Volume 8, Issue 4 The Message Made Visible * By Chris Scott © 2014 * The title format is borrowed from Breaking the Maya Code by December 15, 2014 Michael D. Coe. In this book there is a chapter entitled “The Word Made Visible.”

I have been fascinated settings, including myths of the multiple attempts at lately by a Mayan art form creation and human origin. creating people ensured called the speech scroll. One of the earliest explicit that gods could be nour- The speech scroll is an discussions of speech ished through compliant image that seems very scrolls appears in a post- human speech and prayer scriptural when you con- humously published report (Christenson 2000:49, 128- sider a very prevalent by Hermann Beyer 134).” 4 theme carried throughout (1955:33-34). Thanks to From the very begin- the Bible. God “ Spoke ” the the foundation he laid, ning of time God is speak- world into existence. 1 there is much that can be ing the “Word” and like the “And I, God, said, Let said about scrolls. In some scriptures, it goes forth like there be light, and there texts, such as the myth- a scroll. “ So shall my word was light…And again, I, ogenic Vindobonen- be that goeth forth out of said Let there be a firma- sis of Mixtec provenance, my mouth; it shall not re- ment in the midst of the speech marks an attribute turn unto me void, but it waters; and it was so, even of humanity at the begin- shall accomplish that as I spake. And I said, Let ning of time; such orations which I please, and it shall it divide the waters from relate to the founding and prosper in the thing the waters; and it was making of all things whereto I sent it. ”5 done .” 2 From the Book of (Anders et al. 1992:81). The Mayan artists Mormon we read “ For, Speech also figures were able to capture this behold, by the power of his prominently in the creation image in an art form called word man came upon the account of the K’iche’ the speech scroll. The face of the earth, which Maya Popol Vuh, in which speech scroll emanates earth was created by the genesis results from a dia- from the mouth and is power of his word .” 3 logue between the creator shaped like a question “In , deities (Christenson mark. (Figure 1) Often it is speech occurs in varying 2000:40-41). In addition, accompaniedContinued by on hiero-Page 2 200 HCETI Accomplishments By Neil Steede © 2014 The Hill Cumorah Expe- believe to be the 200 greatest listed here, please let us dition Team came into exis- contributions made by know. tence at about the year HCETI. There are many The following is a list of 2000. Neil Steede had a more that are worth men- accomplishments that have prayer support group known tioning, but here I am con- been made by HCETI over as the “K group” which met centrating exclusively on the the last 15 years. This is not monthly in Neil's basement. archaeological endeavors. a complete list nor is it fully Originally the brainchild of Spin-off groups have formed explanatory. Some of these Tim Brown, the Hill Cu- over the years, most notably items are projects that began morah Expedition Team, The Mexican Epigraphic 40 years ago, but came to Inc. (HECTI) wanted to be Society . completion under HCETI. more than a prayer support Most recently this group An example of this latter is group. They wanted to sup- was supportive for a sympo- ContinuedContinued on on Page Page 4 3 port the archaeological en- sium held at the Independ- deavors and exploration’s ence Heritage House. There Inside This Issue HILL CUMORAH EXPEDITION TEAM, INC that Neil was pursuing. The we found a validation of group grew in strength over everything that HCETI The Message Made Visible Cont . 2 - 3 the years and has more than stands for. It also should be accomplished its original stated, “Here you only see 200 Accomplishments Cont. 3 –12 goals. the tip of the iceberg.” If Since I am the recipient anyone should feel some- of most of this endeavor I what slighted in some way Adventures in Archaeology 9 & 10

CumorahMessenger here put forward what I because of something not The Message Made Visible continued glyphs. “ Speech scrolls ensure that, “Wherefore, I chose these things, to through graphic means, sound can be finish my record upon them, which re- seen as something concrete and imper- mainder of my record I shall take from ishable ”4 the plates of Nephi; and I cannot write Closely related to the speech scroll the hundredth part of the things of my is the breath scroll. “ Late Classic Maya people .9 vessel scenes often portray speech “To those far-off Maya, writing scrolls as a series of dots in a single was of divine origin: it was the gift of curving line, quite probably also an Itzammna, the great creator divinity allusion to “breath”, yik’al t’an “wind whom the people of Yucatan on the eve or sound from one who speaks” --all of the Conquest considered to be the these terms deriving from the root ik’, first priest. Each year in the month Uo- or “wind,” (Figure 2) perhaps in the the same month in which we found our- sense of “precious things” (Barrera selves on the Neva embankment- the Vasquez 1980:977). priests invoke him by bringing out their The breath scroll as precious books and spreading them out art seems inspired in on fresh boughs in the house of the and of itself, but also local lord. Sacred pom incense was appears as inspiration burned to the god, and the wooden issuing forth from the boards which formed the cover of the nose of the person. books were anointed with “Mayan (Figure 3) Breath is also Figure 2 blue” pigment and virgin water .” 10 something that is scrip- Ik' Symbol When we consider the word and tural from the the sacredness of it and our scripture beginning of “So shall my word be that goeth forth the creation Figure 1—Speech Scroll out of my mouth; it shall not return “and the Lord unto me void, but it shall accomplish God formed was taking place between the Maya and that which I please and it shall prosper man of the dust their Creator. Recorded words were in the thing whereto I sent it. ”5 We can of the ground, very important to the Maya when we compare that to the coming of Jesus Figure 3 and breathed Breath Scroll consider the sheer volume of writings Christ. He is closely associated with the into his nostrils that they left in the form of codices and word and gospel as it comes forth from the breath of life; and man became a hieroglyphs. “ And it hath become expe- the mouth of God. “ In the beginning living soul ”6 dient that I, according to the will of was the gospel preached through the “Inspiration, from the Latin inspi- God… should make a record of these Son. And the gospel was the word, and ratio, means to be in-breathed or blown things, which have been done ;” 8 the word was with the Son, and the Son upon.”...... ”By the wind… by the breath…. by the Spirit. That which is Figure 4—Breath Scrolls at inspired is God-breathed, spirit-blown. The word is defined as, ‘a supernatural or divine influence upon the prophets, the apostles, and the sacred writers, or upon men, to enable them to communi- cate divine truth.” 7 At Chichen Itza there are many examples of breath scrolls coming out of the faces of several buildings. One building has over twenty figures that are almost screaming “Look at me, I am trying to tell you something.” (Figure 4) So perhaps speech and breath scrolls could be seen as that which is inspired by a higher being and worthy of putting down in a concrete form of art for a testimony to the world of what

