^•»H 11 11 HUtf I III Utff A • Matter • of • Interest 0. E. 8. I Some New Lowell Homes \ A BIG EVENI SURE Try • It « At • Our « Ris Charter Members Cyclamen * j Annual Meeting of Methodist We want you to try Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste, as N FRIDAY, DECEMBEK 1.1911. we will make our 28th eeiol- Chapter Honored in Fine Event annual payment of luterest on all Savlnn Accouate that Brothrehood Promises That advertised in the Saturday Evening Post. If it does 0 have Iwea on depoalt «lx inontlH or more. The Intereet will The reception given by Cycla- The Methodist Brotherhood are not satisfy you, come back to us and get your be added to each Hccount on thin date and will be entered men Chapter No 94, Order of the money, it belongs to you and we want you to have upon the deponltor'e bonk when preeented. All depoelta not going to have all the good made on or befon> Devember llth, will draw Intereat from Eastern Star, in honor of its char- things on Thanksgiving day but it. You need'nt promise or sign anything. Your DfCtfiulM* let and will participate In our next Interest pay. ter members, on Friday evening, have reserved the best for the word is enough mentlnJune. Nov. 24th, marked the date as a next week. At their annual 4 per v*nt IntercHt paid on depunlte left wlx monthe red letter day in the history of meeting next Wednesday evening REXALL the chapter. A company of Dec. <», the Methodist Brother- members and their invited guests have arrranged for the CITY STATE BANK numbering in all about one hun- finest program of the season. dred fifty, erathered during the 1 Elvin Swarthout, well known "93" SHAMPOO PASTE THE BANK THAT PAYS 4 PER CENT. early evening, and as they passed as a Grand Rapids attornev and into the lodire room exchanged removes and prevents dandruff, increases head leader iu the Layman's forward comfort, promotes hair health and beauty. It is eetings with the charter mem- A W. WEEKES, Freeldent movement, has been secured to especially pleasing to ladies because it tends to R. Vandyke. Vlee-Pret.i<]ent T. A. MURPHY, Taahler Kre, who were formed in recep- address the men. Everyone is tion line. At about eight-thirty make the hair soft, silky and and is easy to W. T. l ONDON, 2d Vlce-pree. R W. 8LAYTON, Awt. Caehler anxious to know what he will use. Price, 25 cents a Jar the assembly was called to order have to savandwe prophecy a by the Worthy Matron, Mrs. message that will stir up the Rexall "93" Shampoo Paste is sold in this city only at Clinton D. Hodges, who an- men. His address will be along nounced the following numbers lines that will interest everyone The REXALL Store of a program that proved inter- and there will not be a dead min- esting and pleasing. The foregoing photo engravina: shows the pleasant new home ute the whole evening. There You cannot buy it at any other store in this city. Address of Welcome, Mrs. Em will also be a short address by Remember we guarantee Rexall "93" Shampoo ma C. Greene. She spoke of the of Miss Annie and Harley Maynard adjoining the old home on Thanksgiving Specials ^ « Bridge street. It has eight rooms and a bath and a hot water the pastor of the Methodist Paste to Ifjye entire satisfaction. This same guar- benefits of lodge work in general church. Rev. L. K. Lennox, who antee applies to all the many other Rexall prepara- and of the Eastern Star iu par- heating plant. Among the many att pactions of this home is its . j{, 7), Olsver fire place and mantel. Built by Ecker & Hatch. has been a lea11. and don't taken by the founders of the chap- were present only the immediate .Mrs. I). Hodges gave the let anything keep you away. It ter in its progress and prosper- relatives and friends, and the history of the knife, fork and will be your loss if you do. For one week I will make a "Special Low Don't Trifle With Your Eyes. ity. This was followed bv a vo- business associates of the groom. spoon, and Mrs. K. A. Thomas Price Sale" of my large stock of Fountain Pens. cal solo by George M. Winegar, Mr. and Mrs. Walsh both spent of the napkin and plate. A The stock includes the best makes, and the Come here and have them properly tested and who responded to a generous en- their ehiidhood and school days varied • inenu" followed, each prices quoted—for one week only—will be an core. ''The beginning of Cycla- in Lowell, the former having left lady giving the history of som:^ an accurate adjustment of made. men Chapter," was the subject of his home town to accept the po- FESE GETS MI inducement to buy. A Fountain Pen makes particular article of food. an appropriate talk given by S. sition which he has since occu- Constable Hoek Settles Vexing an ideal present, and we will be glad to lay After having finished our ban- P. Hicks, who told of the early )ied with Lemon & Wheeler, and Problem of Ada Neighbors. them away for you until needed. and Jewelry Repairing... days of the order and of the joth have a large circle of friends quet the director introduced the toast m is tress Mrs. I'. B. Williums Constable George Hoek, now a founders themselves. Mrs. \V. here, who wish them all happiness. Our whole line of , Diamonds. Jewel- O. Merrill recited Tennyson's Miss Marguerite Walsh of 1 last- who responded with a pretty lit- duly nualified parrot exfiert. re- ry. Silverware, etc, will be sacrificed in price ?oem "Enoch Arden" as a cantil- ings, sister of the groom, and tle story and called upon Mrs. turned from Ada yesterday after- H H Mmt Optomtirlti Smith to respond to the toast noon bearing in his hand a big for the whole month of December, so take ad- ation, with It. I). as Howard Walsh of Detroit, his "Our Husbands." Then the toast- red cage, containing the oldest vantage of the opportunity to save money by acconiDanist. the effeet being brother, were bridesmaid and mistress asked Mrs. Vesta Red- touching and beautiful. groomsman respectively. Mrs. parrot in the state of Michigan, buying your Xmas presents here. A vocal solo "Daintv Dorothea'' J. Walsh, Mrs. li. W. Stone and mond to respond to the toast lie recovered the bird from the home of Harry 0. Mann, where bv Mrs. Vesta Hedmond was fol- son R. W.. of West Branch, and "To be or not to be," Our December Records are good and we have them. toast mistress thought Mrs. J. S. according to Peter Fese also of lowed by the reading of a num- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas were ber of letters from cliarter mem. also present. Hooker the only member whom Ada, it had been wrongfully held she could ask "Should old bach- and turned it over to Mrs. Fese. bers in various states by Mrs. Friday's Herald has the fol- Harvey .1. Coons, secretary. Mrs. lowing: elors be taxed to provide a home who shed tears of joy for the re- turn of her pet. The contempla- SUCCESS BUILDING... Hodges then called upon 'Messrs. A marriage of two popular for old maids?" Mrs. Hooker re- STOCKING, LOWELL George Winegar, Henry Stone ted replevin proceedings have pEOPLE WHO SUCCEED are those who conserve and Willard 8. Winegar from been dropped. their resources. among the guests of honor, eaich When Hoek called at the Mann home, he was surprised to hear Success comes to us each day. It comes in fragments, of whom responded with im- promptu remarks appropriate to some onecall out "Hello, you old stiff," and looking about, saw which, gathered and conserved, will, in time make a snug the occasion, and also asked F. united in inurriajre to I.k. Wulsh, H,tl1 M,ss Aud,e 1 ost--t( "r- the much-sought, for parrot W. Hinyan to speak as a former for twelve years sales-manager fortune. swinging in its cage on one end member which he did pleas- for the lienion & Wheeler Co. Get It Now The seed of success is thrift, its fruit b opportunity. ef the porch. It let out a flow ingv. Mesdames E. D. McQueen The ceremony was performed I'nn't hliy kv In v Inter. of language that would put a Start a savings account at this Bank and make your and Lawrence Rutherford sang an by Rev. IV. T. W. Albin, in the Itut ulwavn hny C».\I- In GHUL SERVICE prize fighter to shame, and then effective duet, "Suanee River,'' presence of about 25 guests. Hiimnifr anil Have vnur-.-lf desire for success a reality. settled down to abuse the officer. and Worthy Patron, E. A. An- Following the ceremony a recep- iroulile later on. Fine Musical Program at M. E. Hoek explained to Mrs. Mann Interest on savings compounded semi-annually. New derson was then called upon. tion was held at the newly fur- Church Sunday Eve. Mr. Anderson gave an eloauent, that he unaerstood that she was Ask us About It Now half begins December 1,1911. nished home of the bridal couple unable to put the bird through though brief address relative to at Hi Weiiham avenue. Services at the Methodist church Sunday. the tricks claimed for it by the the great work and influence ot Mr. and Mrs. Walsh left last owner, and when he requested the order, beginning with a night on a short wedding trip, 10 a. in.. love feast. LOWELL STATE BANK, LOWELL that she scratch the bird's head, touching allusion to the Star of after which they will be at home UUM) short sermon., subject, EARL CHAH. Mi t\\KTY. I'ri'f.; E. L. I KNNMT. TOM F. I^VLK. Vke-presideet Bethlehem, which was, centuries "Off with the old, on with the Mrs. Fese was called in and she I). (J. MAN(iK, Chshier. A. J. NASH, Asst. Cusliier. to their friends in their new home. afterward, the inspiration tor new," followed by communion. not only succeded in scratching 12 in., Sunday school. the bird's head but shook hands! the founiing of the Order of the CONGREGATIONAL HUNTER Eastern Star. The program •J.'10 p. in. .lunior League. with it and then persuaded Polly closed with the singing of one CHURCH. 7 p. m. The following fine to put her head through the musical program wiil be rendered. board of tJie cage and let Con-1 verse of Rock of Ages by the "The rnanimous Trifling" will entire company. Anthem, ••Praise Ve the Fath- stable Hoek scratch it. That I be the subject of the morning was evidence enough for Hoek, After an enjoyable social ses- er," choir. service at the Congregational who declared Mrs. Fese the right- sion a march was formed and the Vocal solo, Mrs. Ora Anderson. I IF YOU GET IT AT CLARK'S ITS CLEAN I church. Those interested might ful owner of the bird. Mrs. Mann , Chrislraas will be here before you assemblage was ushered into the Quartette, "In Heavenly Love read Luke 1.*i,l(>,17, iSand Huh was paid a dollar for the cage •; i! dining room, where a delicious Abiding." chapters. and the constable departed with luncheon was served. The buffet Vocal solo, Miss Sisson. TRY A LOAF OF know it. Do your buying now. Evening sermon, subject, the parrot.—[Grand Rapids Her- and center table were prettily Duet, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. "Christianitv the Religion of Ex- Strong. aid, Nov. 25. decorated with chrysanthemums, ultant.Ioy." |HKN riiriHtinttHconn* laHt-^vtar ai u HK>lvid nev Vocal solo. Miss Maynard. a bouquet of flowers also appear- In ion Tnanksgiving service er ij|i-uiii to wait 'till the lant imnnent todo your Anthem, A Vesper Hymn Pray- Another Narrow Escape. ing in the lodge room. Later, Thursday mornintr 10:30 at this ( 'In iHtiuHH Kliuppinjr and lie janiiiied, pushed and er, the choir. Fire which broke out about 8' hun-iHl all the time, and have to take "what'i* Mrs. Merrill bv request gave her church. All welcome. TEDDY BEAR BREAD! Brief address by the pastor. o'clock Friday evening in the old left" after the early Hhn|»|)ei'H had their pick. popular rendition of the humor- J; BETTER THAN MOTHER EVER MADE { ous poem "TheCornstalk Fiddle" Hotel Men Charged With Fine services anticipated. wooden store room at the rear of No service at Bailey (hurch. the Kopf block riddled the old The company dispersed at a late ^ ^s Now is the time to cash in on that proposition. Option Violation. building. Prompt action by the 1 ; • hour, many lingering to greet IONIA, Mich,, Nov. 24.—Bert Begin your Christmas buyin' today, we'll gladly old friends. Notice to Advertisers. fire laddies prevented what might Hackathorn, proprietor, and The demand upon our space | Clark's Confectionery ! aave your purchssci for you. Whether you buy of us The charter members present have 1 een a great calamity. The fliarles Stewart , clerk of the Muir and labor will be heavy during adjoining waiehouse buildings of or not don't put off gift-buying till the rush sno crush were: 8. P. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. hotel, were in court here today on the holiday season. Voucan help gets here. Henry Stone (Grand Rapids), the McCarty property were burn- warrants charging them with us and we can give you better ing when tl'ie stream was turned Practically all our Chrislmas goods are now on Mrs, Harriet Wisner. Charles violating the local option law. service if you will get your copy display and if you will come in now you can have Wisner, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Win- off and the rear doors of The Sheriff Ta\ lor confiscated a bar- in extra early. Monday morn- Leuukii office and Veiter & Wads, first choice and plenty of time to look at everything, egar, Mr. and Mrs. George Wine- rel of beer bottles and a quantity ing is not too soon to get a big No other gif carrcarriel s so much sentiment or Reeling $ar (Morrice), Dr. and Mrs. 0. C. worth store were scorched aud of liquor. Both gave bail to ap- ad started. The Leimjeu. the glasses badly cracked and LISK Self Basting; of appreciation as a piece of Jewelry. Nor is it neces- McDannell, Messrs. and Mes- pear forexamination December 1. «... — sary to choose eipensive jewels and gems. The dames F. T. King and Marks broken. imp ortai t point is to make proper f elect ions. Ruben, Mrs. Orton Hill. Follow- Auction Sale of Cows The ruins of the Kopf ware ing are the rest ol the thirty-two Correspondents Wanted. A. L. Pant is going out of the house will be torn down and the ROASTERS Our line offers you the widest range to select Thk Leduek has a new corre- from any in this city. Our prices are, in no case, high- original members, some of whom dairy business and will sell at adjoining one should follow (/•e a LISK to Roast your Thanksgiving er than elsewhere, and in instances, you will fino them are scattered in various states spondent at West Cascade. Ada public auction on the McCarty as in its present condition it is 1 village. Alto Smyrna and Mose- Turkey this year much lower: Every article in our stock is absolutely and several of whom have passed farm % milesouth of Keenechurch little better than a trap. to the Great Beyond: Mr. and ley are still unprovided. Special on Thursday, Dec. 7, at one guaranteed to be just as represented. There is no inducements to live writers and qualification to this guaranty. We simply say, if the Mrs. M. C. Griswold (who were o'clock, p. m.. 14 cows, 1 Hol- Notice ...Absolutely Self Basting... goods are not right please return them andTwe will honored with the title of "father agents at these points. stien Fresian bull and a Duroc- The taxes for the township of refund your money. and mother of Cyclamen chap- . boar. See bills printed at Lowell become due Dec. Ist and ' Saves you time and worry. All ter,") Clara Bostwick Gray. Mrs. The following party from I. eimjeu office. may be paid at my office over Emily Hicks, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Pewamo attended the Thanks- the City State Bant. p you watch is the clock. You SUGGESTIONS giving dance and visited James Rickert, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Last Thursday, Nov. 2^1, Miss R. E. Springett. Treas, can get them in three sizes. Either turquoise or im- Watches, Rings, Lockets, , Brae its. Althen, GraceChurch Hathawav, Davarn: Will. Neville and Miss Ellen Babcock was made happy C. 0. Church, F. B. and Frances Mary Davarn, Misses Mary Ban- by a goodly number of friends Mrs. F. F. Joseph, after spad- perial gray enamel. TAKE NO RISK—BUY A LISK Cuff Buttons, Sileerware, Cut Glass, Brass Gi ds, non and Cramer. and neighboi's who gathered at China. Clark, Albert and Sadie Jackson. ing four weeks with her sisters Mrs. Ethel McDannell Brown and ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maynard her home to help celebrate her and other relatives in Lowell and Chester G. Stone. and family are attend ing a family birthday. A sumptuous picnic vicinity, left Friday for a visit Among those present from out reunion at the home of Mrs dinner was serve*] and the after- with her sons who are in college Carvers of town were the following, not Maynard's brother, M. .1. Back- noon was sfient in visiting and at DesMoines. la., before joining U. B. Williams already mentioned: Mrs. F. F. ofen, at Flushing. music. her husband at Friendship, Wis. Nothing will add more to the appearance of Joseph, recently of Seattle, Mr. THE JEWELER Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Smith of T. A. Pierson, aged sixty-two. Mrs. C. A. Barrows and son your table than a set of " Williams* prlcee make It expesslvs tor you to bnjeieewhere." and Mrs. F. W. Hinyan of Grand Boise City, Idaho, are here for died at his home in Chicago and Otis Littlefield of Cascade bought Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer an extended visit with Mrs. was brought to Lowell Saturday the A. D. Oliver cottage on Mon- Davis (nee Katherine Kinyon) of Scott Thomas and other rela- afternoon, burial lieing made in roe street, just vacated by Har- Robeson or Keen Cutter Alto, Miss Katherine Hunter of tives. Oakwood cemetery. Mrs. Pier- old Hiler, and will make their eeeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeii Hoekford, B. C. Wieck, Ponca son. who was a daughter of home there. Consideratibn f950. Carvers, You will find elegance and real carving City, Okla. Arthur Sayles of Marquette Charles Morse, deceased, accom- Mrs. John Carson entertained quality combined in these brands. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. panied the body. about eight little boys Saturda The Executive board of the Frank Sayles yesterday on his Cleanliness, Purity, way from Ionia. Mrs. Frances Aldrich enter- afternoon in honor of these vent 1 We have some handsome new de- Ix)well board of trade met Tues- tained the birthday club and a birthday of her son, Harold. A day to start things for the an- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moon of few neighbors at her home Satur- dainty supper was served and nual banauet. President Hickp. (book'sCorners visited thelatter's day afternoon, about twenty the group photographed around signs this fall. Come in and see ant/ High Quality Vice President H. J. Coons ana aunt, Mrs. R. Ryder, Monday and being in attendance. The guests the table. Secrete ;y D. G. Mange were ap> Tuesday. presented her with numerous Photos made by Avery in your them. pointed committee of general gifts as token of respect. Re- a iteMon. Why STRONG'S lAKCI GOODS arrangements and to appoint Mrs. W. 0. Merrill and babies own home in the way you ars and Miss Blanche Wood are freshments served by the hostess. most generally seen' by your are Itetter than all others. Onlv the best Ingredients are other committees. spending Thanksgiving in De- The Lowell Ledger and friends have the most value to uaed In our goods and yon can get them frssh from tbs Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Keller have oven mornlnire and afternoons. All grocers ssll them troit. Grand Rapids Daily Press a whole them. How about some for moved from Pontiac to Detroit. WANTEI>—Position on farm year for |2.50 to subscribers Ht- Christmas gifts? N. L. Avery. ing on rural routes. tf HERMAN BTR0NQ Oscar Rivett of Croswell spent by the year, married man. Lock Mrs. Oil Johnson was in Grand SCOTT HARDWARE M. Sunday with Miss Matie Gould. box no 5 Lowell. Iwp Smoke Mete's Lowell Chief, tf Rapids Monday. Quickly Cures Lame j i-Vius h:.mifcii he:- aud ran it ihiougn COMES NATURAL. No Need to Hurry. Economic Wintering of the Farm Work Horses TZhe j her ir mis. still bcaminr. en Ban Theatrical folks love to tell of a Back, Weak Kidneys j "Ccnie in io M;e me it the Savoy on western manager, now prominent in lany day. at two-ihiity except on mat- the business, who made fame and for- m tune as proprietor of a small variety Wonderrjl By PROF. R.S. SHAW, You Can Prove It Without Expense— ! irce days." Dogs house in San Francisco. Dein of Agriculture, MkUfau Africaltml GtOcg) Get a Free Package Dr. Derby's "Put on your scurf." 1' tnloiowsh.v. Sister of Jane Addams Heads taking it from her hands, laid it across Kansas Institution. The thrifty German had accumulst- Guaranteed Kidney Pills—Today ber white sboulders, and she piihsed ed considerable money, and was about Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills abiolataly out between the two men, light as a to open a new theater. Several cure kidney aud bladder troubles and houre before the first performance the bird, smiling, nodding, followed hy «he BREAKING IT GENTLY. rheumatism. prince and tho hoy from Montana. Tho Located in Qirard Twenty Years Ago One Honest Rough Resort. entrance was packed, and the msn- 5t, Bernard Their action is positiTe, certain—quick. crowds began to fill the lately empty and on the Death of Her Hus- "Don't rough It too much on your ager in trying to reach the front door A lady who had recently moved to The very first dose takes hold. You can wings—dancer?, "horns girls with band Became the Bank'a Bummer vacation." said Dr. Phlneas became hopelessly imprisoned In the see and feel the difference in a single day. Ihe suburbs was very fond of ber L. Raycroft, the hygienic expert of their rustling . I jetty Lane said President crush. 3TERLIN<2- HEIOQ You can find this out without a cent of His lb first brood of chickens. Going out Des Moines. "See that you get plen jxjev-zopi iu Das: "Here, here," he yelled, "peeples. jpoo wr. cost to you. Dne afternoon, she left the household ty of baths and plenty of good food Justask your druggist for a free sampls "Guess you'll like my eo!o in this | Girard, Kan.—The morning sunlight peoples. It's me—It's Mr. Warner!" fZAOOMS j In charge of her eight-year-old boy. Otherwise your vacation will bo apt to •c package—use pills as directed—and see iy NarrcVanVorslT act all right—It's tl.e best thing In ! filtered through the little window in As no oiip appeared to take any no« / for yourself. Before her return a thunderstorm do you harm. tlce of him lie again yelled at the ILLVSTRAIIONS1 by M.G.KEITNER_ 'Mandalay.' Now go along, and clap ' the back office of the State Bank of came on. The youngster forgot the "I once thought of spending my Get the pills at once if you have diabe- me hard," of his voice: i&s tes, dropsy, Bright's disease, urinary trou- j Girard, and the bars across Ihe window chicks during the storm, and was dis- mid-summer holidays In the Tennes- COPYRIOHT l<)lO by TKa. CumptUy It gave him a new pleasure, for she cast a network of shadows on the "Vail a minutes, peeples. Vat's de ble. or rheumatism in any form. mayed after it passed to find that half see mountains. So 1 wrote to a moun- use of ponshUig like dis'.' Take your Have you any of these symptoms? had spoken to him in real American i floor. The woman who sat in the of them had been drowned. Though taineer whose picturesque homestead lime- de first two acts is rotten." Wnok. lame, aohintr bock. Sharp, pierolnt SYNOP8IS. "Dan Ulair from Blairtown," but Miss with the swift mimicry that j heavy office chair behind tho desk had been highly recommended to me. pains In bladder, kidneys, sido or Utnba. Sort, fearing the wrath to come, he thought Lane, who stood at the entrance showed her talent. Dan went slowly i was fifty-eight years old, but her face and in the course of my letter 1 asked tender, twitching muscles. Bladder or canal ! best to make a clean breast of the ca- Miss Mermaid—They say the mack- inflamed. Inability to hold water. Too fre- Pan Blulr, tho 22-year-old son of thi through the smoke, burst into a laugh back to his party. As he took his showed scarcely a wrinkle, and the the man if there was a bath in his Age of an Egg. quent urination. Urine cloudy, bloody, too lamity, rather than leave it to be dis- erel is a terrible drinker. HAVH jnst quit forty of the flfty-mllllon-dollar topper kln« of Blair- : 80 bo delightful, that he was seat by the duchess she said to him: j white in her hair glinted now and house. In a ulass of water the fresh egg light, too dark, ounatural odor, or sedi- town, Mont., la a guuat at tho KnKllsh , . t,.-l . .. i . j .covered. most miu'niliconi rious In the ment in it. Nervous, restless, irritable, de- home of Lady Galorey. Dan's father had * 'ed high up on the coral strands "You went in to ste Letty Lane. Do j then by way of proof that it once "In reply he said: .\)t. Loi)s-i< i-He Ml' ^ will assume a horizontal position. The spondent. Irreitular heart aolion. Sleepless- "Mamma," he said, contritely, when Those salt fish are always thirsty. world--as big as calves, as ness. Dull hoadaohes. Dizzy spells. Puffl- been courteous to Lord Ouloroy during i to tho very beach. She crossed her you know her?" | was gold. The woman was Mrs. S. I his mother had returned; "mamma. "'If you want a bath you had better of tiiree to five days make;-: with huvky as bears, as uiiolligenl as ness about tho eyes. Bloutod extremities. his visit to the United States and the' white arms over her breast and leaned "Know her!" And as Dan answered, | Alice Haldeman, and she is the bank's , Bix of tho chickens are dead." lake it before you come.'" h< 1 orizon an angle of 30 degrees General weakness, oonstant tired, woru-oul, courtesy Ih now being returned to the | f i 1,3 n„ Hftlpswnnmn mieht iflnn folks, as ]ietligroeil as prii % as all-tone feeling. youriK man. The youth has an ideal girl ' , onVMr(. saleswoman might lean the sound of his own voice was queer president. Mrs. Haldeman has anoth- "Dead!" cried the mother. "Six! How to Use Red Cross Seals. Hie allele increases to 4.') degrees for moritorions as saints, ami as Then get Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills with- In his mind, lie meets Lily. Duchess of forward over a counter, and with her to him, and his faj'e flushed hotly. i er claim to distinction, for she is the How did they die?" WAS UNWARY. "How to Use Refi Cross Seals" an eight days old, to 75 for one of pure ami plain-living as their out a moment's delay. They will surely Breakwater, a beautiful widow, who is beautifully trained voice, all sweetly "Lord, yes. She ujjcd to be in the : sisier of Miss .lane Addams of Hull The boy saw his chance. tiie 'i'le of an r.i' pu!.: ation ihree weeks, and at Ue days 'lie egg attracted by his Immense fortune and masters, the Angnstine canons, - drive the disease poisous out of you—healf she asked him: drug store in Blairtown. Sold soda- House, Chicago. "I think—1 think they died happy," reeenily issued by t: • National Asso rests on its point. strengthen, build up the weak, disordered takes a liking to her. When Dan was a wl.o. after fifteen years of a boy. n Rlrl sang a solo at a church, and "Hello, little hoy, what will you water to me when \:z were both kids. "Well, yes, I'm tho president," she be said. elation f^: ih" y iid Prove:;''.