January 1958 the National HORTICULTUR .·\L Magazine
TIIE N A..TIONA..L ~GA'Z , INE 0 & JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, INC. * January 1958 The National HORTICULTUR .·\L Magazine *** to accumulate, Increase, and disseminate horticultural information *** OFFICERS EDITOR STUART M. ARMSTRONG, PR ESIDENT B. Y. MORRISON Silver Spring, Maryland MANAGING EDITOR HENRY T. SKINNER, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Washington, D.C. JAM ES R . H ARLOW MRS. i'VAL TER DOUGLAS, SECON D VICE-PRESIDENT EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Chauncey, New York I/:;- Phoenix, Arizona i'VALTER H . HOD GE, Chairman EUGENE GRIFFITH, SECRETARY JOH N L. CREECH Takoma Pm'k, Maryland FREDERIC P. LEE MISS OLIVE E. WEA THERELL, TREASURER CONRAD B. LINK Olean, New York & W ashington, D.C. CURTIS IVIA Y DIRECTORS The National Horticultural Maga zine is the official publication of the Te?'ms Expiring 1958 American Horticultural Society and is Stuart lVI. Armstrong, Mm'yland iss ued four times a year during the John L. Creech, Maryland qu arter s commencing with J anuary, Mrs. Peggie Schulz, Min nesota April, July and October. It is devoted to the dissemination of knowledge in R. P. iJ\Thite, Dist?'ict of Columbia the sc ience and art of growing orna Mrs. H arry Wood, Pennsylvania mental plants, fruits, vegetables, and rela ted subjects. Original papers increasing the his· T erms Expiring 1959 torical, varietal, and cultural knowl Donovan S. Correll, T exas edges of plant materials of economic and aesthetic importance are wel Frederick VV. Coe, Mm'yland comed and will be published as early Miss Margaret C. Lancaster, MG1'yland as possible. The CHairman of the ~ di · Mrs.
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