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Entries in   and page numbers in bold type denote Dictionary articles; letters in bold type refer to Bayle’s ‘Remarks’.

Abigail, wife of Nabal,  Agrippina,  Abner, , ,  Akis, king of Geth,  abominations, , ,  Alardus Amstelredamus,  Absolom, , , , , ; and David’s Alba, duke of,  concubines, ; revolt of,  Albigensian heresy,  absolutism, ,  Aldeberge (Berthe) of France,  Acade´mie Franc¸aise, Dictionary of,  Alegambe, Philippe, Jesuit,  n , ; see also, Alenc¸on, duc d’, , , ,  Incomprehensibility; Scepticism algebra, ,  Acataleptics, ; see also, Sceptics; Amalekites, country of the,   Pyrrhonians ambition, fewable to renounce, Achilles,  Amelot, Jacques, his version of l’Histoire  Acts of Apostles,  n du Concile de Trente cited, n   Amelot de la Houssa¨ie, Abraham Adam, and free will, – ; descendants     Nicolas, , and n, of,    America(s), , cruelties of Spaniards Adam, Melchior, n, .    in, Adonija, eldest son of David, –        Amida, Japanese god, , adultery, , , , , ;of Ammon,    David, – ; of Lumeau, the Amsterdam, Gazette of, ,     physician, ; of Jupiter, – Amyot, Jacques,  and n  advisers, ,  and n Aelian, De natura animalium [On the ,  Characteristics of Animals],  Ancients, , ; ideas on chaos,  afflictions,  Andreas Philopatrus (Parsons, Robert), afterlife, , ; see also, Soul,  and n immortality of angels, hypothesis of good and bad, , aggressors,  n,  –


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Angers,  depicted as, ; Hobbes wrongly Anglican Church, Hobbes supported, considered as, ; de l’Hoˆpital  n maligned as, ; Machiavelli Angoule`me,  counted among,  Anselm, Saint  n , Clarification on, –; antiquities, science of,  good morals of those who had no anxiety, xxiv–xxvi, , , , ; religion, ; decent conduct of Tacitus on, ; Pliny on,  and Epicureans, ; compared with n; and search for forbidden idolaters, ; compared with pleasures,  pagans, ; theoretical vs practical, Apollo,  ; see also atheism; atheist(s) apologist, compared with critic, – atoms, and the brain, ; independent Appian,  n movement of,  Appolodorus,  n atrocities, , ,  Apuleius,  n Aubigne´,The´odore d’,  n, ,  Aquinas, Saint Thomas, ,  and n,  and n ,  and n Augsburg, Religious Peace of (), architecture,  xxvii, xli Argos, ,  Augustine, Saint, xxvi, , , , – Arianism, ; see also Photinian heresy , , , , , ; ridicules Arians, , ,  the sexual mythology of the pagans, Ariosto,  –; his Letters cited  n,  n; Aristocles,  and n his De civitate dei, –,  n; De Aristotle, , , , , , , l’utilite´ de cre´ance ; Contra , , –,  n, ; Pelagium,  n nurtured Machiavelli’s politics,  Augustus, court of,  and n; his Politics cited,  and n; Austria, House of, and Henry IV’s plans, his Metaphysics,  n.; Analytics,   n; De caelo,  n; Physics,  authors, , ; duties of –; decent and n; Rhetoric,  n; Posterior indecent,  Analytics,  n Arminian sect, and free will,  Bacchus,  arms bearing, , , ; refusal to Bacon, Francis, his Advancement of take up, – Learning cited, n Arnauld, Antoine,  and n,  n,  bad faith,  and n,  n,  n,  n Baillet, Adrien, his Vie de Descartes cited, Arnobius,  and n  n,  Arnoux, Canon de Reis,  n Balzac, Guez de, , ,  and n,  Arriaga,  n Baptiste le Grain, see Le Grain assassination, xx; ; doctrine of, ; barbarities, , –, –; see also and Mariana, –; and Sainctes, D;Mˆ ;X ; see also, insurrection; tyranny Barclay, William,  and n astronomy,  Baronius, Ce´sar,  atheism, xix; of the Epicureans, xxvi; Bartolini, Giuseppe Maria,  Bayle’s beliefs concerning, xxxix–xl; Basle,  no accusation more seriously Basnage de Beauval, Henri,  n, , abused, ; writings of Socinius  n against, –; defence of discussing Bathsheba, wife of Uriah,  it, ,  Baudouin, [Franc¸ois, b. ?], ,  atheist(s), xix, –; ‘government of and n atheists’ vs ‘government of Bayle, Jacob, xxi idolaters’, xxxiii–xxxiv; Bodin Bayle, Jean, xx, xxi


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Bayle, Pierre, xi, xii; life, times, and Boccalini, Trajan,  and n, ,  ideas, xx–xxiv; the political ideas he and n opposed, xxiv–xxxiv; the political B, xxvi, xxxvi; –; biography, ideas he supported, xxxiv–xxxvii; –; disposed towards rights of Dictionary as vehicle of persuasion, people, (I) –; opposed and xxi; his modern reputation, xxxii; weakness of monarchs (P) –; praised republican liberty, xxxvi– used rival doctrines to support xxxvii and n; commended political peace and tranquility of states (Q) prudence and reforming erroneous –; his concern for the public notions, xxxiv–xxxxi; paradox of good, ; his De instituenda in atheists and idolaters, xxiii–xxiv; his republica juventuti cited, ; his De values: xxxvii–xli; his Calvinism, la re´publique cited, , ,  and n, howsincere? xxxviii; on types of  and n,  n; Epistula ad Vidum judgement, xxxix; on spheres of Fabrum cited, , , ; judgement xxxix–xli; on application Heptaplome`res noted,  of judgement, xxxix–xli; his Critique Boeclerus, ,  Ge´ne´rale sur l’histoire du Calvinisme Bohun, Edmund,  n,  n  cited, xxxi, n; Nouvelles de la Boleyn, Anne, ,   Re´publique des lettres, xxii, and n, Bongars, Jacques,  and n  n; Pense´es diverses, xxii, xxxiii, bonzes of Japan, , , ; and  ; Commentaire philosophique, xxii, extirpation of Christianity, ; and   , ; Dissertation . . . sur l’essence pederasty, ; Possevin’s opinion du corps, xxii and n; Nouvelles of,  Lettres sur l’Histoire du Calvinisme, Borromeo, Cardinal,   n Bosius, Joannes Andreas, his On Be´arn,  AttainingPolitical Wisdom cited, Beaucaire de Pe´guillon, Franc¸ois,  n,  n  and n Bossuet, Jacques Be´nigne, bishop of Bellarmine, Cardinal,  Meaux,  Benedict I, Pope,  n Bouhours, Dominique, Jesuit, ,  n Bentham, Jeremy, xix Boulay, see Du Boulay Berlin, Isaiah, xi Bourbon, Cardinal de, ,  Bernard, Jacques, ,  n Bourges,  Bernier, Franc¸ois,  Bernini, Giovanni-Lorenzo,  Brantoˆme, Pierre de Bourdeilles,   Beuchot, Adrien Jean Quintin, xiii,  seigneur de l’abbaye de, n,   n,  n and n, ,  Beza, The´odore de,  n, , , , British Isles,   n,  n, ,  and n, , Brun, Jean,   n, ,  Brunehaude, queen, Bible, ,  Brussels,  Bibliothe`que universelle,  n B, –; biography, –; used Biron, Charles de Gontant, duc de,  dying words to decry virtue (C) – Blackburn, Richard,  n ; not wholly wrong (D) –; Blandrata, George,  whether act of assassination Blois, Estates of,  appropriate for circumstances (F) Blonski, Abraham,  and n –; his love of liberty, ; Blount, Thomas Pope,  and n; his idealism, ; his opinion of Cicero, Censura celebriorum auctorum ; his disillusion reproved, –; [Criticism of Famous Authors] was praised by Machiavelli,  cited,  n Burnet, Gilbert, bishop of Salisbury,  Boccaccio, ,  n,  and n