•in ciimate that is nine months ice / One of the Michigan Agrieultviral College Work Teams. kidneys and bladder as nothing else can. he had never forgotten her. Tiie Ga- take!" Whoever would have thought that she It's the modern, common-sense, rational* admitted to a visitor, "only 1 don't run ami snow, break down com- loreys. Lily and Dan attend a London Blair giggled, quick to catch her had that in her?" 1-fe nodded toward the bank myself; we all run it to- Red Cross Seals must be^ placd Most farmers are confronted by this ployed at moderate work such as haul- scientific kidney and bladder cure. theater where one Letty Lane Is tlie star. Success at Sea. ic:y, \\i!li swelled joints, im- And the treatment is guaranteed; money meaning, and answered: "Oh, choco- the stage, for Letty Lane had come g'.'ther tho two men and 1." A youthful Canadian, who la pos Catarrh problem. In a serious manner because ing manure, feed, wood, etc., a mod- late. 1 guess!" on. She sang in our church, too, but on the address side of packages that lioveri.-it'd blood and chronic back if it doesn't do all claimed for it CHAPTER IV.—Continued. It was UO years ago that Dr. aud fCFsed of tho romantic idea of "go j of tlie short crops of Hie past dry sca- erate feed of mixed grain dully should not for long." : are u"in,a ihrop;;:, th" nu'il. Ti."-? rheumatism. rr Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills sell for 25c and And Letty Lane laughed, put out Mrs. Haldeman eamp tf> ('.inml Tho rig to Bca" is meeting with much par- r siorraiic ns the kings j son and the present high prices for be given in addition to the ear corn. If 50c -the larger package containing more her white hand, the one without the "Who was with her in her dressing- may be placed ; nyw!i"re on m:;''er • physiciairs health was poor, and tho ental opposition. 1 I feed stuffs. In wintering farm wort ensilage is not available from ten to than twice the pills in 250 size. If you At the end of the tenor solo goiiifr bv e\niv- v Car' should h< li: i!;:Ie s s- ni 11 em collars of Princess Oltary runs into tlie pavilion cigarette, and said: "Haven't got room?" the duchess aslted. Blair move was made on ibis account from "The sailor never amounts to any- !l..od'- nh j horses one of two extremes usually twelve pounds of carrots per day per want to try them first, ask for free sample. that brand on board—so sorry! Will didn't answer, lie was looKing at : se the :;ist I'err.ards. their ances- 1 and there changcs her and ap- the home of their childhood in Illinois. hing, my boy." urged his prosaic fa- \ prevails. The lover of good horses horse will be found very serviceable Sold by your druggist, or sent prepaid a cocktail do? All sorts in bottles. Letty Lane. She had cc;vie to dance a' c.. !v on ;he si'ot. aiding trnv- ! 2 : upon receipt of price, by Derby Medicine pears once more to dance before the llier. "He works hard, has few boll- 1 i. * -' cftjvm j saves the best mow* of hay and the Knsilage should be fed in moderation, Higgins, flx Mr. Blair a Martini." for the rajah, and in hfr arms she "My husband became interested in brings \\ i olt-rs i! an mjii.i'i .'ish way. when St. Rernard Co., Eaton Rapids, Mich. rajah and to prove herself tiie dancer Jays arid never achieves great sue- j best bin of oats for his horses during using not more than 15 to 20 pounds As the dresser rose from her stoop- held four white doves; e.ich dove had the banking bi-.-incss shortly af!er wo «If A!fiillH»l w,'!;• -.iji from Aesta and feimded makes a stay over night at the top practically he has known and loved in a cafe in •ess." 40.366 Testimonials j wiiUer when they tire producers as daily, depending on the horse. ing position, the rest of Letty Lane's came here." Mrs. Haldeman .said, "and igainst In.-p the li' -i \ r-Their ancestors, bear- necessary. With old-fashioned courtesy the Was in Real Trouble. Paris. Lelty Lane's dress In his dance a coral thread around lis throat. It "Tiint's where you're misfak^n," ex j workers, thus rendering their cost of Michigan experiment station bulle- dressing-room unfolded out of tho tin foiimled a bank of hi.; own. We flgbilng .101 - 1 i' n'd riiarifniaune's court, had tourists are conducted to their rooms by an A passenger who escaped uninjured was the classic ballet dancer's, white was a iMimhff thai madr her famous, rlaimed young Cnnada. triumphantly 1 keep very expensive. On the other tin No. 254 gives a description of the are the oldest hank in the e:)iinty and bt'on !•'!'! .i-'a (•••n-iin mountaineer chiefs, abbe, and after meals are shown round the from a serious railway smash, seeing ni 1st and smoke. On a sofa covered "Tho Dove Song." Set free, tho birds 'Look at King Oeoruel lie started | hand, however, too many horses are methods employed in wintering work as the leaves of a lily. She seemed to with lace pillows Blair saw a man sit- have weathered three panies. among ol


"I Intended to stay tbe week end, but remained a month." said Vera. "A month?" echoed Corrlne. DECEMBER 8th and 9th Xmas Bargain Days Offer "Yes; mother forwarded my trunk." "Were you well acquainted at tbe hotel?" I I 1 Bargain No. 2 Bargain No. 3 "Didn't know a soul, excepting my COLLAR'S | Bargain No. SALE cousin, who introduced me upon* my CLOAE The Evening Press Conducted by Charles M. Gardner, Editor arrival to five girls and one fellow. Free Souvenir to Ladies Attendiag TJ E The Evening Press of the National Orange. Westfleld, Haas. Tbat fellow was simply crazy about The Etening Press one year one year $2.00 tennis, golf and launching." An Invitation to the People of Lowell and Vicinity one year, $2.00 The Lowell Ledger "Did you have your middy PRINCIPLE OF ARBITRATION with you?" one year The Lowell Ledger "Of course. I could see myself sail- The Lowell Ledger Victory Won In tha Michigan Courla Woman's World one year ing already, when he grasped my : 1 one year 1.00 1.00 Which Will Intarait Qranga in* hand, saying "Good-bye, hope we meet Now that the cooler days of winter have come you will naturally spend one year auranca Companies. 25 beautiful Colored again. I must hustle, as my train more of your time indoors, and give more thought to making your home, OXSCf. Michigan Farmer Farm and Fireside leaves In five minutes." DEC onr year Postal Cards 50c Tbe Patrona' Mutual Fire Insur- "That evening while waiting at tbe , not only beautiful, but comfortable as well. At this time we wish to re- one year IM ance Company of Lansing, Mich., has desk for some mail I did not expect, mind you that we occupy the 3-story building between McQueen^ Profitable Poultry recently won a victory in tbe courts I met Mr. Evers. We stepped out on $400 one year $3.50 which will have interest for grange the porch und talked about sororities livery barn and the City State bank, and formerly occupied as a furni- Insurance companies in other states. and fraternities until I was hoarse. It appears that tbe arbitration fea- ture store by Mr. W. H. Makes. EVERY SACRIFICED Bargain Days, 92-80 Bargain Day* $2 70 Bargain Days $2.65 Never before or since have I been so ture of tho Patrons' Insurance pol- radiant. Just as 1 was trying to We have the three floors of this building well filled with beautiful, icy was challenged. Tbe attorney make my eyes not behave, he said: general of tbe state held tbat tbe 'If you play bridge, my wife and I new, up-to-date Our sale of one week's has been a big success, but we are determined to still further reduce our stock and will continue the sale one week longer. Good Only From Dec. 15th to Dec. 24th, 1911 grange Insurance organization did not would be delighted to have you Join have tbo right to compel policyhold- us.' But I wasn't keen about it and FURNITURE AND HOME FURNISHINGS ON RURAL FREE DELIVERY ONLY ers to submit to arbitration their dif- begged to be excused as I felt chilled." ference with the company relative to "Another young man would sit on We urge you to come in and look around whether you with to buy or not, but LOT 1 w LOTS LOTS settlement of losses. He held that the beach glancing admiringly at my should we have the pleasure of serving you we guarantee courteous treatment tbe arbltraUon feature was in contra- stunning bathing suit. Once when I and satisfaction in every transaction or money refunded. THE LOWELL LEDGER vention of tbe statutes and prevented dropped my handkerchief, accidentally tbe adjustment in court of points at on purpose, he picked it up. 'Thank We carry a large stock of Floor Coverings and on these dates will show Ladies' Black , good Children's Cloth Coats in a F. M. JOHNSON, Proprietor Issue between tbe company and pol- you kindly,' I said. Can you beat it? an extra large assortment of sample Carpets and Linoleums. We have a few fancy Coats, all of them new, icy holders. Tbe company applied Taking an ear trumpet from bis pock- Our goods are marked in plain figures and an investigation of quality will warm garments, some of them for a writ to compel the attorney gen- et, he explained that he was stone prove that our prices are very moderate. splendid assortment of colors eral to approve of tbe policy form deaf." that have been marked $10, $12 and $13. We Remember, as a special inducement, we allow 10 per cent d/a- lined, but out of style, coats ability and will to make other ONE lesson from the resent and tbe court has granted it, stating "How tragic," Interrupted Corrlne. and sizes, bargains at $5 and THE LOWELL LEDGER "Weren't there any ellglbles?" OOUnt on all purchases made during these two days. li\ es happier or better, may the state elections must not be over- that tbe agreement in tbe policy is a voluntary one and declaring: "Tbe "There was one prosperous, well Don't forget the date, Friday and Saturday, December 8 and 9. Published every Thursday afternoon Good Lord mak«» us all truly looked—the startling growth of that are good for rough wear, are going to sell them out as soon as possible, doctrine is well established in the groomed athletic person, who was re- $6. your choice of the lot for at Lowell. Michigan. the Socialist vote, wliich has lead Come and bring your neighbors. thankful! state that members of a voluntary cently Imported from France and ihe Socialist Congressman Victor society may set up a tribunal to ad- couldn't converse In English." every day from 2 to 4 p. m, F. JU. JOHNSON, Editor and PropT The demand for a presidential Berger to predict a vote of judicate tbe differences tbat arise "1 thought >ou studied French?" and have cut them to rock bottom prices. The . , n. * Office, No. 200, primarv is growing and will not 2,000,000 in UHl'. Most of the between the association and its decis- "Certainly, but all 1 could remember Oitwen * Phone? \ Uesidonco, m $3.49 down. ' If the people are capable daily newspapers regard the in- ion final In tbe absence of bad faith was Me vous aime and Tree blen.'" creased Socialist voteas a protest or a refusal to act or pay after an ad- "Did you like the hotel?" A. B. CADWALLADER $1.98 early customers get the best bargains. of choosing between Taft and NINETEENTH YEAU Wilson as Republican and Demo- against machine politics and fail- judication has taken place." The "Oh, who wouldn't? Printed menu Uaderone msaagcmcBt and finger bowls three times a day. cratic nominees they are also ure to keep platform promises by case has excited considerable inter- Besides, the old ladles sat on tbe ver- funeral Director and Embalmer . . Lowell, Nich. fnllv com|>etent to choose wheth- both the old parties. The Pro- est In Insurance and grange circles. The choice of the lot for Speaker Baker of tbe lower house, anda. rocking and knocking, added SttbHcription by Mall, po^tptidi er taft, Roosevelt or LaFollette gressives charge it to the Stand- il.ou who is also a member of the State zest to the visit. LOT 2 ONE YEAR :.0c shall lead the Kepublican ticket patters and the latter blame it on LOT 4 25c Grange Executive committee, beaded "I forgot about Mr. Wilson, who es- MKHS:;::; and whether Wilson, Clark or the former. One thing is certain. tbe attempt to secure legislation dur- corted me to a dance across the bay. 0^ $8.00 ^0 Harmon shall head the Demo- Hxisting wrongs must be cor- ing tbo last session to bar arbitration Upon entering the hull h0 said, 'I Eutered at. the postollice ut Lowell. Michigau cratic ticket. We have had rected by the powers that be, or don't dance.'" Ladies' Black Coats, both Ker- hs sucoml class matter. in mutual companies but it did not Lowell Markets Children's Coats in the larger government by party bosses more the people will find a way, and carry.