Page 2 CUMORAH MESSENGER The Message Made Visible continued was with God, and the Son was of as ever the rain had upon the earth, to 1Shirley Heater, 2014, Quetzal Codex, God .” 11 God’s promise of a redeemer is make it fruitful. [2.] That according to Issue 7 , Oak Grove, MO, Center for manifested in the flesh and His Word is the different errands on which the word Mesoamerican Research, p. 5 sure. “ The Lord Shall come down from is sent it will have its different effects. If 2Genesis 1:6,9 IV; 1:3,6 KJ, Bible heaven among the children of men, And it be not a savour of life unto life, it will 3Jacob 3:12, Book of Mormon shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay .” 12 be a savour of death unto death; if it do 4Steven Houston, David Stuart, and The effectiveness of his word in the not convince the conscience and soften Karl Taube, 2006, The Memory of kingdom of providence and grace, the heart, it will sear the conscience and Bones: Body, Being, and Experience which is as certain as the former: "So harden the heart; if it do not ripen for among the Classic Maya , Austin, TX, shall my word be, as powerful in the heaven, it will ripen for hell. One way University of Texas Press, p. 183-184 mouth of prophets as it is in the hand of or other, it will take effect. [3.] That 5Isaiah 55:11, Bible providence; it shall not return unto me Christ’s coming into the world, as the 6Genesis 2:8 IV; 2:7 KJ, Bible void, as unable to effect what it was sent dew from heaven ( Hos. 14:5 ), will not 7Jonathan Cahn, 2011, The Harbinger , for, or meeting with an insuperable op- be in vain. 13 Lake Mary, FL, Frontline Press, p. 119 position; no, it shall accomplish that In my opinion the Maya, by dis- 83rd Nephi 2:98-101, Book of Mormon which I please’’ (for it is the declaration playing the art forms of speech scrolls 9Words of Mormon 1:8; Jacob 2:26; of his will, according to the counsel of and breath scrolls had a very clear pic- Helaman 2:13, Book of Mormon which he works all things) "and it shall ture of the plan of God and how he 10 Michael D. Coe, 1992, Breaking the prosper in the thing for which I sent it.’’ worked with mankind through the Holy Maya Code , New York, Thames and This assures us, [1.] That the promises Spirit and Jesus Christ. Their depictions Hudson Inc. p. 12 of God shall all have their full accom- show the importance and power of the 11 John 1:1, Bible plishment in due time, and not one iota “Spoken Word.” The message out of the 12 Mosiah 1:97, Book of Mormon or tittle of them shall fail. These prom- mouth of God is the story the life, death, 13 Matthew Henry, 2008, Matthew ises of mercy and grace shall have as sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Henry’s Commentary on the Whole real an effect upon the souls of believ- Christ. Bible complete, Hendrickson Publish- ers, for their sanctification and comfort, REFERENCES ers. about Isaiah 55:11

200 HCETI Accomplishment continued the tunnel projects at Teotihuacán. Most of 4. Finding the City of Nephi are unique on this altar. This also taught the financing for all of these projects have Connecting the City of Nephi to the pre- us how to read not only abstract per se , been internal. More external intervention sent day ruin of Chinkultic was a task that but also directional indications. will be needed for future projects. took several years. However, there is now 9. Understanding King Limhi as “King 1. Mapping the Land of Cumorah little doubt as to its location. All major of Zero” Monument The mapping of this area has taken more events described in the Book of Mormon The recognition of the meaning of the than 10 years to accomplish. However, are found to have occurred at this site. infamous Chinkultic Disk (Esperanza main battle lines that occurred during the 5. Finding Abinadi’s Monument Disk) greatly opened our understanding final battles of the Jaredites and the Finding the monument at Chinkultic that as to how pre-classical monuments were Nephites have been determined. Several depicts the burning of Abinadi was a ma- created by classical artisans. special have also been recognized and jor accomplishment. mapped. 6. Finding the “24 Priests” Monument 2. Collecting Evidences of Final Battles The recognition of the 24 Priests monu- Over the last 15 years the HCETI team has ment greatly enhances our ability to read collected hundreds of artifacts from the the artwork of this era. The symbolism of battlefields. Those artifacts have been clas- the large Lamanite and the symbolism of sified as to what era they were from the woman’s speech scrolls were para- (Jaredites or Nephite), and as to which side mount. they might represent. 7. Finding the “Noah-Burning” Monu- 3. Mapping All Geographical Passes ment The mapping of all of the passes men- To find a monument portraying a major tioned in the Book of Mormon have been King burning as it was told about King executed by this team. They include the Noah was a huge breakthrough. Teancum/Morianton pass, the Jershon 8. Finding the “Limhi Altar” The La Esperanza Disk illustrates that this king became the “King of Nothing”—a very pass, the Limhi pass, and the Final Wars The altar found behind the City of Nephi fitting comment on King Limhi who surren- pass. Also the documentation of the city demonstrates to us how location was so dered his kingship to give his people their passes from Ammonihah and Nephihah important in comprehending monuments. freedom from Lamanite slavery. were also documented. The abstract art representing abstract ideas Continued on Page 4

