GREG: Whatever, I mean Were the other people drunk? take it wherever you want OSHO: I was doing Vittel Cherie a favor and look to take it. GREG: um... Where do you think the direc- where it got me. There you go. That’s an inside What was life like tion of is going these days? scoop bro. I did Vittel Cherie a favor and he owes before MoonSka NYC We think... well we all have different me big now. Records? opinions, The thing I don’t under- I want to know the top three cities stand is that it took 40 years before Mephiskapheles likes to play in. BRIAN: Same as it ever people deceided to say “wow, this was. We’re not on Moon OSHO: Honolulu, . is really great music” What does Records. ANDRE: NYC, NY. You’re not on Moon Mephiskapheles think about that? BRIAN: Cleveland, Ohio. anymore? ANDRE: Maybe, I guess people are just open- What do you think of Buffalo? GREG: We never were. ing their eyes to it now. Market it to the BRIAN: Buffalo is #3. What’s your opinion masses. I mean it’s been around forever, I thought Cleveland was #3?! of Moon pertaining to people have known about it. It’s like any other BRIAN: Actually it’s a toss up between Hawaii and the ska world? youth-oriented music. It’s just been under- you guys. We’re from Rochester, little over an BRIAN: They stuck to it, ground for awhile.. It’s no different. It hasn’t hour from here. Are you going to come and they’re still doing it. always been underground. Like the 2Tone through there anytime soon? THE LONG LOST GREG: They’re really im- craze in England, The 1964 World’s Fair, MEPHISKAPHELES portant to the scene obvi- Jimmy Cliff. It’s been around. It’s just that now OSHO: If someone would hire us there, sure. Do you tour often? INTERVIEW ously, they have a ton of more kids are getting into it, as part of the bands on their label. whole ska-punk movement. BRIAN: 24-7 on the road. OCTOBER 23 1996 Yeah, because we all What were your influences to form ANDRE: We try to as much as possible. SHOWPLACE THEATRE know you’re on their Mephiskapheles? Did you have a What would each of your top three ska BUFFALO, NY T-shirt. theme in mind when you were mak- records be? ing the band, or did you just get to- BRIAN: Yeah, I know BRIAN: Old Trojan compilations. gether and this is what came out? SEVERELY EDITED about that, I’ve seen that. ANDRE: Aw shit, I don’t have a top three. ANDRE: We basically got together and this OSHO: The K-Tel Record. FOR CONTENT AND ...It’s an accident. Is the video helping is what came out. We knew we wanted to form GREG: Mr. , a disc that came with a CLARITY out any? a ska band, we all did. microphone. What are some influences around the How has Mephiskapheles lineup BRIAN: Yes, it gives us table, which you incorporate into changed since “God Bless Satan?” Mephiskapheles interview, something to do on those your sound? take one. Alright, the rainy Mondays. OSHO: AWWW...Yeah! first question we want to What’s it like being GREG: We just try to be original, not repeat BRIAN: He’s good. ask is, when taking a shit, on MTV? What was it ourselves or repeat other people. GREG: Let’s just say the rhythm section is.... does Satan crumple roll or like making your first [enter Osho Endo, trumpet player] OSHO: Finding the slot? fold? video? OSHO: What’s happening? GREG: Just settling in. What exactly IS that button for? BRIAN: Satan wipes back to front, BRIAN: Cheap! BRIAN: We’re doing an interview. that way he’s brown baggin' it. ANDRE: Fun I guess. OSHO: Hello! ANDRE: Giving women orgasms. Definitely. It’s cool. Personally. I What Influenced you? What do you BRIAN: Aw, is that what it is? BRIAN: He’s a filthy being... And think you guys should hear musically which made you OSHO: Yeah, It doesn’t work though.... not paper like you and me.... wear red suits all the want to play ska? How did Ha. ha. Okay great, thanks for your time. GREG: He uses a corncob time. Mephiskapheles come together for GREG: Cool. you? How did you integrate your Are you guys really Satan GREG: Yeah, that was a BRIAN: Thank you! sound with the rest of the band? worshippers? nice touch. ANDRE: That was better than most... BRIAN: Yes. Any future record GREG: Definitely. plans? What do you think about ANDRE: we’ll have a new worshipping Satan? record in spring '97. ANDRE: If that’s your thing, that’s Any title so we can So what if this interview is a little more your thing. get a scoop? than dusty. It took us over seven months Is that your thing? ANDRE: No name yet. for a scoop, but the good news is that ANDRE: I don’t have a thing. What would make Mephiskapheles plays locally at the Water Ha ha. Well this is off this interview stand the cuff because we didn’t out in your memory of Street Music Hall, this coming June 5th. write down any questions recent interviews? Also of note, the band has officially and I’m really drunk. GREG: The dude has a finished recording their sophomore disc BRIAN: That’s cool. tape recorder. entitled “Maximum Perversion” We appreciate your music No one else has a and want to know what di- tape recorder? to be released early Fall ‘97. Page 16 of Hoi Polloi! #4, 6/97. rection you think ska mu- GREG: Nope. They usu- sic is taking these days? ally don’t even have a pen. waste more time at HPSKA.COM