CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: Edward Taub ADDRESS: Department of Psychology 712 CPM University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL 35294-0018 Tel. No.: (205) 934-2471 Fax: (205) 975-6140 Email:
[email protected] EDUCATION: B.A., Brooklyn College M.A., Columbia University Ph.D., New York University HONORS: 2012. The Estabrook Distinguished Research Scientist Award, Kessler Foundation. 2011, B.F. Skinner Lecture, Assoc. for Behavioral Analysis International (ABAI) President – Section J (Psychology), AAAS, 2009 CI therapy named by Soc. Neuroscience as 1 of 10 most exciting current lines of research in neuroscience (2005) Distinguished Scientific Award for the Applications of Psychology of the American Psychological Association (2004) CI therapy named by Soc. Neuroscience as 1 of top 10 Translational Neuroscience Accomplishments of 20th century (2003) Neal Miller Distinguished Research Lecture, American Psychological Association (2003) Leonard Diller Award, Division of Rehabilitation Psychology American Psychological Association (2001) Humboldt Fellow, Germany (2000 - 2005) William James Award, Amer. Psychol. Soc. (1997) Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction, Annual Award at Univ. Alabama at Birmingham (1997) Distinguished Scientist of 1996 Award, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Scientist of Year Award – National Animal Interest Alliance (1993) Pioneering Research Contributions Award (1989), Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Distinguished Research Award, Biofeedback Society of America (1988) Guggenheim Fellow (1983-1985) President, Biofeedback Society of America (1978) Fellow, five societies Executive Board, four societies PROFESSIONAL HISTORY: Professor to University Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1986-present Guest Professor to Standing Guest Professor, University of Konstanz, 1995-2004 1 Guest Professor to Standing Guest Professor, University of Jena, 1996-2004 Visiting Professor - Universities of Tuebingen, Muenster, Hamburg, Humboldt Univ.1993-2002.