin des actes administratifs, etc., tome

1-6, [1828-33] ; Bulletin officiel, contenant les lois. '


Reunion, continued. ordonnances, etc., tome 7-[38, 40-42, 1834-65, 67- 69]. Saint-Denis, 1828-[69]. 41 v. in 33. 8° and sm. 4°.

' ' Entitled ' le serie " to " 12e s6rie.

1. 1. 242 STATE LIBRARY.

Rio Grande do Sul. Actos do governo da provincia do Eio Grande do Sul, 1882. Porto Alegre, 1908. 8°. xxix, (1), 460 p. Leis, actos e decretos do governo do estado do Eio Grande do Sul, 1897-1900. Porto Alegre, 1899-1907. 4 V. 8°. Namely. 1897. 1899. 1898. 1900.

Decreto de 19 de set. de 1908, instituindo o cofre de orphaos. Porto Alegre, 1908. 12°. 6 p.

Decreto n. 874 de 28 de fev. de 1906 ; regulamento da instrucgao publica do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, 1906. 8°. 49 p.

Decreto n. 876 de 8 de marco de 1906 ; regulamento do archivo publico do Rio Grande do Sul, estatistica e bibliotheca. Porto Alegre, 1906. 12°. 23 p.

Decreto n. 1333 de 6 de julho de 1908 ; regulamento do registro de animaes de ra§a do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, 1908. 12°. 9, (5) p.

Lei n. 24 de 15 de agosto de 1898 ; codigo do processo penal. Porto Alegre, 1898. 8°. 202 p. Lei n. 18 de 12 de jan. de 1897 decreta e promulga a lei eleitoral do estado do Eio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre, 1897. 8°. 39 p. Lei n. 58 de 12 de margo de 1907 decreta e promulga a reforma da lei eleitoral do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, lei n. 18 de 12 de Jan. de 1897. Porto Alegre, 1907. 8°. 62 p. Lei n. 12 de 13 de julbo de 1896 define os crimes de responsabilidade presideneial. Lei n. 13 de 27 de julho de 1896 regula o processo e julgamento do presidente do estado nos crimes de responsabilidade. Porto Alegre, 1896. 8°. 45 p. Lei n. 19 de 12 de jan. de 1897 discrimina a compe- tencia administrativa de estado e do municipio. Porto Alegre, 1897. 12°. 11 p.

Lei n. 10 de 16 de dez. de 1895 ; organisagao judiciaria. Porto Alegre, 1895. 8°. 88 p. Lei n. 11 de 4 de jan. de 1896; organisagao policial. Porto Alegre, 1896. 12°. 23 p. Roumania. See Rumania. Rumania. Code de commerce roumain, mis en vigueur le

ler sept. 1887 ; compare aux principaux codes de com- merce europeens, precede et suivi d 'etudes histo- FOREIGN LAWS. 243

Rumania, continued. riques et juridiques par Joan Bohl. Paris, Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1895. 8°. 470 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 12,) Droit ancien et moderne de la Eoumanie, par Demetre Alexandresco. (Lambrechts, H., and others. Dic- tionnaire pratique de droit compare, le partie, 1899.) Loi roiimaine sur la faillite, 20 juin 1895, reglemen- tant I'exercice des actions conunereiales et lenr duree, suivie du reglement du service et de la comp- tabilite des syndics pres les tribuneaux de districts, livres 3-4 du Code de commerce roumain, art. 695- 971; tr. par fi. de Bonnemains [et] R. P. Voinesco. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1896. 8°. Ill p. (Collection de codes etrangers, v. 15.) Russia. [Code of laws of the Eussian empire; unofficial ed., by A. F. Volkova and U. D. Filipova. In Rus- sian. St. Petersburg], 1897-[98?]. 16 pt. in 2 v. L 8°. [Complete code of laws of the Eussian empire, con- tinued up to I Sept. 1910; unofficial ed., by A. A. Dobrovolskago and A. L. Saatchian. In Russian.] St. Petersburg, 1911. 16 pt. in 2 v. f°.

The Eussian title reads " Polnii Svod Rossiiskoi> Imperii."

The Eussian code. (Tracts on law reform, 1849.)

Code de commerce russe, tr. et annote sur 1 'edition

officielle de 1893 ; avec introduction par J. Tchernow. Paris, A. Pedone, 1898. 8°. xxiv, 199 p. (Collec- tion de codes etrangers, 20.) Code penal russe ratifie par Sa Majeste Imperiale le 22 mars 1903, precede d'un oukase imperial et d'un avis du conseil d'etat; tr., annote, et precede d'une introduction par E. Eberlin, preface de M. E. Gar- con. Paris, A. Pedone, 1906. 8°. (3), xxxi, 212 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 23.) The new electoral law for the Eussian Duma, by S. N. Hari^er. Chicago, 1908. 16°. 56 p. (Uni- versity of Chicago. Studies in political science.) Saint Christopher. Laws and constitution of the British colonies in the West Indies having legislative as-

semblies, [especially Saint Christopher] ; by H. I. W^oodoock. 2d ed. London, E. and W. Swale, 1838. 8°. xii, 304 p. '


Saint Christopher and Anguilla. The statutes of the islands of Saint Christopher and Anguilla, [1711- 1857]. London, printed by W. Clowes and Sons, [1857]. 8°. viii, 395 p. Saint Christopher and Nevis. [Ordinances, 1892-93, 1907.] n.t.p. [1892-97.] f°.

Bound with the Acts of the Leeward Islands, Antigua, etc., 1892, 1907.

The laws of the island concerning real and personal property and the manumission of slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827.

Saint Gall. Gesetzes-Sammlung des Kantons St. Gallon, 1803-39. ler-2er Band. Amtliche Ausg. St. Gallon, 1842. 2 V. in 1. 8°. xl, 1499, (14) p.

—• Sammlung der Gesetze, Dekrete und Beschliisse der Klein- und Grossen RatTie des Kantons St. Gallen, 1819-20. St. Gallen, [1820]. 8°. iv, 483, iv, (1) p. — Sammlung der Gesetze und Beschliisse des Grossen und Kleinen Bathes des Kantons St. Gallen. 9er- ller, 13er Band. 1843-52, 1855-57. Amtliche, aus Auftrag des Kleinen Rathes veranstaltete Ausg. St. Gallen, [1848-57]. 4 v. 8°.

The title, v. 11, 13 reads "sowie der schweizerisehen Bundes- behorden. ' Contents.

Vol. 9. 1843-48. 11. 1851-52. 10. 1849-50. 13. 1855-57.

Gesetzessammlung fiir den Kanton St. Gallen. St. Gallen, 1868-69. 6 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. le Hauptabth. Bundesverfassung, Kantonsverfassung, Eintheilung des Kantons, organisehe Gesetze und Verordnungen, Gesetze und Verordnungen iiber amt- lichen Geschaftsgang und Geschaftsverkehr, iiber Protokollfiihrung, Sporteln und Gebiihren; konfes- siouelle Angelegenheiten. 2. 2e Hauptabth. XJeber das Erziehungswesen. 3e Haupt- abth. TJeber das Polizeiwesen. 4e Hauptabth. Ueber den Landbau, das Porstwesen, die Jagd und Fischerei, iiber Handel und Gewerbe, iiber Mass-, Gewicht- und Miinzwesen. 3. 5e Hauptabth. Ueber Strassen-, Eisenbahn-, Post-, Telegraphen-, und Schifffahrtswesen, Strandboden an Seeufern und Wasserbauwesen. 6e Hauptabth. Ueber das Finanz- und Steuerwesen, iiber das Salz-, Post-, Zoll- und Pulverregal; iiber Stempel- und Getranksab- gaben; iiber die st. gallische Kantonalbank und iiber die Domanen. FOREIGN LAWS. 245

Saint Gall, continued.

4. 7e Hauptabth. Ueber das Personen- und Familienreoht; das Sachenreeht; das Vertragsrecht; fiber die Ge- richtsorgauisation und das Verfahren bei Reehts- streitigkeiten. 5. 8e Hauptabth. Ueber Strafrecht und Strafrechtspflege. 6. 9e Hauptabth. Vertrage mit auswartigen Staaten. lOe Hauptabth. Eidgenossisehes und kantonales Mili- tarwesen. Anhang.

Same. Neue Folge. ler-9er Band. 1869-1907. Amtliche, aus Auftrag des Eegierungsrathes ver- anstaltete Ausg. St. Grallen, 9 V. 8°. —


Saint Gall, continued.

2. 3er Teil. Armen- und XJnterstutzungswesen. 4er Teil. Volkwirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten. 5er Teil. Of- fentliche Werke. 6er Teil. Knanz- und Steuerwesen. 7er Teil. Militarwesen. 3. 8er Teil. Erziehungswesen. 9er Teil. Konfessionelle Angelegenheiten.

Saint Helena. [Ordinances], 62d Vict.-7th Edw. vn., [1899-1908]. n.f.p. Saint Helena, 1899-1908. 69 sheets. f°. Namely. 1899, no. 1-5. 1904, no. 1-7. 1900, no. 1-5. 1905, no. 2-7. 1901, no. 1-4. 1906, no. 1-7. 1902, no. 1-9. 1907, no. 1-7. 1903, no. 1-5, 7-9, 11-12. 1908, no. 1-6.

Saint Kitts. See Saint Christopher. Saint Lucia. The civil code of Saint Lucia. London, Harrison & Sons, 1879. 8°. v, 452 p. • Same. Index, yi.t.p. [188-.] 8°. cxxxvi, (1) p. The code of civil procedure of Saint Lucia. London, Harrison & Sons. 1881. 8°. 216 p. Same. Index, n.t.p. [188-.] 8°. cvii, (1) p. Customs tariff of Saint Lucia. Customs tariff ordi- nance, 1907; collated by N. I. Stone. Washington. 1908. 8°. 8 p. (United States. Bureau of Manufac- tures. Tariff series, no. 12.) Laws at present in force in the island of St. Lucia. London, printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 1853. 8°. vi, 388 p. The laws of Saint Lucia. A new ed., prepared under the authority of the statute laws, revised ed., ordi- nance 1887, [by J. W. Carrington]. Oxford, Claren- don press, 1889. 1. 8°. xxiii, 750 p. Ordinances, 1889-93. n.p., [1889-93]. f°.

Ordinances no. 2-5, 1889, are included in the statute laws, 1889, no. 3-5 being numbered 109-111; no. 2 is incorporated with no. 104 in the same volume and no. 1, being an appropriation ordinance only, is not included.

Ordinances, with orders-in-Council, rules and regula- tions, 1902, 04-08. Castries, 1903-09. 6 v. f°. FOREIGN LAWS. 247

Saint Pierre and Miquelon. Bulletin administratif des actes du gouvernement, 1855-57, 61-62, 66, 68-71, 73- 76, 78, 1881-1905. Paris, 1860, 70; Saint Pierre, 1867-1905. 38 V. 8°. Namely. 1855-57. 248 STATE LIBRARY.

Salvador. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes comerciaJes y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Samoa. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etcJ] {In Germany. Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gesetzgebung. 1893- 1908.) Samoanisches Groiavernements-Blatt, heransg. vom kaiserliehen Gfouvernement. Band 3. [1900-1910.] n.t.p. [Apia, 1900-10.] f°.

Nos. 1, 9, 10, 13, 71-73, 75, wanting.

San Luis Potosi. Coleccion de decretos y ordenes de la primer legislatura constitucional del estado libre de San Luis Potosi, desde su instalacion en 1 de enero de 1827 hasta 16 de set. de 1828 en que cerro sus ultimas sesiones. San Luis Potosi, 1829. 8°. (2), xix, 239 p. Santa Catharina. CoUeccao de leis da provincia [y do estado] de Santa Catharina, 1889, 1893, 1898-1902, 1904, 1906-08. Florianopolis, [1889] -1908. 11 pm. 8°. Namely. 1889. 1899. 1902. 1907. 1893. 1900. 1904. 1908. 1898. 1901. 1906.

The title, 1893, 98, reads " ColleCQao das leis "; 1899-1900, " Oollee§,ao de leis e decretos "; 1901-02, 06-08, " Collec§ao de leis "; 1904, " e decreto n. 229 de 21 de nov. de 1904, mandando adoptar o reg. para o provimento ao cargo de escrivao de paz. 2a ed."

Decreto n. 9885 de 29 de fev. de 1888 adoptado no estado de Santa Catharina, pelo art. 255 n. x da lei 205 de 18 de out. de 1895 da regulamento para o processo executive fiscal. Decreto n. 146 de 9 de out. de 1901 da instrucQoes para a cobranga de impostos. Florianopolis, 1903. 8°. 20 p. Decreto n. 204 de 2 de out. de 1903 expede regula- mento para a cobranga do imposto do capital e lei n. 724 de 21 de agosto de 1907. Florianopolis, 1907. 8°. 18, (3) p. Decreto n. 331 de 31 de agosto de 1907 expede as bazes regulamentares para o servigo do povoamento do solo catharinense e decreto n. 335 de 28 de set. de 1907 expede o reg-ulamento sobre o aproveitamento das foreas hydraulicas para a reproducgao da energia electrica. Florianopolis, 1907. 8°. 25, ix p. FOREIGN LAWS. 249

Santa Catharina, continued. InstrucQoes para as eleiQoes de deputados ao Con- gresso Kepresentativo do estado, superintendentes, conselheiros municipaes e juizes de paz. Santa Catharina, 1906. 8". 19 p.

Organisacao judiciaria ; lei n. 205 de 18 de out. de 1895. Florianopolis, 1896. 8°. 49 p. Eegulamento geral da instrnccao pnblica do estado de Santa Catharina. Florianopohs, 1908. 8°. 51, (11) p. Eegulamento para a administra§ao da fazenda. Florianopolis, 1907. 8°. 100 p. Eegulamento para a arrecadagao do imposto de in- dustrias e profissoes. Desterro, 1891. 8°. 44 p. Eegulamento para a cobranqa do imposto de patente commercial creado pela lei n. 122 de 4 de out. de 1894. Florianopolis, [1894]. 8°. 6, (2) p. Eegulamento para a secretaria geral dos negocios do estado 1902. Florianopolis, [1902]. 8°. 14, (1) p. Eegulamento para o processo executive fiscal acom- panhado das instrucgSes sobre o modo por que devem as estacoes de arrecadagao fazer exeeutar os man- dados de intimagao e penhora, expedidos contra os devedores da fazenda estadoal. Desterro, 1893. 8°. 18, (1) p. Santa Fe. Codigo de procedimientos en lo criminal. Ed.

ofieial. Santa Fe, 1896. 1. 8°. 175 p. — Leyes vigentes de la provincia de Santa-Fe; recopila- das por Moises Gomez. Tomo 1. Eosario, 1900. 8°. 350, (1) p.

