A Checklist of Books and Articles in the Field of the History of the Book and Libraries, Part 2 Liana Van Der Bellen

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A Checklist of Books and Articles in the Field of the History of the Book and Libraries, Part 2 Liana Van Der Bellen A Checklist of Books and Articles in the Field of the History of the Book and Libraries, Part 2 Liana Van der Bellen The Bibliographical Society of Canada published in its Papers / Cabiers, Volume 23, 1984, several categories of Canadian entries submitted to the Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries (ABHB) published in Antwerp by the Committee on Rare and Precious Books and Documents of the International Federation of Library Associa- tions since 1970. A brief history of ABHB Was given and the following topics were listed: History of the Book and Printing; Publishing and the Book Trade; Fine Printing, Small and Private Presses, Livres d'artistes. In this issue we are presenting checklists of Retrospective Canadian Bibliogra- phies and Bibliographical Studies, which include descriptive bibliogra- phies, published between 1970 and 1986, as well as a list of new publica- tions on the topics listed in Volume 23. Again, we would be happy to receive notice of items which have been missed. I40 Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada xxy Retrospective CanadianBibliographies 1970-1986 Amtmann, Bernard. A Bibliography of Canadian Children's Books and Books for Young People, 1841 -1867 / Livres de l'enfance e9 livres de la feunesse au Canada, 1841-1867. Montreal: B. Amtmann, 1977. viii, 124 p. Amtmann, Bernard. Contributionsto a Short-Title Catalogue of Canadiana.Montreal: Bernard Amtmann, 1971-1973. 4 vols. Amtmann, Bernard. Early Canadian Children'sBooks, 1763-1840: A BibliographicalInvestigation into the Nature and Extent of Early Canadian Children'sBooks and Books for Young People / Livres de 1'enfance e, livres de la feunesse au Canada, 1 763-1 840: itude bibliographiqIue.Montreal: B. Amtmann, 1976. xv, 150 p. Arora, Ved. The Saskatchewan Bibliography. Regina: Saskatchewan Provincial Library, 1980. ix, 787 p. Banks, Joyce M. Books in Native Languages in the Collection of the Rare Books and Mlanuscripts Division of the National Library of Canada/ Livres en langues autochtones dans la Collection de la Division des livres rares et rnanuscritsde la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada. Ottawa: National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, I980. xiii, 93 P- Banks, Joyce M. Books in Native Languages in the Rare Book Collections of the National Library of Canada/ Livres en langues autochtones dans les collections de livres rares de la Bibliothèque nationale du Canada. Rev. and enl. ed. Ottawa: National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1985. xvii, 190 p. Beaulieu, Andr6 et Jean Hamelin. La Presse qiuébécoise des origines a nos fours. Vols I-7. Qu6bec: Les Presses de I'Universit6 Laval, 1973-1985· [Covers the period 1764-1944-] Bibliographiedu Québec, 1821 -1967. Notices établies par le Bureau de la bibliographierétrospective. Montréal: Bibliotheque nationale du Qu6bec, 1980-. Bibliothèque nationale du Qu6bec. Laurentiana parus avant 1821: catalogue de la Bibliothèque nationaledu Québec. Milada Vlach, avec la collaboration de Yolande Buono. Montréal: Ministère des affaires culturelles, Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, I976. xxvii, 416, 120 p. Bibliothèque nationale du Québec. Le Livre québécois, 1 764-1 975. Montr6al: Bibliothèque nationale du Qu6bec, 1975. 182 p. Bishop, Olga B. Publicationsof the Government of Ontario, 1 867-1 900. Toronto: Ministry of Government Services, 1976. xi, 409 p. Bishop, Olga B. Publicationsof the Province of Upper Canada and of Great Britain Relating to Upper Canada, 1791-1:840. Toronto: Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, 1984. vii, 288 p. 141 Van der Bellen: A Checklist of Books and Articles Canada.Library of Parliament. CanadianPamphlet Volumes Index. Ottawa: Micro Can, 1986. 20 microfiches. [Index by author, title, and subject: in one dictionary sequence to the Canadian Pamphlet Volumes, a collection of approximately 20,000 historical Canadian materials gathered by the Library of Parliament, at present housed at the National Library of Canada, Rare Book Room.] Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions. Canada, the PrintedRecord: A BibliographicRegister with Indexes to ·the M/icrofiche Series of the CanadianInstitute for Historical Microreproductions/ Catalogued'imprimés canadiens: rdpertoire bibliographique avec index: collection de microfiches de 17lnstitut canadien de microreproductionshistoriques. Ottawa: The Institute / L'Institut, 198I- . [Microfiche] Canadiana1 86 7-1900: Monographs / Canadiana1 86 7-1900: monographies. Ottawa: National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, I98I- . [Microfiche] Ettlinger, John R.T. and Patrick B. O'Neill. A Checklist of Canadian Copyright Deposits in the British Mluseum, 1~895-1923. Vol. 3, Pt. I: City and Area Directories. Halifax: School of Library Services, Dalhousie University, 1986. xi, 138. [Vol. I: Maps. Vol. 2: Goad Insurance Plans.] Evans, Karen. Masinahikan: Native Language Imprints in the Archives and Libraries of the Anglican Church of Canada. Toronto: Anglican Book Centre, 1985. xxiii, 357 P· Fleming, Patricia Lockhart. 