Ingham County News November 18, 1954 -Page 3

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Ingham County News November 18, 1954 -Page 3 ' Wmner of 1954 Mtchigan Press 1 General Excellonce Award .·u nty Ne' WI 5QpJ1ngp~~u~;n:~;:y the MasotJ Senior Play 0 Thursday and friday Nights. C ' Ninety-Fifth Year, No. 46 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, November 18, 1954 4 Sections - 26 Pages She Found Golden fleece --------.----.. Newsl11dex Lawyers Seek · Want arts, Pnges G and 7, Put•t L. Residents Ask Rhoda Kelly Sings of Greece ANN RENJ~l~ l~OBmNS, 8, 1ow~s het• Iltth Soclnl news, Par:cs ~ und 5, New Trial for Boals who will quici,Jy gmw up into "big boots as llill'i< fl'om a Hllmmer HPC'nt In Purl 1; Pngo 4, Part 2. ' C:JI'I'<'r•, Hlwrtn Kr>!ly IH Joyously Churc•h news, Page 5, Putt 2. he is a Boxer. lie's a son of Muggsy, u family pet Fancier Lights Hlllf.pllg lhl' Pl'llhcH of the people LettcJ•s, page 3, Part 2. Renee is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. R. Rob· of thnt andcnt lund She !ounrt Editorials, Page 2, Part 4. Mason Woman bins. She's in the third gmde., Beside het• ls r t lw Gnlrten I•'IPcr·c• .mel !~arm news, Pages 4 and 5, Br.cm1se the flliher-ln·law nf cousin, Cordelia, the duugh!et· of Mt·, and Mrs For Boulevard in II, slw H<ilcl, were liospltallty Pnrt 4. J~nwood Stowe served on the t:lam Cotton, She's G and a fil'sl-gl'Uclet• al the If boulevru II folks want liornc anrt love> of IJI'Cilom, Legal notlccs, Page 8, Pnrt nil jury panel, Mrs. Mazgaret Jor­ Webb school in Aurelius. Boots is (i weeks old of'thosc fnnc,v houlr.v.u·d llghiH In 1; Page G, Purl 3; Page G, Part dan, 39, of Mason Is seel1lng 11 Miss Kl'lly Wds nnl In GzecrP 11. Renee wanted lt plainly understood that neithet r:o with their ll!'W l'lllhs dJHI gut­ as .1 to111lst <:Ju• spl'nt tho sum nrow trlnl. Stowe's fnther··ill·luw Boots nor Mur;gs.v itJ fm· sale. I<'Js. Two of them told dty llll'l' o!IHI fall 1111'11' dS a gtl!•st In did nnl sit in judgment on Mrs. 1ourwllmr.n Mourlny ulghl that Grer.l< homco,~ She lolled will! .Tnrrlan, however., who wns con· they Woilll !11 get rid of the Jli!'S· Grr.PI<s In lhr•Jr lll'lrls, She wruiH•rl vktecl of manslaughter as the l'P.· cut wnmlcn polr.s that m.rr the wllli tiwm In thPIJ l<ilelwns, She Banks Send Out suit of Stnwc's rleath. IH•auty of M.1son's houlc\•ard, at IPnriPd fp,p,js with I hem and nc- Mrs, ,Jordan wns r.enlencrd by Sl'iuryler Smlt h, houlcvm r1 1 nmpanli•d smm· f<~mlhcs lo thciJ· Holiday Checks .Judge Murvin .J. Snlmon Octohr.r JPslriL'nl, lolrlthe r'oirncil thr. siiPPJI pastiiJ!'s high in lhr• moun· 28 to serve frnrn 2 U. to l!i ycal's lrllc Alherl I 1,111 r•xp1 r.s•,Jy dcsh l'rl I:tins. Sill' SJH•nl fl om a few rlays Smart fol11s who have hhcn In tile Detroit !Inusc of Co!'l'ec houlrv.n rl IIJ:hts tri hiH suh· " In sl'l'r'rdl Wf'Pi<•, with different saving monr!y lhrollgh ChriRtmm: tlon, EillC wns taken to prison the rllvlslnn lie al~n hart pl<iJIIJCd on tamliii'S In all pails of GJCerc. ~.tvlngs rluhs nil ycm will split a same day to begin her senlencr.. UlU)er grn1111rf WlJ'Jng [OJ' IJJC Sill' 1eltlllll'd wllli o1 deep and $!iG,Illltl pic Ji<J•fdny mmnlng. The If the nr!w tr~al I~; gJ'flnterl or If light:., Smlt h si.Jicrl. Tl11• Wdl' • alllrllng lovl' lol .1 people who D.trt Nitllonal bani< and tile rlenlal scnrlH .111 anpertl to tlw illlcnuplrod the r·nrnpleiJon of lhl' dwrish tllPir li'PC'clom al10vc life 1~111 mc1 R bani< put their Christ· sunrcme court, her Jawy<"rs In· mnstcr plun for the hotllc•v,ud, he IIM•II, whn 11\1' happily Wllh llttlr., mas savings checks In the mull lend to ask that Mrs. Jordan he HdfrJ whose• thrift <IIIII flugallly keep Thursday. freed on hond. ,. Gil' II ('non, C'nnstlllll'l s Power tlwm alrvP in a land so ofll'n laid The chccl<s were prepared Charr:crl with first degree mu1·· ('n IJJnrwh lll.JnA~tCI', Hald wast!' hy war and whose siJU~· f•'rnnl<flll I. Patri(•fa Is Mrs ahout 2 wcelts early this yem·, dcr, a jury returned a vcrrllct of lln\V \VcrhlPsrio~v I hat his mmpany Is glcs <~g<~lnst li'Yl'anny l1avc given .John Moore. Iler husbdrHI Is a nceordlng to Albert Humphrey, manslaughter. If a new trial Is mo1e ti1.111 willing to sell the r'lty them a flm ec prldl' llcutcn.Jnl ln the U. .