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Bussi Rabutin, comte de,  and n,  Catholicism, xxi, xl, , , ; and and n,  doctrine of damnation,  Buzneval, Paul Choart de, resented by Catiline,  Elizabeth I,  Catullus, , ,  Cayet, Pierre, Victor,  n Ceres,  n,  Caesar, Julius, , , , , , ; his certainty, as a philosophic position, , De bello civili, cited  n , ; adversaries of,  Calvin, Jean, xxviii,  and n,  and n, Chanvalon, (Harlai, Achille de, Sieur de , , ,  and n, ,  Chanvalon), M. de,  and n and n, , ; advised Laelius chaos, xxvi; in Metamorposes of Ovid, Socinus, ; compared with , , , , , , , Melanchthon, ; his views on free , ; see also,O will and necessity, ; and Charles II of England, ; showed predestination,  esteem for Hobbes,  Calvinism, not rigid in France, xxiii; its Charles IX of France, ,  and n, suppression in France, xxx; its , , ,  official status in the United Charles V, emperor,  Provinces, ; Socinian sect Chartres,  forsook it,  chastity, of ecclesiastics, ; and Calvinist Party, xxvii; whether more obscenities , , – loyal than the Catholic League,  Chavalier, Pierre,  n Calvinists, xxix, xxxiii, ,  and n; childbirth, Juno’s responsibility for, , de l’Hoˆpital did not please them all,  ; judges were thought to favour China, ,  them, ; disputed about free will, Choisi, l’Abbe´ de, , his Histoire de la ; see also Hˆ , d l’; vie de David cited,  n H;  Christendom, xxvi, xxviii, ; and Cambridge, university of, Bodin’s France,  Republic read at,  Christianity,  n, , , , ; Campanella, Thomas, his Republic of the peaceful in first three centuries, Sun cited,  xxiii, ; bloody and murderous in Camphusius, Theodore, and the Socinian the sixteenth century, , in Japan, sect,  and n –; its extravagances concerning Camus, the worship of in Japan, , the Virgin Mary, , ; its law ; see also Fotoque against suicide, ; and and killing, Capitol, at Rome,   and n; and the Socinian sect, Capri, atrocities of, , ; see also, , ; the errors and passions Mˆ ; Tiberius within, ; and infidel nations,  Carrassa, Jean Pierre,  Christians, ,  and n, , , , Cartesians, xxii, xxxiii, ,  , , , ; in Japan, ;in Carthage, ,  the Americas, ; and doctrine of Cassius, ,  popular sovereignty,  Castalion, Sebastian,  Chronicles, Book of,  n Catherine de Me´dicis, , , , Church, the, , ; the authority of,  , ,  Cicero, xxiii, ,  n,  n,  n, and n, Catherine of Aragon,   n,  and n,  and n,  n, Catholic Church, libertines within it,   n, , , , , , , Catholic League, xxviii, , , , ,  and n,  and n; on politicians –, , , , ,  and helmsmen,  and n; de Catholic Party, , , , ,  l’Hoˆpital compared with him,  and n,  and n; on being opinionated, ;


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on natural shame, ; De officiis may be waged for, ; instincts [On Duties] cited,  n,  n; his ofsometimes suppressed, , ; De natura deorum [On the Nature of see also G I; Mˆ ; the Gods],  n,  n; his S;N;N; Epistulae ad familiares [Letters to his S (Faustus) friends],  and n conspiracies, , ,  circumspection, often better than zeal, Constantinople, patriarch of, ,   contingency, in human action,  civil states,  controversy(ies), death of, ; within civil toleration, xxix Christianity,  civil wars, , ; deplored by de conversions, to Christianity,  and n, l’Hoˆpital and by Cicero,  ,  Clasen, Daniel, his De religione politica Copernicus, his cosmological system, cited,  xxiv, , –,  n Claude, Pastor, ,  Coste, Pierre,  n Claudian,  n Coton, Father,  and n, ,  clemency,  Council of Trent, ,  n,  Clement VIII, Pope Counter-Reformation,  Cle´ment, Jacques, assassin, ,, , Cracow, , ,  n, ,  ,  Cranston, Maurice, xxi Clotilde, wife of Clovis,  Crasset, Father (Abbe´ de T.), on Japan, Cocceius, on the sect of the Socinians,  n,   and n,  n,  n creation, theories of, xxv, xxxvii, , Coligny, Amiral de,  , , ,  Colomie´s,  n,  n., his Rome critical research, – protestante cited,  n critics, role of, ,  comets, Cartesian,  cruelties, , , ; of David, –, common sense, xl, ; and obscenity, –; of Romans at Syracuse, ;  and n of French at Maˆcon, – Complutum, ,  cuius regio, eius, religio, doctrine of, xxvii, concubines,  xxxiv Conde´, prince de, , ,  Cujas, Jacques,  confusions, in the natural world, , Curtius, Quintus,  n , ,  customs: Japanese, ; of Romans Conjecture, xx, xxiv, xxv; see also, concerning Juno and Jupiter, ;of Refutation peoples, kissing and dancing Conrart, Valentin,  compared, – Conringius, Hermanus,  n,  and n, –,  and n Dacier, translator of Plutarch,  n conscience, xxv; liberty of, ; respect damnation, a belief common to Catholics for, ; light of, ; Hobbes’s and Protestants,  opinion on, ; theory of in Bayle’s Damville, mare´chal de, cabal of, –, Com.Phil., summarised, –;no  prince should use sword against, Danaids, tortures of,  –; unusual respect for by dancing, , , –,  and n Marguerite of Navarre, ; erring Dandelot, Franc¸ois de Coligny,  conscience, rights of the,  n; D, –; biography, –; his Jurieu’s Traite´ de la liberte´ de ambition for territory (D) –; conscience, cited  and n; conspiracies of his children (E) – oppression of, in United Provinces, ; fragile allegiance of peoples (F) , , ; protected in Poland –; his faults (G) ; reproaches but revoked, –; whether war against his faults (H) – §§ –


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David (cont.) Dio Cassius, on Caesar’s assassination, in ; excluded his eldest son (M) – his Roman History, , –,  n ; deviousness of his politics, ; his Diogenes Laertius [Lives of the cruelties, –, –; his adulteries Philosophers] cited,  n, ,  and sensualities, –; his dancing and n,  and n,  n,  and n no crime, ; his conquests and use Dion,  of torture, ; his mass murders, ; Dionysius Halicarnassus, and the myth his sacrifice of justice to utility, ; of Juno,  his personal piety, ; his disgrace, fear of, xxiii,  misfortune in his children  diversity in religion, xviii, xxiii, xxvii, , David, Franc¸ois,  ; Hobbes’s excessive fear of, ; debate, rules of,  in antiquity, . Decalogue,  divine law,  decency, enemies of,  divine right, doctrine of,  deism,  divinity, fear and love of, not sole basis Dekherrus, J, his De scriptis adespostis... of human action,  [Conjectures about Anonymous, divorce,  Pseudonymous or Falsely Attributed domain (royal land), ,  Writings] cited,  n drinking and gaming,  n,  deliberation, xxxvii Du Boulay, Ce´sar, Tre´sors des antiquite´s democratic government, ; Hobbes on romaines cited,  n confusions and disorders of, , duties of a chancellor, –; see also – Hˆ ,del’ democratic state, Bodin’s opinion on,  duties of sovereigns: in civil theory, – , his enlightened conduct, , –, –; in religious theory,  , –, – Descartes, Rene´, xi, xxiv, ; his Discours Dyson, R. W.  n de la Me´thode and his Les passions de l’aˆme cited, xxiv n; his Me´ditations, East and West, compared,  ; his opinion of Hobbes’s Edict of Nantes (), xxi, xxvii, xxviii, Leviathan cited, –;onthe xxx, xxx–xxxi, xxxiv, , ,  supposed baseness of humankind, edicts of toleration, xli; Edict of January ; on suspension of judgement, (), , , ,  n, , , , his critique of cosmology, ; ; Edict of Romorantin (), his speculation on the formation of ; revocation of, France and the world, , his Principes cited, Poland compared,  and n; see  n; Baillet’s Vie de Descartes, also,S (F)  n Edom, extermination of its male Deshoulie`res, Madame, her ‘Idylls of the population,  Sheep’ cited,  n eldest son, prerogative of,  Desmaizeaux, Pierre,  n Eleatic Sect,  despotic prince,  Elector Palatine,  n Destutt Tracy, see Tracy elements of nature, , , , , devil (or demon), , ,  and n,   E of England, –; Devonshire, William Cavendish, earl of, biography, –; fluctuated , ,  betweeen two religions (F) ; Diagoras, example of a theoretical accused of ingratitude (H) –; atheist,  and Revolution of  (I) –; Diana, Juno distinct from,  imprisonment and exile of Papists Diecmannus, his De naturalismo [On (L) –; fewher equal, ; her Naturalism] cited,  n glorious life, ; her erudition, and


