St. Lawrence's Church

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St. Lawrence's Church Montiglio Monferrato 9 St. Lawrence Piovà Massaia St. Lawrence’s Church Santi Sebastiano e Fabiano Santi Pietro e Giorgio Sant’Emiliano San Martino ® Montiglio Monferrato di Castelvero Scandeluzza 9 Cunico tourism in the heart Colcavagno of Piedmont Piea Santi Nazario e Celso The numbering of the church refers to the General map of the romanesque network of the hills (RRC) Information points and contacts: Albugnano (AT), Abbey of Vezzolano How to get to and visit St. Lawrence’s Church: tel. +39 3331365812 C/o the cemetery, Montiglio Monferrato (AT). GPS coordinates: Lat. 45.0623423 | Long. 8.1050185 Open the first Sunday of each month in the period from April to October, supervised by RRC volunteers. Facebook: turismo InCollina On request on other days. Information: +39 3356915703 - +39 3274949241 IAT Montiglio Monferrato +39 0141994008 +39 3917277165 Romanesque network of the hills promotes knowledge and use Info Comune: ® of the romanesque heritage of the local areas between the River Po and the Monferrato Hills. Local attractions in and around Montiglio Monferrato: - Montiglio Monferrato Castle; With the collaboration of: Indicazioni cromatiche per la riproduzione del logo Quadricromia: RGB: html y 7% R 228 # a73534 K 15% G 226 - Church of Saints Sebastian and Fabian, Scandeluzza; B 217 Quadricromia RGB html c 20% R 170 # dddcd0 m 90% G 48 y 80% B 44 - Colcavagno Castle; k 20% - Church of Saints Victor and Corona, Colcavagno; - Church of Saints Peter and George, Piovà Massaia; - Church of Saints Nazarius and Celsus, Montechiaro d’Asti With the support of: - Piea Castle. Municipalities and Parishes of Albugnano, Andezeno, Brusasco, Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Cavagnolo, Local events and shows: Cerreto, Cortazzone, Marentino, - Regional Festival of the Truffle, October, Montiglio Monf.; Mombello di Torino, Montafia, ® Montiglio Monferrato, Tonengo. - Patron Saint’s festival of St. Lawrence, August, Montiglio Monf.; Texts and photos by Associazione InCollina © 2018 Abbeys and churches between - Moncirco, from October to April, Montiglio Monferrato. Translation: Wall Street English, Chieri (TO) the River Po and Monferrato Description of the local area that immediately catch the eye of the visitors as they enter the The church stands at the end of the tree-lined entrance road to church, however, are the cruciform pillars, capitals and arches the cemetery area, in the hills (260 m.a.s.l.) about 600 metres of the central nave, the only authentic part of the romanesque south-east of Montiglio, on the western face of the Versa valley. building, “realm of harmony in diversity”. The row of pillars on the north side features half-columns towards the central nave, while the row on the south has wide, flat pilasters. The bases of the pillars on the north have a rounded shape, while those on the south are parallelepiped shaped. Looking at the last but one pillar on the right, where part of the wall cladding between the chapels has been removed, evidence can be seen of the original basilica layout of the church, with three naves. The decoration can be seen on the side of the capital facing the old side nave, which has now the centre of the façade, which features protruding tiers, there is a been replaced by the chapels; the original wall structure covered rose window, above the durmast door. There is a second entrance with blocks of stone can also be seen. on the south side of the rectangular room. The structure of the walls consists of blocks of dressed stone, which was also used for the side chapels, while in the apse there are alternating bands of stone and rows of bricks. The side walls carry the marks of headstones, which were once fixed to the masonry. More ancient building elements can still be made out Historical details in the texture of the wall masonry. The roof, with Piedmontese St. Lawrence’s Church was first mentioned in a list of pieve curved tiles laid on a timber frame, is gabled with pavilion over churches in the Vercelli area in the Xth century. In the mid-1300s, the nave, a single pitch on the side chapels, three pitches on the its plebeian jurisdiction covered a dozen churches in the area. rectangular rooms and a semi-dome on the apse. At the end of the 1400s it passed from the diocese of Vercelli to The external decorations are quite modest on the north side, but the new diocese of Casale. In 1577 the church seemed to have more elaborate on the south (2), consisting of a crown of hanging become just a cemetery church and no longer suitable for parish arches interwoven with corbels sculpted in various fashion, functions and a new church was built for