TEDDY BEAR BREAD! Brief Address by the Pastor
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THE LOWELL LEDGER. A PROGRESSIVE PAPER FOR PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE r»w c «OL. XIX LOWELL, MICHIGAN, NOV. 3o, ign No. ^•»H 11 11 HUtf I III Utff A • Matter • of • Interest 0. E. 8. I Some New Lowell Homes \ A BIG EVENI SURE Try • It « At • Our « Ris Charter Members Cyclamen * j Annual Meeting of Methodist We want you to try Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste, as N FRIDAY, DECEMBEK 1.1911. we will make our 28th eeiol- Chapter Honored in Fine Event annual payment of luterest on all Savlnn Accouate that Brothrehood Promises That advertised in the Saturday Evening Post. If it does 0 have Iwea on depoalt «lx inontlH or more. The Intereet will The reception given by Cycla- The Methodist Brotherhood are not satisfy you, come back to us and get your be added to each Hccount on thin date and will be entered men Chapter No 94, Order of the money, it belongs to you and we want you to have upon the deponltor'e bonk when preeented. All depoelta not going to have all the good made on or befon> Devember llth, will draw Intereat from Eastern Star, in honor of its char- things on Thanksgiving day but it. You need'nt promise or sign anything. Your DfCtfiulM* let and will participate In our next Interest pay. ter members, on Friday evening, have reserved the best for the word is enough mentlnJune. Nov. 24th, marked the date as a next week. At their annual 4 per v*nt IntercHt paid on depunlte left wlx monthe red letter day in the history of meeting next Wednesday evening REXALL the chapter. A company of Dec. <», the Methodist Brother- members and their invited guests hood have arrranged for the CITY STATE BANK numbering in all about one hun- finest program of the season. dred fifty, erathered during the 1 Elvin Swarthout, well known "93" SHAMPOO PASTE THE BANK THAT PAYS 4 PER CENT. early evening, and as they passed as a Grand Rapids attornev and into the lodire room exchanged removes and prevents dandruff, increases head leader iu the Layman's forward comfort, promotes hair health and beauty. It is eetings with the charter mem- A W. WEEKES, Freeldent movement, has been secured to especially pleasing to ladies because it tends to R. Vandyke. Vlee-Pret.i<]ent T. A. MURPHY, Taahler Kre, who were formed in recep- address the men. Everyone is tion line. At about eight-thirty make the hair soft, silky and fluffy and is easy to W. T. l ONDON, 2d Vlce-pree. R W. 8LAYTON, Awt. Caehler anxious to know what he will use. Price, 25 cents a Jar the assembly was called to order have to savandwe prophecy a by the Worthy Matron, Mrs. message that will stir up the Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste is sold in this city only at Clinton D. Hodges, who an- men. His address will be along nounced the following numbers lines that will interest everyone The REXALL Store of a program that proved inter- and there will not be a dead min- esting and pleasing. The foregoing photo engravina: shows the pleasant new home ute the whole evening. There You cannot buy it at any other store in this city. Address of Welcome, Mrs. Em will also be a short address by Remember we guarantee Rexall "93" Shampoo ma C. Greene. She spoke of the of Miss Annie and Harley Maynard adjoining the old home on Thanksgiving Specials ^ « Bridge street. It has eight rooms and a bath and a hot water the pastor of the Methodist Paste to Ifjye entire satisfaction. This same guar- benefits of lodge work in general church. Rev. L. K. Lennox, who antee applies to all the many other Rexall prepara- and of the Eastern Star iu par- heating plant. Among the many att pactions of this home is its . j{, 7), Olsver fire place and mantel. Built by Ecker & Hatch. has been a lea<ler in men's work tions. You risk no money by trying it ticular and of flowers as expres- for a number of years and has sive of beautiful thoughts, refer- organized several men"* Chris- You should tee that White and Gold English *70 ring to the beauty of roses, and tian societies iu the olaces in JDinner Ware in our window, 63 pieces *&€/• • %j was very fittingly followed by which he has worked. Il«' is anx- D. G. LOOK Mrs. liawrence Rutherford with ious to meet and organize for Cut Glass Goblets, six for 1.49 <4 LOWELL Two Stores the solo Ro8es." During the work all the men associuted with ALTO singing a basket of roses was Sugars and Creams, per pair 19c Former Lowell Young Couple Enjoyed by Members of the the Brotherhood at this time. 