—New York Orange Review. • "Exciting; did you decorate the Corrected Nov., 2t). I»ll than long enough, now give the that way may not just suit the wall?" sey and Broadcloth, good warm "The fact has been commented 1)1 people a chance to bat. For fellows who are plaving politics "Until I met a young man who was Wheat, red. 00 n» sizes, 10, 12 and 14 years, oh and properly so that twelve GRANGE MAN STATE OFFICER devotion itself. I saw his constantly Wheat, white, (iUlbe 89 presidential primary? Yes!! and blocking the wheels of pro- Chicago brewers, representing after that. The money be spent on Jate. per bu 4S garments, that include S14, press I Organization Recognized In Connectl- Corn " so You Can Get Better Shoes serviceable garments, but out concerns that aivspemlinfj; many candy and flowers!" s2 E. R. COLLAR A writeu in the Press bewails cut'a New Secretary of the State Kye " thousands of dollars in efforts to SOUTH CAROLINA is disgraced "You're too particular. Vera. What 75 $13 and $12 values, to be sac- the death penaltvpaidby Beattie Board of Agriculture. was the trouble with him?" HuckwV* of style, every day from 1 to bring about the repeal of local by a Governor, Cole L. I Mease, UeanH, 2 10 tlie Virginia wife slayer and calls "The trouble was a case of mistak- ir. oo at Lower Prices option in Michigan counties, who publicly commends the lynch Hay, baled, per ton the legal punishment "murder." The Grange gains decided recogni- en Identity. He mistook me for my :v> IMI rificed for LOWELL MICH. have their own homes in a muni- ing of negroes ami m answer to a Corn and Oata per ton.. 5 p. m., If he had more sympathy for the tion In Connecticut, where tbe newly- cousin. Vera Carter, who Is heiress to Middlings per ton 20 (M) QET ACQUAINTED with "Endwell" shoes. cipality, Hyde I'ark. where no specific charge that he had not appointed secretary of tbe State :to oo innocent victim, perliaps he would a couple of millions. I suppose he Corn Meal per ton saloons are allowed to exist. In upheld the law in such case, pub- Board of Agriculture is none other works a year to make a splurge for Bran per ton 2r» im» You will learn some things about shoe style have less for the assassin. Before than tbe master of tbe Connecticut r» oo connection with this fact it can licly declared that rather than a few days." Flour per bbl and pcrtect shoe comfort that you've never known lie committed his awful crime, State Grange. Leonard H. Healey of Buck wheat Hour per bbl 0 00 DECEMBER 2 $1.29 be recalled that tht- Milwaukee stop the mob he would have led "Another day a Mr. Johnston Invit- DECEMBER 9 Beattie knew that Virginia pro- Butter per lb 2 s brewer, Col. Tabst. headed a pe- it. When an officer sworn to up- North Woodstock. Tbo latter has al- ed me to go automohlllng. Everything before. vided the death chair for such as ready entered upon bis duties and has Eggn 2S tition urging that saloons should hold the law thus violates his was Ideal until we had a puncture. ir» "Endwell" shoos will outwear any other shoes you he would be. He made thechoice set about inaugurating a new era of Lard >oooooooooooooo<>ooooooooo on the street on which he lived. with law breakers, he is a traitor Timothy his fate. If justice were always as ment of tbe state government At the hours, as Mr. Johnston protested he Clover seedjper i u 10 00 12 00 Boca use llioy are made of Endicott-Johnson leather— These brewers pay for newspaper to the public interests and richly Mrs. Cynthia Heath of Grand Rap- time of bis selection there was a tie could not walk because he was seb- Beef live per cwt 2 oo r' W Ids was called here by the Illness of WEST LOWELL. LOGAN LOCALS. space to misrepresent aud to de- swift and sure and maudlin sym- the only leather in this country tanned by shoe deserves the impeachment pro- vote on tbe board, between Healey Ject to epileptic fits and had to be Beef dreened per cwt 5 00%» 7 (Ml le* brother Enoch Wilkinson at B. Miss Grace Koukua of Zueland pathizers with red-handed mur 5 oor»7 oo manufacturers for their own shoes. Logan has been on the move the nounce local option aud they ceedings which have begun. and tbe former Incumbent of tbe of- careful." Calves live F. Wllkli son's. spent several last week with past week. Mrs. Nellie Ford moved derers were fewer, it would be bet- fice, which was broken when Gover- Veal lire* hed per cwt 8 00 'jt* 0 (M) You can save u gotal bit of the money you've been spending for IIS SALES ARE provide salaries for liquor agents "It's a wonder you stayed away so Floyd Sparks and wife spent Sun- Mrs. 11. Dawson. i ber houtehold goods to Lowell on ter for humanity. a oo 4 (mi to go about ihecountry denounc- That wealthy woman who nor Baldwin came to the meeUng and Sheep live shoes for yourself and your faiuily and get better shoes. day with his grand parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Mcykovlak and daughter, ! Tuesday. .J ohn Mlshler moved on long." Iambs 5 00$. 0 00 Your Money Back for the Ask- Ordinary Cathartics and Pills ing opponents oi the saloon as buried her pet cat in a $r»0 casket cast his vote for Healey. "Oh, there was a bachelor about 50 $ 5 50 Mrs. B. F. Wilkinson. Liiclle of Grand Rapids visited Mr. I the farm vacated by Mrs. Ford on Leonard H. Healey is one of the Pork live ing? You Promise Nothing and Mrs. Clarence M duty re from ! Wednesday and Mr. Austin moved fanatical and narrow. Yet they The ruins of the old store shed might have given fifty or more years old with loads of money." I'ork dressed . v 7 00 Rememlier the anniversary A d and Harsh Physic Cause best-known farmers in Connecticut and meeting December 0 at the Keene Thursday until Monday. Mr. {from the Waterman farm in Oamp- select; local option territory as back of the Kopf block are being Vera!" declared Corrlne in sur- Fowls live per Hi 8 We are so confident thnt we Distressing Complaints. poor folks a good Thanksgiving his farm at North Woodstock is a 10 grange ball Members bring your Mycykovlak came Saturday evening bell to the Thompson place vacated places in which to establish their torn down and the wooden wreck prise. "You couldn't care for an old Fowls dressed, per Ih... can furnish relief for indigestion and returned home Sunday evening. by Mr. Mlshler. Tona Vita Remedy Fills a L< dinner with the money thus fool- model of thoroughness and prosperity. Spring chickens, per lb. s mite boxes. You cannot be over-careful in just west of it should follow suit. man like that?" and dyspepsia that we proiuise own homes in behalf of their own ishly squandered. Many years He has all tbe up-to-date machinery, Apples, per bbl 1 00 bouse for some time with a broken Elton Hull, wife and son of Lake Allen Brown lost a horse last Sun- the selection of medicine for Ell Kaufman Is hauling hay and Felt Want It is in a worse condition than Xo, because he was damaged. Had EAST CASCADE-ADA. day. 1 corn stalks preparatory to moving boys and girls. If local option ago a Louisiana colored girl put does much of bis marketing by auto- * Prices wrist. City are here visiting her brother to supply the medicine- free of all children. Only the very gentlest lost his right arm In an accident. But Ernest Plnkney and father George I on tne lid ilattlen place. provides a more desirable envir- the one burned and is a menace it this way: "Fust it's de white mobile and is a good example of what MIhm Blanch^ DcYonngsi eatThurs Mra. Flnnigan and Mrs. Venue cost to everyone who uses it ac- Mrs. Shepard who has lieen quite bowel medicine should ever be Kt'inarkahb' l(«>.«ulm Ai ('(>tii|ilishf(l| I was courteous to him because he ex- PROBATE NOTICE. Plnkney for a few days. sick Is recovering. Mrs. Edward ; Sunday was receiving da.v at the ! HuilditiU up and I'.'m-rni/iny \Vt| onment for the home ol the to many thousands of dollars r day with ber sister, Mrs. Minnie Den. man spent a few lays In Grand Rap- cording to directions who is not man, den it's de white mairsdawg thrift, energy and brains can do on a pected his nephew home from Europe Stnteuf MMil> un, The Truliale Couit for t Shepard lias been caring for her. given, except in emei-gency cases. i home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mlshler, | Out and Tired IVopIt'. worth of valuable property. It New England farm, when the same $3.00 laon. Ids. Mrs Elisabeth Daniels Is with her nerfectly satisfied with the results. wealthy brewers why isn't such and den it's de niggah!" In this soon." the County of Kent. , . ,, . ^ daughter Mrs. Mark Brown till after Ordinary pills, cathartics and the guest of honor being the new ' study and application are given to the At a sesHiou of said rourt, h«;hl at tlie pro- Mr. and Mrs. A. Rolf visited her ; There is no excuse lor heinjj an environment equally as desir- should be torn down at once. case it was dead cat before Chris- "I suppose you never saw the Itute olllce In tin- city of U ran (I KaphlH, in said The MImhcs Minnie and lle'eu BoHi Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Denlson spent 'i banksglvlng. We exact no promises an l put sister, Mrs. Mary Rolf, at Lowell mrgatives are apt to do more daughter. Glenna U.. who arrived at work of tbat farm tbat would be county, tin the 2uU day of October. A. I). I«.UI. attended the teachers, meeting In a few da.vs recently with Mrs. D's. j their home Tuesday Nov. 21. Those | "run down/' If ynu feel tir able for ihe wurkiugmen and Furthermore, the rear of the en- tian charity. nephew." $3.50 We are sorry to hear that Frank no one under any obligation Sunday. mrm than good. They may necessary to win success in any other eresfiil, Ilou. Harry 11. Jewell, Jud^of Grand Rapids Saturday. daughter near Mlddlevllle. i who called during the day were Mr. I most of the time whii a jioor business men of Micliigan?'' tire block from the W isner mill to "Indeed I have. I've seen him every I'lohute. ... • .. , Abbott Is suffering from an abcess whatever. Surely nothing could Mr. and Mra Guy Monks nnd chil- cause griping, nausea and other line of business. In the Matter of the Kstute of Mary I'. Miul- George Miller driven a line new Bernle Storm spent Tnanksglvlog on tbe eyeball. He went to Ann i and Mrs. Frank Walton and son I petite and itad digestion, you the Lowell State bank corner People wishmgextra copies of evening since 1 came back and bis $4.00 be fairer. We are located right dren of Lowell spent Sunday with distressing after-effects that are I Ralph, John Thaler and faintly, Ed- Mr. Healey is one of the Grange uncle Is going to be my uncle." S horsi). In Grand Rapids. Arbor and had his eye examined and his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Miles debilitated and nature nee A nrmiiku of<-owardly brutes in should be furnished with steel The Lediseu should apply for ' rnlull V^Mndison having died In s:ild court here where you live, and our rep- fre(|uently health-destroying. | ward Uoush and family, Mr. and leaders of tbe country. He Is now his uetltloii praying that the aduilniHtratlon M••. mill Mrs. W. II. Ntles have Mr. and Mrs. Dlvlak have sold their Is being treated at home. He Is a Monks. j Mrs John Mlshler, Mrs! Mary Ann some ass ist mice in tlirnuinu' a Kansas waylaid a helpless wom- window and door sh itters. It them soon after the issue wanted closing four years of service as state of wild estate h« aranted to hlinself great sufferer. utation should besufficent assur- We personally recommend and ur to some other suitable person. gone t" Ferris on a two weeks' visit. goods aud moved to Chleago. Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Mclntyre aud i Krb of Campbell and Jacob Vouwn this condirion. an, t ore off her do thos and rubbed is better to lock the barn door be- has been printed. Finding copies master of Connecticut, following a It Is Ordered That the 2u- 1911, at teu o'clock In the forenoon, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blaine spent White spent Wednesday and Thurs We want everyone who i s Mrs. Clyde Mullen of Segwuu. safest and most dependable reme-, Lowell. W ft N T S nt saul probate office lie und M hereby ap- Sunday In Alto. KEENE CENTER. day In Grand Rapids. is a sure means of overeomiii body, while others looked on to is not always easy or possible. assistant steward of tbe National pointed for htarlim said uKitlon: troubled with indigestion or dys- The party given by Mr. aud Mrs. dy, which we know, for constipa- Born, to Mr and Mrs Wm. Hoff- It Is further ordered. That public notice this trouble. ManviliousninlMi "see the fun." Six of them have The killing of an Ionia woman Grange and an inlluentlal factor in tbe Mrs. Storm waa able to ride out Lloyd Worden Lowell waa the pepsia in any form, to come to Orley Rulasou waa well attended tion and associate bowel disorder. man, a son. I-'OI ND—Yearling heifer came to my thereof he bivcu by publication of a copy of ,iai S C by a Chicago street car reminds general councils of the or<* ir. tills order, for threo successive wet-ks prev- Sunday after being conflned to tbe guest ot I^e Lampklns Saturday. Hsw's This? our store and buy a box of Rex- Mr. and Mrs. Leon McCarty and IMTRevV uijandu .