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her dancing, ,  and n, ; see Ethelred,  and n also H; Etienne, Henri, his ‘Apology for S-A Herodotus’ cited on dancing,  n Emeric, Father (later bishop of Vienna), Eudaemon, Johannes, his Re´ponse a`  l’Anti-Coton,  n , opinion about unity of Euripides, on depravity, ; on the nature,  nature of sin; ; his Hippolytus emperor, authority of, its study no threat cited,  n; on the good and bad to republican states,  things in life, ;onawoman enemies, one should not judge on their ill-married,  and n testimony,  Europe, xiv, xxvi, xxxv, xxxix, xi, , England, , ; and Socinian sect,  , , ,  English Catholics, –, ,  Europeans, ,  English nation, its conversion from Eurymedon, giant,  paganism, ; Pope Gregory I, its Eusebius, Plutarch in,  n first bishop,  evidence, xx, xxiv, xl, , , n, , English Protestants, xxxii;  n, , n, , . English Revolution of , xxxvi, , Evidence of the senses, ’s –, ,  rejection of,  Enlightenment, xviii, xix evil, , , ; moral harm Epicureans, xxxiv, , ,  distinguished from physical harm, , xxxviii, ; his theory of – creation by chance, ; Lami’s exile, inconveniences of,  critique of his adversaries, ; his decent morals, ; bonzes’ doctrines go beyond Epicurus,  fact, errors of,  Erasmus, , , ; his In Ecclesiasten faction(s) and the ruin of states, ; and [On Ecclesiastes], cited,  n; violent changes of emotion, – ; Loyola not fond of his writing,  Plutarch on howto approach from a Erastian State, xxxiv sidewind, ; see also H;de erring conscience, see conscience. Hˆ ,del’ erroneous theories,  faith, xl, whether reducible to taste, ; error(s), xxxvi, , , , , , , , faith vs sight, ; see also ; humanity prone to, ; judgement typographical errors,  falsity, proof of, ; see also refutations erudite sceptics, xxxii favours,  erudition, no proof against bad conduct, Ferdinand and Isobella of Spain,  xxv Ferdinand, emperor of Germany,  Esprit, Jacques, , , , ; his Ferrand, Louis,  n De la fausse´te´ des vertus humaines Ferrare, Hippolyte d’Est, Cardinal de, cited and criticised, – ; Ne´gotiations du cardinale de esprits forts, xxviii Ferrare, cited  n,  and n,  Essex, earl of,  n; de l’Hoˆpital’s rejoinder to, – Estate of ecclesiastics, in France, , ;  in Japan,  Ferrier, Arnauld, president,  Estate of nobility, in France, ,  Feuerbach, Ludwig, xix Estates of the Realm, in France, , , Florence, republic of,  , , ; in Holland, ,  Florimond de Re´mond, , his Histoire and n; in Poland, ; Hotman on de l’he´re´sie cited  n power of Estates to elect king, ; fortifications,  see also Parlements; Third Estate Fotoque, worship of, in Japan, , ; eternal law(s), ; of morality,  see also Camus


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France, , , ; in the seventeenth at, , ; rites of, ; and the century, xx–xxvi; intellectuals in, hymn De l’Escalade, ; and xxiv; political ideas in, xxvi–xxxvii; dancing, ; and Socinian sect,  Ultramonanism in, xxvi, xxviii–ix; Genoa,  Gallicanism, in xxvi; the Huguenot Gentillet, Innocent, , – party in, xxvi–vii; politiques in, Germany, , ; and Socinian sect, xxix–xxx; toleration in, xxvii; the , ; and Synergists, ; and Third Estate in, xxix; conduct of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden,  public affairs in, ; its unlucky Geth, king of, ,  policies concerning Elizabeth I, – Gherhard, his position on capital penalty , ; its desolation in the era of for heretics,  religious war, –, –; God, xix, xxx; authority of monarchs Hotman’s support of elected and, xxviii–xxx; , , ; government for, –; its laws human conduct and fear and love against heretics before era of de of, xxxvii, ; Hobbes on the l’Hoˆpital, ; its Estates General, nature of, ; Monconys’s viewof, ; murder of kings in, ; Jesuits ; ; Jesuits and art of quibbling in, ; Sainte-Aldegone’s mission with, ; evidence for, in to, ; its treatment of its Revelation, –; Nature, or God, Reformed communities compared as author of matter, , , ; with treatment, in Poland, of the whether first mover of matter, ; Socinians, , ; see also B; whether author of the world, – Hˆ  de l’; H; ; whether Descartes’s theory Mˆ ; Estates of the Realm; injurious to, ; parlements, Third Estate incomprehensibility of, ; Francesco de Me´dicis, grand-duke of goodness of vs other attributes, ; Florence, ,  pagans, their notions of, ; Francis I of France,  gentiles, their notions of, ; Francis II of France, , ,  whether author of sin, ; Franc¸ois de France,  foreknowledge and free will, ; fraternity, followed the edicts of liberty of indifference of, ;inthe toleration, ; bonds of, among system of Xenophanes,  and n, scholars,  , ; existence of, and fratricide,  providence of,  fraud, commercial,  Goldast, Petrone de,  Frederick IV, Elector,  good faith, essential in metaphysical Frederick the Great, and debate,  Anti-Machiavelli,  n good man, puts a friend before a crown, free will,  n, , , , ,   good sense, xxiv, , praised by Gabonites,  Tacitus, ; Mariana, censured by Galileo, xxiv men of good sense, ; see also Gallican church, xxix common sense Gallicanism, xxi, xxix; political theory of, Gospel, , , , , ; and xxix monks who preached it abroad,  Garasse, Father,  n Goussinville, his Œuvres de saint Gre´goire Gassendi, Pierre, philosophised with cited,  and n Hobbes,  government: of atheists vs idolaters, Gassendists, on God as first mover,  xxxiii–xxxiv; basic laws of, ; generation, see life, generation of democratic, ; Hobbes on Geneva, , , ; Senate of, ; confusions and disorders of, , – Bible of, ; Servetus, condemned ; perfect government, elusive in


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the real world, ; analogous to Guise, House of, xxviii, , , , , theorems of geometry, ; that the ,  ship of state should be steered from Guise, Madame de,  a sidewind, –; and the aims of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden,  republics, –; must resist injustice, –; must pursue goals Hamon, children of,  with determination, –;by Hannibal,  peoples, turbulent, ; must use happiness: whether the natural state of suitable and flexible means, – humankind, ; and health, –; ; by women, ; those who and temperament, ; among govern states, duties of, –; see peasants and small artisans,  also B;Hˆ ,del’; harm: morally considered, ; whether Mˆ  humankind intends it, ; see also governments and parlements: their need chaos; war; X for mediators, –; republic’s Hartnaccius, Daniel,  n vulnerability to their reciprocal hearsay,   abuse and neglect, –; and the Hebron, example of de l’Hoˆpital, –; see Hegel, G. W. F., xix    also B; government; parlements hell, doctrine of, , ,  Greece and Rome, de l’Hoˆpital Henri d’Albret of Navarre,      resembled the most eminent men Henry III of France, , , , , ,    of,  , , ; France wretched   Greek and Latin languages,  during reign of, ; murder of ,    Greek philosophers,  , , ; excommunication of,  Greeks, compared with Scythians, – Henry IV of France, xxvii, xxx, xxxiii,  and n , ; , , , ; G I, Pope, , ; –; assassination of, , , , ; biography, –; and conversion of suspected of seeking to impose the English, (D) –; want of Reformation, ; his response to principle in making conversions, (E) the book De rege, ; and his –; credulity when reporting prudence, ,  miracles, (R) –; his Dialogues Henry VIII of England, ,    cited, ; converted the French, ; Hercules, , ,  sawlittle difference betweeninfidels hereditary kingdoms: right of eldest in,  and heretics, ; his lack of critical –; on exclusion from the  judgement, succession,  Gregory of Tours, his Historia francorum hereditary monarchies,  [History of the Franks] cited as heresies, xxii and n, , ; rulers no evidence of a priest who expected duty to extirpate, xxxv, ;de  no resurrection, and n l’Hoˆpital on civil jurisdiction over, Gretse´rus, Jacques: defended Mariana,  n; whether reason for ,  n; his Vespertilio dethronement of a prince, ; Haeretico-politicus, cited  n capital vs non-capital penalties for, grief, in the human condition,  ; and the Socinian sect, , , Grotius, Hugo, xxvi, , ; his De jure ; some teach abominable belli et pacis cited,  n,; doctrines, ; see also heretics Historia cited,  n heretics, , ; many to convert in the Guicciadini, Francesco, xxvi; his age of Pope Gregory I, ;de disapproved by l’Hoˆpital’s policy on, ; Hotman’s Montaigne,  and n defence of, ; if sovereigns should Guise, duc de, , ,  punish them, , ; Jurieu’s


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heretics (cont.) ,  n, ; Hymn to Apollo self–contradictions concerning, , cited,  n ; Marguerite of Navarre honour, that of God comes before that of provided sanctuary for, ; individual,  Sainctes sought extermination of, Hoornbeek, Jean de, ,  n,  , ; on death penalty for, , l’Hˆ , Michel de, xxix, xxx, – ; in France, Italy, Spain and ; biography –; stood firmly LowCountries, ; ; see also against the Inquisition in France heresies (D) –; presided over gains of the Hesiod,  Reformed religion, (E) –; Hesse, landegrave of,  witnessed the Roman religion’s Hiero II,  and n,  recovery (F) –; was suspected Hilarion de Coste, his Eloges cited,  by Catholics (H) –; was falsely n,  n accused ; brought down by Hippolytus d’Est, see Lorraine, Cardinal enemies ; mediated between de prince and parlements (K) –;  Histoire des ouvrages des savants, n, his inculcation of tolerance, ; his    n, n, reluctance to sign every edict (L)       historians, , , , , – –; on duties of a good  historical dictionaries, chancellor; –; his partiality for    historical facts, , , peace (P) –; comparison with  historical , . Cicero, ; built school of politiques  historical refutation, to oppose League (S) –; debt  historical research, ; rules concerning, of politiques to Machiavelli, –  Horace, , ,  n,  n,  n; his history: must be fair to all parties, ; Odes cited,  n,  n; Satires must face embarrassing facts,  cited,  n,  n,  n; Epistles H, Thomas, xix, xxvi, xxix; – cited,  n; on contentment,  n, ; his biography –; his Logic  n translated into French,  n; on the H, Franc¸ois, –; biography confusions of democratic –; wrote against persecutors government (C) –; his De Cive (E) –; was not author of written in Paris (D) –;   monarchies and democracies, their Vindiciae contra tyrannos (H) – ; equal disadvantages, ; his De his own maxims turned against him    Corpore, ; on ‘unbridled freedom (I) – ; his Franco-Gallia,  of conscience’, ; political science, and n, ; his Matagonis de  his devotion to it, ; his Leviathan Matagonibus, n (F) –; his Oeuvres Philosophiques, Huet, Pierre Daniel, his ‘Demonstration  ; his opinions about God (M) – from the Gospels’ cited, and n ; his indifference to possessions, Huguenots, xviii, xxvi–vii, , , ,  n; his fear of phantoms assessed , , , , , , .; (N) –; his disbelief in substances political ideas of the, xxix; resistance distinct from matter, ; a rejoinder theory of xxxi; loyalty to crown in to him made by Descartes, – seventeenth century, xxxi; their Holland, , , , –; betrayal by Louis XIV, xxx–xxxi; persecution of sects by Estates of, suppression of their academies, xxx –; and the prece´cistes, ; human misconduct, xx, xxv; whether the Socinian sect excluded from, ; Stoics ignorant of its causes, ; see also Netherlands; United and life’s good and bad things, ; Provinces see also happiness Homer, , ; his Iliad cited,  n, human race: its errors throughout