VOLUME 8, ISSUE 4 Page 3 200 Accomplishments Continued 10. Finding Noah’s Tower Foundation sents. It also helped us comprehend the From the Book of Mormon we understand concept of the oval. that a high tower existed at the City of 18. Finding the Nephi/Lehi Well Nephi and this allowed us to comprehend This is the find that led to the confirmation the geography of what we were seeing at of the previous well found. that site. To the right of the upper pyramid 19. Finding of Samuel's Well there is a large flat area which is the foun- Self-explanatory in that we discovered that dation of some wooden structure (this has Samuel the Lamanite was here converted been confirmed). From the Book of Mor- to the gospel and later became one of the mon we were able to tell that this would Magi. have been the site of Noah’s tower. 20. Finding the City of Nephi Geogra- 11. Finding of Noah’s Chair Description phy The finding of the monument that insinu- Understanding the location of the City of ates the creation of large “easy chairs” Nephi expanded our understanding of the was monumental. This find also demon- cities surrounding it as well as major geo- strates why the Maya chose “stools” as graphical features. One of the greater thrones. events here was the discovery of the pass 12. Finding Noah’s Diadem Drawing behind the city. The existence of this pass Another event where Book of Mormon demonstrated the veracity of the most of descriptions explained the existence and our conclusions up to this time. All of this meaning of a particular artifact. led to several of the following finds which 13. Finding the Zeniff Monument will be indicated. This monument portrays the petition of 21. Finding the City of Laman Zenith to Mosiah to return to the City of To be able to determine the City of Laman Nephi. by its relative location to Chinkultic as 14. Discovering the Meaning of the Ball well as the ability to view its approaching Courts armies from Noah’s tower made this dis- After much study we were able to deter- covery relatively easy. mine that many of the ball courts in Meso- 22. Finding the Waters of Mormon america were not used for playing ball. Once again, simple extrapolation allowed Rather they were used to create “historical us to see that “Ojo de Agua” had to be the timelines.” The ball court at Chinkultic Waters of Mormon. demonstrated this in the ball court. The 23. Finding Where the 24 Lamanite This La Venta Monument is a depiction playing field was full of monuments. It Women Were Captured of Lib’s success in forcing the serpents would not be reasonable to put monu- We found that the “Lagos Pintados” is the into the southern wilderness. ments in the playing field. At the same most logical place from which the 24 La- time the order and organization of the manite women were kidnapped. 27. Finding Lib’s Monument monuments demonstrated that they were 24. Finding of the City of the 24 Priests Discovery of the monument depicting Lib in chronological historical order. This of Noah holding a cross in front of the giant ser- could only be understood if viewed The extrapolation to determine the city that pent was a great find. Not only was the through Book of Mormon stories as his- the 24 Priests built was fairly easy after name “Lib” inscribed on the stela in Mar- tory. having discovered all the above. ried Ogam, but a larger text in cartouche 15. Finding the Nephi/Lehi Monuments 25. Finding of Alma’s City was found on the back of that monument. The finding of the Nephi/Lehi monuments Once again through extrapolation we lo- A line connected the illustration on the at Chinkultic greatly expanded our under- cated the city that Alma established as a obverse side with the cartouche text on the standing of this site. refugee during Noah’s reign. reverse side of the monument. This 16. Finding the Nephi/Lehi Prison 26. Finding the City of Desolation opened our whole understanding to the Finding the prison where Nephi and Lehi Through a variety of methods we were relationship of Ogam like texts at La saw the fire on the walls was a great open- able to determine that the present known Venta. ing to comprehension of how this site city of La Venta was the Book of Mormon 28. Finding Colossal Head Markings worked. City of Desolation. This could be extrapo- It was discovered that the Colossal Heads 17. Finding Abinadi’s Well lated through the Olmec carvings at the had Ogam-like markings on them. These Understanding “Abinadi’s Well” led to site and particularly monuments referring markings were later determined to be the understanding of more wells found to King Lib. Moreover, we that the Tonala Married Ogam and could be read rela- later both at this site and Tonina. The lo- River ran from the City of Nephi to the tively easily. cation of the well made it clear that the City of Desolation which provides a natu- 29. Finding Ether’s Monument (La mound where it sits was built to simply ral passage for these two locations to be Mojarra Stone) display the well and the event it repre- connected. Continued on Page 5