>ir«Mrs.. aiuuAldus uracKmiBrackbtlil nUf ilt f ' ^' listless, nervous ma been given jail sentences of one Stirts fticl Trouble. encloinire several weekwago. Own ious to suld day of heuxlng. 1" the I.ow«ll We have such absolute faith in an We offer One Hundred Dollars Ite- all Dyspepsia Tablets. Take children vMted Mr. and Mrs. Frank last Wednesday for an extended visit; d women, who lacked vilalii year eacii. and the only regret one of the extreme danger to If all people knew that neglei;! of er pay expens-'s ami tniie away. Ledger a news-paper printed und drculatwu in Taylor In Lowell Sunday. the virtues of this remedy that constipation would remilt lu nevere Oleun Lee, ^ mile west of Fox < or- ward for any case of Catarrh that them home and give them a with relatives and frtemis at Lan- and energy, have, actiin'lv be right-minded people will have is unaccustomed people on the CAUSES FAVORABLE COMMENT AUuZvT Hurry I) Jewell, ENDWELL SHOE The Aid society of Willing Workers we sell it on our guarantee of caster and other places In Pennnyl.| ]e over by this splendid medl Indttfestlou. yellow jaundice or vlru ners. 24p Roy M. Watkins, Judke of Probate cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh reasonable trial according to lmV( that the sentence were not more crowdei I st reets of our great cities, No.830—Blacker brown merit calf Cure. F. J. CHENEY & LO . Toledo O. will hold their next meeting the next money back in every instance vanla. lent liver trouble they would hoop KeKister of Trobate directions. If they don't please cine. severe. The public prosecutor a hazard which has been greatly take Dr. King's New Life (Mils, and Orange st Medway, Mass., Takes Step (a strong but soft and pliaUe dull We, the undersigned, have known Tuesday In Deceml er. where it fails to give entire satis- Mrs. Noah Shrlner of Northern SMALLadverttseiuents, Wanted, For finished chrome tanned leather). F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, you tell us, and we will quickly I Michigan Is looking after the house- " Tona \ ita" was only reeeiiilj rightly named the affair a dis- increased by reckless automobile end it. It's the only nafe way. Hem for Clvle Betterment That Mssts Sale, To Kent, Lost, Found, etc PROBATE NOTICE. faction and we urge all in need of tor biliousness, headache, d* sp p*1h, "Trudge** last. "Stag"patt«fe. OuMtt and believe him perfectly honorable return your moneyl They have hold cares during the absence of Kev. introduced in this eountry, yA grace* u» Kansas and called on drivers. Some one is killed or With Hsarty Response. run In tblH department at one-half State of Michigan, Uie Probate Court for the tuuK'ne to exclude mud and wet M0S¥y CAWLCSS ABOUT APPENDICITIS such medicine to try it at our chills and debility. 25c at All Drug CfMfOf# oa* sole. A •hotwlUlgood In all business transactions and fin- a very mild but positive action and Mrs. * kblll. the sale of it is tremendous aiui the jury for a sent, nee that would injured by this means almost cent per word.caHb with order, one ityle, but built struag for bard wlaUrwear. Thanksgiving ancially able to carry out any obli- IN LOWELL risk. gists of Lowell. The Grange at Medway. Mass., Is cent per word tf charged. Ads of the Kstute of John upon the organs with which they Sunday callers at Wm. J. Mlshler's still growing. It is cerfaiu ill set the stale right in the every day in Detroit; and since Uuiruard, dwenscd. . ,. gations made by his firm. Many Lowell people have stomach ! Rexall Orderlies are eaten just were Simon Mlshler and family, Wm. creating much favorable comment In must lie lu by Wednesday noon to Notice Ih hereby «lven that 'I10""'" Just one of 100 new sSjrfes. Wauiino, Kinnan & Marvin, come in contact apparently act- medicine could be so successin eyes ol ihe world. The re- htandingfora few moments on iiiHtire Insertion same week No like candy, are particularly We .ver and children of Bowhe Cen UI its vicinity, followed by growing In- from the I^t day of November A. Il l»ll, have Wholesale Drugirlsts. Toledo, O ing as a regulative tonic upon or bowel trouble which Is likely to niKiiufr dess it was amunplishinn- i sponse of the jury was fair- Woodward avenue last summer An Old-Fashioned Disease. ad U-ss than 10c. been allowed for creditors to present their prompt and agreeable in action, ter and Addison Krb and dantrhter terest in its work, by taking a step dainiN imulnst said deceased to said court Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern- turn into appendicitis. If you have waiting for a transfer and dodg- Every little while there conies along the relaxed muscular coa t of the mav be taken Correan and Mrs. Mary Ann Krb of'^j'^. " 1 on a \ ita is jkx'oihii ly good. Probably hereafter the for civic betterment tbat meets a for examination and adjuntment, and that all Groceries ally, acting directly upon the blood constlpatlou, sour stomach, or gas at any time, day Campbell some person of authority to jolt a lit- AN Y ONK f eeding the Hervlces of a creditors of said deceased are miulrwi to A. J. HOWK & SON bowel, thus overcoming weakness OI llishing remarkable results. I public tarring ol Hirtatious girls ing several of these devil chasers, hearty response from tbe people of present their claims to said court, at the pro- and mucous surfaces of the system on thestomach, try simple buckthorn nicht; do not cause diorrhea, tle of the pride out of the human race. r.ilaiiii nilua boar will find one at and aiding to restore the bowels mlusea • overcomes nervous debilitv in will not be a 'jopnlar amusement we know just how the thing is tbe town. For several months this flute office, In the city of Urai-d llaiilds, In Bangs is here with the right goods for the Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bark, glycerine, etc . as compounded > gnpuig, excessive joos- Just when everybody is feeling un- farm iif.laires A. Faulk ^mllenorth suld county on or before the 1st day of March bottle. Sold by all Druggists. to more vigorous and healthy A father s Venfleaoce new weeks time, and luings bar in Kansas. done. Grange has been at work raising A. I). 1918, and that said claims will lie 45 YEARS SELLINQ OOOD SHOES 88 1 0 ier usually jubilant over the advance ol of Fux'm Corners Veriieunes. 24p j Take Hall's Family Pills for con- In Adler-l-ka, the new German appen-' JJm ' V ^ undesirable effects, would have fallen on any one wholthe old cner^eLie Miiiii ili n ii money, until It has now nearly $200 li urd hy cuKI court on Friday the 1st aav Thanksgiving dinner, at the right prices. If activity. Three, sizes 25c.? 50c., V LR 1,11,1 U] V 11 civilization, the spread of education of March A. I). I'.US, at ten o'clock In the stipation. dlcltls remedy. M.N. Henry, Drug-j.. ^ very mild but posi- attacked the son of Peter Bondy. of lacking. * ' available, with which it proposes to HOUSK FOR RENT—IX blocks north w and $1.00. Remember, yoii can South Rock wood, Mich., but he was Almost anyone can find some- Goon news! A I nited States or tbe growth of a new disease due forenoon...... you want your dinner to "taste like more, glat, states that A SINGLE DOSE of action "po" tJie organs with erect two drinking fountains in the of Congregational church. W. H Dated November I, A. D. llUI. obtain Recall Remedies only at L powerless before attacks of Kidney It brings restful sleep, ^nod dK thing to be thankful for and district attorney has waked up Harry D.Jewell, this simple remedy relieves bowel , ^y come in contact, ap-j to modern conditions, the wise man Murphy, pi one 07-4 2w SEELEY CORNERS 1 trouble "Doctors could not help gestion, more vitality and di i\«' village. They will be substanUal af Judseof I'roba'e. buy your supplies at our store—The Rexall Store. I). parently acting as a regulative those are lew whose condition to the iniustice of dragging poor hobs up and tells us we're behind the fairs, praetlcal and useful, and will be R. A. Ferrall went to Lanslmr trouble almost INSTANTLY. him." he wrote, "so at last we gave | away the listless, despondeui (J. Look. tonic upon the relaxed muscular him Electric Bitters and he Improved i might not beworse. Asthecloud smugglers off to jail while rich times, tbat. In the words of the old arranged for the most convenient FOB SALIC—Work horse or will Monday to attend the funeral of his 1 feel in"1 so (juickly that it will a- song, "tbat story bad paresis in the trade for cow. J. F. Sargent, Ada coat of the bowel, thus overcom-! wonderfully from taking six bottles. has its silver lining even so has offenders are let off with tines, service of tbe people. brother-in-law H. N. Wilder. LOWELL DIST. NO 6 tonish you. Don't drag aroun days of old RamesHes." road. 2(lp ing weakness and aiding to resore1 Its the best kidney medicine 1 ever nearly ••vcrv lotmlifeits brighter ('mninon |»»ople have long seen Tbe fountains will be set In place Our teacher, Miss Raymond has Clyde Watterron has been quite 111 Mrs. Joe Pottruff visited his broth- saw." Backache, tired feeltni*. ner- half-sick any longer. Now tbe wise man has stood up in bsen entertaining her friend, Miss the past few days. the bowels to more vigorous and • side, if one will onlv look and see. the rank injustice of having one this fall and the time of their com- HOUSK to RUNr—Inquire ofjiarey Again We Say S] BAN6S' BUSY STORE er at Fallasburtf last week. vousness, loss of appetite, warn of There is an agent in every cir bis place to tell us that we re not so pletion will be made tbe occasion for Maynard. 24. Rookus the past week. The special meetings have been healthy activity. kidney trouble that may end In Of all blessings, a sunny disposi- law for the poor and another for Pere Marquette to Florida Willie Burch went to Grand Rap- who will return the purchiuseprk fast a people after all, that the dis- formal dedlcaUon exercises, at which postponed for a week on account of Ids Saturday returning Monday. Rexall Orderlies commonly, dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease. tion Is not t he least. If we haven't the rich. The Lehoek has often NEW MILCH cow for sale Inquire the illness of the pastor's little to you if the tonic tails to cum of tbe heart of which we've been prominent state officers of tbe order WITHOUT CHANGE completely relieve constipation.' Beware: Take Electric Bitters and be it let's start ihe cultivation of thus complained. Perhaps now so fond, fancying It came from our of (Jeorge Lee. I wp daughter. They will begin Sunday Mrs. Sherman visited her son Fred safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c pletely build you up. and others will parUclpate. while the Tomllnson last week. except of course when of surgical one on this Thanksgiving day. that the law vers are waking up strenuousness, is literally as old as Little wore preparation Is required fora trip to Florldathao evening, no preventing providence. at all druggists of Lowell. lice's Rhubarb Laxat ive is tlij town will heartily accept so valuable FOllSALK—A No 1 mattress, good Mrs. George Ens of Lake Odessa character. They also tend to For home, family, friends, health from their Kip Van Winkle nap. the pyramids, tbat tbe Egyptians suf- and needed a gift Tbe Medway as new at a bargain. H. H. Reed. for ^ our iiriiial wiimmer outing, and the cost In surprisingly low Mrs. O. Reynolds spent Tuesday visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. assistant remedy to be used \\ it,| night and Wednesday with ber overcome the necessity of con- and hope, fora mission in life and we may yet get the real thing, fered its pains in their time. Orange members have enteqed very Win Kinyon from Saturday until EAST LOWELL Pona Vita in cases of elironi FOB SALE—Full blooded Indian daughter Mrs. I. J. Tldd and family. Monday. stantly taking laxatives to keep strength and purpose to fill it in all-wool Hiid a-yard-wide JUST- It is a Chicago heart specialist who heartily Into tbla undertaking, and "The Florida Limited" A Poor Heating Walter Collar of Big Rapids visited constipation. This medicine eoi thus knocks into a cocked hat our pet Btinner Drakes. D. C. Blood, Mc- The Graham brothers are balling Mrs. Bert Hayes called on Mrs. the bowels in normal co idition. a manly or womanly way, for the ICE! Interest In tbe regular Grange work Cordn, Mich. 25p. t hay for Sherman Reynolds. at the home of Seymour Coles last tains the splendid mediciiuil vii theories regarding degeneration of the has been dlstincUy Increased and In Willi dm wing room sleeper direct to Jacksonville, leaves Detrot Wm. Kinyon Monday afternoon. Three sizes of packages, 10 cents, week. tues of rhubarb, tne finest of al arteries, which we've been proud to tenslfled because of this effort of phll FOUND—A sum of !::oney In our (Union Depot) dally at 10:45 p m , beginning November 26, tttl. . The dance at Orlev Rulason's was 25 cents and TiOcents. Rememlier Grandma Ware Is not much better. natural laxatives. Harsh druj believe peculiar to modern high antbropic nature. Only a short time store, November 20. Owner can Talk with your local ngent. or write II. F. Moeller, U.P.A., Detroit CASCADE VILLAGE. wel! attended and a good time re you can only obtain Rexall Rem- Miss Irene Sargent and Mrs. North- hate same by stating amount lost. Plant Costs More ported. speed conditions. Now this man ago this Grange lost Its quarters, with Mrs John W. Hulbert will enter- edies in Lowell only at our store rup of Portland visited the former's strain the intestines while rln takes pains to point out tbat anntom all Its equipment, by fire, but notwlth A. .1 Howk&Son. Serve tain the Ladles' Ala society Thurs- mother Mrs. Sargent from Saturdav barb, equally effective has a toni SlYCtf N«y fffMS Stttfe. —The Rexall Store. I). 