The cover title reads " Coleeeion de leyes vigentes en la provincia de Santa-Fe; unica ed. autorizada por ley especial y autenticada por la Legislatura de la provincia."


Vol. 1. Constitucion de la provincia. — Ley organiea de los tribunales. — Codigo de procedimientos en lo civil y comercial. — Ley de consolidacion. — Ley de 25 %, etc. etc.

Santo Domingo. Loix et constitutions des colonies fran- Qoises de I'Amerique sous le Vent, [Saint Domin- par [L. E.] Moreau de Saint-Mery. Tome 1, gue] ; comprenant les loix et constitutions, 1550-1703. Paris, I'auteur, [1784]. 4°. lii, 770, (2) p. 250 STATE LIBRARY.

Santo Domingo, contin ued. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Repiiblica Dominieana. Gaceta oficial, ano 27-28, mayo 1900 — oct. 1902. [Very incomplete.] n.t.p. [Santo Domingo, 1900-02.] f°.

Contains acts, notices, etc.

Sao PauJo. Collecoao das leis e decretos do estado de Sao Paulo, 1892-1907. Tomo 2-17. S. Paulo, typog. do Diario Official, 1897-1908. 16 v. 8°. FOREIGN LAWS. 251

Saxe-Meiningen, oontinued. Same. ler-13er Band; 14er Band, nr. 1-44. 1857- 1908. Meiningen, 1861-[1908]. 14 v. 8°.

Vol. ' ' '


Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, continued. 13er Jahrgang, 1829. 53er Jahrgang, 1869. 17er Jahrgang. 1833. 54er Jahrgang, 1870. 18er Jahrgang, 1834. 55er Jahrgang, 1871. 19er Jahrgang, 1835. 56er Jahrgang, 1872. 20er Jahrgang, 1836. 57er Jahrgang, 1873. 21er Jahrgang, 1837. 58er Jahrgang, 1874. 22er Jahrgang, 1838. 59er Jahrgang, 1875. 23 er Jahrgang, 1839. 60er Jahrgang, 1876. 24er Jahrgang, 1840. 61er Jahrgang, 1877. 25er Jahrgang, 1841. 62er Jahrgang, 1878. 26er Jahrgang, 1842. 63 er Jahrgang, 1879. 27er Jahrgang, 1843. 64er Jahrgang, 1880. 28er Jahrgang, 1844. 65er Jahrgang, 1881. 29er Jahrgang, 1845. 66er Jahrgang, 1882. 30er Jahrgang, 1846. 67er Jahrgang, 1883. 31er Jahrgang, 1847. 68er Jahrgang, 1884. 32er Jahrgang, 1848. 69er Jahrgang, 1885. 33er Jahrgang 1849. 70er Jahrgang, 1886. 34er Jahrgang, 1850. 71er Jahrgang, 1887. 35er Jahrgang, 1851. 72er Jahrgang, 1888. 36er Jahrgang, 1852. 73er Jahrgang, 1889. 37er Jahrgang, 1853. 74er Jahrgang, 1890. 38er Jahrgang 1854. 75er Jahrgang, 1891. 39er Jahrgang, 1855. 76er Jahrgang 1892. 40er Jahrgang, 1856. 77er Jahrgang, 1893. 41er Jahrgang, 1857. 78er Jahrgang, 1894. 42er Jahrgang, 1858. 79er Jahrgang 1895. 43er Jahrgang, 1859. 80er Jahrgang, 1896. 44er Jahrgang, 1860. 81er Jahrgang, 1897. 45er Jahrgang, 1861. 83er Jahrgang, 1899. 46er Jahrgang, 1862. 85er Jahrgang, 1901. 47er Jahrgang, 1863. 86er Jahrgang, 1902. 48er Jahrgang, 1864. 87er Jahrgang, 1903. 49er Jahrgang, 1865. 88er Jahrgang, 1904. 50er Jahrgang; 1866. 89er Jahrgang, 1905. 51er Jahrgang, 1867. 90er Jahrgang, 1906. 52er Jahrgang, 1868. 91er Jahrgang, 1907.

The title, 1821, reads " Inhalts-Verzeiehniss der in dem Gross- herzogl. S. Weimar-Eisenachisehen Eegierungs-Blatte vom Jahre 1821 erschienen und zwar in den Nummern 2-14, 16-19 desselben " abgedruekten Landtags-Verhandlungen ; " 1837-97, Eegierungs- Blatt fiir das Grossherzogtum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. ' Bound with 1821 is " Laudtagige Verhandlungen diirfen nicht offentlich sein, " and also " Statuten der in Weimar erriehteten Sparkasse; " with 1881, 1886, 1891, 1901, 1906, is the " tlebersioht iiber die Hauptergebnisse der Volkszahlung vom 1. Dez. 1880, 1. Dez. 1885, 1. Dez. 1890, 1. Dez. 1900, 1. Dez. 1905; " with 1901, ' ' Uebersicht iiber die Ergebnisse der Obstbaumzahlung vom 1. Dez. 1900; " " Uebersicht iiber der Viehzahlung vom 1. Dez. 1900; " with 1903, " TJnterweisung fiir die Standesbeamten vom 1. Nov. 1903; " with 1905, " Ergebnisse der Viehzahlung vom 1. Dez. 1904 und der in der Zeit vom 1. Dez. 1903 bis 30. Nov. 1904 statt gefundenen Schlachtungen. ' Appended to 1869 is " Tabelle zur Umrechnung des Weima- rischen Revisions-Masses in Flachenmass des Norddeutschen Bundes. '

Saxony. T)as biirgerliclie Gresetzbucli fiir das Konigreich Sachsen nebst der Gerichtsordnung und anderen FOREIGN LAWS. 253

Saxony, continued. hiermit in Verbindung stehenden Reichs- und Landes-

gesetzen ; nebst Verweisungen auf die einschlagenden spateren landes- und reichsgesetzlichen Vorschriften und auf die Parallelstellen herausg. von Bernbard Francke, mit einem alpbabetiscben Register. 3e durchgesehene Aufl. Leipzig, Driick der Rossberg'- scben Bucbbandlung, 1892. 12°. xxiii, (2), 680 p. Gesetzsammlung fiir das Konigreicb Sacbsen vom Jabre 1818-1909. Dresden, [1818-1909]. 94 v. in 83. 4°. Namely. 1818. 1849. 1880. 1819. 1850. 1881. 1820. 1851. 1882. 1821. 1852. 1883. 1822. 1853. 1884. 1823. 1854. 1885. 1824. 1855. 1886. 1825. 1856. 1887. 1826. 1857. 1888. 1827. 1858. 1889. 1828. 1859. 1890. 1829. 1860. 1891. 1830. 1861. 1892. 1831. 1862. 1893. 1832. 1863. 1894. 1833. 1864. 1895. 1834. 1865. 1896. 1835. 1866. 1897. 1836. 1867. 1898. 1837. 1868. 2v. 1899. 1838. 1869. 1900. 1839. 1870. 1901. 1840. 1871. 1902. 1841. 1872. 1903. 1842. 1873. 1904. 1843. 1874. 1905. 1844. 1875. 1906. 1845. 1876. 1907. 1846. 1877. 1908. 1847. 1878. 1909. 1848. 1879.

The volumes, 1832-34, have the title, " Sammlung der Gesetze und Verordnungen; " 1835-1903, " Gesetz- und Verordnungs- blatt." Appended to the volume for 1824 is the " Naehricht uber die Verhandlungen des im Jahre 1824 im Konigreiche Sachsen ge- haltenen Landtags, auf allerhochsten Befehl bekannt gemaoht; " to 1844, " Additional-Acte zur Elbsohiffahrts-Aote vom 23. Juni 1821."

Same. Haupt-Sachregister zum Gesetz- und Verord- nungsblatt, auf die Jabre 1818 bis 1907. Dresden, 1908. 4°. (4), 288 p. 254 STATE LIBRARY.

Saxony, continued. —-Koniglicli Sachsisches Justizministerial-Blatt, ler- 38er Jalirgang, [1867] -1904. Dresden, 1867- [1904]. 38 V. in 15. 8°. Namely. ler Jahrgang, '


Schaffhausen, continued. und Vertrage, 1874^1904. Neue Folge, 5.-10. Band. Schaffhausen, 1876-1905. 6 v. in 10. 8°.

Vol. 7-8 have the title " Amtsblatt des Kantons Schaffhausen, Abtheilung Gesetze und Verordnungen, 1881-90; der offiziellen Gesetzessammlung, neue Folge, Band 7-8. ' 256 STATE LIBRARY.

Schaumburg-, continued.


Scotland. Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, 1124-1707. n.p., 1814-72. 11 V. in 12. f°.

Vol. 1, 5-6, ed. by C. Innes, published 1844-72; v. 2-4, 7-11, ed. by Thomas Thomson, published 1814-24; v. 5-6 printed by authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury; V. 1-4, 7-11, printed in pursuance of an address of the House of Commons of Great Britain.


Senegal, continued. tion. Paris, 1844-53. In 6 v. 8°. (France. Min- istere de la Marine et des Colonies.)

Contents. [le.] publication. 28 mai 1819 — 31 dee. 1842. [2e.] 1 Jan. 1843 — 31 dec. 1844. 3e. 1 Jan. 1845 — 31 dec. 1846. 4e. 1 Jan. 1847 — 31 dec. 1848. 5e. 1 Jan. 1849 — 31 dec. 1850. 6e. 1 Jan. 1851 — 31 dec. 1852.

Codification des actes qui reglent an Senegal et de- pendances le service des curatelles aux successions et Mens vacants et celui de la conservation des hypotheques, par Frederic Carrere. Saint-Louis, 1862. 8°. 122 p. (France. Ministere de la Marine et des Colonies.) Seychelles. The laws of Seychelles revised. Mahe, Sey- chelles, 1904-07. 3 V. i°.

Vol. 1-2, by F. A. Herehenroder, with the assistance of A. K. Young; v. 3, by W. L. Bind.


Vol. 1. Mauritius laws applicable. 2. Seychelles local laws, 1872-98. 3. Same. 1899-1906.

Ordinance enacted by the Grovemor of Seychelles, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Coun- cil thereof, no. 1-12, 1907. n.t.p., [1907]. f°.

The title, no. 2-7, 12, reads " Governor of the colony of Sey- chelles; " no. 8-11, " administrator of the colony of Seychelles." No. 1 is also annexed to the " Laws of Seychelles," v. 3.

— Seychelles ordinances, 1907-09. n.p.^ [1907-09.] f°. Namely. 1907. 1908. 1909.

No. 5, 1909, is in Seychelles Government Gazette, v. 33, no. 23; no. 7, in v. 33, no. 44.

See also Mauritius.

Siam. The penal code for the kingdom of Siam; draft version, n.ij., 1908. 8°. iii, 93 p. Code penal du royaume de Siam, promulgue le ler

juin 1908, entre en vigueur le 22 sept. 1908 ; version frangaise avec une introduction et des notes par G-eorges Padoux. Paris, imprimerie nationale, 1909. 8°. xlix, 110 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 259

Sierra Leone. The ordinances of the colony of Sierra Leone, now in force, commencing 12th Oct. 1811, and ending 5th Oct. 1857, with analytical tables and a copious index; compiled under the direction of His Excellency Lient.-Col. S. J. Hill, by A. Montagu, pub- lished by the authority of the governor of the colony, and under the revision of Edward Barnard. Lon- don, 1857. f°. xxxii, 320, (2) p. Ordinances of the settlement of Sierra Leone passed in the years 1875 to June 1880; royal charters, treaties of the government of Sierra Leone with the native chiefs, etc. Compiled by Algernon Montagu. Vol. 6. London, G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, 1881. f°. ix, 199 p.

Ordinances, 1st April 1880 — 19th July 1900 ; 1st Jan. 1905 — 31st Dec. 1910. n.t.p. [Freetown], 1880- 1910. 23 V. f°. Namely.

1880, no. 1, 3-4, 6-10. [No. 2 is included in " Ordinances, 1875-80."] 1881, no. 1-10. 1882, no. 2-4, 7-9, 12, 14, 16, 18-19. 1883, no. 1-5, 7-8, 11-19, 21-23. 1884, no. 1-14. 1885, no. 1-6. 1886, no. 1-9, 11-15, 17-19. 1887, no. 3-7, 14. 1888, no. 1-3, 5-18. 1889, no. 1, 4-7, 9-14. 1890, no. 2-3, 5-27. 1891, no. 1-12. 1892, no. 1-14. 1893, no. 1-17. 1894, no. 1-12. 1895, no. 1-20. 1896, no. 1-34. 1897, no. 1-14, 16-17. 1898, no. 1-36, 38-39. 1899, no. 1-5, 7-27. 1900, no. 1-20. 1905, no. 1-48. 1906, no. 1-22, 24-35. 1907, no. 1-36. 1908, no. 1-27, 29-39. 1909, no. 1-30. 1910, no. 1-26.

The ordinances, 1907-09, are appended to the Eoyal Gazette, 1907-09.

— A revised edition of the Ordinances of the colony of prepared under the provisions of sec- Sierra Leone ; tion 15 of the Interpretation ordinance, 1906, by E. 260 STATE LIBRARY.

Sierra Leone, continued. T. Packard and D. F. Wilbraham. 1811-1908. Lon- don, Waterlow & Sons, 1908. 4 v. 8'=.

Yol. 2-4 by D. F. Wilbraham alone.


"\^ol. 1. 1811-99. 2. 1900-1904. 3. 1905-08. 4. Governor's orders, orders-in-Council, 1811-1908.

A supplementary index to the Eevised edition of the ordinances of the colony of Sierra Leone; prepared bv D. F. Wilbraham. London, Waterlow & Sons, 1910. 8°. Ill p. The imperial statutes applicable to Sierra Leone. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Sierra Leone Eoyal Gazette, v. 38-40, Jan. 1907 — Dec. 1910 [containing government notices, orders ; in Council, ordinances, etc.]. n.t.p. [Freetown, 1907-10.] 3 V. f°. Silesia. Gesetz- und Verordnungs-Blatt fiir das Herzog- thum Ober- und Nieder Schlesien. Jahrgang 1898- 1908. Troppau, 1898-1908. 11 v. f°. FOREIGN LAWS. 261

Solothurn, continued. Amtliche Sammlung der in Kraft bestehenden Gesetze und Verordnungeii fiir den Kanton Solothurn, vom Jahre 1803 bis und mit 1883, nach Materien geordnet. Solothurn, 1884-85. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1. Verfassungen. 2. Ausiibung der Volksrechte. 3. Staatsbehorden. 4. Finanzwesen. 5. Erziehung und Kultus. 6. Forst- und Landwirthschaft. 2. 7. Bauwesen. 8. Inneres. 9. Justiz. 3. 10. Militarwesen. 11. Sanitat. 12. Polizei. Anhang: Konkordate und interkantonale kirchliehe Verhalt- nisse.

