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Infectiwasstora now.aftera Rev Grant Celebrates 13001634305871180 **CR 43 20 Year as Pasto Of HCKSVL PUBLIC LIBRARY 169 JERUSALEM AVE Lutheran -HICKS HICKSVILLE Rede NY 11801 HIS. Incorporating The Hicksville Edition of the Mid-Island Herald NEWS ©1987 Anton Community Ni of island Vol. 2 No. 14 Thursday, September 3, 1987 50¢ All Rights Reserved. pod Phone: 747-8262 InfectiWas Stora Cas Resolve By RITA LANGDON F The Town of Oyster Ba has issued a restraining order on American Medical Waste System that prohibits the presence of any infectious material a its Duffy Avenue REV. DR. THEODORE S. GRANT is site, a town attorney said recently. celebrating 20 years as pastor of the According to Irving A. Cohn, PC., attorney Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hicksville. for the Town of Oyste Ba a decision was reached ata court on 26that all Acommunion service will be held in honor hearin Aug, “red material was to be removed from of the Rev, Dr. Theodore S Grant wh is bag AMWS, formerly V & Rubbish Removal celebrati 20 yearsas pastor of the Redeemer andno Lutheran Church. Company Inc., b midnight Aug 29, new infectious material was to be brough The service will take plac on Sunda Sept onto the premises. 6 at 9:30a.m. at the church, 17 New South Rd. Formore than twomonths, the Duff Park Hicksville. : Civic Association and many other local civic Rev. Grant’s Background groups have bee protesting AMWS, located Rev. who was raised farm Grant, ona in East at 344 Duff Ave., Hicksville, for itsstorage of Meadow, attended Hempstea Hig School. infectious hospita waste material. He was graduated from Adelphi University Th civic associations have been concem- in.gso and later served in the Armed Forces. ed with “airborne viruses” which may pose He was ordained Lutheran minister in 1955 athreat to students at Old Country Road and after he was graduate from Gettysbur Burns Avenue Elementary Schools, nearb Lutheran Seminar in Gettysbur Pa. Later, residential homes, as well as visitors of he became assistant pastor of St. Paul’s Cantiague Park accordin to Kath Del Rosso, Lutheran Church i York, Pa. Rev. Grant then B president of Duffy Civic. served subsequentl at Epiphan Lutheran ASPECIAL MOMENT for Karyn Sanginarioof Hicksvillewhocongratulatesh In a letter addressed to Mrs. Del Rosso in gene Church in Laurelton, Queens and St. Luke’s Sister Maureen Chase, 0.P., co-director of the Catho Chaplaincy atthe NassauCounty mid-July, Larry Lawrence, manager Medical Sister Ma her ‘Ser- of AMWS said “thaton oral Nov. Lutheran Churchin Woodhaven, Queens. He Center, pr 1,198 vice to children at the medical center. Th Community Award, given by the all businesses to the of in- then came to Redeemer Lutheran in 196 Civilian relating handling American FederationofPolice, presented.oSiste Maureen for Rev. licensed social re- w -fectious wastes will be removed from the Grant,.a worker, care. she tochildrenMassap the exceptional gave ”.Mrs. Del Rosso said that she felt ceived an M.S.S. degre from Adelphi in social | PB AMWS shouldbe out of the community work, He also received a doctorate in ministry “l amabsolutely thrilled and relieved” about from San’ Francisco Seminary. Boar o Educatio Discuss Go for ’87-’88 the injunction placed on AMWS, said Mrs. Rev. Grant is executive director of the CATHERINE J. TOKAR \Del Rosso. “I owe a lot of gratitude to the Ecumenical Consultation Center which sup- B Town of Oyster Ba and Irving Cohn for his for the H is plie counselin services area. the situation” F. the handling of of social work atthe Wurz- *President Thomas Nagl opene Dr, said that, in grad adjunct profess Fento generall on 28, Mr the Hicksville Board of Ina telephon interview Aug. Social Work-Yeshiva Univer- 26 meeting of when a class size reaches 3 weiler School of August four to six, said that AMWS is “committed to Iris Wolfson’s elec- Lawrence in Manhattan. Rev. Grant is also one of Education by announcing students th class is split In grade one to sity the infectious wastes out by Saturda which tionas Area Il director. Mrs. Wolfson thanked learning skills, havin the founders of the Hicksville ILN.N. three, when children are basi Restraining Order On Transfer the the board fo their support and said sh would considered the clas when serves lunches daily to needy Dr. Fenton splittin Station work hard in her new position enrollment exceeded 29. transfer station toa former in- Aconstructionand debris *Mr. Nagl also respond Dr Fenton madeit clear that classe which also located at Duff Ave. currentl has quiry regardin telephon numbers printe this fall will be before the 344 may be spli spli because could a restraining order the on school buses, whereb a resident All efforts are made temporary — school term begin bein for the of driver However, are in the “incorrect zone type report any drivin