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history, –; its natural disorders ; Possevin on the decrees of the and contradictions, – Japanese legislature (F) –; the humanities, study of the,  monarchy, ; its expulsion of Hume, David, xix Christians, ; its religious sects, Hushai, agent of devious politics , ,  ; priests, ; inhabitants, ; Hypostatic Union, Socinian sect’s denial Christianity in, ; and suicide, of,  ; see also suicide hypothesis, , ,  n, ,  Jefferson, Thomas, xix Jeraboam,  Iaco (Xaco),  Jerome, Saint,  idealism, of Brutus,  Jerusalem, ,, , , ; Loyola’s ideas, evidence for our,  vision of,  idolaters, and atheists, xxxiii, xxiv; see Jesse,  also atheists, Clarification on Jesuits, xxix, xxxiii, , , , , idolatry, ; in Japanese society, ;in , , –; and Loyola, ; human history,  made many enemies, ; in China,  imagination, and obscenity ; and ; revolutionary doctrines of,   chastity, ; rapidity of, –; and Christian morals, –  imperial laws, on infidels and heretics, ; in France, ; exposed to violent   incomprehensibility, notion of , ; reproaches, –; body of   and Xenophanes, – ; of, approved Mariana’s De rege, ;  ; see also acatalepcy; scepticism and Jansenists, , ; see also indecencies, dancing compared with L;M  gaming and drinking, and n Jesus Christ, xx, , , , ; has Indies, missionionaries to the,  only voluntary subjects,  indifference, liberty of,  Jesus, Society of, ,  and n; see also infidels, ,  Jesuits; L;M Ingonde, wife of Saint Ermineigilde,  Jewish religion,  innovation, party of, xxxv        Jewish synagogues, , Inquisition, xxii, , , , , ,             Jews, , , – , , , – , , , –  insurrection, doctrine of, ; see also Joab, ,  assassination; tyranny  intellectual freedom, Bayle’s advocacy of, John Casimir of Poland,  xxii, xxxiii, xxxvi; see also Joly, Philippe Louis, n   conscience; liberty Jonathan, , interest of state,  Josephus, his Antiquitatae judaicae   intolerance, xix, , – [Jewish Antiquities] cited, n;  Ish-boseth, ,  Joshua,  Israel, ,  Journal de Leipsic, n, citation of Israelites,  Lami on theory of atoms,  n Italy, , , , , ; Journal de Trevoux,  n persecution of Jews in, , ; Journal des savans, ,  n,  n,  persecution of Socinian sect in, n,  n,  n,  n – Judah, tribe of,  judgement, –, , , ; Bayle James II of England, xxxiii, ,  and types of, xxxix–xli; withholding Jansenists, xxiii, xxxiii, , , , of, xxxix; and faith and reason, xl;  of scholars, xxxix; of politicians, J, –; history of –; xxxix; of individuals, xl; spheres of, bonzes and the celibate life (A) – xxxix; rash, ; errors of, ; Pope ; violence of the Japanese (E) – Gregory short on, ; Descartes on


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judgement (cont.) jurisprudence, and the public interest, suspension of, ; St. John’s ; and obscenities,  Gospel cited on,  and n Jus belli et pacis, David’s contraventions Julian III, Pope,  of,  Junius Brutus, (pseud.), Vindiciae contra justice, xviii, xxxvii, xviii–xl, , , , tyrannos,  and n, ; see also ,  H Justinian, on the Scythians, his J, sister and wife of Jupiter, –; Institutiones cited,  n myth and cult of, –; greatly Justinian, the younger,  venerated at Carthage (M) –; Juvenal,  n, ; his Satires cited, her disagreeable employments, (Z)  n –; and the theological system of Kant, Immanuel, xi, xix,  the pagans (AA) –; Augustine’s Kempis, Saint Thomas a`,  critique discussed, –; her Keohane, Nannerl O., xxiv n torments of unsatisfied revenge killing, Lactantius favoured Christian (BB) –; her miraculous prohibition against,  and n; see fragrance (DD) –; and Jupiter’s also ambition; arms: bearing; war adulteries (EE) –; her beauty, Kings, Book of, cited, , ,  and n, ; her oversight of marriages and  n,  n childbirth, ; her cruel fate, ; kings: easily dethroned, ; authority of, customs of Roman townsfolk ; sometimes considered as concerning her worship, ; see officials of peoples, ; and also Virgin Mary; women doctrine of dethronement for Jupiter, husband and brother of Juno, heresy, ; see also monarchs , , , ; and customs of Roman women concerning, ; his La Mothe le Vayer, his Hexame´ron adulteries considered,, – rustique cited, ; Discours sur Jurieu, Pierre, xxxvi n; his quarrel with l’histoire,  n; on age, health, and Bayle, xxii; his ‘prophesying’, xxxii happiness,  and n and n; his lack of logic in La Planche, Etienne de, Histoire de Accomplissement de l’Apocalypse,  Franc¸ois II,  n n; his ridicule by an erudite Jesuit, La Popeline`re, Lancelot Voisin, Sieur de, ; his self-contradictions  n, on Gentillet,  concerning laws against heretics, Labrousse, Elisabeth, vii, xii, xix, xxi, –; his Tableau du Socinianisme xxii, xxiii, xxvi cited,  n,  n; his reply to Lactantius, his Divinae institutiones cited, Nicole compared unfavourably with ,  that of Saurin, –; his Vrai Lami, Guillaume: criticised opponents of syste`me de l’e´glise cited,  n,  the hypotheses of Epicurus, ; his n; his De´fense de la doctrine theory of atoms, ; his critique of universelle de l’e´glise cited,  n; his an aspect of Descartes, ; his De contrary turn of mind, conclusions principiis rarum cited,  and n to be drawn from, – and n; his Lamoignon, Guillaume de, president of Des droits des deux souverains cited, the Parlement of Paris,  n  n; his Traite´ de la liberte´ de Langenhert, Caspareo, his translation of conscience, cited  and n; his the Prince,  absence of principle concerning Languet, Hubert, ,  n; his report tolerance exposed, –; his Esprit of a bon mot by de l’Hoˆpital, ; de M. Arnauld cited,  n; Epistulae cited,  n confusion in is account of God’s Laon,  nature,  n; his formal accusations Larrey, Issac de, his Histoire d’Angleterre against Bayle’s Dictionnaire,  cited,  n


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law, xxv, ; divine, ;ofthe servitude and arrogant in command, strongest, , ; eternal law, ; –; his Ab urbe condita [The of nature, and visions in the brain, History of Rome] cited,  n,  n ; of order and decency, ; Locke, John, xxi, xxvi, his Latin letter against sects, ; martial law, ; on toleleration cited,  and n see also natural law logic, abuse of, ; and morals,  Le Carla, xxi Lombards,  Le Grain, Jean Baptiste (also Baptiste le Lorraine, Cardinal de, ,  Grain), ,  n Louis XI of France,  Le Laboureur, l’Abbe´, his De Castelnau Louis XII of France, ,  cited,  n Louis XIV of France, xxii, xxxii, , Le Tellier, Father, apologist for the ; intellectual debate in the age Jesuits, ,  n of, xxvi; objections by the Leclerc, l’Abbe´ L.-J.,  persecuted to theocracy and Leers, Reinier, xxii absolutism of, xxx; his religious legislature, of Japan, ; see also J policy compared unfavourably with Leibniz, W.G., xxvi that of Ethelred,  n Leickherus, his Vies des Jurisconsultes love of country,  cited,  n love, that pernicious art taught by Ovid, Leiden, ; Faculty of Theology of,   Leo X, Pope,  LowCountries, ,  Lescalopier, Father, observations on L, Ignatius, xxix; –; Xenophanes and biography, –; sought conversion incomprehensibility,  and n of the Jews (I) –; accusations Leti, Gregorio, his Histoire d’Elizabeth against the Jesuits, howrebutted ( R) cited,  n, ,  and n –; doctrine of entailing libertine(s), ; have long existed within revolutions against sovereigns (S) Catholic church, ; Monconys –; morality of Jesuit casuistry wrongly considered as,  and n; (T) –; mental reservations and Pyrrhonism,  discussed, –; see also Jesuits liberty and necessity, hypothesis of, ; Lucan, and obscenity, his Pharsalia cited, in the thought of Melanchthon, ,  n  Lucchesini, Father, critic of Machiavelli, liberty of indifference, Bayle’s solution  concerning, , ; see also free Lucian,  n will;  , his De rerum natura [On the liberty, to assemble, ; to read history, Nature of Things] cited,  n,  ; see also republican liberty n; on obscenities,  libido, and lewd dancing, Shoockius Luke, Gospel of, cited,  cited on,  and nn; see also Luther, Martin, , ,  customs; S-A Lutherans, xxvii,  and n,  lies, ; whether God is capable of,  Lyon, ,  life, generation of, xix; system of Ovid, – ⁄ ; system of Xenophanes, Macedonia,  – M, Niccolo`, xix, and Lipsius, Justus, xxx,  n politique realism in France, xxxii, Lithuania,  –; biography, –; his work Livius Flaminius, ; Plutarch’s Life of, of politics, ; his Prince assessed cited,  n (E) –; translated into French, Livy, Titus, , ; his precautions when ; censured, ; and Francis reporting prodigies,  n; his Bacon  n; his Belphe´gor, ; his opinion that peoples are humble in ill-fortune, ; his concern for the