Page 4 CUMORAH MESSENGER 200 Accomplishments Continued A large part of this work was accom- history found at La Venta and that the lan greatly enhanced our total comprehen- plished by Don Beebe. This stone was Nephites went to great lengths to preserve sion of the site. totally photographed and those photo- the Jaredite history. 46. Finding King Benjamin's Tower graphs made the Kansas University trans- 36. Understanding the Dual Residency Finding the foundational imprint of King lation of this stone possible. at La Venta Benjamin's tower at the highest point in 30. Finding Ether’s Monument at La A complete understanding of the dual resi- was of tremendous importance. Venta dency at La Venta allowed us to more fully Once again it put many things into place. This monument refers to Ether. He is cra- understand the Comalcalco brick inscrip- 47. Finding King Benjamin's Palace dled within a serpent body. tions. Discovering King Benjamin's palace next 31. Finding the Captain Moroni Stone 37. Understanding the La Venta Tomb to his temple made perfect sense. It also The Ambassador Stone is now known by A fuller comprehension of the La Venta made sense that this palace then became us as the Captain Moroni Stone. It depicts tomb allowed us to understand that King the Palace of his son Mosiah the Elder and Captain Moroni marching with a flag that Lib was buried here. It also opened us to eventually of Alma II. is implied to be heralding three glyphs. understand how Offering #7 related to it. 48. Finding King Mosiah the Elder This alludes to Moroni’s declaration of 38. Understanding the La Venta Masks Much of our information concerning this liberty when he tore his coat and walked Understanding the geometric symbolism King was discovered by Mario Perez the length of the land. represented in the La Venta ceremonial Campa. From his origin in the Highlands masks led to a greater understanding of the to his marriage with Lady K’uk has been geometrical symbolism used throughout greatly a key piece of the puzzle. Mesoamerican art. 49. The Discovery of Lady K’uk 39. Finding Zarahemla Discovering that Lady K’uk was married Being able to establish that Yaxchilan is to Mosiah the Elder and the extrapolation the Book of Mormon Zarahemla greatly that she was the daughter of Zarahemla boosted our studies concerning the Classi- greatly enhanced our studies of Yaxchilan. cal Maya. We have been able to demon- strate that not only the name of the site fits, but that events that occurred at the site also fit. Book of Mormon characters such as the Alma’s, the Mosiahs, and others make this find a slam dunk. 40. Discovering Yaxchilan's Waterway and Defense Wall Discovery of Yaxchilan's defensive wall The Ambassador Stone depicts Captain was paramount in the discovery of Yaxchi- Moroni carrying a banner for God, lan itself and its Book of Mormon descrip- family and liberty . tion. 41. Finding That the City of Yaxchilan 32. Reading Ogam Inscriptions Was Burned We were finally able to read the inscrip- That the city of Yaxchilan had been totally tion on the back of the Ambassador Stone. burned in ancient times and then rebuilt It reads “national liberty.” Of course, the furthered our studies on this site. translator claimed this made no sense, but 42. Discovering Yaxchilan’s Highway that is because he did not understand the The finding of Yaxchilan's sacbe also led Book on Mormon context. Unfortunately to the possible finding of Nephi’s tower. he was not interested in knowing it either. 43. Finding King Zarahemla 33. Reading the Jaredite King List This piece of the puzzle came about thanks The inscription upon the crown of Colos- to Mario Perez Campa. Thanks to his read- Lintel 25 from Yaxchilan illustrates sal Head #1 provides the King list of the ing of the stone forest. Lady K’uk (the wife of Mosiah) receiv- which matches the Book of Mor- 44. Finding King Benjamin mon list of Jaredite Kings. The discovery that Benjamin did not want ing a vision of approval from “the 34. U nderstanding Ogam at La Venta his name to be inscribed anywhere in the founder” who we know to be Mulek. It was now understood that the Ogam city was a discovery that greatly enhanced writing found at La Venta was produced our understanding of this King—it totally 50. Finding the Founder’s Namesake by Golden Age Nephites. fits the Book of Mormon portrayal of his Understanding that King Benjamin was 35. Fully Understanding the History of humble nature. named after the individual that we know the City of Desolation 45. Discovering Benjamin's Temple as Mulek solidified our comprehension of For the first time it is understood that The discovery of the foundations of King the inscriptions found at Yaxchilan. Nephite history was a large part of the Benjamin's temple (Temple #5) at Yaxchi- Continued on Page 6