'We both lose money when you don't trade here." brought in by little Mary Camer- The program will also include on and Harold Anderson, who Wed in Grand Rapids. | L. L. C. A fine assortment of fancy Plates, each several musical numbers remaiks passed along the line of charter Leo Walsh and Miss LinaBost-1 Lowell Literalv Club held its by the president, Dr. Merrill, 2Sc 50c, 75c, and $1.00 v members, (seated along the east wick, both of whom were former "literurv banquet 'last Wednes- and a social good t ime. A handsome Japanese Teapot, Sugar and | Aft side of the lodge room,) handing J l^owell young people, were mar- day afternoon at the home of Election of officers for the en- Cream - * a flower to each. ned m (.rand Rapids I hursday Mrs. E. 0. Wadsworth, under the suing year will he held and the Carving Set. from 2,00 tO 4.00 The response to the welcome niffht, Nov. lM, tl»» ceremony direction of Mrs. A. B. Smith, evening will be topped off with a was given by Mrs. Henry Stone, being followed by a reception at Roll (.'all response was "Ourfav- •• .« 4 ...I . .. I. , |*| •« *•* splendid banquet. Don't forget Fountain Pen Special And many other good things who sixjke warmly of the pride their future home, at which onte dish ami how made." the date, Oct. 0. 1!>11. and don't taken by the founders of the chap- were present only the immediate .Mrs. I). Hodges gave the let anything keep you away. It ter in its progress and prosper- relatives and friends, and the history of the knife, fork and will be your loss if you do. For one week I will make a "Special Low Don't Trifle With Your Eyes. ity. This was followed bv a vo- business associates of the groom. spoon, and Mrs. K. A. Thomas Price Sale" of my large stock of Fountain Pens. cal solo by George M. Winegar, Mr. and Mrs. Walsh both spent of the napkin and plate. A The stock includes the best makes, and the Come here and have them properly tested and who responded to a generous en- their ehiidhood and school days varied • inenu" followed, each prices quoted—for one week only—will be an core. ''The beginning of Cycla- in Lowell, the former having left lady giving the history of som:^ an accurate adjustment of glasses made. men Chapter," was the subject of his home town to accept the po- FESE GETS MI inducement to buy. A Fountain Pen makes particular article of food. an appropriate talk given by S. sition which he has since occu- Constable Hoek Settles Vexing an ideal present, and we will be glad to lay After having finished our ban- P. Hicks, who told of the early )ied with Lemon & Wheeler, and Problem of Ada Neighbors. them away for you until needed. Watch and Jewelry Repairing... days of the order and of the joth have a large circle of friends quet the director introduced the toast m is tress Mrs. I'. B. Williums Constable George Hoek, now a founders themselves. Mrs. \V. here, who wish them all happiness. Our whole line of Watches, Diamonds. Jewel- O. Merrill recited Tennyson's Miss Marguerite Walsh of 1 last- who responded with a pretty lit- duly nualified parrot exfiert. re- ry. Silverware, etc, will be sacrificed in price ?oem "Enoch Arden" as a cantil- ings, sister of the groom, and tle story and called upon Mrs. turned from Ada yesterday after- H H Mmt Optomtirlti Smith to respond to the toast noon bearing in his hand a big for the whole month of December, so take ad- ation, with It. I). Stocking as Howard Walsh of Detroit, his "Our Husbands." Then the toast- red cage, containing the oldest vantage of the opportunity to save money by acconiDanist. the effeet being brother, were bridesmaid and mistress asked Mrs. Vesta Red- touching and beautiful. groomsman respectively. Mrs. parrot in the state of Michigan, buying your Xmas presents here. A vocal solo "Daintv Dorothea'' J. Walsh, Mrs. li. W. Stone and mond to respond to the toast lie recovered the bird from the home of Harry 0. Mann, where bv Mrs. Vesta Hedmond was fol- son R. W.. of West Branch, and "To be or not to be," Our December Records are good and we have them. toast mistress thought Mrs. J. S. according to Peter Fese also of lowed by the reading of a num- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas were ber of letters from cliarter mem. also present. Hooker the only member whom Ada, it had been wrongfully held she could ask "Should old bach- and turned it over to Mrs. Fese. bers in various states by Mrs.