Leconte's Sparrow Breeding in Michigan and South Dakota
Vol.lOa7 54]I WALKINSt/AW,Leconte's S2arrow Breeding inMichigan 309 LECONTE'S SPARROW BREEDING IN MICHIGAN AND SOUTH DAKOTA BY LAWRENCE H. WAL•SHXW Plates 21, 22 LXTItXMfirst describedLeconte's Sparrow (Passerherbulus caudacutus) from the interior of Georgiain 1790 (1). On May 24, 1843, Audubon(2) collecteda specimenalong the upper Missouri,but it was nearly thirty years before another specimenwas taken (in 1872) by Dr. Linceceumin WashingtonCounty, Texas (3). The followingyear, 1873, Dr. Coues(4) took five specimenson August9, betweenthe Turtle Mountainsand the Mouseor SourisRiver in. North Dakota, and a sixth on September9, at Long CoteauRiver, North Dakota. Sincethat time many ornithologists havecovered the favoritehabitat of the species,and its breedingrange and winter distributionhave been gradually discovered. The A. O. U. Check-listof 1886gave the rangeas "From the plainseast- ward to Illinois, So. Carolina, and Florida, and from Manitoba south to Texas" (5). The 1931Check-llst (6) states:"Breeds in the Canadianand Transitionzones from Great Slave Lake, Mackenzie,southern Saskatche- wan, and Manitoba southward to North Dakota and southern Minnesota. Winters from southernKansas, southern Missouri, and westernTennessee to Texas, Florida, and the coastof South Carolina, and occasionallyto North Carolina. Casualin Ontario, Illinois and New York; accidentalin Idaho, Utah and Colorado." In Canadathe specieshas beenfound breeding in the easternpart of Alberta(7, 8, 9, 10). I foundit onJune 17, 1936,along the western shores of Buffalo Lake only a few miles from Bashawin central Alberta. On a visit to this areaon June20, an undoubtednest of the specieswas found, but heavy rains, which precededthese visits, had floodedthe entire area and destroyedall of the groundnests in the region.
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