Ontario History, 1973-1992 Abbott, Jolm R. 1986
Ontario History, 1973-1992 AUTHOR INDEX. Abbott, Jolm R. 1986: "Accomplishing 'a man's task'; rural women teachers, male culture, and the school inspectorate in turn-of-the-century Ontario." 78,4: 818-880. 1987: "Etlmicity as a dynamic factor in the education of an industrializing town: the case of Sault Ste Marie, 1895-1914." 79,4: 827-852. 1990: "Guest editor's introduction: special issue on Northern Ontario." 82,1: 5-8. Abeele, Cynthia Comacchio. 1988: "'The mothers of the land must suffer': child and maternal welfare in rural and outpost Ontario, 1918-1940." SO,8: 188-205. Abray, L.J. 1988: Review of Badinter, Elisabeth, and De Garis, R., trans. L'Amour en plus: histoire de l'am.our :materneI. (XVlle-XX siecle): Mother love. 75,1: 106-107. Acheson, T.W. 1981: Review of McCalla, Douglas, The Upper Qmada trade 1834-1872: a study of the Bnclumans' business. 78,2: 126-127. Adams, Bradley. 1982: Review of Kealey, Gregory S. Toronto workers respond to industrial capitalism 1867-1892. 74,1: 54-58. 1982: Review of Gagan, David, Hopeful t.raveDers: families, land and soeiaI cbauge in mid-Vtctorian Peel County, Canada West. 74,8: 288-240. 1988: Review of Flaherty, David H. Essays in the history of Canadian Jaw. Vol. 2. 75,4: 486-488. 1984: Review of Bloomfield, Elizabeth, and Bloomfield, Gerald T., and McCaskell, Peter, Urban growth and local services: the development of Ontario m1micipalities to 1981. 76,2: 191-192. 47 Adams, Bradley, cont. 1984, with Roger Hall: "Toronto tributes•..and a few good books: a sesquicentennial review article." 76,3: 295.
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