Amtliche Sammlung der Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir den Kanton Solothurn, 1884-86, 88-98, 1900-01. Solothurn, 1884-1901. 5 v. in 16 pt. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 59. 4.-5. Heft. 1884-85. 60. 1., 3.-5. Heft. 1886, 88-90. 61. 1891-95. 62. 1.-3., 5. Heft. 1896-98, 1900. 63. 1. Heft. 1901.

Civilgesetzbuch und Civilprozessordnung fiir den Kanton Solothurn. Solothurn, 1891. 8°. (7), 248, (95) p.

See also, Tiach, " Sammlung der Gesetze, " etc., v. 40.

Strafgesetzbuch fiir den Kanton Solothurn. Solo- thurn, 1886. 8°. 71 p. Strafprozessordnung fiir den Kanton Solothurn. Solothurn, 1886. 8°. 148 p. Somaliland Protectorate. Ordinances and regulations. Vol. 1. 1900-05. Berbera. London, Wyman and Sons, 1906. 8°. iv, 172 p. Sonora. Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado de Sonora, 1906. See, forward, Leyes concernientes al ramo judicial. Codigo penal del estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1884. 8°. 207, v p. Ley que adiciona el Codigo penal, 1906. See, for- ivard', Leyes concernientes al ramo judicial. Coleccion de leves de hacienda vigentes en el estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1899. 1. 8°. 60, xv p. Same. [190.5.] Hermosillo, 1905. 8°. 82 p. 262 STATE LIBRARY.

Sonora, continued. La Constitucion. Periodico oficial del gobierno del

estado libre y soberano de Sonora ; las leyes, decretos, y demas disposiciones, son obligatorias en todo el estado por solo el hecho de ser publicadas en este periodico. Tomo 38-41. Enero 1909 — die. 1910. [Incomplete.] n.t.p. [Hermosillo, 1909-10.] 4 v.

1. 8°. Ley de adopcion del Codigo de procedimientos civiles espedido por el gobierno de la Union, para el distrito federal y territorio de la J3aja California, en 15 de mayo de 1884. Hermosillo, 1900. 8°. 17 p. Sam.e. En 15 de mayo de 1904. Hermosillo, 1905. 8°. 14 p. Ley de expropiacion por causa de ntilidad publica, expedida por el H. Congreso del estado de Sonora, en 27 de oet. de 1906. Hermosillo, 1907. 8°. 7 p. Ley de notarios del estado de Sonora, expedida en 15 de" Julio de 1902. Hermosillo, 1902. 8°. 33 p. Ley de 26 de mayo de 1882 que creo la Direccion G-en- eral de Estadistica y reglamento reformado de la misma ley expedido en 1 de enero 1900. Hermosillo, 1900. 12°. 42 p. Ley organica de la instruccion publica en el estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1882. 8°. 43 p. Ley organica de los tribunales del estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1900. 8°. 20 p. Ley organica de los tribunales y ley de procedi- mientos criminales del estado de Sonora, aprobadas por el Congreso del mismo, el 28 de julio de 1880 y el 30 del misrao mes y afio. Guaymas, 1895. 8°. 81, vp. Ley organica del gobierno y administracion interior del estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1882. 8°. 31, 8 p. Ley organica del Ministerio Publico, 1906. See, forward, Leyes concernientes al ramo judicial. Ley organica electoral del estado de Sonora. Her- mosillo, 1901. 8°. 31 p. Ley que establece un impuesto sobre ventas. Her- mosillo, 1896. 8°. 22 p. Ley que reforma la organica de los tribunales, 1900. See, forward, Leyes concernientes al ramo judicial. Ley que reglamenta los juegos en el estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1907. 8°. 8 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 263

Souora, continued. Ley sobre libertad provisional y bajo caucion, de- cretada por el H. Congreso Constitucional del estado de Sonora, el 15 de die. de 1903. Hermosillo, 1903. 8°. 8 p. Ley sobre senales para el ganado mayor y menor. n.t.p. [Hermosillo, 3896.] 8°. (4) p. Ley y reglamento para la introduccion de aguas ex- tranjeras y permuta de aguas en el canal de riego de Villa de Seris. Hermosillo, 1897. 12°. 16 p. Leyes concernientes al ramo judicial. Numero 35. La que adiciona el Codigo penal, sobre libertad pre- paratoria. 36. Organica de los tribunales. 37. Or- ganica del Ministerio Publico. 38. Codigo de pro- cedimientos penales. Hermosillo, 1907. 8°. v. p. Leyes de ingresos y egresos del estado de Sonora, para regir en el ano 1908. Hermosillo, 1907. 8°. 25 p.

Leyes del estado ; ley y contrato para la construccion de un ferroearril urbano en Hermosillo y Villa de Seris. Hermosillo, 1899. 8°. 8 p. Leyes generales de 23 y 28 de julio de 1859 sobre el matrimonio civil, de 31 de julio del mismo aiio sobre cementerios [y el de 2 de mayo de 1861 sobre impedi- mentos para el matrimonio civil, en relacion de parentesco]. Hermosillo, 1883. 12°. 41 p. Leyes generales sobre estado civil de las personas, secularizacion de cementerios, libertad religiosa y demas disposiciones relativas. Hermosillo, 1908. 8°. 55 p. Contents. Ley general de 23 de julio de 1859 sobre el matrimonio civil. Ley general de 28 de julio de 1859 sobre el matrimonio civil. Ley general de 31 de julio de 1859 sobre cementerios. Ley general de 2 de mayo de 1861 sobre impedimentos para el matrimonio civil, en relacion de parentesco.

Leyes reglamentarias del articulo 113 de la constitu- cion federal. Hermosillo, 1902. 8°. 11 p. Leyes, reglamentos y disposiciones, sobre ocupacion y enagenacion de terrenos baldios y mensura y re- parto de egidos. Hermosillo, 1902. 8°. (3), 130 p. Reglamento de la prostitution en la Cananea. Her- mosillo, 1901. 16°. 14, (22) p. Eeglamento del registro publico de la propiedad, formado por el ejecutivo del estado de Sonora y 264 STATE LIBRARY.

Sonora, continued. aprobado por la H. Legislatura Constitucional en 12 de die. de 1904. Hermosillo, 1904. 8°. 18 p. Eeglamento economico de las escuelas primarias del estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1901. 8°. 29, (16) p. Same. Hermosillo, 1903. 8°. 28, (21) p. Eeglamento economico que para la distribucion y con- servacion de las agiias en los pueblos de Sonora tuvo a bien aprobar la Junta Departamental. Hermosillo, 1887. 8°. 13 p. Eeglamento economico para la distribucion y con- servacion de las aguas en los pueblos de Sonora, etc. Hermosillo, 1898. 8°. 12 p. Eeglamento economico y programas de la ensenanza en las escuelas primarias del estado de Sonora. Hermosillo, 1901. 8°. 29, (16), 44 p. Eeglamento para la organizacion de fuerzas de seguri- dad publica expedido por el ejecutivo del estado en virtud de la autorizacion que le da la ley de 17 de enero ultimo. Hermosillo, 1882. 12°. 12 p. Soudan. See Sudan. South Africa, Union of. See Cape of Good Hope; — Natal; — Orange Free State; — Transvaal Colony. South African Republic (Transvaal Colony after May 1902). See Transvaal Colony. South America. See the names of the various states of South America. South Australia. Acts and ordinances of the province of South Australia from 7th Wm. iv., [1837], to the close of the session of the Parliament, 1878. Ade- laide, 1879. In6v. 1.8°. Acts of the Parliament of South Australia, 42 and 43 Vict. — 1 Geo. v., 1879-1910. Adelaide, 1882-1910. In 30 V. 1. 8°. Namely. 42^3 ;


South Australia, continued.

7 Edw. VII., 1907. 9 Edw. vii., 1909. 8 Edw. VII., 1908. 1 Geo. v., 1910. The title-pages and indexes for the years 1879 to 1884 are bound with the Acts and ordinances, 1840-53.

The imperial statutes applicable to South Australia. (In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) South Holland. Algemeen reglemeut voor de polders in de provincie Zuid-HoUand. s 'Gravenhage, 1908. 8°. 39 p. Provinciaal blad van Zuid-HoUand, 1883-1907, [very incomplete], n.t.p. [s'Gravenhage, 1883-1907.] 8°.

Namely. 1883, no. 56. 1903, no. 60, 84. 1896, no. 74. 1904, no. 91, 103. 1898, no. 61, 87. 1905, no. 83, 121. 1900, no. 5, 85. 1906, no. 98-102. 1901, no. 71. 1907, no. 10, 14, 22, 76, 1902, no. 108. 80, 82, 96.

Southern Nigeria. Laws of the colony of Southern Nigeria, being the schedule to the statute laws re- vision ordinance, 1908, with an appendix containing the letters patent constituting the colony, and the instructions accompanying them, various acts of Parliament, and orders of the sovereign in Council ed. by authority by E. A. Speed, assisted by J. E. Green. London, Stevens and Sons, 1908. 2 v. 8°. xl, 824 p.; 825-1611 p. Executive Council orders, no. 1-16, 1909. n.t.p. [Lagos, 1909.] f°. Legislative Council orders, no. 1-36, 1908; no. 1-7, 1909. n.t.p. [Lagos, 1908-09.] f°. [Ordinances] in the 8th-9th year of the reign of His Majesty King Edward vn., 1908-09. n.t.p. [Lagos, 1908-09.] 8°. Namely. 1908, no. 1-30. 1909, no. 1-23.

— Eules, 1908-09. n.t.p. [Lagos, 1908-09.] 8°. Namely. 1908, no. 1-12. 1909, no. 1-15.

See also Lagos. 266 STATE LIBRARY.

Southern Rhodesia. The statute law [with Supplemeiit containing the government notices omitted from the original compilation] of Southern Rhodesia, from the charter to Dec. 31, 1898; ed. and annotated by au- thority by M. 0. Evans. [Vol. 1.] Salisbury, printed by the Argus Printing and Publishing Company, 1899. 8°. xxvii, 3-804, xciii, 10 p. — Same. Jan. 1899 — Dec. 1909. Vol. 2-12. Salisbury, printed by the Argus Printing and Publishing Com- pany, 1900-10. 11 V. 8°. FOREIGN LAWS. 267

Spain, continued. la-5a coleccion. [Set. 1810 — die. 1813.] Habana, 1821. 12°. Namely. la coleecion. Set. 1810 — nov. 1812. 2a coleecion. Abril 1812 — enero 1813. 3a coleecion. Enero-abril 1813. 4a coleecion. Abril-julio 1813. 5a coleecion. Agosto-dic. 1813.

Same. Ordenes y decretos del rey y de las cortes, publicados en el Diario del gobierno de esta ciudad. 6a-13a coleecion. [Marzo 1820 — oct. 1821.] Ha- bana, 1821. 12°. Namely. 6a coleecion. Marzo-abril 1820. 7a coleecion. Abril-julio 1820. 8a coleecion. Agosto-dic. 1820. 9a coleecion. Die. 1820 — enero 1821. 10a coleecion. Enero-marzo 1821. 11a coleecion. Marzo 1821. 12a coleecion. Abril-junio 1821. 13a coleecion. Junio-oet. 1821.

Coleecion de los decretos y ordenes que ban expedido las cortes generales y extraordinarias desde sn in- stalacion, 24 set. 1810 — 11 mayo 1814, 6 jnlio 1820 — 19 feb. 1823. Madrid, 1820-23. 10 v. sm. 4°.

The " la legislatura " was in 1820-21.

Vol. 9, 1822, contains the " Codigo penal."


Vol. 1. 24 set. 1810 — 24 set. 1811. 2. 24 set. 1811 — 24 mayo 1812. 3. 24 mayo 1812 — 24 feb. 1813. 4. 24 feb. — 14 set. 1813. 5. 25 set. 1813 — 11 mayo 1814. 6. 6 Julio — 9 nov. 1820. 7. 25 feb. — 30 junio 1821. 8. 22 set. 1821 — 14 feb. 1822. 9. 1 marzo — 30 junio 1822. 10. 3 oct. 1822 — 19 feb. 1823.

Decretos del Bey Don Fernando vn., ano primero de su restitucion a'l trono de las Bspanas, 4 mayo 1814 — 7 marzo 1820. [abril] 1823 — die. 1833. Tomo 1-18. Madrid, 1818-46. 18 v. sm. 4°.

Vol. 1-7, by F. M. de Balmaseda; v. 8-18, by J. M. de Nieva; V. 9, 2d ed., 1846. The titles vary. — —


Spain, continued. Contents. Vol. 1. 4 mayo — 31 die. 1814. 2. 1815. 3. 1816. i. 1817. 5. 1818. 6. 1819. 7. Decretos y resolueiones de la Junta Provisional, regencia del reino y los expedidos por Su Magestad desde que fue libre del tiranico poder revolucionario, 1823. — Decretos del Eey Don Fernando vii., 1 enero • 7 marzo 1820. 8. 1 enero — 30 junio 1824. 9. 1 Julio — 31 die. 1824. 10. 1825. 11. 1826. 12. 1827. 13. 1828. 14. 1829. 15. 1830. 16. 1831. 17. 1832. 18. 1833.

Same. Apendice a los tomos 1-4, 1814^17; por F. M. de Balmaseda. Madrid, 1819. sm. 4°. 460 p. Decretos de la Reina Dona Isabel ii., dados en su real nombre por su augusta madre, y reales ordenes, reso- lueiones y reglamentos generales, etc., enero 1834 — die. 1836 por J. M. de Nieva. Tomo 19-21. Madrid, ; 1835-37. 3 V. sm. 4°.

Contents. Vol. 19. 1834. 20. 1835. 21. 1836.

- Coleccion de las leyes, decretos y declaraciones de las cortes, y de los reales decretos, ordenes, resolueiones y reglamentos generales expedidos por las secre- tarias del despacho, enero 1837 — die. 1845. Tomo 22-35. Madrid, 1837-54. 14 v. sm. 4°.

Vols. 23, 24 and 35, 2d ed., 1846.

Contents. Vol. 22. Enero-junio 1837. 29. Julio-die. 1842. 23. Julio-die. 1837. 30. Bnero-junio 1843. 24. 1838. 31. Julio-die. 1843. 25. 1839. 32. Enero-junio 1844. 26. 1840. 33. Julio-die. 1844. 27. 1841. 34. Enero-junio 1845. 28. Enero-junio 1842. 35. Julio-die. 1845. "


Spain, continued. Same. Indice eronologico [y alfabetico] general de los treinta y cinco tomos, 1814-45. Madrid, 1848. 2 V. sm. 4°. 783, (1) p.; 640, (2) p.


Vol. 1. Cronologico. 2. Alfabetico.