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Machiavelli, Niccolo` (cont.) ; his De rege et regis institutiones public good, ; on his doctrine of cited,  and n, and n; exposed necessity in politics, ; his debt to Jesuits to violent reproaches (H) others, –; Anti-Machiavelli –; his doctrine of discussed,  and n; that the assassination, ; his critics tolerance shown for him was discussed, condemned,  Marie de Me´dicis, Coton’s Letter to,  Mˆ , –; history of, –; Mark Anthony, , ,  pillage of (A) ; atrocities marriages, Juno’s responsibility for, , perpretrated at (B) –; reasons  for recording the details of the Wars Martha,  of Religion (C) –; equal shame martial law,  for Christian France and the pagan Martial, the Roman poet, ,  Isle of Capri (D) – Marx, Karl, xix Macrobius, his Saturnalia cited,  n Mary I of England, ,  n Maestricht,  Mary Stuart, queen of Scots, ,  Magirus, Tobias, his Eponymologium Mascardi,  n,  n cited,  n,  n,  n mass murder, that of king David,  magistrates, ,  mass poisoning, whether as heinous as Mahometans, ,  heresy,  Maimourg, Louis xxxi,  and n,  and Mass, , ‘of the Chancellor’,  n, , ; on women as parties to Massacre of Saint Barthomemew( ), revolutions in religion, –; his  Histoire du pontificat de saint Massacre of Vassy (), ,  Gre´goire-le-grand cited,  n,  n; mathematicians, ; fewer than historians, Histoire du grand schisme d’Occident,   n; De l’histoire des croisades,  n; mathematics,  Histoire du Calvinisme,  n and matter, , the parts of, ; if there Histoire de l’Arianisme,  n; his exist substances distinct from,  account of the Socinian sect’s Matthieu, Pierre, his Histoire de la paix expulsion from Poland,  and n cited,  n Maimonides, Moses, : sought to Mazarin, Cardinal Jules, xxx refute Xenophanes,  and n; his mechanics: the laws of, , ; ‘Guide to the Perplexed’ cited, principles of, ; see also Newton  n medallions,  Maine, duc de,  Medea, of Euripides, her violent Malcontents, the,  passions, ,  and n Malherbe, Franc¸ois de, ,  n, Me´dicis, count Lorenzo de, ; man: his ignorance, ; his emotions, – favoured Faustus Socinius, . ; usually represses his worst Me´dicis, family of, obtained employment inclinations, ; ordinary rather for Machiavelli,  than iniquitious, ; feels injuries melancholy, and the human condition, received more than those he inflicts,  –; often does harm,  Melanchthon, –; his disagreement Manichaeans, ; persecuted by with Luther and Calvin, ; his Gregory I,  fairness and moderation, ; his manifestos, that undermine government, love of accord, ; his resort to  hypotheses in matters of Marconities, not Christians,  uncertainty; see also  Marguerite, sister of Henry II, ,  Me´nage, Gilles, his Re´marques sur La Vie M, Jean, –; biography de P. Ayrault cited,  n,  and n, –; his book seditious (G) –  n,  n, ,  n


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Mennonites, sect of the,  libertinage, his Voyages de Monconys Mephiboseth, ,  cited,  and n Mercure franc¸ais,  n Monluc, Jean de,  Mersenne, Marin, philosophised with Montaigne, Michel de, xxiii, , ; Hobbes,  refused to attribute ill motives to Me´ze´rai, Franc¸ois Eudes de, his Abre´ge´ every deed in history, ;on chronologique cited, , , , , political doctrines as ‘migratory ,  n,  and n,  and n birds’, ; his Essais cited,  n Me´zeriac,  Montmorenci, Conne´table de,  n,  Mical, concubine of king David, ,  moral theorists, , ,  Michelangelo,  morality, , , , , ; and moral Micraelius, Johann, his Syntagma cited, evil, ; see also natural morality  n morals, confused with logic by some Mill, J. S., xix,  Jesuits,  Milton, John, his views on tyrannicide More, Thomas, his Utopia cited,  similar to Mariana’s,  More´ri, Louis, , , , ,  n,   mind, , , , , , , ; and n, n  impenetrable secrets, ; tyranny Moses,  over minds, – motion, laws of,   Minerva, daughter of Juno,  n, , Moulin, Pierre du, , n  n mutual toleration, vs venomous disputes,  minorities, protection of, xxxix  miracles, ; Pope Gregory’s credulity mysteries, their enduring attraction, ;  concerning, – views of the pagans concerning, miraculous causes, ; see also Nabal, , ,  n superstition Nathan, the prophet,  missionaries, in Japan, ; and Francis natural law, xxxiii, ; see also law Xavier, ; their reports,  natural morality, ; see also morality Moabites, David’s torture and murder natural passions, xxv n; see also of,  happiness; unhappiness; war mob, Faustus Socinus attacked by,  natural philosophy, xxiv, , and the moderation, that of Melancthon to be newphilosophy, ; its notions of  emulated, generation and destruction,    Moderns, vs Ancients, , natural reason, thinkers who consult  molecules, their modificaction, only,  Molie`re (pseud. for Jean-Baptiste nature: confused state of, ; her many Poquelin): his Come´die du cocu examples of love, ; laws of, ;  imaginaire cited, and n; his if nature is minister of God, ;or  Pre´cieuses ridicules, becomes fertile through friction,  Molinists, and the doctrine of free will, Naude´, Gabriel, , ; his praise of de  l’Hoˆpital; ; his Coups d’e´tat cited, monarchs: authority of, , ; doctrine  n,  n; on Machiavelli’s that it is unlimited, –; doctrine indebtedness to Tacitus; ; his that it is restrained, –;as scepticism, ; his Addition a` la vie officials of peoples, ; impossible de Louis XI cited,  n to dethrone them without force, N, Marguerite de Valois, Queen ; that from God vs that from of, –; heroic magnanimity of, peoples, ; see also B; xxxiii; biography –; her stoical Hˆ ,del’ virtue, ; her Heptameron, ; monarchy, hereditary, ; in Japan,  her reading of the Bible, ; Monconys, Balthasar, wrongly accused of questions of concerning philosophy


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Navarre, Marguerite de Valois (cont.) and, ; advocates and, ; (L) –; her views on the soul, Catullus, Lucretius, Juvenal and –; her generosity to the Suetonius cited, ; and novels, persecuted (P) –; her tales of ; and Abelard, ; euphemisms, fiction not obscene,  ; morals and the ‘new Navarre, king Antoine of, , , , politeness’, –; and chastity,  ; and imagination, ; and navigation,  nudity, –, and the young, – Nazianzus, Gregory,  n ; women’s judgement on, , necessity; see liberty and necessity, –, ; common sense on, ; hypothesis of; politics the Cynics and the Stoics cited on, Nemesis, obtains her recompense,  , – Neo-, xxxiii official religion, institution of the, xxvi Nero, emperor, his wickedness,  Old Testament,  Netherlands, xxxix, , , , ; Olivaire, Chancellor, Cardinal de see also Holland; United Provinces Lorraine,  Nevelet, Pierre de, Sieur de Dosches, Olympia, the games at,   n,  n,  n Olympus, Mount,  and n newopinions, embraced by Hotman, opportunism, of the House of David,  ; and by Marguerite of Navarre, Orange, France, the sacking of,  ,  Orange, Prince of,  n NewTestament, Mons version,  and n Orle´ans, duc d’, ,  NewWorld, xli Orle´ans, Louis d’,  Newton, Isaac, ; the most formidable Orle´ans, region of, , ,  of Descartes’s critics,  and n Ottoman Empire,  N, Pierre, –; xli; Ottomans, ,  biography, –; his Essais de O N, Publius, –; xxvi;  morale,  and n; his Delectus and n, ; his biography, –; Epigrammatum,  and n; and the ideas of Ancients espoused by Ovid Roman communion ; the examined (G) –; errors of subtleties of his rhetoric, ; his Ovid identified, –,§ notion leaning towards Pyrrhonism, (C) that chaos not homogenous from –; and sceptics in religion, ; eternity absurd, –,§ attack his Les Pre´tendues re´forme´s cited,  on eternity continued, –,§ n; L’Art de penser,  and n,  his resort to God without pressing and n need, –,§ whether chaos Nieremberg, Jean Euse`be de,  has ended, –; whether disorders ninepins, and poetry, ,  of human race ceased with creation Noah, and moral good,  (H) –; his Fasti cited:  and Nobility, Estate of the, ; order of,  n; his Metamorphoses cited,  n, Nouveaux convertis, xxix, xxxiv , ,  and n,  n,  Nouvelles de la re´publique des lettres, ,  and n,  n,  n;  n, Paets, Adriaan Van, his letter on  n toleration, HVP ad B**** cited, – and nn O, Clarification on, –; pagan(s), ,  n, ; on an afterlife, –; none in the Dictionary of ; on a previous life, ; the sort that can be censured, ; Augustine on, ; their sexual nine definitions identified, –; theology ridiculed, ; made gods censors of, ; and the theatre, responsible for passions, ; and ; the public’s judgement on, ; their mysteries, ; and the divine physicians and , ; confessors nature, ; their religious systems,