0. Look. until Tuesday. WE WANT YOUR leal research upon mummies shows standing the necessity for Immediate- FOB SALE—House und lot, with day, Dec. 14, for dinner. effect on the entire bowel trad the prevalence of arturlo-scierosis in ly replenishing Its own. this plucky good barn* Mrs. Bert Fennlng. 2wp Than a Good One Mrs. Anadelle Richardson was W. L. Mock, Ark., believes he has 5 i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughson of. Lee's Rhubarb Laxative is ai tbe pyramid days. He adds tbat it Orange baa kept atralght ahead with visiting friends at Lowell last week. saved many lives tn bis 25 years of Viola Hutchinson and Adalyn Lansing and Mrs. Jas. Gulllford of T zar Lowell and Miss ideal family medicine and slioult often is superinduced by disease)- Its drinking fountain plans and now FOB SALK—Pure breed Plymouth Will McDonald and Mr. and Mrs experience In the drug business. Paine visited the former's aunt, Mrs. Irene Sargent of PGR Portland visited be used in preference to any otli which probably were as widespread rejoices In the near completion of the Rock cockerels. Phone 100 2 or call You pay for a poor one part down Charles McDonald visited friends and ''What I always like to do,*' he Jessie Graham near Lowell Sunday. Grandma Ware THANKSGIVING at the residence of E. M. Alger. 24p relatives In Cascade last Sunday. writes, 'Js to recommend Dr. King's Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frazler have Monday. er laxative for children. Th then as now. project and burn extra fuel every year—and New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, Coffee The Cnscade Cemetery association moved back to their home at Mc- Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Alger and taste is very plesant. Tona Vih Only e Cow-Coroner FOUND—Oold ~collar pin with en its life is short hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate met with Mrs. S. Richmond Friday Cordsfor the winter. Mrs. Frazler daughter Ina of Vergennes were Sun- and Lee's Rhubarb Laxative ai They were dlacuaalng a United graved initial, li.qulre at Lkhukk Tonr gnssts will remark tbeot coughs, lagrlppe, croup, asthma or Is Improved In health since her return day guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. GROCERY ORDER Gift and Advertisement. ofllee The Growth Fire Insurance afternoon, November 24. Tbe next sold in Lowell by I). CJ. Look. You pay for a "Rapid" Hot Water other bronchial affection, for 1 feel In the custom of tpe orient, James Btatea senator who had been a rail the smooth, rich flavor of year meeting will lie held with Mrs. Rich- from Big Rapids where she took Morgan. road attorney before he became a or Steam Plant when it Is installed, coffee whoa yon serve Tsar. It sure that a number of my neighbors treatments f< r rheumatism. J. Hill, who has such important com 40 thorough-bred IslanH red hens and ardson on the last Friday In Decern- are dive aud well today, because Mr. and Mra. Roy Hubbel visited School report cards ready printed Our itock it complete. You will find ••crytfaing statesman and who, many thought, pullets and several fine cockerels. and it saves fuel every year. If civ- Is because this coffee Is special- brr. Visitors at Fred Clark's Sunday In Grand Rapids last week. The Lsdgsr office. merclal relations in China, sends Ore see springett & Bralsted ly blended and perfectly feasted. they took my advice to use It. I here for your Thanksgiving dinner and gen and Washington apples for bit! bad not given up his Job when he as- Also three thorouuhbred Uuroc Our Monuments en proper care, there is no telling Mrs. Gay lord Patten has returned honestly believe It's the best throat were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Spauldlng Miss Rhoda North way and friend sumed bla toga. "It'a all rot!" said Jersey boars and one sow an.l pigs. SuccesHoru toC. tiuy Perry Altheufh It sslls for oaly t6e from a Grand Rapids hospital where of Cascade and Mrs Iva Kellogg and of ReldluK visited the former's mother if you want the beet try holiday gifta to Chinese friends. how long it will last. '•Rapid" Boll- per pound, It compares la qual- and lung medicine that's made." a man who knowa the aenator. "He R. A. Kyser, Cits Phone 54 Is H. from foundation to finish Is lAFID* WATIS HEATH ers installed 10 yean agohave paid she underwent an operation for ap- Easy to prove he's right. Get a trial two children. Mra. Northway Sunday. Lowell. 25p ity with the ordinary grades el pendlcltls. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and RESUUIR ROWELS never wan a railroad attorney except entrusted only to skilled SNOWING nK TRAVEL back their cost and are good asnaw. 4te eoffse. bottle free, or regular 50c or SL00 Mrs. Jas. Gulllford of Lowell spent The Kind. to go out and try damage casee. Why, workmen. That's why :: bottle. Guaranteed by all druggists little daughter went to Pueblo, Col. Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Wisner. THE KEY TO REAL' "I'm afraid the royalists of Portugal FOR SALE—Shropshire ram, 181 of Lowell. the 16th after spending a few days In VANDYKE'S all that man ever waa waa a cow* months old. Ernctit Althaus, Nero Coffee at 2Sc OAK GROVE Mrs. Seymour Coles entertained a You can't be well If you are con&» will have hard work to land the young Mi* and Mrs. C. Sandborn of Sell- Missouri. Mr Thomas will return Grape Fruit Sweet Potatoes coroner!" I'hooe 104 :ir. 2p Monumentt we put up The Thing which Pays in the End home tbe last of this month. Mrs. company of children Tuesday In pated. Slow bowel action proves thi king back on the throne." Is another Royal Valley Coffee ewa visited their daughter. Mrs. C. McCORDS and honor of Hobert's birthday. Oranges Celery which ssrvss the popular taste. Thomas expects to stay until tbe your system Is disordered. This should "Hard work? It will be regular Man HOG FOUND—Came to mj enclosure have Grace ft Symmetry W. trapo, from Thursday to Mon- Mr. and Mra. Ralph Story and be attended to a/ once or the coi Ltmons THE HIGH What You Want Over 160,000 pounds of Nero WHITNEYVILLE holidays. Lettuce •el labor." fmpellte to Auld Cootie. October 2:1, small black and white. is the Only Thing that Pays at all day. children of South Lowell visited quences may be serious. Bananas Radishes In ccnferrlng the sacrament of bap* Owner pay for this adt. etc, and We'd like to show you some have been sold last year la the James Htnes and family spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rears spent friends here Sunday. take away. Charlie Derby, In of our work. 11 recoinend* one store, Peter Smith 4 Boas, Tokay CrapM Seal Shipt Oystais Hanged by Csllsr Doors. tlsm our old Scotch priests were ao> COST OF day In Saranac with relatives. Friday night and Saturday at tbe sl CM Steel Chas, Cleveland was In Grand Rap- Hiram Aldrich houee, Lowell. Itself. All we have served How Yon Wait It We are exclusive agents for the "Rapid" and having st Detroit home of Mrs. Alice Proctor In tbe Malaia CrapM Nats Portsmouth, O.—Frsnk Walker of customed to treat his satanlc majesty George Plfer has moved to Sar- "I wouldn't let a doctor cut mj ids one day last wsek. with quaint Incivility. The Latin waa are delighted, and praise installed several, cannot speak too highly of their groat anac. city. foot off," said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Rahta* Maratchino Cherries this city had a narrow escspe from FOR 8ALE~-10 breeding ews and one what we do. :: :: :: LIVING Beyal Taller, SSe par lb. aaaging between the cellar doors of uiually translated Into the vernacular, registered Shropshire buck. W. H. When Yon Wast ft economy and efficiency. Being made in Grand Rapids •UflcaM. SOe par lb. Mr. and Mrs Frank Stowsll spent Mr. and Mrs. Arch Thomas ol Ohio, "although a horrible ulcer had VELA* Craaberrm Pickles Grand Rapids spent from Friday to been the plague of my life for four VERGENNES STATION. is a vegetable tablet which is more th. his hone. He waa coming np the and when they came to "Exl ah so, im- Murphy, South Lowell quick service can be had in future years. Friday In Saranac with Mrs. Stowell's 1 Olives Look Over Our Detignt Monday with his parents Mr. and years Instead. I. used Bncklen's The annual meeting of the Vergen- a cathartic; It cleanies your stomach st outaMe cellar stairs when the half ot munds spiritus," the undsan spirit re- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis. S*Dates FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Indian Mrs Wm. Thomas Arnica Salve, aaCmy foot was soon nes Christian church will be held at bowels of undigested matter which, the door he had left open wss blown ceived hie command In the broadest They Will Please You* flTTFoFo r saytlun^ ii ike Let us estimate on your heating The cold weather HOTAL VALLBT J/tTAM TEAS The Mlssee Mabel, Ethel and Eva completely Oirad.'*- Heals burns, neglected, may poison the whole bod] Applet Can Goods* att kin s Runner ducks and drakes. Lloyd has not affected our Job an kst tf U sm Am Mr. and Mra. DeRoy Wood visited the church Saturday, December 9, at abet ty the wind. As the door fall Doric such aa "Gang oot o' the bairn, Yelter, Lowell R. F. D. 61. Dec. 7 p. ^11 line el pontiaa com isn't far off—now is the time to prepare for k. Thorngren spent Sunday at Mr. bolls, sores, brmne, eciema. pimples, 2 o'clock for the election of officers Velaxo clears your complexion ai ye Buckle deevur printing prices. We're still Mr. Mr. 50t pr* Burns'. from Tuesday to Thursday with ber And all table condimeU Walker Jumped back and turned his We have the largeat stin k Ji to in snd wel gnsr- granddaughter, Mra. I^eona Blackmer corns, surest pile curs. 25o at all and all other business that may sweetens youi breath; gives nfreshli lUlOMS FOB ltEN'r-Inqulre of Mrs. of finished Monnmenta In Mrs. Martha Northrop of Portland sleep and a big appetite. head away from the falling door, doing commercial work antee you istabdocy work and little daughter Donna ol Alto. Druggists of Lowell. come before It. whkh landed on hia neck. He was Nellie Beadle. 22p. Michigan to select from. LD ONLY BV- visited her cousin, Mrs. C W. Crapo, Cabkis Portkr, Clerk. Get a box today and see how qnlckl «BTIT AT One Betlmete of Phllesophsr. of all kinds at prices sat- al piicei thai are right O- R. Fountain Is working nsar hetaf ehoked between the doors when Sunday and Monday, also Irene Sar- Cssklng Ssaf. It brings you back to health-and all A phllosophsr Is a fool who tor FOR HALE CHEAP—1 double buggy Detroit with tbe bridge gang. The ill thonsane people who read liberated. ^ Lowell Granite ft Marble lafoctory to you. gent ot Portland and her brother, Beef when boiled loses nearly one 25 cents. Ingredients plainly marl msnts nlmself durinv life, to be spoken 1 rubber tire road wagon, I new Scott Hardware Co. George of South Boston were Sun- Wm. Patterson returned from the this paper can be reached by advert on the box. IP VOU l«und to every four pounds and whoa e'a IT*, oood single barnese, 1 good eewlng ma- VanPyk We ew So that joe of prtatlaf tot ef when dead.—P'Aiembsrt Works. J. H. Hamilton. C. H. ALEXANDER day callers. north last Wednesday. roastsd slghteso onncss. Users only through The Lowell Ledger. M. N. HENRY. Ph. O., Lowetl. Ml lor van tow at The chine. C. Guy Perry.


