INDUSTRY ACCELERATES MISSILE PROGRAM USAF Will Spend 20 Per Cent of Funds for Missiles in Current Fiscal Year by Major General James F

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INDUSTRY ACCELERATES MISSILE PROGRAM USAF Will Spend 20 Per Cent of Funds for Missiles in Current Fiscal Year by Major General James F INDUSTRY ACCELERATES MISSILE PROGRAM USAF Will Spend 20 Per Cent of Funds For Missiles In Current Fiscal Year By Major General James F. Phillips, {USAF-Ret. ) Senior Coordinator, Guided Missiles Committee Aircraft Industries Association The three military services and Nevertheless, as the threat of war other agencies of the United States changes, so must our defenses. To­ government, to gether with the air­ ?ay, in man ~ cases the only counter craft industry, are exploiting every m co mbat IS the o- uided missile. possible eff ort in speeding up re­ Thi. s is becomin 0a in~rea s in 0o- ly true search and expanding development m combat air operations. As of missile weapons. manned fi ghters fl y far beyond the Evidence of the great progress speed of so und, bullets fi red from made in the development of this guns are ineffecti ve. Indeed there newest member in the military ar­ are aircraft already fl ying ' fa ster senal , as well as its impact on the than bullets. But, the o- uided mis­ U. S. military budget, can best be sile, .while . it is occup; ing an in­ Conquest of Space Is Speeded By Down-to-Earth seen by an examination of the creasmgly Important place in mili­ money one military service has spent tary affairs, so far, cannot do the job alone. It is only a part of a bal­ in buying missiles. In 1951, the anced military arsenal. Wind Tunnel Which Duplicates High Altitudes U. S. Air Force spent less than one While the history of rockets is Man's conquest of the formidable Another strange effect is that a per cent of its aircraft procurement money for missiles. In 1952, expen­ long - dating back to the 13th cen­ frontier called space is now being body traveling at an extremely high tury- the fearful portent of the ditures climbed to four per cent. By advanced by a new, unspectacular­ altitude gets hotter than it do es at rocket missile was not fully realized fi scal 1956, Air Force missile spend­ looking wind tunnel, 20 feet long the same speed in a lower altitude-­ until World War II. In 1944, the ing had climbed to 12 per cent of its and 3 feet high - which is bringing other conditions being equal. This Germans launched more than 3,000 the high altitudes down to earth. is due to the fact that even though aircraft procurement. During the current fi scal year 1957, Air Force V-2 . r~ c ket ~ ~the first long range Developed by the U. S. aircraft fri ction is greater at low altitude, ballisti c .mJ.ssile - mostly against estimates it will expend 20.3 per industry in order to explore the up­ friction heat cannot be conducted Great Bntam. Although only 1,050 cent of its aircraft procurement dol­ per reaches of the atmosphere and away as easily in high altitudes as in r e ~ c h e d and exploded on English the threshold of space, the low-pres­ low ones. lars on missiles and by fi scal 1959 so1l, they were far too fast for inter­ sure aluminum-nozzl e wind tunnel is Researchers have also learned that expenditures will climb to 35 per ception by Allied fighter planes and operated by steam jet pumps which if the air is not pre-heated then it cent of the total. too small a target for radars of the suck the air through the tunnel in will liquefy at speeds b e yo~d Mach Total Defense Department spend­ era. The only defense· was for the much the same way a perfume atom­ 6, a ~d take on a fog-like appearance. ing in the missile field during this Allies to destroy the launching sites. izer or paint sprayer works-except Helium- which do esn't- will be current fi scal year ·is expected to History records the V-2 as one o1 the wind tunnel pumps propel the used with a contemplated Mach 8 reach $1,276,000,000 - more than the greatest technological develop­ steam at 10 times the speed of so und. nozzle. twice the amount spent by both the ments of the war and that it very Air, which is drawn into the wind Air Force (then Army Air Corps ) nearly became the decisive weapon tunnel through an aluminum nozzle, and the U. S. Navy for military air­ that Hitler planned it to be. attains speeds up to Mach 6 (six craft and related equipment in 1941. Today's guided missiles are pro­ times the speed of sound). The size