Development Plan 2006 - 2010 Gulatinget – the True Origin of the Scandinavian Democratic Model

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Development Plan 2006 - 2010 Gulatinget – the True Origin of the Scandinavian Democratic Model SOGN OG FJORDANE COUNTY MUNICIPALITY GULEN MUNICIPALITY Development plan 2006 - 2010 Gulatinget – the true origin of the Scandinavian democratic model Gulatinget is one of the oldest representative assemblies in Scandinavia. From as early as the 10th century, free farmers would assemble at Gulatinget to solve disputes and adopt laws in direct negotiations with the king. Gulatinget was a regional assembly which covered a much larger area than any other assembly in Medieval Scandinavia. Its legislations covered West Norway from Sunnmøre to Rogaland and what are now Southern Norway, Hallingdal and Valdres. The regional self- government appointed by Gulating legislation to the farmers formed the basis for the deve- lopment of democracy and constitutional government in Norway. Gulatinget encompassed the core area of the oldest Norwegian monarchy under Harald Hårfagre, and was established as a link in the chain of the West Norwegian national assem- bly. It therefore played a decisive role in finally uniting Norway to one nation. Norway’s very first body of laws, Gulatingslova, was laid down at Gulatinget. This is the oldest Scandinavian body of laws known. It formed the basis for Magnus Lagabøte’s nati- onal legislation, which in turn provided the foundations for our modern day Constitution. The Gulating body of laws also awarded Norway its very first organised national defence, leidangen or army. This entire part of the country could be mobilised to fight off foreign invaders at short notice by lighting beacons known as vetar or vardar from mountain top to mountain top. Gulatinget also had an impact on the judicial development out on the Norse island com- munities to the west. For example, the Alltinget assembly on Iceland was established following the pattern of the Gulating assembly. The Gulatinget legacy is still very much present today in the Norwegian Parliament, where elected representatives sit according to region. The Gulatinget assembly is therefore an honourable institution of significant national importance and with an impact far beyond national borders, which we now intend to exhibit and communicate. Vision We aim to exhibit and communicate the history of Gulatinget, thereby displaying the values this historical assembly represents. STEERING COMMITTEE FOR THE GULATINGET MILLENNIUM SITE Ingebjørg Erikstad, Municipal Director for Culture, Sogn og Fjordane county municipality Cecilie Thaule Løvlid, County Council/Main Committee for Culture Trude Brosvik, Mayor of Gulen municipality Harald Haugejorden, Chief Municipal Executive, Gulen municipality Anne-Karin Misje Project Manager 2 Values under pressure Gulatinget represents values such as freedom of speech, self-government and law and order. These are the true foundation pillars of constitutional government, but these values are under pressure today. The peaceful resolution of conflicts via dialogue is losing ground, while unrest and terror challenge the basic principles of law and order and personal security. Democratic values and systems cannot be "induced", but these values – the mind- set and traditions which form the basis for the development of a democracy – can be communicated. Participation in democratic processes, freedom of speech and basic principles of constitutional government can be taught. We hope to contribute to this teaching process by communicating the history of Gulatinget assembly. Secondary goals • Help increase knowledge of the ideas, values and traditions which form the basis for the development of a democratic system • Promote an understanding of the importance of freedom of speech, self-government and basic principles of constitutional government • Communicate the importance of the role played by Gulatinget in the development of Norway as a democracy • Show how Gulatinget inspired other countries to develop a demo- cratic constitution according to the principles of constitutional government • Develop the Gulatinget Millennium Site as an arena for teaching, development and cultural exchange • Develop the Gulatinget Millennium Site as an important arena for research, communication and education • Develop the Gulatinget Millennium Site as a cultural arena and tou- rist destination Four strategies The entire project shall be divided into the following four strategies: • Information • Arena development • Activities • Culture and commercial development Internationalisation and network building Norwegians have "exported" their traditions and form of government to other coun- tries bordering the North Sea since the Middle Ages. Norwegians governed the Isle of Man for a certain period, and this island now has its own assembly site. Several European countries and Russia had similar institutions during this era. We have little information on the amount of contact between Gulatinget and other assembly sites on the continent or with East Europe and Russia during the Middle Ages. One of our goals during the project period is therefore to build networks with the other assembly sites, particularly those with a North Sea coastline, in order to research this field and to exchange information with other countries. We aim to establish a network cooperation where we can work together on providing information, cultural exchange and develop- ment of tourism. 3 National foundations The Icelandic assembly site, Thingvellir, is currently on the UNESCO World Heritage list, as it formed such an important basis for the development of democracy on Iceland. Thingvellir is central to Icelandic identity and national sentiment, and the Icelandic Parliament is in charge of the operation and development of the assembly site, receiving fixed governmental subsidies for this purpose. In Norway, responsibility for the admi- nistration and presentation of the Gulatinget history has been allocated to a county and a municipality, despite the fact that Gulatinget has had a fundamental impact on the development of Norway as a democracy and constitutional government. National cultural heritage Sogn og Fjordane county municipality and Gulen municipality are in a unique situation as they, on behalf of the entire Norwegian population, are in charge of a cultural heritage which is of great value in terms of politics, legal history, national defence history and cultural history. National collaboration The steering committee for this project is convinced that the responsibility for the administration and presentation of the national cultural heritage represented by Gulatinget is a national obligation, and that the further development of the project must be established on a national level. The steering committee has a three-year strate- gy to aim to work towards governmental cooperation for the development of the Gulatinget Millennium Site. From the opening ceremony in 2005. 4 The history of Gulatinget has to be told The lack of knowledge of the impact of Gulatinget on the development of Norway as a constitutional government and democracy may be attributed to the fact that the Gulatinget history has been anonymous for a number of years. Many Norwegians are unaware of the impact this institution has had on modern day Norway, and some do not even know where the assembly site is. As the current Gulating Court of Appeal assembles in Bergen courthouse, many believe that this is where it all started. It is there- fore high time the history of Gulatinget is top of the agenda. It is not least important to tell of the values Gulatinget represents and how these values have shaped the Norwegian mindset and conduct – up until modern day. Gulatinget also teaches us our cultural heritage and the shared cultural values we still hold today. Consensus The Gulatinget history is the history of how Norwegian farmers entered into dialogue and negotiations with the authorities to jointly lay down a legislation and a system of government with which we still operate. Gulatinget was also an institution where farmers and the authorities could meet to establish a consen- sus in order to avoid unrest or to moderate conflicts. These are values which Norwegians still hold high today, and which we often try to communicate to other countries which suffer from unrest and where there is no form of dialogue. The Norwegian contribution Norwegians carry out their legacy from Gulatinget when they act as peace nego- tiators – often in countries where democracy does not exist, and where there are no traditions for peaceful conflict resolution. Norwegians are known far and wide as a peace-loving people who, even in the most deadlocked conflicts, try to get the opposing parties to replace fighting with negotiations. This is our legacy from Gulatinget, and one we Norwegians can be proud of. A living Gulating There is an ever-increasing interest in learning more about how the Scandinavian coun- tries have developed as democracies throughout history. And through our work on the development of Gulatinget, the steering committee aims to contribute towards increa- sing knowledge of the background upon which Norway developed a constitutional government and a democratic form of government. The steering committee further intends to place Gulatinget at the top of the agenda, and to make the assembly site’s history a current topic by establishing an information centre at the Millennium Site, where the history and development of democracy can be communicated and discussed. A site of topical interest The establishment of the Millennium Site is also good timing in relation to the tourist market, where interest in local culture, character, history
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