Ooleecion legislativa de Espana, continuacion de la Coleecion de decretos. ler trimestre de 1846 — ler semestre de 1891. Tomo .36-146. Madrid, 1848-93. Ill V. in 126. sm. 4° and 8°.

Vol. 36-82 contain the " Decisiones del Consejo Eeal j las sentencias motivadas del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia; " v. 103- 120, the " Autorizaciones para procesar j decisiones de conipeten- cias acordadas k consulta del Consejo de Estado. 270 STATE LIBRARY.

Spain, continued.


Spain, continued.

129, la parte. 2do semestre, 1882. 129. 2da parte. 2do semestre, 1882. 130. ler semestre, 1883. 131. 2do semestre, 1883. 132. ler semestre, 1884. 133. 2do semestre, 1884. 134. ler semestre, 1885. 135. la parte. 2do semestre, 1885. 135, 2da parte. 2do semestre, 1885. 136, la parte, ler semestre, 1886. 136. 2da parte, ler semestre, 1886. 137. 2do semestre, 1886. 138. ler semestre, 1887. 139. 2do semestre, 1887. 140. la parte, ler semestre, 1888. 140, 2da parte, ler semestre, 1888. 141, la parte. 2do semestre, 1888. 141, 2da parte. 2do semestre, 1888. 142, la parte, ler semestre, 1889. 142, 2da parte, ler semestre, 1889. 143, la parte. 2do semestre, 1889. 143, 2da parte. 2do semestre, 1889. 144, la parte, ler semestre, 1890. 144, 2da parte, ler semestre, 1890. 145, la parte. 2do semestre, 1890. 145, 2da parte. 2do semestre, 1890. 146. ler semestre, 1891.

Same. Indice cronologico general de la Coleccion legislativa de Espafia, 1846-60. Ed. oflcial. Madrid, 1862. sm. 4°. 1340, (3) p. — 2a serie, parte la. Legislacion y disposiciones de la administracion central, comprende las leyes, codigos, decretos, reglamentos, instrucciones, reales ordenes, circulares y resoluciones de interes general. Ed. oflcial. Tomo 147-162. Vol. 2 de 1891 — v. 2 de 1897, Julio [1891] —die. [1897]. Madrid, 1898-1906. 16 V. 8°. Contents. Vol. 147. Vol. 2 de 1891, julio-die. 148. 272 STATE LIBRARY.

Spain, continued. Indices generales cronologico y alfabetico de las disposiciones legal es comprendidas en los diez y seis tomos de Legislacion, julio 1891 a fin del aiio 1897. Ed. oficial. Madrid, 1906. 8°. 534 p. Same. la serie, parte la. Legislacion y dis- posiciones, etc. Ed. oficial. Tomo 1-39. Vol. 1 de 1898 — V. 3 de 1910. [Enero 1898] — die. 1910. Madrid, 1898-1910. 39 v. 8°.

Contents. Vol. 1. Vol. 1 de 1898, [enero-junio]. 2. Vol. 2 de 1898, [julio-dic.]. 3. Vol. 1 de 1899, [enero-junio]. 4. Vol. 2 de 1899, julio-dic. 5. Vol. 1 de 1900, [enero-abril]. 6. Vol. 2 de 1900, [mayo-julio]. 7. Vol. 3 de 1900, [agosto-die.]. 8. Vol. 1 de 1901, enero-marzo. 9. Vol. 2 de 1901, abril-agosto. 10. Vol. 3 de 1901, sept.-dic. 11. Vol. 1 de 1902, enero-abril. 12. Vol. 2 de 1902, mayo-julio. 13. Vol. 3 de 1902, agosto-dic. 14. Vol. 1 de 1903, enero-abril. 15. Vol. 2 de 1903, mayo-agosto. 16. Vol. 3 de 1903, set.-die. 17. Vol. 1 de 1904, enero-marzo. 18. Vol. 2 de 1904, abril-julio. 19. Vol. 3 de 1904, agosto-sept. 20. Vol. 4 de 1904, oet.-dic. 21. Vol. 1 de 1905, enero-abril. 22. Vol. 2 de 1905, mayo-sept. 23. Vol. 3 de 1905, oct.-dic. 24. Vol. 1 de 1906, enero-abril. 25. Vol. 2 de 1906, mayo. 26. Vol. 3 de 1906, junio-aept. 27. Vol. 4 de 1906, oet.-dio. 28. Vol. 1 de 1907, enero-junio. 29. Vol. 2 de 1907, julio-sept. 30. Vol. 3 de 1907, oct.-die. 31. Vol. 1 de 1908, enero-marzo. 32. Vol. 2 de 1908, abril-julio. 33. Vol. 3 de 1908, agosto-dic. 34. Vol. 1 de 1909, enero-marzo. 35. Vol. 2 de 1909, abril-julio. 36. Vol. 3 de 1909, agosto-dic. 37. Vol. 1 de 1910, enero-mayo. 38. Vol. 2 de 1910, junio-sept. 39. Vol. 3 de 1910, oct.-dic.

Same. Indices generales cronologico y alfabetico de las disposiciones legales comprendidas en los trece tomos de Legislacion que corresponden a los anos de 1898 a 1902. Ed. oficial. Vol. del ano 1903. Madrid, 1904. 8°. 642 (1) p. "


Spain, continued. Diccionario-guia legislative espanol, comprende todas las disposiciones legales que se ban publicado du- rante elpresente siglo, [siglo 19], presentadas dentro de un orden y clasificacion por articulos, de tal forma enunciados, que se obtiene el conocimiento exacto, no tan solo del eontexto de la disposicion legislativa, sino tambien del ntimero de las dictadas acerca de cada materia, por T. Q. Herrero. Madrid, establecimiento tipogTafico de R. Fe, 1901; libreria de V. Suarez, 1902-03. 4 v. in 6. 8°.

The titles vary. Vol. 4, " Orden cronol6gieo de todas las disposiciones legales segun aparecen publicadas en la Coleeeifin legislativa, de Espana, con la designaeion del artlculo 6 epigrafe de los que comprende este Diceionario, en donde se encuentra cada disposici6n. The title, part 2, v. 1-2, reads " oontiene desde 1 Julio de 1891 ^ 31 die. 1900."

Same. Anuario de 1901-02. Madrid, 1903-04. 2 v. 8°. Namely. 1901. 1902.

Same. Cuadro sinoptico de todas las disposiciones legales contenidas en cada uno de los 160 tomos de la Coleccion legislativa de Espana con especificacion del numero total de las comprendidas en cada uno de los epigrafes 6 articulos de que consta esta

primera parte, h.t.p. [Madrid, 19—.] 8°. (1), 142 p. Diceionario razonado de legislacion y jurisprudencia, por Joaquin Escricbe. Nueva ed. reformada y con- siderablemente aumentada con la inclusion de la parte vigente del suplemento escrito por J. M. Biec y Jose Vicente y Caravantes, con nuevos articulos doctri- nales sobre las diferentes ramas del derecho, etc.; por Leon Galindo y de Vera y Jose Vicente y Cara- vantes. Madrid, E. Cuesta, 1874-76. 4 v. 1. 8°.

Codes. Codigos antiguos de Espana; coleccion completa de todos los oodigos desde el Fuero Juzgo basta la Novisima recopilacion, con un glosario de las prin- cipales voces anticuadas, notas, indices, parciales y —


Spain, continued. Tin repertorio general alfabetico de materias, pub- licala M. M. Alcubilla. Madrid, 1885-86. 2 v. 1. 8°. 2042, (2) p. Contents.

Vol. 1. Fuero Juzgo. — Fuero Viejo de CastiUa. — Fuero Eea). — Leyes de Estilo. — Leyes para los Adelantados Mayores. — Leyea Nuevas. — Ordenamiento de las Tafurerias. — Las Siete Partidas. — Ordenamiento de Alcala. — XJn extracto por libros y tifiulos de las Ordenanzas Eeales de Castilla (6 de Montalvo). Leyes de Toro. — Extracto por libros y titulos de la Nueva recopilaoion. 2. Novissima recopilaoion. — Indice. — Glosario. •— Reper- torio general alfabetico.

Forvs antiqws Gothorvm regvra Hispaniae, olim Liber ivdicvm, hodie Fvero Ivzgo nvncvpatvs, xii libros continens. Cui acessit breuis eorundem bis- toria, regumq. Hispanorum catalogus [atque] index locupletissimus. Antore Alfonso a Villadiego. Mad- rite, ex officina P. Madrigal, 1600. f°. (11), 80, (988) p. — El Fuero Viejo de Castilla, sacado y comprobado con el ejemplar de la misma obra que existe en la real biblioteca de esta corte con otros mss. publicanlo y ; con notas historicas y legales, I. J. de Asso y del Rio y Miguel de Manuel y Rodriguez. Madrid, Viuda e Hijos de A. Calleja, 1847. f°. (4), xlvi, 139 p. El ordenamiento de leyes que D. Alfonso xi hizo en las cortes de Alcala de Henares, 1348; publicanlo con notas y un discurso sobre el estado y condicion de los Judios en Espana, I. J. de Asso y del Rio y Miguel de Manuel y Rodriguez. Madrid, Viuda e Hijos de A. Calleja, 1847. f°. xxx, (1), 139, (1) p.

Bound with " El Fuero Viejo," etc.

Las leyes de Toro glosadas. Vtilis et avrea glosa domini Didaci Castelli doctoris, iuris Csesaris [ac] Romani interpretis optimi, super leges Tauri. Nuper ab eodem reco,gnita. Additis insuper diuersis in locis, doctissimis ac necessariis additionibus [ac] glosis vbi desyderari videbantur quae foeliciter incipit. Methynma? Campi, ex typograpbia Grulielmi de Millis, 1553. f°. (588) p. Los codigos espanoles vigentes en la Peninsula y Ultramar anotados y concordados por Don Joaquin FOREIGN LAWS. 275

Spain, continued. Abella. Comprende esta obra la constitucion de la monarquia, los codigos civil, de comercio y penal y las leyes de enjuiciamiento civil y criminal, insertas con arreglo a las ultimas disposiciones dictadas para sn aplicacion en Espafia, Cuba, Puerto-Eico y Fili- pinas, y un complete indice alfabetico de todas las materias contenidas en los citados textos legales. Madrid, 1890. 24°. v.p.

Each code has a separate title-page and pagination.

Same. 2a ed. Madrid, 1907. 24°. v.p.

The title varies slightly from that of the edition of 1890.

Code civil espagnol promulgue le 24 juillet 1889 ; tr. et annote par A. Leve. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone- Lauriel, 1890. 8°. xxxi, 385 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 1.)

See also, hack, Los c6digos espanoles.

Codigo civil hecho extensivo a las islas de Cuba, Puerto Eico, etc., 1889. See Cuba. The civil law in Spain and Spanish-America, includ- ing Cuba, Puerto Eico, and Philippine Islands, and the Spanish civil code in force, annotated and with references to the civil codes of Mexico, Central and South America, with a history of all the Spanish codes, etc., and a history of the laws of the Indies, Eecopilacion de leyes de los reynos de las Indias. Bv C. S. Walton. Washington, W. H. Lowdermilk & Co., 1900. 8°. xix, 672 p. Notes to the Spanish civil code, showing changes effected by American legislation, with citation of cases from Philippines Supreme Court; by C. A. Willard. Manila, 1904. 8°. xi, 106 p. Proyecto de codigo civil, enmienda presentada al Senado por A. Augusto Comas; con un prologo de E. P. Pujol. Madrid, tipog. de E. Fe, 1885. 8°. XXXT, 210 p. Codigo de comercio, decretado, sancionado, y promul- gado en 30 de Mayo de 1829. Ed. oficial. Puebla, 1833. 8°. 282 p. Same. Nueva ed., aumentada con la ley de enjuicia- miento sobre los negocios y causas de comercio de- 276 STATE LIBRARY.

Spain, continued. cretada y promulgada en 24 de julio de 1830. Ed. oficial. Madrid, oficina de D. L. Amarita, 1856. 16°. 387 p.

Extracts from the Spanish commercial code of 1829 are ap- pended to Kandolph's Treatise on the law of commercial paper, V. 3.

Codigo de comercio espanol vigente en la Peninsula e islas de Cuba y Puerto Rico; ed. publicada bajo la direccion de Jose Gallostra y Frau, contiene la con- cordancia literal con los de Francia, Belgica, Ale- mania, Italia, Holanda y Portugal. Madrid, Viuda de Hernando y Compafiia, 1887. 8°. vii, 927 p. Code de commerce espagnol promulgue le 22 aout 1885, mis en vigueur le ler Jan. 1886; tr. et annote par Henri Prudhomme. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone- Lauriel, 1891. 8°. Iviii, (1), 343, (1) p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 3.)

Extracts from the Code of commerce, 1886, are also appended to Baikes' Foreign maritime laws.

•— Codigo de comercio, 1890. See, back, Los codigos espanoles. Codigo de derecho internacional, 6 sea, Coleccion metodica de los tratados de paz, amistad y comercio entre Espana las demas naciones Estevan de y ; por Ferrater. Barcelona, 184&-47. 2 v. in 1. 16°. Codigo penal de Espana contiene el testo de la edi- cion oficial; anotado con vista de todas las disposi- ciones posteriormente publicadas que dicen relacion al mismo, y decisiones de los tribunales superiores, etc., por Juan de Dios de la Rada y Delgado. Mad- rid, 1863. 16°. (2), 215, (4) p. Codigo penal anotado y concordado con el de 1850. Novisima ed., conforme al texto oficial con las ulti- mas correcciones. Madrid, 1871. 16°. 247 p. Apendice a los Comentarios de codigo penal de J. F. Pacheco 6 sea el nuevo codigo comentadas las adiciones que contiene por Jose Gonzalez y Serrano. Madrid, imprenta de M. Tello, 1870. 8°. 416 p. Codigo penal, 1890. See, hack, Los codigos espanoles.

The maritime codes of Spain and Portugal ; tr. and annotated by F. ^Y. Eaikes. London, E. Wilson, 1896. 8°. (6), 212 p. '


Spain, continued.

Laws relating to special subjects. Anales de las ordenanzas de correos de Espana, pub- lieados por la Direccion General de Correos y Tele- grafos, 1283-1880. Madrid, 1879-81. 5 v. 1. 8°. Instituciones de derecho real de Espana por J. M.

Alvarez ; adicionadas con varios apendices, parrafos, etc., por Dalmacio Velez. Buenos-Aires, 1834. 8°.

(7)_, vii, 314 p. Lejislacion militar de Espana; por P. A. Avecilla. Madrid, imprenta de Cruz Gonzalez, 1842. 4 v. in 2. 12°.

Vol. 4 has the title " Diccionario de la legislacion penal del ejercito. '

See also, iack, Los codigos espanoles, 1890.