iTiiii STATE . !L0WE1L_IED8EB U, S, TROOPSJO BORDER. LOTS OF HUNTING IN SPAIN P. M. JOHNSON. frtUAn. UIE NEWS IM" Tbe atoiBaeh of Joba Jobnsoa. CF EATS WHAT HE UKES •alar* M th* PoatuflkW it Lowell M Coral, who died tupposedly from poi- Serious Condition on Mexican Border Use cf Firearms Very Extensive, Ow- Stcond-OUMlMtMr. has been of soning, lent to tbe U. Calls for U. S. Troopc. OFFICMl INVITATION ing to the Sporting Proclivities WKLL . —::—R MIOHIQANI M. for analysis. So menacing have conditions on tht cf the People. AFTER TAKIHG FREE SAMPLE AHPAfilSOFSIATE Tbe 500 mark for deer shipped into Texas border become that a patrol J{ Remarkable Offer . TO HMEIICMS and by about Traverse City local of United States troops will be ee- Tbe use of flrearma Is very exten- hunters has been reached. tablished on the Rio Grande to co> sive In Spain. Hunting Is so popular constipation, bllUrasneRs, headache*, gee lHarley "PROQRKSSIVIt'* OP THRBE PAR. Saloonlsts of Branch county pro- operate with tbe civil authoritiea IN ; | IN It will be welcome news to dyspeptics on the stomach and similar complaints. HOW ROBERT ROGERS, MINISTER "SMI that 20,000,000 empty sporting cart- to learn of a remedy that, in the opinion pose of GOVBRNMBNT MAY ALSO PRO- the enforcement of neutrality. AL By special amnfement with The McCill A bottle can be had at any drug atom Tilt TO MBIT IN CHICAGO to Influence the resubmitting OF THE INTERIOR, IN WIN^PEQ ridges were Imported Into Spain last of thousands. Is an absoluto cure for In- for hfty cents or a dollar, but If you wish tbe local option question. CREED AGAINST CLAIMANTS a result of a long conference between digestion and all forms of stomach trou- TO PORM NBW PARTY. Co. of New York City, we offer eferyone ADDRESS, ISSUES WELCOME year, and of these 2,300,000 entered to make a test of It first send your ad- Maynard UNDER CRIMINAL STATUTES. Brlg.-Gen. Joseph W. Duncan, com* ble, and, better still. It is guarantoed to dress to Dr. Caldwell and he will supply Farmers around Lansing are hold- FalaFUL the opportunity to secure The Lowell Led- OF AMERICANS TO WEST- tbe port of Valencia alone. More do so. The remedy is Dr. Caldwell's a free sample bottle, sent direct to your ing back their hay crop from market mander of the department of Texas, and civil and ERN CANADA. Syrup Pepsin. address. You Will soon admit that you PROHIBITIONIBT PARTY TO DROP military authorities in ger abeohitely FREE for one year by mere- than two-thirds of the total are of have found something to replace aalta, PLUMBING in spite of the fact it brings 920 per Company We all know the value of pur? pepsin ton. They expect |25. ATTORNEYS ARE READY FOR Laredo, I, Third Cavalry, ordinary and low grade quality, cost- cathartics, breath perfumes and other OLD NAME. now ly subscribing to McCalfr Magrnne for 3 During the course ef a reply to an in Indigestion, and add to this some ex- temporary reliefs. Syrup Pepsin will cure at target practice at Leon' WAS THE OLDEST CHICAGOAN ing about 55 cents a hundred unload- ceptional laxative Ingredients and you And ill work in connection Cornelius Seocjeslky, 23, an Inmate LEGAL BATTLE. Springs, was ordered to break camp address presented to Hon. Robert Rog- you permanently. of the Michigan State Hospital for years at the rate of 50c per year. In ad- Fernando Jones. Chicago's oldest ed. but there Is also a limited mar- have a truly wonderful remedy. Mr. T. Dr. Caldwell does not feel that the Iwith City Water System. and return to San Antonio. ers, the newly appointed Minister of ket for very high grade sporting cart- little extra cost two I- . W. Worthy of Forsythe. Ga., got to tho purchase of hia remedy ends hia obll* Mlehlgan and Wisconaln Are Great Criminal Insane, at lonla, escaped. Secretary Pisher Trying to End Tie- dition you receive FREES 15c McCall's tbe Interior of Canada at a banquet inhabitant, and for years the most pic And this Is more economic point where he could not even eat or di- Ration. He haa anecialized in stomach, He was employed in the boiler room 1 rldgea with deep metallic lining, VALUE OF TAILOR SUIT Phone 182 Rlvala for Supremacy at the up That Keeps Fuel in Ground- Six of 'Tar Party ' Go to thi Pin. Patterns, which really makes McCalls Mag- given at Winnipeg in his honor that turesque old man among tbe survi- throwing the coat away be.e gest vegetables and after many years of liver and bowel diseases for over forty as a trusty. vors of the city's pioneer's days, is adapted for heavy charges of smoke- seeking he found the cure in Dr. Cald- years and will be pleased to give tho Land Show Now on May Arrange to Lease Two of the three men charged with azine and The Ledger cost only $1.05. gentleman spoke on Immigration. The less powders, whlcli are Imported worn out. And by getthiK ii Wftll's Syrup Pepsin. Mr. Rudy Kusner of reader any advice on the subject free An outside judge will probably he complicity in the tarring of Miss Mary dead. With tbe death of Mr. Jones Moiine, III., was In the same bad pre- of charge. AH are welcome to writ* In Chicago. Land. tone oi' hia remarks waa that he intend- from Great Britain and the United skirt at the time the suit Is K called to Saginaw to dispose ot the Chamberlain, a school teacher, of To Head-Off comes the breaking of a connecting SERVICEABLE FOR dicament with his stomach, took Syrup him. Whether for the medical advlea ed to pursue an aggressive and for- States and are retailed at from $1.45 you are sure of securing t. Pepsin and is now cured. Hundreds of or the free samnle address him Dr. petition for an inlunction asked for Beverly, Kan., John Schmidt and The Lowell Ledger, 1 yr $ 1.00 link between Chicago as a swampy W. it. On Id well, |02 Cttldwcll building, by Gallup Brothers against the char- ward policy in the matter of immigra- to $1.98 a hundred according to length FALL AND WINTER. material. Others would gladly testify. i)iiJ.P.DuPEii,V.S. "Prohibltionista" to Drop Old Name. Repudiation of all Alaskan coal and Sherrill Clark, were found guilty of a Headache Ax village—with one bridge and a major It is a guaranteed cure for indigestion. Monticdlo. 11L ter commission. The MoOall'e Magazine, three yre 1.50 tion. In part, be said: and finish. land olainis is said by claimants to assault and battery bv a jury In NIIHM to latter tfcea • : \ population of Indians—and the Chi- That the national conference to be Moving picture firms of Lansing be tho plan of Secretary Fisher, of Judge Grover's court, while A. N. : Three Free MoOall Patterns .45 "The most Important branch peiv The natural sporting proclivities of HINT FOR REN0VAT FROM EATING JUNK. Treats all held iu Chicago Dec. 5 for an ex- haps of tbat department (Interior) Is cago of today, fifth city in the world. One on the Captain. gave "Scientific exhibitions" Sunday the department of the Interior. Simms, the third defendant, was ac- the Inhabitants of Valencia are foster- Hard-Finished Men's Suitings Is Best haustive discussion of the liquor ques- in the face of court prosecutions, Dr. MUet' Anti-Pain Pill* that of Immigration. Mr. Jones was born In Forestvllle, A woman'who was about to start Diseases Fraud in making entries, violation quitted. The jury was out for nearly Total value - - - $2.95 ed by the proximity of tbe Albufera, Choice In Fabrics for Woman tion will resolve Itself into a move- claiming they are so empowered by of existing laws and illegal associa- 30 hours. TWjr Ghre Relitf without "If there Is anything more than an- Chautauqua county, N. Y., on May 26, an extensive marshy lake visited In on a trip to the southern part of the Who Wants Inexpensive of Horses ment to uniie the "progressives" of a city ordinance. tions, it is declared, will be made Earlier In the day, the court im- BMI After-Effacto* other we want here It Is a greater pop- 1820. When four years old the fam- the fall and winter by myriads of wild j world was advised to be sure to look and the Republican, Democratic Pro- The postofllce department has Is- the basis on which the government posed sentences of one year each in ulation. and it shall be my duty to pre- I ily inoved to Buffalo, where he re- duck, coots and other water fowl Tailored Suit. j for the equator. On board the vessel. and other hibition pariies into a new party is "For four years I was subject Pii Cost you 3u$t $1.50 ceived his early education and where 1 sued an order discontinuing the post- will proceed. And the $500,000 al- jail, the extreme penalty, on Everett sent to tbe people in all parts of the that migrate from northern Europe, she approached the captain and told Domestic Animals the belief of F. W. Corbett, of I^ans- to almost constant headache. At office at Matherton, Ionia county. ready in the hands of the govern- G. Clark, Jay Fitzwater, Watson world where desirable emigrants are ho was once thrashed by bis school- while the forest wastes and arid If a woman wants an Inexpensive j him she would be greatly obliged if he Ing, member of the National Prohibi- Patrons of that office will be supplied ment, ns deposits on the coal land Scranton and Edward Ricord, con- times so severe I was unfitted McCall's Magazine, though selling for 50c per master, Millard Fillmore, who later for work. Through the advice of to be found the advantages and the brushwood hills of the Interior are tailored suit that will wear well, her would point out the equator to her. i Calls Promptly Attended to Day or Night. tion committee and gubernatorial can- by star-route from Pewamo after Nov. claims, will be declared forfeit be- fessed assailants of Miss Chamber- year» is( positively worth S1.00 per year. Call at became president of tbe United a friend I was persuaded to try great possibilities of this country. We moderately stocked with red part- best choice as to fabrics is some of j After a while he told her they were OFF1CK nail HOSI'lTAL—In Xew Fire- didate ou the state ticket iu the last 30, the dale the order goes Into ef- cause of illegal proceedings. lain. I this office any time and see the late issues. election. fect. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and have received In the past a reasonably States. ridge, hares and rabbits. All the the hard-finished men's suitings. And ' drawing near, and gave her the use Proof HullUlut; on Malu .Street. Furthermore, legal proceedings are Note the Stories, Illustrated Articles, Cooking large Immigration from south of the When sixteen years old Mr. Jones ' of his telescope. Pulling a hair out "The time Is ripe," he declares, "for said to be planned against tho vari- the result has been that I have moist, cultivated valleys following the those with a little self-colored stripe BLACKSMITH SiKtr und 10c STAND-IN Roy Wilcox, of Albion, aeroplane THE MARKETS. Department, Fancy Work Department, Discus- International boundary, and in this followed his father to Chicago, where | of his head, he held II in front of the history to repeat itself. The Prohibi- builder, has contracted with the Chi- ous claimants on the ground that entirely eradicated my system of course of streams aro also visited In or pattern of some kind are better BARN IN CONNECTION. connection let me say Just a word for the elder Jones had established a | telescope and said to her: "There Is tion party lias been fightini; for tho nese rebels io maintain aeroplanes ! have made themselves criminally LIVE STOCK. those continuous headaches that sipns on the Home, besides the style features the spring nnd summer by migratory than the plain styles, if a suit la ON 5 0 )0 LE cousins who found OFFICE PHONE, 144-2. RES. PHONE. 144-3. abolition of tiie liquor trafllc years for their use in the present rebellion. 1 ' ' ^ I ^ claimants Detroit — Cattle — Market, active; followed a hard and continuous which are of interest to all. our American have hardware store. He camo in * quairthat como over from North Af- ' made from a self-patterned, crisp-fin- i the tquator. Can you see it?" "Oh. and it would not surprise me if the Wilcox and his wife have left for San have Is that they may be permitted, quality very common; good snides mental strain."—O. L. Russell. The Free patterns are ordered by post card from happy homes amongst us. and those carrying a cargo of stoves. Able to • rlca. ished suiting, few can tell, judging j yes. yes," said she, excitedly, "and future would soil higher; best fteeu and whom wo hope to welcome in greater deal with the Indians by virtue of his party disappeared iu the near , Francisco, from where they sail to under Secretary Fishers plan, to heifer*. $5.50-Ti 6; Btcers and heifers, Agt C a N. W. Ry, Early, la. New York City and can be used any time you Trade in sporting guns, pistols and from the fabric alone, whether the suit , there's a camel on it!"