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UBMB8* AUDIT BUREAU 07 CIRCULATION BOOKS OPEN ESTABLISHED 1881 VOL CIRCULATION WATERBURY EVENING DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1931 TO ALL FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS Is TO OBSERVE “Red Flame” May Go Out—Of U. S. [HUNT CLUB MOONEY TO DECIDE Reorganization Always Ready To Of GOPTown PARDON DAY ONJROOP Play Baseball Sympathizers Plan Na- Establishment of Cavalry tionwide Meetings To- Unit of National Guard Hero of Will Body Sought MAY FILL POST OF morrow — Life Impri- at Watertown Awaits Be With Old Overwhelming Defeat in Catching MORROW sonment Is Termed Decision of Directors— IS HE NEW CHIEF Election This Week Crony Next Week, Says Travesty Site Is Ideal, Declare City ; His 67-Year-Old Mother Disgruntles Republican San Francisco, Oct 10—(UP)— Army Captains in Oklahoma City From exposition auditorium here, Voters — Complete where 10,000 persons are expected The board of directors of the to meet In a “pardon convention,” Watertown Riding: club will make a Shake-Up in Ranks of PLAYED to a mass meeting in Boston com- BALL" report at its next meeting: whether mon, sympathizers are planning Leaders Will Be De- IN GRAMMAR SCHOOL nation-wide observance Sunday of or not It will accept a proposition made at its last held this manded i Tom Mooney pardon day. meeting, two ask- BY W. W. COPELAND Across the country, meetings week, by army captains were planned In the large cities In ing that the Watertown riding 10— Oklahoma City, Okla, Oct a new effort to arouse the nation arena be used as a "cavalry troop CHESSON RUMORED (UP)—Two days after Johnny to protest the asserted "Mooney- armory.” If this is accepted, 31 (Pepper) Martin comes home, hero Billings travesty” and the contin- horses and three grooms will be AS CHAIRMAN eud of Tom stationed at Watertown and drills of the 1931 World Series, he will imprisonment Mooney and Warren K. Billings in connec- will be held mounted national be out In the street playing ball by Complete reorganization of the with the 1916 a half with his old to tion preparedness guardsmen for an hour and local republican town committee, crony, according- his here. 67-year-old mother, Mrs George day bombing weekly. from the chairman down to the A letter sent President Hoover Martin. At this annual meeting, Dr A. J. lowest district chieftain, is the de* the executive committee of the mand formulated a num- by Jackson was succeeded presi- being by ‘‘Johnny never tires of baseball. education ask- ps national bureau of dent Dr H. H. Merriman. Kel- ber of Waterbury g.o.p. chieftains, He used to come In from a game by ing federal intervention in the It has been learned, as the result out front of the logg Plume remains as vice-presi- and go right in case will be read at the convention of the overwhelming and record- and catch with Harold dent: Attorney Terence Carmody house play here. breaking defeat experienced by the a Poor Harold, continues as secretary, and Attor- Lee, neighbor boy. The letter reads in part: party in last Tuesday’s election. he liked baseball and wanted to ney Thomas F. Moore as treasurer. “In 1916, California, as the re- During the past two days com- into the but my The Watertown Hunt club has Fred Chefwon, Are commissioner get big leagues, sult of a political conspiracy, in- plaints with the way in which the was more the an indoor as well ton” tonight with a benefit per- public, coming gang handy pretends for beer and wine, and because a names other than those of in expectation of the Interstate formance to the door. She became semi- to be but an underworld Croesus FIRST AUDIENCE THOMAS EDISON No for the Jobless and with huge sum might be saved to the been men upon the with a thick roll of and the two incumbents have Commerce Commission's action t)ti the whole-hearted hysterical learning truth. $500 $1,000 rev- support of May- government through increased and it is the of the The concert audience was not bills always in his pocket, a Flor- tioned for the two posts pending application rail- or James M. Curley. Almee visited enues and because such action will re- island a that Mayor Hayes roads for a fifteen per cent freight the with her husband entirely disappointed for Richard ida mansion, Chicago ho- WITH FASCIST IS UNCHANGED would expected mayor yes- provide employment for rate a Bonnelll of the Chicago Civic tel suit that cost him $1,500 a week name the men of their respective increase, expected within terday and after he had wished many. week. Opera company sang as sched- and a spendthrift trait that led him positions. her a happy birthday anniversary The uled. to scatter $5 tips. Mom= measure as adopted was un- Should the Increase be granted, —It was her 39th, she said—he Hitler Received This Dying Inventor Was derstood to have the of Da- for direct As the gang “big shot" faced the support heavy pressure action suggested she contribute one-half vid some fifth his trial on Baird. Jr., republican candi- through form of loan pool the her Boston venture day of a charge of to Sit profits of ing—Much Speculation Strong Enough date for governor. Decision to force WOMAN HID HALF might be reduced. to this defrauding the government of city’s unemployed. the measure was The whole situation was cufi- CHINA-JAPAN $215,000 tax on a six-year income on What Actually Hap* Up and Be Shaved through to-day Almee consented under the may- of $1,038,654, the prosecution’s believed made at a dinner con- vassed at the meeting between or's high pressure methods. ference of Baird and President Hoover and New York battle to send him to prison for a in Afternoon republican MILLION DOLLARS He the Bible In his cause Meeting Yesterday leaders of both houses. bankers at the of Sec- quoted maximum of 32 years had gone pened apartment and told of Texas Gulnan's offer WAR TROUBLES steadily against hmi. It was recalled that a week ago retary of Treasury Mellon last Berlin, Oct 10—(UP)—President West Orange, N. J., Oct 10.— it to share her profits with the job- The latest phases of tesUmony Baird, the late Senator Dwight W. Sunday night, Is learned. less. He that Almee his (UP)—The condition of Thomas Senator IN HER DRESS The vast financial suggested admitted by his own attorneys as Paul von Hindenburg granted Morrow, Kean, Represen- program outdo her. Edison, who has sunk into a stu- launched here this week will have could hardly let Texas THIS COUNTRY damaging to his case were: first audience to Adolph tative Bacharach, and other repub- to-day por from which he rallies Is better to than to re- That his tel- only lican leaders were called into a direct effects reaching down to the ’"’"It give Chicago underlings leader of the German fas- was Hitler, occasionally, reported un- conference believed then to have Eccentric Belle of Little tarmer and the workingman, in the ceive,” said the mayor. He added egraphed nearly $75,000 to Capone the cists. Hitler reached presi- changed at 8:30 a. m. of re- that "It was out divine Lord’s own the winter of to-day. been called for the purpose of com- opinion the president. He Four Methods of Action during 1928-29., dential at 11:30 a. m. All members of the No palace family have the to Old New York Had gards it not as a measure of Infla- admonition to share with others.” That he bought a $40,000 estate an mitting republican party The audience lasted over gathered at the Edison estate, tion but one of and de- was if on Palm Island, rendezvous of a some such action. stemming It finally decided that May- Are Outlined to Restore hour. A crowd outside the palace Glenmont. —Rela- announcements of the Faith in Banks flation. or Curley would visit the Garden fashionable winter colony and near shouts of “Hail Expected itrceted Hitler with The aged inventor rallied yes- (Continued on 13) each night and take up the the house where Herbert Hoover action taken failed to materialize, Page help Peace in Disturbed Hitler!” and “Germany awake!” terday afternoon and was shaved. tives Seek Further offering one-half the proceeds over as president-elect spent some time supposedly because of opposition ivhen the fascist leader emerged Itocco Salomlne, his barber, said AUCTION CATS FURNITURE and above 32600 expenses would in January, 1929. expressed in that conference by Areas from his conference with the Edison recognized him and sat up Hoarded Treasures Oct 10.—All be given to Boston’s public welfare That for his eight-room suite in dry congressmen who attended. Alhambra, Calif, president. in bed to be shaved. furniture in a home for- department. the Metropole Hotel here he paid But the action as hinted at then, $25,000 Washington. Oct was driven in a The last bulletin from Dr Hu- Oct 10—(UP)—A 10—(UP)—The $1,500 weekly and spent $3,000 on Hitler away was on the records to-day. New York. merly owned by Mitzi Maltese, a Mayor Curley hastened to make state automobile. fascists in bert S. Howe, Edison's physician, little of 93 department, thoroughly one two-night party to celebrate large Many The vote in the senate was 9 to frail but spirited lady cat. will be sold at auction Monday. the agreement binding by ordering alarmed troubles between Jap- came to the fascist sa- "'as issued at 10 p. m. last night. the belle of mid Vic- by the Dempsey-Tunney fight. the crowd 5; in the house it was 43 to 