Ley de enjuiciamiento civil y mercantil ; anotada por un abogado del ilustre Colegio de Madrid. Madrid, L. P. Villaverde, 1877. 16°. 222 p. Ley de enjuiciamiento criminal. See, hack, Los codi- gos espanoles, 1890'. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y marftimas de la America Latina, 1907.) — Manual del registro civil comprende la ley del re- gistro y su reglamento de 13 de die. 1870, ampliados con extensas explicaciones practicas, observaciones, etc., por Fermin Abella. 4a ed. Madrid, 1880. 8°. 159 p. Novissimo Sala mexicano, 6 ilustracion al derecho real de Espana. See Mexico. Codes. [Orden y manda que ningun extranjero pueda vender ni venda mercaderfas fiadas a pagar en las Indias y que las hayan de pagar en la parte 6 lugar donde se celebrare la venta, etc.} n.t.p. [Madrid, 1786.] f°. (3) p.

The title begins " El rey. Gobernadores y ministros," etc.

Ordenanza general formada de orden de Su Magestad y mandada imprimir y publicar para el gobierno e instruccion de intendentes, subdelegados y demas empleados en Indias. Madrid, 1803. f°. xxxvi, 194, (99) p. 278 STATE LIBRARY.

Spain, continued. Pragmatica para qve no se pveda recusar a ningiin juez de los que huuieren votado y remitido el pleyto en que ban sido luzes sino fuere por causas nacidas despues de la remission. Madrid, 1613. f°. (8) p. Prematica en que se da la orden que se lia de tener en el examen de los medicos y cirujanos y en el protomedicato y demas eosas que en ella se decla- ran. Madrid, 1617. f°. (8) p. Prematica en qve se manda no se puedan pedir salarios, sino se mostrare assiento del firmado de la persona a quie dixere ha seruido 6 en el libro que tuuiere y estuuiere assentados los demas salarios de criados fin que baste prouarlo con testigos ni otro genero de prouanga. Madrid, 1616. f°. (7) p. Prematica en qve se manda que el assistente, gouer- nadores, corregidores, ni Inezes de residencia, no visiten mas de vna vez durante el tiempo de su oficio, las villas y lugares de la tierra, sin embargo que por la ley sexta del titulo sexto del libro tercero de la nueua Eecopilacion, podian visitar vna vez cada ano. Madrid, 1638. f°. (7) p. Prematica en qve se prohibe que de aqui adelante ninguna persona sea ossado de tener pistoletes ni traerlos consigo ni tenerlos en su casa ni los oficiales labrarlos ni aderegarlos, y se ponen las penas en que ban de incurrir los que fueren contra lo contenido en esta ley. Madrid, 1618. f°. (7) p. Prematica en qve se redvcen a razon de a veinte los censos y juros impuestos a mas bajos precios. Mad- rid, 1821. f°. (7) p. Prematica para qve se pveda tirar a la caga con arcabuz o con escopeta, 6 con otro tiro de poluora, 6 con vala o perdigones, y al buelo, con que no sea en los tiempos vedados, sin embargo de lo dispuesto por las leyes del ano 1552 and 1611 y cedulas que se ha dado, y que se guarden las leyes que prohiben cacar con qualquier genero de lazos 6 armadijos o otros qualesquier instrumentos y otras cosas y se acrecientan las penas en la forma que aqui se dize. Madrid, 1617. f°. (8) p. Prematica por la qval se manda que la moneda de plata de particulares que se labrare en las casas de moneda de estos reynos sea por tercias partes, vna FOREIGN LAWS. 279

Spain, continued. precisamente de reales y medios reales por mitad y otra reales de a dos y la otra reales de a quatro 6 por mitad reales de a quatro y de a ocho a voluntad de sus diienos. Madrid, 1620. f°. (7) p. Prematica por la qval se manda que los pleytos pen- dientes, y que pendieren en el consejo sobre causas ciuiles cuyo interes principal no exceda de mil duca- dos se vean y determinen en vista, y reuista por solos dos juezes y desta manera se entienda la ley cincuenta del titulo quarto en el libro segundo de la nueua Recopilacion. Madrid, 1617. f°. p. 59-62; (7) p. _ Prematica por la qval se manda que no se oeulten bienes ni haziendas en confiangas simuladas, so las penas en ella contenidas. Madrid, 1622. f°. (7) p. . Prematica por la qval se manda que no se pueda tirar a ningun genero de caga con perdigones de plomo ni de otra cosa en este corte y veinte leguas en contorno so las penas en ella contenidas. Madrid, 1622. f°. (7) p. Prematica por la qval Sv Magestad manda que se guarde otra que se mando publicar el ano de 1575 que dispone que ninguna persona pueda traer mas de dos lacayos, saluo que los grandes puedan traer quatro. Madrid, 1618. f°. (7) p. Prematica qve declara qve la ley que probibe alegar nulidad contra las sentencias de los del consejo y oydores de las audiencias de que no se puede supli- car, comprebende que tampoco pueda intentarse re- stitucion. Madrid, 1615. f°. (7) p. —- Prematica sobre los que dan o reciben dadiuas o promessas par ser proueydos en oficios o beneficios, de prouision, o presentacion real y otras cosas. Mad- rid, 1614. f°. (7) p. Prematicas qve ban salido este aiio de 1611, publi- cadas en cinco dias del mes de enero del dicho ano; demas de las quales se mandan guardar otras que estauan hecbas antes, y se da la orden que se ha de tener para la execucion y obseruancia dellas. Mad- rid, 1611. f°.

All the preceding " Prematicas " are bound with " Capitvlos genera] es," etc. "


Spain, continued. Eeal cedula de ereccion del consulado de Vera-Criiz, expedida en Aranjuez a 17 de enero de 1795. Madrid, 1795. 12°. 54 p. Eeal ordenanza para el establecimiento e instruccion de intendentes de exercito y provincia en el reino de la Nueva-Espana. Madrid, 1786. f°. Ix, 410, (202) p.

Appended, " Leyes de la recopilacion de Indias, cedulas reales, ordenanzas y otras soberanas deelaraciones que deben gobernar para el cumplimiento de lo que se dispone en los artleulos de la instruccion que irau citadoa.

Eeales ordenanzas para la direccion, regimen, y go- bierno del importante cuerpo de la mineria de Nueva- Espana y de su real tribunal general; de orden de Su Magestad. Madrid, 1783. f°. (1) xlvi, 214 p.

For translations of Spanish laws relating to Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc., published by the United States War Department, see Cuba; — Porto Eico.

Straits Settlements. Indian acts, 22d April 1834 — 31st March. 1867, and now in force in the colony of the Straits Settlements, as determined by the Commis- sioners appointed by the Governor. Singapore, 1890. 8°. X, (1), 213 xviii p. The acts and ordinances of the Legislative Council of the Straits Settlements, 1st April 1867— 7th March 1898; compiled by C. Gr. Garrard. London, Evre & Spottiswoode, 1898. 2 v. 1. 8°. xii, (1),

869 p. ; xii, 871-1675 p.

Contents. 1 April 1867 — 21 Aug. 1885. 14 Jan. 1886 — 7 March 1898.

Ordinances enacted by the Governor of the Straits Settlements, with the advice and consent of the Legis- lative Council thereof, 1873-1910. Singapore, 1874- 1911. 38 V. 8°. Namely. 1873. 1881. 1889. 1874. 1882. 1890. 1875. 1883. 1891. 1876. 1884. 1892. 1877. 1885. 1893. 1878. 1886. 1894 1879. 1887. 1895. 1880. 1888. 1896. FOREIGN LAWS. 281

Straits Settlements, continued. 1897. 282 STATE LIBRARY.

Sudan. Ordinances promulgated by the Governor Gen- eral of the Sudan, with selected proclamations, notices, etc., issued with reference thereto, 1899- 1905. Cairo, 1907. 8°. vii, (1), 205 p. Saint. 1906. Cairo, 1907. 8°. v, 70 p. The Sudan penal code and the ordinances, rules, etc., constituting and regulating the procedure of the civil, criminal, and Mohammedan law courts of the Sudan. EQiartoum, 1908. 8°. (3), 433, (1), xli p. Surinam. See Dutch Guiana. Sweden. The law of the "Westgoths according to the manuscript of ^skil, lawman of Vastergotland,

Sweden, 1200 a.d. ; with an introduction and explana- tory notes, done into English by Alfred Bergin. Rock Island, Illinois, Augustana Book Concern, [1906]. 8°. 91 p. Facsimile. Wastgotha lagbok; [a photographic copy of the old- est collection of Swedish laws, published in the 13th century. Stockholm, 1889.] sm. 4°. (130) p. Samling utaf kongl. bref, stadgar, och forordningar, etc., angaende sweriges rikes commerce, politie, och ceconomie uti gemen ifran 1523; giord af A. A. von Stiernman. Stockholm, 1747-71. 7 v. sm. 4°.


Vol. 1. 1622-32. 5. 1689-1707. 2. 1633-59. 6. 1708-18. 3. 1660-72. 7. Eegister. 4. 1673-88.

English. Collection of royal ordinances of Sweden concerning commerce, government, political economy,

etc., from 1523 ; ed. by A. A. von Stiernman. Stock- holm, 1747-71. 7 V. sm. 4°. Les codes suedois, 1734, civil, penal, commercial, suivis des lois posterieures promulguees jusqu'a ce jour; tr., annotes, et precedes d'une introduction par Eaoul de La Grasserie. Paris, A. Durand et Pedone-Lauriel, 1895. 8°. elv, 527 p. (Collection de codes etrangers, 11.) Swensk Forfattnings-Samling, 1825-98. Stockholm, 1825-99. 74 v. 8°. Namely. la Argangen, 1825. 5te Argangen, 1829. 2a ArgaDgen, 1826. 6te Argangen, 1830. 3je Argangen, 1827. 7de Argangen, 1831. 4de Argangen, 1828. 8de Argangen, 1832. FOREIGN LAWS. 283

Sweden, continued.

9de Arg^ngen, 1833. " "


Switzerland. Offizielle Sammliang der das scliweizerische Staatsrecht betreffenden Aktenstiicke, Bundesgesetze, Vertrage, und Verordmingen, seit der Einfiihrung der neuen Bundesverfassung vom 12. Sept. 1848. Bern, 1849. 8°. 443 p. Same. Amtliche Sammlung der Bundesgesetze und Verordnungen der sdiweizerischen Eidgenossen- schaft, [1850-741. n.-xi. Band. Bern, 1851-74. 10 V. 8°.

Vol. 5 is in French; v. 7-11 contain each a " Materien-register " to preceding volumes; v. 11, p. 397-585, and v. 1, " nouvelle serie, ' are appended to ' Geneva. Eecueil authentique des lois et aetes, tome 60, partie federale. FOREIGN LAWS. 285

Switzerland, continued.

23. 1907. 24. 1908. 25. 1909. 26. 1910.

Bundesblatt der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. Jahrgang 1848-52, 1875-1906. Bern, 1848-1906. 146 V. 8°.

Code civil Suisse du 10 dec. 1907 ; avec table des matieres et index alphabetique. Berne, K. J. Wyss, 1908. 8°. xxvi, 313 p. Portrait.

Prof. Dr. Eugen Huber, redacteur.

Code penal federal de la Confederation Suisse du 4 fev. 1853. [Berne, 1853.] 8°. 28 p. Le droit public Suisse; ou, Jurisprudence des arrets des autorites federales suisses pendant les annees 1848-63, par R. E. UUmer. Tr. de I'allemand et publie par ordre du Conseil Federal par Eugene Borel. Neuchatel, J. Sandoz, 1864-67. 2 v. 8°. xvi, 640 p. ;x, (l),696p.

—- Eecueil officiel des lois et ordonnances, etc. See, bach, — Amtliche Sammlung, etc. -Die schweizerische Bundesgesetzgebung ; nach Ma- terien geordnete Sammlung der Gesetze, Beschliisse, V^erordnungen, und Staatsvertrage der schweizeri- scben Eidgenossenschaft, sowie der Konkordate, berausg. und mit Anmerkungen verseben von P. Wolf. Basel, Buchdruckerei Kreis, 1890-91. 2 v. 8°. 1. (7), 1000 p. ; 7, 1162, 113 p.

See also the names of the following cantons, namely: Aargau; — Appenzell Inner Bhodes; — Appenzell Outer Rhodes; — Basel-Iiand; — Bern; — Fribourg; — Geneva; — Glarus; — Grisons; — Iiuceme; — Neuchatel; — St. Gall; — SchaShausen; — Schwyz; — Solo- thum; — Thurgau; — Ticino; — TJnterwald, Lower; — Unterwald, Upper; — Uri; — Valais; — Vaud; — Zug; — Zurich.

Syria. Legislation. See Lambrechts, H,, and others. Dictionnaire pratique de droit compare, 2e partie. Tasmania. Tbe acts of the Parliament of Tasmania, 47

Vict. — 1 Geo. v., 1883-1910. Vol. 7, part 2-3 ; v. 8- 21, part 1. Hobart, 1883-1911. In 28 v. f°.

Vol. 12 is entitled " Part 1 ", but there is no break in the years. Contents.

Vol. 7, part 2. 47 Vict., 1883. 7, part 3. 48 Vict., 1884. 286 STATE LIBRARY.

Tasmania, continued.

8, part 1. 49 Vict., 1885. 8, part 2. 50 Vict., 1886. 8, part 3. 51 Vict., 1887. 9, part 1. 52 Vict., 1888. 9, part 2. 53 Vict., 1889. 10, part 1. 54 Vict., 1890. 10, part 2. 55 Vict., 1891. 11, part 1. 56 Vict., 1892. 11, part 2. 57 Vict., 1893. 12, part 1. 58 Viet., 1894. 13, part 1. 59 Vict., 1895. 13, part 2. 60 Vict., 1896. 14, part 1. 61 Vict., 1897. 14, part 2. 62 Vict., 1898. 15, part 1. 63 Vict., 1899. 15, part 2. 64 Vict., 1900. 16, part 1. 1 Edw. vii., 1901. 16, part 2. 2 Edw. vil., 1902. 17, part 1. 3 Edw. vil., 1903. 17, part 2. 4 Edw. vii., 1904. 18, part 1. 5 Edw. vii., 1905. 18, part 2. 6 Edw. vn., 1906. 19, part 1. 7 Edw. vii., 1907. 19, part 2. 8 Edw. vn., 1908. 20, part 1. 9 Edw. vn., 1909. 21, part 1. 1 Geo. v., 1910.

Statutes of Tasmania from 7th Geo. 4th, 1826, to 46th Vict. 1882; alphabetically arranged, with notes, by Frederick Stops. Hobart, 1883-85. 4 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. Admiralty, lands — Customs duties, intercolonial. 2. Death by accident — Lunatics and insane persons. 3. Mandamus — Rural municipalities. 4. Savings banks — Wrecks, Enquiry into. Index and chronological table.