VOLUME 8, ISSUE 4 Page 5 200 Accomplishments Continued 51. Finding Mosiah the Younger Antionum could be identified. The plaque with Amulek’s testimony is Recognition of Shield Jaguar III as 58. Finding the Seven Cities of An- found at next to Alma’s testimony. Mosiah the Younger helped complete the tionum 70. Finding the Prison foundational work for the Mosiah/Maya Since we realized the cities of Antionum Finding the collapsed remains of the Matrix. were the Rio Bec Culture, we then extrapo- prison where Alma had been verified his 52. Finding Alma II lated that there were seven cities from the testimony. The recognition of Bird Jaguar IV as number of missionaries Alma collected for 71. Finding the Lawyer Graves Alma II along with the immense amount his Zoramite mission. Rio Bec was never The large plaques (diadems) at Tonina writing that existed concerning him also re-inhabited once it was abandoned, but mark the graves of the lawyers that im- helped to complete the Mosiah/Maya Ma- other cities such as and prisoned Alma. trix. could be seen to have remnants of Rio Bec 53. Finding “The Hidden One” architecture. Dave Kelly had called to my attention his 59. Tracing the Evidence of Writing obsession of a personage who glyph indi- It was found that if one used only cated that he was “the hidden one.” It was “contemporary writings” that one could immediately obvious that this person must demonstrate that the history of writing in be Alma II who is also known as Bird the Mayan lowlands showed up earliest at Jaguar IV. Yaxchilan (Zarahemla). 54. Finding the King-men's Stronghold 60. Finding the City of Judea Through careful study of the dealings This city had to be as demon- between Yaxchilan (Zarahemla) and Pie- strated by our Antionum glyphs. dras Negras (the King-men's stronghold) 61. Finding the City of Gideon we could see that the two sites were iden- Through extrapolation this city was easy to tical. recognize. Large diadems such as this one at 55. Finding Antionum 62. Finding the City of Noah Tonina help identify the lawyer’s Realizing that the Mayan subculture Since the City of Melek and Ammonihah graves at Ammonihah. known as the Rio Bec Culture was actu- had been found, extrapolation demon- ally the Book of Mormon culture of An- strated where Noah would be. 72. Finding the Believers Burned Re- tionum helped us to understand this whole 63. Finding the City of Melek mains area. Specifically attention was brought to The City of Melek was easy to find from The burned remains of those who believed Jershon and its agricultural and later cul- its murals which depicted the history of the in the Alma's words were found. There tural development. Ammonites. remains are their testimony. 56. Recognition of “The Holy Stand” 64. Finding the Ammonite Testimony 73. Finding Ammonihah has Defenses Recognition of “the holy The murals of clearly present The burm and the moat construction stand” (Rameumptom) being the towers the Ammonite history. In architectural around the city verifies the Book of Mor- created by the Rio Bec Culture opened the design they demonstrate their moves from mon story of Moroni’s defenses which he door to greater understanding of this area. the City of Ishmael (Chalchuapa) to La- built around Ammonihah. manai and finally to Melek (Bonampak). 74. Ammonihah’s Geography 65. Understanding Melek City Meta- The geography around the city demon- phors strates the accuracy of the account of Cap- Understanding not only the murals but the tain Moroni. architectural metaphors of this city truly 75. Finding the New Jerusalem helped to understand Mayan iconography The New Jerusalem must be Tenam in general. Puente. 66. Finding the City of Ammonihah 76. Finding the Beheaded Statue Once fully understanding the city of Ton- Finding the ritualistic beheaded statue at ina we understood that we needed to New Jerusalem demonstrated to us that search for all of the stories surrounding the beheading of Anti-Nephi-Lehi was The narrow stairs of the “Holy Stand” this site in the Book of Mormon. first practiced in effigy. in the Book of Mormon story about 67. Finding Alma Imprisonment Testi- 77. Finding the Statue with Sword Antionum and the Zoramites. We know mony The statue stands in the entryway to the The plaques referencing Alma’s imprison- San Cristobal Museum in . The this to be the modern site of Rio Bec. ment validated the story. claim is made that the man is reaching 57. Finding the "Oneida" of Antionum 68. Validity of Alma's Name Found into his copal bag. However, it appears One had to understand that when Copan Finding the name Jaguar Bird (Bird Jag- clear that he is grasping the hilt of his was attacked by Amalickiah at its uar) at Tonina verified the Book of Mor- sword which rises above the saber. “Oneida” and that was the name for their mon story. 78. Finding the Box for the 24 Golden Armory. Thus, the Oneida or Armory at 69. Finding Amulek’s Testimony Continued on Page 7