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; compared with atheists, ; Paul III, Pope, approved of the Jesuits, Mariana’s sytem applicable to, . ,  Paine, Thomas, xix Paul IV, Pope, sought conversion of the Pale´ologue, Jacques, and Faustus Jews,  Socinus,  Paul V, Pope,  Palestine, ,  Paul, Saint, Letter to the Romans,  pamphlets, , ; of English Catholics, and n,  and n; Epistles,   Peace of Ale`s, xxxi Pamplona,  peace, time of, vs time of war,  Panzirolus (Ponciroli), his ‘Famous Legal pederasty, ,  Commentators’ cited,  Pellison, Paul, his Re´flexions cited,  and n peoples: should consent to taxation, ; Paolo, Fra (Sarpi), History of Council of whether they may depose a king, ; Trent (Amelot’s version) cited,  or elect a king, , ; whether Papin, Isaac, his Tole´rance des Protestants Livy’s accusation concerning cited,  and n peoples was right, –,  n; Papists, , , , , ,  should not be too directly opposed, paradoxes, which reason exposes,  ; turmoil of government by, Paris, city of, , , , ;  Huguenots and , Faculty of Law peoples, the sovereign authority of, – of, ; Parlement of , , ; ; Brutus and Cassius on, –; and Mariana , , ; and English Protestants on, ; Hotman Sainctes,  on, , Jesuits on –; and Paris, judgement of, and Juno’s Christians, ,  n; and the humiliation,  Dutch,; Mariana on, –; parlements of France, Parlement of Paris, Catholics on,  n; and Milton, , , ,  and n, , and de ; critics of the doctrine of, – l’Hoˆpital, ; and Coton, ;  Parlement of Bordeaux, ; perfect government: elusive in the real Parlement of Dijon, ; Parlement world , ; analogous to theorems of of Normandy, ; abuse by geometry,  parlements of their right to reject perfection, , , ; in romantic edicts,  and n; see also novels,  n governments; government and Pericles,  n parlements Peripatetics: on nature, ; on God as , and the doctrine of first cause, ; their physics, ; incomprehensibility, ,  opposed by Lami,  Parsons, Robert, see Andreas Philopatrus persecution, of the Jews, –, ;of Parthians,  and n the first Reformers, ;ofthe Pascal, Blaise, ; his Lettres Socinian sect, ; see also provinciales, cited  n, ,  Huguenots; Jews; Reformed Pasquier, Etienne: his Lettres cited,  n, religion; Socinian sect  n,  n, n,  n,  and n, Persius, Satires,  n  n; on the profession of Jesuit Petronious, , ,  and marriage, . Phaedrus, Fabulae [Fables],  n passions, of humankind, xxv and n, ; Pharoah,  of hatred, xxv; Marguerite of Phedra, in Euripides,  Navarre free from,  and n; and Philip of Spain,  and n, , ,  reason; , , ; control over, Philistines,  ; those who can rule them Philopatrus, Andreas (Robert Parsons), detested by others,  his Responsum ad edictum reginae


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Philopatrus, Andreas (cont.) xxxiv; those which he supported, angliae [Response to the Edict of xxxiv–xxxvii the Queen of England],  and n political science, and Hobbes, ; and philosophers, xix, ; and judgement, Machiavelli,  –; and human passions, –; political systems, none without in China,  inconveniences,  philosopher–theologian, ,  politics, as the art public prudence, xxv philosophic reason, and Socinian n; may eclipse other virtues, ; doctrines,  must set itself above morality, ; philosophical sin, and the Jesuits,  its analysis in Machiavelli’s Prince, Phocas, emperor,  –; its maxims taught by Photinian heresy, , ; see also Aristotle and Tacitus, , ; not Arianism optional for rulers but an absolute physician, religion of the,  necessity, ; howused by Sainte- Pibrac, (Guy de Faur), seigneur de, , Aldegone against the Spanish ,  n,  and n tyranny, – Pin, Loujis-Ellies du, ,  and n politiques and politicians, xxvii, xxx; Pirot, Father, his Apologie des casuists, Bayle as heir to, xxiii; their political cited  and n theory in France, xxix–xxx, , ; Pius IV, Pope,  n ,  their objections to tyrannide for Placette, Jean de la, his critique of religious causes, ; their axiom of Nicole, his De insanibili . . . [Absurd conquest misapplied to the married scepticism of the Roman Church] state, ; erroneous beliefs of some cited,  n concerning the public religion, ; , , his Republic, , ;onGod some invoke pretext of ‘necessity’ to and creation, ; on praise of further factional advantage, , – public poetry, ; his cited , –, –,  on doctrines of Xenophanes,  n, Polybius,  n  and n polygamy, – pleasures, and anxieties; , ; Pompey, , ,  forbidden pleasures, ; see also Ponciroli see Panzirolus happiness; X Pope Blount, see Blount Pliny, ,  and n; his Natural Popery,  History cited,  and n Popkin, Richard H., xi, xix n, xx n, xxiv plural society, xx, xxxix n, xxxviii n pluralism, xxxix Popper, Karl, xi, xx and n; see also Plutarch, ,  n,  and n; his Life refutatations of Brutus cited,  n; his Life of popular sovereignty, ,  Phocion,  n; Life of Romulus,  n; popular vote,  De superstit. [Moralia],  n,  n; Possevin, Father, ,  n,  n, ; De vitioso,  n; on the on Japan’s decrees, ; judges too unreliability of reason and sense hastily the customs of the Japanese, evidence,  and n, ,  ; his condemnation of the Prince, Pocock, John, xxxiii n  Poissy, Colloque de, ,  praise, love of, xxiii,  Poland, ; and Socinian sect, –, pre´cisistes, scruples of the , ;vs –; Diets of, ; Estates of, rigoristes,  . predestination, , ,  Poland, king of, ; and Faustus prejudices, of education, , ;of Socinus, ,  readers of history,  political ideas in France, xxvi–xxxvii; Priapus,  those which Bayle opposed , xxvi– pride, and the Evangelist, –


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princes,  Ptolemy, his cosmological system, , professions, civil, xxvii  and n; see also S P for a Critical Dictionary, –; public good, , , and Machiavelli,  whether the Dictionary will identify public cause, vs private glory,  trivial faults, –; or engage in public interest,  useless discussions, –; that public order, , , – endeavour in science and critical Puccius, Franc¸ois,  history is supported by the same punishment: of tyrants, –; of heretics, humanist argument, – ; fear of,  Prometheus, ; Juno compared with, Puylaurens, xxi  , xx n prophet(s)  Pyrrhonian(s), ; see also Acataleptics; propositions, true vs false,  Sceptics Proserpine,  Pyrrhonism, , xx, xxxvi, ; high Protestant Europe, xxx,  road to, ; and Nicole –; Protestant Religion, why Elizabeth I and Socinian teaching, ; see also opted for it, , ; its communion incomprehensibility; scepticism. and the punishment of heresy, ; , Ovid did not borrowhis its theology and resistance to ideas,  n princes, ; agrees with Catholic religion on doctrine of damnation, Quietists, and Nicole,  ; see also Protestants Quinant, poet and librettist,  Protestants, ,  and n; Bodin’s Quintilian,  and n,  n; on obscene leniency towards their subversive utterances, his Institutia oratoria writings, ; in England, lacked in cited,  n confidence in James II, , –; Quintus Curtius, see Curtius their histories of wars of religion differ from those of the Catholics, Rabba, David’s torture and killing of the ; were treated more severely by people there,  de l’Hoˆpital than he would have Racan, Honorat de Bueil, marquis de, wished, ; sought free exercise of  their religion, ; advantaged in Racovia,  region of Orle´ans, ;why Ragozski, prince of Transylvania,  supported by de l’Hoˆpital, ; raison d’e´tat, xix, xxv n, xxxii, ,  their case for a call to arms taken rash judgement, xxxvi,  over by the Catholics, , ; Ravaillac, assassin of Henry IV, , , their houses pillaged at Maˆcon, ; ,  Bayle’s warning to their ‘turbulent Rawls, John, xxxiii n theologians’, – and  n; are Raynaldus, Oderic, ,  among authors accused of obscenity, Raynaud, The´ophile,  n,  n,  n , ; see also B; reason, , , , ,  E;Hˆ ,del’; reason, light of, , ,  H;Mˆ ; Protestant reasons of state, , ,  Religion; Reformed (Calvinist) reasoning, howexactness in is acquired, Religion  Provence, treatment of Jews in,  rectitude, general ideas of,  Prudentius,  n Reformation, xxiii, xxviii, xxix, , , Przipcovius, his Life of Faustus Socinus  cited,  Reformed Church, , ,  Psalms of David, their translation from Reformed (Calvinist) Religion, Bodin Hebrewinto Flemish,  initially a member of it, ; aimed, psychology, xxiv under de l’Hoˆpital, at full toleration,