Airborne Radar Beacon Research and development in the p ~ ll e d by ramjet and turbojet en­ of the carefully-machined nozzle de­ intricacies of mi ssil e weaponry, gmes or by rockets- or a combina­ termines the speed of the air. Finds Tanker Planes from an almost negligible con sidera­ ti on of these devi ces. Each of these Midway down th e wind tunnel are ti on during late World War II years, engines has one thing in common ­ two portholes through which the ob­ A new high powered ai rborne has climbed at an amazin g rate. the jet thrust concept. Equating . ect in the tunnel can be seen and radar beacon usin g a coded signal Today, research and development from Sir Isaac Newton's third law of J hoto"raphed. The air itself is at now insures th at fu el-hungry Air acti vities in this fi eld are already in moti on - " for every action, there is w ; -ess ure, du plicating th e con­ Force planes will. locate tanker air­ th e same order as R&D spending for an equal and opposite reaction" ­ f aircraft ; and gui.ded mi ss il es, oper­ d~ti o n s which would be fo_u nd at craft for mid-air refu eling. th e jet-type engine utilizes a fun c­ .tudes from 4.0 to 100 m1les up. Developed jointly by the U. S. air­ atio nall y speakin g, are still in their ti on di scarded by men in their devel­ lt a J earchers can exc1• te t h e a1. r el ec- craft industry and th e USAF, the infancy. opment of other engine devices. For R es· Jly intro d uce mt· n·c oxi' de t o radar device enables long-range mili­ The transition in the development most operati ons the action of an u·Ica , . l . l k roduce a glowm g gas w 11c 1 rna es tary aircraft to locate each oth er of aerial weapons and their com­ engine is required for operational P flo w pattern visible. and pinpoint the exact position in pletely automatic operations are acti vi ty. In the case of jet propul­ thE eriments have already revealed space of tanker planes, regardless defi nitely under way to pilotl ess air­ sion, the reaction is requi red . ' xp f the oddities of high-altitude of darkness or weather. craft, foreshadowin g leth ally precise, Guided missil es. as we know them s ~m; °For one thing, the rarified air T his assured mid-air refueli ng can surface-to-surface gui ded mi ssiles. to day, use liquid or solid propel­ f]1 g t.,t hit a shape in the tunnel triple the effective reach of USAF's But it will be a great ma ny years, lants. The turbojet or ramjet pow­ d ~e s n a solid force; instead the in­ long- range aircraft , as well as ex­ if ever, before the transition is com­ ered engines burn their li quid fuels w_I t ~ ld 1 molecules of air spatter on tend the operational range of many pleted and piloted combat aircraft by usin g oxv2:en from the atmos- VI ua l'k . are outmoded in mil itary operations. 3) d1 11 objects J e ram. other airborne missions. (S ee PILOTED, Page sma PLANES Planes is published by the Aircra ft Industries Associa tion of America, Inc., the n a tiona l tra de association of the manufacturers of military, t ransport, a nd personal aircra ft, helicopters , flying missiles a nd their a ccessories, instruments and components. The purpose of Planes is to: F ost er a better public understanding of Air Power a nd the r equirements essential to preserva tion of American leader­ ship in the a ir; Illustrate a nd expla in the special problems of the a ircr a ft industry and its vital r ole in our nationa l security. Publication Office: 610 Shore ham Building, Washington 5, D. C . ON~ AIRCRAfl eOMPANY New York Office : 150 East 42nd Street, Ne w York 17, New York. Los Ange le s Office: 7660 Beve rly Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, California. MANUF'AC11JRIH6 LAR~ U.S. ALL MATERIAL MAY BE REPRODUCED-MATS OF ALL CHARTS M,L,TARY AIRCRA~ CONTAINS ARE AVAILABLE FREE • 76 ACRES OF FLOOR SPAC£ AND ~V:z. MIL.fS OF INTER­ CONNeGTING TWO-lANe Key To Ai•· Powe•· HIGHWAYS. Soviet air weapons - backed by a massive scientific and industrial eff ort- are such as to give this nation and the free world cause for serious :. ~'ltCRAFT PARIS MAKI£R MAS thought about the future. LT A• Eil-liGTRONte G~UGe 1t. liST TIMV PARTS DELICATE The factors supporting this judgment include their emphasis on a 8 HOUGH TO MEASURE THE o&Pn4 thorough technical training of a large number of carefully selected per­ OF A MoUS& FOOTPRINT ON A sonnel ; the widening va riety of advanced aircraft under development and NDOFWIU.
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