unsafel to count student population in all grade business the are conducting,’ sai Phylli Mr. Nag said that this would not be possi will contact if their child& Principal parents informa- “With all he said, Souther, spokespers fo the publi ble. goo intentions,” clas will be split This will occur before the tion office of the Town of Oyste Bay. This sta- “many buses are owned b private com- Fred Parola term begin Transfert Inc, is Guest Speake and conflicts would result.” the tion, American Company, of the panies, *Two one-year goal were adopte b termed There willalsobea representative advised that resident who located in an area zoned for what is Mr. Nagl any board. On includes an of computer and updat should be in an Nassau County Police Dept. toadvise as “light industry” whe it sees a school bus driver driving unsafel skills in K to 12. The other an Watch grade requests Ms. Souther hel establish the Neighborho should down th license number, area zoned for “heav industry,’ write plat upda in the progress of the K to 12 enrich- “We feel we areinaligh program. bus name, and the time and place explaine — company Poll ment program. indeinvolv- Bring your complete Opinion The board will handle says Mr. Lawrence, “because we are of the account. any: *Mr. Nagl outlined five 5-year goal The forms to the meeting to be present to ed in manufacturing and processing Mr. necessary actions. include improving skills in math, languag Mr. Parola. Send in nominations for Lawrence said that he was “very surpris- your *The next board meetin will be held basic skills and improving the also Officers of the Executive Board to arts, guidanc ed” with the order. “We feel we at 8:1 in ¢ administra- restraining William Septembe 30 p.m. secondar program. Nominating Chairman: Mr. are properl zoned. Just bein a zoning issue tion building *All members agree to accept cur- 22 Dakota St. we feel there is no need for a temporary Spettman, *Dr. Catherine Fenton reporte that there riculum committee’s recommendatipnx to order.’ will be two for administrators. restraining workshop a Curriculum Project for grad adop Writing Th is currently under litigation. One will deal with board of education case Wate Commissione Result goal one called “From Seeds to Plants.” and the other will have a guest speak *The board also unanimousl agree to votes were casted One hundred and “ forty time management. : Globe Life Science” and “Globe re-election of adopt School Close on Monda evening for th Class Sizes At Elementary Schools Physic Science” for seventh and eighth Richard A, Humann to serve a year term as *Classsizes at the schools was ‘grad science classes. For Ros Hashana ‘Water Commissioner of the Hicksville Water elementar will *Mr, Hall recommended that the board alsoaddressed by Dr. Fenton. The board and offices in the Hicksville District, oppose none. Allschools and will look into the award bids to the lowest possibl bidders Chairman of the Board Richard A, Humann be profilin a class Public School District will be closed on in th meeting specification athletic sup- who out following: number of students class; district and of Rosh expresses his thanks to those came Sept. 24t 2sthin recognition the of the students; thenumber of bi- plies #23,215.5 audio-visual equipment: New Year. to vote. abilit Hashanah the Jewis and how have been $18,000.0 and computer supplie +4,992.5 lingu students lon the The two day of Rosh Hashanah are the educational Th total, #46,208. was unanimousl ap- INSIDE: in U,S,; speci assignment observed b prayer, meditation and repen- well as resource room proved Flashback as assignments; tance in the Temple and the holiday spirit remedial in math and reading; *Mrr Hall also asked that the board approve Swim Team Wins- programs is carried into the home. Cantiague the Income Guidelines for free and and their abilit to Eligibilit riote on their calen- evaluatin teache h Parents asked to see sports page school are certain and, speci reduced price meals for the year Social Notes situations; mainstreaming dars the reason for this school closing. education students. 1987-8 All approve Ce_”| 1987 Bage-2 - - 3. ‘Hicksville Illustrated News - Hicksville, N.Y. Thursday, September - Great Neck Alerts 198 Para Line- 6 - Bellmore - Merrick 5th Divsion Ist Division Marshal: Ex-Chief Owen Magee Ex-Chief Charlie Saurer Marshal: Aide: Ex-Chief Gus Cotsonas Ex-Captain Richie Magee Aide: Ex-Captain Joe Milito 1- Jerich Fireman John Hanifan 2- Glenwood 1- Manhasset Lakeville - Hempste 2 - Bethpag Ba Co #1 Steamers 4- Oyster - Oyster Bay Atlantic - Inwood 4- East Meadow 6 - Hewlett - West Hempste 7 - Lindenhurst 6 - Plainview 7 - Freeport 6th Divsion Marshal:’ Ex-Chief Commissioner Ro 2nd Divsion Schaaf Ofenloch é Marshal: Ex-Chief Medard Ex-Chief Commissioner Cliff Hicksville Fire at last year’s parade.
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