TROPICAL AGRICULTURE IN CEYLON : I ens over which Dr. Thwaites so long presided and “ LOVVCOUNTRY PRODUCTS. ” where Dr. Trimen now reigns. Economic rather than aesthetic principles guiding the choice of situation, an No. I. exceptionally rich piece of forest ground was chosen, A “ p e o p l e ’s PARK ” WANTED FOR COLOMJSO— HENARATGODA not at Colombo or near it, unfortunately, but within GARDENS. half-an-hour's drive or walk from the Henaratgoda “ Kew Point, ” in Colombo, still preserves the me station, sixteen miles from Colombo, on the line to mory of the first Botanic Gardens established during Kandy. Here can be seen a rich grove of indigenous the British period in Ceylon, and, much as we ap forest, alive with clouds of the great frugiverous brt preciate the taste with which the police quarters in called in popular parlance “ the flying-fox and the Slave Island have been built and the "grounds around visitor might ask the intelligent Sinhalese in charge them laid out, we yet could wish, for the sake of whether he has observed any cases, such as undoubtedly residents in the capital of the island, as well as that occurred at Madras when trees the resort of those of the multiplied visitors we may soon expect, that curious animals were denuded of leaves, of deaths something more than the name and a few noble trees amongst the big ba’s from sun-stroke ! But the visitor had come down to us of this generation from the will need the time between 8 a. m., when his train ar Ceylon namesake of the great and justly celebrated rives from Colombo, and 10, when the down train Kew Gardens.
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