Page 6 CUMORAH MESSENGER 200 Accomplishments Continued Plates King Anti-Nephi-Lehi's head was found in The report of archaeologist Franz Blohm . of Tulane University describes an empty 88. Finding the Older Evil Brother of stone box that was found in the altar of King Lamoni Temple I at Chinkultic. The box was filled This older brother can be found at the site with red ocher. It is my belief that this was known as . the box that originally contained the 24 89. Finding the Jershon City Pattern Golden plates and upon that basis we were The discovery of a city pattern helped us to able to design a set of plates extrapolating clarify Captain Moroni’s city building the script found on the La Mojarra Stone pattern when he constructed multiple cities from Veracruz. in the area. 79. Finding of the City of Antiparah 90. Finding the Reason for the Green The City of Antiparah has proven to be Fields of and Quintana Roo The modern site of displays the city of . We discovered that the need for the green volumes of reasons why we believe it is 80. Finding of the City of Ishmael fields was to grow tobacco. This could be the City Bountiful. Originally recognize by Glenn Scott, extrapolated because there were no cities The finding of the Three Nephites at the Chalchuapa is in and it is the developed in the area of these fields. Temple of the Foliated Cross at Palenque City of Ishmael. 91. Making the Trade Connection shows that they were called “three pre- 81. Finding Lamoni’s Migration Finally with the discovery of the green cious ones.” Lamoni's migration moved him to present fields provided a connection for the to- 102. Comprehension of Temple XIX in Belize. This move is well bacco trade that existed with Egypt. A full understanding of Temple XIX lead documented. 92. Finding the City Bountiful to a more full understanding of the previ- 82. Finding the City of Lamoni The City of Bountiful is Palenque. ous temples as well as Temple XX. The City of Lamoni is Lamanai in the 93. Understanding the Calendar Correc- 103. Understanding Temple XX country of Belize. tion It was finally understood that Temple XX At Palenque a calendar reckoning exists. It was the metaphorical burial place of the is the reckoning described in the Book of other Nine Disciples. Mormon. 104. Understanding the Cacaxtla War 94. Understanding the Palenque City Mural Layout Understanding that the war mural repre- The layout of the city of Palenque makes sented a timeline was paramount in under- the cross complex extremely unique. standing the site over all. 95. Understanding the Palenque Tower 105. Understanding the Satan Mural Most importantly is that it is not King Ben- Understanding that the Satan mural was jamin Tower. depicting that the record of Nephi would 96. Seeing the “Writing on the Wall” eventually destroy Satan was instrumental "The writing on the wall" referred to by in understanding the overall context of the Amulek can be seen in the Palenque Pal- murals. ace. 106. Understanding the Governor’s 98. Understanding the Throne Place- Mural The Ammonites relocated to Lamanai; ment at Palenque Understanding that what is known as “the The comprehension that the large thrones Governor’s Murals” was actually address- a city in the land of Jershon. found within the labyrinth of the Palace ing the religious/spiritual states of the 83. Finding Lamoni and at Temple XIX were representations of Lamanites and the Nephites. The two main burials at Lamanai are King where Christ’s prayers and miracles took 107. Understanding Other Murals Lamoni and his wife. place during his visit. A menagerie of things were understood in 84. Finding Lamoni’s Father 99. Understanding the Cross Complex the other murals. King Lamoni’s father can be found at Is now understood that the cross complex 108. Understanding the Granary Tikal (Antiparah). deals solely with Christ's visitation to this That wheat as well as barley was in the 85. Finding Lamoni’s Mother site. granary at Cacaxtla was significant. King Lamoni’s mother can be found at 100. Understanding Who the Three 109. Understanding the Moat Bonampak (City of Melek). Kings Are The metaphorical significance of the moat 86. Finding King Anti-Nephi-Lehi's Because of the Temple XIX inscriptions it at Cacaxtla is most important. Body is now understood that the Three Magi of 110. Understanding the Reversed Fields This body is located in the tomb next to Nativity lore were Nephi, his brother Lehi The metaphorical significance of not only the fathers body. and Samuel the Lamanite. having raised fields in a large plane area, 87. Finding of King Anti-Nephi-Lehi's 101. The Discovery of the Three but having them constructed in reverse Head Nephites Continued on Page 8

VOLUME 8, ISSUE 4 Page 7 200 Accomplishments Continued was most important to be able to tie Ca- The ball court narrative clearly indicates It is now understood that Cuicuilco pre- caxtla and Xochicapetl together. the importance of baptism. dated and when the local 111. Cacaxtla's Cimeter 122. Teotihuacan's Pyramid of the Sun volcano began erupting, the population The only true cimeter known. The metaphorical significance of the sym- mass at Cuicuilco moved to Teotihuacan. 112. Xochicapetl Layout bols on the face of the Pyramid of the Sun 135. The Pyramid of Cuicuilco The relationship between the sites of Ca- at Teotihuacan is most important. A split altar was found at the apex of the caxtla and Xochicapetl can be a extrapo- 123. The Metaphorical Significance of pyramid at Cuicuilco and below it was a lated from understanding their layouts. the Pyramid of the Sun tomb. They were built at the same time. That the apex of the Pyramid of the Sun is 136. Teotihuacan Construction at Cui- 113. Xochicapetl's Baptismal Font not the same as the center of mass is most cuilco The site of Xochicapetl has a mound con- important. The first “ talud and tablero ” construction taining a baptismal fonts in the shape of a 124. The Significance of the Pyramid of were found at Cuicuilco. This excavation cross ("T"). Quetzalcoatl was finance by HCETI. 114. Xochicapetl's Tower Understanding the faces found on that 137. Teopantecuanitlan Head Monu- This sites tower has an inverted plaza was pyramid are most illustrative to what is ments much like the surrounding fields. That is beneath it. The first four Colossal Heads were found to say, they are larger on top and smaller 125. The Citadel of Quetzalcoatl at this site. on the bottom. The metaphorical construction of the 138. Teopantecuanitlan Location 115. Xochicapetl's Door whole Citadel of Quetzalcoatl is of great This site is believed to the city of Moron. The lone doorframe at the top of Xochi- importance. Particular importance should 139. Teopantecuanitlan Dates capetl largest mound is most significant. be given to the 15 pyramids surrounding it. This site dates from 2200 B.C.E. 116. Xochicapetl's Heart Fonts 126. Teotihuacan Tunnel A Exploration 140. Ixtapa Weight Set The large stone heart fonts at this site rep- The exploration of Tunnel A exposed the The weight set includes metaphoric and resent the sacrificing of one's heart use of dolomite chisels. cryptic messages as well as a precise set through baptism. This metaphor is most 127. Teotihuacan Tunnel A – Discovery of weights. significant; particularly for the heart font of Spiritual Gates 141. Stela 5 overlapped by the standing wall. The discovery of the "spiritual gates" in This famous stela relates Mesoamerican Tunnel A demonstrated that the Teotihua- history, but not as taught by the Mormons. can culture realized it was in a transition. 142. Izapa Stela 1 128. Teotihuacan Tunnel A Recognition Tells the story of the “fisher of men.” of Geometrical Metaphors 143. Izapa Stela 21 Through geometry the builders of Tunnel The Coriantumr and Shiz story. A created messages in several formats. These messages were geometrical shapes and specifically colored stones. In our opinion, some of the messages implied where archaeologists should dig. 129. Teotihuacan Tunnel B All of the findings of Tunnel B are consis- tent with the findings in Tunnel A. This is one of the heart-shaped fonts at 130. Interviews with Tunnel A Workers Xochicapetl located just outside of Puebla. It was demonstrated that the 1970s ar- chaeological team looted Tunnel A. 117. Xochicapetl's Offerings 131. La Ventanilla at Teotihuacan The mass offerings found at this site are It was demonstrated that the Venus cult most significant. thrived at early Teotihuacan. 118. El Tajin’s Layout 132. Cuicuilco's Dates The significance of the overall layout of It has been demonstrated that Cuicuilco the city of El Tajin is most important. dates back to 2000 BC. 119. El Tajin’s Great Speech Scroll 133. Cuicuilco's Stela The great speech scroll portrays the great The 16 foot high stela is believed to indi- testimony being expressed. cate that there were four Kings at this site. 120. El Tajin’s Monuments It is also believed that the circlets represent The 17 ball courts and other monuments the 16 stones made by the Brother of Jared depict the religious significance of the such as the one that was in the original Stela 21 of Izapa illustrates the drama of site. stela socket. the battle between Coriantumr and Shiz. 121. The Ball Court Narrative 134. Understanding Cuicuilco Continued on Page 11