Same. Vol.5. From 47th Vict, 1883, to 52d Vict, 1888, the acts of the Federal Council and the fugitive offenders act, 1881; alphabetically arranged, with notes, by Frederick Stops. Hobart, 1890. 8°. xv, 2569-3416 p. The imperial statutes applicable to Tasmania. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Tessin. See Ticino. Thurgau. Sammlung der wahrend des Zeitraums von 1803-14 erschienenen, noch in Kraft bestehenden, ans den 10 Biinden des Tagblattes ausgezogenen, Geseze und Verordnungen fiir den Kanton Thurgau. [Frauenfeld], 1830. 8°. (7), 586 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 287

Thurgau, continued. Sammlung der wahrend des Zeitraumes von 1814 bis 1830 erschienenen, noeh in Kraft bestehenden, Geseze und Verordnungen fiir den Kanton Thurgau. Frauenfeld, gedruckt bei J. Kolb, 1835. 8°. vi, 328 p. — Gesetzessammlung fiir den Kanton Thurgau. le Hauptabtb. Verhaltnisse zu auswartigen Staaten, zu den Kantonen und zum Bunde. 2er Band. Ver- haltnisse zum eidgenossischen Bunde. Frauenfeld, gedruckt bei J. Huber, 1866. 8°. viii, 521 p. Same. 2er Supplement zum len und 2en Bande. Frauenfeld, J. Hubers Buchdruckerei, 1875. 8°. viii, 333 p. Same. 2e Hauptabtb. Kantonale Verhaltnisse. 3er- 5er Band. Frauenfeld, gedruckt bei J. Huber, 1866- 68. 3 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 3, ler Abschnitte. Die allgemein konstitutionellen und organisehen Staatseinrichtungen. — 2er Abschnitte. Den Organismus der verfassungsmassigen Staats- behorden und des ihnen zugeschiedenen Geschafts- kreises. 4. 3er Abschnitte. Die Organisation der Gemeindebe- hiirden und des Gemeindeverwaltungswesen. — 4er Abschnitte. Die Organisation der unter die un- mittelbare Leitung der Kegierungsdepartemente ge- stellten Staatsadministration. 5. 5er Abschnitte. Die Organisation der gerichtlichen Be- hordeu und des ihnen zugeschiedenen Geschafts- kreises. — 6er Abschnitte. Die Prozessgesetze fiir das biirgerliche und das Strafverfahren. — 7er Abschnitte. Das Strafgesetz fiir den Kanton Thurgau.

Neue Gesetzessammlung fiir den Kanton Thurgau, enthaltend die seit dem Inkrafttreten der Kantons- Verfassung vom 28. Feb. 1869 erlassenen kantonalen, sowie die seit dem Inkrafttreten der Bundesver- fassung vom 29. Mai 1874 erlassenen eidgenossischen Gesetze, Verordnungen, Bescbliisse und Staatsver- trage. ]er-3er Band. 1869-81. Frauenfeld, ge- druckt bei J. Gromann, etc. 1875-82. 3 v. 8°.


Vol. 1. 1869-74. 2. 1875-76. 3. 1877-81.

Ticino. Bullettino oflficiale della repubblica e cantone del Ticino. Vol. 15, 21, 35. 1832-35, 45, 59. Bellinzona, 288 STATE LIBRARY.

Ticino, continued. 1835; LTigano, 1845-60. 3 v. 8°. (3a raccolta, dal 1832, delle leggi e decreti del eantone Ticino, v. 2, 8, 22.) Contents. Vol. 15. 1 luglio 1832 — 30 giugno 1835. 21. 1845. 35. 1859.

BoUettino ofiSciale delle leggi e degli atti esecutivi della repubblica e eantone del Ticino. Nuova serie, V. 1-33, 1875-1907. Bellinzona, 1875-1908. 33 v. 8°.

Vol. 1-11, 13, 18, have the title " Raccolta officiale delle leggi," etc., 1875-85, 87, 92. Vol. 6-11, 13-14, " edizione officiale "; v. 12, 14-17, 19-33, " Annessi al Foglio Officiale," 1886, 1888-1907.

Vol. 1. '


Ticino, continued. atti pill importanti del diritto piibblico svizzero. Bellinzona, 1886-87. 4 v. f°.

Vol. 4, Supplimento ed indioe.

Eaccolta delle leggi e dei decreti del cantone Ticino, autorizzata dal Gran Consiglio il 14 maggio 1902, e compilata per materie insieme alia corrispondente legislazione federale. Vol. 1. Leggi costituzionali, elettorali ed organiche, federali e cantonali. Bellin- zona, 1904. 8°. (3), 495 p. Eaccolta officiale delle leggi e degli atti esecutivi, 1875-85, 87, 92. See, back, BoUettino officiale, v. 1- 11, 13, 18. Timor. Boletim official do governo do districto autonomo de Timor. Anno 8-10. 1907-09. ii.t.p. [Dilly, 1907-09.] 3 V. f°.

An " Appendice " to the bulletin 4 Feb. 1909 is the " Boletim meteorologico. '

Tlaxcala. Codigo civil del estado 1. y s. de Tlaxcala. Tlaxcala, 1885. 8°. xv, 696, xii p. Codigo de procedimientos criminales del estado libre y soberano de Tlaxcala, aprobado por la H. Legis- latura del mismo. Tlaxcala, 1879. 8°. 152, (7) p. Folded plates. Codigo penal del estado libre y soberano de Tlaxcala, aprobado por la H. Legislatura del mismo. Tlaxcala, 1879. 8°. (3), 216, (11) p. Decreto de la exma. dipntacion territorial de Tlaxcala sobre organizacion de tres companias de caballeria con el nombre de fuerza de seguridad publica. Puebla, [1848]. 8°. (7) p. _ Estatuto de la hacienda territorial, h.t.p. [Puebla, 1849.] 12°. 24 p. Estatuto organico del territorio de Tlaxcala. Mexico, 1849. 8°. 16 p.

• Estatutos para las elecciones de ayuntamientos, alcaldes, y jueces merinos del territorio de Tlaxcala, y sustitucion de los funcionarios piiblicos. Puebla, 1849. 12°. (1), 13, (1) p. Legislacion especial del estado 1. y s. de Tlaxcala. la-2a epoca, comprende las leyes, circulares, y decre- tos expedidos desde la instalacion del Congreso con- stituyente en 1 de junio de 1857 basta la conclusion 290 STATE LIBRARY.

Tlaxcala, continued. del periodo constitucional en el ano de 1872. Tlax- cala, 1871-78. 2 V. in 1. 8°. Same. 3a epoca, que comprende las leyes, circulares V decretos expedidos desde el 19 de abril de 1872 al 15 de enero de 1881. Tlaxcala, 1881-82. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Legislaeion especial del estado libre y soberano de Tlaxcala; comprende las leyes, circulares y decre- tos expedidos en el periodo constitucional de 1881 a 1885. Mexico, 1885. 8°. 486, xvi p. Lev de procedimientos civiles del estado de Tlaxcala. h.t.p. [Tlaxcala, 1879.] 8°. 147, (8) p. —-Lev organica de los tribunales del estado de Tlax- cala. [Tlaxcala], 1879. 8°. 35, (20) p. Ley organica para el arreglo de la administracion de justicia en el tribunal supremo y juzgados del estado. Tlaxcala, 1869. 8°. 74 p. Eeglamento de la guardia de policia del territorio de Tlaxcala. n.t.p. [Puebla, 1849.] f°. (6) p. Tobago. [The laws of Tobago concerning real and per- sonal property and manumission of slaves are con- tained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827.] See also Trinidad and Tobago.

Toga. Koe lao oe buleaga o Toga. Aia nae fokotuu ehe Fale Alea bea finagalo ki ai ae Tu'i i bono 1903 oe tau ke hoko ia koe Lao o Toga bea mate ae g. Lao mua kotoabe. Toga, [1903]. 8°. (5), 171, xxvi p. Togoland. [Gesetze, Verordnungen, etc.] {In Germany. Colonies. Deutsche Kolonial-Gresetzgebung. 1893- 1908.) Tonga or Friendly Islands. The law of the government of Tonga, [passed by the Legislative Assembly and sanctioned by the King in the year 1903 to become the law of Tonga and repealing all former laws]. Tonga, 1907. 8°. (5), 174, (37) p. Transvaal Colony (South African Republic previous to May 1902.)

The statute law of the Transvaal ; tr. by S. H. Barber, W. A. Alacfadyen, and J. H. L. Findlay. Published by the auihority of the High Commissioner for South A'frica. London, Stevens and Sons, 1902. 8°. (6), cxlviii, 1160 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 291

Transvaal Colony, continued. Statutory proclamations of the Transvaal, 1900-02, revised to 31st Dec. 1903. 3d ed. London, Stevens and Sons, 1904. 8°. xiv, (1), 531 p.

Ordinances of the Transvaal, 1902-06 ; Statutes, 1907- 10. With index, tables of contents, and tables of laws, etc., repealed and amended by these ordi- nances. Pretoria, 1904^10. 9 v. 8°.

1902. 292 STATE LIBRARY.

Trinidad, aontinued. Chronological table of the royal orders in Council and ordinances pron^ulgated in this colony between the 25th April 1831 and the 30th June 1877; [with manu- script additions to 1881.] Port-of-Spain, 1877. 8°. XV, 142 p. MS. p. 143-185.

The laws of the island concerning real and personal property and manumission of slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827.

Trinidad and Tobago. Ordinances of the Council of gov- ernment, 1889-99, making the 8th-13th volume of the Laws of Trinidad. Port-of-Spain, 1891-1900. 6 v. L 8°. Contents.

Vol. 8. 1889-90. 11. 1895. 9. 1891-92. 12. 1896-97. 10. 1893-94. 13. 1898-99.

For previous years see Trinidad.

Laws of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad, 1902-05. 6 V. 8°.

Vol. 6, Chronological table and index.

Ordinances passed bv the Legislative Council during the year 1905-10. Trinidad, 1906-U. 6v. in 5. 1.8°. FOREIGN LAWS. 293

Turkey. Corps de droit Ottoman, recueil des codes, lois, reglements, ordonnances et actes les plus importants dii droit interieur, et d 'etudes sur le droit coutumier de 1 'empire Ottoman; par George Young. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1905. 3 v. 8°. Ottoman commercial code, with the appendix thereto, the protests law, 1886> the bankruptcy rules, 1894, and with notes, etc.; tr. from the Turkish text and compiled by G. G. Ami rayan. [Nicosia], Cyprus government printing office, 1906. 12°. xx, 281 p.

See also Bulgaria; — Cyprus; — Egypt.

Turks and Caicos Islands. Laws of the Turks and Caicos Islands, comprising the imperial statutes, acts of the General Assembly of the Bahama Islands extended to this presidency, and ordinances enacted by the Legislative Council; collected and arranged, with an appendix, by A. J. Duncombe. London, Saunders, Otley & Co., 1862. 1. 8°. xv, 616 p. Ordinances, 1861-70, 72-76, 1878-1907. Uncomplete.] n.t.p. [Grand Turk, 1861-1907.] f°. Namely. ;


Uganda Protectorate. The imperial statutes applicable to Uganda. (In Great Britain. Colonies. The im- perial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Orders of the Secretary of State, Queen's regulations, and rules made under the provisions of the Africa Order in Council, 1889, during the years 1895-1900 revised Nov. 1906. [Entebbe, 1906.] 34 p. f°. King's regulations made under the provisions of the Africa Order in Council, 1889, during the year 1901. Entebbe, [1901]. f°. (8) p. King's regulations under the Africa Order in Coun- cil, 1889, and ordinances under the Uganda Order in Council, 1902, during the year 1902, with an appendix of rules, regulations and notices thereunder, and the Uganda Order in Council, 1902, the East African Protectorates, Court of Appeal, Order in Council, 1902. [Entebbe, 1902.] f°. (98) p. _ — Ordinances tinder the Uganda Order in Council, 1902, during the year 1903, 07-08, with an appendix of rules, regulations, and notices thereunder. Entebbe, [1903-08]. 3 V. f°. Namely. 1903. 1907. 1908.

Ordinances under the Africa Order in Council, 1902, issued during the year 1904, with rules and notices thereunder. [Entebbe, 1904.] f°. Ordinances under the Africa Order in Council, 1905, issued during the year 1905-06, with rules and notices thereunder. "[Entebbe, 1905-06.] 2 v. f°. Namely. 1905. 1906.

United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, {previous to March 22, 1902, known as North-Western Provinces and Oudh). A collection of acts passed by the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor of the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh in Council, 1903-04, 06-08, 10. Allahabad, [1903-10]. 8°. Namely. 1903, 2 nos. 1907, 2 nos. 1904, 3 nos. 1908, 1 no. 1906, 4 nos. 1910, no. 1^.

— Government Gazette, [containing appointments, etc., notifications, acts and bills of the Governor General FOREIGN LAWS. 295

United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, continued. in Council], etc. [Vol. 24^31.] 1902-10. Allahabad, 1902-10. 8 V. in 34. f°. The N.-W. P. and Oudh municipalities act, 1900, as modified up to the 1st June, 1907. Allahabad, 1908. 8°. X, 174 p. Table showing effect of legislation in the Legislative Council during 1903-04, 06-08, 10. n.t.p. [1903-

06J ; Allahabad, [1907-10]. 8°.

The United Provinces code : consisting of the Bengal regulations and the local acts of the Grovernor Gen- eral in Coimeil in force in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, etc. 4th ed. Calcutta, 1906. 2 v.

1. 8^ xiv, 548 p. ; 549-1061 p.

Contents. Vol. 1. Bengal regulations and local acts of the Governor General in Council. 2. Acts of the local Council, lists of enactments in force in the scheduled districts and the index.

The United Provinces municipalities amendment act, 1907, U. P. act 1 of 1907. Allahabad, 1907. 8°. Unterwald, Lower. Gesetzbuch fiir den Kanton Unter- walden nid dem "Wald. ler Band, enthaltend die in Kraft bestehenden bis und mit der Nachgemeinde vom 12. Mai 1867 erlassenen Gesetze und Verord- nungen, mit Ausnahme der am 1. Janner 1853 und 1. * April 1859 in Kraft getretenen Theile des ' biirger- lichen Gesetzbuches " enthaltend das Personenrecht und Erbrecht. Stans, Buchdruckerei von C. von Matt, 1867. 8°. xiv, 835 p. Unterwald, Upper. Landbuch fiir den Kanton Unter- walden ob dem Wald. 1.-2. Band. Sarnen, Buch- druckerei J. Miiller, 1899-1900. 2 v. 8°. (3), 386, (1) p.; vi, 562, (1) p.


Vol. 1. Oeffentliches Eecht. 2. Staatsverwaltung und Volkswirtschaft.

