Anti- Proje Sai to Have Locked Him from the Bedroom, Fire on West John Street and Went Back to Slee Nassau County Executive Thomas S Gulot- Building Mr
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ai. #C2 63 13555506713091130 5 cy HCKSWL LT BRARY/SAZE Counci ave Commu 1693 JERUSALEM Meet Marc at HICKSVILLE Libra ) “Crimes Against Women” will be discuss- ed at the Hicksville Communi-y Council Cis v iy meeting on Thursda March 3a 8 p.m. in the Hicksville Public Librar Community Room. Nassau County polic officer Pan Olsen of the Community Project Burea will feature a discussion on person safet in the home, ILLUS inthe car and on the street. This program may als be of interest to the men in the audience. Also presentin a program at the meeting willbe Bernard B. Steinlauf of Montauk Tax. Incorporating The Hicksville Edition of.the.Mid- island Herald Anton Ni With all the recent in the tax laws Community change Vol. 2__No. 38 Thursday, February 25, 1988 50¢ ©19Rights Reserved. Central Off Loislan and tax forms, this year’ return should pro- ve to be more complicated then ever. Mr. in Steinlauf will discuss these chang and will Newlyw Charg answer questions. ncilman Tom Clark will conduct a Attempt Murder By A. ANTHONY MILLER A Bethpa truck driver has been charge with the attempte murder of his wife in their ten Refresh will be served. home o Valentine’s Day Police were initiall told that the woman had been mysteriousl attacked while she slep in her bed, but Burn Av Honor several da later, felt the had enoug evidence to arrest the husband and charge Founder Da Recipie him with the crime. The incident, which parallele closel the This year’ Burns Avenue Elementar tragic case of Lisa Solomon in Huntingto last School Founder&# Day recipients are Stuart December, bega to unfold at 9a.m. Februa Blumner and Cath Corrado. 1 when, polic say, the received call that Mr. Blumner joine the Hicksville School 24-year- Anne Marie Porcella had been District as a physic education teacher in 195 found in her basement apartment in at Fork Lane School. In 1959 he moved to ¢ with multiple injuries. She was Burns Avenue as a classroom teacher He has pr l beaten, probabl with a blunt in- taugh political science, departmental eal on the head according to pulice science and th sixth Mr. Blumner is grad Asouree close tothe investi ‘ation said noted for his plannin and executing of “mov- the husband became a suspect after Mrs. ing up” exercise for more than 1 years at Porcella told polic that she had a dinner date Burns Avenue. with her husband the nig before, and that Mrs, Corrado is presentl the vice presi- he stood her up. Mr. Porcella is said to have dent of the Bums Avenue PTA. She has taugh En nturearcee apiece te children C.C.D. lessons for six years and has a fora Conrad’s,abar near the bee leade for anothe six years. Porcella said he left the bar Browniean tou . Mr. PTAshe hasbe oncom- —-—~—— ‘th at 2:304.m., and then went riding until5a,m,_ refreshments, - when he was dropped.of at his The husban also reportedl told polic at Mrs. Co graduatio that, because he had stood his wife up; he was rado has also been a clas mother for three initially reluctant to enter the home, but did years, so at about 6 a.m. The entry awakened Mrs. Porcella, and there was reportedl an angry Frank TO nder Alfred Alex Genna and (bottem) for PAT DIERSON, Brian ards Eustin, confrontation, durin which the wife tald her Funds Awarded Pitashow off their a TrianglePark last week during winter vacation. colorfulskateb husband she wanted a divorce. She then is Anti- Proje sai to have locked him from the bedroom, Fire on West John Street and went back to slee Nassau County Executive Thomas S Gulot- Building Mr. Porcella told polic he slep on the ‘Town of until about Oyste Ba Supervisor The Hicksville Fire Departme respond- in plastics, was brought under control ingo couch in the livin room 9 a.m., announced the a when he was awakened noise in the Delligatti toda i ed toa building fire at Universal Products, 495 minutes. The damag was approximatel by ~ Of in a anti-substance abuse bedroom, found his wife $126, speci West Joh St. on Februa 11 at about 9 $75,00 and o entering it, for the Aid Direction, Inc. of goa Porcella said that she grant Hel The first engin to arrive immediate stret At thescene, under the direction of Gerr bloodied. Mrs. Hicksville for a demonstration her and had one-year Ged nose lines ccitiierrear dl the buldi O' were 80 fire fighter and eigh piece awakened to find blood on head recollection of the attack itself. project. helpin to contain the fire to a production apparatus. Mutual aid assistance was give no “The be way andalcohol and One officer tha she either to prevent drug area and stopping what could have been ex- ¢ Bethpag Plainview, Westbur sle abuse is to educate our children that the made school- tensive dama to this two level structure. ice Fire Departments. throughth attack, or beatin to intervention services forthem details. an provid The fire, which was caused b spillege of her amnesiac, blockin out while their are still small;’ Mr. Gulot- Th said that the victim’s husband problem Cumar R-10 a produc used in manufactur- -Karl Schweitzer source ta said. of three months, Thomas, 30, a truck driver, The grant, under contract tothe County’ had initially spoke to police. Hi sister, of Drug and Alcohol Addiction, Intersection Construction on Broadwa however, who is said to be a third- law provide $126,3 for a one yea period, student at a Queens |law school, retained the retroactive to Jul 1, 198 and running throug services of an attorney for her brother, after Ju 30, 1988. which he declined any further comment. This speci anti-substance abuse grant, Police did say that all bedroom windows which focuses on prevention and education, were secure locked, and the found neither is for innovative new initiatives, anew com- sign of forced entry nor wéapon ponent to the currentl operating program As the newlywe continued her recovery or for fundin of any needed speciali in the at Nassau County Medical Center, polic ar- programs.a tions were offered rested her husband and charged him with at- wallto ‘Nassau’ school districts, school-based tempte murder. programs and community- substance Thomas Porcella was picke up on the abuse programs. evening of Februar 1 at New Hop a dru treatment center in Marlborough New Jerse and brough back to Nassau County Memorial Da Plans after he waived extradition. Formall arrested he is charged with attempted The Henry Biel Post #46 Masonic War at 8:3 p.m., murder in the attackon. refewhase Veterans, will host a second meeting for the skull fracture after been plannin of the Hicksville Memorial Da acompress havin hit four times on the head. Parade. This meeting will be held on Mon- Inspector Don White of the Nassa police da March 1 at thé Hicksville Masonic Tem- said that polic have questione Mr. Porcella ple 1 West Nicholai St., at 8 p.m. Represen- and recovered some physica evidence. In- tatives from various veteran&# organizations now underw on Broad (Route 107), accor- White did not elaborate. The accused aske to attend. spector are ding toRobert Resendahl, spokesperson for New York Department of Transportation. The Mineola wish march was arraign Februa 1 b District All organization who to on which includes traffic signals and smoothing down sharp construction, “synchronizing Jud Ralp Franco, who remanded Memorial Day May 30, are asked to contact corners, is scheduled to be completed by December 1988,” Mr. Rosendahl said Pohim to jail without court ap- the parad chairman, post commander David lanes willalsobe created if necessary. “We notte work during peak tratfie perleds, pend tr a ‘continued on page 2 Henderson at Sergas soon as possibl added. N + 25 “1905 Baye-2 Hicksville Blustrated News - Hicksville, New Bor Cnesday, Februaky Newlyw Cha in Attem Murder continued from page Merchant of the Wee pearance Februar 22. Mr Porcella appear before Judg Robert Barou of Resource Inc. E Dolan on Monday mornin and the case Irene Integrat was continued, with a felon examination set By CATHERINE TOKAR for Februar 24. different incomes and careers, have one thing Inspector White, at a press conference Peop all across America, of ages, They this dream with the arrest, said that the accused had in common: The desire to b financially independen share will never achieve the kind of financial moved from the marital residence the da millions of Americans, yet, most people had entered about. Almost will though b takin after the attack, and voluntarily successand security the dream everyone try, that the New Jerse dru center. Police said th first step— work hard. However, they fail to take the very next important Mr. Porcella told them he had a dru abuse work. do not put their money to other step— but did not release any d “gj is to make my proble P “My approac clients that cocaine was involved. than noting comfortable through proper planning so A at Nassau Medical Center, hard spokesma their money can be mad to work as said that Mrs. Porcella’s condition - for them as the work for it,’ explaine has been upgrade to “fair”, and tha she is Irene Barouh, a certified financial planner unit. no long in the intensive care } and of Integrated ) register representati Resources Equity Corporation, a nation- wid financial services firm. The company | & consists of a network of 3,500 represen- from a tatives who help clients choose wide variety of superior programs developed by Integrated and other qualified firms.