Page 8 CUMORAH MESSENGER Adventures In Issue 15 Archaeology 2014

Maya City Life Most of the Maya did not live in their cities. They lived in simple houses, just outside the town, built of wood and straw. Only important people such as the King, the nobles, the priests and their servants lived in town. Some of these homes were palaces like the one found at Palenque (Figure 1) Some Maya cities were very large with several downtown centers. (Figure 2) Other cities were built by rivers or on hillsides. (Figure 3) The Maya brought their wares into the city to sell, much like farmer’s markets today, here and around the world. The buying and selling of fruits, vegetables, meats and hand-made goods was a regular occurrence in every city. (Figure 4) Seasonal events brought them together for the summer and winter solstices and spring and fall equinoxes. And of course they came to see the ball games played in specially built ball courts. (Figure 5) They also gathered for ceremonies like weddings, crowning a new king, and regular worship lead by the high priest. (Figure 6)

Figure 1 Figure 3 City of Tonina

Figure 2 City of Tikal

Figure 5 Ball Court

Figure 4 Figure 6 City Market Ceremony

VOLUME 8, ISSUE 4 Page 9 M I Y V A F Z P D V O S R C G S WORD SEARCH I A M B Q S Z Y G K E E E T J A Find and circle the J F R I R N C S D L H A M P B P Maya City Life I G O R O H O R B E Y S M L P F words from the story: S R N B I L B A L L C O U R T S Autumn Ballcourt C R L I S A T F G W D N S X Z T Equinox Farmers M E E T R E G N R E C A L A P S Fruits King S E I M G P P E Q U D L C E E E Market Marriages W C A E R I S Z S Y I R K L J I Meats Nobles E H V T H A N N P D P T P M U R Palace Priests H V O S S B F H V W N M S A D P M G R J X O N I U Q E K V R D S Seasonal Solstice H O W I N T E R M T G I I K N Q Spring Summer W I Q C P N C F D P V N Y E G R Temple Vegetables T F L H S C Y R B A P G N T J U Winter Worship N M O F J R B Q R A U T U M N O

Find a safe way from home to the city. Avoid the Warrior, the Jaguar and the Swamp.

Come visit our web site for back issues of the Newsletter at www.hceti.org or www.hillcumorahexpeditionteam.com OTHER SITES OF INTEREST http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/science/archaeology/ http://research.history.org/Archaeological_Research/KidsPage.cfm http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2007/08/maya-rise-fall/map-interactive http://www.digonsite.com/drdig/mesoamerica/15.html http://www.smm.org/sln/ma/index.html http://archaeology.la.asu.edu/teo/ For questions e-mail me at [email protected]

