ROMA FROM ROMANIA, BULGARIA, ITALY AND SPAIN BETWEEN SOCIAL INCLUSION AND MIGRATION EU INCLUSIVE Data transfer and exchange of good practices regarding the inclusion of Roma population between Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain Roma from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain between Social Inclusion and Migration – Comparative study – Editor: Daniela Tarnovschi Data analysis and interpretation: Ana Maria Preoteasa, PhD., Ionela Vlase PhD. Alexey Pamporov, PhD., Petya Kabakchieva, PhD. Fundación Secretariado Gitano (Employment and International Departments) Pietro Palvarini, PhD. 1 ROMA FROM ROMANIA, BULGARIA, ITALY AND SPAIN BETWEEN SOCIAL INCLUSION AND MIGRATION © 2012 Soros Foundation Romania All rights are reserved to Soros Foundation Romania. Both the publication and parts of it may not be copied without the permission of Soros Foundation Romania. Bucharest, 2012 Soros Foundation Romania 33 Cãderea Bastiliei Street, District 1, Bucharest Telephone: (021) 212.11.01 Fax: (021) 212.10.32 Web: E-mail:
[email protected] Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naþionale a României Roma from Romania, Bulgaria, Italy and Spain between Social Inclusion and Migration: comparative study / Ana Maria Preoteasa, Ionela Vlase, Alexey Pamporov, ... ; editor: Daniela Tarnovschi. - Constanþa : Editura Dobrogea, 2012 Bibliogr. ISBN 978-606-565-047-3 I. Preoteasa, Ana Maria II. Vlase Ionela III. Pamporov, Alexey IV. Tarnovschi, Daniela (editor) 323.1(- 214.58)(498) ISBN 978-606-565-047-3 2 ROMA FROM ROMANIA, BULGARIA, ITALY AND SPAIN BETWEEN SOCIAL INCLUSION