—Harper's HK did the Whig parly before il—the China. lease tho lands they have Hied claims l.ti'Mi to l.i.'OO, |4.S0(fp5.2n: steers and For Sale by All Druggists. need one. numbers In the years to come. There new knowledge of an Indian tongue, he obtained employment a year after revolvers Is of considerable impor- costs $15 or $^0. Even the inexpen- ' Weekly. W.O.Merrill,M.D. Wills, which fought slavery. on. lid Tors, Sou to 1,000, 11.50'(/5; steera are hundreds of thousands of them in Berrien county will send a delega- and liolfers that aro fat, fi00 to 700, SB Doses, 26 Cents. This offer is available to any one who subscribes, bis arrival at the land office then In Chicago. tance, but only the very high grades sive grades of these suitings have a PHYSICIAN AKD SURGEON. "The impression is that its member- tion of manufacturers to Lansing this {ll.TiOfi I: choice fat cows, $4.50; good MILES MEDICAt. CO., tlkhert, Ind. re w> or e ten our prairie provinces, happy in tbe en- In 1837 Mr. Jones attended Canandaigua (N. Y.) academy, where he mot are Imported. Nearly all medium qual- high-class look. phlp will unite with the progressive week to attend the hearing of the FISCAL ESTIMATES IN. fai cows, I; common cows, 12.73 ?? ' . * d« their thne ahead on either joyment of a freedom as great as they Stephen A. Douglas. When he returned to Chicago he engaged In the real ity, ordinary and low priced products Black and blue are perhaps best How to Keep Young. Specialty: K.e, Car, Nose ami Throat. and canners, $1.50^ 2.50: choice heavy i Democrats progressive Republi- tax commission, which will hear ob- publication for the time mentioned. The only ever knew, and all contributing in a estate business, but soon went south for his health. Then lie took up news- aro manufactured In the country, colors, though the art of dyeing is so Some women attain to a graceful old cans in the organisation of a new S4: fair to good bolognas, bnils', prerequisite is that you "p*v in advance." Office: McCarty Blk, Lowell, Mich. jections from tho Michigan manufac- President Will Favor Government 3.73; stock bulls, |2.50(f?3; material way towards tbe development paper work in Jackson, Mich. He then took tip again his real estate business mostly at Elbar, in the prov- good nowadays that almost any color »ge by adopting the following rules: The Dramatic Star—I'm going to cut "National" or perhaps "Union" party turers auainst the proposed corpora- Economy in His Message. choice feeding steers, S00 to 1.000, Call at this office, or send $1 50 by mail. of Canada. We are not blind to their Forget disagreeable things, keep your St.r.O'fj fiilr focillng steers. SOO to In Chicago until retirement from active work. inces in tho north of Spain, where will prove satisfactory, except, per- out tho banquet sceno iu my play next embrncing in lis platform tlie chief tion excess tax. Estimates of the sums to run the value as settlers. They come better nerves well in hand and inflict fnem of and l.Oort. $1^11.30; choice slockers. BOO Mr. Jones married Miss Jane Grahame In 1853. Ills wife died In 1905. excellent workmen, many of whom haps, some of the peculiar shades of season. planks tho Prohibition party The members of Fitzgerald post. government machine for the fiscal tn TOO. $:;,r,o(•">; common milkers. $20.('i'30. Dr. J. A. McGill'i county real estate. most every form of gun, rifle, pistol fitting coat is best choice. It Is not Indigestion all this season. hnndsomo monument which will be to be placed in the hands of President Vc;:l calves—Market, steady: com- H the wealthiest class of emigrants any ever work that comes to you con- JOl^ Michigan Trust Building "The meeting next month at Chica- placed upon the post's lot in River- Taft. mon grades, very dull; heft, $S^S.50; Famous Female Mr. Jones was alderman of the Third ward during the administration of and revolver. Tho barrels aro usually (inly conservative, ami good, season go be attended fully others. $15/7.50. new country has ever known. As Imported In tho rough from Great In and out, but with inexpensive tai- genial; retain your Illusions and don't GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN will by 1"10 Re- side cemetery ns a memorial of the Tho president expects to devote O Suppositoriet Mayor John C. Haines. He was supervisor of the south town during the war. Weil Trained. publicans, Democrats and rrohibltion- Milch cows and springers—Quality head of tbo Immigration department It In charge of Camp Douglas when It was re-established, trustee of a number of Britain or Belgium, and are bored and loring It is liable to fit better. When believe all the world wicked and un- organization in Hastings. some space in his message to gov- common, market steady. Are B famous remedy for 0 kind; relieve the miserable and sym- To stay out lato Teiephonen ists." Flicop and lambs—Common grains, will be my privilege to offer them a state Institutions, and held qffices In New York society and In the Pioneers finished at the Spanish factories. the tailoring cannot be of the most He doesn't dare. Office W'RT Main Hi,-.* HcsUleiu-e soutii W Mayor Woodworth of Hay City is- ernment economy, and several months all female diseases cc pathlze with the sorrowful. These On Dec. C the National Prohibition A 0 L :IVC dull r ; best Iambs, ?1.7.'i?f5; fair lambs, z welcome hearty and sincere, and to skilled kind. It is better to go in for For fear hla mate sued an order which bars women B ' instructions to department $ I '( !.."i0: llyiit to common lambs. JI!ft) Suffering Women try CFI of Chicago. few rules will, at least, make the Will pull hla half. committee will hold its regular quad- from serving drinks in cafes where heads io pare this year's estimates as ".J.'i: fair to good .sheep, 52.50i'ii':!; culls eo contribute to their welfare that un- Pinning Him Down. simple effects. rennial meeting in Chicago. It will and eomnion. $Iffr!2..'0. a Sample der the protecting folds of the Union world seem brighter to yourself aud 0. C. McDannell, M. they are employed as waitresses. The J much as possible. Mr. Taft's message In a little sequestered country town, In buying an Inexpensive suit, be expensive Komeness. be prepared to disband. Hogs—Market liic to 20c lower than by O Jack they will enjoy as great a degree others. law prohibiting the employment of is expected to bo complete Monday, last week. Range of prices: Light to For sale all DrofMiits WON HOT MAYORALTY FIGHT where the court of Justice is over Ihe careful to note the fit of the collar. "Politeness costs nothing," said tlr Phyalelan and Surgaen women. In this work, has been en- PRICE •l.oo of liberty and happiness as under tho and iinal corrections will be made ou j cood butchers. $t;tfi.i',.lr,; nigs. 3J.50(VJ) tf J general store, and where the Judge is It should lie snugly at the back. It conslderats woman. "I shouldn't sa I Michigan Apple vs. Wisconsin Cheese. tirely ignored in Bay City, and the J Tuesday I 5.75; light yorkers. $05/0.05. Call on your home druggist Stars and Stripes. The Borden gov- emoi IN NIOONCE ILK.. LOWKLL, MTTOLI it at 's cabinet meeting. l"Tlie Big Foiir" The hottest political campaign In an old, grizzled farmer, thoroughly fa- must not stand out even a trifle. Villages All Islands. that If 1 were you, my dear," sa^ Buttermilk, cheese and big juicy order came as an unpleasant surprise ' Kast Iturfalo, X, Y.—Cattle—Pull; for book and free sample ernment cherishes nothing but the I best 1,000 to 1,'iOO-lb. steers, $7.75 to o the history of Philadelphia came to miliar with pitching hay and milking Skirts at present are little pleated, A curious and picturesque region Is Mrs. Cumsox. "It shows at once thkt I apples from Michigan nnd Wisconsin to some of tho cafe owners. 220 WOMEN kindliest feellngH for the people of tho but if there is any pleating on the Jie "Spreewaid," not far from Berlin, i ARRESTED. I $S; good prime 1,300 to 1.-lOO-lb. steers, an end In the election of Rudolph cows, but having a very limited knowl- ou ore not M. C. Greene, M. D. are rivals for popularity at the land The receipt of many gifts to Yale $7.1'.' to $7.75; good prime 1,200 to great republic to the south, and will ,t contains a number of villages, each 1 • accustomed to employ | 1.300-11) steers. $0.50 to $0.75: best 1 .- Blankeuburg for mayor. edge of tho law, tho prisoner had skirt, it is better to have it stitched i iivartiiM ui*rvantJi. Physician and Surgeon show now C>N in Chicago. Saturday university was announced the most London do all in Its power to Increase the Police Make Wholesale Ar- 100 to l.'.'00-lb shipping steers, $5.50 The campaign really began months pleaded "Not guilty" to a charge of all tho way to the bottom. In the n its way a miniature Venice, with was the day set aside for these two important being one from Owen F. i of kinship and neighborly good ernci IN NCOONCC ILK., LOWIU, meii rests of Suffragettes. j to medium butcher steers. 1.000 to burglary. Tho lawyer for the prose- less expensive tailoring, where pleats j fvery house on a little Island. Each of states and considerable rivalry de- Aldis, of Washington, 1). of the 1 1.100 1 its, $I.S5 to $">.10: light butcher feeling tbat has so long existed. previous to the election, when Will- Up to Date. 1 The militant section of the suffra- steer-. $1.25 to $1.75: best fat cow?'. cution was endeavoring to show the are stitched part way, they are liable 1 Jiese Islets Is joined by bridges, by veloped over the merits of ihe pro- cldss of 1S7-1. It consists of a collec- ' lam S. Vare, a contractor, announced The teacher asked:—"When did duets of tlie two. geltes have made good their promise $1.25 tn $4.75; fair to good do. $3.25 : Wedding Invitations, OUR BEST (Hear, hear.) court that tho accuscd was a man of to get out of shape quickly. ; neans of which a slender hind con- S. P. Hicks tlon of first and notable editions. ' to common to medium do, $2.25 "While wo adopt a vigorous emi- his candidacy for the Republlcnn nom- Moses "live?" After the silence had I Up in Wisconsin there lias devel- manuscripts and letters of American I to resume their old tactics. They Good guaranteed satin Is the safest jection is kept up throughout the dis- Loans, Collectlcns, Real Eatate and warned Premier Asqullh last week, Ito ?.'.75: trimmers. $2 to 2.50; best fat gration policy in that country, we will ination and was beaten by Geo. H. low character. become painful she ordered: "Open i oped a considerable pride in buttcr- nuliiors, making what is probably I i lo'i:'i-i.s. to $.i.5fl; good fat heifers. Earle, who had the support of United "What were you doing the night be- choice for the coat lining. A soft | rlct. Most of the business and amuse- Insurance and between S and 11 o'clock Tues- l$l.25 to SI.S5: fair to good do, $3.50 : Announcements, Etc. also adopt the same vigorous policy in your Did Testaments. What does it ! milk cheese, a product that has hith- the largest and most complete col- fore the robbery?" he questioned se- messaline may wear, but there Is less j nents, however, is carried on through Kegoace Itlock. I.ohoII. Mleh. day some 220 martyrs to the female to $ 1.1"; stock heifers. $2.75 to $'!: best CLUBBING OFFER other parts of the world. We will go States Senator Penrose. This some- say there?" A boy answered: "Moses, erto gone to waste. Its value became lection of American belletristic litera- risk with a good satin. And a new ! .he canals, which not only form the cause were marched by burly Lon- 1 l"e.«Miiir steers. S3 to $3.50: stockers. what split the Republican ranks, for verely. known through scientific experimenis ture in existence. It contains nearly ; .i'l m.-'des. $2 75 to S3.50: prime export to England. Ireland and Scotland, and lining means considerable expense to naln highways, but cross und recross B. C. 4000." "Now," said the teacher, don to sta ! I Printed on elegant itock, the fight over the nomination left "I was playin' pinochle with Jed at the University of Wisconsin, LI is six thousand volumes and is valued at "hobbies" various police - bulls. J" to $5.25; best butcher bulls, every other country irrespectivo of the one who is counting cost closely ike network the whole region. The "why didn't you know when Moses tions in the neighborhood of the SI..' • !o j i.05: bologna bulls. $3.25 to ; ^ with two sets of envelopes, several sore spots. Blankenburg's en- Parker and another feller." answered LL tbe reliable pateat tlie purposes of the Badger state to $100,000. Sl: .'lock bulls. S3 to $3.75; best milk- race, creed or nationality, where we If a woman wears her skirts out postman „goe—s from hous- e to house In lived?' "Well," replied the hoy, "I house of commons. ;; your choice of type and forme try Into the race, representing the in- the prisoner evasively. 1 mediclnn advertised demonstrate the usefulness fo the ers and springers, S50 to $00; common can find suitable and desirable emi- faster than her coats it is a stroke of Tho renovation nnd be; .!;!', . skiff; the policemen glide in their^ thought B. C. 4000 was his telephone tht* paper are told by The suffragettes, unable to ap- to need do. $25 to $35. The Grand Rapids Herald, 0% "Ah, I thought so!" shouted the A product and to impress on other Whole Train Dropped Into Flood. grants for this great country. I think dependent Republicans and Demo- economy to got two skirts with a a bluo charmeuse gown wi;ii joats up and down the canals, and the number."—Suburban Life. D. 0. LOOK, the LovellDrof proach in force, could not make a Ilovs Slow; her! v v. $C.l(): yorkers, lawyer triumphantly. "Playing cards, ; states the wrong in throwing away $t;.2')'