Business Success Strategy Call with Special Guest, Anne Mckevitt
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Business Success Strategy Call with special guest, Anne McKevitt Mari: Drum roll! It’s time to rock and roll. This is Mari Smith and I want to welcome you to today’s call. I’m very, very excited to have you here with us. This is a global teleseminar. I see we have people From all over the world tuning in today. I see Canada, Australia, UK, all over the US, and this is really, really exciting. Awesome! You’re more than welcome to tweet nuggets From today’s call. Just use #successcall. We’ll be talking about business success principles and social media success methods as well. For those oF you dialing in by phone or by Skype, you’re all muted out throughout the call For optimal audio quality. However, we’re going to be breaking through periodically For questions. All you do is press *2 to raise your hand during those times. For those oF you tuning in via the webcast, there’s a Q&A pod on the lower leFt oF the web page. You can just put your question into that little Field right there on the lower leFt. I’m delighted and honored that you are taking time out oF your busy day to join us today. In Fact, I know For some oF you it’s actually the wee hours. I’m really excited to co–host this powerFul call with my own business coach, Anne McKevitt. I’ll introduce Anne Formally in a moment. Anne and I are going to be sharing the Four main pillars oF creating a successFul and proFitable business. We’re going to pack the next two hours with plenty oF usable business-building content, and I absolutely know that all oF you are going to get a ton oF value throughout this call. I do recommend that you have a notepad and pen handy iF you like to write longhand or scribble notes to the side there by your phone or computer. Otherwise, many oF you are on the computer, so go ahead and open up a Word doc and take some notes. You’re more than welcome to do that. We’re going to give you plenty oF content. BeFore I introduce Anne Formally I’m going to give you a quick overview oF exactly what we’re going to cover on the call today. They’re really Four oF the pillars that go into creating a successFul proFitable business, as I mentioned. 1 © Mari Smith International, Inc. | | | The First pillar to build a success business is it has to start with a solid Foundation. Certainly for you and your business – that’s products, services, your revenue model, your proFit model and so on – but also in your personal space – how you Function, your environment, your productivity – and oF course with your diFFerent social media channels – your platform, your message, and your reach. By the way, sidebar, I didn’t really Formally introduce myselF. I know many oF you on the call today are already Familiar with me and the work that I do, but For those oF you may be tuning in and listening to me For the First time, I am Scottish-Canadian and based in CaliFornia, so I’m kind oF ScandiFornian or something like that. I have a strong background in internet marketing, e- commerce, and For the last 5-1/2 years I have immersed myselF in the world oF social media, especially Facebook marketing. I travel the world and speak and teach on social media success principles. I’ve written many books and I am certainly one oF the leading social media strategists, thought leaders, and inFluencers in this arena. I Feel very blessed and honored to be sharing inFormation with you today that will help you with your business. As I was saying with the Four diFFerent pillars, and then we’ll get into bringing Anne onto the call, the First is Foundation. Once your Foundation is set, the second pillar is to build on that Foundation in all areas. You’re going to build systems, build success habits, maintain consistency and strategic intent in all that you do, and you really want to have clarity on exactly what is it that you are building. Anne is going to be talking to you about building a liFestyle business versus building a brand that can be sold. The third pillar, it’s time to ramp up on that Foundation and what you’ve built and go on to growth mode. A lot oF people get stuck on build mode. Anne will touch on that, too, how actually people get addicted to all the tweaking and perFecting and don’t really go into growth mode. Anne’s got some surprises For you on that one. You need to really look at what’s working well in your business, your social media, your daily productivity habits, and what size oF company are you actually growing. Then the Fourth pillar is one that many entrepreneurs miss entirely, which is scale. Anne has certainly mastered this area and will share some golden nuggets with all oF us today. You’ve got to be able to build teams, to delegate, and to outsource. I’m learning this and have learned it over the years myselF First-hand. It’s not possible to build a sizeable business without this element, without really keeping an eye on the horizon and knowing how to scale. Otherwise you’ll reach a plateau. The same thing goes For your social media platforms. I was actually doing all my own social media marketing, content sourcing, writing blog posts, Fielding questions, literally spending 2 © Mari Smith International, Inc. | | | hours a day up to about a year ago, and Finally have managed to scale that area. I’m going to share with you some tips today. As we progress through our call here today, Anne and I are going to do our best to cover as much as possible on those Four pillars: Foundation, build, grow, and scale. Plus each oF the pillars are taught in-depth throughout the one-year curriculum in my brand new coaching program. There’s a link For those oF you who are on the webcast. We’re going to be going through a little bit oF the Club and the site and explain more about that later For those oF you who have an interest. Anne, I know you’re waiting patiently there. Without Further ado, let me go ahead and introduce Anne McKevitt, who happens to be my own business coach. She is a Fellow Scot, born and raised in Scotland, calling in all the way From Sydney, Australia, where she lives now. Thanks For joining us, Anne. Anne: Hi Mari. Good to talk to you. It’s a sunny morning. The sun’s just coming over the bridge here in Sydney. I’ve got a view From my home oFFice oF the bridge, the opera house, and the whole Sydney skyline, and I’m really thrilled that I’m going to be talking to all oF your audience. As you were saying, I’m honored myselF as well that people are taking the time out oF their day, that they’re staying up late, that they got up early to hear this call, wherever you are in the world. I’m really looking Forward to sharing some oF my insights, which will hopeFully help you grow your businesses, too. Mari: Awesome. Thank you, Anne. I really appreciate it. When I hear your accent it always sounds much thicker. Your brogue’s thicker than mine. Anne: I think what happens when I’m talking to you, Mari, is we rub oFF on each other and the accent kind oF gets more strong. I’ve just Finished three conFerence calls to New York, and I think my accent gets slightly diluted when I’m doing those, and then I get back on talking to you and it gets a bit thicker. Let’s just hope that we don’t need sub-titles below the teleseminar so everybody understands what we’re both saying! Mari: I know, we’ll throw in a Few Scot words For them to keep them on their toes! That’s funny. Anne, beFore I ask you the First question I’d like to go ahead and share with our listeners here today just a Few sound bites From your bio, because it’s certainly one oF the most impressive bios that I’ve ever come across. For our listeners today, just to give you a sense oF who we have on the call with us here today, Anne is widely recognized as one oF the world’s most powerFul business leaders. She leFt school 3 © Mari Smith International, Inc. | | | at 15 without a single qualiFication, but within a Few years she’d created her First multimillion- dollar Fortune through her property development company. During the last Few decades Anne has Founded and headed up more than 20 separate businesses. She also has a background in television. For more than a decade she was a regular prime time host on liFestyle TV programs syndicated to 22 countries. Anne has also written Five best-selling interior design books. Her First book sold a million copies. She’s guided such corporations as Mercedes, Toyota, Hewlett Packard, Wal-Mart, Bloomingdale’s, and Marks & Spencer, and she’s advised both the Bush administration and the Clinton Global Initiative.