Turkey Information Sheet American Overseas Dietetic Association By Fusun ATAYATA National dietetic association address, contact name for credentialing verification: Turkish Dietetic Association, formed in 1969, aims to improve and protect the occupational justice and status of the members, to promote activities aimed at improving all scientific, technical and professional interest of its members, to ensure the prestige, ethics and practise of the profession, to increase nutritional knowledge of public by media etc. Those who have successfully completed the undergraduate "Nutrition & Dietetics" programmes of the universities are eligible to be a member of the Association. There are currently 3000 dieticians (est.) in Turkey, out of which 1700 are members, female dieticians being the majority. The Association is a member of Turkish Medical Association, EFAD (European Federation of the Associations of Dieticians) and ICDA (International Confederation of Dietetic Associations). It also has contact with other health related associations (Association of Biologists, Physiotherapists, Nurses etc.). The Association has 3 official subdivisions in Istanbul, Izmir and Antalya, while the head office is located in Ankara. Turkey has 25 Nutrition and Dietetics Faculty. 1. H.Tanju Besler PhD Professor (
[email protected] ) is head of the University of Hacettepe, Division of Nutrition and Dietetics in Ankara. 2. Murat Bas PhD Professors (
[email protected]) is head of the University of Baskent, Division of Nutrition and Dietetics in Ankara. 3. Neriman Inanc PhD Professor (
[email protected]) is head of the University of Erciyes, Division of Nutrition and Dietetics in Kayseri. 4. Yasemin Beyhan PhD Professor (
[email protected] ) is head of the University of Halic, Division of Nutrition and Dietetics in Istanbul.