Curriculum Vitae ALAN MICHAEL GARBER Mailing Address
Dec 2012 Curriculum Vitae ALAN MICHAEL GARBER Mailing Address: Office of the Provost Massachusetts Hall Harvard Yard Cambridge, MA 02138 Telephone: 617/496-5100 Facsimile number: 617/495-8550 Electronic mail: Year of Birth: 1955 Place of Birth: Illinois Marital Status: Married to Anne M. Yahanda, M.D. Education: 9/73-6/76 Harvard College, Cambridge, Massachusetts, A.B. (Economics) 9/76-6/77 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, A.M. (Economics) 7/77-10/82 Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Ph.D. (Economics) 8/77-6/83 Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, M.D. Clinical Training: 6/83-6/86 Internship and Residency in Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts Licensure and Certification: 9/86 American Board of Internal Medicine (Certificate Number 107925) 6/86 California Board of Medical Quality Assurance (G057349) Academic Appointments: 6/83-6/86 Clinical Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School 1/86-6/86 Christopher Walker Research Fellow, Center for Health Policy and Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 6/86-8/93 Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine 6/86-8/93 Assistant Professor, by courtesy, Department of Economics, Stanford University 9/88-8/93 Assistant Professor, by courtesy, Department of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University School of Medicine 8/93-8/98 Associate Professor of Medicine (tenured), Division of General Internal Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine 8/93-8/98 Associate Professor, by courtesy, Department of Economics and Department of Health Research and Policy, Stanford University 9/97-8/11 Senior Fellow, Institute for International Studies, Stanford University 9/98-8/11 Henry J.
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