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Reformed (Calvinist) Religion (cont.) revenge, hard to renounce, ,  ; its growth in numbers in reign Revocation of Edict of Nantes, xxx, xxx– of Charles IX, –; de l’Hoˆpital xxxi, xxxiii,  and n supported it without being a revolution, distinguished, by Bodin, from member, ; measures against it, rebellion,  ; and Jesuits, ; severe reward, love of,  persecution of it, ; its dominance Ribadeneira, Pierre, Jesuit, his Life of feared by Catholics, ; Nicole’s Ignatius Loyola cited,  n writing against it, ; excessive Richelet, Pierre,  n intolerance of it by Sainctes, ; Richelieu, Cardinal de, xxx Sainte-Aldegonde’s zealous support Riche´ome, Louis, Jesuit, his Anti-Coton for in the Dutch republic, ; its cited, ,  and n disputes on dancing, –; Riley, Patrick, xi minorities of France and Poland Rohault, Jacques, his work La Physique compared, ; see also B; cited,  n Hˆ , de l’; H; Roman Empire, ,  Mˆ ;S;  Roman law, Hotman’s erudition in,  (Faustus); Socinian sect Roman Religion (also, Roman Church, Reformers, , , ,  n,  Roman Communion), , , , refutations, xx,  n; historical, ; their , , ,  place in critical research, –; Roman Senate,  Conjectures and Refutations (by Karl Romans (or Roman people), , , , Popper) cited, xx n; see also ; their liberty, ; their salacious conjecture conduct,  Regius, Etienne, his work La Philosophie romantic fiction, , ,  cited,  n Rome: foundation of, , burdened with Re´gnier, Mathurin,  size and power, ; Brutus and, – regnum, and sacerdotium, xxviii ; court of, ; Gregory I and, , religion, xviii, xxvi, , ,  ; de l’Hoˆpital and, , , ; Renaissance, xxiii, . cult of Juno at, , , ; reply and rejoinder, praised,  Communion of,  , , . reprisals, literary,  Romulus,  and n republic of letters, xxxix, , ; rights Rondel, Jacques du,  in the, ,  Ronsard, Pierre de, his Ode cited,  republican liberty: love of, by Brutus, ; and n by Machiavelli, ;by Rotterdam, Ecole Illustre at, xxi–xxii; Sainte-Aldegonde, ; can be Huguenot Church in, xxxiv, ,  studied in monarchical and Rousseau, Jean Jacques, xix republican states, ,  Roussel, Michel, his Anti-Mariana, cited, republicanism: of the politiques, xxxiii; its  n debt to Machiavelli, –, – Russell, Bertrand, xl n republics, xxxii, xxxiii, , , ; Rymer,  n compared with monarchies, ;in antiquity, ; on government of, Sable´, Madame de,  n Plutarch’s Life of Phocion cited, – sacerdotium, and regnum, xxviii  and  n; of Florence, , Sadducees, and the mortality of the soul, Sainte-Aldegonde’s services to the  Dutch republic, –; see also S, Claude de, –; biography republicanism –; supposed Henry III rightly restitution,  assassinated (D) ; contradicted Re´tat, Pierre, xix n himself on the principle of loyalty revelation, light of, , , ,  (E) –; deplored toleration of


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heretics in France (F); toleration as sciences, xxiv, ,,,  a cogent principle discussed, –; Scripture(s), their promise of blessings to see also intolerance; tolerance; come, ; howthey depict David, toleration ; can be silent on some matters, Saint Gregory; see G I ; cited often as historical S-A, Philippe de evidence, , ; any individual may Marnix –; biography –; interpret them, ; some, who draw advantages he brought to the new on them, abused by small minds, republic (H) –; his translation ; Hotman accused of corrupting of the Psalms of David, ; it, ; its teachings when too embarrassment concerning the harsh, not taken literally, ; persecution of sects (L) –; his Mariana’s scholias upon them, ; Antidote,  and n; his Re´ponse were studied by Marguerite of apologe´tique  n; his love of Navarre, ; Nicole’s method for dancing (M) –. their interpretation criticised, , Sainte-Marthe, Denys de, his Histoire de ; their translation by   saint Gre´goire criticised, , and Sainte-Aldegonde into Flemish, ;  n, and n their scrutiny by the Socinian sect,    Saint-Evre´mond, and n, , ; their divine authority and n questioned, ; many offended by    Saint-Germain-en-Laye, , , their teachings on hell, ; see also  Saint-Point, governor of Maˆcon, , D;M;S   ; see also M ˆ (Marianus); S (Faustus) Bellum Catilinae  Sallust, his n, and Scude´ri, Madeleine, mademoiselle de, on obscenities,   n Salmon, J. H. M., xxxi n sculpture,  Salus populi suprema lex esto, and Scythians, simplicity of, –; Elizabeth I, ,  Justinian’s Institutiones, cited,  n Samos,  Seckendorf, Guy Louis de: and doctrine Samosatenian theology, and the Socinian of Mariana, his Historia Lutherana sect,  cited, –,  n Samuel, Book of, cited – nn sects, in Japan, ; in Poland, ; Sandberg, Carl, xxxviii and n Sardinia, methods of converting Jews in, opinion of a fewnot alwaysthat of  sect as a whole, ; diversity of, Satan, xix xx; their proliferation embarassed  Saturn,  some Protestants, and n; the  Saul, , , , , ; court of ; sons case of Jurieu, ; the case of   and grandsons of  Sainte-Aldegonde, – ; see also  Saurin, Elie,  and n,  and n, , diversity in religion; H ,  and n,  and n,  and Sedan, Huguenot academy of xxi,  n; his critique of an aspect of Semei, unjustly treated by David, ,  Bayle’s Com. Phil. answered, – Seneca, his Thyestes cited,  n Savoy,  senses, evidence of the,  and n Scaliger, Joseph Juste, , sensualities, of David,  scepticism, xviii, xxxix, ,  Servetus, , torture and death of,  Sceptics, ; see also Acataleptics; and Servin, Advocate General,  Pyrrhonian(s) sex, xix; in Japan,  schism,  ,  n,  n,  Scholastics, xxiv,  n; , their theory and n of dense bodies, – sexual morals, and David’s other failings, Schoockius, Martinus,  and n  n , – §§ –


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Sicily, , ; methods of converting commitment to non-violence, – Jews in,   and nn; his distress over loss of sickness, and health, ,  manuscripts (F) ; assaulted by Sienna, ,  mob, ; why princes view pacifist Sigismund Augustus of Poland, ,  doctrines unfavourably (G) –; Silius Italicus, , ; his Punic Wars sects that renounce arms bearing cited,  (H) –; reason’s weak points Simler, Josias, and Hotman’s discussed (I) –; Socinian sect Franco-Gallia,  n excluded from United Provinces (K) Simon, Richard, his Dictionnaire du Bible –; hostile decree of  (L) cited,  – sin, ; whether God author of, –; Socinus, Laelius, uncle of Faustus, – pagan doctrine of antecedent sin,  and nn;  n, ; his De tribus  Elohim [The three Gods] cited, Sisyphys, misery of, Juno’s compared  n with,  S (Marianus), –; biography Sixtus, Pope,  of Marianus (b.); biography of Skinner, Quentin, xi, xxvii, xxi n, Marianus (b.); biography of xxxiii n Laelius, son of Marianus, (B) – Slichtingius, Jonas, his Confessio ; see also Socinus, Laelius Christiana cited,  ,  societies,  n, howpreserved,  sodomy,  Socinian sect, history of, –; Laelius Solier, Franc¸ois, ; his Histoire their first author, –; its eccle´siastique du Japon cited, , Bibliotheca Antitrinitaria cited,  amended  n and n; its founders’ torture and Solomon, king, , , , , ; and death in Italy, , ; its king of Tyre,  and n theological doctrines: on Sorbie`re, his translation of Hobbes’s De Photinianism, , on Revelation, Cive,  , on denial of Trinity, ,on Sorbonne, , , and accusations life of the soul, ; decrees passed against Reformers,  against in Poland, –; its Sotion, , ,  practical doctrines: on arms bearing, Sotuel, Natanael,  n,  n , on non-resistance to soul, immortality of,  and n, –, persecution, –, on public , , –, , , , – office-holding, –, –; , ,  reason, its first principle, , ; sovereigns, xxix, ,  n, ,  and psychological critique of its n; ; howto judge them, ; teachings, –, –, ; rebellion considered the worst judged unworthy of tolerance in crime, ; if they can rule without Holland, –; its doctrines sin ; see also duties of sovereigns; compared with those of the monarchs Acataleptics (sceptics),  and n; sovereignty, can be removed violently,  see also S (Marianus); Spain, , , , ; and the S (Faustus); Japanese, ; and the Jews, ; see X also Spaniards S (Faustus), –; biography Spanheim, Ezechiel de, his erudition,  n –; Socinian sect and Poland (A) Spaniards, cruel maxims of, ; see also –; his De Jesu Christo servitore, Spain ; his writing against atheism, Spinoza, Baruch, , , ; the ; his repudiation of seditious Japanese religion taught similar preaching (C) –; his ideas, ; example of a theoretical