Upper Canada. See Ontario. Upper Senegal-Niger. Gouvernement general de I'Afri- que Occidentale Fran§aise. Gouvernement du Haut- Senegal-Niger. Instructions a I'usage des adminis- trations du Haut-Senegal-Niger. Paris, A. G. Per- sonne, [1906?]. 8°. 263 p. 296 STATE LIBRARY.

Uri. Amtliche Sammlung der Gesetze und Verordnungen des Landes Uri; erlassen seit 1. Jan. 1842 bis 5. Mai 1850, mit Ausschluss derjenigen, .welche auf das Zoll- und Postwesen Bezug oder sonst inzwisehen ihre Geltung ganz verloren haben. Altdorf, 1856. 12°. 192 p. Same. Erlassen seit der Annahme der neuen Kan- tons-Verfassiing von 5. Mai 1850 bis Ende Mai 1853. Altdorf, 1853. 12°. 293 p. Das Landbuch, oder offizielle Sammlung der Gesetze, Besehlilsse und Verordnungen des Eidgenossischen Kantons Uri. ler Band. Eluelen, 1823. 12°. 292 p. Uruguay. La legislacion vigente de la Eepublica del Uruguay por Pablo v. Goyena. 2a ed., revisada y aumentada hasta el 30 de junio de 1888. Montevideo, tipografia de La Nacion, 1888. 1. 8°. iv, 1600, xxxii p. Same. 2a ed., revisada y aumentada basta el 31 de

die. de 1895 ; con un indice general alfabetico de los dos tomos publicados basta el dia por Pablo v. Govena. Tomo 2. [1888-95.] Montevideo, imprenta El Siglo Hustrado, 1898. 1. 8°. xxxvi, 1593, (112) p. Same. Tomo 3, cuaderno 1-4. ler semestre de 1896 — 2do semestre de 1897. Montevideo, 1898. 4 pt.

1. 8°.

Codes. Actas y proyecto definitivo de la Comision de Be- formas al Libro rv del Codigo de Comercio. Pub- licacion ofieial. Montevideo, 1898. 1. 8°. 442 p. Codigos y leyes usuales [de la Eepublica Oriental del

Uruguayl ; coleccionados, esmeradamente corregidos y anotados por J. J. de Arecbaga. Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Bamos, 1894. 2 v. 1. 8°. v. p.

Contents. Vol. 1. Codigo civil. — Codigo de procedimiento civil. — C6digo de comercio. — Codigo de minerla. 2. Codigo penal y de instruccion criminal. — Codigo rural. — Codigo militar. — Leyes usuales.

Same. Codigo de comercio. 2a ed., conteniendo el libro 4 reformado por ley del 2 de oct. de 1900. Montevideo, 1900. 1. 8°. xvi, 360 p. Same. Codigo penal y codigo de instruccion criminal. 2a ed., corregida v aiimentada. Montevideo, 1900. 8°. 268 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 297

Uruguay, continued. Same. Codigo rural; anotado con todas las leyes y los decretos dictados hasta el 1 de marzo de 1899, que reforman, interpretan y complementan su texto primitivo, y con un apendice que contiene todas las disposiciones complementarias de las secciones 3 y 11 del titulo priniero de este codigo sobre marcas y seiiales. 2a ed. Montevideo, A. Barreiro y Ramos, 8°. 1899. 1. 272 P- ^ . Codigo civil de la Bepublica Oriental del Uruguay. Madrid, F. Gongora y Compaiiia, 1879. 8°. 173 p. (Coleccion de codigos civiles americanos y europeos, tomo 2.) Codigo civil de la Eepublica Oriental del Uruguay. Ed. oficial. Montevideo, imprenta de La Nacion, 8°. 1893. 1. xxxi, 610 (2) p. _

Comentarios al Codigo de procedimiento civil ; de los abogados, procuradores, actuarios y alguaciles [por] E. J. Lagarmilla. Montevideo, C. G. Perez, 1905. 8°. 388 p. Constitucion de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay, completada con los documentos de la Asamblea Con- stituyente y las leyes posteriores, con un repertorio de ia misma constitucion por Pablo v. Goyena. Montevideo, tip. de La Nacion, 1887. 24°. (5), 149 p.

Laws relating to special subjects. Departamento Nacional de Ingenieros. [Ley de crea- 8°. cion y reglamento interno.] Montevideo, 1893. 1. 46 p. Published by the Ministerio de Fomento.

Jubilaciones y pensiones del cuerpo docente. [Ley de creacion.] Montevideo, 18m. 12°. 18 p.

Published by the Ministerio de Pomeuto.

Ley creando el Consejo Nacional de Higiene y decreto reglamentario de la misma. Montevideo, imprenta de La Nacion, 1895. 8°. 30 p. Ley de creacion del Departamento de Ganaderia y Agricultura de la Eepiiblica Oriental del Uruguay. Montevideo, 1896. 8°. 13 p. Leyes comerciales. {In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) 298 STATE LIBRARY.

Uruguay, continued. Leyes, decretos, y reglamentos vigentes [de registro del estado civil], con arreglo a la edicion oficial del Codigo civil. Montevideo, imprenta Eural, 1895. 12°. 76 p.

Published by the Direccion General del Eegistro del Estado Civil.

Same. Montevideo, imprenta Eural, 1877. 12°. 80 p. Leyes de organizacion diplomatica y consular; reg-

lamentos ; arancel consular y ley que modifica el num. 10 del art. 1 del arancel. Montevideo, imprenta artis- tica de Donaleche y Eeyes, 1907. 8°. 115 p. Leyes de registro civico permanente y de elecciones. Montevideo, 1899. 12°. 35 p. Manual practice del registro del estado civil, dedi- cado al administracion publica. Legislacion y regla- mentacion del estado civil, practica del registro, instrucciones y formularios, etc., [por L. C. BoUo]. Montevideo, 1894. 1. 8°. xlvii, 304 p.

Eegistro oficial ; coleccion de leyes, decretos, y demas documentos piiblicos de la Eepublica Oriental del Uruguav, autorizada por superior decreto de mayo

2 de 1892. Ano 3, tomo 3. Montevideo, 1894. 1. 8°. vi, 147 p. Utrecht. Provinciaal-blad van Utrecht, 1823, 25-32, 36- 37, 39, 42-50, 57-72, 74-82, 1899-1900, 1902-09. Utrecht, [1823-1909]. 57 v. 8°.

Namely. 1823. .


Utrecht, continued. Eeglementen en verordeningen voor de provineie Utreclit, met toestemming van Heeren Gedeputeerde Staten der provineie, uitgegeven door W. H. van Notten. Utrecht, C. J. G. Eepelius, 1900. (5), 195 p. narrow 8°. Valais. Sammlung der Gesetze, Dekrete und Beschliisse des Kantons Wallis, 1847-52. 8er Band, 6er seit 1815. Sitten, gedruckt bei D. Eachoru Comp., [1852] 8°. 487, (1) p. Sam.e. Eecneil des lois, decrets et arretes du canton du Valais, 186.5-74, 1902-05. Tome 11, 20, 9me, 18me dps 1815. Sion, imprimerie J. Beeger; imprimerie F. Aymon, 1874-1905. 2 v. 8°. Vaud. Eecueil des lois, decrets, arretes, et autres actes dn gouvernement du canton de Vaud. Eeimpression officielle. Tome 1-8. 1803-1900. Lausanne, 1899- 1910. 8 V. 12°.

A consolidated edition. The title-page, vol. 6, reads " 4e partie, 1886-1900."

Contents. Vol. 1. 1803-30. 5. 1875-85. 2. 1831-45. 6. 1886-91. 3. 1846-61. 7. 1892-96. 4. 1862-74. 8. 1897-1900.

Eecueil des lois, decrets et autres actes du gouverne- ment du canton de Vaud et des actes de la Diete Helvetique qui eoncernent ce canton. Tome 32-37, 40. 46, 64 le partie, 66 le partie, 68 le partie, 73-74, 77,' 105-107. 1835-40, 43, 49, 67, 69, 71, 76-77, 80, 1908-10. Lausanne, [1835] -1910. 16 v. 8°.

The title, v. 46, 64, 66, 68, reads " et des actes de I'Assemblee Fed^rale et du Conseil Federal de la Confederation Suisse; " 73-74, 77, 105-107, " Eecueil des lois, decrets, arretes et autres actes du gouvernement." Bound with v. 66 is the " Code de procedure civil, 1870." Contents. Vol. 32. 300 STATE LIBRARY.

Vaud, continued. officiel et comprenant les annees 1803-64, suivi du Repertoire raisonne alphabetique des lois, arretes et atitres actes du gouvernement federal des 1849 a 1864 tels qu'ils ont ote publies dans le Eecueil vaudois par Henri Bippert et Ami Bornand. Lausanne, Dela- fontaine et Rouge, 1864. 8°. viii, 378, (1) p. Code de procedure civile du canton de Vaud. Lau- sanne, 1870. 8°. 404, 43 p. Venezuela. Cuerpo de leyes de Venezuela con un indice

alfabetico razonado y referente. Tomo 1, que com- prende todos los actos legislativos expedidos desde 1830 hasta 1850, todos los tratados piiblicos con las naciones extranjeras y un apendice de las leyes vigentes de Colombia. Ed. oficial. Caracas, 1851. 1. 8°. (]8), 831, 41 p. Reeopilacion de leyes y decretos de Venezuela, [1830- 73], formada de orden del General Guzman Blanco. Ed. oficial. Caracas, 1874. 6 v. f°. FOREIGN LAWS. 301

Venezuela, continued.

13. Same. 2 junio 1886 — 30 agosto 1887. 14. Same. 1 set. 1887 — 22 mayo 1890. 15. Documentos relativos A la cuestifin limites He Venezuela con la Guayana Inglesa. — Leyes y decretos, 27 mayo 1890 — 15 Julio 1890. — C6digo orgdnico del territorio federal Yuruary. — Leyes y decretos, 16 julio 1890 — 5 agosto 1891. 16. Same. 27 junio 1891 — 15 junio 1893. 17. Same. 16 junio 1893 — 27 die. 1894. 18. Same. 18 die. 1894 — 30 junio 1896. — C6digo civil, 19 mayo 1896. 19. Sam^. 1896. 20. Same. 1897. 21. Sam^. 1898. 22. Same. 1899. 23. Same. 1900. 24. Same. 1901. 25. Same. 1902. 26. Same. 1903. 27. Vol. 1. C6digo penal, 8 abril 1904. — Codigo de en- juiciamiento criminal, 28 abril 1902. — Codigo de comercio, 28 abril 1902. — Codigo civil, 9 abril 1904. — C6digo de procedimiento civil, 18 abril 1904. — C6digo militar, 18 abril 1904. — Codigo de la marina de guerra, 18 abril 1904. — Codigo de instruccion publica, 18 abril 1904. — Codigo de minas, 18 abril 1904. — 2. Leyes y decretos, 1904.

Actos legislatives sancionados por el Congreso Na- cional en 1874, y decretos ejecutivos dictados por el presidente de la republica, Gen. Guzman Blanco, hasta el 7 de junio del mismo alio. Ed. oficial. Caracas, 1874. f°. 264, (1) p. Codigo civil sancionado por el General Guzman Blanco, presidente de la republica. Ed. oficial. Caracas, 1880. f°. 314 p. Codigo civil. 10 die. 1880, 19 mayo 1896, 9 abril 1904. See back, Eecopilacion de leyes y decretos, tomo 9, 18, 27 V. 1. Codigo de comercio, 28 abril 1902. See, back, Ee- copilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 27, v. 1. Codigo de enjuiciamiento criminal, 28 abril 1902. See, back, Eecopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 27, v. 1. Codigo de -hacienda, 4a ed., 31 die. 1883. See, back, Eecopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 11. Codigo de instruccion publica, 18 abril 1904. See, back, Eecopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 27, v 1. Codigo de la marina de guerra, 18 abril, 1904. See, back, Eecopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 27, v. 1. Codigo de minas, 18 abril 1904. See, back, Eecopila- cion de leyes, etc., tomo 27, v. 1. 302 STATE LIBRARY.

Venezuela, continued. Codigo de procedimiento civil sancionado por el Gene- ral Guzman Blanco, presidente de la repiiblica. Ed. oficial. Caracas. 1880. f°. 136 p.

—- Codigo de procedimiento civil, 10 die. 1880, 18 abril 1904. See, back, Reeoi)ilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 9, 27 y. 1. Codigo de procedimiento criminal sancionado por el General Guzman Blanco, presidente de la repiiblica. Ed. oficial. Caracas, 1882. f°. 79 p. — Codigo de procedimiento criminal, 1 enero 1882, 14 enero 1884. See, bach, Recopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 9, 11. Codigo militar sancionado por el General Guzman Blanco, presidente de la repiiblica. Ed. oficial. Caracas, 1882. f°. 144 p. — Codigo militar, 26 feb. 1882, 18 abril 1904. See, bach, Recopilacion de leyes, tomo 9, 27 v. 1. Codigo organico del territorio federal Yuruary. See, back, Recopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 15. Codigo penal, 8 abril 1904. See, bach, Recopilacion de leyes, etc., tomo 27, v. 1. —-Leyes comerciales. (In Walton, C. S. Leyes co- merciales y maritimas de la America Latina, 1907.) Vera Cruz or Vera Cruz Llave. Coleccion de decretos y ordenes, dictadas por el Congreso constituyente de Veracruz, desde su instalacion, 9 mayo 1824 — 19 junio 1825; Congreso primero constitucional, 1 nov. 1825 — 31 die. 1826. Jalapa, 1826-27. 3 v. 32°.


Vol. 1. 9 mayo — 1 die. 1824. 2. 1 die. 1824 — 19 junio 1825. 3. 1 nov. 1825 — 31 die. 1826.

Legislacion del estado de Veracruz desde el ano de 1824 hasta la presente epoca. [1824-31, 55-63, 65- 68.] Jalapa, 1881-82. 7 v. 8°.

Namely. Vol. 1. 1824-25. 2. 1826-28. 3. 1829-31. Eecopilada por A. M. de Rivera. 1855-56. 1857-60. 1861-63. 1865-68. Eeeopilada por A. M. de Rivera. J


Vera Cruz or Vera Cruz Llave, continued. Legislacion del estado de Veracruz, etc.; recopilada por A. M. de Eivera. [Codigo civil, 1868.] Jalapa, 1882. 8°. 386, x p. [Codigo de procedimientos. Codigo penal, 1868. Jalapa, 8°. 1883. 2 v. in 1. 359, vii p. ; 166, iv p. Coleecion de leyes y decretos expedidos por la H. Leg- islatura del estado de Veracruz Llave, 1875; Colee- cion de leyes, decretos, y circulares, 20 de nov. 1876 — [die] 1878, 82-90, 92-99. Vera Cruz, 1878; Ori- zaba, 1884; Jalapa or Xalapa-Enriquez, 1886-1900. 20 V. 12°. Namely. 1875. 304 STATE LIBRARY.