7. years, once Mitzi was the cat to whom the late Corporation Counsel Samuel Sil- an and China It said: her In Manchuria, may Those damaging additions to the ute in honor of their chief. There Both houses also passed 10 bills torian days, to-day stomped Dr Maude F. Ide left the home und verman to draw up necessary pa- make a new move “Mr Edison went to sleep at 8:30 today to Insure government's body of testimony tvas a heavy police guard in the to provide unemployment relief defiance of searchers spurred by Income from a $15,000 trust fund. pers. peace. there were no inci- to-night and is now sleeping a million dol- , followed the prosecution’s success district but through construction work. The discovery of nearly Mitzi left no will so the estate will The the Assurances that It peacefully. There Is no apparent she in her mayor presented couple by Japan in getting admitted as evidence a dents. chief bill appropriated 09,916,000 lars in currency hoarded jo to Mrs Ide’t relatives. change in his condition. Xo im- afraid with an Irish shillelah which he would refrain from aggravating the letter in which Capone’s Washing- Political speculation on Hitler's to match expenditures by munic- hotel room "because she was told them had been of situation created the clash of mediate crisis is expected." a symbol by ton attorney stated he believed Ca- ludience covered a wide range. It ipalities for public works to pro- of banks." ALL GOT DIMES Howe said a stupor such as Edi- a little authority in Ireland for 700 years. Japanese and Chinese troops at in von Hin- vide work. found $400,000 in Oct 10.—Ac- pone’s income four years was tvas believed possible that son’s They Logansport. Ind, Mukden and caused the usually precedes a coma in a few ago. "Who gets it?" he asked, looking recently $266,000 and its tentative success lenburg might warn Hitler to keep paper bundle days cording to the last wishes of A. L. to be such cases.Edison is suffering a million from Almee to her husband. Almee state department optimistic. in connecting the "Scarface" with pis "Nazis" (national socialists) in Thursday they found half Mllhurn, each person who attended It was from uremic poisoning, gastric ul- the took hoped that Toklo and Nan- Cicero houses international In $10,000 bills hidden within his funeral was a it. gambling which net- line during present and given dime. king could settle their quarrel by cers, diabetes. her voluminous dresses, it David Hutton. Almee's husband, ted huge profits. developments including the visit of artAKtAolfcS IN folds of There were IIS who collected. Wil- direct negotiations. It was pointed was learned had his first public argument with The government must prove only French Premier Pierre Laval to yesterday. liam Leiter. undertaker, distrib out too that China in the boycott that Rare gems and period cos- Almee yesterday and lost the de- Capone had an income of $5,- Washington and the possibility of WESLEY RUGGLES laces, uted the coins at the grave. Mil- possesses a powerful economic that rate as museum pieces had her a birth- 000 in any one year thdt was tax- the extension of the Hoover war tumes burn left an estate of $15,000. cision. He given THIS STATE ARE with- weapon. able. He admits never tax have been revealed In trunks day present of a bracelet. he paid debt moratorium. TO BE MARRIED Optimism was shattered, how- The of small tradesmen in that same room in which Mrs a re- jury ‘‘.a that a slave bracelet?" ever. when Japanese bomb- dwelt for many, planes heard from Fred S. Avery, promo- Ida E. Wood had TREASURY BALANCE porter asked. — ed Chinschow tion , and MacRamsey Hollywood, October 10 (UP) SET AT many years. — 5,000 “Oh, nq, no.” Hutton exclaimed. In informed- quarters four pos- Smith, day clerk of the Metropole ‘Old Wesley Ruggles, film director, Next week, trunks now In stor- sible methods Wesleyan “It isn’t. Don't call It that.” of American action hotel where the gang chief had and Arllne Judge, motion picture age will be searched for possible Washington, Oct 10.