Page 10 CUMORAH MESSENGER 200 Accomplishments Continued 144. Izapa Stela 50 Understanding that women stand in the Resurrection story. priesthood as supporters to their man. 145. Izapa Stela 23 175. Recognition of the Books This illustrates the roles played by the Recognizing the book of law and the Messiah. book of life that follows the priesthood. 146. Izapa Stela 12 176. Creating San Bartolo Renditions The story of Christ Re-drawing the San Bartolo Murals. 147. Izapa Stela of Noah 177. Reading Statements The story of Noah. Recognizing Lamoni’s father in Kaminal- 148. Izapa Stela of Garden of Eden juyu stelae. Commemorates the Garden of Eden 178. Understanding Kaminaljuyu City story. Layout 149. Izapa Stela with Directional Lines Understanding the layout of the city Directional lines are used to help the helped us to understand early Book of reader interpret the meaning. Mormon history. 150. Izapa Collection 179. The Kaminaljuyu Migration This collection of stelae commemorates The Kaminaljuyu migration helped us to the teaching of Aaron. understand the intrusion and later aban- 151. San Bartolo Mural Comprehen- donment of the site. sion 180. Kaminaljuyu Dates Comprehending the Christian meanings The B.C.E. dates of Kaminaljuyu fit displayed in the San Bartolo Murals pro- Book of Mormon descriptions for the The San Bartolo Murals depict the virgin vides an understanding that while they Land of Lehi-Nephi. holding a babe whose arms indicate he is date from pre-Christian times. 181. Kaminaljuyu Art 152. The Isaiah Influence at San Bar- the bridge between heaven and earth. The art from this site can be seen as for- tolo celestial and the terrestrial as the dis- mative to much of the later Mayan art. Understanding that all of the Christian played by his outstretched arms. 182. Kaminaljuyu Tombs beliefs demonstrated at San Bartolo are 158. Recognizing the Time Factor These tombs date from the correct times shown to come from early Dead Sea Concerning the Messiah's Birth and are probably the correct people. Scrolls manuscripts (particularly from While the constellation of Aries is shown 183. Copan and Amalickiah Proverbs and Isaiah whose scrolls date below the baby, the baby itself displays The recognition of Amalickiah at Copan. from 150 B.C.E.). the constellation of Pisces. And it is at 184. Recognition of Copan Elephants 153. Understanding the Doe at San this time when the baby is born (7 Not only recognition of Smith's ele- Bartolo B.C.E.). Understanding that Isaiah’s Messiah will 159. Recognition of the Spiritual and be known as a “Lamb” and a “Roe” par- Temporal Aspects ticularly fingerprints this passage to Both spiritual and temporal aspects are Isaiah. depicted in several places throughout the 154. Capturing the Essence of Restora- mural, and clues seem indicate a spiritual tion Scripture at San Bartolo being from a “quantum” realm. Seeing the twins show their plans of sal- 160. Recognition of “Missionaries” vation to the father-God is a story that Missionaries did exist in ancient Meso- can only be found in Restoration Scrip- america according to these murals. ture. 170. Recognition of Rebirth 155. Recognition of the Garden of The identification of rebirth with the Eden Scene and its Egyptian Influence infants and their umbilical cords and Recognition of the Messiah revealing lobster claws. himself at the Garden of Eden and that 171. The Vehicle man is depicted as a feather are strangely Recognition of a serpent as being “the Egyptian factors. It appears as though it is church.” Egyptian Gnosticism. 172. Communion 156. Recognition of the Virgin Birth Recognizing the communion emblems. Recognition of the seed being blown into 173. Remission of Sins the abdomen of Mary to conceive the Recognition that Quetzalcoatl actually Messiah. consumes humanity’s darkness, and that This glyph found at Copan is 157. Recognizing the Messiah Baby as we must offer to the Savior our rejection Amalickiah’s attempt to lay claim to his a “Bridge” of his laws. royal heritage as a Sun King. This baby-God is a bridge between the 174. The Role of Women in Priesthood Continued on Page 12

VOLUME 8, ISSUE 4 Page 11 The Hill Cumorah Expedition Team, Inc is a 501(c)(3) Missouri not-for- We’re on the web at profit corporation dedicated to the study, research and dissemination of in- www.hceti.org formation as it pertains to the Book of Mormon. All donations are tax de- ductable. Our primary focus is to research and assemble archaeological and other related information to help establish the historical feasibility of the HILL CUMORAH EXPEDITION TEAM, INC Book of Mormon. Searching for Truth

c/o David B. Brown 311 N Lee Street Buckner, Mo 64016 Phone: 816-650-3904 E-mail: [email protected]

Contributors and Editors David Brown Chris Scott NeilTerry Steede Scott Children’s Page by Terry and Chris Scott

200 Accomplishments phants, but also recognition that they have put it in this museum. the Book of Mormon nothing to do with Jaredite elephants. 192. Comalcalco Brick Placement This book lays down many of the founda- 185. Copan History and Dates The ordinal placement of the bricks tions of equating Mesoamerica to Book Recognition as to how Copan fits into within the walls are very Asian, specifi- of Mormon lands. Book of Mormon history. cally India. 198. Book of Mormon Archaeology: 186. Quirigua Stelae 193. Roman Masonry at Comalcalco Artifact-by-Artifact Recognition of the Asian influence. Much of the brickwork found at this site This eight volume book further expands 187. Comalcalco Brick Catalog can be shown to be Romanesque. what is mentioned in 197. Publication and distribution. 194. Finding Hebrew Inscriptions 199. New Book of Mormon Archae- 188. The Comalcalco 2012 Brick Hebrew script has been found in Cholula ology This brick was recognized as representing while Hebrew written with Ogam script This book in three volumes is the best the year 2012. has been found in La Venta. available on Book on Mormon archae- 189. Comalcalco Pastel Figurines 195. Comprehension of the Triple Con- ology. These colors were used in Asia anciently. junction 200. The Pre-Columbiana Series 189. The Sundials of Comalcalco Understanding the meaning of the triple While not directly producing this publica- Being able to recognize and read the sun- conjunction for all of Mesoamerica but tion the driving force behind it has been dials of this site indicates the complexity particularly as to how it relates to Yax- HCETI though that never can be said of their technology. chilan and Palenque was of utmost im- publicly except in this type of publica- 190. The Mummy Figurine portance in comprehending Mesoamerica tion. This figurine is highly unusual. as a whole. As you can see, the combined efforts of 191. The Mummy at the Chetumal Mu- 196. Ogam Catalog many people engaged in bringing forth seum The creation of a complete catalog of the truth from the earth is being blessed, and This is a replica of the mummy found at Ogam-like script has finally been accom- the wealth of information and under- Calakmul. We believe it to be the Uncle of plished. standing concerning the ancient people of Zarahemla. We convinced Mario Perez to 197. Why I Believe in the Veracity of this land is fulfilling God’s promises.