Vera Cruz or Vera Cruz Llave, continued. Codigo de procedimientos civiles del estado de Vera- cruz Llave; proyecto formado por las comisiones unidas de la Honorable Legislatura y del Honorable Tribunal Superior de Justicia, aprobado y mandado observar por la ley niim. 32 de 15 de agosto de 1896. Ed. oficial. Xalapa-Enriquez, 1896. f°. 276, viii p. Codigo de procedimientos penales del estado de Vera- cruz Llave; proyecto formada por las comisiones unidas de la Honorable Legislatura y del Honorable Tribunal Siiperior de Justicia, aprobado y mandado observar por la ley num. 32 de 15 de agosto de 1896. Ed. oficial. Xalapa-Enriquez, 1896. f°. 131, iv p. Codigo penal del estado de Veracruz Llave, presen- tado en proyecto a la Honorable Legislatura por el presidente del H. Tribunal Superior del Justicia, C. Lie. Fernando de Jesus Corona, y mandado observar por el decreto numero 127 de 17 de die. de 1868. Ed. oficial. Veracruz, 1869. 12°. 266 p. Codigo penal del estado de Veracruz Llave proyecto ; formado por las comisiones unidas de la Honorable Legislatura y del Honorable Tribunal Superior de Justicia, aprobado y mandado observar por la ley num. 32 de 15 de agosto de 1896. Ed. oficial. Xalapa- Enriquez, 1896. f°. 223, viii p.

Laws relating to special subjects. Ley numero 155 que establece las contribuciones que deben cobrarse en el estado, reglamentada por el gobierno del mismo, conforme a las autorizaciones que ella contiene. Vera Cruz, imprenta del " Pro- greso," 1869. 8°. 98 p. Ley organica de los tribunales del estado. Vera Cruz, imprenta del " Progreso," 1869. 8°. 63 p. Recopilacion de leyes, decretos, y circulares sobre hacienda municipal y de instruccion piiblica del estado de Veracruz Llave, formado por Leonardo Zenil y Martinez. Jalapa, 1885. 12°. 250, xviii p.

Victoria. The general code, 1885 : a to declare, con- solidate and amend the substantive general law ; pre- pared by W. E. Hearn. Melbourne, [1885]. 4°. xxxi, 676 p. Proposed code. FOREIGN LAWS. 305

Victoria, continued.

The Victorian statutes ; the public and private acts of Victoria, also the acts of the Federal Council of Australasia, and a selection of the imperial statutes apparently in force in Victoria. Melbourne, 1890.

7 V. 1. 8°. Contents. Vol. 1. Acts interpretation — County Court. 2. Crimes — Instruments. 3. Juries — Medical. 4. Melbourne Harbor Trust — Supreme Court. " 5. Temperance halls — Wrongs. 6. Private acts. 7. Imperial statutes and Acts of Federal Council.

The Victorian statutes : the public acts of Victoria arranged in alphabetical and chronological order, with notes and indexes, by Louis Horwitz. Mel- bourne, C. F. Maxwell, Sands and McDougall, 1898- 99. 9 V. 8°. Contents.

Vol. 1. Acts interpretation — Councils of conciliation. 2. County courts — Employer and employes. 3. Evidence — Insolvency. 4. Instruments — Livery and agistment. 5. Local government — Medical. 6. Melbourne Harbor Trust — Public moneys. 7. Public service — Sugar. 8. Supreme Court and rules. 9. Temperance halls — Wrongs and indexes.

The acts of the Parliament of Victoria, 1st session, 14th Parliament, [1889] — 3d session, 22d Parlia- ment, [1911]. Melbourne, 1889-1911. 28 v. in 27. L 8°. Namely. lst-3d session, 14th Parliament, 1889-91. lst-3d session, 15th Parliament, 1892-94. lst-4th session, 16th Parliament, 1894-97. lst-4th session, 17th Parliament, 1897-1900. lst-3d session, 18th Parliament, 1900-02. l8t-3d session, 19th Parliament, 1902-03. l8t-3d session, 20th Parliament, 1904-06. lst-2d session, 21st Parliament, 1907-08. lst-3d session, 22d Parliament, 1909-11. The Acts, 1894-1911, contain general indexes to the Acts 1890- 1910.

The imperial statutes applicable to Victoria. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) —


Victoria, continued. — Tlie insolvency law of Victoria, comprising an ex- position of the law and practice relating to insol- vency and deeds of arrangement in the colony of Victoria, including the insolvency act 1890, 97, 98; the rules of the Supreme Court 1884, insolvency, the rules under parts 6 and 8 of the insolvency act 1897, and the insolvencv rules 1898. By "W. H. Lewis. Melbourne, C. F. Maxwell, 1899. 8°. xliv, 834, (1) p. Virgin Islands. [Ordinances, 1892-93, 1907.] n.t.p. [1892-1907.] f°.

Bound with the Acts of the Leeward Islands, Antigua, etc., 1892, 1907.

The laws of the islands concerning slaves are contained in Howard's Laws of the British colonies, v. 1, 1827.

Wales. Ancient laws and institutes of Wales, compris- ing laws supposed to be enacted by Howel the Grood, etc.; with an English translation. [Ed. by A. Owen. London], 3841. f°. (25), 1005 p. (Great Britain. Record Commissioners.)

Contents. The laws of Howel Dda; the Venedotian code: the Dimetian code; the'Gwentian code. —-Anomalous laws. —-Leges Wallicaj. Leges Howeli Boni. — Statuta de Eothelan. — Indexes and glos- sary.

— The ancient laws of Cambria, containing the institu- tional triads of Dyvnwal Moelmud, the laws of Howel the Grood, triadical commentaries, code of education,

and the hunting laws of Wales ; to which are added the historical triads of Britain; tr. from the Welsh by William Probert. London, 1823. 8°. (3), 414 p. The ancient laws of Wales viewed especially in re- gard to the light they throw upon the origin of some

English institutions ; ed. by J. E. Lloyd. By Hubert Lewis. London, E. Stock, 1889. 8°. xvi, 558 p. The statutes of Wales, collected, ed. and arranged by Ivor Bowen; with an introduction. London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. 8°. cxxvii, 309 p. Welsh medieval law, being a text of the laws of Howel the Good, namely the British Museum Harleian Ms. 4353 of the 13th century, with translation, introduc- tion, etc., by A. W. Wade-Evans. Oxford, Clarendon press. 1909. 12°. xcvi, 395 p. Wallis. See Valais. FOREIGN LAWS. 307

Weihaiwei. Ordinance [s], 1903-08. n.t.p. [Weiliaiwei, 1903 -08. J 8°. Namely. 1903, 9 nos. 1906, 9 noa. 1904, 13 nos. 1907, 3 nos. 1905, 10 nos. 1908, 1 no.

West Indies. See Bahamas; — Barbados; — Cuba; — Guadaloupe; — Hayti; — Jamaica; — Leeward Is- lands; — Martinique; — Santo Domingo; — Trini- dad; — Turks and Caicos Islands; — Windward Islands. Western Australia. The statutes of Western Australia. Melhourne, McCarron, Bird & Co., 1883. 2 v. 4°. X, 818 p.; 963, Ixiv p.


Vol. 1. A-H. 2. I-Z.

Acts of Council, 47-53 Vict., 1883-89. Perth, 1883- 89. 8 V. 4°. Namely. 47 Viet., 1883. 51 Vict., 1887. 48 Viet., 1884. 51 Viet., 1887-88. 49 Viet., 1885. 52 Vict., 1888. 50 Viet., 1886. 53 Vict., 1889.

The acts of Parliament of Western Australia, 1st session, 1st Parliament — 4th session, 6th Parlia- ment, [1891-1907]. Perth, 1891-1908. 18 v. 4°.

Namely. lst-4th session, 1st Parliament, 54-57 Vict., 1891-93. lst-3d session, 2d Parliament, 58-60 Vict., 1894r-96. lst-4tli, 6th session, 3d Parliament, 61-63 Vict., 1897-1899, 64 Vict., 2d session, 1900. lst-3d session, 4th Parliament, 1-3 Edw. vii., 1901-04. lst-2d session, 5th Parliament, 4-5 Edw. vii., 1904-05. Ist^th session, 6th Parliament, 5-7 Edw. vil., 1905-07.

ed. The statutes of Western Australia, [1832-95] ; by 8°. J. C. H. James, n.p., 1896. 3 v. 1.


Vol. 1. 1832-82. 2. 1883-92. 3. 1893-95.

Same, Historical table of the statutes and an alpha- orders in Council, betical index ; with proclamations, 8°. etc., bv J. C. H. James, n.p., 1896. 1. (1), 136 p. 308 STATE LIBRARY.

Western Australia, continued. An act to make provision for the acceptance and en- actment of a federal constitution for Australasia, ISth June, 1900. n.t.p. [Perth, 1900.] 1. 8°. 39 p. The imperial statutes applicable to Western Australia. {In Great Britain. Colonies. The imperial statutes, etc. Piggott. 1902-04.) Windward Islands. See Grenada; — Saint Lucia; — Saint Vincent, Wurtemberg, Entwurf eines Straf-Gesetz-Buches fiir das Konigreich Wiirttemberg; mit Motiven. Stutt- gart und Tubingen, J. G. Cotta, 1836. 8°. (9), 162, 340 p. — — Beiicht der von der wiirttembergischen Kammer der Abgeordneten zur Begutachtung des Entwurfs eines Strafgesetzbuches fiir das Konigreich Wiirttem- berg niedergesetzten Commission. Referenten: Schott, Haas, Romer, v. Probst. Correferent und Redigent: v. Hufnaacel. Stuttgart, J. B. Metzler, 1837. 8°. 456, 106 f Geschaftsordnung fiir die K. Generaldirektion der Posten und Telegraphen. n.t.p. [Stuttgart, 1902.] 1. 8^ 19 p. Geschaftsordnung fiir die K. Generaldirektion der Staatseisenbahnen, und der Bodenseedampfschiffahrt. n.t.p. [Stuttgart, 1901.] 8°. 24 p. Regierungsblatt fiir das Konigreich Wiirttemberg, nos. 24, 26, 27, 45. 11 Aug., 31 Aug., 5 Sept., 29

Dez. 1906. n.t.p. Stuttgart, 1906. 1. 8°. Sammlung der wiirttemberglschen Staatssteuer- gesetze sowie der wichtigeren VoUzugsvorschriften. 8°. Stuttgart, 1901-06. 2 v. iv, 397 p. ; vi, 595 p.

Contents. Vol. 1. Verbrauehs- und Verkehrsteuern. Nach dem Stande vom 1. Okt. 1901, neu bearbeitet im Auftrage des K. Wiirtt. Pinanzmmisteriums. 2. Direkte Steuern. Naeh dem Stande vom 1. April 1906, neu bearbeitet im Auftrag des K. Wiirtt. Finanz- ministeriums.

Yukon Territory. The consolidated ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1902, being a consolidation of the Consolidated ordinances of the North-West Territo- ries, 1898, with the subsequent public general ordi- nances of the Council of the Yukon Territory; by direction of the Commissioner of the Yukon Terri- tory, n.p., 1903. 1. 8°. liv, 754 p. FOREIGN LAWS. 309

Yukon Territory, continued. Ordinances passed by the Yukon Council, 1903-11. Dawson, 1903-11. 9 v. 8°. 310 STATE LIBRARY.

Zurich. Sammlung der biirgerliclien und Policey-Ge- seze und Ordnungen, Lobl. Stadt und Landschaft Zurich. Ziirich, 1757-93. 6 v. 12°. Officielle Sammlung der von dem Grossen Rath des Cantons Ziirich gegebenen Gesetze und gemachten Verordnungen und der von dem Kleinen Rath ema- nierten allgemeinen Landes- und Polizey Verord- nungen. Zurich, 1804-14. 6 v. 12°.

—• Sammlung aller Gesetze, Vertrage und Verordnungen des Cantons Ziirich welche von 1803-1830 erlassen wurden, und gegenwartig noch in Kraft sind. Aus den zehn vorhandenen Gesetzes-banden zusammen- getragen und nach Titeln geordnet. Ziirich, 1840. 12°. xii, 395 p. Neue officielle Sammlung der Gesetze und Verord- nungen des Standes Zurich. Ziirich, 1821-29. 3 v. 12°. Sammlung der biirgerlichen Gesetze und Ordnungen loblicher Stadt und Landschaft Ziirich. Neue Aufl. Ziirich, 1829. 12°. viii, 176, 82, 138 p. Officielle Sammlung der seit Annahme der Verfassung vom Jahr 1831 erlassenen Gesetze, Beschliisse und Verordnungen des eidgenossischen Standes Ziirich. ler-ller, 21er-28er Band. [1831-57, 1882-1910.] Ziirich, Friedrich Schulthess, etc., 1831-1910. 19 v. 12°.

The title, 1882-3906, reads, " OflSzielle Sammlung der seit 10. Marz 1831 erlassenen Gesetze," etc. Appended to vol. 28 is the " Alphabetisches Titilregister der Zurzeit. 1. Jan. 1911, geltenden Gesetzgebung des Kantons Zurich." Contents.

Vol. 1. FOREIGN LAWS. 311

Zurich, continued. Begister ziir Officiellen Sammlung der seit An- nalime der Verfassnng vom Jalir 1831 erlassenen Gesetze, Beschliisse und Verordnungen des Standes Ziirich, sowie der im Amtsblatte von 1834 bis 1843 enthaltenen Sammlung der Beschliisse und Verord- nungen des Eegierungsrathes, seiner CoUegien und

des Obergerichtes ; nebst einem Anliang enthaltend ein alpliabetisches Begister iiber altere, ganz oder theilweise noch in Kraft befindliche Gesetze und Ver- ordnungen. Bearbeitet von Jakob Greutert. Ziirich, 1843. 12°. iv, 5-106 p.

Code civil du canton de Zurich de 1887 ; tr. et annote

par Ernest Lelir. Paris, 1890. 1.^ 8°. Ixxii, 293 p. (France. Comite de Legislation JEtrangere. Collec- tion des principaux codes etrangers.) Gesammt-Begister zu Amtsblatt und Gesetzessamm- lungen des Kantons Zurich. Ziirich, 1882. 12°. 182 p. Wegleitung durch die Gesetze und Verordnungen des Kantons Zurich. Zurich, 1888. 12°. (4), 100 p. Same. 2e Aufl. Ziirich, 1897. 12°. 280 p.

Contents. a. Chronologisches Register der Gesetzgebung des Kantons Ziirich seit dem Jahre 1831. b. Alphabetisohes Sachregister iiber die zur Zeit, 1. Marz 3897, geltende Gesetzgebung des Kantons Ziirich.