'Bibliography of Ontario Directories to 1867.' Ontario Library Review 59 (1975): 98-lo7- Fleming, Patricia Lockhart. 'A History of Publishing in Toronto 1798 to 1841, with a Descriptive Bibliography of Imprints.' rh.D. diss., University of London, 1980. 791I p. Gagnon, Claude-Marie. Les Manuscrits et imprimés religieux au Québec, 1867-1960: bibliographie.Cahiers de l'Issa, Collection 6tudes sur le Qu6bec, no 12. Québec: Université Laval, Institut Supérieur des sciences humaines, 198I. 145 p. Glenbow-Alberta Institute. Library. Catalogue of the Glenbow Historical Library, the Glenbow-Alberta Institute Library, Calgary, Alberta. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1973- 4 vols. Hale, Linda L. Vancouver CentennialBibliography: A Project of the Vancouver HistoricalSociety. Cartobibliography by Frances M. Woodward. Vancouver: The Society, I986. 4 vols. Hamelin, Jean, André Beaulieu, et Gilles Gallichan. Brochures Québbcoises, 1764-1972. Québec: Direction générale des publications gouvernementales, 198I. vii, 598 p. 142 Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada xxy Lande, Lawrence M. CanadianImprints: A Checklist. Compiled and annotated by Lawrence M. Lande from his private library. Lawrence Lande Foundation for Canadian Historical Research Publication, no. 13. Montreal: McGill University, 1975. 62 p. Lande, Lawrence M. CanadianMiscellanies: A Checklist. Compiled and annotated by Lawrence M. Lande from his private library. Lawrence Lande Foundation for Canadian Historical Research, no. 12. Montreal: McGill University, 1975. 68 p. Lande, Lawrence M. A Checklist of Early Mlusic Relating to Canada. Collected, compiled, and annotated by Lawrence M. Lande from his private library. Lawrence Lande Foundation for Canadian Historical Research, no. 8. Montreal: McGill University, 1973· 23 P· Lande, Lawrence M. A Checklist of Printedand M~anuscript Mlaterial Relating to the CanadianIndian, also Relating to the Pacific Nor~th West Coast. Compiled and annotated by Lawrence M. Lande from his private library. Montreal: McGill University, 1974· 78 p. Lochhead, Douglas. Bibliographyof CanadianBibliographies / Bibliographiedes bibliographiescanadiennes. Index by Peter E. Greig. 2d ed. rev. and en1. Toronto: Published in association with the Bibliographical Society of Canada by University of Toronto Press, 1972. xiv, 312 P. Loveridge, D.M. A HistoricalDirectory of Manitoba Newspapers, 1859- 1978. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 198 I. 233 P. MacDonald, Christine. HistoricalDirectory of Saskatchewan Newspapers, 1878-1983. Regina: Saskatchewan Ar:chives Board, 1984- vi, 8 7 P - McGill University. Library. Rare and Unusual Canadiana: First Supplement to the Lande Bibliography. Compiled by Lawrence M. Lande. Montreal: McGill University, 197 I. xx, 779 P. McLaren, Duncan. Ontario Ethno-CulturalNewspapers, 1 835-1 972: An Annotated Checklist. Preparedfor the Ontario Council of University Libraries' Standing Committee on Cooperationin Acquisitions. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1973. xviii, 234 P. McMaster University. Library. CanadianPamphlets: A Subject Listing of the Holdings of McM~aster University Library. Compiled by Charlotte Stewart and Renu Barrett, with the assistance of Norma Smith. McMaster University Library (Hamilton, Ont.). Library Research News vol. 3, no. 6; vol. 4, nos. I-2 (1976-1977)- Metropolitan Toronto Library. A Bibliography of Canadiana:Being Items in the MetropolitanToronto Library Relating to the Early History and Development of Canada. Second Supplement. Edited by Sandra Alston, assisted by Karen Evans. Toronto: Metropolitan Toronto Library Board, I985-86. Vols 2-3. 143 Van der Bellen: A Checklist of Books and Articles Morley, Marjorie. A Bibliography of Manitobafrom Holdings in the Legislative Library of Mlanitoba. Winnipeg: Legislative Library, 1970. 267 P- Mount Allison University. Library. A Catalogue of the Winthrop Pickard Bell Collection of Acadiana. Library Publicationno. 5. Sackville, N.B.: The Library, 1973. 18 I p. Murdoch, John S. A Bibliography of Algonquian Syllabic Texts in CanadianRepositories. [Rupert House, Qué.]: Project ASTIC, 1984· xxi, 147 P· National Library of Canada. Newspaper Section. Union List of Canadian Newspapers Held by CanadianLibraries / Liste collective des fournaux canadiens disponibles dans les bibliothèques canadiennes. Ottawa: National Library of Canada / Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1977. xxix, 483 p. O'Dea, Agnes C. Bibliography of Newfoundland. Edited by Anne Alexander. Toronto:
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