—(Up)—Tbe “Of course It is,’ said Almee. were outlined: headquarters, how he peeled off actress, will be married “some time New York State Leads rare treasures such as have been' treasury net balance October 8 was 1. To send notes to Japan and $3,000 from a roll to pay for the Grads’ Participate next week" and will spend a (Continued on Page 13) I512.9S7.920.91. China, admonishing them to re- two-night party and had "plenty honeymoon In British Columbia, With 42,000 — Major spect their obligations under the left.” Centennial they announced today. Banks Will Far to maintain the 3-Day Kellogg pact peace. In filing application for a mar- There 2. To Campbell Says Parents of Three urge other powers to Join riage license, Ruggles gave his age /■! Middletown, Conn, Oct Oversubscribe New the United States In a multi-lateral 10—(JJP) as 42, and Miss Judge said she was Are 220,000 in Country 8 note to Jannn and China (or Empress Eugenie —Wesleyan "Old Grads” were car- 19. She is the daughter of John A. Children Killed either) urging them to Bettle their of "Those e&&<> ded back to their college days to- Judge Bridgeport, Conn. New York, Oct 10—(UP)— Credit dispute. lay when they awoke in dormitory Ruggles and she met at the din- AHS. VERY SlAA Corporation Fashions Will There are at least 220,000 speak- S. To summon the nine signa- •ooms to participate in the opening ing table on a transcontinental on Grade Crossing tories of the Pacific easies and |n VOO MOST tc-r New York, Oct 10—(UP)— pact of 1922 if a three-day college centenial train last January. 50,000 bootleggers Banka eligible to pledge capital to to advise together on ways to main- Not Last Long :elebratlon. this country. Major Maurice Camp- New Haven, Conn, Oct 10—(IIP! -rtvE hgns the national credit corporation, the tain peace. The opening festivities Included bell estimated today in the anli- —Three children were rendered A 4. To act in concert with Gertrude L. Thebaud OM T*V€H "credit pool" auggeated by Presi- the New York, Oct 10—(UP)—The ithletie events, a "memorial walk prohlbltlon magazine, Repeal, of destitute by a grade crossing ac- dent league of nations on some move Mr KTrue u>ng6 Hoover, probably will sub- vogue In fashions for dresses and iround” and a musical comedy re- Seeks Clean which he is editor. cident in which their parents, to war. — scribe $300,000,000, well above the prevent hats reminiscent of the Empress vival, "the girl and the graduate.” Sweep In the estimate, which the mag- and Mrs Harold E. Howe of Ham- Haven $500,000,000 goal, it was indicated Eugenie will not last because it Today's football game between azine, claims is based on a thoro- den were killed at North today. LINDBERGHS NEAR YOKO- was seized on merely as "some- Wesleyan and Columbia will con- Gloucester, Mass, Oct 10—(UP) ugh nation-wide survey. New York late yesterday. The total deposits of the eligible HAMA thing different,” according to Lu- dude a rivalry which has lasted —A victory today will give the state leads with 42.000 speakeasies Howe had been unemployed for banka amount to $2,000,000,000, Yokohama, Japan. Oct 10—(UP) cien Lelong, Paris designer here ilnce 1890. Gertrude L. Thebaud a clean sweep followed by , with 36,- some tome and Hamden charitable and since they may pledge 2 per —Colonel and Mrs Charles A. to study American women. Memorial speeches will be made in Its practice series wih the veter- 000. offlctals here expected to care for cent of this figure a total of $840,- Lindbergh will reach Yokohama "Just as women’s clothes reflect it the various buildings of the an schooner Elsie. Right states—Alabama. Florida, the children. 000,000 is potentially available. tp-nlght at 8 o'clock from Shang- the monentary events of their tampus during the "walk around." The Thebaud, which will race Georgia. Mississippi, South Caroli- Mr and Mrs Howe were driving Delay in receiving acceptances hai enroute home to the United times, so they are symbolic of the The observance will conclude the Canadian Bluenose off Halifax na, Tennessee, Arkansas and Ken- through a brick yard when the from men wanted as directors of States. The Lindberghs will be generation in which they are cre- Monday with awarding of honnr- starting October 17, beat Elsie by tucky—have no speakeasies, ac- accident occurred. Witnesses said the National Credit corporation met by American officials who ated,” Lelong said. "You cannot iry degrees to a group of dlatin- more than a mile In yesterday's cording to Campbell’s list. their old touring oar struck the hae delayed announcement of the will escort them aboard the liner put s modern woman into an an- rulshed education, scientific and 18-mile jaunt. This was about Connecticut 5000. Maine 1000, train and was rolled a quarter of directorate. Incorporation papers President Jefferson, where they tique gown. rovernmental leaders. Premier twice the margin by which the Massachusetts 10.000. New Hamp- a mile along the tracks. probably will be filed in Delaware will spend the night. The liner “The new hat Is so common that Richard Bennett of Canada Is to Thebaud conquered the Elsie in th shire 1000. Rhode Island 100 and! The body of a dog was found Monday or Tuesday. sails for Seattle Sunday morning. handsome women will not wear it.” speak. first race Thursday. Vermont 7 bo. In the wreckage.