•ll'lny. c ,tslucr at the Dart National grant crt, her lawyers Insist she ~1 lwulcv.ud lighting. IIC' IJ.ts ar­ The rendezvous for Em opcan bani<, 111 order to put the cash In not be trier! on either first M1ss 1\PIIy, a student HI Mlehi· ranger! •l meeting with rllst rlr't IFYE youths was Che1 bourg 111 clreulatlon 111 plenty of time for degree or seconrl degree murder, f(Hn Sl.iiC' roiiPg!•, was l'iHb!'ll as f'lltn]mnv o[lld.lls olllfl til(' Mason l"lllll<'C, They•rJprf the Queen C'hrlstmas huyi11g. In the past, but only on manslaughter, • .1 l'l'[IJ'r>sentalrvP of !lo'YE !IniPr 1 c•Jiy c nwrc•ll I 01' Mond.t~ night. natlonoJI F1111n Youth Exl'ildngel, Eli:-..Jhclh there anrl aruvcd llljthc ehccl1s were handed out the Lr.nwood Stowe, <10, Mason, was New Yorl< November 8. TiH'Y frrst week In December. With the l<illcd on Doble road ncar the ltq:lll now, t'oon r•xtll,Jincli, ll11• She was pic J,pl{ her·nuse of hct 1 woorJPn pole:, on the houlcv.Jrd f,IJ m lhtr lq~l ounrJ oliHI her l'CCOI'rl Wr!J'e In New Yorl< 3 d.tys at lengthening •of the Clulslmas Stowe f.trm on the morning of Il~YE hc,trlquarleis, making JC· season, a lot of customers have May 2 after hl' and Mrs .Jordan cost I he tlly noth111g cxr•ept fm· of ·I·Il ,l('hJcvc•mPnl anrl li'llrlr.r­ c'UI rPnl ll'•('ci. J lnwcvPI', stc1•l sllip. Sl11• Is a rlallghtroJ' of Mr. ports of then· s11mmer's cxp!'JJ· requested the earlier date, he had quarrclcrl. Hr. Wits hit h.\' cnccs. Miss Kelly, John Fi1•st .111rl s1ml. Mrs Jordan's car. The stale polrs WotJhl 1'0~ t I he ('Jiy .Jrldr­ o1nrl Mrs Luke 1\clly, 181S IIaga tJOJMI .Is Ill IIIC JldSI, he saJd. clorn Io<~d Norman Laakso oi Chatham fl11· Clmstnias saving-s arc up $10,-J claimed she Intended to stl'll\c spent the summer in l<'mlanrl J 000 In M,160n over labt year. A Jordan with her car. She lnsist~d A steel polr• wrlh 2SOO lumen WhiiP her f.ttlwr wns assigned 'lght1ng woulrl 1ost the dtv $25 to Indm llllfif'l thr. l'o1nt Fotu· came on to East Lansing lo total of $46,000 was In Chrlstmas Isl1c bore no mallcro toward Sto.wc 1 yc.1r. A pole Willi li,IJOO t'umr.n progr,un sl11• lcrl!'lwd aho11t Inrlw gclhcr. They aruvcrl Frlday n<>on savrngs at the 2 banl<s a yc,tr and had no mtent1on of striking At the hcgolllnllll-: o!' the next ago. him. 'lghlllu~ r•osts $41 boule by ltvJnr: thPtl' _Then came the varrl fixtures with 2 oz· :1 mms opputliii!Jly to 11:'11111 ahout Greei'C' term Mr~s Kelly plnns to resume While many users of the Christ-, Th~.molion Ior n nc':".trin~ was her sturllcs at Mrch•r:an Stala. mas savings dub system use flied lur!srlny hy IIow,ucJ A. Me· mlf(hl 1o•,[ 11)1 to $1 SO, Coon CHI!· as 11n II•'YE representative She mated tool; it With 12 otlwrs hound lor As soon ns she gets settled their money for buying Christ- Cowan of Mason. He consulter! Europp and tiw Middle East, Mzss clown a bit she intends In write a mas presents, others usc It to with Mrs Jordan nt the House of "Willie out· c lllllflany mnJ(e<; a Kf'lly s.lill'rl on the Ilnllan Conte piece for· the paper, tclimg about pay property taxe•,, Income taxes Correction Sunclay, Bcmjamm F. ~olrr y of not OV{]J'·selling ell ics on Dlanc.mamo. Tlw ship stopped <1! lhc last few wcel<s of her :;tay In .tnd some just turn It over tnlo Watson, L.msln:,: lawyer, is as­ ~It eel IJght ing, we ill!' dllXJous tn c:llll'altm anrl then went nn to Greece and dboul her joumcy their regular savings accounts, socJntccl with McCowan in the ~ell <~nv t.vtm nl lighting city offl· Pale! mo, Italy, he fore docking .ll home, Mzss Kelly p1 omised oiTlcinls explained. Joz dun case. "ials wr~nL" Coon !-l!lid. "We're N.1p!Ps Ftom N.tpiPs the Ingham Mrs.
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