(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) GONDWANA PLACE

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(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) GONDWANA PLACE ANNUAL REPORT & ACCOUNTS 2005-2006 CENTRAL MINE PLANNING & DESIGN INSTITUTE LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) GONDW ANA PLACE: KANKE ROAD RANCHI - 834 008 1 CONTENTS Sl. No. Subjects Page 1. Management During 2005-2006 2. Present Management 3. Notice 4. Directors' Report 5. Statutory Auditors' Report and replies of Management. 6. Comments of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India under section 619(4) and replies of Management. 7. Audited Statements of Accounts 8. Annexure to Directors Report under Section 217 (2A) MANAGEMENT DURING 2005-2006 FULL - TIME 1. Shri S. Chaudhuri : CMD 2. Shri S. L. Soni : Director (Upto 31.01.2006) 3. Shri B. Bhattacharya : Director (Upto 31.10.2005) 4. Shri P. K. Kanchan : Director (From 08.08.2005) 5. Shri N. C. Jha : Director (From 01.11.2005) 6. Shri S. Chakrabarti : Director (From 01.02.2006) 7. Shri S. R. Ghosh : Director (From 28.03.2006) PART - TIME 8. Shri Pradeep Kumar : Director 9. Prof. A. K. Ghose : Director 10. Shri Sanjiv Mittal : Director 11. Shri Lakshman Jha : Director (From 05.04.2005) COMPANY SECRETARY : Shri Udayan Chakrabarti BANKERS : State Bank of India, United Bank of India, Bank of India. Canara Bank Bank of Maharastra Union Bank of India, Oriental Bank of Commerce Indian Overseas Bank State Bank of Indore Central bank of India UCO Bank AUDITORS : M/s U. Narain & Co. Chartered Accountants Ranchi. REGISTERED OFFICE : Gondwana Place, Kanke Road, Ranchi - 834 008 Jharkhand, India 2 PRESENT MANAGEMENT FULL - TIME 1. Shri S. Chaudhuri : Chairman cum Managing Director 2. Shri N.C. Jha : Director 3. Shri P. K. Kanchan : Director 4. Shri S. Chakrabarti : Director 5. Shri S. R. Ghosh : Director PART - TIME 6. Shri Pradeep Kumar : Director 7. Prof. A. K. Ghose : Director 8. Shri Lakshman Jha : Director 9. Shri Sanjiv Mittal : Director 3 NOTICE FOR 31st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Ref. no. CS/AGM-31/2006/6060 Date : 14.08.2006. Notice is hereby given to all the sharehol ers of Central Mine Planning . Design Institute Limite that the 31st Annual General Meeting of the Company 2ill be hel on Fri ay, the 18th August, 2006 at 11.30 A.M. at the Registere Office of the Company, Gon 2ana Place, 4an5e Roa , Ranchi to transact the follo2ing business:- 1. A option of the Annual Accounts: To receive an a opt the 6alance Sheet as on 31st March 2006, Profit . Loss Account for the year en e on that ate along 2ith the sche ules attache thereto an the Au itors7 Report thereon 2ith the replies given by the management. 2. A option of the Directors7 Report: To receive an a opt the Report of the 6oar of Directors for the year 2008-06. 3. Fi9ation of remuneration to Au itors for the year 2006-07 The sharehol ers may pass the follo2ing resolution 2ith or 2ithout mo ification "Resolve that the remuneration payable to Statutory Au itors for the financial year 2006-07 is hereby recommen e at Rs. 82,800/- plus out of poc5et e9penses to2ar s traveling, boar ing, lo ging etc. as recommen e by the 6oar in its 140th Meeting hel on 21.06.2006." 4. Appointment of Part-time Directors The sharehol ers may pass the follo2ing resolutions 2ith or 2ithout mo ification (i) To appoint a Director in place of Sri Pra eep 4umar 2ho retires in terms of Article 34(1)(e)(iii) of the Articles of Association of the Company an is eligible for re-appointment. (ii) To appoint a Director in place of Sri Sanjiv Mittal 2ho retires in terms of Article 34(1)(e)(iii) of the Articles of Association of the Company an is eligible for re-appointment. (iii) To appoint a Director in place of Prof. A. 4 Ghose 2ho retires in terms of Article 34(1)(e)(iii) of the Articles of Association of the Company an is eligible for re-appointment. (iv) To appoint a Director in place of Sri La5shman Jha 2ho retires in terms of Article 34 (1) (e) (iii) of the Articles of Association of the Company an is eligible for re-appointment. 6y Or er of the 6oar of Directors For Central Mine Planning . Design Institute Limite S /- (U ayan Cha5rabarti) Company Secretary N.B. A member entitle to atten an vote, is entitle to appoint a pro9y to atten an vote instea of himself an the pro9y nee not be a member of the Company. To All members an Au itors of the Company. DIRECTORS' REPORT To The Shareholders. Gentlemen, our Directors have great pleasure in presenting the 31st Annual Report on the wor(ing of your Company along with the Accounts for the year ended 31st March, 2006 and Auditors, Report thereon. Coal Production during 200.-06 in India was 001 Mt. 2ut of which, Coal India Ltd. (CIL), the holding company of CMPDI, contributed 303 Mt. 3eing an in-house consulting subsidiary, CMPDI continued to provide its specialised consulting services to CIL 4 its coal producing subsidiaries. 