Systemic Functional Features in Stylistic Text Classification Casey Whitelaw Shlomo Argamon School of Information Technologies Department of Computer Science University of Sydney, NSW, Australia Illinois Institute of Technology
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[email protected] Abstract of meaning, we are unlikely to gain any true insight into the nature of the stylistic dimension(s) under study. We propose that textual ‘style’ should be best de- fined as ‘non-denotational meaning’, i.e., those as- How then should we approach finding more theoretically- pects of a text’s meaning that are mostly inde- motivated stylistic feature sets? First consider the well- pendent of what the text refers to in the world. accepted notion that style is indicated by features that in- To make this more concrete, we describe a lin- dicate the author’s choice of one mode of expression from guistically well-motivated framework for compu- among a set of equivalent modes. At the surface level, this tational stylistic analysis based on Systemic Func- may be expressed by specific choice of words, syntactic struc- tional Linguistics. This theory views a text as a tures, discourse strategy, or combinations. The causes of such realisation of multiple overlapping choices within surface variation are similarly heterogeneous, including the a network of related meanings, many of which re- genre, register, or purpose of the text, as well as the educa- late to non-denotational (traditionally ‘pragmatic’) tional background, social status, and personality of the au- aspects such as cohesion or interpersonal distance. thor and audience.