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atheist, ; see also Diagoras; , ; his opinion on anxiety and Vanini joy,  Spinozism, and Xenophanes,  Talavera,  Sponde, Henry de,  n,  and n Tamar, rape and murder of,  statecraft [la politique], xxxiii, ; Tantalus,  compared with strict justice, ; Tartars (and Turks),  considered as public prudence, ; taste, if opinion can be reduced to, , motivated sometimes by cupidity, ,  ; a bishop’s conversion to the temperament, ; and happiness,  maxims of,  Tertullian: his objections to penal laws states, can be monarchical and for heresy, ; his Apologetic cited, non-monarchical, ; duties of  and n those who govern them, –; see Theodore, bishop of Marseille,  also government theologians,  Stoics, xxiii, xxxiii, , , , ; theology, xxiv,  their critique by Esprit,  Third Estate, xxiii, xxix, , , , ; Strabo,  of the realm, ; its resolution of Strafford, Thomas,   on the authority of kings,  Strasbourg,  and n Strigelius, Victor, and the movement of Thirty Years War,  the Sygergists,  Thou, Jacques Auguste de, his Histoire succession, and birthright,  universelle depuis – cited, Suetonius, , ; his Life of Tiberius  n,  n, ,  nn, –;  n; cited, –  and n,  and n,  n,  n, suicide, , ,  n,   and n; his error about Bodin superstitions, xxxix; opposed by Hobbes, corrected, – and nn ; see also miracles; miraculous Thucydides, his History translated by causes Hobbes, ; cited,  n Sweden, the king of, and the Socinian Tiberius, emperor: his need for flattery, sect,  , his infamy, – Switzerland,  Tigris and Euphrates,  symmetry, vs chaos in nature,  Timoleon,  S, –; movement’s Timon, Sextus Empiricus on,  history –; Melanchthon on Toledo, diocese of, , , ,  Luther and Calvin (A) –; tolerance, xviii, xix, , ,  n,  harmonised free will and grace, ; and n, inculcated by de l’Hoˆpital, persecuted by faction of Illyricus, ; ordinarily denied to heretics, ; error and honest motives (B) ; not a monstrous doctrine, – –; critique of Saurin’s rejoinder ; that of the Queen of Navarre to Com. Phil., (C) –; Ptolemy, extolled, ; modern arguments Copernicus, and Tycho Brahe, their for, –; writings of Basnage, systems cited in support of Benoist, Van Paets, Locke, Jurieu, coexistence oftheories, – and and Bayle, commended,  n,   n n,  n; Socinian sectthought Syracuse, people of, and Heiro II; and unworthy of it by the Estates of the Romans,  United Provinces,  Syria,  toleration, and the Edict of Nantes (–), xx, xxiv, xxxiii; the Edict’s revocation by Louis XIV, Tacitus, ; his Annals cited  n,  n, xxii; edicts of toleration of the  n; his praise of good sense, ; sixteenth century, ; the early howfar Machiavelli indebted to, Reformers had envisaged a full


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toleration (cont.) Ultramontane ecclesiastics, xxiii toleration ; arguments for the true Ultramontanism, political doctrine of, church identical with those for the xxvi, xxviii–xxix false church, ; mutual toleration, unbelievers, abounded in age of Pope  Gregory I,  torture, , ,  unhappiness, ; see also happiness Tossa of Japan,  Unitarians, , ; see also Socinian Touchard, Jean, xxxvi n sect Toulouse, xxi, xxiv, ,  n United Provinces, , , , –, Tracy, Antoine Destutt de, his Ele´ments , , –, ; see also d’ide´ologie and translation of Holland; Netherlands Hobbes’s Logic cited,  n unity in religion, compared with tradition, the party of, xxxv diversity, xxvii,  Trajan, emperor,  and n universals (universal categories), casuistry Transylvania, and Socinian sect, , of the Jesuits concerning,  , ,  Urgande, the fairy,     Trinity, doctrine of, , , , , Uriah, , ,  usurpation,   truth persecuted, injuries of,  utility, motives of, truth, in the philosophy of Xenophanes,  ,  Valance, Tuck, Richard, xi, xxiv n, xxxiii values, those of Bayle, xxxvii–xl  Tundes (bishops), of Japan,  Vanini, Ucilio, his Life cited, n;  Turks and Tartars,  example of a theoretical atheist, Varillas, Antoine,  n,  n, , , Turnebus, Adrianus, on perfume and the ,  n,; his Histoire de divine nature, ; his Adversaria l’he´re´sie cited  n; ; his Histoire [Journal], cited,  n de Charles IX cited,  n,  n; Turretin, Franc¸ois, his Pyrrhonismus his Anecdotes de Florence cited, ; pontificius . . . [Pontifical Pyrrhonism his error concerning Mariana,  . . .] cited,  n Vassy, massacre of (),  Tycho Brahe, –,  n; see also Vavasseur, Father, his Epigrammate cited, S  n      tyranny, xix, xxxiv, , , , , ; vengeance, ,  can be replaced by another that is Venice,   worse, ; teaching of Aristotle on, Venus, , ; Ovid and pleasures of, ; that of Spain in the United     Provinces, – ; over minds – Verheiden, Caspar, ; his Elogia cited,  ; see also assassination; insurrection;  n; opinion on public importance  M of songs,  n; his Letter to tyrants, , ; ; authors who turn Sainte-Aldegonde,  kings into tyrants, ; Machiavelli’s Vesta, sister of Juno,  n defence of liberty against, ; Vienna, (Father Emeric) bishop of,  ancient and modern tyrants vigilance, precept of,  compared, ; whether tyrant may Vigneul-Marville (pseud. for Argonne, be overthrown, ; Mariana’s Noe¨l de), his Me´langes d’histoire et defence of rising against, –; his de litte´rature cited,  n system and its critics examined, Vindiciae contra tyrannos, , ,  –, –; all tyrants and all n, ; see also H; Junius nations included in his system, ; Brutus see also H;M; violence, xix, xxxvi, , , , ,  Vindiciae contra tyrannos Virgil,  n, ,  and n,  n; his


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Eclogues cited  and n; his Aeneid women made a cause by Loyola, cited,  n,  and n,  n; on ; why angered by obscene evil in the world,  utterances, , –; wretched Virgilius, archbishop or Arles,  when unhappily married,  and n; Virgin Mary (also Holy Virgin), , see also E;J; , ; see also J N, Marguerite of virtue, , ,  Wyat, Thomas, his conspiracy (–), Visigoths,   Voiture, M. de, on the chastity of the muses,  Xaca, ,  Voltaire, Franc¸ois Marie Arouet de, xix, Xaco (Iaco),  xli, editor of Anti-Machiavelli,  n Xavier, Francis, met setbacks in Japan,  Wallemburch, Messieurs de, supported    laws against heretics,  X , xxiv; – ; xxiv;   war, , ; those of David, –; biography, – ; on harm morally   systems of war and peace: jus belli considered (E) – ;on pacis, ; condemnation of David’s happiness, if joy prevails over grief   cruelties, – § ; internecine and pain, (F) – ; search for  warfare between nature’s elements, forbidden pleasures (H) ; failure –, –, ; and its living by Maimonides to address the   bodies, –; and human kind, question (K) – ; –; disorders of human race, in incomprehensibility as the system of   Ovid, –; why hard to Xenophanes (L) – ; evidence of renounce war, ; the greatest of senses and reason equally  moral evils, ; why ‘war on God’ questionable, and n; whether he central to theological doctrine, – was the first to support   ; why considered as the ‘devil’s incomprehensibility, – ; denial  turn to reign’, ; see also chaos; of a criterium veritatis, ;on   Mˆ  immutability of the eternal, – Wars of Religion, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, , Xiphilinus, Johannes, Epitome of Dio  , , ,  Cassius cited, n Warsaw, General Diet of,  Westphalia, Treaties of , xxvii youth, whether corrupted by reading William III of Orange, xxxii,  Suetonius, – women, , , , ; as parties to revolution in religion, ; regencies Zanchius, and Socinian sect, ; his of women, Hotman’s opinion on, preface to De Tribus Elohim cited, ;Juno and Virgin Mary equally  n indispensable to religion, –;in Zealand,  government are served more zealots,  assiduously than men, ; dissolute Zurich, 


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