5urther, CMPDI also continued to render its specialised services to other clients vi6. SCCL, TATA STEEL, 8TPC, RSMML, DG9, ICML, :CIL, etc. Major highlights of performance of CMPDI during the year are: Exploratory drilling for ”proving? coal reserves in 80 bloc(s spread over 1A coalfields in India covering 2,00,120 m of drilling, was carried out against the target of 1,AA,000 m. 10 Geological Reports based on coal exploration data were prepared which estimated 3.00 3illion Tonnes (3t) of in-situ coal reserves comprising of 2.20 3tB ”Proved? 4 1.20 3tB ”Indicated? category. 32 Project Reports C Revised Project Reports C Expansion Project Reports were prepared. 60 Environment Management Plans (EMPs) for coal mining projects were prepared. 16 2utside-CIL Consultancy jobs worth of Rs.0.00 crores were procured. An approach note has been prepared by CMPDI for consideration of CIL for new development in the related fields of :nderground coal gasification (:CG). A committee drawing members from 28GC, DG9, 8LC and MECL had been constituted by MoC, under the chairmanship of CMD, CMPDI, for comprehensive examination and analysis relating to underground coal gasification. The committee has put forward recommendations for development of :CG in the country and regulatory framewor( reDuired therein. 3ased on committee,s recommendations CMPDI has underta(en the tas( of formulation of byelaws to meet the interim reDuirement in consultation with DGMS, :daipur. Project on Ee-information centre on coal and ligniteF under R4D programme of Coal India Ltd. has been completed and the project has become functional. CMPDI as a co-implementing agency along with 3CCL continued to provide its services for :nited 8ations Development Programme (:8DP)C Global Environment 5acility (GE5) - Govt. of India (GoI) C3M Project ECoalbed Methane Recovery and Commercial :tilisationF. Delineation of seven prospective C3M bloc(s and preparation of Data Pac(age thereof for Directorate General of 9ydrocarbons (DG9) for 3rd Round of bidding by the Govt. of India was completed and report submitted. CMPDI as the implementing agency on behalf of CIL, for Collaborative development of C3M prospects in Gharia 4 Raniganj coalfields by the consortium of CIL 4 28GC, has ta(en up drilling of slim holes in Gharia and Raniganj Coalfields. Drilling of six boreholes has been completed and one is under progress in Gharia Coalfield whereas drilling of one borehole has been ta(en up in Raniganj Coalfield in March,06. PART : A CORPORATE OVERVIEW our Company continued to operate with seven Regional Institutes (RI) located at Asansol, Dhanbad, Ranchi, 8agpur, 3ilaspur, Singrauli 4 3hubaneswar and its headDuarters at Ranchi. Seven Regional Institutes designated as RI-I to RI-HII rendered dedicated services to seven corresponding subsidiaries of CIL vi6. ECL (RI- I), 3CCL (RI-II), CCL (RI-III), ICL (RI-IH), SECL (RI-H), 8CL (RI-HI), 4 MCL (RI- HII). 9J continued to provide planning 4 design services to 8EC 4 non-CIL clients and also handled specialised assignments for both CIL 4 non-CIL clients. M jor Services Offered • Geologic l E-.lor tion & Drilling Detailed geological exploration of regionally explored bloc(s with a view to generate reliable geological and geo-engineering data and assess in-situ coal reserve for preparation of mining project reportK geophysical survey through multi-probe geophysical loggingK high resolution shallow seismic surveyK hydrogeological investigation and identification of coal bed methane resources. • Project Pl nning & Design Preparation of feasibility reports, detailed project reports and detailed engineering drawings for underground and opencast mines, coal and mineral beneficiation and utilisation plants, coal handling plants, wor(shops and other ancillary units and infrastructure facilities including techno-economic evaluation of various schemes and project reports for investment decisions. • Engineering Services Detailed design of system and sub-system for mines, beneficiation and utilisation plants, coal handling plants, power supply systems, wor(shops and other units, architectural planning 4 design. • Rese rch & Develo.ment Serving as nodal agency for all S4T schemes funded by Ministry of Coal and R4D schemes funded by R4D 3oard of CIL. CMPDI, on its own, also ta(es up applied research and development in the field of mining, beneficiation, utilisation, environment, exploration, etc. • L bor tory Services • Environment l Services • Inform tion Technology 2 • Hum n Resource Develo.ment • S.eci lised Services V Geomatics V Hentilation 4 Gas survey in mines V Controlled 3lasting V Performance evaluation of new explosives V Mining Electronics V Mine capacity Assessment V Mine Support Design, Roc( Mass Rating (RMR) V 8on-Destructive Testing V Management System Consultancy • Services to MoC for lloc tion of C .tive Mining 6loc7s During the year CMPDI provided assistance to the Ministry of Coal (MoC) in scrutinising the proposals for allocation of captive mining bloc(s forwarded by MoC.
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