THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF FOCAL INTERNATIONAL SPRING 2017 ISSUE NO. 101 Hero or monster? Documenting a Lebanese legend Saviours or pirates? The murky world of film collectors Singapore remembers 75 years on FOCAL’s 2017 Awards: Lifetime Achiever The nominations shortlist The Archive industry source for NEWS • FEATURES • EVENTS • REVIEWS FOCAL INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVE ZONES (ONLINE) ISSN 2398-1814 FEDERATION OF COMMERCIAL AUDIO VISUAL LIBRARIES SHOW STOPPERS The Irrepressible – Bill Nighy FremantleMedia Archive Email:
[email protected] Tel: +44(0)207 691 6733 EDITORIAL Editorial Contents So, we embark on a second century of Archive Zones with the usual tasty Features mix of history, technology, business and personal experiences. Our diverse Singapore remembers 75 years on 4 cast of contributors guarantees you Karma and Tibet’s digital archive 7 another really ‘good read’. They’re Woodfall’s ‘Accidental Curator’ 8 an eclectic bunch. The ‘Accidental Hero or monster? Documenting Curator’ working on digital outlets a Lebanese legend 16 for his ’60s and ’70s classic films. The Investing in sofa cinemas – ‘snapper up of unconsidered trifles’, and restoration 18 who shrewdly built his own ‘out-takes’ The Right life after BBC – archive. The ex-BBC rights developer meet Ben Green 20 Michael Archer who, after 20 years, decided to Peter Davis’ other world of ‘paddle his own canoe’. And FOCAL’s copyright legislation, we’ve got those out-takes 22 ‘Lifetime Achiever’ for 2017 whose covered too. journey took him from Bridge over the Technology River Kwai to Mysteries of the Archives. And, across our centrepages, we whet your appetites for the event that will Internationally, we have an ‘insider’ Big decisions for legacy dominate our next issue of AZ – the format owners 10 look at Singapore’s fascinating th FOCAL International Awards Analysing film scanner investment 11 exhibition marking the 75 anniversary 2017.