NORFACE MIGRATION Discussion Paper No. 2012-24 Surveying Romanian migrants in Italy before and after the EU Accession: migration plans, labour market features and social inclusion Isilda Mara Wiener Institut für The Vienna Institute Internationale for International Wirtschaftsvergleiche Economic Studies Surveying Romanian migrants in Italy before and after the EU Accession: migration plans, labour market features and social inclusion 1 by Isilda Mara February 2012 Rahlgasse 3 Telefon: (+43-1) 533 66 10 E-Mail:
[email protected] A-1060 Vienna Fax: (+43-1) 533 66 10-50 Website: 1 This study is part of Tempo project. Financial support from NORFACE research programme on Migration in Europe - Social, Economic, Cultural and Policy Dynamics is acknowledged. The survey was carried out by ISMU, Milano 2011. We are thankful to Stephen Drinkwater and Michal Garapich for the design of the questionnaire and Alessandra Venturini for support, comment and suggestions in designing the questionnaire and finalization of the report. Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... i 1. Introduction and background information ............................................................... 1 2. Methodology .......................................................................................................... 3 a. The sampling and surveying method ....................................................................3 b. The design of the