that. Over the two surmounted by a cornice decorated with vegetation themes. following centuries the building underwent restoration work, 3. The crown on the apse consists of two bands of bricks and which changed its architectural features to a greater extent than stone, enclosing a diamond shaped decoration alternating in many other romanesque churches in the Monferrato area In terracotta and stone, above which there is a billet style cornice, a The capitals, which are of a high standard of modelling and particular, documents from the last decades of the 1700s show motif which recurs inside the building as well. decoration, are full of subjects that recur in mediaeval symbolism, a evidence of repeated spells of neglect followed by rebuilding, 4. The central nave is covered by a barrel vault ceiling in bricks, direct means of communication to the faithful: serpents, demonic during which the architectural features of the original building the vaults over the side chapels are in three segments, again in monsters, tempting mermaids with twin tails and, placed over the were altered quite noticeably. bricks, there is a wooden ceiling over the side rooms and the apse central capitals, images of the lamb and the chimera, symbols of A plan ante-dating the work done from 1788-96 (a copy of which is has a semi-dome vaulted ceiling in exposed bricks. The features good and evil; these sculptures, which are probably more ancient, kept in the official Superintendency archives) shows the cemetery were perhaps originally located on the façade. with the church with three apses and three large naves. At the end The vegetation and geometrical decorations that complete the of the 1800s, the church had a neo-classical façade, which was N symbolic ones are reminiscent of the other romanesque churches demolished and replaced with the present-day one during major in the area, especially the abbey of Santa Fede di Cavagnolo. restoration work carried out between 1952 and 1959. The floor is in concrete and the recently constructed altar in stone on a brick pedestal. Description As a result of the radical transformations undergone over the Interesting fact centuries, the building today features a single nave (15.5 m long 1 4 3 The stone used together with the terracotta in building the and 8 m wide), flanked by six semi-hexagonal chapels, each with church is the so-called “Pietra da Cantoni”, a particular, locally a single opening, and, in the presbytery area, two rectangular found, marl-limestone rock, which is soft and easy to work with rooms protruding from the church perimeter; in the centre, on the when freshly quarried, but hardens over time in contact with the east side, there is a semi-circular apse, separated into three areas air. Since this area was covered by the sea millions of years ago, it by two pilasters. is not uncommon to find fossil remains from extremely remote 2 1. The entrance, placed on the west face is in line with the hall. At geological eras inside the stones..

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    1. Individuazione delle zone sismiche su base comunale 1.1. Zona sismica 3S Comprende 44 comuni, di cui 2 in provincia di Cuneo, 40 in provincia di Torino e 2 in provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola. PROVINCIA DI TORINO 1. Angrogna 11. Garzigliana 21. Pinasca 31. Salza di Pinerolo 2. Bibiana 12. Giaveno 22. Pinerolo 32. San Germano Chisone 3. Bobbio Pellice 13. Inverso Pinasca 23. Pomaretto 33. San Pietro Val Lemina 4. Bricherasio 14. Luserna S. Giovanni 24. Porte 34. San Secondo di Pinerolo 5. Campiglione-Fenile 15. Lusernetta 25. Prali 35. Sant'Antonino di Susa 6. Cantalupa 16. Macello 26. Pramollo 36. Torre Pellice 7. Coazze 17. Massello 27. Prarostino 37. Usseaux 8. Cumiana 18. Osasco 28. Roletto 38. Villar Focchiardo 9. Fenestrelle 19. Perosa Argentina 29. Rora' 39. Villar Pellice 10. Frossasco 20. Perrero 30. Roure 40. Villar Perosa PROVINCIA DI CUNEO PROVINCIA DEL VERBANO-CUSIO-OSSOLA 1. Bagnolo Piemonte 1. Baceno 2. Limone Piemonte 2. Crodo 1.2. Zona sismica 3 Comprende 365 comuni, di cui 115 in provincia di Alessandria, 3 in provincia di Asti, 133 in provincia di Cuneo, 86 in provincia di Torino, 27 in provincia del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola e 1 in provincia di Vercelli. PROVINCIA DI ALESSANDRIA 1. Acqui Terme 31. Cassinelle 61. Momperone 91. Rocchetta Ligure 2. Albera Ligure 32. Castellania 62. Mongiardino Ligure 92. Sale 3. ALESSANDRIA 33. Castellar Guidobono 63. Monleale 93. San Cristoforo 4. Alice Bel Colle 34. Castellazzo Bormida 64. Montacuto 94. San Sebastiano Curone 5. Alluvioni Cambio' 35. Castelletto d'Orba 65. Montaldeo 95. Sant'Agata Fossili 6.
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