EMBARGOED UNTIL: March 29, 2016 For more information contact: Lauren Strayer Director of Communications (202) 420-7928
[email protected] Democracy Fund Announces Bipartisan National Advisory Committee WashinGton, D.C. – Today, the Democracy Fund announced the formation of its bipartisan National Advisory Committee, which will provide advice on orGanizational initiatives and assess strateGic opportunities to advance the Fund’s work to ensure the American people come first in our political system. Advisors include former White House and elected officials, as well as esteemed leaders from government, academia, and advocacy – reflectinG siGnificant political and demographic diversity. The Democracy Fund’s inauGural National Advisory Committee includes: • Hon. Robin Carnahan, Senior Advisor and Head of the State and Local Practice at 18F and former Secretary of State of Missouri. • Hon. Tom Davis, former U.S. Representative from the state of VirGinia, former Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and former Chair of the Government Reform and OversiGht Committee. • Mindy Finn, a veteran diGital and technoloGy strateGist, Senior Advisor to IMGE, and founder and president of Empowered Women, has operated at the intersection of media, politics and tech for some of the world’s most well-known public fiGures and brands including President George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, the Republican National Committee, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Republican Governor’s Association, Twitter, and GooGle. • Juleanna Glover, Senior Advisor at Teneo IntelliGence who has served on the senior staffs of then President-elect George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, presidential candidates Steve Forbes and John McCain, and then Senator John Ashcroft.